Posts Tagged ‘convicted’

Obama Community Organizer Record Not Very Praiseworthy

September 5, 2008

It’s rather fascinating.  In the aftermath of Rudy Guliani’s and Sarah Palin’s remarks about Barack Obama’s time spent as a community organizer, you would think that something genuinely outrageous had happened; such as claiming that Michelle Obama faked her second pregnancy to cover up the fact that her oldest daughter may have actually given birth to a child fathered by her Barack Obama.  That’s what was done to Sarah Palin and her family by the Daily Kos.  The Daily Kos scrubbed the articles from its site after it was revealed that Bristol Palin was pregnant with her own baby – and that she could not possibly have beent he mother of Sarah’s son Trig.

But in the ginned up outrage of the left, the Daily Kos is sending out emails likening Obama as a communuity organizer to Jesus of Nazareth as a community organizer – with Sarah Palin serving the role as the new Pontius Pilate (there goes that “Messiah” thing again); and The Atlantic is labeling remarks about community organizers must be “racist.”

It is almost as though the people who fired a howitzer at Sarah Palin are complaining that she shot a spitwad at them.  And Sarah Palin had the merit of actually speaking the truth.

The reality is that Barack Obama was mostly ineffective as a community organizer, and left the field disillusioned: (more…)