Posts Tagged ‘government school’

Liberalism = Insanity Alert: California Public Elementary School Forces Girls To Announce To Boys Whether They’ll Go All The Way For Them

June 9, 2014

Just another amazing day in the life of “God damn America”:

Girls To Publicly Declare How Far They Will Go Sexually
The Daily Caller
June 8, 2014 1:20 PM

At least one pair of parents is fuming after their eighth-grade daughter came home from school saying that every student in her class had to indicate – publicly – how far they are prepared to go sexually.

The incident happened this week at Woodland Park Middle School in the San Diego, Calif. suburb of San Marcos, reports local ABC affiliate KGTV.

The parents, who don’t want to be named, say their 14-year-old daughter was embarrassed because the teacher in her family life and health class instructed her and all of her classmates to stand under one of several signs. Each sign was labeled with a different phrase.

Some of the labeled signs were innocuous, according to KGTV. These included “smiled at,” “hugged” and “kissed.”

Other signs, such as “above the waist,” “below the waist” and “all the way,” were to varying degrees considerably less innocuous.

“To put them up in front of their friends to be humiliated or to be asked questions that I believe are personal, it’s really none of the school’s business,” one of the peeved parents told the ABC station.

The parent added that her daughter felt confused and peer-pressured afterward.

Officials at the taxpayer-funded school defended the exercise, calling it a dating lesson.

“The parents sign permission slips for the class and can look at the curriculum prior,” the Woodland Park Middle School told KGTV. “The purpose of the lesson was to open the lines of communication between parents and students about dating expectations.”

It’s not clear how standing under signs labeled “above the waist” or “all the way” while at school would open up lines of communication between eighth graders and their parents.

The principal added that the school found the lesson at a community clinic and has used it for several years now.

According to the middle school’s website, the principal is Brian Randall.

The angry parents suggested that perhaps an anonymous student survey could be less humiliating for students.

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The White House has played this game with mainstream media “journalists” and every single one of them proudly stated that they would happily go “all the way” for their messiah Obama and whore their integrity for him by writing lies in place of “news.”

I had to laugh when I saw the very last sentence: “The angry parents suggested that perhaps an anonymous student survey could be less humiliating for students.”  Because first of all, YA THINK?  And second of all, maybe teaching students to read and write and do arithmetic instead ought to be worth a try.  Because these God damned – and I’m using that as a technical term as used by St. Paul in Galatians 1:9 – government schools are indoctrinating our children into the homosexual/abortion/Obama culture rather than teaching them much of anything else.

Let me call this what it is: PEDOPHILIA.

Can you imagine your daughter standing under the “hugging” sign and being mocked as a prude and indoctrinated into the “all the way” club???

And the reason I call pedophilia that is because these CHILDRN are UNDER THE AGE OF LEGAL CONSENT to consent to any sex act.  They CANNOT legally enter into a sexual relationship; it is a CRIME to attempt to induce them to do so.  Which is to say that the police should be ARRESTING and PROSECUTING the principal, all the teachers involved, and every single adult who was present and did not stop it.

If you do not see this as sick, I can safely know that you are truly sick.  And if your argument is that parents ought to hire lawyers to read all the fine print of the permission slips, you are a demon-possessed bureaucrat (i.e., a DEMOCRAT).

If I were a parent in a school that did anything remotely like this, I would yank my kid out so fast I’d look like the Roadrunner in the Wile E. Coyote cartoons.  Either that, or I would show up with a baseball bat and just END the principal and teachers that just used peer pressure to cynically indoctrinate my child into a life of sexual promiscuity.

In God damn America few parents stand up for their children.  Which is why our culture keeps growing sicker and sicker and more and more degraded every hour of every day.

Let me point out a FACT, not an opinion: liberalism is moral insanity which leads to intellectual idiocy.  Take the indoctrination of homosexuality.  Well, don’t these same people teach Darwinian evolution?  And what is homosexuality in Darwinian terms?  A dead end.  The “fittest” are defined as “those who leave behind the most offspring.”  And homosexuals are biologically UNFIT by the tenants of evolution.  And to the extent that evolution ought to have ANY effect on morality – and it SHOULD if it is true just as it should NOT if it is false – homosexuality is about as immoral as you can get in evolutionary terms.  And yet liberals hypocritically and irrationally indoctrinate both at the same time without bothering to point out that the one fundamentally contradicts the other.  Because the last thing you should be encouraging is behavior that your own theological system (and that’s what evolution is) describes as a dead end.

In the same way, you’ve got liberals on the one hand literally caught in the act here indoctrinating children into sexual promiscuity even as the numbers of sex abuse cases SKYROCKET in our society.  And of course they’re doing it at every level of society: politically and judicially as liberals continually drive out morality and replace it with a grotesque mockery of morality, culturally in our movies and television programs (all run by Hollywood liberals), and educationally in our schools where they’re able to indoctrinate our youngest and most vulnerable minds.  Sexual abuse is up FIFTY PERCENT under Obama.  What’s funny is that liberals are now blaming women and arguing they must be lying because otherwise how could the statistics be so horrible?  And I’ll tell you how: there is now NO MORAL FRAMEWORK WHATSOEVER that makes rape wrong apart from the notion that Obama doesn’t like it.  Liberals have ended the world of “God” and “Thou shalt not” and now we’ve got the consequences.  What makes a behavior wrong?  What makes it right?  Liberals saying one thing after having said its opposite?  That’s bullcrap, and the skyrocketing sexuality and sexual assaults among our young people in our uberliberal colleges and universities is proof that young people at some gut level understand that it’s bullcrap.

Again, you’ve got to be EVIL and INSANE to indoctrinate young people into sexual promiscuity – and yet liberals are doing it.  Because these sodomy-worshiping baby killers are the devil’s fools and the devil’s tools.

Liberalism heralds itself as “pro-education.”  Liberals are no more “pro-education” than these the people who have murdered more than 55 million babies are “pro-child” (which they also insanely claim themselves as being).  Consider how vicious liberals are toward homeschooling.  Consider that through homeschooling, one family has put SEVEN children into college – ALL BY AGE 12.  And if you think that your local government school with its “dating game” wickedness is capable of that, I’ve got all kinds of bridges and statutes to sell you, fool.

In the same vein, liberals are on a similar jihad against private schools – and especially Christian private schools.  They have done EVERYTHING and thrown up EVERY OBSTACLE to prevent children from having a real education rather than a government indoctrination.  It doesn’t matter that it is simply a beyond-plain-as-day FACT that Christian schools so massively outperform government schools that it is beyond ridiculous.  But the liberals who go psycho whenever Christian schools are brought up don’t care: all they care about is ideology and the unions who provide the muscle to their fascist ideology.

There is something beyond hypocritical and even beyond irrational on the part of liberalism when they claim to be for the very things they are doing everything they can to either outright destroy or to undermine.

In the same beyond-insane manner, liberals pride themselves on their “tolerance” when in fact they are as rabidly intolerant as the Taliban and as likely to purge and “purify” institutions as Stalin.  This one article about says it all:

College faculties, long assumed to be a liberal bastion, lean further to the left than even the most conspiratorial conservatives might have imagined, a new study says.

By their own description, 72 percent of those teaching at American universities and colleges are liberal and 15 percent are conservative, says the study being published this week. The imbalance is almost as striking in partisan terms, with 50 percent of the faculty members surveyed identifying themselves as Democrats and 11 percent as Republicans.

The disparity is even more pronounced at the most elite schools, where, according to the study, 87 percent of faculty are liberal and 13 percent are conservative.

“What’s most striking is how few conservatives there are in any field,” said Robert Lichter, a professor at George Mason University and a co-author of the study. “There was no field we studied in which there were more conservatives than liberals or more Republicans than Democrats. It’s a very homogenous environment, not just in the places you’d expect to be dominated by liberals.” […]

Rothman sees the findings as evidence of “possible discrimination” against conservatives in hiring and promotion. Even after factoring in levels of achievement, as measured by published work and organization memberships, “the most likely conclusion” is that “being conservative counts against you,” he said. “It doesn’t surprise me, because I’ve observed it happening.” The study, however, describes this finding as “preliminary.”

If Osama bin Laden is “tolerant,” then you can call the liberals who have purged their way into total power in our education system as “tolerant.”

Liberals have abandoned discussion for fascist intolerance and in so doing have abandoned young people to indoctrination rather than anything approaching “education.”

Liberalism has, furthermore, abandoned young people economically – again by moral insanity that leads to intellectual stupidity.  Jack Kemp put it best in his slogan, “You can’t love jobs and hate job creators.”  But that is precisely what hypocrite and moral-idiot liberals DO: they despise job creation by demonizing job creators as selfish and greedy and imposing stupid and inherently destructive regulations and tax burdens upon them.  And the only Democrat that liberals can point to as an economic success was Bill Clinton – but that was ONLY because Bill Clinton essentially agreed that liberalism was inherently self-defeating when he declared, “The era of big government is over.”  Because when liberalism and the big government that liberals impose is allowed to kick down the door of the economy with its jackbooted feet, jobs go bye-bye.

And so, thanks to Obama, thanks to Harry Reid, thanks to Nancy Pelosi, all the young people even HAVE now is sexual promiscuity and the sexual assaults that go hand-in-hand with such rabid sexuality.


Public School Teacher Says American Flag ‘Offensive’; Praises Picture Of Dear Leader Obama

May 13, 2010

God damn America is thriving under Dear Leader Part Deuce.  If by “thriving” you mean “sucking poop through a straw.”

A good article on the story is here.

Can you imagine?  We now live in people’s republic in which a drawing of an American flag is reviled as “offensive,” but a drawing of Dear Leader Obama is praised.  In a public school.

Not a public school in North Korea, mind you.  But right here in the good old God damn the USA.

Of course, we should have know that Barack Obama’s fundamental transformation of America would lead to “God damn America.”  And so, yeah, we should have known that our government schools would send high school kids home for wearing their “offensive” and “inflammatory” American flag T-shirts while smiling benignly as hundreds of Hispanic kids wore their Mexican flag T-shirts all around them.

God damn America recognizes that America is a selfish, greedy place that should hang its collective head in shame as Dear Leader Obama travels the globe apologizing for how despicable we have been until the moment he took the oath of office.  Michelle Obama had never been proud of America until Obama was on his way to becoming president.  Why should she have been?  We clearly made Nazi Germany look like Disneyland until the glorious, beatific Dear Leader fundamentally transformed it into the Blessed Utopia it now is today.

You can’t blame this art teacher for despising the flag and the Republic for which it stands.  She’s taking her cues from her president, after all.

We’ve seen the casual contempt Obama has shown for the flag of the United States of America.

In the article above I recount the story of William H. Carney, a hero who received the Congressional Medal of Honor for valor for his inspirational service with the 54th Massachusetts Regiment during the legendary assault on Fort Wagner.

He was struck with one shot, but not being felled he continued, and then was struck with a second shot. On his struggle to cross the beach to the rear he met a member of the 100th New York Regiment who started to assist him, when Carney was struck with another shot in the head. The other soldier asked Carney to let him carrier the colors so he could more easily walk, but Carney refused, saying that no one other than a member of the 54th Massachusetts should carry the colors.

Finally, after an unlikely arrival alive at the rear guard hospital area, he saw his wounded and dying comrades who saw him carrying their colors and cheered him. He was able to tell them “Boys, the old flag never touched the ground.”

Of course, that was in the America of Lincoln.  In the God damn America of Obama, a thirteen-year-old girl is vilified for drawing a picture of her beloved American flag in a public school art class.