Posts Tagged ‘rejected’

Even More Defiant Of Reality Than Adolf Hitler: Evil, Insane Obama Budget Rejected By House 413-2 (That Means Democrats Too, Bozo)

April 14, 2014

Is Barack Obama a “leader” or is he Adolf Hitler raving crazily in his bunker having led his nation into ruin with nobody listening to his crazed idiocy?

If a budget is any indication – and yeah, it really IS given the fact that governments must function on budgets – Obama is actually more out-of-touch with reality and more ignored by his fellow fascists than Hitler was in his bunker.

You might want to read my article:

Obama, After His 2012 Budget Was Voted Down 97-0 and His 2013 Budget Was Voted Down 414-0 BY EVERY DEMOCRAT, Has Chutzpah To Demonize GOP Budget As ‘Radical’

to see what a crazed, radical ideologue fascist Obama has been from the outset of his Führership.  He has been a man who has pathologically refused to work toward any kind of consensus whatsoever – frankly even within his own Nazi Party – depending instead on lies, demagoguery, slander and executive orders.

In that 2012 article, after documenting the facts, I wrote:

So the only meaningful question is whether we should be talking about Obama’s 0-97 “support” last year or his 0-414 “endorsement” this year.

Let’s just get one thing clear, Barack Obama, who had his 2012 budget handed back to him with 0-97 support from his own Senate and his 2013 budget handed back to him with 0-414 support from Congress, is frankly un-American and pathologically socialist.

A statement from Obama when the Republican leadership approached him in January 2009 says it all:

After the last election, when the “so called Messiah” was elected, John McCain had the temerity to ask him if he was going to work with the republicans. Obama said, “I won the election, John. Elections have consequences.”  This statement was the precursor of what was to come.

Obama proceeded to ram through a massively failed $862 billion stimulus (actually $3.27 trillion, according to a CBO analysis) and a wildly unconstitutional, wildly failed and wildly unpopular ObamaCare as his two signature acts.  Obama rammed these monstrosities through larded with pork, partisan boondoggles and gimmicks of every kind with virtually ZERO Republican support.

I just want you to understand what a dishonest and frankly evil man Barack Obama is before moving forward.

That said, let’s see what this radical socialist ideologue – who has not received so much as even a SINGLE vote from his own party in two years of lies and demagoguery, has to say about Paul Ryan’s budget

Has Obama learned a damn thing?  Is this fool capable of learning a damn thing?

So Close: House Rejects Obama Budget 413-2
Guy Benson | Apr 10, 2014

UPDATE– The House has passed the Ryan budget 219-205. The ‘Path to Prosperity’ received 217 more votes than the president’s budget. You can read the GOP’s plan here. My summary is here.
*** Original Post ***
Last we checked in on the budget battle in DC, our post-partisan president was smirkingly denouncing House Republicans’ fiscal blueprint as a “stink burger” and “meanwich.” The wit! The erudition! With Congress’ lower chamber poised to pass Paul Ryan’s ‘Path to Prosperity‘ — which reduces the rate of federal spending increases, reforms Medicare and balances within ten years — the House first took up President Obama’s budget proposal. Might this qualify as a “stink burger?”

The House on Wednesday handily rejected a GOP budget alternative based on President Obama’s 2015 spending blueprint. It was defeated 2-413, following a pattern seen in recent years in House votes to overwhelmingly reject Obama’s budget proposals. Today’s vote is just slightly better than the unanimous vote against Obama’s budget in 2012. The two “yes” votes came from Reps. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and Jim Moran (D-Va.), who is retiring…An Obama administration official agreed with House Democrats that the GOP substitute was not an accurate reflection of Obama’s budget plan. “The Administration would welcome votes on the actual provisions of President’s Budget,” said Office of Management and Budget spokesman Steve Posner. “That is not what this amendment represents, and a vote for or against this amendment is not a vote for or against the President’s policies.” But Republicans rejected these complaints, and defended the idea of consider Obama’s latest proposal as a way to let the House consider all budget options. “Any time the president of the United States takes the time to produce a budget, it merits a debate,” Mulvaney said. “I think it’s a valid discussion we should have every year.” Mulvaney also offered the president’s budget as a mock alternative in 2012, which was rejected 0-414. Republicans could not offer it last year because the president’s budget was submitted late — instead, Mulvaney tried to offer a blank sheet of paper to represent Obama’s budget, but it was not made in order.

I must have missed Mulvaney’s blank page budget gambit last year, which deserves points for being amusing and for highlighting the fact that the Obama White House can’t be bothered to meet statutory budget deadlines. He might try the same thing as a proxy for Senate Democrats’ FY 2015 proposal, which does not and will not exist. Harry Reid’s caucus has declined to participate in the legally-mandated budgeting process for the fourth time in five years. The White House and House Democrats can claim that the GOP’s version of Obama’s budget wasn’t an “accurate reflection” of the original document, but it essentially lifted Obama’s entire vision and dropped it into legislative language. In reality, all but two Democrats — one of whom was this guy — chose not to attach themselves to the president’s plan, which calls for the following:

President Obama’s 2015 Budget Proposal:(1) Never balances. Ever.

(2) Increases spending, ballooning the national debt by $8.3 trillion over the budget window — $1 trillion beyond than the unsustainable current trajectory. Under Obama’s plan, the red ink on the above chart would be steeper, sooner.

(3) Raises taxes by an additional $1.8 trillion (and again, never balances).

(4) Makes no attempt at reforming the gathering tidal wave of unfunded promises that Obama has admitted in the past are driving a long-term debt crisis.

To their credit, and unlike their Senate colleagues, House Democrats will offer an alternative budget of their own. But Phil Kerpen notices that it’s missing something:

The section on Obamacare ends with this defiant statement of policy: “the law of the land should support making affordable health care coverage available to every American family, and therefore the Affordable Care Act should not be repealed.” And that’s it. Don’t repeal it. Don’t acknowledge any of the problems. Don’t do anything to help any of the people whose lives have been thrown into disarray. And certainly don’t do anything to “fix it.” It couldn’t be clearer: members who vote for this budget think Obamacare does not need to be fixed. Indeed it’s hard to read the Democratic budget as anything but a celebration of Obamacare exactly as it is – and that adds insult to the many Americans who have been injured by the law.

In other words, House Democrats’ budget reflects the opinion of those six percent of Americans who believe Obamacare is working well as is. For all their public assurances about “fixing Obamacare” (which didn’t pay dividends for them in Florida), Democrats oppose one of the most popular fixes to the law, their party chairwoman can’t think of a single change she’d make, and their governing document offers zero fixes. Seems legit.

Obama is a creature – a monster, to be more specific – of his own fascist party.  In 2011, I documented the fact that:

Today Is the 900th Day Since Democrats Bothered To Pass a Budget

Well after that, Democrats FINALLY bothered to obey the damn law and the Constitution just long enough to actually pass a budget which they had refused to do for YEARS.

Democrats are people – and this is simply a fact beyond legitimate question – who defy the law, defy process, defy the Constitution (specifically in this case Article I of the Constitution).  And then they fascistically govern by tyranny rather than by any legitimate rule of law.


Gabrielle Giffords Shooting: Don’t Blame Sarah Palin, Blame Jerod Loughner (Who If Anything Is A Leftist)

January 8, 2011

There was an early report (which I myself saw on CNN) that the shooter was an Afghan War veteran.

We now know that this is not the case.  Jared Loughner had previously attempted to join the Army but was rejected.  And that false report makes me remember a certain Obama DHS memo which warned us to keep our eyes peeled on those distrusted rightwing war veterans.

We can also report that shooter Jared Loughner was certainly not a conservative.  In his own words, his favorite books included The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf.  Communism is obviously as left wing as it gets, and see here about Nazism, which for what it’s worth means “National Socialism.”  In that article, I point out that:

Marxism simply redefined fascism as its polar opposite in order to create a bogeyman: If Marxism was progressive, fascism became conservative.  If Marxism was left wing, fascism had to be right wing.  If Marxism championed the proletariat, then fascism had to champion the bourgeoisie.  If Marxism was socialist, fascism needed to be capitalist.

I further offered that:

“The influence of Marxist scholarship has severely distorted our understanding of fascism.  Communism and fascism were rival brands of socialism.  Whereas Marxist socialism is predicated on an international class struggle, fascist national socialism promoted a socialism centered in national unity.   Both communists and fascists opposed the bourgeoisie.  Both attacked the conservatives.  Both were mass movements, which had special appeal for the intelligentsia, students, and artists, as well as workers.  Both favored strong centralized governments and rejected the free economy and the ideals of individual liberty.” [Gene Edward Veith, Jr., Modern Fascism: Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview, p. 26].

And I rightly concluded:

And if the Nazis didn’t represent the far left, they were at best the right wing of the extreme left wing.

I mean, seriously: the difference between Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, and their respective oppressive, paranoid and murderous totalitarian regimes, is what, exactly???

Pathetically, the last and strongest bastion of Marxism in America today reside in our universities and are allowed to wear the title “professor.”  And then you find out that THE most leftist and THE most intolerant, “thought-controlling” field in America is that of university professors.  And they get to influence and shape minds just like Jared Lougher’s.

I would at this point mention another fact about Loughner that the AP brought out, how he  was “obsessed with how words create reality.”  And, like the atheism, that is a telltale of liberalism.  It is deconstructionism, it is existentialism, it is nihilism, it is postmodern.

Jonah Goldberg said it better than I could:

For more than sixty years, liberals have insisted that the bacillus of fascism lies semi-dormant in the bloodstream of the political right.  And yet with the notable and complicated exceptions of Leo Strauss and Allan Bloom, no top-tier American conservative intellectual was a devotee of Nietzsche or a serious admirer of Heidegger.  All major conservative schools of thought trace themselves back to the champions of the Enlightenment–John Locke, Adam Smith, Montesquieu, Burke–and none of them have any direct intellectual link to Nazism or Nietzsche, to existentialism, nihilism, or even, for the most part, Pragmatism.  Meanwhile, the ranks of the leftwing intellectuals are infested with ideas and thinkers squarely in the fascist tradition.  And yet all it takes is the abracadabra word “Marxist” to absolve most of them of any affinity with these currents.  The rest get off the hook merely by attacking bourgeois morality and American values–even though such attacks are themselves little better than a reprise of fascist arguments.” — Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism, p. 175.

Jared Loughner is also profoundly unAmerican.  His claimed favorite video at his Youtube account is of the US flag being torched.  Which clearly makes him a very different critter the left has characterized the “flag-worshiping” Republicans who read the Constitutions “like a sacred text.”

He is also profoundly anti-religious.  One of his statements – made in a blog rant about currency – is “No!  I won’t trust in God.”  He also wrote, “I’m a Nihilist, not someone who place who place trust in god!” And let’s see… which party was pro-God, and which one was “separation of church and state” again???

The Associated Press reports:

Loughner, an ardent atheist, began to characterize people as sheep whose free will was being sapped by the monotony of modern life.

Surveys clearly demonstrate that the less religious – or more atheistic – a person is, the more likely they are to be politically liberal.  Which is to say we’re not just saying Jared Loughner is a liberal based on rhetoric, but rather that he is probably a liberal based on the laws of statistics and probability.

In the words of several who knew him, “he was left wing,” he was “quite liberal,” he was a “political radical.” Oh, oh.  That doesn’t sound very Sarah Palinish of him.

The leftwing journalists and bloggers who are trying to make him a conservative are lying.  And blaming Sarah Palin for this despicable event is immoral.

You’ve got leftwing journalists writing stuff like this:

the tragedy wouldn’t change this basic fact: for the past two years, many conservative leaders, activists, and media figures have made a habit of trying to delegitimize their political opponents

But isn’t the New Yorker merely trying to delegitimize their political opponents, the conservatives?  I mean, how can the people who do what the left are claiming conservatives do possibly be legitimate?

Which means their argument and all their claims and stories become pure ad hominem.

The lying, deceitful left is failing to point out that Sarah Palin used “surveyor symbols,” not target symbols, to identify vulnerable districts.  And if you want to know which side used “target symbols,” please turn your ire to the Democrats which did precisely that.

Both sides “target” vulnerable seats.  Any Democrat who “targets” Sarah Palin is a vile piece of slime.  Because your party does the exact same thing [please see my update at the bottom of this article].

The only thing they can point to in demonizing Republicans is the fact that Rep. Gifford is a Democrat.  And that is clearly true.  However, she is a blue dog Democrat who has described herself as “conservative.”  And one of the murdered victims was a very conservative federal judge (Judge John Roll) who was appointed by George Bush.  Judge Roll was there to thank Rep. Giffords for trying to get more judges to deal with the massive illegal immigration crisis.

Another fact that should be pointed out is that conservative judge John Roll had more than 200 death threats in just one afternoon as a result of a legal ruling.  Tragically, the man had only recently stopped protecting himself and his family from these threats.

If anything, Jared Loughner is merely another of a long list of violent leftwing extremists (see also here, among many documented examples I can provide from my own blog).

This event ought to be something that transcends the political arguments and the debate over which party should run America that constantly goes on.  Because ANY act of violence which accompanies a political statement of any kind undermines ALL of us by eroding our freedom and liberty.

You cannot have a democratic republic in a police state.  And the more politically violent any group or individuals become, the more police powers become necessary to impose order.

I don’t care what your politics are; if you are an American, this is a terrible, tragic day and a genuinely evil event.

Update, January 9:  I would like liberals who blame the “toxic rightwing rhetoric” for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords to respond to this little factoid:

The website Daily Kos has also deleted a diary about Rep. Gabrielle Giffords entitled “My Congresswoman Voted Against Pelosi, Now She’s Dead To Me,” but so far has not deleted a post by founder Markos Moulitsas that lists Giffords’ district among those on their “target list,” and noted that “Not all of these people will get or even deserve primaries, but this vote certainly puts a bulls eye on their district.” (emphasis ours).

Please explain to me why Sarah Palin’s use of surveyor symbols or whichever angry conservative comments resulted in Gabrielle Giffords being shot rather than leftwingers putting her on their “bulls eye” “target list,” or influential liberals like Moulitsas saying that Giffords is “dead to me.” Because I’d really like to know.

Prayers For Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Shot In Head While Meeting Constituents

January 8, 2011

A terrible, evil thing happened in Tucson, Arizona.  A congresswoman was shot in the dead; some nineteen people were shot.  A child is already confirmed dead.

My first thought was, “Please let her make it, Lord.”  There had been multiple reports that she was killed at the scene.  Later reports state that she survived in extremely critical condition.  And now medical staff are saying – praise God – that she is responding to commands.  Pray for Rep. Giffords and don’t stop.

My second thought was, “Please don’t let it have been someone from the political rightwing who did it.”  Because I knew even as I prayed for Rep. Giffords that the political left would exploit this hateful act in any way they can.  And I know that because they’ve always done precisely that in the past.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is a Democrat.  She’s a blue dog, she’s a self described “fiscally conservative” Democrat who voted for ObamaCare but who supported strict border enforcement.  She was pro-abortion, but she was pro-gun.

While I obviously don’t agree with all of her politics, she is one of the good politicians; she is one who cares passionately about her constituents and wants to make herself available to them and hear them and reflect their views in her policies.

We just had the exploding mail packages the last couple days.  And now this.  You get the sense that something bad is happening to this country.

I have heard – but won’t believe until it is confirmed – that the shooter is an Afghanistan War veteran [see update].

Whoever did this terrible thing, and for whatever reason he did it, we have to be able to disagree in America without resorting to violence.  Or our entire system of government will collapse.  There can be no democratic republic in a police state.

Pray for Gabrielle Giffords.  Pray for her staff, some of whom were terribly wounded or even killed.  Pray for the safety of every single politician in America.  And especially pray for the safety of those politicians with whom you most disagree.

Update: I can now state that the shooter is NOT an Afghan War veteran.  He tried to enlist in the Army, but was REJECTED.

I can also report that the shooter – Jared Loughner – was certainly not a conservative.  In his own words, his favorite books included The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf.  Communism is clearly left wing, and see here about Nazism, which means “National Socialism.”  In that article, I point out that:

Marxism simply redefined fascism as its polar opposite in order to create a bogeyman: If Marxism was progressive, fascism became conservative.  If Marxism was left wing, fascism had to be right wing.  If Marxism championed the proletariat, then fascism had to champion the bourgeoisie.  If Marxism was socialist, fascism needed to be capitalist.

I further offered this:

“The influence of Marxist scholarship has severely distorted our understanding of fascism.  Communism and fascism were rival brands of socialism.  Whereas Marxist socialism is predicated on an international class struggle, fascist national socialism promoted a socialism centered in national unity.   Both communists and fascists opposed the bourgeoisie.  Both attacked the conservatives.  Both were mass movements, which had special appeal for the intelligentsia, students, and artists, as well as workers.  Both favored strong centralized governments and rejected the free economy and the ideals of individual liberty.” [Gene Edward Veith, Jr., Modern Fascism: Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview, p. 26].

And I rightly concluded:

And if the Nazis didn’t represent the far left, they were at best the right wing of the extreme left wing.

Pathetically, the last and strongest bastion of Marxism in America today reside in our universities and are allowed to wear the title “professor.”  And then you find out that THE most leftist and THE most intolerant, “thought-controlling” field in America is that of university professors.  And they get to influence and shape minds just like Jared Lougher’s.

Jared Loughner is profoundly unAmerican.  His favorite video at his Youtube account is of the US flag being torched.

He is also profoundly anti-religious.  One of his statements – made in a blog rant about currency – is “No!  I won’t trust in God.”  He also wrote, “I’m a Nihilist, not someone who place who place trust in god!”

In the words of several who knew him, “he was left wing,” he was “quite liberal,” he was a “political radical.”

The leftwing bloggers who are trying to make him a conservative are lying.  And blaming Sarah Palin for this despicable event is immoral.

The lying, deceitful left is failing to point out that Sarah Palin used “surveyor symbols,” not target symbols, to identify vulnerable districts.  And if you want to know which side used “target symbols,” please turn your ire to the Democrats which did precisely that.

The only thing they can point to is the fact that Rep. Giffords is a Democrat.  And that is clearly true.  However, she is a blue dog Democrat who describes herself as “conservative.”  And one of the murdered victims was a very conservative federal judge (Judge John Roll) who was appointed by George Bush.  Judge Roll was there to thank Rep. Giffords for trying to get more judges to deal with the massive illegal immigration crisis.

If anything, Jared Loughner is merely another of a long list of violent leftwing extremists (see also here, among many documented examples I can provide from my own blog).

This event is something that should transcend the political arguments and the debate over which party should run America that constantly goes on.  Because ANY act of violence which accompanies a political statement of any kind undermines our freedom and liberty.

Because, like I said above, you cannot have a democratic republic in a police state.  And the more politically violent any group or individuals become, the more police powers become necessary to impose order.

I don’t care what your politics are; if you are an American, this is a terrible, tragic day and a genuinely evil event.