Obama’s Energy Plan: Inflate Here, Inflate Now, Pay More

Even as we hear Ludacris’ racist, misogynistic, hateful rap playing in the background noise of a culture that liberals are screwing up more every day, we can consider Barack Obama’s contribution to that which is truly ludicrous:

There are things you can do individually, though, to save energy,” Obama said. “Making sure your tires are properly inflated – simple thing. But we could save all the oil that they’re talking about getting off drilling – if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You’d actually save just as much!”

In short, Obama is saying, “Inflate here. Inflate now. Pay More.”

There’s no question that properly inflating one’s tires and getting regular tune-ups can in fact contribute to fuel efficiency. That’s why I check my tire pressure regularly and top-off as necessary. Not enough people check their tire pressure, which is why the only truly over-inflated thing in this country is Barack Obama’s ego.

But come on!!!

An individual driver can in fact save up to 3% of his or her fuel economy by keeping the tires properly inflated.  But do you see what Obama did here?  In order to “inflate” the power of his statistic, he arbitrarily assumes that every single car in the nation currently has four under inflated tires.  There’s lies, damn lies, statistics – and now we have ourselves a fourth category – “Obama statistics.”

If we everybody properly inflated our tires we could save oil (though by nowhere near the amount Obama says). Yes, and if everybody drove less we could also save oil. If everybody drove slower we could save oil. If everybody drove electric electric cars we could save oil. If everybody rode bikes we could save oil. If everybody had Star Trek transporters we could save oil. If everybody rid themselves of their physical bodies and became non-corporeal entities we could save oil.

I see an overwhelming majority of people fly by me on the freeway and realize every single day that these “ifs” have virtually nothing to do with the real world. If everybody had wings we could save oil. We need oil because we consume a lot of energy in a country that has millions of miles of roads, and we need oil because oil will continue to provide 85% of our total energy consumption for decades to come.

It reminds me of a joke…

How many Democrats does it take to change a light bulb? 1,001. One to hold the light bulb, and 1,000 to turn the house around and around. Frankly, it’s far easier for a relative few Democrats in the Congress to vote to allow for increasing our oil supply than it is to demand that 300,000,000 Americans change their behavior. Drill here. Drill now. Pay less.

I guess there’s one good thing about Obama’s “We can inflate our way out of our energy crisis” remark: its addition brings to an even ten my list of the stupid and bogus pseudo-reasons that Democrats are using to avoid passing drilling legislation, even as it further corroborates my claim that we really are talking about “the three stooges” here.

We can add this sheer idiocy to Nancy Pelosi’sI’m trying to save the planet! I’m trying to save the planet!” insanity and Harry Reid’scoal makes us sick, oil makes us sick, its Global Warming, its ruining our Country, its ruining our World” craziness.

The Democrats seem to think that if they just stall long enough as regards increasing our domestic oil production, that just maybe they will get a large enough majority in Congress to repeal the law of supply and demand.

Until then we can count on them to use every procedural trick in the book to block any debate over drilling for oil to increase our desperately-needed energy supply.

Note to self: only vote for sane people.

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2 Responses to “Obama’s Energy Plan: Inflate Here, Inflate Now, Pay More”

  1. Humberto Says:

    I just saw an anti-Pelosi blast on the web. Here it is:

    Pelosi, Gore, etc. are really closet fundamentalists? Fundies are well aware that the book of Revelation predicts the time when the world is “scorched with great heat” (Rev. 16). Since that time is supposedly just ahead of us, isn’t it reasonable to think that global warming is building up for that climax? But do you think that Pelosi or Gore would admit they’ve been influenced by the Bible?

    Just me, Humberto

  2. Michael Eden Says:

    There’s good reason to believe (both biblically and scientifically) that we’ve got a coming crisis looming. The question is: what will the cause be?

    There is a great deal of evidence that the sun periodically becomes both hotter and brighter. We have evidence of global warming in most of the planets of the solar system. And no SUVs!!!

    Pelosi, Gore, et al believe that man is responsible for global warming, and that man is in control and able to stop it. There is simply no reason whatsoever to believe that this is so. Their devisings merely correspond to the massive socialist redistribution agenda that big government and world government secular humanist liberals wanted all along.

    I only wish people like Pelosi and Gore could be influenced by the Bible…

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