Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’

Democrats Are Demon-Possessed Moral Cockroaches. Not By My Standards But By THEIR Standards.

February 1, 2017

I lived through the eight miserable years of Obamunist tyranny.  I lived through the eight years where a party that calls itself “Democratic” demonstrated again and again that it had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with “democracy.”  I lived through the mainstream media gang-piling on anyone who in any way didn’t support Obama’s and the Democratic Party’s radical agenda as “obstructionists” and yes, even as “terrorists.”  Not to mention bigots and racists and every other hateful name under the sun.

For the Democrats, Barack Obama was “our president,” the “President of the United States of America.”  And Republicans OWED him their full loyalty and support.

I remember vividly the vicious riots that took place in Washington D.C. the day that Barack Obama was inaugurated as president.  Oh, wait a second.  That never happened.  It didn’t happen until butthurt Nazi liberal Democrats rioted the day Donald Trump was inaugurated. and 230 Democrats were charged with rioting as the protests got evil.

Amazingly, six “journalists” were among the rioters.  Because according to the mainstream media, to be a “journalist” today means to be a propagandist hack who rabidly hates Donald Trump and tries to ignite and incite mass violence against him.  Let’s be clear, they weren’t cleared of rioting because they didn’t riot; they were cleared of rioting because they were “journalists” and therefore allowed to riot.

“Based on the facts and circumstances, we determined that probable cause existed to support the filing of felony rioting charges,” said the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia in a statement about the 230 arrested. The office, which enforces criminal laws in Washington, D.C., would not comment on the actions of the six journalists.

Most “journalists” have dispensed with even any PRETENSE of objectivity.  I love this title because it’s so illustrative of what is going on: “NY Times writer who urged journalists to abandon objectivity to defeat Trump now says media needs ‘new strategy to cover him.’”  Hell, one of the “new strategies” being joining in rioting.  It really doesn’t surprise me at all they would join in the rioting with the rioters.  I can almost hear them saying, “Based on our reporting, you should loot and burn THIS building next!”

In the same way, I remember the day AFTER the Obama inauguration when a million angry activist showed up to protest the very Obama presidency.

Oh, wait.  That was Democrats too.

And I remember how Republicans employed every single vile trick that doesn’t exist in any playbook but the devil’s to obstruct and block President Obama from being able to appoint his cabinent because, after all, Republicans are obstructionists, right???

Oh, crap.  No.  Geez, I’m sorry.  Republicans had most of Obama’s administration in their positions right away.  That spirit of obstructionism and treason where a party that has been voted out of power tries to block every single thing the elected president tries to do is the spirit of Butthurt Nazism a.k.a. the Democratic Party.  It’s Democrats who are blocking and obstructing.   And Democrats, being Democrats, are the ones taking partisan, obstructionist, butthurt Nazi hissy fit to a new level: they are now refusing to do their basic job and even bother to show up at committee hearings.  Because to be a Democrat is to say, “If I violate the Constitution, If I violate the legitimate political process, if I violate the will of the people, I’ll get my wicked way.”

But let’s get back to Obama and the vile, vicious tactics that he inspired as our nations very first “community organizer” president.

Back in 2009 I was pointing out what a total, abject LIE the heart of the Obama promise to America had turned out to be.  This guy was so damn partisan that it was beyond unreal from the moment he took office.  And yet  The New York Times had written of Obama as candidate:

WASHINGTON — At the core of Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is a promise that he can transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics of the last 15 years, end the partisan and ideological wars and build a new governing majority.

To achieve the change the country wants, he says, “we need a leader who can finally move beyond the divisive politics of Washington and bring Democrats, independents and Republicans together to get things done.”

But this promise leads, inevitably, to a question: Can such a majority be built and led by Mr. Obama, whose voting record was, by one ranking, the most liberal in the Senate last year?

Was Obama EVER a man capable of rising above partisan politics?  No.  Not even CLOSE.  Absolutely not.  As an easy example of that, as a Senator he was one of THE most radical liberal-progressives and unsuccessfully tried to filibuster Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court.  Even Obama’s own party at that point acknowledged that what Obama tried to do was way, WAY too radical.

And so:

However, the truth is that, when they were senators, Obama, Biden, and Clinton all tried to filibuster Justice Alito’s nomination to the court – and other Democratic party leaders such as NY Senator Chuck Schumer reveled in the idea that they were able to block every Bush #43 nomination to the federal courts.

But the Democratic Party went über-fascist radical, and thus the toxic, divisive, polarizing Obama became the nominee of the Democratic Party and ultimately the president.  And the similarly über-fascist radical Joe Biden became vice president; and then the likewise über-fascist radical Hillary Clinton would sure-enough be the following rabid candidate for the Democrat Party machine.

Through his press mouthpiece, Obama as president would ultimately – and cowardly – come to say he “regretted” his decision to be one of the most leftist partisan members of the U.S. Senate when his own damn tactics were brought up in his face to reveal the utter and abject moral hypocrisy that is “Democratic Party.”

So it’s morally evil now to do what Obama did, you see.  Obama ought to be able to do it and get away with it, and later on when it becomes politically inconvenient, well, Obama ought to be able to retreat behind a press secretary mouthpiece and say that he now regrets it.  Such that Republicans have no right to do exactly what Obama himself did.

Let’s go back to Joe Biden: Because We also have the example of Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden who in 1992 said when there was just a POSSIBILITY that George H.W. Bush MIGHT be able to nominate a Supreme Court Justice:

“It is my view that if the president goes the way of Presidents Fillmore and Johnson and presses an election year nomination the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until ever — until after the political campaign season is over.” — Sen. Joe Biden, June 25, 1992

President George H.W. Bush was in office until January 20, 1993.  So Biden didn’t even say this in a presidential election year – the way it was when our Hypocrite-in-Chief Obama demanded the divine right to replace conservative Scalia with a leftist of his choice – rather Biden said the Democrat garbage tactic applied even in the year BEFORE the election year.

Only Democrats are hypocrite enough to not be able to see what abject hypocrite roaches they are.

As we talk about the Republican response to Obama’s selection of Judge Merrick Garland to replace Justice Antonin Scalia in an election year and the consequences of the Republican response today, allow me to take you on a trip down hypocrite Democrat lane from what I wrote at that time:

Democrats have a LONG history of doing the very thing they now claim is so evil:

While Democrats in the upper chamber – including Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York and former Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, both of which called for blocking former President George W. Bush’s nominations – have slammed the GOP for its decision not to consider a nominee until after a new president is elected, Democrats have not always held that stance. The Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution in 1960 preventing a recess appointment, much to the dismay of Republicans.

As first reported by The Washington Post – S.RES. 334, also known as Expressing the Sense of the Senate That The President Should Not Make Recess Appointments to the Supreme Court, Except to Prevent or End a Breakdown in the Administration of the Court’s Business – passed the Senate in a 48-33 vote in an attempt to prevent former President Dwight Eisenhower from filling a seat last-minute.

Democrats have frequently played this same game.   New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, now the Senate Minority Leader and leader of all the Senate Democrats, said when a Republican was president that the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”

And so this incredibly dishonest claim from Obama and the Democrats is so much nonsense it is beyond unreal: if anything, it IS unprecedented, other than all the damn times THEY did the very thing they now so loudly and dishonestly and hypocritically insist that Republicans would be violating sacred precedent to do.

Let me keep going from my same article on just what hypocrite pieces of dishonest roach filth Democrats are:

Here’s another thing: the Senate is now firmly in Republican hands (after disgraceful Democrats were caught being evil maybe a million times too often).  But when Democrats owned the Senate, they shoved their crap right down the Republicans’ throats and changed the damn Senate rules to do it with a process that was so toxic to the Constitution that it was called “the nuclear option.”

On November 21, 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared that “unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction” by Republican filibusters had made the confirmation process “completely unworkable.”[1] As a result, he said, Democrats were forced to eliminate virtually all nomination filibusters. […]

For nearly all of its history, proceeding to a final vote on a matter before the Senate required a supermajority.

But not when Democrats stole the show.  No, no, no, the rules of all propriety and decency and civility go right out the damn window every damn time it pleases them.  Just like the Nazi Party and Jews, the Democrat Party calls the Republicans “evil” and then justifies the most wildly partisan and cynical “final solutions.”

Ever since the Supreme Court became a “super legislature” thanks to the wicked Democrat Party, where they ruled by imposing massive societal change by finding “penumbras and emanations” that justified whatever the HELL they wanted to do, the SCOTUS has become a political branch.  And Obama just started another vicious war while blathering dishonest words that he was somehow above doing the very thing he is clearly doing.

Who “fundamentally transformed” “nearly all of the Senate’s history”???  Don’t EVER forget it was the DEMOCRATS.  Just as it was the DEMOCRATS who invented Borking and it was the DEMOCRATS who are the ones who actually FILIBUSTER judicial appointments.  Bill Clinton and Barack Obama BOTH did NOT have a Republican filibuster.  The ONLY two judges sitting on the court who didn’t receive sixty votes are Justice Thomas and Justice Alito.  Because the Democrat Party has been the official party of Butthurt for decades.

If you want to see what “unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction” truly looks like, look at what Democrats have done since Trump got elected.  These butthurt fascists are psychologically unhinged with rabid acts of “obstruction” taking place at every corner that no, you demon-possessed liars, the Republicans NEVER did.

It’s really not the “nuclear option”; it’s the “Harry Reid option”; it’s the “Democrat Party option.”  And it is a GOOD thing Republicans are now willing to use the same tactics Democrats used against them.  And it’s an evil, wicked thing that the mainstream media is FINALLY seeing this as an “extreme tactic” given that they somehow failed to think that way when their beloved Democrat Party was using the tactic to impose their will when THEY ran Washington.

And so, in that same vein, Charles Schumer – now the leader of the Democrat minority – controls a party that literally announced they were going to object to ANYONE Trump nominated simply because on their view, anyone who doesn’t think exactly like they do is “unqualified” to serve.

Democrats actually swore they would filibuster Trump’s nominee even before Trump nominated anyone.

Democrats promise they will use the slander-tactic that they invented now known as “Borking”: This infamous Ted Kennedy slander was the worst of the slanders:

“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy.”

Robert Bork was a good man and eminently qualified to sit on the Court.  But Democrats are truly breathtakingly evil and hypocritical people.

In the same manner, Justice Clarence Thomas literally faced down the Ku Klux Klan as a child who grew up as the child of a poor sharecropper in a house with a dirt floor – only to find the Democrats’ more evil and more psychotic and more dishonest.  As an example, the modern Klan monsters are BLACK Democrats who were willing to lynch Thomas for the sin of having a white wife.  And Democrats said in their vote, “You don’t get to do that and survive, uppity negro.”  They manufactured the very first “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves” by finding a backstabbing woman who had followed Judge Thomas from job to job for YEARS only to claim that he sexually harassed her the entire time that she had willingly kept following him.

And so, all the Obama crap about it being beyond the pale for a Senate to treat a nomination to the Supreme Court this way, all I can say in response is that now you get to eat Republican fecal matter right out of the toilet bowl, you wicked hypocrite butthurt LIARS.

When Barack Obama – after trying to community organize a filibuster against Bush SCOTUS appointees – appointed two far-left liberal progressive radicals to the Court, Republicans responded by allowing their nomination to go forward and even allowing their members to vote for her in a spirit of bipartisan compromise.  Because they believed a president ought to have a right to nominate judges out of his philosophy, especially on the Supreme Court, even when they personally disagree with those judges’ philosophy of jurisprudence.

So Democrats never had to exploit their own Harry Reid-invented “Democrat option” – a.k.a. the nuclear option – to get a vote for Obama’s SCOTUS picks because Republicans respected the process in a way that Democrats have now proven over and over again they are not capable of respecting.  It was Democrats who invented and then repeatedly used the politics of personal slander-destruction against Republican nominees.

Democrats are not human beings worthy of the name; they have abandoned as a matter of wicked philosophy any concept of the imago dei.  Democrats are evolved bugs, and they only capable of bug morality.  You could rescue a cockroach, nurture it back to health, feed it, but the moment it was time to reciprocate, that roach would happily EAT YOU ALIVE.

I have used the word “Nazi” to describe Democrats.  Because a modern-day Democrat IS a Nazi who has TEN TIMES the holocaust horror show in the abortion mills with sixty million murdered human beings.  I started seeing Democrats viciously attacking people who had merely exercised their 1st Amendment right to attend a peaceful campaign rally for the political candidate of their choiceI saw multiple examples of this across the nation.  I came to discover Democrats literally used the same tactics Hitler used in his own rise to power by employing goons and thugs to violently disrupt GOP political rallies.  They did that at the very highest levels, up to Obama, the White House, Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  Do you realize how utterly treasonous to the spirit of democracy, to our Constitution, to our way of life, that is???Democrats today are actually now even MORE violent than the people who still bear the name “Nazi.”  That’s how VILE these roaches are.  So when I call Democrats “Nazis,” it’s NOT merely allegorical, or figurative: it is a statement of proven fact as this Democratic Party has become an utterly rabid, toxic hate machine.

Democrats are people who will say one thing with a self-righteous frenzied rabidity.  How DARE you not support our president?  And then – because abject moral HYPOCRISY is the defining trait of every single Democrat in America – they will just as self-righteously and with just as much frenzied rabidity go back on everything they said when it had been convenient for them to say it.

Conservatives, and just plain ordinary decent people, have got to rise up the way our forefathers rose up against this kind of evil.  And yes, we have to be willing to fight these people on their own vicious terms.  You tried to bring hell to us, and it is past time for us to bring hell home to you Democrats where it truly belongs.

One of the things that most offends me is that, if Republicans win, we install judges who actually follow the Constitution.  But if Democrats win, they install judges who will read their extreme political agendas into every law they want to.    That’s kind of analogous to a football game where one team got to use machine guns against the other team; it creates a rather unequal playing field.  Justice Scalia described this history and issued a warning some years back:

He added that the role of a Supreme Court justice should be interpreting the law, not inventing it.
“Whether it’s good or bad is not my job. My job is simply to say if those things you find desirable are contained in the Constitution,” he said.
Discussing pro-abortion judges who created a right to abortion, Scalia warned her, “Someday, you’re going to get a very conservative Supreme Court and regret that approach.”

Even arch-feminist Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has repeatedly acknowledged that Roe v. Wade went “too far, too fast” and was a terrible decision in terms of our legal process.  She also acknowledged her own Democrat-racist view that Roe v. Wade was to eliminate undesirable members of the populace, or as she put it “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Why shouldn’t an arch-conservative justice not be able to impose a terrible law out of an immoral philosophy the way liberal judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg did???

That regret Scalia described needs to start happening now.  Democrats need to be viciously punched hard in the face with their own system of interpretation that the Constitution is a “living, breathing document” that means whatever the hell the most rabid right wing judge WANTS it to mean.  When you have one side telling the other that a woman has the right to murder a man’s child and that man has no right whatsoever to stop it but has to support that child if the “mother” somehow doesn’t murder her own child; when you have one side telling the other that homosexuals and transgenders have every right in the book but Christians don’t even have the right to live according to their most deeply held morality according to a Bible that defined our entire civilization for two thousand years – all in rabid violation of every sacred Constitutional principle – something truly depraved and evil has occurred.  And it’s long past time to STOP it.  Thomas Jefferson WARNED this would happen.  And tragically the ONLY way to stop it now is to start fighting fire with fire: If a few right wing justices truly begin to show up who read their OWN intent into the Constitution the way liberal judges have done for decades, it will be the equivalent of what happened when the Allies started reciprocating with the same poison gas the Germans had inflicted on them, such that they both agree to cease-and-desist.

I would submit that we pass a law today that when Donald Trump is out of office, the next president will not have to face the kind of garbage that I have documented above.  That any Senator who tries to Bork or Thomas a nominee for the Supreme Court will go to prison and face hard time for abusing the power of the office through slander; to pass a law banning the filibuster or the nuclear option; to ban executive orders that defy the law and the clear intent of the Congress that alone is supposed to have the power to make the law, the way Obama kept imposing; that sort of thing.  I believe we should pass a constitutional amendment limiting the time of a Supreme Court appointment to a specified period of years.  And I say “After Trump” because Obama got to enjoy this power for eight years, and it is only fair and legitimate that the people that Democrats pissed on get to piss on them now.

I WARNED you liberal progressives that eventually a right wing president would come along who would make you scream in anguish; I IMPLORED you to stop being naked fascists.  But for eight years you allowed Obama to ram his agenda through by imperia fiat.  And now the shoe is on the other foot, because to quote Obama, “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, WE won.”  And so if President Donald Trump issues the following two executive orders: one declaring the Democratic Party is the party of treason and terrorism; and the other being the “Hunt Every Democrat Down with Dogs and Burn Them ALIVE Act,” then you shouldn’t even have the damn right to request an extension to the two-minute head start before we unleash the dogs.

Who Painted A ‘Dark’ Picture Of Who??? The Vile Hypocrisy Of Obama And Hillary and the REAL Party Of Darkness Never Ceases To Astound Me

July 29, 2016

I recently wrote a couple of articles noting two things: the media fixation with everything that could possibly be depicted as going wrong with the Republican National Convention (such as protests outside and the possibility of violence due to the fact that Cleveland actually obeys the 2nd Amendment and allows open-carry of firearms) and the Obama and Hillary outcries over the “dark” picture of America that they continuously alleged that Trump paints.

An unrelated while simultaneously VERY related example of this vicious bias is the media and Democrat Party attack on Trump when he sarcastically asked for Russia’s help in finding the thirty-plus thousand emails that Hillary illegally purged from her secret, unauthorized server that no American and even no FBI agents looking into the case was allowed to see.  There was so much media anger at Trump – because after all the word “sarcasm” does not exist as a word or a concept and so Trump was very clearly actually saying Russia should take over our country; because after all every American would clearly rather be lied to by Obama and Hillary than hear the TRUTH from Russia – and no mention of all of the fact that the Clinton campaign had just officially implicitly admitted that Hillary had been lying all along when she dishonestly claimed that those 30-plus thousand emails were “personal” and contained her yoga routines rather than having any “national security” information.

Let’s take one second to examine the REAL culprits responsible for this hack of the DNC.  First of all, think of the incredibly incompetent Obama administration that has for the last six years patently failed and refused to do anything about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.  Just as they didn’t do anything about Pvt. Manning and the leaks that freak revealed.  Obama has done NOTHING to stop this and now his own chickens have come home to roost, to quote his infamous reverend who used that phrase to demonize America.

But then consider Hillary’s role in this.  She was warned BACK IN MARCH that the DNC and her OWN campaign computers were under hack attack.  And consider her incredibly pathetic and incompetent response to what she now claims was so terribly dangerous:

The FBI warned the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign in March that its computers had been the object of a foreign-government cyberattack, Yahoo News reported Thursday evening.

However, according to Yahoo News, when the FBI requested that the Clinton team turn over email logs and staff addresses, the campaign’s lawyers refused.

At the time, Mrs. Clinton was being investigated by the FBI for possible criminal offenses in her setting up and using a private email server to conduct government business and handle classified information.

So. amazingly, even though there is no factual question whatsoever that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE for this penetration of the Democrat Party, who is to blame?  Donald Trump, because he made an offhand sarcastic remark at a press conference AFTER THE DAMN FACT.

You simply have to MARVEL at these liars and how utterly craven and dishonest and dishonorable they are.  They make cockroaches look like superior moral life forms.

But let’s stay on track and talk about the “darkness” that Obama, that Hillary and that the leftist propaganda mill masquerading as the media tried to gin up about Trump and the RNC.

As I documented, the black, Democrat chief of police in Cleveland loudly pointed out how miserable the fascist media acted in their desire to get that propaganda angle that would create a negative image of the RNC: Chief Calvin Williams said of the mainstream media frenzy over the most minimal protests:

“Our jobs’ a lot more difficult, yes, yes.  Sorry, I mean, most of the time when we get there, we have 20 protestors; we probably have 80 people from the media there.  And we’re tyring to separate out and get a handle on what’s going on, and we have more media than protestors.”

There were twenty protesters at the RNC in Cleveland.  There were THOUSANDS at the DNC.  But whose counting?  Not the damn media, that’s for sure.

Propagandists masquerading as “journalists” also wrote terrifying articles about the fact that in Cleveland people had the right to open carry of firearms.  Which unless Democrats are simply flat-out WRONG about EVERYTHING they believe was going to lead to a bloodbath of horrific proportions.

Not one shooting.  Not ONE.  Because the people Democrats want to disarm are law-abiding, good people.  Because frankly the only people Democrats want with guns are illegal immigrant criminals and the Obama Gestapo that Democrats want to create after their Black Lives Matter wing generates enough hate toward our local and state police that a national Gestapo-style police force becomes the only alternative.  Because you shouldn’t have a right to your own police force any more than you should have a right to your own guns.

I remember hearing that Wednesday night, there were 156 hateful remarks generated at Donald Trump.  And given that Hillary’s Thursday night speech amounted to one long, continuous hate screed against Trump, it’s hard to imagine she didn’t smash that record all by herself.

But what did Obama say during the Republican National Convention???

President Barack Obama on Friday strongly denounced the dark and dire terms in which Donald Trump and the Republican Party described the condition of the United States after nearly eight years of his presidency.

While remarking that he did not watch the convention, the president commented on reading “some of what was said and the one thing that I think is important to recognize is this idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn’t really jibe with the experience of most people.”

“I hope people, the next morning, walked outside and birds were chirping and the sun was out and this afternoon, people will be, you know, watching their kids play on sports teams and go to the swimming pool and folks are going to work and getting ready for the weekend,” Obama said, speaking alongside Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto during a joint news conference. “And in particular, I think it is important, just to be absolutely clear here, that some of the fears that were expressed throughout the week just don’t jibe with the facts.”

Obama has shown a greater willingness to directly attack Trump, and has done so with gusto.

Trump was just so dark and so negative and so evil in his darkness and negativity.  And how could anyone be so dark and negative about America???  Isn’t America the greatest country on earth???

Not according to your own administration’s previous rhetoric in which you said that America was only one nation among many rather than a nation that was unique and special and had a right to act as such.  But let me stick to that narrative that painting a dark picture is bad.

Let me simply ask you one question: what picture did Obama and Hillary paint of America under a Trump administration???  Is anyone fool enough to think it was anything other than the most hateful, bitter, ugly and nightmarish thing imaginable???

What do you think about Obama directly comparing Donald Trump to ISIS in his DNC speech???

Is that dark and ugly enough for you???

The Democrats were rabid and savage in their hatred of Donald Trump.

After demonizing Trump and Republicans for their “dark” portrayal of America, they proceeded to paint the ugliest and darkest imaginable picture of an America under Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a “dictator.”

It’s a remarkable thing how Donald Trump was this horrible, “dark” man and his RNC was this terrifyingly vicious entity  for displaying a tiny fraction of the viciousness that Hillary and her convention displayed.

Hillary of Trump:

He wants us to fear the future and fear each other.

But what the hell do YOU want to do, you wicked witch???  You want nothing other than to incite fear and hatred of the future under Donald Trump, and you want to create a climate of hate – just like the climate that has resulted in Democrats assassinating police officers all over America because, after all, they are a racist death squad intentionally murdering innocent black people, aren’t they???

Another police officer was gunned down to death just today.

Because “Black Lives Matter.”

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and Democrats have pitted people against their police.  It’s like Vietnam and the damned Viet Cong now, where police have no idea who the damn enemy is.

Please don’t forget that the people who vote for Donald Trump – last time I checked – are “AMERICANS.”  And Hillary Clinton is outright telling us that we’re these evil people who want to create a terrifying future.  And no, we don’t.

But let’s consider which side has created a terrifying damn PRESENT:

By the time Obama leaves office, terrorism will have skyrocketed by 1,900 percent.  That is what I call a terrifying present.  And pardon me for saying so, but after terrorism has exploded by SIX THOUSAND PERCENT because we elected Hillary Clinton who continued to follow Obama’s policies, THAT will be a truly terrifying future.

If you don’t believe me, the Democrats were screaming, “No more war!” over and over again over the speeches of Leon Panetta, of a four-star general, of a war hero.  Just as they without any honor and without any decency interrupted moments of silence for police officers who their own kind had assassinated.  Because you mark my words, Democrats WILL NOT keep this country safe and do what needs to be done.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for lawlessness both here and abroad.  And that long, long embrace as Obama embraced his third term is all you need to know to know that as a FACT.

Meanwhile, our economy is a joke with wallpaper of a low unemployment rate masking the fact that our labor participation rate – the percentage of working-age Americans who actually have a JOB – is basically lower than it has ever been in the modern era.  One hundred Million working-age Americans AREN’T working.

The ONLY thing our businesses are investing in is cost cutting.  Because Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their Democrat Party have attacked job creators and the only way our job creators can survive is to create as few new jobs as possible.

Meanwhile, the Democrats demand that we keep bringing in tens of millions of more unskilled laborers by way of illegal immigration to a labor market already glutted with unskilled laborers.  Which if the LAW of supply and demand is true guarantees that wages can never realistically go up.  The law of supply and demand states that the more supply you have of something, the lower the value of that thing and the lower the demand for it.  Which is why wages have gone DOWN under Obama.

But only Obama and Hillary have a right to paint a “dark future”???

No.  If you take off the rose-colored glasses of Obama’s and Hillary’s big-government socialism, it’s an incredibly dark present which will lead to an unimaginably dark future if we continue in the trajectory of Obama-Clinton.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of these people never ceases to stun me and offend me.




Barack Obama – Following The WORST And Most ARROGANT And Most NAIVE President In History – Just Betrayed America To WWIII Armageddon And To HELL

July 23, 2015

One of the little known facts – because the mainstream media is the political propaganda arm of the Democrat Party – is that Obama’s nuclear weapons deal with Iran actually proves that Barack Obama and the entire Democrat Party circa 2008 were abject FOOLS who told us that Iran was NOT a nuclear weapons threat. As I have previously documented.  By making this deal, Obama states that Obama was pathologically unfit to EVER be commander-in-chief.

The fool couldn’t have been more wrong.  And the wicked fool CONTINUES to be more wrong than any human being has ever been.  It is frankly astonishing to watch this demonic dumbass deliver Armageddon one piece of hell at a time.

I heard a little snippet about the arrogance and naivety of FDR and what a complete, abject fool that Joseph Stalin made of a president so adored by Democrats.  I actually had a hard time believing it was true.  I mean, how could any man be so arrogant, so stupid?  Anyway, I looked up a couple of phrases I recalled and found this straight from the Central Intelligence Agency writing based on actual recorded statements from one Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

I want you to read this CIA article with me and replace in your mind the names “Franklin Delano Roosevelt” with “Barack Hussein Obama” and replace the name “Joseph Stalin” with “Ayatollah”; when you see “Bolshevik dictatorship” read it as “Islamic dictatorship” and when you see “US-Soviet relations” read it as “US-Iranian relations”:

In recent years, the statesmanship of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in particular his handling of Soviet affairs, has come under attack in historical studies. The situation has reached such a pass that even a psychiatrist who examined FDR’s medical records has opined that toward the end of World War II the US President ceded the better part of Eastern Europe to Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin because he was “gripped by clinical depression.1

Certainly the President’s moves can be questioned, but questionable policy can be founded on factors other than low spirits—which, in point of fact, were not generally observed in FDR at the time. Rather, the operant factors were: the President’s supreme confidence in his own powers of persuasion, his profound ignorance of the Bolshevik dictatorship, his projection of humane motives onto his Soviet counterpart, his determined resistance to contradictory evidence and advice, and his wishful thinking based on geopolitical designs—mindsets supported and reinforced by his appointed advisors. Taken together, these factors produced a false view of US-Soviet relations and inspired policy that had only superficial contact with reality. As an instance in point, they induced the President of the United States to do the unthinkable: walk into a surveillance trap, not once, but twice, and willingly.

Normally, in order to avoid the possibility of intelligence leaks and personal embarrassment, as well as to ensure physical safety, traveling US presidents stay in their own country’s embassies or other diplomatic buildings, whose tables and walls have been swept by instruments able to discover listening devices. But when Roosevelt went abroad to meet Stalin, he wanted very badly to please him, holding him to be a key figure in the postwar division of powers, and so did not insist on such accommodations. Consequently, at the conference in Teheran (November 1943) and again at Yalta (February 1945), he stayed in Soviet quarters and was bugged like no other American president in history.

FDR’s Acquaintance With Bugs

Roosevelt was no stranger to technical surveillance. In 1939, piqued by an incident in which he believed that the press had deliberately misquoted him, he had a secret recording system installed in the White House as a means of self-protection. Since German tape-recording technology had not yet found its way to America, something had to be invented. FDR’s assistants took the problem to David Sarnoff of the Radio Corporation of America. In June 1940, Sarnoff personally presented the President with a “continuous-film recording machine” that made use of motion-picture sound film. Set in a wire cage in a room beneath the Oval Office, the device was activated either by the President using a switch inside his desk drawer or by his technician down below throwing a switch on the machine itself. A single microphone poked out through a lamp on FDR’s desk.

Between 23 August and 8 November, 1939, during his campaign for an unprecedented third term, the President recorded fourteen of twenty-one press conferences held in his office, plus a number of private conversations, the latter possibly by mistake. It seems that he never used the system to entrap anyone, and no one knows why he stopped it. Relatively innocent by today’s standards of invasion, it nevertheless demonstrates that the President was acquainted with listening devices before his conferences with Stalin.2

In the very year of the Teheran conference, he was reminded of hidden microphones when watching Mission to Moscow, a movie based on a book of that title by Joseph E. Davies, America’s second Ambassador to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3 Produced in 1943 with the President’s blessing, possibly even at his explicit request, this blatant piece of propaganda was designed to drum up public enthusiasm for a political shotgun wedding: It colored Stalin as a simple, practical man with whom one could do business; rhapsodized about Soviet construction, government, and politics; and justified the Soviet blood purges, the Moscow show trials, and Stalin’s two-year pact with Hitler, which had ended when Hitler turned the tables on Stalin and invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941.

Attempting to forestall any criticism of the Soviet system, Davies even contrived to make a brief for bugging. In one scene, set in the American Embassy in Moscow, the Ambassador’s assistants warn him of listening devices, but he rebukes them severely:

I say nothing outside the Kremlin that I wouldn’t say to Stalin’s face. Do you? . . . We’re here in a sense as guests of the Soviet government, and I’m going to believe they trust the United States as a friend until they prove otherwise. Is that clear?

When the assistant persists that still, after all, there may be microphones, Davies, played with aplomb by FDR’s favorite actor, Walter Huston, cuts him off: “Then let ’em hear! We’ll be friends that much faster!”4

This cinematic scene was based on an actual incident. In 1937, when a bug was discovered directly over the Ambassador’s desk at the US Embassy in Moscow, the real Davies laughed it off. If the Soviets wanted to listen in, he told his incredulous staff—which included George Kennan, Charles Bohlen, and other skilled State Department diplomats—they would only obtain proof of America’s sincere desire to cooperate with them.5

FDR strongly approved of the film. In his assessment of Soviet politics, he was much closer to Davies, his second Ambassador, than to his first, William C. Bullitt.6 Contrary to Davies, Bullitt never missed an opportunity to warn FDR of Stalin’s treachery. In a typical exchange, Roosevelt responded:

Bill, I don’t dispute your facts; they are accurate. I don’t dispute the logic of your reasoning. I just have a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of man. Harry [Hopkins] says he’s not and that he doesn’t want anything but security for his country, and I think if I give him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing in return, noblesse oblige, he won’t try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace.7

FDR’s hunch, Hopkins’ glowing reports on Stalin, and Davies’ boundless trust in the Soviet regime were the President’s counters to the admitted facts about Hitler’s recent ally, history’s greatest mass-murderer, and the sole ruler of a party and state dedicated to worldwide communism.8


And it is amply footnoted and documented, with said footnotes for the above passage here:

1. John Harlow, “Depressed FDR Handed Stalin Victory at Yalta,” The Sunday Times (UK), 24 February 2002.

2. The FDR Tapes,” American Heritage, No. 2, 1982.

3. Joseph Edward Davies, Mission to Moscow (New York, NY:  Simon and Schuster, 1941).

4. David Culbert, ed., Mission to Moscow [Warner Brothers Screenplay] (Madison, WI:  Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1980), pp. 109-110.  When the film was shown to the Soviet public, all the scenes about bugging were cut.

5. Elizabeth Kimball MacLean, Joseph E. Davies: Envoy to the Soviets (Westport, CT:  Praeger, 1992), p. 40.

6. Bullitt served as US Ambassador to the USSR from 1933-1936, Davies from 1936-1938.

7. William C. Bullitt, “How We Won the War and Lost the Peace,” Life, 30 August 1948, p. 94.

8. Hopkins described the 5’ 3” Stalin as “an austere, rugged, determined figure in boots . . . built close to the ground, like a football coach’s dream of a tackle”—see his article, “The Inside Story of My Meeting with Stalin,” in American Magazine (Springfield, Ohio), No. 132, December 1941, pp. 14-15; Davies once said that the Bolshevik word of honor was “as safe as the Bible,” according to William C. Bullitt, citing the Daily Worker of 25 and 28 February 1942, in The Great Globe Itself (New York, NY:  Scribner’s Sons, 1946), pp. 22, 255, 256.

I don’t think it’s coincidental that FDR revealed what an abject fool that he was in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

Because of the incredible, stunning arrogance, foolishness, willingness to compromise with pure evil, and the naivety that FDR believed he could actually negotiate with pure evil and win the upper hand in his dealings, TENS OF MILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS WERE SEIZED BY THE MOST DEPRAVED, THE MOST WICKED, THE MOST EVIL POLITICAL SYSTEM AND WORLDVIEW IN THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt had died and was already burning in hell and as the Bible points out, “The dead know nothing,” but Joseph Stalin almost immediately after the end of World War II proved that FDR was the worst and most unmitigated fool in the history of the world by seizing ALL of Eastern Europe and the tens of millions of souls that he would crush.  And the United States was thrust into the costliest war in the history of planet earth – the Cold War – because of the abject moral idiocy of one man, FDR.  The Korean War, the Vietnam War, and numerous other conflagrations stemmed from FDR’s complete moral idiocy and his refusal to understand the nature of evil and the fact that you can’t appease a Stalin any more than you can appease a cockroach.

And Barack Hussein Obama, a man even MORE arrogant, more foolish, more willing to compromise with pure evil, and more stunningly naïve in his belief that he could negotiate with pure evil and someone win the upper hand in his negotiations because of his malignant narcissistic belief in his own superiority, just guaranteed that America would face World War III and the Armageddon prophesied in the Holy Bible that he has so much naked contempt for.

This is a criminal agreement that fundamentally and profoundly betrayed the interest of the United States of America.  Obama caved in on EVERY SINGLE major negotiating position he promised he would hold to to the tune of a dozen massive cave-ins that cave Iran everything while giving America NOTHING but empty, hollow, meaningless rhetoric.

As bad as the actual agreement is, we are beginning to learn of the existence of we have no idea how many secret side agreements in which Obama further betrayed America.

Iran was caught illegally purchasing nuclear weapons technology just last month while they were “negotiating” with Obama.  Anybody who believes Iran has ANY intention of not following the LAST TIME Democrats betrayed America by allowing North Korea to become a nuclear weapons state while promising they were doing the opposite is a true-blue FOOL.

But Democrats don’t care about history or facts or truth or reality; they piss on all of them the same way they pissed on Christ and continue to piss on Christ.

That fact is even MORE obvious now that Obama has betrayed America and its Constitution further by taking his wicked deal to the United Nations as if the Congress of the United States of America was completely irrelevant (which it IS under this wicked fascist).  Because the Ayatollah just said the deal means NOTHING in just about every way he could:

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told supporters Saturday that U.S. policies in the region were “180 degrees” opposed to Iran’s. The speech in a Tehran mosque was punctuated by chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”

“Even after this deal our policy toward the arrogant U.S. will not change,” Khamenei said.

Who would trust such a man?  Only the greatest and worst fools who ever lived.  Only Obama.  Only John Kerry.  Only Hillary Clinton.  Only the Democrat Party.  History has proven time and again that no one else and no other Party would be so vile, would be so arrogant, would be so evil, to appease and compromise with evil the way Democrats do.

Iran WILL get nuclear weapons and because of this wicked deal it will be ENTIRELY the wicked Democrat Party’s fault.  But even more unimaginably, Iran will actually get the ballistic missiles it has never had to deliver its nuclear warheads BECAUSE OF THIS WICKED DEAL.

History has a way of repeating itself.  And whenever Democrats are able to affect history, you can COUNT on the fact that that history will be GODAWFUL.  And that millions of people will miserably perish as a result of that history.

Every single major war we have fought – EVERY SINGLE ONE – was fought because of Democrats.  The Civil War was started by the Democrats after the nation elected Abraham Lincoln.  And Democrats sought in vain to kill their way to slavery.  World War I was fought as a result of the moral idiocy of Woodrow Wilson, Democrat (and see here, also).  Then World War II managed to catch the already described arrogant, naïve fool otherwise named FDR completely by surprise.  Then we had Harry Truman, Democrat, fall asleep at the wheel and literally entice North Korea to attack South Korea by act of monumental stupidity

In January 1950, American Secretary of State Dean Acheson gave an important speech to the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. He vowed that the United States would always be the best ally for those in Asia who sought “their own national independence,” arguing that anyone who sought aid from the USSR would end up dominated by the totalitarian Soviets. During the same speech, however, Acheson made a fateful announcement. The United States had a vital “defensive perimeter,” he said, a line that the Soviets could never cross without threatening America’s core national security interests. In the Pacific, Acheson said, that line ran from the Aleutian Islands off Alaska to Japan, through the Ryukyu Islands between Japan and Taiwan, and south to the Philippines. Conspicuously left outside the American “defensive perimeter”: Korea.

It’s not clear that Acheson meant to send a signal to Moscow that the United States wouldn’t fight to preserve Rhee’s government in South Korea, but that’s exactly what Soviet dictator Josef Stalin interpreted Acheson’s remarks to mean.

– and American weakness after we had built the most powerful military  in the history of the world because of the mistakes of the last fool Democrat president.  The once all-powerful United States became WEAK under Democrat turd Truman.  Then we had Vietnam – otherwise known as Democrat LBJ’s War.  That was a war fought so stupidly and in such a self-defeating manner that no matter how many military victories the American serviceman won, he could not win a war that was lost by the Democrat Party politically.

Democrats ultimately would turn on their own damn war and pulled out like the cowards they are to murder millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians.  Democrats just walked away.  The same way they have walked away since from their own damn previous votes to oppose wars they voted for.  Millions perished because of Democrats’ – and therefore America’s – betrayal and abandonment.  What is ironically funny is that LBJ saw his own party becoming communist-possessed if not demon-possessed from within as this caught-on-tape quote reveals:

LBJ to Sen McGee (D-WY): “They’re going into the colleges and the faculties and the student bodies, and trying to get them to send wires that come right out of Communist headquarters.” — LBJ, Thursday, April 29, 1965, 4:29 p.m.

What was morally cancerous within the Democrat Party in 1965 is far, FAR more evil and more vile now.  We’ve got a freaking communist turd occupying the White House itself, now.  Even LBJ saw it coming.

If you were to consider actual history and consider the wars that Democrats have gotten us into, the costs and the causalities, and then compare their grim toll to the wars that Republicans have gotten us into, it is frankly beyond OBSCENE how bloody Democrat presidencies have been.  Democrats leave us wildly unprepared for war because it is their nature to spend billions – and now trillions – on anything and everything but the ONLY THING (yes, the MILITARY) that the Constitution DEMANDS the federal government spend money on.  They are pathological in their projection of weakness which encourages and emboldens our enemies to do things that will ultimately goad us into a war we wouldn’t have had to fight if we had been strong and powerful.  Then, even if we manage to win these wars, we disarm, nod off to sleep again, and repeat the cycle when Democrats are in power.  These are things called “facts.”

And the vile tendency of the Democrats to walk away from their own prior commitments (for the record, sixty percent of Senate Democrats including Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer voted to authorize the Iraq War) just happened in Iraq when Obama walked away from a hard-fought war that American troops WON.  It is very likely to happen again the same damn way in Afghanistan.

The US Senate now has sixty days to examine the Iran nuclear deal Obama “negotiated” – which will put it right smack dab in the middle of the next prophetic blood moon cycle that stands as a grim prophetic harbinger to Israel (please see here and here for the articles I’ve written about the Blood Moons).  The next Blood Moon will reach its zenith on September 28, 2015.  God is warning Israel, God is warning Christians, that Barack Obama is the very worst kind of wicked fool that there is; but because of the mystery of lawlessness – prophesied in the Bible for the last days – we live in a bizarre, apocalyptic world in which evil is transcendent and the righteous can only sit in stunned dismay as they can do nothing to stop it.  As the Bible describes it, the mystery or secret power of lawlessness has been at work all along, but it was being held back, restrained by God through His Spirit or through His Church.  But God told us that in the last days “perilous times would come” as God would begin to remove that restraint on evil so that evil would triumph.  And that ascendancy of evil would be at its zenith as the world embraces and worships a politician who will impose the ultimate form of socialist, totalitarian government onto the world in place of God.

I just want to point out that we have seen the ultimate satanic trifecta in the history of the world in the last three weeks because of Barack Obama and because of the Democrat Party which has become the most evil the most monstrous genocidal regime, the most unholy government in the history of the planet.

Democrats – and I mean every single Democrat will one day stand before a just and holy God as flames of white-hot wrath billow out of His chariot throne as He demands of them, “WHY did you murder My babies?” – are personally and individually responsible for the genocidal murder of more than sixty million innocent human beings just in the United States (the Party of Wickedness has also transported and sanctified the murder of hundreds of millions of more babies around the world).  Psalm 139 is a proof of the fact that it was GOD who formed that life in the womb that Democrats in their arrogant spirit of hate for humanity callously and brutally murder:

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” — Psalm 139:13-16

Every single Democrat voted to abort GOD in their wicked abortion machine.  Further, the murder that abortion is is further documented in the Bible in the person of John the Baptist – who leapt in his mother’s womb for joy when a pregnant Mary the mother of Jesus was near him.

We have the scientific technology of ultrasound, with 78% of women determined to have an abortion having their baby after the obvious humanity of their child is revealed to them.  We have the medical fact that babies feel the agony of abortion – and that the most innocent human beings are not merely murdered by abortion – they are actually tortured to death by abortion.  We have the documented medical proof of “The Silent Scream” that is abortion as a helpless baby is agonizingly torn apart by vicious Democrat murderers:

We have the greatest indictment of the moral criminality of Democrats at all in the Person of Jesus.  A teenage girl was pregnant and in a dire state because of her pregnancy.  And because of the Democrat Party she aborted her baby.  And one day Jesus will tell Democrats, “I never knew you, because you viciously tortured and murdered Me in the womb.  Like millions of other babies, I never lived to fulfill the mission that God gave Me to save you from your sins.  I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness!”

I declare to you that we have seen the utter, abject, unholy horror of the vicious, hateful callousness of the abortion of the soul of every single Democrat.  We now can safely testify that Democrats KNOW the humanity of the babies they are murdering by the millions, because they are trafficking in the human body parts of their murder victims. We are talking about a level of barbarity and callousness for human life that is straight out of the heart of Nazism.  Oh, yes, Democrats are every bit as evil as the Nazi doctor Mengele.

If these babies aren’t human, then how the hell can they possibly have human body parts???  That are being sold with the callousness of produce???

I have pointed this fact out before: Science is actually crystal clear on what abortion kills: we have a rigorous system called “taxonomy” that classifies every single living thing.  If it is biological, it has a classification.  And from the very moment of conception when a man and a woman first produce a child, that zygote in the womb is classified as follows: Kingdom-Animal, Phylum-Chordata, Class-Mammalia, Order-Primate, Family-Hominid, Genus-Homo and Species-Sapiens.  It is classified as homo-sapiens, just as you and I are classified as homo-sapiens.  Logic and philosophy are just as clear: that tiny little baby in the womb is human by virtue of her parents, she is a being by virtue of the fact that she exists: she is a human being.  The Word of God, religion, science, philosophy and logic all intersect here to uphold the sanctity of innocent human life in the womb.  But in these last days we are no longer a society capable of caring about such things.  Abortion is a grave moral evil; it is the genocide of the very most innocent of human life in the very place where it ought to be the very safest: in mommy’s womb.

Democrats snarl in their contempt for God and for everything that is decent and holy that they’re not murdering a “human being,” but merely a POTENTIAL human being.  Well, you butchers, then THOSE HUMAN ORGANS YOU WERE JUST CAUGHT TRAFFICKING IN ARE MERELY “POTENTIAL HUMAN ORGANS” AND THEREFORE GOOD FOR NOTHING IN THIS ACTUAL WORLD.   You are ACTUALLY murdering an actual human being.

Abortion is the vile, evil, callous, rabid hatred of human life.  And every single one of the people who support it with their votes or their actions are nothing short of future citizens of hell.

And Planned Parenthood – a vile, demonic, satanic entity created by Democrats and supported by Democrats – that just got busted trafficking in the for-profit murder of babies and then harvesting their organs for resale much the way a slaughterhouse would do with herd animals – is also THE most racist organization in the history of the world, bar NONE.

Recently I documented the pure heart of evil that is Hillary Clinton and her feverish support for racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger who said this of blacks:

“Colored people are like weeds and are to be exterminated.”


“We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities.  The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Is the EXACT same organization that Democrats today vow to continue funding no matter how obviously and blatantly and demonically evil it is proven to be.

It is a FACT that Planned Parenthood CONTINUES to target black populations in their location of baby-murdering factories.  It is a FACT that 6 out of 10 black babies are murdered by the Democrat Party.  It is a FACT that black women are more than 5 times as likely as white women to have an abortion.

But the very mass murderers of blacks – Democrats – are demonically and hypocritically slandering everyone but themselves as they scream “black lives matter” when in actual fact they rabidly hate black lives more than any other people on the face of the earth, Ku Klux Klan – (an organization created as the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party after Democrats lost a vicious war they started to keep black people in slavery) – included.

The ugly, hateful, cockroach soul that is the soul of the Democrat Party was captured when a Democrat was booed – and actually forced to apologize – for saying the unforgivable words that:

“Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter.”

The fact is that NO LIFE matters to Democrats.  The Democrat Party is the Party of the Extermination of Human Life.  Only the most wicked political party in the history of the world would have booed a statement like that.  But that’s what Democrats did when one of their own said it.

But back to that article I cited linking racist baby murderer Hillary Clinton to racist baby murderer Margaret Sanger.  I pointed out how EVIL the Democrat Party was and how they were no different than Islamic State monsters because both groups exalted in the wanton destruction of history and historic sites.  Well, guess what, the Democrat Party is just like Islamic State barbarians in another way: because both groups viciously murder human beings and then traffic in their human organs for profit.

Radical terrorist Muslims want to create a totalitarian sharia state in which they rule over everyone and everything in the name of Allah; Democrats want to create a totalitarian system in which they rule over everyone and everything based on their religion of godless secular humanism.  Atheism is every bit as much as a religion as Islam (which has been correctly defined as a political system masquerading as a religion).  The ends are identical; only the means to that end slightly differ.  Or maybe you’d argue that liberalism is a religion masquerading as a political system.

Anyway, that was JUST exposed, bringing to light the full horror of sixty million abortions in the United States that the Democrat Party is ENTIRELY responsible for and the hateful and unconstitutional decision to legalize infanticide imposed by Democrats in 1973.

Then we had the pure, satanic evil that is the approval and celebration of homosexuality that came out of the Party Of Rabid Hate For God otherwise known as the Democrat Party.

It is still a shock to me that Obama IMMEDIATELY celebrated sodomy when he lighted up his White House – not MY White House, not the American People’s White House, but the illegitimate house of a wicked man – but refused to lower the flag to half mast in mourning of five US servicemen who were murdered by what Obama just as despicably refused to acknowledge was a terrorist act.

The Word of God could not be more clear: as evil as anything we did before (even abortion), we reached our true absolute rock bottom when we stuck our national middle finger up at God and screamed, “Bring on Your wrath, God!  We all deserve to burn in hell and we want what’s coming to us!”

This is a truly morally depraved man representing a truly morally depraved disgusting sex Party that worships perverted sodomy while despising the men and women who serve the nation Obama is killing.

It is this wicked man who made that wicked treaty with wicked Iran.

And now we have the abandonment of Israel, the Death-to-America desire, underlying this Satan-inspired deal.  The ONLY reason America hasn’t already collapsed yet is that we have been Israel’s greatest ally in the world.  That historic and sacred relationship has been broken by your Traitor-in-Chief.

Given the fact that Democrats have naked contempt for the Word of God and worship homosexual sodomy on an altar of murdered babies in spite of the crystal clear ordinances of God, there is no reason that they would have any less contempt for what the Bible says prophetically.  But what it decreed 2,600 years ago is that in the last days, there would be an end-times confederation between Gog and Magog – otherwise known as Russia – and Persia – a.k.a. Iran – along with a host of nations that today are ALL Islamic states.  And this coalition will attack Israel and ignite what will ultimately be known as Armageddon.  This is described in Ezekiel 38 and 39 right after Ezekiel 37, which famously prophesied that Israel would become a nation once again literally from dead, dried-out bones.  Which was fulfilled in May, 1948 whether godless liberals want to believe it or not.  It is a miracle of divine foreknowledge that the PRECISE coalition that Ezekiel prophesied exists as we speak.

And Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat Party and Democrats have guaranteed that all of this will take place.  Whether they believe it or not.  And they will burn in hell for their unbelief and for their insanely wicked deeds.

The United Stats of America WILL fall as no other nation in the history of the world has EVER fallen.  It will be a more devastating fall because we were once a nation that called upon the God whom we now have betrayed and reviled.  Our collapse will be worse and more agonizing than any nation that has come before us.  And we will deserve it because of Obama’s and the Democrat Party’s and Democrat voters’ demonic trifecta.

The Bible TOLD Us Perilous Times Would Come: Obama Reaches Iran Nuclear Deal Threatening Israel With Armageddon On Eve Of Blood Moon

April 2, 2015

I wrote about the blood moons and Israel last year when Israel was embroiled in crisis during the two prophetic blood moons that we saw in 2014:

Four Blood Moons: The Beginning Of The End? Israel Invades Hamas After Over 1,200 Terrorist Rockets And Two Broken Cease Fires

But another year, another demon-possessed madman advancing Satan’s agenda: this time the “deal” to give Iran nuclear weapons.

And Obama and his Stooge of State John Kerry have reached this “deal” on the eve of yet another blood moon.

God told us that He put His signs in the heavens.

As the Word of God declares:

“The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.” (Joel 3:4)

And the heavens are proclaiming against us as witnesses that judgment is at hand and when it comes, WATCH OUT.  The blood moons are one of those signs heralding divine judgment.

As we speak, John Kerry has just announced that he and his Israel-despising president Obama have reached a deal with Iran (that of course the details of which they won’t release).  I don’t even have to ask the question whether any “inspections” of Iran’s nuclear ambitions will include their nuclear sites in North Korea and Syria.  (It is open source information that Iran has been housing a “special commodity” (weapons grade uranium) in North Korea that their fellow rabid fascist regime gave them in exchange for oil).  Because I know they won’t.  Because Obama thinks of Israel and America the same way I think of Obama: and I think Obama is a truly wicked man who deserves to burn in hell forever.

Obama is giving Iran hegemony over the Middle East on multiple fronts, as he grants them the prestige of being appeased by desperate Americans, as he grants them everything they want to possess a nuclear weapon on their timetable as soon as they have the reliable ballistic missiles they need to make nuclear weapons useful, as he helps them to generate a powerful economy that will dominate the region by protecting Iran from Republicans and even Democrats who can’t impose sanctions over a president hell-bent determined to shelter Iran.

A country that is as oil-rich as Iran very clearly doesn’t need nuclear power for energy and anybody who thinks otherwise is clearly too foolish not to be demon-possessed.  And in the same way, ballistic missiles without a nuclear program is rather like having Bluetooth without having a wireless device – because what the hell are you going to put on your ICBM that you spent so much time and money developing???

It’s as obvious as the signs in the heavens that Iran is working toward nuclear weapons; but these fascist fools aren’t looking at the sky, either, are they???

Meanwhile, even as Obama desperately seeks to appease Iran into a “peace in our time” nuclear deal that Iran will violate without a second thought the moment it is in their interest to do so, realize that Iran continues even as we give up the farm as our negotiation strategy to be the world’s largest terrorist threat and defeat America and American interests.  We are helpless in Yemen because Iran is stabbing us in the heart there even as Obama gives Iran hegemony over the Iraq America worked so hard and at such a dear cost to liberate.

Here we are: presented by another blood moon sign from God as Obama and Kerry boast about their wonderful “deal” with Iran in spite of the fact that Iran has NEVER negotiated in good faith, in spite of the fact that the Ayatollah has again and again stated that Iran won’t budge on its nuclear plan – he said so repeatedly in 2013 (and see here), in 2014, and yes just recently this year of 2015 (and see here) – in addition to saying “Death to America!” even as the nuke talks were taking place.   And we know that the top general of the powerful Iranian Revolutionary Guard that is the second most powerful entity in Iran after the Ayatollah said that “wiping Israel off the map is non-negotiable.”

Obama is perfectly happy to negotiate with Iran; it is only the Republicans, Israel, Netanyahu, and anybody who doesn’t have a demon screaming in their skulls – that Obama WON’T negotiate with.

I would rather be a roach than a Democrat, as one day you miserable fools will stand before God as flames of fiery wrath pour out of the wheels of His chariot throne and you stutter and stammer and claim that you didn’t know.  And the fire will pour out blue with heat and God’s voice will roar that He put His sign in the very heavens above you and all you could do was stare at them with your cow eyes while you followed the wicked fool you chose as your leader like the stupidest and most depraved sheep who ever lived.

Update, July 15, 2015: For what it’s worth, the terrible deal that Israel is bitterly denouncing was just agreed to by Obama yesterday.  The Senate will have sixty days to examine this deal, followed by a vote which will require a veto-proof majority to kill.  Which puts us right smack in the middle of the next blood moon cycle, which will reach its zenith on September 28, 2015.


The Pope Vs. Obama: One Of These Men Is A Liar Without Shame (Dishonest Liberal Pseudo-Journalism Completely Ignores Story)

March 28, 2014

This would be a funny one, if it wasn’t so tragic and so revealing as to the dishonest character of Barack Obama and the dishonesty of liberal “journalism.”

Barack Obama requested a meeting with popular Pope Francis, hoping to ride the coat tails of the popular pope.

But it turns out the two men were never in the same room, in terms of the accounts of the talk.  One of them was in his own head with demons swirling around screaming at him and couldn’t hear a word the other said.

The über-über -liberal Los Angeles Times says Obama is their messiah-pharaoh-god-king and is incapable of deceit.  So here is their account of the story highlighted on the front page of the main section of the paper:

Sharing hopes for the poor: At the Vatican, Obama’s first-ever meeting with Pope Francis focused on the marginalized”

The subheadline on the story on page A2 reads, “President and Pope Francis meet at the Vatican,  and mostly avoid the subject of U.S. bishops angry about ObamaCare..”

What is interesting about that subheading is that it is nothing more than the official propaganda of Obama and totally ignores the Pope’s own account of the meeting.  If you read the story carefully, you never get any sense or idea that there were two accounts of what happened.  There is only “Obama’s account” because Obama is everything to liberals and the sole arbiter of reality and morality and decency and deity.  And the Pope is merely a human mouthpiece for a false god.

The Washington Times reports (the actual story:

Only God knows for sure: Obama, pope differ on accounts of ‘social schisms’ talk
By Dave Boyer – The Washington Times
Thursday, March 27, 2014

President Obama’s first meeting with Pope Francis produced a little schism of its own.

The Vatican and White House gave starkly different versions Thursday of Mr. Obama’s meeting with Francis.

The president’s account downplayed the Catholic Church’s concerns about religious freedom in the United States and Obamacare’s mandate to pay for contraception.

The pontiff and the president were cordial in the televised portions of their meeting, but a subtle competition to set the agenda played out after the meeting, which went well beyond its scheduled half-hour.

“We actually didn’t talk a whole lot about social schisms in my conversations with His Holiness,” Mr. Obama said at a press conference in Rome. “In fact, that really was not a topic of conversation.”

Mr. Obama deflected a reporter’s question about the extent of his discussion with the pope on the contraceptive mandate by saying that Francis “actually did not touch in detail” on the subject. The administration has been locked in a lengthy legal and political battle with the U.S. Catholic Church hierarchy over Obamacare and issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.

The Vatican, however, issued a statement after the meeting saying the president’s discussions with Francis and two other top Vatican officials focused “on questions of particular relevance for the [Catholic] Church in [the United States], such as the exercise of the rights to religious freedom, life and conscientious objection” — issues that have fueled divisions between Mr. Obama and the church.

Although Mr. Obama wanted to highlight his bond with Francis over questions of economic inequality and helping the poor, Obamacare’s mandate for employers to pay for birth control gained more attention.

The president clearly wanted to benefit from the global popularity of the pope. Their meeting was a highlight of Mr. Obama’s foreign trip that ends Friday in Saudi Arabia, but it was at an awkward time for the president.

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the Affordable Care Act’s mandate requiring for-profit employers of a certain size to offer insurance benefits that cover birth control and other reproductive health services without a co-pay. Some employers object to the mandate on the grounds that it violates their religious beliefs.

On Barack Obama’s account, the Pope couldn’t care less about the fact that Obama is daily pissing in the eye of Catholicism while trying to gouge OUT the eyes of religious freedom altogether.

So who is the moral leader telling the truth and who is the dishonest Antichrist politician????  Hmmmm.  Boy is that one ever a head scratcher.  Until you realize…

One of these men isn’t running for anything; the other one is a pure politician who is desperately trying to save his political party from being held accountable for their evil in an election that is less than eight months away.

It is also worth considering that Barack Obama, with his incessant lie caught on video at LEAST 37 times.  He is THE most documented liar who ever lived on planet earth, bar none.  Adolf Freaking Hitler was not caught in so many lies as Obama has been caught in.

So if you have any decency, you know which of these men is lying.

The problem is that if you have any decency, you have NOTHING to do with the Democrat Party.

The Democrat Party has murdered well over 55 innocent million human beings.  Democrats are now more than five times more murderous than the Nazis – who “only” murdered 11 million in the Holocaust.

The Democrat Party is the Party of the Wrath of God according to Romans Chapter One.  Their worship of homosexual sodomy is the complete destruction of America, plain and simple.

The REAL ‘War On Women’ Party Rears Its Ugly, Mysoginist Head (Um, That’s The Democrat Party, You Know)

July 17, 2013

“War on women.”  That’s what Democrats and liberal feminists said of the Republican Party.  Because the Republican Party didn’t want to pay for liberal activist Sandra Fluke’s birth control.  The fact that Sandra Fluke outright lied about the cost of birth control (she dishonestly and frankly idiotically claimed that it cost $3,000 when in reality it cost $324 to cover the same period) didn’t matter.  Nor did it matter that in fact she easily could have accessed FREE birth control in the form of condoms from numerous sources.  The fact that Sandra Fluke as a Georgetown law school student was willing to pay $23,432.50 PER SEMESTER for her hoity-toity college but felt that birth control for $5 a month at Sam’s Club was too expensive and an outrage for women to have to buy didn’t matter.  The fact that an average Georgetown law school graduate starts out at $165,000 a year and what she was demanding was in fact a subsidy for the wealthy didn’t matter.  And of course it most certainly did not matter that Sandra Fluke literally enrolled in Georgetown – a CATHOLIC university – just so she could be a treacherous fifth column and sue them from within.  All that mattered was that demon-possessed Democrats had a slanderous rhetorical assertion and liberals are the kind of people who would much rather believe slanderous rhetorical accusations than actual reality.

You want to see which party is the real “War on Women” party in terms of the actual reality that every liberal must steadfastly ignore so they can continue to believe all the crap they believe instead?

You guessed it.  The Democrat Party.  It was true last year and it is every bit as true this year.  The Party of Weiner and the Party of Spitzer is the DEMOCRAT Party.  It’s okay to stomp on women.  Just as long as you’re a liberal.

Liberal journalist Nina Burleigh once had this to say about Bill Clinton:

“I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion  legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential  kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”

And of course, Bill Clinton would have happily thrown down the knee pads for Nina so she could serve and service her master.  The only problem was he was too busy receiving just worship from the lips of a young female intern named Monica Lewinsky whose father had donated money to Clinton’s campaign.

Pardon me for editorializing here, but that ugly mindset really encompasses liberalism.  Liberals are people who want the government to step in and do everything for them in exchange for their worship of the state and their vote for the party that seeks more and more and more power for that State.  They want your vote, of course, but a vote and getting down on your knees to give a blowjob is the true manifestation of liberalism’s worship of power and those who hold power.

I think of the utterly warped and frankly demonic and hateful worldview of Nina Burleigh and all the liberal feminists just like her.  I think of how abortion is “pro-woman” any more than it is “pro-child” to murder a child.  Do you know who abortion kills?  Today, there are more than 60 million women “missing” in Asia alone because of sex-selective abortion.   Millions of men in China – more than 24 million – will never have the possibility of having wives because so many women have been murdered via abortion that there is a radical imbalance in the gender populations.  So many girls have been murdered and simply do not exist that it cost ten years’ worth of income to have a wife in that “pro abortion society.”  And no matter what pro-abortion people may tell you, they are very much FOR forced abortions that terrorize and maim hundreds of millions of women.  400 million women have been forced to have abortions against their will in China alone, leaving a bloody path of misery and suicide and suffering OF WOMEN in its wake.  People like Nina Burleigh who want legal abortion are the guarantors of this vile demonic crime against women.  Particularly given the fact that liberal feminists are every bit as “pro-big government” as they are “the right to choose” abortion.  And if a woman should have the right to choose,” then on what basis does the state not have the right to choose?  Particularly in the leftist totalitarian societies where the state has been given the power to “choose” everything else???  And to take that stand because you are “pro-woman” is insane to the point of being demon-possessed.

“Real women” are wives and mothers; they are not single sluts whining about the need for their ultimate Man, their Savior, big government, to provide birth control for them.  And they most certainly aren’t women who murder their babies.  And to drive the point home, “real women” are most definitely NOT women who put down their damn kneepads for Bill Clinton or for any other big government bureaucrat for that matter.

We go back to the father of progressivism, Woodrow Wilson, for the genesis of this perverted party.  Wilson acknowledged in Congressional Government that “I cannot imagine power as a thing negative and not positive.”  And it was his many statements like that prompted historian Walter McDougall to sum up Woodrow Wilson thus: “If any trait bubbles up in all one reads about Wilson, it is this: he loved, craved, and in a sense glorified power.”  Wilson argued as president that he was the right hand of God and that to stand against him was to thwart the divine will.  Whereas conservatives believed that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely, the father of the progressive movement exalted in power and then more power, and believed that power accrued to whoever was truly on God’s side.

Jonah Goldberg summed it up this way:

“Doctrinaire fascism, much like communism, sold itself as an unstoppable force of divine or historical inevitability.  Those who stood in the way – the bourgeoisie, the “unfit,” the “greedy,” the “individualistic,” the “traitor,” the kulak, the Jew – could be demonized as the “other” because, at the end of the day, they were not merely expendable, nor were they merely reluctant to join the collective, they were by their very existence blocking the will to power that gave the mob and the avant-garde which claimed to speak for it their reason for existence.

Liberal men receive that worship, and liberal women can’t wait to throw down their kneepads and give it to them in one form or another.

That, for the record, is called “women’s liberation” by liberals.  I call it the lowest form of servitude imaginable.

I know that I would rather die than stand in some line with my “presidential kneepads.”  Which is what separates me from liberals.  I demand a government that stays off my damn back, not one that I should slavishly worship.  And I don’t have to thank my government for getting off my back and allowing me my freedom because the Declaration of Independence of MY founding fathers declares that my government OWES that to me.

I know, I know.  That’s just me.

Anyway, end of digression.  Let’s get back to this realization that if you want to look at the party of true “war on women,” look no further than at the Democrat Party.

Consider this editorial from a liberal in the liberal Los Angeles Times:

Women to L.A. City Hall: Remember us?
Deplorably, as of today is not a single elected woman in Los Angeles city government.

Since the LA Times staff butchered the grammar so badly, I’ll quote Lindsay Bubar and yes, our heroine Sandra Fluke:

Now, women must once again ask the city’s leaders to “remember the ladies” because, deplorably, there is not a single elected woman in Los Angeles city government.

Democrats have OWNED Los Angeles for decades.  They have OWNED it.  And just like Obama’s inner circle, no damn chicks are allowed.  Not without the proper knee-attire, anyway.  Democrats in a city that they own don’t have a single woman in office.

And women on the Democrat Party’s actual view of the world frankly ought to throw down their kneepads, get down on their knees, and shut the hell up: because Anthony Weiner says that it is inconsiderate and frankly rude to try to talk when you’re satisfying “The Weiner.”

And, with that, let’s consider the very first Democrat Mayor of San Diego in over 20 years.  And what a misogynist swine he is.  This turd’s own supporters are bringing up these charges.  The young fiance of this old piece of garbage broke up with him citing the fact that Filner “became increasingly abusive toward her and began sending sexually explicit text messages to other women in her presence.”

Frankly, according to the tenants of Bob Filner’s liberalism, I don’t know what Filner did wrong: he was merely demanding what he was entitled to, after all.  You get your welfare check, and he gets his something-something.  And Bob Filner is most certainly pro-abortion and therefore every bit as entitled to the adoration of liberal women like Nina Burleigh as Bill Clinton was.

But again, don’t ask me: ask Bill Clinton and his blowjob servant cum “journalist” Nina Burleigh.  But don’t bother trying to ask the city of Los Angeles or the administration of Barack Obama unless you’re a guy – because they won’t let you in the door.

Don’t tell me that the Republican Party is the party of war on women.  At least not until every single Democrat on earth has been hunted down, anyway.

Update: It turns out that Bob Filner CO-FOUNDED the Democrat Party’s Congressional Progressive Caucus alongside Nancy Pelosi.  This turd is classic, uberliberal through-and-through.

And Democrats knew FULL DAMN WELL about what was going on and the real party of the “war on women” couldn’t have given less of a damn.  Quote:

Former assemblywoman Lori Saldana: San Diego Democrats previously warned about Bob Filner
Past party leaders aware of allegations by women
Posted: 07/13/2013 Last Updated: 3 days ago

SAN DIEGO – Former state assemblywoman Lori Saldana told Team 10 she warned San Diego Democrats about Mayor Bob Filner’s treatment of women.

On Friday, she said she took her concerns directly to the party’s chairman.

I went to the leader, the elected leader of the county party,” Saldana said. “I expressed to him my concerns. Did he take strong enough action to make sure things would improve Apparently not.”

What did the Democrat Party completely not give a flying damn about?  Here’s a partial list:

  • the mayor has a modus operandi, a way of getting women alone and forcibly kissing and touching them
  • Filner grabbed the woman’s breast, putting his hand beneath her bra, and forced his tongue down her throat.
  • Gonzalez described certain moves Filner had that earned names among those who know him, like the “Filner dance” and the “Filner headlock.” The former was the dance they allege Filner did when he kissed a woman who was pulling away; the headlock, an overly friendly way of pulling women close to him so he could isolate them.
  • Gonzales related details from the victim who was in Filner’s employ — he said early on in the mayor’s term, she complimented the mayor, telling him he was doing a good job. The mayor responded that he would do a better job if she gave him a kiss. She laughed it off as a joke, Gonzalez said, but he said she soon became aware that the mayor was serious, continuing to harass her and others both physically and verbally.
  • “There is no circumstance under which it would be appropriate for the mayor to enter into an elevator with my client or any person who he employed and to tell them that they would do a better job on that floor if they worked without their panties on,” but that, Gonzalez said, is precisely what happened.
  • Victim Donna Frye called him “tragically unsafe for any woman to be around.”

Anybody who wants to tell you that the Republican Party has a “war on women” because Republicans believe that FEMALE babies ought to have their right to live are simply evil.  Period.

Update, July 23: I suppose I invoked the demonic little turd by saying his name, didn’t I?  But it turns out that Anthony Weiner is at it again.  Yes, at least a FULL YEAR after getting busted for “sexting” any woman who would lower herself to online sex with a rodent, Weiner got busted again.  This time – under his online name “Carlos Danger” – Weiner promised a young woman a condo and even suggested he could get her a job at liberal “news” source Politico.   The address of the condo is known: 1235 S. Prairie Ave.  Weiner wanted to set her up so he could meet her there for sex.

That is so damn Democrat Weiner – who is staying in the race because he knows that Democrats are moral cockroaches – that he ought to be praised by the Democrat Party.  All Weiner wants is to be able to selfishly exploit a young woman in return for providing her welfare.  THAT IS THE DEMOCRAT WAY.  THAT IS ALL DEMOCRATS STAND FOR.

The fact that it is demonic is entirely besides the point.

Update, July 25: Anthony Weiner says he won’t pull out of the race; like this turd would ever “pull out” of ANYTHING once he’s got his little weiner in it.  This is the story that just keeps showing us the REAL face of the Democrat Party.  We now know the name of ONE (there being about a half a dozen other new women) who came forward: Sydney Leathers.  And we know she’s an uber liberal.  First off, let’s go back and establish the pattern of liberal women showering their liberal government gods with sexual worship.  Remember our “journalist” Nina Burleigh and what she said of her government-as-savior-and-lord god Bill Clinton?

“I would be happy to give him a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion  legal. I think American women should be lining up with their presidential  kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.”

And I said in this article, published days before the Weiner sexting scandal part TWO broke that was just so damn typical of liberal feminists it wasn’t even funny.  And so we’ve got our case in point example of the day in Sydney Leathers, who said of Anthony Weiner:

“I basically worship the ground you walk on.”


“He’s [Weiner] my hero.”

And, just like Barack Hussein Obama and every OTHER Democrat cockroach who keeps crawling into government life, Leathers now says that Weiner made her “very lofty promises” – and utterly failed to keep them.

I think of our liar-in-chief and all the stinking pile of lies he told just to impose his fascist takeover of the healthcare system: if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; if you like your health plan, you’ll be able to keep your health plan; my Obamacare will cut the cost of your health care; my Obamacare won’t increase the deficit; my Obamacare will create millions of jobs.  Liberal women LOVE to be lied to; it’s only the truth and those who tell it that they despise.

It must be wonderful to be a Democrat male.  You get to be worshipped by stupid, morally-depraved women.  You get to get all sorts of “weiner benefits” in exchange for making all kinds of promises that you never have to actually keep.  And that gravy train is going to continue until you either die or until the REAL Messiah returns.  At which time you will burn in hell along with all your stupid floozies who kept voting for you.

If The Presidential Election Was Up To The American Middle Class, Mitt Romney Would DESTROY Obama By 14 Points (55 percent to 41 percent!)

September 25, 2012

Mitt Romney is heavily winning the middle class vote.  Which might just be why Obama is working so hard to destroy the middle class.

Given all the demonization of Mitt Romney as a greedy rich bastard who would attack the middle class by Obama and his roaches and the Democrat Party and all their roaches and the mainstream media (who are pretty much all roaches), this is actually pretty amazing; but Mitt Romney utterly ANNIHILATES Barack Obama with the middle class vote.

The money portions of the following article:

The past several weeks have been filled with news stories, editorials and columns heaping criticism on the tactics and strategy of the Romney campaign. Many of these opinion pieces even suggested that Romney’s only hope for winning is to make substantial changes to his campaign. Much of this analysis is based on the premise that Romney is out of touch and has not been making an affirmative case to middle-class voters. His comments at a private fundraiser in May were pointed to as an illustration that he could never identify with and win the support of many middle-class voters. We took a special look at middle-class voters, and middle-class families in particular, in this latest POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll and found that not to be the case. In fact, on every measure it is Romney who is winning the battle for the support of middle-class families.


 In our latest POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll with middle-class families, which comprise about 54 percent of the total American electorate and usually split in their vote behavior between Republicans and Democrats, Romney holds a 14-point advantage (55 percent to 41 percent). Middle-class families are more inclined to believe the country is on the wrong track (34 percent right direction, 62 percent wrong track), are more likely to hold an unfavorable view of Obama (48 percent favorable, 51 percent unfavorable), and hold a more favorable view of Romney (51 percent favorable, 44 percent unfavorable) and Paul Ryan (46 percent favorable, 35 percent unfavorable) than the overall electorate. These middle-class families also hold a majority disapproval rating on the job Obama is doing as president (45 percent approve, 54 percent disapprove), and turn even more negative toward Obama on specific areas; the economy 56 percent disapprove; spending 61 percent disapprove; taxes, 53 percent disapprove; Medicare 48 percent disapprove; and even foreign policy 50 percent disapprove.

Who speaks for the middle class?  It is Mitt Romney and it is very much NOT Barack Obama.

And that pretty much utterly destroys most of the Obama campaign and Democrat Party and mainstream media talking points (which for the record are pretty much lies).

Republican poll analysis: Romney winning with middle-class families
By: Ed Goeas and Brian Nienaber
September 24, 2012 04:34 AM EDT

In early August, with our Republican analysis of the POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll, we wrote “… this election will remain close until the final weeks of the campaign.  There will be ups and downs for both campaigns throughout the next 13 weeks, but the basic dynamics that are driving this electorate and framing this election remain well in place.”   Two conventions, and tens of millions of campaign dollars later, we continue to hold that belief.  While there have been dozens of polls released during the past six weeks that have had Mitt Romney up by as much as 4 points and Barack Obama up by as much 8 or 9, those variations have had more to do with sampling variations than with real movement in the campaign.

Yes, there have been gaffes on both sides that have been the focus of both the news media and opposing campaigns, but the dynamics that have been the real drivers of the campaign, the economy and deeply negative feelings about the direction of the country, have not changed.  There have also been negative stories about the internal operations, messaging and strategy of both presidential campaigns.  In August, leading into the Republican convention, there were multiple stories about the Obama campaign operation and internal fights about both message and strategic direction that led one to believe the wheels were coming off.  Now it is the Romney campaign’s turn.

(Also on POLITICO: Sheldon Adelson: Inside the mind of the mega-donor)

The past several weeks have been filled with news stories, editorials and columns heaping criticism on the tactics and strategy of the Romney campaign.  Many of these opinion pieces even suggested that Romney’s only hope for winning is to make substantial changes to his campaign.  Much of this analysis is based on the premise that Romney is out of touch and has not been making an affirmative case to middle-class voters. His comments at a private fundraiser in May were pointed to as an illustration that he could never identify with and win the support of many middle-class voters.  We took a special look at middle-class voters, and middle-class families in particular, in this latest POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll and found that not to be the case. In fact, on every measure it is Romney who is winning the battle for the support of middle-class families.

Overall, Obama leads Romney by just 3 points on the ballot (50 percent to 47 percent) – which before we rounded up, is actually a 2.6 point lead and only up a half-a-percentage point from the 2.1 point lead for Obama in our last Battleground poll in early August.  In our latest POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll with middle-class families, which comprise about 54 percent of the total American electorate and usually split in their vote behavior between Republicans and Democrats, Romney holds a 14-point advantage (55 percent to 41 percent).  Middle-class families are more inclined to believe the country is on the wrong track (34 percent right direction, 62 percent wrong track), are more likely to hold an unfavorable view of Obama (48 percent favorable, 51 percent unfavorable), and hold a more favorable view of Romney (51 percent favorable, 44 percent unfavorable) and Paul Ryan (46 percent favorable, 35 percent unfavorable) than the overall electorate.  These middle-class families also hold a majority disapproval rating on the job Obama is doing as president (45 percent approve, 54 percent disapprove), and turn even more negative toward  Obama on specific areas; the economy 56 percent disapprove; spending 61 percent disapprove; taxes, 53 percent disapprove; Medicare 48 percent disapprove; and even foreign policy 50 percent disapprove.

(Also on POLITICO: Mitt: Fundraising focus Obama’s fault)

All of this data make clear that Romney has won the strong support of middle-class families and is leading the president on an overwhelming majority of key measurements beyond just the ballot.  In fact, when respondents were asked who, Obama or Romney, would best handle a variety of issues, Romney led on all but one including the economy (+9 percent), foreign policy (+3 percent), spending (+15 percent), taxes (+7 percent), Medicare (+2 percent), and jobs (+10 percent).  Ironically, the one measurement Obama led Romney on was “standing up for the middle class” (+8 Obama), reinforcing that often the Democrats win the message war with the middle class, but not their hearts and souls.

Looking at this presidential election overall, intensity among voters is high with Republicans, Democrats, and now independents, and is at levels more comparable with the final days of a presidential election than six weeks out from Election Day.  In fact, fully 80 percent of voters now say that they are extremely likely to vote.  Even with the past few weeks containing some of the toughest days of earned media for the Romney campaign, and perhaps as a surprise to Washington insiders, Romney continues to win Republicans (Romney by a net +87 percent) by the same margin Obama is winning with Democrats (Obama by a net +88 percent), and is still winning with independents (+2 percent).  Romney has majority support with voters over the age of 45 (+7 percent), with men (+6 percent), with white women (+9 percent), and with married voters (+14 percent).  In addition, Romney has solidified his base.  Support among conservative voters exceeds 70 percent (73 percent), his support among very conservative voters exceeds 80 percent (83 percent), and his support among Republicans exceeds 90 percent (91 percent).  Romney is also receiving a higher level of support among Hispanics (40 percent), which is driven by higher support from Hispanic men.   

(PHOTOS: 13 who won’t quit Mitt)
Democratic pollster Celinda Lake has often made the point that Democratic voters are becoming more secular and Republicans more faith based.  That certainly appears to be holding up in this election.  Digging a little deeper on the presidential ballot, Romney has majority support (51 percent) among Catholics, which in past presidential elections has been one of the most predictive demographic groups of the eventual outcome.  Even further, Romney is a winning majority across all religions amongst those who attend services at least weekly (59 percent) or monthly (52 percent), while Obama is winning among those who attend less frequently, never, or are nonbelievers.

(PHOTOS: Romney through the years)

For most voters, however, this election is still about pocketbook issues.  Fully 66 percent of voters select a pocketbook issue as their top concern.  The Romney camp should feel good going into the three presidential debates knowing he has majority support (Romney 53 percent/Obama 44 percent) from these economically focused voters.

In fact, even with all of the misleading partisan attacks on the proposals from Ryan to reform Medicare, a majority of seniors (61 percent) select a pocketbook issue and not Medicare as their top issue of concern and nearly 6 in 10 seniors (58 percent) are voting for the Romney-Ryan ticket.

In addition to their high level of intensity about casting a ballot, many voters are already notably engaged in the campaign.  A strong majority of voters (60 percent) say they watched both the Republican and the Democratic national conventions.  The ballot among these highly attentive voters is tied with 3 percent undecided.  The conventions took a race that was a statistical tie, and simply drove up the vote intensity of all voters.  At the same time, there are enough undecided and soft voters remaining for either candidate to win. In fact, even at this stage of the campaign, 13 percent of those making a choice on the presidential ballot indicate that they would consider voting for the other candidate.

A significant number of voters report that the upcoming presidential and vice presidential debates will be extremely (11 percent) or very (12 percent) important to their vote decision.  (Twenty-six percent of Obama’s supporters currently place this high level of importance on the debates as does 20 percent of Romney supporters.)  This means the debates are one of the best opportunities available for Romney to take votes from Obama.  If Romney can continue to make a solid case about turning around the economy and the direction of the country in contrast to the president’s failed economic policies, these voters will be watching and many of them are currently Obama supporters.

Presidential reelection races are almost always about the incumbent and whether or not they should be given an additional four years in office.  This race looks to be no different.  There is no sign of any good economic news on the horizon and two-thirds of the American electorate is focused on pocketbook issues as their top concern.  Fifty-seven percent of these voters disapprove of the job the president is doing on the economy, 62 percent disapprove in his handling of the budget and federal spending, and 54 percent believe that Romney would be better at job creation. Yes, Romney has the issue advantage with these pocketbook-focused voters, and is winning their support by 53 percent to Obama’s 44 percent.

More important, in this latest set of data in the POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll, is the fact that Romney is also winning by a strong 14-point margin over Obama with middle-class families, a group of voters that is not only a majority of the American electorate, but is usually seen as the ultimate target group in any presidential election.

Romney has particularly been demonized by the axis of evil (Obama camp, Democrat Party and mainstream media) over his “47%” quote. 

Romney was obviously trying to simplify something that is more complex and committed the sin of oversimplifying.  The Obama who can do no wrong with the mainstream media can get away with a thousand of those, but Romney can count on the media “reminding” voters of that remark at least 20 times a day every single day until the election.  Basically, there are obviously two groups who will vote heavily for Obama: the lazy class and the elite class.

Hollywood is so massively in Obama’s corner you’re going to be seeing desperate appeals supporting ObamaCare even in primetime network dramas.  And what is Hollywood?  It’s a bunch of greedy liberal hypocrites who make buttloads of money while pursuing tax credits for the richest people ( hiring lobbyists to do it, btw) and outsourcing to foreign countries so they can make even MORE money.  Uberliberal Michael Moore is a particularly loathsome specimin of Hollywood hypocrite, for the record.

They’re rich.  They pay taxes (well, some of them do, excluding the ones like Marc Anthony who most fervently support Obama while thinking they’re above paying taxes).  Just like some of Obama’s staff actually stoop to pay the taxes they owe.

And then there are all the lazy little low class bottom feeders who do exactly what Mitt Romney said they do.

And the axis of evil deliberately misrepresented that “47 percent” statement to try to demonize Romney with the middle class.

But apparently a whopping majority of the middle class know full damn well who the malicious deceitful hypocrites Obama, Democrats and their media propagandists are.

There are a lot of despicable people undermining the once great and powerful America.  But by a wide margin – and completely contrary to the false narratives the Democrats and their media allies keep telling us – the middle class are not among them.

That fact makes me feel better about the American people than I have felt for quite a while.

Just yesterday, I documented how pathologically dishonest the mainstream media are in a microcosm with their blatant overestimation of how many people showed up at an Obama event.  That same day I also documented that Obama has destroyed 4 million jobs and gutted labor participation in America.  And if that wasn’t enough, I also documented how truly un-American Obama is with this “Obama States of America flag” garbage.

That’s why NOBODY in the middle class ought to be voting for Obama.

Vile Leftwing Professor Pours Hypocritical Hate On Congressman Paul Ryan For Drinking Glass Of Wine

July 11, 2011

It was just last week that I was able to look at Democrats’ personal behavior toward others and show that they as a species were really quite indistinguishable from cockroaches.

And here we are again, with cockroaches I mean Democrats being cockroaches I mean Democrats.

Rep. Ryan was at a restaurant with a dinner party when out of the blue this vile professor comes over and goes ballistic at his table, creating a giant scene until she was thrown out on her ear for being so rude and hateful.

It would probably be better if the management simply asked people at the door what party they belonged to and blocked Democrats as haters BEFORE they barged in and started scenes, in my view.

The following article asks some pretty wonderful questions of this leftwing self-righteous hypocrite.  I then have more piling on to do when Byron York gets done with this liberal turd:

Paul Ryan accuser won’t talk
By:Byron York | Chief Political Correspondent Follow Him @ByronYork | 07/11/11 8:47 AM.

Susan Feinberg, an associate professor of management and global business at  Rutgers University, caused a stir in the left-wing blogosphere over the weekend  with her account of witnessing House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan  drinking a glass of $350-a-bottle wine at an upscale restaurant near the  Capitol.  (Feinberg, who was at the restaurant, Bistro Bis, with her  husband to celebrate her birthday, knew the wine was pricey because she could  make out the name on the label and checked it on the wine list.)  Feinberg  confronted Ryan, accusing him of hypocrisy for drinking an expensive wine while  advocating reduced spending for Medicare and Medicaid.  But she didn’t stop  there.  Feinberg also suggested Ryan might be guilty of ethics violations,  secretly snapped a photo of him and two dinner companions, and then took the  “story” to Talking Points Memo, the lefty site which ran a high-profile  piece suggesting Ryan might be guilty of some sort of wrongdoing.

Ryan told TPM that his two dinner-mates had ordered the wine, and that he,  Ryan, didn’t know what it cost and drank only one glass.  Ryan’s  explanation was supported by TPM’s account, presumably based on Feinberg’s  recollection, which said that when Feinberg confronted Ryan about the cost of  his wine, “Ryan said only: ‘Is that how much it was?'”

Nevertheless, Feinberg and TPM hinted that Ryan might have violated House  ethics rules by accepting an expensive meal from lobbyists.  But it turned  out that the two men with whom Ryan was dining were, as he said, economists and  not lobbyists.  Feinberg and TPM also suggested that Ryan might have  violated House rules against accepting gifts in general.  But it turned out  that Ryan had paid for his meal and wine — Ryan even showed TPM his copy of the  receipt, which TPM then posted on the web.

Having failed to catch Ryan in an act of wrongdoing, Feinberg and TPM accused  him of hypocrisy. Ryan’s dining companions, one of whom was a wealthy hedge-fund  manager, ordered two bottles of the $350 wine.  Ryan, by his own account,  drank one glass but nevertheless paid for one of the bottles.  But the $700  wine bill outraged Feinberg and her husband, who were at the restaurant to  celebrate her birthday.  “We were just stunned,” she told TPM. “I was an  economist so I started doing the envelope calculations and quickly figured out  that those two bottles of wine was more [sic] than two-income working family  making minimum wage earned in a week.” When she had finished her own meal,  Feinberg confronted Ryan and angrily asked him “how he could live with himself”  for drinking expensive wine while advocating cuts in Medicare and  Medicaid.  Feinberg left the restaurant after management intervened.

In one brief and unpleasant moment, Ryan got a taste of 2012-style political  combat in which everyone, everywhere is a potential opposition campaign tracker  and there are plenty of press outlets ready to publish a tracker’s  accusations.

On Saturday, I sent Feinberg an email asking a few questions about the  incident and about her unhappiness with Ryan.  First, the photo she snapped  of Ryan and two men sitting a few tables away appeared to be taken from her own  table, and on that table was a bottle of wine.  (Feinberg told TPM that she  and her husband had shared a “bottle of great wine.”)  A check of the  Bistro Bis wine list — in much the way that Feinberg did at the restaurant —  shows that the wine was a Thierry et Pascale Matrot 2005 Meursault, which is $80  per bottle at Bistro Bis. Was that, in fact, Feinberg’s bottle of wine?

I asked Feinberg, an economist, what price constituted outrageous in her  mind.  Would she have been as upset if Ryan’s wine were $150 a  bottle?  Or $100 a bottle?  Or perhaps $80 a bottle, like her own —  which is, after all, more than a day’s labor for a worker making the minimum  wage.

If the problem was not just the wine’s cost, then what other factors were  involved in Feinberg’s anger? Was it because she thought Rep. Ryan was a  hypocrite for drinking expensive wine while recommending reduced spending on  Medicare and Medicaid?  Was it because she believed Rep. Ryan was corrupt  for drinking with two men she suspected were lobbyists?  And finally, did  Feinberg believe she behaved appropriately in the matter?  Would it be  appropriate for a conservative who felt strongly about, say, Rep. Nancy Pelosi,  or Rep. Barney Frank, to do something similar to them under similar  circumstances?

Feinberg’s response was brief: “I’m sorry.  I have no comment on  this.”

After the TPM story was published, a number of left-leaning websites picked  up the tale.  New York magazine wrote that Ryan has “$350, fiscally  imprudent, fancypants” taste in wine.  The Atlantic wrote that Ryan “is in  the habit of drinking $350-a-bottle wine,” although the publication presented no  evidence to support that contention. The Atlantic also expressed hope that the  wine story would become as much of a political burden on Ryan as the $400  haircut was on former presidential candidate John Edwards.

Ryan himself is downplaying, but not avoiding, the matter.  He answered  questions from TPM, producing the receipt, but has said little else.  When  asked whether incidents like this might happen again in the future, with  Democrats and Republicans engaged in mortal combat over federal spending, a  person close to Ryan said only: “I would hope that it was just one woman who had  a little too much to drink and had a little too much fire in her belly and just  decided to cross a line.  Paul is more than happy to have a debate and  understands that people disagree with him, but there’s a right way and a wrong  way to do that.”

It turns out that this Professor Susan Feinberg worked on John Kerry’s campaign.  The relevant facts about Senator John Kerry and his rich liberal activist wife occur near the end of this very recently written piece (again, Democrats are just hypocrites ALL the time; there’s literally ALWAYS something to prove it constantly going on):

 Did you know, for instance, this about Barack Obama?

Prior to his run for President, Barack and Michelle Obama were in the top 2% of income earners, but actually gave less than the average American in charitable giving.

Obama gave .4% of his income.  In spite of being rich, and being in the top richest 2% of Americans, Obama gave only $1,050 to charity.  When the average American household (that’s mostly us in the bottom 98%) gave $1,872, which was 2.2% of their incomes.

For the record, Barack Obama was 450% more selfish, more stingy, more greedy and more self-centered than the average American.  Even though the average American had nowhere NEAR Obama’s wealth.  And that is a documented fact.  And let’s also consider how much Michelle Obama earned by receiving lavish political patronage because of her husband’s career.

And then you find that as cheap and chintzy and stingy and selfish as the redistribution of wealth president (a.k.a. Barry Hussein) was before he decided to run for president, his vice president was even STINGIER.  Because Joe Biden gave less than one-eighth of one percent of his wealth to charity.

And, of course, Democrats who lecture us on “paying our fair share” while they either welch on their debts, refuse to contribute to charity, cheat on their taxes, or all damn three are a dime a dozen.  Let’s have a few prominent examples: Bill and Hillary Clinton, who have largely welched on Hillary’s campaign debts.  There’s Charlie Rangel, the man who chaired the committee that wrote the tax laws while not bothering to pay his own damn taxes.  There’s “Turbo Tax” Timothy Geithner, the man in charge of the Treasury and I.R.S. who didn’t bother to pay his own taxes.  There’s former Democrat candidate for president John Kerry, a millionaire, who tried to wriggle away like the worm he is from paying the taxes he should have paid on his yacht.  There’s Kerry’s wife and fellow Democrat Teresa Heinz-Kerry, who in spite of inheriting the Heinz fortune actually pays less in taxes than the median American family.  And then there’s a bunch of more garden variety cockroach Democrats such as Eric Holder, Tom Daschle, Bill Richardson, and Claire McCaskill.  And the vile putrid bunch of Democrats running Bell, California.

And let me throw in “San Fran Nan” Nancy Pelosi into the mix.  Here’s an already filthy rich woman who increased her wealth by 62% last year while millions of Americans are suffering.  She’d certainly be one who would say, “Screw America, screw the American people and screw the unemployment rate; I’m getting MINE.

These are the hypocrite vermin who constantly lecture us about how “the rich should pay their fair share.”  And these slime certainly should.  But of course, while they screech the Marxist screed of class warfare, they know that they’ve written the tax laws to benefit themselves and their supporters – to the extent they even bother to follow those tax laws that they demand everybody else follow to begin with.

“The audacity of indifference.”

You think these people don’t know their way around $350 bottles of wine the way you know the way to the bathroom in your own home?

Let’s get back to Susan Feinberg and the guy she thought deserved to be president.  John Kerry’s wife is a filthy rich heiress who inhereited the Heinz fortune.  But guess how much taxes she pays?  She’s structured it so she actually pays less than the median American family.  Did she HAVE to do that?  Oh, no.  She just wanted to screw you, the typical taxpayer, by using every possible gimmick to lessen her tax burden even while she self-righteously lectures everybody else about their “duty to pay more.”  SHE could pay more, but she is a liberal, and ergo sum a hypocrite.

How about John Kerry himself?  Well, John Kerry splurged on himself to buy a $7 million yacht.  Not feeling any need to give American workers jobs, Kerry opted to buy his yacht in New Zealand.  And then, not feeling any need to pay taxes, Kerry opted to moor his yacht in Rhode Island rather than in his own state of Massachusetts, so he could save $1/2 a million in tax.  But that doesn’t stop him from lecturing everybody else.

And, according to garden variety self-righteous liberal hypocrite Susan Feinberg, THIS behavior is just fine.  It’s that Ryan guy who was actually himself rather surprised at how much it costs to have dinner with rich friends (I’ve experienced that myself when I looked at a tab from a restaurant a date or a friend have suggested in the past) who is evil.

A small government free market guy who believes people should be free to keep and spend their own money having a $350 bottle of wine is not hypocritical; a liberal who says the rich should pay more in taxes while welching on his or her own taxes is, by contrast, a quintessential hypocrite.

I’d say I was amazed at the chutzpah of a liberal who goes to dine at a high-end restaurant and then is appalled that a Republican would actually go to the same restautant.  But I have long come to understand that the essential ingredient to liberalism is blatant abject hypocrisy.  To put it in the context of her own story, “When she had finished her own pricey meal, she got up and rudely gave Paul Ryan a facefull of the hell her husband tragically has to live with every night of his life for daring to have a pricey meal.”

Do You Truly Love Your Country? It’s Now Official: That Means You’re A Right-Wing Republican

July 2, 2011

I’ve been saying DemonCrats (that’s “Demonic Bureaucrats,” which is what “Democrat” truly stands for) despise their country.  Now I’ve got über-liberal Harvard to back me up.  Which is to say that this isn’t a case of Sarah Palin blasting away at Democrats and claiming Democrats don’t love their country; it’s an example of the liberal intelligentsia itself claiming that Democrats don’t love their country:

Harvard: July 4th Parades Are Right-Wing
By Paul Bedard
Posted: June 30, 2011

Democratic political candidates can skip this weekend’s July 4th parades.  A new Harvard University study finds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans, turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day.

“Fourth of July celebrations in the United States shape the nation’s  political landscape by forming beliefs and increasing participation,  primarily in favor of the Republican Party,” said the report from  Harvard.

“The political right has been more successful in appropriating American patriotism and its symbols during the 20th century. Survey evidence also confirms that Republicans consider themselves more patriotic than Democrats. According to this interpretation, there is a political congruence between the patriotism promoted on Fourth of July and the values associated with the Republican party. Fourth of July celebrations in Republican dominated counties may thus be more politically biased events that socialize children into Republicans,” write Harvard Kennedy School Assistant Professor David Yanagizawa-Drott and Bocconi University Assistant Professor Andreas Madestam.

Their findings also suggest that Democrats gain nothing from July 4th parades, likely a shocking result for all the Democratic politicians who march in them.

“There is no evidence of an increased likelihood of identifying as a Democrat, indicating that Fourth of July shifts preferences to the right rather than increasing political polarization,” the two wrote.

The three key findings of those attending July 4th celebrations:

  • When done before the age of 18, it increases the likelihood of a youth identifying as a Republican by at least 2 percent.
  • It raises the likelihood that parade watchers will vote for a Republican candidate by 4 percent.
  • It boosts the likelihood a reveler will vote by about 1 percent and increases the chances they’ll make a political contribution by 3 percent.

What’s more, the impact isn’t fleeting. “Surprisingly, the estimates show that the impact on political preferences is permanent, with no evidence of the effects depreciating as individuals become older,”said the Harvard report.

Finally, the report suggests that if people are looking for a super-patriotic July 4th, though should head to Republican towns. “Republican adults celebrate Fourth of July more intensively in the first place.”

Conservatives have American Indendence Day, which we celebrate on July 4th in honor of our Declaration of Independence.  Democrats hate the Declaration of Independence because it bases our separation from Great Britain on GOD and establishes the new nation that would consequently be born as a Judeo-Christian one.  Liberals have Marxist May Day, i.e. DEpendence Day, instead.

It’s rather interesting, actually.  I think of the analogy of the “Naksa”, or Israel’s defeat of Arab armies in the 1967 Six-Day War.  It’s a day of celebration for Israelis, and a day of mourning for Palestinians.  It’s a shame that Independence Day is nothing worthy of celebrating for Democrats.  But when you realize that the independence and liberty the founding fathers created was independence and liberty from big government totalitarianism, and that Democrats yearn for the very thing that our founding fathers delivered us from, it starts to make perfect sense.  Ben Franklin said, “Any people that would give up liberty for a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety.”  And Democrats who dream of a big government nanny state say, “Amen!  Where can see sign up for that?”

Liberals have always despised the Constitution, because it gets in their way of imposing their will on society.  A couple of very recent examples:

Time Magazine: “We can pat ourselves on the back about the past 223 years, but we cannot let the Constitution become an obstacle to the U.S.’s moving into the future with a sensible health care system, a globalized economy, an evolving sense of civil and political rights.”


The Constitution does not protect our spirit of liberty; our spirit of liberty protects the Constitution. The Constitution serves the nation; the nation does not serve the Constitution.”

And let’s not forget Fareed Zakaria, who recently said America should be more like Iceland – which ripped its Constitution up and is now writing a new one on Facebook.

We can go back to Woodrow Wilson, “the father of the progressive movement,” and see how Democrats have always felt about the Constitution:

President Woodrow Wilson was an early progressive who actively rejected what the founding fathers said and intended. He argued that the meaning of the Constitution should be interpreted by judges, and not based on its words.

In his book, Constitutional Government in the United States, Wilson wrote: “We can say without the least disparagement or even criticism of the Supreme Court of the United States that at its hands the Constitution has received an adaptation and an elaboration which would fill its framers of the simple days of 1787 with nothing less than amazement. The explicitly granted powers of the Constitution are what they always were; but the powers drawn from it by implication have grown and multiplied beyond all expectation, and each generation of statesmen looks to the Supreme Court to supply the interpretation which will serve the needs of the day.”

Wilson and other progressives have failed to understand the consequence of rewriting the Constitution’s meaning and ignoring the intentions of the founding fathers. If this generation is not bound by yesterday’s law, then future generations will not be bound by today’s law.

If law is not a body of rules and can be arbitrarily manipulated, then the rule of man trumps the rule of law. And the founding principle that “all men are created equal” is replaced by “some men are more equal than others.” When people are governed by self-anointed rulers instead of elected representatives, they cannot be free.

When the Constitution was written, it was a radical departure from the despotic governments of its time. While Europeans were being ruled by the arbitrary edicts of kings, Americans revolted so they could become a self-governing people.

Because the founding fathers understood human nature, they structured the Constitution to permanently protect the people from the human shortcomings of their leaders. Human nature has not changed since America’s founding. So the need still exists for the protection provided by the Constitution.

And as Mark Levin points out, we can actually go back before that to see how liberals undermined America and undermined the Constitution by finding judges who would “interpret” it rather than just read it.  Consider slavery, and consider the fact that the Democrat Party was the party of slavery and that the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party.  And what justified slavery in the face of our founding documents which clearly condemned slavery?  Liberal activist judges:

Levin: Activist Supreme Courts are not new. The Dred Scott decision in 1856, imposing slavery in free territories; the Plessy decision in 1896, imposing segregation on a private railroad company; the Korematsu decision in 1944, upholding Franklin Roosevelt’s internment of American citizens, mostly Japanese Americans; and the Roe decision in 1973, imposing abortion on the entire nation; are examples of the consequences of activist Courts and justices. Far from being imbued with special insight, these decisions have had dire consequences for our governmental system and for society.

And we can go back well before that, too.  We can go all the way back to Thomas Jefferson, who warned us of the horror of judicial activism:

“This member of the Government was at first considered as the most harmless and helpless of all its organs. But it has proved that the power of declaring what the law is, ad libitum, by sapping and mining slyly and without alarm the foundations of the Constitution, can do what open force would not dare to attempt.”
—Thomas Jefferson to Edward Livingston, 1825. ME 16:114

“The Constitution . . . meant that its coordinate branches should be checks on each other.  But the opinion which gives to the judges the right to decide what laws are constitutional and what not, not only for themselves in their own sphere of action but for the Legislature and Executive also in their spheres, would make the Judiciary a despotic branch.”
—Thomas Jefferson to Abigail Adams, 1804. ME 11:51

“To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions [is] a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy. Our judges are as honest as other men and not more so. They have with others the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps.  Their maxim is boni judicis est ampliare jurisdictionem [good justice is broad jurisdiction], and their power the more dangerous as they are in office for life and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal, knowing that to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time and party, its members would become despots. It has more wisely made all the departments co-equal and co-sovereign within themselves.”
—Thomas Jefferson to William C. Jarvis, 1820. ME 15:277

Democrats don’t love America.  They haven’t for a long time.  For my entire life, in fact.

America is based on the idea that man can govern himself, and that man can govern himself and should govern himself, within the just parameters of the Constitution they so painstakingly crafted for us:

The form of government secured by the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolution, and the Constitution is unique in history and reflects the strongly held beliefs of the American Revolutionaries.

At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powell anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: “Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” “A republic if you can keep it” responded Franklin.

The term republic had a significant meaning for both of them and all early Americans. It meant a lot more than just representative government and was a form of government in stark contrast to pure democracy where the majority dictated laws and rights. And getting rid of the English monarchy was what the Revolution was all about, so a monarchy was out of the question.

The American Republic required strict limitation of government power. Those powers permitted would be precisely defined and delegated by the people, with all public officials being bound by their oath of office to uphold the Constitution. The democratic process would be limited to the election of our leaders and not used for granting special privileges to any group or individual nor for defining rights.

But Democrats have always despised our founding fathers and the republic they gave us.  Thomas Jefferson said:

“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”

I think of Jefferson’s words when I hear the union mobs that shout down others and riot while mindlessly chanting, “THIS is what Democracy looks like!” (See also here).

And Democrats are at the core of this anti-American garbage.  See here.  And here.  And here. And here.  And hereDemocrats were completely at home voting for a president who believes:

“I think that we can say that the Constitution reflected the enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day and that the framers had that same blind spot. I don’t think the two views are contradictory to say that it was a remarkable political document that paved the way for where we are now and to say that it also reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.”

And when you read our founding fathers, and understand their arguments and their worldview, you can readily understand why Obama has to characterize the founding fathers and the Constitution they wrote as “blind.”

Because Thomas Jefferson also said things like:

“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have.”


“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”


“The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”


“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”


“To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”


“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government”

But these notions are fundamentally incompatible with the vision of “America” Democrats have for this country.  Which is why the founding fathers must be destroyed; their integrity demolished; their wisdom undermined.

Don’t tell me you love America, Democrats.  You hate it.  You’ve hated it for a long time.  That’s why you embrace the following vision of this founding father:

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”

The problem is that yours isn’t a founding father of America, but rather the founding father of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.  That quote that Democrats all affirm came from Karl Marx (see Obama’s paraphrase: “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”)  And if you are a Democrat who doesn’t affirm that statement, than explain to me as a Democrat why this central defining statement of communism – which flies in the face of what America’s founding fathers said – is in fact demonic and evil.  And then explain to me how that statement has no part with the Democrat Party.  Please.

Update, July 2: Someone sent me the link to this excellent piece by Ellis Washington which raises some of the same issues I raise above.  It’s worth a read.

Turning The Tables On Vicious Rolling Stone Leftist Attack Piece On Michelle Palin (Among Other Things, They Plagiarized).

June 24, 2011

There was a particularly vicious leftwing assault by leftwing rag The Rolling Stone. The only time I ever hear anything about Rolling Stone Magazine is when they do something particularly vile, because on their best day they are still vile and so why read them?  Their last infamous hit piece (on General Stanley McChrystal) was also filled with fraud.  But what can you say?  Liberals are people who swim in an ocean of lies; and why should they be troubled when the people they trust to lie to them turn out to be dishonest???

There are such lines in the Rolling Stone piece as “Bachmann is a religious zealot whose brain is a raging electrical storm of divine visions and paranoid delusions.” I don’t need to read further than that. It was a toxic, rabid hit piece by toxic, rabid secular humanist liberals.

But let us consider the “standards” of journalism that these people follow. Let us consider who the REAL religious zealots whose brains are raging electrical storms of demonic visions and paranoid delusions are. Let us consider who should have the last laugh, and who should be fired as disgraces:

Rolling Stone caught in potential plagiarism flap over Michele Bachmann profile
By Joe Pompeo & Dylan Stableford
June 24, 2011

It’s been a few months since we’ve had ourselves a good-old plagiarism incident to get riled up about. But thanks to Rolling Stone, our sleepy summer Friday just got a bit more scandalous!

The magazine is taking some heat today for lifting quotes in Matt Taibbi’s hit piece on Minnesota’s 2012 Tea Party hopeful Michele Bachmann.

In the story, posted online Wednesday, Taibbi borrows heavily from a 2006 profile of Bachmann by G.R. Anderson, a former Minneapolis City Pages reporter who now teaches journalism at the University of Minnesota. The thin sourcing, as Abe Sauer argues over at The Awl, is part of a “parade of uncredited use of material” from local blogs and reporters who “have dogged Bachmann for years now.”

But the larger issue for journalism’s ethical watchdogs concerns the several unattributed quotes Sauer spotted in Taibbi’s piece, which Rolling Stone executive editor Eric Bates explained away by saying he’d cut out the attributions due to “space concerns” and that he would “get some links included in the story online.”

At least one plagiarism “expert” doesn’t buy Bates’ logic.

“Attribution is the last thing an editor should cut!!!!” Jack Shafer, who is known to grill copy-stealers in his media column for Slate (and who used to edit two alt-weeklies similar to City Pages), told The Cutline via email. “How big was the art hole on that piece? Huge, I’ll bet.”

Shafer added: “If an editor deletes attribution, can the writer be called a plagiarist? I don’t think so. Is that what happened? If Taibbi approved the deletions, it’s another question.”

We emailed Taibbi, who is no stranger to press controversies, with a request for comment and will update this if we hear back.

UPDATE 4 p.m. “I did in fact refer to the City Pages piece in the draft I submitted,” Taibbi told The Cutline. “I did not see that those attributions had been removed. I grew up in alternative newspapers and have been in the position the City Pages reporter is in, so I’m sympathetic. They did good work in that piece and deserve to be credited. But you should know also that this isn’t plagiarism–it’s not even an allegation of plagiarism. It’s an attribution issue.”

In the meantime, Anderson is giving Rolling Stone the benefit of the doubt, although he didn’t let them off the hook entirely.

“I would not consider what the Rolling Stone [piece] contained in it to be plagiarism,” Anderson told City Pages. “What I will say, as a graduate of the Columbia J-School, and an adjunct at the University of Minnesota J-School, I do know that if a student handed in a story with that particular lack of sourcing, not only would I give it an ‘F,’ I would probably put that student on academic fraud.”

You can check out a side-by-side comparison of the two Bachmann profiles over at The Awl.

What is particularly ironic is the use of an image of Michelle Bachmann as holy warrior, gripping the Bible in one hand and a sword dripping in blood in the other as a bloody slaughter continues unabated in the background. It’s an image that is intended to summon the most grisly spectre of the Crusades, of course.

Accompanying the Rolling Stone article on Bachmann:

At the worst of the Crusades, the “Christian warriors” were given Absolution for their sins for taking part in the Holy War. You could literally get away with murder. And too many did just that (at least until they found out the hard way that the Pope’s absolution didn’t give them absolution from a just and holy God).

Now, let us consider the irony of the “Absolution” given by the left. Women are sacred cows (now watch me get attacked as calling women “cows”) in liberalism. You do not DARE attack women. Unless they are conservative women like Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. And then liberals are given total Absolution to attack them as women, as wives, as mothers, as sexual beings, as anything that smears them and degrades them. And they have absolution to do it; no women’s group will come after them. Their sins are pardoned.

Call it a leftwing Crusade; better yet, call it a leftwing jihad.  “Kill thee all the enemies of liberalism.  Nullus Dues lo volt! [No God wills it!].  Thous hast absolution to murder thine opponents by any means necessary!”  And off these “journalists” (or JournoLists) go to do their demonic bidding.

A similar case of such liberal Absolution just occurred with Jon Stewart, who mocked black conservative Herman Cain in an obviously racial and racist manner using his Amos and Andy voice. It’s fine; a Jon Stewart liberal can openly racially mock a black man, provided that black man is a conservative. It’s no different than the most cynical criticism of Pope Pius in the Crusades, who said it was okay to murder as long as you were murdering a Muslim.

We see their “objective” work when they flood to Alaska to search through tens of thousands of Sarah Palin emails and even enlist their readers to help them dig for dirt.  They never would have DREAMED of subpeoning Barak Obama’s emails.  We see their “objective” work when they trip all over themselves to buy a story about a bogus lesbian Muslim heroine (i.e. more liberal fraud) just because she was lesbian and Muslim, and that’s exactly what they wanted to see.

I would love nothing more than to have all the Western “journalists” who have played these games grabbed up and taken to a country governed by Islam and watch the look on their formerly smug faces as they were tortured and killed one after another. Until that day, they will continue to serve as useful idiots for communism and terrorism and pretty much every other “ism” that is eroding Western Culture from within.

Add that abject hypocrisy of the left to the fact that for a writer anything resembling plagiarism is the greatest sin imaginable, and you get to see just how utterly vile these people are. They have no honor, no integrity, no decency. Period.

And then we compare the sheer number of plagiarism cases at leftwing papers such as the New York Times (I’ll just drop a couple of names like Jayson Blair and Maureen Dowd and Zachery Kouwe) to conservative papers like the Wall Street Journal, and you see which side simply has no honor, integrity, or decency at all.  But what should we expect from such a rabid little bunch of Goebbels?  Honesty?

It is also interesting to add that the Crusaders were in fact responding to CENTURIES of Muslim aggression. While many of the monstrous acts that occurred on both sides could never be justified, “the Crusades” themselves were quite justifiable. I make mention of this because the left continues to do to the Crusades what they are doing even today; take the side of the aggressive vicious murderers against Western Culture. And when you look at a major rundown of major plagiarism cases in journalism, it’s the leftwing names like the Washington Post and the Boston Globe and ESPN rather than Fox News.

When America is sufficiently toxic and ripe for judgment, it listens to lies and the bad people who tell those lies and votes for Democrats.  That’s basically where we seem to be now.

Oh, by the way, Barack Obama is a documented plagiarist, too.  That’s part of the reason liberal journalists love him so much; he’s truly one of them.