Archive for the ‘John Kerry’ Category

The State Of The Union Is TERROR. Obama Has Failed The World And Is Determined To Bring Terrorism Into America.

March 23, 2016

A terror attack in Brussels ought to terrorize the United States and the American people: at least nine of the victims are Americans.

A scripture passage from Mark chapter 12 is highly illustrative when it comes to why Obama will NOT fight terror or even acknowledge that it is a real thing that needs to BE fought:

22 Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him, so that the blind and[a] mute man both spoke and saw. 23 And all the multitudes were amazed and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”

24 Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub,[b] the ruler of the demons.”

25 But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?

Obama won’t fight evil because the man himself IS evil.  And evil will not fight evil, because a house divided cannot stand.

You know, the way Obama has divided America and put us at each other’s throats.  Obama has created a spirit of rage and hate and distrust and contempt for both parties and for all government: that’s why we not only have Donald Trump, but Bernie Sanders.  The only reason the Democrat Party isn’t melting down with Sanders taking 71% of all Democrats under 30 years old is because it has an intrinsically and pathologically fascist “super delegate” category in which the Party has lock-step control of the election rather than any genuine “democracy” or “vote.”

You want to talk about Donald Trump?  Okay, let’s.  I PREDICTED that a Donald Trump would arise because of Obama’s spirit of divisive hate in which he broke America into groups and pitted one group against another: race against race, gender against gender, income level against income level, religion against contempt of religion.  And dividing, he conquered by a fifty-plus-one margin that left the rest of the nation seething with increasing rage as he imposed his ideology like a tyrant emperor.  And then Obama set out to break the Republican Party by issuing sweeping executive orders that split the Republican Party as they scrambled and divided in their attempt to react to and deal with naked fascism.  My words on June 18, 2012:

Obama’s strategy is to set aside and flatly ignore the law for his own political benefit.  Every American who is not deeply troubled by that – troubled enough to not vote for this fascist – is UN-American.

What Obama has done is provide an example of out-and-out lawlessness on the part of the president of the United States.  And when we get a hard-core right wing president the way Obama has been a hard-core left wing president, Obama and the Democrat Party and all of those who voted for Obama and the Democrat Party will be entirely to blame for that president and his extremist actions.  You mark my words.  Because what goes around comes around, and if a Democrat can set aside the law the way Obama has now repeatedly done, well, guess who’s going to be stomping on your necks under your own president’s prior justification???  Conservatives are rising up in a spirit of righteous outrage.  You have repeatedly slapped us in the face through your messiah Obama, and the time is coming when we’re going to punch you hard in the nose and then keep on punching.  And when that day comes, liberals, look to yourselves for blame.

I told you it would happen and I told you it would happen because of Obama’s hate.  And it happened just as I told you.  Which is why my prediction now stands as a naked FACT as to WHO divided America.

So America is now hopelessly divided because of Obama.  Our allies are weak and won’t support us because they cannot trust our strong commitment.  Because of Obama.  And our worst, most mortal enemies are emboldened and united like they’ve never been.  Because of Obama.

Obama has broken America’s faith; we are severed from GOD because of this wicked man who claimed that “As a Christian, I believe marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman.”  But wicked man the liar is, he wickedly LIED out of the most craven, most cynical, political reasons.  Obama’s “Christianity” stands for and means less than one of my dog’s poops in the backyard stands for and means.  It is utterly worthless and means nothing and stands for less than nothing.  And now our “religion” is no different whatsoever than the agenda wishlist of the atheist American Civil Liberties Union whose founder once declared, “Communism is the goal.”

“God DAMN America,” Obama’s spiritual leader and mentor said:

Mission accomplished.  Obama is celebrating because those words “No, no, no!  NOT God bless America.  God DAMN America!” are now his “fundamental transformation of America.”  God has always held nations accountable for the wickedness of their kings.  And we actually VOTED for this wicked king.

If you are a Democrat, it is because you have a radical hatred and contempt for God.  And good luck experiencing all the fun promised in the soon-to-be-fulfilled Book of Revelation when you finally get that antichrist you have dreamed of for all your roach lives.

It is an amazing thing the way Bush got blamed for the wars but Obama cut and ran AFTER BUSH WON HIS WAR and now the terrorists as a direct result of Obama’s stupidity are far stronger than they EVER were when Bush was president.  This is an easy thesis to document:

  1. Obama HIMSELF announced we were victorious: “Today, I can announce that our review is complete, and that the United States will pursue a new strategy to end the war in Iraq through a transition to full Iraqi responsibility,” said Obama. “This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant. To achieve that goal, we will work to promote an Iraqi government that is just, representative, and accountable, and that provides neither support nor safe-haven to terrorists.” — President Barack Hussein Obama, February 27, 2009
  2. Vice President Biden went further and called Iraq “one of the great achievements of this administration.”  You explain to me how he could say that in 2010 and Bush be to blame now.  Because if Bush had ruined the world in 2008, what is Biden doing calling it a “great achievement” in 2010???  No, rather, Bush handed Obama a peaceful, stable Iraq that Obama proceeded to flush down the toilet with his idiotic stupidity as he failed to listen to his own generals and foreign policy experts and ruined the world.  Here’s Biden’s quote: “I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.”  — Vice President Joe Biden, 2010
  3. Our enemy in Iraq announced themselves that they were defeated (until Obama gave them life with his treason): “By the end of 2008, in the beginning of 2009, President Bush’s surge strategy led by General Petraeus and General Odierno, now the chief of staff of the Army, defeated the al Qaeda in Iraq.  I saw the transmission because I was advising Petraeus on the ground in Iraq. They showed me the transmissions from al Qaeda that they were intercepting. They said we are defeated, don’t send any more foreign fighters.” — General Jack Keane
  4. Obama ignored all of his generals and advisors in pulling out of Iraq:US-IRAQ: Generals Seek to Reverse Obama Withdrawal Decision
    By Gareth PorterWASHINGTON, Feb 2 2009 (IPS) – CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’s recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying, “Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama.”Petraeus, Gates and Odierno had hoped to sell Obama on a plan that they formulated in the final months of the Bush administration that aimed at getting around a key provision of the U.S.-Iraqi withdrawal agreement signed envisioned re-categorising large numbers of combat troops as support troops. That subterfuge was by the United States last November while ostensibly allowing Obama to deliver on his campaign promise.Gates and Mullen had discussed the relabeling scheme with Obama as part of the Petraeus-Odierno plan for withdrawal they had presented to him in mid-December, according to a Dec. 18 New York Times story.Obama decided against making any public reference to his order to the military to draft a detailed 16-month combat troop withdrawal policy, apparently so that he can announce his decision only after consulting with his field commanders and the Pentagon.The first clear indication of the intention of Petraeus, Odierno and their allies to try to get Obama to amend his decision came on Jan. 29 when the New York Times published an interview with Odierno, ostensibly based on the premise that Obama had indicated that he was “open to alternatives”.

    The Times reported that Odierno had “developed a plan that would move slower than Mr. Obama’s campaign timetable” and had suggested in an interview “it might take the rest of the year to determine exactly when United States forces could be drawn down significantly”.

    The opening argument by the Petraeus-Odierno faction against Obama’s withdrawal policy was revealed the evening of the Jan. 21 meeting when retired Army Gen. Jack Keane, one of the authors of the Bush troop surge policy and a close political ally and mentor of Gen. Petraeus, appeared on the Lehrer News Hour to comment on Obama’s pledge on Iraq combat troop withdrawal.

    Keane, who had certainly been briefed by Petraeus on the outcome of the Oval Office meeting, argued that implementing such a withdrawal of combat troops would “increase the risk rather dramatically over the 16 months”. He asserted that it would jeopardise the “stable political situation in Iraq” and called that risk “not acceptable”.

  5. In fact Obama has ALWAYS ignored all military advice.  Obama in fact has never ONCE listened to a single decent expert who knew what the hell he was doing.  Because he is a demon-possessed FOOL par excellence.  Obama’s own leaders as well as the military advised him what he needed to do; Obama ignored their wisdom.  And the very hell those generals and leaders predicted came to pass just as they predicted it.  It is a stupid, pathetic, trivial and demonic mind that blames Bush for that.
  6. Furthermore, Bush was RIGHT and Obama was demonically WRONG:  George W. Bush predicted EXACTLY what would happen if we listened to Great Satan Obama:Bush, as discussed on “The Kelly File,” made the remarks in the White House briefing room on July 12, 2007, as he argued against those who sought an immediate troop withdrawal.“To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for the United States,” Bush cautioned.He then ticked off a string of predictions about what would happen if the U.S. left too early:“It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to Al Qaeda [Bush could not conceive that Obama would give birth to an even MORE vicious monster Islamic State that made al Qaeda look, well, “JayVee” in comparison].“It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale [Yep, that sure happened thanks to Obama].“It would mean we allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan [Yep, check again: for the first time in the history of the world we have a true terrorist army that has created its own giant CALIPHATE.  Never saw anything like that when George W. Bush was president.  That is simply a fact].“It would mean we’d be increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.”  [Check yet again.  And since Obama stupidly gave Russia hegemony over the region, it would mean risking World War III.  All because Barack Hussein Obama is the worst fool who ever lived].
  7. Now add to that unmitigated disaster, that totally unforced error, Obama’s red line fiasco in Syria.  John Kerry said Obama “altered perceptions” of both our friends and our enemies when he declared a red line in Syria and then backed away from his red line and even outright lied about having given it; both Obama’s Secretaries of Defense Robert Gates and Leon Panetta declared it destroyed American credibility; Chuck Hagel said the same, adding that Obama micromanaged the Defense Department with arrogant know-nothing idiots and tried to destroy him when he decided he had to do what was right for America.  The president of the foremost foreign policy think tank in the world – the Council on Foreign Relations – said American credibility took a major hit after Obama’s red line fiasco.  As a result of Barack Obama, our enemies have been rabidly emboldened and know for a fact that the United States WILL NOT act in its interests or protect its allies against tyranny and even hostile attacks (think Ukraine, think Egypt); and our historic allies are dismayed, uncertain and looking anywhere other than America for a strong power who will support them.
  8. Both military leaders, civilian leaders of the military and national security and foreign policy, and numerous conservatives such as MYSELF stated that Obama’s idiotic plan to pull out of Iraq would lead to disaster.  In any valid scientific laboratory, we were verified to be 100 percent scientifically proven RIGHT and Obama and every fool who believes in Obama was proven to be a demoniac jackass who hates the United States of America and is plotting its destruction.  In August 2008, I predicted, and I quote: “A vote for Barack Obama is a vote for forfeiting Iraq, and then having to come back in a few years to do it all over again – this time against a determined Iranian insurgency.”  You tell me I was wrong, you demon-possessed Nazicrat Party liars, because all you have is a demonic delusion in your fool minds and I have all the actual facts.
  9. And as a result, I have with all those facts and evidence and history itself behind me written articles like this one: ‘The Tide Of War Is Receding’: Barack Obama Is ENTIRELY Responsible For The Disastrous Meltdown In Iraq And Across The Middle East and Iraq: Bush’s Victory, Obama’s Despicable Defeat.
  10. And therefore Iraq has been in meltdown, Syria is a shambles, Libya is a shambles, Yemen is a shambles (and CONSIDER the debacle in Yemen given what Obama stupidly said), Egypt is a shambles, etc. etc.  Obama guaranteed Iran would have nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them to us and so terrorize us from acting in the region.  Russia and Iran are now without any question have hegemony over the Middle East.  And Israel is isolated and abandoned.  Which is why Israelis say Obama is the WORST American president in history.  And as I document three paragraphs below, Obama has cursed the world with more refugees than it has ever seen in all of human history.

So let’s refresh ourselves with what we just learned.  Both Obama and his vice president were both on record taking credit for Iraq AFTER Bush handed off a stable, peaceful Iraq having broken the terrorist army.  All Obama had to do was remain in Iraq with a relatively small force, just as we have done in Japan and Germany and in South Korea.  Obama’s military leaders were adamant that he stay, having told him in advance what would happen if he didn’t: namely, that the terrorists who had been defeated would be able to establish another stronghold in the vacuum Obama was stupidly leaving open.  Obama ignored them and the result was chaos just as they had correctly predicted it would be.  Barack Obama literally lost a war that had already been won.  Combine that with Obama’s depraved stupidity in countries like Syria and Libya, and you had a recipe for total disaster.  Again, John Kerry, Chuck Hagel, Leon Panetta, Robert Gates, Obama’s own top people, declared that Obama’s foreign policy had collapsed.  And now we are facing hell.  And it is a hell of Obama’s invention.

Case factually proven.  No one but an abject ideologue who is a complete fool and a total liar would say anything different.  And what do demonic Democrats do?  Blame Bush and blame Benjamin Netanyahu.  Because Bush could operate a pristine china shop, Obama could race through and knock down and break every single piece and blame it on Bush and Democrats would say that Bush destroyed the China.

Because of Barack Hussein Obama – and because to be a Democrat is to be a pathologically wicked liar and fool who will one day spend all eternity screaming in agony in hell and will NEVER be able to pay for the hell on earth you unleashed – there are now more refugees than there have EVER been in the ENTIRE history of the human race.

And so as a result the number of terrorist groups have exploded under Obama causing the number of terrorist attacks to have skyrocketed which caused the number of deaths caused by terrorist attacks have QUADRUPLED under Obama.

But if you’re a Democrat, you are too evil to understand or comprehend reality, you are too hell bent bending over for homosexual sodomy and too murderous in slaughtering our babies by the tens of millions to see anything but the blood covering your fangs and faces and eyes.

Obama blathers utterly meaningless, hollow, trivial speeches in flat tones, saying “we can and will defeat those who threaten our security.”  Which of course is a passive declaration of what is possible (we can defeat cancer) and future tenses (and one day we’ll actually DO it).  Because we very certainly ARE not actively defeating them.  Bush unleashed more firepower in EIGHT DAYS in Iraq than Obama has in SEVEN YEARS of his whatever-he-calls-what-he’s-doing.  And I earlier this morning heard a military expert say the Pentagon is releasing bombing details that wouldn’t have made it out of the lowest-level squadron briefing room because they are so trivial.  But that’s ALL Obama has to show he’s doing anything.

Obama has exploded the world into bloodshed by delivering us all into the terrorists hands.  And if a president is responsible for fighting a war he shouldn’t have fought, A LEADER IS EVERY BIT AS RESPONSIBLE FOR REFUSING TO RIGHT A WAR HE DESPERATELY NEEDED TO FIGHT FOR THE SAKE OF ALL HUMANITY.

How many attacks have we seen from Islamic State that are described in terms of “the worst death toll since World War II”?  That’s what Brussels just said.  It’s what France recently said after they got nailed a few months ago.  Russia said it when Islamic State brought down one of their passenger jets.  Hundreds have been slaughtered.  And if you go to Africa, THOUSANDS have been slaughtered.  Because for the Democrat Party “Black Lives DON’T Matter.”

Obama becomes like the cuckhold husband who has a gang of thugs break into his house and rape, torture and murder his entire family and then burn his house down.  And oh, Obama was holding a loaded gun the entire damn time but was too afraid to aim it at the thugs and pull the trigger.  That’s what we literally have here.

Barack Obama has failed the world.  And the consequences are going to get so ugly it is beyond UNREAL.

Brussels just got nailed.  At least two suicide bombers in a crowded airport terminal.  At least one other bomb found.  Dozens killed and over a hundred injured.  Because Brussels is screwed along with France and the rest of Europe and frankly the rest of the world as Obama’s unprecedented-in-all-of-human-history crisis refugee situation metasticizes into one terror attack after another.

Or let me put it this way: to coin a phrase Obama made possible, unless you are a “card-carrying soldier of Allah,” Obama has put you – and frankly every decent person on EARTH as Muslims who will most assuredly be subject to being RADICALIZED in the future – in harm’s way.

They already know and are reporting that was Islamic State that pulled it off.  And unlike our own wicked government, they don’t have an Obama to pressure the counter-terror authorities to report it as “workplace violence” or “gun crimes.”

It is an amazing thing, how we utterly failed to stop the San Bernardino terror attack that Obama and his roaches blamed on “gun violence.”  For example,  ABC News reported on a “secret U.S. policy” that blocked immigration officials from looking at the social media posts of visa applicants.  It is frankly remarkable.  Even worse, the female terrorist who came to curse us from Pakistan by way of Saudi Arabia, used a false address in her application to obtain a K-1 visa to come here.  Quoting the Los Angeles Times, “Testifying to the Senate Judiciary Committee, FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday that the FBI has determined “they were radicalized before they started courting or dating each other online, and as early as the end of 2013 were talking to each other about jihad and martyrdom.”  The left wants to say, “Ha!  You got it wrong!  Terror bride Tashfeen Malik did NOT use a fake address.  And they cite a report that “Local residents say the version of the address provided is not precise, but the family does own a house in the neighborhood.”  DUMBASSES!  If I give you my NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR’S ADDRESS, let alone cite some address somewhere in the dang neighborhood where I live, I gave a false address, okay?  And since such information is highly specific, ANY false address would be equally misleading and equally bad.

Then you have Obama’s interference:

Report: Obama Told NSC And FBI To ‘Downplay’ Terrorist Angle Of San Bernardino
Jonah Bennett Reporter
4:52 PM 12/10/2015

The FBI has taken heat for failing to immediately classify the San Bernardino shootings as terrorism, but a new report shows that FBI reluctance could have been due to external pressure from the White House.

A source told Jack Murphy of SOFREP that the FBI instantly believed the shooting, which left 14 dead, to be a clear act of terrorism. The White House, however, didn’t feel the same way and quickly moved in to squash the terror classification.

This source added that as soon as the shooting took place, Obama convened a meeting with the National Security Council and the heads of other federal enforcement agencies to discuss a public relations strategy.

“A public relations strategy.”  NOT a counter terrorism strategy.  Not a plan to bomb Islamic State into the stone age.  “A public relations strategy.”

Was there ANY question in HELL that this was a terrorist attack???  The liberal Atlantic puts it this way:

During a press conference in San Bernardino on Thursday, law-enforcement officials noted that the two dead suspects in Wednesday’s massacre had stockpiled an enormous arsenal: thousands of rounds of ammunition, 12 pipe bombs, and material to build more. They said that the couple, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, seemed to be preparing for more carnage in separate attacks. They noted “international travel,” and said that “if you look at the amount of obvious preplanning … there was obviously a mission here.” Anonymous officials told various news organizations that they believed the couple was in touch with suspected terrorists.

But when a reporter asked David Bowdich, who heads the Los Angeles field office of the FBI, whether the attack was terrorism, he was careful not to make a ruling.

And we know why that is, of course.  Because Barack Obama is an evil liar with an agenda to “degrade and ultimately destroy the United States of America.”

By the time they acknowledge it was what it was, it is too late to make it anything more than “it is what it is.”  You have to MOVE on these things.  You have to have something Obama does not have and does not want: the TRUTH.

Rather, Obama wants to play games in which he hides – to put it in Clintonesque terms – behind what “the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”  So they quibble and quibble and quibble rather than just acknowledge the damn, literally BLOODY obvious and then DO something about REALITY.

That is the spirit of Obama, the spirit of the Democrat Party.

It is the spirit of lies and deception for the very worst and very most cynical political reasons.

There will be MANY MORE terror attacks.  Because we were fool enough to elect Obama as our king and evil enough to RE-ELECT him.  And unless this wicked nation gets right before God and repents of those evils, we who once called upon the LORD will go down harder than every other nation that ever existed combined.

Obama has demanded that we BRING IN tens of thousands of Muslims who are MOSTLY MEN and whom we cannot possibly vet because either they have no documentation whatsoever or because Islamic State has captured the machines and the blank forms to create their own passports.  Why is this significant?  Listen to what the security officials are saying in Brussels:

A Belgian counterterrorism official put it bluntly in an interview with BuzzFeed just last week.

“We just don’t have the people to watch anything else and, frankly, we don’t have the infrastructure to properly investigate or monitor hundreds of individuals suspected of terror links, as well as pursue the hundreds of open files and investigations we have,” the official said.

He added: “It’s literally an impossible situation and, honestly, it’s very grave.”

And guess what?  WE DON’T HAVE THE PEOPLE EITHER!!!  The FBI has repeatedly said that it is overextended, that they can’t possibly watch all the terrorist suspects (in all fifty states!!!) that are flooding into America.  I pointed out the following when the Muslim refugee crisis that Obama created first boiled over and Obama demanded we take in tens of thousands and Republicans said no freaking WAY:

We already have Islamic State having infiltrated ALL FIFTY STATES IN AMEICA, according to the Director of the FBI.

There are already 1,000 active investigations into Islamic State presence inside America, according to the FBI.

It requires thirty agents to mount a round-the-clock surveillance of a suspect.  The FBI has testified that they do not have the resources to do more than sixty to seventy of these surveillances at one time maximum.  There is simply no possible way we can surveil the terror suspects we’ve already got in our country, let alone the potentially thousands more Obama and the Democrat Party want to let in.

WE ARE BRUSSELS NOW.  Or at least we’re about to be and we definitely will be if we elect another Democrat.

Democrats want American to be more Europe and that’s exactly what’s going to happen.  Obama has decreed it and is making it happen.

Obama’s foolish and wicked policies have guaranteed that America will get hit for YEARS.  Because he’s literally IMPORTED terrorists from overseas.

Because “No, no, no, NOT God bless America, GOD DAMN AMERICA” – Obama’s spiritual guru for 23 years, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, speaking as a prophet

THIS Is What ‘Successful Diplomacy’ Looks Like To Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton And Democrats

January 14, 2016

Barack Obama’s, Hillary Clinton’s and Democrats’ idea of what “successful diplomacy” looks like:

Obama Navy Surrenders

I don’t know what burns my butt more: my warriors on their knees with their hands on their heads in surrender and submission, or the Democrat Party trumpeting it as is illustrated by the following New York Times pull quote:

Their quick release was hailed by the Obama administration as an unintended benefit of the new diplomatic relationship with Iran

Okay, I take it back: I really DO know: surrender and humiliation is bad; reveling in and celebrating surrender and humiliation is far, far worse and far, far more despicable.

As it is, let me give you Obama’s, Clinton’s and the Democrat Party’s version of “serving with honor and distinction” (remember that?  And this is where we are with that pathetic little weasel now) as our Obama military after submissively surrendering abjectly apologizes and thanks Iran for humiliating them:

“We were so wrong.  We’re just infidels, after all.  We are so, so grateful to you for not sawing our heads off as we so truly deserve.”

The more of a traitor you are to your country, the happier Obama and Hillary and their Democrat Party are.

Well, thank you very much for that. I had no idea Obama had promoted Bowe Bergdahl to Lieutenant.  I’m actually surprised that Obama didn’t release a hundred terrorist commanders from Gitmo just to show his gratitude.

I mean, yes this lieutenant violated the heart of the code of military conduct for a US serviceman captured.  Yes, Iran violated every international law in it’s treatment of prisoners.  The photos and videos blatantly violate articles 13 and 17 of the Geneva Convention.  A Politico article points out the following:

“You’re not supposed to take photos to be used in propaganda media,” Pregent told POLITICO in a phone interview Wednesday. “You look at what they released this morning. They have a video of them boarding the ship, Americans on their knees with their hands behind their head, videotaping them as if that’s amusing. That’s a violation of the Geneva Convention.”

By releasing media that makes the sailors identifiable, Pregent added, Iran again violated the Geneva Convention, the international series of treaties setting a standard for treatment of civilians, prisoners of war and soldiers who are unable to fight.

“In this case, the sailors weren’t necessarily prisoners of war, but they were detained, and when you detain uniformed military you have to treat them a certain way, and Iran’s in violation of that,” said Pregent, who noted his opposition to the Obama administration’s Iran deal. “It’s just making a point that this actually did warrant an apology from Iran. This wasn’t just a simple rescue of distressed American sailors after their ship broke down.”

Thank you for violating the Geneva Convention and making us look like the disgraces we are in the age of Obama, Iran.  We thank you for your generosity and kindness.

What the Islamic world saw is America’s warriors on their knees in humiliation, our female soldier submitting to Islam by wearing a hijab, and the United States Navy clearly surrendering.

As for Obama’s new Secretary of State roach that he replaced his last roach with, well, why didn’t you just scoop yourself out one of the Ayatollah’s turds from his toilet and eat it to show how much of their crap you’ll willing to accept???  I mean, hey, Kerry, maybe after that you could give the Ayatollah an enema with your tongue while you’re at it.

As disgusting as that image is, the picture of our warriors surrendering to Iran is massively MORE disgusting.

Would you like to know what REAL “successful diplomacy” and a TRUE “diplomatic relationship with Iran” would look like?

It would look like an Iran TERRIFIED to do something like this to the United States of America or its warriors.

Unfortunately, instead, it looks like another glorious day for “Allahu Akbar!”

Time to hang the American flag upside down again.  Or you can just fly this Obama States of America flag instead. (see my article on that down-memory-lane outrage here).  Either way, it signals the dire distress of the United States of America.


Responding To Obama’s Hate Against Republicans: I Guess Obama’s True Enemy The GOP Isn’t ‘Contained’ Like Islamic State Is…

November 18, 2015

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength.  What is true, from the start our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave. But you don’t see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.” — Barack Hussein Obama of Islamic State hours before the attack on Paris

You boast, we have struck a bargain to cheat death and we have made a deal to dodge the grave.  The coming destruction can never touch us, for we have built a strong refuge made of lies and deception.” — Isaiah 28:15

First of all, I’m glad Senator Ted Cruz called Obama out and said, “Why don’t you insult me to my face?”  But I’ve got my own response to this garbage pouring out of the mouth 0f our pathologically wicked and cancerously foolish president.

Just a couple of the recent statements from Obama that Cruz is calling out:  Obama said:

“When I hear folks say that, well, maybe we should just admit the Christians but not the Muslims, when I hear political leaders suggesting that there would be a religious test for which person who’s fleeing from a war-torn country is admitted, when some of those folks themselves come from families who benefited from protection when they were fleeing political persecution, that’s shameful,” Obama said during a wide-ranging speech at the G20 Summit in Turkey about his plan to allow vetted Syrian refugees into the country. “That’s not American, it’s not who we are.”

“I think it is very important for us right now, particularly those who are in leadership, particularly those who have a platform and can be heard, not to fall into that trap, not to feed that dark impulse inside of us,” he added.

It doesn’t MATTER to Obama that HE is the one who created the WORST refugee crisis since World War II.  If this posturing fool cared so much about Syrian refugees, then why in the hell did he let Assad gas them at least a dozen times – backing down like a weak, gutless coward from his own “red line” fiasco – and then proceed to murder something on the order of HALF A MILLION of them while Obama stood by and did NOTHING??? These Syrian refugees aren’t at death’s door because of anything other than YOU as the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD REFUSING TO LIFT A FINGER TO HELP THEM WHEN THEY DESPERATELY NEEDED AMERICAN HELP.

Obama is like the abusive turd spouse that beats his wife in the face and then blames the doctor for her brain damage.

We’re working on FIVE MILLION REFUGEES created by Obama’s fool policies.  It gets worse: the CIA says that HALF of Syria’s population of 25 million people have been displaced.  So we can count on at LEAST another eight million MORE crisis refugees with nowhere to go thanks to Obama.  And it is frankly demonically amazing that the fool who created a crisis of millions of refugees can insanely blame Republicans for not wanting to allow thousands of his millions to come into America.  He holds himself blameless for MILLIONS and demonizes Republicans over thousands.

Islamic State PROMISED they were going to infiltrate terrorists into the ranks of the refugees.  THAT IS A FACT.  The terrorists that just brought hell to Paris, France included a terrorist who infiltrated as the very refugee that Obama now lectures Republicans for not wanting to bring into America.  That is a FACT.  Eight Islamic State terrorists were just apprehended trying to infiltrate Turkey by posing as refugees.  THAT is a FACT.

I agree with every single WORD with this article from Walter Russell Mead that features this apt denunciation:

To see the full cynicism of the Obama approach to the refugee issue, one has only to ask President Obama’s least favorite question: Why is there a Syrian refugee crisis in the first place?

Obama’s own policy decisions—allowing Assad to convert peaceful demonstrations into an increasingly ugly civil war, refusing to declare safe havens and no fly zones—were instrumental in creating the Syrian refugee crisis. This crisis is in large part the direct consequence of President Obama’s decision to stand aside and watch Syria burn. For him to try and use a derisory and symbolic program to allow 10,000 refugees into the United States in order to posture as more caring than those evil Jacksonian rednecks out in the benighted sticks is one of the most cynical, cold-blooded, and nastily divisive moves an American President has made in a long time.

Moreover, many of those “benighted” people were willing to sign up for the U.S. military and go to fight ISIS in Syria to protect the refugees. Many Americans who now oppose the President’s ill-considered refugee program have long supported the use of American power to create “safe zones” in Syria so the refugees could be sheltered and fed in their own country. If President Obama seriously cared about the fate of Syria’s millions of displaced people, he would have started to organize those safe havens years ago. And if he understood the nature of America’s role in Europe, he would have known that working with the Europeans to prevent a mass refugee and humanitarian disaster was something that had to be done.

Not even President Bush’s decision to go to war in Iraq has been as destructive for Europe or as damaging to the Transatlantic alliance as President Obama’s hard-hearted and short-sighted Syria policy. The flood of refugees is shaking the European Union to its core, and Obama’s policy has cemented perceptions among many around the world that the United States is no longer the kind of useful ally that it once was. France didn’t even bother to invoke NATO’s Article 5 after the Paris attacks; nobody really thinks of President Obama as the man you want at your side when the chips are down.

The collapse of President Obama’s Syria policy is hardly a partisan issue. He has repeatedly overruled his own national security officials, top diplomats, and advisors, many of whom have been horrified by the President’s passivity in the face of onrushing disaster. His abrupt policy switch on airstrikes left many senior Democrats who had supported his apparent determination to enforce his “red line” against Assad twisting in the wind.

To think that conspicuous moral posturing and holy posing over a symbolic refugee quota could turn President Obama from the goat to the hero of the Syrian crisis is absurd. Wringing your hands while Syria turns into a hell on earth, and then taking a token number of refugees, can be called many things, but decent and wise are not among them. You don’t have to be a xenophobe or a racist or even a Republican to reject this President’s leadership on Syria policy. All you need for that is common sense and a moral compass.

And it’s worse. The Obama Administration’s extreme caution about engagement in Syria led it to insist on such a thorough process of vetting potential Syrian allies that years of effort and tens of millions of dollars resulted in only a paltry handful of people being found acceptable to receive American weapons and training. The refugee vetting process won’t be nearly this thorough; it’s almost certain that the President’s program will result in settling people in the United States who could not be certified to fight for the United States in Syria. Given our gun laws, uncertified Syrians living in the United States will soon have the opportunity to get weapons that the United States government would refuse to give them in Syria. To millions of Americans, this is a double standard they can neither understand nor accept. To call people troubled by these concerns racists and xenophobes is to divide and polarize this country in ways that will cost us all dearly down the road. We have enough hate, enough radicalism, enough mutual misunderstanding and distrust between left and right in America as it is. The President is adding to that distrust, and doing it in a particularly ugly and damaging way.

Amen.  Preach it from the rooftops.

Barack Obama could not be a more cynical, depraved man.

Obama is a FOOL.  He is literally telling us that we should close our eyes to the threat and just open our arms and let it in.

And now he’s backed himself into a corner because even his own wicked Democrat Party is starting to say, “Oh, HELL no!” to Obama’s depraved moral idiocy.

I listened to this fool Obama fundamentally contradict himself.  He said:

“In terms of refugees, it’s clear that countries like Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan — which are already bearing an extraordinary burden — cannot be expected to do so alone. At the same time, all of our countries have to ensure our security. And as President, my first priority is the safety of the American people.”

Oh, okay.  Then given the FACT that Islamic State did as they said they would do and infiltrated terrorists who immediately unleashed murder on innocent people, you will of course suspend bringing more refugees who clearly include terrorist infiltrators.

But then in the very same soundbite Obama arrogantly and foolishly IMMEDIATELY contradicted himself, saying:

We also have to remember that many of these refugees are the victims of terrorism themselves — that’s what they’re fleeing. Slamming the door in their faces would be a betrayal of our values. Our nations can welcome refugees who are desperately seeking safety and ensure our own security. We can and must do both.

No, you fool turd, we mustn’t.

I don’t remember where George Washington, our greatest hero and founder of our country, told us that “our values” should force us to bring in terrorist infiltrators who despise everything we stand for and want nothing more than do dance in our blood.

Mead points out another example of Obama’s fundamental contradiction: back in 2011 – when this godawful Syrian civil war began – Republicans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham, along with numerous top military officials – BEGGED Obama to train and arm the moderate Syrian resistance fighters that were still alive and well.  But Obama ignored helping these moderates for YEARS, claiming that we couldn’t distinguish the good guys from the bad guys.  As I myself pointed, Obama waited for YEARS – and by then my title was “Way Too Little And Way, WAY Too Late.”  I wrote that over a YEAR BEFORE the generals testified that Obama’s idiotic program was a fiasco.

So therein lies the key wicked and incredibly cynical Obama contradiction: we couldn’t arm these people because we couldn’t trust them.  But yet somehow now we can trust them implicitly to flood into our very heartland now.

Obama is such a cynical, depraved, narcissistic ideologue that his argument is literally, “I was MORAL for doing NOTHING while Syria burned for over four years and created the worst refugee crisis since the last World WAR; but Republicans are IMMORAL for not allowing me to cover my ass politically now by allowing potential terrorists into our country.”

You wicked fool!

We already have Islamic State having infiltrated ALL FIFTY STATES IN AMEICA, according to the Director of the FBI.

There are already 1,000 active investigations into Islamic State presence inside America, according to the FBI.

It requires thirty agents to mount a round-the-clock surveillance of a suspect.  The FBI has testified that they do not have the resources to do more than sixty to seventy of these surveillances at one time maximum.  There is simply no possible way we can surveil the terror suspects we’ve already got in our country, let alone the potentially thousands more Obama and the Democrat Party want to let in.

It’s like Obama is saying that he needs to allow the bomb makers to infiltrate in so all the terror cells already here and operational can really add a bang to their planned terror attack here.

Keep in mind that in 2008 there were only a few hundred guys in ISIS.  They were a disgruntled offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) which was DEFEATED under Bush.  Now ISIS has tens of THOUSANDS under Obama.  They are the world’s FIRST terrorist ARMY under Obama.  They have the world’s FIRST terrorist CALIPHATE under Obama.  And they have power and the ability to draw people to join their cause from all over the world beyond anything we’ve ever seen in all of history.  Under Obama.

Let me continue with how this arrogant, mocking, slanderous fool Obama is demonizing Republicans claiming that they are “scared of widows and orphans.”  Obama sneeringly said:

“Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of Republicans. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”

You arrogant, fool, hypocrite lying cockroach.  When did YOU agree to participate in a Fox News debate in which Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh masqueraded as “moderators” and attacked you with right-wing talking points masquerading as “questions”???  Try NEVER.  It is a FACT that the lead moderator of the debate Obama is mocking Republicans over had a long history of leftist shenanigans – as was pointed out in ADVANCE of the debate.  Just as it is a fact that the debate itself was incredibly biased.  Those Republicans who walked on that CNBC debate platform showed more courage showing up in an unfair environment than YOU’VE ever shown in your coward life.  Remember Ted Cruz basically saying, “Insult me to my face, you coward.  Crawl out of your roach hole and DEBATE me!”   Rest assured the coward who mocks others will never dare to step up to the plate and take a real swing.  Obama is a coward who sneers while he cowers in fear.  And that is hardly the end of Obama’s sheer deceit:  It aint widows and orphans Republicans are afraid of.

Obama is a Justin Beiber who taunts a man, “You’re afraid to fight me, aren’t you?” and the guy is like, “You rotten like punk, I’d LOVE to get alone so I could give you the vicious beating you deserve; it’s the five giant bodyguards draping you I’m afraid of.”

Even the United Nations – a bastion of stupid leftism – points out that 72% of the “refugees” flooding into Europe and now thanks to Obama into America are YOUNG MEN. And ONLY 13% are children.  So it’s NOT “widows and orphans” the Republicans are “scared of,” you liar: it is the overwhelming majority of the “refugees” who are YOUNG MEN who are the same sort of men who just got through bringing down a jet and causing Russia’s worst aviation disaster EVER and the same sort of young men who just terrorized Paris.

And if you had a shred of common sense in you, you fool, you’d be afraid of allowing them into America, too.

Let’s call these people what they are: “Refujihadists.”  Even the decent refugees who are coming in pose a profound danger of future radicalization as they become disenchanted as they come to find that the streets aren’t paved with gold.  Europe is already screwed.  We shouldn’t make ourselves the next ones to be screwed by a giant disenchanted and pissed off Muslim population.  That’s just a fact.

But facts don’t matter to you, Obama, you slanderous hypocrite.

Then there’s this nugget of slanderous Obama nonsense:

MANILA, Philippines — President Obama on Wednesday angrily accused Republicans of feeding into the Islamic State’s strategy of casting the United States as waging war on Muslims, saying the GOP’s rhetoric has become the most “potent recruitment tool” for the militant group.

Obama was responding to recent calls from Republicans, including presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.), to block Syrian refugees’ entrance into the United States. Bush and Cruz have suggested welcoming Christian refugees, but not those who are Muslims.

“I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for ISIL than some of the rhetoric coming out of here in the course of this debate,” Obama said during a news conference at a leadership summit here, using an acronym for the Islamic State.

REALLY, you roach?  You’re blaming the explosion of terrorism that’s happened under YOUR failed watch on Republicans???

You’re actually still trying to suggest that if a weak, gutless FOOL like YOU were president, that terrorism would be going away rather than massively metastasizing?

Some facts: a 58% increase in terrorist threat to the US between 2010 and 2014:

Increase in Jihadist Threat Calls for New U.S. Strategy to Combat Terrorism
June 4, 2014

There is a growing terrorist threat to the United States from a rising number of Salafi-jihadist groups overseas, according to a RAND Corporation study.

Since 2010, there has been a 58 percent increase in the number of jihadist groups, a doubling of jihadist fighters and a tripling of attacks by al Qaeda affiliates. The most significant threat to the United States, the report concludes, comes from terrorist groups operating in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“Based on these threats, the United States cannot afford to withdraw or remain disengaged from key parts of North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia,” said Seth Jones, author of the study and associate director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at RAND, a nonprofit research organization. “After more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, it may be tempting for the U.S. to turn its attention elsewhere and scale back on counterterrorism efforts. But this research indicates that the struggle is far from over.”

For the RAND study, Jones examined thousands of unclassified and declassified primary source documents, including public statements and internal memorandums of al Qaeda and other Salafi-jihadist leaders. The study also includes a database of information such as the number of Salafi-jihadist groups, their approximate size and their activity — attacks, fatalities and other casualties. […]

It wasn’t Republicans that created that skyrocketing surge in terrorism, Obama, you failed fool; it was YOUR gutlessness and abject moral cowardice.

And now let’s look at the even steeper rocket path of terrorism since 2014:

(REUTERS) – Terrorist attacks worldwide surged by more than a third and fatalities soared by 81 percent in 2014, a year that also saw Islamic State eclipse al Qaeda as the leading jihadist militant group, the U.S. State Department said on Friday.

In its annual report on terrorism, the department also charts an unprecedented flow of foreign fighters to Syria, often lured by Islamic State’s use of social media and drawn from diverse social backgrounds.

So on Obama’s watch between 2010 and 2014, terrorism exploded by 54 percent.  Which was nothing when it exploded another 81% in 2015 from that dreadful 2014.

Terrorism has EXPLODED.  And it has exploded under the failed presidency of ONE egregious fool.

But whose fault is it?  Not the commander-in-chief’s.  No, his strategies are all BRILLIANT.  And they’re all working to perfection, aren’t they?

I remember Charlie Sheen in his psycho ranting: Obama is a “winner” and his policies will all work because they’ve all got “tiger blood.”

The Word of God describes five forms of fool –

SIMPLE fool: (peth-EE, Strongs # 6612): a fool who opens up his mind to any passing thought and fails to comprehend cause and effect consequences of choices (ex. Prov 19:25, which  points out that a simple fool will often make a scorning fool a hero.

SILLY fool: (ev-EEL, Strongs # 191): a fool who believes his own way of thinking is right and despises wise instruction when it is offered (ex. Prov 1:7, 12:15).

SENSUAL fool: (kess-EEL, Strongs # 3684): a fool whose focus is on that which brings immediate pleasure or gratification and will not listen to reason.  This is THE most common word for fool in Scripture. Prov 28:26 says, “Those who trust in themselves are (sensual) fools, but those who walk in wisdom are kept safe.”

SCORNING fool: ((LOOTS, Strongs # 3887): a fool whose facial expressions communicate his disdain and contempt in heart toward legitimate authorities, including parents, civil authorities, and  God, and who turns deaf ear to rebuke (ex. trans as “scoffers” in Psalm 1:1; Prov 13:1, 14:6, 15:12; 28:26)

STEADFAST fool: (naw-BAWL, Strong # 5036): a steadfast fool is one who totally rejects God and His ways and the goal of such a fool is to draw as many as possible into evil ways.   Only God can successfully rebuke a steadfast fool.  Psalm 14:1 says, “The (steadfast) fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

– and Barack Hussein Obama is all five forms of fool all at once.  He is the walking embodiment of stage five fool cancer.  He is the living, breathing fool who has this look of arrogant contempt on his face for his betters who kept being right when he kept being wrong.  And there is no possible way that actual wisdom or common sense will ever enter into this fool’s demonically-deluded head.

For the president of France, Paris was “an act of war.”  For Obama, it was merely a “setback.”  And Fool Speed Ahead.

And so he maliciously and dishonestly demonizes everyone around him and refuses to claim responsibility for his own policies or admit there is anything wrong with them no matter how blatantly obvious it is.

So he assures us that Islamic State – which he called “JayVee” even as they were building the world’s first terrorist CALIPHATE under Obama’s watch that Osama bin Laden spent his lifetime dreaming of – had been “contained.”  Only days after they had destroyed a jet that murdered 224 people and became Russia’s worst aviation disaster EVER and the VERY DAY that Paris was viciously attacked.  In an attack that no intelligence agency could see coming because this “JayVee” team is that much better than us now thanks to Obama who spent his first days in office trying to criminally prosecute the CIA heroes who waterboarded terrorists as an interrogation preparation.

John Kerry let something slip out. QUOTE:

“There’s something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that,” he said in remarks at the U.S. Embassy in Paris. “There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of – not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, ‘Okay, they’re really angry because of this and that.’ This Friday was absolutely indiscriminate.”

Democrats are the New Stalinists and it is perfectly okay to them – just like the terrorists – to destroy people who believe in free speech.  So John Kerry is telling us that the French who spoke out in cartoons against Islam’s prophet Mohammad basically deserved to die, that there was a “legitimacy” and a “rationale” for the murders.  Just like Obama and Hillary Clinton FALSELY AND DISHONESTLY demonized as being responsible for the Benghazi terrorist attack an American citizen who exercised his 1st Amendment right to make a Youtube movie.

Nobody should have the right to attack the Prophet, or to attack Obama, or to attack homosexual marriage or abortion.  Why, the people who murder you will have a “legitimacy.”

And the fact that John Kerry is STILL the Secretary of Sharia State proves that Obama agrees with him.

For Obama, the “problem” isn’t terrorism; it isn’t the clash of worldviews between freedom and Islam.  Nope.  It’s Republicans.  Obama doesn’t believe that ANYBODY ought to have the right to question him or disagree with him.  It’s “legitimate” for Obama’s followers to threaten, to imprison, to sue, to destroy such people by any means necessary.

I only wish Obama could muster a tiny percent of the same outrage and hate and viciousness against the terrorists who are murdering their way across the world that he has for his own people who happen to disagree with him.

But he’s a fool.  And such behavior is the hallmark of a fool.

One of the interesting things about Obama’s massive rants against the Republican efforts to deal with the Syrian refugee crisis that Obama created with his wicked and incompetent fool-policies is to create the idea that Republicans are so hateful that our enemies would literally have “legitimacy” and a “rationale” in attacking us.  So enough Democrats are now joining Republicans opposing Obama that the Republicans’ blocking of Syrian refugees who can’t be vetted will succeed over Obama’s veto.  And then what?  Well, according to Obama, America would then be a hateful nation.  And therefore on Obama’s ugly and twisted rhetoric, Islamic State will be the ones in the right for attacking us.  We either need to do things Obama’s way, or Obama basically says we should die.  That’s the mess Obama has created first with his stupid policies that allowed Islamic State to explode in power and influence, then in his refusal to do a damn thing to prevent or stop the refugee crisis, and now in his unhinged rhetoric demonizing every single American who doesn’t think exactly like he does.

World War II began because of two things: 1) the rise of fanaticism and 2) the accurate perception of Western weakness and unwillingness to fight by the fanatics.  And Barack Obama has now allowed the first condition – the resurgence of fanaticism – and created the second condition by his folly.

The beast is coming.


The Bible TOLD Us Perilous Times Would Come: Obama Reaches Iran Nuclear Deal Threatening Israel With Armageddon On Eve Of Blood Moon

April 2, 2015

I wrote about the blood moons and Israel last year when Israel was embroiled in crisis during the two prophetic blood moons that we saw in 2014:

Four Blood Moons: The Beginning Of The End? Israel Invades Hamas After Over 1,200 Terrorist Rockets And Two Broken Cease Fires

But another year, another demon-possessed madman advancing Satan’s agenda: this time the “deal” to give Iran nuclear weapons.

And Obama and his Stooge of State John Kerry have reached this “deal” on the eve of yet another blood moon.

God told us that He put His signs in the heavens.

As the Word of God declares:

“The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.” (Joel 3:4)

And the heavens are proclaiming against us as witnesses that judgment is at hand and when it comes, WATCH OUT.  The blood moons are one of those signs heralding divine judgment.

As we speak, John Kerry has just announced that he and his Israel-despising president Obama have reached a deal with Iran (that of course the details of which they won’t release).  I don’t even have to ask the question whether any “inspections” of Iran’s nuclear ambitions will include their nuclear sites in North Korea and Syria.  (It is open source information that Iran has been housing a “special commodity” (weapons grade uranium) in North Korea that their fellow rabid fascist regime gave them in exchange for oil).  Because I know they won’t.  Because Obama thinks of Israel and America the same way I think of Obama: and I think Obama is a truly wicked man who deserves to burn in hell forever.

Obama is giving Iran hegemony over the Middle East on multiple fronts, as he grants them the prestige of being appeased by desperate Americans, as he grants them everything they want to possess a nuclear weapon on their timetable as soon as they have the reliable ballistic missiles they need to make nuclear weapons useful, as he helps them to generate a powerful economy that will dominate the region by protecting Iran from Republicans and even Democrats who can’t impose sanctions over a president hell-bent determined to shelter Iran.

A country that is as oil-rich as Iran very clearly doesn’t need nuclear power for energy and anybody who thinks otherwise is clearly too foolish not to be demon-possessed.  And in the same way, ballistic missiles without a nuclear program is rather like having Bluetooth without having a wireless device – because what the hell are you going to put on your ICBM that you spent so much time and money developing???

It’s as obvious as the signs in the heavens that Iran is working toward nuclear weapons; but these fascist fools aren’t looking at the sky, either, are they???

Meanwhile, even as Obama desperately seeks to appease Iran into a “peace in our time” nuclear deal that Iran will violate without a second thought the moment it is in their interest to do so, realize that Iran continues even as we give up the farm as our negotiation strategy to be the world’s largest terrorist threat and defeat America and American interests.  We are helpless in Yemen because Iran is stabbing us in the heart there even as Obama gives Iran hegemony over the Iraq America worked so hard and at such a dear cost to liberate.

Here we are: presented by another blood moon sign from God as Obama and Kerry boast about their wonderful “deal” with Iran in spite of the fact that Iran has NEVER negotiated in good faith, in spite of the fact that the Ayatollah has again and again stated that Iran won’t budge on its nuclear plan – he said so repeatedly in 2013 (and see here), in 2014, and yes just recently this year of 2015 (and see here) – in addition to saying “Death to America!” even as the nuke talks were taking place.   And we know that the top general of the powerful Iranian Revolutionary Guard that is the second most powerful entity in Iran after the Ayatollah said that “wiping Israel off the map is non-negotiable.”

Obama is perfectly happy to negotiate with Iran; it is only the Republicans, Israel, Netanyahu, and anybody who doesn’t have a demon screaming in their skulls – that Obama WON’T negotiate with.

I would rather be a roach than a Democrat, as one day you miserable fools will stand before God as flames of fiery wrath pour out of the wheels of His chariot throne and you stutter and stammer and claim that you didn’t know.  And the fire will pour out blue with heat and God’s voice will roar that He put His sign in the very heavens above you and all you could do was stare at them with your cow eyes while you followed the wicked fool you chose as your leader like the stupidest and most depraved sheep who ever lived.

Update, July 15, 2015: For what it’s worth, the terrible deal that Israel is bitterly denouncing was just agreed to by Obama yesterday.  The Senate will have sixty days to examine this deal, followed by a vote which will require a veto-proof majority to kill.  Which puts us right smack in the middle of the next blood moon cycle, which will reach its zenith on September 28, 2015.


Well, It’s Official: Now We Know What Obama’s ‘Successful Strategy’ For Dealing With Terrorism Actually Looks Like. It Looks Like Obama’s Model YEMEN.

March 23, 2015

It was only about half a year ago that Obama famously – well, “famous” other than the fact that the mainstream media is doing pretty much everything they can on their end to keep you from hearing about it now – said the following:

Not that long ago, Yemen was being painted in a different light. Flash back to the heady days of September 2014 (four months ago), and the war on terror in Yemen was being touted as a “success” in speeches by President Obama. Talking about the threat posed by the Islamic State, Obama pointed toward Yemen and Somalia as possible examples:

This counterterrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out [the Islamic State] wherever they exist, using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.

How’s that Obama strategy working for you, soon-to-be-part-of the Islamic State’s Caliphate-world???

This is, of course, the same Obama who amazingly called Islamic State a “JayVee team” even as it was overthrowing Iraqi cities on the way to establishing the first true terrorist caliphate in the history of the world before Obama’s very eyes.  And then infamously lied about what he said after he said it.

What are the actual fruits of Obama’s strategy?

U.S. forces leave Yemen amid concerns it is safe haven for terror groups
All U.S. personnel leave Yemen as country descends into lawlessness
By Brian Bennett
March 22, 2015, 2:00 PM|Reporting from Washington

All remaining U.S. government personnel withdrew from Yemen over the weekend as fighting erupted near the last safe haven for American special forces there and an Iran-backed militia took control of key locations in the country’s third-largest city..

About 100 American special operations troops evacuated Al Anad airbase in the southern part of Yemen on Saturday, as Al Qaeda militants fought house-to-house in a nearby town. The withdrawal comes a month after the U.S. embassy in the capital of Sana was vacated, after months of Shiite rebels clashing with government forces there.

“Due to the deteriorating security situation in Yemen, the U.S. government has temporarily relocated its remaining personnel out of Yemen,” State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke said in a statement.

The U.S. departure from Yemen as it further descends into chaos is likely to hobble the American counterterrorism campaign against two potent extremist groups, the Islamic State and Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The Islamic State militants who control large swaths of Iraq and Syria are extending their reach into both North Africa and Yemen, where intelligence officials are concerned they can take advantage of the lawlessness to expand their influence and recruit fighters, as they have elsewhere. And AQAP, the most resourceful and dogged of Al Qaeda’s affiliates, has repeatedly used Yemen to plot and stage attacks against the West.

This is exactly what I’ve repeatedly pointed out was the result of the Clinton years: America left weak and blind and rightly viewed as vulnerable to attack because of the moral stupidity of Democrats.

The world just keeps getting uglier and uglier under this treasonous emperor thug Obama and his policies and strategies.  But don’t you worry, because the world, the flesh and the devil have teamed up with Obama to keep as many people ignorant of that fact as possible.

This continues the pattern of Obama and his administration ignoring and denying the facts on the ground.  This continues what Obama did when he pulled out of Iraq and we lost all intelligence to know what was going on in that country and all power to affect any changes.  It continues what Obama has announced he still plans to do when he does the exact same thing in Afghanistan that he’s done to make everything he’s touched toxic to America and its vital national security interests.

I’m not alleging Obama is incompetent, although that is your ONLY POSSIBLE remaining option for what is happening.  I am saying that this is EXACTLY what Obama has been intelligently building toward.  Barack Obama is a truly capable and truly evil man who with the incredibly wicked and cynical Democrat Party set out to destroy America and is well on the way to their real “Cloward and Piven” strategy.

What is Obama’s strategy?  It now stands openly revealed according to Obama’s own words describing Yemen: to allow the world to metastasize into a safe haven for terrorism and allow terrorist armies to gain strength and build momentum all around us even as Obama so weakens America both militarily and morally that by the time the American people finally awaken to their sobering senses they will realize too late that they have been led by the nose and duped by lies.  That is his strategy.

Obama’s reverend for 23 years nailed it: “God damn America.”  Fools voted for it and America will die a fool’s miserable death as a consequence.

Obama’s ISIL Speech And His Whole Foreign Policy: What A Giant Crock Of Crap

September 15, 2014

I can’t help but think back to the Jimmy Carter years and marvel at how history keeps repeating itself because we keep allowing the same sorts of fools to make the same sorts of idiotic mistakes.  So we go back to 1979, when the Soviet Union, realizing that Jimmy Carter as a liberal was a pathologically weak and cowardly disgrace, invaded Afghanistan.  And Carter’s “show of resolve” was to boycott their damn Olympic Games rather than actually DO anything.

It was as a direct result of the correctly perceived weakness of Jimmy Carter that the United States was forced to begin the process of intervening in Afghanistan.  It was Jimmy Carter who began to arm the Taliban, dumbasses.  It was Jimmy Carter who because of his failed presidency set up the crisis that has metastasized into the cancer that it is that still haunts the United States decades later.

And here we are, another liberal and another complete meltdown of foreign policy and national security that will have massive consequences on the United States until the day we collapse and miserably perish as a nation.

When we voted for Barack Obama, we voted to perish as a nation, pure and simple.

History is a terrible thing when you doom yourself with terrible leaders.

From the very beginning of Obama’s speech on September 10, it was obvious that the most documented liar in the entire history of the human race who has been seen by more people lying than any human being who ever lived was even more full of his special brand of fecal matter than usual.

Take when Obama said “Islamic State is neither Islamic, nor a state,” for instance.  Obama’s “argument” that Islamic State wasn’t “Islamic” because most of their victims have been Muslim runs afoul of this very simple historic reality: by his “reasoning” there haven’t been any “Muslims” or any “Islam” since at least 656 AD – when the very first Shi’ites murdered the very first Sunnis.

I actually have in my possession the hard article from uberleftist Time Magazine dated March 5, 2007.  Check out the title: “Why They Hate Each Other.”

Well, according to Obama, they hate each other because they’re not Muslim.  Or else they wouldn’t be killing Muslims, would they?

Take, for example, the Iran-Iraq War.  One-and-a-half million Muslims were killed – by other Muslims.

I mean, by Obama’s argument, the Sunnis aren’t “Islamic” because most of their victims have been Shi’ites and the Shi’ites aren’t Muslim because most of their victims have been Sunnis.  So there ARE no “Muslims” and there’s no such thing as “Islamic.”

But there you have it: Barry Hussein, in his demonic wisdom, has just solved the problem of Islam the same way he solved the problem of the war on terror that we are reeling from now: he just defined it away.  Because he is a liar without shame, without honor, without decency, without virtue and without integrity and because he is a true fool.

Obama says Islamic State isn’t a “state.”  Well, THAT’S convenient, given the fact that they BECAME a “state” under YOUR failed watch due to YOUR failed policies.

I remember as an example going against Republicans when George H.W. Bush said, “There’s no recession.”  Well, shoot, I had got out of the Army and graduated from college just in time to run full facial into that “no recession.”  But yes, there was TOO a recession.  And all denying facts does is make those who share your ideology look like FOOLS.  Which is precisely what everyone who share’s Obama’s ideology is right now.

Islamic State has seized territory the freaking size of the United Kingdom. It has trained, expert fighters who were part of Saddam Hussein’s officer corps.  And to make it even worse, it has FAR more and better funding available than Osama bin Laden’s pre-9/11 attackers ever dreamed of having to finance their operations.

We just learned that Obama’s dismantled “intelligence” service has underestimated the number of ISIL/ISIS fighters by a factor of three.  They are mustering THREE TIMES the number of fighters that we thought just a short time ago.

The problem with Obama is that reality refutes him:

ISIS can muster 20,000 to 31,500 fighters, triple previous estimates: CIA
A new CIA assessment reportedly shows that the Islamic State can gather many more fighters than was previously thought. A spokesman for the intelligence agency told CNN that their recruitment has been stronger since June, ‘following battlefield successes and the declaration of a caliphate.’
BY  Michael Walsh / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS /
Published: Friday, September 12, 2014, 11:43 AM/ Updated: Friday, September 12, 2014, 11:49 AM

The CIA estimates that ISIS has more than three times the number of fighters it previously thought.

The Islamic State can call upon between 20,000 and 31,500 terrorists throughout Iraq and Syria, according to a spokesman for the intelligence agency.

“This new total reflects an increase in members because of stronger recruitment since June following battlefield successes and the declaration of a caliphate, greater battlefield activity and additional intelligence,” the spokesman told CNN.

Experts used to think the number of fighters for the jihadist group, whose savagery has been widely condemned, topped out at 10,000.

The CIA assessment’s new figure was revealed on the 13th anniversary of 9/11 — a day after President Obama outlined his plan to “dismantle and ultimately destroy” ISIS in an address to the nation.

Obama’s denial that “Islamic State is neither Islamic, nor a state” is an even MORE profoundly stupid misjudgment and dismissal than his infamous “JayVee” remark that the lying fool now denies making.  But again, as evidenced so many damn times it’s beyond unreal, Obama is a fool who believes that denying simple factual reality is the secret to success.

If you like your health care plan and your doctor you can keep your health care plan and your doctor; if you don’t like Islamic State let’s just pretend it doesn’t exist and maybe it will somehow go away.

And it doesn’t matter how much of a lie that is.

And yet that factual denial of reality is the quintessence of Obama’s “strategy” and his “speech.”

Here’s the Los Angeles Times – note, NOT Fox News because they don’t like Obama because they’re racists – assessment of Obama’s “plan”:

Analysis Obama strategy in Iraq, Syria hinges on long shots
By Patrick J. McDonnell
▼Sunni-Shiite divisions in Iraq too profound for quick fix
▼U.S. envisions unity and an effective army in Iraq, and a reenergized ‘moderate’ rebel front in Syria
▼Iraq, not Syria, seen as key concern for U.S.
September 11, 2014, 7:10 PM|Reporting from Beirut

As the United States pivots back onto a war footing in the Middle East, President Obama’s strategy is rooted in at least three basic assumptions, all of them highly questionable.

In his prime-time speech Wednesday, Obama envisioned the emergence of a newly unified Iraqi government, an effective Iraqi fighting force and a reenergized, U.S.-backed “moderate” rebel front in Syria. Along with U.S. training and airstrikes, and help from international allies, those three factors would spell defeat for Islamic State militants who have made deep inroads in both Syria and Iraq.

All three goals seem long shots in a region where U.S. aims have often foundered amid harsh and intractable realities.

Well that’s just GREAT.

If you like your Islamic State, you can keep your Islamic State.  If you DON’T like Your Islamic State, you can get your head slowly and agonizingly cut off with a deliberately small and most likely intentionally dull knife.

Obama says he’s going to destroy ISIL in one breath and he denies the possibility of American boots on the ground in the next.  Those two statements are mutually exclusive and fundamentally incoherent: if your goal is actually to destroy ISIL, YOU WILL DO WHATEVER IS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE DESTROYED.  That very much includes relying on the full panoply of US military force (at least the force that’s left after Obama dismantled it in the name of his fool’s “peace dividend” that was irrational and based on a demonic Obama lie to begin with).  Obama’s promise that he will not send troops is tantamount to a promise that he will not destroy ISIL.  As is painfully obvious to anybody who realizes that if the US doesn’t send troops, there won’t be anybody to fight ISIL with any backbone whatsoever:

(Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday Arab states would play a critical role in a coalition against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, but no country in the alliance was talking about sending ground troops to participate.

You know, versus the 37 countries that sent 26,000 troops into harm’s way that Barack Obama and his demonic Democrat Party slandered as “cowboy diplomacy.”


The ONLY ground force that is capable of defeating ISIL is US – US as in “U.S.”

I remember just a year ago when Obama and Kerry argued that their aitrstrikes would be “unbelievably small.”  And the attitude was, “Well, hell, don’t even bother, then.”  And here we are.

If all of the above isn’t frankly insanely idiotic enough, take John Kerry the day after Obama’s speech denying that the U.S. was at war with the Islamic State that Obama denies is Islamic and denies is a state:

“If somebody wants to think about it as being a war with [ISIS], they can do so, but the fact is that it’s a major counterterrorism operation that will have many different moving parts,” Kerry said Thursday on CNN. “I don’t think people need to get into war fever on this,” he told CBS News’ Margaret Brennan.

Okay, nothing to see here, folks.  Don’t get all worked up just because this ISLAMIC STATE CALIPHATE my boss created just sawed two Americans’ heads off in a declaration of war against America.  Now please go back to sleep.

Fine.  If we’re not at war with these people, THEN WHY THE HELL ARE WE GOING TO BOMB THEM???

Don’t worry.  It will be “unbelievably small.”  Pinpricks, really.

Let’s just let history keep repeating itself until we’re all just shocked and appalled that we’re suddenly in ARMAGEDDON and there’s no way out because every path leading away from the end of the human species was long since eroded away by cowardly, dithering liberals.

There comes that point where you either show yourself to be serious or you show yourself to be a joke.  And Barack Obama is a joke and he is not to be taken seriously when it comes to anything other than his fascist domestic ideological agenda.

Obama’s “strategy” rests on refusing to ever send US troops back to the region that he himself acknowledged George W. Bush left safe and secure and stable and instead relying on fighters that he openly MOCKED just a short time ago.

I love this headline because it has the virtue of being so completely true:

Obama has a plan for ISIS in Syria. It’s the opposite of his old plan.

The article points out:

The administration’s longstanding position has been that ISIS’s Syria presence is a problem, but not one that the US can solve through military force. As recently as August 8, Obama downplayed the idea that arming supposedly moderate Syrian rebels — most notably those under the banner of the Free Syrian Army — would help to build a strong fighting force.

He told the New York Times that “there’s not as much capacity as you would hope” for molding an effective group out of “an opposition made up of former doctors, farmers, pharmacists and so forth.” The administration actually did propose spending $500 million in late June to arm and train the rebels as a counterweight to ISIS, but very few people believed that would be enough help to make the rebels competent to destroy ISIS.

And as for airstrikes in Syria, he said in August that “we can run [ISIS] off for a certain period of time, but as soon as our planes are gone, they’re coming right back in” without an effective local partner…

Obama mocked arming these very same people his “strategy” now completely depends on as a FANTASY just ONE MONTH AGO:

Obama Admits Arming Moderate Syrian Rebels Has ‘Always Been A Fantasy’
By: DSWright Monday August 11, 2014 10:01 am

Though many have critiqued President Barack Obama’s strategy of bypassing a terrorism law to give weapons to so-called “moderate” Syrian rebels, few have touched the level of comprehensive disdain the president himself has with his own policy.

The weapons the Obama Administration sent to Syria famously ended up in the hands of ISIS and Al Qaeda. Some of those weapons are likely being used now in Iraq against government forces and to commit the kind of massacres President Obama ordered American air power in to try and stop.

In an interview with Thomas Friedman of The New York Times, Obama not only declined to defend his policy of giving weapons to the Syrian rebels but offered a withering critique of his policy and the reasoning behind it.

With “respect to Syria,” said the president, the notion that arming the rebels would have made a difference has “always been a fantasy. This idea that we could provide some light arms or even more sophisticated arms to what was essentially an opposition made up of former doctors, farmers, pharmacists and so forth, and that they were going to be able to battle not only a well-armed state but also a well-armed state backed by Russia, backed by Iran, a battle-hardened Hezbollah, that was never in the cards.”

Even now, the president said, the administration has difficulty finding, training and arming a sufficient cadre of secular Syrian rebels: “There’s not as much capacity as you would hope.”

Pardon me while I pick my jaw up off the floor. It was President Obama who, despite warnings and protests from numerous groups, bypassed a law against arming terrorists to give weapons to the Syrian rebels. Now it was all a “fantasy” and had no hope of working?

Well, Mr. Wright, I suppose you can put either reset your jaw or just start stomping on it while it’s on the floor.  Because Obama just went back on the policy he had just went back on.

Barack Obama is demon-possessed, and that’s the moral equivalent of being completely INSANE.

You want more pretzel-twisted Obama “logic”???  Obama is now demanding that he can do what he wants based on a resolution that he demonized and later tried to repeal:

WASHINGTON (AP) – On the cusp of intensified airstrikes in Iraq and Syria, President Barack Obama is using the legal grounding of the congressional authorizations President George W. Bush relied on more than a decade ago to go to war. But Obama has made no effort to ask Congress to explicitly authorize his own conflict. […]

As a U.S. senator from Illinois running for president in 2007, Obama tried to prevent Bush’s administration from taking any military action against Iran unless it was explicitly authorized by Congress. A Senate resolution Obama sponsored died in committee. […]

The White House has cited the 2001 military authorization Congress gave Bush to attack any countries, groups or people who planned, authorized, committed or aided the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Earnest on Thursday described the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force, generally known as the AUMF, as one that Obama “believes continues to apply to this terrorist organization that is operating in Iraq and Syria.” […]

The White House also finds authorization under the 2002 resolution that approved the invasion of Iraq to identify and destroy weapons of mass destruction

Obama is using both authorizations as authority to act even though he publicly sought their repeal last year. In a key national security address at the National Defense University in May 2013, Obama said he wanted to scrap the 2001 order because “we may be drawn into more wars we don’t need to fight.” Two months later, Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, asked House Speaker John Boehner to consider repealing the 2002 Iraq resolution, calling the document “outdated.”

This is the God-cursed, demon-possessed, dishonest, ignorant FOOL that you trusted your lives and the lives of your children with, America.

By the way, those two resolutions used the word “war” a total of nine different times.  Since Obama has refused to use the word “war,” they clearly don’t apply.

I don’t know about you, but I think about this dishonest, depraved fool who by his own rhetoric is the very worst kind of hypocrite, and I feel like vomiting until every piece of intestine I’ve got is lying on the floor in a bloody pile.

What Obama should ask for is for Congress to pass an “Irresolution to Surrender” rather than a resolution to fight a damn war.  Because he HAS no resolve and under his “leadership” America never will have any “resolution” to do anything other than bow down before his Muslim masters.

And ALL liberals are demon-possessed; it is as quintessential to being a progressive liberal as being a total hypocrite is to being a progressive liberal.  Thus Jay Carney helps CNN prove that they are a network of propagandists that make Joseph Goebbels Ministry of Propaganda look honest by comparison and claims that no one could have possible known that terrorism would be so resurgent if we abandoned Iraq.

Except for that reality thing again:

“I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for the United States. It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al Qaeda. It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.” — George W. Bush, 2007

Everything Bush said would happen if we abandoned Iraq has happened.  Every single damn thing.  Anyone at this point who says Obama was right on Iraq is worse than a fool; he or she is demon-possessed.

Let me start with Syria and work my way back to Iran.  In Syria we had a unique situation as described by the UK Telegraph:

There’s a remarkable piece in the New Yorker about how President Obama is grappling with his wrenching dilemma over what to do about Syria. It’s one of those examples of American journalism that gives you a genuine feel for the atmosphere behind the scenes – and of how, in the words of one former US official, “all the options are horrible”.

That set me thinking about an incident that has been widely reported, but whose true significance might not have been fully appreciated. Last year, the entire US national security team came up with a unanimous recommendation. These people very rarely agree with one another, but they all told Obama that the time had come for America to arm the Syrian rebels. The degree of consensus was remarkable: Leon Panetta, then defence secretary, Hillary Clinton, then secretary of state, General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs, and General David Petraeus, then head of the CIA, all advised Obama to tip the balance of the war by sending weapons to carefully vetted units within Syria’s insurgency. And the President turned them down.

“There may be another time in history when a President’s entire national security team recommended a course of action and he overruled them, but if there is I’m not aware of it,” says Senator John McCain in the New Yorker.

If things had become better in Syria, then it could be said that Obama was right and everybody else was wrong.  But, you see, things are so much worse in Syria due to Obama’s dithering inaction it is beyond UNREAL.  And Obama’s foolishness will haunt us for years to come; we had a real opportunity to knock out Assad because there is no question his regime was teetering when literally even ALL his OWN advisors and John McCain and Lindsey Graham and all the conservative Republicans were urging him to arm the pro-democracy rebels.  We had a real chance – even Obama’s own top experts agreed on that – to have a pro-democracy government rise in Syria.  But because Obama refused to act decisively, the “pro-democracy rebels” – having no weapons and no support and no means to fight – were killed off by both Assad’s regime and by the better organized and better funded and better equipped terrorist organizations like ISIS/ISIL.  And our opportunity vanished.

And now if we bomb Syria, but refuse to put boots on the ground as Obama is insisting upon, who is going to benefit most from bombing ISIL in Syria?  Bashar al-Assad and his thug regime, that’s who.  Because rest assured HIS boots on the ground will be there to mop up and occupy what we refused to enter.

So now – thanks to Obama – we get to choose between a vicious terrorist army and a vicious dictator thug who has always supported terrorism.  Because when evil rules, there ARE no good choices.

And we’re also in the same sort of  horrible position in Iraq.  Because thanks to Obama’s total abject failure there, helping Iraq means helping Iran.  It didn’t have to be that way.

Obama LIES when he claims that it wasn’t his fault he pulled out of Iraq and that he tried but could not reach a status of forces agreement that we needed to keep our troops safe in Iraq.  Bullcrap: Obama was crystal clear from day one that he was abandoning Iraq.

As Obama abandoned Iraq, he took credit for the “victory” that Bush had won by fighting even as he claimed credit for getting us out.  Vice President Joe Biden said Iraq was “one of the great achievements of this administration.”  Barack Obama claimed that Iraq was and would remain “sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.”

But the FACT is that General Petraeus was begging Obama NOT to abandon Iraq even in 2009 as Obama took office, but Obama was already overruling his key general back then.  And as Obama was actually announcing his pullout in 2011 that he’d already said he was going to follow through with in 2009, key generals who been the architects of the successful surge strategy were stating at that time that Obama’s fool strategy would end in DISASTER.

We would have had an Iraq that was free of ISIS/ISIL on the one hand, and significantly free of Iranian influence on the other.  But now, thanks again to Obama, we are cursed with both dominating Iraq.  And we have literally become the ally of the most dangerous and most poisonous regime on the face of the earth as we help IRAN drive out the Islamic State from the Iraqi territory they now dominate.

There are no good choices now.  Obama has made any good choice impossible.  There are only bad choices or even worse choices guaranteed down the road if we fear the death toll that will be caused by the bad choices.

You need to understand something: what is happening now is the result of a fundamental difference between the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.

The Republican Party believes we have to confront evil and declare war on it and fight it and kill it.  The Democrat Party denies the existence of evil.  They simply do.  They view themselves a ubersophisticated, and able to see all the many nuances and shades of gray that they mock black-and-white- and right-and-wrong-seeing Republicans for not understanding.  And professing themselves to be wise, Democrats become fools and complete moral idiots.

And now we’re going to start paying in spades for our “No, no, NO!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America” president.

John Kerry: Scriptures Compel Us To Confront Climate Change (Good Thing Bible Never Says ANYTHING About Homosexuality Or Abortion)

September 10, 2014

Yes, the sheer hypocrisy of Democrats is beyond amazing.

The question is how can liberal progressives keep their heads from exploding due to all the mutually exclusive contradictions?  And the answer is because they’ve been practicing the art of blatant moral hypocrisy all their lives.

So one of the top Democrats, proponents of secular humanism and the separation of church and state – which has resulted in the planned separation of God and America – gives us this self-righteous presentation on global warming:

KERRY: Confronting climate change is, in the long run, one of the greatest challenges that we face, and you can see this duty or responsibility laid out in the Scriptures clearly beginning in Genesis. And Muslim majority countries are among the most vulnerable.

KERRY: Our response to this challenge ought to be rooted in a sense of stewardship of earth, and for me and for many of us here today, that responsibility comes from God.

Actually, God gives man dominion over the earth.  God tells man to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth” (i.e. don’t be socialists and kill your own growth as a society and don’t be homosexual and pervert marriage and stop having babies and hey while you’re at it don’t murder sixty million of your children).

John Kerry’s take is analogous to the servant who was given talents (money, but in this case representing the earth) from his master.  And instead of investing them (laissez-faire free market capitalism) he buries it in a hole (socialism).

I mean, if you’re going to argue with that last, here’s a quote to prove what I’m saying from THE most influential economist of the left:

“The government should pay people to dig holes in the ground and then fill them up.” — John Maynard Keynes

Et voilà.  The lazy and wicked servant who buried his talent in a hole was simply an ardent socialist.  And thus he kept burying and then digging up the same talent over and over and over again.  And of course produced NOTHING.  Which is ultimately all socialism EVER produces aside from shockingly high real unemployment and a labor participation rate that keeps getting closer and closer to zero.

In Jesus’ parable, the free market capitalist gets praised by God; the socialist is denounced.  But John Kerry has nothing whatsoever to do with God or the heart of Christ, so he perverts the parable and perverts the Bible to speak of the evils of an industrial society.

Strangely, I don’t recall the Bible ever once condemning the sin of carbon – a gas necessary for life on earth to exist.  And unlike Democrats I actually READ the Bible and believe what it tells me.

I’m not at ALL like this worthless turd who has tragically become our president:

“Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is ok and that eating shellfish is abomination? How about Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? Or should we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount – a passage that is so radical that it’s doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application? So before we get carried away, let’s read our bibles. Folks haven’t been reading their bibles.”

Which I refute and explode here.  In short, the New Testament clearly tells us that the dietary laws are one of the things that Jesus came to fulfill and which He in fact DID fulfill PAST TENSE.  All you have to do to understand that Obama has a bogus, frankly ignorant and idiotic argument is read Acts chapter 10.  Also read Jesus’ description that He came to inaugurate a New Covenant (Luke 22:20; 1 Corinthians 11:25) and understand that the Old Testament that Obama so openly mocks also prophesied a New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31).  But those Old Testament concepts which are picked up anew in the New Testament – such as condemnation of homosexuality and the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman and the condemnation of murdering one’s own baby – remain.

Oh, btw, Democrats have a pathological inability to separate the role of the individual from the role of government.  When Barack Obama ascribes the Sermon on the Mount to government, rather than to individuals, he makes himself a FOOL.  And he makes himself a fool HYPOCRITE to boot: otherwise, maybe Obama would take the praise of being POOR to the government and thus refuse to tax people and seize their wealth; maybe Obama would view the praise of being hungry as a call to reject the massive public welfare dole he has created.  And omigosh, maybe Obama would have paid attention to the part of the Sermon on the Mount that said –

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.  For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.  Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” — Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:17-19

– And NOT uttered the stupid and according to Jesus blasphemous remark that I quote above.

But let’s just all agree with Obama and John Kerry that what Jesus really meant on the Sermon on the Mount is “Blessed are those who seize control of government to banish God, redistribute wealth, and destroy economies so they can heal the planet.  Oh, and impose homosexual sodomy and the perversion of marriage onto culture and to murder so many tens of millions of babies that even Satan is shaking his head in amazement.”

Or this one who ran for president until it was revealed that he was a raving psychotic – which interestingly was not enough to keep him from serving as the Democratic National Committee Chairman:

Dr. Dean recently told an audience in Iowa that he prayed daily. On the plane he declined to detail his prayer ritual but described how a 2002 trip to Israel deepened his understanding of the connections between Judaism and Christianity. He named Job as his favorite New Testament book, then later corrected himself, noting that it is in the Old Testament.

For the factual record, not only is the Book of Job NOT in the New Testament, but most scholars believe that  this book is in fact the OLDEST Book of the Bible, and quite possibly even the OLDEST Book preserved in all of human history.  You don’t read the Bible and not know something like that.  At least, you don’t read the Bible and have the intellect to be a janitor, let alone run for president of the United States.

It is always a fascinating thing to watch a liberal who thinks he has the least freaking clue about what the Bible teaches or about what Jesus believed.  Because it always ends up like this.  Jesus NEVER condemned homosexuality, liberals swear.  Well, given the fact that homosexuality was nearly nonexistent in Jewish culture in Jesus’ day, making any specific condemnation irrelevant, the fact that Jesus declared that Jesus came not to abolish the Old Testament, but to fulfill it and that the Old Testament was entirely in force during Jesus’ entire ministry on earth, the fact that Jesus in Matthew 19 declared that marriage was the union between ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN, and add the fact that Jesus in Matthew 15 categorically states that ALL sexual activity outside of marriage – which categorically rules out all homosexual activity – is sinful.

In other words, the only problem with liberalism is that it is a) completely wrong and ignorant and b) immoral and evil.

Just ponder for a moment the Democrat like Barack Obama or John Kerry hypocritically citing the Bible while they clearly urinate on God’s Word in every other respect.  Just reflect for a moment on the pathological dishonesty of a man who would do that.

Now, when it comes to taking care of the environment – biblical stewardship – I as a Christian have practiced environmentalism for YEARS.  I have been conserving water for YEARS, doing things that other people have never even considered such as putting a bucket under the shower to catch the water until it heats up enough.  I am an avid recycler and my “blue” trash container for recycling is always FULL while my trash container is always nearly empty.  I love the outdoors and have more than once reported people who dump or who vandalize to the police.

But I also understand that “global warming” is a complete and utter joke when it becomes a rhetorical tool for socialist redistribution of wealth as it has been exploited, and that we have had – as a book is titled – “Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1,500 Years” throughout the entire history of planet earth.  That book simply blows the doors off the man-caused global warming junk science.  I summarized that book in an article.



John Kerry’s ‘U.S. Is More Engaged In More Places In The World Than At Any Time’ Versus Actual REALITY

July 24, 2014

John Kerry recently offered this laugher:

“The fact is that the United States of America … is more engaged in more places in the world, and, frankly, I think, to greater effect, than at any time in recent memory.”

Allow me to explain what our Secretary of State actually meant:

“The fact is that the United States of America – due to our utterly failed president’s utterly failed foreign policy – has been viewed as so weak and as so pathetic that more places in the world than ever before are erupting into violence all at the same time.  And the Obama administration’s response has been to offer more meaningless, blathering gibberish to more places, to less effect, than at any time in all of history.”

This reminds one of the astonishingly morally idiotic and psychotically-disconnected-from-reality statement by our Fool-in-Chief:

“[T]he truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.” — Barack Hussein

I mean, tell that to the 200,000-PLUS civilians who have been murdered by the brutal dictator thug Assad while Obama uttered empty threats and gibberish red-line warnings.  Tell that to the more than one million Christians who used to live in Iraq until Obama abandoned everything our soldiers fought and bled to win who suddenly found themselves living in a terrorist caliphate and were told they could either abandon their homes and flee for their lives, convert to Islam, or die.  Tell that to the Christian girls who keep becoming slaves to Boko Haram.  Tell that to the damn Ukrainians who years ago made the fatal mistake of trusting Democrat President Bill Clinton and gave up their nuclear weapons only to be utterly abandoned by another Democrat President now.

I could keep going on and on with that “tell that to…” dialogue.  Because Obama has walked away from his foreign policy failures all over the damn world.  You can’t go anywhere on the planet and turn over a damn rock where the worst fool who ever lived hasn’t failed America and failed the world.

Liberals do not live in the real freaking world.  They are demon-possessed; they see nothing beyond what their god Satan wants them to see.

I’ll stand by my own assessment of Obama’s foreign policy while I try to stop barfing after Kerry’s pompous declaration.  Because I rely on, you know, things called FACTS.

Such a surprise that these disasters would fall upon the first president in history of the republic to send pink slips to officers fighting on the front lines of battlefields.

The Blame Game Masters: Iran’s Plan B Has Always Been Obama’s Plan A-Z. Consider How Obama Blames Bush For His Iraq Failure.

June 18, 2014

This is almost funny it’s so sad.  Iran has mastered how to defeat America by watching the master at defeating America at work: Barack Hussein Obama.

Analysis Iran maneuvers to win blame game if nuclear talks collapse
By Paul Richter
June 17, 2014, 4:46 AM|Reporting from Vienna

Iran’s nuclear negotiating team has come to this city hoping to seal a deal on its disputed nuclear program that will finally remove the international sanctions crippling its economy..

But just in case they don’t win that diplomatic victory, they are carefully positioning themselves to come away with a valuable second prize: a win in the ugly blame game that would follow the collapse of negotiations.

Tehran’s team wants to make sure that if its talks with six world powers collapse, many nations would conclude that Iran had been prepared to compromise and the obstacle was the maximalist demands of the United States and its hawkish Israeli and Persian Gulf allies.

The Iranians hope that if many countries come to that view the countries will begin to shed sanctions, allowing Tehran to sell its oil again, and to continue pursuing a nuclear program.

What happens to the sanctions, the world’s great point of leverage on Iran, “depends on who wins the blame game,” said Cliff Kupchan, a former State Department official who follows Iran for the Eurasia Group risk consulting firm.

Iran’s last president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, liked to project an image of thunder and fire. He didn’t look reasonable to the world audience, and didn’t much care.

But the smiling team of President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif seek to come across as reasonable representatives of a country that deserves more than pariah status.

In the run-up to this fifth round of talks, Iran’s nuclear negotiating team has put considerable effort into convincing the world that they are not the threat to a diplomatic solution to the 2-decade-old dispute over Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

At a news conference last Saturday, Rouhani stressed Iran’s “goodwill and flexibility” and his hopes that a deal could still be wrapped up by the current deadline of July 20.

He seemed to signal that he was prepared to set aside Iran’s longstanding enmity with the United States, saying it might cooperate with the U.S. on the struggle against Sunni extremists in Iraq. Of course, as a responsible world power, any Iranian step would be consistent with “international law,” he emphasized.

Rouhani also argued that the sanctions are unraveling anyway. “Conditions will never go back to the past,” he said, in an apparent effort to convince oil-consuming nations they will soon be able to resume oil purchases.

Foreign Minister Zarif, meanwhile, has been building a case that Iran’s goals in the nuclear negotiations are reasonable and that the West’s are extreme.

In a Washington Post Op-Ed article last week, Zarif wrote that in 2005, he and Rouhani floated a plan to the West that would have allowed an international panel to regulate Iran’s nuclear program based on whether they thought it was peaceful. Instead, the George W. Bush administration demanded a halt to Iran’s uranium enrichment, undermining diplomacy and leading to a huge expansion of the Iranian nuclear program.

“They were mistaking our constructive engagement for weakness,” Zarif wrote.

He argued that “small but powerful constituencies” in the West have been calling for tough action against Iran by saying that the country is only a couple of months from having enough enriched uranium to build a nuclear weapon.

In fact, Zarif wrote, Iran would still need “several years” of work to complete all the complex processes needed to turn the fuel into a bomb.

He pointed out that 2005 and 2012 National Intelligence Estimates, which represent the U.S. intelligence community consensus, concluded that Iran wasn’t trying to build a bomb.

The Iranian team is hoping that if the talks collapse, the defection of a few non-Western oil-importing nations, such as China, Turkey or India, might begin an accelerating unraveling of the sanctions.

Obama administration officials contend the sanctions have remained strong since the signing of an interim nuclear deal last November that eased some of the penalties on Iran.

Many countries remain wary of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, in part because of evidence that Iran for years was secretly expanding the program.

Yet the administration has some vulnerabilities in the public relations battle.

One is that many countries are increasingly skeptical of the U.S.’ heavy use of its powerful economic sanctions, which the White House this spring has imposed on Russia because of the dispute over Ukraine.

Many countries, including some in Europe, see Congress’ use of sanctions as excessive.

A senior administration official, asked in a briefing this week about Iran’s efforts to win over world opinion, may have bolstered its argument by warning that if Tehran didn’t yield in negotiations it would be clobbered by more sanctions legislation.

“If Iran does not feel it can make the choices that are necessary, I have no doubt that Congress will take action,” warned the official, who declined to be identified under administration ground rules.

We’ve never seen such a demagogue in the White House.  EVER.  This wicked man ran promising to “transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics of the last 15 years, end the partisan and ideological wars and build a new governing majority.”  Obama deceived and lied his way into office, pure and simple.  And dug in like a disease-bearing tick, he proceeded to “fundamentally transform America” by abandon any and all compromise and ramming home his Stalinist partisan ideology by whatever means necessary (usually Stalinist means through “executive orders” and simple lawlessness, mind you).

Everything was Bush’s fault.  And as that myth started to wear out, everything was the Republicans’ fault.  Obama is a one-trick pony, and the blame game is his one trick so he keeps doing it over and over and over again, ad nauseum.

Our enemies have taken notice of how pathologically weak and cynical Obama is.  And they have taken note of how to be like Obama and use rhetoric to delegitimize truth.

Obama demonized George Bush over EVERYTHING.  Except the way Bush won the Iraq War.  Obama didn’t demonize that; nope: he tried to take credit for it (as I documented in a recent article).  Joe Biden put it this way when Bush was long out of office and everything seemed to be going so, so well:

“I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.”

Obama BOASTED in 2011 about how wonderfully HIS plan had worked to produce a stable Iraq:

“This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.”

Of course, NO ONE in the Pentagon had agreed with Obama’s plan.  They had BEGGED Obama to keep the sort of residual force in Iraq that John McCain had described America as needing to ensure true long-term security:

QUESTIONER: President Bush has talked about our staying in Iraq for 50 years —

McCAIN: Maybe a hundred.

QUESTIONER: Is that — is that —

McCAIN: We’ve been in South Korea — we’ve been in Japan for 60 years. We’ve been in South Korea for 50 years or so. That’d be fine with me as long as Americans —

QUESTIONER: So that’s your policy?

McCAIN: — As long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed, then it’s fine with me. I hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where Al Qaeda is training, recruiting, and equipping and motivating people every single day.

Had we remained in Iraq the way we remained in South Korea and the way we remained in Japan and the way we remained in Europe, WE WOULDN’T BE WHERE WE ARE NOW.

And where we are now is a complete disaster, with Iraq collapsing to terrorists who are – get this – WORSE than al Qaeda while we beg our ENEMY Iran – which is responsible for one third of all American deaths and casualties suffered in Iraq – to help us because we are too weak to help ourselves now.

Let’s look at the timeline of what the military said was wise and what they said was idiotic.  Let’s start with Feb 2, 2009 only days after Obama took office:

WASHINGTON, Feb 2 2009 (IPS) – CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.

But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.

Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’s recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.

Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying, “Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama.”

Petraeus, Gates and Odierno had hoped to sell Obama on a plan that they formulated in the final months of the Bush administration that aimed at getting around a key provision of the U.S.-Iraqi withdrawal agreement signed envisioned re-categorising large numbers of combat troops as support troops. That subterfuge was by the United States last November while ostensibly allowing Obama to deliver on his campaign promise.

Obama was a fool.  He still IS a fool.  He will ALWAYS be a fool.

Note that we DID have an end-run around the just-as-stupid-as-Obama Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki: just re-categorize the troops as “support troops.”  And there are PLENTY of such end runs if Obama had wanted them: for example, now, if Obama sends in ANY troops, he could provide cover for them by declaring them to be under the protections of embassy personnel.  He could have ALWAYS played such games had he wanted to.  The fact of the matter is, Obama wanted OUT of Iraq.  He cut and ran, just as we said.  He never TRIED to negotiate anything but his ass not hitting the door on his way out.

Note that back in 2009, literally one day after taking office (January 21), Obama was already IGNORING the superior knowledge and wisdom of the military and frankly even his own experts in his own cabinet that he had chosen.  And he imposed his idiot liberalism on America and now we’re paying for it and will pay far MORE for it soon.

Note that American military commanders ALWAYS assumed that Obama wouldn’t be such a fool as to do what he did, as this article underscores:

Despite Obama’s declarations Friday and the celebrations they have sparked on the liberal blogosphere, the Pentagon certainly seems to believe its forces may well be in Iraq after 2011. NBC’s Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszeswki reported on Friday that “military commanders, despite this Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government that all U.S. forces would be out by the end of 2011, are already making plans for a significant number of American troops to remain in Iraq beyond that 2011 deadline, assuming that Status of Forces Agreement agreement would be renegotiated. And one senior military commander told us that he expects large numbers of American troops to be in Iraq for the next 15 to 20 years.” Some have suggested that such statements from the military are insubordination and contrary to Obama’s orders, but they could also reflect discussions between the White House and the Pentagon to which the public is not privy. Then there’s the monstrous U.S. embassy unveiled last month in Baghdad, the largest of any nation anywhere in the history of the planet and itself resembling a military base. Maintaining this fortified city will require a sizable armed U.S. presence in Baghdad and will regularly place U.S. diplomats in armed convoys that put Iraqi civilian lives in jeopardy.

The fact is this: the military demanded that we need to have at least 20,000 men as a residual force; Obama refused to listen to wisdom and ordered the military to draw up a new plan.  So the military scratched their heads at Obama’s arrogant idiocy and returned, asking for at least 10,000 troops.  Again, Obama refused common sense.  Obama was only going to allow a way-too-small force of 3,000.

And when Obama came to the Iraqi Prime Minister with that clearly-too-small-to-do-any-good number, Nouri al -Maliki understood that Obama had absolutely no intention of truly remaining as a stabilizing force in Iraq, that he was cutting and running, that America under Obama was useless, and that he would need to run to the Iranians instead of relying on the Americans.

In other words, Obama lost the war right then and there.  Obama – who wanted OUT – offered absolutely nothing whatsoever that al-Maliki could use, which made it easy for al-Maliki to refuse Obama’s “assistance.”  Hence no status of forces agreement.

Let’s go to a period – April 10, 2011 – after the Obama-King-Dumbass-of-the-Universe policy on Iraq is on the verge of being implemented:

WASHINGTON — Eight months shy of its deadline for pulling the last American soldier from Iraq and closing the door on an 8-year war, the Pentagon is having second thoughts.

Reluctant to say it publicly, officials fear a final pullout in December could create a security vacuum, offering an opportunity for power grabs by antagonists in an unresolved and simmering Arab-Kurd dispute, a weakened but still active al-Qaida or even an adventurous neighbor such as Iran.

The U.S. wants to keep perhaps several thousand troops in Iraq, not to engage in combat but to guard against an unraveling of a still-fragile peace. This was made clear during Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ visit Thursday and Friday in which he and the top U.S. commander in Iraq talked up the prospect of an extended U.S. stay.

Note how the media slants and distorts the story.  The military wasn’t having “second thoughts” about this idiotic move by Obama; THEY HAD ALWAYS OPPOSED IT.

Also, note that they feared not only terrorists taking over Iraq, but the terrorist State of Iran taking over Iraq.  Under Obama’s wicked, demon-possessed stupidity, BOTH ARE NOW HAPPENING.

We learn – if we care about history rather than liberal’s fact-warping rhetoric – that:

Obama’s plan, as his advisors have often said, is subject to “conditions on the ground,” meaning it can be altered at any point between now and 2011. Underscoring this point, a spokesperson for New York Rep. John McHugh, the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, said on Friday that Obama “assured [McHugh] he will revisit the tempo of the withdrawal, or he will revisit the withdrawal plan if the situation on the ground dictates it. … The president assured him that there was a Plan B.”

In other words, Obama made the call.  He made the call AFTER Bush had secured victory.  And Obama foolishly made THE WRONG CALL.  And now the Middle East is melting down around us as a result of our Idiot-in-Chief.

Of course, we now know what Obama’s “PLan B” was: to blame Bush for Obama’s idiotic failures and count on the mainstream media to sell it.

As another example of how the Fool-in-Chief annihilated American influence in the Middle East, consider how Obama – after his “red line” debacle refused wisdom in sending aid to the pro-democratic rebels in Syria as John McCain and Lindsey Graham begged Obama to do a good two years plus ago.

We had a chance to topple Syrian dictator Assad AND install a government friendly to us, but Obama dithered too long and blew any chance we had.  And then – because Obama is a true fool – he involved Russia and Putin who takes Obama to school every time they negotiate.  And Putin maneuvered Obama into literally NEEDING Assad to remain in power to secure a WMD deal that Putin and Assad held over Obama’s head like a carrot while Assad murdered now well over 160,000 of his own people.  And while a vicious terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – ISIS – metastasized first across Syria and now into Iraq.

These are all just facts.  It is what happened.

But the way Obama – using his “Iran Plan B” strategy as per the top article above – has handled his debacle is to blame Bush for it.  If Bush hadn’t started the war, we wouldn’t be here.

You know, just like “If I didn’t have an opposable thumb, I wouldn’t have smashed my finger with this hammer.”

It is significant that BOTH of Barack Obama’s Secretaries of State – first Hillary Clinton and then John Kerry – voted to authorize Bush to attack Iraq.  Because they looked at the clear and present danger that Iraq posed and they looked at the intelligence evidence that Bush was also looking at, and they came to the same decision that any rational human being would come to faced with such overwhelming evidence.

History records THAT as a fact as well.  It also records the fact that nearly sixty percent of DEMOCRATS in the United States Senate (29 of 50) supported Bush’s policy on Iraq in the form of something called “the Iraq WAR Resolution.”  That’s right, kids: “The Iraq WAR Resolution.”  Only to turn on him like treasonous dogs the moment that politics and unbelievable dishonesty and cynicism on the part of the Democrat Party entered into the picture.

Again, note that the two people who served as Obama’s Secretaries of State – Hillary Clinton and John Kerry – both voted “YES.”

Democrats are demonic, backstabbing traitors.  And if you give them power, they will undermine America every single time.

So Obama is trying to play games and blame pretty much all of the scandals that HIS administration is responsible for on Bush.  Like the VA scandal.

Now Obama’s – OBAMA’S – failed policy is coming home to roost.  And the man who just a few years ago was claiming total credit for Iraq is now using his army of media cockroaches to suggest that Bush so screwed up Iraq that it’s wrong to blame Obama.  BULLCRAP.

The fact of the matter is that George W. Bush secured victory in Iraq and handed off a safe, stable, secure nation to Barack Obama.  Barack Obama claimed credit for what he received and in so doing claimed ownership of it.  Had his policy not been so wrong, had he not so completely and so arrogantly IGNORED his wise military advisors, we would not be in this mess.

Don’t let Obama play his “Iranian strategy” on this one.


The Man Obama Says We Must Trust Says Obama’s Secretary Of State Is A ‘Liar.’ Don’t Trust Putin Or Demand Kerry RESIGN (Or BOTH)

September 18, 2013

Obama gave an interesting speech (for which he was roundly criticized by BOTH sides for being a hyper-partisan ideologue demagogue at the very moment that Americans were lying dead on the scene less than 2 miles away in the wake of a mass shooting).  Obama gives lip service to the ongoing crisis in Syria, and then immediately said the following:

I want to be clear though that, even as we’ve dealt with the situation in Syria, we’ve continued to focus on my number one priority since the day I took office

This came off the text of the prepared speech as Obama delivered it on his teleprompter.  And note, it does NOT say, “even as we’ve been dealing with the situation in Syria,” in the present active sense, but rather, “even as we’ve dealt.”  Past tense.  Done.  Over.  Language means something, even when it comes from the “Just words” president.  Obama has turned Syria and pretty much the entire Middle East over to Vladimir Putin following his “red line” debacle and he’s shaking the dust off his hands.  It’s an embarrassment, and Obama brushes embarrassments under the rug and ignores them (think “Benghazi”).

Obama has been all over the damn board on Syria.  First he gave his “red line” threat.  Then Syria crossed that line FOURTEEN TIMES.  Then Obama said he was going to attack Syria.  And he said he didn’t need Congress to authorize it (even though the dishonest hypocrite said the exact opposite about the authority of the man who held the SAME office before him).  Then he realized that the rest of the world pretty much thought he was an incompetent disgrace and that they couldn’t trust him to do anything, let alone do it right.  So our great ally England backed out.  And Obama’s “international community” consisted of Obama and whatever demons that inhabit his soul.  So, standing with his feet planted firmly in midair, Obama wilted like a coward.  And then the man who said he didn’t need Congress suddenly decided he DID need Congress to cover his naked scrawny political back.  What he was really hoping for was that Republicans would vote against a strike on Syria and he could politically demonize them for it.  But an interesting thing happened: DEMOCRATS were even MORE opposed to it.  And so having virtually no chance of winning a vote in Congress – and even worse yet, having nobody but himself to blame for his appalling incompetence – he said in the speech that he had arranged to demand Congress vote for his strike to NOT vote for his strike.  Yet another crazy U-turn in a pretzel foreign policy that leaves allies not knowing what Obama will do or not do next and therefore losing all trust in America even as it emboldens enemies and vastly increases the likelihood that they will misjudge whatever the hell Obama’s intentions actually are.  As even the Los Angeles Times now says.

After that, John Kerry uttered an offhanded remark that even the Überliberal The Atlantic called “John Kerry’s gaffe Heard Round The world.”  Russia – seeing Obama’s weakness and desperation along with their OWN opening to impose their will on a situation Obama had clearly completely lost control of – pounced on it.  And Obama, caring far more about his skinny political neck than he ever has about American foreign policy or American prestige, was only too happy to let Russia take over.  So, no need for Syria to cringe in terror over Obama’s “unbelievably small” strike on them, after all.  No need to fear now, world, because Russia stepped in and saved the human race from Obama’s “unbelievably small” attack.

Russia and Putin say they’ll work toward disarming Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile.  You know, the weapons that Syria moved to at least fifty different locations even as this deal to take control over them was being discussed.  Other than the fact that there is almost no way in hell that inspectors can even possibly pull this trick off, and the whole “deal” is a sick joke, we’ve got the bigger problem that Obama has now guaranteed that Bashar al-Assad will remain in power.  Because Russia will see to that and because Obama has just made Assad a PARTNER in the chemical weapons business.  If Assad is out of power, he can’t turn over the weapons, and therefore Obama must see to it that he helps Russia keep Assad in power.

So now we’ve got Bashar al-Assad and his patron Vladimir Putin both saying, “You can trust us.”  And Obama DOES trust them.  Implicitly.  Which is why he’s saying, “Now that we’ve dealt with the situation in Syria.”  Because would Russia ever lie to us???

Let’s call this what it is: an abject disgrace.  America needed a quarterback, and tragically all we’ve had the last five years and all we’ll have for the next three years is a PUNTER who sadly talks a good game but then can’t kick the damn ball.

If you want the best assessment of Obama’s policy in Syria in the fewest words, here it is:

“It seems to me like Putin just put a hook and a line in the water and the President grabbed it, swallowed it and now Putin is just going to sit there, play with him and jerk that around.  All that is happening on the world stage and we are just looking weaker and weaker.” — Congressman Buck McKeon, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee

All that having been said, let’s revisit this exchange between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Obama and his Stooge of State John Kerry:

Speaking to his human rights council, Mr Putin recalled watching a congressional debate where Mr Kerry was asked about al-Qaeda. Mr Putin said he had denied that it was operating in Syria, even though he was aware of the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra group.

Mr Putin said: “This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans) and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad.”

That was on September 4.

Who could have known that Obama would zig-zag on his crazy and incoherent foreign policy to such an extent that a matter of days later the very same man who claimed that the Secretary of State of the United States of America was a liar would be our most trusted figure to help Obama out of the Syria hellhole his idiotic rhetoric got him into?

I mean, not me.  I would have thought that even Obama was smart enough not to trust Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad to fix Syria for us.  But nope.

I’ve written at some length about John Kerry and what an abject lying disgrace that man IS and has been (see here  and here and here and here).

Basically, John Kerry is a man who used his position as an officer to fraudulently put himself in for every medal under the sun – only to treat those medals with the same contempt that he displayed when he applied for them in the first place when he threw them over a fence during an “I hate America” protest; he is a man who turned against his fellow soldiers, Marines and sailors and lied about atrocities he claimed he had witnessed but later acknowledged he had NOT witnessed (because if he’d witnessed them HE would have been guilty of the same war crimes he was trying to frame others for).  He was a man who kicked America right in the balls when it was down.

And that was BEFORE he called the man who is now guilty of murdering more than 120,000 of his own people “my dear friend.”

And now he’s helping Obama and Putin kick America in the balls again.

If we can trust Vladimir Putin to disarm Syria, then we cannot trust John Kerry.  Because the man we trust says John Kerry is a liar who KNOWS he’s a liar.

Personally, it is amazing: Obama trusts liars and ONLY trust liars to advance his foreign policy and pretty much every other policy.

America is a sick, dying land.  Because as Obama’s reverend prophetically said, it is “God DAMNED America.”