Archive for December, 2017

Of The Political Leftist (And Godless) Spin On ‘Christians’ And The Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel’s Capitol: Prepare to Be ‘Left Behind’

December 26, 2017

I’ve been real busy these past few weeks, frankly too busy to write blog articles.  Now here it is Christmas and my routine has come to a glorious pause.  But it’s fortuitous that my last article was on the status of Jerusalem and the wicked going batpoop over President Donald Trump doing what Bill Clinton and Barack Obama along with George W. Bush and basically the entire Congress including one hypocrite named Diane Feinstein all said they believed should be done.

So Obama on June 4, 2008 told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in his very first foreign policy speech after winning the Democratic Party nomination for president this:

“Let me be clear. Israel’s security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable.

“The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper — but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognised and defensible borders.

“Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided. I have no illusions that this will be easy.”

But history since amply proved that whenever Obama said the words, “Let me be clear,” that whatever came out of his mouth afterward would be an outrageous lie.

George Bush also spoke to AIPAC and he said:

“Something will happen when I’m president: as soon as I take office I will begin the process of moving the US ambassador to the city Israel has chosen as its capital.”

What about Bill Clinton?  Oh, yeah, he’s a liar and hypocrite too, who said one thing and then did another.  Might as well have said, “Let me be clear” the way Obama has done with his red line on Syria and so many other times when he was about to lie to the American people.

Bill Clinton declared in February 1992, at the height of the Democratic primaries, that he supported recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a step that would alter U.S. policy.

Later, during the general election campaign, Clinton attacked President George H.W. Bush for having “repeatedly challenged Israel’s sovereignty over a united Jerusalem.” He promised that he and running mate Al Gore would “support Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”
read more:

And I detailed in my last article:

In 1995 The 104th Congress of the United States passed The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 overwhelmingly in a bipartisan vote and a veto-proof majority by a by the Senate (93–5) and the House (374–37).

And also as I detailed, just six months ago, Democrat Senators like U.S. Senator from uberleftist Californiastan voted to demand that the president recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol:

( – Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has written to President Trump, urging him not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel or to announce he is moving the U.S. Embassy to the city.

Exactly six months ago Tuesday, the senior senator from California voted in favor of a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem, and calling on the president to “abide by” the provisions of the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act.

That 1995 legislation said Jerusalem should be recognized as Israel’s capital, and required the president to move the embassy from Tel Aviv by May 31, 1999. Feinstein, the eighth-longest serving senator, voted in favor of it on Oct. 24, 1995.

So it’s not like Donald Trump did something unheard of, out of the blue.  He merely did what every single U.S. president and virtually ALL Of Congress have declared they were going to do.

But that’s, well, basically obvious and clear U.S. history for the past seventy years, since Harry S. Truman became the first world leader to officially recognize the state of Israel in 1948 when beyond miraculously, Israel defeated six nations that each dwarfed them in size, in population and in resources to fulfill what the Bible declared would happen in Ezekiel chapter 37:1-14 in the prophecy of the dry bones:

37 The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”

I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

Then He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath[a] enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.

Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.

11 Then He said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 Then you, My people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. 14 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.’”

Now, somebody who doesn’t understand Scripture beyond their own pathetic theological system might try to explain this away by saying it was already fulfilled when Israel came back from Babylon.  Some problems with that: 1) the Jews don’t come back from Babylon in Ezekiel 37; they come from “the four winds.”  They come from the four corners of the planet, having been dispersed worldwide.  And 2) the next chapter, 38, gives us the enemy that this reborn from dried bones Israel would face: Gog of the land of Magog – i.e. every single linguistic analysis says this is modern-day RUSSIA – Persia, a.k.a. modern-day Iran and a host of nations that today are ALL Islamic.  So the Jews will come not from Babylon but from all over the earth and the enemy the reborn Israel will face will NOT be Babylon, but Russia and Iran leading a host of Islamic nations.  In point of fact, Babylon is not mentioned in the prophetic narrative of the last-days invasion of Israel at all.  Which is why Joel C. Rosenberg BEFORE the 9/11 attack wrote his novel, “The Last Jihad” in which terrorists from Iraq flew a plane into the World Trade Center: to get rid of Saddam Hussein.  Why?  Because Joel realized that Iraq (modern-day Babylon) was NOT in the host of nations that would attack Israel, and could not understand how a Saddam Hussein would not participate in such a war against Israel.  And so Rosenberg, simply believing the biblical account, took Saddam out.  And yes, what Rosenberg realized from prophecy came to pass because the Bible is the true, inspired word of a God who declares the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).  Further, if anyone wants to foolishly argue that the prophecy of the dry bones of Israel coming back to life from the dried, desiccated dead was a past event with no present or future ramifications, another passage from Scripture prevails:

He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations, the covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac.  Then He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan As the portion of your inheritance.” – Psalm 105:8-11

The LORD God has remembered His covenant for how long?  FOREVER.  A thousand generations?  Well, keep in mind Jesus was born in Bethlehem only 50 generations ago, so I think we’re still good on the thousand thing.  And again, what kind of covenant is it?  Oh, it’s an EVERLASTING one.

So I pick up my Lost Angeles Slimes and read an article titled, “There’s a sharp split among Christians over Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” and spit out my coffee.  How can one human being be so full of crap as the author of this article or the editor who allowed it or the publisher of the paper who publishes fake news like this?

The article authoritatively asserts, “The key to understanding this rift is the evangelical belief in what is necessary to pave the way for the second coming of Jesus.”

No, you pathetically ignorant dumbass who clearly has no idea whatsoever what the hell you’re writing about.

Interestingly, as I will get to, that above quote in context says, “The divide between evangelicals and other Christian denominations reflects two views of Jerusalem — one traditional and political, the other literal and theological. The key to understanding this rift is the evangelical belief in what is necessary to pave the way for the second coming of Jesus. ”  I’ll get to the “traditional and political” versus the “literal and theological.”  But let me begin my attack on this stupid notion that evangelical Christians are trying to “pave the way for the second coming of Jesus.”

I don’t like to throw out my bona fides, but I’ve got not one but TWO masters degrees from basically THE most evangelical Christian university on the planet: BIOLA University’s Talbot School of Theology.  And I can assure you that evangelicals are in no way, no shape or no form attempting to “pave the way for the second coming of Jesus.”  No, that’s a branch of Islam, that is looking for the Twelfth Imam who will only appear if they bathe the world in blood to force his appearing.  They believe that “In order to save the world, it must be in a state of chaos and subjugation.”  And so they are trying to force the hand of destiny.  And that is NOT the project of Evangelical Christians.  The Los Angeles Times is doing nothing more than spreading propaganda and bigoted hate against evangelicals in making such preposterous claims.

As a testimony to that fact, simply scroll down my last article written on December 6 about Trump and Jerusalem, and see if I say ANYTHING about “the second coming.”  Because the fact of the matter is that I don’t say a single word about that.  Rather, I look to the PAST of what God declared in His eternal Word and I look at what is simply RIGHT.  I passionately believe in the Second Coming of Messiah Jesus, and I just as passionately believe the scriptures from both the Old and New Testaments that state that Jews WILL recognize the Messiah whom they pierced (Zechariah 12:10) and they will repent and believe just short of too late.  And in the Book of Revelation, again, we see Israel and Jerusalem and yes, even the TEMPLE which WILL be rebuilt.  We see 144,000 Jews from each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel coming like a host of Billy Grahams (Revelation 7:4 and Revelation 14:3); we see a divine rescue of Israel from the coming Antichrist (Revelation 12:13-17) as Jews take shelter in a place that is very likely Petra and be kept safe until Messiah – like the Good Shepherd protecting His flock – rescues them at the 2nd Coming.  So, certainly there is darned good reason I believe in the modern state of Israel as an amazing fulfillment of biblical prophecy and a key to the coming last days before the Rapture, the 2nd Coming and the Millennium.

But I’m not out to “pave the way.”  I’m an evangelical; which means I am standing for what is right against what is wrong, and I am standing for what the Word of the Living God declares.  And the Word of the Living God declares that yes, Jerusalem IS the capitol of Israel, always was and always will be particularly given the fact that God raised Israel from the dried bones of death after the nation had been dead and in the grave for very nearly 2,000 years (from A.D. 70 to 1948 and in fact 1967 when they miraculously retook Jerusalem).  I didn’t cause Israel to become a nation again and neither did evangelicals and neither did the United States or any other country or even Jews; GOD caused Israel to become a nation again beyond all hope.

Therein lies the issue with these supposed “Christians” who so ardently oppose what God declared was His will from the time of Abraham until now and forever for a thousand generations as an everlasting covenant.

And we just witnessed in the United Nations vote the other day the mindset that will be a fulfillment to Psalm 83:4, “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”  This is the same wicked United Nations that has wickedly voted to condemn Israel more times than it has condemned all the rest of the nations of the world COMBINED.  And everyone who is on the side of the United Nations is in fulfillment of the Word of God on the side of the devil against the LORD God, the God of Israel.  And very frankly, if you are one of these people reading these words now, it is YOUR wickedness that is “paving the way” for the second coming of Jesus.  Because the Bible makes very clear that it is WICKEDNESS, not righteousness, that will cause Messiah Jesus to save the world that He created from destroying itself.  The Bible pits the works of the devil and those who are of their father, the devil (John 8:44), against the work of God: and it is in response to the works of the devil and those who are of their father the devil, rather than evangelicals “paving the way,” who will bring about the coming of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Don’t you dare blame me LA Times, wicked unrepentant and unregenerate sinners, for “paving the way for the second coming of Jesus.”  Because that’s going to be on YOU.  As for me, I believe I’ll already be in heaven, having either been raptured or martyred, prior to the return of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords.  Prior to the events known as the Tribulation (right after the Church age described in Revelation chapters 1-3 in 4:1), the Bible describes a “Come up here!”) moment for Christians.  After which a coming political figure (Revelation 6) called the Antichrist or the beast rules over a world that most clearly does NOT want the LORD God of Israel, but rather secular humanism and socialism, to be their god, will worship this political tyrant and eventually take his mark on their right hand or forehead (Revelation 16:2).

The Bible tells us that there will be a great apostasy in the end times, a falling away, prior to the emergence of the man of lawlessness:

“Don’t be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed–the one who brings destruction.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:3

St. Paul – after restating the clear message of the Bible that yes, there WILL be a third temple constructed where the world says over its dead body will there be a Jewish temple, and that the Antichrist will sit in the holy of holies and declare himself “God” when it is built, continues:

“And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes.  For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way.  Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of His mouth and destroy him by the splendor of His coming.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8

The ONLY thing holding Antichrist back is the Holy Spirit present in the true, believing Church.  But there will be a time when we will all be “caught up together” with Jesus to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).  It is this word “caught up” – harpazo in the Greek, rapturo in the Latin – that the word “rapture” comes from.  In the Rapture, Christ doesn’t come to earth, but rather WE who truly know Him and love Him will come to HIM in the air.  And there will be a moment where there are literally no true Christians living or dead on planet earth.  Those who have Christ in their hearts, the true Church that is restraining the true evil that will result in the spirit and the coming of Antichrist, will be taken away.

Jesus says to one of His faithful churches, the last church before the apostacizing church of Laodicea where Jesus is literally outside knocking trying to get in with the door shut in His face (Revelation 3:20), these words:  “Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upont he whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 3:10).

Which is my cue to leave this earth as I’m caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and the cue of all of those who were faithful to the Word of God and who kept God’s word even when the world hated us because they hated Jesus first (John 15:18-19).

When Jesus says to the last generation of faithful Christians before the coming of the apostasy where most of the church totally falls away, “Because you have kept the word of My perseverance,” He isn’t referring to the “‘political and traditional’ “Christians.”  Oh, no, He is most definitely NOT.  You who are of the Laodicean age, of pseudo-Christians who are wedded to the ways of the wicked world, will be very, very surprised when true Christians are suddenly GONE and yes, in the plot of the famous Tim LaHaye novel series, you are “Left Behind.”  The LA Times article sets up the contrast very, very succinctly: there are those who are about “tradition and politics,” and there will be those who are about faithfully, literally following the Word of God as He revealed it.  We  didn’t abandon the Word of God when some feminist organization said that abortion was in and the sanctity of life was out; we didn’t abandon the Word of God when some opinion poll came out and said homosexuality was in and God-ordained marriage between one man and one woman was out of vogue.  We held to our conscience which was rooted in the Word of God, not godless secular humanism.

Tradition and politics.  Neither are very good things.  As for politics, that these people who oppose God’s Word and therefore oppose Jerusalem as God’s capitol of God’s people Israel hold so fast to, do you know what it is?  It is sticking your finger up to the latest public opinion survey and demagoguing at best the least of two evils.  And that’s politics at its BEST, because often they slant the truth and try to convince the people to vote for utopian lies that will never come true.  And yes, tradition. Jesus pointed out what He thought of tradition in Mark 7:8: “You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”  As the NLT puts the same verse, “For you ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition.”  Yeah, that works.  Jesus said, “you cancel the word of God for the sake of your own tradition” (Matthew 15:6).  That is EXACTLY what the left has not only done, but gloried in doing.  Colossians 2:8 says, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ.”  Everything the left and the Laodicean “Christian” loves is based on human philosophy and empty tradition in diametric opposition to the Gospel and the Word of God.

And the same is true of Israel and Jerusalem.  The Bible couldn’t be more clear who should have Jerusalem, but the world and the Laodicean church don’t give a flying damn what the Word of God declares, other than the fact that they are like the coming Antichrist wicked people who delight in moral godlessness and lawlessness and make up their own gods and their own laws as they impose their will and their way.

How did this pseudo-Christian garbage on Israel and Jerusalem begin?  It began in the 5th century AD through a man named Augustine.  Augustine read his Bible and it didn’t make any literal sense to him because any literal reading made it clear that Israel and Jerusalem the temple were part of the fundamental plan of God and there hadn’t been an Israel or a temple for over 400 years and it didn’t look like they were coming back.  Why, they were like dried up bones in the graveyard!!!  And so Augustine rewrote the understanding of the Bible, came up with his own damned theology, that was based not on the Word of God as it was literally revealed in literal, actual words, but rather in allegory and “spiritualization” and metaphor.  And so the Bible came to mean exactly what humans wanted it to mean, and it came to stand for exactly what humans wanted it to stand for.  The Word of God was no longer allowed to clearly and simply speak for itself; no, it required clever men with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense to explain it to the rest of us.

We see this in the Bible and we see the exact same people using the exact same crap on our Constitution.  What does the Constitution mean?  Certainly not what it says, but what liberals want it to mean as they impose their will on it and on society, all the while claiming to be the damn champions of the very thing they are most intent on perverting.  You take the 2nd Amendment as a very clear example: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  Well, say the intellectuals – which is another word for “fool” these days – only a well-regulated militia is able to keep and bear arms, not the people.  Or the people are the militia and nothing else.  The only problem is that the Constitution very crystal-clearly says “THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”  So on their own damn reading, let’s make sure that only militia people have the right to anything the 1st Amendment guarantees.  After all, it focuses on “the right of the people” and we know that only applies to people in militias, right?  In the same way, only militia members should be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.  Because again, the 4th amendment declares it’s “the right of the people” to have these things.  And if morally idiotic liberals had any kind of moral consistency, they would apply this ONLY to people in well-regulated militias.  Liberals are indoctrinated into a tradition of lies and are therefore filled with lies and propagate lies in place of the truth.

When you read what the founding fathers themselves said about gun ownership and “the people,” it is compelling to anyone who is NOT a complete fool.  “The people” actually means “the people.”  Go figure.  The problem is, that in these last days, we have a gigantic surplus of complete fools.  And the 2nd Amendment properly understood was the founding fathers’ distrust of government and even democracy itself and a reaction against government- and mob-tyranny, such that we should in the United States of America have a government afraid of its people rather than a people afraid of their government.  Take Benjamin Franklin’s quotes.  He said, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”  He said, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

I’m sorry, that’s just me reading something literally, you know, the way it is supposed to be read.  If I tell you the phone book is a cookbook for cannibals and that we all are supposed to dine on the bodies of liberals after slaughtering them like pigs, all I’m doing is reading the phone book a different way.  But the liberal judges have “penumbras and emanations” to guide them and to hell with the obvious, literal meaning.  As Thurgood Marshall once encapsulated liberal thinking, “you do what you think is right and let the law catch up.”  Because to be a liberal means to stand above the law, above the Constitution, and as we have seen above presidential elections.  And impose whatever the damn hell they want and feel pharisaically self-righteous about it the whole damn time they’re doing it.  We’re seeing that on our universities as even professors scream down free speech which they once hypocritically professed as sacred and as sacrosanct as a ruse to get their fascist way and then slam the door shut on everyone else.

Just so you understand the two sides, one is the ONLY democracy in the history of the entire Middle East; the other side has an official “pay to slay” policy that has been issuing incredibly generous benefits to the family members of terrorists who killed themselves in the act of murdering Jews.  Thank God, the Republicans just passed a bill to yank American taxpayer funds that have been used to murder Jews and even to murder US citizens.   Donald Trump has virtually destroyed the Islamic State that Obama was helpless to defeat in a matter of months.  But that victory doesn’t even MATTER to the left that was very frankly actually likely rooting for the terrorists to defeat Trump.  By and large, the media and the Democratic Party has despicably simply pretended there never was an “ISIS.”  And because Islam is at its heart a violent political ideology masquerading as a “religion of peace,” violence immediately erupted following Friday prayers as was expected.  If Islam WERE a religion of peace, imams would have calmed down the political passions of Muslims; instead they used the pretext of religion to inflame violence.  Would a genyine Christian pastor of any decent church declare “three days of rage” and send out a Christian flock to commit acts of violence if something were passed/decided that we didn’t like?  Would you go out with violence in your heart in the name of “the Prince of Peace”?  The news said, “Anger was the mood”  in this “three days of rage.”  Interesting reaction from “the religion of peace”!!!  And here we are, weeks later, witnessing the same rabid spirit of hate from the same “religion of peace.”

In the LA Times article, the focus is on the hate of the other side as the primary justification for why Trump was wrong.  And the hateful side that embraces violence as solution is right!!!

What does this say about the left when they keep doing this?  Not only with the Palestinians on Jerusalem – notwithstanding that they built their damn mosque RIGHT ON TOP of the temple and if Jews treated Arabs the same way Arabs treated Jews there wouldn’t be any Muslims – but think of the violent movement Occupy Wall Street which warped into the violent movement Black Lives Matter and so on with the embrace of the leftist media and the Democratic Party leadership.  Think of the liberal universities cancelling free speech because the side they hate wants to be allowed to exercise the right to free speech and their own side is wiling to use violence to prevent it.  Liberalism is believing that people should have the right to do what people ought not do.  Liberalism is siding with evil against good.

In point of fact, Trump declared that we have given the Palestinians fifty years to fairly negotiate peace, and all they have done is spill as much blood as possible.  Even today, they rabidly refuse to even acknowledge in their maps for their school children that there IS such a thing as “Israel.”  For Palestinians who teach terrorism to their children and financially reward the families of “martyred” terrorists who “nobly sacrificed their lives” to murder innocent victims with explosives in marketplaces and on public transportation, anyone who has a shred of decency in their hearts, let alone the Holy Spirit, clearly sees which side is on the right and which side has been wrong and in fact demonically evil for decades.

Jesus put it clearly, ye Laodicean “Christians” who are so rich in your liberal traditions and your liberal politics and who don’t honor God or His Word: prepare to be Left Behind when the rapture comes.

President Trump Does What He Promised And What The United States Promised To Do In 1995 And Recognizes Jerusalem As Israel’s Capitol

December 6, 2017

In 1995 The 104th Congress of the United States passed The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 overwhelmingly in a bipartisan vote and a veto-proof majority by a by the Senate (93–5) and the House (374–37).  But we had a dissembling liar, coward and yes, we know today by the left’s own standards, a RAPIST in the White House named Bill Clinton.  And that dishonest cowardly rapist refused to sign what the Congress had overwhelmingly declared.  And so the law was never implemented.

When he was running for president, Donald Trump repeatedly declared that he would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and relocate the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

Israel built the first temple in the 10th century Before Christ, about 950 BC.  That temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC but rebuilt with all construction completed in 516 BC.  That temple stood until the Romans destroyed it in 70 AD.  Versus the Muslims, who built their Dome of the Rock or Mosque of Omar ON TOP OF the Jewish Temple, with construction beginning in the late 7th century Anno Domini, in 687 AD.  Now, there are people who have the divine ability to comprehend something called “reality” who therefore understand that the Jews were there first and that it IS and always HAS BEEN their land.

In fact King David retook by force what his ancestor Abraham had lawfully purchased back in Genesis 23:1-20 and Genesis 49:31.  Abraham proved his faithfulness to God at that same site known today as the Temple Mount and the Temple was built on the place where God had spoken to Abraham.

When the Muslims conquered the land in the 7th century, they built a mosque on the very location the people they conquered held most sacred.  By any liberal or secular humanist standard that isn’t a hypocritical double-standard, what the Muslims did was an act of great historic evil.

But sadly, there is literally no such thing as a liberal or secular humanist who is not a hypocrite who bases his or her worldview and understanding of right and wrong on a constantly shifting double-standard with the only consistency being that they are always right no matter how gravely wrong they are.

Just so you understand the two sides, one is the ONLY democracy in the history of the entire Middle East; the other side has an official “pay to slay” policy that has been issuing incredibly generous benefits to the family members of terrorists who killed themselves in the act of murdering Jews.  Thank God, the Republicans just passed a bill to yank American taxpayer funds that have been used to murder Jews and even to murder US citizens.

I’m simply going to put it thus: anyone who sides with the terrorist Palestinians is every bit as bad as any Nazi.  Pure and simple.  I’m sure Hitler would have been delighted to have such a generous pension program for Holocaust murderers as the Palestinians set up.

There are in fact two realities: the reality of historic fact and the reality of present Islamic and Palestinian terrorist EVIL.

And so President Trump said this:

Jerusalem is today and must remain a place where Jews pray at the Western Wall, where Christians walk the stations of the cross, and where Muslims worship at Al Aqsa Mosque. However, through all of these years, presidents representing the United States have declined to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In fact, we have declined to acknowledge any Israeli capital at all.

But today we finally acknowledge the obvious. That Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done.

But there are people who are owned and operated by Satan, by the prince of the power of the air, people who have “followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient” (Ephesians 2:2).  And these people are no more capable of receiving or comprehending genuine reality than a cockroach is capable of building a rocket that can land roaches on the moon and assure their safe return to earth.

And these people have played their stupid, pathetic political games year after year, decade after decade.

In President Trump’s words:

Yet, for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the law’s waiver, refusing to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem or to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. Presidents issued these waivers under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace. Some say they lacked courage but they made their best judgments based on facts as they understood them at the time. Nevertheless, the record is in.

After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result.

Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver.

Today, I am delivering. I’ve judged this course of action to be in the best interests of the United States of America and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. This is a long overdue step to advance the peace process. And to work towards a lasting agreement.

Israel is a sovereign nation with the right, like every other sovereign nation, to determine its own capital. Acknowledging this is a fact is a necessary condition for achieving peace. It was 70 years ago that the United States under President Truman recognized the state of Israel.

Ever since then, Israel has made its capital in the city of Jerusalem, the capital the Jewish people established in ancient times.

Today, Jerusalem is the seat of the modern Israeli government. It is the home of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, as well as the Israeli Supreme Court. It is the location of the official residence of the prime minister and the president. It is the headquarters of many government ministries.

For decades, visiting American presidents, secretaries of State and military leaders have met their Israeli counterparts in Jerusalem, as I did on my trip to Israel earlier this year.

In other words, it was reality, everyone understood the reality, but lying dissemblers based on the foundations of a rapist have suppressed the truth and have played games.  And for decades we have gone nowhere with no peace.

The Word of God delivered to Jeremiah the prophet declared:

They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace.  — Jeremiah 6:14

That is what these fools – and the Bible calls them out for the fools they are – have been doing year after year, decade after decade.

One shining example of the utter hypocrisy and depravity of this “peace when there IS no peace” position is Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein.  This hypocrite was one of the “lifers” who were in the Senate and voted for the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995.  And so we have this piece of a preening coward who has pretended to stand for something for much of her political career, but who in actuality stands for NOTHING:

( – Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has written to President Trump, urging him not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel or to announce he is moving the U.S. Embassy to the city.

Exactly six months ago Tuesday, the senior senator from California voted in favor of a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem, and calling on the president to “abide by” the provisions of the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act.

That 1995 legislation said Jerusalem should be recognized as Israel’s capital, and required the president to move the embassy from Tel Aviv by May 31, 1999. Feinstein, the eighth-longest serving senator, voted in favor of it on Oct. 24, 1995.

And the same damn people who claim that we ought to continue to pursue a model built on the very definition of insanity – doing the same stupid thing over and over and expecting a different result – are the people who first gave North Korea the framework to build nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver those weapons and even gave them more than 4 billion dollars to build it; and then gave the terrorist regime Iran the framework to build nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver those weaponswith secret side-deals that literally amount to treason against the United states of America that make what is obviously bad on its face purely evil – and gave them hundreds of millions of dollars CASH in a secret plane like drug dealers in what was on its face clearly an illegal ransom payment to buy the technology from North Korea.  In fact, the total amount Obama gave Iran is a terrifying $1.7 billion that Iran has already used for terrorist purposes.  But the same world that will never the simple statement of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel likewise never recognized that Bill Clinton’s deal and the billions of dollars and the construction of nuclear reactors that North Korea used to build nuclear weapons and likewise will also never recognize that Obama’s similar deal with terrorist state Iran will ultimately guarantee that they have nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them to the United States and of course to Israel.  Any more than cockroaches will land on the moon, plant their little roach flag, and then return safely back to earth in their roach rocket.

The Word of God is crystal clear that the land in question is the land of Israel and the home of the Jewish people.  And that Jerusalem is the sacred capitol of that land.

I celebrate with all devout Jews that their God is faithful and that President Donald Trump finally restored honor to the U.S. government after 22 years of hypocrisy and deceit.