Archive for November, 2014

Obama’s Latest: Americans Have No Right To Complain About My Fascist Dictator Policies Because My Country Is GONE

November 26, 2014

Here’s the latest Obama outrage.  Well, scratch that.  Given this evil man’s pathological wickedness, I have no doubt that two seconds later he provided an even worse one.  But here is yet another Obama outrage against everything this nation has ever stood for:

Obama: Americans Have No Right To Favor Americans
10:01 PM 11/25/2014
Neil Munro, White House Correspondent

The only Americans who can legitimately object to immigration are native Indian-Americans, President Barack Obama told his Chicago audience Nov. 24, as he made an impassioned ideological plea for endless immigration, cultural diversity and a big government to manage the resulting multicultural society.

“There have been periods where the folks who were already here suddenly say, ‘Well, I don’t want those folks,’ even though the only people who have the right to say that are some Native Americans,” Obama said, rhetorically dismissing the right of 300 million actual Americans to decide who can live in their homeland.

Americans should not favor other Americans over foreigners, Obama demanded. “Sometimes we get attached to our particular tribe, our particular race, our particular religion, and then we start treating other folks differently… that, sometimes, has been a bottleneck to how we think about immigration,” he said in the face of many polls showing rising opposition to his immigration agenda.

Obama denied any moral or practical distinction between native-born Americans and future migrants. “Whether we cross the Atlantic, or the Pacific, or the Rio Grande, we all shared one thing, and that’s the hope that America would be the place where we could believe as we choose… and that the law would be enforced equally for everybody, regardless of what you look like or what your last name was,” said the president….]

As always, of course, Obama speaks dishonestly, deceitfully, demagogically in warped and perverted argument that frames his opposition as being as hateful as his demonic imagination allows.  “I don’t want those folks,” Obama says of people like me.  BULLCRAP.  Rather, “I don’t want ANY folks flooding into this country ILLEGALLY AND IN VIOLATION OF OUR LAWS.”  But Obama would have a hard time slandering me if he told the truth about how I really feel, wouldn’t he???

Second, let me ask a simple question in defiance of Obama’s dishonest narratives: if I am not a “Native-American,” THEN I DEMAND LIBERALS TELL ME WHERE THE HELL AM I A NATIVE OF???

I was born in Gardena, California.  My mother was born on a farm in Lone Tree, Iowa and my father was born in Oakland, Iowa.  My Grandma on my dad’s side was a member of Daughters of the American Revolution.  But according to the demon-possessed denial of reality coming out of Democrat Party propaganda, none of us qualify as “Native-Americans” and none of us have a right to complain about Obama being more like a Führer than a president.

There are 300-plus million Americans who just learned that their “president” says their will doesn’t matter any more, but that we should get over our being “American” – or at least Obama’s “fundamentally transformed” version of an “American” – and accept our false messiah’s premise that anyone who wants to come here, no matter how illegally, is every bit as “American” as anyone else.  With the sole possible exception being the pure-lineage ancestors of the Indians who greeted the Mayflower.

The American people just learned that they don’t count in Obama’s demonic calculus.

Just before the November elections, Obama decreed, “Make no mistake, my policies are on the ballot.”

And they were.  I mean, had Democrats won, Obama would have boasted that his policies had been approved by the American people and ratified by the election.

Obama once assured us that “elections have consequences,” but that was when Obama could say, “I won.”  But like his opposition that turned to support for gay marriage and like his opposition that turned to support for amnesty for illegal immigrants and like his opposition against issuing a tyrant-like executive order that turned to support for acting as he had previously said would make him a king or an emperor – with both “opposition” and “support” being purely political calculations by this cynical moral monster –  elections should no longer have consequences.  Because Obama lost.

Fascists, for the record, have no respect for elections or democracy or anything but what their power can dictate.

And so Obama the fascist only heard the voices of the two-thirds who DIDN’T vote.  Because in not voting at all their “vote” was all that mattered to Obama.  And to hell with the Americans who stupidly believed that this was still a constitutional democratic republic and bothered to cast a ballot.

Anyway, elections no longer have consequences anymore.  Because Obama lost this time and it’s really just all about the Nazi-in-Chief, now, silly goose.

I suppose Obama is right, in his demon-possessed way: I WAS a “Native-American,” all right.  Because I was born in the United States of America and native to the land of the free and the home of the brave.

But that land has been taken away and the brave are as the buffalo that once filled the land but are now a distant memory.

And now I find that I’m a “native” of nowhere.

Because the beast is coming.

Democrat women sacrificed more than sixty million of their own babies on their demonic altar of abortion; Democrat men have as an act of demonic cult worship bent over as male prostitutes to accept the sodomy of homosexual perversion.  And thus have Democrats paved the way for the Antichrist.

Democrats have forced America into a bet: that there is no God, that Romans chapter one is a lie.  Because if they are wrong, Democrats have consigned America to burn in hell.

I compare Obama’s America – it isn’t “the United States of America” any more, because Obama has fundamentally divided us and most of the states are now GOP strongholds that bitterly oppose his fascist tyranny, and as for the “America” part, well, just look above – to the Japanese battleship the Yamato.  As America is the most powerful nation that ever existed, the Yamato, with its 18.1″ guns, is the most powerful warship that ever existed.  But like the Yamato on its final voyage to its destruction, America is running out of fuel, like the Yamato, its ultimate destination is suicide.  And like the Yamato, this perverted “America” will be utterly destroyed on all sides even as it collapses from within.  But because of the moral stench of Obama and because of the wickedness of the party that broke this nation from “One nation, under God,” we have become a nation that is 50-percent-plus-one wicked.  And because of our wickedness this “God damn America!” will go down and sink so hard and so fast and with so much suffering it will be worse than any nightmare.  Because just like the Japanese fascists on the Yamato who worshiped their emperor as god, Democrats are fascists who will worship the coming Antichrist and take his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads.

So I suppose that God has allowed Democrats to shove me out of the country of my birth to prepare me for the one place that I am still a fully valid citizen of: Heaven.

So Maranatha, Lord Jesus.  Democrats have Obama and their Antichrist to come, and the rest of us have You.  And I want to go with You and leave this land I just found out I was not even a “native” of to the fate decreed in the Book of Revelation.

In Ferguson, Liberals Carry Out The Glorious Tradition (That Led To The Third Reich) As They Once Again Reveal Their Fascist Nature

November 25, 2014

I had to laugh at the so-called “leaders” as they called for peace from both sides of the Ferguson situation.  You know, like conservatives were getting ready to riot if the officer WAS indicted.

No, the only way there would have been any riots had the grand jury in Ferguson returned an indictment against Officer Darren Wilson would have been the kind of rioting you see when a professional team wins a national title and its own residents tear their own city apart in riotous celebration.

There’s only ONE side that riots; and it’s ALWAYS the SAME side: the left.

Liberals are the people who keep revealing the fascist nature of their wicked hearts over and over and over again.

Conservatives accept the rule of law even when – and under tyrant Obama it pretty much always does – it goes against them.

We learn all the lies and false reports liberals provided in trying to frame Officer Darren Wilson.  Liberals don’t give a damn about the truth.  We learn that the rioters peeled off to start burning and looting the MOMENT they heard the prosecutor say there wouldn’t be an indictment; you know, as opposed to listening for the evidence.  Because liberals don’t need evidence.

Liberals are people who want more and more and bigger and bigger and increasingly fascist government.  But they will riot and burn and loot the moment that more and bigger fascist government doesn’t kowtow to the fascist standard of the political correctness that they’ve fabricated.

Where are all the black civil rights leaders – the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons – who pledged that they were going to be in Ferguson after the verdict?  Where are they now?  They fanned the flames of race-baiting hate and now they move to the next Ferguson to encourage the next black community to burn down THEIR city, that’s where they are.

The profiteer off of the race-baiting division they create and then they move on to let loose the dogs of war they unmuzzled and unleashed on any given community.

We found that a good half dozen black witnesses had the decency to tell the truth about what they saw on that street where Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot a young black thug who – after strong-arm robbing a store and brutally shoving aside the owner who was trying to protect his merchandise, after strolling down the middle of the street ad blocking traffic like he owned the planet, after he assaulted the officer in his own vehicle and punched him in the face – shot the punk as he tried to charge the officer again.

But the testimony of decent black people doesn’t matter to the left any more than all those decent black-owned businesses matter to them.

Truth doesn’t matter to them.

All that matters to them is that they didn’t get exactly what they want and so they had a rage tantrum.

Which is basically what happened when Obama signed his executive order on illegal immigration after an election didn’t go his way.

Liberals are the people whom St. Paul prophetically warned us would characterize a wicked, toxic world just before it welcomed and worshiped the ultimate Big Government dictator:

The Dangers of the Last Days

You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that! — 2 Timothy 3:1-5New Living Translation (NLT)

That’s the liberalism of today’s left to a “T”.

Why is this terminal generation so evil?  The answer in one word: Democrats:

Missouri Democratic state senator and University City school board member Maria Chappelle-Nadal said on MSNBC that her school district had taken steps to prepare their students to protest in the wake of the Ferguson grand jury decision…

So Democrat Party “gubmint skool” was dutifully teaching their pupils how to burn and loot.

Our little darlings are being indoctrinated by Democrats as to how to deal with cops (i.e., gestapo):

Kate Briquelet reports in the NY Post that Principal Mark Federman of East Side Community HS has invited the New York Civil Liberties Union to give a two-day training session to 450 students on interacting with police. “We’re not going to candy-coat things — we have a problem in our city that’s affecting young men of color and all of our students,” says Federman. “It’s not about the police being bad. This isn’t anti-police as much as it’s pro-young people … It’s about what to do when kids are put in a position where they feel powerless and uncomfortable.” The hourlong workshops — held in small classroom sessions during advisory periods — focused on the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk program and how to exercise Fourth Amendment rights when being stopped and questioned in a car or at home.

Some law-enforcement experts say the NYCLU is going beyond civics lessons and doling out criminal-defense advice. “It’s unlikely that a high school student would come away with any other conclusion than the police are a fearful group to be avoided at all costs,” says Eugene O’Donnell, a former police officer and professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Ivy League universities are holding mock funerals for Michael Brown, because everything these perverted institutions that were originally dedicated to the advance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ before they were hijacked by liberals DO is a mockery today.  They are saying that police are an occupying force in black communities.  You know, like the 97% of all blacks who are killed by other blacks when they aren’t burning and looting somewhere like Ferguson wouldn’t happen if the police just abandoned these communities instead of policing them.

St. Paul may as well have written, “In the last days, Democrats will come…”

And when the beast issues his executive order that every single human being will have to take a mark on his or her left hand or on their foreheads in order to buy or sell – in other words, when the Democrat Party finally fulfills their dream of taking over every aspect of the economy and thus seizing all power – liberals will cheer and worship their Dear Leader who will be their god.

But it will be God who burns and loots them forever and ever as He sends these people who murdered sixty million babies and worshiped homosexual sodomy to the eternal riot of hell.

Which is why we don’t have to riot, we who love God; because unlike the liberals, we have a God who will win in the end and Who will throw the human government liberals worship right into hell with them.

Obama Willing To Negotiate With Terrorist Nuke Wannabe Iran Forever But No Such Deal For GOP Who Just Massively Won Elections

November 24, 2014

Consider what I’m saying here in light of the fact that a primary ObamaCare architect has now been caught repeatedly – and I mean over and over and over again – pointing out that the operating thesis of the Obama administration is that the American people are stupid and that Obama’s fascist thugs had to lie to them and manipulate them with lies in order to pass ObamaCare.  Consider what I’m saying in light of the fact that we now have the smoking gun backing up everything that reporter Sharyl Atkisson claimed when she said the Obama thug White House was out to suppress her and target her and intimidate her in a manner that comes right out of fascism rather than a free society.  We now know that a senior Eric Holder aid contacted CBS to suppress Sharyl Atkisson.  Consider what I’m saying in light of the FACT that the Obama administration is THE most fascist and THE most dangerous rogue regime in American history, bar none.

It’s really an amazing thing, to watch the way the media covers the news.

As for the Jonathan Gruber revelations, do you know what the press is doing in “covering” it?  They’re saying, “Don’t consider what Gruber actually said about the fascist dishonesty behind the passage of ObamaCare that ought to get it thrown out by any legitimate Supreme Court; fixate on the bright shiny object about Gruber pointing out that the American people are stupid instead.

As for the man who revealed all the Gruber remarks?  He tried to give the story to the media, but strange thing, nobody in the press bothered to call him back.

And the crickets are still a’ chirping as the media basically continues to ignore the story that reveals that ObamaCare was in FACT the heart of darkness.

If you believe for half a second that a story about a senior Bush Iraq war architect called the American people stupid and claimed that the Bush administration had deliberately lied to garner support for their war would have been ignored, you are an even bigger fool than I think you are.

That’s exactly what happened in this case.  And to the extent that the media has bothered to cover it at all, they have played a bait-and-switch game by hyping the “stupid” remark rather than the “we lied to get this turd that no one would have supported if they’d known what it was” remark.

But how the media covers the news is as pervasive as it is fascist.  They keep playing the same dishonest tricks over and over and over again, either not bothering to cover Obama scandals AT ALL or only covering a trivial aspect of it and then dropping it.  And meanwhile the wheels of America’s destruction under Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America” grinds on and on.

Back in September of 2013, Obama entered into negotiations with Iran over something that no president – including Obama himself, according to the fool’s own deceitful rhetoric – had ever been willing to negotiate: Iran becoming a full-fledged nuclear power.

Conservatives like John Bolton immediately predicted what would happen: Iran would take advantage of the “negotiations” to buy time, endlessly extending deadlines.  For instance, on October 1, 2013, Bolton anticipated precisely what is now taking place as a deal-desperate Obama AGAIN extends yet ANOTHER deadline:

Mr. Obama is inverting Dean Acheson’s maxim that Washington should only negotiate from strength. Even if there were some prospect that Iran could be talked out of its nuclear-weapons program, which there is not, the White House approach is the wrong way to start discussions. Given the president’s palpable unwillingness to use the military to enforce his Syria red line—let alone to answer the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi terrorist attack—and his paucity of domestic political support, Iran’s ayatollahs know that the president’s “all options on the table” incantation regarding their nuclear program carries no weight.

Iran undoubtedly wants relief from international sanctions, which have exacerbated decades of incompetent economic policy. But there is no evidence that the sanctions have impaired Iran’s nuclear or ballistic-missile programs. Instead, Tehran has increased its financial and military assistance to Assad and Hezbollah in Syria.

Mr. Rouhani’s strategy is clear: Lower the rhetorical temperature about the nuclear issue; make temporary, cosmetic concessions, such as allowing inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency at already-declared nuclear sites; and gain Western acceptance of its “reactor-grade” uranium enrichment. Once that goal is attained, Iran’s path to nuclear weapons will be unobstructed and within Tehran’s discretion.

Iran will demand in return that international sanctions be eased, focusing first on obtaining small reductions to signal Western “good faith.” Mr. Obama and Europe already seem eager to comply. Western diplomats will assert defensively that these concessions are merely a matter of “sequencing,” and that they expect substantive Iranian concessions. They will wait a long time. Mr. Rouhani fully understands that once sanctions start rolling back, restoring them will be hard, perhaps impossible, absent a major provocation.

Mr. Rouhani will not supply one. Instead, he will continue making on-again, off-again gestures seducing the West into protracted negotiations. Meanwhile, Iran’s nuclear-weapons and ballistic-missile programs will proceed unimpeded in unknown, undisclosed locations. This was his 2003-05 playbook.

Extended negotiations will enable Mr. Obama to argue that a “diplomatic process” is under way to resolve the Iranian nuclear threat. No phrase is more beloved at the State Department. Mr. Obama will then use this process on Israel to prevent pre-emptive military action against Iran’s nuclear program.

In time, even Hamlet came to understand that “one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.” Maybe one day President Obama will figure it out.

You read that entire article from more than a year ago and John Bolton predicted that Iran would paly Obama for the moral idiot fool that he is.

Everything Bolton said was right and continues to be even MORE right today.

In July 2014, you had this article title to say everything: “Iran Nuclear Talks Deadline Looms With Little Angst About Extension.”

Do you know WHY there has been such little angst?  Because the jackass propagandists in the mainstream media haven’t EVER examined the predictions and the results of those predictions from conservative experts like John Bolton seriously.  They have all along simply “reported” what the Obama administration said, then “reported” what the Obama administration said after the first time what the Obama administration said would happen didn’t happen, and on and on ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Meanwhile, Iran keeps working on their nuclear bomb and they keep working on their ballistic missile technology without which a nuclear bomb is nearly useless.  And the day that Iran is capable of delivering a nuclear missile to Israel or worse yet, the United States, the world will inexorably move toward what the Bible calls “Armageddon.”

You might want to read my previous article, which interacts with a surprising admission of the fiasco of Obama’s negotiation strategy, titled, “Thanks For Armageddon: Liberals Implicitly Acknowledge Obama Completely Wrong On Iran And Conservatives Completely Right.”  In that article I stated:

So what happens when the talks with Iran that were idiotic to begin with went nowhere as anybody with any wisdom whatsoever knew would happen?  Obama did the bidding of his masters in Tehran and extended the talks so that Iran could once again draw out negotiations without any agreement.  So that Iran could keep working toward their goal of Armageddon while Obama rewarded them.

But here we are, extending the “negotiations” with Iran so they can keep working on their nuclear bomb and ballistic missile ambitions in peace and safety YET AGAIN.

Now, as morally insane as that “negotiation” with RABID EVIL is, understand that there is a group of people with whom Obama would burn down the world rather than negotiate: the majority of the American people whom he utterly despises.

The Republican Party seized control of the Senate, won more House Seats than they have held since FDR was poisoning America during World War II, taken such an overwhelming majority of governorships its beyond a joke and dominated state houses (see also here) after Obama said “make no mistake, my policies are on the ballot.”

After that election, Barack Obama acted exactly like Adolf Hitler would have acted after losing an election, after Joseph Stalin would have acted after losing an election, after Chairman Mao would have acted after losing an election.  In short, he acted just like the socialist “Government is God” monster that he is.

And so the Republicans who just won shocking majorities and can finally escape the tyrannous, fascist hell of Harry Reid

In reality, Harry Reid has now blocked more US Senators from offering any amendments to legislation more often than EVERY OTHER SENATE MAJORITY LEADER IN THE UNITED STATES COMBINED.  TIMES TWO.

– will get exactly ZERO-POINT-ZERO SECONDS to formulate an immigration policy with their new control that the American people gave them.

Even the New York Times has reported on Harry Reid’s “brutish style” and “uncompromising control.”

There are at least 352 Republican House-passed bills that are sitting on Harry Reid’s desk because Democrats are the REAL obstructionists as they played naked cynical politics in vain effort to protect their weaker members from taking votes that would have exposed them to the American people.

What does the fascist propaganda press do?  Ignore the 352 bills Democrats ignored, ignore the naked fascism of Harry Reid’s thug-style, and fixate on that ONE bill that Republicans didn’t move on in the House.  Because in the most wicked and dishonest media since Goebbels, Democrats’ sins can be myriad

But the same fascist moral monster who won’t give the GOP one freaking nanosecond to formulate an immigration policy and pass a bill has now proven he will give rabid terrorist rogue regime Iran eternal extensions until they have successfully developed their nukes and their ballistic missiles to carry their nukes on.

“I can’t wait forever,” Obama says of illegally imposing his fascism on the backs of an American people who just overwhelmingly rejected him by issuing de facto amnesty for at least five million illegal immigrants.  But of course he CAN wait forever for Iran to develop Armageddon for America and for Israel.

“I can’t wait forever.”  So therefore I won’t wait AT ALL.

Barack Obama had TWO FULL YEARS of absolute control over all three branches of elected government and didn’t give a rat’s hairy rabies-filled ASS about immigration or immigrants.  He could certainly wait THEN the same way he is now proving he can wait forever if need-be with nuclear-bomb-wanting Iran.  But he can’t wait AT ALL for a Republican majority who would do the thing Obama is most terrified of: pass a law with the full support of the American people.  So he sabotaged it in advance.

What Obama just did with immigration is like me negotiating over a sandwich with you – you know, after I’ve taken three giant bites out of the middle.  When two parties negotiate, one side gives up something to get something else and the other side gives up something to get something else: Obama just obliterated that by taking what he wanted and telling the Republicans who now control two-thirds of elected government, “If you give up everything I’ll give you a meaningless promise to do part of what you want but then I’ll lie and ignore the law like I have always done before.”

If you’ve got an alternative theory, liberal Nazi, then just explain why Obama waited until AFTER an election (given the fact that he knew if he’d done this before the election the landslide against him would have even been MORE disastrous for his party) but refused to wait until after the new Congress that was just affirmed by the American people in a process called “democracy” was allowed to be seated.  Explain why Obama did this after saying at least 22 times that doing what he did would be illegal, unconstitutional, anti-democratic, unfair to all the people who waited in line to legally immigrate and harmful to the American people as a flood of illegal immigration would occur as a result of the fascist act he took anyway.

There are now five million new “Americans” as millions more illegal immigrants on top of that number try to race in to our borders to exploit Obama’s lawless “law.”  Which means there will be millions more in the USA to experience the hell of the Iranian nuke that Obama is also letting in detonate over our atmosphere.

It’s really quite staggering: the same Barack Obama is almost simultaneously Hitler on one issue with his fascist edict and Neville Chamberlain on another with his “peace in our time” extensions with soon-to-be nuclear Iran.


My Theory of God And Miracles: Why He Does Them Sometimes And Not Others And For Certain People Over Others

November 21, 2014

This won’t be a long article, and I won’t try to reason through each statement with Scripture as I often tend to do in articles dealing with Christian faith.

This is about an existential question that every Christian experiences at some point: why does God act?  Why doesn’t the God who acted before not act now?  Why do some people experience more miracles than others?

Let me begin by answering all of these questions this way: ultimately, I don’t know.  Only God will be able to answer all of our particular questions.

But I have a theory that I thought I would briefly share.

I have experienced many miracles.  There have been times when things have happened to and in my life that no one on this earth will ever be able to tell me wasn’t God directly intervening on my behalf.

And I have also experienced moments when I felt like I was twisting in the wind.

One might begin to feel as if God is a switch with a faulty circuit: He might come on for you, He might not.

I’ll put the question this way: if God intervenes for me, why doesn’t He ALWAYS intervene?  Why sometimes and not others?  Why in certain situations but not in every situation?

At the macro level, God is sovereign.  That means that God is ALWAYS working and ALWAYS in control.  But sometimes God allows the universe to continue its natural cycle – He created a causal universe for a reason, after all – rather than entering in directly and intervening for His children.

But why?  If He’s going to act on our behalf, why doesn’t He always act on our behalf?

What occurs to me is that God is like a parent: should a parent constantly intervene for his/her kid every single time in every single situation?  Or would that not produce a spoiled kid with rather enormous issues?  I dare say that kid would turn out to be soft, self-indulgent, refuse to ever take responsibility as everything would be daddy’s or mommy’s problem to fix, self-excusing, hypersensitive and narcissistic to the point of ridiculousness.  Because everyone would supposed to be really, really nice to that child who would never grow up and always drop their own lives to help them to do everything they needed.

I can here provide an example of truly “bad” parenting when a too-nurturing mother gives her child all he wants rather than the medicine he needs:

In February 2007, Yale clinicians identified in Adam Lanza what they believed were profound emotional disabilities and offered him treatment that they said could give him relief for the first time in his troubled life..

But Adam was angry and anxious, and he didn’t want to go. His mother, Nancy Lanza, constantly placating her son, was inclined to pull away from the treatment, prompting a psychiatric nurse to reach out to his father, Peter Lanza, in an urgent email.

“I told Adam he has a biological disorder that can be helped with medication. I told him what the medicines are and why they can work. I told him he’s living in a box right now and the box will only get smaller over time if he doesn’t get some treatment.”

Nancy Lanza rejected the Yale doctors’ plan. Adam was 14.

Six years later, Adam, now an emaciated recluse and fixated with mass killers, murdered his mother and massacred 20 children and six educators before turning a gun on himself at the elementary school he once attended in the Sandy Hook section of Newtown.

We have in God the One who created both male and female in His image (Genesis 1:27).  The God who had man and woman within Himself in His image has all the attributes of perfect Father as well as perfect mother all in perfect balance.  He will give us the nurturing care that we need; He will also give us the corrective discipline that we need.  He will not allow us to become basket cases due to His excessive care or His excessive neglect.

Miracles and the withholding of miracles are part of that balanced care.  God gives us what we need and not more.  God gives us everything we need and not everything we want.

But there’s more: God CAN’T come to us every time and answer our prayers every time for another reason: because He wants us to have faith in Him through good times and through bad times.  And if we always have faith in Him only through the good times because we’re never allowed to have bad times, where would our faith be?

In order to truly, fully learn to trust, I believe we need to go through difficult, hard times.  And when we truly develop that “hard times” faith, what we’ll see is that God is in our situation with us, giving us just enough, being our daily Bread, as we hold on to Him in our adversity in a way that we could NEVER hold on to Him in our pleasure and in our pleasant places.

Then there’s those people whom God always does miracles for.  What’s up with them?

Well, God has ALWAYS worked in the lives of particular people.  Read the Bible: did God work more in Moses’ life than in the lives of all of his people?  Of course.  And the same with Noah and with Abraham and with David and on and on.  You just see that throughout the Bible: God picks out certain people, and works through them to reach the rest of His people.  He reaches out to people through people.  And those people see things that other of His people don’t see.

It’s not that God loves those people more, or that those people are necessarily more spiritual.  It is not those who are called who are special; it is always the God who called them who is special.

God doesn’t pick these people for who they are; often He picks them in SPITE of who they are.  And then He molds them and refines them according to His plan for their lives.

Anyway, God gives me the miracles I need to keep trusting Him and following Him and believing in His provision.  And He gives me other believers and their miracle stories to know that He’s working in the lives of ALL His people rather than just in mine.  And I am not only able to receive the miracles I receive, but also the miracles that other Christians receive as I learn to trust my God and grow in that trust through good time and through bad times.

Obama’s Fascist Executive Order Reveals That The Spirit Of Antichrist Is In America Right Now

November 20, 2014

Obama, liberals and Democrats never cease to boggle my mind with their fascist evil.

Think about it: you live in a country with some 330 million people.  We have a man who has said over and over and over again that it would be illegal, unconstitutional, undemocratic and a violation of the law for him to do what he is now saying he is going to do in spite of his own words that it would be immoral and harmful.  And no one can do anything about it.

That is the heart of a world with Antichrist.

When the beast comes, the same exact evil spirit that moves the wicked heart of Obama will move the heart of the coming Antichrist.

Here are 22 specific statements by Barack Obama that what he is now about to do is EVIL:

  1. “I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with [the president] trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.” (3/31/08)
  2. “We’ve got a government designed by the Founders so that there’d be checks and balances. You don’t want a president who’s too powerful or a Congress that’s too powerful or a court that’s too powerful. Everybody’s got their own role. Congress’s job is to pass legislation. The president can veto it or he can sign it. … I believe in the Constitution and I will obey the Constitution of the United States. We’re not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end-run around Congress.” (5/19/08)
  3. “Comprehensive reform, that’s how we’re going to solve this problem. … Anybody who tells you it’s going to be easy or that I can wave a magic wand and make it happen hasn’t been paying attention to how this town works.” (5/5/10)
  4. “[T]here are those in the immigrants’ rights community who have argued passionately that we should simply provide those who are [here] illegally with legal status, or at least ignore the laws on the books and put an end to deportation until we have better laws. … I believe such an indiscriminate approach would be both unwise and unfair. It would suggest to those thinking about coming here illegally that there will be no repercussions for such a decision. And this could lead to a surge in more illegal immigration. And it would also ignore the millions of people around the world who are waiting in line to come here legally. Ultimately, our nation, like all nations, has the right and obligation to control its borders and set laws for residency and citizenship.  And no matter how decent they are, no matter their reasons, the 11 million who broke these laws should be held accountable.” (7/1/10)
  5. “I do have an obligation to make sure that I am following some of the rules. I can’t simply ignore laws that are out there. I’ve got to work to make sure that they are changed.” (10/14/10)
  6. I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself. We have a system of government that requires the Congress to work with the Executive Branch to make it happen. I’m committed to making it happen, but I’ve got to have some partners to do it. … The main thing we have to do to stop deportations is to change the laws. … [T]he most important thing that we can do is to change the law because the way the system works – again, I just want to repeat, I’m president, I’m not king. If Congress has laws on the books that says that people who are here who are not documented have to be deported, then I can exercise some flexibility in terms of where we deploy our resources, to focus on people who are really causing problems as a opposed to families who are just trying to work and support themselves. But there’s a limit to the discretion that I can show because I am obliged to execute the law. That’s what the Executive Branch means. I can’t just make the laws up by myself. So the most important thing that we can do is focus on changing the underlying laws.” (10/25/10)
  7. “America is a nation of laws, which means I, as the President, am obligated to enforce the law. I don’t have a choice about that. That’s part of my job. But I can advocate for changes in the law so that we have a country that is both respectful of the law but also continues to be a great nation of immigrants. … With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed …. [W]e’ve got three branches of government. Congress passes the law. The executive branch’s job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws. There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.” (3/28/11)
  8. “I can’t solve this problem by myself. … [W]e’re going to have to have bipartisan support in order to make it happen. … I can’t do it by myself. We’re going to have to change the laws in Congress, but I’m confident we can make it happen.” (4/20/11)
  9. “I know some here wish that I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself.  But that’s not how democracy works.  See, democracy is hard.  But it’s right. Changing our laws means doing the hard work of changing minds and changing votes, one by one.” (4/29/11)
  10. “Sometimes when I talk to immigration advocates, they wish I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself. But that’s not how a democracy works. What we really need to do is to keep up the fight to pass genuine, comprehensive reform. That is the ultimate solution to this problem. That’s what I’m committed to doing.” (5/10/11)
  11. “I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books …. Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written.” (7/25/11)
  12. “So what we’ve tried to do is within the constraints of the laws on the books, we’ve tried to be as fair, humane, just as we can, recognizing, though, that the laws themselves need to be changed. … The most important thing for your viewers and listeners and readers to understand is that in order to change our laws, we’ve got to get it through the House of Representatives, which is currently controlled by Republicans, and we’ve got to get 60 votes in the Senate. … Administratively, we can’t ignore the law. … I just have to continue to say this notion that somehow I can just change the laws unilaterally is just not true.  We are doing everything we can administratively.  But the fact of the matter is there are laws on the books that I have to enforce.  And I think there’s been a great disservice done to the cause of getting the DREAM Act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow, by myself, I can go and do these things.  It’s just not true. … We live in a democracy.  You have to pass bills through the legislature, and then I can sign it.  And if all the attention is focused away from the legislative process, then that is going to lead to a constant dead-end. We have to recognize how the system works, and then apply pressure to those places where votes can be gotten and, ultimately, we can get this thing solved.” (9/28/11)

In June 2012, President Obama unilaterally granted deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA), allowing “eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety … to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work authorization.” He then argued that he had already done everything he could legally do on his own:

  1. “Now, what I’ve always said is, as the head of the executive branch, there’s a limit to what I can do. Part of the reason that deportations went up was Congress put a whole lot of money into it, and when you have a lot of resources and a lot more agents involved, then there are going to be higher numbers. What we’ve said is, let’s make sure that you’re not misdirecting those resources. But we’re still going to, ultimately, have to change the laws in order to avoid some of the heartbreaking stories that you see coming up occasionally. And that’s why this continues to be a top priority of mine. … And we will continue to make sure that how we enforce is done as fairly and justly as possible. But until we have a law in place that provides a pathway for legalization and/or citizenship for the folks in question, we’re going to continue to be bound by the law. … And so part of the challenge as President is constantly saying, ‘what authorities do I have?’” (9/20/12)
  2. “We are a nation of immigrants. … But we’re also a nation of laws. So what I’ve said is, we need to fix a broken immigration system. And I’ve done everything that I can on my own[.]” (10/16/12)
  3. I’m not a king. I am the head of the executive branch of government. I’m required to follow the law. And that’s what we’ve done. But what I’ve also said is, let’s make sure that we’re applying the law in a way that takes into account people’s humanity. That’s the reason that we moved forward on deferred action. Within the confines of the law we said, we have some discretion in terms of how we apply this law.” (1/30/13)
  4. I’m not a king. You know, my job as the head of the executive branch ultimately is to carry out the law.  And, you know, when it comes to enforcement of our immigration laws, we’ve got some discretion. We can prioritize what we do. But we can’t simply ignore the law. When it comes to the dreamers, we were able to identify that group and say, ‘These folks are generally not a risk. They’re not involved in crime. … And so let’s prioritize our enforcement resources.’ But to sort through all the possible cases of everybody who might have a sympathetic story to tell is very difficult to do. This is why we need comprehensive immigration reform. To make sure that once and for all, in a way that is, you know, ratified by Congress, we can say that there is a pathway to citizenship for people who are staying out of trouble, who are trying to do the right thing, who’ve put down roots here. … My job is to carry out the law. And so Congress gives us a whole bunch of resources. They give us an order that we’ve got to go out there and enforce the laws that are on the books.  … If this was an issue that I could do unilaterally I would have done it a long time ago. … The way our system works is Congress has to pass legislation. I then get an opportunity to sign it and implement it.” (1/30/13)
  5. “This is something I’ve struggled with throughout my presidency. The problem is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed. And Congress right now has not changed what I consider to be a broken immigration system. And what that means is that we have certain obligations to enforce the laws that are in place even if we think that in many cases the results may be tragic.” (2/14/13)
  6. “I think that it is very important for us to recognize that the way to solve this problem has to be legislative. I can do some things and have done some things that make a difference in the lives of people by determining how our enforcement should focus. … And we’ve been able to provide help through deferred action for young people …. But this is a problem that needs to be fixed legislatively.” (7/16/13)
  7. My job in the executive branch is supposed to be to carry out the laws that are passed. Congress has said ‘here is the law’ when it comes to those who are undocumented, and they’ve allocated a whole bunch of money for enforcement. And, what I have been able to do is to make a legal argument that I think is absolutely right, which is that given the resources that we have, we can’t do everything that Congress has asked us to do. What we can do is then carve out the DREAM Act folks, saying young people who have basically grown up here are Americans that we should welcome. … But if we start broadening that, then essentially I would be ignoring the law in a way that I think would be very difficult to defend legally. So that’s not an option. … What I’ve said is there is a there’s a path to get this done, and that’s through Congress.” (9/17/13)
  8. [I]f, in fact, I could solve all these problems without passing laws in Congress, then I would do so. But we’re also a nation of laws. That’s part of our tradition. And so the easy way out is to try to yell and pretend like I can do something by violating our laws. And what I’m proposing is the harder path, which is to use our democratic processes to achieve the same goal that you want to achieve. … It is not simply a matter of us just saying we’re going to violate the law. That’s not our tradition. The great thing about this country is we have this wonderful process of democracy, and sometimes it is messy, and sometimes it is hard, but ultimately, justice and truth win out.” (11/25/13)
  9. “I am the Champion-in-Chief of comprehensive immigration reform. But what I’ve said in the past remains true, which is until Congress passes a new law, then I am constrained in terms of what I am able to do. What I’ve done is to use my prosecutorial discretion, because you can’t enforce the laws across the board for 11 or 12 million people, there aren’t the resources there.  What we’ve said is focus on folks who are engaged in criminal activity, focus on people who are engaged in gang activity. Do not focus on young people, who we’re calling DREAMers …. That already stretched my administrative capacity very far. But I was confident that that was the right thing to do. But at a certain point the reason that these deportations are taking place is, Congress said, ‘you have to enforce these laws.’ They fund the hiring of officials at the department that’s charged with enforcing.  And I cannot ignore those laws any more than I could ignore, you know, any of the other laws that are on the books. That’s why it’s so important for us to get comprehensive immigration reform done this year.” (3/6/14)
  10. “I think that I never have a green light [to push the limits of executive power].  I’m bound by the Constitution; I’m bound by separation of powers.  There are some things we can’t do. Congress has the power of the purse, for example. … Congress has to pass a budget and authorize spending. So I don’t have a green light. … My preference in all these instances is to work with Congress, because not only can Congress do more, but it’s going to be longer-lasting.” (8/6/14)

– See more at:

The Republican Party ought to state reality this way:

Barack Obama is a liar who can claim whatever the hell he wants to.  But what he is really imposing is a suspension of ANY possibility of ANY pathway to citizenship until he has been driven out of office by an enraged people who will NOT suffer an emperor to rule over them as a tyrant king.

The Hispanic people should know that the truth is that ANY support for Barack Obama means OPPOSITION to any pathway for citizenship.

Barack Obama is a king and an emperor.  And he is those things in his very own words according to what he himself said about the actions he is now about to take.

What Obama is about to do he himself said would be unwise and unfair and clearly detrimental to America:

Obama: “For example, there are those in the immigrants’ rights community who have argued passionately that we should simply provide those who are [here] illegally with legal status, or at least ignore the laws on the books and put an end to deportation until we have better laws. And often this argument is framed in moral terms: Why should we punish people who are just trying to earn a living? I recognize the sense of compassion that drives this argument, but I believe such an indiscriminate approach would be both unwise and unfair. It would suggest to those thinking about coming here illegally that there will be no repercussions for such a decision. And this could lead to a surge in more illegal immigration. And it would also ignore the millions of people around the world who are waiting in line to come here legally.”

Barack Obama should be impeached.  And the star witness at his impeachment trial should be Barack Obama as his own words prove over and over and over again that he is not fit to lead in a constitutional republic.

The United States of America dies tonight.  And the sort of fascist regime that was birthed when Adolf Hitler used his “legal power” to suspend the rule of law after the Reichstag fire will be born in the moment that Obama does what he says he will do tonight.  That’s the “murky, uncharted territory” that the Washington Post warns about.

The next president will be a god-king emperor just like this one because Obama has “fundamentally transformed America” into genuine fascism.

Democrats Reveal Their Ugly Fascist Face: American People Are Stupid Sheep Who Must Be Deceived By The Superior Illuminati Class

November 12, 2014

If I sound furious, it is because I am FURIOUS.  We have watched the Party of Lies, the Party of Satan, take over America and it may be too late to change course now from the “God damn America” that Barack Obama and the Democrat Party have “fundamentally transformed America” into.

The essence of fascists is that they must lead the stupid sheep to pasture and they often have to lead the stupid animals by deception.

Democrats are tied with “the most pathologically dishonest people who ever existed.”  Because you can be AS dishonest as a Democrat, but it is impossible to be MORE dishonest.

Let us listen to the true voice of fascist liberal arrogance:

ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber in a speech:

The tape, played on Fox News’ “The Kelly File,” showed Gruber speaking at an October 2013 event at Washington University in St. Louis.

Referring to the so-called “Cadillac tax” on high-end health plans, he said: “They proposed it and that passed, because the American people are too stupid to understand the difference.” 

Gruber specifically was referring to the way the “Cadillac tax” was designed — he touted their plan to, instead of taxing policy holders, tax the insurance companies that offered them. He suggested that taxing individuals would have been politically unpalatable, but taxing the companies worked because Americans didn’t understand the difference.

And ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber in a different speech:

This is similar to remarks he made at a separate event around the same time in 2013. In a clip of that event, Gruber said the “lack of transparency” in the way the law was crafted was critical. “Basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” he said.

Did Gruber do this twice?  Nope; he did it at least three times (and probably many more):

Obamacare’s Jonathan Gruber in third video: ‘Exploitation’ of voter was ‘very clever’
By Cheryl K. Chumley – The Washington Times – Thursday, November 13, 2014

A third clip of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber has emerged, this time of the MIT professor speaking to a University of Rhode Island crowd in 2012 about the health care law’s so-called “Cadillac tax” — and bragging at the utter inability of the American people to comprehend its complexities.

The “Cadillac tax” requires that insurance companies, not individual policy holders, pay the difference between higher- and lower-cost packages — a plan that was pushed into realization by then-Sen. John Kerry, Mr. Gruber said, Fox News reported.

Mr. Gruber then said that a tax on individuals would have been “politically impossible” — but that a tax on companies would prove palatable to voters, mostly because they didn’t understand.

His comments, Fox News reported: “So basically, it’s the same thing. We just tax the insurance companies, they pass on higher prices that offsets the tax break we get, it ends up being the same thing. It’s very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”

These audio comments followed a clip that was played on Fox News’ “The Kelly File” on Tuesday evening that showed Mr. Gruber speaking at Washington University in St. Louis about the same “Cadillac tax” and saying it passed “because the American people are too stupid to understand the difference.”

And before that, another clip made the media rounds of Mr. Gruber saying at a different event in 2013 that Obamacare passed due in large part to its “lack of transparency.”

His widely reported comments: “Basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

Mr. Gruber has since expressed regret on national television for his comments. But critics of Obamacare say his remarks only prove what many on the left really believe about Americans.

“It confirms people’s greatest fear about the government,” Sen. John Barrasso, Fox News reported. “Remember, it was Nancy Pelosi who said first you have to pass [Obamacare] before you get to find out what’s in it.”

And yes, I know when I said “fascist liberal” I was employing a tautology and saying the same thing twice in a slightly different way.  You know, like the heart of liberal Darwinism’s “survival of the fittest,” where the “fittest” are defined as “the ones who survive.”  Because “fascism” survived as “liberalism.”  And one is as pathologically dishonest as the other.

Democrats are like the people who come up to you with a story to get money.  and you give them money because you buy their pathetic story.  And they walk away with your money mocking you for a stupid idiot because you were actually stupid enough to believe them.

And Democrats are nothing but liars and horrible demon-possessed people.  So you actually MUST be truly stupid to believe them.

Keep in mind, the lies about ObamaCare are now called LEGION, for like the demons that inhabited a man whom Jesus confronted in Mark 5:9, they are many.

“Democrat.”  It sounds good, right?  You know, it sounds like somebody who cares about the will and the voice of the people.

Bullcrap.  Democrats have naked CONTEMPT for the will and the voice of the people.  The people are obstacles, they are pathetically stupid sheep who must be deceived in order to be hauled off to the slaughtering pen.

So what do Democrats do when they are caught in a lie?  They tell ANOTHER LIE, OF COURSE:

After the first tape surfaced — prompting Republican outrage — Gruber went on MSNBC to express regret. On Tuesday, he said: “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately, and I regret having made those comments.” 

But after Fox News played the second tape, GOP lawmakers said it proves what they’ve been saying all along.

Jonathon Gruber went on MSNBC rather than on Fox News because if he’d gone on the air with Megyn Kelly it would have taken about twenty seconds for everyone to know which one of those two was the “stupid” one.  He knows he has to go to the channel that only STUPID PEOPLE WATCH in order to sell his patent lies.

The “stupid people” are Democrats.  It’s not Republicans that are idiot enough to watch MSNBC.  It’s the Nazi faithful who follow their Führer and await his next message from his bunker (and I don’t give a damn if you call it “the Führerbunker” or “the White House.”  Because it’s the same place by a different name under this “president.”

Now Democrats who relied on this pseudo-intellectual fool’s “analysis” to sell their treason called ObamaCare in honor of the most dishonorable U.S. president who ever lived are now trying to claim they don’t know who THE DAMNED ARCHITECT OF OBAMACARE is.

Bullcrap.  Fortunately now-former Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi knows who he is:

PELOSI: We’re not finished getting all of our reports back from CBO, but we’ll have a side by side to compare. But our bill brings down rates. I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber of MIT’s analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo versus what will happen in our bill for those who seek insurance within the exchange. And our bill takes down those costs, even some now, and much less preventing the upward spiral.

So again, we’re confident about what we set out to do in the bill: middle class affordability, security for our seniors, and accountability to our children.

Fortunately now-former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid knows exactly who this slimebag is:

Democratic Senate Minority Leader-elect Harry Reid called Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber “one of the most respected economists in the world” on the Senate floor during the 2009 push to pass Obamacare.

Lies and hypocrisy are the essence of Democrats.  If you’re not a hypocrite and a liar, you’re not a Democrat.  If you are a liar and a hypocrite, you are either a Democrat or a cockroach Nazi fascist by some other name crawling slithering around over some other part of planet earth.  All you want is big totalitarian government to be imposed by any means necessary.  But whether you’re an ISIS terrorist sawing people’s heads off or Barack Obama, if you are a Democrat you are somebody who views people as an obstacle who must either be exterminated, intimidated or lied to in order to get your way.

“NAZI” stood for “National Socialist German Workers Party.”  And for the record, that party was the “German Workers Party” until Hitler got ahold of it.  Because Satan is a socialist.  It was HITLER who changed it to the National Socialist German Workers Party so that the world could better experience the hell of socialism after the communists gave us the first taste of that wicked, ugly hell.  Neither of those two groups were ever honest about their project, either.  If there was a “National Socialist American Workers Party,” and you don’t believe that would be the damned DEMOCRAT Party, you are worse than a fool to be that kind of ignorant to be so morally idiotic to believe that it is conservatives and Republicans who want to make America “socialist.”

Who votes Democrat?  BAD PEOPLE, that’s who.  People who are selfish and greedy and vote to take the stuff that other people worked for by raw government force, just like the damned Nazis did when they looted other people’s wealth from them.  And they do it the same way the Nazis did; by pitting groups against groups and arguing for instance that white people are thieves and don’t deserve what they have.  Just like the Nazis argued their race-baiting lies that Jews were thieves and didn’t deserve what they have.

Let’s describe the people who vote Democrat:

First there are the welfare turds.  We now have in America generations of families who have never worked – unless you define “work” by “making more babies” in order to collect a larger welfare check.  We have now more “Americans” on welfare than ever before in history.  Which, to put it in Obama campaign-slogan terms means, “Yes we CAN go on welfare and food stamps and join the massively growing Useless Class who do absolutely NOTHING to build America and absolutely EVERYTHING to help collapse it.  100% of this group who can get off their lazy butts long enough to cast a ballot vote “Democrat.”  To wit: the Democrat Party literally purchased their vote.

Then there are the “working class.”  But let’s define what that REALLY means: the UNION class.  The UNION class – because let’s call them what they truly are – survive by “collective bargaining.”  Because throughout history, good workers who actually produced a benefit for their employers have never had to worry about their jobs, but only the lazy, bitter, slacker “workers” were in jeopardy.  The trick to “collective bargaining” has always been to lie (see this whole damned article as a “for example”) to decent workers and deceive them into supporting the lazy, useless slackers who would have otherwise been FIRED in any honest workplace.  And once you get your union in, good luck trying to fire these turds.  And yeah, most of them vote “Democrat,” too.  Because socialist Democrats impose bureaucracies, laws, regulations and judges that make it impossible for employers to do anything but knuckle under to the blue lie agenda of unions and Democrats who alternately climb over each other’s backs to keep grabbing more and more and more share of the pie.

Then you’ve got your intellectual class who live in the ivory towers of the universities.  They actually have a lot in common with the first two groups above; namely, they live off of other people and depend upon government policy for their largesse.  The cost of colleges/universities has inflated FAR more than damned near anything else.  Do you know why?  Because it’s an industry that is subsidized by the government.  Government keeps pumping out “student loans” and increasing the amount of student loans as the costs of education skyrocket.  And so colleges and universities respond by further raising the costs of education – because the students (another group of “stupid people” fwiw) – backed by more and more loan money that will put them in debt for DECADES – can “afford” higher tuition.  And then higher tuition and higher tuition and higher tuition, ad infinitum.

A vote for the Democrat Party is a vote for education costs that you either can’t afford or decide to become a debt-slave to the government for decades to come in order to be able to afford.

And so if you are a “professor” what you really are is a pig with your snout shoved up past your ears into the trough of government socialism.

Your whole way of life depends on it.

And you therefore keep spewing and pumping out propaganda to keep the system flowing so it will keep pouring more of other people’s money into your pig trough.  And you vote Democrat, of course.  Because the Democrat Party is the Party of Pig Troughs.

And then there are the Filthy Rich.

Oh, I know.  You’ve been told that the Filthy Rich are Republicans who steal from you and want to steal more from you and only government can stop them.  The problem with that is it’s just another demon-possessed Democrat lie from the party of demon-possessed Democrat liars.  Just like ObamaCare.  So look over this list of the top fifty political donors and see who the Filthy Rich really support.

What you find is that the Koch Brothers – the face of the evil Filthy Rich Republican – aren’t even ON the list of the top fifty donors.  But a whole lot of Filthy Rich LIBERALS sure are.

You see, just like ObamaCare, FDR’s New Deal was based entirely on lies.  And just like ObamaCare, FDR’s New Deal desperately hurt the American people by prolonging the Great Depression by seven agonizing years.

There’s a passage from Burton Folsom Jr.’s book, New Deal or Raw Deal that comes closer to framing the essence of FDR’s New Deal in a nutshell – and explaining why the Filthy Rich vote Democrat – than anything I can think of:

Let’s start with the New Deal’s effort to promote industrial recovery: the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which became law in 1933 and was soon shortened to the NRA.  Of that act, Roosevelt said, “History will probably record the National Industrial Recovery Act as the most important and far-reaching legislation ever enacted by the American Congress.”  The president was right: the NRA was revolutionary.  It allowed American industrialists to collaborate to set the prices of their products, and even the wages and hours that went into making them.  Leaders in all industries, from steel and coal to shoulder pads and dog food, were invited to sit down together and write “codes of fair competition” that would be binding on all producers in their industry.   — page 41

This identical tactic was employed again and again in various components of the New Deal: the rich and the powerful were able to cozy up to the politicians and write the laws and regulations that enabled THEM to continue but suppressed their smaller competitors from being able to compete.  In some ways, the brilliance of the scheme was its counter-intuitiveness: the Filthy Rich imposed regulations on themselves that made the cost of doing business dramatically higher.  Because they could afford to pay those higher costs of complying with regulations but their smaller competitors could not.

And thus the Filthy Rich and the Democrat Party became bedfellows: the Democrats got the massive totalitarian fascist control they wanted and the Filthy Rich got to choke out their smaller competitors and retain supremacy.

That tactic is still used to this very day even as the Democrats slanderously demonize the other side as doing what THEY are the ones who do: they keep imposing more and more and more and more sweeping regulations which drive up the cost of doing business.  The small business that would have competed with the bigger companies and corporations can’t afford to comply with the burdens; but the Filthy Rich just hire another regulatory compliance officer and keep sailing along, knowing that they can increase their prices and make the people pay because they have no competition to drive their profits down.

Let me tell you a secret the Democrat Party, their mainstream media propagandists and their pseudo-intellectual leftist professor class don’t want you to know:

Economic inequality in the US reaches levels not seen since Great Depression
Wealth inequality in the US is reaching its most extreme point since just before the start of the Great Depression in 1929, according to a new economic analysis. Even the 1 percent are lagging behind the 0.01 percent.
Christian Science Monitor
By Henry Gass
November 10, 2014

It’s 2014, but when it comes to wealth inequality in the United States, it’s starting to look a lot like 1929.

In the late 1920s, the top 10 percent of Americans possessed 84 percent of the country’s wealth. Since then, wealth inequality in America has followed a U-shaped trajectory, declining through the Great Depression until the mid-1980s, then steadily increasing since then. Now, the richest Americans have a share of the country’s wealth almost big enough to rival those in the late 1920s, according to a new study

The study, from Emmanuel Saez of the University of California at Berkeley and Gabriel Zucman of the London School of Economics, uses a greater variety of sources to paint its picture of wealth inequality in the US than other recent analyses. […]

According to an analysis of data sourced through 2012 – including detailed data on personal income taxes and property tax – Professors Saez and Zucman found that the richest 0.1 percent of Americans have as much of the country’s wealth as the poorest 90 percent. Both groups control roughly 22 percent of total wealth, but while the average wealth of the bottom 90 percent is $84,000, the top 0.1 percent were comprised of 160,700 families with net assets above $20 million, according to their study.

An even closer look at their data has shown that while the growth of the American middle class has been restricted by modest income growth and soaring debt –thanks in large part to the 2008 mortgage crisis – the super-rich have been making significant gains in income and wealth.

While the bottom 90 percent of Americans and the top 0.1 percent control about 22 percent of the country’s wealth each, the top 0.01 percent of Americans now control 11.2 percent of total wealth. That share of the wealth held by the country’s richest 0.01 percent – a group of roughly 16,000 families with an average net worth of $371 million – is the largest share they’ve had since 1916, the highest on record, according to the study.

I think I’ve already explained why that is.

Keep in mind that for the first two years of Obama Democrats controlled the ENTIRE government.  They passed EVERYTHING they wanted to pass and shoved it down the American peoples’ throats – lying as needed, we now know.  Since then, they have held lock step control of the White House or the Führerbunker or whatever the hell Obama calls it when he’s not golfing, and the Senate under Democrat Harry Reid has blocked more Republican-House-passed bills and shut down more amendments than all previous Senate Majority Leaders in the entire history of the republic TIMES TWO.

But we’ve got two more giant lies from the party of the devil going on; namely, number one, that it’s somehow the Republican Party that is the “party of obstruction” when it’s the damn DEMOCRAT Party and number two that income inequality is the fault of Republicans when it has been the result of OBAMA’S vile FDR-esqe policies that have created this disaster.

Democrats – liars, remember – will tell you about “corporate welfare” and they’ll tell you about the big banks being given billions by Republicans.  Just remember that Barack Obama voted for that deal that gave the banks billions in that bailout, that the Tea Party who are Obama’s primary conservative enemies opposed it fiercely and bitterlyIf you’re a Lehman Brothers, or a Morgan Stanley or a JP Morgan or a Citigroup or a Goldman Sachs, well, you know who your Führer is.  But, hey, you’re a Democrat, so you can always just LIE and blame what you did on your opponents, right?

Bush said “I’ve abandoned free market principles to save the free market system.”  Whereas it is the intrinsic, pathological NATURE of the Democrat Party to “abandon free market principles.”

Every single Democrat votes to crush the small businesses and therefore exalt the Filthy Rich.  That is the malicious fascist evil of the Democrat Party tradition – and it has been thus for over eighty years.

If you don’t like exalting the Filthy Rich, support conservative Tea Party Republicans.  Well, or else be a Democrat LIAR and lie about it being the fault of the other side who opposes the very thing you want to do and demonize them for doing.

I could add to these groups the people who despise America, the William Ayers and the Professor Ward Churchills and your Black Panther types.  I could add the bitter race-baiters, I could add the people who want to divide America up by gender, or by all the other issues that these people want to divide America with.  I could add the illegal immigrants who have no love for America or its ways but only want to come here to be able to exploit what others built.  There are a lot of horrible, bad, warped, evil people who form the nucleus of the Democrat Party.

But let’s just stick with the three groups I discussed at greater length above, so you can contemplate the incredibly parasitical nature of the Democrat Party that is the party of leeches.

And realize that the quintessential tactic of this diseased party is to lie and lie and lie and then lie some more.

Because to the extent they aren’t truly “stupid,” they know that the American people are increasingly – since Democrats drove God out of this nation – become a bad people.  And it is always the nature of bad people to prefer lies to the truth.



Seven Lessons In Fighting Against The Devil: My Own Basic Training In Spiritual Warfare

November 7, 2014

I love to go on hikes.  And I mean long hikes.

At least three times every week – and frequently four – I go on a nearly 10.5 mile hike through the desert.  I live in an unincorporated area right next to the foothills that make up the beginning of the Little San Bernadino Mountains, and all I’ve got to do is walk across a street and I’m out in the boonies.

I love the quiet, the solitude, the time to pray, to reflect on my day, to just gather my thoughts and feelings and make sense of the world and my little place and part in it.  Those walks are the highlight of my day, not to mention my dog’s day.

There’s only one not so little problem: rattlesnakes.

Due to my schedule as well as the heat of the desert, I’ve got to start off in the fairly late afternoon.  Which means that a good share of my walking takes place in the darkness.  Which means I’ve got rattlesnakes on the hunt a good share of the year. And they’re nocturnal.

I occasionally see different species of non-poisonous snakes.  I don’t mind them and they don’t mind me.  If you eat rodents, keep up the good work.  But lucky me, for every non-rattlesnake I see, I see at least a dozen rattlesnakes. It’s like they’re drawn to me or something.

And we don’t get along so well.  I took out eleven rattlesnakes so far this 2014.  Believe me, that’s more than enough to keep me looking for them.

Rattlesnakes are deadly.  And if I encounter one, I deal with it in a manner that has not endeared me to the rattlesnake community.  Now, someone might tell me, “If you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone.”  The problem with that is that I can assure you from personal experience that rattlesnakes cannot be counted upon to hold their end of that bargain.  If you or your pet get close to one – no matter how unintentionally – it will bite. And did I mention rattlesnakes are deadly?

Let me tell you something: when you’re out in the desert in the dark these moving land mines will just freak you out.

Mind you, it also freaks you out when you take one on and try to take it out.  It’s about as easy to kill Jason Voorhees as it is a rattlesnake.  They do NOT die easy.  And you will find that even an hour or two after they finally ARE dead, their bodies will still continue to move.  It turns out that they can even deliver bites hours after they’re dead.  It is no joke to encounter one of these things, believe me.

And when they move, they move scary fast.

I’m not trying to argue that rattlesnakes are “evil” or “demonic.”  They are predatory animals who do what predatory animals do.  And as long as they remain far enough away from people and their pets in human-populated areas, God bless them.  But that said, I have found in my reflections that there are principles that rattlesnakes have in common with the fallen angels otherwise known as “demons.”  Which is why I find it particularly illustrative that Satan appeared to Eve in the Garden in the form of a serpent.

Every time I go on my walk during rattlesnake season, I say a prayer that the LORD protect, defend and deliver me and my beloved dog from rattlesnakes, coyotes, mountain lions and other threats that we can walk into (I pray to be safe from the human rattlesnakes, too).  And I ask the LORD that we not even encounter any of these dangers.  I make that distinction because if I encounter a rattlesnake, that doesn’t mean that the LORD failed or refused to protect me.

That’s lesson one: sometimes the LORD wants us to encounter – and to confront and combat – evil.

Evil is a reality.  We cannot avoid evil in this world.  There simply inevitably comes a point in life when we must face it and deal with it.

While I have no doubt that God has often sheltered His people by either keeping them away from evil or evil away from them, we cannot live our lives and walk across this earth without ultimately having to confront evil. We can’t pretend it isn’t there, or that we can keep hiding from it, or that we can reason with it, or negotiate with it, or compromise with it.  Evil always plays for keeps and it will always take whatever you offer it and then it will try to take everything else away from you, too.  We won’t ultimately be safe from evil until it is totally defeated and destroyed.

And so we should pray accordingly: go ahead and ask the LORD to keep evil away from you; but ask Him most of all that He would keep you and yours safe, protect you and deliver you, when it is your turn to confront evil. Because evil will come against you, and either you will prevail against it, or it will prevail against you.  And I for one want to have God on my side whenever that moment comes.

As I walk along out in the desert in the growing darkness, I know that there isn’t a rattlesnake behind every single bush.  As many of them as there are crawling around out there, there is nevertheless a limited number of them.  The same is true of demons: I have heard it dismissively said of a particular Christian or particular Christian denominations that he or she or they “believe there’s a demon behind every bush.”

Well, we know there isn’t a demon behind every bush.  But if you’re wise you know that there could be a demon behind any particular bush, just as there could be a rattlesnake behind any particular bush when you’re out in the desert at night.

That’s lesson two: evil is pervasive.  It is all around us.  You have to be on the lookout for it or you could be in great danger.

The Bible says this: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” — 1 Peter 5:8

My emphasis is the “be alert and of sober mind” part as well as the fact that our enemy is constantly prowling around out there, hungry for us and for our loved ones.  Anyone who thinks that the Bible teaches that we should have a cavalier disregard of the demonic realm is biblically ignorant.  The Bible at great length assures us that demons are real and they are out to get us and either harm us or deceive us into harming ourselves.

As dangerous as a rattlesnake that you see before you is, the one that is there but that you do not see is vastly more dangerous.  And the same is true of the devil and his fallen angels.

As I am walking, I am constantly and continually scanning for rattlesnakes.  Because there’s no way to predict that one will be here and not there or there but not over there.  Rather, they could be anywhere out there; and they are literally lying in wait, ready to strike.  It’s just what they do. And as I’m walking and scanning, I’ve said my prayers that I will invariably repeat more than once that the LORD reveal them to me, that the LORD let me discern the presence of serpents, that neither myself or my beloved dog will walk into deadly fangs.

There’s something about knowing that you are potentially walking into deadly ground that livens your prayer life.  It isn’t theoretical or even merely possible any more; it’s real. I’ve been forced to confront it many times and I know that I will very likely confront it again.  And every walk is a battlefield and I go in earnestly praying that the LORD will keep us safe and deliver us and protect us.

Think of that proverb, “There are no atheists in foxholes.”  That word wasn’t given by some pencil-necked bookworm reverend delivering a sermon to a congregation of old women; it was given by a man who served in Bataan and subsequently reinforced by military men – and even by General Dwight D. Eisenhower – who understood that in the presence of the greatest dangers there is the greatest and most powerful presence of a Great God.  You’re in trouble, you’re in danger, you have a sense that your life could be snuffed out at any moment; and you call out to God.  And that is when you find Him the closest and the nearest and the dearest. The Bible says that “There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24); if you’ve ever been in a deadly, desperate place where you know in your gut that no one else can possibly help you, only then have you truly known the power of a God who surrounds you in a way that no other friend possibly can.

And the number of men and women who have faced their darkest and most terrifying moments and found that presence to be the Ultimate Reality is well into the millions.  Because that God is real and His deliverance is real.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”  — Psalm 23:4

That’s lesson three, by the way: never take the ground you are walking over for granted when it comes to spiritual warfare.  Because the reality of danger is absolute; and there could be death waiting all around you.

One day a few months ago I was working on my motorcycle.  For the record, I enjoy working on my bike or on my car – as long as I’m achieving and progressing in my efforts. When things don’t go well, when I misplace tools or parts that I just had a second ago, or get bogged down by difficulty getting a tool or a part to be in the sort of precise alignment I need it to be in, well, I confess to coming unglued.  As in “completely unglued.”

Anyway, on this particular occasion, I became so darned angry that I was ultimately ranting at the only One who could hear me (at least I HOPE none of the neighbors heard me!): “Why don’t you just kill me and get it over with?”

As angry as I was at the time, I immediately realized that I had just crossed a line.  And I realized that in a much more profound way because whether I was done working on the bike or not, I was going to be going on one of my hikes through the desert very soon that very evening.

And I knew it would be all-too-easy for the LORD God to give me what I had just essentially asked Him for.  Because I go out far enough and into difficult enough terrain that if I get bitten by a rattlesnake, no ambulance is going to be able to reach me.  And in some of the places I go there aren’t even very many four-wheel-drive vehicles that would be able to get to me.

And so I realized that I hadn’t just said some idle words: I had literally just invited death upon myself.

And it was with that realization that I confessed my sin before God with urgency that I would not have had were I not walking out into the gathering darkness of the desert.

And that’s lesson four, which corresponds directly to lesson one: you get yourself prayed up if you know what’s good for you.

That very day, as I was walking, I came across something that I had frankly never seen before or since in all of my many walks: a dead rattlesnake.  I could see what happened: a dirt bike had ridden right over the thing and killed it. It hadn’t happened all that long before, I could tell: because its body was still moving.

Now, a nonbeliever might just chalk it up as a meaningless coincidence, but that sure wasn’t my frame of mind: I saw that dead rattlesnake as a message from God.  That one could have been for me.

If I’m going into harm’s way, I’m going there in a spirit of prayer. And if you’re wise, so will you.

On the subject of getting prayed up and confessing your sins, let me now give you a lesson five: if you’ve got children, you ought to know that this DOUBLY applies to you.

What’s interesting – and I’ll explain as I continue – is that I’m generally not overly worried about myself on my long walks: it’s my beloved dog that I worry over incessantly. I am well aware of the dangers and I’m looking for them; but is my dog – playing and investigating  as she does – so aware?

If you’re a parent, you know what I’m talking about: that fearful attitude for your little one that says, you go ahead and do what you want to me, but don’t you dare even so much as LOOK at my kid or I will END you.

That’s why I kill every rattler I come across, for the official record.

But let me tell you this, parent: I worry about my little girl out there.  That’s what scares me the most in the desert. When you have a little loved one in peril, you’re left feeling almost physically sick.  You get physically sick with fear for what almost happened to your kid.  It just terrifies you and unnerves you in a way that you would never be so terrified or unnerved if you were only thinking of yourself.

I could leash her all the time, but this is a vast, isolated place where God literally made her to run over.  And most of the time she’s safe. Just like any child, my dog needs her independence and opportunity to be on her own.  I always put her on the leash when there’s obvious danger or when my gut – or my spirit – tells me to do so.  But she has to be allowed to run on her own, too.  If you’re a parent, you obviously understand the tension inherent in striving to find the perfect balance between excess fear and excess confidence that nothing bad can happen.

So most of the time she’s running around; and I am constantly worrying about what she’ll run into.

I can’t keep her safe all the time, any more than any parent can keep their child safe all the time.

There are those moments when you realize the safety of your beloved kid is out of your hands and out of your control, and all you have to rely on is the LORD God.

And so I’m praying and I’m praying.  And I’m telling you, parent, you pray for your kid.  You get on your face before the LORD and you pray that the LORD will intervene on your behalf to protect your child from harm.  You confess your sins and ask for forgiveness so you can intercede with the LORD over your child and you pray that the LORD will give your child the discernment to sense the presence of evil and have the sense to flee from it; you pray that the LORD will deliver your kid from evil.

There was a time about six months ago that I was walking in the morning, rather than in the evening.  But rattlesnakes are like us: they don’t want to be out there when it is too hot; so they are most on the prowl in the early morning and in the evening.  Just like you.  Well, anyway, my dog jumped on a big boulder, as she does pretty much every time there’s a big boulder for her to jump on.  And that’s when I saw a big Western Diamondback.  I had my camera, so I took a picture of the thing before I took it out.  Because it won’t be so pretty when I get done with it. Anyway, I took the picture and was looking for a big rock.  I saw a good rock behind me.  And without thinking it through, I walked over to get it.

Well, I was walking away from my dog, who jumped off the boulder and began to trot toward me.

Right into the path of the rattlesnake.

I saw the danger too late and screamed at my dog at the top of my lungs to try to somehow avert what was happening and which I was too far away to do anything other than yell to prevent.

That was actually a mistake.  Because my dog is a sensitive girl and yelling at her just causes her to shut down.

So now she’s coming toward me all freaked out because she knows I’m upset.  And she’s scared and not thinking about what’s around her.

She trotted right into the path of that rattlesnake.  Right into its path.  And as I looked on helplessly in utter horror it struck at her from point-blank range.

To this day I remember it as if it were in slow motion: the coiled-up snake struck at my dog’s left front side, at her shoulder just above her leg.  And somehow it missed by less than half an inch.  I could literally see it miss as it struck at her left shoulder, but it was so close that I had to carefully examine her and make sure that it hadn’t struck her. I couldn’t accept that she was okay until I had my hands over her.

What are the odds of that?  That a lightning-fast rattlesnake would strike at a dog from point-blank range – and miss?

I’m telling you, it was God and His angels, that’s what it was.

I killed it extra-dead.  If death can be compared to caffeine, I gave that rattlesnake a quintuple espresso latte of it.  With lots of extra gory sprayed on top.  Because don’t you DARE mess with my little girl. I threw those rocks down so hard on that rattlesnake I have a feeling some of them ended up in China.

And I thanked the LORD God and I frequently continue to thank my God that He protected my beloved dog.

You know just how it is if you’re a parent.  Sometimes I’ll be on my hike and some kids on dirt bikes or quads will come flying up the trail.  And in a minute I’ll be mad as hell at the risk they’re putting my little dog under, but at the moment I’m not thinking about being mad or getting even; I’m just thinking about how to get my dog to safety.  It’s only after I know she’s safe that I start getting mad (as in rabid).

It’s an amazing thing to have a little dependent life; you don’t think about yourself.  You think about your little loved one.  And I’ve never, ever in my life feared for myself the way I’ve feared for those little souls who depend on me to take care of them.

Turn that sense of all-encompassing concern into action and PRAY FOR YOUR KID LIKE YOUR KID’S LIFE DEPENDS ON IT.  Because it literally can.

If your kid is safe from evil, you thank the LORD for it.  And you keep praying that the LORD will protect your kid.  Because your kid has this in common with my dog: both are very likely oblivious to many of the worst dangers that could harm them.  And so YOU need to take that responsibility on yourself and intervene on their behalf even as you try to watch over them as best you.

And in the same way, whether it’s your spouse or your aging parents or your aunts and uncles or your friends at work, when you sense that they may be facing danger, YOU PRAY FOR THEM.  And you keep praying for them.  You intercede with the LORD on their behalf.

There are so many dangers facing children these days, not merely physical dangers but dangers to their self-esteem and to their worldview and to their very souls. Parents tend to blissful ignorance until they see a clear threat against their kids; and THEN they freak out. I’m trying to point out that parents need to realize that their kids are in danger every time they leave their sight. And we need to be praying that nothing harms our kids. Because there are parents who sincerely believed they’d done everything right protecting their kids, but one day they are horrified to discover that their kids’ souls are just poisoned and their attitudes are toxic. And it happened right under their noses BECAUSE THEY WEREN’T LOOKING FOR DANGER OR FOR OTHER FORMS OF DANGER THAT CONSUME CHILDREN. And there are just ALL kinds of rattlesnakes out there seeking to twist and harm your kids in all kinds of different ways. And we need to realize that our kids are walking through a snake field a good share of the time.

Pray for your children with a sense of urgency and with the attitude that God hears and answers the godly prayers of parents for their kids.

Here’s another one for you: as I’m walking along, I pull out my flashlight and I turn it on and illuminate my path.  The more you’re in the dark, the more you need light. That’s lesson six, for those keeping score at home.

I walk over some pretty uneven ground.  And at night what you most lose is depth perception, the ability to clearly see if you’re about to walk up a rise in elevation or down into a sink.  There are rocks all around that can cause you to trip and stumble; there are old water channels from past flooding that can cause you to lose your balance.  You can wander off the trail and not even realize you’ve done so.

If you get even a little bit distracted, you can literally get turned around and think you’re going the right way toward home when in reality you are walking deeper into the darkness.

Because it can get DARK out there.  Many times I’ve put my hand right in front of my face and couldn’t make out my hand even though I knew exactly where it was and was looking for its shape.

And of course, like I said, there are rattlesnakes, a lot of rattlesnakes.  And they could be anywhere out there.  And sometimes they’ll rattle but often times they’ll lie motionless as they count on their camouflage.  And that would work out great for everybody – unless you accidentally step on them or get so close you trigger their aggression.

All I’ve got to reveal the presence of these poisonous serpents is my flashlight.  And that flashlight is so critical to me that I carry a backup every hike just in case something happens to my primary.

With that flashlight, I can see my path.  I can see where I’m going and where the dangers are.  I can identify the best and safest course as I pick my way over old heavily eroded trails.

In the rest of my life, I have that same sort of flashlight; it’s called the Word of God; it’s called the Holy Bible.

The Bible tells you right from wrong; it will tell you which path you should take and which ones you should avoid.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. — Psalm 119:105

This world is a dark place that is growing more spiritually dark by day.

People are walking around in spiritual blindness.  And they’re living like it.

And when you stumble around in the dark for long enough, something bad will ultimately happen to you.

God uses His Word as His primary vehicle to communicate with you.  If you won’t read what He’s already declared in His Word, why would He waste His presence trying to tell you anything else?

When you read His Word with a heart to follow the right path, it is amazing how God speaks to you and teaches you and remains with you throughout the day when you’ve been in His Word.  And throughout the night even in the darkest darkness.

Refusing to open your Bible and look at the world through the revealing light of God’s Word is as stupid as walking into the desert night and refusing to turn on your flashlight and look at the world through that truth-revealing light.

Lesson seven is this and it came to me as a cumulative realization: you can trust God; you can depend on Him; only He has the power to change and transform your circumstances.  There are times when only He can save you and keep you safe.  And that delivering power amazingly becomes the most evident in the face of the most dangerous adversaries.

A couple of illustrations:

One night a couple of months ago I was on the way back from my hike and having that greater sense of safety from walking back on a trail that I had walked a couple of hours before.  And I turned at a certain spot – as I frequently do – to look for gun brass which I collect and either use or sell in an area where a lot of people do their target shooting.  I’d never seen a rattler in this particular area and had my guard down.  Anyway, I found a lot of .45 brass on a berm and was busy collecting it.  And as I looked to one side, there was more just below where someone had stood on the berm and blazed away.  And so I stepped down the side and was busily picking up the brass.

And I reached to pick up a case and froze as I saw that my hand was literally one inch away from a rattlesnake.  Which only then began to rattle its ominous warning.

It’s a darn good thing a nurse wasn’t there to take my blood pressure just then, or I would have been rushed off to the cardiac ward, I’m guessing.

I’ve never let my guard down since – refer to lesson two – but I found myself consumed with an overarching question: why didn’t that snake bite me?  I’d almost petted the darned thing.

And the instant answer to my spirit was that the LORD God had shut up its mouth.  Just as the LORD shut up the mouths of the lions when Daniel was thrown into their den (Daniel chapter six) as a form of usually-guaranteed execution (see verse 24).

My God is El Rai, the God of sight who keeps watch.  He sees me even in the darkest dark.  And He is Jehovah Mephalti, the LORD my deliverer.

That serpent couldn’t bite me because the LORD would not let it bite me.  I could almost hear the argument as Satan said to the LORD, “But he’s an IDIOT!”  And the LORD smiled and said, “Yes, but he’s MY idiot.  And you cannot have him.”

God is sovereign over His creation.  To the unbeliever, the world and what happens in it seems random.  But to believers, when we look back over the course of our lives, we see His guiding hand. We think back to those places and times when we needed something to happen that seemed very unlikely to happen without a miracle.  We can clearly see what we may have struggled to see at the time we were struggling: the Immanuel presence of God with us.  And when we look ahead to the future, we can therefore trust in His Providence.

There are times when it is easy to see the world through and unbeliever’s eyes as we encounter what seems to be a random universe where good or bad randomly happens.  And that is because God created a causal universe for a reason; and He does not intervene incessantly or in a willy-nilly manner.  One of the reasons we refer to “miracles” is because they are events that do not ordinarily happen.  God seems to most delight in accomplishing giant changes through small “nudges” rather than through grandiose displays – where some seemingly minor thing happens at just the right moment that changes everything. And He delights most of all in accomplishing miraculous deliverances through the miracle of His people coming together for us in our time of need in love rather than through miracles as the world defines them.

That said, there are just too many moments in my own life in which I have had an audience with God and seen Him work miracles that I know in my own life and in my own heart could have come only through HIS hand. God doesn’t perform those miracles for me continuously; but He has provided them for me continually.  And whenever I sincerely look for His presence, I find it all around me.

Those miracles remind me that my God delivers, my God heals, my God provides, my God restores.  And when I count upon Him, He will somehow come through for me in a way that I will later marvel over.

Next illustration – and this one is why I wrote this article:

I was on my long hike on a Monday night quite recently and encountered a rattlesnake next to a cyclone fence which bordered a middle school.  There was a drainage ditch and another cyclone fence – and then there was nothing between that snake and a lot of young kids.

I tried to kill the snake, but I couldn’t find a big enough rock close by.  So as it was, I only managed to wound it before it crawled under the fence under the cover of a shrub.

There was a gap in the fence where the rattlesnake coiled up.  I could try to lift a rock over the fence and crush it from above, but in doing so I would expose my foot to the snake.  No thanks.

I felt bad, because I wanted to end whatever suffering it was experiencing.  I could see that I’d injured it, because I saw a little blood, but had no idea how badly I had hurt it.

The next afternoon I set off on a shorter walk, but one that took me past the spot where I’d encountered the rattlesnake the night before.

Knowing the rattler could still be there, under that bush on the other side of the fence, injured and dangerous, I leashed my dog and investigated.

No snake.

I was just about to release my dog from the leash when I suddenly spotted something fifteen feet away out of the corner of my eye.

It was the rattlesnake.  It had crawled back out from under the fence and was heading into the desert.  As I looked at it, I couldn’t see any signs of serious injury and I noted that it was crawling at a pace that would have taken it to the distance I encountered it in a matter of a few minutes at most.

The rattlesnake had not been that badly hurt the night before; it coiled up smoothly and quickly when I approached it.

I finished the job I’d started and as I was walking along it occurred to me: it was NINETEEN HOURS LATER.  That snake had remained in that spot for all that time; literally all day long on a warm sunny day.  It had only left that spot a matter of several minutes before.  And why had it remained there all that time and why had it moved when it did?  As it was, it moved just far enough to be removed from the safety of the fence and just close enough that I was able to spot it.  A few minutes more either way and I may either have been unable to kill it on the other side of the fence just as I had been unable the night before or unable to see it as it escaped into the desert.

It did not move because Jehovah El Elohim, the LORD God of gods, did not let it move.  We had a divine appointment.

It was as I pondered why that snake had ended up in the perfect place for me to a) see it and b) kill it that I began to realize that just maybe God had been putting me through a basic training course in spiritual warfare.  I have come to believe He is preparing me for something that is coming against me, my family or my church in which I am going to encounter a demon. I feel that He has had me trust Him as I’ve stared into the eyes of rattlesnakes in order to prepare me to trust Him as I stare into the eyes of a demon.

It may seem strange to some who read this: why do I keep walking through the desert with all those nasty things crawling around out there?  For the record, the snakes are about to hibernate, but the colder weather will allow the many coyotes in the area to be considerably more active.  And we’ve got occasional bobcat and mountain lion sightings in the area that I walk.

I’ve never seen anyone else walking out there.  Which is to say if you’re in that neck of the desert and you see a crazy guy walking around in the dark, it’s very probably me.  Why do I do it?

And the answer is that as much as I am aware of the dangers, I have a powerful sense of peace – the peace of Jehovah Shalom – as I walk through even the valley of the shadow of death.  I have a profound sense that the LORD my God will take care of us, and protect us, and deliver us as we walk even through the darkest night.  I’m not out to test God; I’m just out for a walk in the place I most love and during the only time I can do it.  And as I walk, I’ve learned to constantly call upon the LORD.  And I trust Him to give me everything I need.

Again, rattlesnakes aren’t demonic.  They’re animals.  I used to love the coyotes and admired their beauty and intelligence and ability to survive in a harsh and unforgiving climate.  That was when I had Rottweilers and the food chain worked in my dog’s favor.  Now I’ve got a 43-lb dog who is not much over a fifth the size of my last Rott who stood 32″ at the shoulder and weighed in at 195 muscular pounds.  And suddenly the food chain is on the coyotes’ side.  And now I suddenly see those same coyotes that I once thought were so beautiful as threatening predatory vermin.  In other words, it’s a simple matter of perspective, isn’t it?

For what it’s worth, I don’t doubt for an instant that God has brought many Christians to the same end by a very different means.  Please don’t think I’m instructing you to go out into the desert at night looking for rattlesnakes in order to be prepared to fight demons.

These animals aren’t demonic; but they have taught me much about spiritual warfare and how to wage it.  Jesus invariably described the Kingdom of Heaven to earthly phenomena because there is a correlation and a parallel between how the physical world operates and how the spiritual world operates.  The medium is different, but the abiding principles remain the same.

God did not create us to live in a safe cocoon or a bubble.  There are dangers in the world – both physical and spiritual – and He provided us with the resources we need to deal with both.  And also just as I have to recognize that there literally COULD be a rattlesnake behind every bush, in the same way I understand that Satan has many demons and they could be anywhere around me.  And just as I realize that I have to be continually on the alert in discerning the presence of rattlesnakes, I must be ever sober and wary and on guard against the principalities and powers that the Bible says are real threats. And I must never, ever, EVER take God’s deliverance for granted, but rather actively seek it continually.

I know as a result of these experiences that if you have children, you are their nexus between life and death in many ways.  And that you must constantly intervene with God on their behalf and pray for them and for their protection and safety from evil.

I know as a result of my experiences that I desperately need light and that I am blind and vulnerable and ultimately helpless without light.  And I know that just as my flashlight illuminates my path in the darkest desert night, my Bible illuminates my path even when my life intersects with the darkest people in the darkest places.  I must count on the illuminating light of God’s Word to discern demonic evil just as much as I trust in the illuminating power of my flashlight to discern rattlesnakes. And I either have that illumination or I will stumble and fall just as the world is stumbling and falling as it prepares to worship the beast and take his mark.

But most of all, I know that I can trust God in the presence of my enemies.  And that as dangerous or as powerful as they might seem, they are as nothing before the LORD who can shut up the mouths of serpents and keep them from moving unless He wills them to move.

And as I write this, I have not yet stared into the eyes of a truly possessed person with my basic training behind me.  But I have stared into the eyes of enough rattlesnakes, and I believe that God will give me the same confidence of spirit to trust in Him if and when that moment occurs.

Because the same God who is God over the serpents in the desert is in the same manner and in the same way God over even the most powerful of Satan’s demons and even over Satan himself.









Liberals Are The Racists And Misogynists. They’re Also Hypocritical Demagogues Who Project Their Own ‘Values’ On Their Opponents.

November 6, 2014

I’m watching a Democrat strategist give his post-mortem on the November 4 elections in which Democrats got their heads handed to them (not that Obama has a clue as he plans his next fascist executive order power-grab between golf rounds.  All we know is that Obama doesn’t feel “repudiated” no matter how much of a toxic pariah he’s become even to his own party).  Why do Democrats tend to fare so badly in midterms, the strategist is asked.  And he says, “We’ve got to do a better job reaching out to white voters.”

This is PRECISELY what Democrat strategists are saying.

You are not a human being to Democrats.  Human beings are created in the image of God and Democrats piss on both God and His image.  No, you are a black voter, or a Hispanic voter, or an Asian voter.  Or you are an enemy who has to be tricked into voting for the party that wants to give the good races all the stuff your family worked so hard to earn because you belong to the wrong race.

Of course, that is racial politics from the PARTY of race politics.  If you want to divide people up by race and play the game of divide and conquer – and to hell with the increasingly incredibly polarizing results you are guaranteed to get as a result – you are a Democrat, pure and simple.

All you have to do is blame your racism and the climate of anger and polarization your racist engineering engenders on the other side.  And your media propaganda will duly report that “fact.”

Republicans are the party of ideas and the party of Americans.  Democrats are the party of racism and the party of bitterness against America.

It’s just the way it is.  And it’s just the way it has been since Democrats realized that if you can’t beat them, join them and then subvert them to the same plantation agenda they’ve always had.  Before you were useful as slave labor; now you’re useful as slave voters.  To wit: if you want your welfare check, you vote for the master party.

All the other party will offer you is the opportunity to get a job because they’re trying to make it easier for employers to build businesses and to learn because they’re trying to provide poor children of ALL races with vouchers for private schools to end the blue line union monopoly over “edyookashun.”

But of course it’s easier to sit at home and blame whitey – or blame whoever the convenient target to be blamed is – than it is to work.  And that’s just human nature.

Which party is the party of racism?  The party that hates Clarence Thomas, the party that hates Allen West, the party that hates Condoleezza Rice, the party that hates Dr. Benjamin Carson, that’s who.

I still remember the racist hate that Clarence Thomas received from the party that presents itself as oh-so-uber-un-racist.

In this election cycle, racist politicking was out full force as Democrats pulled out every trick to fearmonger the black community into getting out and voting against Republicans.  And no lie was too outrageous.

And of course there was the War on Women that Democrats just never got tired of playing.

Misogynists are Republican and Republicans are misogynists.  That’s what we’ve been told for the last how many years now from Democrats?

So I run across this story in the Los Angeles Times.  And it’s written by an uber-liberal named Meghan Daum:

The other thing the catcalling video shows: Our detachment issues
Meghan Daum
Los Angeles Times
November 5, 2014, 5:23 PM

If for some unfathomable reason you’re not among the more than 30 million people who’ve already seen the “catcalling video” that started ricocheting through the zeitgeist last week, I’ll give you a brief rundown.

An actress named Shoshana Roberts, unremarkably dressed, is videotaped with a hidden camera as she walks around a variety of New York City neighborhoods. Over 10 hours, men vied for her attention, asking, “What’s up, beautiful?” and demanding to know why she won’t talk to them. Some seem pretty innocuous. Others, like the one who walks next to Roberts silently for five minutes straight, are downright creepy.

What began as feminist activism from an anti-street harassment organization called Hollaback expanded into a referendum on race, because Roberts is white and the vast majority of the men on the video are black or Latino. For all the video tells us about race, men and the discomfort women can experience on the street, it also tells us something about a different — and relatively new — kind of cultural discomfort: our awkwardness in negotiating public spaces.

When I watch the video, I see not just a woman being objectified by men but also a woman who, presumably at the behest of her director, is totally unwilling to engage in the world around her. She makes no eye contact, responds to no greeting, registers no interest in the people in her midst. I also see in it a filmmaker who hasn’t bothered to parse the difference between a “good morning” and a “hey, baby.” And in reading women’s reactions, I sense a perception that any of these guys could have pulled Roberts into an alley and assaulted her at any time.

Hollaback, which is committed to the message that a “hello” can easily and quickly escalate into violence, certainly seems to share that perception. But in the context of this video at least, it’s a little tone deaf. As she walked, Roberts was surrounded by hundreds of people, many of whom would surely have intervened if she’d needed help. As odd as the creepy companion walker was, does it fit Hollaback founder Emily May’s description of “a terrifying, terrifying experience”?

Obviously only Roberts can say how she felt about any given interaction. Nonetheless, here’s the thing about life in the big city, especially cities whose identities are rooted in the energy of the street: You can’t live in a vacuum. In fact, most residents don’t want to live in a vacuum. They have boundaries, but they still want to share a nod or knowing glance with a stranger on the bus or subway. They want to weave their individual, day-to-day experiences into the larger tapestry. And nothing about Robert’s disconnected, almost zombie-like comportment in the video reflects that spirit.

We all have our zombie-like days, of course. But I suspect that in real life Roberts handles men who talk to her on the street the same way most women eventually learn to: by saying “thank you” or saying something The Times won’t print, or waving a hand in a way that could be taken as either friendly or dismissive. Hollaback might consider these concessions are themselves symptoms of patriarchal oppression — and that is a fair, if not exactly new, point. I would say what’s missing from the video is that making concessions to strangers, sometimes acknowledging their existence, is part of what it means to share the world with other people — at least the real-life, three-dimensional world.

Of course, that world increasingly takes a back seat to the digital sphere, where ignoring unwanted communications is standard protocol, where many, if not most, conversations take place via text or email. Dating and sexual conquest belong largely to the realm of online dating sites and Tinder feeds. Moreover, most people when they do find themselves in public spaces, spend more time looking at their phones than looking at what’s around them. Little by little, we’re losing our instinct for joining the larger tapestry.

And maybe that’s the ultimate lesson of the catcalling video. It’s not just that men can be boorish or that race and class issues can be thorny but that walking down the street can be more complicated than hanging out online. Not to mention a lot more interesting.

And I couldn’t help but wonder: is this the tone this leftie would have decided to take if the woman victim had been a racial minority and the creepy catcallers had been white men???

Daum makes this point early on:

What began as feminist activism from an anti-street harassment organization called Hollaback expanded into a referendum on race, because Roberts is white and the vast majority of the men on the video are black or Latino.

And then proceeds to drop that point entirely as if it were a radioactively hot potato.  You never see the racial angle mentioned again.  It’s almost like she waved her hand at it, and that’s more than enough.  From that moment on, her article actually became a DEFENSE of the black and Latino men – i.e. the core members of the Democrat Party racial constituency – who sexually harassed the white woman for ten hours.

Now, I must confess that there have been a couple of times that Meghan Daum – who in the past was just so over-the-top lefty-moonbeam that she maxed out the measurement apparatus – has surprised me of late.  It’s possible that she actually is able to realize that the identity politics game the left keeps playing is as dangerous as it is toxic.

You know, the way Bill Clinton just did:

“I believe that in ways large and small, peaceful and sometimes violent, that the biggest threat to the future of our children and grandchildren is the poison of identity politics that preaches that our differences are far more important than our common humanity,” he told the crowd of activists, celebrities, and lawmakers.

But no matter: the REST of the Democrat universe plays it as their first card, their second card, their third card, their fourth card and their fifth card in every political game of five-card poker.

And it was, as usual, the central card played in this election.

We had the FIRST female elected to the United States Senate from blue state Iowa in American history.  And not only did this Republican woman have to suffer getting sexually trivialized over how attractive she was (you know, for a bimbo) by a career sexist Democrat male senator, but she had to suffer the booooooring whine of three-term Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu as she complained that she won’t get re-elected to a fourth term because she’s a woman and Louisianans are conservatives who hate women and hate blacks:

“And number two: I’ll be very, very honest with you. The south has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans. It’s been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as a leader,” she said.

“It’s not always been a good place for women to present ourselves,” Ms. Landrieu continued. “It’s more of a conservative place. So we’ve had to work a little harder on that. But the people trust me, I believe — really they do … trust me to do the right thing for the state.”

Ms. Landrieu’s comments come as some Democrats are making direct, often visceral appeals to black voters, notably in southern states like Georgia, in hopes of energizing the party base ahead of Tuesday’s election.

A woman who has been elected to the Senate by her state three times blames her state’s hostility to her on her gender and on racism.

You see, there’s one way to play this game: the Democrat way.  If you try to play it in a way that doesn’t politically help the political exigencies of the Democrat Party, it’s because you’re a racist, or you’re a misogynist, or you’re a racist misogynist.

It’s NEVER fascists when Democrats do it.  It’s ALWAYS fascist when Republicans do it.  Every time.  No matter how much of a pretzel you’ve got to twist your brain into to believe the liberal line.

War veteran Joni Ernst is tired of the “war on women” meme the Democrats constantly play (her male Democrat challenger actually had the complete lack of balls to play it on her):

She didn’t want to hear opponent Bruce Braley’s campaign claims anymore that she wages war on women with her positions because, the war veteran said, “I’ve been to war; this is not a war.”

Of course, it IS a war, because it is a vicious attack strategy from the party of hate and division, from the party that pits race against race, income-level against income level, gender against gender, etc.

It’s a war for the soul of America.  And even Bill Clinton admits that the Democrat Party machine is on the side of Satan in the war.

Abortion isn’t a “woman’s issue.”  It’s a CHILDREN’S issue.  If abortion is only a woman’s issue, then men are to be excluded from having anything to do with children and whether they should live or die.  If abortion is a “woman’s issue” as Democrats believe, and if a man and a woman don’t produce a child at the moment of conception, as Democrats believe, then ANY responsibility men have ought to end the nanosecond they roll off of that woman and go to sleep.  Because he DID NOT FATHER A CHILD according to the left and according to the left he has nothing whatsoever to do with the most critical choice involving the “woman’s choice” involving this non-child.

What Democrats want and what they have largely already achieved is the end of fatherhood.  Fathers are not “fathers” any more; they do NOT procreate a child and they are therefore not to be allowed ANY choice or ANY responsibility whatsoever in the MOST important decision involving a child that somehow mysteriously develops at some later time.

And of course homosexual sodomy marriage is nothing more than an extension of liberal thought: marriage is an institution for families; but the party of militant hatred for fatherhood necessarily becomes the party of militant hatred for the family of which fathers are a necessary component.

So Democrats have this twisted, perverted, hateful view toward any woman who loves her family and loves her children and values families and children.

And so your Sarah Palins and any woman who is pro-marriage and pro-family have to be rabidly attacked in the most hateful wayIt’s FINE for Democrats to call Republican women “whores.”  Just try being a Republican white male who calls a minority female governor a whore and see what happens to your career as the media feeding frenzy goes into beyond-rabid mode.

But like what we see somehow happen in Meghan Daum’s piece with black men and Latino men – in other words with Democrats – the left just strips the narrative of the elements they don’t like and then retells the story according to their ideology.  Just as in Daum’s piece what could have – and WOULD have had the sleazeballs been white men howling over a minority woman – been a piece about the racist and misogynistic attitudes about minorities toward women becomes a piece about the snooty way a woman carries herself which of course apparently invites abuse with aforementioned abuse being no big deal.  In any and every story involving the nastiest and most despicable racist and misogynistic behavior of liberals gets explained away by some “narrative” had the political party or the race or the gender of the person or people engaging in the despicable conduct been the politically incorrect sort (i.e. white men).

I’ll grant Meghan Daum credit for taking on the perennially offended feminist left over what they perceive as such a hostile climate that a man who says “good morning!” is tantamount to a rapist.  Believe it or not, she has courage to take on that group of rabid harpies given the instant media access that band of vermin has.  But we’ll know Meghan is truly courageous when it is WHITE REPUBLICAN MEN who act the way these black and Hispanic men acted that she defends.

Doubt very much that it will ever happen.


So Who Is Right: The Democrats Who Deny The GOP Just Won A Wave Election Or The Republicans Who Say America Just Rejected Liberalism?

November 5, 2014

It’s hard to look at the election results and not conclude that somebody turned the light to the American mind on and the Democrats didn’t make it under the oven or the refrigerator in time to avoid getting stomped on.

Let’s look at the Senate.  Now, I know that if you are a liberal, you would die before you watched Fox News.  But I watch it quite often.  And even on that channel which liberals decry as rightwing propaganda, I never heard a prognosticator predict a bigger possible gain for Republicans than eight seats at most.  We’ve got seven pick ups in the bag, no one seriously questions that Mary Landrieu’s days as a Senator in Louisiana will end when they hold their runoff and she has to face just ONE rather than two Republicans, and in Alaska the Republican Dan Sullivan holds a 4.6 point lead over Democrat Mark Begich with 100% of the precinct’s having reported.  There’s only the mail-in-ballots outstanding.  And mail-ins usually favor Republicans.  That’s eight and nine.  And we might even have ten pickups in the US Senate by the time we’re done.

If Democrats predicted that Republicans would win 10 of the 11 contested races, they didn’t get their asses kicked.

But as it is, the DNC chair Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz predicted that “We’re going to hold the Senate” along with her fool friend Vice President Joe Biden.

Um, newsflash, reality-challenged people: no, you’re not.  You’re going to get your asses kicked and be laying on the floor in a daze wondering what just happened.

It was not just a wave, it was a BIG wave.  And it washed that demon-possessed little twerp Harry Reid right out of the Senate Majority Leader’s office.  To date, 387 bills passed by Republicans sit on Harry Reid’s desk.  While Democrats scream that the party that passed those 387 bills are the obstructionists and the party that has sat on those 387 bills are somehow anything but obstructionist.

Harry Reid and the Democrat Party completely shut down the United States Congress.  And dishonestly blamed the other side for what they and ONLY they did.

The Democrat-controlled Senate illegally refused to even bother to pass a damn budget for four entire years.  And given the fact that that is the first order of business of governing, it is quite clear that the Democrats radically refused to govern.  For the record, the Republican House never failed to pass a budget every single year while Democrats recklessly and dishonestly refused to perform even their most basic duties.

Harry Reid as Senate Majority leader usurped more fascist power to block amendments than all the previous Senate Majority Leaders COMBINED TIMES TWO.  That’s how fascist and how dishonest and yes, how obstructionist, Democrats truly are.

And yet, as I write this Senator Majority Leader to be Mitch McConnell is answering questions at a press conference that NO Democrat has ever had to face: “Why should we trust you?”  “Are you going to shut down the government?”  “Are you going to abandon your principles and compromise your values and split the difference with the Democrats [whose asses Republicans just kicked]???”

Again, let me state this fact: Harry Reid blocked more amendments than ANY Senate Majority Leader in the entire history of the republic.  But that’s not enough: Harry Reid blocked more amendments than ANY Senate Majority Leader in the entire history of the republic COMBINED.  But that’s STILL not enough: because Harry Reid blocked more amendments to more legislation than every Senate Majority Leader combined TIMES TWO.

And the same media that allowed this dishonest hypocrite fascist to represent the Republican Party as “the party of obstructionism” when it was HIS DEMOCRAT PARTY that was the party of obstructionism will be around to dishonestly and viciously hound the Republicans at every turn.

You’ve got two fascist powers: the Democrat Party and their media allies, the tools of the propaganda press.

And you can’t vote out the rat bastards in the press.

Let’s look at the governor’s races.  Democrats – at least those honest enough to admit that the GOP would likely win the Senate – predicted they would have a very good night in the gubernatorial races.  They had a nightmare instead:

Washington (CNN) — President Barack Obama’s home state of Illinois elected a Republican governor on Tuesday night. Massachusetts will have its first Republican governor since Mitt Romney.

Stunning Republican gubernatorial victories came in reliably Democratic states, including those won overwhelmingly by Obama in 2012. Illinois ousted Democrat Pat Quinn in favor of Republican Bruce Rauner, while Maryland voters opted for Republican Larry Hogan over Democrat Anthony Brown. Republican Charlie Baker won a Massachusetts match-up against Martha Coakley, the state attorney general who lost a special Senate election to Scott Brown in 2010.

Republicans also continued their dominance of governors’ mansions when a number of GOP leaders fought off stiff challenges from Democrats.

As for the House of Representatives, well, the last time they had this much control was 68 years ago.  In fact, the GOP hasn’t held more seats since 1929.

Obama just incurred a 100-year-asskicking.

As for Obama, being a mentally-ill malignant narcissist, he doesn’t feel that he was repudiated in spite of the fact that he had boasted that his policies would be on the ballot in the election.

You see, humility and shame are virtues that only decent human beings are capable of possessing.  and Obama is NOT a decent human being.

When Obama started, he had a filibuster-proof majority in Congress with total control of the House and sixty Democrats in the Senate.  Until his lies and his incompetence and his fascism caught up with him.

USA Today puts it this way in an editorial written by a liberal:

While a president’s party typically losses ground in midterm elections, Obama and the Democrats Tuesday reached an unwanted record: the biggest losses in the House and Senate for any two-term president in modern times.

Democrats claim that even Reagan lost seats in midterms.  And, yeah, he did.  But there’s a chart in that piece that documents that Obama lost about twice as many seats in just his first term than Reagan lost in both terms.  And it doesn’t even add how many seats Obama just got through losing last night.

But you might be reading the above words – in contemplation of the question that I ask in my headline – and conclude that Michael Eden is saying the Democrats are just wrong in saying it wasn’t a wave election and the Republicans are right in saying it was.

I actually would point out they’re both wrong – with the Democrats AS ALWAYS being considerably MORE wrong.

Yeah, this election was an ass-kicking for Democrats.  You’re just not capable of intellectual honesty if you don’t see that – as incredibly many of the Democrat talking heads cannot see.

Democrats are trying to re-write history now and tell America, Republicans didn’t really win that much, they don’t have a mandate, they don’t have a right to govern.  Because Democrats are at their cores fascists who believe that no matter how badly they lose an election that reflects the will of the people, they have an INSTITUTIONAL RIGHT as the party of institutional government to govern.  And that no election can change that.

Of course, when Democrats were the ones winning the majority in 2006, THAT was a landslide and THAT gave them the mandate to ram dictatorial government down the people’s throats.  But hypocrisy goes with fascism as being ontological to Democrats; and if you aren’t a fascist hypocrite, you didn’t vote Democrat.

But here’s the thing: we had a sea change in 2006 and another wave from that sea change in 2008 as Democrats promised Utopia.  The abject failure of that sea change led to a huge sea change to the other side in 2010.  Then we had a sea change back to the other side in 2012.  Because Obama put his “signature achievement” on hold so the American people could not feel the pain and made the campaign about falsely demonizing the Republicans.  And now we’ve had another wild swinging sea change back to the other side again as the people experience that Obama and his policies are ugly things that hurt them rather than help them.

Do you get the idea that the American people are pretty much a bunch of clueless idiots who have lost any capacity for integrity or consistency???  We’re no longer a people capable of building or sustaining anything; we just massively sway without compass or resolve to hold us steady on any course.

The poison of Democrat institutional government just seems to tasty and hard to resist.  And the fire of Democrat fascism seems so warm and bright.  But poison always kills and fire always burns in the end.  But we’re like animals who just can’t learn.  And so we just keep getting drawn right back to what kills us.

Why is that?  What have we lost?

George Washington, the father of our country, declared – and predicted:

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness–these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.”

John Adams, the second president of the United States following Washington, declared – and predicted:

“[W]e have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . . Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”


[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.

In his first Inaugural Address, in his very first words as president to the American people, Washington declared:

We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained; and since the preservation of sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered as deeply, perhaps finally, staked of the experiment

The Democrat Party’s “separation of church and state” is NOT found in the Constitution and is a doctrine that had never existed in America until 1947 when a Supreme Court largely comprised by judges picked by a fascist president who tried to illegally pack the court invented the doctrine by pulling one small phrase out of a private letter from Thomas Jefferson out of context.

In fact, “separation of church and state” is “separation of God from America.”

We are now no longer either religious or moral people.  And as a result, we are pathetically incapable of sustaining ANY virtue.  We no longer have either the courage or the resolve to do any great thing and sustain it long enough to achieve it.

We don’t have the courage or the integrity to actually win a war.  We haven’t had the courage or the integrity to even DECLARE a war since our Supreme Court under the control of Democrats used their fascist power as our black-robed masters to force America to abandon God.

And anything this fickle, wavering, waffling people sets out to do they will surely not have the heart to see through to the end.  Because we are a weak, pathetic nation under government and under socialism and under welfare and radically NOT under God.

The left has repeatedly tried to expunge the words, “One nation under God” from our currency.  But they have already expunged the idea in every other way it can be expunged.

We’ll bounce in one direction and then we’ll rebound in the opposite direction.  Because we don’t have any more faith or courage or resolve than a rubber ball.

That’s the cancer.  That’s why the American people WILL fail and WILL fall.

I have no doubt whatsoever that the faithless and depraved American people – who lack both the virtue to chose right and the integrity to commit to whatever choice they end up making at any moment – will waver and sway back to the party that represents 60 million murdered babies and counting, the destruction of marriage and a middle finger raised at the face of God.

And our destruction as a nation and as a people is thus guaranteed.

So take heart, Democrat, your time will come again.  And I know that because I know the beast, the Antichrist, is coming, who will impose tyrant government on ALL the people of the world just as you dream.

America has proven that it has degenerated into a nation that will gladly worship him and take his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads as they allow him to take over every aspect of their economy and their lives.








Beyond Sick With Outrage: Just Consider The LAST FEW DAYS Of Obama’s Fascist Destruction Of Everything America Stands For

November 3, 2014

I have more than once in my blog-writing claimed that Barack Obama and his Democrat Party – with “Democrat” standing for “DEMOnic bureauCRAT” – as “a firehose of pure evil.”

There’s not one thing to point at with Obama and the Demonic Bureaucrat Party; it’s more like fifty things at once.  It’s an avalanche of the satanic agenda just swamping over the shores of America and spilling toxic evil into this land and into its people.

Let’s just consider some of these:

Illegal immigration, Obama’s giving 34 million green cards after the election so he and his demonic party can’t be held accountable, and the illegal immigrant “voter fraud” vote:

First, even now according to the liberal Washington Post, voter fraud is REAL and affects the outcome of elections.  And Barack Obama, Eric Holder and the entire Democrat Party are demon-possessed to claim that any attempt to have an honest vote is “racist”:

Our data comes from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES). Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010) provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339 non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010. For the 2008 CCES, we also attempted to match respondents to voter files so that we could verify whether they actually voted.

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

Estimated Voter Turnout by Non-Citizens
2008 2010
Self reported and/or verified 38 (11.3%) 13 (3.5%)
Self reported and verified 5 (1.5%) N.A.
Adjusted estimate 21 (6.4%) 8 (2.2%)

Because non-citizens tended to favor Democrats (Obama won more than 80 percent of the votes of non-citizens in the 2008 CCES sample), we find that this participation was large enough to plausibly account for Democratic victories in a few close elections. Non-citizen votes could have given Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health-care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) won election in 2008 with a victory margin of 312 votes. Votes cast by just 0.65 percent of Minnesota non-citizens could account for this margin. It is also possible that non-citizen votes were responsible for Obama’s 2008 victory in North Carolina. Obama won the state by 14,177 votes, so a turnout by 5.1 percent of North Carolina’s adult non-citizens would have provided this victory margin.

Democrats dishonestly claim there is no proof that there has ever been any voter fraud.  This study shows that there were 1.2 MILLION examples of voter fraud where non-citizens illegally voted.

Powerline puts it this way:

How extensive is voter-fraud, especially among non-citizens? Just bring up the question, or suggest we need to have voter-ID at the polls like every other advanced democracy, and the answer will be instantly supplied: You’re a racist. But as Dan McLaughlin points out over at The Federalist, Democrats seem to win a suspiciously high number of close elections, well beyond what a random statistical trial would suggest.

Truthandaction puts it this way:

America is being taken over by a communist Democratic party who is winning with subterfuge. Soon there won’t be sufficient numbers in the Republican party to win elections.

That is precisely what is if not what has happened.  And the most dishonest and most wicked political party in all of American history is intentionally “winning” by criminality and by annihilating the United States of America.

We just had an example of the Democrat Party’s criminal participation in this criminal destruction of America by undermining the integrity of elections to criminally and illegitimately seize power.  A Democrat strategist was just CAUGHT ON VIDEO telling someone he believed was an illegal immigrant that “it was not an issue at all” for an admitted illegal immigrant to vote as long as she was (ILLEGALLY!!!) registered to vote:

James O’Keefe has done it again.

Despite the consistent leftist insistence that voter fraud does not exist, the guerilla journalist demonstrated in a video released last week that some Colorado Democrats were more than happy to turn a blind eye to the practice, if not actively encourage it.

Today, O’Keefe released another video exposé that shows the same thing happening in the vital swing state of North Carolina (H/T TopRightNews).

In the video, a female Project Veritas Action investigator claimed to be a illegal immigrant to the United States from Brazil who had been allowed to remain in the country under President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program but who was not an American citizen.

The investigator spoke with Greg Amick, the campaign manager for Democrat Irwin Carmichael. Carmichael is, ironically, running for sheriff of Mecklenburg County.

“But the only problem, you know, I don’t want to vote if I’m not legal,” she told Amick. “I think that’s gonna be a problem. I’m not sure.”

“It won’t be. It shouldn’t be an issue at all,” he told her, though he had been informed of her supposed illegal status. “As long as you’re registered to vote, you’ll be fine.”

Campaign worker after campaign worker tells the undercover reporter that she can’t get in trouble by voting. The video shows not one individual trying to dissuade her from casting her illegal vote.

Typical was the response of Martin Kelly, the father of Superior Court Judge candidate David Kelly:

“If they registered her, then she can’t get in trouble. All they can do is say no. They can’t do anything else,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

Watch the entire video here:

What we’re seeing is the criminal replacement of the United States of America into a foreign banana republic communist country.

But, hey, Democrat, you future eternal citizen of hell – and rest assured that despite the fact that you encouraged illegal non-citizen behavior to get your wicked way, you will be a LEGAL CITIZEN OF HELL with God Himself making it your permanent country forever and ever and ever – you go on believing your disgraceful and dishonorable and dishonest party’s lies that there’s no voter fraud and anyone who says otherwise is a racist.

What is Obama doing about it?

More recklessly depraved criminal and fascist behavior that rightfully ought to get him impeached and forced out of office in any honest nation, of course:

US Ordering 34 Million Green Cards for Illegal Plan
Monday, 20 Oct 2014 06:03 PM
By Greg Richter

With some lawmakers predicting a sweeping executive order on immigration from President Barack Obama after the Nov. 4 elections, one federal agency is already making plans to hire a vendor to crank out up to 34 million  blank green cards to accommodate an expected surge in immigrants in 2016.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has published a draft solicitation for a contractor capable of producing 4 million cards a year for five years — and 9 million in the early stages — that would allow immigrants to live and work in the country, Breitbart reports.

One estimate suggests 34 million cards will be printed in total.

This is no joke.  The union representing about 12,000 immigration officers is sounding the alarm over the orders they have received to carry out this crime against the American people.

I am so beyond outraged it is beyond unreal.  I have so little confidence now in even the most formerly sacred institutions of this nation that it is beyond belief.

In five years this nation will be unrecognizable.  Obama’s and his fellow Democrat Party goons’ “fundamental transformation of America” will be complete.

There is NOTHING stopping illegals from registering to vote and VOTING:

“In terms of a check and balance that would prevent an individual who is a non U.S. citizen from registering to vote, that doesn’t exist. There’s absolutely nothing stopping them,” said Neal Kelley, Orange County registrar of voters and chairman of the California Association of Election Officials.

One of the things that is happening before our eyes is the “illegal immigration” of Mexico and Mexican culture to the United States.  This is part of what that will look like:

The discovery of so many hidden graves after the disappearance of the students was not unexpected for many here. Hiding the dead — those killed in gun battles between rival gangs, or innocents killed after being kidnapped, or women killed after their use as sexual slaves ends — all of that is par for the course. An estimated 26,000 people have been reported missing since 2006, when the Mexican government launched its frontal assault against drug cartels and their cohorts.

“This is the story of Guerrero,” said Ponce, the police officer, alluding to the grave sites, “but also of Chihuahua, Sonora … ” he added, ticking off the names of Mexican states that have been seized in the grips of drug gangs and corrupt officials.

Democrats are hard at work creating communities for which drug gangs will be able to thrive.  The people who are – illegally – fleeing here might be escaping from this hell of Mexican culture, but what else are they going to bring with them but the very culture that is all they have ever known?  The idea of the “melting pot” where people who come to America give up their old values to adopt the American Way is anathema to Democrats.  In fact even “the American Way” is ITSELF now anathema to Democrats.

The Republican Party is the party of Americans and those who love America; the Democrat Party is the party of foreigners and those who despise America.  If you’re a racial minority who is consumed with bitterness and blame toward America for not giving you enough socialist welfare or if you have an abiding hatred and contempt for America – such as Jane Fonda, William Ayers and Ward Churchill – you vote Democrat.  That’s the way it’s increasingly gone since the mid-1960s.   And now its going to hell.

But that’s just ONE example of a nakedly fascist president from a nakedly and criminally fascist political party.

Take Obama’s naked contempt for our Constitution and its protections of our journalist – well, the few actual “journalists” who are left who have either the courage or the integrity to honestly report the news:

USA Today’s Susan Page Says Obama Administration Most ‘Dangerous’ To Press In U.S. History
The Huffington Post    | By  Catherine Taibi
Posted:  10/28/2014 9:45 am EDT    Updated:  10/28/2014 4:59 pm EDT

Yet another journalist has come out against the seemingly unprecedented secrecy of the Obama administration.

USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page said at a White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) event on Saturday that the current administration is more threatening to press freedom than “any administration in American history.” Page said she was “really worried” about what could happen if the White House continues to prevent reporters from doing their job of telling the news and telling the truth.

“This administration has been more restrictive and more challenging to the press, more dangerous to the press, really, than any administration in American history,” Page said. “I think access to the White House has just gotten worse and worse.”

In January, former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson called the Obama administration “the most secretive White House” she has ever encountered as a journalist. Associated Press Washington Bureau Chief Sally Buzbee also chimed in on White House transparency in September, citing daily “intimidation” tactics and firmly stating that the current administration is “significantly worse than previous administrations.”

The famous media lawyer James C. Goodale, who represented The New York Times through the Pentagon Papers case, condemned Obama for criminalizing whistleblowers and reporters who use them as sources, boldly stating that “Obama will surely pass President Richard Nixon as the worst president ever on issues of national security and press freedom.”

Glenn Greenwald, journalist and co-founder of the Intercept, noted these recurring claims Tuesday morning:

Obama Anti-Press Fascist Thug

H/T Washington Post

Barack Obama is a criminally fascist thug.  The Democrat Party is a euphemistically-named FASCIST party.

Here’s a particularly egregious case of Democrat FASCIST outrage:

Ex-CBS reporter: Government agency bugged my computer
By Kyle Smith and Bruce Golding
October 27, 2014 | 7:36am

A former CBS News reporter who quit the network over claims it kills stories that put President Obama in a bad light says she was spied on by a “government-related entity” that planted classified documents on her computer.

In her new memoir, Sharyl Attkisson says a source who arranged to have her laptop checked for spyware in 2013 was “shocked” and “flabbergasted” at what the analysis revealed.

“This is outrageous. Worse than anything Nixon ever did. I wouldn’t have believed something like this could happen in the United States of America,” Attkisson quotes the source saying.

She speculates that the motive was to lay the groundwork for possible charges against her or her sources.

Attkisson says the source, who’s “connected to government three-letter agencies,” told her the computer was hacked into by “a sophisticated entity that used commercial, nonattributable spyware that’s proprietary to a government agency: either the CIA, FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency or the National Security Agency.”

The breach was accomplished through an “otherwise innocuous e-mail” that Attkisson says she got in February 2012, then twice “redone” and “refreshed” through a satellite hookup and a Wi-Fi connection at a Ritz-Carlton hotel.

The spyware included programs that Attkisson says monitored her every keystroke and gave the snoops access to all her e-mails and the passwords to her financial accounts.

“The intruders discovered my Skype account handle, stole the password, activated the audio, and made heavy use of it, presumably as a listening tool,” she wrote in “Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington.”

Attkisson says her source — identified only as “Number One” — told her the spying was most likely not court-authorized because it went on far longer than most legal taps.

But the most shocking finding, she says, was the discovery of three classified documents that Number One told her were “buried deep in your operating system. In a place that, unless you’re a some kind of computer whiz specialist, you wouldn’t even know exists.”

“They probably planted them to be able to accuse you of having classified documents if they ever needed to do that at some point,” Number One added.

In her book, Attkisson says CBS lost interest in her coverage of the deadly attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, and killed her stories of the federal “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal.

Both CBS and the White House declined to comment.

The reason both CBS and the White House have declined to comment is that Sharyl Attkisson’s integrity and credibility as a journalist is beyond question.  She is reporting the truth and these wicked leftist liars are trying to bury her for doing so.

When I say Barack Obama is a modern-day Nazi, I am being deadly earnest.  Barack Obama and his “Democrat Party” is the Zyclon-B of democracy.

Again, all this just within the last few days.  A firehose of pure, unadulterated evil pouring out across America, killing its soul.

I’m not done.  Try this one from the party whose president “fundamentally transformed” the Internal Revenue Service into Obama’s Internal Revenge Service to be used as a weapon against his political opponents.

Now Obama and his Democrat thugs are taking their naked hate out on small businesses:

Law Lets I.R.S. Seize Accounts on Suspicion, No Crime Required

ARNOLDS PARK, Iowa — For almost 40 years, Carole Hinders has dished out Mexican specialties at her modest cash-only restaurant. For just as long, she deposited the earnings at a small bank branch a block away — until last year, when two tax agents knocked on her door and informed her that they had seized her checking account, almost $33,000.

The Internal Revenue Service agents did not accuse Ms. Hinders of money laundering or cheating on her taxes — in fact, she has not been charged with any crime. Instead, the money was seized solely because she had deposited less than $10,000 at a time, which they viewed as an attempt to avoid triggering a required government report.

“How can this happen?” Ms. Hinders said in a recent interview. “Who takes your money before they prove that you’ve done anything wrong with it?”

The federal government does.

Using a law designed to catch drug traffickers, racketeers and terrorists by tracking their cash, the government has gone after run-of-the-mill business owners and wage earners without so much as an allegation that they have committed serious crimes. The government can take the money without ever filing a criminal complaint, and the owners are left to prove they are innocent. Many give up.

“They’re going after people who are really not criminals,” said David Smith, a former federal prosecutor who is now a forfeiture expert and lawyer in Virginia. “They’re middle-class citizens who have never had any trouble with the law.”

I’ll try to explain that to the Tea Party who was viciously targeted by Obama’s fascist bureaucrat thugs.

The article continues at length.  The very next sentence after the above states:

On Thursday, in response to questions from The New York Times, the I.R.S. announced that it would curtail the practice, focusing instead on cases where the money is believed to have been acquired illegally or seizure is deemed justified by “exceptional circumstances.”

In other words, now that we’ve been caught red-handed violating the American people’s rights by a news agency other than Fox News, we’ll kindasortastop following our Fuehrer’s orders to Nazify America by illegally destroying middle-class businesses.

Why would Democrats destroy the businesses that create jobs?  Easy.  Because Democrats are Nazis who believe in the power of Government-as-God Socialism rather than the efforts of the American people.  Just listen to the NEXT fascist candidate for president if you don’t believe me:

HILLARY CLINTON: “Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs. You know that old theory trickle-down economics. That has been tried. That has failed.”

This goes back to Obama’s “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that” denial of reality that I’ve written about at length:

Obama’s ‘What I Said Was That We Need To Stand Behind Businesses’ Strangely Different From His Actual Words: ‘If You’ve Got A Business, You Didn’t Build That’

An Excellent Short Summary Of Obama’s ‘If You’ve Got A Business, You Didn’t Build That’ View

Small Business Owner Jack Gilchrist Responds To Obama’s Idiotic ‘If You’ve Got A Business, You Didn’t Build That’ Rhetoric

And of course Hillary Clinton robbed it from Barack Obama who in turn robbed it from Elizabeth Warren.  Which is another way of documenting that the entire Democrat Party is ridden with Socialist goons who believe that their Government that they have replaced God with has the divine right of kings to thug-steal the results of the American people’s hard work.  At least, the results of the increasingly few American people who actually DO work.

Let me just put it this way: I can safely assume that everyone who reads this – and in fact every single American who DOESN’T read this – is a billionaire CEO.  Because every single one of you has the same identical access to the same identical roads and bridges that these fascists are claiming gives them the right to seize your money.  And since you have what they say is the source of all businesses’ wealth, you are either a billionaire or Obama, Warren and Clinton are demon-possessed LIARS.

I’ve said this many times before: “NAZI” stands for “National Socialist German Workers Party.”  If there was a “National Socialist American Workers Party,” you are a true fool if you don’t realize that it is the Democrat Party today.  If you are a Democrat, you are a Nazi by another name.

But you might be saying, “Wait a minute.  Nazis hated Jews.”

So does Obama and his fascist Democrat goon-thugs.

No U.S. administration in the entire history of the republic has ever been anywhere NEAR so profoundly hostile and hateful to Israel than our current thug-king’s.  Barack Obama is trying to complete the work of Satan to finish the work of his previous Socialist thug Hitler’s work for him:

The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here
The Obama administration’s anger is “red-hot” over Israel’s settlement policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama’s understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.
Jeffrey Goldberg
Oct 28 2014, 2:52 PM ET

The other day I was talking to a senior Obama administration official about the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the White House and the State Department the most. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” this official said, referring to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by his nickname.

This comment is representative of the gloves-off manner in which American and Israeli officials now talk about each other behind closed doors, and is yet another sign that relations between the Obama and Netanyahu governments have moved toward a full-blown crisis. The relationship between these two administrations— dual guarantors of the putatively “unbreakable” bond between the U.S. and Israel—is now the worst it’s ever been, and it stands to get significantly worse after the November midterm elections. By next year, the Obama administration may actually withdraw diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations, but even before that, both sides are expecting a showdown over Iran, should an agreement be reached about the future of its nuclear program.

The fault for this breakdown in relations can be assigned in good part to the junior partner in the relationship, Netanyahu, and in particular, to the behavior of his cabinet. Netanyahu has told several people I’ve spoken to in recent days that he has “written off” the Obama administration, and plans to speak directly to Congress and to the American people should an Iran nuclear deal be reached. For their part, Obama administration officials express, in the words of one official, a “red-hot anger” at Netanyahu for pursuing settlement policies on the West Bank, and building policies in Jerusalem, that they believe have fatally undermined Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace process.

Over the years, Obama administration officials have described Netanyahu to me as recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and “Aspergery.” (These are verbatim descriptions; I keep a running list.)  But I had not previously heard Netanyahu described as a “chickenshit.” I thought I appreciated the implication of this description, but it turns out I didn’t have a full understanding. From time to time, current and former administration officials have described Netanyahu as a national leader who acts as though he is mayor of Jerusalem, which is to say, a no-vision small-timer who worries mainly about pleasing the hardest core of his political constituency. (President Obama, in interviews with me, has alluded to Netanyahu’s lack of political courage.)

“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official said, expanding the definition of what a chickenshit Israeli prime minister looks like. “The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. He’s not [Yitzhak] Rabin, he’s not [Ariel] Sharon, he’s certainly no [Menachem] Begin. He’s got no guts.”

I ran this notion by another senior official who deals with the Israel file regularly. This official agreed that Netanyahu is a “chickenshit” on matters related to the comatose peace process, but added that he’s also a “coward” on the issue of Iran’s nuclear threat. The official said the Obama administration no longer believes that Netanyahu would launch a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities in order to keep the regime in Tehran from building an atomic arsenal. “It’s too late for him to do anything. Two, three years ago, this was a possibility. But ultimately he couldn’t bring himself to pull the trigger. It was a combination of our pressure and his own unwillingness to do anything dramatic. Now it’s too late.”


Stephen Hayes points out that the “chicken-shit” remark is actually the LEAST of the outrage from the Obama administration.

He pointed out that Obama and his goon-thugs show more hate and contempt for this Jew-boy Netanyahu than they do any other leader, than they do for the Ayatollah in Iran or Putin in Russia or Kim Jong Un in North Korea.  There is a visceral hatred for Israel that reeks from this administration which is fitting from the administration of baby-murder and sodomy-perversion-marriage.  The Democrat Party is the official party of Satan.  And Satan hates Israel with an abiding hatred.

Hayes illustrates the sheer hatred of Israel with the gist of these top Obama administration officials’ boasts: why is Netanyahu a chicken-shit?  Because he failed to do his duty to protect Israel by attacking Iran to stop that rabidly vicious enemy of Israel from getting the nuclear bomb when he had the chance to do so.  And why didn’t he do it when he had the chance to do so?  Because Obama stopped him.

Just remember that when Iran gets the bomb, Obama ensured that Iran would so succeed.

Obama is so beyond desperate for a “deal” – ANY deal – with his Iranian masters it is beyond unreal:

Obama adviser likened Iran nuclear deal to ObamaCare
By Matthew Continetti
·Published October 31, 2014
·Washington Free Beacon

Deputy National Security Adviser and MFA in creative writing Ben Rhodes likened an Iranian nuclear deal to ObamaCare in a talk to progressive activists last January, according to audio obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The remarks, made at a since-discontinued regular meeting of White House personnel and representatives of liberal interest groups, reveal the importance of a rapprochement with Iran to President Obama, who is looking to establish his legacy as his presidency enters its lame-duck phase.

“Bottom line is, this is the best opportunity we’ve had to resolve the Iranian issue diplomatically, certainly since President Obama came to office, and probably since the beginning of the Iraq war,” Rhodes said. “So no small opportunity, it’s a big deal. This is probably the biggest thing President Obama will do in his second term on foreign policy. This is healthcare for us, just to put it in context.”

Rhodes made the comparison as the White House was reeling from the botched rollout of the $2 billion Polls continue to show that the health law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, remains unpopular.

Rhodes also said the White House wants to avoid congressional scrutiny of any deal.

“We’re already kind of thinking through, how do we structure a deal so we don’t necessarily require legislative action right away,” Rhodes said. “And there are ways to do that.”

That is similar to what an unnamed senior administration official told David Sanger of the New York Times last week for a piece headlined “Obama Sees an Iran Deal That Could Avoid Congress”: “We wouldn’t seek congressional legislation in any comprehensive agreement for years.”

Again, the most profoundly fascist and anti-American dictator-thug who ever treasonously violated the Constitution of the United States of America is at it again, seeking to thwart and undermine constitutional oversight of his attempt to give Iran the nuclear bomb so the god of the Democrat Party – Satan – would smile down upon Obama.

The same sort of Democrat treason that resulted in ObamaCare is going to now result in Iran getting the go-ahead to build the Bomb.  All the fascist arm-twisting.  All the shenanigans.  To get what the American people decidedly do not want anymore than they wanted the ObamaCare that these fascist shoved down our throats in spite of the fact that at no time have the American people EVER wanted it.

The only thing stopping Iran from finishing the Bomb is it is waiting for its work to develop an ICBM to deliver that Bomb to America so that America will be afraid to face down Iran when they go after Israel like the rabid dogs they are.

Meanwhile, Obama has done absolutely NOTHING to stop the ISIS beheaders from establishing a giant caliphate throughout the heart of the Middle East so they can slowly saw off the head of “the Great Satan.”

Obama and his fellow lying coward Democrats want to blame Bush for ISIS.  ISIS didn’t even EXIST when Bush was president.  ISIS emerged because of Obama’s despicable, cowardly and foolish abandonment of Iraq and his despicable, cowardly and foolish “red line” warning in Syria.  ISIS was created by a man Obama let out of Gitmo.  ISIS had already overran cities such as Fallujah BEFORE our dishonest fool of a president mocked them as “JV.”  And then rather than have any courage or any integrity whatsoever to own up to his abject failure, our dishonest liar-in-chief sent out his dishonest liars to lie about what he had very clearly said.

Barack Obama has also simply abjectly LIED when he now tries to claim that he didn’t abandon Iraq.  Here is documented PROOF that it was Obama’s policy to abandon Iraq and cut-and-run from the very moment he took office.

We have a demon-possessed liar of a president.  We have  a demon-possessed Democrat Party supporting our demon-possessed liar of a president.

And all Democrats can say is that if you don’t support Obama or his fellow enabling gang of thugs, it’s because you’re a racist misogynist.

A firehose of pure evil.  Which will “fundamentally transform” into a FIREBOMB of pure evil.

It may bee too late to stop it.

But if you value your soul and the souls of your children, the least you can do is be willing to crawl out of your death bed through broken glass to vote against this wicked party and everything it stands for.