Archive for the ‘first Jeremiah Wright term’ Category

In God Damn America, Gay Sodomy Worshiped In Obama White House While God And Religion Gets Kicked To The Curb

July 1, 2015

Only a few years ago, Elena Kagan, the woman Barack Obama would handpick to be a Supreme Court inJustice ruled, “There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.”

Tragically, somebody tore up the Constitution of the United States of America, urinated on it, defecated on it, and then rewrote it.  So in the United States of America, “There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.”  But in Obama’s God Damn America, there is.

The Constitution didn’t change; it was just contemptuously disregarded by a group of perverted people that our Pervert-in-Chief surrounded himself with.

Our tyrant god-king Obama was the first to ignore the Constitution and the law.  He instructed his lawthug Eric Holder to disregard a law that was passed by Congress and signed into law by a president – the Defense of Marriage Act – and followed a strategy to simply ignore, bypass, or flat-out defy federal and state laws his activist friends didn’t like.  And having added two Supreme Court inJustices to the sewer of his regime, Obama bent that now politicized body to his political will: as a group of judges looked down from Mt. Olympus and read the minds of the American people and their lawful government enactments and decreed, “There must have been bias here.”  And basically enshrined a process that would homosexual sex the new summum bonum, the new greatest good.  Throw out religion; let’s enshrine sex.  And let no one should be able to touch homosexual perversion; it is sacrosanct, it is our highest and greatest right.

The Obama Supreme Court and our fascist autocracy that is now of the judges, by the judges and for the judges – in mockery of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address that declared “this nation, under God” – stuck its collectivist finger up at the God of the Bible and said,

And they’ve been saying it ever since.

Now, I’ve already pointed the fact out, but the Liar of the Year – actually the Liar of All Human History if the truth were to be accurately stated – profoundly and fundamentally lied in the most cynical and most depraved manner when he told the American people regarding homosexual marriage:

WARREN: Define marriage.

OBAMA: I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix. But —

WARREN: Would you support a Constitutional Amendment with that definition?

OBAMA: No, I would not.

WARREN: Why not?

OBAMA: Because historically — because historically, we have not defined marriage in our constitution. It’s been a matter of state law. That has been our tradition. I mean, let’s break it down. The reason that people think there needs to be a constitutional amendment, some people believe, is because of the concern that — about same-sex marriage. I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage, but I do believe in civil unions. I do believe that we should not — that for gay partners to want to visit each other in the hospital for the state to say, you know what, that’s all right, I don’t think in any way inhibits my core beliefs about what marriage are. I think my faith is strong enough and my marriage is strong enough that I can afford those civil rights to others, even if I have a different perspective or different view.

Barack Obama lied on THREE massive fronts as he deceived the American people into electing him on the basis that he was a Christian as most of them were; that he believed in the same things that most of them believed in; that no he was NOT the dangerous fascist that people like me were screaming that he truly was.  Obama lied and said he was a Christian when he was and is NOT a Christian by any biblical/New Testament understanding of Christianity.  This is the true nature of Obama’s “Christian salvation” in his own words:

“… working on issues of crime and education and employment and seeing that in some ways certain portions of the African American community are doing as bad if not worse, and recognizing that my fate remain tied up with their fates, that my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country.

“Collective” as in “collectivist.”  And “collectivist” as in “communist.”  Obama’s “collective” comes right out of Karl Marx and right out of Stalin.  Because Obama’s “Christianity” is a candy coating over a hard nut of Marxism just as Jeremiah Wright’s “Christianity” is.

Any orthodox Christian can tell you – and quote the Bible to prove it – that individuals are saved by their individual and personal faith in Jesus Christ in a dependence upon His righteousness and His substitutionary death in our place on the Cross.   My faith – regardless of the color of my skin – is not “tied up” in ANYTHING other than the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, God the Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who shares in and participates in the divine essence of the eternal Father.

What does the New Testament teach about actual Christianity and actual Christian salvation?  Take the trip down the famous Romans Road which plainly reveals the way to true Christianity:

  • Romans 3:10   —    As it is written, there is none righteous, not even one;  There is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God.
  • Romans 3:23   —    for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
  • Romans 5:8     —    But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
  • Romans 6:23   —    For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • Romans 5:1      —    Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Romans 8:1      —    Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
  • Romans 10:9,10 — If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.

Let me just beat this to death because the Word of God is simply so crystal clear on what it means to be a “Christian” that nothing has ever been more clear:

What does Jesus say about what it means to be a true follower?  Consider Matthew 16:24-25:
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any one (individual) wishes to come after Me, he (individual) must deny himself (individual), and take up his (individual) cross and follow Me.  For whoever wishes to save his (individual) life will lose it; but whoever loses his (individual) life for My sake will find it.
Consider 2 Corinthians 5:10 for the thoughts of St. Paul:
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one (individual) may be recompensed for his (individual) deeds in the body, according to what he (individual) has done, whether good or bad.
And again, St. Paul in Romans 14:12:
So then each one of us (individual) will give an account of himself (individual) to God.
Or consider Galatians 2:20:
“I (individual) have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I (individual) who live, but Christ lives in me (individual); and the life which I (individual) now live in the flesh I (individual) live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me (individual), and delivered Himself up for me (individual).”
And, again, in the words of Jesus as recorded in Revelation 3:20:
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If any one (individual)  hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him (individual) and will dine with him (individual), and he (individual) with Me.”
Barack Obama is most certainly not a Christian to so miserably misunderstand that we are EACH INDIVIDUALLY saved by our PERSONAL faith in Jesus Christ through what He did for us on the cross.  This is not some esoteric “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” sort of question; it is a core fundamental of the Christian faith.

Barack Obama’s collectivist revisionism of Christianity has NOTHING to do with the historic faith of Christianity.  Barack Obama is a PERVERT.  He is a PERVERTER of truth.

Barack Obama does NOT have a Judeo-Christian worldview in any way, shape or form.  There is NOTHING in true Christianity that has anything to do with Obama’s warped beliefs, or his warped ideology.  Rather, he cynically masqueraded as something that he is not in order to sell himself to people who otherwise would NEVER have voted for him.

That was his first grotesque, cynical, deceitful, depraved lie.  Here was his second: when he falsely said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman when he secretly lusted for marriage to be between two perverts:

Axelrod: Obama Misled Nation When He Opposed Gay Marriage In 2008
A striking admission of political dishonesty from the keeper of the Obama flame
Zeke J Miller @ZekeJMiller
Feb. 10, 2015

Barack Obama misled Americans for his own political benefit when he claimed in the 2008 election to oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons, his former political strategist David Axelrod writes in a new book, Believer: My Forty Years in Politics.

“I’m just not very good at bullshitting,” Obama told Axelrod, after an event where he stated his opposition to same-sex marriage, according to the book.

Axelrod writes that he knew Obama was in favor of same-sex marriages during the first presidential campaign, even as Obama publicly said he only supported civil unions, not full marriages. Axelrod also admits to counseling Obama to conceal that position for political reasons. “Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church, and as he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a ‘sacred union,’ ” Axelrod writes.

It’s a fact, you know, that blacks were opposed to same-sex marriage, as a quote from an article describing Proposition 8’s (the people of California’s vote defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman) proving even liberal blacks in a liberal state opposed same-sex marriage by overwhelming numbers:

African American voters, who were overwhelmingly in favor of banning same sex marriage (70 percent supported Proposition 8)

You’ve just got to laugh even as you cry about Obama’s one and only display of false humility, when he said, “I’m just not that good at bullshitting.”  Because he is actually more full of bullshit than any human being who ever lived and is the ULTIMATE expert at bullshitting as a result.

There is simply no question whatsoever that Barack Obama lied, that he is a cynical liar without shame, the very WORST kind of liar that there is: the kind of liar who lies to gain your trust, only to use the position you have him because of his deception to turn on your dearest values.

But there is a third lie that is only now revealed, that makes Barack Hussein Obama one of the very most dishonest and frankly evil human beings who ever lived.  After having lied about being a Christian – (which makes us understand how easy it was for him to slip and say “My Muslim faith“) –

OBAMA: Let’s not play games. What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come–

STEPHANOPOULOS: Christian faith.

OBAMA: — my Christian faith.

– and have to actually be CORRECTED as to his “religion” by a man we now know to have been a VERY friendly television host – And after having lied about believing marriage was as Christians have always believed it was for 2,000 years, Barack Obama refused to stand by that false profession by making it an amendment.  Why?  Well, in Obama’s disingenuous words, “Because historically — because historically, we have not defined marriage in our constitution. It’s been a matter of state law. That has been our tradition. … I think my faith is strong enough and my marriage is strong enough that I can afford those civil rights to others, even if I have a different perspective or different view.”

On Monday, the Supreme Court ABOLISHED the right of the states to define marriage.  Obama declared that a federal definition of marriage is NOT in our Constitution.  Rather, “It’s been a matter of state law,” he said.  The Supreme Court literally dismantled EVERYTHING that Barack Obama falsely claimed he believed along with his grounds FOR that belief.  Obama declared the fact that in all previous American history, it was the STATES that defined what a marriage was.  But in the Obama Supreme Court, the inJustices decreed, “Not any more; now WE get to define what marriage is – and “marriage” is now homosexual sodomy.”

So why did Obama hold a giant ceremony celebrating the Court’s destruction of everything he claimed to stand for?

See the White House Light Up as a Rainbow to Celebrate Gay Marriage

Obama White House lights up to celebrate gay marriage - Copy

Because it was all a bright, shining lie.  Just like his ObamaCare lies.  Absolutely everything Obama said he believed in AND why he believed it – EVERYTHING – was a cynical lie from the most depraved liar we’ve ever seen.  Including his lie about not being a bullshitter.

I don’t recall Obama celebrating the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.  Rather, he personally demonized the Court and accused them of being a political body.  I recall Justice Alito mouthing the words, “That’s not true!” as Obama falsely and maliciously mischaracterized their decision.

What is funny is that Obama railed about money coming into political campaigns when this pathologically dishonest hypocrite raised more money than ANY politician who EVER lived. Our Roach-in-Chief cynically raised, cynically exploited the system, to raise over a BILLION DOLLARS for his campaign.  He dishonestly said it was the Supreme Court that “opened the floodgates” to political money WHEN IT WAS HIMSELF WHO OPENED THOSE FLOODGATES as no human being had EVER done before him.  Even THE most ardent liberals in America openly acknowledge that Obama’s ObamaCare was nothing more than a payoff of hundreds of billions of dollars as a payoff to the insurance companies who supported Obama’s campaign.

Now we have Hillary Clinton – the ultimate crony capitalist fascist whore of Big Moneyraising more money than ANY candidate in HISTORY to this point in a presidential campaign. And the left boasts and exults in it even as they falsely and hypocritically blame the party that is getting blown away for being the party of money.

Democrats are pure, demon-possessed liars who aren’t happy unless they have a giant, obscene LIAR as their candidate.

And when it comes to Supreme Court decisions, I can only now completely agree with what Obama said when he wasn’t getting his way: the Supreme Court means NOTHING.  It’s decisions mean NOTHING.  It is NOTHING but a purely partisan political body.

The Word of God told us this would happen just before God brought massive judgment upon the nation:

“The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts.  The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.” — Habakkuk 1:4

And when you read the next verses after Habakkuk 1:4 God brings a giant can of HELL to that nation).  And that hell is coming here.

So yes, we have Obama wickedly LYING about being a Christian in order to cynically manipulate voters, wickedly LYING about being opposed to same-sex marriage when he was actually FOR what he dishonestly claimed he was AGAINST, wickedly LYING about his claim that the states should have the right to define marriage or frankly anything else when in reality he was for the fascist dictatorship by which the all-powerful federal government alone has the right to dictate its will upon anyone or anything that disagrees with its Führer.

Obama just called the White House “my house.”  It used to be the American PEOPLE’S house; but that was before Nazism befell America.  And it was no slip of the tongue: Just today Obama says to a bunch of Boy Scouts, “What are you guys doing in my yard?”

It’s official: the White House is no longer my house.  This nation is no longer my nation.  It’s Obamanation.  Or as God called it, it’s Abomination.

And so it is fitting that on the same week that the Obama White House – a place that used to be “the people’s house,” a place that used to be federal government property, proudly calls for the wrath of what used to be the God of this nation upon the nation that the house represents, but God Himself and any symbol of Him should be told to get the hell out.

In God damn America, the Ten Commandments get booted to the curb.  Frankly as it should be.  Because in a nation that exalts homosexuality, every vestige of God and every vestige of genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be expunged.  Homosexual sodomy and Christianity go together like hell and heaven go together: the two have nothing to do with each other.

What is the true purpose that the Ten Commandments must be banned at all cost in Homosexual America?  One of the inJustices put it best years back:

“If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments.”

Satan forbid.

Teach them sodomy instead.  Make schoolchildren read, meditate upon, venerate and obey their most obscene lusts instead.

Democrats are denizens of hell and hell is their home.  Everything the Democrat Party stands for comes straight out of the devil’s roach soul.  And one day, soon, to their hell they shall all go together.

THAT is the REAL “collective salvation” Obama preaches: “… And my individual salvation into the lowest level of hell is not going to come about without a collective salvation of burning hell for all my voters.”  And he has led them well with his lies.

Obama’s disgraced and disgraceful “reverend” for 23 years said it best as he spoke as a prophet in decreeing God’s judgment on America:

“No, no, no!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America!”

Barack Hussein Obama and every single Democrat in what used to be “this nation, under God” are to be thanked for every drought, every flood, every military weakening leading to defeat, every loss of national power and prestige, every economic calamity as they have kicked God out and caused Him to abandon us to our depraved mind to wrath.  We will get weaker and weaker and weaker as our ultimate collapse comes upon us faster and faster and faster and bigger and bigger and bigger when it comes.

As we approach July 4, the American Eagle has been poisoned.  It is dead.  And it is no longer the wings of the eagle that spread over the nation, but the ugly, giant bat-wings of Lucifer.






Why Are Even HONOR STUDENTS Now Joining Islamic State In Obama’s God Damn America??? Not A Hard Question.

June 12, 2015

I still remember Barack Hussein Obama’s spiritual guru railing against the Great Satan America:

We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and Black South Africans and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost.

The British government failed, the Russian government failed, the Japanese government failed, the German government failed, and the United States of America government, when it came to treating her citizens of Indian descent fairly, she failed. She put them on reservations. When it came to treating her citizens of Japanese decent fairly, she failed. She put them in internment prison camps. When it came to treating her citizens of African descent fairly, America failed. The government put them in chains. She put them on slave quarters, put them on auction blocks, put them in cotton fields, put them in inferior schools, put them in sub-standard housing, put them in scientific experiments, put them in the lowest paying jobs, put them outside the equal protection of the law, kept them out of their racist bastions of higher education, and locked them into positions of hopelessness and helplessness. The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three strike law, and then wants us to sing God Bless America…no, no, no

Not God bless America, God damn America. That’s in the Bible, for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating her citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme. The United States government has failed the vast majority of her citizens of African descent. Think about this, think about this.

For every one Oprah, a billionaire, you’ve got 5 million blacks who out of work. For every one Colin Powell, a millionaire, you’ve got 10 million blacks who cannot read. For every one Condoskeeza Rice, you’ve got 1 million in prison. For every one Tiger Woods, who needs to get beat, at the Masters, with his cap, blazin’ hips playing on a course that discriminates against women. God has his way of bringing you up short when you get to big for your cap, blazin britches. For every one Tiger Woods, we got 10,000 black kids who will never see a golf course. The United States government has failed the vast majority of her citizens of African descent.

Let me just ask one simple question: WHAT Barack Hussein Obama done to change anything that the Reverend “Not God bless America, God damn America!” screeched about in the course of his “fundamental transformation of America”???

We can talk about the economy and we can talk about education and we can talk about jobs.  It really doesn’t matter what we talk about: Obama has wildly failed.  But let’s start by talking about the United States government in relation to the rest of the damn world around us.  When Obama took office, Islamic State basically didn’t even EXIST.  They were a tiny fringe group based in Syria doing pretty much nothing.  Now they OWN the largest terrorist caliphate in the entire history of the world; they are rich in loot; they are rich in military equipment basically because Obama showered them with U.S. military hardware due to his pathologically failed and pathologically pathetic policies.  When Obama took office, the war in Iraq was over, with the United States having WON it.  It took the worst fool in the history of the world to abandon that country by refusing to keep US troops there.  Obama has since manufactured a complete and outright lie that he somehow couldn’t keep US troops in Iraq because of some technical status of forces agreement difficulties, but I can show you with ONE ARTICLE dated February 2009 to document that we abandoned Iraq according to Obama’s plan:

S-IRAQ: Generals Seek to Reverse Obama Withdrawal Decision
By Gareth Porter

WASHINGTON, Feb 2 2009 (IPS) – CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.

But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.

Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’s recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.

Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying, “Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama.”

Petraeus, Gates and Odierno had hoped to sell Obama on a plan that they formulated in the final months of the Bush administration that aimed at getting around a key provision of the U.S.-Iraqi withdrawal agreement signed envisioned re-categorising large numbers of combat troops as support troops. That subterfuge was by the United States last November while ostensibly allowing Obama to deliver on his campaign promise. […]

The FACT of the matter is that there were all kinds of ways that we could have avoided the dilemma of any status of forces agreements.  The FACT of the matter is that Obama wanted to leave from the get-go and leave he did.  And the FACT of the matter is that Iraq plunged from a nation in peace after the United States won a great victory to – entirely because of Barack Hussein Obama – a nation basically operating as a puppet state of a terrorist state Iran and on the verge of collapsing to Islamic State as they seize one major city at a time.

Obama’s Vice President Biden simply came right out and declared complete victory in Iraq:

I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government,” said Biden.

Obama –  careful in his ideological hatred and contempt not to give George W. Bush ANY credit whatsoever for the victory that he won – still acknowledged the win:

“Iraq’s not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self reliant Iraq with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations and we are ending a war not with a final battle but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement,” [Obama] said.

Impossible as it ought to seem to anyone who doesn’t have a billion demons screaming in their skulls, Barack Obama and Joe Biden and the Democrat Party simply were not capable of conceiving the REALITY that the reason we had a “sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq” was because the American soldiers who WON THE WAR were STILL THERE TO ENSURE THE PEACE THEY HAD FOUGHT TO WIN WOULD REMAIN.

The war WAS won. It is a documented FACT even acknowledged by our terrorist enemies. According to General Jack Keane:

By the end of 2008 and in the beginning of 2009, President Bush’s surge strategy, led by General Petraeus and General Odierno, now the Chief of Staff of the Army, defeated the al-Qaeda in Iraq.  I saw the transmissions because I was advising Petraeus on the ground in Iraq.  They showed me the transmissions from al-Qaeda that they were intercepting.  They said: “We are defeated, don’t send any more foreign fighters.”  So we knew how to deal with this enemy in that category.


Obama, wicked fool that he is, DEMONIZED John McCain for having basic wisdom:

“We can’t afford to stay in Iraq, like John McCain said, for another 100 years,” Obama said in Lancaster, PA., echoing other comments he has made on the trail.    […]

The charge results from comments McCain made at a town hall meeting in New Hampshire in January. After a questioner told McCain that President Bush has talked about staying in Iraq for 50 years, McCain said, “make it a hundred.”

He continued: “We’ve been in Japan for 60 years. We’ve been in South Korea for 50 years or so. That would be fine with me, as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed.”

Do you know the difference between Japan and South Korea and Obama’s completely failed Iraq???  If you don’t, you need an exorcism.  Please go get one immediately.  It’s that we won a peace and we kept troops there to ensure the peace that we had won.


On Feb. 27, 2009, a little more than a month after his first inauguration, Obama gave a speech at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina that the White House entitled, “Responsibly Ending the War in Iraq.”

And history now proves that Obama is a failure whose policies have ended in failure.

Obama and the Democrat Party stupidly claimed that the victory in Iraq was the result of the “Sunni Awakening” rather than the surge in U.S. forces.  Because they were and remain fools who simply could not comprehend that the Sunnis awakened ONLY because they had what they believed was a strong ally who would help them.

Question, Democrat: WHERE THE HELL IS THE SUNNI AWAKENING NOW THAT OUR TROOPS HAVE BEEN KICKED OUT OF IRAQ BY YOUR STUPID PRESIDENT???  When NOT ONE SUNNI has been trained by Obama to fight Islamic State the way they fought al Qaeda when Bush was president and he had troops to help the Sunnis.

Obama subsequently failed in Syria (where Islamic State began its rise) the same weak, pathetic way he failed in Iraq.  He issued his famous “red line” warning against Syria and then DID NOTHING.  He DEMONSTRATED that American leadership and American power were FINISHED because of his failed presidency.  Just as in Iraq, Obama incredibly ignored all the advice of his own advisors in his rabid pursuit of Satan’s will.  That’s all you can say at this point; there’s simply no other way to explain away Obama’s rabid refusal to listen to the most basic common sense when his policies explode again and again and again.  And he proceeded to trivialize Islamic State as a “JayVee team” even AFTER it proved how dangerous it was by crossing into the Iraq Obama had abandoned and cut-and-ran from and seized one of Iraq’s major cities.

In the same way, you look at crime and violence in America.  Obama’s spiritual guru railed out prisons and entirely because of Obama’s morally and intellectually failed policies, MILLIONS MORE AMERICANS NEED TO BE ROTTING IN THEM AS VIOLENCE HAS SKYROCKETED UNDER HIS PRESIDENCY:

In 2012 Fox News ran an AP story under the following headline that pretty much says it all:

Violent crime jumps 18 percent in 2011, first rise in nearly 20 years.

In 2013 the AP reported the following:

The violent crime rate went up 15 percent last year, and the property crime rate rose 12 percent, the government said Thursday, signs that the nation may be seeing the last of the substantial declines in crime of the past two decades.

Last year marked the second year in a row for increases in the crime victimization survey, a report that is based on household interviews.

In other words, that 15 percent rise from 2012 was a rise from the very first rise in crime in twenty freaking years when crime rose 18 percent the year before.

And now we are beginning to see hell-on-earth in America as city after city after city explodes in liberal-induced violence and rioting.

You want to look at the economy as Obama’s “reverend” did when he railed away at “God damn America” in his satanic sermon?  Fine.  Let’s do that.  If you consider the MOST important economic indicator of all, the labor participation rate – which measures as a percentage working-age Americans who actually have a damn JOB in this country – you see Obama FAIL all over everywhere.  In my article “Rapidly Worsening Labor Participation Rate Now Lowest In More Than THIRTY YEARS Under Obama’s Failed Regime. PLEASE LOOK AT HISTORY!!!” I document that fewer and fewer and fewer people are able to get JOBS in this society.  The percent of workers in America has gone down month after month and year after year in Obama’s failed economy.

The ONLY reason Obama’s unemployment rate has gone down is because the labor participation rate is a sliding scale that doesn’t COUNT the chronically unemployed.  And if we just used the same labor participation rate that Obama inherited the day he took office, unemployment would be at about ten damn percent.

It doesn’t matter how you slice it.  Obama is responsible for a dramatically weakening nation.

There are LOTS of stories like this that are starting to happen nearly every day now in what used to be God Bless America:

Virginia honor student pleads guilty to assisting ISIL
Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY 6:31 p.m. EDT June 11, 2015

WASHINGTON — A Virginia honor student pleaded guilty Thursday in federal court to charges that he supported the Islamic State’s recruitment campaign in the U.S. The 17-year-old, one of the youngest Americans to face such terrorism-related charges, is the latest example of the growing influence of ISIL among youth in America.

Ali Shukri Amin acknowledged assisting in the radicalization of an 18-year-old friend, Reza Niknejad and aiding Niknejad’s travel overseas earlier this year to join ISIL’s ranks in Syria.

Amin also established a Twitter account, amassing thousands of followers, used to instruct prospective jihadis on how to mask financial contributions to ISIL by using the virtual currency Bitcoin, according to court documents.

Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, who oversees the Justice Department’s National Security Division, said the case underscores ISIL’s continuing social media effort to draw U.S. sympathizers to its cause, snagging ever-younger recruits.

“This case serves as a wake-up call that ISIL’s propaganda and recruitment materials are in your communities and being viewed by your youth,” Carlin said. “This challenge requires parental and community awareness and action to confront and deter this threat wherever it surfaces.”

In court documents outlining Amin’s admitted activities, prosecutors said Amin used his Twitter account, webpage and pro-ISIL blog to “proselytize his radical Islamic ideology, justify and defend ISIL’s violent practices and to provide advice on topics such as jihadists travel to fight with ISIL.”

“On his blog,” prosecutors said, “the defendant authored a series of highly technical articles targeted at aspiring jihadists and ISIL supporters detailing the use of security measures in online communications to include the use of encryption and anonymity software.”

Perhaps the most consequential of Amin’s actions centered on the assistance he provided to Niknejad. Starting in September, according to court documents, Amin “began an effort to convert (Niknejad) to a radical form of Islam.”

By December, Amin had arranged an overseas contact to provide travel instructions for his friend. The next month, Niknejad boarded a Turkish Airlines flight to begin a journey that ended with his successful crossing into Syria.

After Niknejad’s departure, Amin acknowledged delivering a letter to his friend’s family, which indicated that Niknejad, who also has been charged with terror support, “did not plan to see his family again.”

Before leaving, Niknejad had told his family he was embarking on a “camping trip.”

Amin’s attorney, Joseph Flood, said the actions of his client, a devout Muslim, were part of a “sincere belief” that the current Syrian regime had committed atrocities. At the same time, Flood said, Amin’s behavior is “a reflection of his … immaturity, social isolation and frustration at the ineffectiveness of non-violent means for opposing a criminal regime.”

“Mr. Amin has taken responsibility as an adult for his actions as a child,” the attorney said in a written statement.

Flood described his young client as a committed student and a volunteer in his Manassas, Va.-area community whose behavior “does not reflect his values or his true character.”

Amin, Flood said, had been planning to enter college in the fall to pursue academic interests that included science, technology and robotics.

“Mr. Amin deeply regrets having allowed himself and his faith to become entangled in criminal offenses and causing his family and community pain,” Flood said, adding that his client has been cooperating with federal investigators.

Amin faces a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. A sentencing hearing has been scheduled for Aug. 28.

Let me now put all this into perspective: progressive liberals, secular humanists, Democrats – just whatever the hell you want to call these future residents of hell – ultimately stand for NOTHING that is ultimate or transcendent.  They stand for NOTHING that is truly worth fighting for and dying for.

It’s the same thing with sexual harassment.  They say one-in-five college women has been sexually assaulted.  Well, whose the hell fault is THAT???? WHO THE HELL GOES TO COLLEGE TODAY????  And the answer is liberal punks who want to have any remaining wisdom their parents gave them scrubbed out of their minds by leftist propaganda.

All these sexual predator rapists are doing is acting out what liberal progressive, secular humanist, Democrat ideology claims – that they are Darwinian farm animals and nothing more – and they are acting like the Darwinian animals that they have come to believe thanks to the liberal education system that they are.

To the extent that you’re smart, it only means that you’re a more intelligent Darwinian farm animal than the rest of the socialist herd.  Big deal.

And it’s the same damn thing with Islamic State.  I mean, why the hell NOT join them???  At least they make terrorism FUN.  You get to kill and rape all you want.  They make it look like a real-life video game in their internet productions that are dwarfing anything Obama is doing with his idiotic driveling nonsense to oppose them.  And killing and raping is EXACTLY what Darwinism says that we human beings were wired to do – so why not just embrace the chaos and nihilism of an atheistic worldview and be what you are???

I mean, the God of the Bible says otherwise.  But Obama and the Democrat Party snarl, “SO WHAT IF THE GOD OF THE BIBLE SAYS OTHERWISE?!?!?!  Do you actually think we CARE?!?!?”

There is NOTHING that America stands for that is worth fighting for or dying for if a man like Barack Hussein Obama is responsible for more so much as anything beyond some cat turd in some backyard somewhere.   A nation with transcendent moral values would NEVER have elected this wicked man with his failed socialist which we also now clearly know to be FASCIST ideology.

Obama claims that Government is our God, that Government is our Savior, that Government and ONLY Government should provide for us.  He is so crammed full of Satan’s feces that it is a wonder of the world that he hasn’t exploded.  The only problem with that theology is that his “God” is so laughably incompetent and useless that it is about the stupidest joke that has ever been devised by the most foolish brain that ever existed.

Liberalism is futility.  There are EIGHT TIMES as many carry-out liquor stores in black communities as there are in white communities for a reason: because Democrats have indoctrinated blacks to be addicted to government or to whatever the hell else they can get instant gratification from.  Liberalism creates weak, dependent people who are only capable of giving birth to more weak, dependent people.  Because the only thing Democrats have taught blacks is how to be victims and think like victims.  The more black families are on welfare, the more Democrats cheer.  So they will NEVER learn how to live successful lives as long as they keep listening to the depravity of a Barack Obama or an Al Sharpton.

And it is no surprise whatsoever that these young people would turn ANYWHERE ELSE other than the God of the Bible that Obama has mocked and demonized.  Because Obama has declared that it is the greatest of virtues to declare that God is intolerant and immoral for declaring that homosexuality is a perversion; that it is the greatest of virtues for a nation to stick its collectivist middle figure up at God and DARE Him to bring His wrath against them as He assured that He would do according to Romans 1:18-31  Obama has declared that it is the greatest of virtues to build an altar to Satan consisting of 60 million murdered babies that the same aforementioned God of the Bible claimed that HE formed in the womb according to Psalms 139.

What Islamic State does to its victims – hateful and barbaric as they are – is nothing compared to what every single Democrat has participated in doing to sixty million babies in the wombs where they should have been safe but instead were viciously and callously murdered with acids, by being torn apart limb from limb and sucked out like some disease.

Don’t tell me that you worship the spirit of sodomy – that shows nothing but abject contempt for God’s creative order – on an altar of sixty million babies, and that you stand for ANYTHING other than rabid hate for everything that is worth ANYTHING.

If God is the LORD, then Obama is a vile and despicable stooge of Lucifer, the demon who masquerades as an angel of light but has the ugliest heart of darkness.

And that ugly heart of darkness that has poisoned Obama’s spirit has poisoned the electorate that voted for him as its messiah.

There is nothing in this nation worthy of rising up against Islamic State now.  And there WON’T be until the party of DEMOnic bureauCRATS has been purged from the soul of what is left of this nation.

Obama falsely swore to “transcend the political divide” and built a truly United States of America.  And he betrayed that promise by pouring more liquid hate on people who simply disagreed with his policies than any president who ever served.  You don’t like Obama seizing complete dictatorial control of the EPA and running roughshod over the American people’s constitutional rights?  You disagree on Obama’s failed solution to our health care system that is collapsing under the stupidity of his failed policies???  Well, that’s only because you want dirty air and dirty water and you are a hater who wants more children born with Down Syndrome.  Obama’s slander has boiled down to this a thousand times a thousand now: you can’t be a good person and disagree with Obama.

How about if we look at what just happened today as Obama’s own Democrat Party refused to back him.  What were Obama’s tactics?  I’ll let Rep. Peter DeFazio, Democrat-Oregon put it into words:

“Basically the president tried to both guilt people and then impugn their integrity.”

Congratulations.  Now you know what it’s been like to be a Republican every single day for the last seven years as Obama has played that same demonic trick again and again and again.  Barack Hussein Obama is a one-trick pony – and the pony is the devil.

So please allow me to clarify the truth: you can’t be a good person and AGREE with Obama.  Not if God is the LORD.

And if God IS the LORD, this nation is going to burn in hell screaming for its choices.

That’s what we’re seeing now, played out in everything we see all around us as our nation gets weaker and more insignificant and even our own citizens’ kids flock to the worst terrorist group on earth that exists entirely because of Obama.


Liberal Democrat De Blasio To Blame For Cop Assassinations: The Cops PREDICTED Officers Would Die Because Of Liberals Joining Racist Protestors

December 29, 2014

[Update, 12/30/14: Well, this additional fact didn’t take long to further document the cancerous climate created by our cop-killer-in chief:

A new report out found a sharp rise in the number of police officers killed by guns in 2014, including 15 of what the Associated Press calls “ambush” shootings.

As the Associated Press reports:

The number of law enforcement officers killed by firearms jumped by 56 percent this year and included 15 ambush deaths… In 2011, 73 officers were killed in gunfire, the most in any year in the past decade. The average since 2004 is 55 police deaths annually.

The AP notes that the motivation of these vicious ambush attacks is politics.

The NY Times further collaborates this fact:

As the city was thrust into mourning, with flags lowered and police badges ribboned in black, the way Mr. Brinsley had stalked the officers set off precautions across the department. Officers who in recent weeks had felt besieged by political attacks found themselves contemplating the specter of far greater peril.

Neither “news” source has the basic journalistic integrity to point out the obvious blatant FACT that these “political attacks” are ALL coming from the vile political left.  [end update]

Liberal Democrat Mayor Bill De Blasio is to blame for the assassination of two NYPD police officers.  And the documented facts prove it:

De Blasio had INCREDIBLY vicious and polarizing things about the police who protect society such as said things such as:

“We’re not just dealing with years of racism leading up to it or decades of racism,” de Blasio said. “We are dealing with centuries of racism that have brought us to this day. That is how profound the crisis is.”

He despicably alienated police with his statement that police should not be trusted:

Mayor de Blasio made “moronic” comments Sunday that prove he “doesn’t belong” in New York, a key police union chief said, further inflaming the war of words between Hizzoner and the NYPD.

The comments from Ed Mullins, head of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, came after de Blasio reiterated his concern that his son, Dante, could be harmed by a police officer if he were to make any sudden movements in a hypothetical encounter with cops.

“What parents have done for decades who have children of color, especially young men of color, is train them to be very careful when they have …an encounter with a police officer,” de Blasio said on ABC’s “This Week.”

Mullins ripped right into de Blasio later in the day, calling his comments “really hypocritical and moronic” and suggesting the mayor get out of his own city.

“He has a security detail of New York City police officers assigned to protect his family. And yet he’s making statements that his son shouldn’t feel safe with New York City cops,” Mullins said on John Catsimatidis’ radio show on AM970.

De Blasio – being a liberal and a Democrat and therefore a despicable roach – has an easy to document history of hiring cop-hating staffers to fill his payroll and carry out his vile policies:

The New York Post reported in March 2013 and again this year on Motley’s offensive Twitter comments.

“NYPD fatally shoot knife-wielding man in Times Square.  F–k. The. Police,” Motley wrote on Aug. 11, 2012, of the police shooting death of Darrius Kennedy, The Post reported.

One of the last straws was when de Blasio brought racist, race-baiting race hustler Al Sharpton to a place of high honor and allowed him to demonize the NYPD:

He [de Blasio] took the unusual step — unimaginable under the mayoralties of Rudy Giuliani or Michael Bloomberg — of inviting Sharpton to City Hall, seating him opposite Bratton at a table where the activist proceeded to strongly denounce the police. (“If Dante wasn’t your son, he’d be a candidate for a chokehold. And we got to deal with that reality,” Sharpton said to de Blasio as Bratton looked on.) Last week, de Blasio privately met with organizers of the Garner protests, another moment that antagonized police.

But the action that turned off cops most of all was his defense of City Hall staffer Rachel Noerdlinger, a longtime Sharpton aide whose son and boyfriend posted anti-police messages on their Facebook accounts. The boyfriend allegedly tried to drive a cop off the road in Edgewater, New Jersey, and later pleaded to a lesser offense, according to the New York Post. The mayor stood behind Noerdlinger for weeks until her son was arrested for trespassing – and even then he didn’t fire her. When she left her job, City Hall officials said she was on leave.

“His words and his deeds don’t match,” said veteran cop reporter Leonard Levitt, who runs NYPD Confidential, a website fed by tips from inside the department and widely read by the rank-and-file. “You had Noerdlinger’s son calling cops ‘pigs’ and de Blasio doesn’t think that’s inappropriate? What message are you sending? De Blasio says it’s just the union guys who are angry. It’s not. It’s everybody. I’ve been covering this for 25 years and I have never seen anything like it… The mayor doesn’t have a clue.”

And here – FINALLY – was the police response:

NEW YORK — New York City’s police union, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, is urging its members to ban Mayor Bill de Blasio from their funerals, the latest episode in the ongoing clash between the mayor and the city’s law-enforcement power structure.

Officers are encouraged to fill out a form on the union’s website titled “Don’t Insult My Sacrifice” to request that neither de Blasio nor Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito attend their funeral, should they be killed in the line of duty.

The form reads:

I, _____________________, as a New York City police officer, request that Mayor Bill de Blasio and City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito refrain from attending my funeral services in the event that I am killed in the line of duty. Due to Mayor de Blasio and Speaker Mark-Viverito’s consistent refusal to show police officers the support and respect they deserve, I believe that their attendance at the funeral of a fallen New York City police officer is an insult to that officer’s memory and sacrifice.

Full Story: Police to De Blasio: Don’t attend my funeral



2 N.Y.P.D. Officers Killed in Brooklyn Ambush; Suspect Commits Suicide

Two police officers sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn were shot at point-blank range and killed on Saturday afternoon by a man who, officials said, had traveled to the city from Baltimore vowing to kill officers. The suspect then committed suicide with the same gun, the authorities said.

The officers, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, were in the car near Myrtle and Tompkins Avenues in Bedford-Stuyvesant in the shadow of a tall housing project when the gunman, Ismaaiyl Brinsley, walked up to the passenger-side window and assumed a firing stance, Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said. Mr. Brinsley shot several rounds into the heads and upper bodies of the officers, who never drew their weapons, the authorities said.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO QUESTION that this vicious thug targeted police because of the racist race-baiting race-hustling cockroach vile slander from the left.

He said, “They take 1 of ours…Let’s take 2 of theirs #ShootThePolice #RIPErivGarner #RIPMikeBrown This may be my final post I’m putting pigs in a blanket.” – See more at:

There is a DIRECT correspondence between what liberals said and what this cop murderer believed and literally claimed was his motive for assassinating police officers.

Remember what THE most honored liberal “journalist” wrote when a deranged shooter who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH EITHER CONSERVATIVES OR CONSERVATIVE STATEMENTS claimed when a Democrat was shot?

When you heard the terrible news from Arizona, were you completely surprised? Or were you, at some level, expecting something like this atrocity to happen?

Put me in the latter category. I’ve had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach ever since the final stages of the 2008 campaign. I remembered the upsurge in political hatred after Bill Clinton’s election in 1992 — an upsurge that culminated in the Oklahoma City bombing. And you could see, just by watching the crowds at McCain-Palin rallies, that it was ready to happen again.

There was absolutely ZERO connection between the deranged shooter and anything that anyone on the political right said or did.  Loughner was as tuned out to political reality as he was to every other kind of reality.  Unlike the present situation, where there is clearly a one-to-one correlation between the statements of the left and the actions of a cop assassin who acted on the demon-possessed hate of the Democrat Party machine.

And yes, beloved liberal Democrat Roach Al Sharpton – who has been at Barack Obama’s White House over eighty-five racist race-bating times to spew his race-hatred – has the same blood on his demon claws that de Blasio has:

FLASHBACK: Al Sharpton’s Marchers in New York City Chant “What Do We Want? Dead Cops!”
Katie Pavlich | Dec 21, 2014

As Obama civil rights advisor Al Sharpton frantically tries to distance himself from the revenge execution style slayings of two NYPD officers Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn, keep in mind that just one week ago protestors at his march in New York City were chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do what them? Now!”

The protesters were part of Al Sharpton’s “Million Marchers” protest against police violence. The protesters chanted “What do we want?… Dead cops!” as they marched in New York City.

Meanwhile, former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik is accusing Sharpton and NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio of having blood on their hands.

“In this circumstance I believe, I personally feel, that Mayor de Blasio, Sharpton and others like them, they actually have blood on their hands,” Kerik said. “They encouraged this behavior. They encouraged protests. These so-called peaceful protests that, where people are standing out there saying ‘kill the cops.’”

“Well, I hope they’re happy, because they got what they wanted,” Kerik added.

H/T Gateway Pundit

Democrats have divided America by income, by class, by race, by gender, by sexuality, by the desire to murder babies.  And now they are dividing America on the level of criminals vs. police.  And always, ALWAYS Democrats take the side of evil and vileness in a way guaranteed to bring America down and bring on the full wrath of a just and holy God in the last days before they vote for the Antichrist.


Obama Degenerates In The Polls To The ‘North Korean Third’ Number That I Predicted

September 23, 2014

First, allow me to rehash a few of the times that I made the prediction:

On 1/8/2011 I wrote:

The polls are making it pretty clear: at least 57% of Americans say that “rightwing rhetoric” had absolutely nothing to do with the tragedy. Fewer than a third (that’s the group that would vote for Kim Jong Il if he ran for president as a Democrat) said it did.

On 8/10/2012 I wrote:

There’s a good solid third of “Americans” who would continue to enthusiastically worship their Democrats even if those Democrats gave us a North Korean-style economy where the whole country was dark at night because we’d destroyed all our energy and liberal policies called for all Americans to shovel so much of their feces out of the ground so they’d have fuel to burn (but thank God it wouldn’t be that nasty oil!). California has a whopping load of these Kim Jong Il “Dear-leader-worshiping” liberals

On 11/29/2013 I wrote:

I’ve been saying it for some time: if we were to degenerate into a North Korea-style dictatorship under Obama, one full third of the nation would continue to support Obama with more passion than EVER.

I wrote it several times (as I allude to above); but it’s harder to search through the articles where I would have said it.  So I just stuck with comments I made.

For some strange reason, I’ve had this sense for YEARS: that Barack Obama would degenerate to a one-third support base and not go any lower.  Because that’s the percentage of truly evil people in America who literally would support a North-Korean-style-dictatorship if they had a chance to do so.

And here we are:

Obama Slumps to 35 in Latest Approval Poll
By Brendan Bordelon
September 23, 2014 6:21 PM

Barack Obama’s approval rating slid into dangerous territory this week, with the latest Reuters-Ipsos poll showing just 35 percent of Americans approve of the president’s job performance even as he leads the nation into a war against Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans expressed disapproval of the White House’s current occupant — 37 percent of them “strongly.” Just 17 percent strongly approved of Obama’s current performance. The poll is based on a five-day rolling average.

The White House has struggled under a series of escalating foreign-policy crises, at times appearing to flail for a response to Islamic State brutality and the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine. The poll likely does not reflect reaction to the administration’s broad air attack on Islamic State targets in Syria, conducted Monday night and slated to continue for the foreseeable future.

Obama is down to his Fuehrer Hitler-Chairman Mao-Dear Leader faithful now.

The good news for Obama is that he won’t sink much lower, because a third of the American people are genuinely toxic and rabid and depraved and will support their messiah no matter what.

But don’t worry, Democrats: when your beloved big-government Antichrist comes, he’ll get 100% approval from the world.  Because all the Christians like me will have been raptured by the REAL Messiah so you can have your government-as-God that you always yearned for.

Barack Obama, The Worst Of Nixon, The Worst Of Carter, The Worst President In History – And You’re Going To Pay For It

May 30, 2014

Something occurred to me as I watched yet another massive Obama administration scandal develop and saw yet another dishonest, incompetent response to it.

Barack Obama is truly a historic figure.

But in a really, really BAD way.

Barack Obama manages to unite the very worst of the two worst presidents in modern America.  And in so doing he becomes easily the worst president we’ve ever had.

It occurred to me that Obama manages to combine the very worst of Jimmy Carter AND the very worst of Richard Nixon.

How so?

Well, Richard Nixon was corrupt, but he wasn’t incompetent.

Jimmy Carter was incompetent, but he wasn’t corrupt.

Barack Obama is easily every bit as incompetent as Jimmy Carter and easily far more corrupt than Richard Nixon.

As for Carter-level incompetence, all I have to do is say “ObamaCare website.”  Here was THE signature legislative accomplishment of Obama, and we find him to be completely uninvolved, completely ignorant, and completely incapable of reacting and making ANY changes.  The damn website is STILL fundamentally screwed up, with the “back end” nonexistent and all kinds of security issues.

Again and again and again, Obama has fallen back on the same pathetic strategy of essentially pleading ignorance and incompetence.  He was supposed to know, as president, but he was caught off guard by his own admission again and again.

Nixon merely TALKED about using the IRS to target his political enemies; Barack Obama actually DID it.  What we already know about the IRS scandal is that the orders DID come from Washington – contrary to Obama’s repeated lies – and in fact came from AN OBAMA APPOINTEE (one of only two in the entire IRS organization).  We know that the IRS targeted “anti-Obama rhetoric.”  We know that this targeting was preceded by Obama bitterly demonizing the Supreme Court for its Citizens United verdict (because how dare they “open the floodgates” for the same kind of unholy billion-dollar-money that Obama himself had raised for his election when he was the FIRST presidential candidate from either party to refuse the public matching funds program that had been implemented BECAUSE OF NIXON’S CORRUPTION?

Barack Obama has been a more unholy WHORE for money than any of the last FIVE presidents combined.

Obama massively outspent McCain in 2008:

How did Mr. Obama use his massive spending advantage?

He buried Mr. McCain on TV. Nielsen, the audience measurement firm, reports that between June and Election Day, Mr. Obama had a 3-to-2 advantage over Mr. McCain on network TV buys. And Mr. Obama’s edge was likely larger on local cable TV, which Nielsen doesn’t monitor.

A state-by-state analysis confirms the Obama advantage. Mr. Obama outspent Mr. McCain in Indiana nearly 7 to 1, in Virginia by more than 4 to 1, in Ohio by almost 2 to 1 and in North Carolina by nearly 3 to 2. Mr. Obama carried all four states.

Obama outspent Romney in 2012 by a 2-1 margin:

Obama spent $52,006,072 compared to Romney’s $26,230,293. The $52M Obama spent is about $12 million more than it cost to build the Lincoln Memorial and $26 million more than Romney spent.

But this demon-possessed man – the essence of “Democrat” is “DEMOn possessed burueaCRAT” – was rabidly furious that the Supreme Court would allow the Republican Party to be the same kind of whore for money that Obama had been.  And he set about to exploit his own power as the Führer-in-chief to countermand the Supreme Court’s verdict and punish his enemies for exercising rights the Supreme Court of the United States declared they had.

The result was the IRS scandal, in which hundreds of conservative groups were targeted and systematically threatened and harassed into silence.  No liberal groups were damaged, according to the Treasury IG.  I repeat, NO liberal groups.  Versus the 300 who were attacked for being conservative.  And “anti-Obama.”

Punish your enemies and reward your friends,” Obama advised his cockroach army.  That has been his political philosophy throughout his corrupt presidency.

Obama began this dishonest thug practice immediately upon taking office with his massive $862 billion (actually $3.27 TRILLION) “stimulus” that he ultimately admitted wasn’t “shovel-ready” after all as he had dishonestly promised the American people it would be when he sold the lie to them.  Call him “Captain Obvious” for that admission.  It is a sad and cynical fact of history that money overwhelmingly went to blue states and areas that voted for Obama and was denied to red states and areas that voted for McCain as a political club rather than as an economic engine.  Nixon never came anywhere CLOSE to that level of political corruption.

Similarly, eighty percent of ALL the money Obama doled out for “green energy” projects was nothing more than cynical and corrupt payoffs to LIBERALS who supported Obama:

The Solyndra President.  Well, make that the Solyndra-EverGreenSpectraWattFirst SolarSolar TrustAbound SolarBrightSourceLSP EnergyEner1SunPowerBeacon PowerECOtalityA123Uni SolarAzure Dynamics President.  Not to mention all the other now-bankrupt green energy crony-capitalist businesses that have stolen more than $2 billion dollars of the American people’s money.

And few Americans have any idea whatsoever how transparently corrupt Barack Obama is.

Eighty percent of all green energy loans provided by the American people’s stimulus money were given to crony capitalist-fascist Obama donors.  Obama is using the American people’s money as a political slush fund to reward his friends:

A new book by Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweizer details the startling extent of the cronyism that has pervaded President Obama’s “green jobs” push. According to Schweizer, 4 out of every 5 renewable energy companies backed by the Energy Department was “run by or primarily owned by Obama financial backers.”

“Nixonian” doesn’t BEGIN to describe the magnitude of corruption that has been business-as-usual in the Obama White House.

And as we speak, the Obama Department of Justice has been dishonestly targeting LEGITIMATE businesses they don’t like by exploiting a law that allowed them to go after corrupt business (see also here and here):

Back in March 2013, the Obama Administration unveiled Operation Choke Point, a collaborative effort between the Department of Justice, the FDIC, and the Federal Trade Commission aimed at rooting out bad money; think con artists, drug traffickers, and money launderers who have checking accounts. According to a report filed by the Washington Times, however, it appears that Operation Choke Point is now being used to target legitimate gun retailers.

Take for instance the case of Top Gun Firearms Training & Supply, a Miami retailer that just got dropped by BankUnited N.A. last month. Then there’s the case of McMillan Group International, a successful 12-year-old firearms manufacturer from Phoenix that got dropped by Bank of America in 2012. This despite the fact that the company never missed a single payment or bounced a check.

So why is this occurring? The original goal of Operation Choke Point was to closely monitor “high risk” clients. It basically gives the government permission to use a Civil Investigative Demand (CID) to request that a bank give up all the info it has on a particular client. Well, it just so happens that the mammoth regulation that is Operation Choke Point is a huge burden. As a result, bankers allegedly feel the need to choke off “high risk” clients to save themselves from any potential hassle.

Imagine the hell that would emerge if a conservative president were similarly dishonestly exploiting a law to attack pro-liberal businesses such as abortion clinics or ObamaCare businesses, etc.  Imagine Bush going after pro-liberal businesses.  If you are a Democrat, you frankly deserve to have your business seized, your home seized, hell, your children taken away as PAYBACK because of what you allowed your Thug-in-Chief to get away with.

This is THE most corrupt presidency America has ever seen, bar NONE.

We saw not only a cover-up, but a cover-up of the cover-up in the Benghazi scandal, where Obama falsely lied to the American people and claimed that he had broken al Qaeda (which we now know is stronger than its ever been and commands more territory than it has ever commanded, contrary to Obama’s dishonest, partisan ideologue lies from hell).

Obama KNEW he was lying:

As President Obama ran to election victory last fall with claims that al Qaeda was “decimated” and “on the run,” his intelligence team was privately offering a different assessment that the terrorist movement was shifting resources and capabilities to emerging spinoff groups in Africa that posed fresh threats to American security.

Top U.S. officials, including the president, were told in the summer and fall of 2012 that the African offshoots were gaining money, lethal knowledge and a mounting determination to strike U.S. and Western interests while keeping in some contact with al Qaeda’s central leadership, said several people directly familiar with the intelligence.

The gulf between the classified briefings and Mr. Obama’s pronouncements on the campaign trail touched off a closed-door debate inside the intelligence community about whether the terrorist group’s demise was being overstated for political reasons, officials told The Washington Times.

And what’s happened since proves the FACT that he materially lied to the American people:

Such that:

Al Qaeda in Iraq’s ranks doubled after the Obama pullout. They have since increased fivefold.

Under Obama, Al Qaeda has not only rebuilt, it has made gains that put it vastly beyond where it was before September 11. All the sacrifices and hard work were undone in a matter of years by Obama.


(CNN) — From around Aleppo in western Syria to small areas of Falluja in central Iraq, al Qaeda now controls territory that stretches more than 400 miles across the heart of the Middle East, according to English and Arab language news accounts as well as accounts on jihadist websites.

Indeed, al Qaeda appears to control more territory in the Arab world than it has done at any time in its history.

Well, since Obama made his false and despicable lie to the American people in order to get fraudulently re-elected that al Qaeda was “on the run” and “decimated,” al Qaeda just held it’s largest meeting ever – and did so IN BROAD DAYLIGHT to mock a weakened America.

And what did Obama immediately do after cynically lying about national security – THE most sacred thing a president deals with?  He immediately framed ANOTHER lie to cover up his first gross and disgusting lie.  That the pre-planned and coordinated terrorist attack on the Benghazi compound was NOT because of a “broader failure of policy” but rather because of an American citizen who made a Youtube video that somehow caused a “spontaneous uprising” that the administration somehow couldn’t figure out was coming.  Even though it happened on 9/11 and terrorists LOVE anniversaries.

Obama and his entire administration claimed that the talking points they’d sent administration stooge Susan Rice out with had come from the CIA.  But we know that was a LIE:

Rice appeared on five Sunday talk shows two days later and on each show, she falsely claimed that an internet video caused a “spontaneous” demonstration that eventually erupted into the deadly violence in Benghazi.

But that never made sense, because the CIA memo never mentioned anything about a video.

So where did she get that completely erroneous information?

Straight from the Obama White House, that’s where.

Mike Morell – a political hack who proved he is a political hack by working for a Hillary Clinton think tank

Before Mike Morrell left the CIA, he disclosed to the Wall Street Journal his interest in “advising future presidential campaigns.” Morrell then joined Beacon Global Strategies, a firm founded by Phillippe Reines, who has been described as Hillary Clinton’s  “principal gatekeeper.” Morrell is currently a paid contributor for CBS News.

was forced to admit that the “Youtube video” claim did NOT come from the CIA analysts (who also admitted had completely ignored ALL the field reports that flooded in):

Why, the letter asks, did “Susan Rice… claim that the attacks on our compounds were caused by a hateful video when Mr. Morell testified that the CIA never mentioned the video as a causal factor and made no reference to the video in any of the multiple versions of the talking points?” (Source: CBS News)

In former Deputy CIA Director Morell’s own words:

“When she talked about the video, my reaction was, that’s not something that the analysts had attributed this attack to.”

Mind you, in pretty much everything else, this dishonest political hack lied like the weasel he is.

We also know that, contrary to the White House’s ocean of lies, yes they WERE TOO the ones who edited the Benghazi talking points for cynical political reasons.

This was WORSE than Watergate because the last I heard, no one was abandoned and left to die horribly during Watergate, versus the first American ambassador since the failed CARTER years to be tortured and murdered along with three heroes who tried to do what Obama refused to do and save their ambassador.

It also shouldn’t therefore surprise you that this “government-as-God” president has spent more borrowed money and thereby risked the bankruptcy of the United States of America than all of America’s presidents COMBINED.  There are a lot of enemies to punish and a lot of friends to reward.  It costs money to be the most corrupt human being who ever lived in all of human history.

Jeremiah Wright – Obama’s “reverend” for 23 years – spoke as a prophet.  He declared, “No, no, no!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America!”

We’re seeing a collapse of America in only a few years that is simply mindboggling.  I remember when I first became interested in Bible prophecy in the late 1970s/early 1980s that my biggest “sticking point” was the fact that America was nowhere mentioned in prophecy.  And how could the mightiest nation in the history of the world not be mentioned in the Bible’s description of the very last days?  And now I have the answer: because America is going down and going down HARD.

And this corrupt, incompetent, disgraceful LIAR is at the very heart of that collapse.

God is damning America.  It’s like the Book of Amos, where God declared that in judgment He would destroy one region with savage drought and another with terrifying floods  (and see here and here).

Now read Amos 4:7-8:

“I also withheld rain from you when the harvest was still three months away. I sent rain on one town, but withheld it from another. One field had rain; another had none and dried up.  People staggered from town to town for water but did not get enough to drink, yet you have not returned to me,” declares the LORD.

There’s nothing new under the sun, the Word of God declares.  Including divine judgment of a nation for the wickedness of the corrupt and incompetent and dishonest and disgraceful king who slanders God and His character in every act he undertakes as president.

Obama just gave a speech on national security that was universally panned as incoherent by the right and by the left as LUDICROUS.  He kept asserting that America had NOT become weaker, stupidly refusing to understand that if you have to say you’re not getting weaker, IT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE GETTING WEAKER.  There is no country on earth that has a better, closer relationship with the United States than when George W. Bush was president; there are NUMEROUS countries that hate us more than ever.  And as you look across the Middle East, such as Syria – where more than 160,000 people are dead and millions displaced along with Obama’s “red line” fiasco – the entire region is in stunning disarray.  Meanwhile Russia and China are either seizing territory as has not happened since Hitler and Stalin and World War II, or they are threatening to do so as their militaries grow more powerful while ours grows weaker.  And the fool actually claimed that our greatest enemy was “climate change.”  When our greatest enemy is a stupid and arrogant commander-in-chief who has made GOD America’s enemy.

I have a feeling I know just how the end will come for America.  Because Obama has recklessly and wickedly and foolishly borrowed so much and devalued the dollar so much, and because he has economically and militarily weakened America so much, it is only a matter of a (probably short) time before America is replaced as the world’s reserve currency.  Already, most of the world’s economic powers are on board to dump the dollar.  When that happens, America won’t be able to print money any more than any other nation is – and we will catastrophically economically implode overnight.  It will be a fitting end to God damn America (see here and here for articles on that).

Realize that when you voted for Obama – and particularly when you voted to actually re-elect him – you voted for the wrath of God on yourselves according to Romans chapter one.  You participated in the holocaust murders of more than fifty-five million innocent human beings and the destruction of marriage and the family in your vote.  You participated in the reckless and demonic devaluation of America’s creditworthiness and military and economic clout that made us a force in the world that could not be bypassed until Obama ruined us.  And as Jeremiah Wright put it, “your chickens have come home to roost.”

There’s One And ONLY One Reason Obama Hasn’t FIRED John Kerry Over ‘Apartheid Israel’ Remark: Because Obama AGREES With Kerry

April 29, 2014

The most interesting thing about this entire thing is that we ARE on the verge of an apartheid nation in the Middle East: but it’s Palestine rather than Israel.  I mean, which nation is a democracy and which is a fascist state???  Which nation has a flourishing population consisting of both Jews and Arabs and which nation has pretty much driven out or murdered all of its minority???

John Kerry is a moral moron, singling out the exact WRONG country for his “apartheid” attack.

That asked and answered, an important question:

Is Barack Obama an anti-Semite?

You’re damn straight he is.

He’s been one all his life.  As Jeremiah Wright (That’s “Jeremiah Wright,” pronounced, “Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me.”) points out:

After years of denying that he heard the radical preaching of Rev. Jeremiah Wright as a member of Trinity United Church of Christ for 20 years, there is new video of the reverend in which he says, “I’ve been preaching the same way since I was licensed to preach in 1959, ordained in 1967. Barack was in elementary school when I was ordained. CBS, ABC, MSNBC and Fox News spent $4,000 each buying 20 years of my sermons so they could hear what Barack Obama heard for 20 years.”

Obama without ANY question whatsoever has had THE most rabidly anti-Israel and Antisemitic president in U.S. history.

Obama is the president who declared that Israel should withdraw to it’s indefensible 1967 borders – which would amount to the cold-blooded murder of every Jew in Israel.

Obama’s negotiating stance on Iran which guarantees that the most rabidly hostile state to Israel on earth will have a nuclear weapon cements the status as “Jew hater for life.”

Samantha Powers is an anti-SemiteChuck Hagel is an anti-Semite.  You don’t consistently nominate people like this and not be an anti-Semite yourself.

What John Kerry said was UNFORGIVABLE:

“A two-state solution will be clearly underscored as the only real alternative – because a unitary state winds up either being an apartheid state with second class citizens, or it ends up being a state that destroys the capacity of Israel to be a Jewish state.”

ONLY an Obama presidency would tolerate for ONE SECOND a statement comparing Israel with an apartheid state.

John Kerry said this awful, hateful thing the day before Israel marked its remembrance of the Holocaust.   Because apparently six million murdered Jews aren’t enough.

What was Kerry’s reaction?  Was it, “Omigosh.  I said WHAT?!?!  I was clearly INSANE to have said that!!!”  Nope: it was part denial of reality, part defiant angry offensive as the “wronged party” in the matter:

“I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone, particularly for partisan, political purposes, so I want to be crystal clear about what I believe and what I don’t believe,” Sec. Kerry said in a statement responding to the controversy. “Israel is a vibrant democracy and I do not believe, nor have I ever stated, publicly or privately, that Israel is an apartheid state or that it intends to become one.”

Don’t you DARE say that the angry denunciation of your wicked words are in ANY way, ANY shape or ANY form some kind of partisan political stunt, you future resident of eternal hell.  Because – and I thank God for this – ALL KINDS of Democrats have come out against your hateful and evil and morally sick words.

John Kerry – in the same speech that he basically called Israel an apartheid state – had this to say of his Russian counterpart:

“I’ve had six conversations with Lavrov in the last weeks. The last one was Kafka-esque, it was other planet, it was just bizarre. Nobody is better at telling you that red is blue and black is white… That’s what we are dealing with.”

I guess that’s just John Kerry calling the kettle white.

Yeah, I know what you mean.  Our Secretary of State is surpassed only by our president in telling the American people garbage lies such as, “If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan.  Period.  End of story.”

Barbara Boxer – and this is a doctrinaire liberal – immediately responded to John Kerry’s demon-possessed slander of Israel:

“Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and any linkage between Israel and apartheid is nonsensical and ridiculous.”

To Boxer and the many Democrats who have criticized John Kerry I say only this: if you truly believe what you are saying, you need to demand John Kerry leave and leave NOW.

You shouldn’t resign for the very simple reason that you shouldn’t get that dignity: YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED BEFORE YOU HAD A CHANCE TO RESIGN.

This pernicious statement by John Kerry amounts to de facto official American policy if John Kerry is not fired by the president.  It is already being repeated by the rabidly Antisemitic Muslim world.

If John Kerry stays, it is only because Barack Obama has so morally twisted the Democrat Party that they are the new Nazi Party – which of course is exactly what I’ve been saying as recently as five days ago, isn’t it?  He needs to go yesterday.

The fact that Obama has said NOTHING is all the proof you need.  The fact that the mainstream media is allowing Obama to say NOTHING when they should be pounding the drums of doom for John Kerry’s job is all the proof you need that they are the collective Joseph Goebbels of our time.




Report Shows Obama Failed – And Failed From DAY ONE – In Afghanistan

April 19, 2014

Raise your hand if you EVER believed Obama’s incredibly stupid and naïve “strategy” in Afghanistan would work before he cut and ran on his “timetable for surrender.”

Please note: people like me were declaring Obama’s strategy in Afghanistan would fail from the first moment he declared, “If we declare exactly when we’re going to crawl out with our tails between our legs, and then leave Afghanistan to the terrorists, we’ll win.”  And people like me were right, and as usual people like Obama are a) evil because they wasted all of our blood and everything we invested and b) stupid beyond human belief.

Obama already HAS largely pissed Iraq away and wasted our victory there by refusing to stay.  Cutting and running equals LOSING.  I still remember the day that Obama demonized and slandered John McCain for declaring that we ought to remain in Iraq for a hundred years, if necessary, to peacefully secure what we won the same way we remained in Germany and the same way we remained in Japan and the same way we remained in South Korea to keep what we had won safe and free.  What McCain was very clearly saying – CORRECTLY – was that America needed to maintain a low key presence and a commitment to these countries in order to keep the terrorists who had taken over Afghanistan to attack us on 9/11 and to keep the terrorists who wanted to do the same thing with Iraq out and American influence in.

Obama said absolutely not, that his policy of declaring to the enemy exactly when we were going to withdraw and then leaving would succeed.  On Obama’s failed view, “cutting and running” would force Afghanistan and Iraq to get their acts together and fight the terrorists themselves.

But that was never going to work, and frankly the stakes were too high for America to ever stupidly believe that it had any chance of working.

And now here we are:

EXCLUSIVE: Confidential U.S. assessments show Afghanistan not ready to govern on own
State Department tries to hide risks of corruption
By Guy Taylor – The Washington Times
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Confidential U.S. assessments, which the State Department tried to hide from the public, show nearly all Afghan Cabinet ministries are woefully ill-prepared to govern after the U.S. withdraws its troops, often describing the gaps in knowledge, capability and safeguards as “critical” and describing an infrastructure in danger of collapsing if left to its own accord.

The State Department USAID reports, obtained by The Washington Times, paint a sobering portrait about the impact of the billions of dollars the U.S. has spent on nation-building over the past decade.

SEE ALSO: See the scathing documents detailing $600 billion squandered in Afghanistan

Treated as a whole, the reports suggest that the U.S. spending has yet to create a sustainable civilian government in Afghanistan and, in some cases, has been diverted to corrupt politicians or extremists looking to destabilize the country.

USAID officials told The Times on Tuesday that the risks of corruption and waste associated with trying to develop a government in Afghanistan have long been known and that U.S. taxpayers must be patient before they see further returns on their aid investments.

Americans need to appreciate that the Afghan government ministries hardly existed a dozen years ago, said the officials, who argued that the government has progressed dramatically over the years — giving all the more reason for Washington now to ensure that the gains are not lost and U.S. national security hurt during the years ahead.

Further, USAID spokesman Matt Herrick told The Times that “we strongly reject all claims that we have improperly withheld information.”

USAID takes very seriously its obligation to share information about its operations with Congress, auditors and the public,” Mr. Herrick said.

But questions remain about precisely why the secret assessments, which were conducted by USAID officials in 2012 and 2013 and are known in foreign aid circles as “Stage II Risk Assessment Reports,” are just coming to light.

SEE ALSO: U.S. fears Afghan services may be cut as corruption sharply reduces customs taxes

The documents focus specifically on seven Afghan government ministries overseeing the nation’s finance, mining, electric utilities, communications, education, health and agriculture.

USAID concluded outright that six of those ministries simply cannot be trusted to manage aid from U.S. taxpayers without a dangerous risk that the money will fall victim to fraud, waste, abuse or outright theft.

Only in one of the seven cases — the Afghan Ministry of Finance in March 2013 — did auditors conclude that the ministry’s systems were “adequate to properly manage and account for” money being channeled in from Washington.

But even with that conclusion, USAID auditors identified 26 risks for fraud and waste at the finance ministry. Three of the risks were deemed to be “high” and the rest were rated “critical,” including the overarching danger of the Finance Ministry simply “not being able to fulfill its mandate and carry out its operation.”

The reports, which also contain specific recommendations for each ministry to root out mismanagement, are being made public against a backdrop of mounting debate in Washington over America’s nation-building project in Afghanistan over the past 12 years.

The Times obtained the assessments under a Freedom of Information Act request filed with the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, the chief U.S. watchdog over the State Department’s nation-building efforts.

The State Department provided the documents earlier to private groups and congressional lawmakers, but in redacted, edited and compressed formats, leading to complaints that the department hid essential information about the poor state of Afghanistan’s governing ability. The Times’ copies were mostly free of edits, laying bare the stark assessments USAID gave about each Afghan ministry.

‘Should not be released’

At the center of that debate sits serious questions about the impact — or lack thereof — of the more than $100 billion that Congress says has been channeled toward Afghanistan reconstruction.

Although the amount is far less than the $600 billion estimated to have been spent on U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, it represents the core of America’s attempt to build a government that would not crumble quickly should President Obama come through on his promise to pull all U.S. forces out of the nation by the end of this year.

USAID alone has channeled $20 billion toward the effort, according to SIGAR officials.

SIGAR and USAID have fought bitterly in public in recent weeks over whether the U.S. exerted enough safeguards over its spending and whether the State Department has tried to hide the blemishes inside each Afghan ministry.

The Stage II Risk Assessment Reports, along with a series of other Afghan ministry audits that USAID contracted out to the high-level Washington accounting firms KPMG and Ernst & Young, have sat at the center of the dispute.

SIGAR used the assessments as the basis for its scathing report in January highlighting rampant claims of fraud and abuse across the ministries. But what came next was even more eye-opening: The watchdog group wrote a letter to USAID accusing the agency of seeking at “virtually every turn” to block the information from becoming public.

“When SIGAR first requested copies of the ministry assessments at issue here, USAID stamped them ‘Sensitive But Unclassified’ (SBU), with a legend on the front covers stating that they should not be released ‘outside the Executive Branch,’ i.e., should not be released to Congress or the public,” SIGAR General Counsel John G. Arlington wrote in a March 26 letter to USAID’s legal branch.

The letter triggered speculation inside government circles in Washington that USAID might be guarding the material because of a reference that the ministry assessments had made to terrorism.

A version of the assessment, which was conducted by KPMG, appeared this month on the website of the Project on Government Oversight and highlighted how the Afghan Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development had never developed a mechanism “for screening of beneficiaries for their possible links with terrorist organizations before signing contracts or providing funds to the suppliers.”

Lack of accountability

That particular assessment, along with others that USAID contracted KPMG and Ernst & Young to conduct, were not included in the FOIA response that SIGAR provided Tuesday to The Times.

In the response, SIGAR provided The Times with more than 100 pages of the assessments that USAID officials conducted to gauge the capabilities of Afghan ministries.

The documents paint a sobering picture. In one, USAID auditors assessed a shocking lack of management over the financial dealings at the ministry overseeing all mining activities in Afghanistan.

“There is no financial management and accounting system in place to record transactions for both operational and development budget,” states the September 2012 assessment of the Afghan Ministry of Mines.

“There is no evidence of reconciliation of monthly payroll records,” auditors wrote. “In fact, staff are receiving bonuses in cash which are not declared on their bank transfer.”

What’s worse, USAID concluded, is that the “same staff is recording and reconciling transactions.”

An examination of Afghanistan’s main power and electricity generating utility, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat — known as DABS — paints an equally bleak picture. The assessment, dated October 2012, found “significant weaknesses in DABS’ financial management and accounting system.”

“These weaknesses create opportunities for fraud, including off-balance sheet financing,” USAID auditors wrote. “Evidently DABS does not have sufficient financial management capacity to manage donors’ funds, without strong mitigation measures and/or substantial involvement from donors.”

Six of 12 risks that auditors identified for fraud and waste at DABS were assessed as “critical.” Six others, including the risk of DABS’ management “not being committed to sound organizational structure and competence,” were rated as “high.”

Documents prove oversight

Each of the assessments contains a section outlining the Obama administration’s 2010 policy to channel “at least 50 percent” of all U.S. government development aid to Afghanistan directly into the budget of the Afghan government.

Under the policy, USAID officials wrote, the agency is committed to evaluating the government capability of whatever nation is receiving aid — in this case Afghanistan. The point, the officials wrote, is to “understand the fiduciary risk environment in targeted countries” in order to decide whether a given nation’s agencies can be trusted with U.S. taxpayer money.

“If the assessment reveals clear evidence of vulnerabilities to corruption, and the partner country government fails to respond, the use of partner country systems must not be authorized,” USAID officials wrote.

Although the assessments go on to highlight such vulnerabilities across the Afghan ministries, USAID agreed as of August to channel roughly $695 million in “direct assistance” to those ministries.

USAID officials defended their actions Tuesday by pointing out that the agency has disbursed only about $200 million, specifically because of concerns about widespread fraud and corruption.

Mr. Herrick said suggestions that USAID has tried to hide the risk of such problems only “distract from the larger story that is often overlooked here — that USAID is protecting U.S. taxpayer money while providing critical development assistance and putting in place strict safeguards and oversight measures.”

“These documents, the Stage II assessments, very clearly demonstrate those oversight measures,” he said.

Another USAID official told The Times that Congress and U.S. government auditors have access to USAID documents in unredacted form either in their offices or at USAID.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, asserted that it “is a common practice to redact information from the general public about vulnerabilities and other information that could be exploited by unscrupulous actors if exposed.”

Other officials said the USAID goes to lengths to work with Afghan officials in an attempt to help them develop the capability to effectively manage their ministries on their own, rather than simply throw money at the situation. As a result, one official said, the process takes significant time and care.

Ghost employees

Officials writing the documents pulled few punches. The one conducted on the Ministry of Mines, for instance, described a landscape ripe for corruption. Operational problems, USAID auditors wrote, have created a “critical” risk of “kickbacks and bribery.”

Similarly strong language was used in a “Conclusion & Results” section of an October 2012 assessment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, commonly referred to as “MAIL.”

“MAIL’s financial management/accounting system is not adequate to properly manage and account for donors’ funds,” auditors wrote. “MAIL does not have the financial management capacity to manage proposed activities.”

USAID auditors also pointed to damaging personnel problems within the Ministry of Public Health, whose “payroll database is vulnerable to unauthorized access and modification.”

The ministry “runs the risk of paying ghost employees and making improper payments to employees,” the assessment states.

A “lack of transparency” within the ministry’s procurement and purchasing system “creates an opportune environment for fraud, waste and abuse,” USAID auditors wrote, adding that ministry was in violation of existing Afghan government procurement laws, operating with “no effective control over public expenditures.”

Thirteen of 14 risks USAID identified in the assessment were rated as “critical,” including the risks that the ministry’s officials are diverting “government resources for unintended purposes” and manipulating accounting information to “hide illegal actions.”

While a January 2013 assessment of the Ministry of Education painted a relatively optimistic view of the ministry’s future, auditors cited a “high” risk of government resources being diverted to “unintended purposes.”

USAID auditors also found a host of accountability issues associated with the manner in which not just money — but actual cash — flows through the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to the ministry’s employees.

“The Ministry permits salary advances in the form of cash to staff, however, there are no internal controls to monitor and track the cash advances and [a] separate ledger to record the cash advances is not maintained,” auditors wrote in a January 2013 assessment.

We have needed all along to stay small in Afghanistan, and to just keep using our elite forces and our air and artillery power to just keep finding out where the Taliban were and taking them out.  As Bush had successfully done.

Obama’s counterinsurgency strategy was NEVER going to work.  Because we were NEVER going to be able to win the hearts and minds of such a primitive tribal people who are so easily deceived (all too much like the American people, sadly).

What we needed to do was what Bush did: drive the Taliban out and just proceed to keep them on their heels by killing them with raids when they tried to gather and terrorize the people in their villages.

Bush lost 630 Americans in Afghanistan during his eight years.  Now, you can demonize Bush as having lost to many, as Barack Obama did.  But now you’ve got to answer for the fact that Barack Obama has lost 1,687 American lives so far in Afghanistan.  And he is about to lose the whole enchilada because his strategy was wildly wrong.  And he’s ALREADY lost the Iraq War that George Bush won by refusing to stay and keep what we fought for.

Obama has thrown away three times as many American lives as Bush AFTER DEMONIZING Bush.  Only to fail those men and fail America.

Liberals won’t answer for those facts, of course, because to be a Democrat is to be a rabidly dishonest hypocrite.

But every thinking person ought to hold Obama accountable for his bovine feces rhetoric and his bovine feces results.

Obama’s failure in Afghanistan has been predicted over and over and over again right from the very start by people like me.  Because we understood the true evil that is Barack Obama and his God Damn America policies:

Afghanistan and Iran: Weakling President Obama Confronted By ‘Strong’ Candidate Obama

September 28, 2009

Obama’s Afghanistan Mess Proves Why Making Iraq Central Front Good Idea

October 15, 2009

Biden Reveals Obama Administration Treating Afghanistan As Political Problem

October 19, 2009

Some ‘Change’: Closest Ally Britain Says Obama Undermining War In Afghanistan

November 24, 2009

Obama’s Message To Taliban Re: Afghanistan: ‘Just Keep Fighting And Wait Us Out And It’ll Be All Yours’

December 2, 2009

Speigel Regards Obama And His Afghanistan Policy With Naked Contempt

December 2, 2009

How’s Obama Doing In Afghanistan, Iran, and Iraq? Not So Good

April 7, 2010

Obama Reducing Afghanistan Into ‘Echoes Of Vietnam’

April 7, 2010

Napalitano Travels To Afghanistan To Make Its Border As Secure As America’s

January 3, 2011

Great General Leaving Afghanistan So Fool President Can Be The Weakling His Leftist Base Demands

February 16, 2011

Obama – Who Demonized Iraq And Afghanistan During Bush Administration – Now Warns Against Sending ‘Mixed Messages’ In His ‘Kinetic Action’ In Libya

June 16, 2011

Obama REPEATEDLY IGNORED GENERALS As He Pursued His Political Policy Of First Surge Then Cut-And-Run In Afghanistan

June 29, 2011

Obama’s Utterly Failed Policy With Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan And The Entire Middle East Is A Clear And Present Danger

February 9, 2012

I think those older articles establish my bona fides that I TOLD YOU SO.

And one of the things I pointed out in one of the earliest articles was why Obama was such a stupid and reckless fool to make the war on terror all about Afghanistan to begin with.  The bottom line is that Iraq was PERFECT for American policy.  It had an educated people who were capable of listening to reason; and it had flat terrain where our air and armor power could easily dominate and guarantee victory.  Obama was stupid to drag us deeply into Afghanistan – which Bush refused to do no matter how much John Kerry and then Barack Obama and other Democrats demonized him for it – because unlike those fools Bush listened to his generals and understood the folly.  That is why he kept the Afghanistan theater in low key and instead opened the theater in Iraq where we had a dictator’s ass to kick in the heart of the Arab World.

Obama’s campaign was based on demonization from the very outset.  He had made Iraq “the bad war” and – because it was deemed politically foolish to make Democrats completely anti-war – they offered Afghanistan as “the good war.”

Only Democrats are rabid liars and fools and Afghanistan was NEVER a good ANYTHING.

We have struggled massively to educate stone-age people who live in a country that is dominated by mountains and caves that defy all of our military advantages.

It was a death trap right from the start.

The rest of the world knew this: which is why Afghanistan had already been called “The Graveyard of Empires” LONG before another fool like Obama came along to experience the lessons of history anew.

Just keep voting for Democrats, America.  Because you’ve clearly demonstrated that you want to go the way of the Dodo bird.

Obama Thug ‘Justice Department’ COLLABORATED With Lois Lerner To Target And Attack Conservative Groups

April 16, 2014

This is just downright sinister.  Not that Obama or Eric Holder will do anything about it (other than continue to exploit the system to protect themselves as they also continue to reward their friends and punish their enemies).

We have it documented that this scandal goes DIRECTLY to the White House.  We know that “the Chief Counsel’s office of the IRS, headed by Obama appointee William Wilkins, was instrumental in the agency’s campaign of harassment and discrimination against conservative and certain pro-Israel groups.”

We know that Obama has already pronounced that the investigation – which was ostensibly still going on – was over and that as long as he was president there was no possibility that “a smidgeon of corruption” would ever be allowed to be discovered.

For the longest time, the “authorities” refused to even bother to INTERVIEW the victims in the IRS targeting case.  And sure enough, they closed the case having basically refused to interview any of the victims.  Pretty neat trick, isn’t it?

How can you trust Obama to investigate Obama?  You blindly trust his law thug, Eric Holder who runs the Department of Justice, of course.

And now we’ve got something even more explosive: the Obama IRS and the Obama Justice Department actually COLLABORATED to attack groups based on their political ideology:

BREAKING: New Emails Show Lois Lerner Was in Contact With DOJ About Prosecuting Tax Exempt Groups
Katie Pavlich | Apr 16, 2014

According to new IRS emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request from Judicial Watch, former head of tax exempt groups at the IRS Lois Lerner was in contact with the Department of Justice in May 2013 about whether tax exempt groups could be criminally prosecuted for “lying” about political activity.

“I got a call today from Richard Pilger Director Elections Crimes Branch at DOJ … He wanted to know who at IRS the DOJ folk s [sic] could talk to about Sen. Whitehouse idea at the hearing that DOJ could piece together false statement cases about applicants who “lied” on their 1024s –saying they weren’t planning on doing political activity, and then turning around and making large visible political expenditures. DOJ is feeling like it needs to respond, but want to talk to the right folks at IRS to see whether there are impediments from our side and what, if any damage this might do to IRS programs. I told him that sounded like we might need several folks from IRS,” Lerner wrote in a May 8, 2013 email to former Nikole C. Flax, who was former-Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller’s chief of staff.

“I think we should do it – also need to include CI [Criminal Investigation Division], which we can help coordinate. Also, we need to reach out to FEC. Does it make sense to consider including them in this or keep it separate?” Flax responded on May 9, 2013.

After this email exchange, Lerner handed things off to Senior Technical Adviser and Attorney Nancy Marks, who was in charge of setting up a meeting with DOJ.

Just a few short days later on May 10, 2013, Lerner admitted and apologized for the inappropriate targeting of conservative tea party groups during an American Bar Association Conference after answering a planted question. Further according to Judicial Watch, “In an email to an aide responding to a request for information from a Washington Post reporter, Lerner admits that she “can’t confirm that there was anyone on the other side of the political spectrum” who had been targeted by the IRS. She then adds that “The one with the names used were only know [sic] because they have been very loud in the press.”

In other words, only conservative groups were being looked at for criminal prosecution.

Last week news broke that Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings’ staff was in contact with Lerner about the conservative group True the Vote, despite denying any contact occurred. In this specific instance of Lerner discussing possible criminal prosecution of tax-exempt groups through DOJ, Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse seems to have been the person to get the ball rolling.

On April 9, 2013 during a Senate Judiciary Hearing, just one month before the targeting scandal broke, Whitehouse asked witnesses from DOJ and the IRS why groups that had possibly “made false statements” about their political activities had not been prosecuted. On March 27, 2013, just days before the hearing took place, Lerner described the purpose for the hearing to IRS staff in an email.

“As I mentioned yesterday — there are several groups of folks from the FEC world that are pushing tax fraud prosecution for c4s who report they are not conducting political activity when they are (or these folks think they are). One is my ex-boss Larry Noble (former General Counsel at the FEC), who is now president of Americans for Campaign Reform. This is their latest push to shut these down. One IRS prosecution would make an impact and they wouldn’t feel so comfortable doing the stuff,” she wrote. “So, don’t be fooled about how this is being articulated – it is ALL about 501(c)(4) orgs and political activity.”

Lerner later acknowledged pursuing prosecutions of these groups would not fit well with the law.

“These new emails show that the day before she broke the news of the IRS scandal, Lois Lerner was talking to a top Obama Justice Department official about whether the DOJ could prosecute the very same organizations that the IRS had already improperly targeted,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “The IRS emails show Eric Holder’s Department of Justice is now implicated and conflicted in the IRS scandal. No wonder we had to sue in federal court to get these documents.”

This post has been updated.

Justice and the IRS collaborating to go after Obama’s enemies.  That’s what we’ve got here.

We have it on record from Lois Lerner herself that this wasn’t about “the law” and that Obama’s thugs were basically hell-bent on just doing whatever they had to do to punish who they wanted to punish.  In Lois Lerner’s own words:

Emails show that Lerner had previously concluded that the feds were unlikely to be able to prosecute the non-profit groups.

“Whether there was a false statement or fraud regarding an [sic] description of an alleged political expenditure that doesn’t say vote for or vote against is not realistic under current law,” she wrote on March 27, 2013. “Everyone is looking for a magic bullet or scapegoat — there isn’t one. The law in this area is just hard.”

So none of this was about “the law.”  This was IN SPITE of “the law.”

If you have any doubt of that, Lois Lerner BROKE the law.  She provided confidential tax information to a third party group.  There is no question but that SHE did that.  She belongs in prison – and if it wasn’t for the fact that THE most corrupt and dishonest president in history and THE most corrupt and dishonest AG in history are obstructing justice, she would BE in prison.

We’ve also got IRS employees all over the place nailed like bugs to the wall for violating the Hatch Act.  That’s just another cold, hard fact.

“Not a smidgeon of corruption” Obama’s skinny, weak, pathetic little ass.  Barack Obama is already worse than Nixon EVER was or ever would have been if honest Republicans hadn’t forced him to resign or be prosecuted.

It’s like ObamaCare.  If the law doesn’t work out the way liberals like, they will just ignore it, or illegally change it, or abrogate it, or waive the parts they don’t like while enforcing the parts they just invented, and so on and so forth.

This targeting campaign has been way beyond “Stalinist.”  Stalin didn’t have the modern tools that Obama has.  It is Orwellian:

“We now know that the IRS targeted not only right-leaning applicants, but also right-leaning groups that were already operating as 501(c)(4)s,” Mr. Camp said in a statement. “At Washington, DC’s direction, dozens of groups operating as 501(c)(4)s were flagged for IRS surveillance, including monitoring of the groups’ activities, websites and any other publicly available information. Of these groups, 83% were right-leaning. And of the groups the IRS selected for audit, 100% were right-leaning.”

We now KNOW that NO liberal groups were targeted and that ONLY conservative groups were targeted.  This is a naked fact revealed by the Treasury Department’s own Inpsector General:

Liberal groups seeking tax-exempt status faced less IRS scrutiny than Tea Party groups, according to the Treasury Department’s inspector general.

J. Russell George, Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration, told Rep. Sandy Levin (D-Mich.) in a letter dated Wednesday that the IRS did not use inappropriate criteria to scrutinize groups with “progressives” in their name seeking tax-exempt status.

“Our audit did not find evidence that the IRS used the ‘progressives’ identifier as selection criteria for potential political cases between May 2010 and May 2012,” George wrote in the letter obtained by The Hill.

The inspector general stressed that 100 percent of the groups with “Tea Party,” “patriots” and “9/12” in their name were flagged for extra attention, while only 30 percent of the groups with “progress” or “progressive” were highlighted as potentially political. George’s letter does not say why the progressive groups were given extra scrutiny.

“While we have multiple sources of information corroborating the use of Tea Party and other related criteria we described in our report, including employee interviews, e-mails and other documents, we found no indication in any of these other materials that ‘progressives’ was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention,” George wrote to Levin, the top Democrat on the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee.

So the Justice Department – let’s face it, the INjustice Department – and the IRS were going after groups that turned their messiah’s smile into a frown and nobody else.  It was a  naked totalitarian fascist campaign by Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Barack Hussein.

Democrats (pronounced  as “Nazis”) who say anything ELSE are liars, LIARS, LIARS:

REMEMBER: When Democrats say some variation of “liberal groups were targeted too” by the IRS – They’re lying.

The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal involved:

There is NO EVIDENCE that a single liberal group was given the same scrutiny as conservative groups.

In fact liberal and Progressive groups were fast-tracked through the system.
Eliana Johnson reported at National Review last year:

Acting IRS commissioner Danny Werfel on Monday told reporters that the now-infamous “Be On The Lookout” list was far broader than was originally disclosed in the Treasury Department inspector general’s report. Reports from outlets including the Associated Press, which I cited in my original report, and now Bloomberg News, confirmed Werfel’s account, indicating that various versions of the list not only included terms like “tea party,” but also “progressive,” “Occupy,” and “Israel.”

A November 2010 version of the list obtained by National Review Online, however, suggests that while the list did contain the word “progressive,” screeners were in fact instructed to treat “progressive” groups differently from “tea party” groups. Whereas screeners were merely alerted that a designation of 501(c)(3) status “may not be appropriate” for applications containing the word ”progressive” – 501(c)(3) organizations are prohibited from conducting any political activities – they were told to send those of tea-party groups off IRS higher-ups for further scrutiny.

That means the applications of progressive groups could be approved on the spot by line agents, while those of tea-party groups could not. Furthermore, the November 2010 list noted that tea-party cases were “currently being coordinated with EOT,” which stands for Exempt Organizations Technical, a group of tax lawyers in Washington, D.C. Those of progressive groups were not.

And, then there’s this… Even the far left website Raw Story admitted that progressive groups did not face the same scrutiny as conservative groups.

An IRS letter (PDF) published by Progress Texas online Thursday showed the liberal group was given 22 days to respond to a list of 21 questions. Some of the questions included up to nine sub-questions.

The questions resembled the list of 35 questions (PDF) sent to the Liberty Township Tea Party, which has complained of IRS harassment.

Though the line of questioning was generally the same, there were some key differences between the lists of questions.

The Liberty Township Tea Party was asked to provide copies of all its activity on Facebook and Twitter, while the Progress Texas was not. The Liberty Township Tea Party was asked for more specific information about the employment background of its officials, including copies of resumes, while Progress Texas was asked for more general information. The tea party group was also asked whether any of its officials had served on the board of another organization or planned to run for office.

Remember this when you hear some far left commentator claim the IRS targeted liberal groups, too.

We either need to install a rabid Republican president who will appoint a thug to put every Democrat in America in prison or we need to get to the bottom of this while we still have at least a few shreds of a constitutional republic left after Obama has very nearly completely destroyed America from within the system.

If this doesn’t prove beyond the wildest shred of doubt that this nation needs a special prosecutor who is independent of Obama and his law thug Holder, let’s just wipe our collective anuses with the Constitution and flush it down the toilet.

We’re living in the last days and America is NOT in Bible prophecy.  The Bible called it 2,000 years ago: the beast is coming.  He will be the ULTIMATE big government liberal who will take over the entire global economy such that “no man may buy or sell” without his mark on them.

Get ready to either vote Republican or to burn in hell.  Because that’s basically your alternatives.

Pot = Brain Damage. But That’s Okay, Because More Brain Damage = More DEMOCRATS

April 16, 2014

Liberals have been pushing for relaxed drug laws for years.  Because liberals are people who use drugs (except of course Bill Clinton who as we all know “didn’t inhale”) and who rely on drug users for their voting base.

Barack Obama and Eric Holder both have acknowledged – you know, in the face of overwhelming evidence – that they DID inhale their ganja smoke.  It is very likely the only honest thing either man has ever said in his life.

And Obama’s law thug just said – and I’m quoting here – “I’m cautiously optimistic” – regarding making it easier for more people to get stoned than ever before in American history.

Well, let’s examine what marijuana does and why Democrats are so damned determined to get more people to get addicted to the crap:

The habit of smoking pot during teen years causes long-term brain damage, according to a Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine study.

Two years after young adults (early twenties) quit smoking marijuana, researchers found changes in the sub-cortical regions of their brains associated with memory and reasoning, indicating the long-term effects of chronic use. They were also found to perform poorly on memory tests.

“The study links the chronic use of marijuana to these concerning brain abnormalities that appear to last for at least a few years after people stop using it,” Matthew Smith, an assistant research professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and lead study author, said in a press release. “With the movement to decriminalize marijuana, we need more research to understand its effect on the brain.”


Through the MRI scans, the researchers found that heavy users displayed abnormalities in all the three brain regions (striatum, thalamus and globus pallidus), irrespective of whether they had schizophrenic disorder or not. The volume of the thalamus was found greatly reduced in heavy users.

Then the participants were asked to undertake four memory tests, like recollecting a sequence of numbers. Heavy users fared badly than healthy controls and non-using schizophrenics.

“The abuse of popular street drugs, such as marijuana, may have dangerous implications for young people who are developing or have developed mental disorders,” said co-senior study author John Csernansky, M.D., chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Northwestern Memorial Hospital. “This paper is among the first to reveal that the use of marijuana may contribute to the changes in brain structure that have been associated with having schizophrenia.”

The finding has been published Monday in the journal Schizophrenia Bulletin.

In short, marijuana causes brain damage.  And when you’ve got more memory derangement than schizophrenics, well, let’s tally that one in the “bad thing” column.

But like all the other things Democrats are  doing to poison and undermine Americans and America, that’s actually a GOOD thing.

Because more brain damage = more Democrats.  And more people who cannot ever amount to anything other than parasites = more welfare.  And ergo sum more Democrats, of course.

Obama is on the record as documented by one of his demonic homosexual liberal minions Perez Hilton:

Barry O is no stranger to some kind bud!

President Obama revealed in a new candid interview that he has smoked pot in the past and finds it to be no more harmful than drinking alcohol!

Wow. Never did we ever think we’d hear the Prez say something like that!

Obama explained:

“As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol.”

But if marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol, shouldn’t it be legalized nationwide??

The President didn’t unveil any plans to make weed legal coast to coast but he did weigh in his support for Colorado and Washington’s new laws that make dancing with Mary Jane A-OK.

Obama is completely wrong, of course.  Because the fool has never been right about anything in his life.

America has become a nation of moral idiots dawdling to their own self-destruction much like dodo birds.  And Barack Obama is our Dodo-Bird-in-Chief with Eric Holder ignoring one law while using another one like a hammer to protect our Dodo-Bird-in-Chief and of course to reward his friends and punish his enemies.

So toke up, America.  Rot your brains.  And when your brain is sufficiently rotted, vote Democrat.  Because they’ll get you more pot.

The best thing about schizophrenia is that you’ll be able to see all the jobs Obama is lying about and all the tea party racists that Eric Holder keeps seeing.




Even More Defiant Of Reality Than Adolf Hitler: Evil, Insane Obama Budget Rejected By House 413-2 (That Means Democrats Too, Bozo)

April 14, 2014

Is Barack Obama a “leader” or is he Adolf Hitler raving crazily in his bunker having led his nation into ruin with nobody listening to his crazed idiocy?

If a budget is any indication – and yeah, it really IS given the fact that governments must function on budgets – Obama is actually more out-of-touch with reality and more ignored by his fellow fascists than Hitler was in his bunker.

You might want to read my article:

Obama, After His 2012 Budget Was Voted Down 97-0 and His 2013 Budget Was Voted Down 414-0 BY EVERY DEMOCRAT, Has Chutzpah To Demonize GOP Budget As ‘Radical’

to see what a crazed, radical ideologue fascist Obama has been from the outset of his Führership.  He has been a man who has pathologically refused to work toward any kind of consensus whatsoever – frankly even within his own Nazi Party – depending instead on lies, demagoguery, slander and executive orders.

In that 2012 article, after documenting the facts, I wrote:

So the only meaningful question is whether we should be talking about Obama’s 0-97 “support” last year or his 0-414 “endorsement” this year.

Let’s just get one thing clear, Barack Obama, who had his 2012 budget handed back to him with 0-97 support from his own Senate and his 2013 budget handed back to him with 0-414 support from Congress, is frankly un-American and pathologically socialist.

A statement from Obama when the Republican leadership approached him in January 2009 says it all:

After the last election, when the “so called Messiah” was elected, John McCain had the temerity to ask him if he was going to work with the republicans. Obama said, “I won the election, John. Elections have consequences.”  This statement was the precursor of what was to come.

Obama proceeded to ram through a massively failed $862 billion stimulus (actually $3.27 trillion, according to a CBO analysis) and a wildly unconstitutional, wildly failed and wildly unpopular ObamaCare as his two signature acts.  Obama rammed these monstrosities through larded with pork, partisan boondoggles and gimmicks of every kind with virtually ZERO Republican support.

I just want you to understand what a dishonest and frankly evil man Barack Obama is before moving forward.

That said, let’s see what this radical socialist ideologue – who has not received so much as even a SINGLE vote from his own party in two years of lies and demagoguery, has to say about Paul Ryan’s budget

Has Obama learned a damn thing?  Is this fool capable of learning a damn thing?

So Close: House Rejects Obama Budget 413-2
Guy Benson | Apr 10, 2014

UPDATE– The House has passed the Ryan budget 219-205. The ‘Path to Prosperity’ received 217 more votes than the president’s budget. You can read the GOP’s plan here. My summary is here.
*** Original Post ***
Last we checked in on the budget battle in DC, our post-partisan president was smirkingly denouncing House Republicans’ fiscal blueprint as a “stink burger” and “meanwich.” The wit! The erudition! With Congress’ lower chamber poised to pass Paul Ryan’s ‘Path to Prosperity‘ — which reduces the rate of federal spending increases, reforms Medicare and balances within ten years — the House first took up President Obama’s budget proposal. Might this qualify as a “stink burger?”

The House on Wednesday handily rejected a GOP budget alternative based on President Obama’s 2015 spending blueprint. It was defeated 2-413, following a pattern seen in recent years in House votes to overwhelmingly reject Obama’s budget proposals. Today’s vote is just slightly better than the unanimous vote against Obama’s budget in 2012. The two “yes” votes came from Reps. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and Jim Moran (D-Va.), who is retiring…An Obama administration official agreed with House Democrats that the GOP substitute was not an accurate reflection of Obama’s budget plan. “The Administration would welcome votes on the actual provisions of President’s Budget,” said Office of Management and Budget spokesman Steve Posner. “That is not what this amendment represents, and a vote for or against this amendment is not a vote for or against the President’s policies.” But Republicans rejected these complaints, and defended the idea of consider Obama’s latest proposal as a way to let the House consider all budget options. “Any time the president of the United States takes the time to produce a budget, it merits a debate,” Mulvaney said. “I think it’s a valid discussion we should have every year.” Mulvaney also offered the president’s budget as a mock alternative in 2012, which was rejected 0-414. Republicans could not offer it last year because the president’s budget was submitted late — instead, Mulvaney tried to offer a blank sheet of paper to represent Obama’s budget, but it was not made in order.

I must have missed Mulvaney’s blank page budget gambit last year, which deserves points for being amusing and for highlighting the fact that the Obama White House can’t be bothered to meet statutory budget deadlines. He might try the same thing as a proxy for Senate Democrats’ FY 2015 proposal, which does not and will not exist. Harry Reid’s caucus has declined to participate in the legally-mandated budgeting process for the fourth time in five years. The White House and House Democrats can claim that the GOP’s version of Obama’s budget wasn’t an “accurate reflection” of the original document, but it essentially lifted Obama’s entire vision and dropped it into legislative language. In reality, all but two Democrats — one of whom was this guy — chose not to attach themselves to the president’s plan, which calls for the following:

President Obama’s 2015 Budget Proposal:(1) Never balances. Ever.

(2) Increases spending, ballooning the national debt by $8.3 trillion over the budget window — $1 trillion beyond than the unsustainable current trajectory. Under Obama’s plan, the red ink on the above chart would be steeper, sooner.

(3) Raises taxes by an additional $1.8 trillion (and again, never balances).

(4) Makes no attempt at reforming the gathering tidal wave of unfunded promises that Obama has admitted in the past are driving a long-term debt crisis.

To their credit, and unlike their Senate colleagues, House Democrats will offer an alternative budget of their own. But Phil Kerpen notices that it’s missing something:

The section on Obamacare ends with this defiant statement of policy: “the law of the land should support making affordable health care coverage available to every American family, and therefore the Affordable Care Act should not be repealed.” And that’s it. Don’t repeal it. Don’t acknowledge any of the problems. Don’t do anything to help any of the people whose lives have been thrown into disarray. And certainly don’t do anything to “fix it.” It couldn’t be clearer: members who vote for this budget think Obamacare does not need to be fixed. Indeed it’s hard to read the Democratic budget as anything but a celebration of Obamacare exactly as it is – and that adds insult to the many Americans who have been injured by the law.

In other words, House Democrats’ budget reflects the opinion of those six percent of Americans who believe Obamacare is working well as is. For all their public assurances about “fixing Obamacare” (which didn’t pay dividends for them in Florida), Democrats oppose one of the most popular fixes to the law, their party chairwoman can’t think of a single change she’d make, and their governing document offers zero fixes. Seems legit.

Obama is a creature – a monster, to be more specific – of his own fascist party.  In 2011, I documented the fact that:

Today Is the 900th Day Since Democrats Bothered To Pass a Budget

Well after that, Democrats FINALLY bothered to obey the damn law and the Constitution just long enough to actually pass a budget which they had refused to do for YEARS.

Democrats are people – and this is simply a fact beyond legitimate question – who defy the law, defy process, defy the Constitution (specifically in this case Article I of the Constitution).  And then they fascistically govern by tyranny rather than by any legitimate rule of law.