Archive for the ‘philosophy’ Category

The Fishbowl ‘La Cosa Nostra’ World That People, Families, Organizations And The Whole World Live In. And How To Escape It.

September 21, 2017

La Cosa Nostra.  I say those words and you immediately think “mafia.”  Crime families.  Murders, extortion, drugs, violence and death and pain.

But if you came expecting an article on the mafia, click away to another link on your list.  Although this article will talk about the undercurrent that reveals exactly what “La Cosa Nostra” means and how it works and how we’re ALL victims of the mentality to varying degrees.

As I understand it, la costra nostra means “this thing of ours,” “our thing.”  Our way of dealing with things.

I recently had the term come to my mind as I was considering a friend who I am also mentoring and a difficult family situation this friend is now in.  The friend is in the right, but the whole family is basically saying being in the right is quite literally irrelevant and that my friend is not adequately participating in the “La Cosa Nostra” mindset which is how this family has been dealing with its issues for decades.  The problem is that this La Cosa Nostra mindset is dysfunctional, codependent, passive-aggressive.  Really very much like the mafia families which coined the term in the first place, except this family doesn’t leave a trail of dead bodies the way the mafia families do.  But this family has certainly left its own trail of emotional and psychological wreckage.

And another similarity is revealed in a line expressed by Michael Corleone, played by Al Pacino, in the film The Godfather: Part III.  Remember it?

“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.”

That’s how my friend has been feeling.  Because what is going on is cyclical, a vicious spiral that keeps happening over and over again because no one changes, no one is allowed to change, and as broken and dysfunctional and codependent and passive-aggressive as the system is, it’s all this family has and all its ever had and so they all cling to it and resist anyone who tries to do anything different.

Insanity, as they say, is doing the same thing the same way while expecting a different result.

That’s what is going on in this family.  It’s like a disease that they have all inherited and they keep passing it on to one another to keep the disease always “in the family.”

Part of it is “living the lie.”  Because it’s always easier to pretend the lie isn’t really such a big deal when it is harder to expose it and deal with it.

For the record, I’m not talking about sexual molestation here in the case of this family.  But obviously that is right in the powerhouse of the La Cosa Nostra “this thing of ours” lie that other families in other fishbowls deal with.  I’m not revealing anything specific about the family I’m describing for what I think are obvious reasons: I have confidentiality to respect and I do respect it.

But I can tell you that when I described what I had discerned, my friend became very exited, because it was as if a lightbulb was suddenly turned on.  My friend had always understood that something was wrong, something wasn’t right and because of that something my friend was constantly “in trouble” in the family for deviating outside the lines of La Cosa Nostra.

Just like in the real mafia, keep it in the family, don’t get out of line and everything will be okay.  But try to escape it, try to change it, and watch the family machine grind into gear against you.  Oh, and don’t you DARE bring in any outsiders who will shine any sunlight on “La Cosa Nostra.”  That is the unpardonable sin.

It’s not just the mafia.  A lot of organizations are like that.  All religious cults are like that.  Way too many families are every bit as deep into “this thing of ours” as the mafia families.  They have their own thing, but the way they hold on to it, the way they are all committed to it, the dysfunctions, the codependence, the passive-aggressive behaviors, are identical.

And of course, these people who have “La Cosa Nostra” in their family relationships don’t leave it when they leave momma’s house.  They take it with them everywhere they go.  It’s how they live their lives and just don’t see it because they never question it because it’s the way they have always dealt with things and the way their family has always dealt with things and you don’t dare question that, do you?

So there are actually several fires going on in this family right now because it’s just so much easier to live in the lie and pretend the lie doesn’t matter or that it’s not my lie so I’ll keep my mouth shut and participate in the lie that way, or I’ll just put that lie in a compartment separate from all the other lies that I’ve also put into similar little compartments so that there is never any pattern that would reveal to me that I’ve got to deal with this garbage.  But one in particular really blew up because it has such serious undercurrents and it simply can’t be allowed to continue, and my friend is resolved to DEAL with it out front once for all.

A family member had sent ME a text initially supporting my friend.  This family member actually personally witnessed the triggering event and knows that my friend was entirely in the RIGHT.  And the family member wrote in the text:

“She’s my hero and I will stand with her and for her in anything.”

Well, at least until the La Cosa Nostra machine got to her.  Her tune completely changed within two days.

Then suddenly my friend “the hero,” who this family member had pledged to “stand with and for in anything,” is saying that my friend “the hero” is “prideful” and “immature” and “childish.”  Why?  Because my friend won’t keep playing the La Cosa Nostra game and won’t play out the same dysfunctional co-dependent baloney that she has always played before.

You see, the other family members have always played the passive-aggressive thing, getting angry and basically butthurt and then refusing to talk to my friend for weeks and even months at a time.  But my friend is the one who has always reached out and forgiven in a dynamic that has been the only glue holding the whole La Cosa Nostra Ponzi scheme together because SOMEBODY has to be an adult or at least go through the motions of pretending to be one.

So everybody else can act butthurt and be passive-aggressive, but if my friend doesn’t reach out and try to heal the wounds that La Cosa Nostra guarantees will always continue to fester, the family starts to fall apart.  And that’s my friend’s fault.  It’s my friend’s role in La Cosa Nostra.  Don’t try to get out of it no matter how much it is hurting you or how much pain you are in.  The rest of us need you to do this because damned if WE’RE going to do it.  For instance, damned if WE’RE going to take it upon OURSELVES to arrange for the family gatherings we want to keep having, to cook for those gatherings, to host them and largely pay for them.  YOU’VE got to do that.  And it’s “prideful” and “immature” and “childish” if you expect any of us to do it.  It’s “prideful” and “immature” and “childish” for you to quit doing what we have never done and won’t do.

It’s actually quite remarkable to see a family that is obviously completely wrong in its thinking, but they all think that way so what is wrong is obviously right by process of dysfunctional-democracy.  The rest of us voted, and we voted to maintain the definition of insanity as our way of doing things.

And is there any loyalty to the truth?  Is there any loyalty to the hero?  Nope.  Not when it conflicts with La Cosa Nostra there isn’t.

I recall a different situation in a different family that is partially going on in this family: a wife who had some serious issues was talking and talking and talking about the family’s problems, blaming much of it on the husband, basically depicting him as an angry, hard-headed, intolerant man who wasn’t capable of being reasonable.  The wife was telling the husband’s family about their son and brother frequently.  And everybody was buying her story.  Why?  Because the husband was the kind of man who kept these kinds of problems to himself rather than broadcasting his garbage on Facebook and the like.  Well, ultimately something happened that began to reveal that it was the WIFE who had issues, an addiction to drama among others, as well as a long history of “La Cosa Nostra” in her own family that she was now trying to imprint onto her husband’s family.  And at least the husband’s family finally began to understand that their son, their brother wasn’t the monster that a disturbed wife was trying to spin an image of in order to gain sympathy and be the victim when SHE was in actuality the unreasonable one all along.

So my friend is the same way as this husband was: let’s not ignore the teaching of Jesus that when you have a problem with someone, YOU GO FIRST TO THAT PERSON AND TRY TO RESOLVE IT.  No, rather, let’s NEVER go to that person.  Let’s INSTEAD go to EVERY OTHER PERSON in the family and try to form a coalition of “La Cosa Nostra” against that person and win the argument that way.  Because dysfunctional-democracy is not only tantamount to truth, it is more important than truth.  And in fact the truth doesn’t matter; they only pay lip service to it.  I repeat the refrain my friend keeps hearing from the family: “it doesn’t matter what happened.”

It doesn’t matter what happened, meaning, “pretend it didn’t happen.”  “Live in the lie” like the rest of us are doing.  And if you don’t do that, well, we’re all going to side against you because you are being “prideful” and “immature” and “childish.”  According to the family member who had just said that my friend is “her hero” and that she would stand with her and for her in anything.

You’ve heard that phrase, “With friends like these, who needs enemies?”  Yeah.

It’s going to take a whole lot of courage to change this dynamic, because only one person can now see that this is a fishbowl of dysfunction.

What’s funny, in a non-funny, ironic sort of way, is the sister of the family member who called my friend “my hero” before labelling her as “prideful and immature” and said she would stand with her and for her in anything before standing against her, works at a nationally-recognized company (their ads appear regularly on television) that has an environment that is absolutely RIDDLED with this same sort of pathological dysfunction.  This other family member works in the corporate office where the owner, the top human resources officer, and other similar people are based.  And the situation is a constant drama from this family member’s description.  The pay is quite good, but the culture is so toxic that it frequently becomes unbearable.  I’ve talked on the phone with this family member about this deplorable work environment quite a few times when it gets to be too much and some counseling and encouragement is required.

Well, guess what?  This family member wants that same sort of mentality that is intolerable at work to characterize this family!!!  Hey, let’s not actually deal with our problems because that would be sane; let’s instead keep doing the same dysfunctional things over and over again but this time maybe we’ll live happily ever after.  Let’s play our own version of Game of Thrones and live the lie and use the dysfunctional, codependent, passive-aggressive dynamic because it’s the only system we’ve got and because no one is ever allowed to change it the only one we’re ever going to have.

What was done to my friend to trigger this most recent and most serious crisis, was clearly not only biblically immoral, but was dangerous to herself and to her children.  But she is now being expected by the rest of the family to climb out of the smoking ruins of the car wreck, limp out and say “What car wreck?”

The only requirement for being part of La Cosa Nostra is to sit stride a horse and say, “What horse?”  And don’t you even DARE acknowledge there’s a horse under you.  Especially if that horse is sick and lame and miserable.

Most of the men that most of the women in this La Cosa Nostra family have become involved with have been right out of Hollywood casting for having every serious issue a crappy man can have.  And that’s okay, because it gives the family a different crisis to gather over and talk about.  Pathological liar?  check.  Substance abuser?  check.  Serious anger issues?  check.  Serial adulterer?  check-check-check-check-and-check.  They keep finding the same man because they have been indoctrinated to think the same way.  And that way is broken and leads to brokenness.  They don’t want this brokenness: but they have been conditioned to consciously accept it and subconsciously to seek it out.

You find out that grandmother actually KNEW her daughter’s husband was not only having an affair, but was literally living a bigamous relationship with that woman and had even fathered children with her and was living with her part of the time, but she didn’t tell her own daughter and felt “noble” for not doing so because she was sparing her daughter’s “feelings.”  Mind you, she probably told one or two other family members, who told one or two other family members, until everybody knew about it but the humiliated daughter whose life was being ruined but she didn’t get to know because La Cosa Nostra believes it’s better to live the lie.  The daughter wanted so badly to get away from the terribly dysfunctional dynamic of her family that she got married to that man who would betray her at the too-young age of 17.  And so married a man who claimed to love her but acted out every form of hate a man can have for a woman.  And of course, once the cat was finally out of the bag, the same grandmother wanted her daughter to stay with the adulterous turd, stay married, because let me say it again: “it doesn’t matter what happened.”

Now my friend has her own children.  And they are swimming in the same family La Cosa Nostra fishbowl singing viva la vida, live the life.  But living the lie of La Cosa Nostra, our (dysfunctional) family thing.

Do you know what the secret is to winning an argument/debate in this family?  It’s really quite simple: refuse to listen.  Just say, “I’m not going to listen to that.”  And walk out.  Respond, “I’m not going to read that” if someone tries to present their side of the story in written form.  Don’t bother me with facts.  It’s not part of La Cosa Nostra, this thing of ours.

How do you create this mindset?  It’s like baking: all you need is a few key ingredients and you can cook up dang near anything.  First you need an instigator, the person who triggers the crisis.  Next you need a drama queen (who may or may not be the same person as the instigator) who as they say in Spanish will “heat up the head” of one or more choice family members they know they can count on to get that rise.  And then all you have to do is fill the rest of the dish with people who don’t care about both sides of the story, who don’t care about the truth, but who only care about putting out the fire that has been started in the family or the group.  With aforementioned attitude always working to the favor and the benefit of the instigators, the drama queens and the hot-headed members.  Because all that seems to matter to this group is mollifying and placating these people to put the fire out.  Until they do it again, and then again and again, and then again and again and again.  Same crazy story, same crazy solution, same crazy results every single time, guaranteed.  You might know this as the squeaky-wheel-gets-the-grease theory, which always favors the squeakiest wheels while the wheels that aren’t causing any problems get ignored.

Then they put their hands over their ears and began shouting. They rushed at him.  — Acts 7:57

Stephen told the mob nothing but the truth.  But they didn’t want to listen to the truth, and so they killed him.  They didn’t want the truth.  The lie sounded so much better to them.

In the same way the actual La Cosa Nostra, the actual mafia crime families, don’t kill people for lying; they kill people for reporting and testifying to the truth.  The lie is fine; it’s the truth that they despise.

The truth is never popular when people are dysfunctional and codependent.  That is something you can count on every single time.

And so every single dysfunctional family has an endless stream of justifications to refuse to listen to the truth, to ignore the truth, to handle their ongoing, constant crises the same way their dysfunctional La Cosa Nostra fishbowl has always handled the constant dram every single time before.

You know you’re in a dysfunctional environment when you are distrusted and punished for exposing and declaring the truth and rewarded for either being an instigator, a drama queen, a reactionary, or somebody who just shrugs his or her shoulders and pretends what happened never happened.

I suppose a particularly hilarious current example is Nancy Pelosi.  She created the mentality of the very mob that turned on her:

In this case Nancy Pelosi is the instigator who got “instifated.”  The mainstream mefia as always are the drama queens who heat up people’s heads with hysterical and often untrue biased, one-sided depictions of what haapened.  And then there’s the increasingly apathetic public that just hopes someone will put the fire out.  Only there’s ALWAYS a fire now, isn’t there?

This is the way of the world now, my friends.  Our universities – you know, the places that most self-congratulate themselves for their “tolerance” – have created an incredibly toxic, dysfunctional culture that won’t even listen to one of their OWN now because you can’t listen while you’re mindlessly shouting your garbage, can you?

So my friend is in a vice, now feeling squeezed from all directions.  Even from the direction of someone who had just got through saying, “She’s my hero and I’ll stand with her and for her in anything.”  But then immediately afterward refused to listen to her side of the story, saying, “I’m not going to listen to that.  I’m not going to read that” when she tried to explain.  And called her “prideful” and “immature” when SHE is the one who knows too damn much to bother to listen to someone who is older and wiser and whom she called her “hero”; SHE is the one who is being immature and childish.

Does she even know how much she’s betrayed her “hero”???  Amazingly, no, she doesn’t.  Why not?  How in the freaking world could she think she’s helping rather than hurtfully betraying???

Because it’s all part of La Cosa Nostra.  She’s been conditioned.  Let’s not change anything because it’s how we’ve always done it before.  Get back with the program.  Here’s the family script and here’s how you’re supposed to act now.  And since we’ve always done it this way, this must be the right way.  No matter how wrong it obviously is to anyone who is outside the dynamic observing it from a biblical perspective in terms of what God said should be the way we righteously live and righteously live with one another.

So why am I writing about this family?  I’m not writing to shame them or expose them.  But I just see this as such an example.

It’s just such an example of the way of the world, that’s why.  It’s the way of the world, the culture that we swim in.  You play the game.  Don’t you dare ever try to change the game or change the rules of the game no matter how crazy the game is.

The people in this family are Christians.  But they have been so conditioned to think a certain, dysfunctional way that they have “Christianized” their dysfunction that the way they deal with feelings and with events is nowhere found in the Word of God, but only found in their family fishbowl.

Paul writes in Colossians 2:8, “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.”  The problem is that we are so steeped (like tea bags in hot water) in these empty philosophies and this high-sounding nonsense that what is entirely unreasonable if you could only get some PERSPECTIVE actually seems like it’s working to you.

Another passage I’m fond of is 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, which says, “We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do.  We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.  We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God.  We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.”

“The strongholds of human reasoning” is a FISHBOWL that no Christian has to live in any more.  But the only way OUT is to go UP and start thinking the way Christ teaches us to think in His Word that we diligently apply to our lives through prayerfully reading in submission to the Holy Spirit.  You are NEVER going to EVER understand your problems, your family’s problem’s your work problems, your world’s problems, until you start swimming UP and start swimming AWAY from the La Cosa Nostra fishbowl that you’ve spent your whole life swimming in.

Fish is a good analogy, considering the earliest Christian symbol was a fish.  The symbol was the result of Jesus telling His disciples He would make them fishers of men.  And the letters in the fish symbol were IXThUS and represented Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.  Jesus told us that we could know the truth, and the truth would set us free.

So imagine a fishbowl, with the fish swimming around in it.  And all the fish have to swim in the same direction, because darn it it would get confusing if some of the fish started swimming the other way, wouldn’t it?  The Bible makes it crystal clear that the fishbowl of the world is on the devil’s counter; for satan is the god of this world and he has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they cannot see the light or the truth: (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).  See also:

  • The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.  As the Scriptures say, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the intelligence of the intelligent.”  — 1 Corinthians 1:18-19
  • “For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes–so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’  “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear.”  — Matthew 13:15-16
  • Jesus replied, “Every plant not planted by my heavenly Father will be uprooted, so ignore them. They are blind guides leading the blind, and if one blind person guides another, they will both fall into a ditch.” — Matthew 15:13-14
  • But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means.  — 1 Corinthians 2:14
  • He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them.  So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies.  Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.  — 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
  • Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done.  Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.  They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents.  They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy.  They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.  — Romans 1:28-32
  • For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.  That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.  –  Romans 8:7-8
  • But you, my dear friends, must remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said.  They told you that in the last times there would be scoffers whose purpose in life is to satisfy their ungodly desires.  These people are the ones who are creating divisions among you. They follow their natural instincts because they do not have God’s Spirit in them.  — Jude 1:17-19
  • Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires.  — 2 Peter 3:3

But what if that fishbowl wasn’t on the counter?  What if that fishbowl was actually placed in the OCEAN?  And all the fish had to do is to start swimming UP until they were OUT of that bowl and free to swim the way God always intended fish to be able to swim???

  • Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”  — John 8:12
  • And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  — John 8:32
  • So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.  — John 8:36
  • He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.  No, I will not abandon you as orphans–I will come to you.  Soon the world will no longer see me, but you will see me. Since I live, you also will live.  When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.  — John 14:17-20
  • And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.   — Romans 8:2
  • But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.  — 2 Corinthians 3:16
  • Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others.  For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.  — 1 Corinthians 2:15-16
  •  For you have been born again, but not to a life that will quickly end. Your new life will last forever because it comes from the eternal, living word of God.  — 1 Peter 1:23

That is the actual reality.  We don’t have to swim in this stupid, ridiculous fishbowl we call “the way of the world” and that I’ve been calling “La Cosa Nostra.”  There is a better way.  There is a way that God has revealed.  All we have to do is start swimming UP rather than sideways.

But swimming up is up to US.  For the scriptures say, “So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law” (Galatians 5:1).  When you become a Christian, you are changed, converted, regenerated.  But you are very much still able to sin because you still have your old nature in addition to the new nature that your regeneration in Christ created.  Before, you only had a nature that only had the capacity to sin; now, you have a new nature within you that has the capacity to no longer be a slave of sin (Romans 6:6), but to become a slave to righteousness (Romans 6:18).  In Christ you now have the power that you didn’t have before Christ transformed you into a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17) – you have the power to swim UP, to respond to the upward call of God (Philippians 3:14).

There are a lot of Christians who are like my friend, who are frustrated and stymied by family members who may themselves even be Christians, but who still have one foot firmly planted in the world and who keep living out lives in bondage to what they don’t have to be bound to (Romans 6:6; Romans 7:6).  They have still not been adequately taught to put off their former way of life, their old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires (Ephesians 4:22).  We find that one major difference between unbelievers and Christians is that Christians are able not to sin, whereas unbelievers are trapped in bondage to sin and will swim around and around in the devil’s fishbowl throughout their lives as a result.

It begins by a love for the truth, and expressing the truth in love.

There are surely many moments that Christians should simply overlook the little faults that their loved ones possess; but there is also a time that we ought to be able to discern when we have the Holy Spirit to take a stand and stand for the truth.  Wilting to a dysfunctional family dynamic and supporting or enabling another member’s major malfunction is neither noble nor righteous; it is codependence.  And codependence is the way of the world, not the way of Christ.

I might add to this later, but I’ve got a meeting and I’ve got to go and I just had it in my heart to write something down.



Democrats Are Demon-Possessed Moral Cockroaches. Not By My Standards But By THEIR Standards.

February 1, 2017

I lived through the eight miserable years of Obamunist tyranny.  I lived through the eight years where a party that calls itself “Democratic” demonstrated again and again that it had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with “democracy.”  I lived through the mainstream media gang-piling on anyone who in any way didn’t support Obama’s and the Democratic Party’s radical agenda as “obstructionists” and yes, even as “terrorists.”  Not to mention bigots and racists and every other hateful name under the sun.

For the Democrats, Barack Obama was “our president,” the “President of the United States of America.”  And Republicans OWED him their full loyalty and support.

I remember vividly the vicious riots that took place in Washington D.C. the day that Barack Obama was inaugurated as president.  Oh, wait a second.  That never happened.  It didn’t happen until butthurt Nazi liberal Democrats rioted the day Donald Trump was inaugurated. and 230 Democrats were charged with rioting as the protests got evil.

Amazingly, six “journalists” were among the rioters.  Because according to the mainstream media, to be a “journalist” today means to be a propagandist hack who rabidly hates Donald Trump and tries to ignite and incite mass violence against him.  Let’s be clear, they weren’t cleared of rioting because they didn’t riot; they were cleared of rioting because they were “journalists” and therefore allowed to riot.

“Based on the facts and circumstances, we determined that probable cause existed to support the filing of felony rioting charges,” said the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia in a statement about the 230 arrested. The office, which enforces criminal laws in Washington, D.C., would not comment on the actions of the six journalists.

Most “journalists” have dispensed with even any PRETENSE of objectivity.  I love this title because it’s so illustrative of what is going on: “NY Times writer who urged journalists to abandon objectivity to defeat Trump now says media needs ‘new strategy to cover him.’”  Hell, one of the “new strategies” being joining in rioting.  It really doesn’t surprise me at all they would join in the rioting with the rioters.  I can almost hear them saying, “Based on our reporting, you should loot and burn THIS building next!”

In the same way, I remember the day AFTER the Obama inauguration when a million angry activist showed up to protest the very Obama presidency.

Oh, wait.  That was Democrats too.

And I remember how Republicans employed every single vile trick that doesn’t exist in any playbook but the devil’s to obstruct and block President Obama from being able to appoint his cabinent because, after all, Republicans are obstructionists, right???

Oh, crap.  No.  Geez, I’m sorry.  Republicans had most of Obama’s administration in their positions right away.  That spirit of obstructionism and treason where a party that has been voted out of power tries to block every single thing the elected president tries to do is the spirit of Butthurt Nazism a.k.a. the Democratic Party.  It’s Democrats who are blocking and obstructing.   And Democrats, being Democrats, are the ones taking partisan, obstructionist, butthurt Nazi hissy fit to a new level: they are now refusing to do their basic job and even bother to show up at committee hearings.  Because to be a Democrat is to say, “If I violate the Constitution, If I violate the legitimate political process, if I violate the will of the people, I’ll get my wicked way.”

But let’s get back to Obama and the vile, vicious tactics that he inspired as our nations very first “community organizer” president.

Back in 2009 I was pointing out what a total, abject LIE the heart of the Obama promise to America had turned out to be.  This guy was so damn partisan that it was beyond unreal from the moment he took office.  And yet  The New York Times had written of Obama as candidate:

WASHINGTON — At the core of Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is a promise that he can transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics of the last 15 years, end the partisan and ideological wars and build a new governing majority.

To achieve the change the country wants, he says, “we need a leader who can finally move beyond the divisive politics of Washington and bring Democrats, independents and Republicans together to get things done.”

But this promise leads, inevitably, to a question: Can such a majority be built and led by Mr. Obama, whose voting record was, by one ranking, the most liberal in the Senate last year?

Was Obama EVER a man capable of rising above partisan politics?  No.  Not even CLOSE.  Absolutely not.  As an easy example of that, as a Senator he was one of THE most radical liberal-progressives and unsuccessfully tried to filibuster Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court.  Even Obama’s own party at that point acknowledged that what Obama tried to do was way, WAY too radical.

And so:

However, the truth is that, when they were senators, Obama, Biden, and Clinton all tried to filibuster Justice Alito’s nomination to the court – and other Democratic party leaders such as NY Senator Chuck Schumer reveled in the idea that they were able to block every Bush #43 nomination to the federal courts.

But the Democratic Party went über-fascist radical, and thus the toxic, divisive, polarizing Obama became the nominee of the Democratic Party and ultimately the president.  And the similarly über-fascist radical Joe Biden became vice president; and then the likewise über-fascist radical Hillary Clinton would sure-enough be the following rabid candidate for the Democrat Party machine.

Through his press mouthpiece, Obama as president would ultimately – and cowardly – come to say he “regretted” his decision to be one of the most leftist partisan members of the U.S. Senate when his own damn tactics were brought up in his face to reveal the utter and abject moral hypocrisy that is “Democratic Party.”

So it’s morally evil now to do what Obama did, you see.  Obama ought to be able to do it and get away with it, and later on when it becomes politically inconvenient, well, Obama ought to be able to retreat behind a press secretary mouthpiece and say that he now regrets it.  Such that Republicans have no right to do exactly what Obama himself did.

Let’s go back to Joe Biden: Because We also have the example of Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden who in 1992 said when there was just a POSSIBILITY that George H.W. Bush MIGHT be able to nominate a Supreme Court Justice:

“It is my view that if the president goes the way of Presidents Fillmore and Johnson and presses an election year nomination the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until ever — until after the political campaign season is over.” — Sen. Joe Biden, June 25, 1992

President George H.W. Bush was in office until January 20, 1993.  So Biden didn’t even say this in a presidential election year – the way it was when our Hypocrite-in-Chief Obama demanded the divine right to replace conservative Scalia with a leftist of his choice – rather Biden said the Democrat garbage tactic applied even in the year BEFORE the election year.

Only Democrats are hypocrite enough to not be able to see what abject hypocrite roaches they are.

As we talk about the Republican response to Obama’s selection of Judge Merrick Garland to replace Justice Antonin Scalia in an election year and the consequences of the Republican response today, allow me to take you on a trip down hypocrite Democrat lane from what I wrote at that time:

Democrats have a LONG history of doing the very thing they now claim is so evil:

While Democrats in the upper chamber – including Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York and former Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, both of which called for blocking former President George W. Bush’s nominations – have slammed the GOP for its decision not to consider a nominee until after a new president is elected, Democrats have not always held that stance. The Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution in 1960 preventing a recess appointment, much to the dismay of Republicans.

As first reported by The Washington Post – S.RES. 334, also known as Expressing the Sense of the Senate That The President Should Not Make Recess Appointments to the Supreme Court, Except to Prevent or End a Breakdown in the Administration of the Court’s Business – passed the Senate in a 48-33 vote in an attempt to prevent former President Dwight Eisenhower from filling a seat last-minute.

Democrats have frequently played this same game.   New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, now the Senate Minority Leader and leader of all the Senate Democrats, said when a Republican was president that the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”

And so this incredibly dishonest claim from Obama and the Democrats is so much nonsense it is beyond unreal: if anything, it IS unprecedented, other than all the damn times THEY did the very thing they now so loudly and dishonestly and hypocritically insist that Republicans would be violating sacred precedent to do.

Let me keep going from my same article on just what hypocrite pieces of dishonest roach filth Democrats are:

Here’s another thing: the Senate is now firmly in Republican hands (after disgraceful Democrats were caught being evil maybe a million times too often).  But when Democrats owned the Senate, they shoved their crap right down the Republicans’ throats and changed the damn Senate rules to do it with a process that was so toxic to the Constitution that it was called “the nuclear option.”

On November 21, 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared that “unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction” by Republican filibusters had made the confirmation process “completely unworkable.”[1] As a result, he said, Democrats were forced to eliminate virtually all nomination filibusters. […]

For nearly all of its history, proceeding to a final vote on a matter before the Senate required a supermajority.

But not when Democrats stole the show.  No, no, no, the rules of all propriety and decency and civility go right out the damn window every damn time it pleases them.  Just like the Nazi Party and Jews, the Democrat Party calls the Republicans “evil” and then justifies the most wildly partisan and cynical “final solutions.”

Ever since the Supreme Court became a “super legislature” thanks to the wicked Democrat Party, where they ruled by imposing massive societal change by finding “penumbras and emanations” that justified whatever the HELL they wanted to do, the SCOTUS has become a political branch.  And Obama just started another vicious war while blathering dishonest words that he was somehow above doing the very thing he is clearly doing.

Who “fundamentally transformed” “nearly all of the Senate’s history”???  Don’t EVER forget it was the DEMOCRATS.  Just as it was the DEMOCRATS who invented Borking and it was the DEMOCRATS who are the ones who actually FILIBUSTER judicial appointments.  Bill Clinton and Barack Obama BOTH did NOT have a Republican filibuster.  The ONLY two judges sitting on the court who didn’t receive sixty votes are Justice Thomas and Justice Alito.  Because the Democrat Party has been the official party of Butthurt for decades.

If you want to see what “unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction” truly looks like, look at what Democrats have done since Trump got elected.  These butthurt fascists are psychologically unhinged with rabid acts of “obstruction” taking place at every corner that no, you demon-possessed liars, the Republicans NEVER did.

It’s really not the “nuclear option”; it’s the “Harry Reid option”; it’s the “Democrat Party option.”  And it is a GOOD thing Republicans are now willing to use the same tactics Democrats used against them.  And it’s an evil, wicked thing that the mainstream media is FINALLY seeing this as an “extreme tactic” given that they somehow failed to think that way when their beloved Democrat Party was using the tactic to impose their will when THEY ran Washington.

And so, in that same vein, Charles Schumer – now the leader of the Democrat minority – controls a party that literally announced they were going to object to ANYONE Trump nominated simply because on their view, anyone who doesn’t think exactly like they do is “unqualified” to serve.

Democrats actually swore they would filibuster Trump’s nominee even before Trump nominated anyone.

Democrats promise they will use the slander-tactic that they invented now known as “Borking”: This infamous Ted Kennedy slander was the worst of the slanders:

“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy.”

Robert Bork was a good man and eminently qualified to sit on the Court.  But Democrats are truly breathtakingly evil and hypocritical people.

In the same manner, Justice Clarence Thomas literally faced down the Ku Klux Klan as a child who grew up as the child of a poor sharecropper in a house with a dirt floor – only to find the Democrats’ more evil and more psychotic and more dishonest.  As an example, the modern Klan monsters are BLACK Democrats who were willing to lynch Thomas for the sin of having a white wife.  And Democrats said in their vote, “You don’t get to do that and survive, uppity negro.”  They manufactured the very first “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves” by finding a backstabbing woman who had followed Judge Thomas from job to job for YEARS only to claim that he sexually harassed her the entire time that she had willingly kept following him.

And so, all the Obama crap about it being beyond the pale for a Senate to treat a nomination to the Supreme Court this way, all I can say in response is that now you get to eat Republican fecal matter right out of the toilet bowl, you wicked hypocrite butthurt LIARS.

When Barack Obama – after trying to community organize a filibuster against Bush SCOTUS appointees – appointed two far-left liberal progressive radicals to the Court, Republicans responded by allowing their nomination to go forward and even allowing their members to vote for her in a spirit of bipartisan compromise.  Because they believed a president ought to have a right to nominate judges out of his philosophy, especially on the Supreme Court, even when they personally disagree with those judges’ philosophy of jurisprudence.

So Democrats never had to exploit their own Harry Reid-invented “Democrat option” – a.k.a. the nuclear option – to get a vote for Obama’s SCOTUS picks because Republicans respected the process in a way that Democrats have now proven over and over again they are not capable of respecting.  It was Democrats who invented and then repeatedly used the politics of personal slander-destruction against Republican nominees.

Democrats are not human beings worthy of the name; they have abandoned as a matter of wicked philosophy any concept of the imago dei.  Democrats are evolved bugs, and they only capable of bug morality.  You could rescue a cockroach, nurture it back to health, feed it, but the moment it was time to reciprocate, that roach would happily EAT YOU ALIVE.

I have used the word “Nazi” to describe Democrats.  Because a modern-day Democrat IS a Nazi who has TEN TIMES the holocaust horror show in the abortion mills with sixty million murdered human beings.  I started seeing Democrats viciously attacking people who had merely exercised their 1st Amendment right to attend a peaceful campaign rally for the political candidate of their choiceI saw multiple examples of this across the nation.  I came to discover Democrats literally used the same tactics Hitler used in his own rise to power by employing goons and thugs to violently disrupt GOP political rallies.  They did that at the very highest levels, up to Obama, the White House, Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  Do you realize how utterly treasonous to the spirit of democracy, to our Constitution, to our way of life, that is???Democrats today are actually now even MORE violent than the people who still bear the name “Nazi.”  That’s how VILE these roaches are.  So when I call Democrats “Nazis,” it’s NOT merely allegorical, or figurative: it is a statement of proven fact as this Democratic Party has become an utterly rabid, toxic hate machine.

Democrats are people who will say one thing with a self-righteous frenzied rabidity.  How DARE you not support our president?  And then – because abject moral HYPOCRISY is the defining trait of every single Democrat in America – they will just as self-righteously and with just as much frenzied rabidity go back on everything they said when it had been convenient for them to say it.

Conservatives, and just plain ordinary decent people, have got to rise up the way our forefathers rose up against this kind of evil.  And yes, we have to be willing to fight these people on their own vicious terms.  You tried to bring hell to us, and it is past time for us to bring hell home to you Democrats where it truly belongs.

One of the things that most offends me is that, if Republicans win, we install judges who actually follow the Constitution.  But if Democrats win, they install judges who will read their extreme political agendas into every law they want to.    That’s kind of analogous to a football game where one team got to use machine guns against the other team; it creates a rather unequal playing field.  Justice Scalia described this history and issued a warning some years back:

He added that the role of a Supreme Court justice should be interpreting the law, not inventing it.
“Whether it’s good or bad is not my job. My job is simply to say if those things you find desirable are contained in the Constitution,” he said.
Discussing pro-abortion judges who created a right to abortion, Scalia warned her, “Someday, you’re going to get a very conservative Supreme Court and regret that approach.”

Even arch-feminist Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has repeatedly acknowledged that Roe v. Wade went “too far, too fast” and was a terrible decision in terms of our legal process.  She also acknowledged her own Democrat-racist view that Roe v. Wade was to eliminate undesirable members of the populace, or as she put it “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Why shouldn’t an arch-conservative justice not be able to impose a terrible law out of an immoral philosophy the way liberal judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg did???

That regret Scalia described needs to start happening now.  Democrats need to be viciously punched hard in the face with their own system of interpretation that the Constitution is a “living, breathing document” that means whatever the hell the most rabid right wing judge WANTS it to mean.  When you have one side telling the other that a woman has the right to murder a man’s child and that man has no right whatsoever to stop it but has to support that child if the “mother” somehow doesn’t murder her own child; when you have one side telling the other that homosexuals and transgenders have every right in the book but Christians don’t even have the right to live according to their most deeply held morality according to a Bible that defined our entire civilization for two thousand years – all in rabid violation of every sacred Constitutional principle – something truly depraved and evil has occurred.  And it’s long past time to STOP it.  Thomas Jefferson WARNED this would happen.  And tragically the ONLY way to stop it now is to start fighting fire with fire: If a few right wing justices truly begin to show up who read their OWN intent into the Constitution the way liberal judges have done for decades, it will be the equivalent of what happened when the Allies started reciprocating with the same poison gas the Germans had inflicted on them, such that they both agree to cease-and-desist.

I would submit that we pass a law today that when Donald Trump is out of office, the next president will not have to face the kind of garbage that I have documented above.  That any Senator who tries to Bork or Thomas a nominee for the Supreme Court will go to prison and face hard time for abusing the power of the office through slander; to pass a law banning the filibuster or the nuclear option; to ban executive orders that defy the law and the clear intent of the Congress that alone is supposed to have the power to make the law, the way Obama kept imposing; that sort of thing.  I believe we should pass a constitutional amendment limiting the time of a Supreme Court appointment to a specified period of years.  And I say “After Trump” because Obama got to enjoy this power for eight years, and it is only fair and legitimate that the people that Democrats pissed on get to piss on them now.

I WARNED you liberal progressives that eventually a right wing president would come along who would make you scream in anguish; I IMPLORED you to stop being naked fascists.  But for eight years you allowed Obama to ram his agenda through by imperia fiat.  And now the shoe is on the other foot, because to quote Obama, “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, WE won.”  And so if President Donald Trump issues the following two executive orders: one declaring the Democratic Party is the party of treason and terrorism; and the other being the “Hunt Every Democrat Down with Dogs and Burn Them ALIVE Act,” then you shouldn’t even have the damn right to request an extension to the two-minute head start before we unleash the dogs.

Proof For All Time Of Unhinged Hypocrisy And Bias From The Pseudo-Journalist Class And The Rank-And-File Democrat

January 30, 2017

So this morning I’m looking through the crappy bird-cage-liner that passes itself off as the newspaper of record on the West Coast, just as I’ve been looking through the same bird-cage-liner every day since Trump announced his candidacy, let alone since he was elected.  And it’s just rabidly unhinged bias day after day after day.

Meanwhile, the same Democrat establishment and the same voters who literally swarmed Obama with fanatic worship when he was elected – who hysterically told anyone who didn’t take the Mark of the Obama that you were a racist, a hater, a traitor, fill in your own blank – rose up in a spirit of rabid, violent hatred against the President of the United States even before he took office.

There was an article about journalism and the “end of democracy” in the previous days’ sanctimonious hate-offering of all things Trump.  Under the title, “The vicious cycle that leads to the end of democracy,” I saw these words:

Does democracy require journalists and educators to strive for political balance? I’m hardly alone in thinking the answer is “yes.” But it also requires them to present the facts as they understand them — and when it is not possible to be factual and balanced at the same time, democratic institutions risk collapse.

Consider the problem abstractly. Democracy X is dominated by two parties, Y and Z. Party Y is committed to the truth of propositions A, B and C, while Party Z is committed to the falsity of A, B and C. Slowly the evidence mounts: A, B and C look very likely to be false. Observers in the media and experts in the education system begin to see this, but the evidence isn’t quite plain enough for non-experts, especially if those non-experts are aligned with Party Y and already committed to A, B and C.

Both psychological research and commonsense observation of the recent political situation (I think you’ll agree with this, whatever side you’re on) demonstrate the great human capacity to rationalize and justify what you want to believe. The evidence against A can be very substantial — compelling, even, from a neutral point of view — without convincing people who are emotionally invested in the truth of A.

The journalists and educators who live in X now face a dilemma. They can present both sides in a balanced way, or they can call the facts as they see them. Either choice threatens the basic institutions of democracy.

If they present balanced cases for and against A, B and C, they give equal time to the false and the true. They create the misleading impression that the matter is still in doubt, that opinion is divided, that it’s equally reasonable to believe either side. They thereby undermine and discredit their own assessment that A, B and C are very likely to be false. This is dangerous, since democracy depends on a well-educated, informed voting public, aware of the relevant facts.

In the long term, journalists and educators will likely turn against balance, because they care intensely about the facts in question and don’t wish to pretend that the evidence is unclear. They understand that they cannot routinely promote false equivalencies while retaining their integrity.

Schwittzoebel blathers on a little longer and then finally concludes,

This is all general and oversimplified. But it’s clear in the abstract and in the real world that knowledgeable people can be forced by the evidence to disproportionately favor one political party over another, creating a vicious cycle of bias and partisan alignment.

We might be entering this cycle in the United States. To fight against it, we must allow journalists, educators and researchers to speak freely. Political leaders and their supporters must not rush to the conclusion that experts who disagree with them — even systematically — are their enemies.

The first thing you need to understand is that, in the “abstract” presentation that he provides, he this “academic” firmly sides with the Democratic Party.  The Republican Party is “abstractly” Party Y – you know, the one that has every single one of its facts wrong because it’s dominated by stupid, ignorant, emotional people – whereas his Party Z is the Enlightened Party that knows all and is struggling to accommodate all of these stupid, vacuous, ignorant, clueless unwashed masses.

Eric Schwitzgebel fails throughout his piece to acknowledge on dirty little factoid, namely that 96 percent of journalists are progressive liberals who supported Hillary Clinton:

In all, people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis.

Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton: About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee, the Center for Public Integrity’s analysis indicates.

What about the academics?  Yeah, he fails to mention the same rabid bias in that group, also.

As an example, in 2012, 96 percent of Ivy League professors’ donations went to Obama.

Does such lightning of bias strike twice?  Yep:

99% of top liberal arts professor campaign donations go to Democrats: report
By Kelly Riddell – The Washington Times – Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Almost 100 percent of the 2016 presidential political donations made by top liberal arts professors went to Democratic candidates, with only one professor giving to a Republican candidate.

Forty-seven professors at the top 50 liberal arts colleges in the country, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, have given to presidential campaigns, according to donations recorded in the third quarter by the Federal Election Commission and aggregated by Campus Reform, a conservative watchdog of higher education.

Of those 47 professors, Hamilton College History Professor Robert Paquette was the only one to give to a Republican — donating $150 to Carly Fiorina’s campaign.

The 46 other professors gave $20,875 to Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and $8,417 to Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders, the report said.

“I do believe these numbers give an accurate representation of the political leanings of faculty on most college campuses, especially allegedly elite liberal arts colleges like Hamilton College,” Mr. Paquette told Campus Reform. Mr. Paquette told the organization he was the “only out-of-closet conservative in a faculty of 200.”

And yeah, once again, the end result for academia was an overwhelming bias for Democrats and an overwhelming rabid bias against Republicans.

The truly frightening thing about Schwitzgebel’s “analysis” is that, for Schwitzgebel, this rabidly lopsided bias probably isn’t even a problem.  After all, he is telling us that journalists and academics HAVE to ultimately choose sides and “present facts as they understand them.”  They have to be able “to speak freely.”

And so they have a RIGHT and even a DUTY to be in Nazi goose-stepping fascist synchronized march toward one political ideology.

And if you are NOT in these elite classes of the Übermensch, you have the right to shut up and mindlessly follow.  Because, that is all they believe you are capable of doing.

In order for Schwitzgebel to have his utopian “democracy” where  we have “a well-educated, informed voting public, aware of the relevant facts,” we have only tow alternatives: the first is to put everyone who supports Party Y in a reeducation camp until they understand that the only acceptable reality is to accept the one presented by the journalists and the academics; and the second is to surgically “correct” the members of Party Y with a full frontal lobotomy and fit them with a drool-collecting prosthetic so that they can be led to the way, the truth and the life according to “the facts” as journalists and academics understand them.

I have to laugh at Eric.  Here is an example of what he claims to believe as the two abiding principles for his particular academic discipline:

two things make a philosopher great: quality of argument and creative vigor

I mean, gee whiz, Eric, “quality of argument”?  HOW ABOUT ANY DAMN ARGUMENT AT ALL???  “Creative vigor”?  I mean, what the hell, when nearly one-hundred percent of your ilk are all marching in lock-step for one side.  I mean, oh yeah, there’s just ALL KINDS of “creativity” going on in your ivy tower and your faculty lounge, isn’t there???

Eric, you are true to your liberal-progressive kind: you are a devout, abject moral hypocrite of the very lowest order.

Allow me to post every single page of the Los Angles Times main section to prove a point:












There they are: a photograph of every single page of the main section of the Los Angles times for Monday, January 30, 2017

Let me go through every single headline and subtitle of each article in the main page section of the newspaper of record for the West Coast:

  • CONFUSION REIGNS: Trump calls travel ban a success as chaos mounts on many fronts
  • Thousands of protesters turn out at airports, and even top Republicans criticize the directive.
  • GOP’s case of whiplash: Republicans hoped for collaboration between the White House and Congress, but Trump isn’t making it easy.
  • Police wary of new duty: Trump’s order to use local units to enforce immigration laws elicits resistance by some L.A. officers.
  • BONDS MADE CLOSER: Muslim Americans ‘standing shoulder to shoulder’
  • You can’t build a wall on a river: Border fence must be set back from Rio Grande, leaving some Texans on wrong side.
  • Screening under scrutiny: Trump wants ‘extreme vetting,’ but refugees already face tough checks
  • Mexico braces for uncertain era: Trump’s tough talk on cross-border trade threatens to cut off region’s lifeblood.
  • Bernie Sanders of France wins vote: Benoit Hamon triumphs in the Socialist Party primary for president.
  • River poses challenge to wall plan (continuing ‘You can’t build a wall’ story)
  • 5 killed at Quebec City mosque
  • Trump’s powerful political duo: Travel ban signals the intent by advisors Bannon and Miler to reshape the country.
  • New duties would ‘create a wedge’ (continuing ‘Police wary of new duty’ article)
  • Riled veterans leap to Muslims’ defense: Military members offer support to Iraqi interpreters blocked by Trump’s order
  • Are plans for jobs just PR? Trump is taking credit for them, but skeptics say many were already in the works.
  • Travel ban hits a community hard (continuing ‘BONDS MADE CLOSER’ article)
  • A reprise of anxiety, heartbreak (continuing ‘CONFUSION REIGNS’ article)
  • Trump’s actions are blindsiding the GOP (continuing ‘GOP’s case of whiplash’ article)
  • How Trump created chaos at the airports: Not only was his order on refugees unfair and inhumane, but they way it was carried out was a disaster.
  • Leader of the free world [on Angela Merkel, celebrating her leftist immigration policies in contrast to Trump’s]
  • A cruel, illegal executive order

It’s been this way ever since EVER, for the record.

There is not ONE example of objective, impartial journalism in the entire newspaper.  Rather, it is blatantly obvious that the policy of the Los Angeles Times is of echoing and amplifying ALL the criticisms from the unhinged left, while steadfastly refusing to so much as allow for mention ANYTHING that Trump may have done that could even conceivably be good.

Every single article is negative and unrelentingly critical.  For example, the “Police wary of new duty article” subtitled, “Trump’s order to use local units to enforce immigration laws elicits resistance by some L.A. officers” and then titled as it continues “New duties would ‘create a wedge'”: how likely is it that there are not “some L.A. officers” who are FOR this executive order and welcome it as good policy???  But the “some officers” who take the leftist side are the ONLY ones who get to count.  And to the extent that there is any nuance in the article itself, you don’t see anything but unrelenting anger and criticism in the headlines and subtitles that are what most people glance at as they pick up this biased piece of leftist propaganda.

And again, in the “BONDS MADE CLOSER” story: do you think it’s possible that someone with bad intentions might have been blocked?  But no, it’s going to be framed as sobbing mothers and hysterical children.  And that’s all that matters.  Which amounts to an entirely emotionalism-laded framing of this policy from a biased, slanted perspective while our philosophy professor Eric Schwitzgebe lambasts US as the “emotional” ones.

Do you want to see “emotional”???  How about Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer weeping and sobbing at just what a mean, bad, mean old man Donald Trump is???

Donald Trump’s response:

“Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning,” he wrote. “Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the tears of Senator Schumer.”

Have to admit I loved this meme:


PLEASE, lefties, PLEASE don’t give me this garbage crap about being “emotionally invested” coming from the right.

The media and academia pull this tactic all the damn time: let’s search and search and search until we can find some sympathetic victim that suits our narrative, and then follow the Saul Alinsky strategy: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  And it is ALWAYS emotional and it is ALWAYS leftist.  But it’s marvelous when they do what they demonize us for doing.  Because to be a liberal progressive is to be an abject moral hypocrite incapable of shame or virtue or integrity or decency or honesty.

The “Trump’s powerful political duo” article where Trump advisors want to “reshape the country” forces me to remember when Obama said he was only days away from “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  But THAT was wonderful and greeted with cheers and adoration whereas what Trump is doing is utterly evil because somebody who isn’t a beloved liberal ideologue now wants to “reshape the country.”

How about the article on “Riled veterans”?  Does that title give you the suggestion that veterans voted for Trump by a 2-1 margin???  And literally are the ones who gave Trump his swing-state victories that propelled him to the White House???  How about the fact that for career-oriented troops that form the backbone of our nation’s military and our national security, the margin favoring Trump was THREE to one???

No, or to put it more accurately, HELL no: rather, to put it in Eric’s language, “they present the facts as they understand them.”  Or at least “the facts” that they CHOOSE in their BIAS to present.

“Thousands of protesters” are framed as HEROES.  Remember when the Tea Party was demonstrating?  Not ONE SINGLE arrest was EVER made of a tea party supporter – and in fact the ONLY arrests were of unhinged liberal progressives whose fascist souls were filled with hate and rage at the thought that free people had the freedom to demonstrate.  But the mainstream media demonized us like we were burning and looting and raping and rioting.  But then we had first the vile protests of the Occupy Movement where we had acts of terrorism, acts of rape, acts of mass vandalism; then we had Black Lives Matter chanting “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” and “What do we want?”  Dead cops!”  When do we want it?”  “NOW!” which corresponded to an orgy of execution-style slayings of police officers.  And now we’ve got Democrats charged with RIOTING the day Donald Trump was inaugurated.  And the way the mainstream media depicts it it’s all so, so wonderful.

Such as when Democrats were using Nazi-style Brownshirt tactics to physically beat and terrorize Donald Trump supporters for the crime of participating in the 1st Amendment of our Constitution (see my articles documenting this here and here and here).

And you’re actually worried that the mainstream media that ignored the rise of the Nazi Party from within the Democrat Party isn’t being given enough respect, Eric???

Damn near very single story the mainstream media does emerges from the Saul Alinsky tactic: Pick a target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.  DAMN NEAR EVERY SINGLE TIME.

We have that Time Magazine White House pool correspondent who wrote a post slandering Donald Trump as a racist for removing the Martin Luther King, Jr. bust.  Why did he assume that?  Well, he glanced at where it was and didn’t see it.  Why didn’t he see it?  Didn’t matter to him at the time in his rabid, unhinged, fanatic desire to post it.  It turned out that a Secret Service agent was blocking his view.

Of course, you have to realize that at NO TIME EVER in the last eight years did ANY Secret Service agent EVER ONCE obstruct ANY reporter’s view of the MLK bust: or else we can safely assume that these unbiased purveyors of fact and truth would have immediately reported that Barack Obama had ordered the MLK bust removed.

Amazingly, Zeke Miller STILL has a job in spite of the fact that he just proved that Time Magazine is a nest of poisonous, fanged, venomous vipers who are NOTHING but biased propagandists trying to slander and pervert the truth to suit their ideology and political narrative to harm and undermine Donald Trump and every single voter who elected him president.

Kellyanne Conway is asking the question: when will these lie peddlers be FIRED for “presenting the facts as their slandering bias compels them to understand them????

You go back and look over the disgrace that journalists made of themselves as Donald Trump kept proving that all the crap they were “reporting” was “FAKE NEWS” from a biased perspective: Donald Trump couldn’t win the primary because he was too polarizing and too divisive; Donald Trump could never defeat Hillary Clinton because he was too polarizing and too divisive; Donald Trump was out of contention in all the swing states because he was too polarizing and too divisive.  And all our biased polls prove our foreordained biased conclusion justifying our biased narrative.

THIS is what it means to be a “journalist” today.  THIS is what it means to be an “academic” today.  And if you’re not one of these propagandists, good luck in finding a damn job with them or keeping a job if you already managed to sneak in.

If you are a “journalist” or an “academic” today, YOU ARE THE LIVING EMBODIMENT OF DISHONESTY AND DISGRACE.

On the academic side, what we see is outright psycho-terror for professors whose expertise and scientific analysis tell them that evolution as a “fact” is a load of crap; we see an avalanche in academia of intolerable denials of tenure, denials of promotion, denials of contract renewals, denials of earned degrees, denials of admission into graduate programs”, and other rabid discrimination against a substantial minority of credentialed scientists that disagrees with the prevailing dogmatism of the myth of evolution.

This is “science” to an evolutionist.  Consider the words from Nobel Laureate Dr. George Wald who concedes a great deal in this quote: “One only has to concede the magnitude of the task to concede the possibility of the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible.  Yet here we are—as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation.”  Wald talks about billions of years and then concludes, “Given so much time, the ‘impossible’ becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain.”

This is NOT science, it is “magic.”  Billions of years are NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH TIME for “the magic” of evolution to occur if you actually believe in legitimate science.

But “academia” is purging and destroying ANYONE no matter how credentialed or how accomplished that scientist might be who disagrees with “the acceptable narrative.”

And you want to talk about “creativity” and “arguments”???

We’re seeing the same rabid spirit of academic fascism on another front that we have seen for decades in the myth of godless evolution.

Dr. Judith Curry, a climatologist who had held the chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, resigned in protest of the modern-day witch-hunt that has become academia today, saying, “A deciding factor was that I no longer know what to say to students and postdocs regarding how to navigate the CRAZINESS in the field of climate science. Research and other professional activities are professionally rewarded only if they are channeled in certain directions approved by a politicized academic establishment — funding, ease of getting your papers published, getting hired in prestigious positions, appointments to prestigious committees and boards, professional recognition, etc.”

Do you know what caused the end of the Old Egyptian Kingdom?  It wasn’t the Industrial Revolution, liberal progressive crazies.  It was “climate change” that had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANTHROPOMORPHIC GLOBAL WARMING.  Do you know what caused the collapse of the Mayan Civilization?  It wasn’t SUVs, liberal progressive whackjobs.  It was “climate change” that had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANTHROPOMORPHIC GLOBAL WARMING.  Because our climate just changes; it’s unstoppableIt is a FACT of both science and logic that the hated Bogeyman of CO2 produces less than 0.1 percent of all global warming gases; just as it is a fact that nature creates thirty damn times the CO2 that human beings do.  The left, out of POLITICAL rather than SCIENTIFIC ideology, made CO2 (which is actually essential for life on planet earth) an earth-murdering poison and ignored all the other global warming gases such as water vapor which accounts for NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of global warming gases.  Or to put it another way, IT’S THE WATER VAPOR, NOT THE CO2, YOU DAMN FOOLS.

But what the hell; we’re Nazis and Stalinists masquerading as “scientists,” and so everything we say must surely be “scientific” no matter how UNSCIENTIFIC it clearly is.

Eric wants us to worship rabid leftist bias that is masqueraded as “science” and “journalism” as “fact.”

What we have in both fields is nothing short of intellectual STALINISM.

HERE is an example of a rabid, disgraced FOOL who is BOTH an “academic” AND a “journalist.”  And he disgraced himself on BOTH fronts.  Which is why he was given a Nobel Prize, I suppose.

You have discredited yourselves.  Nobody ought to listen to you who wants the truth or even anything vaguely resembling the truth.  Your “facts” “as you understand them” are carefully selected lies that pimp a false narrative.  You’ve done it over and over and over again.

The bottom line is this, Eric: where were YOU when Barack Obama announced the New Reality: “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”  Or to put the New Reality another way, “We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for a ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

WHERE was your outrage, Mr. Schwittzoebel, when Obama was imposing every manner of outrageous, polarizing executive orders and policies and spitting in the eyes of increasingly outraged and alienated Americans???

I wrote this prediction back in 2012:

Obama’s strategy is to set aside and flatly ignore the law for his own political benefit.  Every American who is not deeply troubled by that – troubled enough to not vote for this fascist – is UN-American.

What Obama has done is provide an example of out-and-out lawlessness on the part of the president of the United States.  And when we get a hard-core right wing president the way Obama has been a hard-core left wing president, Obama and the Democrat Party and all of those who voted for Obama and the Democrat Party will be entirely to blame for that president and his extremist actions.  You mark my words.  Because what goes around comes around, and if a Democrat can set aside the law the way Obama has now repeatedly done, well, guess who’s going to be stomping on your necks under your own president’s prior justification???  Conservatives are rising up in a spirit of righteous outrage.  You have repeatedly slapped us in the face through your messiah Obama, and the time is coming when we’re going to punch you hard in the nose and then keep on punching.  And when that day comes, liberals, look to yourselves for blame.My words on June 18, 2012

If you want to get even with the people most responsible for the rise of Donald Trump, then hunt every Democrat who voted for Barack Obama down with dogs and burn them alive.  Because Donald Trump was the result of eight years of FASCISM.

So we get to Trump’s entirely LAWFUL order to limit immigrants and refugees from seven countries that were actually even on Obama’s list as dangerous sponsors of terrorism.  For eight years, Obama gave us lawless executive orders that he himself had previously labeled as the acts of a king, an emperor, arguing that they were unconstitutional and anti-democratic before then  issuing them anyway.  And Democrats smiled and laughed at the abandonment of our Constitution and the tossing out of our laws.


Further, these seven countries are notorious abusers of human rights against Christian minorities, against women, against homosexuals.  But that’s perfectly okay, isn’t it???

Obama has been nothing short of a total disaster for the Democratic Party.  He lost the White House.  He lost the House.  He lost the Senate.  He lost a giant number of governorships.  He lost a giant number of state houses.  He’s a disgrace.  And yet he is the liberal progressives’ god and the  only god with whom they will have to do.

If Democrats had ANY virtue or integrity whatsoever, they would say, “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, Trump won.”  They would say, “We Democrats can go for a ride with Donald Trump, but we gotta sit in back.”

The fact that you won’t abide by the rules of your own game that you created is the biggest crisis facing America today.






The Legacy Of Barack Obama And The Democrat Party Can Be Summed Up In Four Words: ‘President Donald John Trump’

January 20, 2017

When Barack Obama was inaugurated as our 44th president of the United States – an event not one Republican boycotted, fwiw – there was the great inspirational sense that this nation had finally in his election soared past its most sorrowful history: the history of racial inequality.  Many Americans who didn’t even agree with Obama’s policies were swept up in this inspiration.

I myself didn’t vote for Obama because I believe that a president ought to be judged by the content of his character rather than by the color of his skin.  And while I would and will vote for any candidate – regardless of race or gender – who upholds sacred values, Barack Obama has NEVER upheld sacred values either before or following his election.

Still, there was no denying that Obama’s presidency – the presidency of the first black president – held great promise and great potential.

And Obama proceeded to piss that promise and that potential away with personal- and policy-pettiness.

And so eight years later, the great day of the election of the nation’s first black president was eclipsed by the even greater day when Obama crawled into “Executive One” – so named because it carried Obama rather than our PRESIDENT – and flew off to the roach motel of his choice.

What is Obama’s legacy?  I’ll sum it up for you in a few of Obama’s very own words:

There was the abject, demonic hypocrisy in Obama’s campaigning:

“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.” — Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, campaigning in Fargo, North Dakota.

And look at what this fool-in-chief has created since: TWICE AS MUCH DEBT AS THE MAN HE VICIOUSLY DEMONIZED AND SLANDERED.  Obama himself pointed out Bush’s debt was $4 trillion; what is YOURS, fool?  It was $10.626 trillion when Obama took office; it’s 19.961 trillion as I write this.  And oh my gosh, I’ve got a calculator and I’m not afraid to prove what a LYING DISGRACE you are.  Because the difference is $9.335 trillion and you MORE THAN DOUBLED the debt of the president you mocked and slandered.

How about this one after Obama got his hypocrite. lying weasel ass into office by his lies:

Elections have consequences – and at the end of the day, I won.” — Barack Hussein Obama, January, 2009

Amen, Democrats.  And now you get to live the bitter reality of your own sentiments.  Because Democrat, elections have consequences, you said.  And at the end of the day, you won, you said.  And now that shoe is on the other foot but you’re butthurt hypocrite fascists rather than decent human beings.

We don’t mind Republicans joining us – they can go come for the ride – but they got to sit in back.” — Barack Hussein Obama, 2010

Those were terrible, dark, EVIL, vile words coming from a man who had presented himself as the living embodiment of the repudiation of “back of the bus.”  Instead, the man who represented himself as “there are no red states and blue states, just the United States” became the most bitterly partisan and polarizing president in our nation’s entire history.

And then there are something on the order of two dozen Obama statements like these that he subsequently profoundly violated:

  • “I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with [the president] trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.” (3/31/08)
  • “I do have an obligation to make sure that I am following some of the rules. I can’t simply ignore laws that are out there. I’ve got to work to make sure that they are changed.” (10/14/10)
  • I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself. We have a system of government that requires the Congress to work with the Executive Branch to make it happen. (10/25/10)
  • “Sometimes when I talk to immigration advocates, they wish I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself. But that’s not how a democracy works. What we really need to do is to keep up the fight to pass genuine, comprehensive reform. That is the ultimate solution to this problem. That’s what I’m committed to doing.” (5/10/11)
  • “I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books …. Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written.” (7/25/11)
  • “This is something I’ve struggled with throughout my presidency,” said Obama. “The problem is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.” (2/14/13)

Barack Obama proved that ultimately he is the hypocrite in chief and violated the essence and spirit of his hypocrite repudiations of his office as that of a king, an emperor, a leader of a constitutional republic featuring the clear and deliberate separation of powers, an anti-democrat violating the functions of legitimate democracy.

How about this trip down memory lane during the debates between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in 2011 as Obama mocked Romney’s statement that Russia was America’s greatest geopolitical threat:

“… a few months ago when you were asked what is the biggest geopolitical group facing America, you said Russia — not al-Qaeda. And the 1980’s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back — because the Cold War has been over for 20 years.”

What exactly are you fool, cockroach Democrats saying now in the light of your accusations that Russia just hacked our elections and we have an “illegitimate president” as a consequence of our worst geopolitical threat???

The only argument is whether the “D” in Democrat stands for “Disgrace” or “Demonic.”

I quoted “civil rights hero” John Lewis for that “illegitimate president” crap.  And I’ll come back to the Demonic Disgrace that is Rep. John Lewis later.

How about this foreign policy gem when a reporter on January 7, 2014, specifically referenced events clearly referring to ISIS:

Obama responded: “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” (For the nonsports fan, JV stands for junior varsity, and it usually means a high school or college’s secondary team.)

Obama in that interview not only proved he is a fool, but a LYING fool, according to Politifact.

Barack Obama is more to blame for the rise of Islamic State than any human being alive or dead.

And Barack Obama, BECAUSE HE IS A FOOL, became responsible for – get this – a one-thousand, nine-hundred percent increase in murders by radical Islamic terrorism.

The Middle East – you know, home of what Obama calls “the world’s most tolerant religion” – has degenerated into a bloodbath that is COSMIC in its sheer, rabid hate.  Obama has presided over the worst refugee crisis in the entire history of the human race.

Obama has presided over a world where Christianity is the world’s most violently persecuted worldview.

And cosmic fools like Obama lecture us that Muslims are the victims of this hate.  Well, Muslims are the PERPETRATORS OF THIS HATE.  And it turns out that Muslims murder wherever they happen to be – when they’re where other Muslims are they murder other Muslims – and when they’re here, they murder us here.

Obama’s legacy is the normalization of race-riots and domestic terror attacks.  Not to mention the worst income gap inequality in modern history, the worst record on entrepreneurship, the worst record on small business start ups due to punishing taxes and regulations, the worst labor participation rate since women entered the workforce (so basically the worst in HISTORY), such that a hundred million working-age Americans aren’t working even as Obama idiotically touts his economic record; the record of home ownership the worst in more than half a damn century.  Even LIBERAL news sources acknowledge that, under Obama, “Middle Class Jobs, income, Quickly Disappearing,” and under Obama, “Middle Class Shrinks Further as More Fall Out Instead of Climbing Up,” and under Obama, we have “The Vanishing of the Middle Class.”

This man TORTURED the people who finally rose up and voted his skinny, pathetic, arrogant party out of office.

Now, above I linked to Rep. John Lewis, who was once beaten by Democrats before becoming one with the people who beat him like a dog.  A Former Black Panther pointed that out:

“In the early 70’s and late 60’s, we were demonstrating and protesting for the right to compete as adult citizens of America, we were not demonstrating to be taken care of. Congressman Lewis – he walked across the Pettus bridge and they beat him and ran over him, but those were Democrats. It was Democrat George Wallace [who] stood in the schoolhouse door, it was Democrat Bull Connor that oppressed [black] folks…

…he [Lewis] was fighting Democrats, but after they beat his behind on that bridge and ran over him and stomped him in the ground, he got up and turned and joined them!”

Former Black Panther and Vietnam Veteran Mason Weaver went on to say:

“Every district they [black Democrats] own and control is a ghetto hell hole. Is a place that no one wants to go to. They’re in control of every inner city school system, every inner city police, every inner city jail, they produce nothing but drugs and misery. They should be ashamed of themselves. I don’t understand why any black person could be a democrat.”

“The Democrat party has always been the party of abuse, the party of the Klan, the party that went to war to keep slaves – the party that’s always been [about] the destruction of black people. Mr. Lewis, you have presided over the destruction of black America, and you owe us an apology.”

John Lewis is a racist race thug.  Democrats are dishonestly telling us that other Republicans like John McCain and Mitt Romney were decent men, but Trump is below the pale.  But John Lewis exploited his status for being beaten by Democrats – because the Democratic Party has ALWAYS been and always WILL BE the party of naked racism and racial politics – by viciously and hatefully slandering first George W. Bush, then John McCain, then Mitt Romney.

John Lewis is a pure, rabid political ideologue from the party of naked, cynical politicized race-baiting.

The Democrat Party is the party of naked hate and naked intolerance and naked hypocrisy.

Nearly seventy Democrats – the last count I had was 68 – are BOYCOTTING the Inauguration which celebrates the peaceful transition of power as the greatest hallmark of the democratic and constitutional process of the United States of America.

Hollywood celebrities – or as I call them hypocrite fascist elitist turdsare proving that the cockroach heart of rabid blacklisting McCarthyism is alive and well in the Democratic Party.

There’s a long list of fashion designers who have boycotted Melania Trump and refused to dress her.  It didn’t even MATTER that she never asked them to in the first place.  They needed to scream to the world that they are fascist, rabid Nazi roaches.

Being an “artist” means having the creative freedom to express yourself.  Which is another way of saying there IS no such thing as a Democrat “artist.”  Because Democrats are the anathema of freedom intellectual or moral or otherwise.

Just imagine for one nanosecond if this had happened at Obama’s inauguration.  Just imagine the damn names that would have been used against people who opposed their president.  The left would have angrily used every ugly name in the book.

I remember the hysteria over the quote from Sen. Mitch McConnell that “the goal is to make Obama a one-term president” – which for the damn historical record McConnell made TWO YEARS AFTER Obama became president.  And the rabid, frenzied, hysterical hate that arose in response to that remark could only be matched by the Nazi response to some partisan in Nazi-occupied Europe refusing to worship their beloved Fuehrer.

I mean, OF COURSE THE GOAL OF THE REPUBLICANS WAS TO MAKE OBAMA A ONE-TERM PRESIDENT.  That was like their JOB!!!  Can you stupid roach fascists tell me the last time the Democrat Party refused to run a candidate for president because their goal was to re-elect the REPUBLICAN in office???

But the over the top, visceral hate and rage.  The “How DARE you!?!?!?”

Now these same people are literally rioting before Trump even has a chance to take the oath of office.

Look in the mirror from now on whenever you use an ugly label, Democrat.  Because your talking about YOURSELF.

Because the “Democratic” Party is FAR MORE synonymous with “the National Socialist American Workers Party” – as in NAZI – than it is “democratic.”

Democrats viciously and violently physically attacked Republicans at Donald Trump rallies.  These vicious, violent physical attacks were orchestrated by a long-time Democrat operative who had longstanding ties both to the Obama White House and to Hillary Clinton’s campaign operation.

These are naked facts.

If you are a Democrat, you stand for vicious, violent, Nazi stormtrooping thugs.  Period.  When I call you fascist thugs “Nazis,” I am accurately describing who you are, what you do and the way you do it.

And right now, we are watching Democrats RIOT in the sacred one-square mile of Washington D.C.

I constantly marvel at Democrats.  These people self-righteously label Republicans as “haters,” and then HATE on a level ten-thousand times worse than anything we EVER did.

The outright, naked HATE that is the Democrat Party is on full public display.

When Obama was president, anything that wasn’t literal WORSHIP was demonized as racism and treason and every other over-the-top description.  And now these people are so far beyond the pale the abject and immoral hypocrisy simply never ceases to fail to amaze.

I want to again point out for the historical record that I predicted the rise of someone that Democrats would find so terrible and so terrifying:

Obama’s strategy is to set aside and flatly ignore the law for his own political benefit.  Every American who is not deeply troubled by that – troubled enough to not vote for this fascist – is UN-American.

What Obama has done is provide an example of out-and-out lawlessness on the part of the president of the United States.  And when we get a hard-core right wing president the way Obama has been a hard-core left wing president, Obama and the Democrat Party and all of those who voted for Obama and the Democrat Party will be entirely to blame for that president and his extremist actions.  You mark my words.  Because what goes around comes around, and if a Democrat can set aside the law the way Obama has now repeatedly done, well, guess who’s going to be stomping on your necks under your own president’s prior justification???  Conservatives are rising up in a spirit of righteous outrage.  You have repeatedly slapped us in the face through your messiah Obama, and the time is coming when we’re going to punch you hard in the nose and then keep on punching.  And when that day comes, liberals, look to yourselves for blame.My words on June 18, 2012

To the extent that you Democrats are shocked and appalled by the presidency of Donald John Trump, you DESERVE to be shocked and appalled.

You supported a truly evil man for eight years.

Elections have consequences.  And at the end of the day, YOU LOSERS LOST.

Donald Trump now has the right to defy the Constitution.  Because YOU DEMOCRATS GAVE HIM THAT RIGHT THROUGH YOUR WICKED MESSIAH.  Donald Trump has the right to issue sweeping executive orders that will have you howling in bitter rage.  Because YOU DEMOCRATS GAVE HIM THAT RIGHT THROUGH YOUR WICKED MESSIAH.  And the Republican Congress has the right to totally and utterly and brutally ignore the minority Democrats in the House and the Senate and throughout the nation.  Because YOU DEMOCRATS GAVE THEM THAT RIGHT THROUGH THE VILE ACTIONS OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY WHEN THEY HELD ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT.

So suck on that.

I’ve compared Democrats repeatedly to Nazis.  Because that’s what they are.  Their response now is uber similar to the devout Nazis response: Hitler drove his people to ruin, but the devout worshipers of their beloved Fuehrer said that the nations allied against Germany only did so because they hated the Fuehrer and hated his beautiful vision for a better world; they said that Hitler had given them the good times, so they owed him their devout loyalty in the hard times.

Obama led the Democratic Party to utter, cataclysmic ruin.  His failed, disastrous policies led to a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.

Meanwhile, the Zyclon-B of the Nazis in the death camps for the 6 million Jews they murdered was MERCIFUL in comparison to the viciousness of Democratic Party abortion techniques that have murdered more than TEN TIMES as many innocent human beings as the Nazis murdered.

So your current response now merely amounts to further proof that you deserve a Berlin response where Trump drives TANKS over your crushed and mangled bodies after firebombing your leftist cities.

I’ve been writing for years now – primarily because of Obama and the wicked depraved spirit of the Democratic Party – that “the beast is coming.”  The funny thing is that today secular humanist Democrats fully agree with conservative fundamentalist Christian dispensationalist that the literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation is at hand.

Well, congratulations, Democrat: YOU brought the end of days about!!!


Ten Reasons Why Everyone Who Is NOT A Fool Believes In The Reality Of A Creator God

December 27, 2016

The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” — Psalm 14:1; 53:1

I came across something rather odd while I was hiking out in the desert a day or so ago.  And then I came upon another thing, and then another, and another.  I’ll post what I saw:











So I came upon – one after another – what turns out to be ten objects remarkably shaped like hearts.

How did these hearts happen to come to be?

How did they “evolve”???  I only know that I neither made them, saw them made, or had anything to do with them other than I happened to see them in the desert, one after another.

Well, being a thoughtful man I thought about it.

Did they just happen by purely random natural evolutionary forces?  The wind and/or the water carried each component and just happened to deposit each piece without relocating the pieces that nature had already placed there until we had our “hearts”???

You can believe that.  And I can properly label you as a fool.

Of COURSE that didn’t happen.  Only a truly indoctrinated ideologue would ever believe an asinine story like that.  No, somebody – and I would guess the same somebody – made all ten of these hearts.  A MIND designed them and arranged the pieces just so according to a plan to bring about a purposeful result.

You can believe otherwise.  But you’re wrong.  And what’s more, you are a fool.  It doesn’t matter what your IQ is: you are a moral idiot who has committed your intellect to idiocy.  You have committed yourself to being wrong, and you have used every resource you have – your mind included – to justify your stupidity.  And you can have a dozen PhDs and you can have a buttload of money and you can have all sorts of prestigious titles and accolades and, yes, you can be a morally and therefore intellectual stupid person; a fool.

It may not have been a coincidence that whoever made ten hearts seems to have stopped at that number.

As I reflected on this “intelligent creative designer’s” work, I immediately thought of an analogy: the major systems of the human body.

It turns out that there are TEN such systems:

  1. Circulatory System: This system is made up of the heart, blood, blood vessels, and lymphatics. It is the body’s delivery system, concerned with circulating blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body.
  2. Digestive System: The purpose of the digestive system is to turn the food you eat into something useful for the body. When you eat, your body uses this system to digest food so your cells can use it to make energy. The organs involved in this system include the mouth, stomach, and intestines.
  3. Endocrine System: This system is made up of a collection of glands, including the pituitary and thyroid glands, as well as the ovaries and testes. It regulates, coordinates, and controls a number of body functions by secreting chemicals into the bloodstream. These secretions help control moods, growth and development, and metabolism.
  4. Integumentary System: This system consists of the skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands. Its main function is to act as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world. It also functions to retain body fluids, protect against disease, eliminate waste products, and regulate body temperature.
  5. Muscular System: This system is made up of muscle tissue that helps move the body and move materials through the body. Quite simply, muscles move you. Muscles are bundles of cells and fibers that work in a simple way: they tighten up and relax.
  6. Nervous System: The nervous system is the control center of the human body. It is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It receives and interprets stimuli and transmits impulses to organs. Your brain uses the information it receives to coordinate all of your actions and reactions.
  7. Reproductive System: The human reproductive system ensures that humans are able to reproduce and survive as a species. It is made up of organs such as the uterus, penis, ovaries, and testes.
  8. Respiratory System: The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. The respiratory system does this through breathing. It consists of the nose, larynx, trachea, diaphragm, bronchi, and lungs.
  9. Skeletal System: The skeletal system provides the shape and form for our bodies in addition to supporting and protecting our bodies, allowing bodily movement, producing blood cells, and storing minerals. This system consists of bones, cartilage, and joints.
  10. Urinary System: The purpose of the urinary system is to filter out excess fluid and other substances from your bloodstream. Some fluid gets reabsorbed by your body but most gets expelled as urine. The organs found in this system are the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.

Ten hearts.  Ten organ systems.  How fitting!!!

Now, it’s not merely ten systems versus ten systems.  We’ll get to the vastly – INFINITELY – more complicated nature of the ten organ systems of the human body shortly, but let’s consider the fact that, unlike the hearts, each of the ten organ systems of the human body must already be present all at once for the rest of the systems to function.

Again, you can be a good Darwinist and claim that the skeletal system somehow evolved with all 206 individual bones (which actually starts with 270 bones at birth, with some of the bones being programmed to fuse together as the child develops) just somehow “assembled themselves” the same way the fool would claim the individual components of the hearts somehow assembled themselves.  But to what telos?  To what end?  For what purpose?  A skeleton would be a pretty amazing feat for natural forces to assemble – FAR MORE SO than the pieces of any of those hearts! – but it’s not like it’s alive or anything.

As it turns out, you need EVERY SINGLE ONE OF ALL TEN OF THESE SYSTEMS ALL FUNCTIONING SIMULTANEOUSLY for the organism to live or do a damn thing.  Just imagine you had the other nine but couldn’t eliminate: you’d live a very short life and explode in a tremendously icky manner!  But don’t worry, all of your friends would explode the same way and the human species would be extinct.

I’m going to guess that whoever designed and built those hearts with the purpose and plan they had in their minds, they built one at a time and then moved on to the next one.  But that aint the way a living, breathing, eliminating organism works.  All ten systems had to be designed so that they were all perfectly functioning at the exact same moment.  Or nothing.

That fact screams God.  And only the worst, most pitiable kind of unrelenting FOOL doesn’t comprehend that fact because of a terrible and terrifying moral defect worse even than sociopathy in the heart of that fool.

Evolutionists are a particular species of fool who believe that time solves everything.  If you were to stare at a rock for a long enough period of time, why, that rock would eventually come alive, and then it would eventually sprout wings and begin to fly.  Then it would talk and mock the atheist for being deluded enough to believe in flying, talking rocks.  And of course, given enough time, another rock of the opposite gender would similarly arise.  And then it would only be a matter of time before the two flying rocks evolved near enough the same place and the same time over the potential span of billions of years and they would fine one another and reproduce and … and.. build a monument of rocks in the shape of a heart in the California desert so that I could eventually find them and ponder the meaning.

How about “not.”

Let’s examine the “time problem,” not just from the standpoint of all of those ten incredibly and yes, infinitely complex organ systems.  Let’s consider the problem of time just for the very simplest living cell:

The Time Problem

To go from a bacterium to people is less of a step than to go from a mixture of amino acids to a bacterium. — Lynn Margulis (21.5)

The only premise that all of the precellular theories share is that it would be an extremely long time before the first bacterial cells evolved. If precellular life somehow got going, it could then conceivably begin to crank out, by some precellular process, random strings of nucleotides and amino acids, trying to luck into a gene or a protein with advantages which would lead to bacterial life. There is no evidence in life today of anything that produces huge quantities of new, random strings of nucleotides or amino acids, some of which are advantageous. But if precellular life did that, it would need lots of time to create any useful genes or proteins. How long would it need? After making some helpful assumptions we can get the ratio of actual, useful proteins to all possible random proteins up to something like one in 10^500 (ten to the 500th power). So it would take, barring incredible luck, something like 10^500 trials to probably find one. Imagine that every cubic quarter-inch of ocean in the world contains ten billion precellular ribosomes. Imagine that each ribosome produces proteins at ten trials per minute (about the speed that a working ribosome in a bacterial cell manufactures proteins). Even then, it would take about 10^450 years to probably make one useful protein. But Earth was formed only about 4.6 x 10^9 years ago. The amount of time available for this hypothetical protein creation process was maybe a few hundred million or ~10^8 years. And now, to make a cell, we need not just one protein, but a minimum of several hundred.

So even if we allow precellular life, there is a problem getting from there to proteins, genes and cells. The random production of proteins does not succeed as an explanation. Other intermediate, unspecified stages must be imagined. We could call these stages post-precellular life. By whatever means, life’s evolution through these stages would have to be time-consuming.

Now, I wrote about this before (when I came upon a similar phenomenon out in the desert that prompted me to think).  And here’s what I just pointed out about the above SCIENTIFIC FACTS:

“Time-consuming.”  There’s a rather gigantic understatement for you.  Try to write that number down: 10^450 years, which is 10 with 450 zeroes after it.  That is a number that makes our national debt even after the Obama spendaholic presidency look so infinitesimal that any kid ought to easily be able to solve our national debt crisis with his lunch money by comparison.  And it makes the length of time since our universe exploded into being some 14 billion years ago (1.4×10^10 years) and the earth formed 4.6 billion (4.6×10^9) yeas ago look tiny and insignificant by comparison.

4.6 billion years ago might seem like a long time: 4.6 with nine zeros after it.  That is, unless you compare it to the number “1” followed by a MINIMUM of FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY freaking zeroes.  We’re not talking about billions, we’re not talking about trillions, we’re talking about a number so vast only a true mathematician has ever even HEARD of it before: a Novenquadragintacentillion, at least according to our dictionary of Big Ass Numbers.

And that 10^450  years is just for ONE protein when you need to multiply that 10^450 years by several hundred proteins.  That last sentence of the first paragraph is actually staggeringly optimistic, considering that in this case “several hundred” is actually SEVERAL THOUSAND:

“A typical bacterium requires more than 4,000 proteins for growth and reproduction.”

So understand the dilemma: you need random trials requiring 10^450  years to form just ONE protein; but you actually would need at least another 3,999 more proteins that will take just as long to randomly generate after you finally generate that first one.  Each one is going to take you about another 10^450  years’ worth of random trials to generate!  And finally after 10^450  a.k.a. a novenquadragintacentillion years multiplied by “more than 4,000 proteins,” just what are the odds that that first protein that you made would still exist so many trillions times trillions times trillions of years later???  Just what are the odds that you would have all 4,000-plus proteins available at one time and in one place to make the assembly of that simplest cell possible???

There’s just not enough time literally in the whole universe just to form a stupid bacterial cell, let along a human being with those ten amazing organ systems.  Do you get this blatantly obvious scientific fact???

How long did it take for the intelligent, creative designer to build each of those hearts?  Half an hour, maybe?  Maybe a little longer?  But without that intelligent, creative designer building those hearts out of the plan of an intelligent mind, those individual components of each of those hearts would have sat wherever they originally were for all eternity and nothing would have ever happened.

And you have to be a particular type of fool not to comprehend that.

Atheists/secular humanists/evolutionists tell us that time is their best friend in the world and that time can do ANYTHING.  Well, I’ve got news for you: time actually CAN’T DO ANYTHING: it just sits there, doing nothing except ticking moments away.  Anyone who has ever had a deadline and not intelligently worked on producing whatever was necessary to accomplish that deadline surely understands that time doesn’t solve anything.  In fact, the 2nd law of thermodynamics (popularly known as entropy) actually guarantees that, far from being the best friend, time is in actual scientific fact our worst enemy:

Entropy: lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.

The more expansive definition of the law of entropy doesn’t make it any better.  Evolutionists are not only wrong; they are laughingstock wrong.  Because things DON’T become more ordered over time; they become more DISORDERED.  If you tell your kids, “Don’t worry, your room will clean itself,” you’re a perfect candidate for atheistic evolution.

So, scientifically – let’s NOT be fool enough to think that actual, legitimate SCIENCE actually in any way, shape or form supports godless evolution – there simply scientifically isn’t enough time in the universe for even the most simple possible cell to evolve.  And if you believe in the miraculous nature of time to achieve anything rather than accepting the legitimate science that says the opposite, well, the biblical term “fool” most certainly applies to you.

One other factoid to prove what FOOLS those who embrace godless evolution truly are: there are 100 TRILLION cells in the human body that are more complex than that simple bacterium that even all the time in the universe couldn’t produce.

And not only are there one hundred trillion cells in the human body, but it gets WORSE for you godless fools: because there are 200 different kinds of cells in the human body — in the brain, liver, bone, heart and many other structures — must somehow those 200 different kinds of cells must be read off a different set of the hereditary instructions written into the DNA.  Or else nothing happens.

Scientist Michael Behe describes what he labelled “irreducible complexity.”  He’s entirely right.  You must have the entire living system present all at once or nothing will happen.  His opponents are driven entirely by atheism and ideology that has perverted their “science.”

Some of the “greatest” evolutionary minds, such as Harvard professor Stephen Jay Gould, believe in something called “panspermia,” which is the recognition of the obvious REALITY that evolution is completely impossible and therefore punting to a belief that life was seeded here from “somewhere else” that is of course scientifically impossible to prove (or disprove).  This becomes an anti-scientific religious faith offered in the name of “science.”  But it is nothing short of “junk science” that the most brilliant so-called “scientists” acceptThe same way that Darwin’s “falsifiability” is a totally bogus joke that any but the most ardent propagandist ought to recognize:

Ann Coulter pointed it out with the false claim that evolution was “falsifiable” versus any religious claim which was not. Darwin said, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.”

And Ann Coulter brilliantly changed a couple of words to demonstrate what a load of crap that was: If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by God, my God theory would absolutely break down.”

In other words, evolution is no more “scientifically falsifiable” than even the most ardent young earth creationist claim. Their standard is impossible to disprove. I mean, you show me that God “could not possibly have” created the earth.

The whole way they sold evolution was a lie.

You go down the list of “human evolution proofs” that the entire “scientific community” swallowed much the way restaurant pond goldfish or koi that greedily swallow children’s lougies because they stupidly think it’s food: Piltdown Man.  Nebraska Man.  Peking Man.  Java Man.  Not only did all of these “fossil finds” turn out to be hoaxes, but they were entirely obvious hoaxes right from the get go.  But science had already become a philosophy, and an idiotic philosophy at that.  And so “scientists” not only accepted these “evidences” but embellished upon them, creating entire worlds out of their moral idiocy that were as false as the fake proofs of evolution upon which they depended in the first place.

The evolutionary “scientists” disallowed any theory of origin that could in ANY way, ANY shape or ANY form depend on a Creator God because they claimed it wasn’t “scientifically falsifiable” and therefore not a legitimate scientific theory.  But they have broken their own rule over and over again in their rabid determination to impose their philosophical atheism onto science.  Science that ONLY formed as a result of Christian premises that the universe was NOT random, but was ordered, and which came as a result of a Creator’s Mind, which in turn formed the mind of man in His own image; such that human beings could explore God’s creation and think His thoughts that He formed us to think AFTER HIM.

Let me continue.

There are 100 trillion cells in the human body and there are 200 different kinds of cells in the human body.  And those 200 different cells combining for a total of 100 trillion cells must all somehow precisely correct form at the precisely correct time according to an incredibly complex and complicated plan with virtually no room for error whatsoever.  Or nothing happens.

Further, we talk about DNA.  Well, DNA is an alphabet of three letters which combine to form “words,” not a language.  And even if it WAS a language it would STILL require an intelligent communicator to use words in the proper order at the proper time such as not to result in gibberish.  I know that for a fact because I’ve repeated what Google translated my English sentence into, and my Spanish-speaking friends started laughing.

I’ve described it as “the marching band argument.”  Let’s say you are part of a marching band, and you want to form the words, “Go Trojans!” on the playing field.  Do you just count on that to happen all by itself, do you?  Do you think if you just randomly have the individuals march around and form the letters all by themselves – especially if you don’t even tell them they’re supposed to form anything or tell them what letters they are supposed to form – that will somehow happen, do you?  If so, congratulations!  You ARE fool enough to believe in evolution, after all!  Rather, no!  There must be an intelligent designer issuing commands and sequences that the band members follow at the appropriate times.

It also turns out that DNA – even when the entire code is there and is correct in every way (which obviously to anyone with common sense doesn’t happen without an intelligent programmer) – needs a driver, the way a computer program needs a driver to install it.  Again, maybe you have DNA; so what?  How does it DO anything?  Something must be present to communicate the incredibly sophisticated instructions of the DNA to the incredibly sophisticated physical body so that the entire sequence installs correctly.  DNA demands a driver, and personally, I believe that driver is the soul of the organism.  God creates the soul in the womb at conception, and the soul drives the installation of what that body will become.  In a fallen, sin-tainted, imperfect, degraded world, that process doesn’t always unfold as it was designed to unfold, but something like this God-ordered and God-ordained system far more accurately describes the procedure of life than any other even comes close to.

Allow me to offer a theory from “science” to prove my case: recapitulation.  Because these people will believe ANYTHING rather than face the truth, according to Colossians 2:8; according to Romans 1:22; according to 2 Thessalonians 2:11.  Because they are ultimately fools, and it is the nature of the fool to believe lies and reject reality.

And so, continuing, just as the individual members of the marching band “install” themselves at a particular location at a particular moment even as all the other individual members of the band are swirling around him, and so on and so forth until the living letters are formed with all the individual band members having precisely arranged themselves to form those letters, so also the soul serves as the driver of the body around it, driving the DNA and unfolding the installation sequence at a marvelously precise symphony of order.  As the Scriptures say, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14).

And the ONLY reason the so-called “scientific community” will not accept this is because it would then point out the godless EVIL of abortion.  The scientific method was formulated by a publicly confessing Christian in the heart of Christendom out of uniquely Christian presuppositions.  Every single major branch of science was discovered by publicly confessing Christians.  But just as every single Ivy-League university was formed out of evangelical Christian presuppositions but BETRAYED those values, so also modern “science” has betrayed the very noble system that it once was.

And so I look at those hearts that are composed from a tiny number of components by comparison, I look at the heart-shape they were arranged in BY AN INTELLIGENT DESIGNER; and I am not a fool.  And all I can do is fall on my knees and thank the Living God who created me in His image (and that’s a whole other issue that screams for the reality of God as a moral fact) that I am not a fool.

We talked about the ten systems of the human body.  We have not yet discussed the human mind.  Let’s examine the problem of mind from mindlessness:

“But it should be pointed out that consistent atheism, which represents itself to be the most rational and logical of all approaches to reality, is in actuality completely self defeating and incapable of logical defense. That is to say, if indeed all matter has combined by mere chance, unguided by any Higher Power of Transcendental Intelligence, then it necessarily follows that the molecules of the human brain are also the product of mere chance. In other words, we think the way we do simply because the atoms and molecules of our brain tissue happen to have combined in the way they have, totally without transcendental guidance or control. So then even the philosophies of men, their system of logic and all their approaches to reality are the result of mere fortuity. There is no absolute validity to any argument advanced by the atheist against the position of theism.

On the basis of his won presuppositions, the atheist completely cancels himself out, for on his own premises his arguments are without any absolute validity. By his own confession he thinks the way he does simply because the atoms in his brain happen to combine the way they do. If this is so, he cannot honestly say that his view is any more valid than the contrary view of his opponent. His basic postulates are self contradictory and self defeating; for when he asserts that there are no absolutes, he thereby is asserting a very dogmatic absolute. Nor can he logically disprove the existence of God without resorting to a logic that depends on the existence of God for its validity. Apart from such a transcendent guarantor of the validity of logic, any attempts at logic or argumentation are simply manifestations of the behavior of the collocation of molecules that make up the thinker’s brain.”  — Gleason Archer, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, pp. 55-56

If you are an atheist, mindlessness is what you proudly assert that you came from – and mindlessness is what you ARE.  An orderly, rational mind – even MORE than those ten amazing organ systems in the human body – CANNOT be a disordered product of disorder, a random result of randomness.  And so if you are an atheist, you are not only a fool, you are a MINDLESS fool.  Because you stand on an altar of random, disorganized mindlessness and pronounce yourself brilliant.

The Book of Romans starts out this way:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.  For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. — Romans 1:18-23

That last verse, verse 23, is especially interesting to me in this context, because it so directly applies to the atheist, the evolutionist.  The primitive peoples practice something called “ancestor worship.”  And why SHOULDN’T they worship their ancestors?  That is where they came from!  And what does the evolutionist claim he or she comes from?  From “birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.”  And so just as the modern-day man hordes money and buys things with it and by any theological standard worships these things as “idols” yet denies his idolatry, the evolutionist is an “ancestor worshiper” who denies his ancestor worship.  But it’s there, every bit as much as the primitive aboriginal, squatting in front of his hut in the mud.  And these fools actually call US “backward”!!!

We have not advanced as a species; we have degenerated and become worse and worse according to 2 Timothy 3:1-7.  According to the Book of Revelation which prophetically describes the depths of depravity that modern man is well on his way to degenerating into.  And the only things that have “improved” merely speak of our idolatrous nature and our determination to have “things” as part of our modern version of “the rat race” otherwise known as “keeping up with the Joneses.”

Now, I am an evangelical, fundamentalist Christian.  And I am such FOR A REASON.  And that reason is because the world conforms to the Word of the Creator God who clearly made it all.

Isaiah 40:8 states, “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.”  But contrast that with evolution and the bait-and-switch pile of garbage that it is.  Think of how toxic cultures and societies twist and distort reality.  Think of Stalinism: the entire culture – science, academia media, you name it – was profoundly perverted into an instrument of deception and even terror.  Oh, yes, you can rightly believe this officially State Atheist regime taught Darwinism and evolution as part of THEIR indoctrination propaganda.  And the same thing is happening here.

I look at the world around me and recognize the profound reality of the formulation as expressed by theologian D.A. Carson:

“If God had perceived that our greatest need was economic, He would have sent an economist. If He had perceived that our greatest need was entertainment, He would have sent us a comedian or an artist. If God had perceived that our greatest need was political stability, He would have sent us a politician. If He had perceived that our greatest need was health, He would have sent us a doctor. But He perceived that our greatest need involved our sin, our alienation from him, our profound rebellion, our death; and He sent us a Savior. ”

And the basic fact is that all of these leaders of our culture that Carson’s quote finds lacking have directed their middle finger at God and screamed NO!  WE are the solutions to all the problems plaguing the world that we re-formed in OUR image!

I reject them and those who share their worldview.  And I embrace the God who fearfully and wonderfully formed me in His image; and who created me in His image so that one day, in the fullness of time, He could assume my image.  And live a perfect life in my place, representing me, representing all humanity.  And then, because He was God and death can’t hold God in the ground, rose again bodily from death as remarkably testified to by modern science to offer eternal life to any who would just believe in Him and follow Him.

Oh, yes, we went from easily disproving Richard Dawkins’ “Infinite Monkey Theorem” – that is easily falsifiable in its argument that a monkey randomly typing letters for an infinite period of time could reproduce the works of Shakespeare; to manufacturing an incredibly loaded and contrived “experiment” to prove lunacy really IS evolutionary reality, after all (that and the belief that there is no difference between a human-programmed virtual monkey which performs as programmed to perform VERSUS AN ACTUAL MONKEY); to deciding to banish Shakespeare from our universities (see also here and here to note that this is a widespread phenomenon on American college campuses) because apparently Stalin was right all along.  Because rabid intolerance is clearly our direction.

The Bible said this day would happen.  It told us the last days would happen.  They are happening today just as the God who declares the end from the beginning declared in His Word.  But the same fools who deny God to begin with refuse to accept plain reality.

God created the actual human heart, a heart capable of beating more than 100,000 times a day and more than 3 billion times as a machine the size of a fist pumps 3 supertankers (a million barrels!) worth of blood.  And I assure you that that was FAR more marvelous than the creator of the ten hearts the pictures of which I posted.

And I believe and declare that God is the LORD, and that His ways are superior to any scientist, or any rock star, or any movie actor, or any politician, or any other imposter offering himself or herself or any rival thing or idea in the place of God.  And I declare that His Word stands as true forever.  And I declare that in accordance with prophecies offered centuries in advance by a God who declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done (Isaiah 46:10), God sent His Son to live and to die in my place for my sin, and to rise gloriously again so that I can be with my Creator forever and ever.  And that every rival to that truth is a lie from the devil and from hell.

What’s Wrong With ‘White Pride’???

November 18, 2016

What’s wrong with black pride?  Or Latino pride?  Should we demonize people who celebrate these things?  The left and their propaganda allies in the media certainly don’t think so: in fact, they have led the way trying to instill all this “pride” in race, in gender, homosexuality.  You name it, the left wants you to have “pride” about it.

But pride in being white?  In being WHITE???  That is so…. so … so RACIST!!!  You HATER!!!

But wait a minute.  Wait a damn minute!!!  What about black pride and Latino pride???

Oh, that’s different.  You see, those people vote for us.

I came across an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled in the print edition, “‘White Pride’ Awakened” and that title all by itself cuts a decidedly visceral picture.  You know, Hitler, the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, that sort of thing.

And, you know, THAT doesn’t sound good, I mean, right?

And I’ve got my Christian Scriptures which state things like:

“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.'” — Acts 17:24-28

Opening his mouth, Peter said: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him.”  — Acts 10:34-35

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  — Galatians 3:28

Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all.  — Colossians 3:11

But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. — James 2:9

But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.  1 John 2:11

So I see the phrase “white pride” and I get more than a little uncomfortable.  I have a sense that no, I’m not supposed to have “white pride,” pride on account of my race.

I was raised that way.  I was taught that way all my life.  My Christian faith assures me that it is right to think that way.

And yet – in its own twisted, despicable way – that is EXACTLY what the Democrat Party has banked on me thinking and believing and feeling for going on fifty wicked years.

I’m not supposed to go to “white pride.”  It’s wrong.  But THEY are free and even RIGHTEOUS for creating and pursuing and institutionalizing “black pride” and “La Raza” (“the RACE”), and for that matter allow me to include gays and women and every OTHER group that Democrats have assembled into a coalition based upon “Us Vs. Them.”

Why in the hell is their racial pride somehow correct and my racial pride is incorrect?

And it’s in that word “correct.”  As in “politically correct.”

Political correctness is the ability to hold two or more mutually contradictory things in your head at the same time without your head exploding.  So, for example, take the Ku Klux Klan, and take the historic FACT that the Ku Klux Klan was began as the terrorist arm of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and that the Klan was still so deeply embedded into Democratic Party politics that even decades into the 20th century the Democratic National Convention was called “Klanbake.”  And the fact that WHICH PARTY last had a U.S. Senator who had been an “Exalted Cyclops” and a “Grand Kleagle” of the KLan???  And the fact that WHICH party’s candidate kissed and endorsed that high-ranking racist???  And then take into the fact that the Klan is now “right wing” and it is all somehow the party that waged war to defeat both the racist Democrats and their racist Klan that is to blame for the Ku Klux Klan.

Political Correctness is a fairly new term, but it dates back to 1949 when Orwell coined the term “doublethink” for his book about government run-amok titled “1984”:

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

So the same people who say that “white power” is the height of Nazi evil celebrate the “power” of every other race BUT white people.  While arguing that they of course cannot be racist for their racist doctrines that merely turn the race doctrines of the Nazis upside down all in the most cynical ideological way to create a political machine based on a race coalition.

And through the sledgehammer weapon of “political correctness” we who are “them” are not allowed to think of ourselves as “them” even as they themselves create the categories and viciously use them for political and moral attack.

Political correctness is not just an attempt to make people feel better. It’s a vast, coordinated effort on the part of the secular humanist, socialist left to change Western culture as we know it by  using rhetoric to redefine it. Early Marxists in Russia designed this game plan long ago and liberals continue to execute the tactic today: to control the argument by controlling the “acceptable” language. Those with radical agendas understand the game plan and are taking advantage of an oversensitive and frankly overly gullible public.

The central tenet of Political Correctness is that language shapes/controls thought and thought shapes/controls actions. And if you control what you say you ultimately control what you think and how you act. And there’s a good way to do that and a very, very bad way to do it. And the left is destroying the first (the GOOD way to control yourself and improve yourself through religion and morality) while using mass-mind-control techniques by shaping the culture and political discourse to THEIR narrative via the tactic of PC.

And Christians in specific and white people in general were literally TRAINED to participate in their own racial and cultural destruction if the other side is utterly amoral and willing to exploit race as a political weapon.  Which the Democratic Party has done TO THE HILT OF THE SWORD.

And white people finally assembled something of a rally and followed the leadership of Donald Trump to finally fight back fire with fire.

Jesus prophesied this: He said that in the very last days before this present age ran its course as it prepared for the coming of the beast:

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8

The word translated as “nation” is the Greek word “ethnos” (Strongs # 1484).  It is the root word from which we get the English word “ethnic.”  Its primary sense is ETHNICITY or RACE.  In the last days, ETHNIC GROUP shall rise against ETHNIC GROUP as we have never seen.

And that day is coming and is already here.

What is interesting is that the Nazis weren’t merely “racist” in the sense of “white people.”  Not at ALL!  The intellectual Nazis had a VERY SPECIFIC group of white people in mind: ARYAN white people, and even more particularly the Nordic/Germanic peoples.  The Nazis held that the Nordic race was the most superior of the “Aryan race” and therefore properly constituted a “master race.”  They categorized people in a “Us Vs. Them” formula that rated races from “Aryan” at the top to “Non-Aryan” at the bottom and grades in-between where one was a little more or a little less “Aryan” to not Aryan at all.  They were determined to subjugate the French (who were Normans when the Nazis were proudly Anglo-Saxon) and they were even more viciously hellbound to subjugate the Russians who were Slavic white people.  Hitler thought he could reach out to Winston Churchill and Great Britain on the basis of common Aryan racial identity, but Churchill and the English didn’t want any part of Hitler’s racial theory, enraging the dictator.

It was a racial theory that Hitler himself (who actually almost certainly had Jewish blood in him) and most of the people at the top of the Nazi hierarchy failed to racially qualify for.  But abject moral and intellectual hypocrisy never stopped people like these.

In my first sentence I mentioned “Hitler, the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, that sort of thing.”  It is fascinating to understand that the Nazis were SOCIALISTS and therefore on the far leftist end of the spectrum.  You could call them the right wing of the extreme radical left, but unless you are talking about communists who are on the very farthest fringe of leftism, the Nazis were WAY over on the side of the left.  And the Ku Klux Klan without any question in its origin was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party that fought a vicious Civil War for the purpose of preserving human slavery.  The Democratic Party was still so completely and entirely indoctrinated with racism and the Ku Klux Klan that the 1924 Democratic National Convention was called “Klanbake.”  You can look this history up for yourself.

When you evaluate the racist history of the Democratic Party, you ought to truly be ashamed if you are a Democrat.  I’ve written about this many times before:

I mean, maybe you can go back to President Andrew Jackson and his vicious genocidal Trail of Tears.  But Andrew Jackson was a Democrat, too.  Or you could go back to President Woodrow Wilson who literally fired all the blacks in federal government and RE-segregated the military.  But you guessed it – Democrat.  We can go back to January 26, 1922, when Democrat Senators filibustered a Republican bill that had passed in the GOP-controlled House to make LYNCHING a federal crime.  Or we could mention the vile and evil political party that had a national convention in 1924 that was so dominated by the Ku Klux Klan that it is today known as “Klanbake.”  But, oops.  That was the 1924 DEMOCRAT PARTY CONVENTION.  Or we could consider that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a bigger racist for put American Japanese citizens in camps for nothing beyond racism.  Or for allowing the infamous Tuskegee experiment to begin under his presidency.  Or allowing his New Deal program to be used to help Democrat-supporting labor unions hurt black people and shut them out of economic success.  Or for the fact that far more REPUBLICANS than DEMOCRATS voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act and had to overcome a Democrat filibuster to do it.  And in the same way, the Republicans were instrumental in passing the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  But, well, you know…


We’ve got the racism of Bill Clinton who said of a black man named Barack Hussein Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”  And clearly wishing for those good old days, so that his wife could win the Democrat nomination.  More recently, Bill Clinton – the former leader of the Democrat Party – said of former Ku Klux Klan Kleagle and “pillar of the Senate” Robert Byrd, said:

“They mention that he once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, and what does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means,” Clinton said. “He was a country boy from the hills and hollows of West Virginia. He was trying to get elected. And maybe he did something he shouldn’t have done…”

Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was a “fleeting member” of the Ku Klux Klan the way Kobe Bryant was a “fleeting member” of the Los Angeles Lakers.  Former Exalted Cyclops and Kleagle Byrd wrote:

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

He wrote:

“The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.”

He personally filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act on behalf of the Klan when he was nearing fifty years old.

So why was it that Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was “MAYBE” wrong for being a member of the Klan? The answer is as simple as it is frightening: because it’s always been okay for the Democrat Party to use racism and race-baiting and racial segregation in order to drive their agenda home.  And that is just as true today when the Democrats buy off blacks through welfare so they will act as the human shields of the Democrat Party as it was when the Democrat-created Ku Klux Klan was riding around with torches.

The Democrat Party is the historic proponent of racism in this country (see also my comment here).  Oh, they changed their tactics from threats to bribes, but they never abandoned their racist “progressive” values.

And that’s the hook: the Democratic Party has ALWAYS been racist to its core.  They just found a different tactic to employ their doctrine of racism as vicious political weapon.  After the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act – which was a DEFEAT for the congressional and senatorial Democrats – they got together in conclave and sharpened their knives and devised a new tactic: to ostentatiously pull of the trick that hey, leopards really CAN change their spots.  And so they began to devise increasingly RIDICULOUS “Civil Rights” acts that flew in the face of the Republican values of individual liberty and individual moral responsibility that led them to fight to end slavery in the 1860s and led them to pass the Civil Rights Act of the 1960s.  With that century in-between being nothing short of hard-core Democratic Party RACISM.  Until they realized it wasn’t working any more and created the “plantation” tactic whereby they got blacks BACK on their plantation by being the NEW party of racism that continued to use race as a weapon, but this time in a different warped way.  Now, in the way that ignorant and helpless non-combatant Muslims are the human shields of the terrorists who live among them, blacks are the ignorant and helpless human shields of the Democrat Party that exploit them primarily in inner cities and yet somehow after a CENTURY of Democratic Party control have NEVER done anything to actually help these people whose vote they pimp and exploit to the machine agenda.

The Democratic Party created a HARD-CORE racist agenda based primarily upon pitting blacks and Hispanics against whites.  It worked great for them.  Because white people had been taught that it is WRONG to be racist, to organize for a racist purpose against another race.  Only the most wicked, vile people on earth would do such a thing.

Oh, only the most wicked, vile people on earth … and Democrats who played the damn race card every year of my entire life – and I’m in my fifties now.

And it worked for Democrats.  Because the Republican Party was terrified to actually do or be what the Democrat Party branded them and demonized them and slandered them as being every single election anyway whether the Republicans did it or not.  Republicans were terrified to degenerate into the vicious racial tactics that Democrats had turned into an art form.

Until Donald Trump saw the devastation that Obama’s racist policies had wreaked on working-class whites and he saw his opening.

And the rest is damn history.

Damn the Germans for initiating the concepts of total war by targeting civilian population centers, of weapons of mass destruction through gas warfare as military tactic, etc, and force the Allies to determine that what is good for the goose is good for the gander and RETALIATE in kind.  And DAMN the Democrats for initiating the concept of race as a political weapon and assembling groups of people on the basis of “identity politics” and creating the infamous “Us Vs. Them” tactic to win by division and increasingly angry and bitter and hateful division.

You live by the sword and eventually you will PERISH by the sword.

And there is now no factual question whatsoever that under the RACE PIMP-IN-CHIEF Barack Obama the Democrat Party has perished by its own race sword as white people finally rose up just as Democrats had taught them to do by inciting and flaming the hate of blacks and Hispanics against them.

Under Barack Obama, the House Democrats lost 68 seats since he won election in 2008.  They had a filibuster-proof majority when Obama came, and now the Senate is firmly in Republican hands.  Thanks to Obama and the arguably even more vile successor in Hillary Clinton, Democrats have lost the White House.  But its when you look more closely that the ugly truth of abject rejection of the Democrat Party is truly and stunningly seen: Democrats have lost NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN SEATS in State legislatures since Obama became president.  Consider:

Obama’s record for losses, at least through the 2014 midterms, is historically bad having overseen two horrible midterm elections for Democrats. Overall, Sabato wrote, Democrats during Obama’s presidency lost 11 governorships, 13 U.S. Senate seats, 69 House seats, and 913 state legislative seats and 30 state legislative chambers. (Our analysis of legislative seats is off from Sabato’s by three. The small discrepancy is likely due to run-offs and recounts.)

The shedding of U.S. House seats, state legislative seats and statehouse control is at least twice the average two-term losses from Truman through George W. Bush, Sabato said.

There are now only FOUR states in the entire NATION that have a Democrat governor and a Democrat legislature.

Look at the damn MAP, Democrat.  See the damn PICTURE!!!:


I see a Republican nation infected and scarred by ugly pimples of diseased blue puss, that is what I see.

When Donald Trump targeted that Hispanic judge Gonzalo Curiel – albeit in a rather unfortunate way – I asked this question:

How do you feel about members of the white race determining to advance fellow members of the white race in exclusion of all other races???

How many Democrats have cheered the prospect of a “Congressional White Caucus” the way they have done with the Congressional Black Caucus?  How many liberals find themselves celebrating the “diversity” of a “National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People” the way they have cheered the “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People” (a.k.a., the NAACP)???  Do white people get to have a WET channel – White Entertainment Television – and hand out awards exclusively to white entertainers and praising them for exalting the white race the way the other side does with BET???

For that matter, how many reporters are focusing on the racist angle of Hispanics waving Mexican flags, burning American flags, and then chasing down, surrounding, and beating white people at Donald Trump events???  How is it NOT racist when Mexican-flag-wielding Hispanic thugs beat down white people at political rallies they barged into to suppress???

Why is it okay to be a hard-core racist, providing that the race you are working to advance is a member of the Democrat Party race coalition???  Why does “racism” only work one way (i.e. the way that favors and ALWAYS favors the left)???

And the people and the electorate have spoken, and we now have our answer: white pride is back.

And if you are a Democrat and you think it’s terrible, get in your car, drive to the nearest field where a farmer is operating a combine, and throw yourself into its gears: BECAUSE YOU ARE ENTIRELY TO BLAME FOR IT AND YOU HAVE BEEN ENTIRELY TO BLAME FOR YOUR ENTIRE DAMN LIFE.

White people finally got fed up of the vicious, ugly, cynical racist double-standard hypocrisy that is at the VERY CORE of the Democratic Party.

And they rose up to protect their children and their grandchildren from Democratic Party HATE.

And you now face a damn choice, Democrat: you can stop being a divisive, Us-Vs.-Them-pimping, identify-politics racist hate-machine slave, or you can now choose to rise up as Democrats and end the race-pimp machine that is now at the cockroach soul of your party system.

As long as there is a Black Congressional Caucus, as long as there is a Black Lives Matter movement, as long as there is a La Raza, as long as there is a United Negro College Fund, as long as there are black colleges and universities – and there are more than ONE HUNDRED of them and tell me how liberals would react to a hundred damn WHITE colleges!?!? – then do not dare to even TRY to condemn us for our newfound “white pride.”

The Imperial Japanese admiral who masterminded the Pearl Harbor attack said in its aftermath when he realized the American carriers had not been hit:

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

The sleeping giant, once awakened, saw Pearl Harbor and saw the Rape of Naking and the Bataan Death March and was filled with the terrible resolve – a RIGHTEOUS resolve – to rip and shred chunks of the empire the Japanese won by viciousness until they could first firebomb Tokyo and ultimately drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And they were RIGHT to do it, just as white people are right to rise up against the Democratic Party hate machine now.

For my part, I would love the race war ignited and inflamed by the Democratic Party and their racial coalition began to finally end and we could get back to just being AMERICANS.  But I will NOT stand down while hate triumphs.  And we saw during the campaign as Democrats viciously physically attacked Republicans just for attending peaceful GOP rallies; we saw that that political violence was INTENTIONALLY ORGANIZED AND PLANNED by a career Democratic operative who served on the Clinton campaign and who visited the White House to coordinate with the Obama machine 342 times; and now we are seeing the party of naked fascism violently rioting as they refuse the results of democracy all over again now.  And I will stand up against the party of hate, the Democrat Party.

White Americans are beginning to have that same terrible resolve because of YOU, Democrat.  You have awakened a monster, Democrat, and now you have a choice to make that had you been moral and decent people you would not have ever had to make in the first place.  Because it sure looks like Republicans aren’t going to let you lecture them for doing what you’ve done for fifty damn years any more.

My guess is that you’re not going to listen to wisdom BECAUSE YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF WISDOM.  So you will fulfill the prophecy of Jesus and double-down on your racism as tactic even as you scream about the terrible resolve of the sleeping giant you woke up in 2016.


All Lives Matter. But POLICE Lives Matter: In Fact Police Lives Matter Most Of All.

October 21, 2016


Last night I attended a “Glow Walk” to honor our police and take a damn stand against a depraved media liberal culture that routinely undermines and even demonizes them.

I put it this way to the chief who shook my hand and thanked me for coming: I pointed to the American flag over our heads – which was at half mast over the police station due to the assassination-murder of two police officers in an adjacent city – and I said, “I came because of THAT.”  Because every time I drive by and see that flag at half mast it makes me sick, it makes me seethe with rage, because I know what it represents.  We have to choose sides right now in this nation; and I’m choosing my side.  I’m choosing to side with law and order and justice and decency over murderous ideological vermin and the cultural elites who are supporting those vermin.

For the record, I have had several opportunities to spend time with my chief of police.  He is a truly wonderful man.  I have met his wife, and they are a loving, caring, dedicated couple.  He is a professional: if he were serving another city, he would serve that city to his utmost.  As it is, he is serving MY city.  And while I don’t get to see him work in the office as the chief, he never seems to miss an opportunity to be an ambassador for his department.  He is always affable, always listening, always caring.  And our crime rate has dropped dramatically in the time he has served.  We are lucky to have this man as our chief.  Period.

EVERY human life matters.

But ONLY people who are pro-life have any right whatsoever to say that.  Because ultimately either EVERY human life matters, or NO human life ultimately matters.  Because when you start parsing out human life, and arguing that this life matters, this one doesn’t: this human life is sacred because mommy wants her; but with this human life we can stick a tube in her head and suck her brains out and then crush her skull with forceps and pull her mutilated body out of what God intended to be the safest place for her on earth.  When we can do something like that, then NO LIFE MATTERS.  Because we ALL start from that same exact place in the womb.  And according to science – according to the branch of science which is specifically charged with classifying organisms into their proper categories – we never become more “human” than we are from the very moment of conception.

A zygote, in her mother’s womb, is:


I created that image just a few moments ago, under what I believe was divine inspiration.  Because the science on the left and the image of the baby in the womb on the right scream the identical same message: that baby in the womb is HUMAN.  A child in the womb is HUMAN by virtue of her parents; she is a BEING by virtue of the fact that she is a living thing: SHE IS A HUMAN BEING.

We are all equal as humans because we all have the same human nature which we had at the very first moment of conception.  And either human life matters because it’s human life or it doesn’t.  And if it doesn’t, then whoever is in power gets to start playing games with what ought to be sacred and sacrosanct.

Either that unborn baby’s life matters, regardless of her level of “intelligence” or “ability” or “accomplishment” or spatial location, or else there is nothing logically or morally preventing us from going the way of the Nazis, or the Stalinists, or the Maoists, or the Khmers rouges, or the North Koreans, etc. and just start killing by the millions, by the tens of millions, every single human being who fails to measure up to our a priori determination of what a valuable “human” is.

Senior citizens’ lives don’t matter: they are no longer producing, they are soaking up benefits that others could be putting to more productive use and to pay out those benefits undermines more viable “humans.”  Or black lives don’t matter: too many of these individuals are on welfare, producing nothing, only costing society, and now to make matters even worse they are creating societal unrest.  And so on.  Look at that damn cripple over there in that wheelchair.  What a waste of flesh!  Look at that dwarf!  It’s like a human head on a monkey body!  And therefore, “The members of these groups whose lives don’t matter should be euthanized in the most efficient and inexpensive process possible, so that more fit, more productive “humans” may live and flourish.  Which is the very heart of evil.

According to the so-called “science” of Darwinism, that is actually a FAR more scientifically valid argument than murdering healthy babies who have their entire lives before them and have unimaginable potential.  After all, who can demonstrate that we didn’t abort our next evolutionary link that would have made us better – and now our entire SPECIES will perish because we didn’t evolve when we needed to.  And all because we kept aborting our next step to evolutionary greatness…

It is an incredibly arbitrary, and murderous act to kill human beings merely because they have not yet reached the stage that they most certainly WOULD have reached had they merely not been killed yet.  Why don’t we kill five-year olds?  What good are THEY?  What do THEY produce?  I mean, hell, let’s wipe out the teenagers; they are FAR more trouble than they are worth according to most objective standards!!!

EVERY human life matters to anyone who truly believes the Bible, because the Bible declares in Genesis 1:26-27 that:

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

The Bible is crystal clear regarding the unborn and their precious humanity:

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.  How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!  I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me! — Psalm 139:13-18

When it comes to humanity, any morally sane being would err on the side of humanity; which is to say that no one would EVER harm something that even MIGHT be an innocent human life unless they were either truly insane or genuinely evil.  So if you are a mother, and you have several children, and you hear your oldest daughter say, “Mommy, can I kill this?” from behind you while you are cutting up vegetables, YOU LOOK TO SEE WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT.  Because she might be talking about her little sister.  And in the same way, anybody who says, “Well, who is to say WHEN “human life” begins, so let’s leave it up to anybody who wants to make their own choice one way or another,” is no morally different than the Islamic State caliphate allowing its adherents to decide whether Yazidis are “human” or not: and you go ahead and kill ’em as you want to if you don’t think they meet the standard.

It’s particularly easy for Bible-believing Christians – who were demonized by liberal media culture well before that culture began undermining and demonizing our police officers – to realize that Jesus loves EVERYONE regardless of their race or anything else that has nothing whatsoever to do with our fundamental humanity as His image-bearers:

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children
Of the world.
Jesus died for all the children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus died for all the children
Of the world.
Jesus rose for all the children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus rose for all the children
Of the world.


I still recoil in SHOCK at the fact that the Democrat Party actually forced a candidate running for president – and the following statement destroyed that candidate’s chances of winning the nomination of the Democrat Party – to apologize because he made the “mistake” of saying that “ALL LIVES MATTER” to a group of liberals who demanded that only BLACK lives matter.  Those liberals can play all the damn pseudo-intellectual word-games they want; they can equivocate all they want; but the same Democrat Party that booed the statement that “all lives matter” is the same party that has systematically exterminated ten times more innocent human life than the Nazis did during the Holocaust.

EVERY human life is of what morally intelligent philosophers describe as “incommensurate value.”  There is no price, no amount of gold or gems or any other form of value, that can compensate for the life of a human being.

For the record, the death penalty itself – which is BIBLICAL – is itself a testimony of that above fact: if you murder another human being, there is literally NOTHING you can do or give that will compensate for the sheer magnitude of your moral crime.  YOU took a life – you STOLE a life – and YOUR life shall be taken in return.  The scales of justice will be BALANCED.  And that act of JUSTICE in recognition of the value and the magnitude of innocent human life will become an object lesson to us all.

All lives matter.  Even the lives of those who have been murdered, who have been expunged, who have been aborted.

But police lives matter MORE.

Why do I say that?

It is not that police lives are more valuable because police are somehow better “humans.”  That is not true.  Police officers are as “human” as the rest of us.  They too were zygotes, were embryos, were fetuses, were infants, were toddlers, were teenagers, and capable of making all the mistakes and errors that are prone to frail, imperfect, fallen humanity.

Police officers sweat.  Police officers feel fear.  Police officers have families and they want desperately to see their children grow up and grow old with their loved ones.

Police officers are human.  Nothing less.  Nothing more.

But a police officer wearing the badge, wearing the uniform, bearing the weapon that he or she is uniquely entitled to bear because that officer has been given the trust of a society to serve and to protect that society, becomes something even more special, even more sacred, to the flourishing of that society.

If I am murdered, it is a heinous crime.  Nothing on earth can purchase my life back, or properly compensate for the fact that I am now dead because someone made the decision to murder me.  And the person who murdered me ought to be hunted down by the police, placed on trial for his or her life by a court of law according to our laws, and imprisoned and ultimately executed after the proper appeals process determines that no grievous mistakes were made in the trial that would make that execution an act of injustice.

That is true of every single American: red, brown, yellow, black and white; male or female; young or old; disabled or abled; rich or poor.  Because all are precious in God’s sight.

But if a police officer is murdered in the line of duty, the statement I made above about the dignity and value of all human life is true, but there is something even beyond that: that officer’s murder represents an attack on our very system of justice itself, upon the society that has created that system of justice and ordains it, and literally an attack upon human civilization.

Police work has always been dangerous.  Officers pursuing fleeing suspects or attempting to apprehend dangerous criminals could very well use deadly force against the police.  But today we are seeing something radically different: we are witnessing ideologues assassinating police officers from complete ambush.

It’s literally like Vietnam where soldiers could never know who the enemy was or for that matter modern Iraq and Afghanistan where terrorists plant Improvised Explosive Devices to kill or maim without warning.

Police must therefore treat everyone like a potential assassin – which guarantees more shootings as terrified police with hair triggers try to stay alive knowing a target is on their back and they can be murdered for no reason other than they are police officers at any moment.  Which guarantees more shootings as frightened police see guns where otherwise they would have exercised more restraint.  Which then gives the ideologues more “justification” to kill more police.  Which the ideologues knowingly intend to create a vicious cycle.  And everyone who kills a police officer in the name of “Black Lives Matter” is in actuality guaranteeing that more black lives will be killed by terrified police.  And they actually WANT that!

Furthermore, the police – being “human” – will withdraw from communities that do not support them.  They will stay in their cars in the inner cities and innocent black people who could have been saved will die because the police are too frightened of being either killed or prosecuted for doing their jobs.  That too is part of the vicious cycle.

And this vicious cycle can only stop when society treats police with the respect they deserve and need to do their vital jobs.

As I said before, our police officers are human.  They are in a very nearly impossible job, trying to serve justice in situations that are so depraved, so confused, that it becomes impossible for any other being but God Himself to be able to know what to do.  Then you add in the next human factor of fear: that officer is in a situation in which his or her very life is at stake if he or she hesitates to pull that trigger at the right moment when the subject is about to take that officers’ life.  Did that officer shoot before he or she should have fired?  People come in after the fact who are themselves completely SAFE at that point and make that determination.  Which is why YES, it is REASONABLE to give that officer of the law the benefit of the doubt in complex situations.

The Bible, the Word of God, is crystal clear in this:

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.  Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.  For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.  Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.  — Romans 13:1-5

The police bear the sword of government for our own protection, for our own good.

That comes from the pen of St. Paul, who was beheaded by the unjust system of justice of the very government whom he was upholding.  Because under divine inspiration, St. Paul understood that, even in a wicked regime like ancient Rome, or modern-day North Korea or Iran, the police largely exist to ensure a stable, peaceful society.  God ordained them for that role.

For better or worse, this is the government we have, and if we are to change that government, or that system of justice, we are to do it PEACEABLY and through legitimate means.

And so yes, we all agree that there are times when an officer acts unjustly, when an officer acts in a depraved manner.  There are also times when JUDGES act in such unjust, depraved manner.  And there are times when the system that appoints those judges acts in an unjust, depraved manner.

By the very standards I have set above, when an officer, or a judge, or a politician, commits a violent act under the color of sacred authority, that officer should face even GREATER penalty.

But it is NOT up to ANY individual in ANY society to make that determination for himself or herself, that an officer of the law, that an officer charged with justice and peace for a society, should be killed.  Because that is the path toward anarchy and nihilism and the end of civilization.

All lives matter.  But no life matters more than the life of a police officer who is wearing the uniform and the badge and the weapon serving and protecting his or her community to the best of his or her ability.

And that is why I support and honor my police officers.

And anyone who claims otherwise is an agent bent upon the destruction of our society and everything it stands for.

As a military veteran, I urge veterans to see our police officers and introduce themselves and say, “Thank you for your service.”  Because police work is literally taking place in a war-zone, a modern-day battlefield, today in America.




What REALLY Matters And How Should We Decide What Really Matters? Ask The Right Questions And Pursue The Answers With Passion!!!

September 30, 2016

How should you live your life?  What should you believe and why should you believe it?  What values should you cherish and why should you cherish them?  Is there a God, to give life meaning, or is it all just random and therefore ultimately all meaningless and purposeless and valueless?

Do you ever think about that?  You know, for longer than the commercial break at some point during your favorite television program?

So many people just never bother.

It’s kind of interesting, the question-the-Bible thing: there comes a point where someone OUGHT to have questions: giving your life to Someone Else is not an easy proposition. Even Jesus told us we need to count the cost. But there comes that point when you ask your questions and you have an open heart to an ANSWER and you have your greatest questions ANSWERED. And you decide to take your stand on what you believe, what you have come to believe is true based on your own investigation.

That’s exactly what I did.  I was raised in a Christian home, but when I was in the Army, my faith was eroded by the life I was living and then it was ultimately mangled. I got out of the Army spiritually broken. And I lived my life like a pagan for YEARS.

But the backslidden Christian is the most miserable person on the face of the earth, because on the one hand you can’t enjoy sin (because you’ve got the Holy Spirit in you constantly comparing your thoughts, words and actions to the Truth as you keep hearing a voice that says, “This is the way, walk in it“); and at the same time you aren’t living a pure, righteous life that honors God and cannot enjoy any of the benefits of the Christian life.  And so you are “double-minded, unstable in all your ways” (James 1:8); you are wavering between two opinions (1 Kings 18:21) – and you need to make up your mind and decide who or what you will follow.

I came to realize that the person who follows himself and his own path and his own way is a selfish, self-centered narcissist: let’s talk about me for a while. And let’s KEEP talking about me; in fact let’s ALWAYS talk about me and NOTHING BUT me, because that is ultimately all that is important in this universe.   Is that seriously all there is to life?  Is there nothing more?  Is there nothing beyond me that is more important than me that ought to shape who I am and who and what I become?  And I came to a point where I needed to live for something beyond me, something greater than me. Something I could marvel at.

Another thing that came to me was a simple question: if there is no God, if the evolution that I always hear about is true, then what is right and wrong, and who decides? Another way to put it is, “How can you be a bad atheist?” Now, the ONLY way you can be a “bad atheist” is to believe in God; there ARE no moral requirements to being an atheist and no possibility for any moral requirement. You are nothing but the product of your DNA and your experiences that were outside of your control; more, you think whatever the hell you think merely because the atoms in your brain randomly happened to arrange themselves however the hell they arranged themselves.

I want you to understand very clearly where I am going here: I am making the point that when you consider the Bible, or Christianity, or religion, you are NOT doing so in a vacuum.  No, you are considering one alternative from the rest of the alternatives.  And so if religion is wrong, then embrace the alternative and embrace its consequences.  And understand what those consequences are.

There IS no “right” or “wrong.”  Not if Darwinian evolution has any credibility.  And it turns out the consequences of that alternative truly matters.

Now, SOMEBODY – you know, like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama or somebody like that – manufactured some rules for the entire herd to follow.  And the herd has to follow these rules.  And if you don’t follow the rules of the herd, you don’t get to be in the herd.  Or at least the herd frowns on you and says you aren’t a very good herd member.  But there are HERD animals and there are PREDATOR animals that HUNT and KILL and EAT the herd animals and do so without any shame or regret or guilt whatsoever.  And you can alter or edit or change this morality willy-nilly, it turns out – such as when Obama was opposed to gay marriage but then was suddenly for what he’d been against – his contortions are actually even worse than that – but now it is incumbent upon all humanity to get in line with Obama or else be deemed “intolerant” and “bigoted” and “hateful.”

Because whatever is deemed “politically correct” is whatever the hell somebody else says it is until it isn’t that any more.

Now, I reject Obama and his bullcrap-bogus-pseudo morality and I reject political correctness and there had BETTER be some better reason why I ought to be “moral” – whatever the hell “morality” even is – or else in the words of that song, “Let the bodies hit the floor…”

And let it be YOUR body, or the body of your wife or your kid.  Because nobody and nothing matters.  This whole universe is nothing more than something that accidentally exploded into existence and will ultimately be swallowed up by the same meaningless process of nihilism that spat it out in the first place.

Me personally, I’ve always most identified with the predatory animals. Ask me what all my favorite animals are and you won’t hear me telling you, “Well, I like sheep and cows…” Nope. I favor the wolves and the lions that chase down and kill and eat their fill and are content and happy with a lifestyle that really kills the buzz of those helpless herd animals.

So start running, herd animals.  Because we’re hot on your heels and we mean to chase you down and drag you down and end you and your morally idiotic evolution only justifies our doing it to you.

Rape.  Burn.  Slaughter.  Loot.  It matters not.  For the madman who rips out your still beating heart with his bare fingernails is no morally different than the firemen who went up the stairs to their deaths during the hell of 9/11 when everybody else was fleeing as fast as they could.

I recall the line from the movie Alien:

Ash: You still don’t understand what you’re dealing with, do you? Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.

Lambert: You admire it.

Ash: I admire its purity. A survivor… unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.

Why not be that way? Be pure, be a survivor, unclouded by bogus conscience, remorse, delusions of morality that have nothing to do with the real essence of human existence if evolution has any validity whatsoever.

Dylan Klebold, one of the infamous Columbine killers, wrote in his journal that he and his accomplice Eric Harris were “god-like” and more highly evolved than every other human being. I remember hearing one of their quotes: “We are no longer human, for we have evolved beyond human morality.”

They wrote in their journals (and pardon the language but it is theirs and not mine): “Why give a fuck what Jesus would do?” And, “I blew off his head with one shot. I am god. He died.”

And why, indeed?  I mean, other than the fact that WWJD is a much better acronym than WGAFWJWD.

And I demand the evolutionist give me a detailed scientific answer based on a chemical analysis of our damn brain cells that definitively proves that we should not all go thou and do likewise.

Show me how the sociopath is NOT the most evolved life form.

And evolution is a farce, or you prove they HADN’T evolved beyond human morality. Because evolution teaches me why I should murder and rape and steal to get whatever I want; and it does NOT teach me why I should love or cherish or give my what is mine for the good of someone who doesn’t even share my DNA.

I could on that simple evolutionary level be very content being a serial killer, a serial rapist, tracking down, stalking and HUNTING my human prey and satiating my own lusts, my own desires, doing my own thing my own way. If I want something, I ought to steal it. I have a lust for someone, I ought to kidnap and rape. If I don’t like somebody, I ought to hunt down and kill that somebody.

I can show you scholarly articles from evolutionists talking about rape as a simple adaptation to the requirements of natural selection and the survival of the fittest. Because evolution is all about spreading your DNA to the next generation – THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU “THE FITTEST” BABY – and evolution doesn’t have any stipulations on how to do that. If it works, do it.

Last night I discovered and called in a bunch of stolen copper wire that somebody had stripped and sold. Why not?

At some point, I realized that if evolution were actually true, if there is no God who holds me accountable for my works, then anything is equally permissible. Not only is the torture-rapist-murderer no morally different from the Mother Teresa, but in fact the former is actually SUPERIOR to the latter; because the torture-rapist-murderer GOT IT and grasped the essence and the sheer absurdity of human existence and Mother Teresa was a stupid fool who made the wrong bet stupidly thinking there was some God at the end of the picture when there wasn’t. And now both people get the same dirt nap, only one of them lived their lives realizing all along that they would get that same dirt nap and lived their life consistently by that plan in a completely self-centered manner.

The sociopath is the true moral hero of Darwinism. Go thou and do likewise.

I always laugh when I hear the secular humanist and the atheist claim that religion is intolerance and mass murder.  Because they are the worst kind of ignorant fools and because the simple fact of the matter is that State Atheism has been responsible for the brutal murder of one hundred million just of their OWN people and JUST during PEACETIME alone.  Hey, you go ahead and add up the Crusades and the Inquisition and the witch burnings – which were all actually all more secular than truly coming from the Church, but that’s an argument for another day – and whatever you want – and you won’t even scratch the surface of what Mao and Stalin and Pol Pot and the Kims in North Korea did in their official state atheism.  And you can really and truly rack up a giant death toll when you add in the fact that according to the members of Adolf Hitler’s inner circle, he was a self-revealed atheist as well – and he started World War II and bears the guilt of the 60 million casualties from that war.  Then add to that terrible death toll another sixty million murdered innocent human beings just in the United States alone at the hands of secular humanists in their abortion mills.  And don’t even TRY to imagine what would happen if the secular humanists truly took power, because they would deliberately wipe out the vast majority of humanity in order to achieve their insane and evil environmentalist goals.

Jesus actually taught Christians to put away their swords, to turn the other cheek, to live in peace.  Because His Way was the anathema of the Way of evolution and natural selection and survival of the fittest.

And so, confronted with a very stark choice, something in me with every fiber of my being said NO this crap that I’ve been force-fed is NOT the TRUTH. There IS a way that we should live, a right way and a WRONG way. And each must have CONSEQUENCES. And if that ISN’T so, then don’t you DARE look down and judge the torture-murder-rapist who enjoys his “work” with that screaming woman or that terrorized little child.  Because he is only doing what is in him to do. If it feels good, do it, right?  Just like the homosexuals and the abortionists and the dope users say to justify their “choices” that fly in the face of everything every culture before them previously ever believed.   There is no more wrong with what they do than what the heyena does when they chase an exhausted animal down and start literally eating it alive.  And who the hell are YOU who DON’T have that person’s DNA and DIDN’T live his life and have his however-twisted experiences to judge that person???

Because either God created me in His divine image or I am no different from all the other animals that are the same mindless product of the exact same mindless evolution.  Human beings are either the one or they are the other.  Period.

Now, I want you to realize that this wasn’t just an intellectual game for me: I got out of the Army a trained killer, a highly trained expert stalker of human beings, a soldier thoroughly trained to deploy weapons specifically engineered to exterminate human beings like bugs – and more than a little bit bitter besides – and I was at that point where I could have gone either way.  And why NOT go to the dark side unless there was a genuine, profound difference between the two sides???

Unless there is a God who truly stands above ALL of us as our Creator and has the RIGHT to make the rules for ALL of us and hold ALL of us accountable to His rules that emerge from HIS character and nature and purpose for creating us in the first place.  And I was accountable to that Creator and no eternal dirt nap: the choice is either everlasting heavenly reward or everlasting hellish suffering.  And you get to choose which.

I mean, just so you know, I was trained by my own government how to kill my fellow genus homo and species sapiens with my bare hands, with a knife, with the bayonet, with pistols, with rifles, with machine guns, with hand grenades, with grenade launchers, with mortars, with rocket launchers, with the M47 Dragon, and even with the M220 Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided missle system.  Not that I have most of those things now.  And I was trained how to parachute out of a perfectly good airplane so I could – on command – kill my fellow human beings like bugs within 18 hours notice anywhere on planet earth.  The question whether I would kill other human beings wasn’t an “academic” one; if and when I was activated, I would accomplish my mission that I was trained and indoctrinated to accomplish.  And by “indoctrinated,” I mean mentally and morally conditioned to sight in on an enemy and gently squeeze the trigger.  So I can state categorically that I was a trained killer; the lion and the wolf have nothing on me.

You have likely heard that slogan, “There are no atheists in foxholes.”  I’m sure that’s not an absolute statement, but it does underscore a very valid point: soldiers are people who for the most part need to believe in absolutes and objective values and transcendence in order to function.  And that’s because, for example, we have to deal with the reality that there is indeed an “absolute” difference between being alive and being a screaming, dismembered, disemboweled pile of bloody, quivering guts.  We believe in objective values because we need to believe that we’re living and dying for some kind of ultimately meaningful purpose; we need to know our sacrifice ultimately means something.  And we tend to believe in transcendence because we are people who may have to go through that moment of knowledge that in a very short time we are going to be in a battle and we may not live through it and we want to be in heaven.  And those three reasons are why there aren’t very many atheists in foxholes.

And so it was on that background that I began my investigation as to whether or not I should believe in God and what God I should believe in if there IS a God.  And also consider the consequences if there is NOT a God.

I mean, how ought a US-government trained super-predator live?

Now, the people who lived half-ass lives, who are afraid one the one hand to be what the Obama’s and the Clinton’s who make up all the politically correct rules for society call “intolerant” or whatever, but who at the same time don’t with any passion follow God or His ways, I GOT NO TIME FOR THEM.

Maybe that disgust at those who won’t get off the fence comes from my experience serving on a team where it was “us” and “them” – and “they” were trying to kill “us” and if “us” had any desire to live whatsoever we better kill “them” first.  That’s certainly one very good way to get at the essence of how black-and-white reality truly is.

Get on one side or get on the other side, choose this day whom you will serve (Joshua 24:15). The person sitting on the middle of the teeter totter of life is totally useless. And the people who just can’t sit themselves on the ends just muck up the whole operation of the teeter totter of life.

And that’s exactly the way God designed the world: there is heaven on the one side and there is hell on the other. There isn’t any “middle place” where the useless people who never had the balls to make up their damn useless minds go.

Jesus says that there are the sheep (the righteous) and there are the goats (the wicked). He says He will divide them into two and ONLY two groups, and He will say to one, “Enter into the joy of your Master,” while to the other He will say, “Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. I never knew you.”

Jesus says in the Book of Revelation, “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.” — Revelation 3:15-17.

And yes. That’s the way it works in God’s universe.  And to quote J. Vernon McGee, “you might have a better plan than God, but what you DON’T have is your own universe.”

God wants PASSION in His pursuers. He frankly wants us to follow Him with all our heart and all our soul and all our strength and all our mind (Luke 10:27) or else hey, please don’t bother.

And so it was with that big picture – one way or the other, the light side or the dark side – that I began to investigate whether there is a God and which God I should follow if there is.

I actually gave the Darwinists their first shot. I mean, if they could prove their case, then why bother looking at useless religions that talked about fairy-tale gods???

And so I read the hot-off-the-press at-that-time atheist work, “The Blind Watchmaker,” from cover to cover.

Right off the bat, I came across this memorable quote from Dawkins:

Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose. — The Blind Watchmaker (1996) p.1

And Dawkins also said in The Blind Watchmaker:

“Animals give the appearance of having been designed by a theoretically sophisticated and practically ingenious physicist or engineer…” — (p. 36)

Okay, so I’m hearing the man CONCEDE the major point that HIS SIDE has the BURDEN OF PROOF because he concedes that prima facie – on its face to be accepted as correct until proven otherwise – admission that it DOES in FACT appear self-evident that things were DESIGNED by a creator with a purpose. Just as St. Paul confirmed to believers in Romans chapter one.

And I have two arms with opposable thumbs so that I can open the stupid fridge with my right hand and take out the gallon of milk or the six pack of beer with my left hand. Design and purpose, kids.  As in design WITH a purpose.

So Dawkins told us from the outset that the burden of proof was on his side to PROVE beyond any shadow of a doubt whatsoever that there is no Creator God and can be no Creator God. But as I read, do you know what I increasingly began to observe? That this man was an appalling moral idiot, and that what truly set him apart was the gargantuan arrogance of a genuine fool.

I found it interesting to learn that Richard Dawkins was not opposed to the idea of an “intelligent designer.”  Unless that intelligent designer turned out to be God.  Because ultimately the man is a anti-religious bigot and an intellectual hypocrite rather than any kind of scientist.

If the prima facie case rests with design and therefore Creation, then the sensible person believes that unless and until the alternative is PROVEN otherwise. And he proceeded to FAIL spectacularly by any standard outside of his own incredibly narrow-minded presupposed viewpoint that he holds a priori based on his narrow-minded speculations rather than any legitimate science.

Then I read a book that I got from the library called “Darwin’s Enigma” from a man named Luther Sunderland. And what intrigued me about that book was that it was written by a guy who had literally been hired by the state of New York for the purpose of ascertaining whether creationism was an acceptable teaching for public schools. And he talked to the leading evolutionists in the world as he compiled his research from that secular purpose. Some of the curators from the leading museums of natural history on planet earth were literally quoted as saying that evolution was NOT a legitimate scientific theory and should NOT be taught as a fact in the public schools.

So I believe as I ought to believe when I intellectually believe there is a God who intelligently designed us with a plan for His creation. And I believe what I ought to believe when I morally believe that there is a God who holds us accountable for how we live and how we act.

And then from that I began to study the world religions. I examined each one until it disqualified itself. But at the same time I had already determined that ONE of them must be the real McCoy.

I considered Buddhism and Hinduism. I considered Islam. The first two disqualified themselves on the intellectual level because who the heck instituted “reincarnation”??? Who built that thing? Who designed that system? And who made the rest of us that go through these endless cycles of reincarnation? And who was the Big Banger who made it all happen? They also failed on numerous moral grounds. You look at India and see the caste system and you know what I’m talking about; you see the millions of gods and the fact that evil and good are basically viewed as being two sides of the same coin and you see what I’m talking about.

It isn’t rocket science, kiddies.  God is either personal or impersonal: if He is personal, then Buddhism and Hinduism are false; if He is impersonal, then Christianity and Judaism and Islam are false.

And this is critical because it answers a fundamental question about the human race: either WE are personal or impersonal.  If we are personal, where do we get our personhood from?  How is it that we come to have free will?  Genesis 1:27 provides a very clear answer: “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”

Buddhism strictly denies the existence of human beings as “selves.”  This doctrine is literally one of the three marks of existence of Buddhism: Anattā (no-self, without soul, no essence) is the nature of living beings.  The other two are Anicca (impermanence, nothing lasts) and Dukkha (suffering, unsatisfactoriness is innate in birth, aging, death, rebirth, redeath – the Saṃsāra cycle of existence).  And scientific naturalism likewise denies the existence of the self, of the soul, of a “you” that is a permanent you, for what it’s worth.  According to these views, there IS no “you” inside you; there IS no free will; you are a strictly determined and strictly conditioned being with no soul.

Islam is mono-theistic, which is good. But from there it gets very, very bad very, very quickly. And the fact that today 99.99 percent of terrorist attackers are being committed by the most ardent followers of what Muhammad actually taught is kind of icing on that cake.  If you understand the dilemma of violence inherent within Islam – which is NOT shared by Christianity – it is frankly terrifying.  Islam specifically denies that God has a Son, so if Jesus is who the Bible declares He is, Islam is false.  And if Jesus is NOT who the Bible declares Him to be, then Christianity is false.

Each of the great religions of the world teach mutually exclusive truth claims: they can’t all be true or right.  You are a fool according to the rules of logic and reason to believe “all paths lead to the same God.”  Because no, they don’t.

And Jesus Himself ruled that politically-correct cultural relativist view that all religions were equally valid when He said, “I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

There are literally thousands and thousands of teachers and professors with PhDs who are literally presenting their students with intellectual gibberish when they teach the pluralistic universalism that is so common today.

Now, I want you to understand; I’m not micro-nitpicking at this point on ANY of my above investigations. I’m just trying to ascertain whether or not the BIG PICTURE is true. If the big picture is false, then all the tiny little details are false, too. Or, to put it another way: if the big picture is fake, who gives a damn about whether the inconsequential details are true or not?

So when I get to Christianity, it all ends up boiling down to one simple question: did Jesus rise bodily from the dead, as His disciples claimed? What’s the evidence for that central claim of Christianity? And if that big picture claim is false, then I frankly don’t give a flying damn about the Bible. But if it’s true…?

I dedicated myself to a study of the evidence about the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. And if you examine that claim with a halfway open mind, the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead is simply astounding and irrefutable. The bottom line comes down to this: there is simply no reasonable question that Jesus’ disciples believed with ever fiber of their being that they had seen Jesus alive after His crucifixion and death and burial. There isn’t a single New Testament scholar – Christian or secularist alike – who claims the disciples didn’t genuine believe they had seen Jesus alive. Their completely transformed lives and boldness in the face of certain persecution and even death confirms that fact. And in fact it is a historical fact that every single one of the apostles save St. John died as martyrs having traveled the known world to tell people about the Jesus they had personally seen alive after His death in confirmation of all of His claims of His deity and His purpose for coming into the world: to die for our sins and to rise again and take His sheep with Him to the Father in Heaven.

Find me one person who you know to have died for something that they knew for a fact to be false. Yes, we have a lot of Muslim “martyrs” who blow themselves up to kill “infidels” and we probably both agree these people are tragically wrong: but THEY believe what they’re doing is right and THEY believe in Allah. But you need to understand as you read the Gospel accounts: the disciples were in a unique position in human history: they were in the position to absolutely know for certain whether or not Jesus actually rose from the dead.

And every single one of them signed in their own blood their testimony that yes, they had witnessed it with their own eyes and they were willing to therefore lay down their own lives to carry their OWN crosses (literally the instruments of their death penalties) and die for their Lord who had already died for them and given their lives and their deaths meaning.

If Jesus died and rose again from the dead, Christianity is true and everything Jesus said is true and the Christianity that He founded is true and the Bible is true and that’s that. And He did and He did and He WAS true and Christianity IS true and the Bible that He affirmed is true and that’s that.

And to a man like me, that is all I need to tell me what I should live for and how I ought to live.

That’s the big picture. But there is so much confirmation in the little tidbits, too.

Just – and I mean JUST – watched a program called “The Fall of Jericho” on the military history channel I love to watch. And I watched a drama that has been played out over and over again about the accuracy and legitimacy of the Holy Bible. I couldn’t find the transcript of the program, but here’s a link that describes in even more detail what was presented.

So Jericho. Did it happen according to what the Bible claims in the Book of Joshua? Well, you wouldn’t believe how many times “scientists” said hell no. And they said it with no legitimate archaeological basis. An archaeologist named Garstang made it his life’s work to go through the layers of cities that Jericho had been built and rebuilt on in the 1930s. And he found something fascinating in one of those layers: the walls had collapsed in EXACTLY the pattern that the Bible described in the conquest of Jericho. Well, we know that Joshua and the Israelites entered the land in the late Bronze age. In fact we know by other data the actual time of 1406 BC. So Garstang was interested in WHEN the walls had collapsed. And he started collecting and dating pottery. And according to his analysis, the date of the site was 1406BC – EXACTLY WHEN THE BIBLE SAID. So the Bible was established FACT and to the level of amazing scientific verifiability.

But hold on. A different archaeologist showed up named Kathleen Kenyon and “found” that no, the walls of Jericho had been destroyed 150 years earlier. And she used the same pottery as her primary source of dating.

Thirty years pass. For thirty years all the “scholars” and all the “scientists” sneered at the Bible. It had been factually refuted.

But a guy named Dr. Bryant Woods shows up in the 1980s. And he’s doing his PhD on pottery and decides to reopen the case that had been “rock-solid” against the Bible. He decided he was going to evaluate ALL the evidence of the pottery fragments. He tracked them all down. And to his intellectual horror he discovered that this pseudo-scientific fraud Kathleen Kenyon had not even BOTHERED to look at most of the actual evidence before arriving at her sneering bogus conclusion.  Seriously, Woods went to the museums and found that Kenyon hadn’t even examined the evidence.


And this sneering arrogant intellectually dishonest fools’ game has been played over and over and over again with the Bible.

But the fact remains that NO archaeological find has EVER controverted a SINGLE fact presented in the Bible. It stands as completely true in all that it affirms.

The Bible remains true as the anvil of history. You can pound on it as you will, but you will die and the Word of the Living God will go on and on and on.

The Bible is beyond any doubt the best seller in the entire history of planet earth: more copies are sold every year, more are sold every single month, every single week, every single DAY, than any other book in the world. Twenty million copies of the Bible are sold each year just in the United States alone.  And that doesn’t even count the millions of copies that are given away by people who have their OWN stories of their OWN encounters with a Jesus who is STILL alive.  As an example, the Gideons alone distributes about 60 million copies of the Bible a year.

The Harry Potter series has collectively sold 500 million copies worldwide, which is truly astounding.  Unless you compare it to the more than six BILLION copies of the Bible.

The Bible is available in over 2,100 languages.  Because humanity has a passion and a hunger for the true Word of the Living God.

Richard Dawkins’ book, for the official record, is not; in fact it’s none of the above at all.

So I read the Bible with that understanding that it is THE most sacred Book in the history of the world. It ought to be given that respect because what I just stated is simply true by any objective measure. But the scoffers continue to abound and they have no respect for anything that is sacred.

But it comes down to this: people who fixate on the most minor details and then say, “See? It’s wrong, it’s ALL wrong!!!” are not wise.

Most of the time, when I hear somebody assert to me that the Bible isn’t accurate or isn’t reliable, and I ask them to give me an example, they literally cannot think of even ONE such example. Somebody at some time said something, and that was all they needed and they never bothered on their own to verify or refute a claim they just took at face value.

I simply marvel at that: your entire ETERNITY hangs on this, and you just yawn and walk away like it’s no big deal when it is the biggest deal of your existence.

My challenge to everyone is to study the questions of eternity as though your soul depends on it: because it DOES.

DON’T be a “Kathleen Kenyon” who doesn’t bother with the facts and arrives at bogus conclusions that are based on lies; be a “Bryant Wood” who carefully examines all the evidence and arrives at the truth.  Be like St. Luke the author of the Gospels and Acts, who stated, “I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning” (Luke 1:3).  Be like the Bereans, who “were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11).

Consider Jesus.  Consider Who He was and whether He Is.

One way or another, you have to answer the ultimate questions. Is there a God? Who is He? What does He expect of us? Or is there NO god? And if not why should I bother living in accordance with a bunch of made-up politically correct gibberish and if I want something that someone else has, why shouldn’t I steal it and if somebody’s bothering me why shouldn’t I kill him or her? And who the hell does any other human being think he or she is to tell me what I should do or how I should live when it’s MY life and it will be MY eternal dirt nap and butt the hell out of my business because I’m not a herd animal, I’m a predator animal.  And your own precious evolution says we predators are every bit as evolutionarily valid as your herd animals.

Or chose Christ and choose life and experience life more abundantly instead.  Because Jesus contrasted the Way of Evolution with His Way when He said:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” — John 10:10

Stop being double-minded, unstable in all your ways.  Stop wavering between two opinions.  Make up your mind.  Get off the fence.  Choose this day whom you will serve.

Remember The Firestorm Over Mitt Romney’s 47 Percent Remark? Hillary’s Deplorables Remark Was DEPLORABLE

September 12, 2016

First the story as the New York Times puts it:

Hillary Clinton Calls Many Trump Backers ‘Deplorables,’ and G.O.P. Pounces

Republicans from the presidential ticket on down pounced Saturday on Hillary Clinton’s remarks that half of Donald J. Trump’s supporters fit into a “basket of deplorables,” saying it showed she was out of touch with an economically hard-hit electorate.

Mrs. Clinton’s comments Friday night, which were a variation of a sentiment she has expressed in other settings recently, came at a fund-raiser in Manhattan.

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?” she said to applause and laughter. “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

By Saturday morning, #BasketofDeplorables was trending on Twitter as Mr. Trump’s campaign demanded an apology. His supporters hoped to use the remark as evidence that Mrs. Clinton cannot connect to the voters she hopes to represent as president.

“Wow, Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my supporters, millions of amazing, hard working people. I think it will cost her at the polls!” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter.

By Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Clinton had acknowledged her stumble. “Last night I was ‘grossly generalistic,’ and that’s never a good idea,” she said in a statement. “I regret saying ‘half’ — that was wrong.” […]

The first thing I can’t help but notice is the title the New York Slimes chose to run this story under, fixating on the “… and the G.O.P. Pounces” part.  That signifies that they are saying that this is just political posturing; Hillary didn’t say anything truly bad.  It’s like her emails and her illegal secret server and her Clinton Foundation pay-for-play proofs; nothing really wrong.  It must just be Republicans going after her over sheer politics.  So let’s move on.

But now let’s see how the same New York Slimes covered Mitt Romney when he did something that actually wasn’t as bad either in terms of numbers (he said 47%; she said HALF) or nastiness (he insinuated that poor people would vote to get stuff without demonizing their characters; she said half of the American people are EVIL):

In Video Clip, Romney Calls 47% ‘Dependent’ and Feeling Entitled
By Michael D. Shear and Michael Barbaro
September 17, 2012 6:51 pm
12:26 a.m., Sept. 18 | Updated
WASHINGTON — During a private reception with wealthy donors this year, Mitt Romney described almost half of Americans as “people who pay no income tax” and are “dependent upon government.” Those voters, he said, would probably support  President Obama because they believe they are “victims” who are “entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it.”
In a brief and hastily called news conference Monday just after 10 p.m., Mr. Romney acknowledged having made the blunt political and cultural assessment, saying it was “not elegantly stated,” but he stood by the substance of the remarks, insisting that he had made similar observations in public without generating controversy.
The video of Mr. Romney, the Republican presidential candidate, was made in May, offering a rare glimpse of his personal views. Mr. Romney told reporters that he had been “speaking off the cuff in response to a question” at the fund-raiser, and said he wanted “to help all Americans — all Americans — have a bright, prosperous future.”
Democrats quickly condemned the remarks as insensitive, and Mr. Obama’s campaign accused Mr. Romney of having “disdainfully written off half the nation.”
The video surfaced as the campaign enters its final 50 days and as Mr.  Romney sought to restart his campaign with new ads and new messaging, in response to calls in his campaign and from outside for him to be more specific about how his policies would fix the nation’s economy and help the middle class.
Now, the video has raised the possibility that Mr. Romney’s campaign will be sidetracked, with attention focused again on his proposed tax cuts for the wealthy, the release of his personal tax returns and his ability to connect with middle-class voters. With its unvarnished language, the video seems to undermine what aides have argued is an enduring attribute that would appeal to independent voters: a sense that Mr. Romney is, at base, an empathetic and caring man.

First of all, notice in the title of the article there is no qualifying “… and Democrats Pounce.”  Because on the leftist warped narrative, ONLY Republicans are capable of partisan politics.  When a Republican is outraged, it is because they are playing politics; when a Democrat is outraged, it is only and always because Republicans are evil.

But second of all, I want you to notice that whether you like Romney’s remarks or not, HE WAS DEALING WITH SIMPLE FACTS.  Whereas Hillary Clinton deals only with demonic slander and hate.  She doesn’t have a statistic to cite (47% of Trump supporters have physically beaten or lynched a black man…”) because there AREN’T any and because the ONLY people who have physically beaten or lynched ANYONE in this campaign have been DEMOCRATS attacking Republican Trump supporters.

The New York Times’ question – “the video has raised the possibility that Mr. Romney’s campaign will be sidetracked” – was nothing short of a self-fulfilling prophecy stating in advance their intent to do precisely that.  Many experts believe it was that “47 percent” comment that ended Romney’s presidency.  Which was exactly what the mainstream media tried to do by framing the question that way over and over.  And look at that Bloomberg article where they just flat-out state it: “Today Mitt Romney Lost the Election.”

Mitt Romney talked about a FACT relating to 47% of the Democrat Party base; Hillary Clinton talked about a SLANDER of HALF of the Republican base.  In a fair, objective world, Bloomberg would be writing the article titled, “Today Hillary Clinton Lost the Election.”  But you know full damn well they won’t; because to be a “journalist” today is to be a liar who looks at every story and asks, “How do I twist this, slant this, pervert this to my ideology?”

To be a Democrat you have to HAVE a twisted and perverted ideology.  And you need professionally-trained experts in deceit to rewrite the news for the people to get them to swallow those lies.

Hillary Clinton apologized, we’re told.  But really?  She doesn’t apologize for claiming that Trump supporters are racist; she apologizes for suggesting that “half” of them are.  You know, when maybe only “47 percent” are racist.

It was an ugly comment from an ugly human being, a human being who is now proven to be pathologically unfit for the presidency by ANY measurement.

And yeah, Trump is pounding on it the SAME way Obama pounded Romney:

“People like you, you and YOU ‘deplorable,'” the ad correctly points out.

Trump said:

“At first I thought it wasn’t within the realm of possible that she said it,” he said. “She doubled up, because it was said with such anger, such unbelievable anger, and I think this is the biggest mistake of the political season. I really do. When I saw this in its full form, and I saw the anger with which she said it, the way she spoke, I think it’s the single biggest mistake of the political season.” […]

“You cannot run for president if you have such contempt in your heart for the American voter,” she said. “You can’t lead this nation if you have such a low opinion of its citizens.”

In larger context, Trump said in his speech today:

All across this country, I’ve met so many incredible members of both our military and law enforcement community. There’s nothing I’ve enjoyed more than the time I’ve spent with our service members, police officers, and also our firefighters and paramedics.

They embody the goodness and decency of our country.

I was thus deeply shocked and alarmed this Friday to hear my opponent attack, slander, smear and demean these wonderful, amazing people who are supporting our campaign.

Our support comes from every part of America, and every walk of life. We have the support of cops and soldiers, carpenters and welders, the young and the old, and millions of working class families who just want a better future.

These were the people Hillary Clinton so viciously demonized. These were among the countless Americans that Hillary Clinton called deplorable, irredeemable and un-American. She called these patriotic men and women every vile name in the book – she called them racist, sexist, xenophobic, and Islamaphobic.

She called them a “basket of deplorables” in both a speech and an interview. She divides people into baskets as though they were objects, not human beings.

Hillary Clinton made these comments at one of her high-dollar fundraisers in Wall Street.

She and her wealthy donors all had a good laugh. They were laughing at the very people who pave the roads she drives on, paint the buildings she speaks in, and keep the lights on in her auditorium.

Hillary Clinton is an insider, supported by powerful insiders, attacking Americans who have no political power.

Hillary Clinton spoke with hatred and derision for the people who make this country run.

She spoke with contempt for the people who thanklessly follow the rules, pay their taxes, and scratch out a living for their families.

While Hillary Clinton lives a sequestered life behind gates and walls and guards, she mocks and demeans hardworking Americans who only want their own families to enjoy a fraction of the security enjoyed by our politicians.

After months of hiding from the press, Hillary Clinton has revealed her true thoughts.

She revealed herself to be a person who looks down on the proud citizens of our country as subjects for her to rule over.

Her comments displayed the same sense of arrogance and entitlement that led her to violate federal law as Secretary of State, hide and delete her emails, put classified information in the reach of our enemies, lie to Congress, and sell government favors and access through her Foundation.

It’s the same attitude that explains why Hillary Clinton refuses to take accountability for the deadly disasters she helped to create in Iraq, in Syria and in Libya.

To this day, she still won’t take accountability for her role in unleashing ISIS across the Middle East – or for putting Iran on the path to a nuclear weapon.

Hillary Clinton believes she is above the law, that she is above accountability, and that she is above each and every one of you.

Our campaign is about giving voice to the voiceless. It’s about representing the forgotten men and women of this country.

I’m here to represent everyone, but especially those who are struggling against injustice and unfairness.

I am running so that the powerful can no longer beat up on the powerless. I’m running to take on the special interests, the big donors, and the corrupt political insiders.

I am running to be your voice.

If Mitt Romney disqualified himself to be president, Hillary Clinton FAR MORE disqualified herself to be president.

Not by my standard, but by everyone who votes DEMOCRAT.

And the ONLY reason Democrats will vote for Hillary Clinton now is that they are the WORST sort of people there are, vile, twisted hypocrites who will ALWAYS distort the truth and the facts and reality to suit their warped ideology.

Let me ask the question, “What is the FINAL SOLUTION” to Hillary Clinton’s now-repeated claim that Republicans are a “basket of deplorables”???

I mean, put them in death camps, or maybe Stalinistic re-education centers, right?  We can’t have these hateful, awful people free to just run around with this kind of hate and evil in them.

This has ALWAYS been the invariable, inevitable path of leftism.  The socialist communists were far left wing monsters; the Nazis where every damn bit as socialist and were merely to the “right” of the most far leftist communists.  Hitler offered his Nazism as a “third way” between the communism of one side and the free market laissez-faire capitalism that has always been cherished by conservatives.  NAZI stood for “National Socialist German Workers Party.”  And if there were a “National Socialist American Workers Party,” you can’t be stupid enough not to think these wouldn’t be today’s Democrats.

Two days ago my mother told me about a man offering a solar deal coming to their home.  He had lied when my father asked him if there was any investment required, but it quickly turned out that, yes, there was, because it was a “rent to own” deal.  The man said there was no cost to this program; but that was just a lie to get his foot in the door and try to sell something to a couple of stupid old people.  You know, in a program that wouldn’t exist unless the federal government were so massively subsidizing solar that it is beyond unreal.

After learning the truth, my parents swiftly lost interest.  And the guy turned to politics, asking who they were going to vote for.

My parents said they were going to hold their nose and vote for Trump.  And the guy – who said his wife was Hispanic – immediately launched into his attack.  “What are you going to do when the people who do all the jobs you aren’t willing to do aren’t here?”

He attacked my parents’ religion, asking “Are they as mean as you up above?”

Well, it’s a damn good thing for that turd that I wasn’t there.  Because I would have IMMEDIATELY gone after him as the racist bigot that he is.  What is he saying?  He’s flat-out stating that white people are lazy and indolent and incapable of doing any kind of hard labor.  The Democrats have ALWAYS viewed the world through a vile, racist perspective.  They just can’t help themselves.  And they spent 200 years viciously attacking black people and minorities before concluding, “if you can’t beat them, co-opt them and get them on your plantation a different way.”  And so now it’s just the same racism they’ve always held in reverse: now it’s white people who can’t work.

So now he’s telling us that inferior white people would STARVE because there would be no fitter race to pick their food for them.

My mom says he mentioned the guys who climb up into trees and asked my mom if she’d do that.  Well, damn, you fool turd, my mom is eighty years old!!!  What kind of stupid jackass ARE you?  How many 80-year-old Mexicans are climbing up in trees to trim them for a damn living???

I would have been all in his face screaming, “GET OUT of here, you racist pile of bigoted rodent filth!  We don’t need your kind of race-roach crawling around our home!”

Just as we don’t need Hillary Clinton anywhere near the White House.

Hillary Clinton just proved herself to be unfit for the presidency.  She didn’t prove herself to be unfit by Republican standards; she proved herself to be unfit by the very same standard that was applied against Republicans by Democrats just four years ago.

Every vote for Hillary Clinton is a statement about people who support a part that is nothing but hypocritical to its very core.


Brock Turner, Stanford, College Rape Culture, And The Liberal Progressivism That Is Responsible For All Three

September 2, 2016

So let’s start with the current story of the vile punk rapist who got a joke six-month sentence which was apparently twice as harsh as it should have been given the fact that they released him in three.

And decent people are left saying, “What the hell…?”

And the ONLY reason liberals are angry is because women constitute one of the perennial victim classes that make up the left.  And how dare you prey on one of our victim classes when it is our coalition of victim classes that is supposed to be able to ride political correctness to exploit everyone else instead?

I recently read an LA Times op ed titled, “Understanding the Nate Parker scandal” by Michael Eric Dyson in which the author rehashes every leftist slogan as he tries to swim through the waters of liberal butthurt women and black butthurt activists who both demand that their sacred cows remain sacred.  I mean, gosh, they’re both such victims, and what happens when one liberal protected victim class preys on another liberal victim class?  It’s GOT to be the white man’s fault; it’s just GOT to.  So the conclusion of the article would seem to be that every time a black man rapes a white woman, a white male should do hard, painful time for it.  Because otherwise the piece was a load of patronizing leftist drivel.

Allow me to dive in – since this is a story about a rapist swimmer – and offer my own op ed on the gist of this despicable story.  Brock Turner is an entitled punk who doesn’t believe he should be held responsible for his own actions; Stanford is one of the most leftist liberal progressive major universities in the nation, and “college rape culture” is the inevitable result of leftist Darwinian values, in that order.

We start with this pathetic little worm Brock Turner and the sense of entitlement that permeates his little roach soul.  The view is, “If I want something, someone else should provide it for me.”  You know, like if I want your money, I should vote for the government to confiscate it from hard-working people and redistribute it to me.  As I will say throughout here, it’s just the exact same entitlement worldview on a different entitlement stage.  I want your hard-earned money and you won’t give it up to me unless I redistribute it to myself; I want your sex and you won’t give it to me unless I can redistribute your unconscious body behind a dumpster.  Either way, I’m taking something that isn’t mine, and I ought to be able to do it because after all, I’m entitled and somebody somewhere owes me what I want but can’t obtain the honest way by legitimately working for it.

“Affluenza” is the latest form of stupid entitlement excuses.  It wasn’t Brock Turner’s fault, it was “the whole rotten village,” right?  But ALL of these damn excuses are vile.  “I did it because I’m rich and white” is no more morally shame-worthy of an excuse than “I did it because I’m poor and black.”  And I simply state for the record that accepting the latter entitlement excuse guaranteed that the former one would ultimately succeed, too.  So black writer Michael Eric Dyson, trying to explain or better-yet explain away Nate Parker’s behavior, blames it on “jock culture” and “male privilege.”  How about you did it because you’re a bad person and you’re going to pay the consequences of your depraved actions?

If you live by victim mentality, you ought to die by victim mentality.  Because sooner or later, you whiny victim, there will come a more whiny victim than you.  And so now the feminists who “fundamentally transformed” women into a victim class are aghast and appalled because male rapists are themselves victims.

It’s like liberal heroine Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who falsely claimed special status because she believes that somewhere in her family ancestry going back to the dinosaurs, somebody was a Native American.  It’s like that, because somewhere sometime I was a victim of something.  And I’m not responsible because after all, I’m a victim and I’ve got the entitled whining to prove it.

And thank you, liberalism.  That whole load of crap would have been impossible without the toxic pile of fecal matter that is your worldview.

So our rapist swimmer went to Stanford, of course.  Where else would a whiny liberal puke go?

Now, consider the “college culture” and whose damn culture it is:

Liberal Colleges

That’s political donations.  Now consider the faculties of these indoctrination centers:

If you’ve spent time in a college or university any time in the past quarter-century you probably aren’t surprised to hear that professors have become strikingly more liberal. In 1990, according to survey data by the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) at UCLA, 42 percent of professors identified as “liberal” or “far-left.” By 2014, that number had jumped to 60 percent.

Over the same period, the number of academics identifying as “moderate” fell by 13 percentage points, and the share of “conservative” and “far-right” professors dropped nearly six points. In the academy, liberals now outnumber conservatives by roughly 5 to 1. Among the general public, on the other hand, conservatives are considerably more prevalent than liberals and have been for some time.

Let’s put it in terms of the Pottery Barn Rule that Colin Powel claims he told Bush before he went into Iraq: “You break it, you bought it.”

The college “rape culture” is out of control.  And you’ll find that “over the same period” that liberalism came to so entirely dominate college/university culture, rape culture came right along with it.

On the liberal diatribe, conservatives are warmongers.  How dare we want to fight back against terrorists who want to burn us alive?  Obama’s 1,900 percent increase in terrorism is surely much more peaceful, right?  But by that same diatribe that brought Obama to power, liberals are rapists.  The more liberal you are, the more rapist you are, and vice versa.

This is no accident.  It is literally a scientific progression, as I’ve described before:

And the horror that results in society is equally true of the individual who lives by Darwinism.

Why do we as individuals rape, murder and sleep around?  Because – and I quote – “rape is (in the vernacular of evolutionary biology) an adaptation, a trait encoded by genes that confers an advantage on anyone who possesses them. Back in the late Pleistocene epoch 100,000 years ago, men who carried rape genes had a reproductive and evolutionary edge over men who did not: they sired children not only with willing mates, but also with unwilling ones, allowing them to leave more offspring (also carrying rape genes) who were similarly more likely to survive and reproduce, unto the nth generation. That would be us. And that is why we carry rape genes today. The family trees of prehistoric men lacking rape genes petered out.”  Darwinism is “a scientific idea that, if true, consigns traditions of self-restraint, loyalty, the very basis of family life, to the shredder.”  Now go ye and do likewise.  Unless something inside of you screams “NO!  I will NOT live in accordance with that terrible, wicked, demonic theory of Darwinian evolution!”

One incredibly interesting read calls this “Darwin’s Dirty Secret.”

Let’s call it the ULTIMATE ENTITLEMENT EXCUSE: “I’m a rapist because I evolved that way.”

And progressive liberals “evolved” to become the most closed-minded, rabidly intolerant fascists there are.

Liberal progressivism is intellectual godlessness, and to put it in terms of Obama’s incredibly hypocritical debt, intellectual godlessness leads to moral godlessness 20 trillion times out of 20 trillion times.

If you can murder a baby, you can certainly whitewash away the act that led to the creation of that baby.

I love the Word of God, which is WHY I so passionately reject liberal progressivism which is so totally the denial of the Word of God and the God of the Bible as it is dominated by secular humanism, atheism, Darwinism, postmodernism, existentialism, behaviorism and every other vile form of “-ism” there is.  God’s Word declares:

  • Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from God – Colossians 2:8
  • Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools. – Romans 1:22
  • … always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.  – 2 Timothy 3:7

Whatever progressive liberalism touches, it infects with cancer.  It touched Brock Turner, just as it touched our societal acceptance of drugs and alcohol, touched our abandonment of God and His morality in favor of the amoral nihilism of Darwinism, touched the embrace of personal responsibility and replaced it with the denial of the same and the embrace of the entitlement and victimhood mindset.

You “carry your rape genes,” liberal; I’ll carry my Bible.

And the empirical fact of the matter is that the morality that comes from my Bible is so vastly superior to the depraved bile that comes out of your university system that it is far more beyond belief than the belief in God that you so ardently deny.