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We Return To Communist Show-Trials As Majority Of Democrats Now Actively Favor Socialism Over The Free Market That Made This Nation Great

August 15, 2018

Fact One: An overwhelming majority of Democrats – to the tune of 57% to 47% – now “favor” Marxist communist socialism that has enslaved every people foolish enough to try it economically, politically and morally over the free market capitalism that made our nation the great land of the free and the home of the brave:

Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
by Frank Newport

Story Highlights

  • 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016
  • 57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
  • Republicans very positive about capitalism; 16% positive on socialism

WASHINGTON, D.C. — For the first time in Gallup’s measurement over the past decade, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism. Attitudes toward socialism among Democrats have not changed materially since 2010, with 57% today having a positive view. The major change among Democrats has been a less upbeat attitude toward capitalism, dropping to 47% positive this year — lower than in any of the three previous measures. Republicans remain much more positive about capitalism than about socialism, with little sustained change in their views of either since 2010.

Views About Capitalism and Socialism: by Party
Positive view of capitalism Positive view of socialism
% %
2018 47 57
2016 56 58
2012 55 53
2010 53 53
2018 71 16
2016 68 13
2012 72 23
2010 72 17

These results are from Gallup interviewing conducted July 30-Aug. 5. Views of socialism among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are particularly important in the current political environment because many observers have claimed the Democratic Party is turning in more of a socialist direction.

Want another example of the liberal doctrinaire belief in a theory that has been refuted by history absolutely every single time it has ever been tried, just as it is right now massively failing in Venezuela (which had been the wealthiest country in South America before socialism screwed up its economy) to the point that people are actually eating zoo animals to stave off starvation.

Allow me to first point out something that George Orwell expressed so powerfully and succinctly when he said the following:

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

And yet another bald fact about intellectuals that George Orwell who so completely grasped the essence of totalitarianism in his famous classic 1984:

the fact that the intellectuals are more totalitarian in outlook than the common people.

And now combine these two facts: that intellectuals are people – unlike plumbers or carpenters or engineers – who live in a world of ivory tower egghead pure theory and who never have to actually have their ideas tested in the laboratory of reality no matter how profoundly wrong their ideas are; with the fact that these same intellectuals always tend to lean toward totalitarianism which all the ordinary people who live in the real world shun in horror.  Add those two things up and we get this amazing fact:

Karl Marx is the most assigned economist in U.S. college classes

Which is tantamount to making the flat-earth theory the most assigned scientific viewpoint.

And why do I call out the Democrats on what colleges and universities are stupidly and frankly inanely doing?  Because:

That’s why.  Because to be a liberal IS to be a totalitarian and to be a totalitarian is to pursue Stalinist purges of anyone who might think differently from the totalitarian.  Liberal progressives are THE most rabidly intolerant people on the face of the earth, and their purge of conservatives from academia speaks for itself as to what and who these people truly are.  Colleges and universities have become nothing more than left-wing echo chambers where any concept they disagree with is even allowed to be presented or considered.  They are brainwashing centers rather than mind-expanding centers.

The saddest thing is that liberal progressives have and always have a rabid contempt for the very people they most indoctrinate (these victims are called “students”).  This is proven by the fact that:

And amazingly, the fact that depraved leftists have skyrocketed the costs of college tuition is THE reason leftists say we should follow the depraved leftists into more depraved leftism by socializing our colleges and universities (even more than they already have been).  Because in every single communist society, EVERY SINGLE ONE, you have your version of the elite inner party member who live a lives of luxury in their Black Sea dachas.  It’s a game that works every single time because these socialist-elitist predators leave their victims more desperate, and more willing to embrace fool solutions that only give the socialist-elitist predators still more power to oppress with their “solutions.” to the very crises they themselves manufactured.  By analogy, if I viciously punch you on the left side of your face, I can balance out the damage by viciously punching you on the right side of your face, you see.  As government-worshiping liberal progressives cry for more and more student loans, these same hard-core greedy rat bastards simply raise the costs of their tuitions every time the amount of the loans increase.  And so in the same way, the liberals who undermined American wages by encouraging tens of millions of unskilled illegal immigrant laborers to flood our labor markets proceed to demand that businesses be forced to pay massively hire wages for these unskilled workers whether their businesses can afford such costs or not.  Because every single time these totalitarian egghead intellectual ideas fail, they merely propose an even more sweeping totalitarian egghead intellectual “solution” to liberally-progressively create an even bigger problem, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

The Bible has a lot to say about how people who were ostensibly created in God’s image come to believe incredibly stupid things:

  • Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:22)
  • always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7)
  • Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ (Colossians 2:8)

These socialist-elitist leftist progressives don’t care about you; you are nothing more than a means to an end to them.

At this point, the Democratic Party has degenerated to a point where it is a truly evil entity.

It truly never ceases to be amazing to me how in FACT Democrats have spiraled into the most perverted wickedness in the history of our nation, yet somehow manage (with their propagandist media fake-news allies in the press) to create some myth that it’s the Republicans who have gone “radical.”  The simple fact of the matter is that Democrats are now actively embracing and supporting a philosophy that has literally failed every single time it has ever been tried.  People under socialism become impoverished in every possible sense of the term.  Socialism crushes the dignity and value of the human spirit.  You are not an individual special creation of a loving God who made you in His image; you are nothing more than a cog in a human-created perversion machine.  There are so many examples of this it boggles the mind:

“There are two kinds of mines; one is the personnel mine and the other is the vehicular mine. When we come to a mine field our infantry attacks exactly as if it were not there. The losses we get from personnel mines we consider only equal to those we would have gotten from machine guns and artillery if the Germans had chosen to defend that particular area with strong bodies of troops instead of with mine fields. The attacking infantry does not set off the vehicular mines, so after they have penetrated to the far side of the field they form a bridgehead, after which the engineers come up and dig out channels through which our vehicles can go.” — Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov to General Eisenhower, p.467/8, Crusade in Europe, John Hopkins University, 1997.  One of the reasons Soviet losses were so appalling during World War II was that Stalin was so monstrously uncaring about the lives of millions of his own people.  Soviet doctrine valued their equipment over the lives of their soldiers.  That’s the crystalline essence of socialism: the dignity and rights of “the person” are irrelevant compared to the needs of “the people.”

Or let’s try this one from Chairman Mao:  An episode titled “The One Above All” showed footage of Mao speaking at the World Communist Representative Meeting in Moscow in November 1957, giving his famous speech, “American Imperialism Is a Paper Tiger.”

Mao’s exact words were: “I’m not afraid of nuclear war. There are 2.7 billion people in the world; it doesn’t matter if some are killed. China has a population of 600 million; even if half of them are killed, there are still 300 million people left. I’m not afraid of anyone.”  That’s the true roach-heart of socialism speaking.  Socialists are bugs who would eagerly eat their own babies much the same way Democrats have murdered sixty million of their own babies in their abortion mills.  This vileness of poisoned human spirit through the wretched wickedness of human depravity is nothing new.  It is as old as Cain and Able, and St Paul the apostle described the modern Democrat Party very well in Romans chapter one.

Democrats have become truly rabidly toxic.

Which leads me to Fact Two: the return of the Communist Show Trial in a genuine depravity of anything remotely resembling “justice.”  This was impossible in our American system until Democrats became so completely morally depraved that they were incapable of manifesting or exhibiting a single virtue of character.  Democrats first gave the middle-finger salute to God and His Word the Bible and “progressively” defecated on the very concept of the image of God until they became no morally different than bugs.  Look at the ant to see how much you as an individual are valued by a society that embraces Democratic Party philosophy.

Oh, you doubt me, do you?  Consider the two mutually disqualifying policy sacred cows of the Democratic Party: unchecked open-borders-style migration invasion combined with socialized medicine as a guaranteed right.  One makes the other insane: it will cost nearly THIRTY-THREE TRILLION DOLLARS over just ten years just for our citizens.  And I can documents as an undisputable FACT that Democrats are pushing for “health care for ALL including illegal immigrants to the communist-flag-Democrat-Party standard of California where Democrats are rabidly pushing toward health care specially for everyone including illegal immigrants.

This amounts to the guaranteed implosion of our society, something which Democrats have actually been overtly attempting for decades and which reached new heights under Obama.  See also my own article on this guaranteed path to economic explosion (followed by their true goal of Marxism) which Democrats are now eagerly and openly pushing toward.

How many unskilled illegal immigrants pushing down wages and soaking up taxpayer benefits is enough?  How many tens of millions more can we afford?  For that matter, since they won’t ever acknowledge there is any problem with unstopped illegal immigration, how many hundreds of millions more can we afford as a society???  When will today’s Stalinist Democrats “Build the damn wall”???  And the answer is, “When illegal immigrants start voting Republican, and not a second before.”

It is easy to document that Democrats are eagerly allowing the illegal immigrant “right to vote.”  A clear majority of Democrats want illegal immigrants to be allowed to vote.  And Democratic Party bastions like San Francisco illegal immigrants are openly allowed to vote in every election wicked Democrats have the power to give non-citizens power over citizens.

The next time Democrats get power, just like Stalin, just like Mao, just like the Kims in North Korea, they will never relinquish it.  They will stop at nothing and will do anything no matter how destructive it is to their own oppressed nation to guarantee they never give up power again.  They need non-citizens who have no love if not open contempt for the United States of America to impose their will, and they’re going to get their way or else.  It is their bug nature.

I’m watching the trial of Paul Manafort and literally watching a real-life communist show trial on my own soil in my own country.  This is a case that on its face had absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with either Donald Trump or Russia or any form of “collusion” – whatever the hell that even is – with Russia.  Mueller is viciously and vindictively pursuing socialist show trial witch hunt tactics to break Paul Manafort in blatant and contemptuous disregard of “justice.”  As an example, Mueller’s “star witness” was Manafort’s BUSSINESS PARTNER who was EVERY BIT AS GUILTY in any 2005 tax fraud case as Manafort was.  The Democrats’ star roach was not only directly participating in every shady deal Manafort was part of, but all the while he was stealing money from his business partner in order to finance his adultery and his own lavish lifestyle.  And by Mueller’s deal with him, Manafort’s business partner Rick Gates would go away scot free while Manafort will spend the rest of his life in prison.  Does that sound like “justice” to you???  But we see in this shocking disregard of “justice” what Mueller believes Paul Manafort’s REAL crime was: being part of Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign.  THAT was Paul Manafort’s crime.  THAT is the ONLY reason this man is on trial.

This is “justice” to Democrats because Democrats are now by definition bugs incapable of “justice.”

Please understand how obviously a “show trial” this is: the Democrats – by which I mean the “Special Counsel” investigation of Robert Mueller who appointed a team consisting ENTIRELY of Democrats.   The Daily Caller News Foundation first reported that there were 13 registered Democrats and zero Republicans known to work for Mueller in February. The probe then brought on a 14th Democrat in May.  What are the damn odds of this?  Fourteen Democrats, NINE of whom gave significant donations to Democrats, not ONE Republican???  The Wall Street Journal reported in December 2017 that one of the leading Mueller lawyers, Andrew Weissmann, actually attended the election night party for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Revelations that FBI agent Peter Strzok, a former member of the team, exchanged anti-Trump text messages with an FBI lawyer including this one:

Trump is “not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Lisa Page wrote.
“No. No he won’t,” Strzok responded. “We’ll stop it.”

Amazingly, in a bug-morality world of socialist show trials, the lead investigator’s statement that “We’ll stop Trump from becoming president” was not considered “bias.”  In any other world, it literally amounts to an obvious statement of crystal-clear intent.  But in the world of bug-morality socialist show trials, it is irrelevant because it obviously doesn’t create the “guilty” verdict that is all that matters.

Peter Strzok was THE lead agent on both the investigation that whitewashed obviously guilty Hillary Clinton of four different felonies and redpainted the Trump investigation with a bogus “dossier” that came from the Hillary Clinton campaign bag of dirty tricks.  And to make it comical in its irony, the “dossier” was the only actual example of direct collusion with Russia that the Muller probe was ostensibly looking for!  It was Peter Strzok who as lead investigator changed – “altered” is a more correct term – the wording of FBI Director Comey’s public statement from “grossly negligent” which the statement originally stated and which necessitated a felony charge to “extremely careless” which amounted to, “Nothing to see here, folks.”  And so an obvious FELONY became nothing by nothing more than rhetorical sleight of hand from the computer of a now-fired rabidly biased agent who was out to get Trump and therefore out to exonerate the candidate who was running against Trump for president.  In fact, Hillary should have been convicted of not one but EIGHT separate felonies.

Another now FIRED FBI agent and key participant in the current socialist show-trial witch-hunt is former number two man at the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in yet another shocking example of a deep-state conspiracy of unelected Soviet NKVD secret police-style agents trying to defeat the will of the American people:

Mr. Strzok sent fellow FBI employee Lisa Page, whom with he was having an affair, a text in August of 2016 referencing an “insurance policy” discussed in a meeting between the two of them with “Andy,” who Mr. Horowitz identified as Mr. McCabe.

The text read: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Upon Mr. Horowitz’s investigation and discovery of the text messages, Mr. McCabe denied ever attending the meeting, but Mr. Strzok told the inspector general the former FBI deputy director was there.

So the lead agent in the socialist show trial witch-hunt who said he would stop Trump from becoming president in obvious statement of his intent was part of a conspiracy with the number two man at the highest level of the FBI to have an “insurance policy” to prevent that Trump presidency from happening.

We can keep going: Lead FBI agent Peter Strzok stated that “he could smell the Trump support.”  Well, the STENCH of deep-state not only criminal but treasonous conspiracy continues with a Justice Department high official named Bruce Ohr.  Basically, Christopher Steele – the source of the ant–Trump “dossier” financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign in collusion with Russia that we now know was THE centerpiece of the socialist show trial witch hunt investigation – had actually been FIRED by the FBI for being untrustworthy.  And his “dossier” was rightly contaminated and discredited into uselessness by his firing.  But, you see, Bruce Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS, the source of the “dossier”.  And so this tainted, discredited, contaminated document was “laundered” back into use through Bruce Ohr and the back channels he criminally manufactured such that an obvious LIE became the “truth” once again long enough to open a socialist show trial witch hunt.

Bruce Ohr did all these things.  And then tried to conceal what he had done.

Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr joins the list of FIRED officials who were rabidly biased and who were conspiring against the will of the American people to bring down an elected president of the United States though illegitimate and bogus socialist show trial witch hunt fake charges.  They succeeded in their plot: get an investigation started such that a “special counsel” with socialist show trial witch hunt powers would assemble a team of hard-core Democratic lawyers to dig up every shred of dirt over the course of Donald Trump’s entire life regardless of how “limited” the original mandate of looking ONLY into the fake news case of “Russian collusion” was.

You’ve got Trump people like Paul Manafort and Carter Page (who didn’t do a damn thing wrong but was surveilled by a deeply corrupt Obama administration anyway) and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (see also here) and former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen who were broken by rabid prosecution regardless of whether they committed any crime or not.  Contrast that with seventy Hillary Clinton co-collaborators and co-conspirators who were as a matter of routine given “immunity” and let off regardless of how many laws they broke.  Somehow Hillary Clinton was exonerated IN WRITING before anyone even bothered to interview either her or any other of the principal characters most of whom had already received sweetheart immunity deals without having to testify against ANYBODY.  No one who is not a BUG can look at the whitewash of the Hillary investigation and the rabid pursuit of the Trump witch hunt and not see a deeply disturbing double-standard by a blatantly politicized FBI and Justice Department.

We now have established as a FACT that FBI officials continued plotting to use Steele’s “dossier” after he was discredited and fired for breaking FBI rules.

Emails show 2016 links among Christopher Steele – who was simultaneously on the payroll of the DNC, the Hillary Campaign AND the FBI all at the same time, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, and head of the dirt-digging group Fusion GPS hired by Hillary Glenn Simpson — with a Russian oligarch in background.

Here is the real collusion with Russia.  And Barack Obama and every single Democrat ought to be arrested, prosecuted, convicted and punished to the fullest extent of the law for their part in it.

We see here the deep state in action. Such a thing only became possible when half of the American people became bugs incapable of human morality or human integrity or human decency or human virtue or human honesty. Socialists are people who voluntarily degenerate themselves into bugs. And by their fruits ye shall know them for the bugs they are.

But it just keeps getting worse and worse and looking worse and worse: Now we find that the “2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives.”  The article bearing that title begins:

The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between high-ranking members of the Republican presidential  campaign staff and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties remains the cornerstone of claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

A growing body of evidence, however, indicates that the meeting may have been a setup — part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials. This view, that the real collusion may have taken place among those who arranged the meeting rather than the Trump officials who agreed to attend it, is supported by two disparate lines of evidence pulled together for the first time here: newly released records and a pattern of efforts to connect the Trump campaign to Russia.

The first line of evidence includes emails, texts, and memos recently turned over to Congress by the Department of Justice. They show how closely senior Justice Department officials and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked with employees of Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research firm reportedly paid $1 million by Clinton operatives to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

You have to read the whole article to believe it.  What the article documents is that the meeting was a setup by Democrats and by Russia to “to substantiate the Clinton-funded dossier alleging that Trump was taking dirt on his rivals from the Russians.”  What was said at the meeting was irrelevant; they just needed some kind of meeting to launch the accusation and get some kind of investigation going that would never end and would never stop at anything until it found some kind of dirt on Donald Trump no matter what it took.

Barack Hussein Obama did something truly shocking and truly horrifying during his presidency that makes Watergate look like a parking ticket.  Obama literally wiretapped the other party’s candidate for president and lied about it (see also here), worse than ANYTHING Nixon did.  He weaponized our “justice” system into an entity that looks EXACTLY like the Soviet Union’s NKVD protectorate of socialist ideology.  And Hillary Clinton’s campaign actively conspired with Russia to do this.  And an American media system, heralding back to its yellow-journalism roots and looking at the Soviet Union’s TASS as their example to follow, proceeded to hypocritically frame the target of this Democrat-Russian conspiracy as “colluding with Russia.”

Barack Obama weaponized the remaining vestiges of our democracy into an engine of destruction against our democracy.  And he did so by relying on giant and massively powerful federal democracies staffed by hard-core SEIU leftists that have NOTHING to do with our constitutional system of government to do it.

What we have here is the end-game of the Cloward and PIven strategy to use our very institutions against our democracy and our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America in order to accomplished the cherished goal: the goal of socialism, by which I mean the goal of communism.


What Do The Las Vegas Massacre, Terrorism, Climate Change, Earthquakes, Racism And North Korea Have In Common?

October 2, 2017

At this point we have something like 58 dead and more than 500 wounded in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.  It was the PERFECT venue for such an attack: the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino overlooking a mass-attended open-air concert venue.  It takes a highly-trained marksman to account for the trajectory of projectiles from such a range and such an elevation difference (unless he’d target-practiced and zeroed his weapons for that elevation, which suggest a chilling level of planning and preparation); and we know the shooter did not have military training.  But we also realize he didn’t need training for his evil task: what he did was literally easier than hitting the broad side of a barn and he probably could have quickly begun to figure out that he needed to aim low to be more accurate.  But seriously, how hard is it to hit SOMEBODY in a giant crowd of people when you literally have that entire crowd in your sights?   This attack tactic will be repeated again, and again, count on it.

Further, the height of the 32nd floor shooter’s position, plus the noise of a music concert event, would have made it difficult to even identify that someone was shooting as opposed to fireworks (as has happened several times before at concert shootings to confuse and disorient the crowd).  We have a dead suspect named Stephen Paddock and all we know about the guy was his age, something about his work history, and very little else.  Islamic State claimed credit for his attack, but as of now nothing has been reported that there is any clue about what this mass murderer’s beliefs are that motivated this act of hate.

There were numerous veterans present, who were able to quickly recognize the telltale sound of gunfire and comprehend the threat, who were able to direct a panicking crowd without a stampede, and even able to perform tourniquets on wounded people.  As bad as this was, it could have been far, FAR worse with a stampede.

I heard someone say on television, “I’m glad the shooter wasn’t a minority.”  And I was thinking, “What does that have to do with anything?”  It’s what separates me from many liberals: it is NOT the color of one’s skin that dictates what we are; it is rather the content of our character that matters.  What did this guy believe?  And at this point, we don’t have any idea.  It is amazing how little we know about this man who just perpetuated the greatest mass shooting in our history.  He chose the most conservative possible venue short of a Trump rally: country music.  That most country music fans are Republicans is as easy to prove as the rabid depth of leftwing hate: CBS just FIRED its vice president and senior legal counsel, Hayley Geftman-Gold, for posting on Facebook:

“I’m actually not even sympathetic bc [sic] country music fans often are Republican gun toters [sic].”

It’s amazing.  There was an article in the Los Angeles Times about using Facebook to deal with hate.  And the ONLY haters the fool who wrote the article was capable of seeing was “white supremacists.”  Facebook employees would spend the rest of their careers dealing with all the whackjob leftwing hate if they bothered to consider it for what it obviously is.  I am actually surprised that CBS moved so quickly, given that many other major networks have had top talent that said as bad and they still have their jobs.  Because the narrow-minded, rabidly intolerant bigots who make up the leftwing never even pause to consider that their hate is just as hateful as anyone else’s.

Do you realize that this CBS network executive is every bit as filled with hate as the man who shot up that concert?  The only difference is that she might – at least before she got herself fired for revealing the darkness and ugliness of her heart – have more reason to live than  Stephen Paddock.  Interestingly, one of the frequent leftist excuses for terrorism – economic inequality – was also taken off the table:  Stephen Paddock was a MILLIONAIRE.

So it’s just like all the damn butthurt millionaire NFL anuses: they sure aren’t protesting their lack of access to the American Dream.  If anything else, liberalism makes one feel guilty for actually ever achieving anything.

Stop and think: we now live in an age where it’s unsafe to go to a movie theater; it’s unsafe to go to a nightclub; it’s unsafe to go to a baseball field; and in other parts of the world concerts have already been attacked so we already knew it was unsafe to go to a concert.  It’s the new normal.  Fear is the new normal.  And it is amazing how quickly the left ramps up its machine – even when the shooting is an Islamist terrorist attack – and blames not terrorism, not human evil, but GUNS.  Guns did this, they tell us.

That’s what former CBS vice president and senior legal counsel Hayley Geftman-Gold believes, anyway.

Of course, leftist political activists – the left has yearned for gun control in every area they have ever controlled, from the Soviet Union to Nazi Germany to communist China and dozens of other such dictatorships that have left the people afraid of their government when our founding fathers very deliberately wanted a government afraid of its people – are already exploiting the emotions and demanding gun control, just as they always do and just as they always have.

It is now being revealed that the shooter was armed with several fully automatic weapons.

Do you know it is against the law to either purchase a weapon capable of full automatic fire or to modify a weapon so that it is capable of full automatic fire???

But this killer had these weapons anyway.

Which means … which means … omigosh!!!  These gun laws don’t actually WORK, do they???!!!????!!!

Which is what we’ve been saying ever since the first human being devolved into a stupid enough creature to begin mewling idiocy about gun control laws being the solution to our problems.

And then there is this special little bit of spectacular hypocrisy and stupidity of a group of liberals who are even now demanding that we LEGALIZE drugs because, after all, attempting to control them has failed:

Which is to say that if gun control works, then drug control surely also works, and anyone who wants to prove that something the 2nd Amendment GUARANTEES Americans the right to have can be “controlled” has the moral obligation to at least prove that such controls work by controlling all drugs.  It’s not any harder to build your own AK-47 (and see here for a different technique) than it is to grow your own pot, kids.  People who want to ban drugs at least have a case that drugs are NOT guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment.  People who want to liberalize mind altering substances but ban guns are frankly morally whackjob.

In my life I have been a bouncer and I have even been a cop.  And I can assure you that overwhelmingly, mind-altering substances consumption occurs before the violence begins.  I’ve seen it over and over again, and I am literally able to testify as an expert.  But I don’t need to because there are so many other experts who have already testified (and see here).

Which reminds me of one more image to post:

But this article isn’t about gun control or trying to stop gun control.  The point I am going to make is that the United States has ALWAYS been a nation of guns in the hands of free citizens, and yet it is only recently a crisis.  We see studies that look at the last 25 years or so.  But America has ALWAYS had guns.  Instead of examining statistics since 1993 and looking for trends, why don’t we go back to 1793?  Something has changed in America, and it isn’t that guns started killing people, or that pencils started misspelling words (which is also an epidemic since I was a kid, contemplating our rapidly declining literacy rates), or that cars suddenly started driving drunk, or that spoons for the first time in our thin history started making us fat.

I wonder how Hayley Geftman-Gold would have felt if she was in the situation that singer Kaya Jones described:

“We went down to the bus, then we knew we weren’t safe on the bus—we came back up and pretty much were barricaded inside of the bar—there was one person with a gun with seven rounds and in that moment, you know, luckily we had an FBI agent who was on his honeymoon and he showed his information and said ‘I’m not carrying, does anyone have a gun?’ and handed it over to him and he stood guard at the door,” she said.

How do you think Ms. Geftman-Gold would have felt if she was in that bar and heard that yes, somebody DID have a gun to protect that door with?  Reminds me of this:

The same kind of facts that document that every single mass shooting in our nation’s recent history occurred at a “gun-free zone” and proves that even leftist analysis reveals that not one single gun law would have stopped one single mass shooting also proves that every single time a vile human being starts shooting people, that shooting is stopped when and only when a good guy with a gun shows up.  Because otherwise we’re helpless sheep.  And it is a bizarre mind that craves being a helpless sheep who is totally dependent on his or her government.

We’ve got Black Lives Matter protesting the evil police.  We’ve got the left rabidly protesting the President of the United States, the Republican-controlled government.  Even as they just as rabidly scream that only the evil police and the evil president should be allowed to have guns.  Quite insane.  Literally insane.  Honestly.

It’s not guns doing this stuff, you leftist fools.

Yesterday I saw a news story that displayed the massive rise of violence at fast food restaurants.  Violent attacks DOUBLED in five years.  It’s out of control.  And for the most part, guns weren’t involved; it was just incredibly dysfunctional people who had no ability to control their incredibly dysfunctional emotions.

The same thing is going on in airline flights.  “Air rage” incidents have recently skyrocketed.  People are losing it like we’ve never seen before in numbers we’ve never seen before.

Interestingly, gun violence has actually DECREASED even as the number of guns sold has INCREASED.  So apparently the guns aren’t killing people, after all.

Something far, FAR more than guns is going on here.  I believe that ought to be obvious to any morally sentient being.

To the extent we have more “gun violence,” it is NOT the guns; it is more violent PEOPLE.  It is more dysfunctional people who are capable of pulling a trigger and killing their fellow human beings.

And the REAL question ought to be, “What has caused such an increase in violent behavior in people?”

Let me explain what the REAL cause of the violence we are seeing is:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.  — 2 Timothy 3:1-5

There is a now-famous line that was falsely attributed to Alexis de Tocqueville’s great work, Democracy in America.  It is a false attribution. which may have come from a 1941 book on religion and the American Dream, but for my purposes and my point that does not change the power of this powerful quote now, because the following words are now at LEAST 75 years old and date back to a period when without question, the United States of America was without any question whatsoever the greatest and most powerful nation on earth:

Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.

And here we are, increasingly ceasing to be great, torn apart by divisions so bitter and so deep and with so much hate that we are ready to fight OURSELVES to death, let alone at the hands of any foreign enemy.  We live in a time when it seems that most of our celebrities and athletes literally despise this nation and will not stand for it or honor it, but only tear it down.  Which is all the wise need to know to realize that our days as the greatest nation in the world are behind us; our days before our catastrophic fall are immediately before us.  The wisdom of Abraham Lincoln grasped what is before us: no house can stand divided.

The poisonous hate of the left now has guaranteed that this house will surely fall.  If they believe they can hate the current president and the current House and Senate, thinking that their hatred and their contempt and their spirit of bitter disregard for our leaders and their laws will not still apply when THEIR president and THEIR House and Senate take power, they are true fools, indeed.

This nation’s doom is certain.  And Colin Kaepernick is wearing the jersey of the team who destroyed America.

And the doom of the United States of America is quite literally in the Bible; nowhere does the Word of God mention the United States.  Because in the last days the United States will either not exist, or it will be so weak as to be irrelevant to the world events that the Bible describes taking place.

Something that is important to point out is that this Stephen Paddock had no religious belief.  Which is to say he was an atheist or at the very least a secular humanist.  Congratulations: he just continued to prove what history has already proven for more than a century: that the only thing even more dangerous than being an Islamic jihadist is to be an atheist.  The worldview of atheism has been responsible for well over the murders of one hundred million people during peacetime alone.

Add another 59 to that tally of the horrifying death toll of not having any God to be morally accountable to.

So the problem is not that people are allowed to have guns.  If we were all decent, righteous people we could have all the guns in the world and no one would ever shoot anyone.  Rather, the problem is that people are progressively – largely due to the amoral and too often immoral values that liberal progressivism instills – becoming more and more depraved and vile and evil.

Leads me to this:

Because it’s unquestionably true: if you were to remove the guns from all the voting groups that tend to vote “Democrat,” our gun violence would drop massively.  We have watched our morality, our family values, our once-great culture, progressively destroyed.  And we who sowed to the wind are reaping the whirlwind that amorality.

Now, I also mentioned a bunch of other stuff in my title: terrorism, climate change, racism, North Korea.  Hey, the fecal matter is really hitting the rotary oscillator these days in spite of the fact that we’ve always had fecal matter of one form or another and we’ve always had rotary oscillators of one form or another.

Climate change?  It’s not just about climate change.  We’re having massive earthquakes in Mexico – more than one – that have killed at least 340 people.  Even the hurricanes cannot be linked to climate change.  Even the reliably left-of-center Politifact acknowledges that there is no clear link between hurricanes and climate change, or even that a majority of scientists believes in such a link at this point.  Real scientists – a rare thing these days in an age when ideology trumps everything and people use “science” to justify whatever conclusion they want to justify as a matter of routine – state quite clearly that there is no justified scientific reason to attribute anything to man-caused climate change:

NOAA said records of past ­Atlantic tropical storm or hurricane numbers from 1878 to the present show a pronounced ­upward trend, which is also correlated with rising sea surface temperatures.

“However, the density of reporting ship traffic over the Atlantic was relatively sparse during the early decades of this record, such that if storms from the modern era (post 1965) had hypothetically ­occurred during those earlier decades, a substantial number would likely not have been directly ­observed by the ship-based ­‘observing network of opportunity’ ”, NOAA said.

“We find that, after adjusting for such an estimated number of missing storms, there is a small nominally positive upward trend in tropical storm occurrence from 1878-2006,” NOAA said.

“But statistical tests reveal that this trend is so small, relative to the variability in the series, that it is not significantly distinguishable from zero,” it said.

It found the rising trend in ­Atlantic tropical storm counts was almost entirely because of increases in storms of less than two days, which were particularly likely to have been overlooked in the ear­lier part of the record.

NOAA said the evidence for an upward trend was even weaker for hurricanes that made landfall in the US, which showed a slight negative trend beginning from 1900 or from the late 1800s.

“While major hurricanes show more evidence of a rising trend from the late 1800s, the major hurricane data are considered” unreliable, NOAA said.

“In short, the historical Atlantic hurricane record does not provide compelling evidence for a substantial greenhouse warming-induced long-term increase.”

And yet SOMETHING is sure going on.  The worst hurricanes hitting Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico in our lifetimes.

And the rise in racism, not just in the USA but all over the planet.

The massive, MASSIVE rise in terrorism.

North Korea not only getting the hydrogen bomb, but the means to reliably deliver such a dreadful weapon to the United States on an intercontinental ballistic missile.  And since North Korea has been established to share its developments with Iran, the two most whackjob regimes on the face of the earth will soon have the means to murder millions and bathe the world in blood.

I’m just going to state something as a matter of basic factual truth: “climate change” belongs to the evangelical, fundamentalist CHRISTIAN more than it does to any liberal progressive on earth.  When I was a kid in the 1970s, the alarmist climate scientists were predicting an ICE AGE.

And even the godfather of global warming himself pointed out as a FACT that temperatures were HOTTER and sea levels have been HIGHER before humans caused anything than they are now.

But Jesus and even the Old Testament prophets were prophesying bizarre, fatal, terrifying weather 2,000 years ago and beyond that we would begin to see as the last days came upon us the way birth pangs come upon a pregnant woman and become closer and closer together and worse and worse.

“And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And here on earth the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the roaring seas and strange tides.  People will be terrified at what they see coming upon the earth, for the powers in the heavens will be shaken.  — Luke 21:25-26

Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many.  And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately.  Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world.  But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.  “Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers.  — Matthew 24:4-9

This “climate change” stuff isn’t the left’s issue; it is the Christian fundamentalist’s issue.  Passages of Scripture like Amos 4:7 teach that God says, “I kept the rain from falling when your crops needed the most.  I sent rain on one town but withheld it from another.  Rain fell on one field, while another field withered away.”  That it is THE LORD GOD who is responsible for our weather.  And that same LORD GOD told us that the wickedness of the weather would correspond to the increasing wickedness of the human heart in the last days.

Jesus told us that racism would increase.  “Nation will go to war against nation” is actually “Ethnic group will go to war with ethnic group.”  The Greek word used in Matthew 24:7 is “ethnos.”  And especially when Jesus also clarifies that kingdom will rise against kingdom, He was specifically referring to ethnic/racial identify as well as to geographical/political boundary (kingdom).

It’s amazing how liberals – and by “liberals” I really mean the pawns of the devil – are hard at work attempting to hijack every single one of these issues that the Jesus they despise prophesied about 2,000 years ago as issues they can frame against the very fundamentalist Christians who saw all of these things coming centuries before the oldest liberal’s oldest great-great-great-great grandpappy was in diapers.

It’s an amazing act of demonic deception.

The amazing thing to me is that all of these things – shocking violence that isn’t the way it used to be (which means they need to take away our guns because things have gotten so much worse); shocking weather that isn’t the way it used to be (which means they need to take incredibly draconian steps to cool down our planet because its so much warmer than it used to be); racism that is so much worse (which means they have to blame Trump for this intolerable rise in white supremacy); and meanwhile we’re obviously getting closer and closer to “the big one” in California while frightening nations such as North Korea and Iran that want to bathe the world in blood either already have or very soon will have nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to attack the United States with.  And its not right wing fundamentalist Christians who are doing most of the scaremongering about these things; it’s godless left wing secular humanists.  The most godless ones are openly acknowledging that ALL the things that Jesus said would happen in the days just before the coming Antichrist and just before His own return as King of kings and Lord of lords are taking place!!!

But then, being godless and as a result of being godless true fools according to Psalm 14:1, they distort and twist these facts to spin their own demonic agenda.

Even as the leftwing media hypes all of these things and blames the rightwing – which in America largely means blames Christian fundamentalists – morally sentient people ought to be considering all the issues that the left is hyping and realize that Jesus said these very things that the demonic left is so hysterically hyping were ALL at the very heart of what He said would happen in the last days before He returned as King of kings and Lord of lords is happening.

It’s like I previously said in one of my articles: the fact that Donald Trump is president, both the worst atheist and the most faithful Christian can now completely agree: the world REALLY IS coming to an end.  I am reminded by a quote from the famous astronomer Robert Jastrow in his book “God and the Astronomer:

“At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation.  For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”

Do you finally believe the world is coming to an end?  Welcome to the club.  But ALL the best seats in the theater have been taken by Christians who have been waiting for you to figure this out for centuries.

In other words, a morally sentient person would listen to MSNBC, would listen to CNN, would listen to ABC, NBC and CBS, and would fall on his or her face and REPENT and turn in faith to Jesus Christ before its too late.


The Rat’s Out Of The Bag As Liberal Democrats Reveal Their ‘Final Solution’ To The Problem Created By Human Freedom And Dignity

March 29, 2017

Here’s a picture that Democrats don’t like looking at:

If you take a look at that picture it shows a great big giant problem for the Democratic Party that they need to deal with.

It’s a map that shows that only incredibly crowded cities vote Democrat, with the rest of America where people are allowed to breathe freedom overwhelmingly vote Republican.

If you live in a rural environment, you have this strange tendency to not think that the government is your provider and your master and you don’t want it to be your god.  The power of government is not all around you and above you and below you.  And you don’t want it to be.

If, on the other hand, you live in a giant city, crammed in like sardines, well, you pretty much can’t live without government.  You can’t own a gun so you are clearly helpless and depend totally and utterly for the police; you can’t travel around so you clearly must rely on public transportation.  You need government assistance in the roach-motel-pill-boxes a.k.a. apartments because somebody has to pay for all the sky-high taxes and cost of complying with tens of thousands of regulations – and so when the rich people who own the apartment buildings get hikes, guess what happens to the rent?  Yep, it goes up; so we need government to impose public housing requirements and provide subsidies for rent.  The entire cost of living in these giant cities is sky high, in fact.  Because Government thy god is a hungry god, an all-consuming fire.

People in the rural area have a “live free or die” mentality; people in densely packed urban cities haven’t had a free thought in generations.  They are like goldfish crammed into a Wal-Mart fishbowl, staring at nothing with their empty fish eyes.  They are so dehumanized that they are capable of killing their own children in the abortion mills without ever once having a single twinge of conscience.  They have already murdered sixty million babies in America: a Holocaust that makes them TEN TIMES more wicked than the Nazis.

In a liberal Democrat-controlled city, there is no place to go to be alone, to think your own thoughts – and that is a good thing too, as far as the left is concerned – because if you were able to be alone and think your own thoughts you might begin to start thinking thoughts of escape, thoughts of freedom.  And they cannot have that.  They WILL not have it.

You will think what you are told to think by your betters.  They will pump your thoughts into your head via the media culture that they control.

Now, no one who has truly enjoyed actual life in a rural environment would ever willingly place himself or herself in such a hellhole.  But that’s okay, because “Democrats” are “DEMOnic bureauCRATS” who believe in using the raw, naked power of Government to force people to comply.

That’s the problem the Democrats face.  What’s their solution?

Well, they need SOME kind of ruse, some kind of bait-and-switch.  There’s a saying that you can fool all Republicans some of the time, and all Democrats all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.

So enter “climate change.”  Enter the Democrat Party’s “Final Solution” to put us all in their Auschwitz cities where they can have complete and total and absolute control over each and every one of us:

California will need billions of dollars in new funding for housing and transportation improvements, and to make extraordinary changes to state and local government policies, in order to meet its new 2030 climate change goals, according to new reports from state and regional government officials and UC Berkeley researchers.
Californians will need to cut their driving by 1.6 miles per day, which they could accomplish through telecommuting, carpooling, biking or taking transit to work once a month as well as replacing short car trips with walking and combining multiple errands into one trip, state climate regulators said.
Car and truck pollution makes up the largest portion of California’s carbon emissions, and residents will need to drive less to reach the state’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. These driving reduction numbers also assume that the state will substantially boost the number of electric cars on the road and cut carbon from fuel.
To get there, representatives from the Southern California Assn. of Governments and other regional agencies told climate regulators at a meeting last week that they needed a lot of new money for transportation and housing — as much as $5 billion in the Sacramento region alone — as well as policy changes that could include tolls and other charges for people to drive in congested areas.
Since 2008, regional governments have been responsible for developing plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by aiming to redirect development from sprawling outward to denser development into cities, adjacent suburbs and neighborhoods near mass transit lines. But regional governments have to revise their plans to meet the new targets now that the 2030 climate change goals passed the Legislature last year.
Beyond funding, state officials need to be sensitive to how Californians are used to getting around every day, said Hasan Ikhrata, the executive director of the Southern California Assn. of Governments, which is responsible for implementing a climate change blueprint in Los Angeles, Imperial, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.
“We have changed the discussion in the state of California in a good way about how to sustain the future,” Ikhrata said at the meeting. “But at the same time we still have 40 million Californians that need to get from A to B. And we can’t overnight think they’re all going to bike or use transit. Some of them will drive.”
Rather than expecting all Californians to drive less, the state could see substantial driving reductions if it changed policies to funnel new housing into cities, according to a study released Monday by public policy think tank Next 10.
The study, written by UC Berkeley environmental and housing researchers Ethan Elkind, Carol Galante and Nathaniel Decker, compared the effects of concentrating all future housing growth into areas that have already been developed with a scenario where only 60% of new homes were built in those locations, which is what happened from 2000 to 2015.
The study found that residents living in already developed neighborhoods would drive about 18 fewer miles every weekday than those living outside those communities.

They won’t force EVERYONE to change, understand.  “Some of them will drive.”  You know, like the elite liberal class of commissars, the politically connected, the leftist celebrities who will be able to continue to live out on our television screens their dramas of the rich and shameless.  Oops, I mean famous.  Life won’t change for them.  They will continue to live their luxurious, separate, life=atop-Olympus lifestyles.  It will be all the rest of us jammed into rat warrens.

And these people aren’t stupid: they know it will have the very intentional benefit of “fundamentally transforming” the way we think once we’re jammed into the dense cities that they have far more control over.

And this “final solution: is REALLY something the left wants to impose, because oh yes, they’re talking about doing this a LOT:

To meet the bold new climate change goals put in place last year, California will work to put millions of electric cars on the road, revolutionize its dairy industry and generate half of all power from solar panels and other renewable sources.
But those efforts will come up short, warn state regulators, without dramatic changes to how Californians live and travel.

The state has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030. To do so, Southern Californians will have to drive nearly 12% less by that date than they did five years ago, cutting their miles on the road every day from 22.8 to 20.2, according a Los Angeles Times estimate based on data from state and regional climate and planning officials.

These driving reductions mean that Californians will have to walk, bike and use mass transit much more frequently than they do now. By 2030, residents will have to travel by foot four times more frequently than they did in 2012, alongside a nine-fold increase in bicycling over the same time, and a substantial boost in bus and rail ridership, climate officials say.

Getting people out of their cars in favor of walking, cycling or riding mass transit will require the development of new, closely packed housing near jobs and commercial centers at a rate not seen in the United States since at least before World War II, according to a recent study by permit and contractor data analysis website BuildZoom.
“You can’t be pro-environment and anti-housing,” said Marlon Boarnet, chair of the Department of Urban Planning and Spatial Analysis at USC’s Price School of Public Policy, who has advised state climate regulators on land-use issues. “You can’t be anti-sprawl and anti-housing. This is something that has not been very well understood.”

The article ends by quoting a university professor who says this:

“To be blunt, the state’s going to have to take some leadership,” Boarnet said. “We’ve tried very strong municipal control, and in the case of Los Angeles, strong neighborhood control. And we’ve found that that doesn’t let us build the housing that we need in the locations that we need it.

Nothing like the raw power of naked government force.  Oh, unless Donald Trump seeks to curb lawlessness by requiring cities and states to end their “sanctuary city” rabid violation of federal law by withholding federal funds.  Liberals who LOVE government force call that “gun-to-the-head tactics.”  Liberals actually LOVE gun-to-the-head tactics.  Democrats LOVE imposing regulations that hold guns to the heads of people who don’t want anything to do with their agenda but are forced to by the raw, naked power of thugocracy.   They just scream like rabid wolves when they’re not the ones who get to hold the gun, is all.

Liberal intellectuals know that people who are allowed the basic freedom to live where they want to live will also have the basic freedom to think for themselves.  And anyone who looks at a political election map knows that such people vote REPUBLICAN and oppose these fascists’ agenda

But how do you sell such a load of crap?  By conflating it with a different load of crap, of course: the crap of the theory that humans are somehow solely responsible for climate change that was occurring billions of years before there were ever any humans on the planet and which scientists are actually measuring as we speak on other planets in our solar system.

Al Gore and the Democratic Party propaganda machine assured us we’d be underwater by now.  Strange, too, because I currently have neither gills nor a snorkel and yet I’m doing okay.

You want to end climate change on Jupiter?  Pack humans on earth into liberal utopias.  Isn’t the solution obvious???

Rat warrens are the final solution for the manufactured crisis of climate change.

It doesn’t matter that actual climate change has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with humans.  Because “climate change” is just a “final solution” to a different problem: the problem of human dignity and human freedom which keeps liberals from attaining their goal of total domination.

If you have an intelligence quotient above that of a grapefruit, you understand that “climate change” and “sanctuary city policies” have one thing in common: they are the result of incredibly cynical and profoundly dishonest Democrat Party ideology.  Because understand, if the immigrants pouring into America voted Republican, Democrats would be screaming that they be hunted down like BUGS.  But illegal immigrants ultimately end up voting Democrat and so they are like the sacred cows in India while the people around them starve.  Which is because the law of supply and demand can be a cruel thing when Democrats intentionally impose a giant increase in the supply of unskilled labor and are surprised that lo-and-behold wages tank because the supply of low skilled workers far exceeds the demand.  With the result being increased poverty.  Especially of the most vulnerable populations such as blacks.  Again, these aren’t stupid people: they know damn well what they’re doing.  They have a plan and they are working toward imposing that plan.  And their plan depends on poverty and ignorance.

Democrats turned black people into a sacred cow to advance their political agenda in the past.  But now they are more than willing to slaughter that sacred cow because there is another cow with more milk and more meat: Hispanics.  And it doesn’t bother these soulless social-engineers at all to sacrifice one sacred cow for one that will carry them forward into a blatantly anti-American America.

So let’s look at the new Democrat Party sacred cow and see how much ugly, vicious harm they are doing to the very heart of the Democratic bastions, the big cities.

Data from each of the DEA’s 20 domestic divisions shows that of the 767 fugitives with known birthplaces, eighty-three percent of them were born outside of this country.  In effect the US has imported a foreign criminal class that operates a multi-billion dollar drug trade within our borders.  In the U.S.’s most violent cities, foreign-born fugitives dominate lists of the most-wanted criminals. In one example, in Detroit, only 7 percent of the DEA’s fugitives were born in America. In some DEA divisions, such as those for Dallas, Seattle, Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York, most-wanted lists contain not a single U.S.-born person.

You find out that Mexicans ALONE out of all the Hispanics pouring into our nation make up 14% of our entire U.S. prison population – far, FAR out of any proportion to their actual numbers as a percentage of Americans.

Then consider how many damn pardons Obama gave to hard-core drug dealers who were foreign born.  Don’t tell me this isn’t intentional.

And under Obama we had a giant nuclear EXPLOSION of drug addiction and deaths by overdosing.

And that’s because it is simply impossible for any reasoning person not to conclude that Democrats WANT a predator class preying on people in big cities.  Because Democrats want people naked and afraid and dependent.  On THEM.  It’s like the gangs that I’ll talk about more at the end of this article: gangs come in and vandalize and rob, and then what do they do?  They offer to sell the businesses they prey upon “protection.”  And of course it’s protection from THEM.  The people who live in big cities are poor and ignorant and stupid – and that’s EXACTLY how Democrats want them.  And they feed them drugs to keep them poor and ignorant and stupid.  Because only truly evil or truly stupid people will vote for this party of evil and depravity and failure.

And it is no different with “climate change” in that it is nothing but a profoundly cynical attempt to impose self-serving Democrat-Party political social-engineering into “scientific necessity.”  Even though all legitimate science proves that temperatures in our past were FAR higher than they are today and that we have had fairly regular swings in climate that continue into our current time.  The Old Egyptian Kingdom and the Mayan civilization were ended by “climate change.”  Even though there wasn’t a single SUV or a single Republican politician or voter in those days.  And the same damn climate change that is part of our past before humans had any damn thing to do with our damn climate is all around us in the planetary bodies around us.

Have you ever heard of the Azusa Revival?  Fascinating story.  It was the story of the triumph of Christian faith and the miraculous results of Christian faith.

But ultimately Democrats took over Los Angeles.  And so today in that same location we have Skid Row.  And we’ve had Skid Row since the damn Democrats took over Los Angeles.

Christians are still there, like the Union Rescue Mission (where my friend Warren Currie used to serve as the chief executive officer) doing their best to help in the desperate poverty that ALWAYS results in the dense urban cities that are the dream of liberal Democrats.

It’s an amazing thing that there are many cities where the Democrat Party political machine took over a CENTURY ago and things are worse as a result than EVER.  But the Democrat Party political machine – just like the sucking ticks that these vermin are – once embedded are impossible to remove.  Because where there are cities, there is poverty, and where there is poverty, there is ignorance.  And where there is ignorance, rest assured there are DEMOCRATS.

The Bible talks about principalities and powers – demons and demonic strongholds.  Consider a gang (another guaranteed result of the Democratic Party platform).  It has a territory.  And the gang owns its territory.  You can feel the oppression – literally the spiritual oppression – in an area where a gang holds people down through fear.

Which party is doing everything they can to prevent the police from doing their job to serve and protect the American people?  The DEMOCRATIC Party.  In California they literally opened up the prisons and declared crimes not to be crimes while they have “sanctuary cities” and in the meantime Obama’s Department of Injustice rabidly investigated every police department they could as if it is the POLICE who are the real criminals and not the criminals who prey on people.

That is EXACTLY what Democrats are trying to create: larger, more powerful demonic strongholds.  Where they have total control, where they can oppress people and keep people down – literally down for a hundred years – through their lies within a system that resembles a fiefdom whereby the serfs are owned by the lords and receive just enough to live on while the rich continue to get richer.

The other night I was watching a liberal movie star decrying the fact that “police officers ought to be able to live in the communities they protect.”  Sounds nice, I suppose, unless you have a functioning brain cell.  Shouldn’t garbage collectors be able to live in the community they serve?  What about that fool movie star’s community?  Shouldn’t they be able to live in that multi-million dollar Bel-Air mansion of yours???  These leftist movie stars don’t have any intention of living in some tiny apartment surrounded by poverty and drugs and crime and gangs and risking their lives just to venture outside where they have to take the damn bus because they can’t possibly afford a car that would let them drive away to freedom.  That’s not for them.  No, that’s for YOU.

And just like their god Lucifer always does, Democrats have to package their lies from hell with something else that they can convince people to swallow.  Like “science” or like “tolerance.”  They intentionally and invariably deliberately conflate “illegal immigrants” with “immigrants” because they literally don’t want people to comprehend the difference and distinction so they can get them to swallow their lies.  Democrats are lying liars who lie and if their lips are moving or if they’re typing something it means they’re lying.  They intentionally and invariably conflate “climate change” with human causation in spite of the obvious history of planet earth and in spite of what is obviously going on in the universe all around us so they can fearmonger and demagogue people into complying with their self-serving agenda.  The left demands the United Nations receive – get this – $76 TRILLION to combat climate change.  So they can “change” the climate by like half a degree?  No.  You might be that stupid, but these people aren’t.  Rather, they have an agenda that comes right out of the heart of their god, the devil.

The crap that California liberals are peddling is INSANE.  Unless they can get their hands on that kind of money.  You give liberals that kind of money and you’ll get the Final Solution.

If you’re a Democrat, please have the moral consistency to invite at least one hundred illegal immigrants to live in your house with you and please feed them and take care of all of their medical needs.  Because that is the dream of the party that you rabidly support: the dream of cramming people together into dense “communities” and forcing someone to take care of all of those people.

Not that there has been a Democrat in fifty years who wasn’t a pathological hypocrite.



Proof For All Time Of Unhinged Hypocrisy And Bias From The Pseudo-Journalist Class And The Rank-And-File Democrat

January 30, 2017

So this morning I’m looking through the crappy bird-cage-liner that passes itself off as the newspaper of record on the West Coast, just as I’ve been looking through the same bird-cage-liner every day since Trump announced his candidacy, let alone since he was elected.  And it’s just rabidly unhinged bias day after day after day.

Meanwhile, the same Democrat establishment and the same voters who literally swarmed Obama with fanatic worship when he was elected – who hysterically told anyone who didn’t take the Mark of the Obama that you were a racist, a hater, a traitor, fill in your own blank – rose up in a spirit of rabid, violent hatred against the President of the United States even before he took office.

There was an article about journalism and the “end of democracy” in the previous days’ sanctimonious hate-offering of all things Trump.  Under the title, “The vicious cycle that leads to the end of democracy,” I saw these words:

Does democracy require journalists and educators to strive for political balance? I’m hardly alone in thinking the answer is “yes.” But it also requires them to present the facts as they understand them — and when it is not possible to be factual and balanced at the same time, democratic institutions risk collapse.

Consider the problem abstractly. Democracy X is dominated by two parties, Y and Z. Party Y is committed to the truth of propositions A, B and C, while Party Z is committed to the falsity of A, B and C. Slowly the evidence mounts: A, B and C look very likely to be false. Observers in the media and experts in the education system begin to see this, but the evidence isn’t quite plain enough for non-experts, especially if those non-experts are aligned with Party Y and already committed to A, B and C.

Both psychological research and commonsense observation of the recent political situation (I think you’ll agree with this, whatever side you’re on) demonstrate the great human capacity to rationalize and justify what you want to believe. The evidence against A can be very substantial — compelling, even, from a neutral point of view — without convincing people who are emotionally invested in the truth of A.

The journalists and educators who live in X now face a dilemma. They can present both sides in a balanced way, or they can call the facts as they see them. Either choice threatens the basic institutions of democracy.

If they present balanced cases for and against A, B and C, they give equal time to the false and the true. They create the misleading impression that the matter is still in doubt, that opinion is divided, that it’s equally reasonable to believe either side. They thereby undermine and discredit their own assessment that A, B and C are very likely to be false. This is dangerous, since democracy depends on a well-educated, informed voting public, aware of the relevant facts.

In the long term, journalists and educators will likely turn against balance, because they care intensely about the facts in question and don’t wish to pretend that the evidence is unclear. They understand that they cannot routinely promote false equivalencies while retaining their integrity.

Schwittzoebel blathers on a little longer and then finally concludes,

This is all general and oversimplified. But it’s clear in the abstract and in the real world that knowledgeable people can be forced by the evidence to disproportionately favor one political party over another, creating a vicious cycle of bias and partisan alignment.

We might be entering this cycle in the United States. To fight against it, we must allow journalists, educators and researchers to speak freely. Political leaders and their supporters must not rush to the conclusion that experts who disagree with them — even systematically — are their enemies.

The first thing you need to understand is that, in the “abstract” presentation that he provides, he this “academic” firmly sides with the Democratic Party.  The Republican Party is “abstractly” Party Y – you know, the one that has every single one of its facts wrong because it’s dominated by stupid, ignorant, emotional people – whereas his Party Z is the Enlightened Party that knows all and is struggling to accommodate all of these stupid, vacuous, ignorant, clueless unwashed masses.

Eric Schwitzgebel fails throughout his piece to acknowledge on dirty little factoid, namely that 96 percent of journalists are progressive liberals who supported Hillary Clinton:

In all, people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis.

Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — has benefited Clinton: About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee, the Center for Public Integrity’s analysis indicates.

What about the academics?  Yeah, he fails to mention the same rabid bias in that group, also.

As an example, in 2012, 96 percent of Ivy League professors’ donations went to Obama.

Does such lightning of bias strike twice?  Yep:

99% of top liberal arts professor campaign donations go to Democrats: report
By Kelly Riddell – The Washington Times – Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Almost 100 percent of the 2016 presidential political donations made by top liberal arts professors went to Democratic candidates, with only one professor giving to a Republican candidate.

Forty-seven professors at the top 50 liberal arts colleges in the country, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report, have given to presidential campaigns, according to donations recorded in the third quarter by the Federal Election Commission and aggregated by Campus Reform, a conservative watchdog of higher education.

Of those 47 professors, Hamilton College History Professor Robert Paquette was the only one to give to a Republican — donating $150 to Carly Fiorina’s campaign.

The 46 other professors gave $20,875 to Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton and $8,417 to Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders, the report said.

“I do believe these numbers give an accurate representation of the political leanings of faculty on most college campuses, especially allegedly elite liberal arts colleges like Hamilton College,” Mr. Paquette told Campus Reform. Mr. Paquette told the organization he was the “only out-of-closet conservative in a faculty of 200.”

And yeah, once again, the end result for academia was an overwhelming bias for Democrats and an overwhelming rabid bias against Republicans.

The truly frightening thing about Schwitzgebel’s “analysis” is that, for Schwitzgebel, this rabidly lopsided bias probably isn’t even a problem.  After all, he is telling us that journalists and academics HAVE to ultimately choose sides and “present facts as they understand them.”  They have to be able “to speak freely.”

And so they have a RIGHT and even a DUTY to be in Nazi goose-stepping fascist synchronized march toward one political ideology.

And if you are NOT in these elite classes of the Übermensch, you have the right to shut up and mindlessly follow.  Because, that is all they believe you are capable of doing.

In order for Schwitzgebel to have his utopian “democracy” where  we have “a well-educated, informed voting public, aware of the relevant facts,” we have only tow alternatives: the first is to put everyone who supports Party Y in a reeducation camp until they understand that the only acceptable reality is to accept the one presented by the journalists and the academics; and the second is to surgically “correct” the members of Party Y with a full frontal lobotomy and fit them with a drool-collecting prosthetic so that they can be led to the way, the truth and the life according to “the facts” as journalists and academics understand them.

I have to laugh at Eric.  Here is an example of what he claims to believe as the two abiding principles for his particular academic discipline:

two things make a philosopher great: quality of argument and creative vigor

I mean, gee whiz, Eric, “quality of argument”?  HOW ABOUT ANY DAMN ARGUMENT AT ALL???  “Creative vigor”?  I mean, what the hell, when nearly one-hundred percent of your ilk are all marching in lock-step for one side.  I mean, oh yeah, there’s just ALL KINDS of “creativity” going on in your ivy tower and your faculty lounge, isn’t there???

Eric, you are true to your liberal-progressive kind: you are a devout, abject moral hypocrite of the very lowest order.

Allow me to post every single page of the Los Angles Times main section to prove a point:












There they are: a photograph of every single page of the main section of the Los Angles times for Monday, January 30, 2017

Let me go through every single headline and subtitle of each article in the main page section of the newspaper of record for the West Coast:

  • CONFUSION REIGNS: Trump calls travel ban a success as chaos mounts on many fronts
  • Thousands of protesters turn out at airports, and even top Republicans criticize the directive.
  • GOP’s case of whiplash: Republicans hoped for collaboration between the White House and Congress, but Trump isn’t making it easy.
  • Police wary of new duty: Trump’s order to use local units to enforce immigration laws elicits resistance by some L.A. officers.
  • BONDS MADE CLOSER: Muslim Americans ‘standing shoulder to shoulder’
  • You can’t build a wall on a river: Border fence must be set back from Rio Grande, leaving some Texans on wrong side.
  • Screening under scrutiny: Trump wants ‘extreme vetting,’ but refugees already face tough checks
  • Mexico braces for uncertain era: Trump’s tough talk on cross-border trade threatens to cut off region’s lifeblood.
  • Bernie Sanders of France wins vote: Benoit Hamon triumphs in the Socialist Party primary for president.
  • River poses challenge to wall plan (continuing ‘You can’t build a wall’ story)
  • 5 killed at Quebec City mosque
  • Trump’s powerful political duo: Travel ban signals the intent by advisors Bannon and Miler to reshape the country.
  • New duties would ‘create a wedge’ (continuing ‘Police wary of new duty’ article)
  • Riled veterans leap to Muslims’ defense: Military members offer support to Iraqi interpreters blocked by Trump’s order
  • Are plans for jobs just PR? Trump is taking credit for them, but skeptics say many were already in the works.
  • Travel ban hits a community hard (continuing ‘BONDS MADE CLOSER’ article)
  • A reprise of anxiety, heartbreak (continuing ‘CONFUSION REIGNS’ article)
  • Trump’s actions are blindsiding the GOP (continuing ‘GOP’s case of whiplash’ article)
  • How Trump created chaos at the airports: Not only was his order on refugees unfair and inhumane, but they way it was carried out was a disaster.
  • Leader of the free world [on Angela Merkel, celebrating her leftist immigration policies in contrast to Trump’s]
  • A cruel, illegal executive order

It’s been this way ever since EVER, for the record.

There is not ONE example of objective, impartial journalism in the entire newspaper.  Rather, it is blatantly obvious that the policy of the Los Angeles Times is of echoing and amplifying ALL the criticisms from the unhinged left, while steadfastly refusing to so much as allow for mention ANYTHING that Trump may have done that could even conceivably be good.

Every single article is negative and unrelentingly critical.  For example, the “Police wary of new duty article” subtitled, “Trump’s order to use local units to enforce immigration laws elicits resistance by some L.A. officers” and then titled as it continues “New duties would ‘create a wedge'”: how likely is it that there are not “some L.A. officers” who are FOR this executive order and welcome it as good policy???  But the “some officers” who take the leftist side are the ONLY ones who get to count.  And to the extent that there is any nuance in the article itself, you don’t see anything but unrelenting anger and criticism in the headlines and subtitles that are what most people glance at as they pick up this biased piece of leftist propaganda.

And again, in the “BONDS MADE CLOSER” story: do you think it’s possible that someone with bad intentions might have been blocked?  But no, it’s going to be framed as sobbing mothers and hysterical children.  And that’s all that matters.  Which amounts to an entirely emotionalism-laded framing of this policy from a biased, slanted perspective while our philosophy professor Eric Schwitzgebe lambasts US as the “emotional” ones.

Do you want to see “emotional”???  How about Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer weeping and sobbing at just what a mean, bad, mean old man Donald Trump is???

Donald Trump’s response:

“Only 109 people out of 325,000 were detained and held for questioning,” he wrote. “Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the tears of Senator Schumer.”

Have to admit I loved this meme:


PLEASE, lefties, PLEASE don’t give me this garbage crap about being “emotionally invested” coming from the right.

The media and academia pull this tactic all the damn time: let’s search and search and search until we can find some sympathetic victim that suits our narrative, and then follow the Saul Alinsky strategy: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  And it is ALWAYS emotional and it is ALWAYS leftist.  But it’s marvelous when they do what they demonize us for doing.  Because to be a liberal progressive is to be an abject moral hypocrite incapable of shame or virtue or integrity or decency or honesty.

The “Trump’s powerful political duo” article where Trump advisors want to “reshape the country” forces me to remember when Obama said he was only days away from “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  But THAT was wonderful and greeted with cheers and adoration whereas what Trump is doing is utterly evil because somebody who isn’t a beloved liberal ideologue now wants to “reshape the country.”

How about the article on “Riled veterans”?  Does that title give you the suggestion that veterans voted for Trump by a 2-1 margin???  And literally are the ones who gave Trump his swing-state victories that propelled him to the White House???  How about the fact that for career-oriented troops that form the backbone of our nation’s military and our national security, the margin favoring Trump was THREE to one???

No, or to put it more accurately, HELL no: rather, to put it in Eric’s language, “they present the facts as they understand them.”  Or at least “the facts” that they CHOOSE in their BIAS to present.

“Thousands of protesters” are framed as HEROES.  Remember when the Tea Party was demonstrating?  Not ONE SINGLE arrest was EVER made of a tea party supporter – and in fact the ONLY arrests were of unhinged liberal progressives whose fascist souls were filled with hate and rage at the thought that free people had the freedom to demonstrate.  But the mainstream media demonized us like we were burning and looting and raping and rioting.  But then we had first the vile protests of the Occupy Movement where we had acts of terrorism, acts of rape, acts of mass vandalism; then we had Black Lives Matter chanting “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon” and “What do we want?”  Dead cops!”  When do we want it?”  “NOW!” which corresponded to an orgy of execution-style slayings of police officers.  And now we’ve got Democrats charged with RIOTING the day Donald Trump was inaugurated.  And the way the mainstream media depicts it it’s all so, so wonderful.

Such as when Democrats were using Nazi-style Brownshirt tactics to physically beat and terrorize Donald Trump supporters for the crime of participating in the 1st Amendment of our Constitution (see my articles documenting this here and here and here).

And you’re actually worried that the mainstream media that ignored the rise of the Nazi Party from within the Democrat Party isn’t being given enough respect, Eric???

Damn near very single story the mainstream media does emerges from the Saul Alinsky tactic: Pick a target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.  DAMN NEAR EVERY SINGLE TIME.

We have that Time Magazine White House pool correspondent who wrote a post slandering Donald Trump as a racist for removing the Martin Luther King, Jr. bust.  Why did he assume that?  Well, he glanced at where it was and didn’t see it.  Why didn’t he see it?  Didn’t matter to him at the time in his rabid, unhinged, fanatic desire to post it.  It turned out that a Secret Service agent was blocking his view.

Of course, you have to realize that at NO TIME EVER in the last eight years did ANY Secret Service agent EVER ONCE obstruct ANY reporter’s view of the MLK bust: or else we can safely assume that these unbiased purveyors of fact and truth would have immediately reported that Barack Obama had ordered the MLK bust removed.

Amazingly, Zeke Miller STILL has a job in spite of the fact that he just proved that Time Magazine is a nest of poisonous, fanged, venomous vipers who are NOTHING but biased propagandists trying to slander and pervert the truth to suit their ideology and political narrative to harm and undermine Donald Trump and every single voter who elected him president.

Kellyanne Conway is asking the question: when will these lie peddlers be FIRED for “presenting the facts as their slandering bias compels them to understand them????

You go back and look over the disgrace that journalists made of themselves as Donald Trump kept proving that all the crap they were “reporting” was “FAKE NEWS” from a biased perspective: Donald Trump couldn’t win the primary because he was too polarizing and too divisive; Donald Trump could never defeat Hillary Clinton because he was too polarizing and too divisive; Donald Trump was out of contention in all the swing states because he was too polarizing and too divisive.  And all our biased polls prove our foreordained biased conclusion justifying our biased narrative.

THIS is what it means to be a “journalist” today.  THIS is what it means to be an “academic” today.  And if you’re not one of these propagandists, good luck in finding a damn job with them or keeping a job if you already managed to sneak in.

If you are a “journalist” or an “academic” today, YOU ARE THE LIVING EMBODIMENT OF DISHONESTY AND DISGRACE.

On the academic side, what we see is outright psycho-terror for professors whose expertise and scientific analysis tell them that evolution as a “fact” is a load of crap; we see an avalanche in academia of intolerable denials of tenure, denials of promotion, denials of contract renewals, denials of earned degrees, denials of admission into graduate programs”, and other rabid discrimination against a substantial minority of credentialed scientists that disagrees with the prevailing dogmatism of the myth of evolution.

This is “science” to an evolutionist.  Consider the words from Nobel Laureate Dr. George Wald who concedes a great deal in this quote: “One only has to concede the magnitude of the task to concede the possibility of the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible.  Yet here we are—as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation.”  Wald talks about billions of years and then concludes, “Given so much time, the ‘impossible’ becomes possible, the possible probable, and the probable virtually certain.”

This is NOT science, it is “magic.”  Billions of years are NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH TIME for “the magic” of evolution to occur if you actually believe in legitimate science.

But “academia” is purging and destroying ANYONE no matter how credentialed or how accomplished that scientist might be who disagrees with “the acceptable narrative.”

And you want to talk about “creativity” and “arguments”???

We’re seeing the same rabid spirit of academic fascism on another front that we have seen for decades in the myth of godless evolution.

Dr. Judith Curry, a climatologist who had held the chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, resigned in protest of the modern-day witch-hunt that has become academia today, saying, “A deciding factor was that I no longer know what to say to students and postdocs regarding how to navigate the CRAZINESS in the field of climate science. Research and other professional activities are professionally rewarded only if they are channeled in certain directions approved by a politicized academic establishment — funding, ease of getting your papers published, getting hired in prestigious positions, appointments to prestigious committees and boards, professional recognition, etc.”

Do you know what caused the end of the Old Egyptian Kingdom?  It wasn’t the Industrial Revolution, liberal progressive crazies.  It was “climate change” that had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANTHROPOMORPHIC GLOBAL WARMING.  Do you know what caused the collapse of the Mayan Civilization?  It wasn’t SUVs, liberal progressive whackjobs.  It was “climate change” that had NOTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH ANTHROPOMORPHIC GLOBAL WARMING.  Because our climate just changes; it’s unstoppableIt is a FACT of both science and logic that the hated Bogeyman of CO2 produces less than 0.1 percent of all global warming gases; just as it is a fact that nature creates thirty damn times the CO2 that human beings do.  The left, out of POLITICAL rather than SCIENTIFIC ideology, made CO2 (which is actually essential for life on planet earth) an earth-murdering poison and ignored all the other global warming gases such as water vapor which accounts for NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of global warming gases.  Or to put it another way, IT’S THE WATER VAPOR, NOT THE CO2, YOU DAMN FOOLS.

But what the hell; we’re Nazis and Stalinists masquerading as “scientists,” and so everything we say must surely be “scientific” no matter how UNSCIENTIFIC it clearly is.

Eric wants us to worship rabid leftist bias that is masqueraded as “science” and “journalism” as “fact.”

What we have in both fields is nothing short of intellectual STALINISM.

HERE is an example of a rabid, disgraced FOOL who is BOTH an “academic” AND a “journalist.”  And he disgraced himself on BOTH fronts.  Which is why he was given a Nobel Prize, I suppose.

You have discredited yourselves.  Nobody ought to listen to you who wants the truth or even anything vaguely resembling the truth.  Your “facts” “as you understand them” are carefully selected lies that pimp a false narrative.  You’ve done it over and over and over again.

The bottom line is this, Eric: where were YOU when Barack Obama announced the New Reality: “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”  Or to put the New Reality another way, “We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for a ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

WHERE was your outrage, Mr. Schwittzoebel, when Obama was imposing every manner of outrageous, polarizing executive orders and policies and spitting in the eyes of increasingly outraged and alienated Americans???

I wrote this prediction back in 2012:

Obama’s strategy is to set aside and flatly ignore the law for his own political benefit.  Every American who is not deeply troubled by that – troubled enough to not vote for this fascist – is UN-American.

What Obama has done is provide an example of out-and-out lawlessness on the part of the president of the United States.  And when we get a hard-core right wing president the way Obama has been a hard-core left wing president, Obama and the Democrat Party and all of those who voted for Obama and the Democrat Party will be entirely to blame for that president and his extremist actions.  You mark my words.  Because what goes around comes around, and if a Democrat can set aside the law the way Obama has now repeatedly done, well, guess who’s going to be stomping on your necks under your own president’s prior justification???  Conservatives are rising up in a spirit of righteous outrage.  You have repeatedly slapped us in the face through your messiah Obama, and the time is coming when we’re going to punch you hard in the nose and then keep on punching.  And when that day comes, liberals, look to yourselves for blame.My words on June 18, 2012

If you want to get even with the people most responsible for the rise of Donald Trump, then hunt every Democrat who voted for Barack Obama down with dogs and burn them alive.  Because Donald Trump was the result of eight years of FASCISM.

So we get to Trump’s entirely LAWFUL order to limit immigrants and refugees from seven countries that were actually even on Obama’s list as dangerous sponsors of terrorism.  For eight years, Obama gave us lawless executive orders that he himself had previously labeled as the acts of a king, an emperor, arguing that they were unconstitutional and anti-democratic before then  issuing them anyway.  And Democrats smiled and laughed at the abandonment of our Constitution and the tossing out of our laws.


Further, these seven countries are notorious abusers of human rights against Christian minorities, against women, against homosexuals.  But that’s perfectly okay, isn’t it???

Obama has been nothing short of a total disaster for the Democratic Party.  He lost the White House.  He lost the House.  He lost the Senate.  He lost a giant number of governorships.  He lost a giant number of state houses.  He’s a disgrace.  And yet he is the liberal progressives’ god and the  only god with whom they will have to do.

If Democrats had ANY virtue or integrity whatsoever, they would say, “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, Trump won.”  They would say, “We Democrats can go for a ride with Donald Trump, but we gotta sit in back.”

The fact that you won’t abide by the rules of your own game that you created is the biggest crisis facing America today.






PC Political Pope Says It’s Not Christian To Build Walls, Conveniently Forgets That His Vatican Is SURROUNDED By Walls

February 18, 2016

So read Psalm 139:13-16 and then explain to me how murdering sixty million innocent babies doesn’t make somebody “not Christian.”  Read Romans 1:18-32 and explain to me how celebrating homosexual marriage doesn’t make somebody “not Christian.”  But building a damn WALL disqualifies somebody from being a Christian in this leftist pope’s mind?  Seriously?

Do you have any idea how many passages in the Bible there are about the Amorite, the Jebusite, the Hittite, the Canaanite, the Philistine, etc. that involves driving them OUT of the land?  Read Deuteronomy 20:16-18 and explain to me how the Pope didn’t just say Jehovah GOD is “not Christian.”

And what about the Book of Nehemiah and how God tells the prophet to rebuild THE WALL???

This is not a good pope, unless being a “good pope” means being a PC leftist political ideologue.

You can count on this pope to ignore the fundamental teachings of Scripture and instead enter into every political issue under the sun, always reliably taking the politically correct side.

Global warming?  Sure.  This pope will take the side of uber-leftism.  We’ve now seen that you can reliably count on that.  It doesn’t matter that the Old Egyptian Kingdom and the Mayan civilization was destroyed at different historical periods by the very climate change that these idiots now assert was caused by factories and SUVs.  Just as it doesn’t matter that the Roman Empire flourished during “global warming” that is warmer than it is now and that it was when climate change brought an ice age that the barbarians who ultimately sacked Rome began to flee to warmer climes.

But hey, let’s just stupidly forget about the past and even more stupidly assert that it’s because of human activity, factories and cars and whatnot, that we have this darned climate change.  Let’s just put reality aside.  Political correctness is just so much better for fascists to slander their way into grabbing more government power.  What they lust for is 76 TRILLION dollars of Other People’s Money to fund their corruption where they get to hold the power to reward their friends and punish their enemies, pure and simple.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past,” we were assured in the year 2000 when the left still called their ideology “global warming.”  “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” we were told.  Let’s just omit the fact that the same idiot pseudo-scientist frauds who predicted global warming and made these idiotic prophesies had previously predicted an ice age.  And they were wrong because they are ALWAYS wrong.

We’re told over and over again that man-caused global warming is “settled science” and that not one single scientist on planet earth disagrees.  It doesn’t matter that Nobel Prize laureates call it a load of bunk.

To be a liberal means to be pathologically ignorant of history, pathologically ignorant of reality and worst of all pathologically ignorant of God’s Word.  Even, or maybe especially, if that liberal happens to be the pontiff.

So this leftist PC pontiff is currently walking around Mexico wearing sackcloth and casting ashes on his head and weeping and wailing about the plight of people who want to break the law and walk into someone else’s country uninvited.

And to that end, he decided to do what NO other pope has done in modern times and become a crass politician demogoguing and demonizing political opponents.  And so he said of Trump:

“A person who thinks only about building walls — wherever they may be — and not building bridges, is not Christian,” Francis said Thursday, according to a translation from the Associated Press. “This is not in the Gospel.”

Yeah, but global warming and gay marriage IS in the Gospel.

Oh, wait.  They aren’t.

Well, it’s too damn bad you don’t yourself actually ever get around to talking about the actual Gospel, Francis.  Maybe you could arrange to fit that in between all of your leftist spouting off about socialism and global warming and gay marriage and illegal immigration.  But I won’t hold my breath.

Anyway, I certainly am NOT a celebrator of Donald Trump’s “Christianity.”  But don’t you DARE, foreign PC pope, intrude into the political process of my country.

Mind you, I can’t even IMAGINE the viciousness of the left had a pope said that Obama wasn’t a Christian.  But to be a liberal means to be a hypocrite.  So you can just forget the notion that any liberal will EVER apply the same standard to others that they apply to themselves, and vice versa.  So just recognize that religion should never have anything whatsoever to do with politics, unless of course it is leftist “religion” demonizing anything conservative or Republican or, you know, the kind of beliefs that come from actually picking up and reading a BIBLE.

So this comeback from the Trump campaign was pretty darned classic:

Trump Pope Response

If you click on the image to open up a larger version in another window, you will see a map of the Vatican (where the Pope resides and commands) featuring a GREAT BIG GIANT WALL SURROUNDING IT.  And a Trump guy pointing out the hypocrisy of Pope Francis by pointing out, “Amazing comments from this Pope, considering Vatican City is 100% surrounded by massive walls.”

That is absolutely awesome.  Donald Trump’s stump speech should now be, “We need to build a giant wall along our southern border, like Pope Francis’ wall at the Vatican…”

Vatican Wall

Just look at the size of that thing.  I mean, DANG!  Don’t you just WISH we had a wall like that???

Pope Francis, you hypocrite liberal!!!  Jesus told people like you to “first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye” (Matthew 7:5).  So when are you going to take that log out of your own eye SO YOU CAN SEE THAT GREAT BIG GIANT WALL OUTSIDE YOUR HOUSE???  Jesus told Christians that “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32).  So when are YOU going to get yourself some of that truth???

I feel like Ronald Reagan should come back from heaven and stand in front of the Vatican and say, “Mr. Francis, Tear down this wall.”

Oh, liberal.  It must sting to have your own standard imposed back in your face.  It would be like Obama telling the rest of us that we should all have our guns taken away… and then the Secret Service were to walk off the job and leave him to his well-deserved fate.  You know, while Obama crawls into the fetal position and starts crying like a pitiful child and pleading for the protection that he is trying so hard to deny to the American people who don’t get to have an armed Secret Service detail everywhere they go.

Upon hearing that he had just been put in his place, the pope first tried to lunge after and physically attack the Trump guy, diving headlong into a crowd to get at him…

When Popes Attack1

And then started screaming at him:

When Popes Attack2

and gave him the finger:

When Popes Attack3

Okay, I might not be accurately reporting the genuine context of what truly happened in that above sequence.  Which means I clearly ought to be working as a journalist at MSNBC.

Nevertheless, being a liberal means “being a hypocrite.”  Which means being a man who lives behind giant walls and calling himself the vicar of Christ on earth telling people that anybody who builds was is not a Christian.

The thing about illegal immigration is that it hurts everyone who tried to play by the rules.  The people who come into a country illegally flood the labor market, and there’s something called “the law of supply and demand.”  You know, the LAW of supply and demand, that tells us that if you increase the supply of something, such as, oh, I don’t know, cheap labor, that the value of that thing will invariably go down.  Which means suppressed and depressed wages for everyone else working in that same industry.  It is just a typical liberal lie from hell that illegal immigrants are all out picking crops in the fields and working jobs that no gringo would ever work because they’re just too lazy.  Nope, illegal immigrants are construction workers and contractors and home health care nurses and store employees and pretty much everything else under the sun.  And I also can’t help but empathize – apparently because darn it, I’m just not “Christian” enough I guess – with the people who tried to legally emigrate to this country, but have to wait for YEARS ON END because Democrats and liberals keep rewarding the lawless types who decide that they belong at the head of the line.  Because another characteristic of liberalism is that you are all too willing to harm good people in order to reward bad people for their bad behavior.

In any event, I am NOT a Donald Trump supporter and hope the man does NOT win the Republican primary, but I am now officially BEYOND ENRAGED at this pope who just became a cheap politician and inserted his fool mouth where it very clearly does not belong: in the American political process.

Part of Donald Trump’s response to the Pope was that Islamic State LUSTS to burn the Vatican to the ground and destroy the walls (you know, the great big one that the Pope can’t seem to see) the way they’ve destroyed every other religious structure such as the ancient tombs and the Baalshamin Temple at Palmyra, etc.  And Trump says when Islamic State comes for you, Pope Francis, you’ll be damn glad that I’m president.  Now, I’m hardly the one to tell you that Donald Trump would be the best president at protecting the Vatican or anyplace else, but I CAN tell you that one of the things this pope has done – in the liberal spirit of Obama – is decry just war and decry truly standing up against monstrous evil.  And it is because of the moral idiocy of Barack Obama and Pope Francis that we now have the worst refugee crisis in the entire history of planet earth.

And I’m beyond sick of your meddling.

You can’t walk this one back far enough or fast enough, Francis.  You just stuck your foot in your mouth right up to your hip bone.  You aren’t pope anymore; you’re a just a cheap politician now.  And it’s long-past time you quit pretending to be “humble” while you so outrageously and arrogantly lecture us on every topic under the sun that is TOTALLY OUTSIDE your alleged expertise.

Go back to preaching about the wonders of homosexuality and gay marriage and stay the hell out of my country’s political process, Mr. Pope.

Reality’s Response To Obama’s ‘Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction’: Worst Start To A Year In HISTORY

January 20, 2016

Jesus said in John 8:44, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.  He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him.  When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

The thing about depravity is you are perverted in your soul and you cannot see or understand or comprehend reality the way it really, truly is.

It comes down to this: bad people prefer lies.  The souls of the wicked swim in lies.

Which is why Democrats are now ten times more murderous than the Nazis were when it comes to murdering innocent human beings by first denying their humanity and then solving the “problem” that these unwanted “non”-human beings are blamed for.  And you need to understand that the Democrat environmentalists are shouting, “60 million is not enough!!!” Some of them are saying, “We need to kill BILLIONS, not millions!”

And the dots are connected between progressive liberalism, environmentalism, socialism, totalitarianism, and Islam.  They all want the same thing: they all want mass death for the sake of their ideology.

So I have to laugh one of those laughs where you better be careful because it could easily turn into a hysterical crying jag as you confront a level of depravity and deceit that would be ludicrous if it wasn’t so tragic and wasn’t causing so much destruction.

Obama State of the Union Speech, January 12:

 “Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.” 


And how did the national economy respond???  What was actually happening as he said those words???

Like this:

U.S. stocks post worst 10-day start to a year in history

Like this:

Stock market slides again, 2016 off to the worst start in Wall Street history

Just so you understand what that means – and how absolutely demonically GODAWFUL Obama truly is for the economy  and for the United States of America – “Wall Street history” dates to May 17, 1792.  So what that above article is actually saying is that Barack Obama has got America off to the worst start in the final year of his presidency – which is really, seriously hard to blame on Bush by now, I think you should agree – in 224 years.

For the record, that’s really bad.

And look at today and understand like THIS:

Oil crash sends Dow diving 500 points
by Matt Egan   @mattmegan5
CNN Money
January 20, 2016: 12:31 PM ET

This is the same, wicked, demon-possessed liar who assured us that Islamic State was “JayVee” AFTER they had sacked and occupied two of the largest cities in Iraq. And then, because there has never been a more dishonest man ever born, he tried to deny that after it became so laughable that even a demoniac liar had to realize how insane it was.

There is NO truth or honesty or virtue or decency or honor or integrity in the heart of this wicked man.

Our economy is in shambles and the only thing we have to say anything is going well is a bunch of bogus statistical shenanigans.  Obama touts a low unemployment record when in actual reality we have the lowest labor participation rate – the measurement of working-age adults who actually have a JOB – in modern history.  I’ve been writing about this since we wickedly and foolishly re-elected this failed sack-of-feces in 2012.  You’ve got to go back to 1977 when Jimmy Carter was failing the world with much the same worldview that Obama has to match that demonically dismal performance.  And just for the record in 1977 a lot of women were married mothers who stayed home and ran the household and raised their children as opposed to now when Democrats have broken the institution of marriage.  People don’t have JOBS; but the way these numbers are cooked, it doesn’t MATTER.

Meanwhile, Obama has spent more money than every single president in history from George Washington to George W. Bush COMBINED.  Meanwhile, what’s our debt?  Our REAL debt?  Is it $18.906 trillion as the national debt clock says it is?  Which by the way is TWICE as much as it was when a hypocrite named Barack Hussein Obama slandered and demonized George Bush for a national debt of over $9 trillion, claiming because of the debt, George Bush was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic.”

Not even CLOSE.  Because our “official” national debt doesn’t include ANY of the REAL costs that our government has piled on our backs.  You call these things Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and now ObamaCare; accountants call them “unfunded liabilities.”  Our true debt is well north of $250 trillion by now, going up by more than $11 trillion each and every year.

But it’s okay, right?  I mean, I’m sure YOU’RE good for it.  You will pay it back and we’ll be fine.  Smooth sailing, right?

We are a house of cards and the wind is starting to pick up.  Oh, and the cards are soaked in gasoline and there are fires starting all over the place.  And the house of cards is built on a major fault line.  And basically every politician in Washington acts like a two-year old racing all around the house of cards.

One day you’re going to wake up and the banks are going to be closed and the money in your wallet is going to be worth less than toilet paper.  And you’ll be stunned because if you’re one of the few people who even bother to tune in to the news, all the mainstream talking heads were assuring you that everything is going to be fine.

We’re going to go down harder, faster and further than any other nation ever has in the entire history of the world.  Because no nation has ever racked up so much debt.  No nation has ever so fundamentally betrayed their own values that made them great to begin with.

The Bible mentions Russia in end-times prophecy; it mentions China.  It never bothers with America.  Because America will be broken and irrelevant in the last days.

For the entire history of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics there was nothing but Stalinist pronouncements that had nothing whatsoever to do with reality.  And just before the crash came, the government was blaming seventy years of bad weather for the horrible performance of socialism and the inability to even feed their own people.

And now we’ve got liberals who are every damn bit as socialist doing the same damn thing today.

How’s that socialism working for you?  I mean, it’s sure not working out very well for France, we’re seeing now.  It didn’t work out very well for Greece or for Portugal or for Italy, etc.  It didn’t work out very well for Venezuela with Obama’s pal Hugo Chavez.  Truth to tell, socialism has failed everywhere and every time it’s ever been tried.  But it’s like W.C. Fields observed, “There’s a stupid, ignorant, depraved sucker born every damn minute.”  And combine that with the bumper sticker I saw: “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”  And so the world keeps making the same stupid mistake over and over and over again.  And what do we have to show for Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America” that isn’t terrible???  You want to say ObamaCare, which has amazingly both made healthcare worse AND more expensive at the same damn time???  ObamaCare has utterly FAILED the poor and middle class people Obama swore he was going to help; the whole damn law was nothing but a bait-and-switch windfall to connected insurance companies as both the quality of and access to health care plummeted.  But as long as your mind remains wrapped up in all the lies your soul inhabits, you probably won’t even notice reality until you finally become aware of your empty stomach.  There won’t be anyone to feed you because there won’t be any more food.  And you’ll be looking around, wondering who is going to change your soiled diaper for you, because you never learned how to take care of yourself.

The fact of the matter is that crazy weather is the last-days’ evangelical Christian’s issue, NOT the liberal’s.  Jesus told us there would be terrifying signs in the last days.  God told us in His Word that in His judgment He would send terrifying floods in one place and send savage drought to anotherLook and see what the Bible had to say about the weather in the last days.

Liberals are literally doing the work of Satan, politically exploiting God’s judgment for THEIR wickedness to bring about MORE of the very policies that God is judging!

Soon the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will come.  Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear already hear the echoes of their coming hoofbeats.  They come for YOU, fool.

And then the beast is going to come, the Antichrist of the Book of Revelation.  And he will seem to have an answer for all the chaos of the politicians you worshiped in the past.  And so you will worship him even more fervently than you worshiped Obama.  And you will take his mark of Big Government and Ultimate Socialism and you will eagerly devour the fruit of that ultimate evil.  And then you will burn screaming in hell forever and ever.




Obama And The Democrat Party Waging Brutal War On The Very People Who Most Support Them

August 10, 2015

It’s an interesting tactic that you see as the essence of all terrorist movements.  America saw it most clearly during the Vietnam War: the communist – in other words the political leftists – terrorized and killed as many people as they could in order to make the population turn against the political system so they could seize power.  Which they ultimately did.  The idea was, “Look at this horrible government; why, they can’t even keep you safe!”

Of course, it was the leftist communists who were saying that who were doing all the murdering that the government couldn’t keep the people safe from.  But that was besides the point.

Now, you might ask yourself why a people would ever allow a group of brutal murdering thugs to gain power by murdering them, but the fact is that it has happened over and over and over again.

It’s happening here in America.

My visual picture is a Democrat coming up behind an unknowing victim, viciously hitting the man in the back of the head with a baseball bat, throwing the bat near a Republican, and then shrieking hysterically, “Look what that terrible Republican just did!”

And a leftist “journalist” duly reports the “fact” that a Republican just viciously assaulted a poor, innocent victim.  And don’t think for a moment that poor, innocent victim will ever vote Republican.

You say, “you’re crazy.”  Democrats don’t do anything like that.  They love the poor.

Yeah, right.

I came across an article from the AP that said EXACTLY what Republicans said over and OVER and OVER again about what ObamaCare would do:

Miriam Uribe enrolled in California’s low-income health insurance program last November, and she still hasn’t found a primary care doctor 10 months later who could see her.

“Once you have (insurance), you actually still don’t have it because it’s still a struggle to find someone,” the 20-year-old college student from Bellflower said.

Uribe isn’t alone. Even though Latinos make up nearly half of California’s 12.5 million Medi-Cal enrollees, a report by the independent California HealthCare Foundation found that 36 percent of the Spanish-speaking Medi-Cal population has been told that a physician won’t take them, compared to 7 percent of the overall Medi-Cal population. Even those who speak both English and Spanish reported similar difficulty accessing doctors.

“The numbers are very, very shocking,” said Sarah de Guia, executive director of the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, a multicultural health advocacy group.

De Guia said the study doesn’t explain why Latinos — whether they speak English or Spanish — are being turned away at higher rates, but public policy officials say the biggest obstacle is finding doctors who are willing to take the lower payments offered by Medi-Cal. Language barriers also play a role.

What did Republicans say would happen?  We said doctors would leave medicine.  They’ve left medicine in DROVES.  We said there was a giant difference between the bait-and-switch deception from Democrats that having health insurance was the same thing as having actual health care.  We said people would end up paying more and more and getting less and less.  We said that more people than EVER would end up flooding into emergency rooms because that was where ObamaCare would ultimately drive them.

All of which has happened.  Even the New York Times is forced to acknowledge the dilemma people like Karen Pineman of Manhattan face by being “Insured, but Not Covered.”  We’ve found out the hard way that “Even consumers with health insurance get hit with surprisingly large medical bills” as ObamaCare has caused deductibles to SKYROCKET.  Democrats have these incredibly false studies that claim that premiums haven’t gone up by as much as they did in the past (after Obama himself swore that his ObamaCare would bend the cost curve DOWN); but what they do is dishonestly count all the people who get “subsidies” rather than honestly dealing with all the people who are now forced to pay massively more to subsidize all those subsidies.   And of course the problem that the people who have those subsidies don’t actually have “health care” but “health insurance” that doesn’t allow them to actually see a damn doctor.

Doctors have either left the field of medicine in disgust as the following articles document: here and here and here and here and here; or they are abandoning the ObamaCare networks: 214,000 doctors is a LOT of doctors, in case you didn’t know.  It’s about 25% of all doctors in America.  And they’ve quit ObamaCare.

So what do you have BECAUSE of ObamaCare?  You’ve got fewer doctors in smaller networks.  Just as Republicans warned and tried to scream about as Democrats without a SINGLE Republican vote passed the bill that no one had even bothered to read in the middle of the night with frankly undemocratic and unconstitutional shenanigans and outright bribery.

And so – contrary to the wicked party of homosexual sodomy, abortion, godless socialism and ObamaCare – we have people flocking to emergency rooms (which Obama swore his ObamaCare would END) in numbers we’ve never seen before.  Because to be a Democrat is to be a DEMOn-possessed beauroCRAT who worships and exalts human government in place of God.  To be a Democrat is to be the very worst kind of LIAR.

But whose fault is it that the health care system has been destroyed?  The party that voted against the destruction of the health care system.

In my analogy, the Democrat came up behind an unsuspecting, unaware victim and viciously whacked him in the head.  The poor victim never saw it coming.  And then he believed the accusations as to who had committed the vicious assault, blaming everyone BUT the one who actually hit him.

That’s exactly what has happened to America.  The Democrat Party has destroyed the American Dream.  But they count on the ignorance of the people they are hurting, they count on their lies and they count on the leftist ideologues who constitute the overwhelming majority of our “journalists.”  And they’ve largely gotten away with it because we live in an age of deception just before the beast comes.

I have a very dear friend who is everything the Democrat Party says it wants to help.  She’s a woman.  She’s a Hispanic.  She’s a single mother of seven children.  She’s poor.

She’s a home care nurse who can’t get a full-time job because anyone who paid her full-time hours would have to provide health care benefits.  She’s working seven hours a day for four days a week.  That keeps her under Obama’s death-for-businesses threshold.  You really can’t blame businesses for trying to survive this wicked president.  And what we’re finding is a death of full-time jobs for the people who most need them because they aren’t making high hourly wages and therefore need to be allowed to work more hours to make more money.  The same thing of course happens when the left forces businesses to pay $15 an hour minimum wage; for those who keep their jobs it’s obviously nice, but for a lot of other people they lose their jobs and many jobs that would have been created never will be thanks to Democrats.  You really have to wonder just who the fascist hell Democrats think they are for telling workers, “You CAN’T work unless you get paid what we say you have to be paid,” and tell employers, “You better think TWICE before you create a job.”  Versus conservatives who say that people ought to be allowed to decide how much they’re willing to pay and how much pay they’re willing to receive for a given job.

Understand, it aint Republicans shutting down little kids’ lemonade stands.

Now, I understand.  Again, the left comes out with the most bogus statistics such as Obama’s “low” unemployment rate – I mean, George Bush AVERAGED over eight years what has been Obama’s best unemployment MONTH, but I guess that’s beside the point – that are based on eliminating out THE most important facts such as our plummeting labor participation rate and any measurement of those who are being underutilized in the labor force.

Under Obama, we have the fewest people as a percentage of our work force actually WORKING with JOBS than we’ve seen in forty damn years (back when men traditionally worked while their wives stayed home and took care of the household and the children).

Let’s take a real look at Obama’s unemployment rate, measured by the fuller and more accurate U-6 measurement.  Let’s compare that rate with George W. Bush’s – who sustained his OWN economic meltdown at the hands of his predecessor as Bill Clinton handed Bush his DotCom Bubble Bust that wiped out $7.1 TRILLION dollars from the U.S. economy and wiped out 78.6% of the Nasdaq stock exchange.  The Bush economy took a HEAVY blow from that, just as he took a massively heavy blow from the 9/11 attack that terrified our economy into paralysis that was also Bill Clinton’s fault as he decimated the CIA and our intelligence capability, gutted the military and emboldened a man named Osama bin Laden into calling the United States a “paper tiger” because Clinton had been a paper tiger PRESIDENCY.  But with two presidencies to compare data, let’s take a look at the following U-6 monthly rates and do the math by adding them up for each president and dividing by the number of months in office.

U-6 Unemployment Rate

As of July 2015, we find that George Bush had an 8.35% U-6 rate.  Versus Obama who has a 14.54% U-6 rate.  That’s Great Depression level there, folks.

When you count the fact that our population has grown by nearly 16 million people since Obama took office.  We need JOBS for those people.  And Obama is touting monthly “job creation numbers” that aint even anywhere CLOSE to what we need just to sustain our population.

Add to that the fact that more than 93 MILLION working age Americans are NOT working – who are not even CONSIDERED in Obama’s unemployment stats – and you ought to see a giant, whopping crisis.  That 93 million figure is historic. It has NEVER happened before.

Obama promised a Workers Utopia.  He has been the devil who has delivered HELL for the American worker who needed a damn job.

Obama isn’t finished, either.  He is willing to commit economic suicide by imposing a level of global warming edicts that will GUT America’s ability to compete with other economies.  His policies will leave the world’s climate EVERY bit as dirty; but he’ll kill America in the process.

Democrats are the party of more taxes, more regulations, more laws, more punishment for job creators, more burdens to prevent them from expanding and being able to hire workers.

Obama came promising he would end the income inequality between the rich and the poor.  The funny thing is that because of his morally and economically retarded policies, WE HAVE SEEN THE WORST INCOME INEQUALITY IN HISTORY UNDER OBAMA.  To the tune of a four times greater rate of income inequality than occurred under the hated George W. Bush.

Even the reliably liberal Huffington Post was forced to acknowledge this fact:

Despite President Obama’s view that growing income inequality is hurting the nation, it’s actually gotten worse during his tenure, at least according to one measure.

The difference between America’s median and average wages grew at a rate of 0.28 percent under President Bush, while it’s grown at a rate of 1.14 percent — or about four times that — under Obama, according to The New York Times. The median wage is the midpoint of all workers’ wages, so it only ticks up when everyone is earning more. While a small group of people earning higher pay can push the average wage up.

So, as the difference between the two rises, it means that those at the bottom of the income scale are making fewer gains compared to those at the top.

This data point is one of many that illustrates that in Obama’s America the rich are gaining while the rest of us are struggling to get by. The wealthy took home a greater share of the nation’s income during the years following the recession, under Obama, than between 2002 and 2007, under Bush, according to a 2012 analysis from Emmanuel Saez, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

So the poor are getting screwed by this president even as he promises to be the exact opposite of what he actually is.  While demonizing the former president who in actuality is his better in every damn way under the sun.

But what if you’re black?  I mean, surely Obama has been great for black people.  I mean, right?  Things must be going just peachy for black people.

NOT.  The more a group of people – well, other than filthy rich crony-capitalist types who have ALWAYS benefited from leftist socialism and fascism – count on Democrats and Obama, the worse the lot has been for that group of people.  Which is why Obama has destroyed ANY chance of black people getting a damn job to the tune of 12 MILLION black people who are not in the labor force.

And let’s not mention that Democrats continue to support a racist entity started by Hillary Clinton’s personal hero.  Let’s not mention that that entity locates in every black neighborhood in order to literally encourage black people to participate in their own self-genocide.  Let’s not mention that Democrats are responsible for the murder of more than six out of every ten black babies conceived.

Which is why – in spite of the fact that Obama swore he would be the president who would transcend race and lead America into racial harmony – has so plummeted America into racial chaos and unrest and violence that one of the race riot sites is having a race riot to mark the anniversary of their last race riot.

It’s interesting: you’ve got to go back more than one hundred years to find the one race riot that happened while a Republican was president.  It’s DEMOCRATS who are the party of the Confederate States of America and started the Civil War because a Republican was elected president; it’s DEMOCRATS who are the party of the Ku Klux Klan; it’s DEMOCRATS who are the party of re-segregation; it’s DEMOCRATS who are the party of Klanbake; it’s DEMOCRATS who are the real party behind the resurgence of the Confederate flag; it’s DEMOCRATS who are the party of race-baiting and racial unrest.

We look at crime and violence and murders and we look at Democrats and they are responsible for basically ALL of it.  The Democrat Party demonized their own cities’ police officers and imposed policies that have eliminated the police departments’ ability to do their job and protect people.  And the people who are suffering are POOR people and MINORITIES.

Obama’s tactic is to exploit racial tension to enrage minorities to “punish your enemies.”  Just keep stirring up hate and sinking to the lowest common denominator until we collapse.

Democrats run these cities and I mean it’s just a shock that the “we gave them space to destroy” policy would backfire.  It’s amazing that stop and frisk would keep crime down and letting black gang-banging thugs with guns in their pants freely run around KNOWING they’d be safe from searches might be a bad thing.  How could anyone ever think for one second that allowing decent citizens to protect their own homes and property with guns could ever be a deterrent from people who would otherwise prey on disarmed and helpless victims???

As I said, the worst terrorist/guerilla organizations don’t wage their war against the armed soldiers who will fight them; they wage it against the population.  They count on the ignorance and fear of that population to drive a wedge of confidence between the people and the government that’s trying to keep them safe from the terrorist guerillas.  It’s an incredibly cynical and exploitative strategy that has historically worked.  And it’s working for the Democrat Party.

All the worst cities in America have had Democrat leadership for a hundred damn years.  And the misery means nothing to Democrats but a chance to inflict MORE misery and blame the Republicans for it.

As I said, Democrats count on the ignorance and frankly the stupidity of their victims to keep blaming the Republican Party for what? for it’s failure to STOP the Democrat Party from inflicting death and destruction and poverty and despair on them.


The Full Horror Revealed: We Now Know How America Will Collapse COMPLETELY From Within Due To Obama’s Undermining Of Economy, Security

May 11, 2015

I’m seeing more and more articles popping up from traditionally leftist sources acknowledging the epic, total fail that is, was and has been ObamaCare.  Yesterday, the reliably liberal USA Today front page had an article which I found in the print version titled, “Ky hospitals suffocating under ObamaCare: Facilities facing layoffs – and even shutdowns.”  That article is a living, breathing demonstration that everything the Republican governors who refused ObamaCare and successfully sued to not be forced to implement loudly predicted would happen as the federal government reimbursement rates would ultimately fail to keep up with the exorbitantly expensive costs of implementing ObamaCare.  As merely one example, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal said back in 2013:

We will not allow President Obama to bully Louisiana into accepting an expansion of Obamacare.

We have rejected Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion in Louisiana because it would cost Louisiana taxpayers up to $1.7 billion over the next ten years and move nearly 250,000 Louisianians from private coverage to Medicaid.

“The disastrous rollout of Obamacare is a case in point that we don’t need top-down, one-size-fits-all federal mandates, and instead should continue to focus on health care solutions that make sense for Louisiana.

“Obamacare needs to be repealed. The dysfunction of the website and the President’s broken promises on being able to keep your health plan are just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the problems with this law.”

A grossly biased CNN Money article still managed to at least say this much about why Republican governors “stood their ideological ground”:

A number of governors, particularly in red states, have stood their ideological ground and chosen not to expand, citing concerns about the additional financial burden. The federal government will pay for 100% of the expansion for the first three years, then gradually reduce its subsidy to 90% by 2020.

Some governors have said that expansion would involve additional costs that they couldn’t afford and enlarge a program that they consider broken. In many states, however, various analyses show that states would stand to gain millions of dollars by expanding the program, at least initially.

The article I cite above detailing the collapse of the health delivery system in Kentucky begins:

LEXINGTON, Ky. — While Kentucky has gained national prominence as the only Southern state to fully embrace Obamacare, its hospitals say the law has left them facing billions of dollars in cuts and forced them to lay off staff, shut down services and worry for their financial health and, in some cases, survival.

The Kentucky Hospital Association outlined its concerns in a report released Friday called “Code Blue,” saying payment cuts to hospitals are expected to reach nearly $7 billion through 2024. “Kentucky hospitals will lose more money under the Affordable Care Act than they gain in revenue from expanded coverage,” it said, experiencing a net loss of $1 billion by 2020.

“This report provides the real picture of what our hospitals are facing,” KHA President Mike Rust said during a press conference at the Lexington Convention Center, where the group was holding its annual convention. The Medicaid expansion has given many residents health coverage that has brought new money into hospitals, but “the rest of the story is the cuts.”

Hospitals are suffering a net loss, officials said, partly because about three-quarters of newly-insured Kentuckians signed up for Medicaid, which reimburses hospitals less than it costs to treat patients. Nationally, the Congressional Budget Office projected half of newly-insured patients would have private insurance. But Kentucky is a poor state, so most people who signed up for Obamacare — officially the Affordable Care Act — have qualified for expanded Medicaid, which covers those earning less than 138 percent of the federal poverty level, or about $33,000 for a family of four.

You just watch how the biased USA Today that wrote off Kentucky’s dilemma as being the result of being “a poor state” fails to understand how EVERY state will ultimately be a “poor state” under ObamaCare.  As an example based on something called a “fact,” consider California.  An article from Covered California – ObamaCare in California – touted that “495,073 people selected health plans during the open-enrollment period ending Feb. 22, 2015.”  It points out the fact that “Nearly nine out of every 10 new enrollees qualified for some level of financial help for 2015,” which means that SOMEBODY ELSE is going to be forced to pay for them.  But here’s the real point: versus those 495,073 people who signed up for ObamaCare by the deadline, “Meanwhile, more than 779,000 consumers enrolled in Medi-Cal from Nov. 15 through Jan. 31. Medi-Cal enrollment continues year-round.”

That means that as of March 5, Medicare accounted for 61% of the total ObamaCare coverage.  And as the article points out, that enrollment continues and therefore continues to expand and grow – all year.  Which means by the end of the year you can damn well bloody BET that the total of Medicare enrollees will be 3/4s of all ObamaCare enrollees.  And nobody is calling California “a poor state.”  Which is another way of saying that the CBO was dreadfully wrong in its horribly flawed analysis.  ObamaCare is a depth charge that will sink and explode right in the bowels of our health care system and ultimately collapse it.

It’s kind of like that line from the movie Unforgiven where a hit man says of his victims, “Yeah, well, I guess they had it coming.”  And Will Munny points out the far grimmer truth – “We all got it coming, kid.”  Under ObamaCare, we’re ALL “poor states” now.  And we’ve ALL got it coming to us.

Another article points out the devastation that ObamaCare has actually been to actual health care:

After What 214,000 Doctors Just Did, Obamacare Could Be In Shambles
“The ‘Affordable’ Care Act is anything but…”
James Beattie October 30, 2014 at 11:25am

More than 214,000 doctors will not participate in new plans under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).

According to a survey conducted this year by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), a trade association comprised of multi-physician medical practices, “as many as 214,524 American physicians will not be participating in any ACA exchange products.” Reasons abound as to why, but, “chief among them is the fact that exchange plans are more likely to offer significantly lower reimbursement rates than private market plans, confusion among consumers about the obligations associated with high deductibles, and fear that patients will stop paying premiums and providers will be unable to recover their losses”

This is a staggering number, considering the Kaiser Family Foundation reported there are 893,851 active physicians working in the United States.

It’s actually WORSE than doctors merely withdrawing from networks and refusing to provide treatment that would bankrupt them to provide as they lose money with every patient until they are out of business.  Doctors are getting out of medicine altogether as the Washington Times documented as early as 2013:

‘Obamacare’ health care reform ALREADY forcing doctors to close practices

We are facing a shortage of 45,000 primary care physicians, which is the choke point to all of the rest of health care.  Just for starters.  And just as conservatives like me were predicting all along as this wicked, demon-possessed monstrosity became law.

Someone has yet to explain to me how getting everybody a piece of paper that says they have “health insurance” but which means forcing hospitals to close and doctors to leave their health practices helps people get actual healthcare.  Doctors are not accepting these patients with their “ObamaCare.”  And as a result they are swamping the emergency rooms at a greater rate than ever before as the Washington Times documented –

Doctors say emergency room visits have increased since the advent of Obamacare, undercutting one of the key selling points of President Obama’s health care law, which was supposed to ensure a healthier population by pushing consumers to rely on their primary physicians rather than emergency trips to the hospital.

Three out of four ER doctors said they have seen a rise in the number of patients since January 2014, when Obamacare fully kicked in, according to a survey conducted by the American College of Emergency Physicians. More than a quarter of the doctors said they have seen a major surge, and 47 percent said the rise has been slight.

The doctors said they fear a spike in visits could overwhelm their resources: Seven out of 10 said their departments aren’t prepared for a significant increase in patient volume.

The biggest cause is a lack of primary care doctors to treat the increased number of patients with health care coverage, so the patients are turning to the emergency room instead — exactly what wasn’t supposed to happen.

– breaking Obama’s promises.  In just ONE dishonest speech for his dishonest ObamaCare takeover of our once-great health care system, Obama said:

And these stories were personal for me, because I remember my mother worrying about how she was going to deal with her finances when she got very sick.  I remember the fear Michelle and I felt when Sasha was a few months old and she got meningitis.  And we raced to the hospital and they had to give her a spinal tap.  And we didn’t know what was wrong and we were terrified, never felt so scared or helpless in all of my life.  But we were fortunate enough to have good health insurance.

And I remember looking around that emergency room and thinking — what about the parents who aren’t that lucky?  What about the parents who get hit with a bill of $20,000 or $30,000 and they’ve got no idea how to pay for it?  What about those parents whose kids have a chronic illness like asthma and have to keep on going back to the emergency room because they don’t have a regular doctor, and the bills never stop coming?  Who is going to stand up for them?

And in that same speech he again said:

All told, since I signed the Affordable Care Act into law, we have seen the slowest growth in health care costs on record.  (Applause.)


Right?  Now, the reason we do that is, when uninsured people who can afford to get health insurance don’t, and then they get sick or they get hit by a car, and they show up at the emergency room, who do you think pays for that?


THE PRESIDENT:  You do, in the form of higher premiumsBecause the hospitals, they’ve got to get their money back somehow.  So if they’re treating somebody who doesn’t have health insurance, they jack up premiums for everybody who does have health insurance.  It’s like a hidden tax of $1,000 per family every year who has got health insurance.  So we’re saying that’s not fair.  If you can afford to get health insurance, don’t dump the costs on us.  The law also requires employers with more than 50 employees to either provide health insurance for your workers or pay a penalty.

So let me ask you Obama’s question with this twist: when ObamaCare forces millions of patients into the emergency rooms he falsely sold his ObamaCare as preventing from happening, WHO PAYS FOR IT???  Emergency room care is THE most cost-inefficient system there IS because it is designed to be for EMERGENCIES.  And when you have a surgeon who is trained to deal with traumatic amputations dealing with a kid’s runny nose, you are bankrupting the system.  You are forcing hospitals to close down or get rid of needed staff to stay in business.

And the ONLY people who have fought to keep people from having no other freaking option for health care but to go to the ermgency rooms that massively add to the cost burden of providing health care were REPUBLICANS who pointed out Obama’s lies.

What has ObamaCare done to hospitals?

Obamacare Forcing Rural Hospitals to Close
Sunday, 15 Mar 2015 07:39 PM
By Greg Richter

The Affordable Care act is having a devastating impact on already strapped rural hospitals, playing a role in many of them shutting their doors, The Washington Post reports.

Forty-eight rural hospitals have closed since 2010 and 283 are in danger, the Post quotes the National Rural Health Association as saying. Most of the shuttered hospitals are in the South.

Other factors are contributing to the problem, but Obamacare is cited as the main reason. The law reduced Medicare payments and how much hospitals are paid for uninsured patients.

The law assumed states would increase Medicaid to cover the gap, but many states did not.

Another factor caused by Obamacare: insurance plans with deductibles so high that people opt to skip some care they previously received. Fewer visits mean less revenue.

As goes ObamaCare, so goes the nation.  That is because health care is one-sixth of the U.S. economy.  And we are so economically weakened that you can’t collapse that one-sixth and not have the other five-sixths go into the toilet bowl with it.

Obama lied.  He sold you the lie that having some piece of paper that said you have health insurance means you have health care even though his vile system has forced doctors out of the networks, forced them to leave medicine altogether, forced hospitals to close down, forced hospitals to fire key medical staff to stay open.  He lied like a demon over and over and over again to sell you what he wanted to impose on you and damn the consequences of his lies.  But we live in the last days before the coming of the beast, and these days are marked by deception and an outright hatred of and contempt for the truth.  And so being right is actually a grave political liability these days.

Our economy is a sham.  Our undemployment rate is an outright lie.  Our unemployment rate is going down ONLY because of the dishonest way with which it is measured.  It does NOT count people who are not working; it ONLY counts people who are actively seeking jobs and using state and federal agencies and benefits.  Which is why we have the following state of affairs:

CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS SUNDAY: We could continue this conversation and I’m sure we will, but let’s turn to the economy and some really disappointing numbers on the economy this week. Here they are. Only 126,000 jobs were added in March. That’s the weakest hiring in 15 months. Labor force participation dropped to 62.7 percent, matching the lowest since 1978. And the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta estimates first quarter growth at zero, zero percent, flat. George, what’s going on here?

GEORGE WILL, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: Well, for the second year in a row they’ve blamed poor quarterly growth on insufficient global warming, that is on winter, on an unusually cold winter. Let your mind go back to November last year. There was job creation of 321,000 jobs and the administration said this is a miraculous achievement and a harbinger of things to come. It wasn’t a harbinger and it wasn’t miraculous. During the Reagan recovery there were 23 months of job creation over 300,000. Reagan had a month of job creation of 1 million and this was at a time when there were 75 million fewer Americans. Now, never mind zero growth. We are now being told really that two percent growth may be the new normal. If so, that’s a disaster because every day, today, yesterday, tomorrow, every day between now and 2030, 10,000 more baby boomers become eligible for Social Security and Medicare. If we have two percent growth, the crisis of the welfare state, the crisis of the private sector being able to throw off the revenues, to pay the bills for the promises we’ve made to ourselves becomes impossible.

WALLACE: Just tell again that the labor force participation stat that you have, if it were what it was at the beginning of the Obama administration.

WILL: If the workforce participation rate today were as high as it was on the day Barack Obama was inaugurated, the unemployment rate in this country would be 9.7 percent, we wouldn’t be complaining about the bad recovery because we wouldn’t call it a recovery

The labor participation rate measures the percentage of working-age Americans with jobs.  And I have documented year after year the rapist Obama has been to actual JOB CREATION.

But again, those are simply facts.  And facts are the most useless things in modern America.  Because we have become a bad, toxic, wicked people who prefer lies to the truth and who will not accept the truth.

We don’t have anywhere NEAR enough Americans working to support the massive and increasing-in-size tsunami of people who don’t have jobs and frankly don’t particularly care that much that they don’t have jobs because they’re parasites who demand and who have been trained by Democrats to demand that OTHER people support them even as they have been trained to blame and hate the very people who are supporting them.

Our economy is a shell game.  We face debts that can’t even be compared to a mountain anymore, they are so massive and so high and steep and so staggering and so dangerous.

We hear our debt is $18 trillion now.  Notwithstanding that Barack Obama was a truly demon-possessed hypocrite and slandering liar when he viciously attacked George Bush when it was nine trillion –

“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.” — Barack Obama, 3 July 2008

– our actual debt is so far beyond $18 trillion it’s not even FUNNY.  Try this figure for size: $127 trillion (which is just unfunded liabilities and which doesn’t even bother to COUNT the $18 trillion):

The federal unfunded liabilities are catastrophic for future taxpayers and economic growth. At, federal unfunded liabilities are estimated at near $127 trillion, which is roughly $1.1 million per taxpayer and nearly double 2012’s total world output.

I submit that the actual figure is higher than that, northward of $222 trillion.  We are a broken nation with a broken financial system covering up its nakedness with flimsy paper that will blow away on a cold day when the wind is howling and leave us with nothing but poverty and devastation and rioting such as the world has never seen.

Even now, our interest payments on our massive debt are guaranteed to skyrocket and leave us crippled and unable to pay for anywhere NEAR the commitments we have made.  But it gets worse.

One day, soon, the United States’ status as the U.S. dollar being the Reserve Currency of planet earth will be terminated.  And we will be devastated overnight.  We can recklessly, wickedly borrow more and more and more money to finance the Democrat Party’s and Barack Obama’s socialism for only so long.  We can’t pay for it.  It’s insane that we keep doing it.  One day we will go to bed with all the talking heads saying everything will be okay and we will wake up to complete ruin.  As we speak, all the top economic nations below us – and above us, given the fact that China has under Obama topped the United States as the #1 economy are agitating to topple that status won as a result of World War II being yanked away.  One day, soon, it WILL be.

We are a morally collapsed nation that will soon economically collapse and we will then see the true wickedness and greed and bitterness and hate come out that I see already present in this nation that was once based on “In God We Trust” as “one nation, under God” but now exists to glorify and worship homosexual sodomy and the murder by abortion of more than sixty million of our own most innocent Americans in the Holocaust-dwarfing abortion mills of the Democrat Party.

56,125,262 human beings on all sides of the war, both civilian and military, perished in the bloodiest war in the history of the human race, World War II.  And under Obama and 100 percent because of the Democrat Party Holocaust machine America has murdered more of its own most innocent human beings than that godawful, vicious, vile war could.  And God is going to hold us to account for it.  You read Psalm 139 and you tell me I’m wrong.  Because your only logical option if you want to defend abortion is to stick your middle finger up at God and declare that you WELCOME His wrath on your head and on the heads of your children.  And it’s coming.

You read Romans chapter one and you tell me that the Barack Obama betrayal on marriage and the Democrat Party’s depraved homosexual SODOMY of the marriage that was instituted by GOD isn’t the trigger for God’s wrath against a sick society.  If you bother to READ God’s Word, your only logical option if you want to defend the perversion of homosexuality is to stick your middle finger up at God and declare that you WELCOME His wrath on your head and on the heads of your children.

But that collapse isn’t merely going to be economic.  We’re seeing that now, too.

Barack Obama has utterly failed to keep America safe from the threat of Islamic terrorism, even going to the insane extent of denying such a threat even EXISTS.

Now, as Obama’s spiritual mentor and former pastor for 23 years who infamously screamed “No, no, NO!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America!” once put it: “our chickens have come home to roost.”

We are FAR more vulnerable to jihadist terrorism than we have ever been thanks to Obama’s lies, thanks to his “JV Team” analogy that dismissed a clearly metastasizing threat to America, thanks to his “Osama bin Laden in dead and al Qaeda is on the run” lies.

I turn to yet another dismaying recent development: the shocking, catastrophic defeat that the United States is now suffering in Iraq and will almost certainly suffer soon in Afghanistan.  Only a couple of years ago, our nation’s leaders were claiming credit for “decimating” al Qaeda and saying that the terrorists were on the run.  Since 2010 there has been a 58% increase in the number of terror groups – and the number of jihadists have DOUBLED.  Al Qaeda is larger, stronger and controls more territory than at any time in history.  And an organization that is universally recognized as being even WORSE than al Qaeda – the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or ISIS – has now created the caliphate in the heart of the Middle East that Osama bin Laden dreamed of.  Back in 2005, US intelligence captured a letter from the top al Qaeda leadership that put the aims of al Qaeda into four stages: 1) Drive America out of Iraq; 2) create a caliphate; 3) use that as a base to attack the United States and other countries; 4) attack Israel.  And we have watched them succeed beyond all of the worst possible scenarios.  They’re coming right back at us and we’re now far too weary, weak and divided to fight them.

The FBI director’s terrifying warning that yeah, they ARE coming after us in terrifying numbers:

There may be as many as thousands of people inside the United States consuming online “poison” from ISIS alone, and, “I know there are other Elton Simpsons out there,” FBI director James Comey warned today, referring to one of the men who opened fire outside of an event in Texas earlier this week celebrating artists’ portrayals of the Prophet Mohammad.

“We have a very hard task” in trying to identify and stop anyone inspired to launch an attack inside the U.S. homeland, Comey told ABC News’ Pierre Thomas and a small group of reporters.

Such efforts have become particularly challenging because ISIS has reconfigured and redefined terrorist recruitment, according to Comey. In fact, while the FBI is trying to find that so-called needle in a haystack, “increasingly the needles are invisible to us,” he said.

As recently as two years ago, someone in the United States who wanted to consume “radical poisonous propaganda” would have to seek that out on the Internet, most likely on a jihadist web forum. So the FBI focused its investigative efforts on those jihadist web forums, Comey said.

But “that has changed dramatically, especially with [ISIS] and their use of social media,” where on phones in people’s pockets they ask Americans and other foreigners “to travel to the so-called caliphate to fight” but simultaneously say, “If you can’t travel, kill where you are,” according to Comey.

“It’s almost as if there is a devil sitting on the shoulder saying, ‘Kill, kill, kill, kill’ all day long,” he said. “[They are] recruiting and tasking at the same time. … In a way, the old paradigm between ‘inspired’ and ‘directed’ breaks down here.”

And with that distinction “no longer relevant,” is it all the more challenging for the FBI to determine whether someone seeking jihadist propaganda online or even promoting themselves is “a talker or a doer,” as Comey described it.

And their talk is “fundamentally transforming” into ACTION to kill Americans wherever they are.

The sober and despicable fact that our intelligent resources are no so inadequate that a jihadist preparing to launch a violent attack against America can now openly and brazenly boast online about his mission for Allah without our now inadequate system even KNOWING about it:

The official, who would speak about the continuing investigation only on condition of anonymity, said that although Mr. Simpson had long been under F.B.I. scrutiny, he had not appeared to be preparing for violence. “There are so many like him that you have to prioritize your investigations,” the official said.

The Secretary of Homeland Security’s sober warning:

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said America is dealing with a “new environment” in which a lone-wolf terrorist could “strike at any moment.”

Johnson said, “We’re very definitely in a new environment, because of ISIS’s effective use of social media, the Internet, which has the ability to reach into the homeland and possibly inspire others.”

“Because of the use of the Internet, we could have little or no notice in advance of an independent actor attempting to strike.”

He added, “We’re very definitely in a new phase in the global terrorist threat where the so-called lone wolf could strike at any moment. Which is why the FBI, in my judgment, has done an excellent job of getting to those who are attempting to travel to Syria, who commit overt facts in furtherance of material support to terrorism. It is a new environment, but we are not discouraging  Americans from doing the things that they do on a daily basis in our society.”

This is a pretense and a lie.  We’ve had the Internet for quite a long time now, ever since another Democrat liar named Al Gore claimed he’d invented the damn thing about 20 years ago.  This isn’t because of the internet any more than our godawful economy is the result of “inadequate global warming” a.k.a. winter; this is the result of an epic fail of a president who has placed FAR more resources into climate change than he has on the actual war while he literally claimed he’d WON the war that he claimed didn’t even exist in the first place.

The Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security points out that under Obama terrorism has grown viral:

Top U.S. officials and lawmakers on Sunday intensified concerns about the growing threat of jihad-inspired terror attacks against the United States, after last week’s attempt in Texas and the dire FBI warning that followed.

“I think there’s been an uptick in the stream of threats out there,” Texas GOP Rep. Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, told “Fox News Sunday.” “We’re seeing these directives on almost a daily basis. It’s very concerning. Terrorism has gone viral.”

Mind you, we’re not even prepared to handle actual viruses anymore as this administration continues to fail its most basic duty to its people.

Do you know what I’ve noticed?  I’ve watched snippets of the Islamic State’s recruiting videos as they’ve been presented on the news.  And I’ve noticed a striking similarity to the violent video games that dominate our culture.  The graininess, the colors, watching these Islamic State videos is like playing a video game.  They’re beaming it into the heads of American kids who otherwise stand for nothing: you can actually LIVE your video game fantasies!  Just picture yourself standing on a tank firing the machine gun, oh yes, guns a’blazing in a hail of glory.  And they don’t give a flying damn if you kill for Allah or to live out your sick, twisted and violent video game fantasies.  They just want blood.

I’ve written about that: liberalism and secular humanism has produced a toxic, nihilistic generation that is characterized by cynicism, pessimism and a profound dislike of reality.  I wrote a nice two-part article that after you read you won’t be one bit surprised at the above popularity of American jihadism.

I’ve pointed out in past articles that our “strategy” for Islam is based on a lie that itself is based on a terrifying reality that if you follow the Qur’an and the actual teachings and life of Muhammad, YOU WILL BE A MURDEROUS TERRORIST just like Muhammad was.  I’ve also pointed out that there’s another terrifying reason why Democrats have been so determined to shelter these violent jihadists: that Democrats and Muslim terrorists alike ultimately want the same thing: a Government-as-God that has all power to decide/dictate who wins and who loses, who pays and who gets the wealth redistributed to them, who lives and who dies, who is good and who is evil.  And Democrats are actually the kind of colossal moral idiots who foolishly believe they can reason with these people, just as Obama is trying to foolishly and wickedly do with Iran over its nuclear program.

And all Obama has been able to do is blame Christianity.  After all, didn’t Christians do something like a thousand years ago?  So why mention what Muslims did last night?  Obama is a true moral coward who is only capable of pumping out moral equivocation to actually JUSTIFY jihadism for the wrongs we did to them notwithstanding the whole thousand-years-ago thing.

I have pointed out that the secular humanism of Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrat Party ultimately stand for NOTHING.  They have no transcendent moral values and no transcendent beliefs worth fighting and dying for.  They will negotiate and compromise and surrender because that’s all they have and all they ever WILL have.

And we’re seeing right now that the only people liberals WILL fight are their fellow Americans as they strive to incite every possible issue into a new reason to riot, to undermine America, to tear this nation apart on the basis of race, of gender, of sexual preference, of income class, of you name it, in their search for a political coalition that they can exploit toward more political power.

We’re going to collapse because God isn’t God if we DON’T collapse.  We’re going to collapse because our vote for Obama, our vote for homosexual marriage, our vote for the murder of sixty million innocent babies, was a VOTE to collapse.  We’re going to collapse because America isn’t IN Bible prophecy and either won’t exist or won’t be relevant in any way, shape or form in the last days.  Because unlike any other nation, we once uniquely made a covenant with God and we broke that covenant and God is going to hold us to account for our betrayal.  We’re going to collapse because the beast is coming.

But mark my words: we are GOING to collapse.  And it will be entirely from within because it was from within and the depravity within our own hearts that we destroyed ourselves.


‘Snowfalls Are Now Just A Thing Of The Past,’ You Said. ‘Children Just Aren’t Going To Know What Snow Is,’ You Said. You Pseudo-Science Propagandist Frauds.

March 16, 2015

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past,” we were assured in the year 2000 when the left still called their ideology “global warming.”  “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” we were told.

I wonder if liberals are saying that in Boston right now:

Boston breaks seasonal snowfall record with 108.6 inches
William M. Welch, USA TODAY 11:36 a.m. EDT March 16, 2015

More snow fell on Boston on Sunday, enough to make this the snowiest season ever on record there.

The National Weather Service said 2.9 inches fell by 7 p.m., pushing total snowfall for the winter of 2014-2015 to 108.6 inches.

That is a full inch over the previous record set during the winter of 1995-1996, the service’s Boston office tweeted, and the most since record books started in 1872.

The achievement brought cheerful, tongue-in-cheek celebration from many of the snow-weary survivors of winter in Boston.

“Putting the win in winter!” tweeted Christina Pazzanese.

“We got the GOLD!” tweeted WBZ weatherman Barry Burbank.

But Michael Wissell spoke for many when he tweeted: ” Sweet. Can we have spring now?”

I mean, the fact that Boston just had the most snowfall EVER doesn’t mean that they’re not still spouting their gibberish.  Because liberals are stupid enough and immune enough from reality to look you in the eye and actually believe their own bovine feces when they claim that the global warming alarmists of just fifteen years ago were somehow legitimate “scientists” and that their “climate change” hasn’t been refuted by their own previous fraudulent and foolish predictions.

There have been so many bogus predictions that it is beyond a joke from these fools.  But they still have the megaphone over the culture and they’re still making bogus predictions based on their ideology rather than any actual science.

Climates change.  They always have.  They always will.

A “climate change” drought ended the Old Egyptian Kingdom.  There were no mean-spirited Republicans driving their speedboats over the Nile.

A “climate change” drought ended the Mayan Empire.  There were no mean-spirited Republicans driving SUVs over the rain forests.

And just as we’ve had droughts throughout the history of planet earth, we’ve had ice ages.  None of which had a damn thing to do with human activity.

Climate change has nothing to do with human carbon dioxide pollution.  When you learn how “CO2” became the bogeyman of the left you’ve got to try not to laugh it’s so asinine.  In actual fact “anthropogenic CO2 produces less than 0.1 of one percent of the greenhouse effect.”  Climate change was an environmental reality before there were any factories or cars or whatever.  Climate change was in fact an environmental reality even before there were any humans.  But that’s a fact and that’s reality – and liberals despise both facts and reality.

Liberals are liars and frauds and dishonest fools.  They always have been.  They were liars and frauds and dishonest fools when they claimed that communist socialism was the solution to ending poverty but instead became a boot stomping on a human face for seventy years before collapsing under its economic failure.  They were liars and frauds and dishonest fools when they claimed that fascist socialism was the solution to ending poverty but instead produced the Holocaust and World War II before collapsing under its disastrous failure.  But the “always learning, but never coming to a knowledge of the truth” fool left is still claiming that European socialism is the answer.

Newsflash: no, it isn’t, you dumbasses.  European socialism has produced a stagnated and deflated economy.

Socialism and “climate change” are the same thing with the same means, the same ends and the same justifications.

I learned that something like twenty years ago during the Kyoto Protocols on global warming.  You see, the same people who were screaming Chicken Little-style that we had this godawful crisis and we had to act now, NOW, NOW!!! and gut the U.S. and European economies did a wink-wink and a nod-nod and exempted Russia, China, India and pretty much the entire developing world from having to cut their emissions.  You know, while China and India were building mass-polluting coal plants at gargantuan rates.

At that point in time, I had the same views I have today: which is to say, I believed that we were going into the last days when Jesus and the prophets in the Bible told us that weather would go crazy.  So I was perfectly willing to accept the climate crazy crazies.

But what the climate crazy crazies ended up doing was to say with their actions that “climate change” wasn’t really much a crisis.  Because if it was, the whole WORLD would have to get behind any legitimate effort.  And instead all the countries that were communist or socialist or politically correct were getting their waivers and their exemptions and it was only capitalist countries that were being targeted and attacked to gut their economies in order to “save the planet.”

What they really wanted to do was redistribute the wealth in order to save socialism by undermining capitalist economies and propping up socialism with Other People’s Money.  And if these pseudo-scientific frauds have to tell you that the moon is made out of cheese to sell that load of crap, they will assure you that the overwhelming majority of scientists believe that the moon is made of cheese.

And it’s been empty leftwing philosophies and high-sounding nonsense ever since.

The constancy of the fact that liberals will ALWAYS be liars and frauds and dishonest fools is as true as the fact that we will always have constant climate change cycles.

I already pointed out what you needed to know several years back.  There’s “What the Science REALLY Says About Global Warming,” and there’s “What You Never Hear About Global Warming.”  Meanwhile, the left doesn’t want you to know the truth about legitimate science and what they’ve done to pervert science as they push their socialist agenda on people who ought to have the sense to know better.


Obama: It’s Climate Change That’s Crucifying Children, Raping Women, Beheading Westerners And Burying And Burning People Alive, Not Terrorism

February 10, 2015

There’s a passage in the New Testament, 2 Thessalonians 2:7, that describes “the mystery of lawlessness” and how it will increase in the final days as the Antichrist appears and the restraining presence of the Church is taken out of the way.

We’re seeing it in the world right now.

And the mystery of lawlessness is what makes decent people ask, “How can this be happening?  Why isn’t anyone doing anything to stop it?”

Of course, Barack Obama isn’t a decent person and so he’s not asking such questions.

We are watching a cancer take root and grow and spread across the Middle East like nothing we’ve ever seen before:

CBS/AP/February 10, 2015, 5:47 PM
20,000 foreign fighters flock to Syria, Iraq to join terrorists

WASHINGTON — Foreign fighters are streaming into Syria and Iraq in unprecedented numbers to join the Islamic State or Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or other extremist groups, including at least 3,400 from Western nations among 20,000 from around the world, U.S. intelligence officials say in an updated estimate of a top terrorism concern. […]

It’s that word “unprecedented” that ought to bother you.  We’ve never seen anything like this in the entire history of terrorism.  Islamic State is a cancer that is exploding while we have a dithering liar who refuses to do anything about a problem he says isn’t really even much of a problem.   Just like it was a problem on September 10, 2001.

Obama’s own handpicked officials have proclaimed this for MONTHS:

Islamic State threat ‘beyond anything we’ve seen’: Pentagon
By Missy Ryan
WASHINGTON  Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:47pm EDT

(Reuters) – The sophistication, wealth and military might of Islamic State militants represent a major threat to the United States that may surpass that once posed by al Qaeda, U.S. military leaders said on Thursday.

“They are an imminent threat to every interest we have, whether it’s in Iraq or anywhere else,” Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters at the Pentagon.

Hagel’s assessment of Islamic State, which gained strength during Syria’s civil war and swept into northern Iraq earlier this summer, sounded a note of alarm several days after the group posted a video on social media showing one of its fighters beheading an American hostage kidnapped in Syria.

Asked if the hardline Sunni Muslim organization posed a threat to the United States comparable to that of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Hagel said it was “as sophisticated and well-funded as any group we have seen.”

“They are beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of … military prowess. They are tremendously well-funded. This is beyond anything we’ve seen.”

Reality doesn’t matter to Barack Obama and the demons that scream inside his rodent soul.  He is immune from facts because he has whatever “truth” Lucifer is giving him, instead; he is immune from advice from his experts because he is an arrogant malignant narcissist who believes he knows better than his experts.  Even according to his own liberal allies.

It doesn’t matter whether your top official is Robert Gates or Leon Panetta – who blames Obama for everything we’re currently seeing melting down in Iraq and Syria; if you have a clue, you know Obama has failed America in an incredibly dangerous way.

As we speak, Obama is vowing that Islamic State will lose – while doing virtually NOTHING to actually fight them.  And anybody who says we’re hurting Islamic State is just a fool spouting gibberish that ignores reality.  Because as I have already documented, they are growing exponentially in an “unprecedented” way never before seen in the history of man.

During the Gulf War, the allies averaged 11,ooo sorties a day.  Under Obama with Islamic State, we’re averaging SEVEN sorties a day.  Obama – who MOCKED “the coalition of the willing” that Bush assembled to destroy the regime of Saddam Hussein – has virtually ZERO allies in an operation euphemistically titled “Inherent Resolve” that in reality has nothing of the kind.

Now, that last article that described Jordan’s role has since been modified by the hideous burning alive of one of their captured pilots by Islamic State.  But again, Jordan is vowing to fight these beasts to the very gates of hell and executing their captured terrorist prisoners, and what is Obama doing?  FREEING terrorist prisoners while trying to shut down the very facility of Guantanamo Bay that was created to imprison them in the first place.

What a disgrace.  There’s a saying, “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.”  And that’s certainly true.  The ONLY way that doesn’t apply to Barack Obama is that he is nothing even close to approaching “a good man.”  But he is certainly doing nothing and evil is certainly triumphing.

Obama wants to claim that he’s like a big city mayor fighting crime, and that terrorism is nothing worse than criminals being criminals.  The damn fool doesn’t realize that criminals don’t try to murder as many people as they can as horribly as they can just to watch them scream and die in the hopes that their cult of death will become transcendent in the world.

Obama – who of course claimed the world was going to hell just a few years ago when George W. Bush was president – now claims that he believes the world has become better and better and that his messiahship has “fundamentally transformed” the world into a beatific Utopia.  Which is another way of pointing out the fact that Barack Obama is either the most cynical man who ever lived, or he has a messianic complex that makes Hitler’s look meager in comparison.  Either alternative is truly terrifying for a world in crisis.

In June of 2014, the man who had claimed that Islamic State was merely a “JV team” that was pretending to be deadly terrorists but really were nothing worth worrying about, said:

But this country has always been built both through an individual initiative, but also a sense of some common purpose. And if there’s one message I want to deliver to young people like a Tumblr audience is, don’t get cynical. Guard against cynicism. I mean, the truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.

Terrible things happen around the world every single day, but the trend lines of progress are unmistakable. And the reason is, is because each successive generation tries to learn from previous mistakes and pushes the course of history in a better direction. And the only thing that stops that is if people start thinking that they don’t make a difference and they can’t make changes. And that’s fed in our culture all the time.

I can only imagine Obama shared that magic helicopter ride with discredited NBC anchor Brian Williams.

And nine months later, after that JV team has ravaged and burned and murdered across the Middle East, Obama’s messianic faith in himself has not dimmed:

Obama also contended the “trajectory of this planet overall is one toward less violence, more tolerance, less strife, less poverty.”

How can this fool think this way?  How could this fool have been elected not once but twice?  “The mystery of lawlessness” that we were told would begin to grow large and powerful in the very last days, is how.

An amazing thing about Barack Obama is how even when he appears to be saying the right thing, he is actually leading the way to pure, demonic evil.

In his statement about the murder of yet another American Citizen at the hands of our JV Team extraordinaire, Obama ends by claiming:

ISIL is a hateful and abhorrent terrorist group whose actions stand in stark contrast to the spirit of people like Kayla.  On this day, we take comfort in the fact that the future belongs not to those who destroy, but rather to the irrepressible force of human goodness that Kayla Mueller shall forever represent.

“… the irrepressible force of human goodness…?”

Let me point out the fact that no genuine Christian in the entire history of the world has ever said that, because the Bible presents a very, very different message about “human goodness”:

  • Surely I was sinful at birth,
        sinful from the time my mother conceived me. — Psalm 51:5
  • for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23
  • Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—  Romans 5:12
  • But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  — Romans 5:8
  • All of us have become like one who is unclean,
        and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
    we all shrivel up like a leaf,
        and like the wind our sins sweep us away. — Isaiah 64:6
  • Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
        no one who does what is right and never sins. — Ecclesiastes 7:20
  • The fool says in his heart,
        “There is no God.”
    They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
        there is no one who does good.

    God looks down from heaven
        on all mankind
    to see if there are any who understand,
        any who seek God.
    Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt;
        there is no one who does good,
        not even one.  — Psalm 53:1-3

The Bible and the Judeo-Christian worldview teach the precise OPPOSITE of what Barack Obama – who had to be corrected as to which religion he was an adherent of and had faith in – believes.

Obama doesn’t believe in the reality of human sin and the fact that mankind is doomed apart from the grace of a redeeming God.  Christ died for nothing, on Obama’s profoundly NON-Christian view.

Frankly, Obama believes as the most radical Muslims believe; he believes in the intrinsic goodness of the government that forces people to live a “godly” life.

Do you know what I call “the irrepressible force of human goodness”?  I call it a fist raised in defiance at God with the proclamation of, “We don’t need you!  Our goodness and our perfection is IRREPRESSIBLE!!!”

Barack Obama is a liar and the truth is not in him.  And that is why he is such a fool who has bought the empty philosophies and the high-sounding nonsense – see Colossians 2:8 – of his own blathering rhetoric.

Obama amazingly says that climate change is the real threat, not terrorism.

After all, “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”  I mean, right?

Boston Buried by Snow Again as ‘Absurd’ Winter Drags On
By  Erin McClam and M. Alex Johnson

Boston is buried again.

The city was hammered Monday by its third winter storm in two weeks, and records fell with the snow.

Counting the 20 inches of snow that had fallen at Logan International Airport since late Saturday, there was 37 inches on the ground, beating a 1996 record for the greatest snow depth in Boston.

Over the past 30 days, Boston has recorded more than 69 inches of snow, easily topping the previous record of 58.8 inches from Jan. 9 to Feb. 7, 1978. And with a month and a half of winter still to go, this season is already one of the city’s 10 snowiest winters on record, at 73.9 inches and counting, the National Weather Service said. City officials said crews have used up almost 58,000 tons of salt already this season.

The National Weather Service forecast as much as 3 feet of snow across the state by Tuesday night, when the storm is expected to clear.

“We’ve never seen the likes of this here in Boston,” Mayor Marty Walsh said. “We’ve gotten whacked pretty good over the last, literally, 13 days.”

The snow was causing another problem: the danger of structural collapse. […]

Either Obama and all of his pseudo-science-spouting fool friends don’t know their heads from their anuses, or else climate change is destroying the world as it crucifies children, rapes women, beheads Westerners and savagely buries and burns its victims alive.

The Bible teaches that in the very last days, the world’s climates WILL go haywire.  And just as in the Old Testament, we have the same murderous terrorists who were once known as the Assyrians come back to murder in the same vicious ways in the very same part of the world.

They’re back, folks.  Because the wrath of God is about to be revealed in the form of a big-government leader known as the Antichrist or the beast.  This man will do what liberals have dreamed about for decades: he will take over the entire economy of the world and impose a mark such that no one can buy or sell without his government’s consent.  Because you want your socialism and you’re going to GET your socialism right before you burn in hell forever and ever:

He required everyone–small and great, rich and poor, free and slave–to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead.  And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. — Revelation 13:16-17

Meanwhile, the mystery of lawlessness is picking up skids as Obama greases the skids of evil.