Archive for April, 2015

Under The Proto-Antichrist Obama And Democrat Party, We Are Clearly In The Last Days. Jesus Told Us, ‘Race Will Rise Against Race’

April 30, 2015

[Update, May 4, 2015: A just-released poll shows that 96% of Americans expect more racial violence coming this summer.  We are in the last days, and what Jesus and the prophets warned us about is so obvious, it’s like reading the weather just before a bad storm.  But what few understand is that this is a prophetic warning sign from God foretold two millennia ago and if you have eyes to see and ears to hear you had better REPENT].

Don’t think we’re not seeing the same thing in Baltimore that we’ve already seen dozens of times in the first truly racist presidency of modern times.

Jesus told us Himself:

 “Now as He (Jesus-Yeshua) sat on the Mount of Olives (in Israel), the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be?  And ‘What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the Age?’”  (Matthew 24:3)

“Jesus answered and said to them . . .

‘And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.

See that you are not troubled;

for all these things must come to pass,

   but the end is not yet. 

   (Still before the Rapture and the ‘Apocalypse’)

For nation (ethnic group) will rise against nation (ethnic group),

and kingdom (country) against kingdom (country) . . .

All these are the beginning of sorrows

(Actual translation is “birth pangs”… they will grow closer and closer)

(Matthew 24:6-7)

(Note:  The original Greek word translated “nation” was “ethnos,” from which we get our word “ethnic.”)

So, although the world has always had wars, ethnic violence and strife, earthquakes, false messiahs and prophets, famines, and deadly diseases, Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew) warns us that as a sign that we are entering into the last days we will see each of these increase in frequency and size. Described as “birth pangs,” these “pains” will continue to grow worse and worse, coming closer and closer together, as signs we are preparing to enter the Apocalypse.

Look at the riots taking place right now in Baltimore:










Call me … oh, I don’t know: call me “not completely BLIND.”

Whitey aint rioting anywhere.  Conservatives aren’t rioting anywhere.  It’s always the other way around, every single time.

THE MOST conservative rallies were marked by their peacefulness and complete absence of violence.

Jesus basically said it all: “in the last days, race shall rise against race.”  And in the US of A, it is ALWAYS one race rising against the other rather than the other way around.

Here we are, under the “race-riot presidency” of our Cancer-in-Chief.  How many of these have we had in the metastatic presidency of Obama?  It seems like DOZENS.  And when there is one in Baltimore, there are copycat race riots in New York, etc.  It’s every BIT as bad now as it EVER was.  We don’t have a Watts riot or a Rodney King verdict riot; we’ve got a new one like every week under this failed presidency.  At the very least, you have to go back FIFTY YEARS to find as much racial unrest as what Obama and his law-thug Eric Holder have degenerated America into.

Obama swore he would be the president who would transcend the racial and political divide.  Oh yes, he did.

He “fundamentally transformed” truth into a wicked lie on BOTH counts.

What does Obama say about all the race riots under his regime and under the regime of his law thug Eric Holder?

Blame Republicans, that’s what he says.  Because Obama “transcended” by sinking to the deepest, darkest muck of the very bottom of the sewer.  I don’t know, maybe the next president will be as savagely right wing as Obama has been left wing and “transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics of the last 15 years and end the partisan and ideological wars” by putting all Democrats in death camps.  And we’re clearly heading toward the opposing party being crushed like that, because things tend to get worse in a completely broken system – and Obama has completely broken the system.  As all the riots document.  And every time Obama demonizes his opponents, he continues to prove what a liar he was from the very beginning when he promised to do the very opposite of what he is in fact doing.

Obama claims it’s a result of “decades of inequality.”

Fine.  But let’s look at the vile DEMOCRATS who have PRODUCED that inequality SINGLEHANDEDLY in the places where the riots are taking place:

The mayor is black. The council is almost two-thirds black. The school superintendent is black. The police chief is black, and a majority of his officers are black.

Race riots inevitably end in contention over what social woes led to the trigger point, with one overarching element: a white power structure ruling a black populace.

Baltimore left behind that vestige of segregation long ago, yet the city nonetheless has been perched on the edge of chaos for much of this week, as African American protesters took to the streets to express grievances over police abuse and urban neglect.

You can add to that the president is black, the Attorney General of the United States is black, the State Attorney for Baltimore (Marilyn Mosby) is black.  And so on.

And while the city council is “almost two-thirds black,” let me tell you what they ENTIRELY are: DEMOnic bureauCRAT.  EVERY SINGLE council member is a Democrat.

So WHO JUST WHO THE HELL IS ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE DECADES OF INEQULITY???  Hey, you can take your pick; but every single person letting these poor, oppressed black people down to the point where they erupt have two things in common: they are black and they are Democrats.

It’s been almost FIFTY YEARS since a Republican has been elected as mayor in Baltimore.  So what do you say?  Well, it’s clearly still Republicans’ fault for what happened fifty years ago, I suppose.

Baltimore is a one-party town and HAS been a one-party town for decades.  And the party is Democrats.  THEY did this.  NOBODY else had ANYTHING to do with this misery or this miserable city.  And Barack Obama is a wicked liar without a scintilla of shame, honor, decency, integrity, honor, or any other virtue as he demonically lies to blame the one party that is absolutely NOT responsible for this travesty of failed governance and failed justice in Baltimore.

Shameless Democrat LIARS claim that the race crisis in Baltimore is the result of blacks being denied educations.  Okay, fine – AS LONG AS WE STIPULATE THAT IT IS DEMOCRATS WHO ARE STEALING BLACK CHILDREN’S EDUCATIONS FROM THEM.  The FACT is that Baltimore has the SECOND HIGHEST per capital education spending in the nation – and what has happened?  Democrats, corrupt, dishonest thieves and looters all, have STOLEN the money for black kids’ education and sent it into their union- and political-slush funds.  The Democrat Party is a corrupt exploitation machine, pure and simple.

But let’s shift our focus to this decent, innocent young man whose horrible treatment by the police spawned all of this legitimate racial outrage.  Ignoring, that is, that the police themselves, the police chief, the mayor, the lead attorney, etc., etc., are all black.

We’re finding out this latest race riot is just as based on lies and racial agitation and slander and demagoguery as pretty much all the rest of them.  For instance:

So gosh, I run from the police and force them to chase me down and tackle me and subdue me.  Then I’m in the van banging myself against the walls trying to deliberately injure myself.  And holy Moses, I end up with a broken neck.

I cannot for my life understand how someone can claim on the one hand that Gray could not have caused his own injuries but on the other hand his injuries could be caused by a rough ride in the van.  At the very least, how can you claim that he wasn’t trying to cause his own injuries at an inopportune moment when the van came to a stop and his attempt to injure himself was augmented by the stop?

Massively inappropriate response to above: Hey, let’s burn down our city.

This isn’t about “race.”  The cops were mostly black.  To the extent this is about “decades of inequality,” let’s just be clear that if you hate “decades of inequality,” you damn well better be electing every Republican you see.  But what this is mostly about is a career criminal turd who happened to be black.

But the spirit of the black community is the spirit of racial hate and bitterness.  They have been indoctrinated by their masters that they are victims, that they cannot possibly succeed, that the system has been stacked against them (you know, by black Democrats who have been demagoguing them for decades to maintain their own power and influence).

Their black mayor literally gave them carte blanche to riot, saying:

“I worked with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech,” Mayor Rawlings-Blake told reporters. “It’s a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

“We gave them space to destroy.”  That sounds just like Obama’s Islamic State policy.  I’m sure it will work out just great.  Oh, wait, they DESTROYED.

She also said – according to a high-level police official – “Let them loot.  It’s only property.”  When I think we all know pretty damn well that if it was HER property, she would have ordered every cop in the city to protect HER “loot” from looters.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I heart looters, too.  My favorite looters are the ones who burn everything they can’t steal.  I’m sure Mayor Rawlings-Blake feels the exact same way.

You can’t blame Mayor Rawlings-Blake: she’s only following the Obama Justice Department’s “Never bring a lawsuit against a black” racial bigotry to her city.  I mean, to paraphrase Rawlings-Blake, “Let them loot.  It’s only justice.”

A lot of businesses are out of business because they were burned to the ground because of this disgrace of a mayor who ordered the police to stand down while rioters ran amuck and “fundamentally transformed” law and order into a joke.

And so they’re doing exactly what Jesus said they would do: race is rising against race in the last days as our proto-Antichrist prepares America to accept the real-deal Antichrist.

The Republican governor of Maryland – and by this I mean the ONLY Republican who has anything to do with Baltimore period – did everything he could do: he ensured that the National Guard would be ready the moment the (black Democrat) mayor who made the above incredibly foolish and wicked statement requested the Guard.  But the aforementioned foolish and wicked mayor waited.  And waited.  While her city burned.

We live in the last days.  And the last days are marked by depravity and deception.

An astounding 72% of black births are out-of-wedlock.  And the result is out-of-control ignorance, out-of-control dysfunction, out-of-control poverty and therefore out-of-control chaos and mayhem.

It is exactly as I have pointed out many times in my articles: liberals have ABORTED fatherhood.  At the moment of conception, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FATHER ACCORDING TO LIBERALISM.  A man did NOT father a child; THERE IS NO CHILD; THERE IS ONLY A LUMP OF GOOP.  There IS no such thing as a “father” or “fatherhood.”  There is only the mother.

And she therefore ALONE has the right to choose to murder her own baby.  And you watch the wicked Democrat system come holy-hell-unglued to any man who would claim otherwise.

And fathers have responded, “Okay.  Whatever.  I’m out of here.”

And that is precisely what they SHOULD do.  Unless every single Democrat is on his or her way to burning in hell for their role in the murder of sixty million innocent human beings and literally being ten times more murderous and wicked than the damn NAZIS.

The same Democrats who destroyed fatherhood assert, “Hey, you didn’t father ANYTHING, mister.  But we’re going to hold you responsible anyway.”  But I think history kind of proves how well that’s worked out.

How do you define “mass confusion”?  Father’s Day in any black community.  It’s an awful joke that has the sad virtue of being completely true.

Democrats want to cite – INcite is a better word – all kinds of socialist rationales to “explain” why the members of their race-based political coalition are so utterly dysfunction: which somehow always boils down to the explanation that it’s because somebody else isn’t having enough of their wealth seized so that someone else can have a bigger welfare check.  But THE biggest indicator of poverty is the absence of a father and the absence of a marriage – the two institutions that Democrats have utterly destroyed with their various perversions.

You’ve gotta love the protestors who wave signs that say, “Black Lives Matter.”  And judging by the actual FACTS, the only people who don’t believe that black lives matter are BLACK PEOPLE.  Given the rage of the black community in Baltimore, and her actions before and after this event under her mayorship, does Mayor Rawlings-Blake think black lives matter?  Who ELSE do you blame for this???  Does State Attorney for Baltimore Marilyn Mosby – who leads the justice system for the city – think black lives matter???  Whose damn fault is it if the justice system disregards black lives???  You go up the line to our latest black Attorney General or up the line further to our black president, and WHOSE FAULT IS IT THAT BLACK LIVES DON’T MATTER???

If you actually CARE about black people, about the worst thing you can do is put a black liberal in charge: because the statistics are blatantly obvious: NINETY PERCENT of black victims are murdered by black criminals.  While many crimes are intraracial (whites prey on mostly other whites and blacks prey on mostly other blacks), the black victimization rate is SIX TIMES higher than the white victimization rate.  The black offending rate is EIGHT TIMES higher than it is among whites.  Blacks commit murder at a rate EIGHT TIMES that of whites and all crimes at a rate approaching TEN TIMES that of whites.  This in spite of the fact that the FBI statistics conflates “white” crimes by lumping in Hispanics (who have a much higher crime rate than Anglos) as “whites.”

The black community is desperately sick and as long as Al Sharpton gets a say, it will get sicker and sicker.  And if you want to say “black lives matter,” fine.  Just make sure you’re telling black people, because they are clearly the ones who actually need to be aware of this.

“No Justice, No Peace,” the signs carried by stupid people read.  WHO IS ACTUALLY DENYING JUSTICE???  The very people the idiots carrying the damn signs keep voting for, year after year.

The Democrat Party has been the party of abject depravity and wickedness since they literally fought a vicious war to keep oppressed black people as slaves.  The Democrat Party was the party of abject depravity and wickedness since they formed the Ku Klux Klans to oppress and terrorize black people and white Republicans after Republicans defeated them in that war and freed the slaves.  The Democrat Party was the party of abject depravity and wickedness since the first true “liberal progressive” president – Woodrow Wilson – publicly glorified the most racist movie ever made called Birth of a Nation.  You know, after RE-segregating civil service and the military DE-segregated by Republicans.  The Democrat Party was the party of abject depravity and wickedness since the 1924 Democrat National Convention was so dominated by the Ku Klux Klan it was called “Klanbake.”  The Democrat Party has been the party of abject depravity and wickedness since FDR used his executive tyranny to punish black people by crafting policies that allowed unions – which were and remain Democrat power bases – to brutally discriminate against blacks.  The Democrat Party has been the party of abject depravity and wickedness throughout the long career of a celebrated Democrat Senator who was the Grand Kleagle of his Ku Klux Klan chapter.

This is NOT a party that somehow stopped being what it always has been to its ugly core; this is a party that learned how to be pathologically racist a different way.  They turned themselves into a plantation.  And black leaders have been co-opted by the plantation.  Democrats continue to use today the very same mindset that they used to justify their slavery in the 19th century: that black people are inferiors who need their superiors to provide for them.  You have to feed the negro with eternal welfare; it’s not like he’s human himself to feed himself.  While you can argue that the racism of the Democrat Party has “fundamentally transformed” from slavery to Darwinian notion (“On The Origin of Species. by Means of Natural Selection,. or. The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”) that some races are simply less advanced than others and therefore need Government to take care of them.  In exchange for their guaranteed vote, of course.  Other than Darwin, the Democrat Party embraced the theory of Hegelian socialism – founded of course on the back of racism.

Black people are – under the Democrat Party philosophy – “the white man’s burden.”  And that is why it doesn’t matter if it is black people and only black people who are making all the decisions and actually doing all the oppression of black people in Baltimore or any race-inflamed city you want to name that is dominated by historic Democrat control.  Because on this Democrat-steeped racial theory you can’t hold black people responsible for ANYTHING.  I mean, they’re HELPLESS and INFERIOR.  And so it’s GOT to be “blame whitey” for Baltimore.

At least, according to Barack Obama who did precisely that in his vile remarks.

And what has the Democrat Plantation produced?  What kind of people?

Bill O’Reilly tonight accurately described the young people who have grown up in these broken homes that were molded by failed liberalism:

To somebody who has tattoos all over their body, who is defiant, who is disrespectful and who doesn’t even want to work because they have a sense of entitlement that says they are victims, “You owe me.”

Does that sound like a good job-seeking resume?

And don’t tell me those folks don’t exist. They are legion.

So these politicians out on the street trying to justify riots by saying we don’t provide jobs are dishonest in the extreme.

The night before O’Reilly went after the riot excusers who argue that the government needs to provide jobs to these defiant, disrespectful entitlement thug-punks:

“With all due respect,” O’Reilly said, evincing none, “the government cannot create opportunities for young people who are uneducated, disrespectful, and unmotivated.” If the children in Baltimore have been “marginalized” and “misdirected,” he argued, that’s the fault of their parents, not the country, city, or police.

Which makes his decision to blame city officials immediately thereafter rather perplexing. “The city of Baltimore has been run by black politicians and the Democratic Party for decades,” he said, “so who exactly is marginalizing the children?”

But it was the Holy Bible that described to a “T” who these thug-punks were and what they would be like some 2,000 years ago:

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God–having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. — 2 Timothy 3:1-5

And “such people” have been rioting in Baltimore and New York.  And before that they were rioting in Ferguson, etc.

You listen to Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s “Let them loot” and you can hear the echoes of the elitist Civil War officer in the great movie Glory who said: “They’re little children, for God’s sake. They’re little monkey children.  You just gotta know how to control them.”  And the Democrat Party is trying to do just that on its new plantation.

Margaret Sanger – THE Democrat heroine extraordinaire – sure knew how to control them.  She wrote regarding her “Negro Project” that:

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

That’s “ministers” as in “The Rev. Al Sharpton.”  And the “more rebellious members” are otherwise known today as “black conservatives” who have escaped from the Democrat Plantation and are calling it out for exactly the racist engine that it is and always HAS been.

And Margaret Sanger continues to exterminate the Negro population from the grave.  With the help of the Democrat Party.

And since abortion is by definition the DENIAL of the respect for the dignity and value of human life, is it really any surprise that the same black people who murder their babies at massively higher rates than others would also murder – or let’s call it commit retro-active abortion – those who somehow managed to survive the most dangerous place for a black child to be (his/her mother’s womb)???

It is and has always been DEMOCRATS who believe that black lives don’t matter.  And to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, they prove it every day and in every way.

And the result is hell.  And it will continue to be hell until black people wake up to their sobering senses and realize that they have been led by the nose and duped by lies and throw off the shackles that the Democrat Party has put on them.

One of the latest forms of bondage that Democrats are trying to ensnare blacks with is drug addiction.  “Drug addiction helps pimps keep prostitutes virtually enslaved,” we find.  And the same thing is true of the Democrat Party and blacks, which is the ultimate predatory form of parasitic relationship par excellence.  Which is why the Democrat Party is using every form of slander and demagoguery imaginable to make it as easy as possible to be a voting drug addict today.  You want your drugs?  Vote Democrat.

We are watching such people rise like cancerous tumors all over the world as what St. Paul described as “the mystery of lawlessness” begins to grow out of control.  And decent people watch hell metastasizing and wonder how no one and nothing can/will do anything to stop it.

I know I’ll be accused of being a “racist” for assembling these facts and for saying what I’ve said.  It doesn’t matter that I would have voted for Herman Cain in 2012 and I’d vote for Ben Carson in 2016 – and what kind of racist would vote for the “I’m white!  I’m entitled” Hillary Clinton???

The black people we are watching burning and looting in riot after riot aren’t rioting and burning and looting because they’re black.  They’re doing it because they have drank too often and too deeply of the race-baiting Kool-Aid by the party of fatherlessness and racial demagoguery and bitterness and entitlement to the fruit produced by other people’s hard work.  They’ve been voting Democrat lock, stock and goose-stepping barrel for forty years and the more they vote Democrat, the more they fall behind.

This isn’t about “race.”  It’s about EVIL.  And too many black people have been captured by empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ (Colossians 2:8).

Race is going to continue to rise against race.  Because the rioters are ignorant and hateful and everything that St. Paul said they were 2,000 years ago and Bill O’Reilly said they were the last couple of nights.  You can call my facts hateful all you want, truth-hater; but that doesn’t change the fact that they are facts and what I’m saying is true.

The problem is that truth is dead in the age of the most documented liar who ever lived.  Truth is dead in the age of Obama.

We are watching Democrat policies literally result in literal hell on earth.  The Democrat Party is the Party of Antichrist, the Party of the Beast.  Period.  And they are doing everything they can to prepare America and prepare the world for the coming of their god.  Because he will first take over human Government which Democrats worship as Savior in place of God and then he will declare himself God.  And when he fulfills every Democrats’ dream by seizing complete power over the entire global economy they will worship him and take his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads.

The Antichrist will be the ultimate Savior to Democrats because he will be the ultimate Provider of what Democrats most want: big Government that will take promise to take care of everyone and everything.

And so we know from God’s Word that someone is coming – someone whom Democrats will WORSHIP – who will finish the job of bringing hell on earth.




Evolution, The Religion Of Fools. In One Picture.

April 28, 2015

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.  For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.  For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.  Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. — Romans 1:18-23

I was on one of my hikes out in the desert when I came upon this scene way out in the middle of nowhere that caused me to marvel (you can click on it to enlarge it in a new window):

P1000062 - Copy

I state for the record that I did not assemble this or see it assembled.  It was there when I walked a route that I walked for the very first time.  It simply stands as a brute fact.  It is what it is.  The only question is how it came to be the way you see it.

Somehow, in some amazing demonstration of the power of evolutionary forces, a strong wind managed to lift one rock atop another.  And then, without knocking that rock over off its new evolutionary perch, the wind managed to stack two rocks side-by-side on top of the second rock.  Amazingly – and the miracle of evolution is clearly on display here – a fifth rock, and then a sixth rock and a seventh rock and then ultimately an eighth rock, were all successively and successfully stacked one atop the other by this marvelous Darwinian breeze.

Now, maybe you believe that.  Or maybe you’re not what the Bible labels “the fool” (Psalm 14:1) and you immediately realize what a total pile – LITERALLY – of abject idiocy the notion  that this rock pile just happened all by itself clearly is.

I truly did marvel when I saw this pile of rocks and contemplated the implications.  Because I was very well immediately aware that SOMEBODY had very clearly put this together from the determination of a mind to create something where without a mind and a decision to create there would have been nothing.  And everybody who isn’t a complete fool clearly knows that somebody assembled this monument; it didn’t just “happen,” it didn’t “evolve” by some random natural process.  And as I shall shortly demonstrate with something called “science,” I don’t care how many billion years you want to wave at this monument to claim that it happened by itself.  The longer you want to think it took, the worse the fool you are.  This is a one-to-one, apples-to-apples, direct comparison: the rock pile did not happen by random, chaotic chance, everyone knows, because it is simply too complex of a structure to have happened all by itself.  And the whole universe is SO much more complex that it is beyond foolish to claim that it happened by itself when we all know that something as simple as this stupid rock pile couldn’t have happened by ITSELF.

And this principle is true throughout any legitimate science.  I was watching a documentary on Julius Caesar and his defeat of the Gallic chieftain Vercingetorix at the Battle of Alesia in 52BC.  Archeologists were able to fully discover the fortifications at Alesia by flying overhead and doing detailed photography of the area.  And what they did was look for lines that were simply too symmetrical or too straight for nature alone to have been able to produce.  Because they were demonstrating something called “common sense” that every evolutionist and atheist has none of whatsoever.

It’s stupid enough to claim that something that nature cannot produce was somehow produced by nature, such as the straight, symmetrical lines revealing ancient Roman fortifications or the rock altar I photographed.  But it is a level of stupidity beyond “dumb and dumber” to say that while nature cannot produce symmetry or design, it can somehow produce the infinitely GREATER complexity of the people who produce the things that even fools understand that nature cannot produce.  Think about it; the atheist, the secular humanist believes that obviously nature cannot produce the simplest kind of order or symmetry, but these same fools believe as an act of RELIGIOUS FAITH AND NOTHING ELSE that nature can produce infinitely MORE complex order and symmetry in the so-called “evolution of life” that is GOOGOLPLEXIANS of times more complex.  If nature cannot even produce so much as a straight line or a simple pile of rocks, please do not insult your own intelligence by claiming it somehow produced the Mona Lisa.

I’ve got another one for you to riddle me.  There’s just an awful lot more to reality than the eye can see.  Things are vastly more complex than they appear.  Science itself has taught us that.  See, according to science, we’re a collection of particles, right?  Atoms, molecules.  There are 70 trillion cells in a human body consisting of about 7*1027 atoms (that’s a 7 followed by 27 zeros!).  Atoms are by definition mostly made up of empty space.  And so for one thing, we’re not solid.  Truth to tell, we’re actually FAR more water (about 60%) than anything else.  So then why are we solid?  You’ve got theories, but we don’t really know.  “We are spirits in a material world” is as plausible as anything “scientific.”  And then what about this one: given that we’re a collection of particles, how or why are we a whole?  How can this collection of particles consisting of atoms numbering in the 7 followed by 27 zeroes be one thing?  And what about this notion of “I”: “I” am one thing!  How can “I” be an “I’, let alone one thing as opposed to many different parts?  What about this notion of consciousness and individuality?  How does science explain that?  Have you ever heard a scientist attempt to explain these things to you?

You see, just as we can know BY SCIENCE that we CANNOT see everything with our physical senses – such as atoms, particles and molecules – we can also know that there is a realm beyond science, beyond the physical.  We can know that just as there is a realm smaller than our senses, that there is also a realm bigger than our senses.  There must be a realm that is beyond science, beyond the physical, a realm that has been called “supernatural,” but is surely metaphysical, above and beyond the physical.

That’s why the Bible uses the word “fool” to describe such people who deny God and the supernatural.  It’s frankly beyond merely idiotic.

Atheists and evolutionists mock religious people for believing that a transcendent, personal, omnipotent God can do all things.  But what do THEY believe in?  The too-idiotic-to-even-qualify-as-“fairy-tale” notion that if something sits around for long enough, a MIRACLE will somehow happen.  And no, boys and girls, time doesn’t possess magic power.  All time does is sit there and do nothing.

If I were to employ the evolutionists’ argument back at them, it would go like this: I promise that I will refute evolution and prove that it is bogus.  In 4.5 billion years.  Because all they do is turn that very same argument upside down and claim that something somehow happened that long ago when no one can even begin to prove that it did.  It’s an assertion, nothing more.

Which invites the question as to the nature of ALL of “nature.”  We don’t just have the problem of explaining how the pile of rocks somehow got assembled into that neat little monument.  We have the problem of the origin of the individual rocks themselves according to the Big Bang theory of cosmology held by nearly all physicists today: all matter, all time, all energy and all space suddenly exploded into existence at some finite point of time in the past very much as if Someone had declared, “Let there be light.”  It’s as Robert Jastrow described it in God and the Astronomers: “For the scientist who has lived by faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”  Those rocks in that picture did not always exist; they came into being because they were caused to exist by something (or of course Someone).  And it happened in a manner that confirms the account of the Book of Genesis chapter one.  Jastrow – one of the great scientific minds of the 20th century – also stated: “Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover. That there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact.”  And after that “Let there be light” declaration that same  Somebody somehow – and we weren’t there to see Who or how any more than we saw who assembled the pile of rocks in the above picture – stacked a pile of rocks on top of one another to assemble our planet, our solar system, our galaxy, all living things.   And the fact that we are here as a result is very properly indeed the result of “supernatural forces” and properly called a MIRACLE.

Atheists and evolutionists once confidently declared that there were a septillion (that’s a one followed by 24 zeros) planets capable of life.  These arrogant, ostensibly knowledgeable fools were so wrong it is unreal.  Every single time they send taxpayer-funded prayers to the heavens in the form of enormously  powerful radio communications, satellites, unmanned spacecraft like Voyager, etc., it amounts to perennially unanswered prayers to their god or gods.  Just as I contemplated the pile of rocks on the trail and ask the question, ‘How did this get here?  Could it just have happened?’, we must likewise contemplate the brute fact of the universe that we observe: the nature of the fine tuning of the universe is mindboggling when you consider it.  How did the fact of universe and the fact of life get happen?  Did Someone create it – which is the prima facie conclusion of any creature possessing common sense – or did it just assemble itself the way we know that pile of rocks in the picture above could never have assembled itself?  When you realize how many things had to happen in precise sequence and with infinite precision for us to be here at all – rather than residents from those septillion planets visiting us or contacting us the way we’re trying to contact “them” – it should occur to you to question why we are here at all.  How did just the right sort of solar system to contain the planet that contains the rocks that yielded all the necessary building blocks for life get here?  How did just the right sort of moon that orbits the planet in just the right way to result in a planet that contains the rocks get here?  How did just the right sort of star with just the right characteristics to result in just the right sort of solar system and just the right moon result in just the right planet to contain those rocks get here?  And I mean, I can go on and on and on.  Because the level of complexity within the system of the universe is so far beyond mind-boggling that it is obviously the result of supernatural mind determining to create.

Do you see my point here?  When you can’t even so much as glance at a simple pile of what, seven rocks arranged one atop the other, what kind of fool do you have to believe to think that ALL of the many INFINITELY MORE COMPLEX systems and sub-systems that compose the universe all around that rock pile got here by chance without an Intelligent Designer?

When you start to think about the system of the universe and the billions of sub-systems and the trillions of sub-processes within the system, you have to mock the fool who believes that all that we see around us just somehow happened by chance.  Because that fool is in all actuality a far worse fool than the fool who would look at the stack of rocks above and conclude that it happened by chance.

Look at that picture above again and consider the complexity of those seven rocks piled one atop the other and realize that it is far too complex a system to have happened by any act of random nature.  And then go look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are not vastly more complex than that system which you obviously know was intelligently designed.

And then keep reading to comprehend just how appalling the case for godless evolution truly is and the foolish idiocy you have to believe in order to deny the reality of God.

Allow me to give you the flavor of what actual hard SCIENCE really says about the possibility of life happening by chance:

The Time Problem

To go from a bacterium to people is less of a step than to go from a mixture of amino acids to a bacterium. — Lynn Margulis (21.5)

The only premise that all of the precellular theories share is that it would be an extremely long time before the first bacterial cells evolved. If precellular life somehow got going, it could then conceivably begin to crank out, by some precellular process, random strings of nucleotides and amino acids, trying to luck into a gene or a protein with advantages which would lead to bacterial life. There is no evidence in life today of anything that produces huge quantities of new, random strings of nucleotides or amino acids, some of which are advantageous. But if precellular life did that, it would need lots of time to create any useful genes or proteins. How long would it need? After making some helpful assumptions we can get the ratio of actual, useful proteins to all possible random proteins up to something like one in 10^500 (ten to the 500th power). So it would take, barring incredible luck, something like 10^500 trials to probably find one. Imagine that every cubic quarter-inch of ocean in the world contains ten billion precellular ribosomes. Imagine that each ribosome produces proteins at ten trials per minute (about the speed that a working ribosome in a bacterial cell manufactures proteins). Even then, it would take about 10^450 years to probably make one useful protein. But Earth was formed only about 4.6 x 10^9 years ago. The amount of time available for this hypothetical protein creation process was maybe a few hundred million or ~10^8 years. And now, to make a cell, we need not just one protein, but a minimum of several hundred.

So even if we allow precellular life, there is a problem getting from there to proteins, genes and cells. The random production of proteins does not succeed as an explanation. Other intermediate, unspecified stages must be imagined. We could call these stages post-precellular life. By whatever means, life’s evolution through these stages would have to be time-consuming.

“Time-consuming.”  There’s a rather gigantic understatement for you.  Try to write that number down: 10^450 years, which is 10 with 450 zeroes after it.  That is a number that makes our national debt even after the Obama spendaholic presidency look so infinitesimal that any kid ought to easily be able to solve our national debt crisis with his lunch money by comparison.  And it makes the length of time since our universe exploded into being some 14 billion years ago (1.4×10^10 years) and the earth formed 4.6 billion (4.6×10^9) yeas ago look tiny and insignificant by comparison.

4.6 billion years ago might seem like a long time: 4.6 with nine zeros after it.  That is, unless you compare it to the number “1” followed by a MINIMUM of FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY freaking zeroes.  We’re not talking about billions, we’re not talking about trillions, we’re talking about a number so vast only a true mathematician has ever even HEARD of it before: a Novenquadragintacentillion, at least according to our dictionary of Big Ass Numbers.

There’s just not enough time literally in the whole universe.  And that 10^450  years is just for ONE protein when you need to multiply that 10^450 years by several hundred proteins.  That last sentence of the first paragraph is actually staggeringly optimistic, considering that in this case “several hundred” is actually SEVERAL THOUSAND:

“A typical bacterium requires more than 4,000 proteins for growth and reproduction.”

So understand the dilemma: you need random trials requiring 10^450  years to form just ONE protein; but you actually would need at least another 3,999 more proteins that will take just as long to randomly generate after you finally generate that first one.  Each one is going to take you about another 10^450  years’ worth of random trials to generate!  And finally after 10^450  a.k.a. a novenquadragintacentillion years multiplied by “more than 4,000 proteins,” just what are the odds that that first protein that you made would still exist so many trillions times trillions times trillions of years later???  Just what are the odds that you would have all 4,000-plus proteins available at one time and in one place to make the assembly of that simplest cell possible???

How long did it take whoever built that rock pile to complete the job?  I’m guessing a few minutes.  Because our Creator God gave that person a miraculous mind and a fearfully and wonderfully made body to think about creating it and then an amazing body to actually make it happen.  But the simple scientific FACT of the matter is that, no matter how long you want to claim the universe is, it STILL wasn’t anywhere NEAR enough time in the universe even times a million billion trillion to “evolve” the simplest cell there is apart from that Creator.

If you don’t believe that rock pile assembled itself by purely natural processes without any Intelligence, but you believe that everything else – including humanity – got here the very way you deny that that rock pile got here, the Bible is truly right to call you “fool.”

You should begin to understand that “evolution” is the most fanciful fairy tale there IS.  When we talk about evolution, we’re talking about something that not only didn’t happen, but COULDN’T even POSSIBLY have happened.  At least if you accept actual SCIENCE rather than the atheistic philosophical nonsense masquerading as “science.”

You need to comprehend this: legitimate science can’t even begin to explain how just the proteins necessary for the simplest bacteria cell evolved by chance.  And that the fool who postulates that “evolution” created the magnificent human mind that is so much more sophisticated and miraculous than any supercomputer ever designed is someone who seems to lack so much as that bacteria cell for a brain.  Because we’re no longer talking about the simplest bacteria cell the origins of which science can’t begin to explain or even explain away; we’re talking about a brain jam-packed with billions of infinitely more complex cells in infinitely more complex arrays.

And the human brain has an apparently very clear purpose: to allow a soul the ability to freely interact with its body.  But that of course, is denied by evolutionists:

“Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.” [Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1996, p. 1]

There is absolutely no question to even a fool like Richard Dawkins that life very much has “the appearance of having been designed for a purpose.”  But being a fool, he proceeds to simply dismiss the fact that the Bible declares in Romans chapter 1 and verse 18-23: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to themFor since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.  For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.  Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.”

Yes, all complicated things were very self-evidently designed for a purpose.  And that Designer is God.  Don’t be a fool and deny the obvious.  It is OBVIOUS to even Richard Dawkins that the universe was “designed” for “a purpose.”  The prima facie case is obvious and if you want to claim that there is no Creator you must prove beyond any reasonable doubt that there is NOT a Creator, rather than telling a bunch of fanciful atheist fairy tales to describe how things happened the way the most primitive cave men told stories about how we have wind because the trees are moving and swaying and creating the ensuing wind by their actions.  The burden of proof necessarily falls upon the unbeliever; but they have performed a bait-and-switch by the most disingenuous means.

You’ve got your pseudo-scientists who claim that this amounts to some argument about “science” versus religion.  I call them “pseudo-scientists” because if you understand the history of science, these people are very clearly speaking out of complete ignorance – and legitimate scientists never speak out of such ignorance.  The so-called “science” these pseudo-scientist ideologues embrace is every bit as “religious” as any serpent-handling Pentecostal who ever lived.

Please realize what junk “science” becomes when it becomes an ideological tool.  The fact of the matter is – as I have documented before – is that modern science founded upon the scientific method uniquely came from and depended upon the Judeo-Christian worldview.  It is a simple historically verifiable fact that: The first modern scientist and the discoverer of the scientific method upon which modern science is based was a product of Christendom and a publicly avowed Christian who described his faith in Christianity – and its influence on his approach to science – in his writings.  That the discoverer of every single modern branch of science was a publicly confessed Christian.  I say it again, not only was the first true scientist in the modern sense who discovered the scientific method a publicly confessing Christian, but so were the discovers of every single major branch of modern science. And that is because the very presuppositions necessary FOR the rise of science itself uniquely came out of the Christian worldview:

J.P. Moreland (Source: The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer, p. 17) listed some of the philosophical presuppositions – based on the Judeo-Christian worldview – that were necessary for the foundation of science:

1. the existence of a theory-independent, external world

2. the orderly nature of the external world

3. the knowability of the external world

4. the existence of truth

5. the laws of logic

6. the reliability of human cognitive and sensory faculties to serve as truth-gatherers and as a source of justified beliefs in our intellectual environment

7. the adequacy of language to describe the world

8. the existence of values used in science (e.g., “test theories fairly and report test results honestly”)

9. the uniformity of nature and induction

10. the existence of numbers

You can’t use physical science to arrive at or derive the laws of logic; they are self-evident only within highly particular worldviews that are uniquely based on the presuppositional and foundational belief in the supernatural and the divine.  We today have the denunciation of “Western logic” by the postmodern movement.  Because Western logic is based upon the reality of “either/or.”  And the moment you allow Western logic profoundly powerful “either/or” arguments such as the Kalam Cosmological Argument begin to pour in and drown the godless fire of atheist thought.  Our Western laws of logic were derived from Greek thought, which was highly DUALISTIC.  There were the gods and there were men.  There were the non-material abstract and yet substantial Forms and there was the material world of change.  You cannot accept the laws of logic and not accept the distinction between the material and immateraial world and the existence of the immaterial world which bequeathed us with the Form of logic that we aspire toward without being a pathologically dishonest hypocrite and an intellectual parasite.  And as you contemplate the existence of “truth,” recognize that either our minds and our brains were created by a Truth-Knowing Being to know truth, or they are the result of a entirely random and unguided process and therefore no reason whatsoever to assert the capacity to possess “truth.”  And in the same way, when it comes to the rise of science, any notion of genuine science pitted against genuine religion is a total fraud and fabrication.  Modern science uniquely arose out of Judeo-Christian presuppositions from a geographical place and a philosophical worldview called Christendom.  It arose out of no other worldview and never could have arisen out of any materialistic worldview.  Science was allowed to rise because Judeo-Christian-worldview inspired men – ALL publicly professing Christians – believed that there was an orderly universe that was created to operate on orderly principles and that we as image-bearers of the Creator possessed the mental faculties to marvel at the work of the Creator and “thinking God’s thoughts after Him” – as Isaac Newton, the greatest scientist who ever lived, declared.

Atheistic evolutionists are frauds and thieves who usurped an entire foundation upon which logic and science originated.  True logic and true science mock these people, because true logic and true science come uniquely from a worldview that they reject.  Their feet are firmly planted in midair.  But these people are such complete fools that they walk like idiots without a foundation toward nothing.

This ideology-masquerading-as-“science” also amounts to a bait-and-switch regarding science as “testable” or “falsifiable” versus “creationism” which is NOT testable.  Charles Darwin gave as the standard of “testable” evolutionary “science” this definition:

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.  But I can find no such case.” — Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species, p. 158

But a brilliant lawyer exposed that “falsifiability” standard for the total fraud that it is merely by replacing a couple of words in the otherwise exact same definition:

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by God, my God theory would absolutely break down.”

And she then proceeded to ask, “Would the Darwin believers take that standard as a scientific test for God?”  Would they accept the burden of proving that “God could not possibly have created” us???

Let’s consider the human brain and its implications on the foolish theory of evolution.  Are you a meat puppet mindlessly and soullessly dancing to the tune of random evolutionary forces?  Atheist-ideologue pseudo-science declares yes, you are:

“But it should be pointed out that consistent atheism, which represents itself to be the most rational and logical of all approaches to reality, is in actuality completely self defeating and incapable of logical defense. That is to say, if indeed all matter has combined by mere chance, unguided by any Higher Power of Transcendental Intelligence, then it necessarily follows that the molecules of the human brain are also the product of mere chance. In other words, we think the way we do simply because the atoms and molecules of our brain tissue happen to have combined in the way they have, totally without transcendental guidance or control. So then even the philosophies of men, their system of logic and all their approaches to reality are the result of mere fortuity. There is no absolute validity to any argument advanced by the atheist against the position of theism.

On the basis of his won presuppositions, the atheist completely cancels himself out, for on his own premises his arguments are without any absolute validity. By his own confession he thinks the way he does simply because the atoms in his brain happen to combine the way they do. If this is so, he cannot honestly say that his view is any more valid than the contrary view of his opponent. His basic postulates are self contradictory and self defeating; for when he asserts that there are no absolutes, he thereby is asserting a very dogmatic absolute. Nor can he logically disprove the existence of God without resorting to a logic that depends on the existence of God for its validity. Apart from such a transcendent guarantor of the validity of logic, any attempts at logic or argumentation are simply manifestations of the behavior of the collocation of molecules that make up the thinker’s brain.”  — Gleason Archer, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, pp. 55-56

Is whatever thought that is floating around in your head merely determined by how your random brain atoms randomly arranged themselves?  Or do you think rational thoughts because you are the rational, thinking image of a rational thinking God according to Genesis 1:26-27 who said “Come, let us reason together” (Isaiah 1:18).

Which are you?

I can go on literally all day citing evidence that scientists and atheist/secular humanist philosophers claim that human free will is nothing more than some philosophically useless illusion, and that you are nothing but a meat puppet entirely conditioned by your DNA and your environment.  Both atheistic-ideologue pseudo-science and the atheistic philosophy based on that atheistic-ideologue pseudo-science readily dismiss the notion of anything legitimately called genuine free human will.  It is nothing more than an illusion, so please go back to your pasture, all ye mindless and soulless herd animals, and chew your cud until slaughter-time.

As Richard Dawkins asserted in his atheist tome The Blind Watchmaker, “DNA neither cares nor knows. DNA just is. And we dance to its music.”  And YOU neither know nor care and you dance to the music the way a puppet jerked around by strings uncontrollably dances to whatever random notion randomly enters your randomly-generated skull.

If we are in fact created in the image of an invisible Creator God, then we are NOT meat puppets, for the God who created us in His image is no meat puppet.  If there is no God and we are products of mindless, soulless evolution, then we are and can be nothing else and nothing more than meat puppets.

If it is a fact that you are nothing but a herd-animal meat-puppet with no mind and no soul, there is necessarily another terrifying truth: you have no moral responsibility.  And the worst people in the history of the world by any “moral” standard have no moral responsibility, either.  And this terrifying fact is necessarily true both on an individual level and on a societal level.

On the individual level, if free will is an illusion, as any materialistic system science or philosophy asserts, then how can you hold someone criminally or morally responsible for their actions that result from no free will of the person who is committing them?

Further, if Darwinism is true, then Social Darwinism is necessarily entailed: if natural selection is your process for evolving into better creatures, in which the fittest members of a species survive, and both inferior members of species and inferior species themselves must perish to give way to the stronger, then why should it not be so in how we govern the world?  Why shouldn’t we help evolution by eradicating the unfit so that the more fit can better survive in a world of finite and scarce resources?  Adolf Hitler understood that under any consistent Darwinian view, there were the predators and there were the victims – and he made his Germany a predator.  Maybe you want to argue that it is false that big fish eat the smaller fish or that lions eat the gazelles.  But you’re wrong because they really do.  Nazi Germany was without any question THE most “scientific” society on earth during the time leading up to World War II, and a consistent Darwinism was precisely their philosophy: if Darwinism is in fact “science,” then have the damn courage to embrace the crystal clear implications of that science and embrace some form of Nazism or Stalinism which both embraced evolution and thus made horror such as has never before been seen possible.

A guiding philosophy of Nazism was completely and fundamentally compatible with any “science” of Darwinism that had the decency to be consistent: they called it “lebensunwertes leben,” or life unworthy to be lived.  And they killed off all members of society that were not sufficiently fit to be adequate Darwinists.  And if you are an evolutionist and you do not think the precise same way, you are either a coward and a hypocrite for not having the courage to be consistent and live out your view or you are tantamount to a slack-jawed idiot for not having the ability to logically comprehend the ramifications of your own worldview.

You can mock that above link between godless Darwinism and Nazism all you want, evolutionist.  But first I ask you to explain how your teacher Charles Darwin – the full title of whose book was, “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life” – precludes you from believing yourself to belong to a “favoured” master race and then possessing the justification to wipe out all the other races you compete with “in the struggle for life.”  And I’ll explain how my Teacher Jesus of Nazareth precludes me from doing so.

Adolf Hitler made the mindless German crowds who supported him the victims of his Darwinism, stating, “If the German Volk is not strong enough and is not sufficiently prepared to offer its own blood for its existence, it should cease to exist and be destroyed by a stronger power.”  That is an inherently and implicitly and intrinsically Darwinian argument.  And that fact is not altered now as intellectual frauds like Richard Dawkins go back and rewrite history to expunge the incredibly tragic results of Darwinism being applied to the actual world and society.  Modern Darwinists want to use their hypocritical and self-contradictory system to violently club God to death, then drop that club and say, “Now that Darwinism has killed God and religion, let’s not live as if our system that says life is a struggle for existence in which only the fittest survive and the weak are a threat to the rest of the herd is actually true.”

And Adolf Hitler clearly stated in his Mein Kampf that:

“The objection may very well be raised that such phenomena in world history [the necessity of intolerance] arise for the most part from specifically Jewish modes of thought, in fact, that this type of intolerance and fanaticism positively embodies the Jewish nature” [Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 454].

Friedrich Nietzsche – a patron saint of Nazism – had prior to Hitler correctly pointed out the fact that:

“Christianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, of privilege: it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence” [Nietzsche, “The Twilight of the Idols”].

That same Darwinian theme of Judaism and Christianity thwarting Darwinian supremacy would be echoed more than a century later by the historian who wrote the book on Christian martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who would die in the death camps:

Regarding Hitler’s hatred of Christianity, Metaxas further writes, “Hitler’s attitude toward Christianity was that it was a great heap of mystical out-of-date nonsense. But what annoyed Hitler was not that it was nonsense, but that it was nonsense that did not help him get ahead. According to Hitler, Christianity preached “meekness and flabbiness,” and this was simply not useful to the National Socialist ideology, which preached “ruthlessness and strength.” In time, he felt that the churches would change their ideology. He would see to it.”

And so, a good Nazi was a Gottglaubiger.  Rather than putting “Christian” on personnel forms they wrote down “Gottlaubig” – representing a “vague pseudo-philosophical religiosity” – to indicate that, while they were not “godless communists,” they were most certainly not “Christian.”  And unlike Christians and Jews with their weak and insipid morality, they were Nazis who were willing to grab the Darwinian bull by the horns and do whatever was necessary, no matter how morally heinous.  Just as any true Darwinist would do if he or she had the courage of conviction.

Hitler used the word “Christian” in his some of his speeches before deluded crowds of Germans many of whom had long-since largely abandoned true religion under the profound influence of a generation of profoundly anti-religious and in particular anti-Jewish and anti-Christian German scholars such as the well-known Friedrich Delitzsch who wrote:

“the Old Testament was full of deceptions of all kinds – a veritable hodge-podge of erroneous, incredible, undependable figures, including those of Biblical chronology…. in short, a book full of intentional and unintentional deceptions (in part, self-deceptions), a very dangerous book in the use of which the greatest care is necessary.”

But to his inner circle Hitler said very different things than what he said publicly.

Hitler described to them that “after difficult inner struggles I had freed myself of my remaining childhood religious conceptions. I feel as refreshed now as a foal on a meadow” (Ernst Helmreich, “The German Churches Under Hitler,” p. 285).

Joseph Goebbels was one of Hitler’s inner circle to whom Hitler revealed his true beliefs:

The Fuhrer is a man totally attuned to antiquity. He hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity. According to Schopenhauer, Christianity and syphilis have made humanity unhappy and unfree. What a difference between the benevolent, smiling Zeus and the pain-wracked, crucified Christ. The ancient peoples’ view of God was also much nobler and more humane than the Christians’. What a difference between a gloomy cathedral and a light, airy ancient temple. He describes life in ancient Rome: clarity, greatness, monumentality. The most wonderful republic in history. We would feel no disappointment, he believes, if we were now suddenly to be transported to this old, eternal city.”

Goebbels also notes in a diary entry in 1939 a conversation in which Hitler had “expressed his revulsion against Christianity. He wished that the time were ripe for him to be able to openly express that. Christianity had corrupted and infected the entire world of antiquity.” [Elke Frölich. 1997-2008. Die Tagebücher von Joseph Goebbels. Munich: K. G. Sauer. Teil I, v. 6, p. 272].

Hitler also said, “Our epoch will certainly see the end of the disease of Christianity.” [Hitler’s Table Talk, Enigma Books; 3rd edition October 1, 2000, p. 343].

Author Konrad Heiden quoted Hitler as stating, “We do not want any other god than Germany itself. It is essential to have fanatical faith and hope and love in and for Germany.” [Heiden, Konrad A History of National Socialism, A.A. Knopf, 1935, p. 100].

Albert Speer – another Nazi who worked extremely closely with Hitler – reports in his memoirs of a similar statement made by Hitler:

You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?” [Albert Speer. 1971. Inside the Third Reich Translated by Richard Winston, Clara Winston, Eugene Davidson. New York: Macmillan. p 143; Reprinted in 1997. Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs. New York: Simon and Schuster. p. 96. ISBN 0-684-82949-5].

Adolf Hitler sounds like an atheist to me.  He certainly rabidly abandoned Judeo-Christianity as few other human beings ever have.  And while the Nazis were cynically willing to exploit Christianity or anything else they could twist to manipulate people into following them, it was put in the form of “Almighty God has created the German people to be a race of supermen” kind of garbage.  But think about that for a second: created by WHO and by WHAT PROCESS?  Certainly NOT created by the “Jewish God” of the Old Testament of the Christian Bible; and certainly NOT created according to the creation account in the “Jewish Bible’s” book of Genesis.  So WHO created and by WHAT process?  By Darwinian evolution, of course.  God threw His random evolutionary dice and His throw came up Nazi snake eyes.  And Hitler would tell you that lie and any other lie he needed to tell you to twist your mind into following him.

Proto-Nazi atheist and secular humanist philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Friedrich Delitzsch gave way to full-blown Nazis such as Martin Heidegger and Ezra Pound.  And the toxic atheistic and secular humanistic evolutionist ideas of these toxic men had toxic consequences.

Furthermore, the most brutal form of human government that ever existed was communism otherwise known as “state atheism.”  Every single officially state atheist society has been a violent and vicious opponent of human dignity and human freedom.  Every single one.

Political and economic Marxim was based on the following atheist/secular humanist premise:

Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.

And the result of atheism/secular humanism being allowed to dominate was a boot stomping on hundreds of millions of human faces since its rise.  It is the most murderous system of thought ever devised by man, with well over 110 million human beings murdered by their own atheist governments just during peacetime alone.  The continual bait and switch of these purveyors which the Word of God according to Colossians 2:8 warn us about –

“Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual forces of this world, rather than from Christ”

– continue to bear murderous fruit.  They seize upon the imperfect results of imperfect political system that depend upon an imperfect pursuit of a religious worldview, and replace it with a demonic system in which the Government BECOMES God and proceeds to crush everything and every one that gets in its way.

Nazism and Stalinism have one thing in common: godless socialism.  The intent of these movements was to replace God with Government in which Government became the Savior and the people were encouraged if not viciously driven away from embracing any worldview that had a place for a Creator God in it.

And today we have people every bit as wicked and every bit as willing to commit acts of incredible vicious genocide as Hitler or Stalin or Mao (socialists all) – and I’m not talking about insane jihadist Muslims such as fill the ranks of Islamic State.  No, I’m talking about leftist environmentalists who have top access to leftist politicians.  Listen to some of their quotes:

“My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world.” – Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!

Mankind is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish and unethical animal on the earth.”
– Michael Fox, vice-president of The Humane Society

Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.”
– John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

Humans on the Earth behave in some ways like a pathogenic micro-organism, or like the cells of a tumor.”
– Sir James Lovelock, Healing Gaia

The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man.”
– Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.”
United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment

A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.”
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb

A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
– Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor [and major DEMOCRAT PARTY DONOR]

Realize the left today would murder people on a scale that would even shock Adolf Hitler, if they could just get the power they wanted.

You don’t even so much as qualify as a cow to these people.  I mean, in their own words, you don’t even make it to the level of a slug.  At least we merit equal status to a cancer tumor.  I don’t think even the Jews under Hitler got that little respect.

These rabid leftists evolutionists believe that earth randomly evolved.  And in order to protect the result of random evolution they believe they must wipe out somewhere between half and 95% of all randomly evolved homo sapiens.  You can bet none of these people are going to volunteer to walk into the gas chambers first, mind you.

Realize “the absurdity of life without God.”  Realize that apart from God, there is and can be no true meaning, purpose or value in your existence.  And that is precisely how the state atheists and the secular humanists treat you the moment they get power over you: like a farm animal that can be slaughtered and should be slaughtered.  And simple factual history proves it.  It’s happened before and it will very likely happen again.  The ideology might change, but the evolutionary/Darwinian worldview that underlies it guarantees the same contempt for the dignity of the human spirit that we’ve seen before.

Whatever you are, what you are not is either morally intelligent or in any way wise.  Rather, as Romans 1:22 puts it, “Professing yourself to be wise, you became a FOOL.”  A fool so captured by empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense, as Colossians 2:8 points out, that you abandoned the real world for an atheist fairy tale in order to childishly ignore the authority of God and thereby ignore His moral commands.

Unbelief does not come from intellectual causes or objective analysis of the data or any form of legitimate science.  In fact science exists BECAUSE of the Judeo-Christian worldview and it arose in Christendom based on the Judeo-Christian worldview and the Judeo-Christian worldview alone.  Rather, unbelief is a moral collapse by which wicked people do not seek God because they refuse to be responsible to Him and acknowledge that He alone is sovereign and He is the Creator and they the creatures.  They resent any limitation on their ability to do as they please, or, according to their meat-puppet, herd-animal doctrine, whatever random string of atoms masquerading as a thought or a desire compels them or stimulates them to mindlessly act out.  They resent any limitations to their mindless DNA-puppet-dangling animalistic autonomy.  They refuse to honor any moral boundaries that they despise and so they therefore refuse to acknowledge the Boundary Maker.

What they do is not wise, it is not intelligent, it is not moral and it is not “science.”

So if you want to think of me as being an idiot for believing in God, that’s just fine; provided you realize that YOU are the idiot of all idiots and frankly THE most idiotic idiot who ever lived in comparison to people like me.

I mean, please don’t sneer condescendingly at me for believing in God given the fact that evolution is a fairy tale for fools.

A theologian, commenting on Romans chapter one, wrote:

“Truth quietly remains what it is amid all the clamor and he shouting against it and in the end judges every man.” [R.C.H. Lenski, St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, p. 93]

If there is no God, then there is no “truth” anymore than there is a “creation,” because “truth” is however the hell the molecules in our brains randomly arranged themselves to believe.  If the human mind is mrely a randomly-generated product of natural selection, then the ideas in our minds were selected purely for their survival value and NOT for their truth-value.  And so your “truth” – whatever the hell that is – is by definition of evolution no less random than mine.   Evolutionary epistemology commits suicide.  If Darwin’s theory of natural selection is true, “the human mind serves evolutionary success, not truth,” as John Gray expressed it.  But consider the ramification and the ensuing contradiction of Darwinism: if Darwin’s theory is true, then it “serves evolutionary success, not truth.” In other words, if Darwin’s theory is true, then it is not true.  It has been a simple game for philosophers to devise all sorts of scenarios which demonstrate that something might facilitate “evolutionary success” and yet be patently false beliefs.  I can document prominient politicians and even journalists such as Walter Lippmann – who said that “The common interests very largely elude public opinion entirely and can be managed only by a specialized class whose personal interests reach beyond the locality” – to document that people have been inspired to take actions that others deemed the best course based entirely on propaganda or lies.  Lets let smart people deceive stupid people into policies for their won good, they say.  We just saw that that described as being the mindset behind ObamaCare from one of its chief architects.  There is absolutely no connection whatsoever between something that could be an “evolutionary success” and “truth.”  And in fact history is replete with examples demonstrating that “truth” has frequently been done away with to pave the way for something that has been passed off as being for the people’s own good.  This is an epistemological box that evolution simply cannot climb out of no matter how many billions of years of fervent, fanatical faith in random evolutionary processes they want to throw at the abandonment of truth inherent in their theory.

And unless you can patiently exlain to me how Hitler and Stalin were somehow bad atheists, and unless you can establish whatever the hell “evolutionary morality” is, then it stands as a simple FACT that the murderer is no different from the martyr and the rapist is no more praiseworthy or blameworthy than then humanitarian since none of us are truly free to be truly responsible for our actions.  And in fact if evolution is true, then rape is actually PRAISEWORTHY as we “dance to DNA’s music.”

Question: Why do we as individuals rape, murder and sleep around?  Becauserape is (in the vernacular of evolutionary biology) an adaptation, a trait encoded by genes that confers an advantage on anyone who possesses them. Back in the late Pleistocene epoch 100,000 years ago, men who carried rape genes had a reproductive and evolutionary edge over men who did not: they sired children not only with willing mates, but also with unwilling ones, allowing them to leave more offspring (also carrying rape genes) who were similarly more likely to survive and reproduce, unto the nth generation. That would be us. And that is why we carry rape genes today. The family trees of prehistoric men lacking rape genes petered out.”  Darwinism is “a scientific idea that, if true, consigns traditions of self-restraint, loyalty, the very basis of family life, to the shredder.”  Now go ye and do likewise.  Unless something inside of you screams “NO!  I will NOT live in accordance with that terrible, wicked, demonic theory of Darwinian evolution!”

Rape is merely one more horrible, demonic thing that evolution justifies, if not necessitates, in the same vein that it justifies/necessitates social Darwinism, Nazism, Stalinism and every OTHER horrible “-ism.”  And all under the guise of “science.”

If this were anything resembling true science evolution and atheism and secular humanism would have been thrown onto the ash-heap of failed ideas.  But we’re NOT talking about anything resembling legitimate science; we’re talking about a fanatical religious movement masquerading as science.

That was one of the powerful realizations I had years ago as I considered the FACT that if there is no God, then all things are equally possible, and there ARE no boundaries and no morals and that everything I believe is right and everything I believe is wrong are nothing but mere arbitrary constructs of a constantly evolving culture.  And I am NOT the kind of thing that dances to the music of DNA or follows some constantly-shifting morality like some mindless farm animal as Hollywood tells me what is right and wrong this morning; I am a human being created in the image of a rational, moral God Who will one day hold me accountable for what I did in this world that He created and placed me in.

Unlike the animals, who see it get dark when I watch a beautiful sunset, I have eternity in my heart.  Which means I can contemplate my existence after I die and leave this earth.

I am NOT an evolutionary meat-puppet farm animal; I can know the truth.  And the truth can set me free.

I believe in God as the reason we have a universe containing life in it because it’s every bit as obvious and every bit as self-explanatory as it is for me to believe that those rocks in that pile didn’t happen by themselves.  God designed us to be free and to be accountable to the nature that He imbued in us as His image bearers.  And He created a world in which to place us.

I am free because God set me free.  And when I look upon the stars at night and contemplate their wonder, I give praise and honor to the God who is so much bigger than the universe that He created.  I thank Him for giving me a place within His vast and beautiful creation.  And I glorify Him for loving me as I look up in divine awe searching for His face.

Conratulations, Liberals: You Just Destroyed Thousands Of Jobs. Good Luck On Your Plan To Destroy MILLIONS.

April 23, 2015

From the fascist leftist socialist propagandist Michael Hiltsik (whose last name ought to be spelled “sick”):

Wal-Mart store closure follows labor activism
Los Angeles Times 4/23/15
Michael Hiltzik

The closed Pico Rivera Wal-mart Store is seen in Los Angeles, California, April 20, 2015. ÊA union on Monday asked the National Labor Relations Board to force Wal-Mart to reinstate employees at five stores, accusing the retailer of closing the locations to retaliate against workers for attempts to organize for better pay and benefits. © David McNew/Reuters The closed Pico Rivera Wal-mart Store is seen in Los Angeles, California, April 20, 2015. ÊA union on Monday asked the National Labor Relations Board to force Wal-Mart to reinstate employees at five stores, accusing the…

It’s certainly possible that Wal-Mart is temporarily closing five stores, including one in Pico Rivera, Calif., “due to ongoing plumbing issues that will require extensive repairs,” as it claims.

It’s possible that the Pico Rivera closure, which will cost the jobs of more than 500 employees and will last six months to a year, isn’t part of an effort to punish workers who have been at “the center of concerted action by Associates to improve the wages and working conditions of all Walmart Associates around the country,” as the workers asserted in a complaint filed Monday with the National Labor Relations Board.

If so, however, there wouldn’t be so many questions about Wal-Mart’s repair plans. Why hasn’t the giant retailer applied for building permits for the work? Not at Pico Rivera, nor at any of the other four stores — two in Texas and one each in Florida and Oklahoma, according to a Tampa, Fla., TV station. Why, of the list of 50 “plumbing issues” Wal-Mart provided to The Los Angeles Times dating to July 2014 for the Pico Rivera store, were half identified as “non-emergency” problems such as leaky urinals and broken toilet handles?

Why weren’t problems fixed when the store underwent a recent $500,000 refurbishment — during which it didn’t have to be closed — that included the restrooms and the grocery department, according to papers on file with the Pico Rivera building department?

Or, if the plumbing problems were so severe that the building has to be completely closed until Christmas and possibly beyond, why didn’t Wal-Mart say anything about it until April 13? On that day, according to Venanzi Luna, an employee at the Pico Rivera store, managers called workers to a meeting at 1 p.m. to inform them the location would be closed as of 7 p.m.

The other stores were closed with similar suddenness. No advance warning to customers, to the communities or to the employees.

In February, Wal-Mart made a high-profile bid to turn around its reputation for scandalously poor wages and working conditions for many of its 1.4 million U.S. workers. The company said it would raise minimum starting pay to $9 an hour beginning next month and $10 an hour in February 2016.

But its handling of the store closings, which will affect 2,200 workers overall, supports speculation that the February wage initiative was just for show — that Wal-Mart’s solicitude for its immense workforce is barely skin-deep.

Luna, 36, who is a leader in the movement for better pay and conditions for employees, says the Pico Rivera staff members were told that they could apply for positions at other area stores.

There were no guarantees that any jobs would be available. The workers were told that once the Pico Rivera store reopened, they would have to reapply, and that regardless of their job level and pay on the shutdown date, it might be at minimum wage.

“That’s standard for our (human resources) procedures,” Wal-Mart spokesman Brian Nick told me. The workers are entitled to 60 days of severance, he said. But that’s not by Wal-Mart’s choice; it’s mandated by federal and California laws, which say that workers must be given 60 days’ advance notice of a mass layoff or be paid for that period.

The Pico Rivera workers assert in their NLRB complaint that the four other store closings are a smokescreen to conceal that they’re the company’s real target. Pico Rivera has been a hotbed of Wal-Mart employee activism through the nationwide group OUR Walmart (an acronym for Organization United for Respect). “This unprecedented ‘closure’ to fix ‘plumbing’ is part of Walmart’s overall national strategy to punish Associates who stand up and speak out for better working conditions,” they said in the complaint.

The Pico Rivera store was the site of the first OUR Wal-Mart strike in 2012 and remained a center of vocal activism on “issues of scheduling, pay, benefits, part time work, unfair treatment and discrimination throughout the country,” the group notes. They’re asking the NLRB to order Wal-Mart to find jobs for the 2,200 laid-off workers without loss of pay, or to reinstate them at their old stores.

The organization Making Change at Walmart, which is associated with the United Food and Commercial Workers union, observes further that Wal-Mart has been accused of anti-union maneuvers in the past.

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled last year that the company had illegally closed a Quebec store in 2005 after the workers had filed to unionize; the company denied the shutdown was related to the union campaign. In 2000, after meat cutters at a Texas supercenter voted to join the UFCW, the company announced it would close meat-cutting operations in 180 stores and switch to prepackaged meats, a move that “shows the extent to which Wal-Mart will go to keep the union out of its stores,” the UFCW said.

Wal-Mart’s Nick says the recent closings were abrupt so that the work could get underway promptly. Yet city records show the company hasn’t even applied for permits.

The five closed stores had the largest number of repair work orders in the company, Nick said. In January, the Pico Rivera store’s deli department was downgraded from an A to B by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health because it had no hot water, says Luna, who had worked at the store for eight years and was earning $14.40 an hour as a deli worker. She says that problem resulted from a malfunctioning water heater — not the plumbing. The downgrade happened, she said, because store managers weren’t on site to get the heater fixed before the county’s deadline.

As for the recent remodeling, much of which the city inspected and approved in December, Nick said, “that’s why the recurring plumbing reports are particularly problematic.”

Hiltzik is a doctrinaire socialist, so you can pardon his “reporting.”  I’ve read this ideologue’s garbage and can tell you that it is an absolute disgrace to the Los Angeles Times that they actually allow this turd to publish in the “Business” section of the paper without revealing that every single one of his columns are “op-eds” and express his ranting opinions rather than legitimate reporting.

The left demands the abolition of the free market system that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world and they demand in its place a slave market based on totalitarian government domination over every single business.

Businesses should not be allowed to hire who they want; they should rather be compelled to hire transgender freaks staggering around in high-heels.  They should be forcibly compelled to embrace leftist unions who are out to undermine them and “fundamentally transform” businesses into cash-machines for leftist political candidates and causes.  And they should be forbidden from being allowed to fire anybody whom the left doesn’t want fired regardless of the reasons.

I mean, just LOOK at the model that we have from the depraved, wicked political left in the form of two very recent examples from the symbiotic relationship between the thug leftist unions and their thug leftist Democrat political class:

DEA Chief Explains Why She Can’t Fire Agents Involved in Sex Parties Paid for by Drug Cartels
April 15, 2015 – 11:06 AM
By Susan Jones

( – Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrator Michele Leonhart said she is “offended by the behavior” of DEA agents who engaged in prostitution and sex parties while working on the taxpayers’ dime.

But Leonhart told the House Oversight Committee on Tuesday there’s nothing she can do about it except to write memos stating that “these kinds of behaviors require significant discipline.”

If you can’t fire the agents or even recommend that they be fired, “What the hell do you get to do?!” an exasperated Rep. Trey Gowdy asked her.

A March 2015 report from the Justice Department’s Inspector General reviewed 77 sexual misconduct and sexual harassment cases at DEA, and the agents involved were mostly suspended for a few days, not fired.

“We were particularly troubled by multiple allegations involving several DEA special agents participating in ‘sex parties’ with prostitutes while working in an overseas office” (Cartagena, Colombia), the report said.

“The misconduct occurred for several years while these special agents held Top Secret clearances. Many of these agents were alleged to have engaged in this high-risk sexual behavior while at their government-leased quarters, raising the possibility that DEA equipment and information also may have been compromised as a result of the agents’ conduct.”

The report also found that the agents “should have known the prostitutes in attendance were paid for with cartel funds.” But 7 of the 10 agents who admitted attending the parties received only suspensions ranging from 2 to 10 days.

The report — and Leonhart’s own testimony on Tuesday — drew scorn, disbelief and anger from both Republicans and Democrats on the committee.

“Under the civil service laws, I can’t intervene in the disciplinary process,” Leonhart testified. But she noted that last year, she “took action…to put the agency on notice that activity like that — and I named it, prostitution; and named four or five other things — required significant discipline.”

“Do you have any idea how absurd that sounds to an ordinary human being?” Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) asked Leonhart. He called Leonhart’s legal inability to hold agents accountable “nuts.”

Rep. Trey Gowdy (S.C.) called Leonhart’s testimony “stunning.”

“If an agent stateside were soliciting a prostitute that was provided by a drug conspiracy he was investigating, what punishment would you recommend?” Gowdy asked her.

“I can’t recommend a punishment,” Leonhart said. “I would just hope that would be thoroughly investigated and, uh–”

“So you’re telling me nobody cares what the administrator of the DEA thinks should happen to an agent. You’re powerless to express your opinion. You have no First Amendment right when it comes to who works for your agency.”

“I have expressed my opinion in a number of ways,” Leonhart responded. “Last year I sent email and I sent a memo to every employee in DEA and put them on notice that this conduct was not acceptable.”

She explained that “Under the civil service law, I cannot recommend a penalty, I can’t intervene in the disciplinary process. I can’t even make a recommendation to the deciding officials.”

Leonhart explained that the two DEA “deciding officials” — who are junior to her — consult a penalty guide to mete out discipline. “And the penalty guide for this kind of activity is anything from reprimand to removal.” Leonhart also said she has no say over agents’ security clearance.

Gowdy erupted: “Honestly — what power do you have? You have to work with agents over whom you can’t discipline and have no control; and you have no control over the security clearance. What the hell do you get to do?!”

“What I can do is build on and improve mechanisms to make sure that the outcome is what we believe the outcome should be,” Leonhart responded. “And that is what happened in Cartagena (sex parties over multiple years), and that is what is going to happen moving forward.”

Gowdy then asked the Justice Department Inspector-General Michael Horowitz if the DEA agents knew that the drug cartels were providing the prostitutes.

“What we found, Congressman, from looking in the file is that they should have known,” Horowitz said. He added that the agents were supposed to be investigating the cartels.

“So they were receiving prostitutes from cartels that they were supposed to be investigating. And she can’t fire those agents?” Gowdy asked.

“I think as a matter of Title 5, she can’t directly intervene in firing them. I do think one of the concerns we outlined in the report…is how they adjudicate these cases.

“They under-charge them in some instances. And so at DEA, for example, sexual harassment — if you’re charged with that, there’s only one punishment — removal. But if you’re charged with conduct unbecoming or poor judgement…then you’ve got a range of penalties. And so one of the issues…is how you charge the case.”

Leonhart told Gowdy she doesn’t know if any of the prostitutes involved were underage or part of a human trafficking ring.

“Mr. Chairman,” Gowdy concluded, “I would just find it impossible to explain to any reasonable-minded person how an agent cannot be disciplined for soliciting prostitutes from drug cartels that they were ostensibly investigating. I find that stunning.”

“If somebody murdered somebody, could you fire him?” Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) cut in.

“If someone murdered someone, there would be criminal charges, and that’s how they’d be fired,” Leonhart responded.

Rep. Mulvaney also followed up, noting that if he were to flirt with a coworker in the office, and that behavior was found to constitute sexual harassment, he could be fired under civil service rules. “But I can take an underage hooker from a cartel I’m investigating, and you can’t fire me. Is that what we’re talking about here?” Mulvaney asked Horowitz.

“Actually, Congressman, if you charge the offense (sexual harassment), removal is a possibility. If you charge something less… you don’t charge what actually occurred, that’s when the ability to discipline is limited. And that’s the concern we found, as you know, in our report.”

After the hearing, Chaffetz told the Associated Press it’s time for Leonhart to step down or be fired.  “I don’t have confidence in her, nor does the majority of the committee.”

Rep. Mick Mulvaney, R-S.C., asked Leonhart, “Do you have any idea how absurd all of that sounds to an ordinary human being?”  Leonhart repeatedly explained that a maze of civil service system protections for government workers prevents her from firing federal employees.

And in exchange for these jobs for life no matter how incompetent a “worker” is or how corrupt or dishonest or wicked he or she is, the Democrat Party gets to collect MILLIONS to fund the political machine:

IRS workers spent 521,725 hours on union activities; cost taxpayers $23.5m
By Paul Bedard  | May 21, 2014 | 2:52 pm

The Treasury Department has revealed to the House Ways and Means Committee that Internal Revenue Service employees spent over 500,000 hours on union activities last year. They estimated the cost to taxpayers at $23.5 million in salary and benefits.

Officials told Secrets that the exact hours IRS members of the National Treasury Employees Union dedicated to labor activities was 521,725 in fiscal 2013, which ran from October 2012 to September 2013. That was slightly less than the 573,319 hours in fiscal 2012, according to the IRS, but the spending was significantly above that year’s total of $16 million.

It was met with outrage from some in Congress who hit the agency for seeking more money, especially in light of the recent scandal involving the targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups.

“Many Americans would be shocked to learn that IRS employees are unionized,” House Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Charles Boustany, R-La., told Secrets.

“The IRS has wasted tens of millions of taxpayer dollars and over a half a million employee hours for union activities. It is absurd the IRS has the audacity to habitually come to this committee asking for more money. The IRS should spend less time picking political favorites and provide service to hardworking American taxpayers,” Boustany added.

The agency came under fire last year when it was revealed that they had 201 workers, some earning $100,000 a year or more, dedicated to union activities.

Union work, or “official time,” is allowed under federal law, and the president of the Treasury-IRS union said that it is dedicated to workplace issues.

“Official time is a means of improving the workplace and work processes,” said NTEU National President Colleen M. Kelley. “By statute, official time cannot be used for any purpose not directly related to the representation of bargaining unit employees in matters concerning conditions of employment, such as bargaining contracts or agreements. Official time cannot be used for internal union activities or for any political purpose. Official time is subject to negotiation and is approved by management and is used, for example, when employees/union representatives participate with management in work groups to implement new workplace initiatives designed to enhance service to the public. In large part, the use of official time is a reflection of the size of the bargaining unit workforce in that agency,” she added.

The IRS is a big agency. It has a $12 billion budget and about 73,000 union-covered employees.

In a statement, the IRS said: “Under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute, employees representing an exclusive representative (in this case NTEU), are entitled to use official time to represent an agency’s bargaining unit employees. Examples of representational activities would include negotiations, grievance meetings, formal discussions with management, third party appeals, etc.”

In February, the Washington Examiner’s Mark Flatten wrote a four-part series called “Too Big To Manage,” on the practice of official time for federal employees.

Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner’s “Washington Secrets” columnist, can be contacted at

Not only did that union thug activity not stop, but it increased even as disgusted Republicans in Congress cut their funding to try to stop them from using government service as a political weapon and fund-raising machine of the Democrat Party:

House report: Cash-strapped IRS prioritized bonuses, union activity over helping taxpayers
Published April 22, 2015

While facing budget cuts, the IRS nevertheless prioritized worker bonuses, union activity and the implementation of President Obama’s health care law over assisting taxpayers during tax season, according to a new report released Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee. […]

What is the priority of Obama’s Internal Revenge Service?  It sure aint taxpayers; it’s maintaining the status of this political organization as a thug-weapon.

But of course how DARE anyone try to stop it or prevent the metastasizing cancerous spread of more unions.  I mean, it’s “anti-worker” to fire such thug-roaches, right?

Democrats can pretend to be shocked and appalled all they want when it comes to the vile outrages of the union “employees” of the DEA, but the fact is that THEY ARE the rat-bastard Nazi cockroach fascists who wrote the laws protecting unionism and who subsequently imposed unionism on the federal government and now want to impose the same despicable and vile union agenda on private businesses.

Businesses should be forced to accept all of the risks and have any rewards from doing business seized from them by taxation.  Until the Stalinist left can seize the power to nationalize whatever businesses are left by the power of the State as they seize all of the means of production.

Democrats are imposing more and more costs, more and more regulations, more and more burdens even as they shriek more and more hate for the people who create the businesses that provide jobs.

One day, soon, the left will get exactly what it wants and has been agitating for in the form of a man the Bible calls “the beast.”  He will nationalize the entire economy and force everyone to accept a mark without which they can neither buy nor sell nor work.

For all of Hiltzik’s bitchng and whining, if Wal-Mart is actually punishing these fascist union-worshiping low-lifes, God bless them.  Because the left is constantly bitter, constantly rabidly angry, constantly hateful, constantly agitating, constantly protesting, constantly disrupting and shouting opponents down and attacking people.  And if a business has the … BALLS … to retaliate, well, it’s like a million lawyers lining the muck of the bottom of the ocean floor; it’s a good start.  I’m only too happy to hear that somebody is taking these vicious people on and giving them a little dose of their own vile-tasting medicine.

It’s like the Ferguson Model of business on the part of the left: burn those businesses down.  Burn your community down.  Use the depraved political system to – as Obama put it – “punish your enemies.”  Until there are no more enemies left to punish and the State rules over all and owns all.  And Wal-Mart is saying, “Fine, then.  Let me help you destroy by destroying your damn job that you seem to find so worthless.  Good luck collecting your “I’m-a-pathologically-useless-turd” welfare-check until you collapse the system and have nothing but your rabid hate for the people who gave you a job and a chance to make something of yourself and Obama whose demagoguery plays you like the fool and tool that you are.

I again point out that we live in a day when the Democrat Party and the Obama machine are ruthlessly following the Cloward and Piven strategy to implode America and rebuild it on a foundation of socialism out of the chaos of the ensuing complete collapse of our society that they are engineering.

Foreign Policy Fiasco And Armageddon: Our Liar-In-Chief Versus Something Called ‘Reality’

April 17, 2015

Ah, truth.  I miss the fragrant aroma of it far more than the residents of Massachusetts miss insufficient global warming.

But, alas, my spring will not come.  I have been in the winter of lies for more than six years with two more years to go (if I’m lucky and another leftist liar doesn’t take the place of the one we’ve got).

Just a couple of quick words from our sponsoring demon-possessed liar:

“Thanks to sacrifice and service of our brave men and women in uniform, the war in Iraq is over, the war in Afghanistan is winding down, al Qaeda has been decimated, Osama bin Laden is dead.” — Barack Hussein Obama, November 1, 2012, in one of at least thirty-two separate instances in which he declared al Qaeda defeated JUST SINCE al Qaeda’s successful attack against US soil in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 as he treasonously lied his way to re-election.

Obama responded: “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” (For the nonsports fan, JV stands for junior varsity, and it usually means a high school or college’s secondary team.) — Barack Hussein Obama, January 7, 2014, in trivializing the threat of Islamic State which only four days earlier had seized the Iraqi city of Fallujah and which has since Obama’s pathologically stupid assessment has gone on to establish the largest terrorist caliphate in the entire history of planet earth.

“But I want the American people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It will not involve American combat troops fighting on foreign soil. This counter-terrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort to take out ISIL wherever they exist using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground. This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.” — Barack Hussein Obama, speaking as a pathologically dishonest gibbering idiot on September 10, 2014

Afghanistan is winding down?  Not if the actual reality such as the fact that Obama was forced to keep the war going to prevent the fiasco that occurred because of his foolish policy in Iraq from happening has anything to do with your view.  If Obama has prevented total failure in Afghanistan, it was only by reversing his policy of withdrawing our troops (see also here) that everyone including yours truly predicted would end in failure if implemented.  The moment Obama gets his way and cuts and runs as he stated he was going to do, Afghanistan will fall to the terrorists.  And in fact we can see today that it will fall to Islamic State.  And what about Iraq?  Iraq is either going to either collapse as a nation-state because Obama retreated from it AFTER we’d won that war with much blood and treasure or it is going to become an Iranian puppet state – a scenario that is actually even worse than if Iraq becomes part of the caliphate of Islamic State according to most experts.  And Obama is literally ENCOURAGING Iran to take over Iraq to prevent the public relations disaster of his “JV team” Islamic State taking over.  Read the New York Times article titled, “U.S. and Iran Both Attack ISIS, but Try Not to Look Like Allies” if you don’t believe me.  Obama is giving Iran Iraq in order to not have to send US ground fighters back into the Iraq that he pissed away by refusing to keep US troops there as his generals begged him to do.  It is simply STUNNING how willing Obama is to implode U.S. national security for decades to come in order to narcissistically save face as his failed foreign policy implodes all around him.  Obama can lie all he want to about some bogus “status of forces agreement” that prevented him from keeping troops in Iraq and preserving the gains that Bush won when he won the war in Iraq (see here for Obama’s proclamation of victory and see here for the terrorists’ admission), but again reality matters and it is reality that Obama demanded we lose the war and pull our troops out of Iraq as he took office in 2009.  That is just one more FACT that contradicts Obama’s ocean of lies.  Again and again and again, Obama has been a liar without shame, without honor, without virtue, without integrity, without decency of any kind.  There has never been a liar like him in the history of the world.

“We are defeated, don’t send any more foreign fighters,” our enemies in Iraq lamented as Bush kicked their ass with his surge that Obama had condemned because he is a fool without understanding.  Obama has brought defeat out of every victory that we had and he has created defeat where we were completely secure before he came to office.

Now consider actual freaking reality in the present moment (don’t bother reading any further, Democrat, for you are as immune from “truth” as a cockroach is immune to “philosophy”):

Al Qaeda captures major airport, seaport and oil terminal in southern Yemen
Published April 16, 2015
·Associated Press

SANAA, Yemen –  Al Qaeda seized control of a major airport, a sea port and an oil terminal in southern Yemen on Thursday, consolidating its hold on the country’s largest province amid wider chaos pitting Shiite rebels against forces loyal to the exiled president and a Saudi-led air campaign.

Military officials and residents said Al Qaeda fighters clashed briefly with members of one of Yemen’s largest brigades outside Mukalla, a city the militants overran earlier this month and where they freed prison inmates. The militants then seized control of the Riyan airport and moved to secure their hold on the city’s main sea port, which is also an oil terminal.

The security officials, speaking from Sanaa on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the press, said the leaders of the brigade in charge of protecting the entire area fled.

The latest advance marks a major gain for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, as the Yemeni affiliate is known, which has been linked to several failed attacks on the U.S. and is widely seen as the global network’s most dangerous franchise. The group claimed responsibility for the attack on a French satirical magazine earlier this year.

The group has exploited the chaos in Yemen, where Shiite rebels, along with allied military units loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, captured the capital in September and have been advancing despite a three-week Saudi-led air campaign.

The rebels are staunch opponents of Al Qaeda but are currently locked in fierce battles with forces loyal to Yemen’s internationally recognized President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who fled to Saudi Arabia last month.

The southeastern city of Mukalla is the capital of Yemen’s largest province, Hadramawt, where Al Qaeda has long maintained a presence despite U.S. drone strikes and Yemeni counterterrorism operations.

Nasser Baqazouz, an activist in the city, said the troops guarding the airport put up little resistance.

“They are consolidating their hold of the city and will paralyze the whole coast of Hadramawt,” he said.


What does Obama’s “model of success” look like?

It looks like utter despair.  At least, that’s the term the New York Times uses as it describes “despair on full display” amid the ruins:

Yemen’s Despair on Full Display in ‘Ruined’ City

ADEN, Yemen — Rooftop snipers have emptied the streets of this dusty seaside city and swelled its hospitals and morgues.

Weeks of fighting between armed groups have left nearly 200 people dead and the city starved of water, fuel and electricity. Hospitals struggle to obtain anesthetic and dressings. Barefoot, nervous teenagers with matted hair and guns mind checkpoints on the treacherous roads. Gun battles sweep across the city while residents lie low and worry that there is worse suffering to come.

“The war of hunger has not started — yet,” said Ali Bamatraf, a grocer with dwindling stocks, standing among empty food boxes that would not soon be replaced.

As war engulfs Yemen, no place in the beleaguered country has suffered as severely as Aden, a southern port city captive to ferocious street fighting for the better part of a harrowing month. Foreign navies patrol its waters and warplanes circle above, blockading a city that is steadily crumbling under reckless fire from tanks and heavy guns.

Obama lied and lied and lied.  MILLIONS have died.

And it’s easy to document that Obama was lying when he said that Yemen was in any way, shape or form a model for anything but the abject disgrace and failure of Obama’s foreign policy.  Because I can go back to 2011 and cite that Yemen was ALREADY “descending into despair.”

Barack Obama is the most documented liar in the entire history of planet earth, bar none.  No one in the history of this wicked planet has ever come CLOSE to the number of lies Obama has told on the number of issues he’s lied about, times the number of times he’s lied about them, times the millions of people who watched his lips move as he lied.

Barack Hussein Obama is now helping the Ayatollah give his insanely rabid Islamic Terror State of Iran nuclear weapons.  And his lies come straight from the lips of Satan.  And anybody who believes this lying fool is nothing more than a lying fool him/herself.  Obama is boasting of some framework agreement when his negotiating partner is publicly categorically stating that no such framework existsThere IS no agreement, even in principle.

Now we’re watching as Obama moves the goalposts of his own fictional “framework” when he himself suggests through “creative negotiations” abandoning his own previously non-negotiable positions – such as sanctions NOT being lifted until Iran has demonstrated full compliance through inspections – and is caving by suggesting Iran now be given full relief from sanctions immediately.  Which was absolutely unacceptable even according to Obama’s previous statements.  I take you to Obama’s White House just one WEEK ago when they assured us, “It has never been our position that all of the sanctions against Iran should be removed from Day One.”  Which we now know is a lie.

Obama, the demon-possessed, slandering liar that he is, viciously ripped John McCain and Republicans for not unconditionally believing his and John Kerry’s lies:

“When I hear some, like Senator McCain recently, suggest that our Secretary of State John Kerry – who served in the United States Senate, a Vietnam veteran, who’s provided exemplary service to this nation – is somehow less trustworthy in the interpretation of what’s in a political agreement than the supreme leader of Iran, that’s an indication of the degree to which partisanship has crossed all boundaries.”

The thing is, we NOW know that John McCain was RIGHT and the John Kerry and Barack Obama actually ARE less trustworthy than the Ayatollah.  Because whatever the hell the real deal is, because the deal was what the Ayatollah said it was, and NOT what Kerry and Obama falsely claimed.  The Ayatollah was telling the truth while Obama and Kerry were lying like hell.

We are watching the spirit of deceit that drools from the DEMOnic-bureauCRAT Party.  Just consider the example of Harry Reid, who is literally proud of himself for wickedly slandering Mitt Romney about paying taxes when it is now a documented fact that he was lying without shame, without honor, without decency, without integrity, without virtue of any kind.  All he cares about is that his slander worked.  And every Democrat urinates on the truth every day of their lives until it is their turn to burn in hell.

Obama’s future “model of success” with Iran’s nuclear capability will be no more honest and no more based on anything approaching reality than his “model of success” turned out to be in Yemen and Somalia.

Saudi Arabia and the wealthier Sunni Arab states are all but categorically stating that they will develop their own nuclear weapons if Obama pushes his insane nuclear deal with Iran to completion.  And in response Obama is about to promise a “nuclear umbrella” that will force America and risk the lives of every single American in nuclear holocaust in order to get his beloved legacy.  Tell me that isn’t the work of a demon-possessed fool above all demon-possessed fools.

The Antichrist is coming soon, the beast of Revelation.  Obama has guaranteed what God foretold beginning 2,500 years ago through the prophet Daniel.  The Antichrist will be an even greater liar than Obama, “a master of intrigue,” “understanding dark sentences” (Daniel 8:23).  He will have the ability to so tangle up the truth in knots that no one save God’s elect will possibly be able to know the truth from his skilled lies.  But ultimately – as great a liar as the Antichrist will surely be – it will not be the talent of the liar but the pathological wickedness and dishonesty of the people that he lies to, which shall make the Great Deception possible.  We’re witnessing the climate of deception right now, as the Party of the Mass-Murder of Sixty Million Babies according to Psalm 139 and the Party of the Wrath of God for the worship of homosexuality according to Romans 1:18-31 and the Party of godless Marxist socialism that has declared war on God and on religion and on faith is actually claiming it holds the moral high ground as it sinks the human race to its lowest and ugliest depths in the history of the world.  Obama ran as a candidate who opposed same-sex marriage in order to deceive his way to the presidency, but as in all other things he brazenly lied like the pathologically demon-possessed liar that he is.  Barack Obama along with every single Democrat voter is personally responsible for the murder of TEN babies for every single Jew that Hitler murdered – and Obama and Democrats have murdered babies with the same lie that Hitler murdered Jews with, by wickedly denying their very humanity.

As brazen of a liar as Obama is and has been throughout the stench of his cancerous presidency, the Antichrist will be an even more brazen liar.  And the world will believe him and worship him.

The Bible is clear: the coming Tribulation – the full wrath of God on earth such has the world has never seen it – will begin when Israel is forced to sign a seven-year covenant with the Antichrist according to Daniel 9:27.  By abandoning Israel as Obama has done as no U.S. president has NEVER done, by emboldening and enabling Israel’s deadliest enemy, Obama has necessitated this coming day.

The Bible declared that in the last days, Iran and Russia would lead a host of nations that today are all Islamic states against Israel.  And that coalition has been secured in our day as Obama literally FACILIATED Russia arming Iran with missiles that will make a strike against Iran’s nuclear sites impossible.  Russia says that it is because of Obama’s “successful” deal with Iran that he could waive the sanctions that Bush put in place against Iran in 2008 and start selling the craziest nation on earth to the teeth.

History will record that Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton and the Democrat Party are responsible for the Gog-Magog War against Israel prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39.  These are the players who played America into Armageddon.  Hillary Rodham Clinton and her “reset” with vicious predatory bear Russia; Barack Hussein Obama and his nuclear appeasement with Iran: they are the spirit the Bible described in Jeremiah 6:14, “They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace.”  And the most deceived generation in the entire history of the world was fool enough to believe these liars.

History will record that World War III began the same exact way that World War II began: with the leader of the Western world revealing that he did not have the stomach to stand up to evil, emboldening evil to rise and rise and rise like yeast while he did nothing.

I do not doubt for one second that ultimately Barack Hussein Obama will be waving some piece of paper claiming that we have “peace in our time!” Just realize it’s a trick that has been played before by the same sort of foolishness and moral idiocy that Obama clearly embodies.

Armageddon is coming.  If Bush was wrong in taking on wars, Obama has been far, FAR more wrong for refusing to stand up to evil as it arises just as Neville Chamberlain became the worst fool of the 20th century for refusing to stand up to evil when he had his chance.  We know that Hitler was prepared to stop if the Allies had just shown a shred of backbone and taken a stand; instead, they failed to do so so many times that by the time they finally did take a stand, Hitler no longer believed they would ever show any courage.  And World War II was the result.  And in this present day, our enemies, be they al Qaeda, Islamic State, Russia, Iran, or China, now believe that the United States is a weak, corrupt, dishonest nation that will not stand up to them, just as our former allies know that we are a weak, corrupt, dishonest nation that will not stand up for them.  War that becomes worse and worse and uglier and uglier – “war and rumors of wars”, as Jesus put it – is inevitable because of the cancer of this presidency.

Anybody who wants to actually argue that Obama has been successful against terrorism is a fool of such giant proportions that he or she simply has a demon.  We have witnessed a massive explosion in the number of terrorists since Obama, the number of terrorist organizations since Obama, the level of training and funding and the sheer amount of territory dominated, since Obama took office.  He has failed wildly.  But as spectacularly as he has failed, he lies and claims his failures are “models of success.”  Because Satan completely owns this disgraceful fool.  And because we are truly in the very last days before the beast.

Be warned: our Liar-in-Chief’s wicked lies will soon devour the whole world.  And Democrats will cheer as they take the mark of the beast – which is the mark of global socialism as government takes total control over the economy just as Democrats desire – and burn in hell forever and ever.

The ONLY Thing Worse Than Hillary Clinton’s Fake Concern For ‘Everyday Americans’ Is The Media’s Blatant Bias And Propaganda-as-‘News’

April 16, 2015

As you probably know, Hillary Clinton has announced that she is running for president.  Why?  Because she cares so deeply about “everyday Americans.”

Some synonyms of “everyday” according to any Thesaurus: commonplace, mundane, prosaic, dull, dime-a-dozen, lowly, unexceptional, unimaginative, unremarkable.  But hey, when Democrats insult you, the media celebrates it.  Just thank God Ted Cruz didn’t use the same term, because one of the synonyms is “vanilla.”  And as we all know, that’s code for white, which means he’s a racist.  I know, even if his parents were Cuban.

Oh, well, let’s move on.  After all, as Hillary put it on a separate issue: “What difference can it possibly make” if she insulted the American people and suggested that we’re all dime-a-dozen in her vision of dull socialist Utopia?

The important thing is that Hillary loves us “lowly” people, you see.

Or DOES she?

Not so much, given how she actually treats her “everyday Americans” on what she has the elephant balls to call her “LISTENING TOUR“.  I mean, who the hell was she “listening” to in her closed door meeting where those pesky “everyday Americans” barely got an opportunity to so much as glimpse their future imperial god-queen:

I Am An ‘Everyday Iowan’ And Here Is How Close I Got To Hillary Clinton Today
By Erika Smalley (2 days ago) | Editor’s Choice

Hi. My name is Erika Smalley. I grew up in Iowa. I am currently a student at Kirkwood Community College.

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That’s the same place that Hillary Clinton visited on her first campaign stop to my state. I went there to see if I could meet Hillary. Here is Hillary’s press release:

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I arrived about an hour before the event and all I could find were reporters.


Lots of reporters.


Which is funny, because all they had to stare at was an empty Iowa field.


Anyway, some protesters trickled in.


These guys were funny. They were called the ‘Nerd Squad.’


They wanted to ‘fix Hillary’s server for free.’


I also found some Hillary supporters.


It was getting close to the time when she would arrive so I tried to enter the college. I was told ‘Sorry, press only,’ by a Hillary staffer.


So I took a selfie.


Then someone shouted “She’s coming!” And everyone started running. So I ran with them. Here is my point of view:

 [You have to go to the site to see this video, but it’s worth it to see all the reporters running like school girls who just heard the Beatles were nearby giving away kisses.  As you watch it, tell me that you’ve seen anything like that from a Republican who just announced that he or she is running for president while refusing to answer ANY questions from the media]

Here is how close I got to Hillary when she arrived:


She snuck in the backdoor and reporters were complaining that they were ‘here for hours’ and she wouldn’t even ‘let them see her.’


I noticed students pressed up against the glass in their classrooms so I took this photo. I learned later that they had been locked down for Hillary’s arrival.


Then everyone just waited like kids staring over a fence.

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I wandered around and found this awesome guy who shared some of my sentiment.


I take that back.


The guy in orange pants was taking a break after all of the running when someone yelled “There she is!”


Look closely: There she is!  People asked her what it’s like to be back in the game. She said, “Great!” Waved and got in car and left.


Then she drove right by me in her black van.


This is as close as this ‘everyday Iowan’ got to Hillary. Her van zoomed right by me, though I could not see her.


“Goodbye Hillary!”


And that was my experience as an Iowan trying to see Hillary.

This is all you need to see to know that the media is and will continue to be pathologically unfair and biased in their reporting of Hillary Clinton vis a vie any Republicans challenger(s):

Which corresponds to precisely what our “everyday” – i.e., “lowly,” “unexceptional,” “unimaginative” Iowan accurately reported when she tried to get a glimpse of her royal majesty.

The ONLY time the mainstream media would EVER swarm after ANY Republican presidential candidate is if that candidate was in the middle of a terrible scandal and the media were desperately trying to be the first to get in that Republican’s face with a microphone and wipe some mud in that hated enemy party’s candidate’s face.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t give one flying damn about anybody and she will stick a knife in the back of anybody who in any way, shape or form tries to interfere with her ambition to be the next imperial emperor after the emperor pharaoh god-king Barack Obama.

Meanwhile, the ONLY question I have for Hillary Clinton is that she say whether she is in favor of every single Republican or Republican appointee to enjoy the communications privilege which SHE enjoyed, whereby she ONLY shared communications that she and her staff deemed to be harmless, such that no Republican or Republican appointee ever again need to obey a freedom of information act request, or any subpoenasfrom Democrats, or be forced to share ANYTHING that could indict or impeach them????

We find out that Republicans legally subpoenaed Hillary Clinton’s private email account back in 2012.  And what did this fascist do?  Purge half of them and then wiped her private server clean to destroy evidence.

Does Hillary Clinton authorize that behavior from all future Republicans, such that no Republican or Republican appointee ever need to release any communications they don’t want to release ever again?  Or was Hillary Clinton anti-democratic and anti-American????

Hillary Clinton is a rabid fascist and to be a Democrat today is nothing short of being a fascist.  But that’s okay, because so is the mainstream media that so utterly adores her.

Proof That Nuke Deal With Iran So Important To Malignant Narcissist-in-Chief That He Is Willing To Kill Every Single American In Coming Apocalypse

April 8, 2015

The Los Angeles Times – a major liberal newspaper of record – offered the following page one news story about Obama’s nuke deal and about how EVERY SINGLE MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRY FROM ISRAEL TO SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT, BAHRAIN, QATAR, U.A.E. and OMAN, ETC. IS DEEPLY OPPOSED TO IT.

And it details the fact that Saudi Arabia among the other Middle Eastern Sunni countries are deeply aware that Obama essentially guarantees them the right to complete legally develop nuclear weapons merely by waiting ten years.  And that even IF Iran doesn’t cheat (fat chance given that they have cheated in EVERY deal they have ever made with us) they can obtain nukes under the deal merely by waiting ten years.  And how would we negotiate then when we gave them the right to build nukes ten years from now?

And it details the shenanigans that Obama and his treasonous White House is playing not only with Iran but with EVERYONE to shove this deal down our collectivists throats.  Those shenanigans include Obama guaranteeing the Saudis that he will guarantee a World War Three nuclear holocaust if Iran ever uses the bomb he is giving them by committing America to total war.

Do you like that part of the deal, liberal?  Do you like the fact that Obama’s wicked deal is pushing Sunni Arab countries to obtain their own nuclear weapons to the bomb that they all know Obama is giving Iran???  Do you like Obama creating a nuclear arms race in the craziest part of the world???  Do you like the part that guarantees that if any of these nations are ever attacked by Iran as backed by Russia, the United States will jeopardize every single life of every single American in an Armageddon-style nuclear holocaust???  Does it bother you that every single decent Middle Eastern ally is horrified by the details of this deal whose details Obama has prevented either Congress or the American people from seeing???  Does it bother you that Obama’s policy is to treat our historic allies as enemies and our historic enemies as allies???  Does it bother you that Obama is desperately trying – against ALL advice and ALL common sense – to make Iran the most economically powerful nation in the region so it can fund even more destabilizing war and terrorism across the world than it is already doing as we speak???  But it’s here in black-and-white:

U.S. promises to beef up defense aid to Persian Gulf allies
By Paul Richter and Alexandra Zavis
April 7, 2015, 6:30 PM|Reporting from WASHINGTON
▼ White House invites leaders of six Arab nations to the presidential retreat at Camp David
▼ Obama’s goal is to keep Arab monarchies from buying sensitive technology or a nuclear weapon from Pakistan
▼ The White House is weighing new security commitments to Israel

Obama administration officials are promising a major strengthening of U.S. defense commitments to Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies, possibly including a nuclear commitment to their security, in an intensifying effort to win their support for the proposed nuclear deal with Iran.

Officials say they hope to reassure nervous gulf Arab states by providing more military aid and training to their defense forces, and by making more explicit commitments to help them repel external attacks.

The administration is studying whether to make any nuclear assurances, though officials emphasize no decision has been made.

The White House has invited leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council nations — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman — to the presidential retreat at Camp David in coming weeks, though the date is not confirmed. U.S. officials are expected to make public new security arrangements at the meeting.

The administration’s goal, officials said Tuesday, is to convince the Arab monarchies that U.S. security guarantees will make them safer than if they buy sensitive technology or a nuclear weapon from Pakistan, a Sunni Muslim ally, as the Saudis have privately threatened to do.

The White House is weighing separate new commitments to Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown no sign of tempering his fierce criticism of a deal that would ease economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for verifiable limits on its ability to enrich uranium or conduct most other nuclear work for at least 10 years.

Negotiators from six world powers and Iran have set a June 30 deadline to try to complete the proposed accord. But the details released when the framework for the agreement was announced Thursday unsettled the Persian Gulf monarchies that have been core U.S. allies for 70 years, as well as Israel.

The monarchies see themselves as Tehran’s chief regional rivals and fear that the nuclear deal signals an American “pivot to Persia” that would empower Shiite Muslim Iran and leave the Sunni Arab states at a disadvantage.

President Obama took pains in several interviews to try to allay those fears.

“We’re going to be there for our [Persian Gulf] friends,” Obama told columnist Thomas Friedman. “I want to see how we can formalize that a little bit more than we currently have, and also help build their capacity so that they feel more confident about their ability to protect themselves from external aggression.”

With much of the Middle East torn by civil war or other upheavals, the oil-rich gulf monarchies remain crucial U.S. allies.

Several have joined the U.S.-led airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. The U.S., in turn, has provided intelligence and logistic support to the Saudi-led coalition bombing rebel forces in Yemen who are backed by Iran.

Strengthening U.S. relations with the gulf states “is a big deal — it’s got to be one of the central components of the U.S. strategy after the Iran deal,” said Ilan Goldenberg, a former Obama administration official now at the Center for a New American Security, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington.

Goldenberg compared the White House outreach to the way the Nixon administration worked to bolster security ties to Japan and Taiwan after opening relations with China, their main regional rival, in 1972.

But the Obama administration faces unique challenges.

The Saudis especially have been disappointed with Obama’s approach to the Middle East. They see themselves battling Iran in a sectarian war raging across Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Syria, and fear easing of the economic sanctions in a nuclear deal could reinvigorate Iran’s economy and make it even more of a regional threat.

Saudi officials have made clear that they don’t want a public battle with Washington, and on Monday issued cautious statements of support for the framework. “We hope there will be a deal based on the principles that the U.S. government has articulated to us,” Adel Jubeir, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, told reporters.

But privately, many Saudi officials say they are skeptical that the deal will stop Tehran from eventually developing nuclear weapons because the restrictions it would impose are not permanent.

“The regime will sit and wait for 10 or 15 years to pass and it will restore its nuclear activities legally and legitimately,” said Mustafa Alani, a security studies scholar at the Gulf Research Center in Dubai who is close to the kingdom’s rulers.

Such concerns have been expressed privately to the Obama administration through the region’s embassies, Alani said. The aim isn’t to torpedo an eventual agreement. “We believe a diplomatic solution is better than any other solution, military or more economic sanctions,” he said.

One challenge for the White House is whether it can expand a defense relationship that already is enormous. Bahrain is home to the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, and the Pentagon keeps 35,000 troops, two aircraft carrier task forces, cyber warfare specialists, drone aircraft units and more in the region. The United States and Saudi Arabia are in the middle of a 20-year, $60-billion arms deal.

It’s also not clear that U.S. nuclear security commitments would be useful or welcomed by the gulf states.

The administration would have a hard time trying to get Congress, which has been skeptical about the U.S.-Saudi relationship, to enact a treaty that put a U.S. nuclear “umbrella” over Arab Sunni nations, as the United States has over Japan and South Korea.

Such agreements aim to deter nuclear attack by warning foes that the United States would retaliate with overwhelming force if an ally is attacked with a nuclear weapon.

The administration might try to adopt the policy by administrative action to end-run Congress. But the gulf states might not welcome a public statement to guarantee their safety. Because of domestic anger at the United States, these governments have long been leery of being too publicly aligned with Washington.

“They want an American security blanket, but without us having to shout about it,” said Simon Henderson, a Persian Gulf specialist at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a public policy group in Washington.

U.S. officials say they may try to persuade the Saudis to sign a so-called 1-2-3 agreement, which gives countries special U.S. help building a civilian nuclear power industry as long as they accept restrictions to prevent development of a nuclear weapons program. But analysts said the Saudis probably would not agree because, at least in theory, it would give them less freedom to pursue a nuclear program someday than the Iranians.

Another possible gesture would be to declare the gulf states “major non-NATO allies,” said Thomas Lippman, a Saudi specialist at the nonpartisan Middle East Institute in Washington. The designation, applied to close allies like Japan, Australia and Israel, provides special help in buying weapons and obtaining U.S. weapons.

Richter reported from Washington and Zavis from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Times staff writer Laura King in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

We’re so screwed it’s beyond unreal.  Obama doesn’t give a DAMN about you, your parents, your spouse, your children, your family, your friends, etc. etc.  He is a truly wicked and depraved man.  He is a malignant narcissist who cares only about himself.  And he wants to be able to posture himself as some historic “dealmaker” who – as he put it – “slowed the rise of the oceans and began to heal the planet” and “made the world better, safer and more peaceful than it has ever been.”  He is determined to leave office crowing about that and try to set up the next Democrat for election to the White House, and he frankly doesn’t CARE what happens three or four years from now because of his wicked deal.

When you examine how North Korea kept pushing and cheating and lying and playing us after Bill Clinton made his infamous nuclear deal with that dictatorship.  When you see how they kept cheating and working until they had the ballistic missiles they needed and then – POOF!!! – went nuclear, you should understand that Democrats are simply not capable of learning and will make the same mistakes over and over and over again.

I mean, holy crap, please look at the chronology from the time that Bill Clinton crowed about making the world wonderful and North Korea detonating a nuclear bomb armed with missiles to deliver it.  And try to prove to me that Obama has demonstrated and manifested the absolute hardness that he will go to war with Iran if that country doesn’t cross so much as one ‘t’ or dot one ‘i’ as that country follows North Korea’s example.

WATCH Bill Clinton make all the same damn false promises and provide all the same damn false assurances about his wicked North Korea deal that Obama is deceitfully making now:

For God’s sake, Democrat, please stop, think, learn from history and slow down in your mad rush to allow Obama to pave the way for Antichrist so you can take the mark of the beast and burn in hell forever and ever and ever.

Because right now, RIGHT NOW, Democrat, YOU are guaranteeing the rise of Antichrist and YOU are guaranteeing Armageddon.  God is one day going to hold YOU responsible for what YOUR leader whom YOU voted for did.  And hell will be eternal because even eternity will not be long enough for YOU to pay for YOUR crimes against the world that YOU are setting into motion right now.

Barack Obama is now not merely making all the same mistakes that led the world into World War II by appeasing our enemies and emboldening them with weakness; he is making the same mistakes that led the world into World War I by forming crazy alliances that will drag the United States into total global war.  This deal with Iran is the worst of all possible worlds.

And yes, it is WORSE than war with Iran, because if we went to war with Iran now, at least we wouldn’t be going to war with a country that can devastate several of our largest cities and kill millions of our people as they seek to cause the appearing of the Twelfth Imam by bathing the world in blood.

PLEASE understand that as evil and as insane as North Korea is, their goal is to survive and continue their regime at all cost, whereas Iran as ALL radical jihadist Muslims have demonstrated OVER AND OVER again that their goal is to die as martyrs in an ocean of blood at all costs.

PLEASE allow just one moment of sober thought that hasn’t been beamed directly into your brain matter by Satan to enter your head so you can comprehend REALITY.

But no, Democrat, YOU are hell-bent on hell.  The truth has been veiled to you because you are defiant of God, bent on depravity, such that your warped mind has been blinded by the god of this age.

Hell is coming for you, Democrat, every bit as much as destruction is coming upon the world because of you.  Because “YOU offered superficial treatments for God’s people’s mortal wound. YOU gave assurances of peace when there WAS no peace” per Jeremiah 6:14 and 8:11.

RIGHT NOW, Democrat, YOU are declaring to God, “If this is a bad deal that my messiah Obama is making with Iran, let it fall upon MY head and the heads of MY children.  Let my nation perish as we are forced by Obama into a full-fledged nuclear Armageddon.”

The very heavens are testifying against Obama and against YOU (and see also here), Democrat.

You whine about global warming on one hand for crises and then hypocritically cite “insufficient global warming” as your excuse for Obama’s failed economy on the other, but it is YOU who have brought “climate change” with your depraved shaking of your fist at God according to Romans chapter one verses 18-31 and according to Pslam 139 and now as you curse Israel by abandoning her in her hour of need.  And so God is fulfilling His Word to us according to Amos 4:7, “”I kept the rain from falling when your crops needed it the most. I sent rain on one town but withheld it from another. Rain fell on one field, while another field withered away.”

Because of your wickedness as God judges YOU and curses YOU for your wicked actions through him, you will inherit all the curses of Deuteronomy 28:22-26:

22“The LORD will smite you with consumption and with fever and with inflammation and with fiery heat and with the sword and with blight and with mildew, and they will pursue you until you perish. 23“The heaven which is over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you, iron. 24“The LORD will make the rain of your land powder and dust; from heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed.

25“The LORD shall cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you will go out one way against them, but you will flee seven ways before them, and you will be an example of terror to all the kingdoms of the earth. 26“Your carcasses will be food to all birds of the sky and to the beasts of the earth, and there will be no one to frighten them away.

THAT is precisely what you are negotiating for in your false messiah’s “deal” with Iran, Democrat.  Iran will get its wish as it bathes the world in blood to make the beast come.  Because, yes, what they call the Twelfth Imam is one of the beasts of Revelation according to Revelation chapter thirteen.  And notice that it is only AFTER Israel depicted as a woman pregnant with Child – is abandoned to her fate unless God Himself save her in Revelation chapter twelve that the beasts come in chapter thirteen.

Hell is coming for YOU, Democrat.  And it is coming because right now YOU are sowing to the wind and demanding that you reap the whirlwind.

Don’t think that YOU will escape from the hell that YOU are bringing, Democrat.

Jesus came into the world as the ultimate fulfillment of Psalm 139.  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit to be the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world.  But YOU and EVERY SINGLE Democrat saw only an unwed young girl and told her to have an abortion.  And so your baby Jesus was slaughtered in the womb just as YOU have slaughtered 60 MILLION babies in the womb.  And so Jesus never lived to live the perfect life that you would not live, wicked Democrat, and to take your place for you and die for your sins.

You don’t have much time, Democrat.  Soon the Rapture is coming, the moment when Jesus Christ meets every single true believer in the air before the coming divine judgment of the Tribulation.  You won’t be going with Jesus because you have long-since placed your faith in human government and in Obama, rather than in Jesus.

One way or another, we are watching in this Malignant Narcissist Fool-in-Chief – who can’t help but keep hating Christians because Obama hated Jesus first just as Jesus testified the wicked would do – bring about the very end of days just as the Bible foretold the end would come.

And that is because Barack Hussein Obama is an Antichrist who is now openly paving the way for THE Antichrist.

And every single Democrats is actively helping him to do it.

Don’t think for one second that YOU won’t share Obama’s fate, Democrat.  Obama is powerful only because YOU gave him power.  And he is using that power that YOU gave him to ultimately bring hell to earth.

In An Age Of Stalinist Deception, ONE FACT That Proves That Obama Has Been Driving The U.S. Economy Into Collapse

April 6, 2015

I’ve been warning about this – (for example see “Rapidly Worsening Labor Participation Rate Now Lowest In More Than THIRTY YEARS Under Obama’s Failed Regime. PLEASE LOOK AT HISTORY!!!“) – for some time, but it’s every bit as clear as ever.  Sadly, few are pointing it out.

Barack Hussein Obama is proclaiming his economic miracle when the truth is anything BUT.

Fewer and fewer Americans are working or even bothering to TRY to work.  Many have been crushed into despair by Barack Obama’s shockingly poor economy.  But you wouldn’t know it watching or reading the mainstream media.

But George Will popped the bubble with one fact that he reported:

Posted on April 5, 2015
George Will: If Workforce Participation Today Was As High As Day Obama Was Inaugurated, Unemployment Would Be 9.7%

CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS SUNDAY: We could continue this conversation and I’m sure we will, but let’s turn to the economy and some really disappointing numbers on the economy this week. Here they are. Only 126,000 jobs were added in March. That’s the weakest hiring in 15 months. Labor force participation dropped to 62.7 percent, matching the lowest since 1978. And the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta estimates first quarter growth at zero, zero percent, flat. George, what’s going on here?

GEORGE WILL, SYNDICATED COLUMNIST: Well, for the second year in a row they’ve blamed poor quarterly growth on insufficient global warming, that is on winter, on an unusually cold winter. Let your mind go back to November last year. There was job creation of 321,000 jobs and the administration said this is a miraculous achievement and a harbinger of things to come. It wasn’t a harbinger and it wasn’t miraculous. During the Reagan recovery there were 23 months of job creation over 300,000. Reagan had a month of job creation of 1 million and this was at a time when there were 75 million fewer Americans. Now, never mind zero growth. We are now being told really that two percent growth may be the new normal. If so, that’s a disaster because every day, today, yesterday, tomorrow, every day between now and 2030, 10,000 more baby boomers become eligible for Social Security and Medicare. If we have two percent growth, the crisis of the welfare state, the crisis of the private sector being able to throw off the revenues, to pay the bills for the promises we’ve made to ourselves becomes impossible.

WALLACE: Just tell again that the labor force participation stat that you have, if it were what it was at the beginning of the Obama administration.

WILL: If the workforce participation rate today were as high as it was on the day Barack Obama was inaugurated, the unemployment rate in this country would be 9.7 percent, we wouldn’t be complaining about the bad recovery because we wouldn’t call it a recovery.

Do you hear that?  Our REAL unemployment rate is ten percent at BEST.  And it’s actually quite a bit higher considering the fact that nearly 100 million working-age Americans in a nation consisting in 318 million total Americans DO NOT HAVE A JOB:

Americans Not in Labor Force Exceed 93 Million for First Time; 62.7% Labor Force Participation Matches 37-Year Low
April 3, 2015 – 8:58 AM
By Ali Meye

( – The number of Americans 16 years and older who did not participate in the labor force–meaning they neither had a job nor actively sought one in the last four weeks–rose from 92,898,000 in February to 93,175,000 in March, according to data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That is the first time the number of Americans out of the labor force has exceeded 93 million.

Also from February to March, the labor force participation rate dropped from 62.8 percent to 62.7 percent, matching a 37-year low.

Five times in the last twelve months, the participation rate has been as low as 62.8 percent; but March’s 62.7 percent, which matches the participation rate seen in September and December of 2014, is the lowest since February of 1978.

labor chart

BLS employment statistics are based on the civilian noninstitutional population, which consists of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution such as a prison, mental hospital or nursing home.

In March, the civilian noninstitutional population was 250,080,000 according to BLS. Of that 250,080,000, 156,906,000 — or 62.7 percent — participated in the labor force, meaning they either had or job or had actively sought one in the last four weeks.

The lower the labor participation rate is, the smaller the percentage of Americans who are working.

As I pointed out in my article from May of 2012, Obama has driven the labor participation rate number down, and down, and down until he’s bottomed out at CARTER’S FAILED PRESIDENCY.

But it’s really even WORSE than Jimmy Carter, because we had a different way of life when Carter was president and eroding America with his fool liberalism.

We had a low labor participation rate in the 1950s because we had a very different culture and social structure, where people got married – you know, to someone of the opposite sex – and the husband tended to work while the wife stayed at home and managed the household and the children.  So you had a labor participation rate in the 50 percentile because half the adult population wasn’t in the official “workforce” even though she worked her butt off preparing a special place called “home” for her family.

Democrats pissed all over that way of life.  It’s gone, now.

Now, if you’re a woman, you’d damn well better have testicles, or at least have a job the way men used to have.  You need to either kill your babies in Democrats’ abortion mills or else abandon them so you can be a wage-slave so you can work harder and harder for less and less pay under a lying Obama who promised one thing but delivered the opposite.  For example, Obama promised more “economic equality,” but what did this lying hypocrite weasel from the political party of lying hypocrite weasels deliver?  the WORST economic INequality in American history, is all.  Obama promised you a higher standard of living, but what did he actually deliver?  Wage stagnation and falling incomes the like we’ve never seen before, that’s what.

And yet Barack Obama continues to preach himself as the solution to the very problems he’s made the worst they’ve ever been.  And the media reports his blathering nonsense like he shouldn’t be laughed out of every single room he walks into.

Now that we have men and women nearly equally participating in the economy, our labor participation rate ought to be ninety-five percent to have the unemployment rate Obama is deceitfully boasting about.  Because after, all, if the unemployment rate is 5.5% the way Obama says it is, shouldn’t that mean that 94.5% of working-age Americans are, you know, WORKING???

We are being lied to – and insanely we’re being lied to by something that is calling itself “a free press” – worse than any generation or nation has EVER been lied to before.  And more Americans are foolishly believing their propaganda than, say, Soviet citizens who knew damn well they were being lied to like the sheep that liberal big government socialism had forced them to become.

If Fox News reports the truth, don’t worry; because about a thousand-and-one other mainstream media outlets will drown it out with gobbledygook.

It’s like what we just experienced with Rolling Stone: we had a failure at EVERY SINGLE LEVEL of the “journalistic” process; but not ONE person at Rolling Stone is being fired because Rolling Stone is a mainstream media liberal publication that produces lies for a generation that desperately wants to be lied to so they can keep believing that they’re not being led to their dooms and they won’t burn in hell the moment they leave their depraved lives on this earth behind.

Just imagine for a moment if such a magazine had tried to write a story about the opposite point of view – you know, the so-called “right wing” version, of the same story: imagine if a magazine had sent a reporter out to write a story about the “fact” that every woman who reported a rape was in fact a damn liar.  And they based their entire story on the claims of one man who turned out to be so full of lies it was beyond unreal, but up and down the line no one in the chain from “journalist” to “editor-in-chief” ever said something like, “Hey, wait a minute, this story is a load of crap!”

Let me tell you what would have happened: it wouldn’t have just been a reporter fired – something which Rolling Stone announced they WON’T do, fwiw, and in fact won’t fire ANYONE – but the whole magazine would have been bankrupted and gone out of business.  Or else rabid liberals would have firebombed the place into extinction.

But it’s okay.  It was liberal Rolling Stone and they published reliable liberal drivel, just like the “Hands up, Don’t shoot!” thing was liberal drivel and the hysterical and rabid garbage that was fabricated about the “anti-gay” law in Indiana was liberal drivel.  Did it matter that the law didn’t even MENTION gay marriage???  Of course not.  Because the ends justify the means and it’s literally okay to lie if you’re a liberal journalist and your lie advances a liberal narrative.  And so there’s nothing to see here, folks.  We issued a stern “tsk-tsk” and we’re moving on so they can continue doing the same thing tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.  And all the rest of us liars a.k.a. “journalists” can do the same thing with all our “stories,” too.

We just found out that Harry Reid, as Senate Majority Leader, directly slandered the presidential candidate of the opposing Republican Party with what we all now know was a LIE.  What outcry would there have been had the Senate Minority Leader at the time (Republican Mitch McConnell) had so lied and so slandered Barack Obama and claimed that it was a fact that Obama had broken the law and had not paid any taxes in ten years???  What would the outcry for his resignation had been?  But Harry Reid is smug about his lies because they were successful and if you are a Democrat lies are all you have and all you ever will have.  So it’s okay and the media aren’t screaming for anybody’s hide but the next Republican scapegoat such as the governor of Indiana.

So our unemployment rate is 5.5% and Obama is an economic wizard even though so many fewer Americans are actually working than when George W. Bush was president it’s laughable.

But it’s okay for the liberal media to lie.  Because their fellow socialist propaganda mills before them always lied, too.

Because we live in the age of “the mystery of lawlessness” where the righteous are stunned into helpless silence as evil metastasizes and ascendant wickedness triumphs all around them – and we live in an age of deception just before the Antichrist comes and the Democrat Party leads us to accept the big-government mark of the beast so the government can finally and completely seize control over the economy as they have always wanted.

Obama is a liar – and a demon-possessed liar at that – across the board, on both the domestic and the foreign fronts.  This is the fool who when anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see knew otherwise called I.S.I.S. a “JayVee team” even as they were seizing cities in Iraq on their way to creating a caliphate.  And then lied about it.  This is the fool who “reset relations” with Russia and we now have a Cold War reignited as Putin sized-up Obama and saw a coward and a fool who was too dumb to understand and to politically correct to react to evil.  And they are provoking us on every front across the board.  This is the fool who repeatedly claimed that Yemen and Sudan are examples of his “success” when they prove what an abject failure and fraud and fool that he clearly is.  And this is the fool who wants to give Iran a nuclear bomb and hegemony over the Middle East so it can expand its terror-by-proxy even as he idiotically and dishonestly claims he’s doing the very opposite.  Just like all the other times his failed policies and plans have produced the very opposite of what he claimed they would produce.

I now understand something – thanks to Barack Obama’s epic fail – that I never understood before about the coming Antichrist.  Namely, the Antichrist won’t be some masterful genius; rather, he will be a masterful liar who will be able to create illusions of success even as he’s wildly failing; he will be able to scapegoat other groups and blame them for why things keep getting worse, rather than better; he will be a liar and a deceiver and a slanderer without shame, without honor, without integrity and without virtue.  In other words, he will be just like Barack Obama who is the coming Antichrist’s Useful Idiot-in-Chief.  Except he’ll be an even more skilled liar and an even more masterful slanderer.

And the media, of course, will help the coming Antichrist with massive propaganda.  Just as they are helping Obama spread his lies and his slanders now.

Death To America, ObamaCare-Style: ObamaCare Already A Nightmare For Doctors, Soon To Be A Nightmare For Poor, Sick Patients

April 4, 2015

Remember how Barack Hussein Obama said over and over and over again that if you like your doctor, his ObamaCare would allow you to keep your doctor, and if you like your health plan, his ObamaCare would allow you to keep your health plan?

He lied.  And in the minimum of 37 times he lied on that issue alone, Barack Obama became the most documented liar in all of human history as he looked more than 300 million Americans in the eye and lied like the hell that he is again and again and again.  It was “the lie of the year,” and you’ve got to be a world-class demon-possessed liar to emerge out of all the lies that we are told in this country today.

But that was hardly this demon-possessed liar’s only lie about ObamaCare.  Obama promised his ObamaCare would help doctors, that it would help poor, sick patients, that it would bend the cost curve for healthcare down.

All lies.

Here’s an article from Saturday’s USA Today that exposes these lies (it appeared in my print edition under the title, “Maddened by metrics”):

Quality payment incentives: What’s the point?
Jordan Rau, Kaiser Health News 6 a.m. EDT April 4, 2015

Dr. Michael Kitchell initially welcomed the federal government’s new quality incentives for doctors. His medical group in Iowa has always scored better than most in the quality reports that Medicare has provided doctors in recent years, he said.

But when the government launched a new payment system that will soon apply to all physicians who accept Medicare, Kitchell’s McFarland Clinic in Ames didn’t win a bonus. In fact, there are few winners: Out of 1,010 large physician groups that the government evaluated, just 14 are getting payment increases this year, according to Medicare. Losers also are scarce. Only 11 groups will be getting reductions for low quality or high spending.

“We performed well, but not enough for the bonus,” said Kitchell, a neurologist. “My sense of disappointment here is really significant. Why even bother?”

Within three years, the Obama administration wants quality of care to be considered in allocating $9 of every $10 Medicare pays directly to providers to treat the elderly and disabled. One part of that effort is well underway: revising hospital payments based on excess readmissions, patient satisfaction and other quality measures. Expanding this approach to physicians is touchier, as many are suspicious of the government judging them and reluctant to share performance metrics that Medicare requests.

“Without having any indication that this is improving patient care, they just keep piling on additional requirements,” said Mark Donnell, an anesthesiologist in Silver City, N.M. Donnell said he only reports a third of the quality measures he is expected to. “So much of what’s done in medicine is only done to meet the requirements,” he said.

The new financial incentive for doctors, called a physician value-based payment modifier, allows the federal government to boost or lower the amount it reimburses doctors based on how they score on quality measures and how much their patients cost Medicare. How doctors rate this year will determine payments for more than 900,000 physicians by 2017.

Medicare is easing doctors into the program, applying it this year only to medical groups with at least 100 health professionals, including doctors, nurses, speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists. Next year, the program expands Medicare to groups of 10 or more health professionals. In 2017, all remaining doctors who take Medicare — along with about 360,000 other health professionals — will be included. By early in the next decade, 9% of the payments Medicare makes to doctors and other professionals would be at risk under a bill that the House of Representatives passed in March.

The quality metrics used to judge doctors vary by specialty. One test looks at how consistently doctors keep an accurate list of all the drugs patients were taking. Others track the rate of complications after cataract surgery, say, or whether patients received recommended treatments for particular cancers.

There are more than 250 quality measures. Groups and doctors must report a selection — generally nine, which they choose — or else be automatically penalized. This year, 319 large medical groups are having their reimbursements reduced by 1% because they did not meet Medicare’s reporting standards.

Physicians who do report their quality data fear the measures are sometimes misguided, usually a hassle, and may encourage doctors to avoid poorer and sicker patients, who tend to have more trouble controlling asthma or staying on antidepressants, for instance.

Leanne Chrisman-Khawam, a primary care doctor in Cleveland, said many of her patients have difficulty just getting to follow-up appointments, since they must take two or three buses. She said those battling obesity or diabetes are less likely to reform their diets to emphasize fresh foods, which are expensive and less available in poor neighborhoods. “You’re going to link that physician’s payment to that life?” she asked.

Hamilton Lempert, an emergency room doctor in Cincinnati, criticized one measure that requires him to track how often he follows up with patients with high blood pressure.

“Most everyone’s blood pressure is elevated in the emergency department because they’re anxious,” Lempert said. Another metric encourages testing the heart’s electrical impulses in patients with non-traumatic chest pain, which Lempert said has led emergency rooms to give priority to these cases over more serious ones.

“It’s just very frustrating, the things we have to do to jump through the hoops,” he said.

In the first year doctors are affected by the program, they can choose to forgo bonuses or penalties based on their performances. After that, the program is mandatory. This year, 564 groups opted out, but even if all of them had been included, only 3% would have gotten increases and 38% would have seen lower payments, mostly for not satisfactorily reporting quality measures, Medicare data show.

Smaller groups and solo practitioners are even less likely to report quality to the government. “The participation rates, even though it’s mandated, are just really low,” said Dr. Alyna Chien, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School. It’s “a level of analytics that just is not typically built into a doctor’s office.”

Dr. Lisa Bielamowicz, chief medical officer of The Advisory Board, a consulting group, predicted more doctors will start reporting their quality scores when the prospect of fines is greater. “They are not going to motivate until it is absolutely necessary,” she said. “If you look at these small practices, a lot of them just run on a shoestring.”

This year’s assessments of big groups were based on patients seen in 2013. A total of $11 million of the $1.2 billion Medicare pays doctors is being given out as bonuses, which translates to a 5% payment increase for those 14 groups getting payment increases this year. That money came from low performers and those that did not report quality measures to Medicare’s satisfaction; they are losing up to 1%.

The exact amount any of these groups lose will depend on the number and nature of the services they provide over the year. This year, 268 medical groups were exempted because at least one of their doctors was participating in one of the government’s experiments in providing care differently.

Officials at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services declined to be interviewed about the program, but said in a prepared statement that they have been providing all doctors with reports showing their quality and costs. “We hope that this information will provide meaningful and actionable information to physicians so that they may improve the coordination and integration of the health care provided to beneficiaries,” the statement said.

Kaiser Health News is an editorially independent program of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

How the hell do you think fining doctors – who are already operating on a shoestring – for not doing something that massively increases their costs because making those reports is very obviously not something they are equipped to do, is going to lower the cost of healthcare?  Are you really that stupid that you believe it will???

Doctors are frustrated and getting more and more frustrated.  We’ve already seen them retiring at the highest rate since Hippocrates was working on his oath millennia ago.  It’s been going on since the damn evil law passed and it’s going to pick up speed.  We’re seeing fewer and fewer doctors left to service larger and larger networks of patients.  Now they are increasingly dropping out of ObamaCare and its reporting requirements as fast as they can.  How in the hell is that supposed to improve patient care?  Are you really that stupid that you believe it will???

You’ve got to love this prophetic title from CBS News that heralds future doom:

Obamacare 2015: Higher costs, higher penalties

With the Affordable Care Act to start enrollment for its second year on Nov. 15, some unpleasant surprises may be in store for some.

That’s because a number of low-priced Obamacare plans will raise their rates in 2015, making those options less affordable. On top of that, penalties for failing to secure a health-insurance plan will rise steeply next year, which could take a big bite out of some families’ pocketbooks.

“The penalty is meant to incentivize people to get coverage,” said senior analyst Laura Adams of “This year, I think a lot of people are going to be in for a shock.”

Oops.  Sorry, poor people.  It sort of looks like Obama and his demonic minions didn’t actually give a DAMN about you, after all.

But the real lie – the lie that makes “Democrat” truly stand for “DEMOn-possessed bureauCRAT” – is the one about helping the poor and the sick get better access to medical care.  Let me replay the lines from the article:

Physicians who do report their quality data fear the measures are sometimes misguided, usually a hassle, and may encourage doctors to avoid poorer and sicker patients, who tend to have more trouble controlling asthma or staying on antidepressants, for instance.

Leanne Chrisman-Khawam, a primary care doctor in Cleveland, said many of her patients have difficulty just getting to follow-up appointments, since they must take two or three buses. She said those battling obesity or diabetes are less likely to reform their diets to emphasize fresh foods, which are expensive and less available in poor neighborhoods. “You’re going to link that physician’s payment to that life?” she asked.

Barack Obama – in his wickedness – has designed a system that pits doctors against the poorest, sickest patients.  The doctor can treat them, sure, but only if he or she is willing to pay severely for it and be punished for it by an evil system that promised to do the very opposite of what it is in fact doing.

Barack Obama looks down on that doctor from his satanic Mt. Olympus and he sees a doctor whose stats aren’t up to muster because that doctor is treating sick patients who will tend to get sicker even with the very best of care.  And Obama decrees, “That doctor must be punished!”  And the fines and the penalties start kicking in.  Better to just leave that poor, sick patient on the side of the road, modern-day Good Samaritan physician.  Because Obama will come after you with all the power of totalitarian government arbitrariness if you try to help that patient.

Here’s another demonic DEMOnic bureauCRAT lie for you: Obama promised fewer people would use emergency rooms; when the very OPPOSITE is happening BECAUSE OF HIS DEMONIC LAW as USA TODAY documents:

More patients flocking to ERs under Obamacare

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — It wasn’t supposed to work this way, but since the Affordable Care Act took effect in January, Norton Hospital has seen its packed emergency room become even more crowded, with about 100 more patients a month.

That 12 percent spike in the number of patients — many of whom aren’t actually facing true emergencies — is spurring the Louisville hospital to convert a waiting room into more exam rooms.

“We’re seeing patients who probably should be seen at our (immediate-care centers),” said Lewis Perkins, the hospital’s vice president of patient care and chief nursing officer. “And we’re seeing this across the system.”

That’s just the opposite of what many people expected under Obamacare, particularly because one of the goals of health reform was to reduce pressure on emergency rooms by expanding Medicaid and giving poor people better access to primary care.

Instead, many hospitals in Kentucky and across the nation are seeing a surge of those newly insured Medicaid patients walking into emergency rooms.

Nationally, nearly half of ER doctors responding to a recent poll by the American College of Emergency Physicians said they’ve seen more visits since Jan. 1, and nearly nine in 10 expect those visits to rise in the next three years. Mike Rust, president of the Kentucky Hospital Association, said members statewide describe the same trend.

Experts cite many reasons: A long-standing shortage of primary-care doctors leaves too few to handle all the newly insured patients. Some doctors won’t accept Medicaid. And poor people often can’t take time from work when most primary care offices are open, while ERs operate round-the-clock and by law must at least stabilize patients. […]

The same “experts” who didn’t see what we conservatives were predicting EVER SINCE THIS DEMONIC LAW THREATENED AMERICA TO BEGIN WITH are refusing the see the REAL cause: the law was based entirely on lies because the Democrats who shoved this evil monstrosity down our collectivist throats are demon-possessed liars.

Not one month ago, I wrote up my own experience with the Veterans Administration as to how this very arbitrary bureaucratic mindset is just taking over the entire system.  Within the span of one week, I suffered that arbitrariness of penalizing decent people because of the behavior of others TWICE.  First, I was contacted and ORDERED to take a urine test.  Why?  I wanted to know; I’d just taken one and that test had nothing to do with my healthcare.  Rather, it had been a drug test because I’m on oxycodone for the pain created by my service-connected medical condition.

Well, less than three months after the last test – which proved I was completely clean of anything but what I was supposed to be taking – I was being commanded to take it again.  And apparently under Obama I will have to be treated like a drug criminal at least four times a year from now on.

Why?  Because other veterans somewhere else are abusing their prescription drugs.  So the obvious thing to do – as obvious as it is to treat a 103-year-old Catholic nun in a walker like a young Middle Eastern terrorist male – is to treat EVERYONE like a criminal or an addict.

I have been receiving physical therapy for a major shoulder surgery.  I was given a month-and-a-half worth of appointments and I kept every single one of them.  In fact, I have NEVER missed an appointment with the VA.  But because somebody somewhere had missed appointments, the “system” decided to treat EVERYONE like a no-shower.

So I know firsthand exactly what these doctors are saying: it doesn’t matter if I do right or not; the system will punish me anyway.  And it will do so by protecting the very worst people (who of course vote Democrat, don’t they?) by redistributing the pain for the cost of their godawful behavior onto everyone else.  That’s what the welfare system is based on, baby: “Oh, you don’t have a job because you refuse to get off your fat, pimply ass and look for one and it’s easier to pump out ten kids and collect increased payments for each one?  Don’t worry, dearie, here’s the money somebody else earned by working his butt off.  Please don’t forget to vote for Messiah Obama unless you want mean Republicans to force you to produce something with your life besides flatulence!”

I’ve talked to several veterans who are as livid as I am.  And they are saying they’re just going to start buying the marijuana that the same damn DEMOnic bureauCRATS who are forcing them to take the piss tests for drugs are opening up for everybody else so they can be happier welfare recipients.  And why bother busting your ass to show up for appointments when you’re going to be treated like dirt whether you show up or not???

And so they are producing the very opposite thing to what they are stupidly claiming they are producing.

What Obama is producing is the same thing the ayatollahs Obama is appeasing and negotiating with are calling for: “Death to America!”

The fact of the matter is that ObamaCare was sold and marketed entirely on the basis of lies.  That is just a documented fact.

But the even sadder fact of the matter is that unless the Supreme Court finally steps in and does the right thing and overturns this fascist takeover of the American healthcare system, ObamaCare will destroy America because nothing will be able to prevent it from doing so.  It was crafted as a metastasizing cancer that will keep becoming larger and making the patient America sicker until that patient collapses and dies.


NCAA: It’s Not Our Job To Help Students Learn, It’s Our Job To Pervert Them Into Homosexuals

April 3, 2015

Okay, let’s try to understand what is NOT the NCAA’s job:

NCAA: It’s not our job to ensure educational quality
By Sara Ganim, CNN
Updated 12:54 PM ET, Thu April 2, 2015

(CNN)After years of making the case that the education of athletes is paramount, the NCAA now says it has no legal responsibility to make sure education is actually delivered.

On its website, the NCAA prominently states, “It’s our commitment — and our responsibility — to give young people opportunities to learn, play and succeed.” And later, it says that “in the collegiate model of sports, the young men and women competing on the field or court are students first, athletes second.”

But the NCAA is taking a very different position in response to a lawsuit filed by former University of North Carolina athletes. The lawsuit claimed the students didn’t get an education because they were caught up in the largest known academic fraud scandal in NCAA history.

In its response, the NCAA says it has no legal responsibility “to ensure the academic integrity of the courses offered to student-athletes at its member institutions.”

Even with pages of online information about academic standards, and even though the NCAA has established a system of academic eligibility and accountability that it boasts of regularly, NCAA attorneys wrote in this court filing that “the NCAA did not assume a duty to ensure the quality of the education of student-athletes,” and “the NCAA does not have ‘direct, day-to-day, operational control’ ” over member institutions like UNC.

“It’s nonsense. It’s double talk,” said Gerald Gurney, a former athletic-academic director who is now president of The Drake Group for academic integrity in collegiate sport.

And let’s understand the spirit of perversion that is near and dear to their hearts:

Indiana law gets pressure from sports world
Shad Powers, The Desert Sun 5:48 p.m. PDT April 1, 2015

The eyes of the sports world will be focused on Indianapolis this weekend when the NCAA basketball Final Four kicks off Saturday.

The ire of the sports world has already been focused on Indiana, as many sports governing bodies have expressed displeasure with the state’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The law, which as currently written would allow businesses to refuse to serve gay customers in the name of religious beliefs beginning July 1, has come under scrutiny from corporations, celebrities and those in the general public who favor inclusiveness.

The sports world has certainly joined the discussion. […]

NCAA president Mark Emmert had perhaps the strongest response in an interview with ESPN’s Andy Katz: “(After the tournament) we, the NCAA, we’ve got to sit down and say if this environment remains the way it is, what does that mean for us going forward? We hold lots and lots of events. We’re going to have our national convention here, our offices are here. We have to say, ‘What are we going to do if this law goes into effect in July? What’s our relationship with the state of Indiana going to be?’   […]

It’s not that the National Collegiate Athletic Association doesn’t want to teach their kids; surely they do.  They just don’t give a damn if they learn to read or write or do arithmetic as long as they learn to be good homosexual perverts who help bring the full wrath of God down upon the world according to Romans chapter 1:18-31 so they can have their precious Antichrist lead the world into the ultimate depth of liberal big-government tyranny and hell on earth.

American culture has become so wicked and so toxic and so evil that it is unreal.  This is a nation that STILL hypocritically and deceitfully and self-righteously prints and stamps “In God We Trust” on our money when we trust ANYTHING and EVERYTHING more than we trust God.  This is a nation that has repeatedly prayed to God for deliverance in time of war, beginning with our Revolution, continuing with the Civil War, and culminating in FDR’s prayer for national deliverance on D-Day when our young men hit the beaches.

Now young men are being indoctrinated to sodomize one another and stick their middle fingers up at God while they give and receive perversion.  And America has never won a war since and never WILL win another war because this is a perverted nation that has abandoned the LORD that they once uniquely consecrated themselves to serve.

I hear fools lecture me on television that their Jesus would proudly honor homosexuality and serve pizza at a gay wedding because their Jesus is a depraved pervert who wallows in wickedness.  But Jesus told us in His Word that “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17).  And Jesus said “For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”

And you wicked fools, who refuse to understand that the Law that Jesus came to fulfill specifically and repeatedly condemned the sin of homosexuality.  Just as the New Testament that Jesus commissioned through His Apostles specifically and repeatedly condemned homosexuality.  And told us of the wicked people who would try to tell you all this was false that “professing themselves to be wise, they became FOOLS” (Romans 1:22).

We’re being told that if a Christian wedding photographer, a Christian baker, a Christian caterer, etc. are asked to perform a service for a perverted marriage that their ancient and honorable religion specifically and repeatedly condemns, that they have no religious freedom to do anything other than bend over and declare that their faith and their religion is wicked and that depraved culture rather than God declare right from wrong.  We’re now told that we have no right to conscience other than the conscience of Barack Hussein Obama who lied and deceived America when he told us straight up that I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage as the Bible declared when in reality he was a sodomy-worshiping pervert who LIED to America planned all along to betray America.

Now we’re told that Obama is our Lord and our God and what Obama says is right and even though the man is a documented liar without shame, without honor, without integrity and without virtue that if he now suddenly miraculously believes in perverted marriage we ALL Must believe it or be punished by depraved people who are every BIT as intolerant as the Islamic State fanatics that Obama has given birth to and done nothing to stop as they murder Christians.

And so Obama and Democrats can’t wait to do a deal to appease Iran into hopefully putting off their obvious goal to build a nuclear bomb until Obama leaves office even though that nation is the most rabidly intolerant nation on the face of the planet – including with gays.  Liberals and Democrats cheered the vile Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and proudly invited him to a liberal university where he said, “In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals like in your country. We don’t have that in our country. In Iran, we do not have this phenomenon. I don’t know who’s told you we have it.”  And to the extent they DON’T have it, it is only because they murder homosexuals as fast as they can find them.”

But that’s FINE with liberals and Democrats.  It’s only if you’re a Christian that your beliefs are too outrageous to respect.

The same toxic, vile, bent-on-leading-America-into-hell liberals banned Ayaan Hirsi Ali from speaking because she described the truth about the Islam that tortured and mutilated her.  And just so you can know that Obama and top Democrats are completely in line with these toxic, vile, bent-on-leading-America-into-hell liberals , realize that they just made the Imam who condemned Hirsi Ali to death is now their chief Muslim for the Federal Bureau of Prisons so he can lead our young convicts to be just as full of hell as they are.

That is because we live in the last days and we live in the times that the Bible called “the mystery of lawlessness” (2 Thessalonians 2:7), where what was utterly evil and wicked just a few short years ago is now righteous and good and the people who believe in righteousness are viewed as evil and the people who believe wickedness are now viewed as good.  And evil is ascendant and triumphant and there is nothing to stop its rise and its metastasizing.

Jesus exposed the modern Democrat Party and modern progressive, secular humanist liberalism that is fine with radical Islam and fine with negotiating with Muslim terrorists but hates Christians and seeks to destroy them at every turn.  He said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first” (John 15:18).

Realize that NONE of these self-righteous Democrats and liberals and secular humanists who profess their moral outrage over Indiana even as they cheer Obama’s negotiating with the rabidly intolerant devil of Iran give one flying DAMN about homosexuals or women or anyone else.  They are using you as the wicked tools you are to enact their demonic agenda that will lead you to your eternal doom.  And don’t think that you’re not bringing that doom on your own head if you’re not out decrying the wickedness that is all around you and calling for a liberal progressive world that rabidly hates Jesus to turn to Him before it’s too late.

Obama is every bit as dishonest and every bit as much a liar with his so-called “historic” nuclear deal with Iran as he was about gay marriage or his deceit-based ObamaCare.  The Iranians are openly declaring his characterizations to be meaningless lies:

LAUSANNE, Switzerland — Just hours after the announcement of what the United States characterized as a historic agreement with Iran over its nuclear program, the country’s leading negotiator lashed out at the Obama administration for lying about the details of a tentative framework.

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif accused the Obama administration of misleading the American people and Congress in a fact sheet it released following the culmination of negotiations with the Islamic Republic.

Where is Iran’s signature on Obama’s “fact sheet”??? Iran signed NOTHING and they’re pointing out that Obama is lying just as he’s lied over and over and over again.  Let me just state something that ought to be obvious: If you can’t reach an agreement in principle such that both parties can sign their names to it, you do NOT have an agreement in principle.  You don’t have a “deal”; what you have is the most dishonest and cancerous president in the history of the most ancient democracy in the world leading the world into Armageddon and literally congratulating himself for it.  That’s what you have.

But you go on, fool, and trust your homosexuality and your wicked and perverted leaders as they lead you to destruction according to Jeremiah 6:14:

They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace.

At this point, I have no interest in watching the NCAA tournament I used to love watching.  I’ll just go with Obama’s Final Four picks of Islamic State, Russia, Iran and China and let them vie for who replaces America as Obama leads this country that once followed God to ruin and to hell.  And I can’t really root for any of those teams any more than I can root for an organization that jumps on the Politically Correct bandwagon to declare God dead and the homosexual perversion that God condemned very much alive.

The Bible TOLD Us Perilous Times Would Come: Obama Reaches Iran Nuclear Deal Threatening Israel With Armageddon On Eve Of Blood Moon

April 2, 2015

I wrote about the blood moons and Israel last year when Israel was embroiled in crisis during the two prophetic blood moons that we saw in 2014:

Four Blood Moons: The Beginning Of The End? Israel Invades Hamas After Over 1,200 Terrorist Rockets And Two Broken Cease Fires

But another year, another demon-possessed madman advancing Satan’s agenda: this time the “deal” to give Iran nuclear weapons.

And Obama and his Stooge of State John Kerry have reached this “deal” on the eve of yet another blood moon.

God told us that He put His signs in the heavens.

As the Word of God declares:

“The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.” (Joel 3:4)

And the heavens are proclaiming against us as witnesses that judgment is at hand and when it comes, WATCH OUT.  The blood moons are one of those signs heralding divine judgment.

As we speak, John Kerry has just announced that he and his Israel-despising president Obama have reached a deal with Iran (that of course the details of which they won’t release).  I don’t even have to ask the question whether any “inspections” of Iran’s nuclear ambitions will include their nuclear sites in North Korea and Syria.  (It is open source information that Iran has been housing a “special commodity” (weapons grade uranium) in North Korea that their fellow rabid fascist regime gave them in exchange for oil).  Because I know they won’t.  Because Obama thinks of Israel and America the same way I think of Obama: and I think Obama is a truly wicked man who deserves to burn in hell forever.

Obama is giving Iran hegemony over the Middle East on multiple fronts, as he grants them the prestige of being appeased by desperate Americans, as he grants them everything they want to possess a nuclear weapon on their timetable as soon as they have the reliable ballistic missiles they need to make nuclear weapons useful, as he helps them to generate a powerful economy that will dominate the region by protecting Iran from Republicans and even Democrats who can’t impose sanctions over a president hell-bent determined to shelter Iran.

A country that is as oil-rich as Iran very clearly doesn’t need nuclear power for energy and anybody who thinks otherwise is clearly too foolish not to be demon-possessed.  And in the same way, ballistic missiles without a nuclear program is rather like having Bluetooth without having a wireless device – because what the hell are you going to put on your ICBM that you spent so much time and money developing???

It’s as obvious as the signs in the heavens that Iran is working toward nuclear weapons; but these fascist fools aren’t looking at the sky, either, are they???

Meanwhile, even as Obama desperately seeks to appease Iran into a “peace in our time” nuclear deal that Iran will violate without a second thought the moment it is in their interest to do so, realize that Iran continues even as we give up the farm as our negotiation strategy to be the world’s largest terrorist threat and defeat America and American interests.  We are helpless in Yemen because Iran is stabbing us in the heart there even as Obama gives Iran hegemony over the Iraq America worked so hard and at such a dear cost to liberate.

Here we are: presented by another blood moon sign from God as Obama and Kerry boast about their wonderful “deal” with Iran in spite of the fact that Iran has NEVER negotiated in good faith, in spite of the fact that the Ayatollah has again and again stated that Iran won’t budge on its nuclear plan – he said so repeatedly in 2013 (and see here), in 2014, and yes just recently this year of 2015 (and see here) – in addition to saying “Death to America!” even as the nuke talks were taking place.   And we know that the top general of the powerful Iranian Revolutionary Guard that is the second most powerful entity in Iran after the Ayatollah said that “wiping Israel off the map is non-negotiable.”

Obama is perfectly happy to negotiate with Iran; it is only the Republicans, Israel, Netanyahu, and anybody who doesn’t have a demon screaming in their skulls – that Obama WON’T negotiate with.

I would rather be a roach than a Democrat, as one day you miserable fools will stand before God as flames of fiery wrath pour out of the wheels of His chariot throne and you stutter and stammer and claim that you didn’t know.  And the fire will pour out blue with heat and God’s voice will roar that He put His sign in the very heavens above you and all you could do was stare at them with your cow eyes while you followed the wicked fool you chose as your leader like the stupidest and most depraved sheep who ever lived.

Update, July 15, 2015: For what it’s worth, the terrible deal that Israel is bitterly denouncing was just agreed to by Obama yesterday.  The Senate will have sixty days to examine this deal, followed by a vote which will require a veto-proof majority to kill.  Which puts us right smack in the middle of the next blood moon cycle, which will reach its zenith on September 28, 2015.