Posts Tagged ‘nuclear holocaust’

Proof That Nuke Deal With Iran So Important To Malignant Narcissist-in-Chief That He Is Willing To Kill Every Single American In Coming Apocalypse

April 8, 2015

The Los Angeles Times – a major liberal newspaper of record – offered the following page one news story about Obama’s nuke deal and about how EVERY SINGLE MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRY FROM ISRAEL TO SAUDI ARABIA, KUWAIT, BAHRAIN, QATAR, U.A.E. and OMAN, ETC. IS DEEPLY OPPOSED TO IT.

And it details the fact that Saudi Arabia among the other Middle Eastern Sunni countries are deeply aware that Obama essentially guarantees them the right to complete legally develop nuclear weapons merely by waiting ten years.  And that even IF Iran doesn’t cheat (fat chance given that they have cheated in EVERY deal they have ever made with us) they can obtain nukes under the deal merely by waiting ten years.  And how would we negotiate then when we gave them the right to build nukes ten years from now?

And it details the shenanigans that Obama and his treasonous White House is playing not only with Iran but with EVERYONE to shove this deal down our collectivists throats.  Those shenanigans include Obama guaranteeing the Saudis that he will guarantee a World War Three nuclear holocaust if Iran ever uses the bomb he is giving them by committing America to total war.

Do you like that part of the deal, liberal?  Do you like the fact that Obama’s wicked deal is pushing Sunni Arab countries to obtain their own nuclear weapons to the bomb that they all know Obama is giving Iran???  Do you like Obama creating a nuclear arms race in the craziest part of the world???  Do you like the part that guarantees that if any of these nations are ever attacked by Iran as backed by Russia, the United States will jeopardize every single life of every single American in an Armageddon-style nuclear holocaust???  Does it bother you that every single decent Middle Eastern ally is horrified by the details of this deal whose details Obama has prevented either Congress or the American people from seeing???  Does it bother you that Obama’s policy is to treat our historic allies as enemies and our historic enemies as allies???  Does it bother you that Obama is desperately trying – against ALL advice and ALL common sense – to make Iran the most economically powerful nation in the region so it can fund even more destabilizing war and terrorism across the world than it is already doing as we speak???  But it’s here in black-and-white:

U.S. promises to beef up defense aid to Persian Gulf allies
By Paul Richter and Alexandra Zavis
April 7, 2015, 6:30 PM|Reporting from WASHINGTON
▼ White House invites leaders of six Arab nations to the presidential retreat at Camp David
▼ Obama’s goal is to keep Arab monarchies from buying sensitive technology or a nuclear weapon from Pakistan
▼ The White House is weighing new security commitments to Israel

Obama administration officials are promising a major strengthening of U.S. defense commitments to Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf allies, possibly including a nuclear commitment to their security, in an intensifying effort to win their support for the proposed nuclear deal with Iran.

Officials say they hope to reassure nervous gulf Arab states by providing more military aid and training to their defense forces, and by making more explicit commitments to help them repel external attacks.

The administration is studying whether to make any nuclear assurances, though officials emphasize no decision has been made.

The White House has invited leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council nations — Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman — to the presidential retreat at Camp David in coming weeks, though the date is not confirmed. U.S. officials are expected to make public new security arrangements at the meeting.

The administration’s goal, officials said Tuesday, is to convince the Arab monarchies that U.S. security guarantees will make them safer than if they buy sensitive technology or a nuclear weapon from Pakistan, a Sunni Muslim ally, as the Saudis have privately threatened to do.

The White House is weighing separate new commitments to Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shown no sign of tempering his fierce criticism of a deal that would ease economic sanctions on Iran in exchange for verifiable limits on its ability to enrich uranium or conduct most other nuclear work for at least 10 years.

Negotiators from six world powers and Iran have set a June 30 deadline to try to complete the proposed accord. But the details released when the framework for the agreement was announced Thursday unsettled the Persian Gulf monarchies that have been core U.S. allies for 70 years, as well as Israel.

The monarchies see themselves as Tehran’s chief regional rivals and fear that the nuclear deal signals an American “pivot to Persia” that would empower Shiite Muslim Iran and leave the Sunni Arab states at a disadvantage.

President Obama took pains in several interviews to try to allay those fears.

“We’re going to be there for our [Persian Gulf] friends,” Obama told columnist Thomas Friedman. “I want to see how we can formalize that a little bit more than we currently have, and also help build their capacity so that they feel more confident about their ability to protect themselves from external aggression.”

With much of the Middle East torn by civil war or other upheavals, the oil-rich gulf monarchies remain crucial U.S. allies.

Several have joined the U.S.-led airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. The U.S., in turn, has provided intelligence and logistic support to the Saudi-led coalition bombing rebel forces in Yemen who are backed by Iran.

Strengthening U.S. relations with the gulf states “is a big deal — it’s got to be one of the central components of the U.S. strategy after the Iran deal,” said Ilan Goldenberg, a former Obama administration official now at the Center for a New American Security, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington.

Goldenberg compared the White House outreach to the way the Nixon administration worked to bolster security ties to Japan and Taiwan after opening relations with China, their main regional rival, in 1972.

But the Obama administration faces unique challenges.

The Saudis especially have been disappointed with Obama’s approach to the Middle East. They see themselves battling Iran in a sectarian war raging across Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Syria, and fear easing of the economic sanctions in a nuclear deal could reinvigorate Iran’s economy and make it even more of a regional threat.

Saudi officials have made clear that they don’t want a public battle with Washington, and on Monday issued cautious statements of support for the framework. “We hope there will be a deal based on the principles that the U.S. government has articulated to us,” Adel Jubeir, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, told reporters.

But privately, many Saudi officials say they are skeptical that the deal will stop Tehran from eventually developing nuclear weapons because the restrictions it would impose are not permanent.

“The regime will sit and wait for 10 or 15 years to pass and it will restore its nuclear activities legally and legitimately,” said Mustafa Alani, a security studies scholar at the Gulf Research Center in Dubai who is close to the kingdom’s rulers.

Such concerns have been expressed privately to the Obama administration through the region’s embassies, Alani said. The aim isn’t to torpedo an eventual agreement. “We believe a diplomatic solution is better than any other solution, military or more economic sanctions,” he said.

One challenge for the White House is whether it can expand a defense relationship that already is enormous. Bahrain is home to the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, and the Pentagon keeps 35,000 troops, two aircraft carrier task forces, cyber warfare specialists, drone aircraft units and more in the region. The United States and Saudi Arabia are in the middle of a 20-year, $60-billion arms deal.

It’s also not clear that U.S. nuclear security commitments would be useful or welcomed by the gulf states.

The administration would have a hard time trying to get Congress, which has been skeptical about the U.S.-Saudi relationship, to enact a treaty that put a U.S. nuclear “umbrella” over Arab Sunni nations, as the United States has over Japan and South Korea.

Such agreements aim to deter nuclear attack by warning foes that the United States would retaliate with overwhelming force if an ally is attacked with a nuclear weapon.

The administration might try to adopt the policy by administrative action to end-run Congress. But the gulf states might not welcome a public statement to guarantee their safety. Because of domestic anger at the United States, these governments have long been leery of being too publicly aligned with Washington.

“They want an American security blanket, but without us having to shout about it,” said Simon Henderson, a Persian Gulf specialist at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a public policy group in Washington.

U.S. officials say they may try to persuade the Saudis to sign a so-called 1-2-3 agreement, which gives countries special U.S. help building a civilian nuclear power industry as long as they accept restrictions to prevent development of a nuclear weapons program. But analysts said the Saudis probably would not agree because, at least in theory, it would give them less freedom to pursue a nuclear program someday than the Iranians.

Another possible gesture would be to declare the gulf states “major non-NATO allies,” said Thomas Lippman, a Saudi specialist at the nonpartisan Middle East Institute in Washington. The designation, applied to close allies like Japan, Australia and Israel, provides special help in buying weapons and obtaining U.S. weapons.

Richter reported from Washington and Zavis from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Times staff writer Laura King in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

We’re so screwed it’s beyond unreal.  Obama doesn’t give a DAMN about you, your parents, your spouse, your children, your family, your friends, etc. etc.  He is a truly wicked and depraved man.  He is a malignant narcissist who cares only about himself.  And he wants to be able to posture himself as some historic “dealmaker” who – as he put it – “slowed the rise of the oceans and began to heal the planet” and “made the world better, safer and more peaceful than it has ever been.”  He is determined to leave office crowing about that and try to set up the next Democrat for election to the White House, and he frankly doesn’t CARE what happens three or four years from now because of his wicked deal.

When you examine how North Korea kept pushing and cheating and lying and playing us after Bill Clinton made his infamous nuclear deal with that dictatorship.  When you see how they kept cheating and working until they had the ballistic missiles they needed and then – POOF!!! – went nuclear, you should understand that Democrats are simply not capable of learning and will make the same mistakes over and over and over again.

I mean, holy crap, please look at the chronology from the time that Bill Clinton crowed about making the world wonderful and North Korea detonating a nuclear bomb armed with missiles to deliver it.  And try to prove to me that Obama has demonstrated and manifested the absolute hardness that he will go to war with Iran if that country doesn’t cross so much as one ‘t’ or dot one ‘i’ as that country follows North Korea’s example.

WATCH Bill Clinton make all the same damn false promises and provide all the same damn false assurances about his wicked North Korea deal that Obama is deceitfully making now:

For God’s sake, Democrat, please stop, think, learn from history and slow down in your mad rush to allow Obama to pave the way for Antichrist so you can take the mark of the beast and burn in hell forever and ever and ever.

Because right now, RIGHT NOW, Democrat, YOU are guaranteeing the rise of Antichrist and YOU are guaranteeing Armageddon.  God is one day going to hold YOU responsible for what YOUR leader whom YOU voted for did.  And hell will be eternal because even eternity will not be long enough for YOU to pay for YOUR crimes against the world that YOU are setting into motion right now.

Barack Obama is now not merely making all the same mistakes that led the world into World War II by appeasing our enemies and emboldening them with weakness; he is making the same mistakes that led the world into World War I by forming crazy alliances that will drag the United States into total global war.  This deal with Iran is the worst of all possible worlds.

And yes, it is WORSE than war with Iran, because if we went to war with Iran now, at least we wouldn’t be going to war with a country that can devastate several of our largest cities and kill millions of our people as they seek to cause the appearing of the Twelfth Imam by bathing the world in blood.

PLEASE understand that as evil and as insane as North Korea is, their goal is to survive and continue their regime at all cost, whereas Iran as ALL radical jihadist Muslims have demonstrated OVER AND OVER again that their goal is to die as martyrs in an ocean of blood at all costs.

PLEASE allow just one moment of sober thought that hasn’t been beamed directly into your brain matter by Satan to enter your head so you can comprehend REALITY.

But no, Democrat, YOU are hell-bent on hell.  The truth has been veiled to you because you are defiant of God, bent on depravity, such that your warped mind has been blinded by the god of this age.

Hell is coming for you, Democrat, every bit as much as destruction is coming upon the world because of you.  Because “YOU offered superficial treatments for God’s people’s mortal wound. YOU gave assurances of peace when there WAS no peace” per Jeremiah 6:14 and 8:11.

RIGHT NOW, Democrat, YOU are declaring to God, “If this is a bad deal that my messiah Obama is making with Iran, let it fall upon MY head and the heads of MY children.  Let my nation perish as we are forced by Obama into a full-fledged nuclear Armageddon.”

The very heavens are testifying against Obama and against YOU (and see also here), Democrat.

You whine about global warming on one hand for crises and then hypocritically cite “insufficient global warming” as your excuse for Obama’s failed economy on the other, but it is YOU who have brought “climate change” with your depraved shaking of your fist at God according to Romans chapter one verses 18-31 and according to Pslam 139 and now as you curse Israel by abandoning her in her hour of need.  And so God is fulfilling His Word to us according to Amos 4:7, “”I kept the rain from falling when your crops needed it the most. I sent rain on one town but withheld it from another. Rain fell on one field, while another field withered away.”

Because of your wickedness as God judges YOU and curses YOU for your wicked actions through him, you will inherit all the curses of Deuteronomy 28:22-26:

22“The LORD will smite you with consumption and with fever and with inflammation and with fiery heat and with the sword and with blight and with mildew, and they will pursue you until you perish. 23“The heaven which is over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you, iron. 24“The LORD will make the rain of your land powder and dust; from heaven it shall come down on you until you are destroyed.

25“The LORD shall cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you will go out one way against them, but you will flee seven ways before them, and you will be an example of terror to all the kingdoms of the earth. 26“Your carcasses will be food to all birds of the sky and to the beasts of the earth, and there will be no one to frighten them away.

THAT is precisely what you are negotiating for in your false messiah’s “deal” with Iran, Democrat.  Iran will get its wish as it bathes the world in blood to make the beast come.  Because, yes, what they call the Twelfth Imam is one of the beasts of Revelation according to Revelation chapter thirteen.  And notice that it is only AFTER Israel depicted as a woman pregnant with Child – is abandoned to her fate unless God Himself save her in Revelation chapter twelve that the beasts come in chapter thirteen.

Hell is coming for YOU, Democrat.  And it is coming because right now YOU are sowing to the wind and demanding that you reap the whirlwind.

Don’t think that YOU will escape from the hell that YOU are bringing, Democrat.

Jesus came into the world as the ultimate fulfillment of Psalm 139.  He was conceived by the Holy Spirit to be the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world.  But YOU and EVERY SINGLE Democrat saw only an unwed young girl and told her to have an abortion.  And so your baby Jesus was slaughtered in the womb just as YOU have slaughtered 60 MILLION babies in the womb.  And so Jesus never lived to live the perfect life that you would not live, wicked Democrat, and to take your place for you and die for your sins.

You don’t have much time, Democrat.  Soon the Rapture is coming, the moment when Jesus Christ meets every single true believer in the air before the coming divine judgment of the Tribulation.  You won’t be going with Jesus because you have long-since placed your faith in human government and in Obama, rather than in Jesus.

One way or another, we are watching in this Malignant Narcissist Fool-in-Chief – who can’t help but keep hating Christians because Obama hated Jesus first just as Jesus testified the wicked would do – bring about the very end of days just as the Bible foretold the end would come.

And that is because Barack Hussein Obama is an Antichrist who is now openly paving the way for THE Antichrist.

And every single Democrats is actively helping him to do it.

Don’t think for one second that YOU won’t share Obama’s fate, Democrat.  Obama is powerful only because YOU gave him power.  And he is using that power that YOU gave him to ultimately bring hell to earth.