Archive for February, 2015

The Truth: ‘2014 The Most Lethal Year For Global Terrorism In The 45 Years Such Data Has Been Compiled.’ Versus Obama/Democrat LIES

February 27, 2015

Jesus summed up my central problem with Barack Hussein Obama:

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” — John 8:32


“For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” — John 18:37

Barack Obama has long-since dedicated his life to being Lucifer’s stooge in order to prevent as many people – and the whole world – from recognizing the truth, understanding the truth, believing the truth.  He has surrounded himself with like-minded demon-possessed LIARS like John Kerry and Susan Rice and whoever is his blathering mouthpiece at the moment in the White House Press Secretary position.

It is as simple as truth versus reality:

Intel chief says 2014 deadliest year for terror ever recorded, in counter to upbeat Kerry
Published February 26, 2015

The top U.S. intelligence official on Thursday gave a drastically different assessment than Secretary of State John Kerry of the terror threat — declaring 2014 the deadliest year for global terrorism ever recorded, after Kerry claimed that threat was diminishing.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, testifying on Capitol Hill, catalogued the growing terror-fueled violence in stark terms.

“When the final accounting is done, 2014 will have been the most lethal year for global terrorism in the 45 years such data has been compiled,” Clapper told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

He offered statistics that would appear to challenge other administration officials’ claims that the country and world are safer today.

A day earlier, Kerry testified at a separate hearing that, “Despite ISIL, despite the visible killings that you see and how horrific they are, we are actually living in a period of less daily threat to Americans and to people in the world than normally; less deaths, less violent deaths today, than through the last century.”

That prompted a quick response from lawmakers and from inside the intelligence community.

Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn , former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told Fox News that Kerry is “out of touch with reality, he clearly is not listening to the entire U.S. intelligence community.”

Clapper on Thursday said that in 2013, about 11,500 worldwide attacks killed about 22,000 people. But in the first nine months alone of 2014, he said, preliminary data from a University of Maryland research unit show nearly 13,000 attacks killed 31,000 people.

Half of those attacks and fatalities were in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, he said. He said the Islamic State conducted more attacks than any other terror group in those first nine months.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, asked Thursday about the apparent discrepancy in the two officials’ remarks, said he thinks Kerry was referring to the success in pressuring ISIS leadership.

I can only guess that the White House Secretary of Lies was referring to the fact that if Obama pronounces Islamic State a “JV team,” then a JV team they shall forever remain.  Just keep lying and lying and then lying some more.  And of course as the Democrat – Hillary Clinton – who will take over the role of “Liar in Chief,” put it, “What difference does it make?”

Barack Obama is the living embodiment of the Big Brother mindset:


“War IS peace” under the cancer of this presidency.  Because there is war all around us, with our enemies dedicated to the proposition of destroying us and enslaving those whom they don’t crucify, behead, bury alive, or burn alive.

If Obama’s policy isn’t “Ignorance is strength,” then why has he been saying so many transparently false things and telling his professional liars to go on the airwaves to repeat those lies over and over and over again?

And you just watch Obama’s avalanche of taxesattack against profitregulations, penalties, bureaucratic Stalinism (whether you’re talking about the FCC, the EPA, the NLRB, etc.), an unprecedented attack on a previously free press, to see that Obama believes that “Freedom is slavery.”  This is a man who believes as Stalin believed that he has the right – because there is no “God” but GOVERNMENT – to DICTATE to us and IMPOSE on us what our “rights” are and what our “freedoms” are.  Because “Freedom is slavery” to this forerunner of the coming Antichrist who will follow in Obama’s example as the ultimate “freedom is slavery” tyrant.

Two hundred thousand human beings have been butchered in Syria in the climate of Obama’s cowardly and dishonest “red line” (that has made us an unfeared, pathetic joke among our enemies) and some four million human beings have fled.  We have established under this presidency the largest caliphate – now literally the TWO largest caliphates – dedicated to genocide and slavery in the entire history of planet earth.  We have wars and rumors of wars.  And Obama is making the following pronouncements:

“I mean, the truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.”

He is a pathologically dishonest liar who has surrounded himself with pathologically dishonest liars.

The Bible described this moment thousands of years ago:

“They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace.” — Jeremiah 6:14

I am declaring for you with all the force of the prophets who declared the Word of God, Democrat, that hell is coming for you.  There is a moment coming when you shall stand before a just and holy God before His Great White Throne and FIRE will be pouring out of the wheels of that chariot throne as God requires you to give an account for why you personally participated in the murder of more than sixty million innocent human beings AND COUNTING in Democrat abortion mills.  Because if you ever ONCE voted “Democrat” you voted for abortion.  God is going to hold you to account for your sticking your middle finger up at God and screaming, “God ahead and burn me according to your Word!  But I want homosexual sodomy to be imposed on my nation!”  God is going to hold you to account for your refusal to help God’s saints of whom He declared “The world was not worthy of them”:

There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection.  Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment.  They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated–the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground. — Hebrews 11:35a-39

As we speak, Christians are being tortured and murdered and persecuted in greater numbers than they have ever been in all human history –  as we speak Islamic State is threatening to murder more than 200 Christians after having mass-beheaded 21 Christians whom Obama cowardly and dishonestly referred to as “Egyptian citizens” to cover-up the crime of people he won’t call “Islamic” against victims he won’t identify as Christians and Jews.  The enemies of God are burning God’s people alive and you won’t lift a finger to help them.  And YOU’RE going to burn alive for your cowardice and cynicism and wickedness.

You go ahead and call yourself a “Christian” the way Barack Obama says he’s a “Christian” after rejecting the Bible’s message that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except by Him and instead believes in a demonic “social gospel” of “collective salvation” that fixates not just on works but on the work of human government to impose a welfare state.  You go ahead and call yourself a “Christian” and confidently declare that God hates babies and that you were a good person for having millions of babies murdered in abortion-genocide.  You go ahead and preach that more dead babies than any time in human history is actually a good thing that God smiles down upon in spite of what His Word declares.  You go ahead and assure me that God loves homosexuality in spite of everything His Word declares to the contrary.  You go ahead and preach that the depraved elevation of homosexuality beyond anything a depraved world ever did in all of history is a good thing.

You go ahead and burn in hell with your false messiah.

The Bible prophetically declares in advance that the Tribulation that will be the wrath of God on a godless world will officially begin when Israel signs a seven-year covenant with the world political leader that the Bible calls the “Antichrist” and “the beast.”  And we can easily see that this administration under Obama and the godless stench of the Obama presidency has pushed Israel to the point where they will look around and see NO ONE to help them.  The United States – Israel’s staunchest ally – has under Obama turned against Israel and is actively helping Iran to ultimately obtain nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them.  And it is because of YOU, Democrat, it is because of YOU, progressive liberal, it is because of YOU, secular progressive, that Israel will sign that covenant with the beast.

Eternity itself will literally not last long enough for you to suffer for what you’ve done and the unholy LIES you participated in and supported and voted for.

Soon – I believe in our lifetimes – a man is coming who will offer you everything Obama promised and then some.  The Bible calls him the “beast,” and he will give you Democrats and progressive liberals and secular humanists the ultimate big government that you have yearned for.  And the Bible promises that you will burn in hell with him and share his judgment.

Hell is coming for you.  You still have time to repent.  But you will not repent because your soul swims in the lies of the world, the flesh and the devil.


Boy, Did Sam’s Club And My Asurion Warranty Ever Come Through For Me

February 26, 2015

I bought a Samsung tablet about a year and a half ago and meant to use it at my gym to listen to music during my cardio sessions.  But I started watching a TV program and didn’t need the tablet for that.  So the tablet didn’t get much use in spite of the many excellent features it had.

Anyway, I switched gyms and the new gym is still working on getting the cardio room squared away so that people can plug headphones to listen and change channels on the bank of televisions.  So I finally started using the tablet.

I kept the tablet in a plastic bag to keep the screen from getting all scratched up when it was in my gym bag because I had (as one example) a metal lock for the lockers.

Anyway, one night I’m walking home from the gym (proximity to my home being a big factor in my gym-switching decision) and had some water leftover from my water bottle in the bag along with my tablet.  And when I opened the bag I noticed that a little bit of water had gotten on the bag with the tablet.  I didn’t see any water ON the tablet and didn’t think anything of it.

Six or seven hours later, my tablet suddenly came on.  It came on so brightly it woke me up.  And I couldn’t shut the darn thing off.  I literally finally took it into a different room.

When I woke up, the tablet had the opposite problem; I couldn’t turn it ON.  Even after putting it on the charger.

I vaguely remember buying a warranty when I bought the tablet at Sam’s Club.

But danged if I could find the receipt.  I had kept everything in the box.  Which is when I remembered – to my horror – that I had let my nephew use the thing.  And of course he’d very probably (being a kid) just tossed the useless pieces of paper to the side somewhere.

So I didn’t have the receipt and couldn’t even remember when I’d bought the darn thing.  The only thing I had was a PDF manual I’d downloaded subsequently to purchasing the tablet.  And I went to the properties to see when I’d downloaded it and then tried to match that approximate date to my credit card bills.  And was able to see a purchase amount for the ballpark figure to what the tablet would have cost.

So I called up my Palm Desert Sam’s and talked to Esmerelda at the customer service desk.  And she went to work for me.  No, I didn’t buy it when I assumed I had; I’d bought it a couple of months earlier.  She gave me the item number for the tablet, told me that yes, I had bought a warranty and the tablet was still covered, and told me I could come in and they’d print me out a copy of my receipt.

THANK YOU, Sam’s Club.

Armed with that, I called my warranty service, which was a company called Asurion.

I told the representative what happened.  My warranty did NOT cover water damage.  Heck, they could have denied me my claim right over the phone, but the fact that I’d had the thing in a plastic bag was enough for them to grant me the benefit of the doubt that water probably didn’t get on the unit and therefore the cause of the thing not working would have been something else.

They switched me over to a tech, who listened to my story again and again gave me the benefit of the doubt regarding water damage.  He had me try a couple of possible fixes over the phone.  They didn’t work.  So he gave me a UPS label to mail it to them.

I sent it away on a Monday afternoon.

I was bringing in the trash containers on Thursday when the UPS truck came by and screeched to a halt in front of my house.

He had a package for me.  From Asurion.

Oh, oh, I thought.  I assumed that they had looked at the tablet, concluded it was in fact water damage, and rejected my claim and sent me my busted tablet back.  I mean, there was NO WAY they would have fixed it that quick and got it back to me.

Wrong.  I opened up the box and to my delight they fixed it as good as new.  The accompanying paperwork said: “Date Received: 02/17/2015” and “Date Shipped: 02/18/2015.”  It also said, “Our favorite park of the job is saying, ‘Problem solved!’  Your product has been inspected and repaired…'”

Well, we’ve got that one in common: because it just so happens that MY favorite part of their job is hearing them say, “Problem solved!”

They even sent me a new USB cable and charging attachment.

I’m not a rich man, so when I buy something for a couple of hundred bucks and it blows up on me, I’m in the “sad” category.

And when I get something like that back, good as new, when I know that Asurion could have easily rejected my claim, when I know that Sam’s Club could have not gone the extra mile to research my purchase for me, well, I’m in the “happy and grateful” category.

Anyway, I was so pleased I wanted to say “Thank you!” to all parties concerned.  Not every business is honest, by any means.  And even the honest businesses can’t come through every time for every customer.  But Sam’s Club and Asurion sure came through for me, and based on my experience I am a big fan of both businesses.

Any ‘Moderate’ Reform Of Islam Is Impossible And The Religion Of The Prophet Muhammad Will Increasingly Embrace Violent Jihadism

February 23, 2015

Recently, Barack Obama demonized Christianity for the sin of religious violence – going back in time nearly a thousand years to do so – and cited the Crusades and the Inquisition as his proofs.  Mind you, all the violent things that Muslims are doing right now at this very moment aren’t being done by real Muslims and so hateful Christianity founded by that hateful man Jesus is evil whereas loving Islam founded by that loving man Muhammad is peaceful.

Well, Obama’s vile demagogic attack against Christianity and its Christ come about 700 years too late even as Obama is blind, deaf and stupid dumb when it comes to comprehending the reality of Islam today.  And this fact ought to be no surprise because – frankly – demons inhabit the soul of Barack Hussein Obama and his Democrat (as in “DEMOnic bureauCRAT”) Party.

Islam desperately needs to reform.  Because whether we’re talking about a religion murdering Jews, or Christians, or even Muslims themselves, there aint nothing CLOSE to Islam at being vicious these days.  Islam is a murderous religion and is in fact the most murderous religion in the history of the world.  Except, perhaps, of course, Obama’s true religion of state-atheistic socialism which murdered more than 100 million of its own citizens during peacetime alone.  Which is why I read atheists demagoguing religion and saying it’s responsible for all the violence in the world and I just laugh at the moral stupidity of these fools.  For the official factual historical record, the Bible is correct and there is something desperately flawed with human nature since the fall of Adam and Eve into sin – and the only thing more brutal and vicious than men acting in the name of their God or gods is men who have embraced the religion of atheism and made themselves gods in God’s place.

But we’re talking about the murderous nature of Islam today.  And given the fact that you name the top three terrorist organizations today – Islamic State, al Qaeda, Boko Haram – or you name the five top terrorist groups, or the ten top terrorist groups, or the twenty top terrorist groups, and what they invariably have in common is ISLAM – and we’re talking about Islamic terrorism.  And we’re talking about a viciousness that is literally OLD TESTAMENT in its ruthless, murderous viciousness.  In these last days, the very same sort of people from the very same ethnic stock have arisen in the very same region to carry out the very same barbaric terror that we saw from the vicious Assyrians.

So I’ve mentioned Islam and I’ve mentioned State Atheist Communism.  Are they poles apart?  Are they doing the opposite things or the same things, with the different ends producing the identical same means?

Let me try to connect the dots for you between Obama’s Stalinism and violent jihadist Islam by means of a few quotes about the forms of socialism (communism and fascism) that progressive liberalism embraces:

“Communism and fascism or Nazism, although poles apart in their intellectual content, are similar in this, that both have emotional appeal to the type of personality that takes pleasure in being submerged in a mass movement and submitting to superior authority.” — James A. C. Brown

“At the end of a century that has seen the evils of communism, Nazism and other modern tyrannies, the impulse to centralize power remains amazingly persistent.” — Joseph Sobran

“COMMUNISM: Liberation of the people from the burdens of liberty.” — Rick Bayan, The Cynic’s Dictionary

Ah, yes, the inhumanity of official state atheist socialism:

And they came to [Chairman Mao] after the first year [of the Great Leap Forward] and they said, “Chairman, five million people have died of famine.” He said, “No matter, keep going.” In the second year, they came back and they said, “Ten million Chinese have died.” He said, “No matter, continue.” The third year, 20 million Chinese have died. And he said finally, “Well, perhaps this is not the best idea that I’ve ever had.”

CHANG: When he was told that, you know, his people were dying of starvation, Mao said, “Educate the peasants to eat less. Thus they can benefit – they can fertilize the land.”


Was it wisdom Mao Tse-Tong attained when – like Ted Bundy – the awakened to the long view?  “The atom bomb is nothing to be afraid of,” Mao told Nehru, “China has many people. . . . The deaths of ten or twenty million people is nothing to be afraid of.” A witness said Nehru showed shock. Later, speaking in Moscow, Mao displayed yet more generosity: he boasted that he was willing to lose 300 million people, half of China’s population.  Does Mao’s reckoning shock me really? If sanctioning the death of strangers could save my daughter’s life, would I do it? Probably. How many others’ lives would I be willing to sacrifice? Three? Three hundred million? — Annie Dillard, “The Wreck of Time” in Harper’s of January 1998

And let’s not forget good old Josef Stalin:

If the opposition disarms, all is well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves. — The Political Report of the Central Committee, The Fifteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.) (7 December 1927).

“Having consolidated its power, and taking the lead of the peasantry, the proletariat of the victorious country can and must build a socialist society.” — Stalin

And something like sixty million dead (after being disarmed, of course) human beings murdered by socialism later…

But what’s sixty million human beings?  After all, Democrats have murdered that many human beings in America in our abortion mills.  All you’ve got to do is deny the humanity of the victim, the way Hitler did with Jews and the way Democrats did with their black slaves before they turned their hate on the unborn.

Versus Islam:

“The mullahs are going to rule now. We are going to have ten thousand years of the Islamic republic. The Marxists are going to go on with their Lenin. We are going to go on in the way of Khomeini.” — Ayatollah Khalkhali

“What he [Stalin] did in Russia we have to do in Iran.  We, too, have to do a lot of killing. A lot.” — Behzad, Iranian interpreter for Western journalist V.S. Naipaul

“There is no room for play in Islam… It is deadly serious about everything.” — Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in his speech at Qum as reported in Time magazine January 7, 1980

And for the record these are Shiites.  They’re the good Muslims these days, given the fact that the BAD Muslims are the Sunnis who are behind Islamic State and al Qaeda and the 200,000 dead Syrians at the hands of Bashar al-Assad (who pissed on Obama’s “red line” cowardice and proceeded to draw his own red line – in blood).

You look at these quotes, and tell me that the biggest problems created by our socialist friends isn’t also created by radical Islam.  You tell me that while Democrats want to strip away our personal liberty with mindboggling regulations and the determination to regulate what we eat, our healthcare, you name it they want to control it, that radical Islam has no desire to take away anyone’s liberty.  You tell me that while Obama has an impulse to increasingly centralize power, our radical Muslim friends have no such desire.  You tell me that while socialism has always had a dictator’s face and a cult of personality – Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Dear Leader Kim, Obama – that radical Islam has no desire toward mass movements featuring submission to superior authority.

One of the big problems in stopping radical Islam is that progressive liberals want pretty much the same exact authority the jihadists do.

But there are three OTHER reasons that there WILL BE no reform of Islam, such that violent jihadism will continue to take root and grow larger and uglier and more vicious.

The first reason is that moderate Muslims simply CAN NOT WIN any legitimate religious debate on Islam with the violent jihadists as long as the Qu’ran, the Ahadith and simple history have anything to do with the debate.

Why do I say that?  Well, let me put it this way, take the side of the “moderate” Muslim and answer these questions as posed by a member of the Islamic State: given the fact that the Prophet Muhammad beheaded his enemies, why shouldn’t we behead our enemies, why shouldn’t we behead our enemies?  Given that the Prophet Muhammad committed genocide on multiple occasions, why shouldn’t we commit genocide?  Given that the Prophet Muhammad, after having all the males killed, sold women and children into slavery, whey shouldn’t we kill and enslave?  Given the fact that the Prophet Muhammad was a man of war who had fought in more than twenty military campaigns of religious conquest and had another thirty planned at the time of his death, why shouldn’t we spread by force and violence?

All of these statements about the Prophet Muhammad are true.  He did all of the above, without any question whatsoever.

History makes it very crystal clear that Muhammad was a man of violence and forced conquest who had fought in over 20 military campaigns and who actually had more than thirty more planned at the time of his death.  In 624 AD Muhammad launched the Nakhla raid and officially began the spread of violence in the name of Islam.  Also in 624 Muhammad began the practice of ethnic cleansing against the Jewish Qaynuqa tribe.  He put that same tactic into practice again the following year in 625 against the Jewish Nadir tribe.  Yes, rather like what we saw Islamic State do in Iraq.  In 627 Muhammad beheaded all the males of the Jewish Qurayzah tribe and enslaved all the women and children.  Yes, rather like what the Islamic State is doing now.  And in 631 Muhammad began his warfare against the Christians.  Yes, rather like what the Islamic State is doing now.

Add to that, given the fact that in 722 – within ninety years of the death of Muhammad when the movement was still under the ideological stamp of its founder – Islam had violently spread across Christendom, all the way across Europe, all the way to France to finally be stopped by Charles Martel at the Battle of Tours.  Islam spread violently spread across Christian Africa to eradicate the substantial Christian community of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo; it violently spread across Spain to be thwarted by El Cid.  And  given the historically-butchered fact that Islam ignited the Crusades by violently spreading to Christian Byzantium, why should the Islamic State NOT violently spread today?

The bottom line is this: either Muhammad was a false prophet of a demonic religion, or how he lived his life in his understanding of the religion that he founded is all-important.  And of course also important are how the first Muslims understood the religion that Muhammad passed on to them.

Are you going to condemn the Prophet Muhammad as a false prophet of genocide?  Are you going to condemn the entire history of Islam for the first several hundred years of its history?  Or are you going to be a liar, a hypocrite and a coward like Barack Obama and those who act as apologists for a violent and rabidly intolerant religion???

The Christ whom Obama attacks every time he slanders Christians was the Prince of Peace who specifically condemned all of the above, but the Prophet of Islam wallowed in it, oh yes, the way an unclean pig wallows in mud.  And the most faithful Muslims are the best murderers.

If you are a “moderate” Muslim, how do you take this debate on?  How do you deal with the fact that history and reality mock you and declare you a liar and a hypocrite and a fool?

You can see why Obama is terrified of it and simply will not say anything but lies about the nature of Islam and the nature of the Islamic State and al Qaeda and those devout Muslims who think the way they do.

The second reason that reform is impossible to Islam is because Islam is inherently, intrinsically and pathologically a political religion bent on spreading by conquest.  We can go back to the Catholic Church that Obama demonized by going back a thousand years to absolve Islam.  In 1095 AD, when Pope Urban II called for the Crusades, the Catholic Church was a profoundly political organization with a religious leader as powerful as any emperor.  One of the major things that the Reformation accomplished was to chop down the authority of the Catholic Church so that ultimately Catholicism lost its political power and its power of empire.

Try that with Islam and tell me how that works out for you.  I mean, go ahead and be the very first person in all of human history to establish a democracy guided by Islam.  It has never been done because it is every bit as impossible as is to draw a square circle.  Because for the record, “democracy” and “Islam” are every bit as incompatible as “square” and “circle.”  You cannot put them together unless one obliterates the other.

The third reason that Islam is impossible to reform in such a manner that respect for human life and autonomy is embraced is purely religious and is comprehended only when Islam is directly compared to Judeo-Christianity.  In the Judeo-Christian Bible, we have two doctrines that command Judeo-Christians to respect human life: the Imago Dei of human beings and the Incarnation of Christ.

God, according to the Bible, created man in His own image.  And specifically, male and female created He them.

That’s something of a problem for Islam, given that Allah is so transcendent and so otherly that human beings are like ants to him.  Consider rather that:

one must first recall a fundamental aspect of Islamic belief, namely the transcendence of Allah Most High and His complete dissimilitude from created things. This is decisively conveyed within the Qur’an itself when it states, “There is nothing whatsoever like Him,” (42: 11) and also by the foremost theological texts of our tradition.

And to the extent that a Muslim can somehow wriggle his/her way to say that words that Allah created man in his image (provide you only mean it as a pretty much purely rhetorical device), Muslims have a gargantuan problem indeed in the doctrine of Incarnation, whereby Allah did or ever could have become a mere human bug – oops, I mean being.

Consider one of, if not the very greatest, Christological passage in the Bible found in Philippians chapter two:

Philippians 2:3-11The Message (MSG)

He Took on the Status of a Slave

1-4 If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.

5-8 Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, he stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.

9-11 Because of that obedience, God lifted him high and honored him far beyond anyone or anything, ever, so that all created beings in heaven and on earth—even those long ago dead and buried—will bow in worship before this Jesus Christ, and call out in praise that he is the Master of all, to the glorious honor of God the Father.

Walk around and do your own survey with Muslims and find out how many of them think that Allah did that.

There’s a saying that in Islam, believers die for Allah (e.g., as so-called “martyrs” in suicide bombings); whereas according to Christianity God died for humanity.  It is simply true.  And because of that Christianity provides the grounds for a divinely-ordained love of humanity that Islam can never possibly match.

If you’re a liberal, you’re fool enough, so go to Syria and Iraq and conduct your survey among members of the Islamic State.  I mean, go ahead, go nuts, lose your head over it.

According to Christianity, God not only created man in His own image – and hey kids, women too! – but He also Himself actually became a human being.  God created man in His image so that He could assume our image, and live a life among us, and love us enough to take His place with us and ultimately die for us, representing us.

Such a doctrine provides a rather massive correction to the inhumanity of Stalinism and the inhumanity of Islam both.

Again, let me point out the fact that men are bugs to Allah.  Allah most certainly did NOT become a man and live among us or die for us or represent us in any way, shape or form.

In Islam, the system is everything.  You know, just like in progressive liberal socialism.  And the individual is nothing.  You know, just like in progressive liberal socialism.




The Despicable And Pathological Radical Ideological Ignorance Of Barack Obama

February 18, 2015

Franklin Graham nailed it: what if Christians had beheaded 21 Muslims?

If you don’t think the world would have railed at the identity of the attackers vis-à-vis the identity of the victims, you are a true fool and I have nothing to discuss with you because there is no point having any kind of “discussion” with people who clearly have no regard whatsoever for reality or truth.

If Christians murdered Muslims execution-style, do you think the Islamic world would not be up in arms about it and demand that something dramatic and drastic be done to prevent it from ever happening again?  I don’t have to speculate here; we just had an atheist liberal who loved abortion and homosexual marriage murder three young Muslims and “the Islamic world” is out in force decrying it.  The only difference here is that the atheist did not say in advance that he was going to specifically target for murder a bunch of Muslims and then go do it the way the Muslims who just murdered those Christians had done.

In a similar vein, if Christians were murdering homosexuals, do you think that there would be an outcry?  What if Christians started to refuse women an education, the right to drive, the right to not have to literally wear a tent over their bodies because if a man so much as sees a woman’s ankle it’s HER fault he’s lustful?  What if Christians acted in rabid violence every time their faith was insulted?

It is amazing that liberals today are embracing the religion that does all these things, in addition that allows the torture-murder of helpless victims, of Christians, of Jews and of everyone else who doesn’t bend the knee to their warped religion.  And yet embrace it they do on a regular basis as it is easy to document (and see here).

And if what Islamic State is doing has nothing to do with true Islam, where are the one-point-six damned BILLION Muslim voices screaming in anger about what the Islamic State just did in the name of Islam and Muslims and Allah????  Where are the hundreds of thousands of religious leaders of Islam decrying vicious barbarity???  The crickets are chirping, chumps.  It is STUNNING how few Muslims are speaking out against what people who claim their religion are doing.

Pew Research documented that 25% of Muslims support some form of violent jihad.  Recently, in America, a study documented that 80% of mosques recommended “violence-positive texts.”

What if a white people lynched 21 black men and a right wing Republican refused to identify the identity of the victims OR the perpetrators and simply claim that “citizens of Georgia” had been murdered?  Does anyone doubt that the left would savagely criticize the president and claim he was a racist and a bigot and a facilitator of genocide?  And yet:

That’s EXACTLY what our liar-in-chief just did:

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — The White House is being criticized for its statement over the beheadings of nearly two dozen Egyptian Coptic Christians at the hands of an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria-affiliated group in Libya.

The line that critics are pointing to is referring to the Christians as only Egyptian citizens.

“The United States condemns the despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists,” the statement reads. “We offer our condolences to the families of the victims and our support to the Egyptian government and people as they grieve for their fellow citizens.”

Fox News contributors George Will and Charles Krauthammer criticized the White House for not referring to the Egyptians as Christians.

“Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall in the room where the White House semanticists meet every morning and figure out how they could probably make this announcement without offending those who did it. I think the phrase they should come up with is non-Islamic randomness,” Will said on Fox News Monday. “That would explain just about everything that they have to deal with, but it does – at this point, it is beyond burlesque, its pathological, it’s clinical their inability and unwillingness to say – to accurately describe things.”

Krauthammer said the Obama administration is refusing to “acknowledge the obvious.”

“It’s sort of deconstructing any resistance with its refusal to acknowledge the obvious and the obvious is this. It’s not just Islamic radicalism anymore or Islamic terrorism, which is only a tactic. This is Islamist supremacy and in that sense, it is akin to Nazism. That was a racial supremacy, here it’s Islamic and the ideology of ISIS is clearly supremacist in the sense that anybody who is not Islamic, in their understanding, is to be either enslaved or eradicated. This is a genocidal movement. You kill Christians, you kill Jews, you kill Yazidis but you may in certain circumstances enslave them. That’s what we’re up against and we have an administration that will not even admit that there’s a religious basis underlying what’s going on,” Krauthammer stated.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins told Fox News that the White House has a difficult time saying Christian.

“ISIS made very clear in this video that this was an execution of ‘people of the cross.’ ISIS apparently has no difficulty saying ‘Christian,’ while the White House has a very difficult time,” Perkins said.

The killings raise the possibility that ISIS – which controls about a third of Syria and Iraq in a self-declared caliphate – has established a direct affiliate less than 500 miles from the southern tip of Italy. One of the militants in the video makes direct reference to that possibility, saying the group now plans to “conquer Rome.”

The militants had been holding 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians hostage for weeks, all laborers rounded up from the city of Sirte in December and January. It was not clear from the video whether all 21 hostages were killed. It was one of the first such beheading videos from an Islamic State group affiliate to come from outside the group’s core territory in Syria and Iraq.

The only thing you can say here is that Obama didn’t do it merely because Obama didn’t give enough of a damn to interrupt his Palm Springs golf vacation.

Barack Obama is a rabid ideologue.  And he is determined to be as ignorant as his twisted, dishonest ideology requires him to be.

We just had that attack in France where the Obama refused to identity the victims at the JEWISH deli as “Jews.”  Even though the MUSLIMS who murdered them WHILE SCREAMING ALLAHU AKBAR did so specifically because they were Jews and because they were in a Jewish-owned business:

President Obama has raised some eyebrows by suggesting in his interview with that the shooting at a Kosher supermarket in Paris last month was “random.” It was a comment the president made in making the case that the media overstates the terrorist threat and that his job fighting terrorism is akin to a big-city mayor fighting crime.

“It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris,” Obama told Vox’s Matt Yglesias in the interview.

“We devote enormous resources to that, and it is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that — the same way a big city mayor’s got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive. But we also have to attend to a lot of other issues, and we’ve got to make sure we’re right-sizing our approach so that what we do isn’t counterproductive.”

So we now have the pathology, and it IS a pathology of dishonesty and hypocrisy and deceit: Obama WILL NOT refer to the murdering terrorist by their religion and he WILL NOT refer to the victims of the murdering terrorists by their religion.

Krauthammer is completely correct: in the Islamic State, in this never-before-seen-in-all-human-history-until-OBAMA-terrorist-army with wealth and numbers and training unlike anything we have ever seen before, we have something metastasizing that has similar aims to the Nazis.  They have the same “we will either murder you or enslave you” mindset that the Nazis had.  The difference is that as the Nazis fixated on Aryanism, the Islamic State is focusing on Islam.

Factoid: there are 1.6 BILLION Muslims for Islamic State to recruit from.  Versus the Nazis’ German population of 69 million.  If the rise of that small of a recruiting population was able to rise into the “existential threat” that created World War II, how will a recruiting population that utterly dwarfs that number fare keeping in mind that nuclear weapons did not exist in the 1930s???

Obama and his oft-documented lying weasel Susan Rice have stated that Islamic terrorism – well, whatever the hell they’re calling it to avoid calling it what it actually clearly is – is not an “existential threat” like the Nazis.  But to the extent that’s true, it’s only because what we’re seeing happening in the Islamic world is so much bigger and so much more dangerous that it dwarfs the Nazis.

Obama and those secular humanists who think like him rabidly ignore the religious nature of the rising threat.  But here’s the problem, set forth in Robert Spencer’s great work, The Truth About Muhammad: the founder of the world’s most intolerant religion:

Difficulties aside, the texts [the Qu’ran and Ahadith] can be read and understood.  And if peaceful Muslims can mount no comeback when jihadists point to Muhammad’s example to justify violence, their ranks will always remain vulnerable to recruitment from jihadists who present themselves as the exponents of “pure Islam,” faithfully following Muhammad’s example. — Spencer, page 8.

Jesus truly was the Prince of Peace as the Bible calls Him.  But history makes very crystal clear that Muhammad was a man of violence and forced conquest who had fought in over 20 military campaigns and who actually had more than thirty more planned at the time of his death.  In 624 AD Muhammad launched the Nakhla raid and officially began the spread of violence in the name of Islam.  Also in 624 Muhammad began the practice of ethnic cleansing against the Jewish Qaynuqa tribe.  He put that same tactic into practice again the following year in 625 against the Jewish Nadir tribe.  Yes, rather like what we saw Islamic State do in Iraq.  In 627 Muhammad beheaded all the males of the Jewish Qurayzah tribe and enslaved all the women and children.  Yes, rather like what the Islamic State is doing now.  And in 631 Muhammad began his warfare against the Christians.  Yes, rather like what the Islamic State is doing now.

It is simply a FACT of history as well as a FACT of theology that Islam has profoundly violence tendencies from their founder that justify those tendencies that Christianity just as clearly does not have.  Again, Spencer points this fact out:

The difference is that no Christian could credibly argue that Jesus, the prince of peace, taught violence, or anything that contradicted his precepts that those who lived by the sword shall die by the sword, that men should turn the other cheek, and that they should render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.  But if Muhammad taught violence, if Muhammad conflated religion and government it will change mujahidin around the world not one bit to pretend otherwise; they will continue to invoke what they believe to be his authentic teachings to justify their actions.  The fact that truths are difficult is no reason to choose unreality and “polite fictions.” — Spencer, pp. 10-11

I was surprised and pleased to encounter an article written in the reliably liberal Atlantic in which Graeme Wood acknowledged the following:

The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.

Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, “the Prophetic methodology,” which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal.

And what we have no in Obama is a man who is rabidly unwilling to deal with the actual reason for the Islamic State doing what they are doing.  Just as he is rabidly unwilling to acknowledge what they are doing even as the Islamic State very clearly tells us what they are doing and why they are doing it.  In the name of Allah these Muslims are rising and growing and in the name of Allah they are murdering Christians and Jews in mindboggling numbers.

Look, I understand the attempt to trivialize radical, jihadist, militant extremist Islam as “not being true Islam.”  Just as I don’t believe that the Mormons or the Jehovah’s Witnesses represent “true Christianity.”  But it is frankly idiotic and asinine of me to merely assert that these religious groups don’t somehow even qualify as being “religious.”  And it is just as intellectually vacuous for me to merely wave my hand and dismiss their claims to be “Christian” without bothering to actually show how in fact they fail to truly be the real Christians they claim to be by arguing with them and refuting them according to the Holy Bible.

But that is precisely where we are at with Islam and the liberal progressives who run interference for this religion.  There is no debate and no provision to ever have any debate.  Thus there is no chance at any possibility of reform within Islam.  But the fact of the matter is that the tens of thousands of Muslims who are flocking to Islamic State aren’t doing so in search of wealth or some end of poverty (which will be with us forever, no Obama’s blathering nonsensical rhetoric aside); rather, they are searching for meaning – religious meaning – and they are flocking to the people who are fighting for a religious cause and who are claiming the historic mantle of founder of Islam, Muhammad.

Osama bin Laden was the multi-multi-millionaire son of a billionaire five times over.  Bin Laden’s successor Ayman Al-Zawahiri is a medical doctor.  Every single one of the terrorists who attacked America on 9/11 were financially well-off.  Today we’ve got men who went to the finest private schools on the planet posing with the corpses of people they just beheaded.  This war has NOTHING to do with poverty.  It is a pure lie to claim otherwise.  And yet the heart of Obama, the heart of the Democrat Party, the heart of progressive liberalism, the heart of secular humanism, the heart of the devil himself, is lies, lies, lies.

We find that between tw0-thirds and eighty percent of terrorists have university degrees and we find that a full 20% have engineering degrees.  The morally idiotic notion that income or poverty or education is a significant force behind terrorism is not only a lie, but a ridiculous lie.  So why is the left continuing to push a thesis that is so very clearly not the case?  And the answer is because they want more government control, which a bigger welfare state necessarily ensures.  That’s the real agenda.

I have been pointing out that liberals actually share a great deal in common with the fascist Muslims in that they BOTH conflate religion and government whenever it suits their purpose to do so.  There is no question that Jesus NEVER called for a large government to carry out the functions that He clearly reserved to His people in His Church.  But liberals falsely and hypocritically cite Jesus all the time to justify their massive welfare state.  Similarly, it was the New Testament ideas behind the Christendom of Western Europe from which arose people who were capable of making their own decisions because:

It is worth noting in passing that the office of priest, so prominent in the Old Testament, is not taken over by the early church. Prophets and elders (cf. Ezekiel 7:26) have their counterparts in the church and these titles are used. But there is no official counterpart to the priest, for, as the New Testament teaches, the whole church is a “holy priesthood” (1 Peter 2:5), or a “royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). We who are in Christ have all “been made priests to his God” (Revelation 1:6). Each individual has access to the holy of holies, God’s throne of grace, because of the once-for-all atoning death of Christ. No officer in the church has the function of mediating between the believer and God.

No officer in the church has the function of mediating between the believer and God; but liberals teach that only Obama and bureaucrats should have this power as they seize people’s money and forcibly redistribute it according to what THEY claim is the “common good” and as they pass laws and regulations up the whazoo under the belief that people are stupid and ignorant and can not be trusted to govern themselves.

The common good was realized by the people as they freely bought and sold and lived their lives.  But now we have Obama’s “wisdom” to impose it on us instead.

Classical liberalism, as forged by an understanding of genuine New Testament Christianity, emphasized individual freedom by limiting the power of government, by providing property rights and promoting the rule of law, by promoting laissez-faire free market economics.  Secular humanist and frankly atheist progressive liberalism has turned all of these on their head and they have profoundly perverted democracy and government just as the Muslim fascists have done as a result.  The only difference is the means; the ends are identical.

I’ve pointed out that progressive liberalism is Marxist in orientation and so believes in religion as merely being “the opiate of the masses.”  They arrogantly believe that no one actually believes in God; and therefore all that is left is socialist economics as the legitimate means by which people act.  But the great Christian writer G.K. Chesterton said the truth was the precise opposite:

Lenin said that religion is the opium of the people… [But] it is only by believing in God that we can ever criticize the Government. Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God. That fact is written all across human history; but it is written most plainly across that recent history of Russia; which was created by Lenin…Lenin only fell into a slight error: he only got it the wrong way round. The truth is that irreligion is the opium of the people. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world.

That is exactly what has happened under progressive liberalism: the Government has become the God.  Progressive liberals have driven God out of the government, out of the schools and even out of the offices or the corporate world with their dictates of political correctness according to which if one is offended, the whole must put aside the thing that caused offense (unless that thing be progressive liberal doctrine such as homosexuality or abortion).  Government is our God and our Savior and our Provider and tells us what is right and what is wrong.  Our culture has become depraved and toxic because irreligion has become the opium of the people.  We have no values worth truly fighting for and so we are not fighting.

What is interesting is that when you read the quote by Karl Marx in context, what you find is that the Christian religion of Russia prior to the Communist Revolution was KEEPING PEOPLE FROM VIOLENCE.  It was an “opium” that was preventing them from rising up in violence as Marx wanted them to do.  We find that the worst orgy of violence in the entire history of the world that followed Karl Marx’s hateful beliefs – the same beliefs which Barack Hussein Obama adheres to, for what that’s worth – came as the true religion of Christianity was abolished and a godless religion of atheism was imposed in its place resulting in the murder by the State of more than 100 million human beings during peacetime alone.

We face a terrifying crisis that we cannot possibly prevail against because our leader of the free world will NOT acknowledge the actual problem and instead continues to seek to impose a “solution” that has nothing to do with the actual problem and in fact will guarantee the very opposite result of MORE violence.  Because if you want to talk about the Crusades or the Inquisition – as Obama wants to do every time he points his wicked finger at the ancient past of Christianity to conceal today’s rabidly violent Islam – you should also talk about the violence of secular humanism that makes anything ANY other religious movement ever did pale by comparison.

The number of Christians being murdered is growing exponentially under the cancer of Obama.  Because his way is the way of the devil.

Charles Krauthammer has been brilliant in exposing Obama’s lies, deceit, hypocrisy and his “truly pathological in its inability to actually state what’s going on”:

Asked by substitute host Ed Henry whether the wording matters, Krauthammer argued that it does and compared how Winston Churchill “saved England and civilization” in World War II by using “the English language and he put it to work” while the Obama administration is doing “precisely the opposite.” 

He declared that the White House is doing so by “deconstructing any resistance with its refusal to acknowledge the obvious” that “Islamic supremacy” is at work and “akin to Nazism.”

Later, Krauthammer compared the struggle against ISIS to the Cold War in that “the leadership of the United States” will be the ones having to end the threat but, for now:

We have an administration that is truly pathological in its inability to actually state what’s going on. In the video that was released that showed the savage beheading, it was addressed to the nations of the cross. It pledged itself to the conquest of Rome. When the Pope, who is not exactly a Christian militant, who isn’t exactly a revanchist on, you know, on behalf of a Christ, says these people were killed because they were Christian and the administration says that the ones who were killed were Egyptian citizens, you’ve got a serious problem and it’s in this administration and it is with the President.

And the pope rightly points out that there are more Christian martyrs under Obama today than there were in the time of Nero.  Obama is a tool in Satan’s hand to murder Christians by proxy.

I believe that Obama believes that the notion of an all-powerful government that can impose a totalitarian system on the people is where progressive liberals and radical Muslims can come together.  Obama has already negotiated both with terrorist organizations (the Taliban and see here) and with terrorist regimes (Iran).  There is simply no question that Obama truly believes he can negotiate with the most radical and most evil people on earth.  The only question is why he believes that.

I believe that Barack Obama believes – as a secular humanist – that progressive liberalism can bargain with radical Islam on the basis of Marxist economics and reach some kind of compromise.  Just as Neville Chamberlain believed he could do so with Adolf Hitler to attain “peace in our time.”  The Bible describes moral idiots who cry out for peace when there is no peace:

They offer superficial treatments for My people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace. — Jeremiah 6:14

That is precisely where we are at today under the cancer of this presidency.  We have a president who actually believes that he can politicize terrorists the way he can politicize Republicans and win a debate by framing it with rhetoric.  But Islamic State doesn’t want to have a debate; they want to burn people alive.

The fact is that one of the very first things that Barack Obama did as president was to send the bust of a man he clearly despised – Winston Churchill – back to England because he did not want that great man’s wisdom contaminating his White House. And as Winston Churchill clearly saw the threat of Nazism and enlisted the aid of an FDR who came to see the same growing threat and realized that we had to confront evil before evil confronted us after all of our allies were defeated, so history is doomed to repeat itself when fools ignore its lesson.

Which is why the beast is coming.

Liberal Democrat Message: Americans Who Oppose Sharia Law Being Imposed On Them Are Bigots

February 16, 2015

Let me just start with an entirely separate incident to frame this story about the wickedness, dishonesty and vileness of liberals and liberalism before I move on to the elected Democrat official’s being wicked, dishonest and vile.

We just had a shooting homicide of three young Muslim students at Chapel Hill.  Let’s see who the shooter is:

Mr. Hicks appeared to have a deep dislike of all religion. On his Facebook page, nearly all of his posts expressed support for atheism, criticism of Christian conservatives or both.

Last month, he posted a photograph that said, “Praying is pointless, useless, narcissistic, arrogant, and lazy; just like the imaginary god you pray to.”

Mr. Hicks’s wife, Karen, insisted at a news conference that her husband was not a bigot. “I can say with absolute belief that this incident had nothing to do with religion or the victims’ faith, but it was related to a longstanding parking dispute that my husband had with the neighbors,” she said.

His wife also pointed out his support for gay rights and the right to abortion.

[Video] Wife Says Gunman Believed in Equality

Karen Hicks, the wife of Craig Stephen Hicks, who is accused of murdering three Muslim students, said he championed individuals’ rights on his Facebook page and believed everyone was equal.

Okay, so the shooter is a rabid atheist who hates conservatives and Christians and is a rabid supporter of abortion and homosexual marriage.  I know what you’re thinking: if this clown doesn’t spend all day getting his worldview fed to him by Fox News, then I’m the world’s greatest athlete.

Oh, you’re not thinking that because that would be idiotic, given that Fox News if anything presents the very opposite of this turd?

Well, that doesn’t stop the left from framing Fox News for the work of one of their own fascist slimeballs.  I actually saw the coverage on MSNBC blaming Fox News, but here’s the work of CNN doing it:

Shafi Khan, a self-described friend of the Muslim students shot dead Tuesday in North Carolina, specifically blamed Fox News, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett for what he called the “dehumanization of Muslims.”

“Speaking as an American Muslim, I can tell you that we can’t deny there’s a sentiment in the community that we feel that we were being targeted for our faith,” Mr. Khan, a North Carolina native who co-founded United Muslim Relief, told CNN. “There is certain sections of the media and political apparatus that are constantly dehumanizing Muslims. And I want to take a minute and ask people like Fox News and Bobby Jindal to stop the dehumanization of Muslims. It’s really, really starting to take a toll.”

Craig Stephen Hicks, 46, was arrested and charged with three counts of first-degree murder after turning himself in to Chapel Hill authorities for the shooting deaths of Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, his wife, Yusor Mohammad, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19.

Apart from the fact that the leftist press is trying to blame the ONE network we can safely assume atheist abortion loving sodomy worshiper Craig Hicks DID NOT watch, what else do we have?  Of course we’ve got these rabid liberals screaming to take away our guns, but who are the murderous whackjobs that kill with guns?  The very liberals who want to take them away.  Which is another way of pointing out the fact that “liberal” or “Democrat” is a synonym for “liar” and “hypocrite without shame, honor or decency.”

We live in an age when our journalists from the very top level down are simply nothing more than documented liars.  Truth is virtually impossible in this climate.

But we have a liar-in-chief as the leader of the free world.

Obama has repeatedly argued that Islam has nothing to do with the scourge of terrorism that has exploded under his presidency:

I have made it clear that America will not base our entire foreign policy on reacting to terrorism. Rather, we have waged a focused campaign against al Qaeda and its associated forces – taking out their leaders, and denying them the safe-havens they rely upon. At the same time, we have reaffirmed that the United States is not and never will be at war with Islam. Islam teaches peace. Muslims the world over aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them – there is only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country.

And yet Barack Obama just went on national television and basically said that there is a moral equivalence between what Muslim terrorists are doing RIGHT NOW TODAY and what Christians allegedly did A THOUSAND DAMN YEARS AGO in the Medieval world as a response to Muslims attacking one of their own Christian empires:

Obama spotlights ‘terrible deeds in the name of Christ’ during Crusades
By Douglas Ernst  – The Washington Times – Thursday, February 5, 2015

President Obama used the annual National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday to draw those in attendance to the “terrible deeds” committed “in the name of Christ.”

While speaking at the Washington event, Mr. Obama had harsh words for the Islamic State group, but he also put a spotlight on the Crusades.

“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Mr. Obama said.
 SEE ALSO: Obama equates Islamic terrorism with ‘terrible deeds’ committed by Christians
The president added that members of the Sunni radical terror group are part of  “brutal vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism.”

The president’s speech came just days after Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kassasbeh was burned alive by the Islamic State group. The member of the U.S.-led coalition had been held prisoner since December after his F-16 crashed.

So we catch Obama in the act of blaming religion in general and then specifically trying to create a false moral equivalence and point his finger at Christians while shielding the religion of Islam that is actually responsible for 99.999% of violent acts of terror today.  You know, excluding the ones that atheists are responsible for.

The problem is that atheism is itself a religious worldview with all the defining characteristics of a religious worldview.  The problem is that atheism is responsible for more brutal murders in the last century than every other religious worldview in all of history (even including psycho Islam) has ever been COMBINED.  And the problem is that Christianity – to the extent that it actually needed to do so – reformed hundreds of years ago and why in the HELL are liberals and Democrats doing everything they can to prevent Islam from needing to reform itself the same way as they constantly try to say that terrorism committed by Muslims in the name of Allah and Islam have nothing to do with Muslims, Allah or Islam???

G.K. Chesterton stated the fact that:

Lenin said that religion is the opium of the people… [But] it is only by believing in God that we can ever criticize the Government. Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God. That fact is written all across human history; but it is written most plainly across that recent history of Russia; which was created by Lenin…Lenin only fell into a slight error: he only got it the wrong way round. The truth is that irreligion is the opium of the people. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world.

What has happened is that socialist – by which I mean a hybrid of fascist and communist – liberal Democrats such as Barack Obama have done everything they can to replace God with The State.  And apart from God – and specifically the God of the Bible – The State is beyond question.  It’s motives are simply “truth” because there is no greater power and no greater “truth” than Government left.

Radical Muslims and radical liberals want the same thing: the State elevated to the power of Deity and having complete control over our lives and our liberties and our freedom.  They both have the exact same end and the only difference is the means to that end.  And liberals such as Barack Obama and Maxine Waters believe that they can either negotiate with or appease radical Islam.

So with that setup that occurred after I had basically written the following, let me get to the story I initially intended to write about.

Rep. Maxine Waters, a multi-term elected Democrat in good standing, believes that if you don’t like sharia law, you are a bigot and you need to have your freedoms crushed.

She’s hardly the only Democrat holding this position: in her most recent appearance where she claims that any opposition to sharia law amounts to racism and bigotry, she cited a host of Democrats who were there with her supporting this insanity including Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Rep. Judy Chu, California State Controller John Chiang, among others.

Here she is:

And you can see that this is hardly out of character with this member of the Democrat Party.

The only refreshing thing here is that at least Maxine Waters is saying what Barack Hussein Obama clearly believes.

It is AMAZING how profoundly deceived and how frankly demon-possessed Democrats are today.  Islam is THE most oppressive force on the planet today.  There has NEVER been a democracy arise within Islam and there never WILL be an Islamic democracy that arises within Islam because of the facts about Islam as revealed in the great book, The Truth About Muhammad: Founder of the World’s Most Intolerant Religion (which is entirely available for FREE at the link as a PDF document).  Or you can buy your own copy.

Islam murders homosexuals.  Islam forces women into a life of ignorance where they walk around as living tents with only the slits of their eyes exposed if they don’t have to veil those, too.  Islam enslaves blacks in numbers as great as anything Democrats – yes, DEMOCRATS – in America did when Lincoln and his fellow Republicans went to war to defeat the aforementioned Democrats to abolish slavery.

And yet these demon-possessed people, these DEMOn-possessed-bureauCRATS, have only hostility and slander for Christianity and for Christ.

We’ve seen that radical hate masqueraded as “tolerance” in Obama.  We’re seeing it in public schools as children are being forced to pray Islamic prayers after their right to pray Christian prayers were eradicated BY THE VERY SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE FORCING CHILDREN TO PRAY MUSLIM PRAYERS.

Barack Obama has a profoundly disturbing connection with radical Islam and with radical Muslims.

Consider ten statements by Obama for Islam:

10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam
#1 “Islam has always been part of America”
#2 “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”
#3 “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”
#4 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”
#5 “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”
#6 “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”
#7 “As a young man, I worked in Chicago communities where many found dignity and peace in their Muslim faith.”
#8 “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”
#9 “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”
#10 “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”

And now consider by way of contrast ten statements by Obama condemning and undermining Christianity:

#1 Ten interesting quotes by Obama regarding Christianity: 
1 “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation”
2 “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.”
3 “Which passages of scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is an abomination? Or we could go with Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith?”
4 “Even those who claim the Bible’s inerrancy make distinctions between Scriptural edicts, sensing that some passages – the Ten Commandments, say, or a belief in Christ’s divinity – are central to Christian faith, while others are more culturally specific and may be modified to accommodate modern life.”
5 “The American people intuitively understand this, which is why the majority of Catholics practice birth control and some of those opposed to gay marriage nevertheless are opposed to a Constitutional amendment to ban it. Religious leadership need not accept such wisdom in counseling their flocks, but they should recognize this wisdom in their politics.”
6 From Obama’s book, The Audacity of Hope: “I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex—nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount.”
7 “I find it hard to believe that my God would consign four-fifths of the world to hell. I can’t imagine that my God would allow some little Hindu kid in India who never interacts with the Christian faith to somehow burn for all eternity. That’s just not part of my religious makeup.”
8 “Those opposed to abortion cannot simply invoke God’s will–they have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths.”
9 On his support for civil unions for gay couples: “If people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount.”
10 “I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”

For the factual record to correct this Liar-in–Chief of ours regarding statement 6 above, there is NOTHING in the Sermon of the Mount that recognizes or affirms homosexuality in any way, shape or form.  Nor is there ANYTHING “obscure” when it comes to the condemnation of homosexuality as not only sinful but the very last straw that brings the wrath of God upon any society who embraces homosexuality.  Please read it for yourself.  And in reference to Obama’s statement 7, JESUS SPOKE MORE ABOUT THE REALITY OF HELL THAN ANYONE IN THE WHOLE BIBLE AND NEARLY MORE THAN EVERYONE IN THE BIBLE COMBINEDHell is a reality.  The very Book of Romans that Obama so trivializes and demonizes teaches that Jesus died for us so that we don’t have to spend eternity in the very real hell that Barack Obama foolishly mocks.  Please don’t believe what your lying Fool-in-Chief claims if you have any value on your own soul or the souls of your children.

Barack Obama has NO part in true Christianity.  NONE whatsoever.  Whether you want to talk about the nature of the biblical/Christian doctrine of original sin versus Obama’s belief in “the irrepressible force of human goodness or whether you want to talk about Obama’s profoundly unbiblical concept of “collective salvation“, Barack Obama has absolutely NO part in the Christianity that he falsely claims and routinely perverts.  And anyone who believes Obama’s lies is going to one day burn in the very hell that Obama denies and Jesus came and violently died to save us from.

And once you’ve “fundamentally transformed” Christianity – just as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:5 and 11 that false messiahs would do in His name – you can of course pervert it into a religion that embraces homosexuality and abortion and government-imposed socialism and illegal immigration that Obama has led America into embracing.

We just had leftists try to impose the Muslim call to prayer from the Christian chapel of a university that was ordained and commissioned as an institution of the Christian Gospel by Methodists.  And yet the insane news coverage by these damned dishonest “journalists” decries the university backing down amid the ensuing outcry as a “victory for American intolerance.”  Yet where are these same cowards in Islamic countries where the similar situation of the Lord’s Prayer being broadcast from a Muslim mosque would be met with rabid violence???

Similarly, in spite of the fact that Islamic State had just burned a human being they’d put in a cage ALIVE, leftist university students in a notoriously leftist university were heard chanting the terrorist call “Allahu Akbar!” after they’d voted to demonize Jews.

And public schools under Obama have become sewers of Islam as students are forced to recite that “Allah is Greater!” in school exercises.

The left very clearly has an agenda from the very heart of the devil.  Incredibly, stunningly, they are actually embracing radical Islam even as it is revealing itself as the ugliest worldview since Nazism.  There is simply no question progressive liberalism as a movement is doing this; the only question is, why on earth are they doing something that flies in the face of their stated principles???

I have pointed out the reasons for that hatred by Democrats – who want a holocaust of murdered babies, the institution of homosexual sodomy and the exaltation of the State in place of belief in God, His Word and His Ways – as they impose ANYTHING but Christ and Christianity upon society and as they fight to ensure the defeat of the America that our founding fathers fought to create and Lincoln fought to preserve.  I documented three reasons why liberal Democrats insanely and hypocritically defend and protect Islam even as they attack and undermine Christianity.  The first is found in the words of Jesus about Christians and Christianity:

“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.   If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.  Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.  But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.”  — John 15:18-21

Democrats hate Christians and despise Christianity because they hate Jesus.  It is as simple as that and Jesus told us it would happen and why it would happen.  And so while you would think that liberals would oppose the hate and intolerance of Islam that pisses in the eye of all their views as it murders homosexuals and tortures women, they embrace it simply because it’s better to them than the Jesus they hate with every fiber of their being.

The second reason is the stunning and frankly Luciferian arrogance of atheism and secular humanism.  Liberals truly don’t believe that ANYONE actually believes in God.  They believe that everyone has to ultimately think just like they do; and the unwashed masses who “cling to their religion” are just too stupid as herd animals to realize it.  And so they believe with Marx that religion is merely an opiate for the masses – notwithstanding that Chesterton pointed out that in their prideful wickedness they actually got that ass-backwards – and that their economic socialism will turn the radical Muslims – whom of course they insanely repeatedly tell us have nothing to do with either Islam or even religion – to their view through some Obama process of appeasement and negotiation. And the third reason liberals defend jihadist Muslims is that Muslims actually ultimately want to have a government – just like progressive liberalism – a government that has all the power and prerogatives of God or Allah.  And progressive liberals don’t really care what the means is to total government power as long as they have the end of total government power.  Because they arrogantly and foolishly believe they will ultimately get their secular humanist way.

And so here we are, with Democrats insanely arguing that if we don’t like the sharia law that is increasingly going to be stuffed down our throats, it’s only because we’re “bigots.”

Even if women have to dress like the picture I provide in this article in order to practice progressive liberal “tolerance.”

And then there is the Word of God that these wicked, morally perverted liberals with all of their wicked and morally-perverted “-isms” despise:

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. – Colossians 2:8 NLT

We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NLT

You don’t have very much time left before Barack Hussein Obama, his Democrat Party and his “fundamentally transformed” America bring about the Antichrist prophesied in the Holy Bible who will impose a system of total government domination over the economy and over society –

He required everyone–small and great, rich and poor, free and slave–to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead.  And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.  Wisdom is needed here. Let the one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666. — Revelation 13:16-18

– just as these wicked Democrats have been working to impose for decades: a government system that has total power over us and has the power to force us to do what they want.

The beast is coming. Americans voted for it and then they re-elected it. And now it is close at hand.

Obama: It’s Climate Change That’s Crucifying Children, Raping Women, Beheading Westerners And Burying And Burning People Alive, Not Terrorism

February 10, 2015

There’s a passage in the New Testament, 2 Thessalonians 2:7, that describes “the mystery of lawlessness” and how it will increase in the final days as the Antichrist appears and the restraining presence of the Church is taken out of the way.

We’re seeing it in the world right now.

And the mystery of lawlessness is what makes decent people ask, “How can this be happening?  Why isn’t anyone doing anything to stop it?”

Of course, Barack Obama isn’t a decent person and so he’s not asking such questions.

We are watching a cancer take root and grow and spread across the Middle East like nothing we’ve ever seen before:

CBS/AP/February 10, 2015, 5:47 PM
20,000 foreign fighters flock to Syria, Iraq to join terrorists

WASHINGTON — Foreign fighters are streaming into Syria and Iraq in unprecedented numbers to join the Islamic State or Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or other extremist groups, including at least 3,400 from Western nations among 20,000 from around the world, U.S. intelligence officials say in an updated estimate of a top terrorism concern. […]

It’s that word “unprecedented” that ought to bother you.  We’ve never seen anything like this in the entire history of terrorism.  Islamic State is a cancer that is exploding while we have a dithering liar who refuses to do anything about a problem he says isn’t really even much of a problem.   Just like it was a problem on September 10, 2001.

Obama’s own handpicked officials have proclaimed this for MONTHS:

Islamic State threat ‘beyond anything we’ve seen’: Pentagon
By Missy Ryan
WASHINGTON  Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:47pm EDT

(Reuters) – The sophistication, wealth and military might of Islamic State militants represent a major threat to the United States that may surpass that once posed by al Qaeda, U.S. military leaders said on Thursday.

“They are an imminent threat to every interest we have, whether it’s in Iraq or anywhere else,” Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters at the Pentagon.

Hagel’s assessment of Islamic State, which gained strength during Syria’s civil war and swept into northern Iraq earlier this summer, sounded a note of alarm several days after the group posted a video on social media showing one of its fighters beheading an American hostage kidnapped in Syria.

Asked if the hardline Sunni Muslim organization posed a threat to the United States comparable to that of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Hagel said it was “as sophisticated and well-funded as any group we have seen.”

“They are beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of … military prowess. They are tremendously well-funded. This is beyond anything we’ve seen.”

Reality doesn’t matter to Barack Obama and the demons that scream inside his rodent soul.  He is immune from facts because he has whatever “truth” Lucifer is giving him, instead; he is immune from advice from his experts because he is an arrogant malignant narcissist who believes he knows better than his experts.  Even according to his own liberal allies.

It doesn’t matter whether your top official is Robert Gates or Leon Panetta – who blames Obama for everything we’re currently seeing melting down in Iraq and Syria; if you have a clue, you know Obama has failed America in an incredibly dangerous way.

As we speak, Obama is vowing that Islamic State will lose – while doing virtually NOTHING to actually fight them.  And anybody who says we’re hurting Islamic State is just a fool spouting gibberish that ignores reality.  Because as I have already documented, they are growing exponentially in an “unprecedented” way never before seen in the history of man.

During the Gulf War, the allies averaged 11,ooo sorties a day.  Under Obama with Islamic State, we’re averaging SEVEN sorties a day.  Obama – who MOCKED “the coalition of the willing” that Bush assembled to destroy the regime of Saddam Hussein – has virtually ZERO allies in an operation euphemistically titled “Inherent Resolve” that in reality has nothing of the kind.

Now, that last article that described Jordan’s role has since been modified by the hideous burning alive of one of their captured pilots by Islamic State.  But again, Jordan is vowing to fight these beasts to the very gates of hell and executing their captured terrorist prisoners, and what is Obama doing?  FREEING terrorist prisoners while trying to shut down the very facility of Guantanamo Bay that was created to imprison them in the first place.

What a disgrace.  There’s a saying, “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.”  And that’s certainly true.  The ONLY way that doesn’t apply to Barack Obama is that he is nothing even close to approaching “a good man.”  But he is certainly doing nothing and evil is certainly triumphing.

Obama wants to claim that he’s like a big city mayor fighting crime, and that terrorism is nothing worse than criminals being criminals.  The damn fool doesn’t realize that criminals don’t try to murder as many people as they can as horribly as they can just to watch them scream and die in the hopes that their cult of death will become transcendent in the world.

Obama – who of course claimed the world was going to hell just a few years ago when George W. Bush was president – now claims that he believes the world has become better and better and that his messiahship has “fundamentally transformed” the world into a beatific Utopia.  Which is another way of pointing out the fact that Barack Obama is either the most cynical man who ever lived, or he has a messianic complex that makes Hitler’s look meager in comparison.  Either alternative is truly terrifying for a world in crisis.

In June of 2014, the man who had claimed that Islamic State was merely a “JV team” that was pretending to be deadly terrorists but really were nothing worth worrying about, said:

But this country has always been built both through an individual initiative, but also a sense of some common purpose. And if there’s one message I want to deliver to young people like a Tumblr audience is, don’t get cynical. Guard against cynicism. I mean, the truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.

Terrible things happen around the world every single day, but the trend lines of progress are unmistakable. And the reason is, is because each successive generation tries to learn from previous mistakes and pushes the course of history in a better direction. And the only thing that stops that is if people start thinking that they don’t make a difference and they can’t make changes. And that’s fed in our culture all the time.

I can only imagine Obama shared that magic helicopter ride with discredited NBC anchor Brian Williams.

And nine months later, after that JV team has ravaged and burned and murdered across the Middle East, Obama’s messianic faith in himself has not dimmed:

Obama also contended the “trajectory of this planet overall is one toward less violence, more tolerance, less strife, less poverty.”

How can this fool think this way?  How could this fool have been elected not once but twice?  “The mystery of lawlessness” that we were told would begin to grow large and powerful in the very last days, is how.

An amazing thing about Barack Obama is how even when he appears to be saying the right thing, he is actually leading the way to pure, demonic evil.

In his statement about the murder of yet another American Citizen at the hands of our JV Team extraordinaire, Obama ends by claiming:

ISIL is a hateful and abhorrent terrorist group whose actions stand in stark contrast to the spirit of people like Kayla.  On this day, we take comfort in the fact that the future belongs not to those who destroy, but rather to the irrepressible force of human goodness that Kayla Mueller shall forever represent.

“… the irrepressible force of human goodness…?”

Let me point out the fact that no genuine Christian in the entire history of the world has ever said that, because the Bible presents a very, very different message about “human goodness”:

  • Surely I was sinful at birth,
        sinful from the time my mother conceived me. — Psalm 51:5
  • for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23
  • Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—  Romans 5:12
  • But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  — Romans 5:8
  • All of us have become like one who is unclean,
        and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
    we all shrivel up like a leaf,
        and like the wind our sins sweep us away. — Isaiah 64:6
  • Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous,
        no one who does what is right and never sins. — Ecclesiastes 7:20
  • The fool says in his heart,
        “There is no God.”
    They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
        there is no one who does good.

    God looks down from heaven
        on all mankind
    to see if there are any who understand,
        any who seek God.
    Everyone has turned away, all have become corrupt;
        there is no one who does good,
        not even one.  — Psalm 53:1-3

The Bible and the Judeo-Christian worldview teach the precise OPPOSITE of what Barack Obama – who had to be corrected as to which religion he was an adherent of and had faith in – believes.

Obama doesn’t believe in the reality of human sin and the fact that mankind is doomed apart from the grace of a redeeming God.  Christ died for nothing, on Obama’s profoundly NON-Christian view.

Frankly, Obama believes as the most radical Muslims believe; he believes in the intrinsic goodness of the government that forces people to live a “godly” life.

Do you know what I call “the irrepressible force of human goodness”?  I call it a fist raised in defiance at God with the proclamation of, “We don’t need you!  Our goodness and our perfection is IRREPRESSIBLE!!!”

Barack Obama is a liar and the truth is not in him.  And that is why he is such a fool who has bought the empty philosophies and the high-sounding nonsense – see Colossians 2:8 – of his own blathering rhetoric.

Obama amazingly says that climate change is the real threat, not terrorism.

After all, “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”  I mean, right?

Boston Buried by Snow Again as ‘Absurd’ Winter Drags On
By  Erin McClam and M. Alex Johnson

Boston is buried again.

The city was hammered Monday by its third winter storm in two weeks, and records fell with the snow.

Counting the 20 inches of snow that had fallen at Logan International Airport since late Saturday, there was 37 inches on the ground, beating a 1996 record for the greatest snow depth in Boston.

Over the past 30 days, Boston has recorded more than 69 inches of snow, easily topping the previous record of 58.8 inches from Jan. 9 to Feb. 7, 1978. And with a month and a half of winter still to go, this season is already one of the city’s 10 snowiest winters on record, at 73.9 inches and counting, the National Weather Service said. City officials said crews have used up almost 58,000 tons of salt already this season.

The National Weather Service forecast as much as 3 feet of snow across the state by Tuesday night, when the storm is expected to clear.

“We’ve never seen the likes of this here in Boston,” Mayor Marty Walsh said. “We’ve gotten whacked pretty good over the last, literally, 13 days.”

The snow was causing another problem: the danger of structural collapse. […]

Either Obama and all of his pseudo-science-spouting fool friends don’t know their heads from their anuses, or else climate change is destroying the world as it crucifies children, rapes women, beheads Westerners and savagely buries and burns its victims alive.

The Bible teaches that in the very last days, the world’s climates WILL go haywire.  And just as in the Old Testament, we have the same murderous terrorists who were once known as the Assyrians come back to murder in the same vicious ways in the very same part of the world.

They’re back, folks.  Because the wrath of God is about to be revealed in the form of a big-government leader known as the Antichrist or the beast.  This man will do what liberals have dreamed about for decades: he will take over the entire economy of the world and impose a mark such that no one can buy or sell without his government’s consent.  Because you want your socialism and you’re going to GET your socialism right before you burn in hell forever and ever:

He required everyone–small and great, rich and poor, free and slave–to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead.  And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. — Revelation 13:16-17

Meanwhile, the mystery of lawlessness is picking up skids as Obama greases the skids of evil.


Why Do Liberals Like Obama Embrace And Defend Islam?

February 9, 2015

We’ve seen it over and over and over again: Barack Obama defending Islam and saying this religion – founded by a man who had fought in over thirty military campaigns of conquest and had another thirty planned at the time of his death, a man who owned slaves, a man who by today’s standards was without any question a pedophile, a man of violence who ordered genocide – has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.

It’s CHRISTIANITY – according to our herald to the Antichrist – which is responsible for terrorism.  Oh, and slavery, too.

It doesn’t matter that Islam was responsible for acts of barbaric violence and slavery long before Christianity and never bothered to reform itself of its barbarity unlike Christianity most certainly did.  It doesn’t matter if the acts that Obama condemns by citing the Crusades was itself a Christian RESPONSE to Islamic jihadism and invasion and that the Inquistion he cites was primarily done by tyrant secular kings like he himself wants to be rather than “the Church.”

It’s not just Obama; it is LIBERALISM that is celebrating Islam, the world’s most profoundly and rabidly intolerant religion.  We recently saw it at liberal Duke University where the left tried to “fundamentally transform” and “redistribute” the Christian chapel of the university that was founded and established as a Christian institution into a mosque broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer.  And we’re seeing it in public schools where liberal bureaucrats and liberal school teachers are literally indoctrinating children into Islam in the name of “education.”  And you tell ME how many public school children were forced to say the Lord’s Prayer: ZERO.

There are reasons for this, and they are EVIL.  Liberalism is evil.  Liberals are doing the work of their father, the devil, on a daily basis.

It is frankly stunning how dishonest secular humanism is and always has been in its historical perversions to make Christianity the villain.  This vicious lie has been going since even before Christianity formulated the scientific method and began the Enlightenment that the enemies of Christianity subsequently hijacked and claimed for itself.  The first modern scientist and the discoverer of the scientific method upon which modern science is based was a product of Christendom and a publicly avowed Christian who described his faith in Christianity – and its influence on his approach to science – in his writings.  The discoverer of every single modern branch of science was a publicly confessed Christian.  The presuppositions necessary FOR the rise of science itself uniquely came out of the Christian worldview:

J.P. Moreland (Source: The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer, p. 17) listed some of the philosophical presuppositions – based on the Judeo-Christian worldview – that were necessary for the foundation of science:

1. the existence of a theory-independent, external world

2. the orderly nature of the external world

3. the knowability of the external world

4. the existence of truth

5. the laws of logic

6. the reliability of human cognitive and sensory faculties to serve as -truth-gatherers and as a source of justified beliefs in our intellectual environment

7. the adequacy of language to describe the world

8. the existence of values used in science (e.g., “test theories fairly and report test results honestly”)

9. the uniformity of nature and induction

10. the existence of numbers

Good luck in starting science without all of these assumptions – of which the assumption of God according to the Judeo-Christian worldview was necessary to provide.  Science could not verify or validate any of the list above for the reason that they already needed to be accepted in order for science to ever get off the ground in the first place.

To put it crassly, if it were up to secular humanists, we would still be living in caves and afraid of fire.  And if it left up to secular humanists, we will ultimately be living in caves and afraid of fire again.  And all you have to do to realize that society is not advancing under their standard, but degenerating, to know that.

God created the world as a habitation for the capstone of His creation, man.  And then God created man in His own image and therefore able to see and fathom the world which He had created for humanity.  That is the basis for science.

Gleason Archer framed an insurmountable intellectual contradiction for the “scientific atheist”:

“But it should be pointed out that consistent atheism, which represents itself to be the most rational and logical of all approaches to reality, is in actuality completely self defeating and incapable of logical defense. That is to say, if indeed all matter has combined by mere chance, unguided by any Higher Power of Transcendental Intelligence, then it necessarily follows that the molecules of the human brain are also the product of mere chance. In other words, we think the way we do simply because the atoms and molecules of our brain tissue happen to have combined in the way they have, totally without transcendental guidance or control. So then even the philosophies of men, their system of logic and all their approaches to reality are the result of mere fortuity. There is no absolute validity to any argument advanced by the atheist against the position of theism.

On the basis of his won presuppositions, the atheist completely cancels himself out, for on his own premises his arguments are without any absolute validity. By his own confession he thinks the way he does simply because the atoms in his brain happen to combine the way they do. If this is so, he cannot honestly say that his view is any more valid than the contrary view of his opponent. His basic postulates are self contradictory and self defeating; for when he asserts that there are no absolutes, he thereby is asserting a very dogmatic absolute. Nor can he logically disprove the existence of God without resorting to a logic that depends on the existence of God for its validity. Apart from such a transcendent guarantor of the validity of logic, any attempts at logic or argumentation are simply manifestations of the behavior of the collocation of molecules that make up the thinker’s brain.”  — Gleason Archer, Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, pp. 55-56

Basically, if the atheist is right, then “human reason” becomes a contradiction in terms and let’s just live like the beasts they say we are and be done pretending we’re something we’re not.

What secular humanists have been trying to do – frankly for generations – is to perpetuate a fraud.  It would be akin to me intercepting a great thinker’s work and trying to pass it off as my own.

But what the hey, we’ve got Obama and we have his “fundamental transformation” of America and of history itself.  And so what if he’s the most thoroughly documented liar – literally ON VIDEO – who ever lived?  So what if his most significant legislative accomplishment was based entirely on a system of deliberate lies on the view that people were Darwinian sheep who needed to be manipulated by their DNA master race superiors for their own good?

Why did the Roman Empire fall?  Christianity, the secular humanists – citing works such as Edward Gibbon’s Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire – have been dishonestly telling us.  It doesn’t matter that the Roman Empire was a massive and vicious persecutor of Christianity and murdered Christians by the hundreds of thousands.  It doesn’t matter if the so-called “global warming” that the same secular humanists are using today to try to redistribute wealth for their socialist expansion of their god the State ended and an ice age began that prompted invasion by wave after migrating wave of barbarian peoples who pressured Rome.  It doesn’t matter that the so-called “climate change” that these socialist redistributionist Government-worshipers are saying is unique to our own time due to modern pollution actually brought about the collapse of the Old Egyptian Kingdom prior to bringing down the Roman Empire.  It doesn’t matter if Rome suffered from its own massive excesses and from generations of poor emperors that culminated in civil wars and ultimately threat of defeat by these barbarian peoples who had fled from their own realm in search of warmer weather.  And it doesn’t matter that when all of this occurred Christianity was in actual fact the only institution left to provide the leadership and the moral framework necessary to keep a system that otherwise would have collapsed centuries before.

All the secular humanists – all the Obamas of this world – needed was the fact that when the Roman Empire finally truly collapsed, Christians were in charge.  And therefore it was all their fault and all of the above facts of history can be forgotten.

Obama is nothing more than one more liar in a long series of liars who have made Christianity their whipping boy.

There are three reasons for this.

The first – the true foundation for liberal and secular humanist hatred of Christianity – is very simple and it comes directly from the mouth of Jesus Himself:

“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.   If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.  Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.  But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.”  — John 15:18-21

I argued that when a liberal- and secular humanist-hijacked Duke University – once a Christian-founded institution launched to advance the spread of the Christian Gospel of Jesus Christ – called upon the Christian chapel to be used to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer .  You know, the Muslim prayer that Obama claimed was one of the most beautiful sounds on earth.

It’s not very beautiful to me, because after it gets prayed, Christians and Jews tend to get murdered.  It’s kind of like the creepy psychopathic serial killer who sings with a nice voice as he’s preparing to skin you alive.  Pardon me for not appreciating the nice voice.

But it is a simple fact that has been proven over and over and over again for centuries now: Secular humanists and liberals like Obama hate Christianity and demonize the Christians who believe in Christianity in all kinds of ways as a matter of routine because it hated Jesus first.

Secular humanist liberal progressives decry Christianity as “intolerant” because it criticizes homosexuality and radical feminist doctrines such as abortion.  And in embracing Islam as they have, they refute themselves because they have embraced a rival of the Judeo-Christian worldview that is so rabidly and hatefully intolerant to the same homosexuals and women it is beyond UNREAL.

Satan hates Jesus more than anything.  And so do his followers, who like their father the devil are liars.

The second reason is arrogance.

Secular humanism and liberalism arise from atheism, the belief that there is no God – and certainly no God as revealed and described by the Holy Bible – as an a priori.

They ultimately believe that “God” is a big, giant joke.  And it isn’t just that they don’t believe in God; they believe that it is ridiculous for ANYONE to believe in God.  And so ultimately no one really does believe in God and we are all just economic meat puppets as their intellectual master Karl Marx described:

The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.

Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.

Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun. Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself. [2]

Religion cannot possibly be true.  No one can actually truly believe in religion.  And economics and human government, they believe, is the ultimate human reality.

And so liberals and secular humanists believe, in their arrogance, that they can actually ultimately reason with people who put other people in cages and burn them alive.  Or behead them.  Or bury them alive.  Or crucify them.  Or you name the vile thing that they do.

As amazing as it is, it is true: liberals keep believing that if they can just deny reality, deny the real, powerful religious motivation of the terrorists, they can get to the real grounds of the human essence of atheist economics.

The third reason is that radical Islam and secular humanist progressive liberalism both have the same cherished goal: that of human-Government as having divine power.  The Government as God, able to dictate its will by executive order tyranny.  I’ve previously argued that, also.

I’ve pointed out – with examples – that radical Islam and just-as-radical secular humanist progressive liberalism employ the same basic tactics and have the same basic ultimate goal.  And the only difference is the means to that same end and the fact that the latter extremist group are bound by the fact that they have to seize total totalitarian power from within the confines of democracy that they named themselves after but ultimately despise.

Where does government power end?  Where does the power to tax end?  Where does the power of government to say, “No you DON’T have the freedom to practice your religion!’ end?  And both radical Islam and the modern Democrat Party basically say the power of Government NEVER ends and HAS no limits.  We are to do and think and believe and obey as our Ayatollahs or our Obamas dictate that we are to do and think and believe and obey.

I just thought I’d point that out to those of you who can still think.

“Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.”  – Colossians 2:8


Obama Newsflash: Terrorism Has NOTHING To Do With Islam, Folks. But, Hey, Let’s Blame Christianity For Crusades A THOUSAND Years Ago

February 6, 2015

I have repeatedly pointed out in the past that Barack Obama is no more a Christian and has no more right to claim he’s a Christian than I am a liberal Democrat who has a right to represent the Democrat Party.

The Bible makes it rather clear what it means to be a Christian:

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved. — Romans 10:9,10


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not by works, so that no one can boast. — Ephesians 2:8,9

The Word of God is crystal clear: Christians are people who are saved by their personal faith in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect, sinless life representing sinful humanity and then died an Atoning death in our place.  And then He bodily rose from the dead, conquering death and hell, such that those who put their trust in Him receive His righteousness and His reward.

And of course there is the beloved john 3:16 as revealed by Jesus:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him would not perish, but have eternal life.”

And there are the words of Jesus in Mark 10:45:

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Now let’s examine the pseudo-Christian “testimony” of our Fool-in-Chief:

I worked as a community organizer in Chicago. I was very active in low income neighborhoods, working on issues of crime, education and employment, and seeing that in some ways, certain portions of the African-American community are doing as bad if not worse, and recognizing that my fate remains tied up with their fates, that my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country. Unfortunately, I think that recognition requires we make sacrifices and this country has not always been willing to make the sacrifices necessary to bring about a new day and a new age.

Now, when I found that quote – with the out-of-Obama’s-own-lying-mouth video – at Weasel Zippers, I also enjoyed the accompanying article that simply documented what a grandiose and narcissistic hypocrite and fraud Barack Obama is on every level under the sun:

In addition to the messianic vision inherent in the “I can only be saved if I save the country”, there’s the insulting, pedantic nature of the second part of the phrase “this country has not always been willing to make the sacrifices”. The people of this country, perhaps in some ways, most exemplified by its veterans(like those Obama stepped on during the shutdown), have been willing to make great sacrifices, some even the ultimate sacrifice, to protect this country, its freedoms and the constitution.

What sacrifices has Obama actually made in his rather privileged life?

The answer, of course, being ZERO POINT ZERO ZERO ZERO:

In 2002, the year before Obama launched his campaign for U.S. Senate, the Obamas reported income of $259,394, ranking them in the top 2 percent of U.S. households, according to Census Bureau statistics. That year the Obamas claimed $1,050 in deductions for gifts to charity, or 0.4 percent of their income. The average U.S. household totaled $1,872 in gifts to charity in 2002, according to the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University.

The national average for charitable giving has long hovered at 2.2 percent of household income, according to the Glenview-based Giving USA Foundation, which tracks trends in philanthropy. Obama tax returns dating to 1997 show he fell well below that benchmark until 2005, the year he arrived in Washington.

Both Obama and his wife, Michelle, declined to respond to questions about their charitable donations.

For the record, socialism is NOT in the Bible.  The ONLY place IN the Bible where people were taxed to help the poor WAS IN THE THEOCRACY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT.  Now if you want an Old Testament theocracy, Democrat, that’s fine by me.  But the fact is that you are a hypocrite and a liar and your god is Satan and human government.  And realize that even the Old Testament welfare system had nowhere NEAR the redistributionism that the modern engine of Satan that socialism/communism/fascism has.  In the New Testament, Jesus was confronted by the poor.  There is not ONE SINGLE INSTANCE when Jesus EVER called for government to create anything approaching a welfare state.  Rather, He turned to His disciples – who represented the Christian Church – and He said, “YOU feed them” (Mark 6:36-37).  And nowhere did the New Testament writers likewise ever call upon the human government that hated everything Christianity stood for to take care of the poor.

I can further point out the fact that liberals don’t WANT us to give money to the poor; they want to force us to give money to the GOVERNMENT.  Which happens to be a very big difference, given that a) government gives money out of political, rather than charitable, goals and b) government pisses more money away by the billions than any institutions that ever existed.

So you combine the fact that big-government liberals like Obama are selfish uncharitable with their own money, that liberals in GENERAL are not as giving as the conservatives that they routinely demonize as selfish, that liberals are trying to feed government rather than feed the poor and that if you want government to truly help the poor, well then let’s create a theocracy, and let’s rule out liberalism and the liberals who push for it as having any answers.

But my primary point thus far is that either Christianity is wrong and the Bible that reveals Christianity is wrong, or Barack Obama is NOT a Christian.  It was JESUS who served mankind, NOT Barack Obama as a damn community agitator, and it was the work of JESUS that saves, NOT the work of our communist dictator and his “collective salvation.”  And in fact Obama’s “collective salvation” is a doctrine right out of the mouth of the devil and not out of the mouth of Jesus or out of the teachings of the Word of God.

I point this out to underscore the fact that Barack Obama is a deep-seated hater and reviler of Christianity as Christianity actually is.  Like the United States of America, Barack Obama has “fundamentally transformed” Christianity from what it was revealed to be by Jesus and explained by Paul to what Obama has perverted it into.

“Christianity” as Obama has fundamentally transformed it is the worship of homosexual sodomy on an altar of sixty million innocent human babies murdered by a Democrat Party that is ten times more wicked than the Nazis were according to respective holocaust totals.  You read Romans chapter one verses eighteen through thirty-one and try to tell me that the societal embrace of homosexuality isn’t the rock-bottom depth a society can descend to or that it doesn’t bring about the full wrath of a just and holy God.  You read Psalms 139:13-16 or Luke 1:41 and you tell me that the Democrat Party is not the party of mass murder on a scale that matches Stalin.

Barack Obama is no more “Christian” than the devil he serves.

And so, as Muslims have been beheading people and making celebratory movies about their work to murder, and as they now put a human being in a cage and burn him alive, Barack Obama has been saying the following.  Let me contrast Obama defending Islam with his rabid attack on Christianity.

The Washington Post – which is on the liberal side of newspapers – had this to say in an article about Obama’s constant defense of Islam vis-à-vis terrorism:

Obama says the Islamic State ‘is not Islamic.’ Americans disagree.
By Aaron Blake September 11, 2014

Throughout his presidency, President Obama has emphasized one point while talking about Islamist extremists: They are not practicing Islam, he has said, they are perverting it.

He took that a step further Wednesday night. While announcing that he’s expanding the campaign against the Islamic State extremist group into Syria, Obama said flatly that this group, which is trying to install a caliphate in the Middle East, “is not Islamic.” He didn’t say they are perverting their religion; he said they’re not even part of that religion.

“No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of [the Islamic State’s] victims have been Muslim,” Obama said. (Obama refers to the group as ISIL; more on that here.)

While the rest of his speech avoided polarizing language, this statement stands out. That’s because it’s very polarizing. And, in fact, Americans are more inclined to disagree with Obama on this point.


Another word to add to “polarizing” is the word “demonic.”

Over and over and over again, ad nauseam, Barack Obama has claimed that terrorism has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam.

But let’s just ignore the atrocities that are taking place by the tens of thousands today, Obama says.  Because what’s really important to remember is that Christianity is evil:

Obama spotlights ‘terrible deeds in the name of Christ’ during Crusades
By Douglas Ernst  – The Washington Times – Thursday, February 5, 2015

President Obama used the annual National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday to draw those in attendance to the “terrible deeds” committed “in the name of Christ.”

While speaking at the Washington event, Mr. Obama had harsh words for the Islamic State group, but he also put a spotlight on the Crusades.

“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Mr. Obama said.
 SEE ALSO: Obama equates Islamic terrorism with ‘terrible deeds’ committed by Christians
The president added that members of the Sunni radical terror group are part of  “brutal vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism.”

The president’s speech came just days after Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kassasbeh was burned alive by the Islamic State group. The member of the U.S.-led coalition had been held prisoner since December after his F-16 crashed.

This is the moral equivalence of Lucifer.  You have to be demon-possessed to say such a thing, and you have to be demon-possessed to believe it.

This actually, genuinely goes even beyond mere moral equivalence; because Obama implicitly claiming that the reason Islam has nothing to do with terrorism and Christianity is directly responsible for the Crusades also excuses modern Islam in an even deeper, uglier manner – namely, that Christians started the evil during the Crusades and what’s going on today is therefore still Christianity’s fault!

What of course is ignored here is the simple fact that the Crusades themselves began as a Catholic Pope responded to a Christian Emperor’s appeal for aid as his empire was being besieged by Muslim invaders, understand that the same demon-possessed man who has again and again claimed that the murderous and rabid atrocities committed by Muslims in the name of Islam going on AS WE SPEAK have nothing to with Islam, but this same demoniac now argues that we should go back one-thousand years to demonize Christians and identify the Crusades with Christ.

Barack Obama is the worst kind of liar who ever lived in all of history.  Compare and contrast Muhammad with Jesus: Jesus told His disciples to put away their sword – because they only HAD one sword between the twelve of them; He’s the One who said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” to the people who were crucifying Him.  His disciples were martyred by the thousands if not by the millions by the kind of government that Barack Obama wishes was his.  Muhammad, by contrast, had been in more than thirty military campaigns at the time of his death and actually had another thirty strategically planned that only his death prevented.  He was a pedophile by today’s standards, and he certainly killed people and ordered a great many more people put to death.  Within less than eighty years of his death, Muhammad’s religion was pouring across Christendom armed with the scimitar, killing and looting.  His Muslim forces were finally stopped in France after Islam had viciously crossed the entire continent of Europe, by Charles Martel in 722 AD.  And his Muslim forces had murdered their way across Spain, across Africa, across the Holy land of Israel, across most of the sites holy to Christians and Jews.

Barack Obama is a true demoniac to draw a moral equivalence between Christianity and Islam and any kind of acts committed a thousand years ago with acts that are being committed right now, today.  Jesus was truly the Prince of Peace; Muhammad was a vicious man of violence.  To whatever extent you want to blame Christianity for acts that occurred a thousand years ago as influenced by Medieval societies that were ALL basically barbaric by today’s standards, is there no such thing as “reform”?  Apparently not, as Obama has REPEATEDLY asserted that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism but, let’s not forget what those Christians did in the name of Christ.

I would also point out the simple FACT that slavery was abolished across Christendom BY Christians BECAUSE of their faith in Jesus.  It was CHRISTIANITY that caused Great Britain to abolish slavery through the tireless fight of Christian William Wilburforce.  Barack Obama was a slandering liar to claim otherwise.  There has been no legal slavery in ANY nation that has been Christian since the United States – and its intuition of slavery thanks to Democrats and thanks to secular humanism – finally abolished slavery in 1865.  Compared to the fact that we STILL have a huge institution of slavery – whether “official” or not – across the Islamic world this very day.

So Obama – demon-possessed liar and slanderer that he is – blames Christianity for the terror and the slavery that they actually championed to ABOLISH while the very Muslims Obama wickedly protects are still flying high in the sale of BOTH terrorism AND slavery.

Christians today – under and because of a man who when running for president said “My Muslim faith” and had to be corrected – are being murdered in the greatest numbers in all of human history.

It isn’t any different today in that sense than it was at the beginning of the Crusades.  You look at the many of the great Christian churches of antiquity and they were seized by militant Islam and “fundamentally transformed” (to use Obama’s pet phrase) into mosques.  And so the previous link discusses the “fundamental transformation” of a church that USED to be located in the Christian capital of a Christian empire (Constantinople) in the very region where St. Paul the great Christian apostle was born.  In the same way, St. Augustine’s realm in Africa was “fundamentally transformed” and his converts were commanded to embrace Islam or die.

Nothing has much changed; weakness inspires boldness and forced conversion from Islam just as it always has.

Kayla Jean Mueller – the female hostage Islamic State claims was killed by Jordan’s response to their murdering of a Jordanian pilot by burning him alive – was just one of those innumerable Christian martyrs.  She went to help Muslims because of her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

And Barack Obama and every single Democrat who is in any way aligned with him just urinated on the faith that Kayla Mueller gave up her life to reveal.

Barack Obama – and every single future resident of hell who voted for his evil – are aiding and abetting those martyrdoms and those who murder Christians with impunity.

Obama is like his father the devil, who was a liar without shame.  His words mean nothing; they are twisted, dishonest, slanderous, empty, and full of deceit.


Obama Useless To World As Vicious Islam Burns Victims Alive

February 3, 2015

This reminds me of that scene in that “American Sniper” movie that makes the demons in Democrats and liberals start frothing and screaming in typical rabid rage.

Do our Muslim terrorist friends like to use drills on little boys like the movie detailed?  Oh, you betcha.  These demoniacs make roaches look like Mother Teresa.

Today the Islamic State – which exists entirely because of the pathological cowardice of Barack Obama – released the video of themselves burning the Jordanian pilot they captured alive.

What was Obama’s response?

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Should, in fact, this video be authentic, it’s just one more indication of the viciousness and barbarity of this organization. And I think it will redouble the vigilance and determination on the part of a global coalition to make sure that they are degraded and ultimately defeated. And it also just indicates the degree to which whatever ideology they’re operating off of, it’s bankrupt.

You know what I thought as I heard that?  I heard the words, “it’s just.”  Let me interpret for you: Obama said, “Nothing to see here, folks.  We’ve seen this before.  No big deal.  Don’t worry, I won’t do a damn thing to respond, you know, beyond blather out a bunch of meaningless rhetoric that I’ve proven time and time again is absolutely worthless.”

How many more people do they have to savagely and viciously murder before we realize we cannot negotiate with these monsters and we have to fight for civilization or bow down to Allah under the Islamic State’s global caliphate?  You know, the one that is entirely the fault of the incredibly pathetic policies of our Fool-in-Chief as they have forged their caliphate ENTIRELY under Obama’s regime?

Do Democrats have anything inside of them worthy of standing up to these atrocities?  Not since Lyndon Baines Johnson took the mantle of the last decent Democrat John F. Kennedy over fifty years ago, they don’t.  It’s better to be slaves than to fight back – as long as they’ve forced us to accept their socialist Government nanny state as our Lord and Savior.

Barack Obama is a liar and a coward.  Period.  They murder one of Jordan’s and the king vows to bring the gates of hell to Islamic State; they behead multiple Americans and Obama releases five terrorist generals for a traitor and tries to close down the entire prison facility.

Obama has repeatedly claimed that he is a hapless victim of the Iraqi government, that he desperately wanted to keep US troops in Iraq but those mean Iraqis wouldn’t let him because they refused to grant a status of forces agreement.

Bullcrap.  If you have a single functioning brain cell you can know that’s bullcrap.  This from February 2009:

US-IRAQ: Generals Seek to Reverse Obama Withdrawal Decision
By Gareth Porter

WASHINGTON, Feb 2 2009 (IPS) – CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.

But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.

Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’s recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.

Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying, “Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama.”

Barack Obama completely and utterly abandoned Iraq to terrorists while claiming victory.  He planned to completely withdraw from Iraq from the day he took office.  THAT IS A FACT OF DOCUMENTED HISTORY.  Anybody who claims that Barack Obama tried to keep US forces in Iraq is a stone-cold liar.

In the same vein, Barack Obama first said he had a “red line” according to which he would act if Syria’s dictator Assad used WMDs against his own people.

Assad did so and in fact did so over and over and over.  If I remember right, at the point I suppose we stopped counting because it had become a joke by then, Syria used chemical weapons fifteen times against their own people.  Including one attack that murdered 1,429 people and specifically 426 children.

What did Obama do?  He demonstrated and documented that the United States of America did not honor its commitments and would not carry out its threats.  He backed down.  He turned to the dictator of Russia who is and has been an enemy of the United States and said, “You’re my hero.”  And of course the first thing Putin did was make sure his ally Assad would and frankly had to remain in power.

The Islamic State now owns both of those regions that Obama cowardly abandoned today.  The Islamic State exists today because Barack Hussein Obama refused to do the right thing while a lethal cancer metastasized until it was too huge to do anything to stop without a massive commitment.  And if Islamic State can thank Allah up in space for their fortuity, there is no human being on earth whom they have to thank more than Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama went on the record – back when he was pretending to have some kind of policy that he backed away from like a little boy who’d just been burned backing away from a fire – stating over and over again that Assad had to go as part of any international deal.  But failing to do a single damn thing about it.  And the same man who refused to in any way arm or reinforce Iraq while the terrorists we had defeated returned and began to flourish refused to in any way back the pro-democracy rebels that were trying to overthrow Assad.  And as Islamic State began to rise in Syria, they literally joined Assad in killing those unarmed pro-democracy fighters.

What happened to the pro-democracy fighters in Syria and in Libya – thanks to Obama’s pathologically weak policy – is the exact same thing that happened to pro-democracy fighters in Poland during World War II.  Those fighters rose up against the Nazi occupation and tried to fight them without support from the Allies.  Russian forces were attacking German-occupied Poland from the east.  But what did Stalin do?  He intentionally hung back and waited for the Nazis to exterminate the Polish freedom fighters before he moved in and finished crushing Poland for communism and for Stalinism.  It sucks to fight for freedom when nobody helps you while your powerful enemies crush you and mop you up.

Now Obama once again has a foreign policy that is a pretzel looping back on itself to go nowhere.  Now the guy who Obama said had to go has to stay, because since Barack Obama doesn’t have the balls to fight the Islamic State, he’s got to turn to his good dictator buddy Bashar Hafez al-Assad has to fight them for him (Assad won’t, of course, any more than our other enemy Iran won’t fight them for us).

Please don’t forget: Barack Hussein Obama is the Disgrace-in-Chief who famously called the Islamic State a “JV team” who could claim they were putting on Kobe Bryant’s uniform but certainly weren’t professionals.  In mocking them, Barack Obama documented as a fact of history that he has no understanding and never WILL have understanding of foreign policy or the existential threats facing this nation.

If the Islamic State is “JV,” I just want to know what Obama is.  Because I don’t think this chump qualifies even as “Pee-Wee.”

The fool never had a clue what he was doing when he took office and six years later he’s proven he’s incapable of learning.

You interview liberals and they tell you they just want peace and let’s just all get along.  And the only problem with that philosophy is that the people liberals keep wanting to negotiate with – the way Obama negotiated with the Taliban AND YES THEY DAMN WELL ARE TERRORISTS and the nuclear-weapon-hungry mullahs in Iran and Islamic State – are that these people are pure evil and you don’t negotiate with evil.  There is something called “reality,” and the liberal progressives who believe they can appease psychopaths are every bit as immune to it as the terrorists who believe they can murder their way to Paradise.

Obama continues to present a false dilemma: either we do nothing or we go to total war and commit hundreds of thousands of American troops to another eternal war.  Because in Obamaland, there is nothing in-between hundreds of thousands of troops and the ZERO that his policy has been.

What’s Obama’s strategy?  Well, what’s happening in the Middle East is the Super Bowl and Obama’s playbook calls for Team USA to keep punting on 1st down until he’s out of office and the holocaust he’s fanned and started burning is somebody else’s problem.  That’s if he has any strategy at all.

The only enemy Obama will fight is American patriots.  He’ll viciously use every tool of a rogue regime to go after the tea party with his Internal Revenge Service.

But if anyone tries to make the laughable claim that Obama has attacked the Islamic State murderers, let me simply state a fact: during the Gulf War when we were actually fighting we averaged 1,100 sorties a day; under Obama’s “war” we’ve averaged SEVEN sorties a day.  Which is to say that Obama has not only gutted the Pentagon and our military capabilities, he’s gutted any actual response to evil and “fundamentally transformed” it into a joke.  Or you tell me that Winston Churchill and FDR would have sworn never to put boots on the damn ground the way Obama has promised the enemies of the United States that he won’t fight them as long as he’s president.

We lost everything we fought for in Iraq because Obama did what we said he was going to do and cut-and-ran WHEN WE HAD DEFEATED OUR ENEMY AND ONLY NEEDED TO KEEP A SMALL FORCE SUCH AS WE DID IN GERMANY AND JAPAN AFTER WORLD WAR II AND KOREA AFTER THE KOREAN WAR.  And we’re about to lose everything we fought and bled for in Afghanistan as Obama stupidly and wickedly pursues the same failed strategy of claiming victory and then cutting and running.

Without American leadership the whole Middle East is going to get uglier and uglier and more and more violent and more and more vicious until it is too late for us to stop them.

It is simply another documented fact of history that terrorists and terrorists organization and terrorist attacks and terrorism has EXPLODED under Obama’s morally idiotic presidency.

Barack Obama is to terrorism what he was to the debt.  He is the man who demonized George Bush for the debt.  We have this famous slander from the man who is now our Slanderer-in-Chief:

Obama: “The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.”

What’s our debt now?  It’s over $18 trillion.  Barack Obama has DOUBLED the debt; HE HAS SPENT MORE THAN EVERY SINGLE PRESIDENT IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF AMERICA COMBINED.

But what does this slandering, demon-possessed liar and hypocrite now say?  He proposes a criminally-insane $4 trillion budget and ridicules “mindless austerity.”  You know, after demonizing Bush for his debt and literally claiming he’s a traitor for doing what Obama has done more of than any human being who ever lived in all the history of the world.

Obama is a liar who will say anything.  Anything but the truth.

THAT’S what Obama did in the war on terror.  He demonically and slanderously demonized Bush for being responsible for all the horror in the world and demonically claimed that he was the man who could heal the planet.  And now the planet is being burned alive by terrorists because the leader of the free world is the worst fool who ever lived.

God is about to judge America according to Romans chapter one verses eighteen through thirty-one.  Democrats have mass-murdered more than sixty million innocent human beings and God is going to give us over to our enemies who will savagely massacre that insanely demonic death toll and then some.

We voted for it.  Twice.

Why Do Liberals Hate ‘Intolerant’ Christianity But Embrace Viciously Intolerant Islam? Liberals Just Hate Jesus, Just As Jesus Said They Would.

February 2, 2015

I’ve been saying this over and over, and it’s always nice to be proven right (once again).

It has been said that Islam is a political system masquerading as a religion.  In many ways that’s true: Islam is a totalitarian political system; there has never once in all of history been an Islamic democracy and there never will be one, because democracy and Islam are fundamentally incompatible and in fact contradictions of one another.  The so-called “moderate” Muslims who want to claim otherwise can say whatever the hell they want; but the fact of the matter is that they have never ONCE in the entire history of Islam spoken for Islam.  Rather, it is the totalitarians who as a matter of historical FACT always spoken for Islam.

I submit that American liberalism is a religion masquerading as a political system.  But both fundamentalist Islam and liberal progressivism have the same ultimate end: to impose a State, a Government with all the power of God, on a society.

So we’ve got the organizations such as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) that are frankly spouting a load of propaganda crap that has NOTHING to do with how Islam actually works in the two primary Islamic States of Iran (the center of the Shiite Islamic world) and Saudi Arabia (the center of the Sunni Islamic world).

In the REAL Islam, homosexuals are murdered and women are generally denied education, denied the right to drive, have to have at least four male witnesses willing to testify on their behalf that they were RAPED, and walk around like this:

So what does the religion of liberalism and the REAL party of the “war on women” do?  They impose this evil in our liberal universities, that’s what they do.

But hey, it’s even worse for homosexuals and women in Christian America, right?

No, of course not.  Christendom was the foundation for democracy and the respect for human dignity.

Jesus and Muhammad stand a world apart: Jesus had women disciples and preached true peace and true freedom; Muhammad was a child rapist who imposed slavery on women with the violence of the scimitar as his forces seized countries and imposed totalitarianism by government force.  And the only people who were arguably even WORSE were state atheists (otherwise known as communists).  Communists only murdered more than 100 million of their own citizens in peacetime alone, after all.

Mind you, the American Democrat Party is catching up astonishingly quickly, having murdered more than sixty million innocent human beings in their abortion mills.

That is precisely why liberals and Democrats as the inheritors of communism – who are every bit as fascist and totalitarian as any Shiite or Sunni Muslim but only lack the total power they desire to impose their radical theology on the rest of us – hate Christianity so much.  They falsely claim to fulfill what Jesus offered but in reality they hate Jesus up one side and down the other.

Just a matter of a couple of weeks ago, Duke University – founded as a Christian and specifically Methodist institution – was blocked from the leftist goal of broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer from their historically Christian chapel:

Saturday, January 17, 2015


The Muslim call to prayer will not ring out from Duke University’s chapel tower after all.
The university announced that it has reconsidered its decision to allow the call for prayer from the iconic tower on Fridays.

The reversal came a day after evangelist Franklin Graham posted a scathing criticism on Facebook asking donors not to give to Duke until the policy was changed.
The university made no mention of the donations in their release but said that a move intended to bring unity clearly wasn’t.

The university said about 700 students claim Muslim affiliation and that they have been meeting in the chapel basement for many years.  The decision to not have a call for prayer brought praise from Rev. Graham who told Eyewitness News on Thursday that the chapel was built by donations from Christians when the university was a Methodist college and should continue to be used for Christian worship.
Graham also said there are millions of peaceful Muslims, but stood by his harsh words for Islam, warning that it is at war with Christianity.  “That violence is there and it’s coming and it’s going to come to this country. It has nothing to do with what I say. I’m just trying to warn this country about what’s coming. Islam is a violent religion.”

The American political left are every bit as dishonest and deceitful as CAIR and are as disingenuous about the REAL goals of their totalitarian religious system as CAIR is.

Oh, liberals say, those Christians are so “intolerant.”

So let’s force Christians to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer from one of their own Christian sites.  Because everybody knows that Muslims ADORE gay marriage and can’t WAIT to let feminists run around with all their whackjob ideas.

Jesus summed up the real essence of the modern Democrat Party and the liberal progressives who today own the Democrat Party as follows:

“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.  If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.  Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.  But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.” — John 15:18-21

There’s the REAL reason the Democrat Party is always at odds with Christians and with biblical Christianity even as they open door after door to the most intolerant religious belief on the face of the earth: they rabidly despise Jesus of Nazareth and would invite anything or anyone that would replace Him.

The day liberal progressives demand that the Lord’s prayer be broadcast from Mecca, you can argue that I’m wrong.  But the simple fact of the matter is that liberal “tolerance” only works when it is every day in every way undermining Jesus and those who follow Him.

Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27).

Not if liberals have anything to say about it as they are forced to instead hear the Muslim call to prayer in what used to be a Christian chapel.