Archive for the ‘energy’ Category

As Democrats Now Scream For Independent Investigations, Remember How Pathologically Dishonest And Hypocritical They Proved Themselves

March 27, 2017

I am watching in amazement as the Democratic Party and their Sin Fein to the terrorist IRA – the mainline media – joins together in an unhinged attack against the Trump Administration and the American people who elected that administration.

Meanwhile, Democrats continue to reveal in every other way BUT media coverage that they are the party of official terrorist violence, as just a few days ago, an anti-Trump Democrat terrorist publicly dove into a publicly permitted pro-Trump rally and attacked a female pro-Trump event organizer by spraying pepper spray in her face.  How did the media cover the story?  As pro-Trump protesters becoming violent, of course, as horrified pro-Trump rally attenders dealt with the fascist little Nazi thug-punk who just attacked a woman in broad daylight right in front of them.

Liberals decry “fake news” when they have relied almost EXCLUSIVELY on fake news since at least the days of the Vietnam War when liberals began to hijack our political system.

And 60 Minutes does an expose on “fake news.”  You know, the same 60 Minutes that ran a fake news story featuring a bogus and easily disproven hoax document (featuring Microsoft fonts that did not exist in the 1960s, for example) dishonestly claiming that Bush was a National Guard draft dodger in order to torpedo Bush’s election campaign for president.

Republicans screamed for independent investigations PLENTY of times, but those screams were simply not reported by the fake news media.  And now listen to the same people scream so loud its all anyone can hear!!!

But consider the following Obama scandals that never got any independent investigation whatsoever:

Liberal reporters rabidly report on Trump’s disdain for their biased journalism, with justification for Trump’s disdain for the press validated by the fact that the media ignored the unprecedented fascist steps Obama and his administration took against reporters.  In their zeal for a witch hunt against any non-Stalinist press that wasn’t on the left side of morality Obama declared a Fox News reporter as a “criminal co-conspirator” which allowed Obama’s lawthug Eric Holder to subpeona not only James Rosen’s phone calls and emails, but those of his parents as well.

From even before Obama was elected, he was as corrupt as they come and used his power as president to “reward his friends and punish his enemies.”  For example, he raised campaign money from business leaders such as those at Solyndra, and then gave them hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money as a gift for their support.  An investigation would find that Obmama actually did this with dozens of “clean energy companies” that subsequently proved they were as dirty as they come in every other way imaginableObama used a secret government bank that was off limits to any congressional oversight to fund – basically to reward – these executives that donated to his campaign.  In fact, there were at least ELEVEN more Solyndras with the same story of receiving gigantic Obama regime largesse and gave excessive bonuses to Obama-donating execs before going bankrupt and taking our money with them.  There was Beacon, Evergreen Solar, SpectraWatt, AES’ subsidiary Eastern Energy, all with political links to Obama.

But there never was an investigation, of course.  Not one.
Let’s see, there was the ATF Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, the amazingly botched gunning-running sting that dumped illegal weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels that used those guns Obama gave them to murder US agents.  Obama was trying to “prove” how legal guns in the hands of American citizens was a danger, and was willing to use any means to prove what he wanted to prove including faking the proof.  And then it blew up in his face.  And then Obama exerted executive privilege to shield then-Attorney General Eric Holder from allowing any congressional scrutiny whatsoever.
Then there was that doozy of a Treasury Department scandal with the IRS being turned into a political weapon against Obama’s opponents, with Eric Holder protecting the administration from ANY investigation whatsoever.  The Obama IRS was even forced to admit that yes, they had in fact targeted Tea Party organizations and illegally prevented them from being able to receive the status that such organizations should have been able to receive under the law.  But it didn’t matter how much evidence or proof there was.  The word “whatsoever” being the best word to describe the complete lack of allowing ANY legitimate investigation into Obama’s slimepits.
Democrats apparently don’t like Russia’s involving itself in an election.  Which wasn’t such a problem for them when Obama did it to Israel and particularly to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when Obama moved U.S. taxpayer money through his non-profits to try to defeat the sitting Israeli prime minister in a sovereign nation’s electionThe media of course never did a serious job of truly going after this.  It’s only now that Putin did the same thing Obama did that this tactic matters.
The gigantic scandal involving the Benghazi fiasco, in which the Obama Administration through Secretary of State Hilary Clinton repeatedly denied the US Ambassador’s request for security, only to have that ambassador MURDERED while the Obama Administration refused to allow the US military assets to do ANYTHING to help.  And then sent Susan Rice out to lie to every single major Sunday political program.  And then promoted her for her lies.
What about Obama’s promise that if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor and if you liked your insurance plan, you could keep your insurance plan.  It was called “The Lie of the Year” even by leftist-oriented “fact checkers” such as PolitiFactObama went around the country spouting that easily proven lie again and again and again.  Anybody who understood ObamaCare knew it was a complete and total lie designed to sell a horribly flawed government takeover of our nation’s health care delivery system.  Did that not rise to something that should have been investigated the same way Democrats claim that Trump’s claim that he was wiretapped should be investigated???  Only if you have any capacity for honesty in your soul, which of course no living Democrat has.  Because which lie has more impact on the American people?  But Democrats and their allies don’t give one flying DAMN about the American people or what happens to them.
What about right now, as Obama very apparently used our national intelligence system as a political weapon and caught up Trump campaign officials in wiretaps and then illegally “unmasked” them and even more illegally spread their names throughout the system as a means to discredit them???  When the Republican congressional leader discovered what Obama had criminally done to his campaign team – which by the way had nothing whatsoever with Russia – Democrats and their media allies immediately falsely tied the story to Russia and screamed foul.  Because fair play IS foul to these fascists.
Now, is there or has there ever been ANY actual legitimate reason to believe that Russia actually “hacked” our election system or that Trump campaign officials in any way, shape or form colluded with Russia to discredit Hillary Clinton (by revealing ACTUAL proof of her corruption in the form of emails from her illegal secret server that she installed to bypass any actual transparency?).  No.  But hell, let’s investigate anyway and hope it turns up some other kind of dirt, right?

So let’s just remember that if we have any “independent investigation” now, it ought to be preceded by a law titled, “The Prevent Any President From Being A Thug The Way Obama Was Act.”  And until Democrats revisit what despicable vermin they are and always have been, just tell them to shut their fascist faces.

‘Snowfalls Are Now Just A Thing Of The Past,’ You Said. ‘Children Just Aren’t Going To Know What Snow Is,’ You Said. You Pseudo-Science Propagandist Frauds.

March 16, 2015

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past,” we were assured in the year 2000 when the left still called their ideology “global warming.”  “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” we were told.

I wonder if liberals are saying that in Boston right now:

Boston breaks seasonal snowfall record with 108.6 inches
William M. Welch, USA TODAY 11:36 a.m. EDT March 16, 2015

More snow fell on Boston on Sunday, enough to make this the snowiest season ever on record there.

The National Weather Service said 2.9 inches fell by 7 p.m., pushing total snowfall for the winter of 2014-2015 to 108.6 inches.

That is a full inch over the previous record set during the winter of 1995-1996, the service’s Boston office tweeted, and the most since record books started in 1872.

The achievement brought cheerful, tongue-in-cheek celebration from many of the snow-weary survivors of winter in Boston.

“Putting the win in winter!” tweeted Christina Pazzanese.

“We got the GOLD!” tweeted WBZ weatherman Barry Burbank.

But Michael Wissell spoke for many when he tweeted: ” Sweet. Can we have spring now?”

I mean, the fact that Boston just had the most snowfall EVER doesn’t mean that they’re not still spouting their gibberish.  Because liberals are stupid enough and immune enough from reality to look you in the eye and actually believe their own bovine feces when they claim that the global warming alarmists of just fifteen years ago were somehow legitimate “scientists” and that their “climate change” hasn’t been refuted by their own previous fraudulent and foolish predictions.

There have been so many bogus predictions that it is beyond a joke from these fools.  But they still have the megaphone over the culture and they’re still making bogus predictions based on their ideology rather than any actual science.

Climates change.  They always have.  They always will.

A “climate change” drought ended the Old Egyptian Kingdom.  There were no mean-spirited Republicans driving their speedboats over the Nile.

A “climate change” drought ended the Mayan Empire.  There were no mean-spirited Republicans driving SUVs over the rain forests.

And just as we’ve had droughts throughout the history of planet earth, we’ve had ice ages.  None of which had a damn thing to do with human activity.

Climate change has nothing to do with human carbon dioxide pollution.  When you learn how “CO2” became the bogeyman of the left you’ve got to try not to laugh it’s so asinine.  In actual fact “anthropogenic CO2 produces less than 0.1 of one percent of the greenhouse effect.”  Climate change was an environmental reality before there were any factories or cars or whatever.  Climate change was in fact an environmental reality even before there were any humans.  But that’s a fact and that’s reality – and liberals despise both facts and reality.

Liberals are liars and frauds and dishonest fools.  They always have been.  They were liars and frauds and dishonest fools when they claimed that communist socialism was the solution to ending poverty but instead became a boot stomping on a human face for seventy years before collapsing under its economic failure.  They were liars and frauds and dishonest fools when they claimed that fascist socialism was the solution to ending poverty but instead produced the Holocaust and World War II before collapsing under its disastrous failure.  But the “always learning, but never coming to a knowledge of the truth” fool left is still claiming that European socialism is the answer.

Newsflash: no, it isn’t, you dumbasses.  European socialism has produced a stagnated and deflated economy.

Socialism and “climate change” are the same thing with the same means, the same ends and the same justifications.

I learned that something like twenty years ago during the Kyoto Protocols on global warming.  You see, the same people who were screaming Chicken Little-style that we had this godawful crisis and we had to act now, NOW, NOW!!! and gut the U.S. and European economies did a wink-wink and a nod-nod and exempted Russia, China, India and pretty much the entire developing world from having to cut their emissions.  You know, while China and India were building mass-polluting coal plants at gargantuan rates.

At that point in time, I had the same views I have today: which is to say, I believed that we were going into the last days when Jesus and the prophets in the Bible told us that weather would go crazy.  So I was perfectly willing to accept the climate crazy crazies.

But what the climate crazy crazies ended up doing was to say with their actions that “climate change” wasn’t really much a crisis.  Because if it was, the whole WORLD would have to get behind any legitimate effort.  And instead all the countries that were communist or socialist or politically correct were getting their waivers and their exemptions and it was only capitalist countries that were being targeted and attacked to gut their economies in order to “save the planet.”

What they really wanted to do was redistribute the wealth in order to save socialism by undermining capitalist economies and propping up socialism with Other People’s Money.  And if these pseudo-scientific frauds have to tell you that the moon is made out of cheese to sell that load of crap, they will assure you that the overwhelming majority of scientists believe that the moon is made of cheese.

And it’s been empty leftwing philosophies and high-sounding nonsense ever since.

The constancy of the fact that liberals will ALWAYS be liars and frauds and dishonest fools is as true as the fact that we will always have constant climate change cycles.

I already pointed out what you needed to know several years back.  There’s “What the Science REALLY Says About Global Warming,” and there’s “What You Never Hear About Global Warming.”  Meanwhile, the left doesn’t want you to know the truth about legitimate science and what they’ve done to pervert science as they push their socialist agenda on people who ought to have the sense to know better.


Loving Liberalism And Hating America Are One And The Same: Hypocrite Hollywood Liberals Caught In Act Trying To Keep America From Energy Independence

May 26, 2014

Liberalism is TREASON.  Liberals are HYPOCRITES and TRAITORS.  Pure and simple:

James O’Keefe Dupes Hollywood with Fake Anti-Fracking Film
by Charlie Spiering  20 May 2014

Undercover journalist James O’Keefe released his latest video featuring a sting operation to expose Hollywood environmentalists.

The video features an undercover journalist from Project Veritas posing as “Muhammad,” a member of a Middle Eastern oil family, offering $9 million in funding to American filmmakers to fund an anti-fracking movie. He was joined by a second undercover activist posing as an ad executive.

O’Keefe entraps actor Ed Begley Jr., actress Mariel Hemingway, and director Josh Tickell, who agree to the film while promising to hide the source of the funds.

The undercover activist tells the group that “if Washington, D.C., continues fracking, America will be energy-efficient, and then they won’t need my oil anymore.”

In a phone call to Tickell, the “ad executive” states, “My client’s interest is to end American energy independence; your interest is to end fracking. And you guys understand that?”

Tickell’s response: “Correct. Yes, super clear.”

The environmental team even submitted a video of Oscar-nominated actor Mark Ruffalo offering his unwavering support for the fictitious anti-fracking film project.

Tickell is a Sundance Film Festival Winner and the director of environmental message movies Fuel, The Big Fix, and PUMP.

Watch the full video below:

When as a liberal you are willing to take money from the biggest oil cockroaches in the world, you are a hypocrite.   Liberals Ed Begley Jr., Mariel Hemingway and Josh Tickell aren’t merely eager to take money from “Big Oil,” but the BIGGEST “Big Oil” tycoons of all.  And in the video they understand that it would be in the best interest of everyone concerned to be quiet about just who they’re taking their money from.  “It stays at this table,” Hemingway says.

When as a liberal your interests are identical with the interest of a man who fears “American energy independence” and fears that Americans “won’t need my oil anymore,” you are a TRAITOR.

When you literally hear the anti-American scumbag say it and you are on the same page with him, you are guilty of TREASON.

Barack Obama and the Democrat Party fear what our Muslim masters in the Middle East fear: that America – if not for the treason of Obama and the traitorous Democrat Party – could become energy-independent.

And they’re doing everything they can to keep that from happening.

Liberals are evil people.  Period.  End of story.  If you are a Democrat, one day soon you will be worshiping the Antichrist and taking his mark.  It’s just who you are.

Mariel Hemingway is complaining that O’Keefe is evil because he went undercover to get the truth.  She suggests that had O’Keefe just asked to sit down with her and asked her, “So, Mariel, are liberals hypocrites who would take money from giant Arab oil families in order to sabotage America’s energy self-sufficiency and keep the American people enslaved forever, is that right?” she would have laughed and said, “Of course we are.”

O’Keefe went undercover for the same reason that the FBI go undercover to bring down the mobs.  Because that’s the only way to get the truth out of pathologically dishonest people like mobster thugs and Hollywood roaches.

Climate Change, AKA Chicken Little Psychosis Syndrome

May 16, 2014

I read the Los Angeles Times this morning.  It’s an ugly, nasty habit that I usually do wearing only underwear while sipping on hot, black water that is supposed to pass for coffee.  When I go out to pick up the paper on the driveway (I’m usually wearing a robe for that trick), I always wish I were rich enough to be able to afford an actual NEWSPAPER like the Wall Street Journal.

Because advertisers clearly think the LA Times is an ugly, nasty habit, too.

I take my shower after reading the Times.  Otherwise, I’d have to take another one after throwing the bird-cage-liner down in disgust.

Anyway, with that undoubtedly unwanted description of my morning habits aside, what I found this morning was in many ways par for the course, but I thought I’d share it with you anyway.

We all have our newspaper peccadillos.  I remember my dad always reading the sports page first and my mom always reading the comics first.  I always read the op-ed section first, my theory apparently being to start the day annoyed and then just keep adding caffeine to it.  So I come across the usual “climate change” garbage from the unhinged left.

The content of the leftwing op-eds really isn’t that important, but I found the online versions just to show you what I saw.  The first was titled (in the print version of the LA Times) “Stanford’s Choice.”  The author of the piece doesn’t think energy or anything produced by energy is quite expensive enough, and demands a carbon tax.  You know, help the planet, screw the human race.  The second one (titled, “Storm clouds over climate policy” began thus:

Miami will likely be underwater before the Senate can muster enough votes to meaningfully confront climate change. And probably Tampa and Charleston, too—two other cities that last week’s National Climate Assessment placed at maximum risk from rising sea levels.

Even as studies proliferate on the dangers of a changing climate, the issue’s underlying politics virtually ensure that Congress will remain paralyzed over it indefinitely. That means the U.S. response for the foreseeable future is likely to come through executive-branch actions, such as the regulations on carbon emissions from power plants that the Environmental Protection Agency is due to propose next month. And that means climate change will likely spike as a point of conflict in the 2016 presidential race.

Well, I could either have given up and gone back to bed to hide from all the moral idiots or I could face the day.  So, bravely – and with another hit of caffeine – I turned the paper over in disgust to the front page news section.  And the most interesting story was about ancient skeletal human remains found some 12,000 years ago in an underwater cave.  So I read it.  And I’ll reproduce it for you here and stop at the point that put all of the above into the “idiot” context that the two above articles deserve:

DNA from skull links Ice Age girl to Native Americans alive today
By Monte Morin
May 15, 2014

The divers called her Naia, for “water nymph,” because they discovered her teenage remains in a dark, underwater cave in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

She had been hidden there for more than 12,000 years — along with the bones of dozens of extinct Ice Age beasts — and divers quickly spotted her skull as they swept the chamber with flashlights.

“It was a small cranium laying upside-down with a perfect set of teeth and dark eye sockets looking back at us,” recalled diver Alberto Nava of Bay Area Underwater Explorers, a nonprofit conservation organization based in Berkeley.

On Thursday, researchers published a formal analysis of Naia’s skeletal remains in the journal Science, calling it the oldest, most complete specimen ever discovered in the Americas.

The study authors say the buck-toothed 15- or 16-year-old girl did not resemble today’s Native Americans — her cheeks were narrow and her forehead very high — but that her mitochondrial DNA reveals she is related to 11% of living American Indians, and links them genetically to a population of early humans who inhabited a land now submerged beneath the Bering Sea.

The researchers say the girl was probably very slight and stood just 4 feet, 10 inches tall. Her eyes were wide-set and low, and her nose was broad.

Carbon-dating of her teeth and isotope data from crystals that formed on her bones helped study authors determine that the girl lived 12,000 to 13,000 years ago in what would have been a very parched environment. They believe she was probably searching for water when she entered a dark, underground cave and then plummeted 100 feet into the massive chamber now called Hoyo Negro, or black hole.

Unable to escape — her hip bone shattered from the fall — she died amid a menagerie of similarly doomed megafauna, including saber-toothed cats, elephant-like gomphotheres and giant sloths. As the Ice Age ended and glaciers melted, sea levels rose and slowly filled the chamber with water, sealing it off from humanity.

Or at least it did until 2007, when scuba divers first explored the natural ossuary and discovered “a time capsule” of Central American life at the end of the Ice Age, according to study leader James Chatters, a paleoarchaeologist at Applied Paleoscience, a private research company in Bothell, Wash.

Well, allow me to wrap this package up in a nice little bow for you.

Miami will likely be underwater before the Senate can muster enough votes to meaningfully confront climate change…” the snotty leftwing turd begins his piece.

You know what, idiot?  IT PROBABLY WILL BE UNDERWATER.

Because that’s kind of what happens over time, isn’t it?  And anybody who has any connection whatsoever to something called “reality” understands that.

To put it in biblical terms, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” — Ecclesiastes 1:9

Including “global warming,” “climate change,” ice ages and melting glaciers.  This old earth has had them all before and it’s had them all keep happen in cycles that keep repeating over and over and over again.

The only thing that IS apparently new is a particularly loathsome species of whackjob liberal who runs around like Chicken Little screaming about the falling sky because they are totally ignorant about the fact that the damn sky falls every single night.  The only thing that IS new is complete jackass idiots who in the name of global warming “science” pronounce “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

But children DO know what snow is.  The problem is that global warming morons don’t know what truth is.  They don’t know what reality is.  And therefore they don’t know what facts are.

When I first heard the phrase, “global warming,” I had no ideological axe to grind.  I was (and remain) an evangelical Christian who believes the Bible and therefore believes biblical prophecy.  And of course there is all kinds of stuff about crazy weather in the last days.  I was QUITE ready to accept the hypothesis that the climate was changing.

Do you want to know what tipped me off that these leftists had their skulls filled with cockroach poop?  When I subsequently heard about the 1995 Kyoto Protocol on global warming.  The thing that they did – which STILL proves the whole issue is either a giant load of crap or is being treated LIKE a giant load of crap by those pushing its agenda – was say a) global warming gasses present a clear and present danger to human existence and b) we’ll allow China, Russia, India and all the third world nations to keep spewing the pollution that is murdering the planet and only annihilate all the western free market-based economies instead.

This was NEVER about “science.”  This is and always has been about politics and the socialist redistribution of wealth in the name of “science.”

A short article by Patrick Bedard exposes the fraud that is “global warming” or “climate change” or whatever the hell these propagandists will call it next after their current lies are exposed:

An Inconvenient Truth: SOS from Al Gore
September 2006

He’s baack! Just when you thought the scolding was over and it was safe to pull your ear plugs out, Al Gore has a brand-new harangue going.

Actually, it’s the same old doomsday prediction he’s been peddling since he was a senator bucking to be President back in the ’90s, only this time it’s packaged as a 94-minute film. An Inconvenient Truth previewed at the Sundance Film Festival last January. “This is activist cinema at its very best,” said the official festival guide.

You can guess what activated him; his long-playing paranoia about global warming. He and the mainstream media say it’s a done deal. We’re toast.

“Be Worried. Be Very Worried,” blared the cover of Time in April. “Climate change isn’t some vague future problem — it’s already damaging the planet at an alarming pace. Here’s how it affects you, your kids, and their kids as well.”

This is, by the way, the same Time that was telling us as late as 1983 to be worried, very worried, that temperatures were descending into another era of “glaciation.”

Gore’s “inconvenient truth” is that — there’s no tactful way to say this — we gas-guzzling, SUV-flaunting, comfort-addicted humans, wallowing in our own self-indulgences, have screwed up the planet. We’ve hauled prodigious quantities of fossil fuels out of the ground where they belong, combusted them to release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the sky where it shouldn’t be, and now we’re going to burn for our sins.

This feverish sort of should-and-shouldn’t evangelism plays particularly well these days among those who are looking for something to believe that carries no obligation to sit in a church pew. Nature has left us no scripture, so Gore can preach it as he feels it. Faith, brother. Don’t even pretend to understand. Anyway, humans, except for the rare enlightened ones like Al Gore, are alien trespassers in nature.

Let’s not dispute the earth’s temperature. It’s warmer than it used to be. As an Iowa farm boy, I learned about the soil we tilled. Most of Iowa is flat, graded smooth by glaciers. The rocks we plowed up in the fields, or plowed around if they were big, were rounded in shape. The glacier tumbled them as it scraped along, and it ground their corners off.

The North American ice sheets reached their largest expanse about 18,000 years ago and then began to recede. Within 5000 years they had pulled back considerably but still reached south as far as central Ohio. After another thousand years, however, the U.S. was largely ice-free.

Needless to say, there have been no glaciers reported in Iowa as long as anyone can remember. It’s warmer now. And if it would just warm up a bit more, fewer Iowans would need to trot off to Florida, Texas, and Arizona during deepest winter.

The long absence of farm-belt glaciers confirms an inconvenient truth that Gore chooses to ignore. The warming of our planet started thousands of years before SUVs began adding their spew to the greenhouse. Indeed, the whole greenhouse theory of global warming goes wobbly if you just change one small assumption.

Logic and chemistry say all CO2 is the same, whether it blows out of a Porsche tailpipe or is exhaled from Al Gore’s lungs or wafts off my compost pile or the rotting of dead plants in the Atchafalaya swamp.

“Wrong,” say the greenhouse theorists. They maintain that man’s contribution to the greenhouse is different from nature’s, and that only man’s exhaustings count.

Let’s review the greenhouse theory of global warming. Our planet would be one more icy rock hurtling through space at an intolerable temperature were it not for our atmosphere. This thin layer of gases — about 95 percent of the molecules live within the lowest 15 miles — readily allows the sun’s heat in but resists its reradiation into space. Result: The earth is warmed.

The atmosphere is primarily composed of nitrogen (78 percent), oxygen (21 percent), argon (0.93 percent), and CO2 (0.04 percent). Many other gases are present in trace amounts. The lower atmosphere also contains varying amounts of water vapor, up to four percent by volume.

Nitrogen and oxygen are not greenhouse gases and have no warming influence. The greenhouse gases included in the Kyoto Protocol are each rated for warming potency. CO2, the warming gas that has activated Al Gore, has low warming potency, but its relatively high concentration makes it responsible for 72 percent of Kyoto warming. Methane (CH4, a.k.a. natural gas) is 21 times more potent than CO2, but because of its low concentration, it contributes only seven percent of that warming. Nitrous oxide (N2O), mostly of nature’s creation, is 310 times more potent than CO2. Again, low concentration keeps its warming effect down to 19 percent.

Now for an inconvenient truth about CO2 sources — nature generates about 30 times as much of it as does man. Yet the warming worriers are unconcerned about nature’s outpouring. They — and Al Gore — are alarmed only about anthropogenic CO2, that 3.2 percent caused by humans.

They like to point fingers at the U.S., which generated about 23 percent of the world’s anthropogenic CO2 in 2003, the latest figures from the Energy Information Administration. But this finger-pointing ignores yet another inconvenient truth about CO2. In fact, it’s a minor contributor to the greenhouse effect when water vapor is taken into consideration. All the greenhouse gases together, including CO2 and methane, produce less than two percent of the greenhouse effect, according to Richard S. Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Lindzen, by the way, is described by one source as “the most renowned climatologist in all the world.”

When water vapor is put in that perspective, then anthropogenic CO2 produces less than 0.1 of one percent of the greenhouse effect.

If everyone knows that water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas, why do Al Gore and so many others focus on CO2? Call it the politics of the possible. Water vapor is almost entirely natural. It’s beyond the reach of man’s screwdriver. But when the delegates of 189 countries met at Kyoto in December 1997 to discuss global climate change, they could hardly vote to do nothing. So instead, they agreed that the developed countries of the world would reduce emissions of six man-made greenhouse gases. At the top of the list is CO2, a trivial influence on global warming compared with water vapor, but unquestionably man’s largest contribution.

In deciding that it couldn’t reduce water vapor, Kyoto really decided that it couldn’t reduce global warning. But that’s an inconvenient truth that wouldn’t make much of a movie.

Do you understand the bait and switch?  “Global warming” – redubbed “climate change” as too many lies were discovered to call it “global warming” any longer – was always and remains always about POLITICS rather than “science.”

CO2 is responsible for less than 0.1 percent of our “global warming” gasses.  That is simply a fact of science.  Moreover, CO2 is a gas that is actually fundamentally necessary for the existence of life.  It is NOT a pollutant; LIBERALISM is a pollutant.

I read a book titled, Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1500 Years that just blew the “anthropocentric global warming” garbage right out of the water.  Every single measurement science has taken, ice core samples, sea core samples, sediment samples, tree ring samples, fossil records, pollen records, records of human descriptions of climate throughout history, you name it, has over and over and over again conclusively documented that there is a recurring PATTERN of climate change.  In fact legitimate science has discovered that there have been 600 natural 1,500 year climate cycles over the past 1 million years.  What we’re seeing now is absolutely NOTHING new; in fact the warming period that the Roman Empire flourished under was warmer than our temperatures now.  Without there being so much as a single SUV to blame it on.  I wrote an article titled, “What the Science REALLY Says About Global Warming” to summarize what I learned.

I always bring this up – you know, “facts,” to people who believe in human-caused global warming.  I point out the “600 natural, 1,500 year climate cycles over the past million years” thing.  I bring up the fact that if humans are the cause of global warming/climate change on earth they must also be the cause of the same thing happening in the other planets of our solar system.  I point out that Michael Mann’s famous – I submit INFAMOUS – “hockey stick graph” that was frankly proven to be a fraud years ago nevertheless had temperatures skyrocketing into the future.  Whereas in actuality we have had ZERO global warming for the last sixteen freaking years.  I’ve seen and documented many outright frauds committed in the name of “science.”  What does it take for even our biggest idiots to realize these people are just WRONG???  And they invariably just look at me with these empty, vacuous eyes that other than size are identical with COW eyes.  I am looking through a set of glazed lenses directly into a brain with a completely synapse-free environment.

The human beings who believe they can stop climate change with the power of human government are morally, spiritually and intellectually the equivalents of the fools who built the Tower of Babel to get to where God was.  It is a stupid, futile endeavor that will fail to the extent that the people pushing it even have any intention whatsoever to actually DO anything about it versus just seize trillions of dollars – $76 trillion, to be specific – so that they can “reward their friends and punish their enemies” via a massive totalitarian government takeover of everyone and everything that interferes with their socialist (i.e., crony capitalist fascist) agenda.

If you believe that the United Nations with $76 trillion of Other People’s Money will stop global warming, you are an idiot.  And if you have seventeen freaking PhDs and you think the United Nations with $76 trillion of Other People’s Money will stop global warming you are an even BIGGER idiot – because at some damn point in your educational process you should have actually learned something and finally figured something out and finally learned how to get a damned clue.

It’s biblical, again: “always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” — 2 Timothy 3:7

What we are seeing from the ideological left – and that very much includes the entire movement behind “climate change” – is a rabid, fascist intolerance that has come to be the ESSENCE of the left and everything the left touches.  You talk about “journalism” (see more here) which today is another word for “propaganda” thanks to the left; you talk about unhinged, doctrinaire bias and intellectual discrimination in our universities (see more here) where you find a level of ideological “purity” that is “statistically impossible” apart from rabid purges of any pro-conservative thought whatsoever.

And so:

SAN ANTONIO — Some of the world’s pre-eminent experts on bias discovered an unexpected form of it at their annual meeting.

Discrimination is always high on the agenda at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s conference, where psychologists discuss their research on racial prejudice, homophobia, sexism, stereotype threat and unconscious bias against minorities. But the most talked-about speech at this year’s meeting, which ended Jan. 30, involved a new “outgroup.”

It was identified by Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia who studies the intuitive foundations of morality and ideology. He polled his audience at the San Antonio Convention Center, starting by asking how many considered themselves politically liberal. A sea of hands appeared, and Dr. Haidt estimated that liberals made up 80 percent of the 1,000 psychologists in the ballroom. When he asked for centrists and libertarians, he spotted fewer than three dozen hands. And then, when he asked for conservatives, he counted a grand total of three.

“This is a statistically impossible lack of diversity,” Dr. Haidt concluded, noting polls showing that 40 percent of Americans are conservative and 20 percent are liberal. In his speech and in an interview, Dr. Haidt argued that social psychologists are a “tribal-moral community” united by “sacred values” that hinder research and damage their credibility — and blind them to the hostile climate they’ve created for non-liberals.

“Anywhere in the world that social psychologists see women or minorities underrepresented by a factor of two or three, our minds jump to discrimination as the explanation,” said Dr. Haidt, who called himself a longtime liberal turned centrist. “But when we find out that conservatives are underrepresented among us by a factor of more than 100, suddenly everyone finds it quite easy to generate alternate explanations.”

For the official damn record, THAT is what happened to “climate change scientists.”

And so let’s consider the “science” of “climate change” and the “scientists” who have fabricated the “consensus” that we keep hearing about:

A climate change researcher has claimed that scientists are confusing their role as impartial observers with green activism after his paper challenging predictions about the speed of global warming was rejected because it was seen as “less than helpful.”

Professor Lennart Bengtsson says recent McCarthy-style pressure from fellow academics forced him to resign from his post on a climate sceptic think-tank.

The research fellow from the University of Reading believes a paper he co-authored was deliberately suppressed from publicatoin in a leading journal because of an intolerance of dissenting views about climate change by scientists who peer-reviewed the work.

“The problem we have now in the scientific community is that some scientists are mixing up their scientific role with that of climate activist,” he told the Times.

Professor Bengtsson claims a scientist advised that the paper, which challenged findings that global temperature would increase by 4.5C if greenhouse gases were to double, should not be published in a respected journal because it was “less than helpful.”

The unnamed scientist, who was asked to peer review Professor Bengtsson’s paper, said in his comments: “Actually it is harmful as it opens the door for oversimplified claims of ‘errors’ and worse from the climate sceptics side.”

The paper, co-authored with four other scientists, challenged the findings of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) but was rejected by Environmental Research Letters published by the Institute of Physics, one of the most highly regarded journals in the area.

Professor Bengtsson said he accepted emissions would increase the global temperature but questioned the rate at which this would take place and suggested more work needed to be done to determine this.

However he said it was unacceptable that a paper was rejected on the basis it might advance the argument of climate sceptics, as he suggested scientists were losing their impartial role.

He added: “It is an indication of how science is gradually being influenced by political views.”

We are routinely finding that climatologists who are in ANY way, shape or form skeptical of the garbage that is the global warming alarmist industry are intimidated, threatened, purged and at LEAST find themselves marginalized and excluded from funding.

I am beyond SICK of rabid fascists imposing themselves on every sphere across the board, be it “science,” “morality,” “religion,” you name it – these people have perverted it and distorted it and have created a system that rewards themselves and their allies while punishing everyone who won’t knuckle under to them.

This climate change is a pile of crap driven by biased ideologues who are FAR more “politician” or “bureaucrat” than they have EVER been “scientists.”

I’ll close with this point about how truly morally idiotic progressive liberalism has become as epitomized in Nancy Pelosi’s shrill rant, “I’m trying to save the planet!  I’m trying to save the planet!”

By their own count (as opposed to young earth Creationism’s most radical interpretation based on Usher’s Chronology) Earth is over 4.5 BILLION years old.  Anyone who isn’t a complete fool knows that planet Earth has been around a very long time and will continue to be around for a very long time.  But liberals, being irrational, believe they need to save it.  And because of that liberals, being truly demonically evil, also believe that in order to “save the planet” humans need to be treated like a cancer and exterminated:

“My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it’s full complement of species, returning throughout the world.” – Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!

Mankind is the most dangerous, destructive, selfish and unethical animal on the earth.”
– Michael Fox, vice-president of The Humane Society

Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.”
– John Davis, editor of Earth First! Journal

Humans on the Earth behave in some ways like a pathogenic micro-organism, or like the cells of a tumor.”
– Sir James Lovelock, Healing Gaia

The Earth has cancer and the cancer is Man.”
– Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point

A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible.”
United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment

A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.”
– Prof Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb

A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
– Ted Turner, founder of CNN and major UN donor [and major DEMOCRAT PARTY DONOR]

Of course, for liberals, “saving the planet” is always done at the expense of OTHER people.  So they demand the right to spend Other People’s Money and they demand the right to exterminate Other People.

Liberals have murdered fifty-five million babies.  And like the Islamic fascists talking about the Jews murdered in the Holocaust, if you bring up the 55 million they’ve murdered in their abortion mills they say, “Not enough!”

Let me say it again: Earth has been around for over 4.5 billion years and it will be around for a long time to come.  And you are a true idiot indeed if you believe somebody’s SUV is going to kill the Earth.

Real scientists – rather than the pseudo-scientist whores who have prostituted themselves for their pimp Sugar Daddy “Climate Change” – have documented that we’ve had over 600 climate change cycles over the past one million years.  And since a billion is a thousand million, and the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, by that count we’ve had 2,700,000 cycles of climate change.

But Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and every liberal are vowing that we’re not going to have 2,700,001 cycles on their watch.  Not even if they have to spend $76 trillion of Other People’s Money to do it.

I suppose they have a slightly better chance of succeeding at stopping climate change than they would have of stopping the sun from going down at night.  But not by much.

Earth doesn’t need “saving.”

Do you know what DOES need saving?  The republic.

Unlike planet Earth, which has been around for a very long time and won’t be going away anytime soon, nations and even civilizations have come and gone with dismaying frequency.

Ours is in jeopardy.

The United States of America is the oldest nation on earth, in terms of the antiquity of its Constitution which birthed it.  Many nations came before America; many nations have risen and collapsed since our republic was formed.

As we speak, liberals are murdering America with crushing debt that we cannot possibly repay and which will ultimately cause our certain collapse.

In 2012 – thanks almost ENTIRELY to liberals and their morally insane fascist policies – the U.S. fiscal gap (our assets minus our unfunded liabilities) was $222 TRILLION according to the Congressional Budget Office.

That gap is growing by a rapidly accelerating pace as the cumulative weight of our interest on our debt piles higher and higher.  In 2012, it grew by $11 trillion.  It will continue to grow by a more and more insane figure every single year until America implodes.  So we’re probably close to a true “national debt” of nearing $250 trillion today.

Currently, we’re able to get away with this madness because as a result of American dominance in the aftermath of World War II the United States is the world’s “reserve currency,” with most commodities being bought and sold entirely in U.S. dollars.  That will end soon; it simply has to.  And America will financially collapse overnight in a manner that will make the Great Depression seem like a sunny day on a lovely beach.

What needs “saving”?

Liberals aren’t “saving the planet.”  They are destroying America.  And their destruction will bear terrible, lethal fruit very soon.


Barack Obama – Who Actually TOLD US He Would Make Electricity Prices ‘Necessarily Skyrocket’ – Has Completely Broken Our Electrical Grid

April 30, 2014

I’ve been seeing articles about how “vulnerable” our electrical power grid has become to various potential crises.  And we’re finally starting to get to the root CAUSE of the REAL crisis.  In short, it is the “Crisis’-in-Chief” who also goes by the name Barack Hussein Obama.

Note how this article begins by blathering on about “the polar vortex.”  And then see how – by the time the average reader has probably switched his/her brain off – you see the paragraph that says:

The electrical system’s duress was a direct result of the polar vortex, the cold air mass that settled over the nation. But it exposed a more fundamental problem. There is a growing fragility in the U.S. electricity system, experts warn, the result of the shutdown of coal-fired plants, reductions in nuclear power, a shift to more expensive renewable energy and natural gas pipeline constraints. The result is likely to be future price shocks. And they may not be temporary.

So allow me to simply restate the main point: the problem that has caused your electricity bill to soar to never-before-seen heights – and STAY THERE FOREVER – is your stupid decision to elect and then re-elect Barack Obama and a frankly Demonic bureauCrat party (which is what “Democrat” actually stands for).  It was Obama’s dictate – cheered on by worshipful DemoCrats, to bankrupt the coal plants that provided HALF America’s electricity and force them to shut down, to kill nuclear power, to shift to these extravagant and financially ruinous “green” energies so that the rich liberals who bought and invested in these boondoggles could gorge on the pig trough of public money.

I want you to understand before you read the LA Times’ spin: I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN.  I told you it would happen before you elected Obama and said, “I hope they find out about this … before they make the biggest mistake of their lives.”

I pointed out and preserved for the historic record what Obama said:

Let me sort of describe my overall policy.

“What I’ve said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.


So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.


So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.

It’s just that it will bankrupt them.”

That’s what Obama said.  That’s what Obama did.

Obama declared that electricity rates would “necessarily skyrocket” under his plan.

Obama said:

When I was asked earlier about the issue of coal…under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket…even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas…you name it…whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retro-fit their operations.

That will cost money…they will pass that money on to the consumers.

Congratulations for voting for his damn plan.

For the record, as this article from a couple of years ago proves, this has been going on.  Obama is and has been at war with American energy and while Obama is powerless, helpless and weak before Putin he is a tyrant when it comes to dictating his domestic agenda.  His war has succeeded.

I pointed out that the United States is the Saudi Arabia of coal.  We have billions of tons of the stuff.  And Obama made it not only useless to America’s national security and economic prosperity but actually a HANDICAP to them.

And now you get to pay for Obama’s ruinous policies.

I’m stating as a FACT that the LA Times is a biased piece of dishonest propaganda.  As an example, when they talk about “the last decade” and begin their dating with “2006” they don’t bother to tell you that that was the year that Democrats – having lied to the American people – took over both the House and the Senate.  Back then, EVERYTHING was George Bush’s fault because he was the president and he was a Republican and NOTHING could be the fault of Nancy Pelosi’s liberal lordship over the House and Harry Reid’s liberal tyranny in the Senate.  And of course now EVERYTHING is the Republican House’s fault and NOTHING is the president’s fault or the still-there Harry Reid’s fault.  The first thing Pelosi and Reid and the Democrats began doing was imposing energy insanity on America – as I documented.  But given that the LA Times is staffed with propagandist liars who spin the news rather than report it, I want you to note that even THESE Goebbels are admitting reality now:

U.S. electricity prices may be going up for good
Experts warn of a growing fragility as coal-fired plants are shut down, nuclear power is reduced and consumers switch to renewable energy.
By Ralph Vartabedian
April 25, 2014, 8:47 p.m.

As temperatures plunged to 16 below zero in Chicago in early January and set record lows across the eastern U.S., electrical system managers implored the public to turn off stoves, dryers and even lights or risk blackouts.

A fifth of all power-generating capacity in a grid serving 60 million people went suddenly offline, as coal piles froze, sensitive electrical equipment went haywire and utility operators had trouble finding enough to keep power plants running. The wholesale price of electricity skyrocketed to nearly $2 per kilowatt hour, more than 40 times the normal rate. The price hikes cascaded quickly down to consumers. Robert Thompson, who lives in the suburbs of Allentown, Pa., got a $1,250 bill for January.

“I thought, how am I going to pay this?” he recalled. “This was going to put us in the poorhouse.”

The bill was reduced to about $750 after Thompson complained, but Susan Martucci, a part-time administrative assistant in Allentown, got no relief on her $654 charge. “It was ridiculous,” she said.

The electrical system’s duress was a direct result of the polar vortex, the cold air mass that settled over the nation. But it exposed a more fundamental problem. There is a growing fragility in the U.S. electricity system, experts warn, the result of the shutdown of coal-fired plants, reductions in nuclear power, a shift to more expensive renewable energy and natural gas pipeline constraints. The result is likely to be future price shocks. And they may not be temporary.

One recent study predicts the cost of electricity in California alone could jump 47% over the next 16 years, in part because of the state’s shift toward more expensive renewable energy.

“We are now in an era of rising electricity prices,” said Philip Moeller, a member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, who said the steady reduction in generating capacity across the nation means that prices are headed up. “If you take enough supply out of the system, the price is going to increase.”

In fact, the price of electricity has already been rising over the last decade, jumping by double digits in many states, even after accounting for inflation. In California, residential electricity prices shot up 30% between 2006 and 2012, adjusted for inflation, according to Energy Department figures. Experts in the state’s energy markets project the price could jump an additional 47% over the next 15 years.

The problems confronting the electricity system are the result of a wide range of forces: new federal regulations on toxic emissions, rules on greenhouse gases, state mandates for renewable power, technical problems at nuclear power plants and unpredictable price trends for natural gas. Even cheap hydro power is declining in some areas, particularly California, owing to the long-lasting drought.

“Everywhere you turn, there are proposals and regulations to make prices go higher,” said Daniel Kish, senior vice president at the Institute for Energy Research. “The trend line is up, up, up. We are going into uncharted territory.”

New emissions rules on mercury, acid gases and other toxics by the Environmental Protection Agency are expected to result in significant losses of the nation’s coal-generated power, historically the largest and cheapest source of electricity. Already, two dozen coal generating units across the country are scheduled for decommissioning. When the regulations go into effect next year, 60 gigawatts of capacity — equivalent to the output of 60 nuclear reactors — will be taken out of the system, according to Energy Department estimates.

Moeller, the federal energy commissioner, warns that these rapid changes are eroding the system’s ability to handle unexpected upsets, such as the polar vortex, and could result in brownouts or even blackouts in some regions as early as next year. He doesn’t argue against the changes, but believes they are being phased in too quickly.

The federal government appears to have underestimated the impact as well. An Environmental Protection Agency analysis in 2011 had asserted that new regulations would cause few coal plant retirements. The forecast on coal plants turned out wrong almost immediately, as utilities decided it wasn’t economical to upgrade their plants and scheduled them for decommissioning.

The lost coal-generating capacity is being replaced largely with cleaner natural gas, but the result is that electricity prices are linked to a fuel that has been far more volatile in price than coal. The price of natural gas now stands at about $4.50 per million BTUs, more expensive than coal. Plans to export massive amounts of liquefied natural gas, the rapid construction of gas-fired power plants and the growing trend to convert the U.S. heavy truck fleet to natural gas could exert even more upward pressure on prices. Malcolm Johnson, a former Shell Oil gas executive who now teaches the Oxford Princeton Program, a private energy training company, said prices could move toward European price levels of $10.

“When those natural gas prices start going up again, we will feel it in the way of higher electricity prices,” warns James Sweeney, a Stanford University energy expert.

The loss of coal is being exacerbated by problems at the nation’s nuclear plants. Five reactors have been taken out of operation in the last few years, mainly due to technical problems. Additional shutdowns are under consideration.

At the same time, 30 states have mandates for renewable energy that will require the use of more expensive wind and solar energy. Since those sources depend on the weather, they require backup generation — a hidden factor that can add significantly to the overall cost to consumers.

Nowhere are the forces more in play than in California, which has the nation’s most aggressive mandate for renewable power. Major utilities must obtain 33% of their power from renewable sources by 2020, not counting low-cost hydropower from giant dams in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

In some cases, the renewable power costs as much as twice the price of electricity from new gas-fired power plants. Newer facilities are more competitive and improved technology should hold down future electricity prices, said former FERC Chairman Jon Wellinghoff, now a San Francisco attorney.

But San Francisco-based Energy + Environmental Economics, a respected consultant, has projected that the cost of California’s electricity is likely to increase 47% over the next 16 years, adjusted for inflation, in part because of the renewable power mandate and heavy investments in transmission lines.

The mandate is just one market force. California has all but phased out coal-generated electricity. The state lost the output of San Onofre’s two nuclear reactors and is facing the shutdown of 19 gas-fired power plants along the coast because of new state-imposed ocean water rules by 2020.

“Our rates are increasing because of all of these changes that are occurring and will continue to occur as far out as we can see,” said Phil Leiber, chief financial officer of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. “Renewable power has merit, but unfortunately it is more costly and is one of the drivers of our rates.”

“While renewables are coming down in cost, they are still more expensive,” said Russell Garwacki, manager of pricing design and research at Southern California Edison. The company is imposing a 10% price hike this year to catch up with increased costs in the past.

Officials at the California Public Utilities Commission, responsible for setting utility rates, dispute predictions of large-scale electricity price hikes in the near future. Edward Randolph, head of the PUC’s energy division, said price increases were not likely to exceed the rate of inflation, though the commission has refused to spell out the data on which it bases its projections. In any case, while California already has some of the highest hourly rates for electricity in the nation, the average consumer in the state pays bills that are below the national average because overall electricity use is so low.

The push to wean California off fossil fuels for electricity could cause a consumer backlash as the price for doing so becomes increasingly apparent, warns Alex Leupp, an executive with the Northern California Power Agency, a nonprofit that generates low-cost power for 15 agencies across the state. The nonprofit was formed decades ago during a rebellion against the PUC and the high prices that resulted from its regulations.

“If power gets too expensive, there will be a revolt,” Leupp said. “If the state pushes too fast on renewables before the technology is viable, it could set back the environmental goals we all believe in at the end of the day.”,0,6329274.story#ixzz30Cs9hCJQ

Will there be a revolt?  Probably not.  We live in times that are even MORE dishonest than Hitler’s and Stalin’s because our leaders are advantaged with the latest skills in mass media manipulation and our media outlets are more propagandistic than Joseph Goebbels or TASS ever was.  Democrats – liars to the cores of their beings – will simply find their equivalent of “Jews” (Republicans, energy companies, insurance companies, rich people, etc.) to slander.  Bad people invariably believe lies – and we have become a bad people.

Obama declared war on coal, and with the aid of the stupid American people who frankly deserve to freeze in the dark, coal was forced to surrender.

We won’t get these assets back for YEARS if we can get them back at all, ye stupid dumbasses.  Even if you vote Republican, the investors who would bring cheap, efficient coal back on line now know that we’re only one election away from a fascist who will bankrupt them.  They won’t DARE invest in coal again: because the moral idiot American people elected and then re-elected a fascist and they know that it can happen again (and may in 2016 in the pantsuited form of Hillary Clinton).

So you CAN count on the fact that Barack Hussein Obama has permanently caused American energy prices to “necessarily skyrocket.”  Amazingly, he did so in a country that has more coal than any other nation on the face of the earth.

In terms of energy and in terms of so many other things, Obama made the richest nation in the history of the world IMPOVERISHED.

And not only that, but the integrity of our grid is now in open question: having abolished coal, with NOTHING to take its place in terms of either price OR supply, we don’t have enough power to provide so we’re going to have more crashes and more devastating crashes in our electrical grid.

And who is going to suffer the most from this moral idiocy?  The rich?  They’ll buy themselves generators.  And even steep increases will hardly dent the percentage of income they dedicate to their heating and cooling bills.

You stupid liberals.  Here is another example of how you afflicted the poor who will now – thanks to the Democrat Party – have to pay unprecedented percentages of their meager household incomes on their energy because you made their rates soar.

And the only other thing you can count upon in God damn America as Democrats wage economic warfare on the poorest among us is that those very poor are ignorant enough and depraved enough to keep believing the lies of the Democrats who are most oppressing them.

Gutless RINO ‘Republicans’ Join Soulless Liberal Democrats In Demagoguing Climate Change No Matter How Idiotic It Is

April 11, 2013

Democrats probably LOVE to say, “Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.”  And why wouldn’t they?  The man is a turd.

That said, this turd – who emerged from elite liberal Hollywood – became “Governator,” was very quickly broken by Democrats, and went from calling Democrats “gurly men” to bending over for the gurly men.

Arnold stands for homosexual marriage, the culture of abortion, the Dr. Mengele-like exploitation of embryos in the name of “science,” and pretty much every OTHER liberal wedge issue.

You can understand the contempt Turdzenegger has for the institution of marriage between a man and a woman given the contempt he displayed toward his own “marriage.”

Which means calling him a “Republican” is kind of like calling ubersocialist Barack Obama a “Republican.”  Give me a break.

But the disgraced turd who is so unfaithful and so hypocritical that he not only cheated on his wife, but cheated on the woman whom he was cheating on his wife with is back.  You know, like his “I’ll be back” line that he said in pretty much every movie he ever appeared in.

So now he’s pimping another leftwing cultural issue hoping that he’ll be a media darling again: he’s pimping “climate change.”

In a Los Angeles Times Op-Ed Arnold Turdzeneger wrote:

Schwarzenegger: California’s silent disaster
The National Climate Assessment presents a sobering vision of the world that awaits us if we don’t act.
April 08, 2013|By Arnold Schwarzenegger

I will always remember the day I woke to the news that more than 2,000 fires were burning in California. I thought I must not have heard correctly. Two thousand fires? How could that be?

In the end, the state’s brave firefighters, joined by contingents from out of state, won the battle. But not before 11 emergency declarations were issued and more than 400,000 acres burned. Countless lives and livelihoods were ruined.

Today, there’s a new disaster looming, and although it’s not as riveting or dramatic as walls of flames and billowing black smoke, it needs our immediate attention. The draft National Climate Assessment, now being circulated for comment and scheduled for release this year by the U.S. Global Change Research Program, presents a sobering vision of the world that awaits us if we don’t act.

This team of top climate scientists has concluded that our region of the country is hotter than it has ever been and that it will get hotter — because of humans. The last decade was the hottest the Southwestern U.S. has experienced — on average 2 degrees warmer than it had been historically. The scientists project a further increase over the next 50 years of 6 to 9 degrees if we do nothing.

Already we are seeing the effects of a warmer climate: droughts and heat waves that threaten lives, and, yes, fires.

This shift could spell disaster for California, long the nation’s agricultural powerhouse. The state produces more than half of the fruits, nuts and vegetables grown in the U.S., with an output of $43.5 billion last year. Californians don’t rely just on the food produced by the state’s farms; they rely on the revenue and the jobs too. Agriculture employs more than 1.5 million people in California.

This report spells out many other negative effects that rising temperatures will cause in California. Over the last 100 years, sea levels have risen about 7 inches, and the San Francisco Bay Area is already feeling the effects. A sewage system there was flooded with saltwater, and the 101 Freeway has seen flooding. This isn’t a distant threat.

Now, we are facing another rise in sea level of 1 to 4 feet. A rise of just 16 inches would be enough to endanger roads, highways and airports in San Francisco and Oakland. It could contaminate crucial groundwater in Los Angeles.

Heat is already the leading cause of weather-related deaths, and the expected temperature increase will mean longer and hotter heat waves, like the one that killed 164 Californians during a blistering week in 2006.

That’s the bad news contained in the National Climate Assessment. The good news is we can do something to prevent these dire outcomes.

The report should be a wake-up call for leaders in Washington to overcome gridlock and start working on solutions. For models of how to proceed, they need only look to California and other states and cities that have begun to move forward in a bipartisan way.

The first step for policymakers — and for ordinary citizens too — is to understand the situation we face, which means carefully reading the National Climate Assessment. It may not be as gripping to look at or have the provocative appeal of a raging wildfire or another act of God, but the knowledge in this report is crucial to understanding how to change, to adapt, to prevent and to prepare for future disasters.

Climate change.  Global warming.  Whatever these pathological liars will label it next.  It’s killing us.  We’re all going to die.

First of all, if you think the Los Angeles Times would have published Turdzenegger’s screed if he had said global warming was an idiotic myth, you’re a breathtaking idiot.  Nope, the ONLY way Turdzenegger can get back in the public’s good graces is by trying to preach the liberal line.  And of course to get his lines LEFT rather than right.

But the day that Turdzenegger said “Heat is already the leading cause of weather-related deaths” turned out to be a uberCOLD Spring day in California.  As Turdzenegger screamed that it was just getting hotter and hotter, I looked at my thermometer: it was in the forties.  By 11:00 AM, it was 51 degrees Fahrenheit.

Here’s what it was like in much of the rest of the nation – and note that the story is describing the actual climate on the VERY SAME DAY that Turdzenegger was writing his please-please-please don’t shun me piece:

Temperature suddenly plunges 55 degrees in Colorado: ‘It’s just brutal’
By Erin McClam and John Newland, NBC News

Blizzard warnings were in effect Tuesday in Colorado, where the temperature plunged more than 50 degrees in less than 24 hours and the wind chill approached zero. Forecasters also expect hurricane-force blasts of frigid air in Utah and heavy snow in the Dakotas.

The culprit is a deep dip in the jet stream that swung west and pulled arctic air far into the country. As it collides with warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, strong storms and tornadoes are possible in the Great Plains and Texas.

“It’s just brutal to be outside,” said Eric Fisher, a meteorologist for The Weather Channel.

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In Denver, the temperature plummeted from 71 degrees at 2 p.m. Monday to 16 degrees at 7 a.m. Tuesday, with a wind chill of 1. More than 300 flights had been canceled into and out of Denver since Monday night.

Forecasters said Denver could get as much as 11 inches of snow and South Dakota more than a foot, with snow stretching as far north and east as Minnesota and Nebraska. In Utah, wind gusts of 75 mph were possible, The Weather Channel reported.

The calendar may say spring, but April is the second-snowiest month of the year in Denver. The city has averaged 9 inches in April since 1882, second only to the 11.5 inches it gets in an average March, according to the National Weather Service.

The weather pattern threatened to bring damaging wind, large hail and perhaps tornadoes to parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Iowa, and weaker storms later in the day in the Ohio Valley.

“We’re looking at the gamut today for severe weather,” Weather Channel meteorologist Kevin Roth said.

As the system moves east, severe storms are possible Wednesday across a boomerang-shaped swath of the country from the Texas Gulf Coast north through Indiana and into western Pennsylvania.

Severe storms could move into Georgia, West Virginia and the Carolinas on Thursday.

This story was originally published on Tue Apr 9, 2013 4:59 AM EDT

This is a common event.  Oh, yeah All the time.  Pretty much every damn year.  You can count on it.  Every year.  Including this year right here in our capitol.

Remember when global warming idiots brazenly said that “snow is starting to disappear from our lives”???  Seriously, do you remember this crap?  What’s that?  You idiots DON’T remember this?  We are at a point of global stupidity when these fools can be wrong a thousand times and still win the argument with an intellectually moronic and morally idiotic culture.

The Arctic ice returns to normal, in contradiction to the liberal demagogues.  But the liberal lies go on and on.  And on, of course.

That’s what “global warming” really proves, of course: that liberals are abject liars who will stop at nothing.

When we get the most snow in a hundred years, why is it?  Because it’s so damn hot it’s actually cold.

I’ve repeatedly described “climate change” events that preached global warming that had to be canceled because it was way too damn cold to have the event.

I’ve explained that in contrast to what the global warming alarmists keep screeching, global temperatures are PLUNGING.  And while we’ve dumped more CO2 into the global atmosphere in the last ten years than during ANY time in history, there is no correlating rise in temperature to show for it.

I’ve pointed out that the shenanigans that the left have pulled off in the name of “climate change” has been bogus fraud after fraud after fraud.  It turns out that if you actually factor in the environmental, CO2-spewing costs to the environment of producing and disposing of the batteries for the electric cars, they are actually FAR more polluting than the gas-guzzlers.

I’ve pointed out how the “scientists” keep being wrong in their hyping over global warming.  As well as how they have repeatedly warped legitimate science to hype it.  As in they’ve done it and gotten caught doing it over and over and over again.  Which of course very much includes the abject scientific fraud that is Obama.  That’s right, I said Obama is a fraud and a liar.  As well as the vile tactics that liberals will go to to ignore “science” so they can hype a blatantly false message.

Global Warming is a pseudo-scientific fraud.  Period.

I’ve pointed out the tragic tendency of liberals to believe whatever “science” tells them – no matter how monstrous the message they are asked to believe.

Which is why the left wants to murder hundreds of millions of precious human babies in the global abortion mills by depriving humans of their humanity while giving “Mother Earth” the status that they deny to actual human beings.

I’ve explained that there is NO scientific reason to embrace “global warming” by whatever name the libturds want to call it.  I’ve pointed out that legitimate science actually documents the fact that – in utter disproof of “man-cased global warming,” the temperatures in the pre-industrial world were considerably WARMER than they are now.

I’ve also written about what the TRUE monstrous agenda of the left is – over global warming and pretty much everything else.  Just read the quotes near the bottom of the article to see how profoundly demonic and anti-human the global warming lobby truly is.

I’ve explained that “global warming” and sky-high gasoline prices go hand in glove.  Oh, yes, and energy prices, too.

In just one article, I documented a number of facts that refute anthropogenic global warming:

I’ve written numerous articles on the legitimate issues casting doubt on global warming. Consider facts such as: 1) the history of planet earth is a history of climate change and huge swings in climate; 2) we have seen even larger episodes of “global warming” on the planets in our solar system – none of which have SUVs driving around on them – than we see on our own planet earth; 3) the “science” of global warming has been warped with mind-boggling acts of fraud and shocking manipulation of data; 4) not only is there no “consensus” about “global warming” but in fact increasing numbers of scientists are outright hostile about “‘decarbonizing’ the world’s economy”; and 5) in spite of all evidence to the contrary, the United Nations is demanding $76 TRILLION in what amounts to pure socialist redistributionism to “save the planet” from “climate change.”

I just learned that the Old Kingdom of Egypt began as a result of an enormous climate shift in which Northern Africa went from a verdant and fertile land to a desert while the Nile began to bloom (4000 BC) and collapsed as a result of massive climate change in which the Nile transformed from lush farmland into dust. And nobody was driving SUVs, were they??? Just as nobody is driving SUVs on Mars.

The fact of the matter is that it was never anything more than a completely artificial and arbitrary decision to blame manmade CO2 – which constitutes such a tiny infinitesimal fraction of the actual global warming gasses it is unreal – for all of our current climate change. When manmade CO2 very obviously never had ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with all the myriad episodes of climate change that have characterized the history of planet earth from time immemorial ever before.

But liberals swear up and down that we must spend at least $76 trillion to fight the manmade CO2 bogeyman regardless.

Again, what caused the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Egypt?  “Climate change.”  Either because those damned pharaohs were driving around in pollution-spewing SUVs and pickup trucks, or in complete refutation of everything liberals are trying to say now.  And the fact remains that the Roman Empire was able to become great at a time when temperatures were considerably warmer than they are now.  In complete refutation of everything liberals are trying to say now about the horrendous danger of global warming.

And, again, where are the reports of the SUVs and pickup trucks being found by the millions on MARS?

“Evidence that CO2 is not the principle driver of warming on this planet is provided by the simultaneous warming of other planets and moons in our solar system, despite the fact that they obviously have no anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. Mars, Triton, Pluto and Jupiter all show global warming, pointing to the Sun as the dominating influence in determining climate throughout the solar system.”

History refutes them.  Which is why “history” is such an unimportant subject to the left and why they always want to rewrite history.

And it doesn’t matter how many jobs these leftists destroy.  They talk about caring about the poor, but they don’t give a damn about actual people.

The actual major polluters get a complete pass from the left.  China, India and Russia can go on polluting; it’s only the WEST that must stop.  Why is that, if there’s an actual crisis?

The fact is that the true agenda of the left – whether about “global warming” or anything else – is the worship of Satan rather than the God of the Bible and Marxist redistributionism.  And liberal progressive “science” was at the heart of the last Holocaust, just as it is at the heart of the present one.

For the record, I DO believe that the climate is changing.  I believe what legitimate science has actually already proven: that changes in the sun trigger changes in our climate, and all the liberals who say that human beings can control the earth’s climate have redistributed bovine feces into their skulls.

What is interesting is that Jesus and the prophets in the Bible were the ones who talked about crazy climate changes in the last days.  Liberals have hijacked an issue that proves that we are in the last days as they strive to bring the very last days that the Bible described to come to pass.

What Liberals Now Openly Admitting About The Radical Green Enviornmentalist ‘Gospel’ Ought To Outrage You.

March 5, 2013

Note: The print edition of the Los Angeles Times’ March 4, 2013 AA1 top front-page story posted below was “Spreading California’s green gospel.”  The fact that this is ultimately an issue of religious belief for the left is thus reflected in my title.

I will bold face the part that admits the one thing that liberals despise the most – the truth – for your perusal:

Gov. Jerry Brown works to spread California’s green doctrine
California is a leader on the environment, but it needs other states — and nations — on board to keep down economic costs.
March 03, 2013|By Anthony York, Los Angeles Times

SACRAMENTO — When Gov. Jerry Brown called on his fellow governors at a conference in Washington last week to embrace a California-style pursuit of cleaner air, he was doing more than reinforcing the state’s image as an environmental trailblazer. He was trying to protect its economy.

Brown needs other states and the federal government to adopt key elements of California’s environmental agenda, such as reaping more energy from renewable sources and capping greenhouse gas emissions, if those programs are to be successful here.

The state’s aggressive pursuit of environmental goals has provided a new impetus for green jobs and federal subsidies. But the programs are costly to businesses, raising the price of their energy and forcing them to upgrade to cleaner manufacturing technologies.

If others don’t go green, California could become an outlier, saddling businesses with costly new power while neighboring states continue to use traditional, cheaper energy, experts say. If the efforts under way in California spread to become the new normal, however, all will benefit from economies of scale.

If more states order power companies to limit their use of fossil fuels, for example, the incentive will grow nationwide for firms to develop cheaper alternatives, leaving California consumers less exposed to spikes in electricity rates.

Likewise, if greenhouse gas caps are widely implemented, the state’s landmark climate change law is more likely to be successful. Cleansing the air is “clearly not something California can do on its own,” said Severin Borenstein, director of the University of California Energy Institute.

The authors of California’s emissions law said as much in its text: The ultimate goal is “encouraging other states, the federal government and other countries to act.”

Brown has vowed to keep pushing to “decarbonize the economy.” He wants to advance the state’s mandate for renewable energy — already the most ambitious in the nation — further so California will receive as much as half its power from renewable sources within 20 years. In the courts, his administration is defending a state law, challenged by some oil and ethanol companies, that requires gasoline to contain 10% less carbon by the end of the decade.

In Washington, Brown pushed for others to join in. “We can’t do it alone,” he told state leaders gathered for the National Governors Assn. meeting. “We need other states…. We need China. We need India.”

You see, contrary to what “experts” have really been saying all along, liberals assured us that their “alternative” energy sources weren’t any more expensive than the “traditional” sources of fossil fuel that they despise so much and have tried so hard to literally criminalize.

Green energies are STUPIDLY more expensive than fossil fuels.  Period.  Thank you for pointing out at least one true thing in your paper today.  And wait, they revealed an even bigger truth: they also pointed out that if everybody else in the world doesn’t agree with us that the emperor looks incredible in that brilliant outfit and of course he’s not parading around in his underpants, the entire liberal green energy boondoggle will fail BECAUSE OUR COMPETITORS AREN’T AS STUPID AS OUR LIBERALS ARE.

Californians are paying more for their electricity than anyone in America with the exception of the also-liberally dominated Hawaii and the Northeastern region of the country.  North Dakota – a state that doesn’t criminalize fossil fuels – has residential rates of 7.97 cents per kilowatt hour, as opposed to California’s nearly double 15.3 cents.  It’s not that simple, obviously, given regional phenomena, but that’s an in-your-face fact.

As California dives in to the incredibly inefficient and expensive green energies by criminalizing fossil fuels and tax-funding their green energy boondoggles, our rates our going to skyrocket.  And even MORE actually-born-in-America citizens are going to flee this insanely stupid people’s republic.

Jerry Brown and California Democrats did what Obama is doing to the rest of America: they have bet their economy’s future on green energy.  And either every other state does it so it doesn’t make California’s investment look stupid and evil, or California goes bankrupt.  And as California goes, so goes the nation.

Either the entire world – including China and India which are actually building an average of four coal plants every single DAY in their countries rather than “going green” – goes Obama-stupid green worship – or America goes bankrupt.  Those are your choices now.

Liberals gambled everything on this one – and the facts show that they are going to lose our bet for us.  Obama made a bet, America got bit.  Bit by a poisonous snake that is going to kill us.

It’s amazing.  Even the Europeans who thought of this incredibly stupid green energy garbage in the first place are now beginning to flee this stupidity even as under Obama and Democrats we’re diving into it like no one ever has.  The Europe that embraced this crap is bankrupt because of it and closer to complete fiscal collapse than we are only because we were never this stupid until now.

Spain led Europe in diving into green energy.  It went bankrupt.  And now Spain is one of the most bankrupt nations in the EU.

And that’s the model we’re following.  Seriously.

One of the big reasons that our manufacturing fled to China is because the energy needed to manufacture something is dirt cheap.  They are leading in the manufacturing of all the green energy gizmos that liberals promised would create American jobs because of their energy cost and labor cost and cost of doing business are so much cheaper.  Chinese aren’t “pro-green” in the sense that they’re ever going to require their people to use it; they’re “pro-stupid” in the sense that they will build whatever stupid Americans want so they can take our jobs and our money from us.  If Americans want to bankrupt themselves with idiotic green energy, China will be only too happy to build our suicide machines for us and create more jobs for China in the process.

I mentioned coal and the fact that that’s the energy source that China is using to economically bury us with our own stupidity.

Nearly half – 48.2 percent – of the electricity generated in America came from coal when Obama took office.  And what was it that Obama said would happen to these producers of half of the nation’s electricity?  He promised to bankrupt them.

Please understand, we voted for our suicide.  Either we knew what we were doing and willingly chose suicide in voting for Obama, or we were so stupid that we proved ourselves unfit to survive by any Darwinian standard and voted for suicide by proxy.  But we voted for national suicide in 2008 and we confirmed that decision in 2012.

It doesn’t matter that coal is an incredibly cheap and efficient power source.  It doesn’t matter if America has more coal by far and away than any other nation on earth.  It doesn’t matter if bankrupting coal production is a synonym for bankrupting America.  We’re going to bankrupt coal producers and we’re going to bait and switch America to our green energy.

It is a truly amazing fact that three of your very most important elements to businesses – the cost of energy, the cost of labor, the cost of complying with government corruption and regulation – are THE most important things any employer bases business decisions on.  Liberals make all three plus many other costs of doing business MASSIVELY more expensive.  And then liberals are constantly shocked and appalled that businesses would respond to the middle finger that Democrats just gave them by taking their operations somewhere else.

So now you understand, as even acknowledged by liberalism: either the whole world decides to quit using cheap, abundant energy and chooses instead to only use expensive, production-intensive green energy boondoggles, or else America is going to go broke on the bet just as Europe went broke on pretty much the same bet.

But don’t worry about it, liberals.  The one thing you slandering liars know how to do is blame other people for your disasters.  You’ll get away with it again just like you got away with it in 2008.

Because the beast is coming.  And evil must blossom like a corpse flower to make straight in the wilderness a highway for their god.

You secular humanist liberals will be able to take his mark soon.

Photos Of Gas Lines Stretching For Miles And Miles. I Was A Kid When This Last Happened – And Jimmy Carter Was America’s Failed President.

November 2, 2012

Ah, the magic policies of Barack Hussein Obama that he promised would pave the streets with gold:

“… under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”

Instead of course we got dozens if not hundreds of Solyndras where Obama-connected crony capitalists got filthy rich and then walked away while their stimulus-dollar-fed solar energy firms went out of business.

The pictures of the 2012 Obama gas lines are simply  amazing.  Want a little gasoline for transportation and warmth?  Well, you have to go through Obama’s “hope and change,” first.

Let me warm you up with a picture of the Carter gas lines in the 1970s:

Ah, those were the good days.  Nothin’ to do but wait in line.  Nothin’ to be afraid of but not having gas and being stranded somewhere because your president was a worthless turd.

And here’s the Obama gas line to wait at the end of:

It’s too bad none of these people realizes that their messiah told them all they need to do is inflate their tires and they don’t need gas.

Instead, they are waiting FOUR FREAKING HOURS to get gasoline in Obamanation.  People are showing up at the pump late in the middle of the night or first thing early in the morning to get a jump on that four hour wait only to find cars already lined up as far as the horizon.

People are already getting pissed at the total lack of leadership.

As we speak, the city of New York is erupting in outrage because the idiot Mayor Bloomberg (who endorsed Obama because Bloomberg still thinks Obama is the messiah who will lower the levels of the oceans and heal the planet) is determined to have a parade also called the New York Marathon.  New Yorkers who just went through hell are outraged that their mayor wants to divert massive resources when many who live in the city still don’t have any power or warmth or transportation.  Instead of bringing in generators and police to ward off looters, Mayor Bloomberg says New York should instead use those resources for a damn parade of scrawny jogging idiots.  And the hotels that are stuffed full of New Yorkers who can’t return to their homes because their damn homes washed away in a hurricane are being asked by foreign tourists who want to watch those scrawny idiots jog to vacate their only shelter now because those rooms were booked for the marathon.  It’s quite amazing in the rigid bureaucratic idiocy.

Well, one more picture to sum up the current state of the union:

Thank God we never had to learn what a SECOND Carter term would look like.  And for God’s sake, let’s not find out NOW.

California Breaks Record For Highest Gas Prices EVER. In Fact Gas Prices Are Sky High On BOTH Coasts. But Socialists Will Vote For Obama No Matter WHAT.

October 8, 2012

Congratulations, liberal California; under Obama, you’ve screwed your people more than they’ve ever been screwed before:

LOS ANGELES (AP) – California motorists faced another day of record-breaking gasoline prices Sunday, though relief appeared to be on the way.

In its latest update early Sunday, AAA reported that the statewide average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline was $4.655. Saturday’s average of $4.6140 was the highest since June 19, 2008, when it was $4.6096.

The four-penny-per-gallon jump Sunday was less than Saturday’s increase, which was 12 cents. […]

The average for a gallon of regular was $4.69 in Los Angeles, $4.71 in San Diego and San Francisco, $4.55 in Sacramento and $4.90 in Santa Barbara, according to

Note that Obama just broke Bush’s record.  It’s Obama’s name in the record books now, kids.

Actually, AAA just announced that gas in California is now at $4.65.  That smashes the record for the highest price EVER.

And because it’s Obama and Democrats running California rather than the devil Bush, the mainstream media has constantly said to Californians, “Don’t worry; it’s only temporary!  Messiah will slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet!”  But we’re gradually learning that things won’t be quite so temporary for us:

But hey, we’re not alone here in California.  Liberals on BOTH coasts get to enjoy the price of that evil juice they constantly demonize.

From October 3 on the AP:

Drivers on either coast may be questioning the conventional wisdom that gas prices fall after Labor Day.

Motorists in California paid an average of $4.232 per gallon Wednesday. That’s 45 cents higher than the national average and exceeded only by Hawaii among the 50 states.

Prices in New York, Connecticut and New Hampshire are at or near highs for the year. They’re also about 40 cents higher than a year ago.

Refinery and pipeline problems have shrunk supplies of gasoline on the coasts and driven up prices in states that typically have some of the highest gas prices in the U.S. anyway. In other regions, gas prices have trickled lower after a late-summer surge.

California’s gasoline inventories have shrunk to the lowest levels in more than a decade. That has been exacerbated by the state’s strict anti-pollution laws which require motorists to use costlier blends of gasoline.

Drivers in the Pacific Northwest also are feeling the pinch. The average price in Oregon and Washington is above $4.

Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at Oil Price Information Service, expects another dramatic surge in West Coast prices over the next five days before they eventually head lower.

Kloza says conditions are improving on the East Coast, where refinery issues created tight supplies in the past several weeks, mainly in the Northeast. The situation is gradually easing as more imported oil arrives, he said.

For the rest of the country, average gas prices have dropped in the past month, but at a slower pace than typically seen after Labor Day. At $3.78 per gallon, the national average is the highest ever for this time of year.

It was reported today on Fox News that things are actually considerably worse now, but of course the media don’t want to report on that lest they hurt their magic messiah and risk tarnishing the power of his magic unicorn fairy dust.  Gas prices are shockingly high in Oregon and Washington, as well as New York and much of the Northeast.

Interestingly, I correctly pointed out that we would be facing sky-high gas prices under Obama well before we elected the damn fool.

The wisdom of Harry Reid:

“The one thing we fail to talk about is those costs that you don’t see on the bottom line. That is coal makes us sick, oil makes us sick; it’s global warming. It’s ruining our country, it’s ruining our world. We’ve got to stop using fossil fuel.”

The stark raving courage of Nancy Pelosi on preventing allowing more domestic energy production:

 “I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet,” she says impatiently when questioned. “I will not have this debate trivialized by their excuse for their failed policy.”

I’m sorry, Nancy, you raving lunatic, WHOSE failed policy is that?

Meanwhile, household incomes are now down 8.2% since Obama took office and started healing the planet and slowing the rise in the level of the oceans.  So the folk who are making an average of $4,520 less (the median income that was $55,198 the day Obama took office is now down to $50,678 under the failure in chief) have the privilege of spending more on gasoline, too.

If you think gas is poison like Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, vote Democrat.  If you want to save the planet from the evilness of gasoline like former Speaker of the House and current Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, then vote Democrat.  If you want to put gas in your damn car so you can go to work and you’re not either mentally incompetent or criminally insane, vote Republican.

If you’re a liberal, well, I might as well be trying to explain nuclear physics to a cockroach, so never the hell mind.

Update, October 8, 2012: Pat Robertson on his 700 Club program commented on California’s gasoline shortage and the corresonding stratospheric price increases and basically said that Californians are getting what they’ve voted for.  He said that he once bought an oil refinery in the San Diego area that would have easily picked up the slack in supply if liberals hand’t torpedoed it.  At the time Robertson purchased the refinery, it had passed all EPA requirements and was ready to go; but what happened instead?  Well, a liberal environmentalist group called “Citizens for a Better Environment” filed a lawsuit that was upheld by a liberal Clinton-appointed judge.  And as a result the refinery had to start over from scratch and do all kinds of studies that would prove that the refinery wouldn’t pollute (because it’s better to live in a cave and freeze at night in the winter or swelter in the heat in the summer than to allow an oil refinery to pollute, dontchaknow).  And the millions of extra dollars killled the project, just as liberals have killed EVERY refinery for decades.  And what’s the result: if just one aging refinery has a problem, the people are SCREWED.  And of course liberals then blame the oil companies for basically not allowing Democrats to bankrupt them.

Obama Breaks Bush Gas Price Record (I KNEW You Could Do It, Barry Hussein!!!)

August 22, 2012

As reported in the Los Angeles Times:

Gasoline prices rise, setting California and U.S. records
California’s average gasoline price of $4.129 is a new high for the third week of August, though the ascent has slowed. The U.S. average sets a similar record, and diesel prices raise concern.
By Ronald D. White, Los Angeles Times
August 21, 2012

California’s gasoline prices may have peaked after the refinery fire at Chevron Corp.’s Richmond facility, but they still rose enough over the last week to reach their highest level ever for the third week of August, the Energy Department said Monday.

The average price of a gallon of regular gasoline in California was $4.129, according to the Energy Department’s weekly survey of gas stations. That was up 3.3 cents from a week earlier — and 26.1 cents higher than on Aug. 6, just before the refinery fire knocked out parts of the state’s third-biggest fuel-producing plant.

The price for the third week of August broke a state record set in 2008, when the California average was $4.037 a gallon.

A separate, daily survey sponsored by AAA found that California’s average had stabilized, slipping one-tenth of a cent from Sunday’s average to $4.118 a gallon.

The Energy Department survey showed the U.S. average for a gallon of regular gasoline rose 2.3 cents over the last week to $3.744, squeaking past the previous national record for the third week of August, set in 2008, of $3.740.

Meanwhile, Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst for the Oil Price Information Service, said diesel prices were the bigger economic worry because they were raising transportation, construction and agricultural costs.

The average price of a gallon of diesel rose 9.8 cents to $4.313 in California and 6.1 cents to $4.026 nationwide — the highest averages since May 14.

Oil futures fell 4 cents to $95.97 a barrel in New York. The London price fell a penny to $113.70 a barrel.

Way to go there, Barry H.  Mind you, if I may play my own horn for a moment, I did predict your success in this regard in articles such as “Why Obama’s Energy Plan Will Cripple US” and “Liberals And Stupidity: The Homer Simpson Energy Idiots Club.”  I knew it was in you just as I know that America aint seen NOTHIN’ yet.

Don’t you listen to the complainers.  You just go on with your master plan to “necessarily bankrupt” the people who produce America’s energy.