Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

If Roseanne Barr’s ‘Apes’ Tweet Was Racist, Then Samantha Bee’s ‘C-Word’ Was Hateful To All Women, But Double Standard ALWAYS Applies

June 1, 2018

I’ll make my point right here, if it wasn’t already crystal-clear enough in my title: if Roseanne Barr’s tweet about Valerie Jarrett being the baby resulting from the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes was “racist” and an attack against all people of color, then Samantha Bee’s CBS network-aired spewage about the President of the United States’ daughter being a “feckless cunt” is misogynistic and an attack against all women,  And CBS is misogynistic and hateful to women for not having already fired her.  It is as simple as that.

So Roseanne Barr makes a stupid, and yeah, frankly racist comment about former top Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett.  Among the many reasons it was just beyond stupid is that Roseanne Barr frankly shouldn’t be throwing stones in glass houses when it comes to how other women look.  I also must personally confess that I remember finding “Dr. Zira” strangely attractive when I first saw her in the original movie.  But that’s another story.

And then, immediately after ABC proved it has a zero-tolerance attitude for anyone who could be perceived as a Republican saying anything nasty, Samantha Bee had this to say in viciously attacking President Trump’s daughter:

CBS rightly took some responsibility for the comment, because the word appeared on their network show which is NOT broadcast live.  Which means the entire network actively participated in Samantha Bee’s vile comment.  Whereas while the left and their many allies masquerading as “journalists” tried to make it appear – fake-news-style- that Donald Trump was to blame.  When in actuality it was only Roseanne and her Ambien, or whatever she was on.

It doesn’t bother me that Roseanne was fired.  Yeah, what she said was beneath contempt.

What bothers me is to be a liberal is to be a pathological hypocrite.  And progressive liberals are now every bit as much the combination of self-righteousness and hypocrisy as the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’ day ever were.

In addition to Samantha Bee, who said something on a network and directly involved her network when Roseanne Barr did no such thing, we also have a Democrat  named Dan Helmer who is running an ad on these same self-righteous television networks that directly compares the President of the United States to Osama bin Laden.  Now, what makes that funny in a pathologically self-righteous hypocrite sort of way, is that Roseanne Barr’s exact tweet was, “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”  And so we literally just had a trifecta of hypocrisy: Bee’s “cunt” remark is FAR more hateful than Barr’s “planet” remark; Dan Helmer’s “Osama bin Laden” ad was far more beyond the pale than Barr’s “Muslim Brotherhood” was; and Valerie Jarrett actually went to CBS which hosts Bee and participated in “cunts” to pontificate about Roseanne Barr’s unacceptable words.

But keep in mind, the same damn Disney which through ABC which oh-so self-righteously immediately fired Roseanne Barr has in its employ a vile roach turd named Keith Olbermann.  And he’s got his job.  And if these liberal progressive networks fire an Olbermann for hate, you can bet they will quickly rehire them.  Which they will never do to anyone who could be positively connected to Donald Trump.  Let’s go down memory lane and hear what a liberal progressive can spew and remain on the damn air.  And the same Disney that so quickly raced to fire Barr actually hired Olbermann POST-hateful spewage.  And yeah, Olbermann has also spewed hatred for women.  But that’s fine.

We’ve got Kathy Griffen rescinding her non-apology after doing a photo of herself holding an incredibly lifelike severed head of the President of the United States.  And amazingly in terms of self-righteous hypocrisy, she rescinded her so-called apology on an ABC program.  Somehow, I don’t think that taking back of an apology that was never sincere to begin with would have been quite so-okay had Roseanne Barr did the same ugly thing a few years ago with Barack Obama’s gory, severed head.  Any more than it would have been okay for Barr to hatefully attack – and even using the word “cunt” – against Obama’s daughter.

I haven’t forgotten what the so-called “journalists” did at their White House Press Correspondents gala through their vile mouthpiece Michelle Wolf.

A matter of days ago, the left was aghast and appalled and oh-so righteously outraged when pictures of the federal government holding illegal immigrant children in CAGES (like animals!!!).  But just one small detail: it was OBAMA who did it and the left had to go to photos depicting Obama hatred for immigrants to fake-news frame Donald Trump:

President Trump on Tuesday slammed Democrats who shared pictures of child migrants sleeping in cages to knock his immigration policies, only to backtrack after realizing the photos were taken during the Obama administration.
“Democrats mistakenly tweet 2014 pictures from Obama’s term showing children from the Border in steel cages,” Trump tweeted. “They thought it was recent pictures in order to make us look bad, but backfires.”

One photo of children in a cell was shared numerous times over the weekend amid outrage over Trump administration policies of separating illegal immigrant parents from their children at the southern border.

Trump opponents who shared the photo included activists, journalists and former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau, who said: “This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible.”

Tucker Carlson ran a beautiful segment about how the progressive left incredibly hypocritically kowtows to human-rights abusing China.  When it comes to human rights, human freedom and human dignity, China is the greatest monster in the history of the world, but ALL the liberal progressive communications entities literally aid and abet China in its destruction of the human soul as a matter of routine.  And it’s easy to document:

This is the same regime from the Great Leap forward, the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square Massacre.  China now has a monster-dictator for life with even more power to unleash evil against humankind than Mao had.  But hey, this monster is willing to give liberal progressives lucrative access to the Chinese communist market, so no big deal.

The left doesn’t care about humanity or human decency.  These people stand for nothing.  They don’t care about black people.  They don’t care about women.  They don’t care about illegal immigrants.  They don’t care about anyone but themselves.  They never have stood for anything but themselves.  And everything has always been nothing more than an ends-justifies-the-means means to and end to these people whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.

It’s hard for me to get too angry or upset about Roseanne’s racism when it’s so easy to demonstrate that the people who are the most “outraged” by it are themselves incapable of decency, or integrity, or honesty, or virtue of any kind.  It’s nothing but a game.  And in this game the progressive left constantly moves the goal posts and controls all the referees.  And when I condemn a Roseanne Barr, I am merely playing the game on their terms, because they will never condemn in the same manner their Samantha Bees, their Keith Olbermann’s, their Kathy Griffens, their Michelle Wolfs.  I merely participate with them in destroying my players, but they will never participate in any way, shape or form in destroying their players.

We stand for what’s right.  But the left will NEVER stand for what is right.

The Word of God prophetically described these people and this end-times generation that would be both hateful and lawless just before the coming of the beast whom they will worship because they are evil.  And here we are.

Hey, Hypocrite Facebook Fools, Why Didn’t You Damn Liberals Care When Obama Pulled The Same Stunt In 2012?

March 23, 2018

So I’m reading my paper and seeing all the butthurt and anger over the fact that a researcher named Aleksandr Kogan gave a research company named Cambridge Analytica access Facebook users’ data. Which used that data to help Donald Trump win the presidential election. And Facebook is now claiming that Cambridge Analytica had “violated its rules” and suspended them. But now, the entire planet is alarmed that Facebook is armed with so much data on so many of its addicted users and that it might actually give such information to a Republican presidential campaign to help them win. I mean, its truly evil.

And so now Facebook’s stock has plummeted to the tune of a $40 billion loss and Mark Zuckerberg is out confessing how terribly wrong it is hoping to avoid regulation the way the makers of other highly addictive products are regulated and the way other monopolies are regulated. And authorities are climbing all over Cambridge Analytica for its worse-than-what-the-Nazis-did crime against humanity.

Personally, I would be thrilled if Facebook and Google were broken up. But that would require the political left being morally consistent for once in its roach-collective existence, and that will never happen.

But here’s the rub: Facebook did the exact same thing back in the 2012 campaign and helped Obama win.

Townhall – in an article titled, “Former Obama Staffer: Facebook Allowed Us To Break User Data Rules Because They Were On Our Side,” put it this way:

Well, one former data officer for the Obama campaign, Carol Davidsen, admitted that Facebook allowed them to break the rules because they were on their side.
First, she tweeted a Time magazine piece showing what the 2012 campaign did to gather information:

In the final weeks before Election Day, a scary statistic emerged from the databases at Barack Obama’s Chicago headquarters: half the campaign’s targeted swing-state voters under age 29 had no listed phone number. They lived in the cellular shadows, effectively immune to traditional get-out-the-vote efforts.
For a campaign dependent on a big youth turnout, this could have been a crisis. But the Obama team had a solution in place: a Facebook application that will transform the way campaigns are conducted in the future. For supporters, the app appeared to be just another way to digitally connect to the campaign. But to the Windy City number crunchers, it was a game changer. “I think this will wind up being the most groundbreaking piece of technology developed for this campaign,” says Teddy Goff, the Obama campaign’s digital director.

That’s because the more than 1 million Obama backers who signed up for the app gave the campaign permission to look at their Facebook friend lists. In an instant, the campaign had a way to see the hidden young voters. Roughly 85% of those without a listed phone number could be found in the uploaded friend lists. What’s more, Facebook offered an ideal way to reach them. “People don’t trust campaigns. They don’t even trust media organizations,” says Goff. “Who do they trust? Their friends.”

Davidsen then detailed on Twitter how representatives from the social media company were surprised how much data they mined, adding that they were “very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”

And Townhall didn’t merely make up an “unnamed source” the way the leftist media gets their sources for their fake news hit pieces on Trump; they actually posted former Obama campaign director Carol Davidsen’s own words:

Carol Davidsen_Facebook helped Obama

So Obama’s 2012 campaign director publicly stated that the Facebook crack dealers “were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.” She said that Facebook was surprised that Obama roaches “were able to suck out the whole social graph, but they didn’t stop us once they realized that was what we were doing.”

FACT: The Obama campaign harvested user data from MILLIONS of Facebook users in the 2012 campaign. It literally gave Obama victory.

FACT: none oft he people who are so rabid and so angry and so bitter gave a flying damn that Obama did the very thing that is so terrible and so inexcusable and so evil now.

FACT: Facebook even benignly assisted Obama, as opposed to merely not realizing that one of its researchers had done for a pro-Trump organization what the entire organization had done for Obama.

FACT: to be a liberal is to be the very worst manner of hypocrite vermin there is; to be a liberal means to be a being incapable of virtue, or integrity, or honesty, or decency, or any kind of good thing whatsoever.

Of The Political Leftist (And Godless) Spin On ‘Christians’ And The Recognition Of Jerusalem As Israel’s Capitol: Prepare to Be ‘Left Behind’

December 26, 2017

I’ve been real busy these past few weeks, frankly too busy to write blog articles.  Now here it is Christmas and my routine has come to a glorious pause.  But it’s fortuitous that my last article was on the status of Jerusalem and the wicked going batpoop over President Donald Trump doing what Bill Clinton and Barack Obama along with George W. Bush and basically the entire Congress including one hypocrite named Diane Feinstein all said they believed should be done.

So Obama on June 4, 2008 told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in his very first foreign policy speech after winning the Democratic Party nomination for president this:

“Let me be clear. Israel’s security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable.

“The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive, and that allows them to prosper — but any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel’s identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognised and defensible borders.

“Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided. I have no illusions that this will be easy.”

But history since amply proved that whenever Obama said the words, “Let me be clear,” that whatever came out of his mouth afterward would be an outrageous lie.

George Bush also spoke to AIPAC and he said:

“Something will happen when I’m president: as soon as I take office I will begin the process of moving the US ambassador to the city Israel has chosen as its capital.”

What about Bill Clinton?  Oh, yeah, he’s a liar and hypocrite too, who said one thing and then did another.  Might as well have said, “Let me be clear” the way Obama has done with his red line on Syria and so many other times when he was about to lie to the American people.

Bill Clinton declared in February 1992, at the height of the Democratic primaries, that he supported recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, a step that would alter U.S. policy.

Later, during the general election campaign, Clinton attacked President George H.W. Bush for having “repeatedly challenged Israel’s sovereignty over a united Jerusalem.” He promised that he and running mate Al Gore would “support Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”
read more:

And I detailed in my last article:

In 1995 The 104th Congress of the United States passed The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 overwhelmingly in a bipartisan vote and a veto-proof majority by a by the Senate (93–5) and the House (374–37).

And also as I detailed, just six months ago, Democrat Senators like U.S. Senator from uberleftist Californiastan voted to demand that the president recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol:

( – Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has written to President Trump, urging him not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel or to announce he is moving the U.S. Embassy to the city.

Exactly six months ago Tuesday, the senior senator from California voted in favor of a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem, and calling on the president to “abide by” the provisions of the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act.

That 1995 legislation said Jerusalem should be recognized as Israel’s capital, and required the president to move the embassy from Tel Aviv by May 31, 1999. Feinstein, the eighth-longest serving senator, voted in favor of it on Oct. 24, 1995.

So it’s not like Donald Trump did something unheard of, out of the blue.  He merely did what every single U.S. president and virtually ALL Of Congress have declared they were going to do.

But that’s, well, basically obvious and clear U.S. history for the past seventy years, since Harry S. Truman became the first world leader to officially recognize the state of Israel in 1948 when beyond miraculously, Israel defeated six nations that each dwarfed them in size, in population and in resources to fulfill what the Bible declared would happen in Ezekiel chapter 37:1-14 in the prophecy of the dry bones:

37 The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”

I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

Then He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath[a] enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’”

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.

Then He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” 10 So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet—a vast army.

11 Then He said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.’ 12 Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. 13 Then you, My people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. 14 I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord.’”

Now, somebody who doesn’t understand Scripture beyond their own pathetic theological system might try to explain this away by saying it was already fulfilled when Israel came back from Babylon.  Some problems with that: 1) the Jews don’t come back from Babylon in Ezekiel 37; they come from “the four winds.”  They come from the four corners of the planet, having been dispersed worldwide.  And 2) the next chapter, 38, gives us the enemy that this reborn from dried bones Israel would face: Gog of the land of Magog – i.e. every single linguistic analysis says this is modern-day RUSSIA – Persia, a.k.a. modern-day Iran and a host of nations that today are ALL Islamic.  So the Jews will come not from Babylon but from all over the earth and the enemy the reborn Israel will face will NOT be Babylon, but Russia and Iran leading a host of Islamic nations.  In point of fact, Babylon is not mentioned in the prophetic narrative of the last-days invasion of Israel at all.  Which is why Joel C. Rosenberg BEFORE the 9/11 attack wrote his novel, “The Last Jihad” in which terrorists from Iraq flew a plane into the World Trade Center: to get rid of Saddam Hussein.  Why?  Because Joel realized that Iraq (modern-day Babylon) was NOT in the host of nations that would attack Israel, and could not understand how a Saddam Hussein would not participate in such a war against Israel.  And so Rosenberg, simply believing the biblical account, took Saddam out.  And yes, what Rosenberg realized from prophecy came to pass because the Bible is the true, inspired word of a God who declares the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).  Further, if anyone wants to foolishly argue that the prophecy of the dry bones of Israel coming back to life from the dried, desiccated dead was a past event with no present or future ramifications, another passage from Scripture prevails:

He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations, the covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac.  Then He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, “To you I will give the land of Canaan As the portion of your inheritance.” – Psalm 105:8-11

The LORD God has remembered His covenant for how long?  FOREVER.  A thousand generations?  Well, keep in mind Jesus was born in Bethlehem only 50 generations ago, so I think we’re still good on the thousand thing.  And again, what kind of covenant is it?  Oh, it’s an EVERLASTING one.

So I pick up my Lost Angeles Slimes and read an article titled, “There’s a sharp split among Christians over Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital,” and spit out my coffee.  How can one human being be so full of crap as the author of this article or the editor who allowed it or the publisher of the paper who publishes fake news like this?

The article authoritatively asserts, “The key to understanding this rift is the evangelical belief in what is necessary to pave the way for the second coming of Jesus.”

No, you pathetically ignorant dumbass who clearly has no idea whatsoever what the hell you’re writing about.

Interestingly, as I will get to, that above quote in context says, “The divide between evangelicals and other Christian denominations reflects two views of Jerusalem — one traditional and political, the other literal and theological. The key to understanding this rift is the evangelical belief in what is necessary to pave the way for the second coming of Jesus. ”  I’ll get to the “traditional and political” versus the “literal and theological.”  But let me begin my attack on this stupid notion that evangelical Christians are trying to “pave the way for the second coming of Jesus.”

I don’t like to throw out my bona fides, but I’ve got not one but TWO masters degrees from basically THE most evangelical Christian university on the planet: BIOLA University’s Talbot School of Theology.  And I can assure you that evangelicals are in no way, no shape or no form attempting to “pave the way for the second coming of Jesus.”  No, that’s a branch of Islam, that is looking for the Twelfth Imam who will only appear if they bathe the world in blood to force his appearing.  They believe that “In order to save the world, it must be in a state of chaos and subjugation.”  And so they are trying to force the hand of destiny.  And that is NOT the project of Evangelical Christians.  The Los Angeles Times is doing nothing more than spreading propaganda and bigoted hate against evangelicals in making such preposterous claims.

As a testimony to that fact, simply scroll down my last article written on December 6 about Trump and Jerusalem, and see if I say ANYTHING about “the second coming.”  Because the fact of the matter is that I don’t say a single word about that.  Rather, I look to the PAST of what God declared in His eternal Word and I look at what is simply RIGHT.  I passionately believe in the Second Coming of Messiah Jesus, and I just as passionately believe the scriptures from both the Old and New Testaments that state that Jews WILL recognize the Messiah whom they pierced (Zechariah 12:10) and they will repent and believe just short of too late.  And in the Book of Revelation, again, we see Israel and Jerusalem and yes, even the TEMPLE which WILL be rebuilt.  We see 144,000 Jews from each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel coming like a host of Billy Grahams (Revelation 7:4 and Revelation 14:3); we see a divine rescue of Israel from the coming Antichrist (Revelation 12:13-17) as Jews take shelter in a place that is very likely Petra and be kept safe until Messiah – like the Good Shepherd protecting His flock – rescues them at the 2nd Coming.  So, certainly there is darned good reason I believe in the modern state of Israel as an amazing fulfillment of biblical prophecy and a key to the coming last days before the Rapture, the 2nd Coming and the Millennium.

But I’m not out to “pave the way.”  I’m an evangelical; which means I am standing for what is right against what is wrong, and I am standing for what the Word of the Living God declares.  And the Word of the Living God declares that yes, Jerusalem IS the capitol of Israel, always was and always will be particularly given the fact that God raised Israel from the dried bones of death after the nation had been dead and in the grave for very nearly 2,000 years (from A.D. 70 to 1948 and in fact 1967 when they miraculously retook Jerusalem).  I didn’t cause Israel to become a nation again and neither did evangelicals and neither did the United States or any other country or even Jews; GOD caused Israel to become a nation again beyond all hope.

Therein lies the issue with these supposed “Christians” who so ardently oppose what God declared was His will from the time of Abraham until now and forever for a thousand generations as an everlasting covenant.

And we just witnessed in the United Nations vote the other day the mindset that will be a fulfillment to Psalm 83:4, “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.”  This is the same wicked United Nations that has wickedly voted to condemn Israel more times than it has condemned all the rest of the nations of the world COMBINED.  And everyone who is on the side of the United Nations is in fulfillment of the Word of God on the side of the devil against the LORD God, the God of Israel.  And very frankly, if you are one of these people reading these words now, it is YOUR wickedness that is “paving the way” for the second coming of Jesus.  Because the Bible makes very clear that it is WICKEDNESS, not righteousness, that will cause Messiah Jesus to save the world that He created from destroying itself.  The Bible pits the works of the devil and those who are of their father, the devil (John 8:44), against the work of God: and it is in response to the works of the devil and those who are of their father the devil, rather than evangelicals “paving the way,” who will bring about the coming of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Don’t you dare blame me LA Times, wicked unrepentant and unregenerate sinners, for “paving the way for the second coming of Jesus.”  Because that’s going to be on YOU.  As for me, I believe I’ll already be in heaven, having either been raptured or martyred, prior to the return of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords.  Prior to the events known as the Tribulation (right after the Church age described in Revelation chapters 1-3 in 4:1), the Bible describes a “Come up here!”) moment for Christians.  After which a coming political figure (Revelation 6) called the Antichrist or the beast rules over a world that most clearly does NOT want the LORD God of Israel, but rather secular humanism and socialism, to be their god, will worship this political tyrant and eventually take his mark on their right hand or forehead (Revelation 16:2).

The Bible tells us that there will be a great apostasy in the end times, a falling away, prior to the emergence of the man of lawlessness:

“Don’t be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed–the one who brings destruction.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:3

St. Paul – after restating the clear message of the Bible that yes, there WILL be a third temple constructed where the world says over its dead body will there be a Jewish temple, and that the Antichrist will sit in the holy of holies and declare himself “God” when it is built, continues:

“And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes.  For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way.  Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of His mouth and destroy him by the splendor of His coming.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8

The ONLY thing holding Antichrist back is the Holy Spirit present in the true, believing Church.  But there will be a time when we will all be “caught up together” with Jesus to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).  It is this word “caught up” – harpazo in the Greek, rapturo in the Latin – that the word “rapture” comes from.  In the Rapture, Christ doesn’t come to earth, but rather WE who truly know Him and love Him will come to HIM in the air.  And there will be a moment where there are literally no true Christians living or dead on planet earth.  Those who have Christ in their hearts, the true Church that is restraining the true evil that will result in the spirit and the coming of Antichrist, will be taken away.

Jesus says to one of His faithful churches, the last church before the apostacizing church of Laodicea where Jesus is literally outside knocking trying to get in with the door shut in His face (Revelation 3:20), these words:  “Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upont he whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth” (Revelation 3:10).

Which is my cue to leave this earth as I’m caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and the cue of all of those who were faithful to the Word of God and who kept God’s word even when the world hated us because they hated Jesus first (John 15:18-19).

When Jesus says to the last generation of faithful Christians before the coming of the apostasy where most of the church totally falls away, “Because you have kept the word of My perseverance,” He isn’t referring to the “‘political and traditional’ “Christians.”  Oh, no, He is most definitely NOT.  You who are of the Laodicean age, of pseudo-Christians who are wedded to the ways of the wicked world, will be very, very surprised when true Christians are suddenly GONE and yes, in the plot of the famous Tim LaHaye novel series, you are “Left Behind.”  The LA Times article sets up the contrast very, very succinctly: there are those who are about “tradition and politics,” and there will be those who are about faithfully, literally following the Word of God as He revealed it.  We  didn’t abandon the Word of God when some feminist organization said that abortion was in and the sanctity of life was out; we didn’t abandon the Word of God when some opinion poll came out and said homosexuality was in and God-ordained marriage between one man and one woman was out of vogue.  We held to our conscience which was rooted in the Word of God, not godless secular humanism.

Tradition and politics.  Neither are very good things.  As for politics, that these people who oppose God’s Word and therefore oppose Jerusalem as God’s capitol of God’s people Israel hold so fast to, do you know what it is?  It is sticking your finger up to the latest public opinion survey and demagoguing at best the least of two evils.  And that’s politics at its BEST, because often they slant the truth and try to convince the people to vote for utopian lies that will never come true.  And yes, tradition. Jesus pointed out what He thought of tradition in Mark 7:8: “You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”  As the NLT puts the same verse, “For you ignore God’s law and substitute your own tradition.”  Yeah, that works.  Jesus said, “you cancel the word of God for the sake of your own tradition” (Matthew 15:6).  That is EXACTLY what the left has not only done, but gloried in doing.  Colossians 2:8 says, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ.”  Everything the left and the Laodicean “Christian” loves is based on human philosophy and empty tradition in diametric opposition to the Gospel and the Word of God.

And the same is true of Israel and Jerusalem.  The Bible couldn’t be more clear who should have Jerusalem, but the world and the Laodicean church don’t give a flying damn what the Word of God declares, other than the fact that they are like the coming Antichrist wicked people who delight in moral godlessness and lawlessness and make up their own gods and their own laws as they impose their will and their way.

How did this pseudo-Christian garbage on Israel and Jerusalem begin?  It began in the 5th century AD through a man named Augustine.  Augustine read his Bible and it didn’t make any literal sense to him because any literal reading made it clear that Israel and Jerusalem the temple were part of the fundamental plan of God and there hadn’t been an Israel or a temple for over 400 years and it didn’t look like they were coming back.  Why, they were like dried up bones in the graveyard!!!  And so Augustine rewrote the understanding of the Bible, came up with his own damned theology, that was based not on the Word of God as it was literally revealed in literal, actual words, but rather in allegory and “spiritualization” and metaphor.  And so the Bible came to mean exactly what humans wanted it to mean, and it came to stand for exactly what humans wanted it to stand for.  The Word of God was no longer allowed to clearly and simply speak for itself; no, it required clever men with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense to explain it to the rest of us.

We see this in the Bible and we see the exact same people using the exact same crap on our Constitution.  What does the Constitution mean?  Certainly not what it says, but what liberals want it to mean as they impose their will on it and on society, all the while claiming to be the damn champions of the very thing they are most intent on perverting.  You take the 2nd Amendment as a very clear example: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  Well, say the intellectuals – which is another word for “fool” these days – only a well-regulated militia is able to keep and bear arms, not the people.  Or the people are the militia and nothing else.  The only problem is that the Constitution very crystal-clearly says “THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”  So on their own damn reading, let’s make sure that only militia people have the right to anything the 1st Amendment guarantees.  After all, it focuses on “the right of the people” and we know that only applies to people in militias, right?  In the same way, only militia members should be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.  Because again, the 4th amendment declares it’s “the right of the people” to have these things.  And if morally idiotic liberals had any kind of moral consistency, they would apply this ONLY to people in well-regulated militias.  Liberals are indoctrinated into a tradition of lies and are therefore filled with lies and propagate lies in place of the truth.

When you read what the founding fathers themselves said about gun ownership and “the people,” it is compelling to anyone who is NOT a complete fool.  “The people” actually means “the people.”  Go figure.  The problem is, that in these last days, we have a gigantic surplus of complete fools.  And the 2nd Amendment properly understood was the founding fathers’ distrust of government and even democracy itself and a reaction against government- and mob-tyranny, such that we should in the United States of America have a government afraid of its people rather than a people afraid of their government.  Take Benjamin Franklin’s quotes.  He said, “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”  He said, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

I’m sorry, that’s just me reading something literally, you know, the way it is supposed to be read.  If I tell you the phone book is a cookbook for cannibals and that we all are supposed to dine on the bodies of liberals after slaughtering them like pigs, all I’m doing is reading the phone book a different way.  But the liberal judges have “penumbras and emanations” to guide them and to hell with the obvious, literal meaning.  As Thurgood Marshall once encapsulated liberal thinking, “you do what you think is right and let the law catch up.”  Because to be a liberal means to stand above the law, above the Constitution, and as we have seen above presidential elections.  And impose whatever the damn hell they want and feel pharisaically self-righteous about it the whole damn time they’re doing it.  We’re seeing that on our universities as even professors scream down free speech which they once hypocritically professed as sacred and as sacrosanct as a ruse to get their fascist way and then slam the door shut on everyone else.

Just so you understand the two sides, one is the ONLY democracy in the history of the entire Middle East; the other side has an official “pay to slay” policy that has been issuing incredibly generous benefits to the family members of terrorists who killed themselves in the act of murdering Jews.  Thank God, the Republicans just passed a bill to yank American taxpayer funds that have been used to murder Jews and even to murder US citizens.   Donald Trump has virtually destroyed the Islamic State that Obama was helpless to defeat in a matter of months.  But that victory doesn’t even MATTER to the left that was very frankly actually likely rooting for the terrorists to defeat Trump.  By and large, the media and the Democratic Party has despicably simply pretended there never was an “ISIS.”  And because Islam is at its heart a violent political ideology masquerading as a “religion of peace,” violence immediately erupted following Friday prayers as was expected.  If Islam WERE a religion of peace, imams would have calmed down the political passions of Muslims; instead they used the pretext of religion to inflame violence.  Would a genyine Christian pastor of any decent church declare “three days of rage” and send out a Christian flock to commit acts of violence if something were passed/decided that we didn’t like?  Would you go out with violence in your heart in the name of “the Prince of Peace”?  The news said, “Anger was the mood”  in this “three days of rage.”  Interesting reaction from “the religion of peace”!!!  And here we are, weeks later, witnessing the same rabid spirit of hate from the same “religion of peace.”

In the LA Times article, the focus is on the hate of the other side as the primary justification for why Trump was wrong.  And the hateful side that embraces violence as solution is right!!!

What does this say about the left when they keep doing this?  Not only with the Palestinians on Jerusalem – notwithstanding that they built their damn mosque RIGHT ON TOP of the temple and if Jews treated Arabs the same way Arabs treated Jews there wouldn’t be any Muslims – but think of the violent movement Occupy Wall Street which warped into the violent movement Black Lives Matter and so on with the embrace of the leftist media and the Democratic Party leadership.  Think of the liberal universities cancelling free speech because the side they hate wants to be allowed to exercise the right to free speech and their own side is wiling to use violence to prevent it.  Liberalism is believing that people should have the right to do what people ought not do.  Liberalism is siding with evil against good.

In point of fact, Trump declared that we have given the Palestinians fifty years to fairly negotiate peace, and all they have done is spill as much blood as possible.  Even today, they rabidly refuse to even acknowledge in their maps for their school children that there IS such a thing as “Israel.”  For Palestinians who teach terrorism to their children and financially reward the families of “martyred” terrorists who “nobly sacrificed their lives” to murder innocent victims with explosives in marketplaces and on public transportation, anyone who has a shred of decency in their hearts, let alone the Holy Spirit, clearly sees which side is on the right and which side has been wrong and in fact demonically evil for decades.

Jesus put it clearly, ye Laodicean “Christians” who are so rich in your liberal traditions and your liberal politics and who don’t honor God or His Word: prepare to be Left Behind when the rapture comes.

Meet The Only Man In The NFL Who Isn’t A Traitor To His Country (And Even He Might Have Done So By Accident).

September 24, 2017

For the record, I watched and almost enjoyed watching the Iowa-Penn State game.  Everything was great until the last four seconds.

So it’s not like I won’t watch sports.

I just won’t watch any sports that are a disgrace to themselves and especially to the country they’re living and performing in.

I’ll look for a Alejandro Villanueva #78 Steeler jersey.  At least, if it turns out he didn’t blunder into standing for the national anthem all by himself by mistake as one report says.

But I sure won’t be watching him play, I’m afraid.  Because all of his teammates are either traitors, cowards, or what is actually most likely, cowardly traitors.

An entire NFL TEAM is completely sold out to supporting our worst enemies:  Islamic State, al Qaeda, North Korea.  They’d fit in great in the NFL, wouldn’t they?

I am making a vow: I will not watch another NFL game until the NFL commissioner resigns and the league institutes a rule that all players be required to stand for the national anthem or be fired with a complete loss of all benefits.

Let’s get one thing factually straight: this whole kneeling crap was started by a pathetic turd named Colin Kaepernick.  And Kaepernick – whose jersey I wouldn’t wear for any offer you would ever make me because I won’t represent that fool – had two statements accompanying his kneeling.  That: 1) “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”  And 2) wore socks depicting police officers as pigs, in other words as animals that are mass butchered.  Both statements combine into something that is frankly both disgusting and insane given that racism is clearly not the reason black people are shot when you simply consider something called “reality,” and given that blacks are more likely TO KILL COPS than to be killed by cops according to FBI data which state that 40% of all cop killers are black, and given that whether the killer is a cop or just a thug, the vastly overwhelming majority of blacks are killed by other blacks rather than by white cops.

Colin Kaepernick is a sick, disgusting, depraved man.  And everyone who kneels with him is similarly sick, disgusting and depraved.  And any league that enables this sick, disgusting and depraved behavior is itself sick, disgusting and depraved.

But as for one guy, he’s a hero twice over:

The entire Pittsburgh Steelers team remained in the locker room during the national anthem, with the exception of one player: Army veteran Alejandro Villanueva, who plays offensive tackle for the Steelers.

While the rest of his teammates remained in the locker room, Villanueva stood in the tunnel holding his helmet in his left hand and holding his right hand over his heart as the anthem played.

Villaneuva played in college at West Point Military Academy before going on to become an Army Ranger. He served three tours in Afghanistan and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for Valor. He was signed by the Philadelphia Eagles in 2014 before eventually joining the Steelers.

An article earlier this year said that Villanueva first caught Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin’s eye “because of the way he stood during the national anthem.”

Villaneuva played in college at West Point Military Academy before going on to become an Army Ranger. He served three tours in Afghanistan and was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for Valor. He was signed by the Philadelphia Eagles in 2014 before eventually joining the Steelers.

An article earlier this year said that Villanueva first caught Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin’s eye “because of the way he stood during the national anthem.”

In an NFL game in London, the Ravens and Jaguars BOTH knelt for the US national anthem and then stood to honor the performing of God Save the Queen.

Which is to say that the NFL has now disgraced the United States of America on foreign soil.

And they would have happily stood for the North Korean anthem, too.  The vile rat bastards.

Mike Tomlin and the rest of the NFL can eat my puke. Which would easily feed the entire league of big eaters if I watched a game at this point.

Everybody else in the entire NFL, and everybody who is roach enough to watch after today, stands ashamed by this one courageous hero who stood for the call of duty for a second time.  Especially if they’re taking a knee when they ought to be standing or sitting on a couch when they ought to be changing the channel.  Pittsburgh Steeler leftist activist coach Mike Tomlin, in claiming that by keeping his team in the locker room during the national anthem he was keeping them from having to make a tough personal decision is such a load of rotten baloney it is unreal.  And Alejandro Villanueva proved that it was an obviously bogus claim by having to make the incredibly tough personal decision to go out all by himself and be the only player on his team who loved his country – that he fought for courageously enough to wear a bronze star for serving.

What did this despicable roach of a coach have to say about the only courageous man and the only patriot on his entire football team???

Tomlin said in a post-game press conference that he was looking for “100 percent participation” in whatever course of action the team took during the national anthem.

When asked by a reporter about Villanueva coming out for the anthem, Tomlin said, “Like I said, I was looking for 100 percent participation, we were gonna be respectful of our football team.”

Really, you butthurt turd?  How about if I prefer people who are gonna be respectful of our nation instead?

The left – that’s the people who dishonor our flag, our national anthem and our nation right now – claim this is about race and about freedom of speech.  Both are bogus pseudo excuses.  Because first of all, if this truly IS about race – meaning that on account of race, black people cannot be trusted to honorably represent the United States of America because of the color of their skin – then we need to ship out every single black person lock, stock and barrel.  If you can’t be trusted, then get out.  We were wrong to inter Japanese-Americans because most of them were truly loyal to their adopted country.  But if race truly IS the issue, then that state-of-affairs that made the Japanese internment during WW2 wrong does not exist.  And we have to get these people who hate this country simply because of the color of their skin the hell out.

Hey, we just had a black man go into a predominantly white church and start murdering people.  Now, I would have argued that it was because he was a) Muslim and b) a Sudanese immigrant who doesn’t give a flying damn about American values.  But if we’re doing this crap just because we’re black, well, we have to get these people out.  Period.  That isn’t racist any more because the racists are the ones who hate us just because they’re black and we’re white.  No, this is about protecting your family from people who want to kill you because of the color of your skin.

So if this IS about “race,” we need to have the same kind of discussion about the previously unthinkable that we have to now have with a nuclear-weaponized North Korea and a war that would result in 20,000 South Korean deaths a day until it went nuclear.  In both cases, we are arriving at a situation that cannot continue to exist no matter how costly it is to correct the condition.

No, the butthurt kneeling during the national anthem isn’t about “race.”  It is about a small group of people who are hijacking a good thing in the name of their own brand of racism.  If it’s truly about “race,” then ship out the race that can no longer play by the rules.

And free speech?  Really?  You know, it’s interesting: I am a fundamentalist Christian and my entire adult life the very same people who now tell me that they should have the free speech right to disrupt a work place with their “values” have told me that I don’t have the right to project MY values.  If NFL players have the right to physically demonstrate their contempt for America during the public national anthem, then I have the right to have Christian paraphernalia all over my desk with Christian posters on the wall around it and I have the right to tell every single co-worker and every single customer about Jesus and the eternal consequences of ignoring his salvation.  But I don’t have that right.  Because these people are the same hypocrites who are screaming and even physically beating conservatives for attempting to exercise their free speech rights at leftist bastions like Berkeley.  And there isn’t one liberal who has the integrity of a cockroach anymore.

Steeler roach Tomlin wanted “100 percent participation”?  Thank you but no, you Adolf.  But you see how this game works: only the “100 percent participation” the left wants, with no right to disagree with their “100 percent participation.”

Just staying in the sports world, I remember how Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN for a tiny FRACTION of the divisive commentary that Jemele Hill got away with on the same network.  Because of Tomlin’s “100 percent participation” rule and how it is applied such that you must participate ONLY in the depraved leftist worldview.

We have watched the left create an atmosphere of rabid intolerance at any who depart from their “righteous doctrine.”  The left are the modern Pharisees today, because Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for self-righteousness and for hypocrisy.  And when the left screams at us that their vile ways are righteous and ours are evil with the intent to scream us down or beat us down if we even try to speak because they claim that their morality is the only one that should even be allowed to exist in the public square, we have come full circle to the people famous for murdering Jesus.  And liberals would just as gleefully murder Jesus today as their self-righteous, hypocritical forebears were 2,000 years ago.

“Art” has been replaced by “ideology.”  You don’t have the right to create anything that disagrees with prevailing leftist dogma that keeps transforming into ever more vile evil with every passing week.  Artists like bakers, florists and photographers are being sued into poverty by the same people who now scream that THEY should have the rights they have systematically denied others for years.  If I should be compelled to bake and decorate a wedding cake for a homosexual marriage in spite of my moral convictions that say this is wrong, why shouldn’t Beyonce be forced to sing a song that expresses what the Holy Bible says will happen to homosexuals for their abominations?

If this is actually and truly about free speech rights, liberals, then it’s about way-past-too-long that you gave the people YOU disagree with free speech rights.

The NFL isn’t about “free speech.”  The NFL BANNED Tim Tebow for kneeling in prayer after he scored a touchdown.  So what the league is saying is that it is wrong to kneel in prayer, but it is good to kneel in treason.

This isn’t about anything other than a hatred for America.  The same hatred we are seeing as liberals tarnish and destroy historical symbols of Abraham Lincoln and most of our founding fathers who brought forth a new nation.  And the above paragraph stands as adequate to demonstrate that the leftists who despise Lincoln and the founding fathers most certainly do NOT want this nation to be conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.  They don’t want White Lives Matter; they demand only Black Lives Matter.  And if anyone says White Lives Matter these fascists violently riot at the mere suggestion.

NFL players are now fine with people who torture and horribly kill dogs that don’t do a good enough job performing their masters’ despicable bidding to tear other dogs apart.

NFL players are now fine with players who beat women and drag their unconscious bodies out of elevators.

And now they’re fine with treason, as well.

This is the Numerous Felons League.

I hope it stands for Not For Long.  Because the NFL ought to go the way of the worst disgraces in our history over this disgraceful debacle they have decided to champion.

NFL commissioners, owners, coaches and players are standing solidly behind disrespecting the nation and saying that the league should “support teammates” in disrespecting America.  That is the mindset of the left today: support your team.  Your team being your race team, for example.  President Trump made it crystal clear that rather than supporting your team, you should support your COUNTRY.  He clearly is pointing out that the real issue that matters is “respect for our country, flag and national anthem.”

This just isn’t going to work out very well for the NFL if there are decent people in this country.  President Trump gave voice to the working-class Americans the left no longer gives a damn about and how frankly pissed off these people who have built the country far more than these butthurt millionaire prima-donna jockstraps are at the garbage they now have to face just to to watch a damned football game.

I dare say that if these prima donnas had tried to pull this stunt after the greatest generation had returned home to America after defeating Nazism and Japanese fascism, they would have not so gently lifted up those who refused to stand in honor of their flag and their country.

It’s a clear line now: do you love your team or do you love your COUNTRY?  And if you love your team first, then get the hell out of my country and take your damn miserable worthless team with you.

Please understand: the national anthem does NOT celebrate ANY president, nor is it a statement that American has always been good or that America has always been just or even that America is a good place or a just place now.  What the national anthem DOES celebrate is those who sacrificed their lives so that the rest of us could have the freedom to say that America isn’t a perfect place.  And if you are fool enough to stand in disgraceful protest of that freedom, you are a true hypocrite.  For you are literally protesting that you have the freedom to protest.

And the left is right now, today, working furiously to take that freedom away from anyone with whom they don’t agree.  They demand “100 percent participation.”  THEIR way.

We now have a crystal clear distinction with what it means “to serve with honor and distinction”: for the left, it is a transvestite traitor named Bradley Manning.  For decent Americans, it is Alejandro Villanueva.  And whether or not you continue to support the NFL will prove which side you are on.

You are a true man and a true hero, Alejandro Villanueva.  I wish I could have stood there with you when you were the only man worthy of honoring the greatest nation in the history of the world.    Your bronze star proves your honorable service on the battlefield, but I truly believe you served your country more on Sunday by being the only man to stand up when everyone else was refusing to do so.  It is true when I served and it is just as true today: Rangers lead the way.  May God bless you and protect you, Alejandro.

Well, anyway, I’m updating to take back my hero worship of Alejandro Villanueva.  It ought to show people capable of decency that no, we “white conservative Christians” aren’t motivated by racism, but by decent values.  And when a Hispanic man did something that was worthy of praise, people like me praised him.  But now we’re finding that unfortunately, this man didn’t do what most people believe he did: he just made an idiotic mistake and now says “I threw my teammates under the bus, unintentionally” and “Every time I see that picture of me standing by myself, I feel embarrassed.”

Just like I now feel embarrassed I singled you out for praise when you are just wanting to mindlessly stand by your teammates when we believed you were courageously standing by your nation and your country.

So it turns out that there isn’t even ONE hero in the entire NFL.

But having said that, there IS one hero in this country, after all.  His name is Donald Trump.  And his attack on the NFL for its treason is having an effect such that the teams are suddenly not kneeling anymore.  Because Trump hurt the league and the league stands for MONEY and the players suck on the tit of that money and the fact that all of these butthurt millionaires aren’t giving their MONEY to support the causes they claim to aspire to is all the proof of that you need.  The ratings were ALREADY declining because of the treason of the NFL according to a CBS study.  I myself will never watch another NFL game again unless and until the NFL commissioner is fired and every single player who refuses to honor his country is automatically fired.  The fake news media isn’t covering it as what it is because they are agenda-driven ideologues rather than reporters of “news”: but lo and behold, from the Monday night game on – after fans started having their say about the league’s despicable attitude toward our country, our anthem and our flag – we aren’t seeing players kneeling, but we are now seeing players STANDING and locking arms.  The Cowboys kneeled before the anthem and then stood up for it on Monday nightAs did their Monday night opponents, the Cardinals.  Again, on Thursday night, the players on both teams stood and locked arms.  Which I’m fine with and which President Trump is fine with.  The fake news media is actually claiming that these players are doing this in defiance of Trump, but any honest reporting would conclude that Trump demonized them for KNEELING, and guess who aint kneeling anymore but STANDING the way the man who kicked their damn coward asses told them to do???

Again, the real traitors to this country are the REPORTERS who refuse to report the TRUTH.  The NFL players are just useless idiots.



I Just Fired The NFL, The NBA And Any Other Sport That Dishonors My National Anthem

September 23, 2017

I will not be watching the Super Bowl this year.  Or the NBA championship.  Or any other game.

I’m done with you fools.

If enough people like me do the same thing, you spoiled jockstraps can go back to nowhere where you really belong.

In Mexico, which liberals enshrine, you do NOT disresepect the Mexican flag:

Artículo 191. .- Al que ultraje el escudo de la República o el pabellón nacional, ya sea de palabra o de obra, se le aplicará de seis meses a cuatro años de prisión o multa de cincuenta a tres mil pesos o ambas sanciones, a juicio de juez.

Rough translation:  Damaging the Republics emblem, either be by act or word, has a penalty of 6 months to 4 years in prison, or a fine from 50 to 3,000 pesos, or both, to be determined by a Judge.

In Mexico, people are not allowed to wear the flag in any way unless they are officially sanctioned to do so.  The flag of the republic is to be respected or you will very quickly get your ass kicked.

You will never see the Mexican national soccer team do what our butthurt multi-millionaires do damn near every game in the once-great USA.  And that’s a GOOD thing about Mexico.

So Miley Cyrus “exported” the same sort of contempt for the Mexican flag that our whining elite class displays for our flag here.  Only Mexico didn’t want this illegal immigrant of shame.

And CNN, that liberal bastion, condemned her behavior as shameful.  You know, the SAME damn toxic behavior that they praise when OUR millionaire turds do it here to us.

The same Mexico also has immigration laws that make those of its northern neighbor appear tame.

But liberals are not intelligent, decent people.  They are bugs.  They have murdered sixty million of their own babies.  Only roaches do that.

One particular roach goes by the name of Colin Kaepernick.  He used to be a very good player, but his gazelle style doesn’t fit the NFL model very well and his scrambling style, while fun to fans, exposed franchises to suddenly losing their QB and their season.  He took enough hits that he had already slowed down enough to end up on the bench when he decided to generate a different kind of status and fame for being butthurt.  I guess sitting on the bench too long can do that to you.

He ultimately ended up without a team.  Why?  For the very simple reason that he is so damned divisive that many of his own fellow players as well as most of his fans don’t want anything the hell to do with his “values.”  But what do we hear?  We hear that it’s “racism.”  You know, because as long as its a white man showing naked contempt for everything I believe in – and literally everything I fought for given that I am a US combat veteran – I would apparently be okay with it.

I remember seeing an article in the Los Angeles Times from a liberal “sports writer” who was talking about the Mayweather-McGregor fight.  And said that people were rooting for McGregor because they’re racist.  I didn’t find that particular article, but damn near every leftist sports writer was saying it.  No, you whackjobs, I was rooting for McGregor because Floyd McGregor is – please excuse my language but it’s the only term that properly applies – an asshole.  I’m not a racist; I’m an ASSHOLIST.  I really do not like assholes.  And to the extent that McGregor is an asshole, he’s been one for a much shorter time than the Grand Daddy Asshole of them all, Floyd Mayweather.  I mean, I guess it was my racism that made me root against Mayweather every time he fought a black fighter, too.

For the record, that’s the reason I really don’t like LeBron James – or King James, as the pompous turd prefers to call himself – for the exact same reason.

If these guys aren’t just going to show up and do their jobs without hurling their vile politics and their vile personal lives on me, get the hell of my television.

These athletes are paid millions of dollars a year to play a game while the people who pay their vastly-inflated salaries work for a living.  These people who work for a living grew up saying the pledge of allegiance every morning in public school.  We stood up and we placed our hand over our heart and we acted – because we were taught to act – like citizens of a great republic that was worthy of honor and defense.

The same people who want to have the “right” to show contempt for our flag because of the 1st Amendment are the same sort of people who are screaming and even physically beating down 1st-Amendment-free-speech-rights at Berkeley and anywhere else liberals are allowed to roach-nest.  No, when you are working as an employee of an organization, you do NOT have a right to hijack what that organization wants to stand for.  UPS drivers can’t wear whatever they want and they can’t wear “Make America Great” caps on their heads.  Or they will be fired.  The only reason these millionaire athletes are refusing to respect America is because their entire organization of these teams disrespect America.

And I’m not going to watch any sport that allows this behavior.

The NFL commissioner chimed in when President Trump suggested players who disrespect our flag and our national anthem and our nation’s history ought to be fired.  He said President Trump was being “disrespectful” and “divisive.”  Bullcrap.  YOU are being disrespectful and divisive by fomenting disunity and treason among your sport, your athletes and the highly-suggestible young kids who out of the foolishness of youth think you people are heroes when they ought to think our warriors and our citizens who actually work for a damn living are our heroes.

To hell with Colin Kaepernick.  To hell with LeBron James.  To hell with Stephen Curry.  To hell with Roger Goodell.  And to hell with any franchise and any sport that allow these despicable turds to hijack this country and it’s airwaves for their vile political causes when – excuse me – they’re supposed to be performing on the FIELD rather than with their worthless opinions.

The North Korean foreign minister is addressing the United Nations as I end this.  Do you know what this vile, murderous communist is saying?  The EXACT same puke that the above leftist pukes are saying.  Today the American left is in full agreement with the North Korean statists and the Iranian mullahs.

You’re fired.  I’m finding something better and more productive to do with my time.

Why Liberals And Democrats And The USA They Infest Should Be Subjugated And Enslaved According To Their Own Worldview.

June 6, 2017

Chelsea Clinton is the Great White Hope of the Democratic Party.  You can see that the way the liberal establishment keeps giving her award after award for doing nothing, much the same way they kept promoting and elevating Hillary Clinton for being married to Bill.  Bill was elected Attorney General of Arkansas where he could molest women with the help of State troopers, and the Rose Law firm rather mysteriously first found it expedient to hire a woman who had flunked her first bar exam as their very first female associate and then to just as mysteriously decide to make a lawyer with virtually no legal experience a full partner after Bill got elected Governor.  It’s also just a coincidence that Bill was elected Attorney General in November of 1976 and Hillary was hired by the Rose Law Firm less than a month after Bill assumed office in February 1977.  Just as it was just a coincidence that Bill was elected Governor of Arkansas in 1979 and Hillary suddenly became a senior partner of the firm in 1979.  Yes, leftist boys and girls.  It’s true.  Your Uber Woman is not the ultimate example of wonderfulness you believe: she flunked her exam.  The whole legal system had to degrade for her to pass the dang test.  But somehow there wasn’t a woman on the planet more capable than Hillary.  Either that or it was naked political bribery as a firm hires a wife to curry favor with an attorney general husband.  One or the other, and I very much think it’s obvious it’s the other.  So okay, it WASN’T a coincidence: every damn thing she did was derivative from her husband’s success.  And this pattern has been true Hillary Clinton’s entire without-her-husband-to-hang-on-to-nothing-burger career.

But what a feminist heroine, this woman who stayed by her man no matter how much he humiliated her.  In 1992, she had her “You know, I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette” line.  Only oh-yes-she-WAS “standing by her man” because her man was her meal ticket.  Only Tammy Wynette NEVER would have stood by a pathological lump of crap husband the way Hillary did to suck like a parasitic leach off of his career.  Because liberal feminism stands for feces and not much else.   And that’s the same hypocrite rationalizing process that feminists today have toward the Islamism that seeks to enslave them like no other ideology on the face of the earth but they support it anyway.

But enough of that sick-of-all-the-damn-lies rant about how Trump is an idiot and Hillary is this accomplished genius.  I shall proceed to move on to another fact and rant about that.

Our mainstream media is dominated by “reporters” like the “objective journalist” who publicly offered to give Bill Clinton a blowjob for keeping abortion legal.  Again, this was and still is a “journalist.”  Nina Burleigh is still out there “reporting” the news, folks.  It’s her way of getting on her knees and performing her function for Bill and all the elite white men like Bill.  Because THAT’S the true spirit of “feminism.”  And feminists are only too willing to betray womanhood, motherhood and femininity just for the “right” to murder that baby who depends for survival on the basic humanity and decency that you don’t have any of.

Based on how the news media is “reporting the news” (I call it “perverting the news”), fully 89% of “journalists” would gladly get on their knees and hungrily give Bill Clinton that blowjob.  And Harvard says it’s actually over 90%.  Because these people are warped and biased and have utterly and completely betrayed any sense of objective journalism.  They are using their jobs the same way Joseph Goebbels used his job, as propagandists rather than reporters.

Because it is the nature of liberalism to stand for nothing transcendent or objectively true or good or valuable.  They stand for the pursuit of fascist power and the ability to dominate others by government fiat, and for nothing else.

And in a long pattern of abject liberal hypocrisy, the Clinton Foundation just shut off the lights on their “charity” that was NOTHING but a political favors-for-funds operation based on the political power and influence of the Clinton brand.  Conservatives were screaming it for YEARS and the mainstream media just yawned and yawned, but the moment Hillary got destroyed by Donald Trump, all of a sudden all the wealthy people and human-rights-abusing dictatorships that were giving the Clintons BILLIONS suddenly shut down the “charitable donations.”  Oh, I know what you’ll say, liberal: it was just a coincidence that the whole operation shut down after Hillary lost; no “pay-for-play” here.  I mean, the honest, objective mainstream media would have reported that story and screamed about it for five months the way they’ve gone after Trump, right???  Oh, wrong.

And so now Trump tries to form a coalition to deal with the evil of our time – and that evil is Islamic terrorism – and all of a sudden the same liberal media that couldn’t have given less of a damn when Obama gave BILLIONS to dictatorship Iran, with Hillary and Bill receiving $100 million from human-rights and women’s-rights oppressing regimes – are all of a sudden aghast and appalled that Donald Trump would go to Saudi Arabia and try to get fifty Islamic Sunni states to join him in the fight on terror.  And dang I remember how silent they all were when the Clintons were raking in giant loads of cash from the same and even WORSE regimes.  Oh, and they’re butthurt about Russia having conveniently forgotten about all those deals the Clintons made with Russia and various Russian power-players.  These “reporters” are so far beneath “despicable” it’s beyond unreal.

We got the Anderson Cooper eyeroll to the point where the man’s pupils disappeared into his empty skull.

Here’s another “journalist who would gladly give Bill Clinton a blowjob, fwiw.  And had a conservative-minded journalist done that to Valerie Jarret, it would have instantly been decried as “sexist.”

Is it any surprise whatsoever that such a turd would host a program with a vile terrorist shrew like Kathy Griffen???

And oh, we find that this is a common point of view for CNN hosts.  That and eating human brains.

Liberals are rattlesnakes.  They are utterly incapable of any “charitable” instinct whatsoever.  They gave the Clintons billions which the Clintons set up as a front and siphoned funds at will, and that well kept flowing until the Clintons suddenly had all of their political clout taken away.

Because ultimately liberalism stands for NOTHING but the pursuit of raw power and the ability to shape and control people in their image and for nothing else.

You hypocrites.

So we get to Chelsea.  You need to understand: if there exists in this world a poster child for generational white-power privilege, Chelsea is the “It girl.”

This “feminist” who never did one damned thing for herself once famously said in the quintessential morally-self-unaware self-congratulation, “I was curious if I could care about [money] on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t.”

I was curious if Chelsea would be able to pass up the six-hundred-thousand-dollar-a-year “media” job from leftist NBC where she didn’t even have to bother to show up to get paid.  But she couldn’t.

On the liberal diatribe, that $600,000 could have gone to feeding the poor!  But liberals have never given one flying damn about the poor.

So they’ve given this chick who has produced NOTHING in her life that wasn’t derivative from her daddy’s political clout.

Because that’s liberalism.  To put it in Shakespearean terms: much ado about nothing.

But that hasn’t stopped the liberal establishment – which speaks about the poor from the vantage point of looking down upon the poor like interesting insects with telescopes from high lofty towers in media, in Hollywood, in entertainment, in both Washington and Wall Street, in academia – from giving Chelsea award after award.  Because she is the Great White Hope.

So what does she say that is a simple demonstration that liberals deserve to be subjugated and dominated and destroyed by their very own standards applied against them???


Chelsea Clinton hasn’t won a lifetime achievement award in several weeks, but that doesn’t mean she’s off the speaking circuit. The Presidential progeny has been out promoting her children’s book about her mother, She Persisted, and Monday appeared at the annual conference for Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE).

Needless to say, the “activist, thought leader and change agent” as she was described in the program’s agenda,  had a number of worthwhile contributions to the discussion, which centered around empowering the oppressed—something with which the heir to the Clinton legacy has little practical experience.

Her advice to the legions of underprivileged women looking to affect change on a community level wasn’t particularly scintillating—”we have to always start by listening and calling out and giving a platform, and encouraging, particularly, those who are and have been structurally dis-empowered”—but the disgruntled Chelsea had some harsh words for those who don’t share her progressive ideology.

They should be silenced if they don’t agree with Chelsea Clinton.

“I think though that we also have to recognize particularly at this moment that sexism is not an opinion, Islamophobia is not an opinion, racism is not an opinion, homophobia is not an opinion, jingoism is not an opinion,” she told the panel.  

This appears to mean Chelsea doesn’t believe people who she considers racist, sexist, homophobic or Islamophobic—which could be practically anyone moderate-to-right-of-center lacks the basic right to speak their minds.

That could, of course, include her own parents who, at one time, were virulently opposed to the practice of gay marriage, were instrumental in implementing the bizarre “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that kept gays from open service in the military, who spoke strongly against Islamic fundamentalism, and who once labeled a class of criminal, “super-predators.”

Her thoughts didn’t end there. Asked to comment on “global poverty,” Clinton suggested that climate change and global warming were somehow “interconnected” with child marriage, a practice performed mostly in the Eastern world, and mostly the result of backwards cultural norms, not rising ocean tides and extreme temperature.

Fortunately for Chelsea, CARE is a decidedly progressive organization, that prides itself on encouraging foreign aid and wealth redistribution in the name of social justice, so they didn’t ask too many questions.

These words are amazing: “We also have to recognize particularly at this moment that sexism is not an opinion. Islamophobia is not an opinion. Racism is not an opinion.  Homophobia is not an opinion.  Jingoism is not an opinion.”

Because let me just slightly alter them and let’s see what we get:

“We also have to recognize particularly at this moment that anything that in any way, shape or form contradicts the message of Prophet – blessings be upon him! – is not an opinion.  Refusal to follow peace by submission to Allah is not an opinion.  Disobedience to the caliphate is not an opinion.  Anything that contradicts sharia is not an opinion.”

Islam has the right to attack us, to kill us, to dominate us, to subjugate us.  And the most powerful “opinion” for that innate right does not come from the Qur’an, or from the Ahaddith.  No, it comes from the worldview of liberalism as it is being expressed right now today by Democrats, by liberals in the media, in entertainment culture, in academia and even in the halls of science.

They have the same right to declare that everything America stands for is “not an opinion.”  Not to be listened to.  Not to be acknowledged.  Not to be refuted or even rebutted.

If liberalism and the secular humanism that liberalism is based upon is all we have, we should perish and we most assuredly WILL perish.

We are teaching our children not to tolerate anything they do not want to hear.  We are encouraging them to violently refuse to tolerate anything they do not want to hear.

And I know about a system that does an even better job with violence and intolerance.  It’s called “Islamic jihadism.”

And when they come and blow you up until they have enough power to stand over you bound-and-helpless and saw your heads off with a knife because what you stand for “is not an opinion,” well don’t come crying to me.  Because all that is is your own view coming right back to saw your damn stupid demon-possessed head off and it is nothing more.

Let me try to explain something: liberalism is a posture of standing upon nothing with feet firmly planted in midair.  It is the assertion that they alone possess objective truth when these very same people have spent DECADES undermining that anything called objective truth even exists.

“Foundationalism” is a theory of knowledge seeking the answer to the question, “Can human beings know that something, anything is really true?”  And there are all kinds of reductionism- and minimalism-based experiments that would disprove that we in fact can even theoretically know anything is “objectively true.”  Because according to their thinking, we are purely subjective beings to begin with.  We are mere evolutionary animals, and as such products of a completely random, purposeless, valueless descent from the moment the cold, unthinking, unfeeling universe spat our mindless ancestors into existence until the same cold, unthinking, unfeeling universe swallows us all back up again and there is nothing remaining of human civilization but cold, lifeless space.  There ARE no “foundations” for truth, these people have assured us for decades: only cultural determinism (which WE determine!); only the apotheosis of nature (ignoring the fact that “nature” understood this way ought to produce what is commonly called “social Darwinism” where we CRUSH the poor and the weak and the sick as unfit rather than give them welfare for life); only power reductionism where we consider ONLY the aspects of “power” that we want to see and ignore everything else; and above all the project to deny objective, transcendent meaning and value in ever more sophisticated ways.

Foundationalism ultimately rests upon one truth: human beings CAN know truth because a truth-knowing God created us in His image to be able to know the truth, and to be set free by it.

That USED to be what our society and our culture believed.  Which is why our Central Intelligence Agency actually inscribed in their main lobby a passage of Scripture from Jesus in John 8:32 that “characterizes the intelligence mission in a free society“: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

From free at last to free no more.

Freedom “is not an opinion.”  So shut it down.  Scream it down.  Burn it down.  And Democrats have done precisely that well over a hundred times all across the country just in the last few months.

A foundationalist believes in the correspondence theory of truth, which is this: “the correspondence theory of truth says that a proposition is true just in case it corresponds to reality, when what it asserts to be the case is the case. More generally, truth obtains when a truth bearer stands in an appropriate correspondence relation to a truth maker.”

Democrats are postmodern and anti-foundationalist.  Which means the denial of the correspondence theory, “claiming that truth is simply a contingent creation of language which expresses customs, emotions, and values embedded in a community’s linguistic practices. For the postmodernist, if one claims to have the truth in the correspondence sense, this assertion is a power move that victimizes those judged not to have the truth.”

At least until, of course, THEY can be the ones in power victimizing everyone else as not being able to have the right to even have a damn OPINION.

Years back, as I saw the horror that would be the Obama presidency, as I saw that true intellectual and moral cancer that was enveloping the Democratic Party through his ascension, I wrote three articles:

How Postmodernism Leads To Fascism (part 1)

How Postmodernism Leads To Fascism (part 2)

How Postmodernism Leads To Fascism (part 3)

And no one who sees the Democratic Party and the mainstream media that serves as its propagandist arm, along with the entertainment industry, the academic industry, etc. etc., psychologically unravelling into unhinged lunatic hysteria over the Donald Trump presidency can deny that I did not spake as a prophet in those articles.  Because everything I said would happen is now happening times about a thousand.

And so the same people who would have been self-righteous in holy anger had George W. Bush gone to Europe to undermine President Barack Obama as he went on his first foreign trip of his presidency to visit NATO headquarters are hypocritically lavishing praise on Barack Obama for doing that very thing to Donald Trump.

So Obama – a man personally responsible for a one-thousand-nine-hundred percent increase in terrorist-caused deaths since he took over the presidency – is the living embodiment of saying, “Peace, peace, when there IS no peace.”

Obama’s worldview has bathed the world in blood.  And this coward now says that cowardice is “courage.”  When no, it was the weak, pompous dithering of a pathetically stupid man who lied to the American people and caused his intelligence system under his control to feed the media lies to hide his failures.

And so in the aftermath of the cosmic failure that was Obama, the Department of Homeland Security chief is saying, “If you knew what I know about terror, you’d never leave the house.”

The Europeans know terror full damn well, as a necessary result of their multi-culturalism was the commission of suicide by inviting in people who wanted to dance in their blood as they metastasized their caliphate over the bodies of a people and a culture too stupid and too pathetic and too cowardly and just too damn smug to comprehend what they were doing.

I cited an essay above by J.P. Moreland (a former professor of mine, fwiw) as an expert in the difference between foundationalism and postmodernism.  And I just finished pointing out the nihilist doom the politically correct Postmodern and anti-foundationalist mindset that has overtaken Europe.  So let me end as Moreland ends:

In her provocative book entitled Longing to Know, Ester Meek asserts that humans as knowers exercise a profound responsibility to submit to the authoritative dictates of reality. Thus, “It is not responsible to deny objective truth and reality in knowing; it is irresponsible. It is not responsible to make the human knower or community of knowers the arbiters of a private truth and reality; it is irresponsible.” Again, Meek claims that “Good, responsible knowing brings blessing, shalom; irresponsible knowing brings curse.” In another place Meek warns that “…the kind of freedom implied by the thought that we humans completely determine our reality leaves us with a gnawing sense of the relative insignificance of our choices. I think it leads not to total responsibility but to careless irresponsibility, both with regard to ourselves and with regard to other humans, not to mention to the world. And, paradoxically, it leads not to a deeper sense of [communal or individual] identity and dignity but to a disheartening lack of it.” […]
Meek goes on to point out that the achieving of knowledge and the teaching of it as knowledge “…calls for courageous resolve. And this courageous resolve, when proven true, merits the deep admiration of others.” The need for such courage is especially grave today as we labor in an intellectual milieu in which the worldviews of naturalism and postmodernism both entail that there is no non-empirical knowledge, especially no religious or ethical knowledge.
Faced with such opposition and the pressure it brings, postmodernism is a form of intellectual pacifism that, at the end of the day, recommends backgammon while the barbarians are at the gate. It is the easy, cowardly way out that removes the pressure to engage alternative conceptual schemes, to be different, to risk ridicule, to take a stand outside the gate. But it is precisely as disciples of Christ, even more, as officers in His army, that the pacifist way out is simply not an option. However comforting it may be, postmodernism is the cure that kills the patient, the military strategy that concedes defeat before the first shot is fired, the ideology that undermines its own claims to allegiance. And it is an immoral, coward’s way out that is not worthy of a movement born out of the martyrs’ blood.
And yes, that’s EXACTLY what the secular humanist, postmodernist left has done for decades.  They have attacked the sacred and left us with nothing but the profane.  They have undermined our culture with their pretensions of truth-denying postmodernism and value-and-meaning-denying existentialism.  We are left with our feet firmly planted in midair, with no foundation to provide us with any footing.  And that’s why terrorism skyrocketed by one-thousand, nine-hundred percent under Obama’s catastrophically failed presidency.  We WON the in Iraq and had Islamic terrorists on the run – al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula stated in transmissions “We are defeated.  Don’t send any more foreign fighters.”  And Obama managed to steal defeat from the jaws of victory.  We needed courageous moral leadership and Obama gave us red lines that he backed down from over and over again.  Even Obama’s own Secretary of State acknowledged that Obama’s display of weakness “cost us significantly” by leading other nations to see America as WEAK.  We needed a commander-in-chief and we got Obama instead, who issued incredibly restrictive rules of engagement that literally murdered our troops.  And made it impossible to even fight, let alone win.
Obama is a fool because he is a liberal, and liberals believe in foolishness.  Liberals declared war on God and therefore war on truth.  And now these very hypocrite fools who declared that there IS no “truth” are now purporting themselves to be the ONLY way, the ONLY truth and the ONLY life.  And so they have waged war on the followers of Christ.
I want you to understand so I keep repeating this point: if evolution is all there is there IS no good that we should aspire to.  Rather, we ought to be watching Nat Geo Wild and trying to outdo the lions and the hyenas in predation upon ANY organism including our next-door-neighbors who are in any way sick or weak or unfit.  Because that IS nature; that IS life “under the sun,” as the Book of Ecclesiastes puts it.  And ONLY when we realize – and realize as a matter of official government policy as our founding fathers did and oh-yes-they-DID recognize that we were created in God’s image and as a result and ONLY as a result endowed with inalienable rights by our Creator – that there IS a GOD who CREATED us in HIS image and ONLY as a result of that Imago Dei are we are all precious.  If not, kill the weak rather than giving them welfare and be done with it.  But otherwise, humanity needs an enema and it needs to begin by flushing all secular humanism out of our collective colon.  Because it is moral fecal matter that leads to intellectual fecal matter such that the more degrees someone has today, the stupider they have become.  See Colossians 2:8: “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.”
I continue to remain appalled that the liberal witches on the view actually claimed that Christians – the primary victims of Islamic State horror – are “no different from the Taliban” because we believe in a God who loves us and gave His very life for us so we could be with Him and live like Him when all they believe in is crocodiles and a savage nature that does nothing but hate and kill.
It is simply a genuine fact that while not every Muslim is a terrorist, virtually every terrorist attack today is committed by a MUSLIM.  But like the fact that the emperor happens to be completely naked believing he’s wearing beautiful fashion because he’s a fool, the left is pathologically hell-bent on being oblivious to reality.
In Europe, which the American left dreams we would become because they vastly prefer Hitler’s and Stalin’s to George Washington’s and our founding fathers’ values, political correctness which emerges from postmodernism has become a death pact.  With liberalism, we don’t have “lone wolves,” we have “KNOWN wolves.”  We know who these people are and we know what beliefs motivate them to not only homicide but the intent to commit genocide.  We know over and over again EXACTLY who these people are.  But we can’t do anything about it because the left won’t let us do anything about it.  They can even appear on our television programs and tell us they want to kill us.  And the left demands that we keep importing more and more of them into our countries, importing thousands of them, tens of thousands of them, hundreds of thousands of them.  And ANY attempt to staunch that flood is “racist” or “Islamophobic.”  It requires 20 highly-trained intelligence agents to monitor just ONE terror suspect and there are now TENS OF THOUSANDS of terror suspects.
Terrorists and liberals want the same basic thing: totalitarian control.  And frankly Kathy Griffin let the head out of the damn bag.  Because it is now an indisputable fact that liberals want the President of the United States’ bloody severed head as much as Islamic State want it.  They are the same people with a slightly different crazy religion.
And liberals are THE leading apologists for Islamic terrorists.  Why do I say that?  Obama has done it.  Hillary has done it.  John Kerry has done it.  They’ve ALL along with many other Democrats decried America and American values and Western values as inciting terrorism.  Why shouldn’t we a travel ban?  Because it would be used to recruit more terrorists, they assure us.  Which is what they said about Gitmo.  Or hell just doing anything to fight back.  And consider the constant rhetorical jihad that “climate change” is responsible for terrorism.  So who caused climate change?  Why the WEST of course.  Which means WE cause terrorism.  And terrorists OUGHT to kill us because we’re killing the planet!!!  It goes back to Hitler: the victim is a monster and thetefore the monster who murders the victim is actually a hero.
When President Trump pulled the USA out of the idiotic Paris Accord the mainstram media actually called him a “murderer.” Want to know who the REAL murderer is?  Try the previous president responsible for that one-thousand, nine-hundred percent increase in terrorist-massacre under his regime.
  1. Mind you, electing a woman president as leader of the world where Islam won’t even allow a woman outside by herself or drive a car or get an education wouldn’t do any such thing because NOBODY but NOBODY is more tolerant toward women than Muslims, right?  What’s that, you say?  99.3% of Egyptian women say that’s crazy?  The women of Sweden who have seen sexual assaults skyrocket 500% as Muslim refugees have flooded into their country say that’s crazy?  Well, liberals don’t care about stupid facts.  But anyway, back to the point: the left blames us for terrorism.  They blame global warming they say we cause, income inequality they say we cause, travel bans, intolerance, whatever.  And so they are in the bizarre and frankly evil position of siding with the vicious predatory monsters who are murdering us.  Because Muslim terrorists are the victims and Western Civilization is the one causing all the problems.  It’s so amazing it’s beyond unreal, but here we are.
We are being killed and we are being terrorized.  And response of the same left that gave us and defended pornography and let’s not forget “Piss Christ” as “art” are now giving us this:

Covered-Up Chic: Big Brands Are Waking Up to Modest Fashion

LONDON — When Ruba Zai uploaded her first video online, the Netherlands-based Afghan student just wanted to share with other Muslim girls and women how she styled her headscarf. She had no idea that her “hijab tutorials” would be an internet hit, watched by hundreds of thousands worldwide.

The 23-year-old now blogs full time, sharing ideas for how to look trendy yet covered-up with a million Instagram followers. Zai had tapped into a fast-growing market for so-called “modest fashion,” fuelled by young, style-savvy Muslim women from London to Malaysia who have long felt their needs ignored by mainstream designers.

“I just couldn’t relate at all to the clothes you see in the mainstream brands,” she said from her home in Rotterdam. “When we first started talking about our style on social media, there was no interest in the fashion world in this group of people: ‘They’re just Muslims, why should we target them?'”

Big brands have been waking up to that call, and covered-up chic is a niche that’s slowly making its way into mainstream fashion. From exclusive designers to fast-fashion chains, retailers are trying to court millions of Muslim consumers — especially around the month of Ramadan, which started last week, when many Muslims buy new clothes and dress up. In 2014, U.S. fashion house DKNY was one of the first Western brands to launch a Ramadan collection aimed at wealthy Arab shoppers.

Let’s call it what it is, just as we call out every other attempt of liberals to refuse to allow us to fight the war on terror: SUBMISSION.


ISIS-Poser Kathy Griffin Comes Out Whining Right After Hillary Clinton Blames EVERYTHING For Election After Trump Hands Her Head To Her

June 2, 2017

Interesting timeline: Kathy Griffin shows that yes, liberals actually ARE terrorist wannabes by giving us an ISIS -style-holding-victim’s-decapitated-head-money-shot.  But instead of Nicholas Berg, liberals dream bigger and fantasize about sawing off the head of a US president.  Which is to say that Democrats dream more evil than ISIS these days.

Compare and contrast:

You guys are on the same damn beyond-Nazi page now.

Okay, so then Hillary Clinton goes on her whackjob victimhood tour and in her first interview (the one before she finally returns to her victory “glass ceiling” November 8th venue where she stiffed her own supporters on election night) and provides 24 separate reasons why she lost the election (even blaming the DNC which she all but owned with her friend and supporter Debblie Blabbermouth Schultz running it and which literally CHEATED to get her the nomination from Bernie Sanders):

You liberals love saying Trump is crazy.  Well, your witch just cited every crazy conspiracy theory about Trump and actually managed to even invent a few more herself.  If alien abduction, bigfoot and Chupacabras aren’t in Hillary’s 24 theories, they’ll be her 25th, 26th and 27th reasons she’s a loser.   That’s not normal, kids.  That’s very, very Abbynormal.  Just like Democrat whackjob behavior since the election has been.

Now, other than the fact that Hillary Clinton would have happily done the same terrorist photoshoot as Griffin given the chance, it turns out these two demonic witch shrews have a lot in common:

Just a couple of hours ago Kathy Griffin had a USA Today story written on her under the title, “Kathy Griffin: Donald Trump is ‘messing with the wrong redhead’.”

In the article,Griffin is quoted as saying;

“I’m not afraid of Trump,” she said. “He’s a bully. I’ve dealt with older white guys trying to keep me down my whole career.”

You’re so BRAVE.  Such a role model!  So like Hillary!  She stands up to bullies too!!!

But let’s forget to ask the question, “When you hold up the bloody, severed head of someone you claim is a “bully,” doesn’t that kind of mean you’re an atomic Nazi bully on steroids???  But please remember not to even consider asking such a stupid question.

I watched the video of her press conference where she is asked, “Do you have a fear for your career after this storm dies down?”

And here’s what our left-wing heroine begins to whine:

“I don’t think I’ll have a career after this. I think he … I think he … I think he … I’m going to be honest: he broke me. He broke me. He broke me. He broke… and then I was like, no this isn’t right. It’s just not right. And then I apologized because it was the right thing to do and I meant it. And then I saw the tide turning and I saw what they were doing and I went, ‘Oh, okay, they’re trying to spin this so they’re making it about Baron and, obviously that was never my intent. I would never want to hurt anyone, much less a child. But I started to see what was really happening. And then it was a mob-mentality pile on. And so many people have expressed to me personally across the country on my shows … they’re scared. so yeah. I don’t know.”

I mean, the left SHOULD be scared: they can’t even post pictures of themselves holding the severed head of the President of the United States of America without being criticized???  I mean, what the hell kind of place IS America if there is any kind of a moral boundary that only a damn BUG would ever cross???

It’s actually quite amazing: Kathy Griffin claims “Trump broke me.”

Which amounts to a slightly different version of the left’s constant whackjob Russia hacking conspiracy: Kathy Griffin – much the same way that Hillary failed to have any kind of damn security on her illegal and corrupt secret private email server through which she could totally bypass pretty much all transparency laws and pretty much any law of any kind before purging it when it was under congressional subpoena and “wiping it, like with a cloth” – just accidentally forgot to wear her tinfoil hat one day.  And we all know what happened: Trump’s Russian masters used their brain-hacking machines to force her to do a photo shoot acting out Islamic State’s wet dream fantasy.  I mean, it wasn’t Griffin’s fault.  It was Trump’s fault.  Which means it had to be RUSSIA!  Don’t you understand???

And, I mean, we all know that nobody would have ever done a story and no Democrat would have even mentioned it and the Obama White House wouldn’t have come down from their heights of Mt. Olympus had Ted Nugent done a photo shoot holding an image of Obama’s bloody severed head.  I mean, right???

I mean, you won’t be able to find a single article about Ted Nugent being evil.  Because when Ted Nugent mouthed off sans any visceral images whatsoever nobody cared at all.

Ted Nugent is the right’s version of Madonna, who went to the Washington Mall and publicly threatened to blow up the White House with a bomb with Trump and his family inside.  Pretty godawful stuff, but it wasn’t like she had a video of herself doing it.  Just like Nugent didn’t resort to pictures for those lacking imagination.  The left is butthurt that President Trump invited Nugent to his White House; consider the fact that if the next Democrat president doesn’t invite a celebrity who didn’t say something ugly about Trump, no leftwing celebrity will EVER be invinvited to ANY Democrat White House.  The liberal celebrities who have spoken incredibly UGLY things about Trump are in the LEGIONS: for these fools to cite Ted Nugent and then claim moral equivalence is as beyond despicable as it us beyond laughable.

In this case a picture isn’t worth a thousand words.  The image makes it worse than mere words.  Showing goes beyond telling.

And yeah, this particular picture was worth a whole hell of a lot more than the rodeo clown who actually got banned for life just for wearing an Obama mask.  And as a result of Obama’s feelings getting butthurt by that, that working man had to be destroyed.

So wearing a Halloween mask of a Democrat president, evil; holding the severed head of a Republican president, good.  How does that not seem like psychotic hypocrisy?

And so Kathy Griffin needs to be utterly banned for life.  If anybody anywhere pays her so much as one dime for her “performance,” they are acknowledging that liberalism equals terrorism.  And we can hold up what THEY THEMSELVES demanded for a WHOLE HELL OF A LOT LESS as the proof in the hypocrite liberal roach-ridden pudding.

I’d say something like, “Let’s talk about this, because we’re all adults here.  But we’re NOT all adults here: because some of us are liberals, and liberals are spoiled rotten little Nazi entitlement thug-brats.  Liberals are people who use rhetorical jiu-jitsu to make themselves the victim in every single situation under the sun no matter what they hell they do – including murder sixty million innocent babies in their abortion mills.  Which is why I call Democrats “cockroaches” fwiw: because you’ve got to be a damn vermin BUG to kill your own like that.  Liberals are people who use twisted logic to distort themselves into some kind of victim status.  And using their same twisted immoral logic, once they are the victims they win the game and are therefore entitled to everything they want no matter how psychotically unreasonable it is.

So Kathy Griffin plays the tough-but-somehow-still-whining liberal victim that Hillary had just played.  But being liberals, needing to be victims so badly, both women lose all moral personal self-introspection and become victimhood machines.  Hillary blames the DNC and even Obama because SHE is a liberal and therefore is she-who-cannot-accept-responsibility for her crappy campaign and her illegal actions the exposure which helped doom her crappy campaign.

But now Trump canceled the meaningless Paris environmentalist accord that wasn’t a treaty because nobody would ever have signed on to it that allowed the world’s worst polluter China to increase its pollution even more for another fifteen years.  Liberals whine why it was canceled, claiming that it had no enforcement mechanism so why kill what was useless even as they say by killing it Trump just murdered planet earth.  And as always they are going absolutely rabid batpoop over it.  I woke up and put on my gas mask, because Trump poisoned our environment didn’t he?

Oh wait a minute.  Beachfront property is STILL the most valuable real estate because every sane person knows liberals have breathed the gasses from their own spleens for too long; and also consider that the DOW, the Nasdaq and the S&P 500 ALL posted records today the day after liberals declared that Trump just murdered the planet.  You have to listen to these nuts to see how nutty they are.

Kathy Griffin is right: liberals ARE scared.  They are also neurotic and fragile and paranoid.  They are not mentally stable people.  They need to all be college students so they can establish their fascist safe-bubble-zone cocoons where only they are allowed to speak or to think. But this point the most mentally healthy liberal is merely boderline personality disorder versus full-fledge schizophrenic. Please don’t hold them responsible for all their violent riots.  They can’t help themselves any more than the roach in your house can help itself.  And when you turn on the light that roach is apologizing the whole time it’s scurrying to get under the refrigerator.  Please don’t “break it” by stomping on it. It’s not its fault it’s pure unadulterated vermin.  And it’s not Kathy Giffin’s fault that she’s one, either.

There are a lot of damn good reasons Donald Trump handed Hillary Clinton her head during the election, with only ONE reason being she was emailing her staff shrilly demanding that they invent some kind of message that Americans could actually support because the only reason she could offer was her own sense of entitlement.  The sooner she stops leading disgraceful people into further acts of psychotic butthurt disgrace, the better off the rest of us will be.

I marvel at the hate and hypocrisy of the pseudo-tolerant left.  There are hundrefs if not thousands of Christians who have faced genocidal martydom at the hands of ISIS.  And leftist hater Kathy Griffin chooses to depict their favorite execution tactic.  Meanwhile on the ABC program “The View,” the liberal women were dirctly comparing Christians to the Taliban who murder Christians.  Because we feel that we have the right to vote our conscience where rabid liberal haters like Whoopie Goldberg and Joy Behar believe we have the right to hold our own severed heads.

How The Mainstream Media Has ‘Fundamentally Transformed’ Even The TRUTH Into ‘Fake News’ By Weaponizing The Truth

May 4, 2017

I watch the White House press corp. do its thing every now and then, and I regularly read the Los Angeles Times and USA Today scan a number of other news sources.  And overall, for Donald Trump, it’s “Damned if he does, but also damned if he doesn’t.”  If he follows through with his campaign promises, they attack him as rigidly inflexible, but if he compromises in any way they attack him for compromising in any way.  In the press briefing yesterday, for example, a reporter fixated on “wall” such that ANY kind of wall that contained ANY kind of fencing whatsoever – including on structures that have always been CALLED walls such as “bollard walls” and “levy walls” are in face “fences” and not hypertechnically “walls” even though the federal government engineers have always CALLED them “walls.”  And therefore President Trump would be breaking his word to build a “wall.”  I’m not kidding.  They did that.  Look at the briefing transcript.  So on the one hand they are rabidly dead set against Trump building a wall and will demonize and slander him as a racist and every other hateful thing if he does so, but if he in any way, shape or form tries to negotiate or compromise, they’ll frame him as a liar.  They will not allow him to be “flexible.”  They just will not.

This is every single day on every single issue.  I’ve seen numerous mainstream media outlets questioning Trump’s motives on being willing to talk, for example, with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un for “appeasing” and “coddling” dictators.   CNN’s opening salvo on May 1 was this:

The President has made a habit of praising the leaders of some of the most oppressive regimes, calling Kim Jong-Un a pretty smart cookie issuing a surprise White House invite to the Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte who was – has bragged about personally killing suspected criminals when he was a mayor. And famously defending Vladimir Putin again and again and again and planning to speak to the Russian president in just hours. We will talk about that in a moment. So, is this a deliberate strategy or is the President just not up to speed?

The editorial board of the LA Times hurled an article at Trump titled “Schmoozing with a killer” on May 2.  And you go back to the pure, rabid hate and contempt that the Lost Angeles Slimes threw at Trump in their six-series by the same editorial board titled “Our Dishonest President” that begins, “It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters.”  And just realize that these are people pathologically incapable of anything remotely close to “fair and balanced.”  They are unfair and unhinged.

Now, when Barack Obama declared that he would be willing to talk with dictators including pretty much all the players that they are now viciously attacking Trump for being willing to talk to now, the same mainstream media heralded it as the greatest vapor of fresh air the universe had ever breathed.  When Obama gave $400 million in unmarked bills packed in crates in a secret flight to the world’s worst supporter of terrorism, the mainstream media yawned.  When Obama basically gave that same world’s worst sponsor of hate and violence on earth $33.6 billion which they could use to finance their ballistic missile system which is necessary for them for when they break Obama’s stupid nuclear treaty that was dishonestly presented to the American people and in which Obama openly pardoned the worst terrorist murderers on the face of the earth if you want to talk about schmoozing with killers – the mainstream media yawned.  Or we could talk about all the lies surrounding Obama’s decision to schmooze with killers when he traded five terrorist generals with the blood of American servicemen on their hands for a confirmed traitor named Bergdahl and Susan Rice declared that acts of treason was synonymous with “serving with honor and distinction.”  I could literally go on and on about Obama schmoozing with killers.  Obama watched a baseball game with a hard-core murderous dictator named Raul Castro.  CNN called it “baseball diplomacy.”

You would get very filthy rich if you had a chance to accept a high-stakes bet that CNN wouldn’t call it that if Trump did the same exact thing with dictator Putin that Obama did with dictator Castro.  The Philippines have been one of America’s staunchest allies in Southeast Asia since before World War II; Cuba was a steadfast enemy of the United States until Obama unilaterally decided they were our friends and allies.  So the same mainstream media that demonizes Trump for befriending the dictator of one of our very best friends since World War II is the same media that praised Obama for befriending the dictator of one of our worst enemies since World War II.  You have to be a LIBERAL to be that kind of a moral hypocrite.

The mainstream media is as dishonest as the sun is hot.  And hot damn is that sun ever hot.  Not that the sun has anything whatsoever to do with global warming, which is entirely caused by humans, mind you.

So, again, if Trump actually takes a strong stand against the dictators, this media will brand him as a “warmonger.”  And you’ll see all kinds of stories trying to – in the LA Times’ words – be demagogues who use fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters by hyping up images of nuclear war and world war three as they try to frame Trump as they’ve already done.

So he’s damned if he takes a stand; damned if he tries to use diplomacy.  Damned if he does but every damned bit as damned if he doesn’t.

And since these matters are ALWAYS and INVARIABLY subject to interpretation and perception, they will ALWAYS interpret and perceive in a way hostile to Trump and to any kind of traditional American value system.  They will ALWAYS be biased and unfair and yes, therefore dishonest.

It was the Los Angles Times that had Barack Obama dead to rights in having in their possession a video of Senator Barack Obama honoring and glorifying a rabidly anti-Israel TERRORIST propagandist named Rasheed Khalidi.  The LA Times has refused to publish the truth about Obama because it not only would have destroyed any chance whatsoever that he had of ever becoming president, but it would destroy any legacy that he still has today.  They were all too willing to release video about Donald Trump that was literally illegal to release, necessitating a run-around where the video was given by one “journalist” from one network to another “journalist” so the hit could take place with no one going to jail for it.  But when it came to Obama, it was high-gear hoity-toity self-righteous indignation about journalistic ethics.  It is literally a fact that Barack Obama spent eight cancerous years as president because the Los Angeles Times refused to have anything whatsoever to do with legitimate news.

The Lost Angeles Slimes is a fake news organization if there is such a thing.

Let’s look at some of the numbers.  In a recent study of ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN, 89% of the coverage of Donald Trump was NEGATIVE during his first hundred days as president.  In a thousand stories, with nineteen hundred minutes of total airtime, only 186 minutes could be viewed as “positive” in either content or tone.  The Washington Times declared that “It would be hard for biased, negative news coverage of President Trump to get any worse.”

I used to think that way.  Now I realize that the mainstream media can ALWAYS get worse and more biased; what they CAN’T do is get any better.  Journalists will one day scream in the hottest part of hell for their crimes against truth because they had a sacred obligation to report the truth and they instead perverted it on a daily basis.

The mainstream media has weaponized the truth.

What do I mean by that?  They will tell the unvarnished truth – if and only if the unvarnished truth at a particular moment happens to correspond to their ideological and political agenda.  Otherwise they will pervert the truth, they will adulterate the truth, they will prejudice the truth.  They will play games with the truth and manipulate the truth and massage the truth until “the truth lies.”

The truth when Obama’s stooge Hillary Clinton was running against Donald Trump is an interesting matter.  The New York Times reported the “truth” that Hillary had an 85% chance of winning the presidency on election day.  The actual reality was that she got her ass handed to her.  Before that, these same “truth-tellers” assured us that the Brexit vote would go the way the internationalists liberals wanted it to.  I wrote an article about that titled, “Brexit: Democrats, You Ought To Wake Up SCARED, Because Your Vile Failures Have Caught Up With You.”  But these people who today love so much to attack anything favorable to Trump as “fake news” had no freaking clue what the actual true news was.

I watched part of the White House Press Correspondents Dinner.  The one that President Trump blew off as a waste of time and which was rightly described as “an extended middle finger to Trump.”  Tucker Carlson pointed out that the nearly unanimous liberalism in the media amounts to as blatant a form of extremist bigotry as exist anywhere on earth today.

Even New York Times reporters are admitting that Donald Trump is FAR more tolerant of the 1st Amendment than Barack Obama ever was.  Trump is giving press briefings that Obama refused to give; whereas Obama was the worst enemy in American history of Freedom of Information Act requests, and literally labelled legitimate journalists like James Rosen and legitimate news organizations like the Associated Press as criminals so he could place them under surveillance.  And Hillary was even WORSE than Obama!

But you’d never know that listening to that White House Correspondents dinner, because while journalists are literally being assassinated in Mexico, American “journalists” are decrying the nosedive into Stalinism that Trump represents.

Even though he is measurably better in every imaginable front than Obama was or than Hillary would have been.

And you could see it coming: because when Hillary staffers told “journalists” they would have to follow along like sheep behind rope lines, they like sheep obliged.  Versus the snarling, barking, vicious, rabid wolves they become whenever they hear the name Trump.

I literally do not care what the media says anymore.

When you will only tell your biased and distorted and perverted version of “the truth” about your enemies while sheltering your friends and fellow ideological travelers, your “truth” doesn’t matter.  That’s what I mean by “weaponizing the truth.”

The same media that illegally and criminally released Donald Trump’s tax records and his horrifying slip on a hot mic for Access Hollywood have steadfastly refused to release Obama’s college records in addition to his praise for an anti-Semitic terrorist propagandist.  There is no question whatsoever that Obama filed for college as a foreign exchange student.  In his own autobiography Obama acknowledged that he was an indifferent student who had poor grades and used drugs.  How the hell did he get into the most prestigious universities in America?  Because foreign exchange students don’t have to perform the way American students do to gain admittance.  But the media didn’t want you to do that and to this day they refuse to report that.  In regards to the Access Hollywood footage, California law makes it a CRIME to do what “journalists” did by releasing a recording of someone without their knowledge or consent.  Just as it is a federal crime to do what Susan Rice did to Mike Flynn by releasing his eavesdropped conversations and it is a federal crime to release someone’s tax records.  But standards and laws don’t mean anything to these people, who know how to sidestep the law or their ethics whenever they want to sidestep them.  But at the same time somehow prevent them from reporting the truth when that truth would destroy their candidate.

Today, the Los Angeles Times has an incredibly smarmy bold-face and all-caps title to their main-page print edition article on health care: “A REPUBLICAN WIN, FOR NOW.”  Rest assured that wasn’t the same spirit this fake news outlet took when the epic Titanic disaster a.k.a. ObamaCare was passed by the same one-party vote.  I remember reading the shock of the mainstream media that for the first time, the U.S. death rate rose with that rise incredibly coincidentally coinciding with ObamaCare running like the death-panel-machine that it was always guaranteed to be.  Not only is ObamaCare not saving lives; it is actively KILLING AMERICANS.  ObamaCare premiums rose a nationwide average of 25% this year over last and the deductibles one has to pay just for the cheapest ObamaCare product are an incredibly high $6,000 with the average family enrolled in the plan paying an average of $12,393 before their ObamaCare “insurance” kicks in.  How in the ehll can anyone legitimately claim that ObamaCare provides “coverage” when it has made actual health care so expensive that people cannot actually afford it?  What do you call a health care law that creates a higher death rate?  A grotesque and frankly evil euphemistic oxymoron, is what I call it.

The ObamaCare death rate surge is a “surprise” to the same experts who month after month were astonished by the “unexpected” disappointments that occurred month after month after month in Obama’s failed economy.  Because liberal “experts” are biblical in their foolishness: “always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth.”  Because “Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.”  That is what they are; it is what they always have been; it is what they always will remain.

When Sarah Palin RIGHTLY predicted that ObamaCare was a giant “death panel,” she was not only mocked, she was viciously and hatefully attacked for saying such an ugly “fearmongering” thing about major legislation.  That we can now document was RIGHT.  But the same Democratic Party that is inciting VIOLENT RIOTS to undermine Trump are saying even WORSE and MORE fearmongering things about the GOP legislation.  Just like when Obama was president, it was an ugly, hateful and racist thing to attack him and it was even MORE unheard of to attack his wife and his children; but now Democrats are gleefully the most vicious hate to do those very things.  And the same mainstream media that demonized those who said anything negative about Obama and family are ENCOURAGING hate against Trump and his family.

The Democrat Party comes out and lies, LIES, LIES and slanders, SLANDERS, SLANDERS.  And the mainstream media “reports” their lies and their slanders as if they were the truth.  Every intent of the GOP plan is to do the vitally important thing that ObamaCare very painfully obviously did not do: lower the actual cost of health care.  And while insurers are bailing out of ObamaCare because this demonic turd is very clearly in its death spiral, the GOP plan will both give Americans more control over their health care and create the completion that has always been the source of American marketplace success such that insurance companies can create across state lines and provide more streamlined products at lower costs whereas ObamaCare created fiefdoms.  But the same mainstream media that mocked the GOP when they RIGHTLY called out ObamaCare as a death panel are now fixing their dishonest slander-guns at the GOP plan; the same mainstream media that steadfastly refused to tell the actual TRUTH about how terrible ObamaCare was are now viciously attacking every aspect of the GOP plan.  The Democratic Party and the mainstream media that serve as their propagandists literally have blood on their hands, but that doesn’t stop them from continuing to hurt the American people as they keep sucking the life out of this nation and the citizens who inhabit it.

The stories from the media are characterizing the world as on the brink of world war three: but who put us in this dilemma?  Maybe it was Obama who disastrously set forth a “red line” that was crossed dozens and dozens of times with Obama doing NOTHING such that even Obama’s fiercest apologists such as John Kerry were forced to concede that it “cost us significantly by leading other nations to see America as WEAK.”  Maybe it was Obama who emboldened Russia by doing NOTHING when they were seizing countries and taking over the Middle East that every previous president had successfully shut them out of.  Maybe it was Obama who allowed China to militarily occupy the South China Sea – THE most commercially vital sea lane on planet earth – and allowing China to push America out and push us around.  Maybe it was Obama who did NOTHING to stop or even slow down North Korea from obtaining ballistic missiles; and maybe simultaneously it was Obama rewarding Iran for being the largest sponsor of terrorism on earth by giving them $33.6 billion to perfect their own ballistic missile technology so they could return to developing their nuclear weapons which are useless without the ballistic missile system to deliver those weapons on another country.  Maybe it’s the fact that under Obama and because of Obama, terrorist deaths rose by an eyeball-popping one-thousand, nine-hundred percent.  And yet the same media that kept allowing Obama to blame Bush for every failure are now pretending that Trump is the one who did all these things to erode American credibility, influence and power???

How can people who profess to be “intelligent” fail to understand that a “nuclear deal” that gives a rogue nation BILLIONS to develop ballistic missile technology ONLY guarantees that that rogue nation will have nuclear weapons PLUS the means to deliver them to our cities???

The mainstream media keep focusing on “Russian interference in our election.”  They fail to point out that it was OBAMA who stood back incompetently and uselessly while Russia did it, just as he did nothing all the other times they bullied Obama and pushed America around.  They also conveniently (for Obama) fail to mention that if what Russia did was wrong, then Obama needs to go to prison for doing the same damn thing to Israel that Russia did to us.  And lastly, they fail to mention that all Russia did was reveal the damn TRUTH that Hillary Clinton was a pathologically dishonest and secretive shrew who illegally installed a secret server to bypass American transparency laws under Obama’s watch.  In other words, the Russians told the American people THE TRUTH that our own dishonest fake news media refused to report until it was thrown in their faces and they were FORCED to report it.

If there is any conceivable way the mainstream media can frame a total failure as some kind of “success” when Democrats are in office, they will do so; if on the other hand there is any conceivable way they can frame an amazing success as an unmitigated failure when Republicans are running things, they will do so.  And since these stories are ALWAYS a matter of “perception” or “interpretation,” they will always perceive or interpret exactly the way their ideology prompts them to.  And so Obama presided over the worst economic “wreckovery” in American history, and the media “perceived” it to be a success; and so far Trump has added over $3 trillion to the economy in a record-short time since becoming president due to the optimism that Obama’s economy-eroding dictates would be undone, and the same media “perceives” it to be a failure.

There has NEVER been a law that made EVERYBODY happy and there never will be.  Take ObamaCare.  PLEASE, as the comic says.  There were MILLIONS of Americans who were HURT by ObamaCare from the very getgo, such as my own parents who lost their Medicare Advantage plans that Obama promised them they could keep.  But we never really saw that coverage, did we?  Just like every day when the mainstream media find “victims” of Trump’s policy to actually follow the damn LAW when it comes to ILLEGAL immigrants and do “victim” stories on how hard their lives are because Trump is so mean.  They don’t give one flying DAMN about all the Kate Steinles out there.  They simply don’t matter because the victim hurts rather than helps their ideological narrative.  Put it this way: say TrumpCare helped 97% of Americans and was by any legitimate measure an overwhelming success.  What would the media do?  They would place 97% of their coverage on the 3% who weren’t happy.  Because that’s what they do when it’s a Republican or conservative policy.  The same damn way they do the exact opposite and ignore the negatives no matter how large that negative crowd is when it’s some crap that Obama put his stamp on.

And I for one am beyond sick of the 89% rabid bias that is literally the defining characteristic of the mainstream media today.  I’m beyond sick of the unrelenting double-standard whereby it was a horrible thing to do to attack a presidents wife and children until and unless that president was named Donald and his wife was named Melania and his daughter was named Ivanka: and then it’s open-damn-season on the hate-machine from the “tolerant” crowd.

The media is on the warpath against Trump and they are taking sides and they are out to get him.  And I am ignoring them the way they ignored every single ignominious failure that characterized the entire Obama degenerate presidency.

So “report” whatever the hell you want to, media.  I know the truth about YOU and I know the truth about those whom you have been in the business of protecting for decades.  And I simply refuse to play your game where only your adversaries are to be held accountable to “the truth.”


You’re Not Yourself, Hillary. Here, Eat A Snickers. What? What Do You MEAN You Already Had One? That’s Really YOU???

August 3, 2016

Have you seen that Snickers Ad campaign?  You’re not yourself when you’re hungry.  Here’s my favorite sample:

Well, what I have to tell you is based on a true story, as they say.  The conversation went something like this:


“Mrs. Clinton?  Are you okay?  I just know you’re not being your true self right now.  Here, eat this Snickers bar.”


[Sound of wrapper being ripped open and loud chewing and heavy breathing as the Snickers is consumed].


“There, Mrs. Clinton.  That ought to bring you back to your real self!”


“OW!  DAMN!  OW!!!  Mrs. Clinton, YOU BIT ME!!!”


“Oh NO!  You mean, THIS IS THE REAL YOU???”


“People have to know the truth!  I have to tell them!”


“Ow, my hand.  It feels like you poisoned me…”




Paid for by the feelings of every single American with a human soul.



Does God hear our prayers? When God says, ‘You ALWAYS have My attention; do I have YOUR attention now?’

June 29, 2016

Sometimes you should simply begin at the beginning when you tell a story.

Two days ago I was hiking with my best dog friend and my best human friend.  I’m up ahead, my best human friend is in the rear and my best dog friend is in the middle.  And as we were well on the way up the first of several blind canyons we go up and down on this ten mile hike, my best human friend believes she sees something wrong with my best dog friend.

I looked and didn’t see anything that looked wrong.  And a few minutes later, after we’d got to the top of the box canyon and were on our way back down, the dog RACES past us showering the two slow-moving humans with sand.  She looked find.

The rest of the hike the dog seemed fine.  But after getting home, I thought I might have seen a bit of a limp.

The next day there was no question: she was periodically limping fairly badly.

Well, I ALWAYS take the dog for the hike.  And just in case you are wondering what “butthurt” looks like, it looks like my dog if she doesn’t go with her master on that hike.  One time I took my nephew shooting, and geared up pretty much the same I would as if I were hiking, and I heard her howling piteously.  If it were left up to her, she’d do her “Black Knight” impression and tell me, “Tis just a flesh wound!”  And it wasn’t a terrible limp.  But I made the call to leave her at home and give her leg a better chance to heal up.

I actually took her treats into the back room of the house, gave her one, ran out and took out my gear, then gave her more and ran out of the house so either a) she wouldn’t know I was leaving her to go hiking or b) so I wouldn’t have to see the look on her face as I betrayed her like a Judas-class traitor.  You decide which.

Anyway, as I’m hiking  I briefly talk to my best human friend on the phone.  I’ll call her “Gabriela,” since I’ve always liked that name and also since it actually happens to BE my friend’s name.  And I tell my friend Gabriela the shocking news that I didn’t take my dog.

Gabriela reminds me that she DID see something the night before.  And I said, “Maybe you did, but remember how she seemed fine afterward and for the rest of the walk?”

And Gabriela said something that turned out to be very fascinating: she said she might have been seeing it prophetically, pointing out that she’d never asked me if the dog was all right before on any of the other hikes we’d taken.

Do you believe that someone who is sensitive to the movement of the Holy Spirit can see something that the Spirit is about to do?  Maybe you do and maybe you don’t.  But let me continue with the story.

I’m walking up the same first blind canyon where Gabriela had believed she’d seen something wrong with my dog, and a thought suddenly occurs to me: “If you’re going to allow any rattlesnakes, Lord, let them come tonight when I don’t have my dog with me.”

You need to understand: I’m an old former soldier and I have literally walked through tens of thousands of miles of bushes in my life.  On my own, I’m not terrified of rattlesnakes.  They are deadly and you better be careful if you’re going to mess with one; but I’m pretty confident in my ability to spot them because I generally keep to the trails and I am constantly watching for them.  What freaks me out – as I’ve pointed out in the past – is my fear for my dog.  She’s my baby.  If every parent loved their child at least as much as I love my dog, the world would be a much sweeter place.

On my own, I tend toward being pretty brave; but I’ve had encounters with rattlesnakes involving my dog that had me literally sick and shaking with fear.  The parent who just saw his or her little kid run out into the street right in front of a car understands that terror.  And what is your instinct as a parent?  You jump right in front of that car and you block your child with your very own body and you don’t even think twice about it, either.

So I’m saying to the LORD, “If you have any rattlesnakes to put in my path, put them here now.”

Immediately after saying that, I understand that if I’m going to ask the LORD to allow a deadly serpent in my path, I’d BETTER be prayed upRattlesnakes are deadly poisonous, and when they move, they move so fast and so quick they stun you.  They go from zero mph to full astonishing speed INSTANTLY.  if you’re close enough to hurt them, believe me, they are close enough to hurt you.  You try to hit them and you miss, and they suddenly slither your way, you aren’t going to be able to get out of the way.  And so I prayed and confessed all my sins.  And not just my sins, but my transgressions, my iniquities, my rebellions against God and His lordship over my life.  I asked my God for forgiveness through the perfect life lived in my place and the ultimate sacrificial death given in my place by my Lord Jesus.  And I prayed that the LORD would protect me, and deliver me, and keep me safe from the world and from the flesh and from the devil.  I prayed that the LORD would shut up the mouth of the serpent so that it could not bite or strike, and that the LORD would deliver it into my hand so that I could kill it.

And no sooner – and I mean not one SECOND AFTER – I prayed that prayer, what did I see?

Two years ago I encountered a dozen rattlesnakes in one year.  Last year it was like eight.  But I’ve only seen one this year and it was back in February.

But yeah.  AS IF ON CUE, a rattlesnake was just all of a sudden there.


I took the picture AFTER I killed it.  And I staged the picture from behind to conceal the smashed-head part.  I’m afraid I’m not of this generation where the first thing you think of is taking a selfie with something that you ought to either be killing or fleeing.  Fight or flight first, photo afterward.

And no, that rattlesnake will never threaten my dog again.  And it’s kids won’t have a chance to, either.  It won’t bite any other hiker or harm any child.

I know there are some environmentalists out there who are recoiling in horror that whenever I see a rattlesnake, I kill it dead, DEAD, DEAD.  Whereas I not only don’t kill constrictor snakes; I step over ant mounds and stink bugs.  It’s actually kind of weird who the radical environmentalist thinks, because on the one hand they believe that humans are merely part of nature, as part of the same evolutionary process that spawned everything else; but at the same time we humans are somehow apart from nature in spite of the fact that, no, we actually are NOT apart from nature on their own view.  If we are merely part of evolution, then how is everything we do not merely part of “nature” too?  This is merely one of the ways those who don’t believe in God literally self-refute their own foundations!  Whereas I believe that God truly made us different from every other creature and that ultimately we are HIS image-bearers created in HIS spiritual and moral likeness.  And the God who created us in His image gave us dominion over the earth.

I don’t kill rattlesnakes because I enjoy it.  I know I’m doing so at risk to myself.  One mistake on my part, one aggressive move on their part, and I’m out in the middle of nowhere very likely by myself out of cell range screaming in pain and in a life-threatening situation.  But they are incredibly dangerous predators.  They are literally living land mines.  And I’ll simply put it this way: you threaten my little girl – as rattlers have in the past – and I will END you.

Thank GOD my dog wasn’t there to be the first one to encounter that venomous serpent on the trail – and hampered with a hurting leg.

I truly believe if she hadn’t had that sore leg – that my dear friend Gabriela anticipated prophetically – and had I not made that gut-informed decision not to take her when I ALWAYS take her on my hikes, that rattlesnake would have bit my beautiful, beloved dog.

It was for Gabriela to prophetically see so she could be a witness to the power of God; it was for me directly experience so I could testify to the power of God who knows the end from the beginning and who delivers His people.  And their little dogs, too!

So in the aftermath, I was praising God, thanking my LORD, adoring Jesus my Savior, wondering in awe of my infinite Creator God who is omniscient and omnipresent and omnipotent and who surrounds me and goes before me and places His holy angels all around me and before me.

No it was NOT a simple coincidence that I asked the LORD that something would happen that hadn’t happened since February 17 and it happened AS I PRAYED FOR IT.  Judy as it was no coincidence that my friend Gabriela noticed something wrong with my dog when to physical eyes she seemed fine at the time.

Because there is a God who speaks to His people, and who LISTENS to His people when they seek His face and call out to Him.

Some verses of Scripture I’ve memorized come to mind here:

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  — Romans 8:28

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  — Jeremiah 29:11

I love Thee, O LORD, my strength.  The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock in whom I take refuge; my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.  I call upon the LORD who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. — Psalm 18:1-3

I prayed to the LORD, and He answered me.  He freed me from all my fears.  Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.  In my desperation I prayed, and the LORD listened; He saved me from all my troubles.  For the Angel of the LORD is a guard; He surrounds and defends all who fear Him.  Taste and see that the LORD is good.  Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in Him!  — Psalm 34:4-8

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.  He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.  He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for You are with me.  Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.  You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. — Psalm 23

As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth.  Even after my skin is destroyed, yet from I flesh I shall see God; whom I myself shall behold, and whom my eyes will see, and not another.  — Job 19:25-27

But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.  For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord.  — Romans 8:37-39

I don’t know what will happen in your future.  I don’t even know what will happen in my OWN future.  Sometimes God allows seemingly bad things to happen – such as my dog coming up with a bum leg – but He has a good purpose in allowing that thing to happen.  Sometimes we can see what that good thing is in hindsight, sometimes we can’t see or the good thing unfolds on behalf of someone else.  I also know that there is something called “the fear of the LORD,” which “is the beginning of wisdom.”  That’s Proverbs 9:10.  I’ve been forced to ponder that verse as I do my daily ten milers, because I hike in areas where rattlesnakes are hardly the only threat; there are plenty of human rattlesnakes, too, as well as coyotes, cougars, bobcats, scorpions, pests and pestilence where we even have to live in fear of mosquitos, and many other things.  I go out into that desert and I pray every single night.  Because I know that I am in the LORD’s hand, and I can NOT deliver myself from every danger that is out there and I can’t deliver my dog from every danger that is out there.

There are things that I would do, sins that I would commit, thoughts that I would have, that I don’t allow myself to do or commit or have; because I have the fear of the LORD and I don’t want to go out there having rebelled against my God who holds me in His hand.  That is the fear of the LORD.  But it is only the BEGINNING of wisdom; not the end.  It is only in that place where you truly and fully realize that you are in the hands of God who holds your life and your future in His hands that you truly even CAN begin to experience genuine wisdom.

That’s one of the things that keeps me determined to go on those nightly hikes; it’s not merely physical exercise; it’s God as He “leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

God heard me last night.  And God heard me last night because God hears me EVERY night; there is never a moment when He does not see me and hear me.  And care about me.

Thank you for ALWAYS having me as the object of Your attention.  And thank you for ensuring that You have MY attention!!!