Archive for July, 2016

Did Donald Trump Sacrifice? Let’s TALK About ‘Sacrifice’

July 30, 2016

So a Muslim father continues the proud line of politically correct slogans saying rhetorically to Donald Trump, “You have sacrificed nothing.”

You know, as if Hillary Clinton was actually Mrs. Lydia Bixby, who is famous in American history for having lost five sons in the Civil War as Republicans fought to free the slaves from the tyranny of the Democratic Party.

To my knowledge, the last time an American president lost a son to war was Theodore Roosevelt, Republican, whose son Quentin was killed in the fighting of World War I.

So, on the one hand, what Khizr Khan delivered was nothing more than a cheap shot.  How many sons did Barack Obama lose in his war which is now the longest in the history of America???  Just when the hell did it become fair game to vilify a candidate for president because none of his kids died in war as you endorse a candidate who didn’t lose any kids in war???

Furthermore, just to point out something that seriously needs to be pointed out: Donald Trump didn’t kill Khizr Khan’s son the way Hillary Clinton killed Patricia Smith’s son Sean in Benghazi with her careless stupidity and incompetence.  Patricia Smith says, “I blame Hillary Clinton PERSONALLY for the death of my son.”

In the same way, I doubt very much that Donald Trump looked Khizr Khan in the eye and LIED to him the way Hillary Clinton looked Charles Woods in the eye and lied to him about his son Tyrone whom her brutal indifference murdered.  Charles Woods has invited Hillary to take a lie detector test to see which of them is telling the truth.

I would like to see the notes that Khizr Khan wrote that indict Donald Trump when his son came back the way Charles Woods has notes indicting Hillary Clinton for covering her ass with lies when his son Tyrone came home in a flag-draped casket.

Hey, don’t go away, Democrat.  I’ve got more.  What about Kate Quigley, the sister of Benghazi murder victim Glen Doherty, who says that Hillary lied to her as well???

How many young men has Donald Trump commanded to their deaths, versus Obama with his horrifyingly awful rules of engagement???  Under Bush, we lost 1,049 Americans KIA in Afghanistan; under Obama that number is 2,469, which is close to three-quarters the total killed.  To the best of my knowledge, Trump isn’t responsible.  But hey, let’s blame Trump for those men Obama ordered into battle.  And let’s endorse the candidate who is going to follow those same policies.  After all, we’re all rabidly unfair ideologues here, right?

By the time Obama leaves office, terrorism will have skyrocketed 1,900 percent over what it had been when George Bush left office.  Do we really want that terrifying trend to continue to escalate???

The NATO commander says that ISIS is spreading like a CANCER among refugees.  What already has happened in Europe will assuredly happen here as ISIS terrorists will come to the USA by way of Europe.  Why on earth would we want that???


I got a LOT more to say about this Khzir Khan crap.  Khan waved a Constitution around and suggested that Donald Trump had never read it.  Let’s lay aside the fact that Obama is supposedly an “expert” in constitutional law and yet has defiantly and intentionally done things that he himself said were unconstitutional and has had the Supreme Court give him more unanimous smackdowns for violating the Constitution than any other president in history.  And the Hillary Clinton whom Khan endorses has pledged to follow that same blatantly unconstitutional example and in fact she has said she would DOUBLE-DOWN on policies that she excoriates the Supreme Court for pointing out are blatantly unconstitutional.  Which then amounts to Khan saying that he’s ALL FOR violating the Constitution; he just wants it violated in a manner favorable to his ideology.  But let’s get back to Khan’s charge against Trump, if it even still matters: How does he know that Trump has never read the Constitution?  It’s nothing but a cheap rhetorical slander; unless I suppose, he’s been reading Hillary Clinton’s thirty thousand missing emails and one of those illegally purged emails somewhere mentions that Trump never read the Constitution.  But here’s the real deal on this: is Khizr Khan one of the MAJORITY of Muslim Americans who would RATHER be governed BY SHARIA LAW THAN BY THE U.S. CONSTITION???

According to the just-released survey of Muslims, a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”

This isn’t just about Khan; this is also about the more than HALF of Muslims coming to America that hate everything we stand for and want to replace it with sharia law.  And why didn’t somebody stick a microphone in Khan’s face and ask him why we should bring in tens or even hundreds of thousands of Muslims who despise everything we stand for???

Or how about this one: why does Humayun Khan’s death matter but Sean Smith’s death and Tyron Woods’ death and Glen Doherty’s death DON’T matter???  PC-point-of-order turning around your own vile line of reasoning on you liberals: IS IT BECAUSE WHITE LIVES DON’T MATTER that the lives of sons personally planted in the grave by Hillary Clinton don’t matter???

Wouldn’t it be awesome if the media were actually honest enough to push fifty microphones in Hillary Clinton’s face and remind her of the white men her policies and incompetence murdered in Benghazi and force her to answer the question, “Do the white lives you terminated in Benghazi matter?”

Why is it, liberals, that NONE of these lives matter?  Why don’t THESE parents and family members who “sacrificed” get to have THEIR sacrifice matter to you???


Maybe you should have taken a cue from your wife and done a little less talking and a lot more shutting the hell up.

Political correctness can actually be a boomerang.  All it takes is the desire to throw it back at the liberal swine who keep throwing it at you.

As an example of that one, consider the rabid frenzy and fury directed at Trump for in any way, shape or form questioning “a Gold Star family member” who lost his son; but where is the righteous hate cast at the Democrat Party for chanting “Black Lives Matter!” during that moment of silence for the police officers murdered by assassins adhering to that very ideology???  What the HELL is wrong with you to mock the grief of the family members of those slain police while pretending you give a damn about soldiers???  That in addition to those Benghazi family members and the cricket-chirping you hear from the media rather than their stories of how Hillary Clinton killed their sons and then lied about how they died to their faces.  The media WILL NOT be fair or honest.

The media propaganda didn’t like that.  They don’t like any of it.  So they just ignore it or mock it.  You see, facts are rather horrible things for liberals.  So they spent years searching until they found a grieving parent they could finally side with.

Do you know what they did?  They FACT-CHECKED Patricia Smith, and by that I mean the two self-anointed liberal fact-checking machines Politifact and the Washington Post.  Do you think they dared to turn their evil glare on Khizr Khan???  No way in HELL.  Because they’re “fact checking” amounts to their finding just what they want to find.  And they DON’T want to fact-check Khan’s claims for the simple reason that they were nothing but unhinged ASSERTIONS rather than “facts” to begin with.

You get to what the mainstream media is really like in terms of blatant HYPOCRISY in the words of mainstream media mainstay Christ Matthews who had the balls to say THIS about a Gold Star family member:

“I don’t understand why the Republicans would choose to put this on prime-time television when they have such wonderful stories of American heroism to speak to the American people,” Mr. Matthews said, Mediaite reported. “I think it was wrong.

“I don’t care what that woman up there, the mother, has felt. Her emotions are her own. But for the country in choosing a leader, it’s wrong to have someone get up there and tell a lie about Hillary Clinton. It’s not true. It’s logically not true,” he added. “I think it’s wrong that they ruined their evening with this.”

There is absolutely NO factual question that the media is so completely in the tank for socialist communist fascist leftists that it is beyond unreal.  It is HATEFUL to criticize a Gold Star family member – unless that Gold Star family member is a Republican who got looked in the eye and lied to by Hillary Clinton.  It’s a terrible thing to put Gold Star family members on a Convention stage and have them tell their stories – unless they tell a story damning Donald Trump.  Then it’s okay.  Then it’s all well and good.

To put it in Chris Matthews’ words: “wrong” becomes “right.”

It sounds to me like Humayun Khan was a genuine stand-up guy who died for his men and I honor him and I mourn him every bit as much as every single other one of our warriors who sacrificed their lives fighting for the United States and for every nation allied against Islamic radical terrorism.  My point is as simple as it is true: if you’re going to carry the story of “sacrifice” over dead family members, dishonest propaganda mill masquerading as “journalism,” YOU PICK IT UP.  Don’t you cherry pick the victims you want to suit your leftist ideology and ignore all the others who sacrificed every scintilla as dearly.

But let’s consider Donald Trump’s answer to Khizr Khan’s cheap shot: Donald Trump said he HAD sacrificed, by working ungodly hours and creating thousands of jobs.

That’s another cheap shot line I love that Hillary and her corrupt V.P. pick Caine are giving in their circus: that Trump likes to fire people.

In order to fire somebody, you first have to HIRE THEM.  Which means you give that worker a chance.  If you hire workers, you are ultimately going to have to fire some who refuse to work or are unable to do the job you hire them to do in a competent manner.  So let’s answer that question:

So how many jobs has Trump created as a businessman?

A CNNMoney analysis calculates at least 34,000 jobs attributable to the Donald.

So it’s a pretty sad and pathetic line for Hillary to attack Donald Trump for firing people.  BECAUSE AT LEAST HE HIRED SOMEBODY.

From now on I think I’ll walk around telling complete strangers, “You’re FIRED!”  Because the look on their face will be like, “Dude, you never HIRED me.”

And I’ll say, “Just like HILLARY CLINTON never hired you, I mean, right???”

But let me move on to Donald Trump’s response which itself is now the subject of attack in the media (because how dare you defend yourself when a liberal attacks you with PC gibberesh?”).

Interestingly, Khizr Khan and his silent wife were the only two people who were allowed to talk about war where the Democrats in the auditorium didn’t start booing and chanting, “No more war!”  I guess that means they like war just fine as long as they think they can politically benefit from the death.

So what did Trump say in response?

“I’ve made a lot of sacrifices.  I’ve worked very, very hard.  I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures,” he said, in an interview with ABC’s “This Week.”
[George Stephanopolous here asks, “Those were sacrifices?”]
He added, “Sure those were sacrifices.”

And what would George Stephanopoulos know about “sacrifice”???  He got his job as a reward for sticking his nose up the Clinton’s butt for four years.

Frankly, it pisses me off to no end that liberals question whether work is sacrifice.  Maybe that’s because most of them don’t bother to actually work.

WORK IS SACRIFICE.  You work and you sacrifice and by that sacrifice you keep building more and more for the future.  And then one day you can retire and relax because you have sacrificed all your life.

And it’s just too damn bad that there isn’t a single liberal in America who comprehends that any more.

So let me just as you, politically-correct turd, a few questions: do the illegal immigrants working in the fields picking crops sacrifice?  Did the American women who entered the factories to replace the men who had gone to the front so they could build the arsenal we needed to win World War II sacrifice?

Yeah, they sacrificed.

And Donald Trump sacrificed the same damn way.

When you’re working, you can’t be sitting in your couch watching MSNBC all day and wearing your “I’m With Her” T-shirt.

So Donald Trump worked his butt off all his life.  He spent a lot of hours not playing golf like Obama does more than any president in history.  And as a result of all his hard work, all his sacrifice, he’s paid MILLIONS of dollars in taxes so you Democrats losers can live off the government handout dole.

Unfortunately, thanks to Obama and the worst labor participation rate in the history of modernity, and some 100 million working-age Americans AREN’T working.

It’s up to independent voters to get past the stupid cheap shots like “You’re fired!” and like “Donald Trump never sacrificed anything!”  Because we can safely know that Democrats are just way, WAY too stupid to be able to entertain rational thought.  So they’ll never understand that Donald Trump created a whole HELL of a lot more jobs than Hillary Clinton ever did, and that you’ve got to HIRE somebody and give that worker a chance in order to fire that worker, and that what the hell does Khizr Khan say that Hillary Clinton “sacrificed”???




Who Painted A ‘Dark’ Picture Of Who??? The Vile Hypocrisy Of Obama And Hillary and the REAL Party Of Darkness Never Ceases To Astound Me

July 29, 2016

I recently wrote a couple of articles noting two things: the media fixation with everything that could possibly be depicted as going wrong with the Republican National Convention (such as protests outside and the possibility of violence due to the fact that Cleveland actually obeys the 2nd Amendment and allows open-carry of firearms) and the Obama and Hillary outcries over the “dark” picture of America that they continuously alleged that Trump paints.

An unrelated while simultaneously VERY related example of this vicious bias is the media and Democrat Party attack on Trump when he sarcastically asked for Russia’s help in finding the thirty-plus thousand emails that Hillary illegally purged from her secret, unauthorized server that no American and even no FBI agents looking into the case was allowed to see.  There was so much media anger at Trump – because after all the word “sarcasm” does not exist as a word or a concept and so Trump was very clearly actually saying Russia should take over our country; because after all every American would clearly rather be lied to by Obama and Hillary than hear the TRUTH from Russia – and no mention of all of the fact that the Clinton campaign had just officially implicitly admitted that Hillary had been lying all along when she dishonestly claimed that those 30-plus thousand emails were “personal” and contained her yoga routines rather than having any “national security” information.

Let’s take one second to examine the REAL culprits responsible for this hack of the DNC.  First of all, think of the incredibly incompetent Obama administration that has for the last six years patently failed and refused to do anything about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.  Just as they didn’t do anything about Pvt. Manning and the leaks that freak revealed.  Obama has done NOTHING to stop this and now his own chickens have come home to roost, to quote his infamous reverend who used that phrase to demonize America.

But then consider Hillary’s role in this.  She was warned BACK IN MARCH that the DNC and her OWN campaign computers were under hack attack.  And consider her incredibly pathetic and incompetent response to what she now claims was so terribly dangerous:

The FBI warned the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign in March that its computers had been the object of a foreign-government cyberattack, Yahoo News reported Thursday evening.

However, according to Yahoo News, when the FBI requested that the Clinton team turn over email logs and staff addresses, the campaign’s lawyers refused.

At the time, Mrs. Clinton was being investigated by the FBI for possible criminal offenses in her setting up and using a private email server to conduct government business and handle classified information.

So. amazingly, even though there is no factual question whatsoever that both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are COMPLETELY AND ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE for this penetration of the Democrat Party, who is to blame?  Donald Trump, because he made an offhand sarcastic remark at a press conference AFTER THE DAMN FACT.

You simply have to MARVEL at these liars and how utterly craven and dishonest and dishonorable they are.  They make cockroaches look like superior moral life forms.

But let’s stay on track and talk about the “darkness” that Obama, that Hillary and that the leftist propaganda mill masquerading as the media tried to gin up about Trump and the RNC.

As I documented, the black, Democrat chief of police in Cleveland loudly pointed out how miserable the fascist media acted in their desire to get that propaganda angle that would create a negative image of the RNC: Chief Calvin Williams said of the mainstream media frenzy over the most minimal protests:

“Our jobs’ a lot more difficult, yes, yes.  Sorry, I mean, most of the time when we get there, we have 20 protestors; we probably have 80 people from the media there.  And we’re tyring to separate out and get a handle on what’s going on, and we have more media than protestors.”

There were twenty protesters at the RNC in Cleveland.  There were THOUSANDS at the DNC.  But whose counting?  Not the damn media, that’s for sure.

Propagandists masquerading as “journalists” also wrote terrifying articles about the fact that in Cleveland people had the right to open carry of firearms.  Which unless Democrats are simply flat-out WRONG about EVERYTHING they believe was going to lead to a bloodbath of horrific proportions.

Not one shooting.  Not ONE.  Because the people Democrats want to disarm are law-abiding, good people.  Because frankly the only people Democrats want with guns are illegal immigrant criminals and the Obama Gestapo that Democrats want to create after their Black Lives Matter wing generates enough hate toward our local and state police that a national Gestapo-style police force becomes the only alternative.  Because you shouldn’t have a right to your own police force any more than you should have a right to your own guns.

I remember hearing that Wednesday night, there were 156 hateful remarks generated at Donald Trump.  And given that Hillary’s Thursday night speech amounted to one long, continuous hate screed against Trump, it’s hard to imagine she didn’t smash that record all by herself.

But what did Obama say during the Republican National Convention???

President Barack Obama on Friday strongly denounced the dark and dire terms in which Donald Trump and the Republican Party described the condition of the United States after nearly eight years of his presidency.

While remarking that he did not watch the convention, the president commented on reading “some of what was said and the one thing that I think is important to recognize is this idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn’t really jibe with the experience of most people.”

“I hope people, the next morning, walked outside and birds were chirping and the sun was out and this afternoon, people will be, you know, watching their kids play on sports teams and go to the swimming pool and folks are going to work and getting ready for the weekend,” Obama said, speaking alongside Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto during a joint news conference. “And in particular, I think it is important, just to be absolutely clear here, that some of the fears that were expressed throughout the week just don’t jibe with the facts.”

Obama has shown a greater willingness to directly attack Trump, and has done so with gusto.

Trump was just so dark and so negative and so evil in his darkness and negativity.  And how could anyone be so dark and negative about America???  Isn’t America the greatest country on earth???

Not according to your own administration’s previous rhetoric in which you said that America was only one nation among many rather than a nation that was unique and special and had a right to act as such.  But let me stick to that narrative that painting a dark picture is bad.

Let me simply ask you one question: what picture did Obama and Hillary paint of America under a Trump administration???  Is anyone fool enough to think it was anything other than the most hateful, bitter, ugly and nightmarish thing imaginable???

What do you think about Obama directly comparing Donald Trump to ISIS in his DNC speech???

Is that dark and ugly enough for you???

The Democrats were rabid and savage in their hatred of Donald Trump.

After demonizing Trump and Republicans for their “dark” portrayal of America, they proceeded to paint the ugliest and darkest imaginable picture of an America under Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a “dictator.”

It’s a remarkable thing how Donald Trump was this horrible, “dark” man and his RNC was this terrifyingly vicious entity  for displaying a tiny fraction of the viciousness that Hillary and her convention displayed.

Hillary of Trump:

He wants us to fear the future and fear each other.

But what the hell do YOU want to do, you wicked witch???  You want nothing other than to incite fear and hatred of the future under Donald Trump, and you want to create a climate of hate – just like the climate that has resulted in Democrats assassinating police officers all over America because, after all, they are a racist death squad intentionally murdering innocent black people, aren’t they???

Another police officer was gunned down to death just today.

Because “Black Lives Matter.”

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and Democrats have pitted people against their police.  It’s like Vietnam and the damned Viet Cong now, where police have no idea who the damn enemy is.

Please don’t forget that the people who vote for Donald Trump – last time I checked – are “AMERICANS.”  And Hillary Clinton is outright telling us that we’re these evil people who want to create a terrifying future.  And no, we don’t.

But let’s consider which side has created a terrifying damn PRESENT:

By the time Obama leaves office, terrorism will have skyrocketed by 1,900 percent.  That is what I call a terrifying present.  And pardon me for saying so, but after terrorism has exploded by SIX THOUSAND PERCENT because we elected Hillary Clinton who continued to follow Obama’s policies, THAT will be a truly terrifying future.

If you don’t believe me, the Democrats were screaming, “No more war!” over and over again over the speeches of Leon Panetta, of a four-star general, of a war hero.  Just as they without any honor and without any decency interrupted moments of silence for police officers who their own kind had assassinated.  Because you mark my words, Democrats WILL NOT keep this country safe and do what needs to be done.

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for lawlessness both here and abroad.  And that long, long embrace as Obama embraced his third term is all you need to know to know that as a FACT.

Meanwhile, our economy is a joke with wallpaper of a low unemployment rate masking the fact that our labor participation rate – the percentage of working-age Americans who actually have a JOB – is basically lower than it has ever been in the modern era.  One hundred Million working-age Americans AREN’T working.

The ONLY thing our businesses are investing in is cost cutting.  Because Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and their Democrat Party have attacked job creators and the only way our job creators can survive is to create as few new jobs as possible.

Meanwhile, the Democrats demand that we keep bringing in tens of millions of more unskilled laborers by way of illegal immigration to a labor market already glutted with unskilled laborers.  Which if the LAW of supply and demand is true guarantees that wages can never realistically go up.  The law of supply and demand states that the more supply you have of something, the lower the value of that thing and the lower the demand for it.  Which is why wages have gone DOWN under Obama.

But only Obama and Hillary have a right to paint a “dark future”???

No.  If you take off the rose-colored glasses of Obama’s and Hillary’s big-government socialism, it’s an incredibly dark present which will lead to an unimaginably dark future if we continue in the trajectory of Obama-Clinton.

The dishonesty and hypocrisy of these people never ceases to stun me and offend me.




Media ‘Outcry’ Against Trump Over Clinton Emails: But Hillary Just Admitted That Her Supposedly ‘Private’ Purged Emails Were LOADED With National Security

July 27, 2016

Sound and fury signifying something – but something very different from what the mainstream media wants you to think:

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump encouraged Russia on Wednesday to find and make public missing emails deleted by his presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton, setting off an instant debate over hacking and his urging of a foreign government to meddle in American politics. […]

Trump’s comments raised the question of whether he was condoning foreign government hacking of U.S. computers and the public release of information stolen from political adversaries — actions that are at least publicly frowned upon across the globe. His brief remarks managed to divert attention from an embarrassing leak of other hacked emails that exposed sensitive internal political communications that had divided Democrats.

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said. He was referring to emails on Clinton’s private server that she said she deleted — because they were private — before turning other messages over to the State Department. The Justice Department declined to prosecute Clinton over her email practices, but FBI Director James Comey called her “extremely careless” in handling classified information as President Barack Obama’s secretary of state.

The Clinton campaign called Trump’s statement the “first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against a political opponent.” […]

It was not immediately clear where or how Clinton’s deleted emails might be recovered, unless an adversary had previously hacked the computer server she operated in the basement of her home in Chappaqua, New York, before she had deleted the messages.

The Associated Press, which discovered the basement server’s existence in March 2015, previously reported that it was connected to the internet in ways that made it more vulnerable to hackers. The FBI concluded it was possible hackers broke into her server but found no direct evidence.

Wednesday’s exchange occurred hours after Obama identified Russia as almost certainly responsible for hacking the Democratic National Committee in a different case. WikiLeaks published on its website last week more than 19,000 internal emails stolen from the DNC earlier this year. The emails showed DNC staffers supporting Clinton when they were publicly promising to remain neutral during the primary elections between Sen. Bernie Sanders and her.

The head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, resigned over the disclosures.

Trump cast doubt on whether Russia was behind that hack. He said blaming Russia was deflecting attention from the embarrassing material in the emails.

“Russia has no respect for our country, if it is Russia,” Trump said. “It could be China. It could be someone sitting in his bedroom. It’s probably not Russia. Nobody knows if it’s Russia.”

Now, for one thing, Trump was being sarcastic.  The way the media frames this is as dishonest as the media ALWAYS is.  Trump sarcastically points out Hillary Clinton GAVE RUSSIA every single vital national security secret that America has.  No, you, you fools, it was HER, not him.  He underscores the fact that there is not one single American citizen or even one single FBI agent who could see these incredibly supersecret emails that Hillary just posted for the world to see and to steal.  And in his press conference Trump even pointed out that he has no idea who has Hillary’s purged emails; maybe China, maybe Russia, maybe a geeky kid in a basement. maybe all of them and a whole bunch more people given how cavalier Hillary was with our national security.  It’s amazing how sarcastic Democrats can be when they’re tearing down Republicans and how literalistic they are when they have a chance to tear their rat fangs into a Republican.

It’s actually an incredibly sad situation caused entirely by Hillary Clinton.  Let me just ask you a question: would you rather have the truth about Hillary Clinton buried by your own regime, to be refused any access whatsoever to what Hillary did, or would you rather actually get to see the truth delivered by Russia or any other country???  Would you rather be lied to by your government, or have another government reveal the truth?  And Democrats are shrill in screaming, WE WANT LIES!!!  WE DON’T WANT ANYTHING BUT LIES!!!  AND HOW DARE A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT TELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON!!!

But a more important question is why is it that we have to solicit Russia to see those emails in the first place?  Why did Hillary illegally purge them even though they were almost certainly under subpoena???  It is highly likely she committed a crime purging those supposedly harmless personal emails.

For another thing, it is remarkable that Trump said these remarks in a press conference in which he answered easily over a dozen questions.  Whereas Hillary Clinton would have gone to PRISON if she had had a press conference like that.  She in fact has steadfastly refused to have a press conference in 235 days.  Because she’s a horrible, vile person who has done terrible, criminal, incompetent things.

Trump was merely sticking it to Hillary Clinton for her criminal incompetence in that in all probability she gave Russia thousands of THE most vital secrets that the United States possesses.

Hillary Clinton purged tens of thousands of emails.  With Barack Obama’s help.  Because those emails would have destroyed Hillary Clinton and led to Obama’s impeachment.  Because Hillary used the State Department as a criminal front and Obama allowed her to do it.  That’s the real issue: and it needs to keep coming up over and over again until both Hillary and Obama stand before the Great White Throne of God to answer for their sins.

What’s most interesting, as other sources such as Charles Krauthammer and this site point out, is that Hillary Clinton also admits that her 32,000 supposedly harmless personal emails were in reality filled with national security secrets:

On Wednesday morning, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump asked Russia to turn over the tens of thousands of e-mails deleted by Hillary Clinton. The scandal-plagued former Secretary of State maintained for months that the e-mails were personal, not work-related, and that they were in no way classified.

But in a press release issued on Wednesday, Clinton’s top campaign spokesman suddenly declared those e-mails to be a “national security issue”:

This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent. That’s not hyperbole, those are just the facts. This has gone from being a curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national security.

Sullivan did not explain how the e-mails, which Clinton said were about nothing more than her “yoga routines” and wedding planning for her daughter, could possibly pose a national security risk to the United States. Sullivan also failed to explain how unclassified e-mails “private personal e-mails” wholly unrelated to her work as Secretary of State — Clinton declared in an infamous 2015 press conference that she “did not email any classified material to anyone on my email” — could compromise American security.

Contrary to Sullivan’s assertion about the unprecedented nature of Russian meddling in U.S. elections, former U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) begged the Soviets to help him get rid of President Ronald Reagan in 1984.

So the media is frothing with rage that Trump did something so… so despicable and so VILE that you have to go back to a revered Democrat to find the last time anyone ever did that.  And of course they are enraged about our precious national security that Trump just invited Russia to interfere with, while dishonestly refusing to acknowledge that the only way “national security” is at risk is IF HILLARY CLINTON PUT IT AT RISK.  Which everybody and their goldfish knows Hillary did.

FBI Director Comey, in pointing out that his team couldn’t find direct evidence that Hillary’s secret email server had been penetrated, also pointed out that they would absolutely not find such evidence if a state player was involved.  Director Comey said:

With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account.

Hillary Clinton just acknowledged that the 30,000 purged emails – illegally purged emails, mind you – are in fact a national security issue.  She was NOT worried about “private personal emails” which contained her “yoga routines.”  Rather, she was blabbing all kinds of national security secrets as she sold out America to the highest bidder.

Sadly, the FBI never bothered to do an actual investigation on Hillary Clinton.

It took Donald Trump goading Hillary Clinton to get to the truth.

And that truth is terrifying: because to elect Hillary Clinton will be to elect Russia, China, Iran and North Korea to control U.S. policy because Hillary Clinton will be blackmailed over what the corrupt and criminal deals she made that she covered up by wiping her secret illegal server.

Democrats are traitors to America.  But it will ultimately be up to you to decide if you want to sell out America to communist dictators.  Because that’s what a vote for Hillary Clinton surely will become.

Finally, if you want the REAL party of racism and bigotry and “H8” look no further than the Democratic Party.  The current DNC emails prove that and then some.  These people are as racist and as bigoted and as hateful as they come.  Which they have been since the Civil War, when Democrats fought to keep black people in chains and the Republican Party under Lincoln fought to free them – after which time the Democratic Party formed the Ku Klux Klan to terrorize black people and white Republicans.

As Bill Clinton Speaks At DNC Tonight, Don’t Forget What He said About Obama’s Failed Economy (Which Hillary Now Vows To Double-Down On)

July 26, 2016

Bill Clinton is probably more responsible for re-electing Barack Obama than Barack Obama was.

In 2012, Bill Clinton famously said:

Governor Romney’s argument is, ‘We’re not fixed, so fire him and put me in.’ It is true, we’re not fixed. When President Obama looked into the eyes of that man, who said in the debate, ‘I had so much hope four years ago, and I don’t now,’ I thought he was gonna’ cry — because he knows that it’s not fixed.

And then Clinton intentionally conflated “empathizing” and “governing.”  Obama had hurt tens of millions of people with his disastrous policies and the economy couldn’t – and STILL CAN’T – regain its footing when job-creators are penalized and demonized and taxed and regulated.  But after all, Obama cares for all his little children and has a plan for their little insect lives as he looks down benignly upon them from Mount Olympus.

We have been and continue to remain in an environment where business are ONLY spending on cost-cutting.  Because you don’t DARE think about expanding when Obama or Hillary is running the show.  The only “pro-business” thing we see under Obama is near zero percent interest rates.  But that isn’t because Obama wants to help business, but rather because the nanosecond we raise interest rates to what they need to be to sustain our long-term economic security, we will surely go into a collapse.  And those zero percent interest rates that help businesses – most especially large, powerful businesses as they can take out giant loans at virtually no cost – deeply hurt the poor and middle class and the elderly who depend on SAVING rather than investing as a way to get ahead.  You can’t save anything today because interest is nothing and inflation will make your dollar less valuable as everything that matters – food, housing, medical – goes up and up and up.

Which amounted to an open acknowledgment that Obama had grievously failed in four years, but what the heck.  Give him another four and see what happens.  I mean, come ON; Bill said Obama was going to cry!!!

But consider with me a couple of other remarks that Bill Clinton said back when a dishonest and indecisive Hillary campaign was trying to figure out whether to run against Obama or to run with him.  Consider how Bill Clinton believes this nation has actually fared under Obama.  At least, when he wanted to tell the truth for five minutes.

Sad for Hillary – and even more sad for intellectual and moral honesty – Bernie Sanders came along and ran to the left.  And Hillary had to join Bernie and run left with him or else lose the support of the left that is now the base of the Democratic Party.

But let’s consider what Bill Clinton – who Democrats say is supposed to know about the economy and economic stuff and is supposed to be good at “explainin’ stuff” – said about Obama and his horrible economic performance that Hillary now says “Me, too!” to:

Commenting on Obama’s 2016 State of the Union address, Bill Clinton said on March 7, 2016:

“Why is it such a wacky election? Because millions and millions and millions and millions of people look at that pretty picture of America he painted and they cannot find themselves in it to save their lives,” Clinton said while campaigning for his wife on Monday. “That explains everything.”

Clinton said the intensity on both sides of the political spectrum throughout the 2016 campaign links back to the feeling among a good deal of Americans that they’ve been left behind.

“People are upset, frankly, they’re anxiety-ridden, they’re disoriented, because they don’t see themselves in that picture,” Clinton added.

Several weeks later (on March 21, 2016), Bill Clinton said:

“But if you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that where we were practicing trickle-down economics with no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her. Because she’s the only person who basically has good ideas, will tell you how she’s going to pay for them, can be commander-in-chief, and is a proven change maker with Republicans and Democrats and Independents alike.”

Now both Clintons are trying to pretend Obama has been just as wonderful as Obama pretends he was.

Because they stand for nothing and for no one but THEMSELVES.

Clintons are pathological liars.  They are profoundly dishonest people.  They will say whatever the hell they need to say to get out of whatever the hell they deserve or get whatever the hell they want to get.  So Bill angrily and self-righteously told us “I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky,” and “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”  And now Hillary Clinton told us she was authorized to have a secret server she was NEVER authorized to have, that she never sent or received any classified emails when there are THOUSANDS of them to prove what a liar she is, that she turned over all her work-related emails when again there are THOUSANDS of them to prove what a liar she is, and so on.

You want another example of the most blatant kind of dishonesty?  Try sixty-one speakers last night at the DNC, AND NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION OF ISLAMIC STATE.  NOT ONE SINGLE MENTION OF TERRORISM:

Republicans’ claim that Democrats did not mention terrorism or ISIL on the first night of the Democratic National Convention is correct, PolitiFact said Tuesday morning.

Give me the real-world rather than a chocolate-dipped lump of poop, that’s all I have to say.  Democrats WILL NOT tell the truth about the fact that by the time Obama leaves office, terrorism will have skyrocketed 1,900 percent from when he took office.  They WILL NOT tell the truth about the fact that more than sixty-five MILLION refugees have fled their homes under Obama and have no where to go as the world has exploded in violence under his failed watch.

Just today in Paris a priest was viciously murdered by having his throat slashed as he celebrated Mass.

Obama and Hillary say it’s “dark” and “doom and gloom” to shine the light of TRUTH onto the world and point to the out-of-control violence and declare that we will Make America SAFE again.

The difference between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party couldn’t be more clear: the Republican Party offers Sheriff David Clarke who declares that “Blue lives matter!” while the Democratic Party has the mother of the thug who assaulted and robbed a store owner before assaulting a police officer and was shot trying to assault him again.  The ocean of lies pumped out by Democrats gave birth to the climate of hate that has resulted in a massive surge of police officers being targeted and assassinated across the nation.  And the question boils down to which side are you on?

Fox News’ Richard Grenell, covering the DNC, was outside as officers worked in the scorching heat to protect the event and everyone inside.  And when Grenell thanked him for what he was doing, the sweating officer wearily said, “What are you, a Republican?”

Damn right.

Meanwhile Hillary Clinton is up to her eyeballs in yet another email scandal, with it now being proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that her entire party apparatus is entirely corrupt and entirely willing to rig the system to benefit herself and her corrupt cronies.

Bill and Hillary Clinton don’t care about you.  They don’t care about your miserable life.  You are a BUG to them.  They have security details armed with guns to protect them; you shouldn’t have the right to protect your own family.  Their policies have failed and Bill Clinton STATED that they had failed.  But you don’t deserve a job or a fair chance any more than you deserve to live.

I’d sooner pet a rabid rat with one hand and a rattlesnake with the other and trust neither of them to bite me before I’d trust either Clinton.


Whose Convention Got Hacked? Why Not RNC? DNC Emails Got Hacked BECAUSE RUSSIA HACKED HILLARY’S SECRET SERVER.

July 25, 2016

What do you think is easier to hack?  The DNC or a homebrewn secret server stored in a bathroom closet that doesn’t even have any damn security???

The phrase “no brainer” ought to come to mind.

Just remember, the Russians didn’t get their hands on the Republican National Convention emails; they got their hands on the Democrats.  And the Democrats are actually trying to blame their stunning incompetence on Donald TRUMP???

The DNC has been handled in a stunningly and embarrassingly incompetent manner for the last year and a half.  And they have been revealed to be so beyond corrupt it is beyond unreal.  And that stunningly embarrassing incompetence and that staggering corruption just got EXPOSED.

It was a joke to watch DNC Chairwoman Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz get BOOED by her OWN FLORIDA DELEGATION.

And that kind of disgusting failure to do a damn thing right ought to be rewarded: so Hillary is actually giving Debbie a JOB in her crooked and corrupt campaign.  Because staggering incompetent and corrupt birds flock together.

You want to talk about two hideously overrated individuals; the ONLY thing EITHER of them is good at is incompetence and corruption.

The Democrat Party just got proven to be the party of incompetence and corruption just as Hillary just recently got proven to be the candidate of incompetence and corruption.

Just wanting to make sure you understand: the same Wikileaks that is leacking the DNC emails HAS HILLARY CLINTON’S EMAILS.

The question is what came first, the corrupt Hillary chicken or the corrupt Hillary egg???  Hey, dumbasses, the SAME Wikileaks that hacked Hillary’s secret server is the SAME Wikileaks that hacked Hillary’s DNC.  And the common denominator to both hacks is named “Hillary”:

WikiLeaks Promises More Email Dumps Featuring Hillary Clinton
Katie Pavlich
Posted: Jul 25, 2016 12:30 PM

We’re just hours away from the gaveling in of the 2016 Democrat Convention in Philadelphia and the Democrat Party is in chaos after WikiLeaks exposed DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz for anti-Bernie Sanders bias during the primary. Wasserman-Schultz announced yesterday she will resign from her post as the head of the DNC when the convention ends Thursday and will promptly join the Clinton campaign.

But the damage WikiLeaks has done to Democrats so far isn’t over. According to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the website will publish more hacked emails and this time, they’ll be about Hillary Clinton and her ongoing private email server scandal.

Julian Assange has made an incredible statement in an interview with ITV. Assange says that Wikileaks, the infamous whistle-blowing website, will soon be publishing documents that contain “enough evidence” for the Department of Justice to indict Hillary Clinton, the expected Democratic nominee.

Team Clinton and the DNC have been in damage control for more than 24 hours now and are blaming the WikiLeaks hack on the Russians, saying it was an attack from President Vladimer Putin on Hillary Clinton in an effort to sabotage her campaign.

[Katie Pavlich left it this way, tweeting:]

So, the Russians hacked the DNC emails and team Hillary wants us to believe they didn’t do the same with her private server? LOL

The Hillary line is that Russia did this to help Donald Trump.  Because Hillary is the next term of Obama, and everybody knows that Obama has just mopped the floor with Russia.  Oh, wait, it’s the other way around and Putin has so mopped planet earth with Barack Obama’s face it’s beyond pathetic kind of the way that Pluto is beyond Earth in the solar system.  The simple fact that all intelligent life understands is that the Russians would have gleefully done this to any idiot fool enough to install an unauthorized secret server and not bother to install security on it and then put all kinds of THE most classified material imaginable on it and then use that same system the Russians obviously hacked to email the bigwigs of that idiot’s national convention.

Amazing True Facts: Emails Actually MATTER Now To Vile Democrats (That’s ‘DEMOn-possessed bureaCRATS’)

July 24, 2016

I have to go somewhere, but I just can’t resist shouting this from my rooftop:

For over two years now, emails didn’t matter one tiny bit to the vile people otherwise known as Democrats.  They just weren’t morally capable of even the tiniest and most trivial level of honesty, integrity, decency, virtue, character or morality necessary to care about the fact that their candidate for president is as dishonest, corrupt and fascist as they come.

It just got openly revealed to the world that every single thing Hillary Clinton said about her emails and the secret, unauthorized server that she installed to fascistically control access to those emails and keep the public from having any transparency in their leaders, was an outright lie.  The woman is a pathological liar, right down to the tiniest details.

But Democrats no more care about Hillary Clinton’s emails than they do about the fact that they will soon be screaming in the eternal fire of hell for a trillion to the trillionth power years for every single nanosecond they murderously stole from every single one of the sixty million babies that every single Democrat has participated in through their vote for the party of abortion.  Just as the God of the Bible has declared that homosexual perversion is an abomination and a detestable act that will guarantee the wrath of God against any nation that approves of it.

Democrats couldn’t care less that Hillary Clinton treated the national security of the United States like disgustingly-soiled toilet paper so she could hide her corrupt Clinton Foundation shenanigans.

But all of a sudden we find that some Democrats actually care enough about emails proving the Democrat Party is as corrupt and as fascist and as created for insiders as they come.

Everyone who votes for the Democrat Party is already voting to scream in hell, and this is just another proof of that:

Wasserman Schultz sidelined from convention as more emails show Sanders slams
Published July 24, 2016

PHILADELPHIA –  Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was sidelined from her party convention just hours before the Monday start of the Philadelphia gathering, after leaked emails indicating an anti-Bernie Sanders bias in her operation inflamed the left flank of the party.

The controversial party boss will no longer preside over the convention, and reportedly does not have a speaking role.

The fallout was swift, as even more emails surfaced Sunday showing Schultz personally blasting the Vermont independent senator’s insurgent primary presidential bid against Hillary Clinton.

In one, she practically laughed off Sanders after he vowed to replace her as DNC chairwoman if elected.

“This is a silly story. He isn’t going to be president,” she wrote in the May 21 email.

Following the release of this and numerous other emails in a WikiLeaks document dump, Fox News confirmed Sunday that Wasserman Schultz will not preside over the Democratic convention. The decision was reached amid pressure from the White House and Hillary Clinton campaign.

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Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, the former chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, will instead preside over the Democratic proceedings as convention chairwoman.

The rapid-fire set of developments ahead of the Philadelphia convention kick-off indicate a party in crisis management mode as officials try to prevent anger over the email leak controversy and other issues from disrupting proceedings. The emails only bolstered claims from Sanders – and Republican nominee Donald Trump – that the system was rigged against the Vermont senator.

Sanders himself blasted the DNC and Wasserman Schultz in interviews Sunday, demanding her resignation as party chairwoman to boot.

“I think [Wasserman Schultz] should resign. Period. And I think we need a new chair who is going the lead us in a very different direction,” Sanders told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday.

Sanders said “these emails reiterate that reason why she should not be chair.”

Sanders is himself set to speak on the opening night of the Democratic convention, securing an A-list position after a hard-fought, ideological primary battle with Clinton.

But he hasn’t forgiven Wasserman Schultz for an alleged pro-Clinton stance during the campaign. He repeated those claims in the wake of WikiLeaks’ release of roughly 20,000 Democratic National Committee emails.

The leaks, which include emails from January 2015 to May 2016, purportedly came from the accounts of seven DNC officials. In a May 5 email, a DNC employee asked a colleague to collect information on his religious beliefs – claiming it might sway voters in West Virginia and Kentucky. In that particular email, Sanders’ name was not mentioned, but he was the only other candidate in the race at that time against Clinton.

DNC chief financial officer Brad Marshall wrote, “This would make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”

Others from Wasserman Schultz herself contained very strong language, raising questions about her status as an ostensibly neutral party official.

Responding to Sanders’ complaints the party hasn’t been fair to him, she wrote to a staffer in an April email: “Spoken like someone who has never been a member of the Democratic Party and has no understanding of what we do.”

Responding to the same staffer a month later regarding Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver blaming the Nevada state party for a raucous convention, she wrote, “Damn liar. Particularly scummy that he barely acknowledges the violent and threatening behavior that occurred.”

Sanders will be joined Monday night on stage at the Wells Fargo Center by first lady Michelle Obama and several other speakers, according to the Democratic National Committee.

CNN reported that Wasserman Schultz, however, would not have a speaking role in Philadelphia. Wasserman Schultz is not on the list of speakers released by the DNC.

A Democratic source told the network that she had been “quarantined.”

By contrast, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus delivered an address on the closing night of the GOP convention in Cleveland.

The Democratic National Committee and Wasserman Schultz already were facing internal unrest over party rules, but the email leak aggravated pro-Sanders Democrats even more.

Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, had argued all along that Washington Democrats favored Clinton. Among other decisions, he pointed to Wasserman Schultz’s decision to limit the number of primary debates, which he argued was meant to protect Clinton.

Sanders — who railed against what he called a “rigged” system throughout his campaign — has since endorsed Wasserman Schultz’s primary rival in her re-election bid, in another sign of the acrimony between them.

Clinton chief strategist Joel Benenson, on “Fox News Sunday,” defended the fairness of the primary elections and said the DNC would conduct a full review of the emails. He said people should not jump to conclusions.

“The DNC’s impact in these things is minimal compared to the results. What candidates and campaigns spend and do on the ground, talking to voters day in and day out, that’s what determines who wins,” he said.

That Sanders gets a prime-time speaking spot is also significant, considering the rival campaigns for weeks negotiated his primary exit strategy, with Sanders insisting that at least some of his progressive agenda — including free college education, better international trade deals and more social and economic equality — be included in the party platform.

He ultimately endorsed Clinton a few weeks ago.

Fox News’ Chad Pergram, Garrett Tenney and Jennifer Griffin contributed to this report.

We find through the Wikileaks release that if you are a mainstream media “journalist,” you are nothing but a fascist propagandist the way Joseph Goebbels of the Ministry of Propaganda was a propagandist.

Hillary Clinton is a national disgrace.  The entire PROCESS that led to this unelectable paranoid fascist control-freak winning the Democratic nomination was a fraud controlled by party insiders.

But what a damn surprise that finally, after YEARS, emails DO matter, after all.

Meanwhile, last week I wrote an article about the sheer dishonesty of the mainstream media coverage of the Republican National Convention.  They demonized the open-carry laws of Cleveland and predicted mayhem that never happened; they predicted a giant wave of Republican protest that never happened; they tried to milk every single protest event outside as a narrative to tarnish the convention going on inside to the extent that there would be eighty media surrounding 20 protestors.  They claimed that every time a negative remark was said against Hillary Clinton, that it was reminiscent of a “climate of hate” that forced the “journalists” to remember the rise of the Nazis.

And which party just got busted hating on Jews???  You got it, the REAL Party of Lucifer, the Democrat Party.

And as there are tens of thousands of protesters rightly protesting the fascism endemic to the Democratic National Convention and the entire Democratic Party, as you see all the hateful remarks that will spew out of every speakers’ mouth toward Donald Trump, just know that the media is as dishonest as the sun is hot.

Just another something to chew on: the Clinton campaign is blaming this email leak on Russia.  You mark my words, if you are fool enough to vote for Hillary Clinton, Russia will also have in its database all the thirty-two thousand emails Hillary purged from her secret server beyond the FBI’s ability to recover that will prove her criminal corruption through her corrupt Clinton Foundation.  Russia will blackmail Hillary Clinton into being Vladimir Putin’s slave.  And the United States will be sold down the river by a woman who long ago proved that she was all-too-willing to sell America down the river if the price was right or if it was convenient for her.

Obama Mocks Trump ‘Doom And Gloom’ Speech. Then YET ANOTHER MASS TERROR ATTACK Proves He Should Be IMPEACHED.

July 22, 2016

Remember when Obama made the intellectually stupid and frankly morally idiotic claim that Islamic State was “JayVee” and then tried to weasel out of his own utterly stupid remark???

He’s done that a few times.

He just did it again.

Demonizing Donald Trump’s Republican National Convention speech, Obama as demagogue-in-chief had this:

Obama rejects Trump’s dark America
‘This vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn’t really jibe with the experience of most people,’ the president says.
By Nick Gass
07/22/16 12:43 PM EDT
Updated 07/22/16 01:24 PM EDT

President Barack Obama on Friday strongly denounced the dark and dire terms in which Donald Trump and the Republican Party described the condition of the United States after nearly eight years of his presidency.

While remarking that he did not watch the convention, the president commented on reading “some of what was said and the one thing that I think is important to recognize is this idea that America is somehow on the verge of collapse, this vision of violence and chaos everywhere, doesn’t really jibe with the experience of most people.”

“I hope people, the next morning, walked outside and birds were chirping and the sun was out and this afternoon, people will be, you know, watching their kids play on sports teams and go to the swimming pool and folks are going to work and getting ready for the weekend,” Obama said, speaking alongside Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto during a joint news conference. “And in particular, I think it is important, just to be absolutely clear here, that some of the fears that were expressed throughout the week just don’t jibe with the facts.”

Obama has shown a greater willingness to directly attack Trump, and has done so with gusto. After Trump whipped up terrorism fears in the wake of the Orlando massacre and suggested Obama was sympathetic to attackers, the president delivered a withering takedown of the billionaire, saying he “will not” let Trump’s vision for the future take hold. Obama took a different tack as he hit the trail with Hillary Clinton, relishing the chance to mock Trump for his tweeting, saying his daughter Sasha can tweet, too — that doesn’t meant she should be commander in chief.

On Friday, Obama was utterly dismissive of Trump’s winding and dystopian prime-time convention speech in which the Republican nominee warned about spiking crime, dangerous trade deficits, and runaway terrorism on the home front. […]

We can go back and look at the horrifying picture Barack Hussein Obama painted of George W. Bush’s presidency.  Because Obama told us if we elected John McCain the entire world would melt due to global warming and financial ruin and terrorism and pretty much everything else.  But keep in mind that Barack Obama is a demon-possessed hypocrite liar and that it’s only fascist when the OTHER side does what he routinely does in demonizing the other side’s vision and track record.

I remember when Bush gave an incredibly opaque reference that Democrats took to be an attack against Obama, and they came unglued.  It didn’t matter if Obama was demonizing Bush over Iraq, over Afghanistan, over his war on terror, over our debt, over the economy, over gas prices, over damn year everything under the sun.  Oh, and Obama was just a butthurt victim and there was no way he would ever do anything so horrible.  Obama gets to demonize because he is filled with demons, but nobody should get to ever demonize him or they are racist or worse.  And yet I have seen Obama attack Trump directly by name in virtually every continent on planet earth by now.  Today he scheduled a media event with the president of Mexico the day after Trump’s RNC speech to demonize Trump by name.  Because if you are a Democrat, you are the worst form of disgusting hypocrite vermin who ever lived.

But let’s get back to the essence of Obama’s attack against Trump: that Trump says we’re in dark times and Obama says everything is blissful in his perfect Utopia.

It just doesn’t matter if terrorism is already officially up 800 percent under Obama’s failed watch or that by the time he leaves office, it will have skyrocketed by 1,900 percent.  A graph displays the appalling Obama trend:

To someone who is NOT a fool, this looks pretty damn dark and pretty damn dire.  And it is now beyond obvious that we will NEVER be able to deal with this dark and dire reality of terrorism unless and until we elect a president who holds a diametrically opposite worldview to the failed Democrat Party’s current chump-in-chief.

Keep in mind these statistics run to 2014-2015.  Have you heard about any terrorist attacks in 2016?  Oh, YEAH.  And since this is blocked in terms of two year periods, and since it has a clear trend of doubling under Obama, you tell me if I’m wrong to conclude that they will EASILY get to 60,000 deaths a year caused by terrorist attacks by that next period of 2016-2017.

When Obama took office, we were dealing with about 3,000 deaths caused by terrorism a year.  By the time Obama leaves, it will be at least 60,000 terrorist murders a year.  Just do the damn math: 1,900 percent increase.  And as of 2014-2015, terrorist attacks had already skyrocketed from about 500 a year to 3,000 a year, a 500 percent increase that will very likely also double to 1,000 percent by the time Obama leaves office.  Which is to say that we have vastly more attacks which are each becoming more and more successful.  But these are a “dark” fact and it’s not fun to think about truth when it reveals the truth about Obama and his massive failures.

Yesterday, I had a meeting with my city’s police chief to coordinate with him on an event that my church is planning.  Driving into the police station, I noticed the flag was at half staff.  Because under this failed presidency, the flag is nearly ALWAYS at half-staff.  Barack Obama is the half-staff presidency.  His entire presidency is a time of mourning and distress for our nation as we have an unending series of terrorist attacks against our civilians and a now unending series of terrorist attacks by Democrat activists against our police.

Anyway, as Obama is saying this crap, blathering this already proven-to-be-baloney gibberish, this is going on in Germany in a large, popular shopping center:

Shooting rampage in Munich: Multiple deaths & attacks reported, gunmen at large
Published time: 22 Jul, 2016 16:26Edited time: 22 Jul, 2016 17:47

Multiple deaths are reported in a shooting at the Olympia shopping mall in Munich, Germany. Police confirmed that shots have been fired in the mall but gave no information on casualties.

There are conflicting reports on casualties. According to the local Muencher Abendzeitung, up to 15 people have been killed in the center, while German NTV channel puts the death toll at 10.

Police say it appears they are dealing with a “shooting rampage.”

There are reports of further shooting at Karlsplatz square in central Munich, but this has not been confirmed by police. Taxi drivers have been advised to avoid the Karlsplatz area.

Police believe there are “several” shooters, die Welt reports.

Multiple deaths at the shopping mall have been confirmed by police, Reuters reports.

Shots can be heard in a video posted by a witness on Twitter.

We learn when we follow the time line that this happened right about 1 pm EDT, and Obama was blathering his lies at 12:43, just minutes before.

HEY, OBAMA, YOU WICKED FOOL, THE BIRDS ARE NOT CHIRPING IN GERMANY RIGHT NOW.  And if they are in swimming pools, they are floating face-down by now.

And now over an hour later we are hearing that there are MORE attacks going on as I write this.  It aint over yet.

And again, just as Obama and Hillary Clinton want here, Germany took away all the guns from all the decent citizens.  But terrorists don’t give a flying damn about stupid progressive liberal gun laws; in fact they REJOICE in them and praise Allah for them; because their helpless targets are guaranteed to be unarmed like the apathetic and pathetic sheep they voted themselves to become.

Last year (2015) there were 151 deaths caused by terrorism in Europe.  The year before that it was FOUR.  And many of those attacks last year and now continuing this year were carried out by Muslims who came in through “refugee” status, or who came in as immigrants.  And Obama wants to explode that same status HERE in America so we can have an even BIGGER explosion of terrorist deaths.

Obama wants tens of thousands of these people; Hillary wants that figure to be increased by a factor of 500%.

Our FBI says we cannot possibly vet these Muslims Obama and Hillary demand to be brought in (because Muslims overwhelmingly vote Democrat and Democrats are just that cynical and that depraved that they don’t CARE how many Americans are murdered as long as they get their votes).  Obama’s own senior national security advisers say we can’t vet these people.

But that’s just reality.  And who gives a damn about reality???  Certainly not you, if you voted for Obama or plan to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Obama and reality have nothing to do with one another.  In fact, they hate each other very deeply.  No one has ever hated reality more than Obama; and reality has never taken such an intense disgust of a human being as it has to Obama.

If Barack Obama says it, and at this point it almost doesn’t matter what it is he says, it is a LIE.

I want to show you a US News and World Report headline that just captures the essence of Obama’s personal and moral responsibility for this skyrocketing vicious terrorism:

Obama War on Terror OVER

“The “Global War on Terror” is over, President Barack Obama announced.”

You get into a vicious bar fight and then just decide to quit fighting and put your arms down.  I’ll call 911 for you.  But that is EXACTLY what Obama did and has been doing since 2009 when he first pulled out of Iraq against the wisdom of every single one of his generals and then issued a “red line” that he refused to uphold in Syria.  And on and on.

Obama ought to be arrested for crimes against humanity for failing to deal with this explosion of violence that he has in America pimped into a war against our Constitution and our 2nd Amendment; he ought to be convicted, and he ought to be locked up in GITMO and waterboarded until he reveals which of our enemies he has been the puppet of.

If times are dark, we desperately need a president who will acknowledge that we are in dark times and that he will lead us out of them.  Because there is and can be nothing worse than following a man who led us directly IN to that dark time all the while CRIMINALLY refusing to acknowledge that we are in one.

We have cancer, but Obama says we’re fine, nothing wrong.  We really desperately need a chemo treatment, surgery, radiation, whatever it takes to kill the disease, but Obama says that is ridiculous and the sugar pill will give you energy and you can run around for a while like nothing happened.

At least Donald Trump is acknowledging the world and acknowledging America as it really is.  Because of Barack Obama and his toxic worldview, we have the worst race relations in fifty years.  Crime has skyrocketed out of control and our police are literally being assassinated in increasingly frequent attacks because Barack Obama and his wicked regime criminalized the police and depicted black people as victims of police death squads – as the Black Lives Matter movement that chanted “What do we want? DEAD COPS!  When do we want it?  NOW!” that Barack Obama has invited over to the White House maintain.  And terrorism has exploded beyond anything that the human race has ever seen because of our fool in chief.  And Hillary Clinton wants to double down on wickedstupid.

There is only ONE candidate for president who is pointing out the truth that you are worse than a fool not to see at this point.

And that candidate is the man who Barack Hussein Obama just demonstrated himself to be a FOOL by mocking when HE is the worst fool who ever lived.


Trump Family FAR More Important Than The Republican Politician No-Shows And Non-Endorsements In What Really Matters To Americans

July 21, 2016

“I don’t know if I can trust this politician.  But if other politicians say he or she is okay, then, well, that politician must be okay.”

If you think that way, you are already so far into the progressive liberal Democrat anus that all you have ever seen your entire life is fecal matter.

You have to be a true worshiper of government to think that way.  If you want a politician who is adored by a political establishment that was created by politicians, for politicians, then Hillary is your crook.

For the rest of us, does it really matter if Jeb Bush and the Bush family, Mitt Romney and his RINOs, or even a clearly butthurt Ted Cruz and John Kasich either won’t show up or won’t endorse if they do bother to show up?  Notwithstanding that ALL of the above gave a pledge to support the Republican nominee (including Jeb Bush as shown here), and NONE of them had the character to stand by what they promised they would do.

But does it really matter what the “establishment” says?  How much confidence do you really, truly have in these people that they are honest and aren’t just doing whatever the hell they think is in their political interests?

The question that Hillary Clinton and the Democrat attack machine is most throwing out is whether Donald Trump has the temperament and the character to lead America.

And you know what?  The best people – the VERY best people – to sway most voters will be Donald Trump’s family.

It turns out the man did a pretty good job raising his kids.  An amazing job, in fact.

The man that Hillary Clinton constantly demonizes would have raised the Texas Chainsaw Massacre family.

He didn’t churn out a bunch of spoiled, sociopathic psychos.  These young people have each given THE most powerful speeches of the RNC describing the father they know and have known intimately for their entire lives.

We find that Donald Trump has been a loving, caring, involved father even though he was an incredibly busy businessman.  He took the time to raise his kids to be humble, forcing them to start from the very bottom of his businesses and work their way up so they could understand not only the business and the elements of the business, but to get to know the human beings who make up that business from the lowest rung up.

Tuesday night it was Tiffany and Donald Trump, Jr. who spoke.  And knocked it out of the park.  After Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement endorsement speech, Eric Trump followed up and gave a solid speech.

Up tonight, to introduce her father, is his daughter, Ivanka.

She’s told the story of how she would call her daddy’s business collect.  And how the call would always go through to her daddy.  And how no matter what he was doing, or who he was meeting with, Donald Trump would take his daughter’s call.  And if he was meeting with important people, he would introduce them over the phone to his daughter.  And tell them what a wonderful girl she was.

Is that really Hillary’s monster???

How did such an evil man raise such good kids?

How did a man who so despises women raise such talented, confidant, powerful daughters?

Donald Trump didn’t leave it to Ted Cruz to come up right before him and set the stage for him.  And in hindsight that’s obviously a rather good thing.  Rather, Trump turned that all-important duty to the smart, talented daughter that he spent his life empowering.

You can tell more about a person by the family who love them than you can by the political elites who have their hands in that person’s pocket.

The real “Trump Towers” are his kids.  And look how high he has raised them.

That’s the real message that has come out of the Republican National Convention so far.  And you can trust that the dishonest mainstream media will do everything they can to ensure that the people who haven’t watched will NEVER hear about that fact.


Biased Media Coverage Of RNC From Police: ‘when we get there, we have 20 protestors; we probably have 80 people from the media there’

July 21, 2016

Saw the Cleveland police chief on a video statement noting that there were often 20 protesters with 80 media trying to pimp the protest to create that sought-after propaganda narrative of unrest.

Prior to the RNC, I recall the frenzy of leftwing media speculation that the open-carry laws that Ohio has with guns would turn the convention into a massacre zone.  But at the moment this is where it stands:

Ohio’s open-carry provision had raised concerns that large numbers of armed activists might roam the streets, but only a handful have materialized at the main protest sites.

When asked what he thought of the Cleveland Police’s efforts to date for the convention Williams said, “Right now, I think so far, so good,” but agreed that the significant number of reporters at the convention had made the job of police “a lot more difficult.”

“We have more media than protesters,” Williams concluded.

As always, the problem isn’t guns; it’s the leftist propaganda that demonizes guns.  It isn’t guns that commit acts of mayhem anymore than it was a truck that committed that terrorist attack in Nice (where the terrorist managed to get a gun in spite of the toughest gun control laws in the world).

Let’s ban trucks.  Cars, too, just to be safe.  And I’m sure a kid riding a tricycle fast enough could kill an elderly person.  Better ban them.

Have you heard any “mea culpas” from the media about how WRONG they were about the hysteria on the open-carry laws and how they DID NOT RESULT IN THE VIOLENCE THEY PREDICTED???

The crickets are chirping.

But I just want a record of how the media is pimping every scintilla of anything negative they can.

The words of Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams:

“Our jobs’ a lot more difficult, yes, yes.  Sorry, I mean, most of the time when we get there, we have 20 protestors; we probably have 80 people from the media there.  And we’re tyring to separate out and get a handle on what’s going on, and we have more media than protestors.”

Just so desperate to get the dirt on Republicans and create their horrible image of the RNC that “reporters” are like hungry goldfish greedily swarming to eat bratty children’s spit at a pond in front of a family restaurant.

Let’s see if the media covers the 20 protesters at the DNC with those kinds of swarms and that kind of coverage.  I’ll just tell you in advance that they won’t.

Because to be a “reporter” today is to be a biased, leftwing ideologue propagandist.

And just consider the protests:

We’ve already seen this crap before as anti-Trump Democrats burn flags and terrorize and beat Trump supporters at other Trump events.  Democrats are traitors to every decent thing this nation has ever stood for; and the way they “demonstrate” has continued to be proof of their treason.

Thank God, now they’re setting themselves on fire when they try to burn the symbol of our nation that far better men gave their lives to defend.

And again, the same police that these same vile vermin target are on the job protecting these people from their own moral idiocy:

“You’re on fire! You’re on fire, stupid!” a Cleveland officer shouted at a protester while firing the extinguishing spray.

That’s why Democrats are so incredibly dangerous: all the stupidity of monkeys without the fear of fire and the corresponding instinct for self-preservation.

You tell me if you hear a speech begin with the words, “blue lives matter!” at the DNC.

Believe me, YOU WON’T.

The media are also hysterical covering the “negativity” of the RNC and how it’s all about tearing down Hillary.  Consider the New York Times story:

From Links to Lucifer to Calls for Execution, Republicans Seethe at Hillary Clinton

The Los Angeles Times says the RNC has ONLY been about:

Unifying a party against Clinton, not for Trump

Again, like the way the media swarmed those 20 protesters with 80 media, you just watch how the hysterical, hateful, anti-Trump rhetoric gets covered at the Democratic National Convention next week.  Because rest assured, IT WON’T BE.

I’m just stating as a simple fact that the mainstay speeches of this RNC convention have been from Donald Trump’s family.  And they have been VERY MUCH “for Trump.”  But the media simply ignore that.

ALL these propagandists will focus on at the RNC is the negative, because as ideologue rodents dishonestly masquerading as reporters, these people cannot and will not notice anything positive about the Republican Party.  It’s just not in their shriveled little roach souls.

We’ve seen this garbage throughout the RNC.  When Melania Trump “plagiarized” a small fragment of Michelle Obama’s DNC speech, I never heard a single balanced report about the fact that Joe Biden plagiarized an entire damn speech and Barack Obama plagiarized one of his most powerful speeches.  But then it was “just words,” I suppose.

Apparently, Michelle Obama invented “hard work” and the phrase that “your word is your bond” the way Al Gore invented the internet.

It would have been nice had “journalists” put Melania Trump’s “plagiarism” in a historical context.  You know, point out that both the Democrat president and vice president did far WORSE, and that Melania, after all, is just the WIFE of a candidate, and NOT THE CANDIDATE.

Just remember the slanted way they covered the RNC and then watch how suddenly everything that was so awful suddenly becomes so wonderful when the same reporters get to the DNC.

The one thing you can ALWAYS count on from the media is to be unfair and dishonest in absolutely every single thing they do and say.