Archive for the ‘Supreme Court’ Category

How On Earth Was Kavanaugh Accuser’s Crediblity Not Destroyed When She Obviously Lied About Her Fear Of Flying She Tied To Her Assault?

September 28, 2018

How many blatant, obvious lies can an accuser who has ZERO corroborating evidence and who was literally refuted by all of her own witnesses tell and still be believed?

The answer should be one lie is way too many to believe such an accuser, especially when someone’s entire life and entire career is hanging on that accuser’s credibility alone.

I found it easiest to just take a screenshot of the takedown that ought to be completely damning of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford:

One tweet simply referred tot he transcript of the interview between the prosecutor Mitchell and Blasey Ford:

Mitchell: How did you get to Washington, D.C., today?
Ford: On an airplane.
Mitchell: When were here in August, how did you get here?
Ford: On an airplane.
Mitchell: You’ve been to Hawaii and Tahiti?
Ford: Yes.
Mitchell: How’d you get there?
Ford: On an airplane.

It is a testimony to how truly bad our news media is that this isn’t front-page and leading news in newspapers and news programs across the nation, but here is the gist:

During her public testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday, Christine Blasey Ford admitted that she has flown often for business and pleasure in recent years despite citing her fear of flight in requesting that the hearing regarding her allegations against Brett Kavanaugh be delayed.

In explaining why their client could not grant Committee chairman Chuck Grassley’s request that she travel to Washington, D.C. to testify on September 17, Ford’s lawyers cited her unwillingness to fly, which they claimed stemmed from her fear of enclosed spaces. Ford’s attorney’s further alleged her claustrophobia was brought on by the alleged assault.

Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona sex-crimes prosecutor retained by the Committee to ask questions of Ford and Kavanaugh, established during the hearing that Ford traveled by plane to Washington, D.C. to testify regarding her claim that Kavanaugh pinned her down and tried to remove her clothes when they were in high school.
“May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?,” Mitchell asked.

“By airplane,” Ford responded.

“I ask that because it’s been reported by the press that you would not submit to an interview with the Committee because of your fear of flying, is that true?” Mitchell asked.

“Well I was hoping that they would come to me but then I realized that was an unrealistic request,” Ford responded.

Mitchell went on to establish that Ford flies frequently as part of her work for an Australian consulting firm, to visit family on the East coast, and to pursue her interests in Hawaiian culture, oceanography, and surfing.

“In fact, you fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you’ve had to fly for your work, is that true?” Mitchell asked.

“Correct, unfortunately,” Ford answered.

So citing this “fear of flying” which her attorneys represented as being directly due to her alleged sexual assault by high-school kid Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford claims she can’t possibly fly to Washington to testify for any hearing because flying reminds her of the tight, enclosed space reminiscent to her sexual assault.  And, of course, as much turmoil as it is going to cause an entire nation and as much personal pain as a week-plus delay going to cause Brett Kavenaugh, Blasey Ford cannot possibly fly.  It’s just too traumatic.

Unless she’s going on vacation, of course.  Then she can fly for hours no problem.

I mean, Christine Blasey Ford is saying I don’t give a flying damn about the rest of the United States, I’m not flying, I’m just to afraid of flying because I’m the victim of a sexual assault.  But, you know, if it’s my vacation, or if there is pretty much ANY other reason to fly, I’m fine with it.

“Easier for me to travel going that direction, when it’s for a vacation.”

But of course impossible when the entire United States of America is breathlessly waiting for you to show up and spew your spewage if the rabidly and vindictively partisan Democratic Party wants you to use every cheap and dishonest trick in the book to stall.

You liar.  You lying liar.

Democrats got ten days of stall and delay out of that dishonest bit of credibility destruction.  And because Blasey Ford calls herself the most pathetic of all victims who ever endured victimhood, the fact that she’s a personally dishonest liar who lied out of sheer political partisan expediency isn’t being reported.

Rather, the focus of most mainline media reports – otherwise known as “propaganda” – is that “fear of flying doesn’t mean that Ford can’t fly.”  And very intentionally skipping the part that goes, “Really?  Then why couldn’t she fly to Washington and testified ten days earlier???”

If she can fly for all of these other reasons,, surely the woman was capable of sucking it up to prevent the nation from twisting in the wind in this debacle for over a week, right?

Judge Kavanaugh in his highly emotional hearing testified that this fraud perpetuated by his bogus accuser literally tortured him, his wife, his daughters and his mother as all kinds of the most disgusting hell imaginable was unleashed on him and on his family during these days while Ford was lying about why she couldn’t be there.

And again, her lie is tied directly to her testimony about her alleged sexual assault.

And then, on top of that, Blasey Ford either tells another galling lie, or else reveals that her team of Dianne Feinstein selected lawyers were so rabidly partisan, so viciously disinterested in Christine Blasey Ford as a person, that they never bothered to inform her that Sen. Grassley and the Judiciary Committee were offering to meet with her in California at her home or in any other setting she wanted.

On Sept. 21, the Judiciary Committee published the text of a proposal sent to Ford’s lawyers offering to fly committee members to California to speak with Ford:

“The Chairman has offered the ability for Dr. Ford to testify in an open session, a closed session, a public staff interview, and a private staff interview. The Chairman is even willing to fly female staff investigators to meet Dr. Ford and you in California, or anywhere else, to obtain Dr. Ford’s testimony.”

In the hearing, when Ford was asked if anyone, including her lawyers, had relayed to her the committee’s offer to visit her in California, Ford refused to answer when her lawyer objected:

Question: “Okay. Was it communicated to you by your counsel or someone else that the committee had asked to interview you, and that they offered to come out to California to do so?”

Counsel: “I’m going to object, Mr. Chairman, to any call for privileged conversation between counsel and Dr. Ford.”

Question: “Could you validate that the offer was made, without her saying a word? Is it possible for that question to be answered without violating any counsel relationships?

Ford: “Can I say something to you? Do you mind if I say something to you directly? I just appreciate that you did offer that. I wasn’t clear on what the offer was. If you were going to come out to see me, I would have happily hosted you and been happy to speak with you out there. I just did not — it was not clear to me that that was the case.”

If Blasey Ford is telling the truth here and not lying – just as she also lied and destroyed her personal credibility when she lied about her fear of flying as an excuse to do PRECISELY what the most partisan Democrats have been demanding from the moment Kavanaugh was nominated and delay, delay, delay some more – then her attorneys chosen by Sen Diane Feinstein are THE nastiest species of cockroaches ever identified under any disgusting fecal matter on planet earth.

This just goes to the narrative that, whatever the hell this woman’s issues are, the Democratic Party has been professing to care so deeply about her, only to cynically leak her letter at the most cynical possible Democrat-favorable moment when she supposedly begged for privacy and confidentiality, and then refused to inform her that she could spare herself not to mention her country a world of pain by having her testimony conducted in her private residence.

What you see clearly revealed here – if Christine Blasey Ford isn’t simply telling another credibility shattering lie – is the genuinely evil and depraved soul of the Democratic Party machine.

Which all further goes to utterly discredit her sexual assault at the hands of Brett Kavanaugh as nothing more than the very ugliest and very most cynical stunt by the most hateful people who ever lived, I’m not so sorry to say.

This is all so damn wrong in so many damn ways.

Christine Blasey Ford sent her letter to Dianne Feinstein on July 30.

President Trump had nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on July 9.

“Until July 2018, I had never named Mr. Kavanaugh as my attacker outside of therapy,” Ford testified.

“Outside of therapy” is an interesting way for Blasey Ford to put it, given that she has refused to allow her therapist notes to be released which means we have zero idea why this documented very partisan liberal Democrat who attended anti-Trump rallies first actually “remembered” her attacker was Kavanaugh.

The Weekly Standard has this:

The 2012 notes, even in redacted form, are relevant because they are the first time Ford says she described the alleged assault in any detail. According to the Washington Post, the notes say that there were four male attackers–a discrepancy Ford attributes to the therapist–and did not mention Kavanaugh by name. Ford’s husband told the Post that she mentioned Kavanaugh at the time in 2012 and expressed concern Kavanaugh might be nominated to the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh had been profiled in the New Yorker that year, when Ford was piecing together memories of the alleged assault, as the most likely next Supreme Court justice if a Republican won the 2012 presidential election.

So the reason the notes haven’t been revealed is because, apparently, Blasey Ford did NOT reveal Kavanaugh by name.  The ONLY person we have saying she had EVER said Brett Kavanaugh had attacked her is her husband, who I am frankly not inclined to trust as a non-biased source for very obvious reasons.

But, let’s go with the husband’s story just for the sake of argument: why the hell didn’t Blasey Ford write this letter the day Trump was elected????  Think about it: if Christine Blasey Ford actually did NOT want Brett Kavanaugh to actually ever be confirmed, don’t you think the time for her to write her stupid letter would have been BEFORE Trump actually nominated her alleged attacker???  If the Trump team had had any kind of heads-up whatsoever that this accusation was coming, do ya think they might have nominated somebody the hell ELSE????

This is a woman who named four witnesses to her alleged attack, one her closest friend.  All four say they frankly don’t know what the hell Blasey Ford is talking about, that they never attended such a party; one says there is no possible way that Kavanaugh ever did anything like this, and her best friend says she doesn’t even remember ever even MEETING Kavanaugh.

From point three of an article entitled, “Eight Big Problems For Christine Blasey  Ford’s Story”:

3) Worse, the four other people she identified as attending the party, including Kavanaugh, all deny knowledge of the gathering in question, including Leland Ingham Keyser, who she calls a “lifelong friend.”

Keyser’s lawyer told the Senate Judiciary Committee: “Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with or without Dr. Ford.”

The other two potential witnesses — Mark Judge and Patrick “P.J.” Smyth — also deny any recollection of attending such a party. The committee took their sworn statements “under penalty of perjury.” “These witnesses directly contradict Professor Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley advised Ford’s attorneys last week.

There very simply comes a point where YOU SHOULD NOT BELIEVE SOMEBODY.  And Christine Blasey Ford crosses that line and then some.

Now, I can’t not fail to point out just how slanderingly dishonest the mainstream media is when it professes to “fact check” something.  The AP has such a piece that professes to fact check Kavanaugh and says this highly respected jurist “misrepresented the record” when he said Blasey Ford’s three witnesses refuted her allegation.  Which is to say they manage to use rhetorical ju jitsu to switch the story from what it actually is – that Ford states that these people were at the party where she was assaulted and in fact all four unequivocally state that they were not at such a party and did not see any such assault as Ford describes – into a highly technical word-game.  Because, given the fact that Ford refuses to ever actually say WHAT party or WHERE the party was located, it is therefore impossible for any honest witness to say “no attack ever happened.”  I mean, how the hell could they possibly say such a thing unless they knew precisely which party was the party in question which they don’t know because Ford didn’t specify???

Let’s just say for the categorical record that Ford says witnesses saw something that not one of them saw.  And it is amazing how dishonest the AP was in their rhetorical quibble piece.

The last of the so-called “allegations” against Kavanaugh released by Creepy Porn Lawyer of Kavanaugh having a “gang rape ring” and having a minimum of ten gang rape parties is so shockingly and so transparently false that it ought to forever end the bogus narrative that no woman would ever falsely make a charge of sexual assault.  I mean, think about it: the FBI did six separate background checks on this guy and asked all the people in his inner circle, all of his friends and acquaintainces about him, all of his neighbors, over and over, and you’d kind of think the “Well, he DID have that gang rape ring” would have come out.  I mean, this woman claims she herself went to TEN of Kavanaugh’s “gang rape ring” parties.  And you’ve kind of got to ask, “Just how many gang rape ring parties do you think YOU would have gone to – you know, especially after you yourself had been gang raped – before realizing that this wasn’t your scene???  And this wouldn’t just be a testimony to Brett Kavanaugh’s criminality; his whole TOWN, hell his whole STATE of Maryland, would have been revealed in shocking criminality.  This is the kind of thing you send in the United Nations forces to stop because all legitimate law and order has broken down.

In other words, this is so laughably false it’s beyond unreal.

And when we stop and think about all the ways – apparently at least eight of them from that story I cite above – Blasey Ford’s story collapses, so is hers.

We come to what the Democrats demanded over and over again: an FBI investigation.  Because I’m sure the Democrats are hoping this honest, unbiased FBI agent investigates Kavanaugh:

Joe Biden didn’t think much of the last time Democrats tried to smear an honest GOP appointed judge named Clarence Thomas.  After that smear was unveiled, President Bush allowed an FBI investigation.  And were Democrats satisfied with that?  Well, read the transcript of Joe Biden’s angry denunciation of the pure worthlessness of any FBI investigation into such a matter as a Supreme Court-nominated Judge being accused over sex:

“The next person who refers to an FBI report as being worth anything obviously doesn’t understand anything. FBI explicitly does not, in this case or any other case, reach a conclusion, period. Period.”

To be a Democrat is to be a hypocrite.  One cannot BE a Democrat and not be a hypocrite.

What do the Democrats want?  Well, Diane Feinstein sat on the Blasey Ford allegation and even repeatedly talked to Kavanaugh and never once mentioned Blasey Ford in any of her questions.  There was a bipartisan investigative process within the Judiciary Committee that would have kept the matter confidential, but that wasn’t in Feinstein’s naked partisan interest.

Democrats refused to listen to anything Judge Kavanaugh had to say on the grounds that they demand what they claimed was utterly pointless the last time the FBI got involved.

They didn’t want an investigation two months ago when there could have and maybe even should have been one because they KNOW FULL DAMN WELL an FBI investigation won’t turn up anything that would disqualify Judge Kavanaugh.  I mean, again, Joe Biden said it himself.  Again, think about it: Maryland does not have a statute of limitations on sexual assault, so Christine Blasey Ford could walk in – you know, because she claimed she was so dang terrified of flying in, I mean, right? – to the police department and file a complaint.  But do you know what would happen if she did that?  Absolutely NOTHING.  Because Blasey Ford doesn’t provide enough detail of a specific crime to even justify an arrest warrant, let alone a successful prosecution.

They want time.  They want time because they believe they can take enough of the Senate 38 days from now on November 6 to make a Kavanaugh confirmation impossible.  And these cynical, professional liars know that if they have that extra time, more and more liars like Creepy Porn Lawyer’s client will crawl out of the woodwork.

I think the FBI ought to investigate why Christine Blasey Ford said she couldn’t fly to testify in Washington because she was so afraid of flying when she is obviously not very afraid of flying given how many other times in FAR less important situations she has flown.  I think the FBI ought to investigate how the hell that doesn’t destroy this accuser’s credibility and render her story moot.  I think the FBI ought to investigate whether Blasey Ford is lying or if her highly partisan Democrat Party activist legal team was demonically exploiting her by not telling her that the Judiciary Committee would have traveled to her house.  On Blasey Ford’s own characterization, this was a betrayal of her, but it was just what the rabidly partisan Democrats wanted.  I think the FBI ought to be investigating precisely who leaked Blasey Ford’s letter and why the letter was leaked when it was in a manner that, again, just happens to correspond to THE most cynical partisan Democrat goal.

So if you’re going to actually “investigate,” FBI, PLEASE INVESTIGATE.

On the demonically insane belief of the Democratic Party, they need a new FBI investigation because of course the last SIX FBI investigations into Judge Kavanaugh were so incompetent that they missed a gang rape ring that was operating right under their noses and gang raped scores of young girls.  And so the Democrats are putting their bets on the FBI that missed this godawful gang rape ring to finally get an investigation right this time.

Either that, or every single Democrat is insane and evil.


What Left Is Doint To Judge Kavanaugh With Last-Second Smear Is Truly Un-American And Simply Truly Evil

September 27, 2018

It was a terrible event that forever scarred my life: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagen once fondled me at a party.  I can’t recall where the party was or what year the party happened, I don’t remember how I got there or how I got home.  And all the witnesses I name whom I say saw it happen actually swear under oath that they hadn’t seen any such thing and my story is “nuts.”  But these three judges need to step down and resign.  After all, an accusation was made, and an accusation by itself ought to be more than enough to destroy someone’s life because, after all, these three justices cannot prove that they WEREN’T at a place I claim I can’t remember during a time I claim I can’t recall.  This is the very black roach heart of lawlessness that violates every due process protection that is at the heart of what makes our Constitution great.  And cockroach fascist Democrats are pissing all over those protections as we speak.

Give me your name and I’ll find someone to accuse you of a terrible, despicable sexual act, date unspecified, time unspecified, place unspecified, and if you cannot prove that you were never at a date that isn’t specified and a time that isn’t specified and a location that isn’t specified, by your very own toxic ideology you ought to be destroyed if you cannot prove what is impossible for you to prove no matter whether you’re completely innocent or not.  How can you prove you weren’t at a particular place when your accuser won’t tell you where the place is?  Or how can you prove you weren’t even at a damn party on a particular night because you can show you were somewhere else when your accuser doesn’t have to bother to say when the alleged assault took place?

And so yes, we actually have the direct quote of the Democrat Party’s current strategy: “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” These boastful words that come right out of current Democrat activist thought were spoken by Joseph Stalin’s deputy premier, Lavrentiy Beria. Stalin frequently stayed up late into the night signing thousands – ultimately millions – of death sentences based on evidence such as is being proferred by these Democratic activists. They just made up crimes for whoever they wanted to based on their political needs at the how innocent you actually are of the allegation.

This is the ascendance of a leftist – and frankly communist – college culture into our system of law where the accused is presumed to be guilty unless proven innocent.  False allegations by women in this toxic communist culture has destroyed many young men who had every single one of their constitutional rights stripped away from them by a pathologically toxic communist college culture.  No legitimate legal system would tolerate this horrifying deprivation of rights, but college campuses have been doing this since the toxic prince of evil – Barack Hussein Obama – further poisoned the college system to make it even more vile than it had already been.  Men do not get to go to court: they are destroyed by mere allegations even when those allegations are false.  Even when the supposed victim says it never happened, men are being destroyed by this process.  And not infrequently it is black men being destroyed by such false allegations.

In Communist China, which cockroach Democrats yearn to have here, the accused is guilty until proven innocent as an essential component of their legal system.  And if the State wants you to be guilty, you are guilty regardless of whether you are innocent or not.  That is precisely what Democrats want here.

Democrats keep claiming “this isn’t a trial.”  Yeah, right.  It’s way more akin to this:

This scene from “The Crucible” was written by a man named Arthur Miller who was using witchhunts as political analogy to describe what was going on during a period we today call “McCarthyism,” when just an accusation was enough to get a completely innocent person destroyed.

Brett Kavanaugh is being used in a vicious, partisan, toxically-political way as the stand-in for EVERY female accusation.  If ANY woman EVER has EVER ONCE been sexually assaulted, then Brett Kavanaugh is somehow guilty and ought to be destroyed.

Any woman who has a father, or a brother, or a little boy, desperately needs to go out and vote Republican in droves.  Or watch their men be destroyed by a rabidly evil Democrat Party system of “justice.”

I want you to realize that the Democrats who are saying “This isn’t a trial are the very people who as Senators have the privilege of confirming JUDGES.  And what Democrats are screaming right now is that the rule of law is not necessary for any judge to bother following; the presumption of innocence is not necessary for any judge to follow; due process is not necessary for any judge to follow.  If the Senate that confirms judges doesn’t have any such requirements, then the judges they confirm sure as hell don’t, either.  Good damn luck if you appear before a traffic court judge who has chosen to follow Democrat Party standards and judged you guilty just because that judge didn’t need any actual evidence to destroy your life.

It’s not enough to suggest that Judge Brett Kavanaugh would be convicted on the so-called “evidence” presented against him that he is a would-be rapist; he wouldn’t even be ARRESTED by any legitimate legal process given the fact that there have been ZERO damn facts and ZERO damn witnesses presented to corroborate ANYTHING these slanderers have claimed.

Our Constitution enshrines two concepts as sacred to our legal proceedings: due process and a presumption of innocence until proven guilty.  The fact that Democrats are rabidly attacking BOTH of these sacred aspects of our Constitution ought to terrify any decent human being.  These people are now far worse than McCarthyism ever was and are on the verge of reaching the psychotic level of the French Revolution just before the Reign of Terror when a meritless accusation meant a death sentence.

Democrats have also thrown out in addition to due process and presumption of innocence the rule of law.  Let’s consider that Dianne Feinstein made an incredibly cynical and vile decision to sit on this allegation for seven full weeks.  What should she have done if the rule of law were followed rather than the mystery of lawlessness being revealed?

When Senator Dianne Feinstein received very serious allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, she could have—and should have—handled those concerns through the committee’s normal protocols. This process, which applies not just to Supreme Court nominees but to hundreds of judicial and Justice Department appointments, is specifically designed to protect the interests of both accusers and nominees. The process is both confidential and bipartisan. Its goal is to pursue the truth, not political advantage. That Senator Feinstein inexplicably chose not to handle the serious allegation Dr. Christine Blasey Ford made against Judge Kavanaugh according to these procedures has had terrible consequences for all the individuals involved and has done lasting damage to the Senate and the Supreme Court as institutions.

The Democrats chose to “fundamentally transform” what was supposed to be an orderly process into a monkey-poop-throwing contest.  What they have proven is that they are rabid perverts of everything our nation was supposed to stand for when it came to how accused people are constitutionally required to be treated.

But there is so much more in this toxic betrayal by Democrats out of very simple, visceral political ideology and tactics: Dr. Ford through her legal team has steadfastly been demanding that Judge Kavanaugh be required to speak first and then she be allowed to speak afterward and rebut whatever he says.

That method of “getting to the truth” actually DOES have historical precedent: it was how Spain handled accusations during a very grim, very dark period known as “The Spanish Inquisition.”  The accused would be required to defend himself or herself against accusations that had not yet formally been made.  Which means it was nearly impossible for any kind of defense.  It was a wicked time.  And Democrats very badly want to go back to the periods and tactics of the very most wicked regimes and periods in history.  Democrats are literally invoking the same standard used in the Spanish Inquisition to produce the same wicked results the Inquisition produced.  That’s who these vile people are.

How is Judge Kavanaugh supposed to defend himself against a charge that he did something, time never mentioned, time never mentioned, place never mentioned.  How is he supposed to have any chance whatsoever to prove that he wasn’t at that particular place at that particular time???

Imagine this was your son being destroyed like this, liberal.  And for the record, I mean, imagine this happened to one of our sons that you DIDN’T murder in the abortion mills.  I mean, imagine you had any capacity for any human love for your offspring at all.  Oh, what the hell, I’m wasting my time asking for human empathy for Democrats: they’re bugs.  They murder their own babies.  They have bug souls.  Of course they cannot be reached with any human appeal to empathy.

Amazingly, Democrats demand that we throw out actual convictions on the basis that the prosecutors or the judge or the jury was somehow “racist” or “biased,” even as they themselves right now are demanding that an entire group of people – men – are guilty merely by virtue of the fact that they are “men” “and we all know how them people are.”  The Democrats and their rabid media propagandist have slobbered all over themselves framing the Republicans as “a bunch of white men.”  What the hell does this have to do with RACE???  Both the accused and the accusers are WHITE.  But Democrats are the very worst kind of demagogues and they play every red-herring fiddle they have in their arsenal of demonic tricks whether those demonic tricks have anything the hell to do with their case at hand or not.  So they use the word “white” just because they know they can inflame their followers with even more rabid hate than these haters already have.  And the funniest thing of all is, virtually every Democrat playing the “white” card were THEMSELVES WHITE!!!

I’m going to put the essence of the world the left wants to create in terms of the Aryan and the Jew: when an Aryan accuses a Jew of committing a crime – any crime with or without any evidence whatsoever – the Jew is presumed guilty even if there is some way to prove the Jew innocent.  And all you’ve got to do is substitute a couple of words to see that what I’m claiming is true: exchange “Aryan” for “feminist woman” and “Jew” for “conservative man.”

If a liberal woman accuses a conservative man of rape or sexual harassment or just being a bad man, that woman is to be believed regardless of any or all lack of evidence and even if that woman’s accusation is literally destroyed by any witnesses she claims saw the alleged event.  Which is precisely what is happening to Judge Kavanaugh.

Still  another issue that needs to be mentioned is the Democrats’ demand that this allegation be investigated by the FBI, which has made a public statement that the FBI doesn’t the hell investigate these kind of political charges.  It should at this point be mentioned that the Democrats have been rabidly screaming themselves into padded-rubber-room hysteria crying for any delay they can call for since Kavenaugh was brought forward to begin the confirmation process.  The fact is that Democrats were screaming to delay the process from the moment the process began even before anyone (but Diane Feinstein, who concealed the allegations for obvious political reasons I’m about to point out) KNEW about any sexual allegations.  Which amounts to a cynical opportunity from the most cynical people on the face of the earth to cynically scream for the same cynical delay they’ve already been screaming for.  They have been stalling and stalling, hoping they can draw out the nomination process long enough for the upcoming election to change the political landscape in a manner that would mean that Judge Brett Kavenaugh never be confirmed.

And so Diane Feinstein sat on allegations that should have gone to the subcommittee for a fair and impartial hearing and investigation had there been any fairness or impartiality in any Democrat on the face of the earth.  Had they actually given ONE FLYING DAMN about any actual investigation, they would not have wasted SEVEN WEEKS THAT COULD HAVE AND WOULD HAVE BEEN SPENT INVESTIGATING.  Instead, they pissed away any ability the Republicans had to be able to spend significant time investigating just so they could frame Republicans with the bogus and false charge of refusing to investigate.  These people are the worst kind of liars and the worst kind of manipulators there are or ever have been.

But it gets better, because had the FBI actually DONE an investigation, we have these words from former Senator and former Obama Vice President Joe Biden;

Joe Biden snarled back then:

“The next person who refers to an FBI report as being worth anything obviously doesn’t understand anything.  FBI does not in this or any other case reach a conclusion…”

So why do they want what they mocked when the FBI investigated the bogus sexual allegations against the last Justice the wicked pervert Democrats tried to demonically frame???  The same damn reason Diane Feinstein threw the rule of law and 230 years of Senate custom out the window when she sat on allegations for seven weeks, had multiple opportunities to question Brett Kavanaugh about these allegations herself and refused to mention the allegations at any time to any one during the entire conformation hearing, only to leak them after the hearing had already ended: to create as much of a climate of rabid, toxic hatred as this wicked woman from a wicked party could possibly foment.  To stall for time, using the cheapest, most dishonest, most vile imaginable stuns to do what the legitimate democratic process and Constitution prevents them from doing and destroy a Supreme Court nominee with the worst slanders.

Christine Blasey Ford – a leftist university professor who has spent a lifetime being a liberal activist, who attended an anti-Trump women’s march in Los Angeles in April 2017 (and was documented and even quoted as having done so in a news article by the San Jose Mercury News), who signed a letter blasting Trump’s border policy and who is also a leftist climate change activist – recently decided that Judge Brett Kavanaugh groped her and would have likely done worse had his friend Mark Judge was in the room and jumped on top of the two and stopped what she claims would have been a rape and gave her time to run out of the room.  The only problem with her story is that Mark Judge said this never happened, that he had NEVER seen Brett Kavanaugh do anything remotely close to that, and that literally this is “absolutely nuts” and ” I never saw Brett act in the manner Dr. Ford describes.”

Another witness that Ford says was there – Patrick J. Smyth – also says Ford is simply not telling the truth:

“I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post,” Smyth says in his statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee. “I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.”

Both men have now sworn under oath, under penalty of perjury, that what Dr. Ford claims to have happened did not happen as she claims.  Because she claims they were there and they say under penalty of perjury that that is false.

These men and Judge Kavanaugh himself were questioned under penalty of perjury.  You would think Democrats would want to be part of such a session, but they were completely and utterly disinterested in truth or anything close to searching for the truth.  Not one single Democrat appeared at the hearing because there is literally not one single decent or honest Democrat.

And now, including Judge Brett Kavanaugh himself, we have a fourth witness and a woman at that – to make it four out of four witnesses Ford has named – who says that the alleged assault Ford says happened did not in fact happen:

Another person claimed by Christine Blasey Ford to have attended a gathering decades ago during which, Ford claims, she was sexually assaulted by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has denied any recollection of having attended the party.

In an email to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Saturday, Leland Ingham Keyser, a former classmate of Ford’s at the Holton-Arms all-girls school in Maryland, said she doesn’t know Kavanaugh or remember being at the party with him.

“Simply put, Ms. Keyser does not know Mr. Kavanaugh and she has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford,” lawyer Howard J. Walsh III of Bethesda, Md., conveyed in an email to the committee that was obtained by Fox News.

At what point do you dismiss Ford’s fake allegation as what it is – a politically-motivated slander – and vote to confirm a justice who has an unimpeachable record???  At NO point, if you are a demon-possessed cockroach, A.K.A. a Democrat.

Amazingly, the Democrats’ main talking point is that “Dr. Ford has no motivation to lie!”  Which is as false as the claim that they have no motivation to lie.  Let me just put it this way: is it literally the claim of every Democrat that the Democratic Party and the left are NOT fired up in protest of the Kavanaugh nomination???  Are they actually pretending that leftist women like Dr. Ford couldn’t care less whether Justice Kavanaugh would take away abortion rights???  Not only are these leftists surrounding Ford demonstration that, yes, Dr. Ford and these leftists SURE AS HELL DO have a motivation to lie, but that in fact they are actually LYING when they claim they don’t have a motivation to lie.

Dr. Ford testifies that she is afraid of flying as a result of her horrible attack by that horrible man, Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  She stole a week of the nation’s time stalling – strangely EXACTLY like the Democrats want her to do which is strange unless she’s a militant liberal activist … oh, that’s right, she IS a militant liberal activist! – claiming that she couldn’t fly to Washington D.C.  BUT STRANGELY THAT DIDN’T BOTHER HER WHEN SHE MOVED TO HAWAII and apparently forgot all about this lifelong trauma that made her so terrified of doing what she made a conscious decision to do and get on an airplane and FLY when it was convenient.

Abortion and the other liberal issues like abortion are what this is all about.  And so all of a sudden a judge who had just sailed through his nomination hearing is viciously slandered with an attack that he attacked a woman at a party, place unknown, year unknown, but let’s not let facts get in the way of our slander of a judge who has an unimpeachable record and who has gone through six different FBI background checks in his life.

My contention, for the record, is this: Dr. Ford might possibly be telling the truth recounting some sexual assault she experienced at some point in her life, but she is flagrantly lying about who her assaulter was.  It was NOT Brett Kavanaugh, and the reason she has to “disremember” every single other relevant detail other than her contention that she was assaulted is that Kavanaugh was never anywhere where he could have assaulted her.  My contention is that Ford is lying because she literally believes it is noble to lie if lying will stop Judge Kavanaugh from becoming a Supreme Court Justice and overturning the political values we know for a FACT Ford espouses.

What party is Ford talking about?  Well, that’s kind of impossible to be certain about, given that Ford does not have to say what party, or where the party supposedly was, or what day the party was on, or what month the party happened, or even what dang freaking YEAR the party happened.

Other than a naked political show trial, I doubt very much that a single prosecutor would take on such a detail-free case without any ability to verify or substantiate any part of her story, or that any judge would agree to hold court to such a case.  The FBI doesn’t want anything whatsoever to do with it, arguing completely correctly that taking on such an investigation is not part of their lawful perview because the alleged act would be a state rather than federal crime.  But the Democrats claim that President Trump should do something that is nothing more than a hardcore partisan Democrat delaying tactic and order the FBI to investigate.  And I don’t doubt that Democrats also demand that disgraced and fired Trump-hating former FBI agent Peter Strzok and his paramour Lisa Page be the lead investigators, too.  This is that damn ridiculous.

Interestingly, Prof. Christine Blasey Ford initially claimed she wanted to have the right to be heard.  But when the Republicans gave her the opportunity, all of a sudden the story changed, and she didn’t want to be heard as she ignored not one but more than ELEVEN SEPARATE ATTEMPTS TO REACH HER TO GIVE HER PRECISELY THE OPPORTUNITY SHE HAD CLAIMED SHE WANTED.  No, her lawyers were taking their orders from the Democratic Party which was demanding a full FBI investigation that would take months and delay the nomination until after the election when they believe they will have the numbers to block it forever.  Not that Ford or any of her lawyers have any political motivation whatsoever, of course (just gag me).

Another fun claim by the left is that Dr. Ford passed “a lie detector test.”  For the record, there is no such thing as a “lie detector test.”  It is a polygraph, which does NOT measure whether a person is lying, but rather measures physiological responses such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while under questioning.  Basically, all a polygraph actually does is measure how physiologically threatened a subject feels during the procedure.  It is actually based on a theory that is itself not even proven: There is no actual evidence that any pattern of physiological reactions is unique to deception; and an honest person may therefore be nervous when answering truthfully while a dishonest person may be non-anxious.  It is not admissible in courts because it has been proven over and over again to be unreliable as an indicator of whether a subject is actually being truthful or deceitful.  It most definitely can be beaten if someone knows the tricks of the testIt HAS been beaten and has been documented to have been beaten.

Do you know who would be in the best position to defeat a polygraph?  Think hard.  A trained psychologist, like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

But having said that, here’s the thing about Dr. Ford’s “lie detector test.”  Ford’s lawyers have refused to actually release the damn thing.  They have refused to release who paid for it or how it was conducted.  We cannot even know for sure that Dr. Ford even had such a test, let alone “passed” it.  And experts are all over the place doubting the Ford team’s claims.

I simply point this out as yet another example of how Democrats are utterly lawless people who substitute their lawlessness for the actual law.


Miranda wrote about Ford:

Christine Blasey Ford was a year or so behind me. I did not know her personally but I remember her. This incident did happen. Many of us heard a buzz about it indirectly with few specific details. However Christine’s vivid recollections should be more than enough for us to truly, deeply know that the accusation is true.

But then, all of a sudden, Miranda deleted the tweet and Facebook post, explaining with this message:

Hi all, deleted this because it served its purpose and I am now dealing with a slew of requests for interviews from The Wash Post, CNN, CBS News. Organizing how I want to proceed. Was not ready for that, not sure I am interested in pursuing. Thanks for reading.

Then, Miranda wrote this (now deleted): “To all media, I will not be doing anymore interviews. No more circus. To clarify my post: I do not have first hand knowledge of the incident that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford mentions, and I stand by my support for Christine. That’s it. I don’t have more to say on the subject.”

Why Delete It?
So why would Miranda delete her posts? Most likely, because Ford, as the Washington Post reported on Sunday in its story that revealed her identity, “told no one of the incident in any detail until 2012, when she was in couples therapy with her husband.”

Oopsie.  Did a woman just prove the lie that “no woman would EVER lie about sexual assault”??????????????

Yes, it turns out WOMEN LIE.

Tawana Brawley LIED about being raped.  This notion that no woman would EVER tell a lie about a sexual assault is ITSELF A LIE.  Democrats are demon-possessed liars.  That’s what “Democrat” means: DEMOnic bureauCRAT.

FACT: it’s NOT just men who lie; women lie just as much and just as bad.  And we have numerous factual proofs that yes, women will make up false accounts of sexual assaults.  We just had an example of this in the news as the Oregon Innocent Project freed a man convicted of sexual assault of his daughter and sentenced to fifty years in prison.  Only his daughter LIED and they could PROVE that she LIED.

We have a WOMAN LIAR just in this Judge Kavanaugh story ALONE.  It is just as easy for Dr. Ford to lie as it is for Miranda to have lied as we KNOW she lied.  This woman who claimed to back up Ford’s story is a LIAR just as Ford is lying.

And, again, we now as a matter of FACT that Dr. Ford has EVERY ideological MOTIVATION to lie in order to prevent Judge Kavanaugh from sitting on the Supreme Court.

And to further prove that, we had yet another patently false sexual assault charge made by a woman who simply put, L.I.E.D.  Even the blatantly leftist New York Slimes – after very clearly investing huge reporting resources to try to find dirt on Brett Kavanaugh, was unable to find a single, infinitesimally tiny, shred of evidence that Brett Kavanaugh had done anything wrong or anything inappropriate.  Deborah Ramirez admits she was heavily intoxicated, had periods of no memory (blackout drunk), and we know she was trolling for anyone who might be willing to slime Brett Kavanagh but amazingly couldn’t find anyone even in her liberal culture.

Deborah Ramirez actually was calling Yale classmates and asking if any of them remembered anything and stated that she herself could not remember:

“Ms. Ramirez herself contacted former Yale classmates asking if they recalled the incident and told some of them that she could not be certain Mr. Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself,” The New York Times reported.

“The Times had interviewed several dozen people over the past week in an attempt to corroborate her story, and could find no one with firsthand knowledge,” the report also stated.

Ah, hell, he’s obviously guilty anyway.

But amazingly, it gets even MORE whackjob.  There is no end to Democrat hate, Democrat hypocrisy, or Democrat psychosis.

Creepy porn lawyer and erstwhile Democratic Party presidential candidate – A.K.A. Michael Avenatti – started screaming that he had “evidence” that Brett Kavanaugh not only was a rapist but he actually had a “gang rape ring” that operated in the 1980s based on reports from yet another “credible victim.”  So we have yet another woman who is lying, and yet another piece of toxic filth lawyer willing to represent her.  Creepy porn lawyer continues to maintain that this woman and her bogus and rabidly false allegation is “one hundred percent credible.”

This woman named Swetnick claims that Judge Kavenaugh while a high school student actually operated a gang rape ring.  She says she went to ten of Kavenaugh’s gang rape parties apparently expecting maybe next time she WOULDN’T be raped, according to her story, but of course she was each and every time.  I mean, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting raped every time you keep doing the same thing over and over.

I’m being facetious here, but this is beyond nuts.

This woman Swetnick by her own account is a criminal who should immediately be arrested for her role in the rapes of numerous underage girls.  On her own account, she was a legal adult, and children were being raped all around her, and she never said ANYTHING such that more girls kept getting raped.

Another problem is that Creepy Porn Lawyer’s client’s story is laughably false.  I mean, imagine having a rape ring and gang raping girls at a minimum of ten different gang rape parties.  The problem is that if nobody knew about it, then how could anyone actually show up???  And if anyone knew about it, then EVERYONE knew about it.  I mean, “gang rape ring party” isn’t the kind of topic that inspires yawns and disinterest.  But in more than 35 years, NOBODY but this demented freak woman know about them!!!

Including pretty much ALL the fellow students at Kavenaugh’s school:

“We have seen reports today that Julie Swetnick, who says she graduated from Gaithersburg High School, submitted a declaration to the Committee alleging that Brett participated in horrific conduct during high school, including targeting girls for gang rape,” reads the letter addressed to Chairman Chuck Grassley and ranking committee Democrat Dianne Feinstein from 64 classmates.

“Nonsense. We never witnessed any behavior that even approaches what is described in this allegation. It is reprehensible.”

 The group said none of them recall meeting an individual named Julie Swetnick.

“Brett Kavanaugh is a good man. He has always treated women with respect and decency,” the classmates said. “He is a man of honor, integrity, and compassion. These shameful attacks must end. This process is a disgrace and is harming good people.”

Ah, what the hell, he’s obviously guilty.  I mean, if a billion people say you’re a wonderful human being and one Democrat says you’re evil, you can count on the mainstream media “news” report to confirm that you are evil as a fact confirmed by witnesses.

So much for Creepy Porn Lawyer’s demented client.  Hopefully Swetnick will gang rape Creepy Porn Lawyer all the way to being elected president.  This nation apparently deserves a rat bastard like Creepy Porn Lawyer as president, judging on how we are treating Judge Brett Kavenaugh.

Pretty much EVERY lawyer involved with Judge Kavanaugh fake victims is a creepy porn lawyer.

Let’s take Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s creepy porn lawyer, Debra Katz.  You can see through the creepy porn lawyers that represent Kavanaugh’s bogus victims how partisan, how truly demonically political, these creepy Democratic Party porn lawyers truly are.

Debra Katz proves what the Democratic Party REALLY thinks about women and about sexual harassment and sexual violence in who ELSE she has represented.  And she was as a good creepy Democratic Party porn lawyer perfectly willing to viciously side AGAINST female victims when the accused piece of filth was a DEMOCRAT:

But while her client’s claims have raised bipartisan concerns about Kavanaugh, Katz, a longtime Democratic donor known for representing sexual harassment accusers, also has a history of downplaying or dismissing accusations made by women against Democratic politicians — including former President Bill Clinton and former Minnesota Sen. Al Franken.

“Paula Jones’ suit is very, very, very weak,” Katz said on CNN’s “Talkback Live” in March 1998 in a discussion about Jones’ claims against Clinton, according to a show transcript. “She’s alleged one incident that took place in a hotel room that, by her own testimony, lasted 10 to 12 minutes. She suffered no repercussions in the workplace.”

Jones, who worked as a government employee in Arkansas, accused Clinton, while governor of Arkansas in 1991, of propositioning her for sex. Clinton settled a lawsuit with Jones in 1998. …

”If a woman came to me with a similar fact pattern, that is someone in the company above her propositioned her but only once and she suffered no tangible job detriment,” Katz told The New York Times in 1998, ”I would probably tell her that I’m sorry, it’s unfair, but you don’t have a case.” …

In more recent years, Katz also downplayed the wave of sexual misconduct allegations against Franken, who denied some of the allegations but eventually resigned from the Senate over them.
“Context is relevant,” Katz said of Franken, who was a comedian before his election to the Senate. “He did not do this as a member of the U.S. Senate. He did this in his capacity of someone who was still functioning as an entertainer.”

By the very standard that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s own damn creepy Democratic Party porn lawyer has used before, Ford doesn’t have any case whatsoever.  After all, Ford’s allegations don’t even have Kavanaugh doing anything for anywhere near ten to twelve minutes, and of course, not only was Kavanaugh not a member of the U.S. Senate, he wasn’t a judge.  Hell, he would have been a high school kid.  No harm, no foul, move on.

But a characteristic of a creepy Democratic Party porn lawyer is a constantly-shifting double-standard.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s creepy Democratic Party porn lawyer was caught on tape vowing that she was going to fight back against the Trump presidency, that she was going to resist.  Ford and Katz are both ideologues with the identical same reason to lie and to represent lies and liars.

The last thing I heard is that not one but two men actually came forward claiming that Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations actually match what they did, rather than Judge Brett Kavenaugh.  And the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman might very well actually bring this out.  So get out your popcorn.

If Judge Kavenaugh is brought down by this kind of slime, you can guarantee that no Supreme Court Justice will EVER be confirmed again.  I mean, even leftist female university professors are sexual harassers of men.  I mean, even some of the women at the heart of the MeToo Movement are sexually aggressive predators, such as Asia Argento.  So go ahead and nominate some leftist woman judge, liberal.  It won’t do you any damn good.  Because I can damn well guarantee you that angry people are going to “come forward” and force-feed you the same rabid accusations that you are force-feeding Republicans right now.

99% of all the sexual predators from Harvey Weinstein to Bill Cosby have been LIBERALS.

Democrats are readily displaying that they haven’t changed one bound-to-scream-in-hell BIT from the days that they re-elected serial rapist Bill Clinton and then tried to elect serial-rapist-enabler Hillary Clinton.  Democrats back then refused to even so much as READ Juanita Broaddrick’s sworn deposition that Bill Clinton had brutally raped her:

“I got one better than that, Shifty,” said Ms. Broaddrick in a Friday tweet. “[Your] party elected a sexual predator/rapist as President & when the evidence was put under their nose, they refused to read it.”

She referred to the 1999 impeachment hearings against President Bill Clinton that ended with all Senate Democrats — including Sens. Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein and Patty Murray — siding with the Democratic president, despite multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.

Ms. Broaddrick said Senate Democrats refused to read her deposition in which she accused Mr. Clinton of raping her in a Little Rock hotel room during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas governor, an allegation which he has denied.

Dianne Feinstein sure as hell didn’t give one flying damn about a detailed, credible allegation of rape when it actually MATTERED.

It’s now been proven that the Clinton Campaign actually collected data to discredit Bill Clinton’s sex victims.

And nothing has changed.  Democrats tried to elect a woman who lost her election and had dinner with her bestest rapist pal, Harvey Weinstein, because she just feels comfortable around vicious sexual predators as long as they’re liberals – which the vast majority of vicious serial sexual predators are, of course.

And the #2 Democrat is a credibly accused sexual-harassing and woman-battering beast, but Democrats couldn’t give less of a damn.  Just ask Keith Ellison, a domestic violence turd who easily won his primary in spite of the fact that he beats up girlfriendsDo you know that only 5% of Democrats believe his accuser, in spite of the fact that she has provided MASSIVELY MORE EVIDENCE that she was assaulted than any of the women dredging up “recovered memories” to suddenly realize that the last man they would want to be on the Supreme Court must surely have raped them.

Democrats have a vile, despicable tradition ignoring their own brutality and rape toward women whenever it suits them.  This tradition of vileness is at least as old as Ted Kennedy, “the lion of the Senate,” who left a helpless woman to slowly and miserably die so he could live on to invent the vicious cockroach tactic known as “Borking” whereby good Republican Supreme Court nominees are slandered with lies by pathetic little roach pukes like Ted Kennedy.  It survived fat and healthy through the Bill Clinton rapist years, and continued through the Hillary Clinton rapist-enabling years.  And now we have a brand new breed of sexual predators such as Keith Ellison.

I still remember Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rabidly slandering Mitt Romney with an outright lie and literally being proud that his slanderous lie had had such an effect on stupid people.  The only thing that mattered to this vermin – a synonym for “Democrat” – is that Mitt Romney didn’t win.

That’s who these vile roaches are.

And we’re seeing it yet again.

And we’re also seeing the literal destruction of 2000 years’ of Western Civilization and nearly 250 years of Constitutional governance in order to do it.







Democrats Are Demon-Possessed Moral Cockroaches. Not By My Standards But By THEIR Standards.

February 1, 2017

I lived through the eight miserable years of Obamunist tyranny.  I lived through the eight years where a party that calls itself “Democratic” demonstrated again and again that it had NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with “democracy.”  I lived through the mainstream media gang-piling on anyone who in any way didn’t support Obama’s and the Democratic Party’s radical agenda as “obstructionists” and yes, even as “terrorists.”  Not to mention bigots and racists and every other hateful name under the sun.

For the Democrats, Barack Obama was “our president,” the “President of the United States of America.”  And Republicans OWED him their full loyalty and support.

I remember vividly the vicious riots that took place in Washington D.C. the day that Barack Obama was inaugurated as president.  Oh, wait a second.  That never happened.  It didn’t happen until butthurt Nazi liberal Democrats rioted the day Donald Trump was inaugurated. and 230 Democrats were charged with rioting as the protests got evil.

Amazingly, six “journalists” were among the rioters.  Because according to the mainstream media, to be a “journalist” today means to be a propagandist hack who rabidly hates Donald Trump and tries to ignite and incite mass violence against him.  Let’s be clear, they weren’t cleared of rioting because they didn’t riot; they were cleared of rioting because they were “journalists” and therefore allowed to riot.

“Based on the facts and circumstances, we determined that probable cause existed to support the filing of felony rioting charges,” said the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia in a statement about the 230 arrested. The office, which enforces criminal laws in Washington, D.C., would not comment on the actions of the six journalists.

Most “journalists” have dispensed with even any PRETENSE of objectivity.  I love this title because it’s so illustrative of what is going on: “NY Times writer who urged journalists to abandon objectivity to defeat Trump now says media needs ‘new strategy to cover him.’”  Hell, one of the “new strategies” being joining in rioting.  It really doesn’t surprise me at all they would join in the rioting with the rioters.  I can almost hear them saying, “Based on our reporting, you should loot and burn THIS building next!”

In the same way, I remember the day AFTER the Obama inauguration when a million angry activist showed up to protest the very Obama presidency.

Oh, wait.  That was Democrats too.

And I remember how Republicans employed every single vile trick that doesn’t exist in any playbook but the devil’s to obstruct and block President Obama from being able to appoint his cabinent because, after all, Republicans are obstructionists, right???

Oh, crap.  No.  Geez, I’m sorry.  Republicans had most of Obama’s administration in their positions right away.  That spirit of obstructionism and treason where a party that has been voted out of power tries to block every single thing the elected president tries to do is the spirit of Butthurt Nazism a.k.a. the Democratic Party.  It’s Democrats who are blocking and obstructing.   And Democrats, being Democrats, are the ones taking partisan, obstructionist, butthurt Nazi hissy fit to a new level: they are now refusing to do their basic job and even bother to show up at committee hearings.  Because to be a Democrat is to say, “If I violate the Constitution, If I violate the legitimate political process, if I violate the will of the people, I’ll get my wicked way.”

But let’s get back to Obama and the vile, vicious tactics that he inspired as our nations very first “community organizer” president.

Back in 2009 I was pointing out what a total, abject LIE the heart of the Obama promise to America had turned out to be.  This guy was so damn partisan that it was beyond unreal from the moment he took office.  And yet  The New York Times had written of Obama as candidate:

WASHINGTON — At the core of Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is a promise that he can transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics of the last 15 years, end the partisan and ideological wars and build a new governing majority.

To achieve the change the country wants, he says, “we need a leader who can finally move beyond the divisive politics of Washington and bring Democrats, independents and Republicans together to get things done.”

But this promise leads, inevitably, to a question: Can such a majority be built and led by Mr. Obama, whose voting record was, by one ranking, the most liberal in the Senate last year?

Was Obama EVER a man capable of rising above partisan politics?  No.  Not even CLOSE.  Absolutely not.  As an easy example of that, as a Senator he was one of THE most radical liberal-progressives and unsuccessfully tried to filibuster Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court.  Even Obama’s own party at that point acknowledged that what Obama tried to do was way, WAY too radical.

And so:

However, the truth is that, when they were senators, Obama, Biden, and Clinton all tried to filibuster Justice Alito’s nomination to the court – and other Democratic party leaders such as NY Senator Chuck Schumer reveled in the idea that they were able to block every Bush #43 nomination to the federal courts.

But the Democratic Party went über-fascist radical, and thus the toxic, divisive, polarizing Obama became the nominee of the Democratic Party and ultimately the president.  And the similarly über-fascist radical Joe Biden became vice president; and then the likewise über-fascist radical Hillary Clinton would sure-enough be the following rabid candidate for the Democrat Party machine.

Through his press mouthpiece, Obama as president would ultimately – and cowardly – come to say he “regretted” his decision to be one of the most leftist partisan members of the U.S. Senate when his own damn tactics were brought up in his face to reveal the utter and abject moral hypocrisy that is “Democratic Party.”

So it’s morally evil now to do what Obama did, you see.  Obama ought to be able to do it and get away with it, and later on when it becomes politically inconvenient, well, Obama ought to be able to retreat behind a press secretary mouthpiece and say that he now regrets it.  Such that Republicans have no right to do exactly what Obama himself did.

Let’s go back to Joe Biden: Because We also have the example of Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden who in 1992 said when there was just a POSSIBILITY that George H.W. Bush MIGHT be able to nominate a Supreme Court Justice:

“It is my view that if the president goes the way of Presidents Fillmore and Johnson and presses an election year nomination the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until ever — until after the political campaign season is over.” — Sen. Joe Biden, June 25, 1992

President George H.W. Bush was in office until January 20, 1993.  So Biden didn’t even say this in a presidential election year – the way it was when our Hypocrite-in-Chief Obama demanded the divine right to replace conservative Scalia with a leftist of his choice – rather Biden said the Democrat garbage tactic applied even in the year BEFORE the election year.

Only Democrats are hypocrite enough to not be able to see what abject hypocrite roaches they are.

As we talk about the Republican response to Obama’s selection of Judge Merrick Garland to replace Justice Antonin Scalia in an election year and the consequences of the Republican response today, allow me to take you on a trip down hypocrite Democrat lane from what I wrote at that time:

Democrats have a LONG history of doing the very thing they now claim is so evil:

While Democrats in the upper chamber – including Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York and former Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, both of which called for blocking former President George W. Bush’s nominations – have slammed the GOP for its decision not to consider a nominee until after a new president is elected, Democrats have not always held that stance. The Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution in 1960 preventing a recess appointment, much to the dismay of Republicans.

As first reported by The Washington Post – S.RES. 334, also known as Expressing the Sense of the Senate That The President Should Not Make Recess Appointments to the Supreme Court, Except to Prevent or End a Breakdown in the Administration of the Court’s Business – passed the Senate in a 48-33 vote in an attempt to prevent former President Dwight Eisenhower from filling a seat last-minute.

Democrats have frequently played this same game.   New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, now the Senate Minority Leader and leader of all the Senate Democrats, said when a Republican was president that the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”

And so this incredibly dishonest claim from Obama and the Democrats is so much nonsense it is beyond unreal: if anything, it IS unprecedented, other than all the damn times THEY did the very thing they now so loudly and dishonestly and hypocritically insist that Republicans would be violating sacred precedent to do.

Let me keep going from my same article on just what hypocrite pieces of dishonest roach filth Democrats are:

Here’s another thing: the Senate is now firmly in Republican hands (after disgraceful Democrats were caught being evil maybe a million times too often).  But when Democrats owned the Senate, they shoved their crap right down the Republicans’ throats and changed the damn Senate rules to do it with a process that was so toxic to the Constitution that it was called “the nuclear option.”

On November 21, 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared that “unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction” by Republican filibusters had made the confirmation process “completely unworkable.”[1] As a result, he said, Democrats were forced to eliminate virtually all nomination filibusters. […]

For nearly all of its history, proceeding to a final vote on a matter before the Senate required a supermajority.

But not when Democrats stole the show.  No, no, no, the rules of all propriety and decency and civility go right out the damn window every damn time it pleases them.  Just like the Nazi Party and Jews, the Democrat Party calls the Republicans “evil” and then justifies the most wildly partisan and cynical “final solutions.”

Ever since the Supreme Court became a “super legislature” thanks to the wicked Democrat Party, where they ruled by imposing massive societal change by finding “penumbras and emanations” that justified whatever the HELL they wanted to do, the SCOTUS has become a political branch.  And Obama just started another vicious war while blathering dishonest words that he was somehow above doing the very thing he is clearly doing.

Who “fundamentally transformed” “nearly all of the Senate’s history”???  Don’t EVER forget it was the DEMOCRATS.  Just as it was the DEMOCRATS who invented Borking and it was the DEMOCRATS who are the ones who actually FILIBUSTER judicial appointments.  Bill Clinton and Barack Obama BOTH did NOT have a Republican filibuster.  The ONLY two judges sitting on the court who didn’t receive sixty votes are Justice Thomas and Justice Alito.  Because the Democrat Party has been the official party of Butthurt for decades.

If you want to see what “unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction” truly looks like, look at what Democrats have done since Trump got elected.  These butthurt fascists are psychologically unhinged with rabid acts of “obstruction” taking place at every corner that no, you demon-possessed liars, the Republicans NEVER did.

It’s really not the “nuclear option”; it’s the “Harry Reid option”; it’s the “Democrat Party option.”  And it is a GOOD thing Republicans are now willing to use the same tactics Democrats used against them.  And it’s an evil, wicked thing that the mainstream media is FINALLY seeing this as an “extreme tactic” given that they somehow failed to think that way when their beloved Democrat Party was using the tactic to impose their will when THEY ran Washington.

And so, in that same vein, Charles Schumer – now the leader of the Democrat minority – controls a party that literally announced they were going to object to ANYONE Trump nominated simply because on their view, anyone who doesn’t think exactly like they do is “unqualified” to serve.

Democrats actually swore they would filibuster Trump’s nominee even before Trump nominated anyone.

Democrats promise they will use the slander-tactic that they invented now known as “Borking”: This infamous Ted Kennedy slander was the worst of the slanders:

“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy.”

Robert Bork was a good man and eminently qualified to sit on the Court.  But Democrats are truly breathtakingly evil and hypocritical people.

In the same manner, Justice Clarence Thomas literally faced down the Ku Klux Klan as a child who grew up as the child of a poor sharecropper in a house with a dirt floor – only to find the Democrats’ more evil and more psychotic and more dishonest.  As an example, the modern Klan monsters are BLACK Democrats who were willing to lynch Thomas for the sin of having a white wife.  And Democrats said in their vote, “You don’t get to do that and survive, uppity negro.”  They manufactured the very first “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves” by finding a backstabbing woman who had followed Judge Thomas from job to job for YEARS only to claim that he sexually harassed her the entire time that she had willingly kept following him.

And so, all the Obama crap about it being beyond the pale for a Senate to treat a nomination to the Supreme Court this way, all I can say in response is that now you get to eat Republican fecal matter right out of the toilet bowl, you wicked hypocrite butthurt LIARS.

When Barack Obama – after trying to community organize a filibuster against Bush SCOTUS appointees – appointed two far-left liberal progressive radicals to the Court, Republicans responded by allowing their nomination to go forward and even allowing their members to vote for her in a spirit of bipartisan compromise.  Because they believed a president ought to have a right to nominate judges out of his philosophy, especially on the Supreme Court, even when they personally disagree with those judges’ philosophy of jurisprudence.

So Democrats never had to exploit their own Harry Reid-invented “Democrat option” – a.k.a. the nuclear option – to get a vote for Obama’s SCOTUS picks because Republicans respected the process in a way that Democrats have now proven over and over again they are not capable of respecting.  It was Democrats who invented and then repeatedly used the politics of personal slander-destruction against Republican nominees.

Democrats are not human beings worthy of the name; they have abandoned as a matter of wicked philosophy any concept of the imago dei.  Democrats are evolved bugs, and they only capable of bug morality.  You could rescue a cockroach, nurture it back to health, feed it, but the moment it was time to reciprocate, that roach would happily EAT YOU ALIVE.

I have used the word “Nazi” to describe Democrats.  Because a modern-day Democrat IS a Nazi who has TEN TIMES the holocaust horror show in the abortion mills with sixty million murdered human beings.  I started seeing Democrats viciously attacking people who had merely exercised their 1st Amendment right to attend a peaceful campaign rally for the political candidate of their choiceI saw multiple examples of this across the nation.  I came to discover Democrats literally used the same tactics Hitler used in his own rise to power by employing goons and thugs to violently disrupt GOP political rallies.  They did that at the very highest levels, up to Obama, the White House, Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  Do you realize how utterly treasonous to the spirit of democracy, to our Constitution, to our way of life, that is???Democrats today are actually now even MORE violent than the people who still bear the name “Nazi.”  That’s how VILE these roaches are.  So when I call Democrats “Nazis,” it’s NOT merely allegorical, or figurative: it is a statement of proven fact as this Democratic Party has become an utterly rabid, toxic hate machine.

Democrats are people who will say one thing with a self-righteous frenzied rabidity.  How DARE you not support our president?  And then – because abject moral HYPOCRISY is the defining trait of every single Democrat in America – they will just as self-righteously and with just as much frenzied rabidity go back on everything they said when it had been convenient for them to say it.

Conservatives, and just plain ordinary decent people, have got to rise up the way our forefathers rose up against this kind of evil.  And yes, we have to be willing to fight these people on their own vicious terms.  You tried to bring hell to us, and it is past time for us to bring hell home to you Democrats where it truly belongs.

One of the things that most offends me is that, if Republicans win, we install judges who actually follow the Constitution.  But if Democrats win, they install judges who will read their extreme political agendas into every law they want to.    That’s kind of analogous to a football game where one team got to use machine guns against the other team; it creates a rather unequal playing field.  Justice Scalia described this history and issued a warning some years back:

He added that the role of a Supreme Court justice should be interpreting the law, not inventing it.
“Whether it’s good or bad is not my job. My job is simply to say if those things you find desirable are contained in the Constitution,” he said.
Discussing pro-abortion judges who created a right to abortion, Scalia warned her, “Someday, you’re going to get a very conservative Supreme Court and regret that approach.”

Even arch-feminist Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has repeatedly acknowledged that Roe v. Wade went “too far, too fast” and was a terrible decision in terms of our legal process.  She also acknowledged her own Democrat-racist view that Roe v. Wade was to eliminate undesirable members of the populace, or as she put it “populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Why shouldn’t an arch-conservative justice not be able to impose a terrible law out of an immoral philosophy the way liberal judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg did???

That regret Scalia described needs to start happening now.  Democrats need to be viciously punched hard in the face with their own system of interpretation that the Constitution is a “living, breathing document” that means whatever the hell the most rabid right wing judge WANTS it to mean.  When you have one side telling the other that a woman has the right to murder a man’s child and that man has no right whatsoever to stop it but has to support that child if the “mother” somehow doesn’t murder her own child; when you have one side telling the other that homosexuals and transgenders have every right in the book but Christians don’t even have the right to live according to their most deeply held morality according to a Bible that defined our entire civilization for two thousand years – all in rabid violation of every sacred Constitutional principle – something truly depraved and evil has occurred.  And it’s long past time to STOP it.  Thomas Jefferson WARNED this would happen.  And tragically the ONLY way to stop it now is to start fighting fire with fire: If a few right wing justices truly begin to show up who read their OWN intent into the Constitution the way liberal judges have done for decades, it will be the equivalent of what happened when the Allies started reciprocating with the same poison gas the Germans had inflicted on them, such that they both agree to cease-and-desist.

I would submit that we pass a law today that when Donald Trump is out of office, the next president will not have to face the kind of garbage that I have documented above.  That any Senator who tries to Bork or Thomas a nominee for the Supreme Court will go to prison and face hard time for abusing the power of the office through slander; to pass a law banning the filibuster or the nuclear option; to ban executive orders that defy the law and the clear intent of the Congress that alone is supposed to have the power to make the law, the way Obama kept imposing; that sort of thing.  I believe we should pass a constitutional amendment limiting the time of a Supreme Court appointment to a specified period of years.  And I say “After Trump” because Obama got to enjoy this power for eight years, and it is only fair and legitimate that the people that Democrats pissed on get to piss on them now.

I WARNED you liberal progressives that eventually a right wing president would come along who would make you scream in anguish; I IMPLORED you to stop being naked fascists.  But for eight years you allowed Obama to ram his agenda through by imperia fiat.  And now the shoe is on the other foot, because to quote Obama, “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, WE won.”  And so if President Donald Trump issues the following two executive orders: one declaring the Democratic Party is the party of treason and terrorism; and the other being the “Hunt Every Democrat Down with Dogs and Burn Them ALIVE Act,” then you shouldn’t even have the damn right to request an extension to the two-minute head start before we unleash the dogs.

Critical Obama Supreme Court Nomination Fact Confirmed: Every Single Democrat In America Is A Pathologically Dishonest HYPOCRITE

March 17, 2016

I wrote about this once before (and have introduced a great many new facts that have appeared since then), but I will write about this again now that Obama has actually done it and officially started yet another vicious political fight by nominating a pick for the Supreme Court.  Today Obama nominated Merrick Brian Garland for the SCOTUS.

And then I’ll just rant on Democrats for awhile because it’s just so easy to do given the abject despicable moral hypocrites these people truly are.

Again, the Republican Party position is rather simple: Obama’s pick be damned because: a) the Democrats themselves have in their own repeated history justified ignoring Obama’s pick and b) because the American people ought to have the right to decide which Supreme Court Justice enters the SCOTUS by being able to vote for the president who makes that selection as well as the Senate who gets to confirm it within the short span of less than eight months.

Obama in his lame-duck status should not have the right to “fundamentally transform” America by “fundamentally transforming” the composition and subsequent philosophy of the Supreme Court this close to an election in which the American people would be able to say aye or nay to their own future path.

Let me further state that for Obama to wrap himself in the mantle of righteous outrage as the protector of all things Supreme Court is a JOKE given his record in which he’s been slammed down by unanimous SCOTUS decisions against him more than, well, anyone.  Humorously, the only other president who begins to compare to Obama’s pathetic toll of unanimous Supreme Court decisions against him was one William Jefferson Clinton.  Because there’s just something FASCIST in the water that Democrat presidents drink.

This just really and truly boggled the mind when I heard Obama was doing this several weeks ago:

Megyn Kelly stated Thursday evening on The Kelly File that she can find no instance in history where a sitting president of the United States has failed to attend the funeral of a sitting Supreme Court Justice. It’s an unprecedented move on the part of Obama, who once again fails to uphold his duty as president, represent the country and set an example for the American people.

I admit that I didn’t agree with the whole “car czar” program, but I finally agree with something that Obama’s handpicked car czar, Steven Rattner, said:

“If we want to reduce partisanship, we can start by honoring great public servants who we disagree with.”

But Barack Obama, our Divider-in-Chief, showed once again that he has nothing but DISHONOR in his wicked soul.

Obama thus becomes the very first American president to shirk attending a funeral of a sitting Supreme Court Justice while simultaneously  demanding that he has the divine right of kings and gods to be able to replace that Justice on the Court.  All I can say is  that I suppose history continues unbroken – BECAUSE BARACK OBAMA IS NOT AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT; HE IS AN UNAMERICAN PRESIDENT.

Obama basically told us that himself in his own biography, which he titled “Dreams FROM My Father.”  He’s not referring to dreams that he had of his father; rather he’s referring to the dreams that his father bequeathed him.  And what were Barack Obama Sr.’s dreams?  He was a MARXIST who despised countries like America.  Dinesh D’Souza very clearly documents the content of the terrible and un-American dreams that Barack Obama received from his pathologically dishonest communist daddy.

There is no question that it is technically true – and all sides affirm that fact – that Obama has “the constitutional right” to nominate someone for the Supreme Court if there is a vacancy.  Just as I have the similar constitutional right to walk into any black establishment and scream the N-word over and over and over again according to my 1st Amendment rights.  But 1) the mere fact that you have the “right” to do something doesn’t mean you ought to do it.  I have the righto to step in front of a damn bus, but if I have any brains I would realize that those brains would be splattered allover the pavement and there are consequences to my exercising my rights.  And 2) Obama had every bit as much of a right and a duty to honor the Justice he was demanding to replace at his funeral.  And he didn’t bother to show, so why should the Senate bother to show up to his nominee’s hearing???  How about instead if the U.S. Senate treats Merrick Garland the same damn way Obama treated Antonin Scalia and just refuses to show up even when they – just like Obama – easily could have done so in the name of “bipartisanship”???

Bipartisanship isn’t a river and it doesn’t flow in one direction; if you want it you have to give it.  Barack Obama is in the final year of his two-term presidency and he NEVER ONCE acted like he ever understood that or cared about even trying to understand it.  And please stop stupidly pretending otherwise, liberals.  Because to whatever extent you can show Republican representatives or senators not being properly bipartisan in a way that I can’t easily document YOUR representatives and senators not likewise being, please understand that it is uniquely a president’s duty to rise above that – and there is absolutely no question that Obama sank to new depths rather than rose to new heights in the partisan wars that he mostly ignited and inflamed with both his hostile words and his tyrannous actions.

If that isn’t enough, and frankly it is already, there is also a sacred constitutional principle called “the separation of powers.”  Each branch of government is co-equal and has the right to make its own rules that inform and govern its conduct within the Constitution.

And so also for the record, the United States Senate has the constitutional right and duty to “advise and consent” on ANY presidential nomination.  The Senate in this process has every bit as much of a constitutional right NOT to do something as Obama has to do it.  In fact, anyone who understands history should KNOW that: James Madison called the Senate “the great anchor” that dragged and prevented bad things from happening; George Washington called the Senate a cooling chamber, such as was used to cool down tea that was too hot.  The Senate as a body was more designed to prevent things from happening than it was designed to do things.  And therefore the Senate likewise has the right and duty to ADVISE Obama NOT to exploit this death by nominating anyone and the right and duty to absolutely REFUSE to consent to anybody Obama nominates.

This is called a basic fact of American history.

The SAME Constitution that gives a president the right to nominate a Supreme Court Justice to fill a vacancy gives the Senate the right to say, “Up yours!” to a presidential nomination.

As a Senator himself, Barack Obama FILIBUSTERED a Republican nominee to the Supreme Court:

However, the truth is that, when they were senators, Obama, Biden, and Clinton all tried to filibuster Justice Alito’s nomination to the court – and other Democratic party leaders such as NY Senator Chuck Schumer reveled in the idea that they were able to block every Bush #43 nomination to the federal courts.

We also have the example of Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden who in 1992 said when there was just a POSSIBILITY that George H.W. Bush MIGHT be able to nominate a Supreme Court Justice:

“It is my view that if the president goes the way of Presidents Fillmore and Johnson and presses an election year nomination the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until ever — until after the political campaign season is over.” — Sen. Joe Biden, June 25, 1992

President George H.W. Bush was in office until January 20, 1993.  So Biden didn’t even say this in a presidential election year – the way it is now with Obama demanding the divine right to replace Scalia – rather Biden said this applied even in the year BEFORE the election year.

So all you’ve got to do is just refer to this as “the Biden Rule.”  But it’s a rule and it was started by Democrats.  And now they’re screaming at us for following THEIR rules.

And so let the Democrats hang on their own petard.

Democrats have a LONG history of doing the very thing they now claim is so evil:

While Democrats in the upper chamber – including Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York and former Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, both of which called for blocking former President George W. Bush’s nominations – have slammed the GOP for its decision not to consider a nominee until after a new president is elected, Democrats have not always held that stance. The Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution in 1960 preventing a recess appointment, much to the dismay of Republicans.

As first reported by The Washington Post – S.RES. 334, also known as Expressing the Sense of the Senate That The President Should Not Make Recess Appointments to the Supreme Court, Except to Prevent or End a Breakdown in the Administration of the Court’s Business – passed the Senate in a 48-33 vote in an attempt to prevent former President Dwight Eisenhower from filling a seat last-minute.

Democrats have frequently played this same game.   New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, now the Senate Minority Leader and leader of all the Senate Democrats, said when a Republican was president that the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”

And so this incredibly dishonest claim from Obama and the Democrats is so much nonsense it is beyond unreal: if anything, it IS unprecedented, other than all the damn times THEY did the very thing they now so loudly and dishonestly and hypocritically insist that Republicans would be violating sacred precedent to do.

If you are a Democrat, you are an evil being who belongs to the Party of Evil Beings.  Period.  There is nothing honest about you, or decent about you, or virtuous about you whatsoever.  You are a moral cockroach.

Here’s another thing: the Senate is now firmly in Republican hands (after disgraceful Democrats were caught being evil maybe a million times too often).  But when Democrats owned the Senate, they shoved their crap right down the Republicans’ throats and changed the damn Senate rules to do it with a process that was so toxic to the Constitution that it was called “the nuclear option.”

On November 21, 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared that “unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction” by Republican filibusters had made the confirmation process “completely unworkable.”[1] As a result, he said, Democrats were forced to eliminate virtually all nomination filibusters. […]

For nearly all of its history, proceeding to a final vote on a matter before the Senate required a supermajority.

But not when Democrats stole the show.  No, no, no, the rules of all propriety and decency and civility go right out the damn window every damn time it pleases them.  Just like the Nazi Party and Jews, the Democrat Party calls the Republicans “evil” and then justifies the most wildly partisan and cynical “final solutions.”

Ever since the Supreme Court became a “super legislature” thanks to the wicked Democrat Party, where they ruled by imposing massive societal change by finding “penumbras and emanations” that justified whatever the HELL they wanted to do, the SCOTUS has become a political branch.  And Obama just started another vicious war while blathering dishonest words that he was somehow above doing the very thing he is clearly doing.

And oh, I can go on.  The Democratic Party is the party that turned the name of a Supreme Court nominee into a verb by so utterly pouring out their demonic hate to poison the nomination that the process became known as “Borking.”  It had never been done before the Party of Cockroach Fascism started it.  This infamous Ted Kennedy slander was the worst of the slanders:

“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy.”

Robert Bork was a good man and eminently qualified to sit on the Court.  But Democrats are truly breathtakingly evil and hypocritical people.

And so, all the Obama crap about it being beyond the pale for a Senate to treat a nomination to the Supreme Court this way, all I can say in response is eat my fecal matter right out of the toilet bowl, you wicked hypocrite LIAR.

NO Democrat EVER has the right to question how Republicans treat a Supreme Court nominee or the entire nomination process after the same Democrats who have themselves refused to prevent appointments or allow confirmations of SCOTUS nominees also crawled into the gutter and invented the process of “borking” qualified nominees.

Speaking of “being qualified,” Barack Obama actually openly ACKNOWLEDGED that Judge Roberts was qualified.  But that didn’t MATTER then:

Obama admitted that Roberts was eminently qualified. He praised him highly.

“There is absolutely no doubt in my mind Judge Roberts is qualified to sit on the highest court in the land. Moreover, he seems to have the comportment and the temperament that makes for a good judge. He is humble, he is personally decent, and he appears to be respectful of different points of view. It is absolutely clear to me that Judge Roberts truly loves the law. He couldn’t have achieved his excellent record as an advocate before the Supreme Court without that passion for the law…”

But, no he wasn’t going to vote for him anyway.

“I ultimately have to give more weight to his deeds and the overarching political philosophy that he appears to have shared with those in power than to the assuring words that he provided me in our meeting. The bottom line is this: I will be voting against John Roberts’ nomination.”

In short, Obama chose to vote against Roberts because of his perceived conservative politics. Nothing else.

I mean, understand this in terms of what Obama said today as I write this:

To suggest that someone as qualified and respected as Merrick Garland doesn’t even deserve a hearing, let alone an up-or-down vote, to join an institution as important as our Supreme Court, when two-thirds of Americans believe otherwise — that would be unprecedented,”

Gag me.  Just gag me.  It might have been “unprecedented” if it hadn’t been for YOU, Obama, you miserable roach.

Okay, so I just recorded the FACT that Obama voted AGAINST John Roberts EVEN AFTER HIMSELF ACKOWLEDGING THAT ROBERTS WAS “ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT IN MY MIND” QUALIFIED TO BE A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE.  Not only that, but Obama actually joined in a FILIBUSTER ATTEMPT to prevent Judge Samuel Alito’s nomination from ever seeing the light of day.  And the fact that the man is sitting on the SCOTUS this very day is historical proof that Alito was “qualified” to sit on the bench.

So in other words, just treat this guy Merrick Garland the same damn way that our Hypocrite-in-Chief treated Republican-appointed judges to the court when HE was a nothing Senator.  That and just burn in hell, hypocrites.

Republicans have the SAME right and duty to reject any judge Obama nominates simply because they don’t agree with Obama’s “overarching political philosophy.”  Period.  And you people are nothing but cockroach vile hypocrites to say otherwise.

In the same vein, Obama said in the same speech:

“At a time when our politics are so polarized, at a time when norms and customs of political rhetoric and courtesy and comity are so often treated like they’re disposable, this is precisely the time when we should play it straight,” Mr. Obama told an audience

And maybe, just maybe, our politics are so divided right now because the current occupant of the White House degenerated discourse to the point where he actually slandered Republicans by claiming that Republicans were actively trying to seek dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance.  Obama actually slandered Republicans by insinuating that they wanted to kill off “grandparents who couldn’t afford to go to nursing homes, poor children with Down syndrome, and autism, and the profoundly disabled.” As the US News & World Report article points out, Obama is literally willing to say ANYTHING when it comes to viciously slandering his opponents.

Obama is our Thug-in-Chief who actually said when HE was a candidate for president, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” is now actually hypocrite enough to criticize Donald Trump – who correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t recall ever having commanded his followers to shoot their opponents with guns – for his “violence.”

But oh, when Obama dishonestly and hypocritically starts blathering patently false words about “courtesy and comity,” we are supposed to saw off the top of our skulls and scoop out our damn brains and believe this lying turd.

Or how about instead I realize that our politics are polarized because Barack Obama is a wicked man who polarized them, and then say, “Right back down your scrawny little weasel neck, you liar!”

I came across something Wednesday night that is just so illustrative of the left: I saw an article from USA Today titled, “Clinton Caught On Hot Mic Unknowingly Shares Good Things.”  And I’m thinking, what sweetness and light did Hillary Clinton share in her hot mic moment?  And I clicked on it obviously assuming that she’d said something nice and positive about somebody.

LIE.  Here’s all the article revealed about Clinton’s hot mic comments as Clinton talked to leftist propagandist Chris Matthews:

“You guys can’t stop covering (Trump),” Clinton said to Matthews. “He is a dangerous presence.”

Matthews seemed to put the onus on the viewer. “Nobody can tell what people want to watch,” he said. “They laugh at him.”

The conversation then shifted to Christie, with Clinton asking why he’s supporting Trump. “Did he have a debt?” she asked.

Seriously.  There were NO “good things” at all.  Unless you’re a hater to the nth power.  Does anyone seriously think for one second that Donald Trump thought that “dangerous presence” remark was a “good thing”?  Do you think Chris Christie thought Clinton’s mockery was?  Do you think ANY of Trump’s supporters think it was a “good thing”?

I’m just saying that the leftist media characterizing Clinton’s obviously polarizing and hostile comments to Donald Trump as a “good thing” reveals something that is just psychopathic in its delusion about the left in general.  Obviously, I say negative things about people; but I have the ability that Democrats very clearly lack to realize that I’m saying negative things rather than “good things.”  For some bizarre reason that again I can only see as a psychotic disconnect from reality, Democrats believe that Obama is this positive spirit when he has said so many hateful things about the Republican Party it is beyond unreal.  And I will challenge any Democrat out there to post all the hateful remarks George W. Bush made about the left and I’ll post all the hateful remarks Barack Obama has made about the right, and we’ll just see right quick who is the “positive spirit” and who is the true hater.  And I can guarantee you, Democrat, you won’t be happy with the result.  Because George W. Bush was for the most part a gracious man, whereas Barack Obama has been far too often a dark, bitter, hateful man who has stirred up rage in this nation as no other president before him.

The Bible teaches that Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:4).  I don’t think the devil wears his angel of light costume as mere disguise; rather, this warped, ugly, deluded, hateful being actually thinks of himself that way.  He’s the good guy and God is evil.  Just as Democrats who worship homosexual perversion on an altar of murdered babies think that God is evil for being so intolerant for being opposed to the holocaust of His babies and of fatherhood in general, or to the perversion against nature itself that homosexuality truly is.

And who is the dark, evil, perverted force?  It’s the people who believe that human beings are of incommensurate, literally infinite value, who value LIFE.  It’s the people who honor God and pursue His ways.  And that is just one of the many ways that Democrats are the living embodiment of Isaiah 5:20 – “Woe to those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter.”

You people literally have NO idea whatsoever what a dark and bitter and divisive force that you are.  You keep pushing and pushing and imposing and imposing; you shove homosexual marriage down our throats when no civilization in the entire history of the human race had ever done such an evil thing; just as you shoved abortion down our throats when likewise all of human history viewed children as a good thing for society and NEVER an evil thing.  And then after shoving these things down our throats – and I can go on, ObamaCare, the massive and foolish $862 billion “stimulus” that was actually a $3.27 trillion waste of money, pretty much ALL of Obama’s executive power-grabs, the dozens of times Obama has been voted down unanimously by the Supreme Court for his illegitimate and immoral power grabs, etc. – you call us “obstructionists” and “intolerant” just for standing in the way of your pursuit of hell.  Because change is good, after all.

Well, Donald Trump sure represents “change,” all right; and all of a sudden it’s a marvelous thing to be obstructionist and intolerant of change.

It is an amazing thing, how this label “obstructionist” has persisted throughout the liberal propaganda media for these years of Obama.  There was a time when Democrats controlled all three branches of elected government, and the Republicans couldn’t do anything.  But due to the Democrats’ unpopular and failed vision, the GOP won first the House and then the Senate.  We dominate in governors and in state governments.  But even now when they have firm control of two out of the three elected branches of government, they are STILL called “obstructionist,” because liberals believe with all their hearts that Obama is a Führer if not a god, and that to deny him anything amounts to unholy blasphemy.

There is frankly no other explanation for this; because when Democrats were the ones in the same exact position, they had a decidedly different view.

This article represents a classic example of this being not uncharacteristic, but ENTIRELY in harmony with the twisted, deluded, pathologically hypocrite roaches Democrats are.

But Democrats are the kind of people who say – and more frighteningly actually believe – “It’s never fascist when we do exactly what we accuse you of being fascist for doing.”

Yes, yes, good things.  Nothing but sweetness and light.  I mean, how can you imagine any “bad things” coming out of this rabid, toxic, vile witch???

Hillary Clinton Vicious

If you are a Democrat, I call you out as a Nazi because you are TEN TIMES as murderous as the Nazis ever were, you baby butchering monsters.  Sixty million babies have been murdered with every single Democrat held to account for that Holocaust of life.  Even just as the Nazi brownshirts, you are utterly rife with homosexual perversion.  And in the same manner, you are about a thousand times the hypocrites that they were.  And so no thank you to your Supreme Court appointment who would make even more of that hell possible.

The Republican majority Senate will do what the hell it wants and the Democrat minority will shut the hell up.  By the Democrats’ own damn rules.  And if Obama and Democrats now say those rules were wrong, then Obama and Democrats should kindly burn in hell for having imposed them in the first place.

If Obama gave a flying damn about the unity of the United States that he has so fractured and broken that on the Republican side we have Donald Trump and on the Democratic side we have socialist Bernie Sanders, he would yield in this election year and allow the incoming president to nominate a Justice with the support of a majority of the people.

But Obama DOESN’T give a flying damn about uniting America.  That was, as I pointed out only months into his dishonest presidency, merely one of his signature lies.

Obama has broken and torn any hope for unity in this nation apart by his wicked rule.  And because of Barack Obama and because of the vote and support of every single Democrat who sided with Obama in the most cynically ideological and divisive wars this nation has ever seen since Democrats started the damn Civil War in 1861, this nation will be at one another’s throats until it burns to the ground.

So LET this nation burn due to your continued pushing toward more and more divisiveness, Obama, but we will NOT be ruled by a tyrant one more minute.  I want nothing whatsoever to DO with a nation whose God is NOT the LORD, and I demand that Republicans stand up in the name of the last decent American citizen left – even if there is only ONE of us left – and stop Obama from appointing another tyrannous judge who will strip away my God-given and constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms.

It is just another amazing lie from the party of amazing liars that we’re told that Merrick Garland is a “moderate” when his own judicial history betrays him as anything but.  But to be a Democrat means to have no part in the truth.



Depraved Divider-In-Chief Barack Obama FIRST POTUS In ENTIRE HISTORY OF REPUBLIC To Refuse To Honor Funeral Of Sitting Justice

February 20, 2016

This just really and truly boggles the mind:

Megyn Kelly stated Thursday evening on The Kelly File that she can find no instance in history where a sitting president of the United States has failed to attend the funeral of a sitting Supreme Court Justice. It’s an unprecedented move on the part of Obama, who once again fails to uphold his duty as president, represent the country and set an example for the American people.

I admit that I didn’t agree with the whole “car czar” program, but I finally agree with something that Obama’s handpicked car czar, Steven Rattner, said:

“If we want to reduce partisanship, we can start by honoring great public servants who we disagree with.”

The first American president to shirk attending a funeral of a sitting Supreme Court Justice (while demanding he be able to replace that Justice on the Court).  All I can say is  that I suppose history continues unbroken – BECAUSE BARACK OBAMA IS NOT AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT; HE IS AN UNAMERICAN PRESIDENT.

An incredibly Obama has said over and over since Scalia’s death that he has the right and the duty to nominate a replacement for Scalia.

That’s actually technically true, and all sides affirm that fact.  But Obama had every bit as much of a right and a duty to honor the Justice he was demanding to replace at his funeral.

And since Obama callously and cynically and decisively shirked that particular right and duty, the United States Senate – which has the right and duty to “advise and consent” on ANY presidential nomination, has the right and duty to ADVISE Obama NOT to exploit this death by nominating anyone and the right and duty to absolutely REFUSE to consent to anybody Obama nominates.

The SAME Constitution that gives a president the right to nominate a Supreme Court Justice to fill a vacancy gives the Senate the right to say, “Up yours!” to a presidential nomination.

As a Senator himself, Barack Obama FILIBUSTERED Republican nominees to the Supreme Court:

However, the truth is that, when they were senators, Obama, Biden, and Clinton all tried to filibuster Justice Alito’s nomination to the court – and other Democratic party leaders such as NY Senator Chuck Schumer reveled in the idea that they were able to block every Bush #43 nomination to the federal courts.

We also have the example of Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden who in 1992 said when there was just a POSSIBILITY that George H.W. Bush MIGHT be able to nominate a Supreme Court Justice:

“It is my view that if the president goes the way of Presidents Fillmore and Johnson and presses an election year nomination the Senate Judiciary Committee should seriously consider not scheduling confirmation hearings on the nomination until ever — until after the political campaign season is over.” — Sen. Joe Biden, June 25, 1992

So all you’ve got to do is just refer to this as “the Biden Rule.”  But it’s a rule and it was started by Democrats.  And now they’re screaming at us for following THEIR rules.

Democrats have a LONG history of doing the very thing they now claim is so evil:

While Democrats in the upper chamber – including Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York and former Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, both of which called for blocking former President George W. Bush’s nominations – have slammed the GOP for its decision not to consider a nominee until after a new president is elected, Democrats have not always held that stance. The Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution in 1960 preventing a recess appointment, much to the dismay of Republicans.

As first reported by The Washington Post – S.RES. 334, also known as Expressing the Sense of the Senate That The President Should Not Make Recess Appointments to the Supreme Court, Except to Prevent or End a Breakdown in the Administration of the Court’s Business – passed the Senate in a 48-33 vote in an attempt to prevent former President Dwight Eisenhower from filling a seat last-minute.

Democrats have frequently played this same game.   New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, now the Senate Minority Leader and leader of all the Senate Democrats, said when a Republican was president that the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”

And oh, I can go on.  The Democratic Party is the party that turned the name of a Supreme Court nominee into a verb by so utterly pouring out their demonic hate to poison the nomination that the process became known as “Borking.”  It had never been done before the Party of Cockroach Fascism started it.  This infamous Ted Kennedy slander was the worst of the slanders:

“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our democracy.”

Robert Bork was a good man and eminently qualified to sit on the Court.  But Democrats are truly breathtakingly evil and hypocritical people.

Speaking of “being qualified,” Barack Obama actually openly ACKNOWLEDGED that Judge Roberts was qualified.  But that didn’t MATTER then:

Obama admitted that Roberts was eminently qualified. He praised him highly.

“There is absolutely no doubt in my mind Judge Roberts is qualified to sit on the highest court in the land. Moreover, he seems to have the comportment and the temperament that makes for a good judge. He is humble, he is personally decent, and he appears to be respectful of different points of view. It is absolutely clear to me that Judge Roberts truly loves the law. He couldn’t have achieved his excellent record as an advocate before the Supreme Court without that passion for the law…”

But, no he wasn’t going to vote for him anyway.

“I ultimately have to give more weight to his deeds and the overarching political philosophy that he appears to have shared with those in power than to the assuring words that he provided me in our meeting. The bottom line is this: I will be voting against John Roberts’ nomination.”

In short, Obama chose to vote against Roberts because of his perceived conservative politics. Nothing else.

Republicans have the SAME right and duty to reject any judge Obama nominates simply because they don’t agree with Obama’s “overarching political philosophy.”  Period.

Democrats are abject, disgusting, despicable hypocrite vermin.  And their past actions need to now catch up to them.  They need to be exposed for what they are.

Here’s another thing: the Senate is now firmly in Republican hands (after disgraceful Democrats were caught being evil maybe a million times too often).  But when Democrats owned the Senate, they shoved their crap right down the Republicans’ throats and changed the damn Senate rules to do it with a process that was so toxic to the Constitution that it was called “the nuclear option.”

On November 21, 2013, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared that “unbelievable, unprecedented obstruction” by Republican filibusters had made the confirmation process “completely unworkable.”[1] As a result, he said, Democrats were forced to eliminate virtually all nomination filibusters. […]

For nearly all of its history, proceeding to a final vote on a matter before the Senate required a supermajority.

But not when Democrats stole the show.

Now, quite simply, they should be allowed to eat the fecal matter that forced down the throats of everyone who disagreed with them when they were in control.

The Republican majority Senate will do what the hell it wants and the Democrat minority will shut the hell up.  By the Democrats’ own damn rules.

If Obama gave a flying damn about the unity of the United States that he has so fractured and broken that on the Republican side we have Donald Trump and on the Democratic side we have socialist Bernie Sanders, he would yield in this election year and allow the incoming president to nominate a Justice with the support of a majority of the people.

But Obama DOESN’T give a flying damn about uniting America.  That was, as I pointed out only months into his dishonest presidency, merely one of his signature lies.

And Barack Obama just officially DISQUALIFIED himself from having ANY right to nominate Justice Antonin Scalia’s replacement by his pretty, cheap, and depraved refusal to honor that great man.

I think it’s beyond safe to say that were it Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s funeral, Barak Obama would have bothered to at least pretend he is a legitimate president and shown up.

But Obama is a rabid ideologue, so the demons that control every move he makes would not allow him to step into that cathedral to honor Justice Antonin Scalia.

For the record, I actually have far more respect for BOTH Ginsburg (whose opinions I despise) as WELL as Scalia (whose opinions I affirmed): because both of them were able to do what Barack Obama has NEVER ONE SINGLE TIME IN HIS LIFE been able to do; they were able to look past their differences and find the things they held in common and unite as dear friends around those things.  That says a lot to praise about both of these figures.

Just as it says a lot about just how petty and vindictive a figure Barack Obama is.

Antonin Scalia believed that “there is no conflict between loving God and loving one’s country.”  But Barack Obama is a malignant narcissist blasphemer who believes that HE is God and that to serve anyone or anything BUT Obama is sin.

The funeral is over.  Obama never bothered to show up.  Because Obama is a disgrace to the presidency and a disgrace to the United States of America that Justice Antonin Scalia spent his life faithfully serving.  And even Ruth Bader Ginsburg would affirm that fact.




In God Damn America, Gay Sodomy Worshiped In Obama White House While God And Religion Gets Kicked To The Curb

July 1, 2015

Only a few years ago, Elena Kagan, the woman Barack Obama would handpick to be a Supreme Court inJustice ruled, “There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.”

Tragically, somebody tore up the Constitution of the United States of America, urinated on it, defecated on it, and then rewrote it.  So in the United States of America, “There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.”  But in Obama’s God Damn America, there is.

The Constitution didn’t change; it was just contemptuously disregarded by a group of perverted people that our Pervert-in-Chief surrounded himself with.

Our tyrant god-king Obama was the first to ignore the Constitution and the law.  He instructed his lawthug Eric Holder to disregard a law that was passed by Congress and signed into law by a president – the Defense of Marriage Act – and followed a strategy to simply ignore, bypass, or flat-out defy federal and state laws his activist friends didn’t like.  And having added two Supreme Court inJustices to the sewer of his regime, Obama bent that now politicized body to his political will: as a group of judges looked down from Mt. Olympus and read the minds of the American people and their lawful government enactments and decreed, “There must have been bias here.”  And basically enshrined a process that would homosexual sex the new summum bonum, the new greatest good.  Throw out religion; let’s enshrine sex.  And let no one should be able to touch homosexual perversion; it is sacrosanct, it is our highest and greatest right.

The Obama Supreme Court and our fascist autocracy that is now of the judges, by the judges and for the judges – in mockery of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address that declared “this nation, under God” – stuck its collectivist finger up at the God of the Bible and said,

And they’ve been saying it ever since.

Now, I’ve already pointed the fact out, but the Liar of the Year – actually the Liar of All Human History if the truth were to be accurately stated – profoundly and fundamentally lied in the most cynical and most depraved manner when he told the American people regarding homosexual marriage:

WARREN: Define marriage.

OBAMA: I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix. But —

WARREN: Would you support a Constitutional Amendment with that definition?

OBAMA: No, I would not.

WARREN: Why not?

OBAMA: Because historically — because historically, we have not defined marriage in our constitution. It’s been a matter of state law. That has been our tradition. I mean, let’s break it down. The reason that people think there needs to be a constitutional amendment, some people believe, is because of the concern that — about same-sex marriage. I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage, but I do believe in civil unions. I do believe that we should not — that for gay partners to want to visit each other in the hospital for the state to say, you know what, that’s all right, I don’t think in any way inhibits my core beliefs about what marriage are. I think my faith is strong enough and my marriage is strong enough that I can afford those civil rights to others, even if I have a different perspective or different view.

Barack Obama lied on THREE massive fronts as he deceived the American people into electing him on the basis that he was a Christian as most of them were; that he believed in the same things that most of them believed in; that no he was NOT the dangerous fascist that people like me were screaming that he truly was.  Obama lied and said he was a Christian when he was and is NOT a Christian by any biblical/New Testament understanding of Christianity.  This is the true nature of Obama’s “Christian salvation” in his own words:

“… working on issues of crime and education and employment and seeing that in some ways certain portions of the African American community are doing as bad if not worse, and recognizing that my fate remain tied up with their fates, that my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country.

“Collective” as in “collectivist.”  And “collectivist” as in “communist.”  Obama’s “collective” comes right out of Karl Marx and right out of Stalin.  Because Obama’s “Christianity” is a candy coating over a hard nut of Marxism just as Jeremiah Wright’s “Christianity” is.

Any orthodox Christian can tell you – and quote the Bible to prove it – that individuals are saved by their individual and personal faith in Jesus Christ in a dependence upon His righteousness and His substitutionary death in our place on the Cross.   My faith – regardless of the color of my skin – is not “tied up” in ANYTHING other than the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, God the Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who shares in and participates in the divine essence of the eternal Father.

What does the New Testament teach about actual Christianity and actual Christian salvation?  Take the trip down the famous Romans Road which plainly reveals the way to true Christianity:

  • Romans 3:10   —    As it is written, there is none righteous, not even one;  There is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God.
  • Romans 3:23   —    for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
  • Romans 5:8     —    But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
  • Romans 6:23   —    For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • Romans 5:1      —    Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Romans 8:1      —    Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
  • Romans 10:9,10 — If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.

Let me just beat this to death because the Word of God is simply so crystal clear on what it means to be a “Christian” that nothing has ever been more clear:

What does Jesus say about what it means to be a true follower?  Consider Matthew 16:24-25:
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any one (individual) wishes to come after Me, he (individual) must deny himself (individual), and take up his (individual) cross and follow Me.  For whoever wishes to save his (individual) life will lose it; but whoever loses his (individual) life for My sake will find it.
Consider 2 Corinthians 5:10 for the thoughts of St. Paul:
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one (individual) may be recompensed for his (individual) deeds in the body, according to what he (individual) has done, whether good or bad.
And again, St. Paul in Romans 14:12:
So then each one of us (individual) will give an account of himself (individual) to God.
Or consider Galatians 2:20:
“I (individual) have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I (individual) who live, but Christ lives in me (individual); and the life which I (individual) now live in the flesh I (individual) live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me (individual), and delivered Himself up for me (individual).”
And, again, in the words of Jesus as recorded in Revelation 3:20:
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If any one (individual)  hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him (individual) and will dine with him (individual), and he (individual) with Me.”
Barack Obama is most certainly not a Christian to so miserably misunderstand that we are EACH INDIVIDUALLY saved by our PERSONAL faith in Jesus Christ through what He did for us on the cross.  This is not some esoteric “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” sort of question; it is a core fundamental of the Christian faith.

Barack Obama’s collectivist revisionism of Christianity has NOTHING to do with the historic faith of Christianity.  Barack Obama is a PERVERT.  He is a PERVERTER of truth.

Barack Obama does NOT have a Judeo-Christian worldview in any way, shape or form.  There is NOTHING in true Christianity that has anything to do with Obama’s warped beliefs, or his warped ideology.  Rather, he cynically masqueraded as something that he is not in order to sell himself to people who otherwise would NEVER have voted for him.

That was his first grotesque, cynical, deceitful, depraved lie.  Here was his second: when he falsely said he believed marriage was between a man and a woman when he secretly lusted for marriage to be between two perverts:

Axelrod: Obama Misled Nation When He Opposed Gay Marriage In 2008
A striking admission of political dishonesty from the keeper of the Obama flame
Zeke J Miller @ZekeJMiller
Feb. 10, 2015

Barack Obama misled Americans for his own political benefit when he claimed in the 2008 election to oppose same sex marriage for religious reasons, his former political strategist David Axelrod writes in a new book, Believer: My Forty Years in Politics.

“I’m just not very good at bullshitting,” Obama told Axelrod, after an event where he stated his opposition to same-sex marriage, according to the book.

Axelrod writes that he knew Obama was in favor of same-sex marriages during the first presidential campaign, even as Obama publicly said he only supported civil unions, not full marriages. Axelrod also admits to counseling Obama to conceal that position for political reasons. “Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church, and as he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a ‘sacred union,’ ” Axelrod writes.

It’s a fact, you know, that blacks were opposed to same-sex marriage, as a quote from an article describing Proposition 8’s (the people of California’s vote defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman) proving even liberal blacks in a liberal state opposed same-sex marriage by overwhelming numbers:

African American voters, who were overwhelmingly in favor of banning same sex marriage (70 percent supported Proposition 8)

You’ve just got to laugh even as you cry about Obama’s one and only display of false humility, when he said, “I’m just not that good at bullshitting.”  Because he is actually more full of bullshit than any human being who ever lived and is the ULTIMATE expert at bullshitting as a result.

There is simply no question whatsoever that Barack Obama lied, that he is a cynical liar without shame, the very WORST kind of liar that there is: the kind of liar who lies to gain your trust, only to use the position you have him because of his deception to turn on your dearest values.

But there is a third lie that is only now revealed, that makes Barack Hussein Obama one of the very most dishonest and frankly evil human beings who ever lived.  After having lied about being a Christian – (which makes us understand how easy it was for him to slip and say “My Muslim faith“) –

OBAMA: Let’s not play games. What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come–

STEPHANOPOULOS: Christian faith.

OBAMA: — my Christian faith.

– and have to actually be CORRECTED as to his “religion” by a man we now know to have been a VERY friendly television host – And after having lied about believing marriage was as Christians have always believed it was for 2,000 years, Barack Obama refused to stand by that false profession by making it an amendment.  Why?  Well, in Obama’s disingenuous words, “Because historically — because historically, we have not defined marriage in our constitution. It’s been a matter of state law. That has been our tradition. … I think my faith is strong enough and my marriage is strong enough that I can afford those civil rights to others, even if I have a different perspective or different view.”

On Monday, the Supreme Court ABOLISHED the right of the states to define marriage.  Obama declared that a federal definition of marriage is NOT in our Constitution.  Rather, “It’s been a matter of state law,” he said.  The Supreme Court literally dismantled EVERYTHING that Barack Obama falsely claimed he believed along with his grounds FOR that belief.  Obama declared the fact that in all previous American history, it was the STATES that defined what a marriage was.  But in the Obama Supreme Court, the inJustices decreed, “Not any more; now WE get to define what marriage is – and “marriage” is now homosexual sodomy.”

So why did Obama hold a giant ceremony celebrating the Court’s destruction of everything he claimed to stand for?

See the White House Light Up as a Rainbow to Celebrate Gay Marriage

Obama White House lights up to celebrate gay marriage - Copy

Because it was all a bright, shining lie.  Just like his ObamaCare lies.  Absolutely everything Obama said he believed in AND why he believed it – EVERYTHING – was a cynical lie from the most depraved liar we’ve ever seen.  Including his lie about not being a bullshitter.

I don’t recall Obama celebrating the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.  Rather, he personally demonized the Court and accused them of being a political body.  I recall Justice Alito mouthing the words, “That’s not true!” as Obama falsely and maliciously mischaracterized their decision.

What is funny is that Obama railed about money coming into political campaigns when this pathologically dishonest hypocrite raised more money than ANY politician who EVER lived. Our Roach-in-Chief cynically raised, cynically exploited the system, to raise over a BILLION DOLLARS for his campaign.  He dishonestly said it was the Supreme Court that “opened the floodgates” to political money WHEN IT WAS HIMSELF WHO OPENED THOSE FLOODGATES as no human being had EVER done before him.  Even THE most ardent liberals in America openly acknowledge that Obama’s ObamaCare was nothing more than a payoff of hundreds of billions of dollars as a payoff to the insurance companies who supported Obama’s campaign.

Now we have Hillary Clinton – the ultimate crony capitalist fascist whore of Big Moneyraising more money than ANY candidate in HISTORY to this point in a presidential campaign. And the left boasts and exults in it even as they falsely and hypocritically blame the party that is getting blown away for being the party of money.

Democrats are pure, demon-possessed liars who aren’t happy unless they have a giant, obscene LIAR as their candidate.

And when it comes to Supreme Court decisions, I can only now completely agree with what Obama said when he wasn’t getting his way: the Supreme Court means NOTHING.  It’s decisions mean NOTHING.  It is NOTHING but a purely partisan political body.

The Word of God told us this would happen just before God brought massive judgment upon the nation:

“The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts.  The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.” — Habakkuk 1:4

And when you read the next verses after Habakkuk 1:4 God brings a giant can of HELL to that nation).  And that hell is coming here.

So yes, we have Obama wickedly LYING about being a Christian in order to cynically manipulate voters, wickedly LYING about being opposed to same-sex marriage when he was actually FOR what he dishonestly claimed he was AGAINST, wickedly LYING about his claim that the states should have the right to define marriage or frankly anything else when in reality he was for the fascist dictatorship by which the all-powerful federal government alone has the right to dictate its will upon anyone or anything that disagrees with its Führer.

Obama just called the White House “my house.”  It used to be the American PEOPLE’S house; but that was before Nazism befell America.  And it was no slip of the tongue: Just today Obama says to a bunch of Boy Scouts, “What are you guys doing in my yard?”

It’s official: the White House is no longer my house.  This nation is no longer my nation.  It’s Obamanation.  Or as God called it, it’s Abomination.

And so it is fitting that on the same week that the Obama White House – a place that used to be “the people’s house,” a place that used to be federal government property, proudly calls for the wrath of what used to be the God of this nation upon the nation that the house represents, but God Himself and any symbol of Him should be told to get the hell out.

In God damn America, the Ten Commandments get booted to the curb.  Frankly as it should be.  Because in a nation that exalts homosexuality, every vestige of God and every vestige of genuine faith in Jesus Christ must be expunged.  Homosexual sodomy and Christianity go together like hell and heaven go together: the two have nothing to do with each other.

What is the true purpose that the Ten Commandments must be banned at all cost in Homosexual America?  One of the inJustices put it best years back:

“If the posted copies of the Ten Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will be to induce the schoolchildren to read, meditate upon, perhaps to venerate and obey, the Commandments.”

Satan forbid.

Teach them sodomy instead.  Make schoolchildren read, meditate upon, venerate and obey their most obscene lusts instead.

Democrats are denizens of hell and hell is their home.  Everything the Democrat Party stands for comes straight out of the devil’s roach soul.  And one day, soon, to their hell they shall all go together.

THAT is the REAL “collective salvation” Obama preaches: “… And my individual salvation into the lowest level of hell is not going to come about without a collective salvation of burning hell for all my voters.”  And he has led them well with his lies.

Obama’s disgraced and disgraceful “reverend” for 23 years said it best as he spoke as a prophet in decreeing God’s judgment on America:

“No, no, no!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America!”

Barack Hussein Obama and every single Democrat in what used to be “this nation, under God” are to be thanked for every drought, every flood, every military weakening leading to defeat, every loss of national power and prestige, every economic calamity as they have kicked God out and caused Him to abandon us to our depraved mind to wrath.  We will get weaker and weaker and weaker as our ultimate collapse comes upon us faster and faster and faster and bigger and bigger and bigger when it comes.

As we approach July 4, the American Eagle has been poisoned.  It is dead.  And it is no longer the wings of the eagle that spread over the nation, but the ugly, giant bat-wings of Lucifer.






The Death Of Truth And the Erection Of False Reality That Will Mark The End-Times Is HERE NOW In Secular Humanist Progressive Liberalism

June 29, 2015

Jesus warned His followers about the nature of the last days:

“Teacher,” they asked, “when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?”  He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.  When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.” — Luke 21:7-9

Barack Obama told his followers to give everything to him and to trust him and to believe in him (“we” being Barack Obama and the legion of demons inhabiting his soul):

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. (Cheers, applause.) We are the change that we seek. We are the hope of those boys who have so little, who’ve been told that they cannot have what they dream, that they cannot be what they imagine. Yes, they can.”

Barack Obama made HIMSELF the living embodiment of the dreams and the hopes of godless mankind.  It was a perverse borrowing of Jesus’ teaching concerning Himself:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5

Obama’s blatant messianic grandeur was amazing, surpassing even Adolf Hitler’s claims of himself and his magnificence (all delivered in an incredibly cynical pretense of “humility” that is stunning in its self-refutation):

“The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment – this was the time – when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.”

Barack Obama’s message was and remains simple: “The God of the Bible is intolerant and hateful.  Put your trust in ME.  Put your faith in MY GOVERNMENT and MY POWER to fundamentally transform the United States of America according to MY ANTICHRIST AGENDA.  Make ME your savior; make ME your deliverer.  Vote AGAINST the God of the Bible and vote for ME.”

If you listen to a Republican’s message – and particularly a conservative Republican’s – you will hear a promise that the candidate will get the government off our backs, will cut taxes, will cut regulations, will allow businesses to grow rather than punishing them, and therefore you will have the opportunity to get a job, improve your life, work toward a better future.  When you listen to a Democrat’s message – and especially Obama’s – you hear someone representing themselves as the living embodiment of a colossal government that will take care of you, provide for you, take other people’s stuff so your Big Brother can dole it out to you.  And that is precisely why the Democrat Party is pathologically fascist and why the Antichrist will come as a liberal, as a socialist, as a man who embodies the promise that human government is the Ultimate Master.

Obama’s message has prevailed in America.  And it prevailed because he is a slanderer and a liar who came with a false message.  As the greatest example of this, Obama falsely came to America “as a Christian” who claimed, “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman” and “as a Christian” that “it is also a sacred union.”  But he was a liar and a deceiver.  When asked if he would actually seek to be honest and trustworthy in what he said about marriage, Obama refused.  He said he was against a constitutional amendment that would make his view of marriage the law.  On what grounds?  Obama falsely said: “Because historically — because historically, we have not defined marriage in our constitution. It’s been a matter of state law. That has been our tradition. I mean, let’s break it down.”  And Obama further mocked faith itself when he said, “I think my faith is strong enough and my marriage is strong enough that I can afford those civil rights to others, even if I have a different perspective or different view.”

We now see how warped and false and dishonest and deceitful and depraved EVERYTHING Obama claimed to stand for was.  Because not only did he fundamentally lie about his view of homosexual marriage – and yes, this according to the man who ran his dishonest campaign for him – but he fundamentally lied about what he said about the states having any right to decide or define marriage and about people of any opposing view to actually have any right to any conscience or “different  perspective or different view.”  Because Obama came out and CELEBRATED the Supreme Court’s decision that STATE LAW DOES NOT DEFINE MARRIAGE.  Obama is a liar from hell.  And NO, people should NOT have a right to any different perspective or different view.  YOU WILL BELIEVE AS THE STATE COMPELS YOU TO BELIEVE, PERIOD.

If you are a Democrat today, you believe in lies and you believe in an Antichrist agenda.  Further, you yourself are an antichrist.

Today we see in so many ways the blatant hostility to the truth.  Jesus prophesied the rabid hostility that would always characterize those who took their stand in the Word of God:

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first.  If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.  Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed My teaching, they will obey yours also. — John 15:18-20

But the wicked, unbelieving world that follows the devil and follows Obama certainly doesn’t follow the teachings of Christians any longer, does it?  Rather, what we are seeing today is cynical, depraved LIARS like Barack Hussein Obama, while falsely claiming to be “Christians,” are deceiving the masses and imposing THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what Christ and His Word taught.  We live in the age of Isaiah 5:20:

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

And woe to YOU if you follow these lying perverts of truth.

As for gay marriage, just a few years ago Elena Kagan ruled, “There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.”  Because she and all her kind stand for nothing but hypocrisy.  It didn’t help her wicked master Obama when he was trying to carry out his grand deception.  For the record, the Constitution has not changed one iota since this depraved and wicked INjustice was stuck on the Supreme Court by the most wicked president in the history of the world’s oldest republic.  There is STILL no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage.  The only thing that has changed is we are more wicked now and more willing to believe lies as a result of our wickedness.

When I was going to seminary years ago, I actually received a powerful sense that one day I would end up in prison for my belief in the Word of God concerning marriage, concerning homosexuality, concerning what Jesus taught about marriage in Matthew 19, when He declared:

And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, and said, ‘FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH ‘?  So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” — Matthew 19:4-6

– concerning what the Old Testament that Jesus declared He was going to fulfill to the very letter declared was “an abomination” and “a detestable act” (Leviticus 20:13); and concerning what the New Testament repeatedly specifically condemns in 1 Corinthians 6:9, in Jude 1:7, 1 Timothy 1:10, Revelation 21:27 and most especially Romans 1:18-31 which is as crystal clear as it gets that approval of homosexuality is the rock-bottom lowest and most ungodly level any culture can degenerate to.

Today I am in a very senior level of leadership in my church.  There is now little question that it is merely a matter of time before two homosexuals demand to be “married” in my church and I and my church will lose in a perverted, wicked court of “law.”  Habakkuk wailed the same wail that I wail today:

The law has become paralyzed and there is no justice in the courts.  The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted. — Habakkuk 1:4

But God promised that He would bring His WRATH against such a wicked nation that would so defile their commitment to Him and to His ways.  God said He would send the most vicious people on earth to destroy and enslave such a nation; He promised He would send terrible droughts to the places that desperately needed water for crops and torrential flooding to the places that didn’t need water.

Democrats call it “economic inequality” and “climate change” and God calls it His divine judgment because of the wickedness of Democrats.  And every single time the abject godless wickedness of Democrats brings about God’s wrath, twisted, vile, perverted, demonic Democrats cite the very wrath that they brought on America as their reason to pursue even MORE wickedness.  It is who they are.  It is what they do.  And they will not stop until they are screaming in agony in the fire of hell forever and ever.

You look at what’s happening in Greece right now.  And realize that’s coming to America.  And the same secular humanist progressive liberal socialist – in other words, the same Democrat – policies that guaranteed that Greece would catastrophically go bankrupt is similarly ensuring that America will plunge into bankruptcy and chaos.  And the incredible thing is that in Greece, just as in America, liberals/socialists decry and blame NOT THE INSANE SPENDING THAT LED THEM TO BANKRUPTCY BUT THE AUSTERITY THAT IS THE ONLY SOLUTION TO INSANE SPENDING as the cause of the crisis.  For liberals, the logic is very simple: I keep insanely spending money and I WILL NOT stop, so you take my credit card away – and so it’s YOUR fault that I can’t keep insanely spending and so it’s therefore YOUR fault for whatever tragedy befalls me.  Because these people are profoundly wicked and dishonest and deceived and they WILL NOT be awakened by reality no matter how massively it comes crashing down upon them.

So the liberal/socialist Greek leaders who are the equivalent of Democrats in America say they’ll meet in July to deal with the crisis when the crisis is going to destroy the nation IN JUNE.  These people are insane; they are morally insane.

As are we.  And anybody who believed anything other than what is happening in Greece would happen when the country voted for liberals/socialists is beyond insane.  There is simply no hope for these people; they are completely blind to reality.  They will not believe the truth no matter what.

We see that right now today in the liberal Democrat bastion that is Puerto Rico. They are as bankrupt as Greece for the same reason that Greece is bankrupt.  And Puerto Rico is “only” $72 billion in debt – versus California being now well over $500 billion in debt but papering over their insane union pension debt as fast as the bills come in.  While the most accurate measure of our debt that shows our TRUE liabilities has us way, WAY over $250 TRILLION in debt if we actually measure reality.

That is the spirit of Obama.  That is the spirit of the Democrat Party today.

I’ve been writing over and over the same message:

NAACP Liar Dolezal Proves ‘Race’ Is A Synonym For ‘Leftist’. How Many Germans Pretended To Be Jews In The Holocaust, Again?

Guilty Even AFTER Being Proven Innocent: Liberals Talk About ‘Justice’ When COCKROACHES Are More Capable Of Justice Or Truth Than They Are

Oft-Documented LIAR Brian Williams Going To Liberal Haven MSNBC Just Proves My Thesis: Liberals Are At HOME With Liars And Their Lies.

Why Being A Democrat Means Being A ‘DEMOnic bureauCRAT’ And A Rabid Despiser Of Truth. And That Means Our National Extinction.

I’ve been pointing out the point that words mean NOTHING and facts mean NOTHING today to Democrats.  They are so pathologically dishonest and so self-deceived that they simply twist the truth and twist reality to whatever their perverted minds want “truth” and “reality” to be.  Such that being “black” doesn’t mean being “black” any more; no, it means being a rabid liberal.  Such that Clarence Thomas does not qualify as a black man because he doesn’t meet the twisted, warped, depraved mockery of truth and reality that Democrats have redefined “black” to mean.  And in the same way, what do words like “male” and “female” mean any more?  Don’t bother to ask a Democrat, because Democrats are warped and perverted beyond belief.  Bruce Jenner is a woman to them but Sarah Palin fails to qualify – because these people are warped and depraved and dishonest and deceived beyond any reach of reality or truth.  What does it mean to be a rapist?  Don’t ask a Democrat, because these people have raped reality and raped truth to the point where it is dead to them.  They are perverts with a perverted view of everything under heaven.

Which is why God in His wisdom knew that hell was the only possible place for them.

So with all of that by way of instruction I give you another article which simply goes to underscore the abject mockery of truth or reality or plain, common sense that the left has utterly abandoned in its foolishness and contempt for God and His ways:

A terrible precedent
By David B. Rivkin Jr., Elizabeth Price Foley
June 29, 2015, 5:00 AM

In King vs. Burwell, the Supreme Court ruled that the Affordable Care Act permits individuals who purchase insurance on the federal exchange to receive taxpayer subsidies. Though the King decision pleases the ACA’s ardent supporters, it undermines the rule of law, particularly the Constitution’s separation of powers.

Under Section 1401 of the ACA, tax credits are provided to individuals who purchase qualifying health insurance in an “[e]xchange established by the State under Section 1311.” Section 1311 defines an exchange as a “governmental agency or nonprofit entity that is established by a State.”

As Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent notes, one “would think the answer would be obvious” that pursuant to this clear language, subsidies are available only through state-established exchanges.

Yet the King majority ignored what the ACA actually says, in favor of what the Obama administration believes it ought to have said, effectively rewriting the language to read “exchange established by the State or federal government.”

Scalia observes that “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’” Like Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll’s “Through the Looking Glass,” the majority claims that when the court is asked to interpret a word, “it means just what [the court chooses] it to mean — neither more nor less.”

To reach the desired meaning, the King majority declared that “an exchange established by the State” was somehow ambiguous, enabling it to ignore the text and advance instead its vision of the ACA’s overarching purpose. But the precedent upon which the King majority relied for this contextual interpretation, FDA vs. Brown and Williamson Tobacco Corp. (2000), involved a fundamentally different situation.

In that case, a group of tobacco manufacturers challenged the Food and Drug Administration’s authority to regulate tobacco products as “medical devices” or “drugs.” The court concluded that the words “device” and “drug” did not directly address tobacco and were consequently ambiguous.

The court looked beyond the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, or FFDCA, for contextual clues, discovering that Congress had subsequently passed several statutes allowing the continued sale of tobacco products, while regulating their labeling and advertising. This suggested to the justices that Congress did not intend tobacco to be regulated under the FFDCA as a drug or device.

In King, by contrast, there were no subsequent statutes providing contextual clues about congressional intent. The only reliable evidence was contained in the act’s language itself. This extra-textual approach is deeply problematic for the rule of law, since discerning a statute’s meaning from its context is always a dicey proposition, necessitating judicial inquiry into inchoate matters such as the law’s “purpose.”

Ascertaining a law’s purpose from evidence outside its text is virtually impossible, given that Congress consists of 535 members, each of whom is motivated by different purposes. This is why, at least until King, the court has not resorted to contextual interpretation when the text is plain.

In the words of Palmer vs. Massachusetts (1939), contextual interpretation is a “subtle business, calling for great wariness lest what professes to be … attempted interpretation of legislation becomes legislation itself.” Yet this is exactly what happened in King: Attempted interpretation became legislation itself. By ignoring what the ACA actually says, in favor of what the King majority believes the statute ought to have said or what it thinks Congress meant to say, the court upset the entire constitutional balance.

The King majority acknowledged that the ACA is full of “inartful drafting” and was written “behind closed doors, rather than through the traditional legislative process.” It also conceded that it was passed using unusual parliamentary procedures, and “[a]s a result, the Act does not reflect the type of care and deliberation that one might expect of such significant legislation.”

Despite all these flaws, the majority felt compelled to save Congress, and the ACA, from its own foibles. Specifically, the King majority believed that applying the ACA’s plain meaning “would destabilize the individual insurance market in any State with a Federal Exchange, and likely create the very ‘death spirals’ that Congress designed the Act to avoid.”

Even if a loss of subsidies would have exacerbated the death spiral, courts are emphatically not in the law-writing business. Article I, Section 1 of the Constitution grants “all” lawmaking power to Congress,” not merely “some.” The job of the judiciary is to implement laws, warts and all.

When judges take it upon themselves to “fix” a law — or to bless an executive “fix” — they diminish political accountability by encouraging Congress to be sloppy. And they bypass the political process established by the Constitution’s separation of powers, arrogating to itself — and the executive — the power to amend legislation.

This leads to bad laws, bad policy outcomes and fosters the cynical belief that “law is politics.”

David B. Rivkin Jr. is a constitutional litigator at BakerHostetler who served in the Justice Department and the White House Counsel’s Office in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations. Elizabeth Price Foley is Of Counsel at BakerHostetler and a professor of constitutional law at Florida International University College of Law.

We are dealing with a group of wicked, deceived people who cannot be dealt with.  Words mean NOTHING to them; reality means NOTHING to them; truth means NOTHING to them.  It is their desire and their very nature to be completely deceived by liars and their lies.

We live in an age of LAWLESSNESS against God’s Laws.  And the Bible described this time:

“Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.” — 2 Thessalonians 2:3

2 Thessalonians 2:7 describes “the mystery of lawlessness” that will get worse and worse and worse and culminate just as the Antichrist, the beast, comes.

We live in the ultimate final days of REBELLION against God and His Word.  And our day is characterized by a spirit of lawlessness by which even our judges and most especially our president are lawless thugs and tyrants who impose wickedness on the land and literally defy God to bring His wrath upon their people and their nation.

I quote myself in a comment I once wrote:

“The mystery of lawlessness.” I think that’s such a powerful phrase. I now understand it as I watch pure EVIL becoming transcendent in the world and no one is doing anything to stop it or prevent it. To the extent that we have human government, it is either doing NOTHING to stop the rise of evil – such as the cases of Islamic State and other Islamists creating vicious caliphates across increasingly broad land masses, such as the case of Russia gobbling up helpless nations while the world does nothing meaningful to punish them and restore what was seized; such as Iran feverishly working toward nuclear weapons while a US administration actively helps them do so and in so doing facilitates the proliferation of nuclear weapons across the Middle East as Sunni Muslim nations read the writing on the wall understanding the sheer moral idiocy of Obama’s so-called “deal” with Iran and begin to work toward their own bomb to try to respond to the Shiite Iranian nuclear threat – or government is itself becoming the SOURCE of evil as secular humanist liberal government murders sixty million innocent babies in America alone by abortion, as government imposes rabid homosexuality on Christians and forces them to bow down before the sodomy of what used to be “Christendom”, as secular humanist liberal government becomes the engine of abandoning Israel and leaving the Apple of God’s eye dependent on the coming Antichrist in direct fulfillment of Daniel 9:27. And if you are a Democrat don’t think for one second that you won’t one day be held accountable by a wrathful God for the government that you voted for and that your support enabled. “The mystery of evil” is that God’s people are watching evil rise and we cannot do anything to prevent it. And we are left shocked and dismayed that the godless and the wicked are so transcendent and so powerful and so unstoppable as we enter the last days before the full wrath of God is revealed against this godless, wicked world in the form of the Tribulation.

We are a nation of laws. We have a constitution. Yet Obama is running so roughshod over both that even Jonathon Turley – the SECOND most cited legal expert in America as well as an ardent liberal – is warning constantly that Barack Obama is a clear and present threat to the very Constitution and to the heart of American law. Turley argues passionately that Obama has become the very danger that the Constitution was written to avoid.

Obama has simply abrogated the law wherever he has wished. On health care, where he abrogated the clear meaning and intent of even his OWN law. On homosexual marriage, where Obama simply declared himself exalted above the Defense of Marriage Act that was approved by both the House and the Senate and signed into law by President Bill Clinton. And now repeatedly on the issue of immigration, where Obama literally imposed measures that failed to win approval in BOTH branches of Congress (the DREAM Act).

Like Obama, the Antichrist will be a profoundly lawless man. There will be laws aplenty. Antichrist will simply ignore them and make up “the law” to benefit himself, his ideology and his politics as he goes along.

And in the Democrat Party we have a massive political organization who cheers that and wants more and more wrath brought upon this land that they so hate because this was once “One nation under God” and they hate God and His Christ more than they love their own lives.

That is why this man is coming and why they will believe him and worship him and take his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads:

“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. His power will be mighty, but not by his own power, And he will destroy to an extraordinary degree And prosper and perform his will; He will destroy mighty men and the holy people. And through his shrewdness He will cause deceit to succeed by his influence; And he will magnify himself in his heart, And he will destroy many while they are at ease….”  — Daniel 8:23-25

Again, I’ve said this before and can simply quote myself because I’ve been consistently saying the same thing over and over again as the world prepares to be deceived by the coming beast:

The coming Antichrist will be a man of cunning words. The NIV in verse 23 describes the Antichrist as “a master of intrigue.” His soul will swim in deceit and deception and he will understand the “dark sentences” of deceiving lies that capture fallen humanity. And he will leverage his lies powerfully to destroy his enemies (i.e., the people of God who believe the Bible that liberals so rabidly despise). Interestingly the prophet Daniel is given wisdom to untangle mysteries such that men can know the truth; Antichrist has the opposite gift, the “shrewdness” (the Hebrew word is also translated WISDOM) to so tie the truth into so many knots that no man will be able to know the truth apart from God’s revealing. And of course since the coming Antichrist is to be ultimately revealed only after the Rapture of Jesus Christ’s Church on earth, there won’t be a lot of “God’s revealing” as Antichrist emerges to seize power. Which is to say the chronology appears to be this: 1) the Rapture in which every single human being on earth with the Holy Spirit who CAN know the truth is removed; 2) the Antichrist is revealed and seizes power with his lies to a godless, stupid world. (There WILL be believers during the Tribulation, but they will BECOME believers and of course there will be FAR too few to oppose Antichrist at the early point when he takes over the world).

And that sounds familiar, doesn’t it??? Because OBAMA is a man of deceit and lies and arrogant boasting like no man I have ever seen.

We are beginning to see now what this coming liar will look like and how he will make dishonesty and lies such an effective part of his political strategy. Because it’s easy to document that that is how Obama has seized so much power. Obama has CONSTANTLY lied to gain political advantage. As another example there is the Barack Obama who ran as the non-partisan candidate for president versus the most rabidly partisan president in all of American history. He lied. He simply lied about what the New York Times said was “the core of Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.” I submit that you can readily recognize as demon-possessed any one who is morally insane enough to believe that Obama fulfilled that promise. And as yet another example, when he imposed the DREAM Act that failed to pass in the Senate and never passed in the House in open defiance of the Constitution, Obama declared that the DREAM Act “would be the right thing to do for our security.” Just an outright lie. But it worked. And now he’s lying again as hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant children flood into America to take advantage of Obama’s lawlessness by blaming the fiasco on everything and everyone but himself.

Antichrist will be a man of deceit and lies and arrogant boasting. That’s what Daniel 8:25 (and other passages) teach. He will be a constant twister of words. And there will be no Fox News to try to remind you of what the man really said before he said whatever he decided to say next.

I’ve documented the malignant narcissist and incredibly arrogant man that Barack Obama is. But even the extremely liberal New York Times has acknowledged the stunning personal arrogance that is Barack Obama.

Antichrist will be so incredibly arrogant that he will actually believe he is God. Which may make him more humble than Barack Obama, who seems to believe he’s ABOVE God.

If you want to learn about the beast, about what kind of man he will be and how he will act, just watch Obama. And learn the essence of political evil from him.

We’re seeing in Barack Hussein Obama the death in America. But we’re also seeing the prime textbook example of how the coming Antichrist will deceive, slander and manipulate his way to total power.

One other thing: I used to believe that the Antichrist would be an incredibly capable leader; I now realize that is not true: Antichrist won’t be a great leader, but a great deceiver. Like Obama, Antichrist will be a LOUSY leader and his policies will fall apart and fail one after the other. But as a skilled liar and slanderer he will always redirect blame to some other party and the world will keep believing his lies and thinking if they just give Antichrist more power he’ll be able to overcome the resistance of the bad people (e.g. the Christians who come to faith after the Rapture during the Tribulation). So Antichrist will be able to seize more and more power and then be more and more and more incompetent with that power as he drives the world into collapse and finally into Armageddon

I know whom I have believed, and take my stand with Him and with His Word against all the forces and unholy power of a dark and wicked government that will only culminate in the ultimate spirit of godlessness otherwise known as the greatest act of government-imposed socialism otherwise known as the mark of the beast.

Right now, and until the nation collapses and the beast comes, every vestige of liberal Democrat power is a giant, vast reciprocating engine whose ever downward stroke makes America more and more wicked and more worthy of divine judgment and wrath.

I end with the words of The Word:

The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.  For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. — 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12





It’s Official: The United States Of Sodom – i.e. God DAMN America – Is Back In The Days Of The Old Testament And The Wrath Of God

June 26, 2015

I’ve been thinking about the Book of Habakkuk lately.  The prophet was railing about the vile wickedness that he saw all around him in Judah (which had remained faithful to God while the northern kingdom of Israel was wicked until God brought the vicious Assyrians against them and hauled them away never to return).  And the prophet said:

“This is the message that the prophet Habakkuk received in a vision.  How long, O LORD, must I call for help? But you do not listen! “Violence is everywhere!” I cry, but you do not come to save.  Must I forever see these evil deeds? Why must I watch all this misery? Wherever I look, I see destruction and violence. I am surrounded by people who love to argue and fight.  The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.” — Habakkuk 1:4

And what does God say?  Does He say, “Oh, no, things are going swimmingly well…”  Does He say, “Golly gee, you’re right, but I can’t do anything about it.”  No.  God says this:

The LORD replied, “Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.  I am raising up the Babylonians, a cruel and violent people. They will march across the world and conquer other lands.  They are notorious for their cruelty and do whatever they like. — Hab 1:5-7

We live in a time (in Obama’s post-racial America where our messianic president has fulfilled his promise to rise above the partisan divide and lower the level of the oceans, etc. etc. ad nauseam) where cities burning down in race riots is commonplace and violent crime is rising everywhere Democrats have perverted in cities like New York and BaltimoreThugs empowered by Democrat Party policies rule the streets today.

But it is Habakkuk’s last and most powerful indictment against the wickedness of his people that I am most taken with today:

“The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.”

Satan has no greater hold anywhere in America than he does in our court rooms, our places of “law” and “justice.”

I look at what our Supreme Court did today in imposing homosexuality upon a nation that was once “one nation, under God” and which once called upon the LORD and I weep for the nation under the violent wrath of God that we have become under the immoral wickedness of the Democrat Party platform.  I read what God’s Word declares and I shudder:

Unbelief and Its Consequences [Romans 1:18-31]

18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

24Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

For the official record, there is a place where “violence” and “homosexuality” go hand in hand – or penis in orifice, to be more technically precise: our prisons are FILLED with homosexual rapeOh, yesVicious prisoners and homosexuality are penis and orifice.  Which is to say that either homosexuals are the worst, most degenerate, most vile and most violent people there ARE and homosexuals are all criminals because they are horrible people or else homosexuality truly IS a learned behavior and this whole “born gay” thing is as disgusting a lie as what two homosexual men do to one another is disgusting.  Take your pick.  Either way, liberalism is as wrong as you can get.  And homosexuality is a moral disease that manifests itself in every OTHER kind of physical disease.

In all of human history NO culture EVER sanctioned homosexual marriage; we are THE most wicked and perverted people in the history of the world, unless you consider the Old Testament peoples who inhabited the land of Canaan that God told His people to utterly exterminate lest the filth of their wickedness contaminate them (as it did).  We’ve just reached the ultimate rock bottom that God described in Romans chapter one for us.

This is as good a place as any to point out what a depraved LIAR Barack Obama turned out to be on every issue under the sun INCLUDING ON THE NATURE OF MARRIAGE.  When he was running for president, in order to get himself elected under false pretenses, Obama said this:

 WARREN: There’s a lot more I’d like to ask on that. We have 15 other questions here. Define marriage.

OBAMA: I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix. But —

WARREN: Would you support a Constitutional Amendment with that definition?

OBAMA: No, I would not.

WARREN: Why not?

OBAMA: Because historically — because historically, we have not defined marriage in our constitution. It’s been a matter of state law. That has been our tradition. I mean, let’s break it down. The reason that people think there needs to be a constitutional amendment, some people believe, is because of the concern that — about same-sex marriage. I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage, but I do believe in civil unions. I do believe that we should not — that for gay partners to want to visit each other in the hospital for the state to say, you know what, that’s all right, I don’t think in any way inhibits my core beliefs about what marriage are. I think my faith is strong enough and my marriage is strong enough that I can afford those civil rights to others, even if I have a different perspective or different view.

Obama’s senior political strategist openly admitted that Obama lied on that answer.  He knew he would never get elected telling the truth.  So he lied so he could begin to pervert and deprave America to his demonic agenda from the office of president.  But we can now clearly point out that Obama lied in another profound way: Obama said he was opposed to some amendment to the Constitution because why?  Marriage has always been a matter of state law.  And people ought to have the right to their own different perspectives or different views.  Well, NOT ANY MORE.  Because the same pervert president who said that lying garbage is now celebrating the Supreme Court IMPOSING HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE ON EVERY SINGLE STATE WHETHER IT HAS A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE OR A DIFFERENT VIEW OR NOT.

Barack Obama’s mission was to a false angel of light just like his master Lucifer from within the White House.  And it worked.  He never would have been elected had he told the American people the truth up front about where he stood.  So he lied to them and then proceeded to incrementally lead them to some “shifting stance” on what the Bible declared is “detestable” and “an abomination” and never ONCE “shifted” FROM that “stance.”

In the same manner, liberal Supreme Court INjustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg once openly admitted that the Supreme Court decision to impose the Holocaust of abortion on this nation was flawed and went too far and created a bitter division in America that could have been avoided had the issue been decided by the legislative branch as it should have been rather than being hijacked by the Supreme Court as the Court did.  Ginsburg called the ruling “heavy-handed judicial activism.”

But as a dishonest hypocrite she proceeded to do the EXACT SAME THING all over again.

“The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.” — Habakkuk 1:4

The Word of God also declares:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! — Isaiah 5:20

And that is EXACTLY what Lord Sauron and his nine ringwraiths have now done in the wickedness of their dishonest perversion.  These people are not good or honest; they are liars and hypocrites to the cores of their rotten souls.  And before this wicked ruling homosexuals had the same rights any of the rest of us did: a homosexual man had every right to marry any adult woman who would have him, the same as me.  And it is hardly any decent person’s fault that they did not wish to exercise their basic freedom.

In a recent article I wrote about the Confederate flag, I quoted Abraham Lincoln speaking against slavery.  “You cannot have a right to do wrong,” he said.  Homosexuality is WRONG.  It is wrong according to every single world religion and it is even horribly wrong according to Darwinian evolution.  It is just plain WRONG.

“God gave America over” and “the wrath of God is revealed” against America.  And we’re going to receive in our persons “the due penalty” of our error.

Liberal progressives decry the God of the Bible and sit in judgment over Him and say He’s intolerant and unloving.  Well, they might think they’re more moral than God and they might think they’ve got a better plan than God in their arrogant depravity; but what they DON’T have is their own UNIVERSE.  But that doesn’t stop them from raising their middle fingers at God.

And I have been watching the SAME people from the SAME place do the SAME vicious things that the vicious Assyrians and the wicked Babylonians did when God delivered Israel and ultimately Judah over to these terrorist monsters because of their wickedness and betrayal of God.  Because as much as the liberal Democrats despise the days of the Old Testament, THEY BROUGHT THEM BACK.  IN SPADES.

Hell is about to come to America that will leave people STUNNED and AMAZED.  We look at Russia and China and think we see countries that are more wicked.  But that is an illusion generated by the ideological left; neither China nor Russia endorse sodomy perversion the way Obama and now the U.S. Supreme Court does.  Both Russia and China are mentioned in the Bible in end-times prophecy, but the United States is nowhere to be found because either we won’t even exist anymore or we will be too weak and collapsed to be relevant. And I submit that God will judge America more harshly than any nation SINCE Israel and Judah because we once declared our dependence on God and now we’ve pissed in His eye.  And God is not mocked for long.

If I may be crass for a moment, you want your precious sodomy, America, and God will ensure that you get it right up your collectivist ASS.  And it’s going to hurt nightmare bad when you get it.

Under Barack Hussein Obama and his wicked vision for America, I have watched terrorism EXPLODE while the nation under him deteriorates like a piece of rotting meat.  The terrorist ARMY Islamic State basically didn’t exist when George W. Bush turned the presidency over to Barack Obama.  Iraq was – and this in Barack Obama’s words – “sovereign, stable and self-reliant.”  Obama’s vice president – trying to steal the credit for the VICTORY that George W. Bush had won with his highly successful surge strategy that Obama and Biden had bitterly opposed and demagogued – said that Iraq was going to be “one of the great achievements of this administration.”

The Arab world has BURNED to the ground under Barack Hussein Obama’s “leadership.”  Our worst enemy in the region Iran has seized total control of Iraq even as Obama is preparing to give Iran such an insanely stupid nuclear weapons deal that 18 of America’s top foreign policy experts including FIVE Obama officials wrote an open letter warning America about.

Just today AS I WRITE there were THREE major terrorist attacks all over the world with dozens killed: in France, in Kuwait and in Tunisia.  While Islamic State just slaughtered over 140 Kurds as whole families were wiped out in Kobani.  But hey, nothin’ to see here, folks.

We’ve now got domestic terror attacks right up the whazoo.  There are THOUSANDS of radical jihadists waiting to unleash murder across America, says the FBI.  And we can’t even read their internet communications because Obama has so desperately failed to protect us.  We’re sitting sheep waiting for our slaughter.  And Obama’s response is to call an incident with a Muslim with violent jihadist rants posted all over his website who beheaded one woman and was shot (by someone Democrats’ rabidly despise: an armed citizen) trying to behead another woman for Allah an example of “workplace violence.”

I want you to consider a few facts that were compiled in 2014.  For instance, in June 9, 2014 we learned that there had been a “58% increase in the number of Islamist terror groups” since 2010 (basically since Obama took office).  We learned on June 14, 2014 that during that same time frame since Obama took office, the number of vicious jihadist monsters had DOUBLED with the number of terrorist attacks TRIPLING.  And in 2014 we looked in horror as a terrorist army that didn’t even EXIST before Obama filled the White House with the stench of his moral idiocy now had a massive terrorist caliphate that made Osama bin Laden’s struggle a complete success.

That was pretty bad.  But look what the Los Angeles Times says of 2o15 compared to that awful time I described above:

Terrorist attacks and their toll soared in 2014, U.S. reports
By Paul Richter
▼The number of terrorist attacks jumped 35% on 2014 and fatalities soared 81%, State Department says
▼The number of people abducted by terrorists tripled in 2014, to more than 9,400
▼The surge in terrorists’ carnage comes as governments weaken or collapse in the Middle East and Africa
June 19, 2015, 3:07 PM |Reporting from Washington

Terrorist violence exploded around the world last year, driven by a surge in attacks by the Islamic State extremist group in the Middle East and Boko Haram in West Africa, the State Department said in a report Friday..

The number of terrorist attacks jumped 35%, to 13,500, while the number of fatalities soared 81%, to 33,000, the report says. A major factor was an increase in especially deadly attacks, including 20 assaults that killed 100 or more people.  […]

In other words, “terrorist violence exploded around the world last year” FROM THE YEAR BEFORE WHEN IT WAS ALREADY EXPLODING.

We are powerless against the 1 billion Muslims – with over a hundred million minimum fully radicalized.  Attacks will get more and more numerous, more and more organized, better and better funded and planned.  And we’ve got NOTHING but a weak puppet-pawn of the devil to keep us safe.

We are looking at terrorism and violence unlike anything the world has ever seen.  And we’re looking at Obama’s false promises and his lies and his demonic incompetence and his lies to a deluded, depraved and wicked people who keep believing them.

Barack Hussein Obama – the arrogant, narcissistic, pathologically wicked self-deceived demon-possessed liar that he is – claimed that Islamic State was “JayVee” even AFTER they seized a major city in Iraq.  And then lied about it like the pathetic little coward that he truly is.  He claimed that he had wiped out al Qaeda.  When anyone who had eyes to see and ears to hear understood that the exact OPPOSITE was happening.

This has ALL happened during Obama’s presidency and as a result of his presidency.  And the result of progressive liberalism.

God is going to send the most vicious violence to deal with our vile wickedness.  He is using Islamic State as His instrument of wrath.  It is an amazing thing that as EVIL as Islamic State is, Barack Obama is even MORE evil and MORE detestable in the sight of God.  And the United States of America is now even more evil and more detestable in the sight of God because God holds a nation accountable for the wickedness of its king and the king’s wickedness is OUR wickedness because the king represents us.  Especially when we elect him and then RE-elect that wicked king.

As Islamic State rises, we see the rise of our other worst enemies.  China is building militarized islands in the South China Sea.  And threatening a weak, cowardly, pathetic America with WAR unless we bow down before them and get the hell out of their wayChina has already surpassed America for the first time in history because of the wickedness of Obama, but we aint seen NOTHIN’ yet: HALF the world’s trade passes through the South China Sea shipping lanes China is now saying is its exclusive domain as they realize that America under Obama has been afflicted with weakness and cowardice and will not fight.  Understand, because of Barack Obama China just took over a shipping lane more important than the Panama Canal AND the Suez Canal COMBINED.

China just brazenly launched an all-out war against the computer systems this nation depends on.  And it WAS an act of war, but America dare not respond.

We’re being bullied around like the school yard PUNK.  Because that’s what we voted to be TWICE under the metastasizing cancer that is the Obama presidency.

If we fight China, we will lose.  Because Reverend Jeremiah Wright – Barack Obama’s wicked pastor – spoke as a prophet when he railed:

“No, no, no!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America!”

The Bible records that China as “the kings of the east” will launch a terrifying last-days army of 200 million soldiers according to Revelation 9:14-16 and Revelation 16:12.  And the Bible recorded that at a time when census experts point out that there were barely 200 million human beings on the entire planet.

China is stronger than America.  They are truly our masters now in every way (the same thing available here for when the first link gets scrubbed).  Because we voted for wickedness and God has turned His back on this nation that was once “one nation, under God” but is now “one nation, under sodomy.”

Russia has threatened the United States with nuclear war.  Because their president is stronger than ours and Russia has the will to fight that our president has broken.

America under the wicked king Barack Hussein Obama DARE NOT fight Russia.

We are afraid and we ought to be afraid.  Because God has turned His back on us.

Soon, the beast will come, the Antichrist, and the whole world will worship him (Revelation 13:1-8) and take his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads (Revelation 13:16-18).

I used to wonder how America could possibly collapse.  There was a time when this nation was great and mighty like nothing that had ever been before it.  We had a powerful president whom I served as my commander-in-chief.  And he defeated the only power that rivaled us for greatness.

Now I look at our TRUE debt and I look at our pathetic military weakness under Obama and I see our collapse quite easily.  We are a weak and cowardly and corrupt DISGRACE under the cancer of Obama and his worship of sodomy on an altar of sixty million babies murdered by Democrats in the abortion mills.  Compared to our current census, nearly one-in-five Americans has been MURDERED by Democrats.  The Democrat abortion war has consumed TEN TIMES the horror toll that the Nazis consumed in the Holocaust.  For every American soldier killed in the entire Vietnam War, Democrats murdered more than one thousand babies in their vicious war on children.  And we’re going to get our national butt-raping soon.

It’s only a question of which of our enemies does it.  Or maybe they will all three join forces and do it together.

I used to wonder how the world – and particularly how Americans – could literally worship the coming political beast.  And then I watched in sick horror as the crowds adored and worshiped him in a literal TEMPLE that he built to adore himself with and celebrate his adoration by a pathologically and pathetically deceived people.

I used to wonder how the mark of the beast would work.  I mean, how could a government – even a world government – make it impossible for every single human being on earth to be able to buy or sell?  Surely there was always at least BARTER available?  Now it is all-too easy to see.  First the world will abandon paper/coin currency and go to digital currency.  We’re already nearly all the way there now.  Then it will be a simple matter of implanting a chip – that previous generations would NEVER have accepted but which we are finally wicked enough to swallow given the fact that we reject God’s Word enough to swallow the perversion of homosexual sodomy – which will be all-too easy for a tyrant to seize control over.

Socialism is the government taking over the economy; the mark of the beast is the ultimate example of everything the Democrat Party has dreamed of and schemed of and worked toward for the last fifty years as the government will successfully so take over the entire economy and every aspect of it that people will literally be unable to participate in the economy in any way, any shape or any form unless they do EXACTLY what the government requires them to do.

It will be an act of wickedness, an act of worship, an act of taking the easy solution, an act of abandoning God to appease evil, to accept the mark of the beast.  But the people are almost eager to do that very thing now in our age of socialism and the worship of the State as Savior rather than a discredited, “intolerant” God.

I used to wonder how America would betray Israel when no nation has ever been closer to Israel or risen to her aid more.  The Word of God is crystal clear: the Seven Years of Divine Tribulation will begin with one specific event: the Antichrist will sign a seven-year peace covenant with the State of Israel according to Daniel 9:27.  But we already see how Barack Obama has turned his back on Israel and how Israel now fully comprehends that it cannot possibly trust the United States for her security.

Israel is in greater danger than EVER.  And Barack Hussein Obama is working to empower Israel’s GREATEST ENEMY who has REPEATEDLY stated its goal to destroy her and literally wipe her off the map.

Because of the wickedness of Barack Hussein Obama, Israel has nowhere else to turn BUT to the Antichrist.

It’s so easy to see now.

Get ready for hell, America.  You voted for it.  And you’re going to get it.  You’re going to get the sodomy you so yearn for.

Only the people God will rise up to send to deal with your obscene national wickedness won’t be using any lubricants.





Why Being A Democrat Means Being A ‘DEMOnic bureauCRAT’ And A Rabid Despiser Of Truth. And That Means Our National Extinction.

June 22, 2015

I’ve got to begin somewhere, so let me begin by pointing out that Barack Hussein Obama stands as THE most documented liar in the entire history of the world.  There has NEVER been a human being who was seen more times by more people telling something that is absolutely provable to have been a lie than this man.  And as merely ONE of myriad examples of the liar that Obama is, here is Politifact pointing out that Obama said AT LEAST 37 TIMES something that he clearly had to know was a lie – that if you like your doctor UNDER HIS PLAN you could keep your doctor and that if you like your current health insurance UNDER HIS PLAN that you could keep your current insurance.  Obama won the coveted title of “Liar of the Year” for that one, utterly destroying his competitors such as the Ayatollah, Kim Il Sung, Vladimir Putin, etc.  And just sticking with Politifact, they go on for four solid pages listing by the dozens of things that Barack Hussein Obama has said that were completely and entirely LIES.  And I cite Politifact because there is no question that it is a very left-leaning organization (Just see here and here and here and here for documentation supporting the truth of that statement.  These are people who go after Republicans in nine out of ten cases); and so when even a leftist entity says Obama is a liar, well, HE’S A LIAR.

On that same issue of ObamaCare that Obama lied about in speech after speech at least 37 documented times, one clause from the Affordable Care Act – which is neither “affordable” or “caring” – has reared its ugly head: the meaning of the words “established by the state.”   Fully 34 states of the 50 states do NOT have their own exchanges. Only sixteen states actually qualify as having been “established by the state.”  The clear meaning of those four words guts ObamaCare because ONLY state-run exchanges would qualify and it is an inconvenient truth that This section dealing with the creation of state exchanges and the provision of subsidies states, quite crystal clearly, that subsidies are only available in exchanges “established by a State,” which the law expressly defines as the 50 states plus the District of Columbia.  In any ordinary court proceeding involving a law or a contract, the FIRST place a court looks is the clear meaning of the words.  And in this case they are QUITE clear.  to make it even more clear, in the case of many of the states, state law itself says the principle behind ObamaCare is ILLEGAL.

The ObamaCare pushers and pimps – and note that this law was entirely written BY Democrats FOR Democrats WITH Democrat approval – now argue that they did not intend the law to require that states establish their own exchanges.  They say it is frankly asinine to understand the clear meaning of the words in their obvious clear meaning.  A huge problem with that is one of the health care experts who claimed he was one of the principle architects of the law went on a self-aggrandizing tour in which he boasted that those four words WERE VERY INTENTIONAL to coerce the states to do the very thing that the people who want the law overturned therefore correctly claim the law required.  ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber boasted about having specifically worded the law to force and coerce states to set up their own exchanges or else they would be denied federal funding.  Here are Jonathan Gruber’s very words:

What’s important to remember politically about this is if you’re a state and you don’t set up an exchange, that means your citizens don’t get their tax credits—but your citizens still pay the taxes that support this bill. So you’re essentially saying [to] your citizens you’re going to pay all the taxes to help all the other states in the country. I hope that that’s a blatant enough political reality that states will get their act together and realize there are billions of dollars at stake here in setting up these exchanges. But, you know, once again the politics can get ugly around this. [emphasis added]

Here is the video of him saying it:

Jonathan Gruber said a lot of amazing things about how profoundly STUPID Democrats believed the American people to be.  We’re SHEEP to them.  We’re FARM ANIMALS who have to be steered either to our pasture or to our slaughter by a class of experts who are like gods to us.  I’ve written about some of what he’s said.

In the face of this obvious embarrassment, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi claimed she didn’t even know who Gruber was. She claimed he didn’t write the Democrat’s bill.  But we have her on the record and on that record we know she was a LIAR when she made that false claim because back in 2009 – when it actually mattered – she had previously said:

PELOSI: We’re not finished getting all of our reports back from CBO, but we’ll have a side by side to compare. But our bill brings down rates. I don’t know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber of MIT’s analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo versus what will happen in our bill for those who seek insurance within the exchange. And our bill takes down those costs, even some now, and much less preventing the upward spiral.

So again, we’re confident about what we set out to do in the bill: middle class affordability, security for our seniors, and accountability to our children.

We similarly have former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid also specifically acknowledging Jonathan Gruber’s massive contribution to the writing and passage of ObamaCare on the very floor of the U.S. Senate.

Obama distanced himself from Gruber and all but directly claimed he’d never heard of the guy and Gruber hadn’t had anything to do with anything:

The fact that an adviser who was never on our staff expressed an opinion that I completely disagree with in terms of the voters is not a reflection on the actual process that was run,” Obama declared at a press conference

There’s a big fat giant problem with what Obama and Democrats are now saying: we now have 20,000 emails that prove that they are all LIARS:

MIT Economist Jonathan Gruber Had Bigger Role in Health Law, Emails Show
Adviser whose comments on Affordable Care Act touched off a furor worked more closely than previously known with White House
By Stephanie Armour
Updated June 21, 2015 8:00 p.m. ET

Jonathan Gruber, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist whose comments about the health-care law touched off a political furor, worked more closely than previously known with the White House and top federal officials to shape the law, previously unreleased emails show.

The emails, provided by the House Oversight Committee to The Wall Street Journal, cover messages Mr. Gruber sent from January 2009 through March 2010. Committee staffers said they worked with MIT to obtain the 20,000 pages of emails.

The committee released the information in the days before the U.S. Supreme Court rules on a lawsuit that could strike down subsidies on the federal health-care insurance exchange.

The emails show frequent consultations between Mr. Gruber and top Obama administration staffers and advisers in the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services on the Affordable Care Act. They show he informed HHS about interviews with reporters and discussions with lawmakers, and he consulted with HHS about how to publicly describe his role.

The administration has sought to distance itself from the economist in the wake of his controversial statements in a 2013 video, where he said the health law passed because of the “huge political advantage” of the legislation’s lacking transparency. He also referred to the “stupidity of the American voter.”

Republicans seized on the comments as evidence that supporters of the law purposely misled the public about its costs. Mr. Gruber received nearly $400,000 from HHS for his work focusing on health-policy computer models, according to public records.

The White House has described Mr. Gruber as having a limited role in crafting the law. President Barack Obama in 2014 said Mr. Gruber was “some adviser who never worked on our staff.” Mr. Gruber told Congress last year he disagreed with the widespread characterization of his role as the “architect” of Mr. Obama’s health-care plan.

“His proximity to HHS and the White House was a whole lot tighter than they admitted,” said Rep.  Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah), chairman of the House oversight committee. “There’s no doubt he was a much more integral part of this than they’ve said. He put up this facade he was an arm’s length away. It was a farce.”

Mr. Chaffetz on Sunday sent a letter to HHS Secretary  Sylvia Mathews Burwell requesting information justifying the department’s sole-source contract with Mr. Gruber for his work on the health law.

Mr. Gruber declined to comment.

Meaghan Smith, an HHS spokeswoman, said: “As has been previously reported, Mr. Gruber was a widely used economic modeler for administrations and state governments run by both parties—both before and after the Affordable Care Act was passed. These emails only echo old news.”

An HHS official said Mr. Gruber possessed a statistically sophisticated microsimulation model to evaluate how the change in the number of individuals with health insurance coverage would affect costs to the government and the private sector. In 2010, an independent Inspector General responding to a request from Republican Senators reviewed documentation related to Mr. Gruber’s HHS contracts and found the agency met federal requirements for both contracts, according to the HHS official.

The emails show Mr. Gruber was in touch with key advisers such as  Peter Orszag, who was director of the Office of Management and Budget, an arm of the White House that oversaw federal programs.

He was also in contact with Jason Furman, an economic adviser to the president, and  Ezekiel Emanuel, who was then a special adviser for health policy at OMB.

One email indicates Mr. Gruber was invited to meet with Mr. Obama. In a July 2009 email, he wrote that Mr. Orszag had “invited me to meet with the head honcho to talk about cost control.”

“Thank you for being an integral part of getting us to this historic moment,” according to Sept. 9, 2009 email to Mr. Gruber from  Jeanne Lambrew, a top Obama administration health adviser who worked at HHS and the White House. In a November 2009 email, she called Mr. Gruber “our hero.”

In an August 2009 email,  Lawrence Summers—then a top economic adviser in the administration—emailed Mr. Gruber and asked “if you were POTUS, what would u do now?” Mr. Gruber responded that Mr. Obama should hold out for enough money to do universal coverage.

Mr. Gruber also informed HHS about interviews he had with health policy reporters such as  Ezra Klein, previously of the Washington Post and now with Vox Media. In a November 2009 email, Mr. Gruber let a top HHS official know the conversation went well and the story would post soon.

In a Jan. 8, 2010 email, Mr. Gruber reached out to Ms. Lambrew after a Politico reporter asked why he didn’t disclose his contract before writing publicly about health care. Mr. Gruber ran a description of his responsibilities by Ms. Lambrew for her review before responding.

In a November 2009 email, he apprised HHS of his conversations with former Sen.  Mary Landrieu (D., La.) She had been opposed to the health law but came to support it.

In a Jan. 14, 2010 email, Mr. Furman emailed that “we got a deal with labor. Keep that very close hold.” Unions had been opposing the health law but rallied to support it.

He also in April 2009 supplied HHS with information outlining “winners and losers” if employers responded to the law by moving workers into the exchanges.

In a May 2009 email, he said there would be 3.6 million “losers” who were forced into individual coverage after the health care overhaul. “As you might suspect, this group is largely young and healthy,” he wrote. In an August 2009 email, he said 4.2 million people with employer-sponsored insurance would be dropped from having coverage, a development that hasn’t materialized.

In a Sept. 23, 2009, email, Mr. Gruber emailed Ms. Lambrew saying “pharma is going to be a huge winner from this bill—maybe $15 billion/year in incremental revenue. Any way to go after them harder for financing?”

THE most prominent Democrats are on the record as having lied OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN when it comes to this socialist takeover of THE most important sixth of the U.S. economy.

This ObamaCare law – that has NEVER had majority support by the American people in ANY poll (even the leftist Politifact is forced to acknowledge that fact) – is now more unpopular than it has EVER been.  It was passed ENTELY on lies.  It guts health care.  Overall premiums have skyrocketed in order to provide the subsidies for millions and cover what the left calls “essential health benefits” such as sex changes for transgenders; at the same time, the deductibles have similarly skyrocketed (see here and here) such that the “insurance” people get gives them no actual access to health care whatsoever because they can’t afford to actually see a doctor.  Meanwhile, the networks have shrunk as fewer and fewer doctors are willing to participate in a wicked program.  And the result is that in spite of Obama’s promises, we’ve got more people going to Emergency Rooms for their health care than EVER BEFORE.  These are all just facts.  The Supreme Court has already bailed out Obama and his wicked ObamaCare once over his outright LIES by calling something a “tax” that Obama himself said was NOT a tax but a “penalty” that had to be a tax and not a penalty for the law to be “constitutional.”  They even mocked the ObamaCare mouthpiece who said what had over and over been referred to as a “penalty and not a tax” was actually now a “tax and not a penalty.”

And then the SCOTUS blinked in the face of Obama’s terrorist threat to delegitimize the Supreme Court and turn it into a political entity if it didn’t side with him.

It’s even more clear this time.  The law is a lie that was sold on the basis of a giant deception.  It’s obvious.  This law needs to be gutted or our Constitution needs to be gutted.

But Obama isn’t just a liar about ObamaCare.  And Democrats aren’t just liars who both deceive and demand to be deceive when it comes to Obama.  There is a massive spirit of deception and ungodliness when it comes to the modern Democrat Party.  As we speak, we have overwhelming distrust in Hillary Clinton as someone who is neither honest nor trustworthyEven CNN acknowledges that fact.  But we just as similarly have Democrat’s overwhelming support for her.  Because they don’t CARE about honesty or truth or trustworthiness.

These people are liars who are driven by lies.  Pure and simple.

Democrats are people whose souls SWIM in LIES.

I’ve had three amazing opportunities to examine the massive spirit of deception that characterizes the American political left in just the last few days and wrote the following articles documenting and commenting on that spirit of deception:

In the article, I made the observation in my conclusion that I inserted into the beginning of the second article above.  I’ll insert it again now to underscore my primary thesis which the ideology of progressive liberalism keeps proving to be true:

It’s really beyond amazing, now, the willingness to be deceived and to engage in self-deception the way the left is.  Everything under the sun is just an atheist-driven postmodernist and existentialist-based “social construct” with them, whether it’s the humanity of a baby in the womb or the nature of male-female relations and God’s created order or transgender identity or now even something as physically obvious as race: If Rachel Dolezal thinks of herself as black, well, she’s clearly got to be black, then.  If Bruce Jenner thinks he’s a chick, well, it would be intolerant to say he’s NOT a chick.  No matter what the hanging down parts say to the contrary because that’s only a “fact” and these people don’t give a flaming damn about facts or truth.  If I say that I’m the President of the United States, I ought to be able to kick Obama’s skinny ass out of the White House and put my feet up on the desk in the oval office, because if I think it, it’s got to be accepted as true, dontchaknow.  If I can be a woman because I say I think I’m a woman or a black woman because I say I think I’m a black woman, then why the hell shouldn’t I be the damn president because I say I think I’m the damn president???

Progressive liberalism is intrinsically fascist, and fascism is the rejection of reason.  Nazism was the rejection of reason and the embrace of raw, naked hate emotion: and that is precisely what we are seeing unleashed from the left as cities burn down and every single encounter with a black person by the police becomes the next reason to riot.  In the same manner, conservatives are persona non grata at virtually any college or university because they will be screamed down by a gauntlet of leftwing hate or worse yet banned by the universities themselves while liberal intellectuals decry the very freedom of speech itself.  And the rabid rejection of actual reality is rampant with these people: Bruce Jenner is a woman even though HE is clearly not a woman.  Rachel Dolezal is black even though anybody who isn’t blind can immediately see that she is white in spite of her black-face and her hairdresser-induced Afro.  Truth doesn’t matter; truth has nothing whatsoever to do with these people.  Progressive liberals aren’t people who listen to the truth; they are the kind of people who chant or rant or scream slogans in the faces of people who try to explain the truth to them.  Which is why the most intolerant places on earth today are the universities where leftist faculty and administrators got their foot in the door and then slammed that door shut on anyone who doesn’t think exactly like they do.

In the same way, the black leftists who are so damned fast to scream “racism” are pathologically racist themselves by their own demagoguery.  Or let me put it thus: where is the “Pan-Anglo Congress“???  Where’s the “National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People“???  Where’s the “Congressional White Caucus“???  Where’s the “United Caucasian College Fund“???  Where are the “historically white colleges and universities” where white kids get preferential treatment for their race and receive scholarship from the aforementioned United Caucasian College Fund???  Where’s the “National White Chamber of Commerce” focused on advancing white-owned businesses???  Where are all the “historically white denominations“???  Where are all the white looters and rioters targeting black businesses for destruction as whites erupt in race riots in cities across America???  Where are the white people playing the race-game of “black bear hunting” the way black thugs do by playing their “knock-out game” of “polar bear hunting“???  If white people did what black people do on a massive scale, leftist black people would be demonizing us and slandering us and tearing their robes and pouring sackcloth and ashes over their heads as they wept and wailed in the streets.  But these same people are FINE being so racist it’s beyond unreal.

Because facts don’t matter to such people.  A demonstration and documentation of rabid hypocrisy doesn’t matter.  They are ONLY capable of seeing the speck in their brother’s eye and NEVER the giant log in their own eyes.  And every single one of these black organizations makes it official that black leftists utterly reject the teachings of Jesus and are determined to find the speck in their brother’s eye while they ignore the giant damn logs in their own.

Liberals are pathological hypocrites in so many ways that its beyond unreal.  But one of the very worst ways is their hypocrisy on free speech.  After being allowed a voice on the basis of what they claimed was an innate right to free speech, the left now demands that free speech be destroyed lest any other voice have any other right to any kind of legitimacy.

I am beyond sick at the toxic, racist and race-baiting moral filth that comes out of the pathologically hypocritical leftwing and the Democrat Party who marches to their drumbeat.

As for the third article above, on Brian Williams, the fact that liberal progressive Democrat Party propaganda machine MSNBC is actually embracing a “journalist” and “news anchor” who is now a thoroughly documented liar would be astonishing – but the very soul of the left is to be steeped in lies.  So when you really think about it, a Brian Williams in an MSNBC is a perfect fit made in hell.

I keep getting back to “truth.”  I keep going back to what Jesus said as He stood before the ultimate big government postmodernist named Governor Pontius Pilate:

Jesus answered, “My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.”

Pilate said, “So you are a king?” Jesus responded, “You say I am a king. Actually, I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth. All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”

“What is truth?” Pilate asked. — John 18:36-38a

And Governor Pilate turned his back on the One who had come into the world as truth’s very living embodiment.

Liberals are self-deceived deceivers who will quote and allow to be quoted the Bible ONLY when it serves their self-serving cause to erect a massive Government that usurps God as Savior and as Lord.  A Barack Obama or a Hillary Clinton will twist the Bible and say that we ought to care about the poor and therefore somehow we ought to have a giant socialist and frankly fascist omnipotent human Government with the raw naked power to impose “economic justice” by stealing from one group of people to give to whatever people that this wicked Government decides to empower of out its own self-centered cynical political interests.  Jesus never ONCE called upon the rise of human government to help the poor.  We have the following account that demonstrates what I am saying:

Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.  Late in the afternoon his disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late.  Send the people away so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat.”

But Jesus said, “You feed them.”

“With what?” they asked. “We’d have to work for months to earn enough money to buy food for all these people!”

“How much bread do you have?” he asked. “Go and find out.” They came back and reported, “We have five loaves of bread and two fish.”Then Jesus told the disciples to have the people sit down in groups on the green grass.  — Mark 6:34-39

Jesus does NOT tell the disciples to go to King Herod or to Governor Pilate to create a welfare state program.  And in fact the ONLY place in the Bible where there is any direction to create such a government program is in the religious theocracy of the Old Testament that makes every Democrat begin rabidly frothing at the mouth because they HATE God and His ways and would NEVER tolerate what God actually commanded them to do.  Tell you what: you welfare system provided for in the Bible?  Fine; let’s have the theocracy that it is BASED ON, too.  And let’s begin by putting to death according to that Old Testament law every single Democrat who voted for abortion or for homosexual marriage, and every single judge or lawyer who rule or advocated for these, just for starters.  And maybe we’ll get somewhere.  Because while I’m personally FINE with the Bible, the nature of Democrats is to take the one little tiny part of it that they want out of any legitimate context and then urinate on and defecate upon the rest of it.  And their hypocrisy and false piety ought to make you sick.  The truth is that Democrats have spent $22 TRILLION of other people’s money in their cynical and euphemistically titled “war on poverty” and they have parasitically leached the overwhelming majority of it to their political advantage and to benefit their political benefactors.  That’s three times the money that has been spent on every single war in America from the Revolution to today COMBINED.  That’s nearly $70,000 for every single man, woman and child in America.  While the actual poor have benefited little or not at all from it.  Because the “war on poverty” is and has always been a Democrat Party exploitation machine by people who couldn’t give less of a flying DAMN about the poor in America.

And even within that system of biblical theocracy the Bible teaches that powerful human government is a bad thing:

5and they said to him, “Behold, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all the nations.” 6But the thing was displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the LORD. 7The LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. 8“Like all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this day—in that they have forsaken Me and served other gods—so they are doing to you also. 9“Now then, listen to their voice; however, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them of the procedure of the king who will reign over them.”

Warning concerning a King

10So Samuel spoke all the words of the LORD to the people who had asked of him a king. 11He said, “This will be the procedure of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and place them for himself in his chariots and among his horsemen and they will run before his chariots. 12“He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13“He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14“He will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants. 15“He will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants. 16“He will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and use them for his work. 17“He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his servants. 18“Then you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day.”

19Nevertheless, the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel, and they said, “No, but there shall be a king over us, 20that we also may be like all the nations, that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.” 21Now after Samuel had heard all the words of the people, he repeated them in the LORD’S hearing. 22The LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to their voice and appoint them a king.” So Samuel said to the men of Israel, “Go every man to his city.” — 1 Samuel 8:5-22

And now we’ve got Obama to finish taking what hasn’t already been taken like the demonic locust king that he is.

But who or what did Jesus actually empower to help the poor?  His disciples.  And His Church that Democrats hate and rabidly despise as they have done everything they could to undermine and put down and weaken and trample upon.  Because they are evil and they hate the truth.

In the same manner, we just had another mass shooting and what did the fascist Obama immediately leap to?  Seizing all guns and banning weapons.  Jesus talked a great deal about “peace,” but JESUS NEVER ONCE SO MUCH AS SUGGESTED SEIZING ALL WEAPONS.  That spirit had NOTHING to do with the spirit of Jesus.  In fact, Jesus offered this:

Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you out to preach the Good News and you did not have money, a traveler’s bag, or an extra pair of sandals, did you need anything?” “No,” they replied.  “But now,” he said, “take your money and a traveler’s bag. And if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one!  For the time has come for this prophecy about me to be fulfilled: ‘He was counted among the rebels.’ Yes, everything written about me by the prophets will come true.” — Luke 22:35-37

Jesus did NOT stand for enabling the wicked government to come and confiscate our weapons.  He in fact did the exact opposite!  Do you want to know whose spirit Obama is following in his desire to take away our weapons and leave us unable to defend ourselves?  It is the rabid fascist socialist spirit of Führer Adolf Hitler.  It is the rabid communist socialist dictator rule of Joseph Stalin.  THEY seized all the guns so no one could rise against their wickedness and fight back.  Our founding fathers believed exactly OPPOSITE to Hitler and Stalin and Obama.  They saw the 2nd Amendment as a bulwark against tyranny; where only the State had access to weapons and so the people were helpless before the rise of any tyrant state.  The founding fathers wanted to protect us from tyrants like Obama, who seek to impose a giant government upon us against our will, so that they would NEVER leave the people without the means to defend themselves, their families and their property from such a government.  And I believe that given what Obama has done to “fundamentally transform the United States of America,” that we see the wisdom of the founding fathers from that very 2nd Amendment as we have never seen it before.

Jesus was righteous and wise the same way that Obama is wicked and a fool.  Jesus knew that criminalizing all the weapons would only ensure that criminals – and a criminal human Government – had all the weapons.  And that the nature of the world apart from Him is violence.  Jesus understood that the founding father’s vision of a nation whose government feared its people was far wiser and far more moral than the one Obama envisions in which the people must live in fear of their government.

Democrats demonize Republicans all the damn time for the gun violence.  But they should do all their most rabid screaming and finger-pointing standing in front of a mirror.  Because when Barack Obama’s stench filled the White House and while Nancy Pelosi’s stench filled the House of Representatives and Harry Reid’s stench filled the Senate and Democrats ran the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT, they did NOTHING.  Because to be a Democrat today means being the worst hypocrite on planet earth, bar none.

Democrats are a rabidly religious people, just like their very-shortly-coming future god, the Antichrist, whom the Bible describes as “honor[ing] a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his ancestors” (Daniel 11:38).  And that has DEMOCRAT written all over it.  These are people who worship the STATE that will build those fortresses.  And Democrats who want to seize your guns and abolish your God-given constitutional right to defend yourselves and your property from evil want to impose their god on you.  I say that because as Christians we want to be radically dependent upon our God, the God of the Bible.  And Democrats want the same thing; they want to be radically dependent upon THEIR god, the State.  But they are FASCISTS in their worship such that they want us ALL to be radically helpless such that all we have to pray to is their god the all-powerful State.  You cannot have the right that the God of the Bible gave you to protect yourself; NO!!!  You must bow down to THEIR god.  And everyone who has a weapon to defend themselves, their families and their property with is a blasphemer to Democrats; because they are declaring that they do not WANT to be radically dependent on the State for their salvation.

Obama lusts for more abortions on top of the sixty million his party already is coated in the blood of.  The same Democrats who weep and wail over Vietnam have murdered more than a thousand innocent babies for every single American serviceman who was killed in that war.  And they are just getting started in their hatred of the human spirit.  But read the words of Psalm 139 and see for yourself the innate vile wickedness of the party of hate that the Democrat Party has become:

Psalm 139:13-18 New Living Translation (NLT)

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex!
    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
    as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
    Every day of my life was recorded in Your book.
Every moment was laid out
    before a single day had passed.

17 How precious are Your thoughts about me,[a] O God.
    They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them;
    they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
    You are still with me!

Luke 1:39-41 records the following event:

A few days later Mary hurried to the hill country of Judea, to the town where Zechariah lived. She entered the house and greeted Elizabeth. At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.

The monstrous Democrat Party’s “final solution” to this truth of the divine dignity of human life in the womb is the same as King Herod’s: to murder babies.  Mary was a young teenage girl when she became pregnant with the baby Jesus.  And Elizabeth’s baby John was leaping for joy in his mother’s womb.  And Democrats believe it would have been a GOOD THING for both women to murder the Savior of the human race and the herald God sent to announce Him because they come from the Party of Lucifer.

In the same way Democrats worship the perversion of marriage and the homosexuality that perverts the very foundation of God’s creative order.  And that is why as the Party of Lucifer it was their demonic-inspired will to bring the full wrath of God against the United States of America that once took pride in being “One Nation under God” before we depraved it to the “gay pride” of homosexual sodomy.  Find this truth in Romans chapter one:

Unbelief and Its Consequences

18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

24Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. — Romans 1:18-31

And that everything Obama has done in his socialism and his fascism and his totalitarianism and his love of abortion and his worship of homosexuality has driven the world further and further and further from the Prince of Peace.

Everything the left stands for is irredeemably wicked and evil.  EVERYTHING.  And they cynically pervert and warp even good and legitimate causes to their wicked agenda.

And that is why Democrats – which stands for “DEMOnic bureauCRATS” – want a proven liar to anchor their “news” station.  Because you can always count on a liar to lie and Democrats wouldn’t have it any other way.

A front page article from USA Today captures the crisis of the once-great-because-it -was-once-godly United States of America:

Mixing religion and politics: Do today’s ‘nones’ have it?
If Americans skew less Christian, the GOP faces challenge
Rick Hampson, USA TODAY 5:48 p.m. EDT June 17, 2015

If the U.S. population is becoming less and less Christian, why does the Republican presidential campaign sometimes feel like a revival meeting?

Last month, Jeb Bush became the latest GOP hopeful to make the pilgrimage to Liberty University, the world’s largest evangelical Christian school, where Texas Sen. Ted Cruz announced his candidacy in March.

And this week, a baker’s dozen of declared and potential Republican presidential candidates address the Faith & Freedom Coalition, which is trying to mobilize the conservative evangelical vote.

Timothy Head, the coalition director, says he didn’t even have to invite candidates to the Road to Majority Conference in Washington: “People contacted us — ‘Can I come?”’

Yet just last month the Pew Research Center released a survey showing that the percentage of Americans who call themselves Christian has been going down a point a year, to 70.6% in 2014.

Meanwhile, those who report no religious affiliation — “nones” — are increasing their share of the body politic.

And Americans’ confidence in organized religion, which has fallen dramatically over the past four decades, hit an all-time low this year of 42%, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday. Only about half of Protestants or Roman Catholics say they have a great deal of confidence in the church and organized religion.

It’s a remarkable development in what President Harry Truman and many others (including some non-believers) have described as “a Christian nation.” […]

The article continues, but you get the idea: the more this nation turns its collectivist back on Jesus Christ and pisses on Him as Democrats demanded be taxpayer funded in the form of “Piss Christ”, the more Democrat (the modern term for “demon-possessed”) this nation becomes.  Because the Democrat Party represents the spirit of perversion and the perversion of once godly America.

It was a Democrat President (among others) who called America “a Christian nation.”  But this awful party is no longer that party.  Now it is the party in which an Obama boasts that it is a “Muslim nation.”

The United States of America is going to go down harder and more agonizingly than any nation in the history of the world.  We look at the wickedness of other countries such as Russia and China and the Islamic republics that are sending so much hate and violence out.  But these nations are described in the Bible as being present in the last days while America is NOT.  And the reason is now clear: because we were a nation that once uniquely and powerfully turned to the LORD, the God of the Bible, and now we have spat in His eye.

And our descent into hell is going to be awful as God “gives us over” to our depraved mind and its full consequences (Romans 1:24).

Barack Obama lied to us in every way imaginable.  After demonizing George W. Bush and Republicans and falsely claiming that our very attempt to fight a war on terror was the cause of the war, Obama promised the American people that he had the solution to end the war on terror.  But history proves he lied to us.  Terrorist violence SOARED in 2014.  That’s the current report.  But if you look a year ago you’ll see that the terrorism that has soared this year from last year soared last year from the year before as Obama’s policy has completely collapsed.  In fact, terrorism has skyrocketed virtually every damn YEAR under Obama’s lies and his political cowardice.  Obama claimed he was the president who ended wars [that George Bush started, of course].  But fully three out of every four dead Americans in Afghanistan was the result of none other than Barack Obama and HIS policies.  As we’ve already watched Iraq completely collapsed from the safe, stable, self-reliant Iraq that George W. Bush left Obama with to a bloodbath that has become the puppet-state of our enemy Iran.

If I might come back to end where I began, with the Supreme Court and ObamaCare, I have little confidence in the Supreme Court – its integrity or its not being a political body – because we live in the last days.  In Habakkuk 1:4, the prophet railed:

The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts.  The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.

And given our gay marriage rulings, “perverted” is a VERY good word to describe what “justice” has become today.

In verse five of Habakkuk chapter one, God said watch, wonder, marvel!  For He would bring about judgment to judge a nation that perversely saw itself as being good rather than evil.  And He foretold to Habakkuk that He would act by bringing the vicious Babylonians.  Just as today the same God of all Creation is bringing the SAME sort of people from the SAME part of the world who are doing the SAME things all over again as the days of the Old Testament come back to lethal life as we return to the days of judgment.

So Who Is Right: The Democrats Who Deny The GOP Just Won A Wave Election Or The Republicans Who Say America Just Rejected Liberalism?

November 5, 2014

It’s hard to look at the election results and not conclude that somebody turned the light to the American mind on and the Democrats didn’t make it under the oven or the refrigerator in time to avoid getting stomped on.

Let’s look at the Senate.  Now, I know that if you are a liberal, you would die before you watched Fox News.  But I watch it quite often.  And even on that channel which liberals decry as rightwing propaganda, I never heard a prognosticator predict a bigger possible gain for Republicans than eight seats at most.  We’ve got seven pick ups in the bag, no one seriously questions that Mary Landrieu’s days as a Senator in Louisiana will end when they hold their runoff and she has to face just ONE rather than two Republicans, and in Alaska the Republican Dan Sullivan holds a 4.6 point lead over Democrat Mark Begich with 100% of the precinct’s having reported.  There’s only the mail-in-ballots outstanding.  And mail-ins usually favor Republicans.  That’s eight and nine.  And we might even have ten pickups in the US Senate by the time we’re done.

If Democrats predicted that Republicans would win 10 of the 11 contested races, they didn’t get their asses kicked.

But as it is, the DNC chair Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz predicted that “We’re going to hold the Senate” along with her fool friend Vice President Joe Biden.

Um, newsflash, reality-challenged people: no, you’re not.  You’re going to get your asses kicked and be laying on the floor in a daze wondering what just happened.

It was not just a wave, it was a BIG wave.  And it washed that demon-possessed little twerp Harry Reid right out of the Senate Majority Leader’s office.  To date, 387 bills passed by Republicans sit on Harry Reid’s desk.  While Democrats scream that the party that passed those 387 bills are the obstructionists and the party that has sat on those 387 bills are somehow anything but obstructionist.

Harry Reid and the Democrat Party completely shut down the United States Congress.  And dishonestly blamed the other side for what they and ONLY they did.

The Democrat-controlled Senate illegally refused to even bother to pass a damn budget for four entire years.  And given the fact that that is the first order of business of governing, it is quite clear that the Democrats radically refused to govern.  For the record, the Republican House never failed to pass a budget every single year while Democrats recklessly and dishonestly refused to perform even their most basic duties.

Harry Reid as Senate Majority leader usurped more fascist power to block amendments than all the previous Senate Majority Leaders COMBINED TIMES TWO.  That’s how fascist and how dishonest and yes, how obstructionist, Democrats truly are.

And yet, as I write this Senator Majority Leader to be Mitch McConnell is answering questions at a press conference that NO Democrat has ever had to face: “Why should we trust you?”  “Are you going to shut down the government?”  “Are you going to abandon your principles and compromise your values and split the difference with the Democrats [whose asses Republicans just kicked]???”

Again, let me state this fact: Harry Reid blocked more amendments than ANY Senate Majority Leader in the entire history of the republic.  But that’s not enough: Harry Reid blocked more amendments than ANY Senate Majority Leader in the entire history of the republic COMBINED.  But that’s STILL not enough: because Harry Reid blocked more amendments to more legislation than every Senate Majority Leader combined TIMES TWO.

And the same media that allowed this dishonest hypocrite fascist to represent the Republican Party as “the party of obstructionism” when it was HIS DEMOCRAT PARTY that was the party of obstructionism will be around to dishonestly and viciously hound the Republicans at every turn.

You’ve got two fascist powers: the Democrat Party and their media allies, the tools of the propaganda press.

And you can’t vote out the rat bastards in the press.

Let’s look at the governor’s races.  Democrats – at least those honest enough to admit that the GOP would likely win the Senate – predicted they would have a very good night in the gubernatorial races.  They had a nightmare instead:

Washington (CNN) — President Barack Obama’s home state of Illinois elected a Republican governor on Tuesday night. Massachusetts will have its first Republican governor since Mitt Romney.

Stunning Republican gubernatorial victories came in reliably Democratic states, including those won overwhelmingly by Obama in 2012. Illinois ousted Democrat Pat Quinn in favor of Republican Bruce Rauner, while Maryland voters opted for Republican Larry Hogan over Democrat Anthony Brown. Republican Charlie Baker won a Massachusetts match-up against Martha Coakley, the state attorney general who lost a special Senate election to Scott Brown in 2010.

Republicans also continued their dominance of governors’ mansions when a number of GOP leaders fought off stiff challenges from Democrats.

As for the House of Representatives, well, the last time they had this much control was 68 years ago.  In fact, the GOP hasn’t held more seats since 1929.

Obama just incurred a 100-year-asskicking.

As for Obama, being a mentally-ill malignant narcissist, he doesn’t feel that he was repudiated in spite of the fact that he had boasted that his policies would be on the ballot in the election.

You see, humility and shame are virtues that only decent human beings are capable of possessing.  and Obama is NOT a decent human being.

When Obama started, he had a filibuster-proof majority in Congress with total control of the House and sixty Democrats in the Senate.  Until his lies and his incompetence and his fascism caught up with him.

USA Today puts it this way in an editorial written by a liberal:

While a president’s party typically losses ground in midterm elections, Obama and the Democrats Tuesday reached an unwanted record: the biggest losses in the House and Senate for any two-term president in modern times.

Democrats claim that even Reagan lost seats in midterms.  And, yeah, he did.  But there’s a chart in that piece that documents that Obama lost about twice as many seats in just his first term than Reagan lost in both terms.  And it doesn’t even add how many seats Obama just got through losing last night.

But you might be reading the above words – in contemplation of the question that I ask in my headline – and conclude that Michael Eden is saying the Democrats are just wrong in saying it wasn’t a wave election and the Republicans are right in saying it was.

I actually would point out they’re both wrong – with the Democrats AS ALWAYS being considerably MORE wrong.

Yeah, this election was an ass-kicking for Democrats.  You’re just not capable of intellectual honesty if you don’t see that – as incredibly many of the Democrat talking heads cannot see.

Democrats are trying to re-write history now and tell America, Republicans didn’t really win that much, they don’t have a mandate, they don’t have a right to govern.  Because Democrats are at their cores fascists who believe that no matter how badly they lose an election that reflects the will of the people, they have an INSTITUTIONAL RIGHT as the party of institutional government to govern.  And that no election can change that.

Of course, when Democrats were the ones winning the majority in 2006, THAT was a landslide and THAT gave them the mandate to ram dictatorial government down the people’s throats.  But hypocrisy goes with fascism as being ontological to Democrats; and if you aren’t a fascist hypocrite, you didn’t vote Democrat.

But here’s the thing: we had a sea change in 2006 and another wave from that sea change in 2008 as Democrats promised Utopia.  The abject failure of that sea change led to a huge sea change to the other side in 2010.  Then we had a sea change back to the other side in 2012.  Because Obama put his “signature achievement” on hold so the American people could not feel the pain and made the campaign about falsely demonizing the Republicans.  And now we’ve had another wild swinging sea change back to the other side again as the people experience that Obama and his policies are ugly things that hurt them rather than help them.

Do you get the idea that the American people are pretty much a bunch of clueless idiots who have lost any capacity for integrity or consistency???  We’re no longer a people capable of building or sustaining anything; we just massively sway without compass or resolve to hold us steady on any course.

The poison of Democrat institutional government just seems to tasty and hard to resist.  And the fire of Democrat fascism seems so warm and bright.  But poison always kills and fire always burns in the end.  But we’re like animals who just can’t learn.  And so we just keep getting drawn right back to what kills us.

Why is that?  What have we lost?

George Washington, the father of our country, declared – and predicted:

“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness–these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens.”

John Adams, the second president of the United States following Washington, declared – and predicted:

“[W]e have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . . Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”


[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue.

In his first Inaugural Address, in his very first words as president to the American people, Washington declared:

We ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained; and since the preservation of sacred fire of liberty and the destiny of the republican model of government are justly considered as deeply, perhaps finally, staked of the experiment

The Democrat Party’s “separation of church and state” is NOT found in the Constitution and is a doctrine that had never existed in America until 1947 when a Supreme Court largely comprised by judges picked by a fascist president who tried to illegally pack the court invented the doctrine by pulling one small phrase out of a private letter from Thomas Jefferson out of context.

In fact, “separation of church and state” is “separation of God from America.”

We are now no longer either religious or moral people.  And as a result, we are pathetically incapable of sustaining ANY virtue.  We no longer have either the courage or the resolve to do any great thing and sustain it long enough to achieve it.

We don’t have the courage or the integrity to actually win a war.  We haven’t had the courage or the integrity to even DECLARE a war since our Supreme Court under the control of Democrats used their fascist power as our black-robed masters to force America to abandon God.

And anything this fickle, wavering, waffling people sets out to do they will surely not have the heart to see through to the end.  Because we are a weak, pathetic nation under government and under socialism and under welfare and radically NOT under God.

The left has repeatedly tried to expunge the words, “One nation under God” from our currency.  But they have already expunged the idea in every other way it can be expunged.

We’ll bounce in one direction and then we’ll rebound in the opposite direction.  Because we don’t have any more faith or courage or resolve than a rubber ball.

That’s the cancer.  That’s why the American people WILL fail and WILL fall.

I have no doubt whatsoever that the faithless and depraved American people – who lack both the virtue to chose right and the integrity to commit to whatever choice they end up making at any moment – will waver and sway back to the party that represents 60 million murdered babies and counting, the destruction of marriage and a middle finger raised at the face of God.

And our destruction as a nation and as a people is thus guaranteed.

So take heart, Democrat, your time will come again.  And I know that because I know the beast, the Antichrist, is coming, who will impose tyrant government on ALL the people of the world just as you dream.

America has proven that it has degenerated into a nation that will gladly worship him and take his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads as they allow him to take over every aspect of their economy and their lives.