Archive for January, 2015

Obama The Queen Of All Fools – And Everyone Who Isn’t Ignorant Or Demon-Possessed KNOWS It

January 23, 2015

The word “fail” comes to mind here.  Barack Obama gave the very first State of the Union Address since September 11, 2001 that utterly failed to mention al Qaeda even a single time.

Barack Obama at this point in his “presidency” is THE most documented liar in the sum total of human history.  There is not a single human being who EVER LIVED – whether it was Nixon or Hitler or Stalin or Attila the Hun or Belshazzar or you name it – who has ever been exposed in more lies or in more areas than Barack Hussein Obama.

Just one of the many lies Obama told was his “Yemen lie” as he released terrorist after terrorist from Gitmo to that terrorist country while he dishonestly claimed that he had broken the back of terrorism.

Only four months ago Obama boasted:

Over the last several years, we have consistently taken the fight to terrorists who threaten our country. . .We’ve targeted al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen, and recently eliminated the top commander of its affiliate in Somalia. . . .

This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us [without deploying U.S. troops], while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.

History now reveals that Barack Hussein Obama is the very worst kind of arrogant fool.

I read the following in my uberleftist Los Angeles Times newspaper and just wanted to make sure it was preserved for the sake of history:

Al Qaeda Thrives in Yemen

I want you to note for the factual record that that headline was printed EVEN IN THE LOS ANGELES TIMES a full FIVE DAYS BEFORE Obama’s incredibly dishonest series of lies known as his “state of the union.”

I want you to note that as that fiasco was happening Barack Hussein Obama was freeing Yemeni terrorists and saying, “May Allah bless you.”

It wasn’t a “State of the Union” address; it was a “State of Delusion” address.  It was lies from a liar to a people who prefer lies to the truth.

AS OBAMA WAS SPEAKING, the following was happening according to the New York Times:

Yemen Coup

And today, just three days after Obama’s State of the Delusion speech, the president of Yemen resigns, and the sub-headlines scream that the collapse will benefit al Qaeda as the nation fractures into mini-states (most of which will facilitate terror attacks).

Mind you, this is the same Queen of Liars who dishonestly trumpeted the demise of al Qaeda thirty-two times AFTER al Qaeda overran United States territory in Libya, planted their terrorist flag and murdered our ambassador.

And of course, this just keeps getting better and better – at least if you love Islam and love terrorism.  Go back to the American collapse in Yemen:  Who is the key backer of these terrorists that just took over the government in Yemen?  The same Iran whom Obama radically and ridiculously swears he will not allow anything to happen to until after a nation that just inherited ballistic missile technology from Russia (after Obama and Hillary Clinton reset relations with those thugs and after Obama mocked Mitt Romney for understanding the real world) builds its nuclear bombs.

There’s really not a lot of point for Iran to build nuclear weapons until they have the means to deliver them.  But all praise be to Allah, Obama is protecting Iran from Congress until after it’s too late while Russia helps them along just as Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 prophesied.

But again, praise be to Allah, because we have a cancer in our White House who mocked and trivialized the Word of God and mockingly asked, “Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy?”

Mind you, this demon-possessed hypocrite was FINE citing Bible to justify his amnesty for illegal immigrants.  Because like I said, our queen is a liar without shame, without honesty, without integrity, without virtue and without decency of any kind whatsoever.

We are now suffering from stage four cancer of the soul and instead of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery we’re being fed sugar pill placebos.

We now live in a fiasco of justice in which our president is freeing TERRORISTS from Gitmo while he tries to put people in prison for improperly labeling their calorie counts.

We live in a menagerie in which our president refuses to meet with the Prime Minister of Israel but will meet with the Youtube leaders in cultural stupidity.

Democrats, meanwhile, are dishonestly screaming over the GOP speaker of the House inviting a friend and an ally of every America BUT OBAMA’S “FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED” AMERICA to talk to them after they hypocritically and demonically celebrated their own House Speaker who ignored the Bush administration’s requests for Nancy Pelosi not to speak with a brutally inhuman terrorist dictator thug.

At this point in time, if you are a Democrat, you are a liar who votes for liars and worships lies.  And one day you will stand before the outrage of a just and holy God as flames billow forth from his fiery chariot throne and you will give an account for your vote for the murder of sixty million innocent babies and you will stand accountable for your demanding that the wrath of God be brought upon you and upon your children and upon your nation according to Romans chapter one verses 18-32.  And hell will not be eternal enough for you to suffer for your crimes against everything that is holy.

You will explain to the Judge of the Universe why you believed that Government was greater than God.  You will explain precisely why you voted for and continued to vote for a president who stuck his middle finger up at God and shouted, “I worship socialism, sodomy and the slicing up of sixty million babies!”

You will explain why you kept rabidly supporting your Queen of the Damned while the world burned and the nation formerly known as “One Nation Under God” imploded.

Armageddon is coming.  The mark of the beast is coming.  And YOU brought it to reality while you hid in your disgraceful lies.


Don’t Be Captured By The Strongholds Of Human Reasoning

January 23, 2015

Obama yes we can to WHAT

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. – Colossians 2:8 NLT

We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NLT

‘NFL’ = ‘NAZI Felonious Liberals.’ I Am DONE With This Dishonest League And WILL NOT Watch The Superbowl.

January 22, 2015

[Update, January 23, 2015]: We learned today that the NFL has not even BOTHERED to interview key participants in this cheating scandal, as Tom Brady stated that no one from the league had talked to him.  Which is their way of saying, “No big deal.  The chump masses will watch our broadcasts no matter HOW corrupt we are!”

How could a professional quarterback not recognize the difference between the footballs he’d just been using before the game after the league had verified proper inflation and the footballs he was using during the game which we know had been deflated?

Tom Brady has noted for the record that he picks out the balls that are at 12.5 lbs (the minimum pressure by regulation); so if he can tell the difference between balls that way, HOW COULD HE NOT HAVE KNOWN THE BALLS WERE WAY UNDER PRESSURE?

Tom Brady gave a half-hour interview in which he merely repeated, “I am such a pathologically idiotic moron that anybody who watches me do what I do on Sundays has to likewise be a pathologically idiotic moron.”  He didn’t know anything; he didn’t care about anything; he was oblivious about everything; and you’ve got to hope your Wal-Mart cash register clerk is more professional than this multi-millionaire chump.

I just want to state here something that occurred to me while I responded to a comment; namely, that somehow a the very first player on the Colts – a linebacker who intercepted a pass – touched a Patriot football and was immediately aware that the ball was not properly inflated.  And yet somehow Tom Brady, the center, the Patriot running backs, tight ends and wide receivers, AND the league referees were not aware of what that player on the other team who got his hands on a Patriot football was immediately aware of.

And that may be the key: “on the other team.”  At this point it is an open question whether this corrupt league cheated because they know that the Patriots would be a bigger box draw than the Colts – and the Patriot organization – you know, the “spygate” team that filmed other teams’ play signals and the “scoreboardgate” team that froze the scoreboard to dishonestly ice the Baltimore Ravens – went along with the league’s corruption.

Which means watching the Nazi Felonious Liberals broadcast is like watching professional wrestling.  And if you watch the NFL, shame on you, you mindless zombie.

As to Tom Brady’s “point” that this isn’t ISIS, well, neither is the torture-rape-murder of a little girl.  So let’s just not bother to investigate or punish that crime, either.  [End update].

I’ve actually been done with the NFL for several years now.  It used to be I’d watch the Saturday games and then tape the Sunday games so I could go to church and then later see both games (and watch them in order so I wouldn’t know who won the first by watching the second game and having it discussed).

Oh, I was a fan.

But when the same Nazi Felonious Liberals banned Rush Limbaugh from ownership because he was a conservative and they were dishonest liars, and THEN they reinstated a man who had tortured and brutally killed dogs he had already viciously abused by forcing them to fight other dogs, well, I was done.

So Rush Limbaugh was out and Michal Vick was in.  And the Nazi Felonious Liberals wanted to ban conservatives and install animal torturers, well, I started to realize all the better things I had to do with my time.

Of course, since then, we have seen the satanic darkness that is in the heart of every liberal documented on television through their Nazi Felonious Liberals criminal syndicate.

If you watch the NFL, you have to have a talk with your little girls about women stripping (Janet Jackson and more spectacularly Beyoncé), about repeated instances of domestic violence and abuse toward women – because why shouldn’t a big, powerful football player not punch a woman right in the face and knock her unconscious in the REAL “war on women” that liberals facilitate – and now we’ve got to have that talk with our kids that cheating really isn’t that bad, because liberals are pathologically dishonest people who will find a way to reward cheating just as they rewarded punching women in the face and knocking them out.

So what if football causes brain damage?  So does all the damn POT SMOKING THAT LIBERALS HAVE IMPOSED ON AMERICA.  It’s fine because we’re going to have generations of mentally-diseased, brain-devoid zombies voting Democrat.

We see that same heart of darkness in liberal Democrat roaches Michael Moore and Seth Rogan.  These liberals epitomize the reason why a million-billion-thousand trillion years from now, every single Democrat will STILL be burning in hell is a GOOD THING.  Every single one of the sixty million innocent babies you wicked people murdered will get his and her shot at a little payback for what you did to them when you are aborted in hell over and over and over again for all eternity.

Liberals are terrible, wicked, depraved human beings.  And I am done watching their filth and their new version of the Roman gladiatorial games “entertainment.”

So anyway, here it is beyond obvious that the New England Patriots – the professional sports team with the worst record on cheating since the Black Socks of baseball whose coach was nicknamed “Belicheat” BEFORE this present scandal for his previous documented cheating – cheated by deliberately under-inflating footballs AFTER league officials had properly inflated them.  A Colt linebacker intercepted a football and immediately noticed that it was under-inflated and reported that fact to his team and the Colts took the fact to an official.  At halftime the balls of BOTH teams were tested.  And somehow “All of the balls the Colts used met standards” but 11 of the 12 balls used by the Patriots were significantly under-inflated.  Just like Patriot quarterback Tom Brady has admitted for the record that he likes.

It’s just a coincidence that somehow the Patriots ended up with the illegal footballs that their quarterback likes.  Just like it’s just a coincidence that Obama gives the illegal immigrants who illegally vote “Democrat” amnesty.

Massachusetts is the heart of liberalism, so it is no surprise that team Barney Frank would field the most pathologically dishonest organization in sports.

You’ve got pretty much the whole damn Nazi Felonious Liberal organization embracing homosexuality and race-baiting (oh, by the way, that cop who committed the crime of defending himself against a robber-thug who punched him in the face and bum-rushed him to finish the job was just exonerated by even Eric Holder’s kangaroo court-investigation).  And I’m done with the whole stinking lot of them.

Liberals say they won the election and that’s all that matters.  It doesn’t matter how much cheating it took to win; all that matters is that they won and shut up.  In this case the Patriots obviously did not think the outcome of the game was any cinch or why would they have cheated?  And having the confidence of cheaters who were getting an unfair advantage for cheating, the Patriots played like winners.  And the poor Colts couldn’t understand why the Patriots were catching all those [soft] footballs in the cold and rain and they couldn’t catch those hard, properly-inflated balls they had.

There are people who say the Patriots should get the same slap-on-the-wrist they got the LAST time they were caught cheating and got a slap-on-the-wrist.  Because after all, if you’re a convicted child molester and you go before a liberal judge, that liberal judge will of course give you the the same damn slap-on-the-wrist that he or she gave you the last time you destroyed a child’s innocence.

So you can damn-well bet that the Patriots will be allowed to play and be rewarded for corrupting the last appearance of integrity in the NFL.

If a professional sports organization is caught cheating, that team should be disqualified from competition.  Otherwise, let’s just disqualify the league that says lack of integrity is fine with them.  Because there is FAR too much money in sports for a “fine” to be fine enough to punish cheating and cheaters.  If you want to end cheating, ban Bill Belichick for life and force New England to forfeit the season that they ended with their own dishonesty.

I watched the real Superbowl on January 12 when the Ohio State Buckeyes defeated the Oregon Ducks.  And that was the last football game I’ve watched or will watch.

To hell with these NFL turds.

I know there are many – way, WAY TOO MANY – conservatives who believe boycotting is wrong because every business ought to be able to do what it and its ownership wants.  That would be fine – if liberals felt the same way.  But of course, liberals are FASCISTS who want to intimidate everyone into cowering to and caving before their agenda.  So the left boycotts conservative-friendly businesses and organizations like Chick-fil-A and like the Boy Scouts at every turn.  And too many of our businesses and organizations have caved in to liberal intimidation because they’re exposed to boycott while liberal businesses and organizations are exempted from it by well-meaning but naïve conservatives.

Boycott them.  Take a damn stand for once in your life.

Our Joke-in-Chief: There Was A Time When A President’s State Of the Union Speech Was Actually Serious

January 20, 2015

I listen to what Obama’s White House staff is saying Obama will blather in his State of the Union address tonight.  And all I can do is think about this fool’s budgets.

Barack Obama is a man who is so profoundly demon-possessed, so out of touch with anything resembling “reality,” that he had his budget defeated 99-0 in a Senate that was under the control of his own damn party:

Obama budget defeated 99-0 in Senate
By Stephen Dinan The Washington Times – May 16, 2012, 04:27PM

President Obama’s budget suffered a second embarrassing defeat Wednesday, when senators voted 99-0 to reject it.

Coupled with the House’s rejection in March, 414-0, that means Mr. Obama’s budget has failed to win a single vote in support this year.

Republicans forced the vote by offering the president’s plan on the Senate floor.

You want some more of that demon-possessed radical deluded whackjob otherwise known as “Mr. President,” do you?

Obama budget defeated 413-2; plans are unpopular on both sides
By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times – Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Two brave Democrats voted for President Obama’s budget on Wednesday, preventing another unanimous defeat for their party leader.

The rest of the chamber, however, had other plans, sending Mr. Obama’s plan to a devastating 413-2 defeat as most Democrats joined Republicans in rejecting the fiscal year 2015 blueprint.

House Republicans staged the vote to be able to argue that Mr. Obama’s plans are unpopular on both sides of the aisle, though Democrats said it was a useless vote and said the plan — which Republicans wrote to reflect the president’s budget — wasn’t actually Mr. Obama’s own plan.

The GOP staged similar votes in 2012, and Mr. Obama’s plan was unanimously defeated in both the House and Senate that year. Last year, Mr. Obama submitted his budget months later than the deadline, which meant the House didn’t even have his plan in time for its own vote.

Not ONE of Obama’s demoniac budgets has ever even come CLOSE to smelling anything resembling reality before.  This is the FIRST president in our history who is so completely possessed by Beelzebub that he has NEVER been able to pass even ONE of his communist budgets.

Hell, a good share of the time our Joke-in-Chief didn’t even bother to actually show up with his blathering nonsense.

And that’s the model this jerk, I mean this joke is going to follow tonight.

NOBODY believes that Obama’s speech is going to have any contact with actual reality.  Nobody thinks that Obama’s speech will reflect a serious man who actually wants to get something done in Washington.

No, for Barack Obama, it’s about finger-pointing, dividing, trying to demagogue and pit one side or one interest group against another.  And that is ALL.

He is presenting himself as a “Robin Hood” according to the leftist newspapers.  That’s bullcrap.  Number one, Robin Hood actually DID something; he didn’t just stand in front of a teleprompter and read unrealistic gibberish to his religious worshipers.  But it goes deeper than that; because contrary to the leftist propaganda, Robin Hood NEVER “stole from the rich and gave to the poor.”  NO!!!  If you actually bothered to read the stories, Robin Hood stole from the GOVERNMENT that had confiscatory taxes and gave to the poor.  Robin Hood stole from the Sheriff of Nottingham, dumbasses.  Robin Hood stole from Eric Damn Holder.

How much is Obama going to mention the fiasco of his foreign policy?  This is a man who as recently as September was praising his administration’s policy effects in Yemen; Yemen is right now spiraling bloodily out of control.  Obama took credit for Yemen which means he assumed responsibility for what actually DID happen; it is happening BECAUSE OF OBAMA’S POLICIES!  And we CONTINUE to see Yemen spiral out of control as it descends into the terrorism that Obama’s policies have invoked around the world by emboldening our enemies and weakening our friends.  Which is why the very DAY our Fool-in-Chief spoke, history once again revealed Obama for the fool he is as terrorists seized control of the presidential palace in the Yemen that Obama idiotically and dishonestly claimed was a symbol of his policy’s success!!!

The same thing in Russia: Obama mocked Mitt Romney when Romney warned about the threat of an emboldened Russia.  But what Obama was really doing to anyone who knows a damn thing was pointing in a mirror and screeching, “What a damn FOOL you are!”  Because reality is a fist that keeps punching Obama in the mouth.  Russia is as vicious as it ever was because America voted for a weak coward as its commander-in-chief.  Even the left’s biggest backers recognize what a fool Obama is when it comes to Russia as it is the greatest existential threat to Europe and the final vestiges of democracy in Europe.  And Russia just signed a defense pact with Iran that will guarantee that Iran has the ballistic missiles needed to threaten the United States that will further motivate them to build nuclear weapons.

When Armageddon comes upon us, just remember it was our Clear-and-Present-Danger-in-Chief who made it all possible as he rabidly refuses to allow Iran to be TOUCHED until AFTER they have built their nukes.

This is what our Clear-and-Present-Danger Incarnate said in 2014 in his State of the Union:

“If Iran’s leaders do not seize this opportunity, then I will be the first to call for more sanctions, and stand ready to exercise all options to make sure Iran does not build a nuclear weapon,” Obama said. “But if Iran’s leaders do seize the chance — and we’ll know soon enough — then Iran could take an important step to rejoin the community of nations, and we will have resolved one of the leading security challenges of our time without the risks of war.”

A full year later – a good twelve months MORE than “soon enough” – Barack Obama has again proved himself a liar as he not only is not “the first to call for more sanctions,” but is rabidly determined to fight to the last American life and veto any bill that would protect the United States and the world from the nuclear weapons that Iran will surely build because there are no consequences for them not to build them.

At this point, Barack Obama is a danger and a disgrace not only to the United States of America, but to the human race and to every single carbon based life form.

Barack Hussein Obama is a demagogue without shame, without integrity, without honesty, without virtue and without honor.  He is leading America into a darkness in which it will never escape because he cares NOTHING for our Constitution or our Separation of Powers or our political process or our democracy.  And the office of president will be a synonym for “tyrant” forever after as a result of the stench of his regime.  Obama epitomizes “tyrant” both in his own character – as he issues sweeping executive power-grabs that have abolished our Constitution, our political system and our democracy while denying he’s doing so – and in his pathetic and apathetic weakness to dictators abroad as he emboldens them to ever more tyranny as he does NOTHING.

The beast is coming, and it is Barack Obama who has laid down the red carpet to welcome him.

The World’s Tragedy: The Consequences of Godless Secular Humanist Liberalism Upon A Rapidly Deteriorating World

January 19, 2015

He said, “Go and tell this people: “‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’  Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” — Isaiah 6:9-10

I spotted a liberal op-ed that basically tells us that the tragedy otherwise known as progressive liberalism is as old as the 18th century and quite likely as old as time.

The article is about the “intellectuals'” disappointment with and in Barack Obama.  It begins:

When Barack Obama ran for president in 2008, intellectuals everywhere hailed him as one of their own. So closely was he identified with this elite that many Democrats worried, and Republicans hoped, that voters would reject him: As Richard Hofstadter noted long ago, a strong current of anti-intellectualism has long coursed through American history.

But his pointy head in no way proved an insurmountable obstacle in 2008. Maybe because it wasn’t all that inclined toward pointiness to begin with.

Since he was first elected, Obama has distanced himself from progressive intellectuals. You can expect to hear a few of them sadly critiquing his penultimate State of the Union speech this week.

Translation: We’re completely responsible for campaigning  for this pathetic turd and getting him elected and getting his policies passed.  But you can’t blame us.  Because if he’d just been even more “liberal” than this leftist turd turned out to be, everything would have worked out wonderful.

Mind you, Obama didn’t actually present himself as a far leftist; he presented himself as someone who would “transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics of the last 15 years, end the partisan and ideological wars and build a new governing majority.”  Which is another way of saying Obama lied and the “intellectuals” wish he’d been an even BIGGER liar than he turned out to be and do even MORE to tear the fabric of this nation apart by waging an even more vicious political war against the right than he has.  But “honesty” is no more a virtue of “intellectuals” than objectivity or common sense for that matter.

I won’t bore you with the whole boring piece (you can read it yourself if you’d like by clicking the link); but here is the portion that caught my eye:

In early 1765, Diderot was desperate. Thanks to his herculean efforts as editor of the Encyclopédie, the 17th and final volume of this monument to the Enlightenment was then rolling off the press. Yet the celebrated thinker was in serious financial straits. When Catherine learned of the situation, she made Diderot an offer he couldn’t refuse. She would purchase his personal library of 3,000 books and manuscripts for the then-vast sum of 50,000 livres. Not only would Diderot be allowed to keep his books until his death, but he would also be paid a yearly salary as the collection’s librarian.

The magnanimity of Catherine’s deal struck the imagination of intellectuals across Europe, who believed that true and lasting social reform could be made only from above. Since the great mass of people was mired in superstition and ignorance, enlightened decrees, not popular democracy, was called for. With Voltaire in the lead, the great minds of the age invested their hopes in well-intentioned kings and queens and saw themselves as qualified investment advisors.

Few intellectual ventures seemed as promising as Russia. Catherine had ascended to the throne in 1762 — in a coup d’etat and over the body of her husband, Peter III — determined to haul her vast country from its primitive conditions via Enlightenment ideals. She wrote the Nakaz, or Instruction, translating Montesquieu’s case for a rational and humane legal system into Russian. Her early enthusiasm for such progressive ideas, though sincere, would prove unequal to the challenges presented by her empire.

Okay, so let’s see: the “intellectuals” had an a priori rejection of God, the Bible and anything whatsoever to do with the supernatural.  Anybody who believed otherwise didn’t get to join the “intellectual club.”  They might claim otherwise, but they LOVE their dictators and tyrants because they keep rubbing their own faces into the fecal matter of totalitarianism, which is why they always HAVE loved Russia and totalitarianism and communism and socialism and every form of government control.  In their utter rejection of God, SOMETHING has to take God’s place – and so they worship government with a big ‘G’ and worship the power of the human State and its ability to control and dictate and bypass the democracy the despise and always have despised.  Oh, they’ll cynically use “democracy” long enough to garner the power to bypass the will of the people so they can impose their agenda with the raw force of totalitarianism and sweeping executive orders.

I mean, when Obama said

You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

– He wasn’t saying anything that hadn’t been said by his sort many times before.  The stupid unwashed masses.  One of the great books about wisdom in the Bible states that there is nothing new under the sun and that what has been will be again and what was done will be done again.  And so we have the same moral idiocy we’ve had before because we keep turning to the same sort of fools and the same sort of fool ideas that have failed us before when they weren’t killing us by the millions before.

I mean, listen to liberalism in the words of the LA Times piece that describes the same sort of thinking we see today only near three hundred damn years ago: “the great mass of people was mired in superstition and ignorance”…. “true and lasting social reform could be made only from above”… “enlightened decrees, not popular democracy, was called for.”  And so with the famous atheist Voltaire in the lead, the left charged into Stalinism and has been full-throttle Stalinist ever since.

Leftist “intellectuals” have a pathological naked contempt of the people, whom they see and always have seen as inferior and beneath them.  And so they can lie to the people without shame because the people are stupid sheep and what does it matter if you lie to a farm animal as long as you get the farm animal to do what you want it to do and what you’ve convinced yourself is in the best interest of the farm animal to do.  So the left has its Grubers and yeah, got its Obama’s who with a straight face has claimed he issued far fewer executive orders than any other president when in fact he was issuing MASSIVELY SWEEPING executive orders by another name (executive memoranda).

It’s who these people are.

Before I keep going with this, let me begin with another quote about the nature of intellectuals:

“George Orwell said that some ideas are so foolish that only an intellectual could believe them, for no ordinary man could be such a fool. The record of twentieth century intellectuals was especially appalling in this regard. Scarcely a mass-murdering dictator of the twentieth century was without his intellectual supporters, not simply in his own country, but also in foreign democracies, where people were free to say whatever they wished.  Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler all had their admirers, defenders, and apologists among the intelligentsia in Western democratic nations, despite the fact that these dictators ended up killing people of their own country on a scale unprecedented even by despotic regimes that preceded them” – Thomas Sowell, Intellectuals and Society, p. 2.

That’s right, folks.  The “intellectuals” from the left have ALWAYS loved Russia and Russia has ALWAYS been near and dear to their hearts.  They loved Hitler and his Nazi fascism, too.  They choose the most wicked side in every argument.

“Intellectual” is another word for “fool.”  This is a fact that is stated in the Bible:

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools… Romans 1:22

And we’re warned about these fools and their fool ideas:

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. — Colossians 2:8

Three of the greatest scientists who ever lived were Sir Francis Bacon, the discoverer of the scientific method and founder of modern science, Sir Isaac Newton, whose physics transformed science and Blaise Pascal, the great mathematician and inventor of the first practical computer.  The man who discovered modern science by devising the scientific method rather than relying upon speculation and opinion wrote:

“There was never law, or sect, or opinion did so much magnify goodness, as the Christian religion doth.”

It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy brings about man’s mind to religion: for while the mind of man looketh upon second causes scattered, it may sometimes rest in them, and go no further; but when it beholdeth the chain of them confederate and linked together, it must needs fly to Providence and Deity. — Sir Francis Bacon

“They that deny a God destroy man’s nobility; for certainly man is of kin to the beasts in his body; and, if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature.” — Sir Francis Bacon

Sir Isaac Newton has widely been called the greatest scientist who ever lived.  Albert Einstein credited Newton with his own work and claimed he’d stood on the backs of giants.  He wrote more about Christian theology than he did about science.

And Blaise Pascal – and please think about this while you’re playing games on your smart phone – wrote:

There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus. — Blaise Pascal

Pascal was pointing out something Bacon clearly understood that the left has tried to pervert ever since.  It comes from Ecclesiastes 3:11 that God set eternity in the human heart.  It comes from Genesis 1:27 that humans were created in God’s image as His image bearers.  And the next verse describes God as having given man sovereignty over the world He created for humankind.  Which is why great scientist Johannes Kepler described science as “thinking God’s thoughts after Him.”

G.K. Chesterton put it even better in terms of my point when he wrote:

“For when we cease to worship God, we do not worship nothing, we worship anything.”

In rejecting God as their source for a worldview and for ideas, they believe in utter foolishness.  It may be high-sounding foolishness, but it is all the more foolish to be expressed in lofty words.  The left fills their minds with foolishness.  And that is why their ideas don’t work.

Leftist intellectuals are pure fools whose ideas have no contact with reality.  They have absolutely no understanding whatsoever how power works or how government truly functions or how to achieve peace or how to do anything that is truly meaningful or significant.  All they can do is mock and then mimic and then point fingers for their failures to try to blame others for their failures.

And a leftist like Obama has two choices: he can either reject the foolish and failed liberalism and try a different approach, which the leftist intellectuals claim he is at least partly doing.  Or he can keep trying to apply liberalism and keep failing, as he is very clearly also doing.

Obama is a joke.  And it would have been a funny joke if he had afflicted another country that wasn’t urgently needed in this time as the leader of the free world.  But here he is, plaguing this formerly great nation.  And so the joke is on America and it is on the whole human race.

Barack Obama has failed America and he has failed the world.  No one on earth is more responsible for the vicious wave or resurgent Islamic terrorism than Barack Hussein Obama who STILL insanely continues to reject the notion that he is in a war or that the war is against Islamic terrorism.  No one did more to underestimate the threat of terror and falsely and stupidly claim he had defeated it than Obama, no one did more to gut the resources needed to defeat Islamic terrorism while that threat metastasized into a deadly cancer all around him while he selfishly focused on his own personal politics.

And Obama failed America.  He keeps trying to play class warfare when HE is the man who widened the gap between the richest and the poorest beyond any human being who ever lived.  He dishonestly talks about his policies being exactly what the middle class needs when it was HIS policies that have crushed the middle class more than ANYONE’S in history.  Which is why all the day back in August of last year conservative writers RIGHTLY predicted the outcome of November’s election in which Republicans massively kicked Democrat and Obama ass and pointing out it was Obama’s war on the middle class come boomeranging back at his face.  That writer who predicted the result of the election called it “The Murder of the Middle Class.”  By the man who is now about to give a dishonest State of the Union speech claiming once again he is the savior of the very thing he is in fact murdering.

Obama has spent more money on government than any human being in all of human history.  And he is about to have spent more than every American president in all of human history combined from George Washington to George W. Bush.  And his policies have failed unless it was his goal to weaken America abroad and to weaken every American except the very wealthiest.  As even the LEFT that backed Obama is now pointing out.

And Barack Obama – without any question unless you ask the fool “intellectuals” – has done more to destroy democracy and more to destroy the American Constitution than any president who ever lived.  Because he is now the same totalitarian that the left has ALWAYS ended up worshiping whether some of them came to rue the object of their worship or not.

Pretty soon, because of Obama’s spectacular failure, the world will accept the coming Antichrist and worship him as their savior and take his mark of big-socialist-government domination on their right hands or on their foreheads.  And Barack Hussein Obama will have been the Antichrist’s Most Useful Idiot.

And don’t think for one second that the same intellectuals who couldn’t wait to support Stalin before they couldn’t wait to support Hitler before they couldn’t wait to support murderous communist dictator Chairman Mao before they couldn’t wait to support Obama won’t rush to support the Antichrist, too.

No One On EARTH More Responsible For Rise In Islamic Terrorism Than Our Own Terrorist-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama

January 16, 2015

It is a fascinating thing to watch the left as America and the world are viciously attacked by Islamic terrorism and in their war against the West, against Christendom, against Judeo-Christian Western Civilization, against freedom, against democracy and against our entire way of life.  Barack Obama, the Democrat Party, the leftist pseudo-intellectuals and the mainstream media have fabricated this narrative of “us against them,” whereby Christians and conservatives are illegitimately attacking this peaceful religion called Islam.  The reality is so different it is beyond belief; it is NOT “us against them” but rather it is “THEM against us” while we stand by and get slaughtered because it is politically incorrect for us to stand up for our values or fight for our own lives and the lives of our children.

At least – because I have no doubt this percentage has GROWN given the recent attacks we’re seeing –  27% of young French Muslims support the vicious terrorist army called the Islamic State.  And TWICE as many British Muslims are fighting for Islamic State as are fighting for the UK armed forces.  Don’t you DARE try to argue with me that “Islam” and “terrorism” aren’t mutually interwoven and linked.

Obama campaigned for president in 2007 and 2008 demonizing George Bush, conservatives and Republicans for their war on terror and over and over again blamed them – and yes, blamed America – for the entire problem of terrorism.  It wasn’t that these vicious Muslims hate us and want to kill us and destroy everything we stand for and force us to do what “Islam” really means and SUBMIT to Allah and to sharia law; it was that we built a prison facility at Guantanamo Bay that was inciting otherwise peaceful, happy wonderful people to saw off the heads of people who never hurt anyone.

Obama promised us that when he was president, he would “fundamentally transform” the world and solve all of our problems and end the war on Islamic terror by first of all denying it was either Islamic or terror and secondly denying there was a war.

It is my contention that as a direct result of his presidency and his policies, terrorism has exploded into a force that is rapidly growing into a terrifying new reality.

I point out for simple history’s sake that terrorists inspired by Islam massively attacked the United States on September 11, 2001.  It was most definitely NOT as a result of any Bush policies; the man had been in office for less than eight months and the attack on the World Trade Center, on the Pentagon and on Congress had been planned for years.  Every single terrorist was already in America and trained and funded prior to George W. Bush taking office.  And in fact there had been an incredibly disturbing pattern of terrorist attacks against United States territory during the eight preceding years that one William Jefferson Clinton was in office.

So we were attacked and George Bush led America’s massive response.  And liberal Democrats such as Barack Obama ridiculously blamed that response as the cause of the terror that the response was actually a response TO.

But as ridiculous as Obama’s and the Democrat Party’s insane claims were on their face, we had a question to resolve: would their policies do a better job???  Or would our terrorist enemies, inspired and incited by the Islam that our liberal leaders refuse to acknowledge, sense our indecision, our naivety and our weakness and build themselves stronger for more and more frequent attacks?

And the facts demonstrate for all human history to witness that the latter is precisely what happened as the world is now melting down into terror even as Obama says, “please don’t use force to deal with these monsters.”  His own words were, “It’s important for Europe not to simply respond with a hammer and law enforcement and military approaches to these problems.”  By all means, let’s not; because terrorists’ hearts melt when we lay down our arms and surrender to them.

History has given us the results of the Obama experiment.  And Obama has wildly failed.

Let’s consider what is happening under our leader of the free world and his insanely immoral and foolish policies:

Increase in Jihadist Threat Calls for New U.S. Strategy to Combat Terrorism
June 4, 2014

There is a growing terrorist threat to the United States from a rising number of Salafi-jihadist groups overseas, according to a RAND Corporation study.

Since 2010, there has been a 58 percent increase in the number of jihadist groups, a doubling of jihadist fighters and a tripling of attacks by al Qaeda affiliates. The most significant threat to the United States, the report concludes, comes from terrorist groups operating in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“Based on these threats, the United States cannot afford to withdraw or remain disengaged from key parts of North Africa, the Middle East and South Asia,” said Seth Jones, author of the study and associate director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at RAND, a nonprofit research organization. “After more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, it may be tempting for the U.S. to turn its attention elsewhere and scale back on counterterrorism efforts. But this research indicates that the struggle is far from over.”

For the RAND study, Jones examined thousands of unclassified and declassified primary source documents, including public statements and internal memorandums of al Qaeda and other Salafi-jihadist leaders. The study also includes a database of information such as the number of Salafi-jihadist groups, their approximate size and their activity — attacks, fatalities and other casualties. […]

Now, one of the interesting things is that this article highlights YEMEN as a major source of Islamic terrorism.  Any sane, rational, leader would focus the war effort on such a country.  But let’s say that instead of being a sane, rational leader, our leader is indwelt by so many demons that it would dwarfs the number of demons in the demoniac named “Legion, for we are many” whom Jesus confronted in the Gospels?

Such a pathologically demon-indwelt leader would do this:

“This counterterrorism campaign will be waged through a steady, relentless effort … using our air power and our support for partner forces on the ground,” said Obama. “This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.”

Yes, our demoniac-in-chief actually cited YEMEN as his success model!!!  You simply cannot get more insane or more wicked than that.  This goes even beyond Neville Chamberlain praising Hitler for “peace in our time.”  You don’t GET this stupid or this wicked unless there are so many demons screaming inside your brain that you wouldn’t be able to know truth if it smacked you right in the mouth.

We just had a massive Islamic terrorist attack in France which directly targeted democracy and freedom of speech.  Set aside the fact that Barack Obama refuses to say we’re in any kind of “war,” or that our enemies are in any way motivated by the Islam which clearly motivates them.  Just consider the sub-headline which screams in your face at the top of page A4 in the print version of the Los Angeles Times:

Al Qaeda Thrives in Yemen chaos.  Those are the words in giant bold face printed on January 15.  Contrast those words with the demon-possessed moral idiocy of our Fool-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.

So what did Obama do after the massive terrorist attack in France was discovered to have been planned and funded by al Qaeda in Yemen?

He released five more deadly terrorists from Guantanamo Bay who had come from, yes, YEMEN.  Obama literally rewarded al Qaeda in Yemen for it’s brilliant and daring attack against freedom in France.

So what did Obama do?  In spite of all rationality and all decency, Obama falsely claimed that he had “decimated” al Qaeda even AFTER they murdered our ambassador in an outrageous attack in Benghazi, Libya.  In that attack, Obama sent out his administration stooges such as Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton but also himself claimed that it was NOT a terrorist attack but rather free speech (and PLEASE see here) that was our problem (the Youtube lie that everyone now knows beyond any shred of a doubt was nothing but a pure political cover-up that ought to have got Obama impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors).

And even AFTER the Benghazi attack, Obama went on to claim the demise of al Qaeda at least THIRTY-TWO times while doing NOTHING to stop the spread of the terrorist groups he falsely and dishonestly claimed he had defeated.

I have painstakingly documented how Obama is ENTIRELY responsible for the rise of the gigantic Islamic Caliphate across Iraq and Syria that Osama bin Laden dreamed of and Obama made a reality.

Iraq: Bush’s Victory, Obama’s Despicable Defeat

Obama’s Utterly Failed Policy With Syria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan And The Entire Middle East Is A Clear And Present Danger

Obama’s Disinformation, Deception, Deceit Led To Disarray And Defeat In Iraq. And It Will Happen In Afghanistan As History Repeats.

The Blame Game Masters: Iran’s Plan B Has Always Been Obama’s Plan A-Z. Consider How Obama Blames Bush For His Iraq Failure.

Obama’s ‘300’ In Iraq: It Won’t Be Like Thermopylae Because We Aint Sparta And Obama Definitely Aint Leonidas

The Tide Of War Is Receding’: Barack Obama Is ENTIRELY Responsible For The Disastrous Meltdown In Iraq And Across The Middle East

Obama Presidency ‘Bogus And Wrong’ As He Dishonestly Claims It’s Not His Fault He Abandoned Iraq After Bush Secured Victory There

I document the following: that the Obama administration declared victory in the Iraq War (as won by George W. Bush).  That Barack Obama planned from the very beginning unilaterally withdraw US forces from Iraq and abandon Iraq to its fate while promising a new dawn in “an Iraq that is sovereign, stable and self reliant.”  After his Vice President had boasted of the Iraq victory (that Bush won), “I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.”  Yes, Obama planned to abandon Iraq from the VERY BEGINNING of his presidency and even when he was a CANDIDATE for president, the facts prove.  Obama’s cut-and-run from Iraq had NOTHING to do with any “status of forces” nonsense; it had to do with the nonsense in his demon-possessed ideology.  Yes, the generals predicted DISASTER for Obama’s demonic and foolish Iraq withdrawal that led to the terrorists retaking IN SPADES everything our troops had fought and died to win.

When Obama declared his “red line” policy with Syria – only to have Obama cower and back down from his threat while Syria REPEATEDLY used chemical weapons to kill their own people – Obama assured the forces of evil that he was a spineless punk who wouldn’t have the courage or the balls to stand up to them and fight unless he could do so remotely with a drone; they were assured that Obama would NEVER seriously commit Americans to fight evil as that evil metastasized into a fatal cancer given his own party’s rabid refusal to do so.

And look what’s happened as a result.

Let’s look at the explosion in terrorism in 2012 from 2011 under our leader of the free world, Barack Hussein Obama:

Terrorist attacks and deaths hit record high, report shows
By Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog co-editor
October 28th, 2013
03:56 PM ET

Washington (CNN) – As terrorism increasingly becomes a tactic of warfare, the number of attacks and fatalities soared to a record high in 2012, according to a new report obtained exclusively by CNN.

More than 8,500 terrorist attacks killed nearly 15,500 people last year as violence tore through Africa, Asia and the Middle East, according to the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism.

That’s a 69% rise in attacks and an 89% jump in fatalities from 2011, said START, one of the world’s leading terrorism-trackers.

Six of the seven most deadly groups are affiliated with al Qaeda, according to START, and most of the violence was committed in Muslim-majority countries.

The previous record for attacks was set in 2011 with more than 5,000 incidents; for fatalities the previous high was 2007 with more than 12,800 deaths. […]

Note: the PREVIOUS record had been set under Barack Hussein Obama in 2011.  We’re exploding from the explosion.

Now let’s consider the explosion in 2014 from 2013.

Also, in this article I want to highlight two salient facts: 1) the shocking rise of actual terrorist attacks and 2) the direct correlation between the Nazism that the left has always insanely blamed on Christianity and the political right – when “Nazi” stood for “National Socialist German Workers Party,” glorified giant, totalitarian government and never had ANYTHING whatsoever to do with either Christianity Or the right – and the Islamic jihadists that the left ardently protects by refusing to allow the West to do what is needed and FIGHT these cockroaches (to wit, who is protecting the Nazis of today?  Leftist/socialist governments, Barack Obama and the American Democrat Party, that’s who):

Anti-Semitic Attacks Skyrocket in Europe
September 12, 2014 Rachel Molschky

Pro-Palestinian "protesters" in Paris hover around a swastika. (Photo credit: Etienne Laurent/European Pressphoto Agency)

Anti-Semitic attacks have increased by 400% in the UK and have doubled in France. Attacks in Europe overall have increased by 436%, and 383% in the world. People are becoming more brazen since the leftwing atmosphere and liberal groups, together with the growing Muslim community in the West, have joined forces to promote anti-Israel propaganda, a politically correct version of anti-Semitism.

People have reverted back to using Jews as a scapegoat, blaming their own problems on Jews, something which has always existed but that once again has the stamp of approval via certain political groups which focus on the victimization of the aggressors and on increasing their voting pool with virtually uncontrolled immigration. This has led to a jump in the Muslim population in the West, and Muslims have brought over the anti-Semitism that is preached in their mosques, on their TVs and in their schools.

It is important to note that a recent Anti-Defamation League (ADL) survey found that 70% of anti-Semites have never met a Jew.

Arutz Sheva reports:

A total of 529 anti-Semitic actions or threats were registered up to the end of July, against 276 for the same period last year, the Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF) said, citing figures gleaned from the French Interior Ministry.

The acts included violence against individuals, arson and vandalism, and “exacerbate the growing unease that oppresses Jews in France each day and overshadows their future”, CRIF said in a statement.

Yet more worrying, the group added, is the appearance of new forms of violence against Jews – including attacks by organized gangs and the targeting of synagogues, as well as acts of vandalism against Jewish businesses and planned terrorist attacks.

Meanwhile in the UK, the Community Security Trust (CST) anti-Semitism watchdog group reports 302 anti-Semitic incidents in July alone, making a whopping 400% increase over the same month last year.

Read on

A third thing would be the insane hatred of Jews that Satan has ALWAYS had for Jews and which the Bible prophesied would happen in the last days in both the Old and New Testament of God’s Word.  And again, the direct correlation between the hatred of God’s people and Satan and the left which shelters and protects the terrorists and the religion that inspires and motivates these terrorists in every way imaginable.

Here’s another demonstration of shocking, massive increases of terrorism under and because of Barack Hussein Obama’s massively failed “leadership” over the free world:

Terrorist-related deaths up 60%: vast majority related to Islamic terrorists
The amount of people killed by terrorists is up according to a new report:
November 18, 2014

The number of people killed in terrorist attacks jumped more than 60 percent from 2012 to 2013, due largely to unrest in the Middle East and Nigeria, a new report found.

Report on Rise in Terrorism - 2012 - 2013.
Report on Rise in Terrorism – 2012 – 2013.

Deaths due to terrorism rose from 11,133 in 2012 to 17,958 in 2013, according to the Global Terrorism Index produced by the Institute for Economics and Peace, a think tank based in Australia.  […]

Here’s another thing: it is BEYOND SCANDALOUS how Barak Hussein Obama has lied about the explosion of Islamic terrorism under HIS presidency, just as it is equally scandalous how dishonestly the mainstream media has refused to cover that explosion or identify the shocking increases that have happened as a direct result of Obama’s incredibly foolish and weak and frankly wicked policies to a) refuse to even acknowledge that we are in a “war,” b) to refuse to identify our enemy so we can actually fight that enemy – as Islamist, and c) to gut our military, gut our intelligence and gut our ability to either defend ourselves or project force and influence around the globe in this out-of-control WAR THAT WE ARE RAPIDLY LOSING.

Terrorism has metastasized under Obama.  It is exploding out of control.  The number of terrorist organizations is exploding; the number of individual terrorists joining those organizations is exploding; the funding and well-organizational structure of those organizations is exploding; the ability of these organizations to recruit and train replacements is exploding; and the lone wolf attacks are exploding in murderous fury.  These are all simple facts.

And we are like stupid, helpless sheep, or worse yet, like ostriches who bury their heads in the sand because of leftist propaganda and because of the lies coming out of our wicked White House.

I think today of Liam Neesam – who insanely and hypocritically is making appearances to market his new incredibly violent propaganda piece that directly glorified gun violence – coming out and demonizing the gun culture that his movies further massively inspire!!!  That is the level and degree of abject personal hypocrisy and dishonesty coming out of the political and cultural and media left today.

Liberals are such astonishingly massive hypocrites there is simply no question that they are clearly and truly demon-possessed and incapable of seeing reality.  I see liberals flying around in private jets lecturing us on our carbon footprints while themselves leaving such giant jackboot prints themselves it’s a freaking joke.  I see liberals condemning conservatives for wanting to build a wall on the southern border to protect what’s left of their country while these same liberals build giant walls around every-damn-thing they own.  I see liberals praising public schools who would NEVER put their spoiled little punk children in the very schools that they insist “little people” should be forced to put their kids in.  And so yeah, I see liberals surrounded by armed professional security demonizing those same little people for thinking that their lives matter enough to buy a gun to protect themselves, their families and their property.

These are professional liars who take pretending to be other people to ridiculous extremes as they pump out propaganda film after propaganda film and then claim they have zero responsibility for their own work or their own behavior.

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels envied Hollywood for their incredible ability to produce first-rate propaganda movies during World War II:

Hitler was obsessive about films; he aimed to watch one a night.

He and Goebbels were also quick to recognise the persuasive power of film, and would regularly cast envious eyes over the propaganda output of their enemies

And see also here.  The United States has ALWAYS had the world’s greatest potential to deceive its own people.  And liberal culture has put their propaganda machine into high overdrive in movies and in newspapers and in every other venue there is.  And more Americans believe more lies today than we have ever seen in our nation’s history.

You know, there isn’t an American who was old enough at the time to know anything who can’t remember the footage of George H.W. Bush saying, “Read my lips, no new taxes” and knowing the backstory that he raised taxes after saying that.  Because the mainstream media endlessly ran and re-ran that footage to discredit him.  There isn’t anyone who doesn’t remember the footage of George W. Bush on that aircraft carrier under the banner “Mission Accomplished.”  Because the mainstream media endlessly ran and re-ran that footage to discredit him.  Just like they ran and re-ran Bush saying, “Heck of a job, Brownie” during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina to discredit him.  I’m simply stating as a categorical fact that had the mainstream media done to Obama anything like they did to either Bush, Obama would have been forcibly removed from office because even his own party would not have been able to not support his impeachment.

But today this nation is swamped under a deep, raging ocean of lies and propaganda and demon-possessed distortion of the truth.

So we have Obama on TV today with the British Prime Minister blathering on like the snake he is as if his policies are in any way, shape or form working when they are clearly NOT working.

And what is the cause of all this disaster according to our FOOL-in-Chief?  Gitmo is still open and that is inspiring the terrorists to fight us and somehow if we just closed it down and apologized for our values and made it a crime to insult the Prophet they wouldn’t realize our weakness and attack us; no, they would stop fighting and shake our hands.

Obama said something that ought to terrify you.  Realize that there are more than a billion Muslims, and that experts estimate that 10-15% of them are radicalized and believe in violent jihad.  Realize that we are dealing with – in terms of sheer demographic numbers – something on the order of 300 million potential terrorists.  Realize that means that we have a potential of MILLION terrorists even as we have not only well-organized, well-funded, well-trained terrorist groups attacking us but thousands and thousands and potentially millions and millions of lone wolves murdering as many innocents as they can in the name of Allah and his “Prophet.”  And realize that Obama has been claiming regarding the war against Islamic terrorism that Obama won’t call a war and won’t call Islamic terrorism that, “I do not consider this an existential threat… this is one that we will solve.”

OH MY GOD!  YES THIS IS AN EXISTENTIAL THREAT.   We faced an existential threat during the Cold War where we realized that the communists dwarfed us in numbers and military might.  And we built our arsenal to first catch up to them and ultimately to have the capacity to defeat them while Democrats screamed about it and demanded we do the exact opposite and try to appease our merciless foes.  Thank God for Ronald Reagan!  Thank GOD that Reagan pursued the strategy that John F. Kennedy tried to pursue and create a healthy economy through low taxes such that we could literally turn what would have become a shooting war into a spending war and we were able to outspend our communist threat and cause it to economically implode.  Kennedy and Reagan were Cold Warriors and their policies prevailed.

Now we have a fool who is pursuing the exact OPPOSITE of a strategy to win a war on terror.  First of all, he won’t even acknowledge it IS a war.  Second of all, he won’t recognize the nature of our enemy or the threat that they present to our culture and our way of life.  Third he won’t allow us to build our arsenal and our military to defend against that threat.  And so now what we have in the not-very-longer-free world is a tragic situation in which we are losing a war due to a “growing gap between the increasingly challenging threat and the decreasing availability of capabilities to address it.”  Because we have truly gutted our military capability under Obama as he has falsely claimed that we defeated terrorism and contained any threat even as that threat was obviously exploding all around us.

During the Cold War, we did NOT have Russians or Chinese or North Korean communists coming here and murdering our citizens in group and lone wolf attacks.  Which makes this war different and more deadly.  During the Cold War, we did NOT face a menace that believed that total war would please their god.  We actually have such a menace now.  And the population of our enemy is exploding while our leftist leaders and our leftist culture has encouraged us to murder more than sixty million of our own children.  We are losing the war on the front of demographics even as we lose the war in terms of our secular=humanist inspired unwillingness to fight to defend ourselves verses their religious motivation to fight to destroy us.

Arguably, the only existential threat facing America that is more deadly to this nation than the threat of Islamic terrorism is our president and commander-in-chief who has prevented us from fighting and who has actually aided and abetted our terrorist enemy in undermining and ultimately defeating us.

This Sums Up The Demonic Hypocrisy Of The Democrat Party And Liberal Progressivism

January 14, 2015

You’ve got to just stand back and marvel at the STUNNING hypocrisy and dishonest and disgraceful deceit that are at the core of every so-called “liberal” and at the heart of every Democrat and at the heart of their false messiah Barack Hussein Obama.

How dare we publish material that would offend Muslims, they argue in the name of the multicultural pluralism that they gave birth to.

Okay, fine.  Every atheist who publicly claims there is no God ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.  Every liberal who espouses the radical secular humanist invention of a “separation of church and state” to annihilate their opponents’ religious influence ought to be publicly demonized.

But of course not.  Christianity is of course different and ought to be attacked and demonized because unlike other groups that all come from the totalitarian left we don’t resort to hate and violence.  I guess ultimately it’s Jesus’ fault for teaching His disciples to turn the other cheek and it’s the Holy Spirit’s fault for instilling in us the fruits of the Spirit rather than the hate of the left.

The French satirical paper that was attacked in France was a LEFT-WING magazine that generally attacked the political RIGHT, attacked Christianity and basically attacked opposition to liberalism.  NPR had this factoid:

Charlie Hebdo, the satirical French magazine that was the target of a deadly attack today, is part of a long tradition of French satire dating to the days before the French Revolution.

The left-wing magazine is known for its biting takedowns. Its past targets include the political right wing, capitalism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

The beauty of progressive liberalism, secular humanism and the Democrat Party which defends these engines of destruction in America, is it’s monolithic hypocrisy.  Liberals are pathologically dishonest hypocrites whose cry is invariably “It’s NEVER fascist when we do it” because they have conveniently pre-defined themselves as virtuous and their opponents as guilty.

The left have been viciously attacking Christians and Christianity for DECADES.  But of course now we shouldn’t have the right to employ the same standards that the left created to attack and undermine us to criticize their fellow “Government-as-God” worshipers in the Muslim religion.

Here is a piece that deliciously exposes this profound hypocrisy (and for the official record let me simply point out the fact that “Piss Christ” was funded by Democrats who had perverted the National Endowment for the Arts into something so vile it is beyond unreal):

AP Won’t Publish Muhammad Cartoons, Will Gladly Sell ‘Piss Christ’
Purchase link pulled after hypocrisy exposed
1.7.2015 |
Trey Sanchez

As reported through Breitbart, the Associated Press made clear that its official policy is to censor photos of the Prophet Muhammad. Apparently, though, disparaging images of Jesus Christ are acceptable.

The AP told The Daily Beast, “It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images.” And because of that policy, the cartoons of Muhammad seen in the Charlie Hebdo magazine were deleted from its commercial photo service.

But as was discovered, the infamous “art” photo of a crucifix immersed in urine, known as “Piss Christ,” could be purchased online through the news organization.

Once this hypocrisy was made known by The Washington Examiner, AP took the purchase link down.

A screenshot of the broken link is provided below:

Do you know what?

If you don’t want to offend Ismam, you shouldn’t elect a damn president who by definition of Islam is the worst kind of infidel because he was raised by his father as a Muslim and now (falsely) claims he’s a Christian.

Obama is the infidel who once claimed:

OBAMA: And what was the first thing the McCain?s campaign went out and did? They said, look, these liberal blogs that support Obama are out there attacking Governor Palin.

Let’s not play games. What I was suggesting — you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come–

STEPHANOPOULOS: Christian faith.

OBAMA: – my Christian faith.

I mean, “Ooops,” said the man who also said that the Muslim call to prayer was “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth.”

“Ooops,” said the man who was raised as a Muslim and who attended a mosque in Indonesia as a boy and was listed as a “Muslim” when he attended a Catholic school there.  Obama had a Muslim father, whether the man was a practicing Muslim or not.  And I can ASSURE you that that is ALL it takes to make one a “Muslim” in the eyes of Islam.  And our president is the worst kind of walking, talking betrayal and disgrace to Islam that there is and would be executed for his “crime of apostasy.”

Every Democrat directly participated in insulting Islam.  And yes you DID.  Look at parallel cases that document what I’m saying is true.

If Obama wanted to stop insulting the Prophet, he would resign from office in disgrace and face his punishment under sharia law.

I can’t say enough about the rabid hypocrisy and cockroach dishonesty of the left.

They claim they fight for the freedom of speech.  BULLCRAP.

NO president has EVER been so HOSTILE to free speech as messiah of secular humanist liberal progressivism:

Barack Hussein Obama is “the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation.”  And that is a FACTObama is assaulting journalism and has been for his entire presidency.

Barack Hussein Obama’s presidency is more restrictive and more dangerous to the press than any other administration in history.

Barack Hussein Obama runs “the most closed, control freak administration” in at least a generation including Richard Nixon’s regime.

Barack Hussein Obama’s regime is the most secretive White House that senior New York Times’ editors have ever covered.

At this point, the only difference between Democrats, i.e. between DEMOn-possessed bureauCRATS, and Nazis is that the Nazis dressed better.  And the scale of evil: Nazis murdered six million Jews and Democrats have murdered SIXTY million innocent babies in their death camp abortion mills.

And we see the hate of secular progressive liberal progressives for freedom and for the rights of others all the time.

Take a gander at this story, for an example for an example of the latest outrage directed against the rights of Christians to believe what thousands of years of the Word of God proclaims to be true, what the entirely of Western Civilization has believed to be true.  Because under these antichrist Democrat haters, deviant homosexuals have every right to drag their moral filth into churches and flaunt their lifestyles and the only people guilty of “bigotry” are the people who say in their own houses of worship, “our faith says that’s not right, and is there nowhere we can go to practice our religion?”  And NO, there is not in this age just before the Democrat Party worships the beast and takes his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads.

Liberal intellectuals – which means people who have carefully taught themselves to be the stupidest people on the face of the earth – have proclaimed free speech to be the greatest threat to liberalism.  Because nobody would ever believe this garbage called liberalism if they had all the facts presented to them – and thus the facts and the truth themselves become the enemy.

If you are a Democrat, you hate freedom and you rabidly despise the freedom of speech to say anything but what you have fascistically proclaimed to be politically correct.

If you are a Democrat, then you are a hypocrite and a liar and a pervert and a murderer.  And God has decreed that you will get yours.  Because if there is a God, there is a thing called justice.  But I know, you want to make those words first a thoughtcrime just like the book 1984 described and ultimately an actual crime.  It’s just who you are.

Biblical Christianity Vs. Cultural (Pseudo) Christianity, Socialism And Obama

January 13, 2015

As the discussion has raged over the mass murders of satirical journalists in France committed by Muslims in the name of Islam, I recently heard a Muslim make the “moral equivalence” argument and cite the murders committed by Anders Behring Breivik in Norway as being “Christian terrorism.”  And, of course, I had already written about that foolishness at the time it occurred and attempted to explain and show how this murderous psychopath was by no means a “Christian” in ANY orthodox sense of the word.  There was NOTHING in what he did that had ANY similarity WHATSOEVER to what Jesus did or taught.

Anybody who believes otherwise simply has to be demon-possessed; because no human mind could be that stupid and that deceived on its own without the manipulation of the devil.  Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”  These people cannot comprehend the truth.  They are warped by lies.  Bad people prefer lies to the truth.  And so they hate Jesus and hate His followers just as He predicted they would: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first” (John 15:18).

I hope anybody who has the brainless idiocy to recite the garbage that Breivik was a Christian would read that article and learn the facts and the truth.  But I know that’s a pipe dream, because liberals are either a) utterly ignorant about the nature of reality or b) hypocrites and liars.  And so these people will continue to spout lies rather than understand that the truth refutes them and refutes everything they believe in and stand for.

There is a powerful difference between Christianity as it is revealed in the Bible and “Christianity” as liberals profoundly misunderstand it.

Liberals are completely bound in culture, and for them culture is a constantly evolving thing.  That’s why and how they can keep denying the fundamentals of the Christian faith and radically departing from the teachings and doctrines of the Bible and yet somehow claim that they are “Christian.”  When they have nothing to do with Christianity any more than Anders Behring Breivik has to do with Jesus or the Bible or Christianity.  I mean, if you can insanely rationalize that homosexuality is somehow good or abortion is somehow good, you can rationalize that murdering a bunch of innocent people in Norway or in France is good.

Which is why, for the record, militant Islam is no different from militant secular humanist progressive liberalism.  And that is simply a FACT, no matter how the über-socialist liberals want to deny it: because state atheist socialism murdered more than 100 million of their own people DURING PEACETIME.

I mean, the secular humanist liberals who sit there and have the balls to go back to the Crusades or the Inquisition and then argue that “religion” is what is somehow responsible for the murderous spirit are so historically ignorant and so deceived it is beyond belief.  If you read works like Rodney Stark’s For the Glory of God, and begin to understand how many myths have been perpetuated by radical secular humanist “reconstruction” of history, you’ll finally begin to understand what Jesus meant by his “the world will hate you because it hated Me first.”  Secular humanists, progressive liberals, atheists, socialists, etc. have so hated Jesus and so hated Christians and so hated Christianity, they have radically perverted history to slander everything Jesus and His followers and the Bible He taught and they follow stand for.

So what is biblical faith?

Look at this PDF handout and read the Bible verses.

Biblical Christianity versus cultural (pseudo) Christianity:

Christianity_Biblical vs Cultural

Now, you find Anders Behring Breivik in that.  And for that matter, you find Obama’s version of “Christianity” in that.  show me where Obama’s declaration of “collective salvation”

“… working on issues of crime and education and employment and seeing that in some ways certain portions of the African American community are doing as bad if not worse, and recognizing that my fate remain tied up with their fates, that my individual salvation is not going to come about without a collective salvation for the country.

– can be found in the Word of God.  Because it CAN’T be found.  It is a lie.  What Obama is doing is claiming that only by his socialism, only by his economic Marxism, only by imposing his vile ideology onto the world and only by perverting true biblical Christianity with his socialist blasphemy and creating a “secular humanist theocracy” that makes Government the Savior and Provider rather than God and His people, can there be salvation.  That is a LIE from the devil.

I mean, let’s compare and contrast Obama’s “collective salvation” with what actual biblical Christianity teaches (as I’ve presented before):

What does Jesus say?  Consider Matthew 16:24-25:
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any one (individual) wishes to come after Me, he (individual) must deny himself (individual), and take up his (individual) cross and follow Me.  For whoever wishes to save his (individual) life will lose it; but whoever loses his (individual) life for My sake will find it.
Consider 2 Corinthians 5:10 for the thoughts of St. Paul:
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one (individual) may be recompensed for his (individual) deeds in the body, according to what he (individual) has done, whether good or bad.
And again, St. Paul in Romans 14:12:
So then each one of us (individual) will give an account of himself (individual) to God.
Or consider Galatians 2:20:
“I (individual) have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I (individual) who live, but Christ lives in me (individual); and the life which I (individual) now live in the flesh I (individual) live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me (individual), and delibered Himself up for me (individual).”
And, again, in the words of Jesus as recorded in Revelation 3:20:
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If any one (individual)  hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him (individual) and will dine with him (individual), and he (individual) with Me.”
Barack Obama is most certainly not a Christian to so miserably misunderstand that we are EACH INDIVIDUALLY saved by our PERSONAL faith in Jesus Christ through what He did for us on the cross.  This is not some esoteric “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?” sort of question; it is a core fundamental of the Christian faith.

And that is why Barack Obama’s “individual salvation” will NEVER come about any more than Anders Behring Breivik’s will.  Unless these blasphemous heretics fall on their faces before God’s truth and repent of their deception and embrace the truth that is found only in Jesus Christ.

For Barack Hussein Obama and the most radical jihadist Muslim, “salvation” is the SAME thing: it is POLITICAL and PURELY political and NOTHING BUT political.

For Barack Hussein Obama and the most radical jihadist Muslim, both “faiths” want the exact same thing: the ability to dominate society and culture, the power to rule over a Government with all the prerogatives of God or Allah or the State or whatever the hell you want to call your ultimate power.

And Barack Hussein Obama’s socialism/economic Marxism has nothing whatsoever to do with the Bible or with God or with Christianity or with Christ.

Let me ask you: when the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Master, there are 5,000 men gathered here and they have nothing to eat,” what did Jesus tell them?

Did He say, “Go thee to King Herod and Governor Pilate and tell them to create a giant socialist government program to feed the people.”??? Or did He say, “YOU” – meaning His disciples – “feed them.”

There is only ONE place in Scripture where it is the government’s job to take care of the poor.  Do you know where that is?  In the Old Testament during the Theocracy where God rule the people through His prophet Moses and homosexuals and adulterers and godless liberals were all stoned to death lest their moral filth contaminate the rest of God’s people.  And if liberals truly want a Theocracy, then I’m all for it.  And let’s live by God’s Old Testament laws and start putting every blasphemous liberal to death according to those laws.  But otherwise, don’t you DARE say that the Bible tells us to care for the poor, and start forcibly redistributing the wealth according to the godless ideology of liberalism even as these same liberals wage a war against God, against faith, against the Church while they replace these with godlessness and then claim you are doing anything other than evil in the name of good.  Because if you want to know the true nature of progressive liberalism, it is found in these passages:

The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. – Genesis 6:5

“Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the LORD? Because of this, wrath has gone out against you from the LORD” – 2 Chronicles 19:2

A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left. — Ecclesiastes 10:2

You love evil more than good, Falsehood more than speaking what is right. — Psalm 52:3

But he who sins against Me injures himself; all those who hate Me love death — Proverbs 8:36

There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. — Proverbs 14:12

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! — Isaiah 5:20

You who hate good and love evil, Who tear off their skin from them And their flesh from their bones — Micah 3:2

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools – Romans 1:22

For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and wickedness of those who in their wickedness suppress the truth – Romans 1:18

In their case, the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe to keep them from seeing the light of the glorious gospel of the Messiah, who is the image of God. — 2 Corinthians 4:4

Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron — 1 Timothy 4:2

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come…  — 2 Timothy 3:1

For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. — 2 Tim 4:3-4

There is NO place for socialism – for the economic Marxism that socialism is – in God’s Word.  I’ve written about that, of course.  Socialism doesn’t come from God; it comes from GODLESSNESS.  It comes from a secular humanist-atheist hunger to replace God with human Government, and to replace God’s standard with man’s ways.  And it comes from a desire and a determination to replace TRUE religion and the true teachings and faith of and in Jesus Christ with something ELSE.

And again, here’s where Barack Hussein Obama and his radical jihadist Democrat Party and the radical jihadist Muslim terrorists are one and the same: because if you want to forcibly confiscate people’s wealth/income and redistribute it according to your political ideology, do you know what that is in the Bible?  In the Old Testament, during the Theocracy where the government was directly ruled by God.  There is NO PLACE in the New Testament where God’s Word commands human government to become Government and confiscate wealth and redistribute it.  Rather, it is the Christian Church and individual Christian believers – whom Barack Hussein Obama and his radical jihadist Democrat thugs despise and have tried to undermine with every policy and with every regulation and with every bureaucracy – that the New Testament and that Christianity empower to go and help the poor.

If you want a Theocracy that oppresses, you are one of two things: a Muslim jihadist terrorist or a member of the Democrat Party in America.

And I am frankly sick of all you terrorists trying to impose your wicked Government on me.

Barack Obama And His Party Belong To The Jihadist Terrorists, Race-Baiting Assassins and Every Totalitarian Group That Tramples Liberty

January 7, 2015

We just had a vicious terrorist attack in France.  A satirical newspaper was targeted as Muslim terrorists – and we know that because they clearly and repeatedly revealed themselves AS Muslim terrorists – entered the newspaper’s building, rounded up the occupants, singled out individual employees by name, executed them, killed everyone else and claimed, “We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad.”

Barack Obama immediately took the side of the vicious terrorist murderers and against the freedom of people to express their views without violence being directed toward them by saying:

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” — Barack Hussein Obama

Or in other words, a message from the President of the United States: “Death to the infidel.”  And “Let freedom be crushed; let free speech be crushed.  You have the right to worship the beast and to take his mark on your right hand or on your forehead.  And that is the ONLY freedom you ought to have.”

Okay, Obama actually said “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” all right.  That is a documented fact.  But he said it on September 25, 2012 when he was decrying the man who produced a Youtube video instead of decrying the vicious terrorist attack against United States territory in Benghazi, Libya that Obama left America totally unprepared for and then tried to cover up.

It is now a documented FACT that that Youtube video had nothing whatsoever to do with the terrorist attack that the Obama regime dishonestly called “a spontaneous protest” (see also here).  We know know that the claim made by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, etc. was a politically convenient lie and a criminal cover-up by which Obama’s politics trumped the national security of the United States.  That terrorist attack had nothing whatsoever to do with the free speech that Barack Obama demonized when he should have been defending it along with US territory on the anniversary of 9/11.

The real enemy – contrary to Obama’s lies – was terrorism.  The real enemy was the Obama regime which left America blind, helpless and weak to terrorist attack even as he falsely CONTINUALLY claimed that the terrorists were “decimated” and “on the run.”

But let it stand for the record that Barack Hussein Obama demonized free speech, demonized those who engage in free speech, and sided with Islamic terrorism in support of the terrorist murdering big-government worshiping totalitarians who  carried out the attack against free speech in France today.

Leftist intellectuals are now openly on the record claiming that free speech is a threat to their brand of “liberalism.”  The problem is that they are FASCISTS one and all.

Barack Obama is and has been the Terrorist-in-Chief.  No president has EVER been such a friend of terrorism or such an enemy of freedom as this one has been.

Barack Obama is – as we speak – trying to empty Gitmo of every terrorist murderer he can so they can be free to unleash the hatred of Islam against us once again.

Barack Obama is – as we speak – attempting to negotiate Iran’s right to have nuclear weapons so they can unleash Islamic Armageddon upon Israel and anyone who would take Israel’s side when the enemies of God attack this nation Obama hates above all nations.

Barack Obama is – as we speak – the ONLY president who actually used the IRS as his Internal Revenge Service to attack his political enemies whose “crime” was trying to exercise their right to free speech.  Nixon only TALKED about doing it; Obama DID it.

But the closest thing to what the jihadists in France did to murdering those satirical journalists has also been carried out by Obama, in his incessant rabid personal attacks against Fox News and his incessant attempts to use the political system to suppress Fox News.

Obama is a terrorist thug who got elected president and has new bombs and new bullets to use now.  Period.

It is beyond proven ad nauseam now that Barack Obama is THE most dangerous president to a free media in history.  Period.  Let’s put that title from The Washington Post up for you to see in nice big letters:

“USA Today’s Susan Page: Obama administration most ‘dangerous’ to media in history

Barack Hussein Obama is a totalitarian thug and the terrorists are probably actually more tolerant of free speech than our tyrant president is.  Obama can’t handle anybody having the right to criticize him any more than the most whackjob Muslim rabid dogs can handle their psychopath prophet being criticized.

Obama has done very little to deal with terrorist incidents in America – aside from constantly labeling them “workplace violence.”  But he sure has cracked skulls among reporters who dared to report something he didn’t like.

When a self-acknowledged “soldier of Allah” murdered fourteen American soldiers while repeatedly screaming “Allahu Akbar!” was NOT a terrorist according to Obama and the cowards who whisper lies into his dishonest ears, well, Houston, we’ve got a problem.  And that’s happened other times, too.  This is a great administration to be a terrorist in; it’s a lousy one to be a reporter seeking to report the truth.

The murderers of the French satirical journalists are no different than what Obama has already decided were just “work place violence.”  Because the terrorists who murdered a dozen people in France did NOTHING that Nidal Hasan didn’t do.  In both cases, the same vicious terrorist murders were carried out while praising the same Allah.

Now, why do liberals have a pathological need to protect radical terrorists???

I have pointed this fact out in the past: there is virtually NO difference between the radical jihadists and the Obama liberals; they BOTH want Government-as-God, Government with the divine power to crush all opposition.  Versus conservatives and evangelical Christians who want LIMITED government (small ‘g’) with LIMITED powers.  We evangelical Christian conservatives believe in God-given rights and freedoms; progressive liberals want to strip those rights and freedoms away in the name of secular humanism and the Islamic jihadists want to strip those rights and freedoms away in the name of an Allah who is nothing short of the devil.  The result is the same sort of totalitarian government dictatorship whether it’s an officially state atheist Stalinist regime or an Islamic theocracy.

What is Islam, or what has it metastasized into in the cancerous Age of Obama?  It is a political system masquerading as a religion.  The “jihadists” and Obama want the same identical thing: total dictatorial control to impose his will over any opposing voices.

Free speech is as much an enemy to the American left as it is to the jihadist terrorists.

Even pro-liberal sources acknowledge that leftist groups determined that when politics did not work for them, it was time to resort to violence (and see here).  That is every bit as true today as it was in the 1960s.  The essence of the left is fascism and violence and getting its way no matter what.

A few years ago the Tea Party was born – and viciously targeted for slandering by the left.  It didn’t matter that there was never a SINGLE act of violence or criminal behavior by ANY of the thousands of tea party protests, because the essence of progressive liberalism is fascist Nazi Joseph Goebbels-style propaganda.  Contrast that with the viciousness and the criminality of the leftist Occupy Movement that was nothing more than a demonic “Astroturf” attempt to copycat the Tea Party – except with rabid violence and terrorism.

First note there is a direct connection between Obama and the fascist Occupy Movement.  And then note the nature of the ugly, toxic viciousness and vileness of the American left:

Occupy Wall Street Movement Ranks Have Criminals, Rioters, Rapists, Terrorists And Now Murderers

Coming To America (Thanks, Obama!): Spain On Verge Of Collapse While Liberals Turn Violent In Streets

Liberals Are Not Quite As ‘Tolerant’ As Rabid Rats As They Keep Proving That THEY Are The True Fascists Threatening America

When Will American People Get Fed Up With Violent Occupy Fascists And The Democrats Who Endorse Them???

The Inconvenient Truth About The Lilly White Occupy Wall Street Movement And The Media Propaganda That Ignores Truth Altogether

Fascism A Socialist Leftwing Ideology: Communism, Fascism, Labor Unions, Workers And Students Exploiting ‘Crisis’

Call The Occupy Protest Movement And The Left That It Comes From What It Truly Is: Fascist

Occupy Movement Costs America UNTOLD MILLIONS ($2.3 Milion In L.A. ALONE) Versus Tea Party Movement Which MADE Cities Money

Read Up On USSR And Decide What You Think About It – Because Obama Is Trying To Bring It To America

Liberalism = Marxism. See The Occupy Movement Shutting Down Ports, Capitalism, Jobs To Get Their Way (Communist Russian Revolution Part Deux)

After Obama Deceitfully Demonized GOP For ‘Dirtier Air And Dirtier Water,’ His Occupy Movement Leaves Behind 30 TONS Of Diseased Filfth At Just ONE Site

Vile Liberal Occupy Movement Killed The Grass At L.A. City Hall – What Should Be Done Now?

Occupy Movement Officially A Terrorist Group Now

The American Left Personified By Occupy Movement: Vile, Violent Fascist Thugs

The American Left Personified By Occupy Movement: Vile, Violent Fascist Thugs

Occupy Movement Is Destroying Jobs And Hurting Little People

Consider The Fundamental Incoherence And Hypocrisy Of The Left And The Occupy Movement

Tea Party Vs. Occupy Protests: The Winners Of The Out-Of-Control Violence Trophy – For The Millionth Consecutive Time – Is The LEFT

Busting The 99% Vs. 1% Liberal Lie

Nazis, Socialists, Communists, Liberals, Democrats, Obama, Media Propaganda ALL Support Occupy Wall Street

If The Occupy Wall Street Crowd Had Any Integrity, They’d Be Attacking Obama (Who Has Raked In More Wall Street $ Than ANYONE)

And so it is all too easy to compare the vicious, ugly Occupy bowel Movement and its pathological fascism to the pathological fascism of the race-baiting riots and murderous climate that we see on the left AS WE SPEAK TODAY.

I don’t think I need to document that spirit of rabid hate that is coming out of core Democrat Party constituent groups against the United States of America, against freedom, against liberty and against the police who try to keep this nation, our freedoms and our liberty safe.  I need nothing more than marchers at an Al Sharpton event screaming over and over again:

“What do we want?  Dead Cops!  When do we want it?  NOW!”

The race-baiting rioting viciousness comes directly from the ideology of Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and Democrats like Bill de Blasio.

Al Sharpton is the cockroach link between Barack Obama and Bill de Blasio.  Race-baiting agitator Al Sharpton has been at Obama’s White House at least 72 times.  Mayor de Blasio had refused to meet with police after repeatedly demonizing them, but that cockroach met with Al Sharpton and gave him a place of honor and a platform to racially demonize the NYPD:

He [de Blasio] took the unusual step — unimaginable under the mayoralties of Rudy Giuliani or Michael Bloomberg — of inviting Sharpton to City Hall, seating him opposite Bratton at a table where the activist proceeded to strongly denounce the police. (“If Dante wasn’t your son, he’d be a candidate for a chokehold. And we got to deal with that reality,” Sharpton said to de Blasio as Bratton looked on.) Last week, de Blasio privately met with organizers of the Garner protests, another moment that antagonized police.

It is under AND BECAUSE OF the cancerous tumor that is the Obama fascist thug presidency that race relations have reached an all-time low in America according to polls as his regime does Satan’s work to inflame hatred.

Don’t forget that Rush Limbaugh understood the cockroach soul of Barack Obama and brazenly and ACCURATELY PREDICTED that race relations would become more toxic under this toxic fascist thug.  Limbaugh was RIGHT and liberals were liars as they are ALWAYS liars.

It’s the nature of Obama, the man who falsely promised he would rise above and transcend the political divide and the racial divide and has instead been the most ideological and racist president in American history.  Obama has poisoned America and he has poisoned the world with his toxic disease of radical leftist ideology and its fascist determination to impose itself upon the people at all costs.

Never forget that Obama is the president who said:

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” — Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Obama and his toxic Democrat Party and the evil, demon-possessed wicked and depraved ideology that has captured the Democrat Party are the heart of evil in America today.

Violence and hate and even murder are merely tools for monsters like the jihadist terrorists and the Democrat Party machine under Barack Hussein Obama’s “leadership.”

The essence of toxic Islam today is “Submission.”  That’s what Islam means – and it is no coincidence that that’s what Obama demands from his political opponents.

And do you know why the terrorist monsters who carried out this vicious hate crime against freedom were able to casually massacre a dozen people and then walk into a car and drive away?

Because the same toxic, vile liberals with the same insane policies who are polluting America have already polluted France, that’s why.

Look at liberal bastion Chicago.  Look at the damn murder rate.  Look at what has overtaken once well-policed New York due to Democrat Bill de Blasio’s morally idiotic policies.

Who pulled off this terrible crime?  The same sort of mass immigration wave that Obama has opened the floodgate to pour into America.  Obama isn’t just opening up America’s borders to MILLIONS of illegal immigrants who have absolutely ZERO loyalty to America; he’s opening us up to TERRORISTS who are able to infiltrate as easily as all the criminal illegal Democrats flooding across our unprotected borders.

France has the toughest gun-control laws ON PLANET EARTH.  And just like we Republicans who cling to our guns and our religion – as Obama demonized us – have kept saying, who had the guns and who was helpless?  The thugs had the guns because criminals DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANTI-GUN LAWS BECAUSE THEY DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANY LAWS, versus the law-abiding who were helpless sheep.  Even the COPS didn’t have the damn guns, versus the terrorists who had fully automatic weapons and even rocket launchers.

Remember Obama demonizing police for having too much militarization?  Damn, I sure bet the French police could have been shooting at Obama instead of the incredibly well-armed terrorists that “Obamanism” has produced.

Liberalism is the absolute worst of everything imaginable.  It results in out-of-control fascist government that simultaneously cannot protect its people.  It results in immorality and wickedness triumphing over morality and righteousness.  It destroys the family and the family structure and even the reason for the existence of families which results in out-of-control youth and the “perilous times” described by the Bible in the last days before the coming of the beast.  It produces schools that are only good for indoctrination in a system that protects unionized government teachers at the expense of children.  It results in a bitter, racially divided people who have been indoctrinated the left to believe that the system is stacked against them and racism is to blame and all they have is hate and violence.  And then it strips the police of the tactics and tools that they need to fight the ensuing chaos and violence.

Corporations Are People. Period.

January 3, 2015

The left loves to come unglued over the notion that corporations have any rights to be treated according to what they clearly are: groups of PEOPLE united together for a common cause.  To this day, I don’t believe that we’ve ever had a bank of robots decide to incorporate themselves any more than we’ve had a group of chipmunks incorporate themselves.  People incorporate.  Corporations are people.

Invariably, that is because liberals demand that NOTHING really should have the rights of “personhood” and the freedoms, rights and privileges that persons have under the American Constitution.  Rather, they believe, we all ought to be treated as slave meat puppets who are herd animals passively chewing our cuds while government masters push the buttons and pull the levers of a Government-as-God that alone has the divine right to make all decisions for everyone and everything.

Let me point out a fact and then ask a question: corporations can be sued.  In fact, liberals LOVE suing corporations.  That’s a fact.  The question is, “Is there anything else that you can sue that ISN’T a person?”  I mean, can I sue a tree, or a rock, or that pesky squirrel?

I asked a liberal that, and he thought in vain for a while before finally brightening.  “Governments,” he said.  “You can sue governments.  Governments aren’t people.”

“Really?” I asked.  And then thanked him for once again revealing what fascists liberals invariably are.  Because:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Maybe the dream government of liberal Democrats aren’t people, but that’s only because they have nothing whatsoever in common with America or it’s Constitution or the people who wrote it or the people who laid down their lives to defend it.  The United States of America is “the people.”  It’s PEOPLE.  Just like corporations are people.

You can sue a corporation because the same laws that give corporations the right to do things that make fascist liberals so rabid – such as contribute to the political candidates and campaigns that affect them – make them liable to be held accountable for their actions that affect other people.

Only people can sue people.  I’ve never received a summons from an opossum.  And I’ve never heard of anyone successfully suing a houseplant.

Corporations have rights because they are composed of people united in common cause.  The whole entity is deemed a “person” who is able to be held accountable by others or to hold others accountable for actions that affect it.

If you don’t think that corporations should be able to donate to political campaigns because the free speech laws shouldn’t apply to them because they aren’t people, at least shock thinking, decent folk (non-liberals) by demanding that corporations cannot be sued on the identical same ground that they are not people and therefore cannot be held accountable as only people can be held accountable.

But that’s the thing about the left, that’s ALWAYS the thing about the left; they want to dehumanize their opponent, they want to strip away any scintilla of humanity, demonize them and force them into a corner where they have only duties imposed on them and no rights to defend themselves with.  Barack Hussein Obama made his career out of following Lucifer’s Rules (see also here) to constantly attack and dehumanize his political enemies as a community agitator employing and literally TEACHING Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.  So corporations shouldn’t have any of the rights of people – except the “right” to have liberals sue the life out of them.

As another example of what the world would look like if liberals got their way and were actually CONSISTENT rather than HYPOCRITICAL for just one nanosecond of their despicable existences, consider taxes.  Should we try to obtain more revenue by taxing all the animals and insects and fish and birds that live in America???  Why not???  BECAUSE THEY’RE NOT PEOPLE.  So let’s agree that corporations aren’t people and let liberals championing abolishing all taxes for corporations.  Except for, oh that’s right; liberals are DISHONEST HYPOCRITES.

Just as a final aside, if you really want to know who should not be deemed “people,” it’s the liberal Democrats who think corporations aren’t people.  And the reason is that they believe in abortion; which is to say that on their own claim about themselves, they are things that could have been destroyed as “non-people” and in fact are merely non-people at a later point in time.  And therefore we the people ought to have “the right to choose” to terminate them the same way they’ve terminated more than sixty million innocent human beings.