Archive for the ‘Conservative Issues’ Category

Rosenstein Bombshell: No Matter What Happened, The Left Look Like Roaches Because They ARE Roaches

September 21, 2018

So the New York Slimes comes out with this bombshell story that Rod Rosenstein – basically the Attorney General given that the supposed A.G. Jeff Sessions made himself ridiculously irrelevant basically immediately after being confirmed when he recused himself from doing the hell his job – wanted to wear a wiretap and record the President of the United States in order to get him to say something insane so the sane players in the Trump administration would have grounds to invoke the 25th Amendment and get rid of the whackjob-in-chief.

That’s the New York Slimes version of the story, and they’re sticking to their slimey story.

All of this is based on completely anonymous sources, mind you, with the only actually quoted source being Rosenstein himself saying the New York Times is fake news gibberish featuring the slanders of ideologues with an axe to grind:

“The New York Times’s story is inaccurate and factually incorrect,” he said in a statement. “I will not further comment on a story based on anonymous sources who are obviously biased against the department and are advancing their own personal agenda. But let me be clear about this: Based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

So which side is correct, I ask: the side that is yet another of by now a thousand proofs that there is a leftist unelected and untouchable “deep state” within our bureaucracy that is pathologically un-American (in the sense that nobody elected these bozos to rule and reign over us and undermine our elected president) and fascist (in the sense that these people are vicious and rabidly dishonest thugs who will stop at NOTHING to undermine our elected president)???  Or the Rosenstein version, that the New York Times truly is just fake news that will report any lie no matter how anonymously “sourced” if it makes Donald Trump or the Trump administration look bad???

No matter what, the left is composed of rabidly evil bugs.  The only question is whether the rabidly evil bugs at issue in this particular case are the deep state bureaucrat bugs or the New York Times fake news propagandist slandering bugs.

So, basically, liberals are bugs.

Attorney General Rod Rosenstein – and I say that because the one man who is most definitely NOT “Attorney General” is the sad, pathetic disgrace who was supposed to be holding that job – is very clearly pointing out that “there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

Which is to say that if Rosenstein himself were actually being serious – which is the heart of the New York Times story if these pathologically dishonest fools are to actually be taken seriously – he was the one who was actually a whackjob, rather than Donald Trump.  He would be on this particular version of the narrative a paranoid, delusional power-mad goon unfit for this job or basically any other significant position in even suggesting something that he is now forced to admit has “no basis.”

Now, there is another possibility that really and truly makes the New York Slimes look so bad – yet again – that it is frankly amazing that anyone would actually still hold a subscription to something that by now has less validity than the National Enquirer at its very worst moment.

NBC’s reporting holds that Rosenstein made this “what do you want me to do?  Wear a wiretap?  Invoke the 25th Amendment?” comment because an FBI roach named Andrew McCabe – who is both a documented liar and a documented anti-Trump deep state fascist goon – was pushing Rosenstein hard to get vicious with the POTUS and Rosenstein was resisting.

For the record, the version of the story that the New York Slimes in its rabid ideological bias decided to go with was the Andrew McCabe version for the simple reason that basically any fascist thug who is trying to take out the President of the United States is a friend of the left, as long as that president is a Republican.

The Washington Post – itself reliably liberal – has a very different version of the story:

While McCabe’s memos assert both the recording and 25th amendment conversations occurred at a meeting within days of Comey’s firing, another person at the meeting, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, insisted the recording comment was said in a moment of sarcasm, and that the 25th amendment was not discussed.

That person said the wire comment came in response to McCabe’s own pushing for the Justice Department to open an investigation into the president. To that, Rosenstein responded with what this person described as a sarcastic comment along the lines of, “What do you want to do, Andy, wire the president?”

That person insisted the statement was never discussed with any intention of recording a conversation with the president.

Another official at the meeting, then-FBI lawyer Lisa Page, wrote her own memo of the discussion which does not mention any talk of the 25th amendment, according to a second person who was familiar with her account.

A third person familiar with the discussions said McCabe had privately asserted previously that Rosenstein suggested invoking the 25th amendment and the idea of a senior law enforcement officials wearing a wire while talking to Trump.

So we have the McCabe version that the New York Slimes is swearing by in spite of the fact that Andrew McCabe is disgraced, fired and facing very likely criminal charges for criminal behavior in his fascist attempts to enable his fellow deep state conspirators Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, etc.  When you actually start questioning other sources, the first says that it was bloody damn obvious Rosenstein’s comment was spoken in sarcasm, which makes the New York Slimes, well, slime, in its reporting.  The second person is Lisa Page, hardly a reputable source herself, but even she says the 25th Amendment was never discussed, making the story again worthless for anything other than yellow journalism.  And the third says that it was actually surprise, surprise, McCabe himself who was the fascist whackjob who was pouting the insanity of the 25th Amendment delusional psychosis.

Do you  know how BAD this ought to make the New York Slimes look???  They literally select THE most dishonest and most biased source they can find to “substantiate” their fake news hit piece of a story.

So it is by now an obvious fact that, yes there is a deep state that is fascist at its core and doesn’t give a flying f-word about the Constitution or democracy or the will of the American people or anything else.  They are a Fifth Column, a Nazi-version of the Praetorian Guard, and they are rabid and ugly and dangerous and dishonest and toxic to any republic or any democracy.  We now frankly know that there is a deep state thanks to the New York Slimes’ own “reporting” given their infamous op-ed by a deep-stater who wrote:

I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump AdministrationI Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration: I work for the president but like-minded colleagues and I have vowed to thwart parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.

We see again the echoes of this fascist attempt to remove President Trump with the 25th Amendment, which for the record was passed in the immediate trauma of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, when it was feared that a president could be in a coma unable to carry out his duties.  Check out this dangerous, rabid, fascist quote that implies violence to the President of the United States:

Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president. But no one wanted to precipitate a constitutional crisis. So we will do what we can to steer the administration in the right direction until — one way or another — it’s over.

Project Veritas further confirmed the frightening, Nazi deep state that exists not to do the work of our legitimate, elected government but rather to subvert the will of the American people and the Constitution.  They found multiple deep state goons who were actually willing to go on camera and be interviewed and boast that they are part of the “resistance” to our nationally and constitutionally elected government.

Amazingly, Donald Trump claimed that there was a deep state within the U.S. government that was out to subvert our legitimate government, and the very deep-state and the news outlets that rely on these deep-state fascists for their anonymous hit pieces mocked Donald Trump and claimed he was literally insane to think such a thing.

But Trump WASN’T crazy; he was right.

And now these Fifth Column Nazis who need to be hunted down with dogs and burned alive if we are to actually have a constitutional republic who said that Trump was crazy for believing there was a deep state are now saying that there is a deep state only because Trump is crazy.  But the fact remains that they are now all proven to be rabid liars.  And we are very much on the verge of having the fear Abraham Lincoln ended his famous Gettysburg Address with come to pass: that a government of the people, by the people and for the people actually WILL perish from the earth.

These Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr and yeah, quite possibly Rod Rosenstein-types are no different than Nazis, because by definition they hate the United States of America, its Constitution, and its people even as they falsely claim to be acting for the very things they most rabidly hate.

And, just to make it even WORSE, is the fact that our “news media,” our so called “journalists,” are every bit as bad as the deep state they are assisting every single day with “anonymous-sourced stories” from these deep state embedded Nazis.  The New York Times supposedly is the flagship, the Gray Lady, of “journalism.”  But they are far more like Pravda, the Soviet-era communist “newspaper” that reported nothing but propaganda and lies.  Do you know what “Pravda” means in Russian?  It means “The Truth.”

But ALL of these people hate the truth.

It’s so damn funny, and when I am in heaven and every single liberal is screaming in agony in the eternal fire of hell, I am sure I will laugh uproariously at the joke of it all.  This story, like virtually every single other story that has slimed President Trump, is based on anonymous leaks.  The leftist media LOVES these leaks.  Which makes it all the more laughable in its pathological hypocrisy that when President Trump seeks to declassify memos that would actually expose THE TRUTH, the leftist media that loves government leaks so much is coming unglued.

These people are all as dishonest and as evil as hell is hot.  And one day they will discover just how hot hell truly is.

And that’s why we are in the times we are in right now, where the economy is at an all-time high but Nazi-baby-murdering-holocaust-homosexual-perverts are trying to slander the President and the Republicans so their communist roach Democrats can slither their way back into power.  Our jobless rate just fell to a 49-year low under this president, but all the media can talk about is fake sexual assault claims from a leftist ideologue woman from 36 years ago and a made-up fake news story.




We Return To Communist Show-Trials As Majority Of Democrats Now Actively Favor Socialism Over The Free Market That Made This Nation Great

August 15, 2018

Fact One: An overwhelming majority of Democrats – to the tune of 57% to 47% – now “favor” Marxist communist socialism that has enslaved every people foolish enough to try it economically, politically and morally over the free market capitalism that made our nation the great land of the free and the home of the brave:

Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
by Frank Newport

Story Highlights

  • 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016
  • 57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
  • Republicans very positive about capitalism; 16% positive on socialism

WASHINGTON, D.C. — For the first time in Gallup’s measurement over the past decade, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism. Attitudes toward socialism among Democrats have not changed materially since 2010, with 57% today having a positive view. The major change among Democrats has been a less upbeat attitude toward capitalism, dropping to 47% positive this year — lower than in any of the three previous measures. Republicans remain much more positive about capitalism than about socialism, with little sustained change in their views of either since 2010.

Views About Capitalism and Socialism: by Party
Positive view of capitalism Positive view of socialism
% %
2018 47 57
2016 56 58
2012 55 53
2010 53 53
2018 71 16
2016 68 13
2012 72 23
2010 72 17

These results are from Gallup interviewing conducted July 30-Aug. 5. Views of socialism among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are particularly important in the current political environment because many observers have claimed the Democratic Party is turning in more of a socialist direction.

Want another example of the liberal doctrinaire belief in a theory that has been refuted by history absolutely every single time it has ever been tried, just as it is right now massively failing in Venezuela (which had been the wealthiest country in South America before socialism screwed up its economy) to the point that people are actually eating zoo animals to stave off starvation.

Allow me to first point out something that George Orwell expressed so powerfully and succinctly when he said the following:

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

And yet another bald fact about intellectuals that George Orwell who so completely grasped the essence of totalitarianism in his famous classic 1984:

the fact that the intellectuals are more totalitarian in outlook than the common people.

And now combine these two facts: that intellectuals are people – unlike plumbers or carpenters or engineers – who live in a world of ivory tower egghead pure theory and who never have to actually have their ideas tested in the laboratory of reality no matter how profoundly wrong their ideas are; with the fact that these same intellectuals always tend to lean toward totalitarianism which all the ordinary people who live in the real world shun in horror.  Add those two things up and we get this amazing fact:

Karl Marx is the most assigned economist in U.S. college classes

Which is tantamount to making the flat-earth theory the most assigned scientific viewpoint.

And why do I call out the Democrats on what colleges and universities are stupidly and frankly inanely doing?  Because:

That’s why.  Because to be a liberal IS to be a totalitarian and to be a totalitarian is to pursue Stalinist purges of anyone who might think differently from the totalitarian.  Liberal progressives are THE most rabidly intolerant people on the face of the earth, and their purge of conservatives from academia speaks for itself as to what and who these people truly are.  Colleges and universities have become nothing more than left-wing echo chambers where any concept they disagree with is even allowed to be presented or considered.  They are brainwashing centers rather than mind-expanding centers.

The saddest thing is that liberal progressives have and always have a rabid contempt for the very people they most indoctrinate (these victims are called “students”).  This is proven by the fact that:

And amazingly, the fact that depraved leftists have skyrocketed the costs of college tuition is THE reason leftists say we should follow the depraved leftists into more depraved leftism by socializing our colleges and universities (even more than they already have been).  Because in every single communist society, EVERY SINGLE ONE, you have your version of the elite inner party member who live a lives of luxury in their Black Sea dachas.  It’s a game that works every single time because these socialist-elitist predators leave their victims more desperate, and more willing to embrace fool solutions that only give the socialist-elitist predators still more power to oppress with their “solutions.” to the very crises they themselves manufactured.  By analogy, if I viciously punch you on the left side of your face, I can balance out the damage by viciously punching you on the right side of your face, you see.  As government-worshiping liberal progressives cry for more and more student loans, these same hard-core greedy rat bastards simply raise the costs of their tuitions every time the amount of the loans increase.  And so in the same way, the liberals who undermined American wages by encouraging tens of millions of unskilled illegal immigrant laborers to flood our labor markets proceed to demand that businesses be forced to pay massively hire wages for these unskilled workers whether their businesses can afford such costs or not.  Because every single time these totalitarian egghead intellectual ideas fail, they merely propose an even more sweeping totalitarian egghead intellectual “solution” to liberally-progressively create an even bigger problem, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

The Bible has a lot to say about how people who were ostensibly created in God’s image come to believe incredibly stupid things:

  • Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:22)
  • always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7)
  • Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ (Colossians 2:8)

These socialist-elitist leftist progressives don’t care about you; you are nothing more than a means to an end to them.

At this point, the Democratic Party has degenerated to a point where it is a truly evil entity.

It truly never ceases to be amazing to me how in FACT Democrats have spiraled into the most perverted wickedness in the history of our nation, yet somehow manage (with their propagandist media fake-news allies in the press) to create some myth that it’s the Republicans who have gone “radical.”  The simple fact of the matter is that Democrats are now actively embracing and supporting a philosophy that has literally failed every single time it has ever been tried.  People under socialism become impoverished in every possible sense of the term.  Socialism crushes the dignity and value of the human spirit.  You are not an individual special creation of a loving God who made you in His image; you are nothing more than a cog in a human-created perversion machine.  There are so many examples of this it boggles the mind:

“There are two kinds of mines; one is the personnel mine and the other is the vehicular mine. When we come to a mine field our infantry attacks exactly as if it were not there. The losses we get from personnel mines we consider only equal to those we would have gotten from machine guns and artillery if the Germans had chosen to defend that particular area with strong bodies of troops instead of with mine fields. The attacking infantry does not set off the vehicular mines, so after they have penetrated to the far side of the field they form a bridgehead, after which the engineers come up and dig out channels through which our vehicles can go.” — Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov to General Eisenhower, p.467/8, Crusade in Europe, John Hopkins University, 1997.  One of the reasons Soviet losses were so appalling during World War II was that Stalin was so monstrously uncaring about the lives of millions of his own people.  Soviet doctrine valued their equipment over the lives of their soldiers.  That’s the crystalline essence of socialism: the dignity and rights of “the person” are irrelevant compared to the needs of “the people.”

Or let’s try this one from Chairman Mao:  An episode titled “The One Above All” showed footage of Mao speaking at the World Communist Representative Meeting in Moscow in November 1957, giving his famous speech, “American Imperialism Is a Paper Tiger.”

Mao’s exact words were: “I’m not afraid of nuclear war. There are 2.7 billion people in the world; it doesn’t matter if some are killed. China has a population of 600 million; even if half of them are killed, there are still 300 million people left. I’m not afraid of anyone.”  That’s the true roach-heart of socialism speaking.  Socialists are bugs who would eagerly eat their own babies much the same way Democrats have murdered sixty million of their own babies in their abortion mills.  This vileness of poisoned human spirit through the wretched wickedness of human depravity is nothing new.  It is as old as Cain and Able, and St Paul the apostle described the modern Democrat Party very well in Romans chapter one.

Democrats have become truly rabidly toxic.

Which leads me to Fact Two: the return of the Communist Show Trial in a genuine depravity of anything remotely resembling “justice.”  This was impossible in our American system until Democrats became so completely morally depraved that they were incapable of manifesting or exhibiting a single virtue of character.  Democrats first gave the middle-finger salute to God and His Word the Bible and “progressively” defecated on the very concept of the image of God until they became no morally different than bugs.  Look at the ant to see how much you as an individual are valued by a society that embraces Democratic Party philosophy.

Oh, you doubt me, do you?  Consider the two mutually disqualifying policy sacred cows of the Democratic Party: unchecked open-borders-style migration invasion combined with socialized medicine as a guaranteed right.  One makes the other insane: it will cost nearly THIRTY-THREE TRILLION DOLLARS over just ten years just for our citizens.  And I can documents as an undisputable FACT that Democrats are pushing for “health care for ALL including illegal immigrants to the communist-flag-Democrat-Party standard of California where Democrats are rabidly pushing toward health care specially for everyone including illegal immigrants.

This amounts to the guaranteed implosion of our society, something which Democrats have actually been overtly attempting for decades and which reached new heights under Obama.  See also my own article on this guaranteed path to economic explosion (followed by their true goal of Marxism) which Democrats are now eagerly and openly pushing toward.

How many unskilled illegal immigrants pushing down wages and soaking up taxpayer benefits is enough?  How many tens of millions more can we afford?  For that matter, since they won’t ever acknowledge there is any problem with unstopped illegal immigration, how many hundreds of millions more can we afford as a society???  When will today’s Stalinist Democrats “Build the damn wall”???  And the answer is, “When illegal immigrants start voting Republican, and not a second before.”

It is easy to document that Democrats are eagerly allowing the illegal immigrant “right to vote.”  A clear majority of Democrats want illegal immigrants to be allowed to vote.  And Democratic Party bastions like San Francisco illegal immigrants are openly allowed to vote in every election wicked Democrats have the power to give non-citizens power over citizens.

The next time Democrats get power, just like Stalin, just like Mao, just like the Kims in North Korea, they will never relinquish it.  They will stop at nothing and will do anything no matter how destructive it is to their own oppressed nation to guarantee they never give up power again.  They need non-citizens who have no love if not open contempt for the United States of America to impose their will, and they’re going to get their way or else.  It is their bug nature.

I’m watching the trial of Paul Manafort and literally watching a real-life communist show trial on my own soil in my own country.  This is a case that on its face had absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with either Donald Trump or Russia or any form of “collusion” – whatever the hell that even is – with Russia.  Mueller is viciously and vindictively pursuing socialist show trial witch hunt tactics to break Paul Manafort in blatant and contemptuous disregard of “justice.”  As an example, Mueller’s “star witness” was Manafort’s BUSSINESS PARTNER who was EVERY BIT AS GUILTY in any 2005 tax fraud case as Manafort was.  The Democrats’ star roach was not only directly participating in every shady deal Manafort was part of, but all the while he was stealing money from his business partner in order to finance his adultery and his own lavish lifestyle.  And by Mueller’s deal with him, Manafort’s business partner Rick Gates would go away scot free while Manafort will spend the rest of his life in prison.  Does that sound like “justice” to you???  But we see in this shocking disregard of “justice” what Mueller believes Paul Manafort’s REAL crime was: being part of Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign.  THAT was Paul Manafort’s crime.  THAT is the ONLY reason this man is on trial.

This is “justice” to Democrats because Democrats are now by definition bugs incapable of “justice.”

Please understand how obviously a “show trial” this is: the Democrats – by which I mean the “Special Counsel” investigation of Robert Mueller who appointed a team consisting ENTIRELY of Democrats.   The Daily Caller News Foundation first reported that there were 13 registered Democrats and zero Republicans known to work for Mueller in February. The probe then brought on a 14th Democrat in May.  What are the damn odds of this?  Fourteen Democrats, NINE of whom gave significant donations to Democrats, not ONE Republican???  The Wall Street Journal reported in December 2017 that one of the leading Mueller lawyers, Andrew Weissmann, actually attended the election night party for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Revelations that FBI agent Peter Strzok, a former member of the team, exchanged anti-Trump text messages with an FBI lawyer including this one:

Trump is “not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Lisa Page wrote.
“No. No he won’t,” Strzok responded. “We’ll stop it.”

Amazingly, in a bug-morality world of socialist show trials, the lead investigator’s statement that “We’ll stop Trump from becoming president” was not considered “bias.”  In any other world, it literally amounts to an obvious statement of crystal-clear intent.  But in the world of bug-morality socialist show trials, it is irrelevant because it obviously doesn’t create the “guilty” verdict that is all that matters.

Peter Strzok was THE lead agent on both the investigation that whitewashed obviously guilty Hillary Clinton of four different felonies and redpainted the Trump investigation with a bogus “dossier” that came from the Hillary Clinton campaign bag of dirty tricks.  And to make it comical in its irony, the “dossier” was the only actual example of direct collusion with Russia that the Muller probe was ostensibly looking for!  It was Peter Strzok who as lead investigator changed – “altered” is a more correct term – the wording of FBI Director Comey’s public statement from “grossly negligent” which the statement originally stated and which necessitated a felony charge to “extremely careless” which amounted to, “Nothing to see here, folks.”  And so an obvious FELONY became nothing by nothing more than rhetorical sleight of hand from the computer of a now-fired rabidly biased agent who was out to get Trump and therefore out to exonerate the candidate who was running against Trump for president.  In fact, Hillary should have been convicted of not one but EIGHT separate felonies.

Another now FIRED FBI agent and key participant in the current socialist show-trial witch-hunt is former number two man at the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in yet another shocking example of a deep-state conspiracy of unelected Soviet NKVD secret police-style agents trying to defeat the will of the American people:

Mr. Strzok sent fellow FBI employee Lisa Page, whom with he was having an affair, a text in August of 2016 referencing an “insurance policy” discussed in a meeting between the two of them with “Andy,” who Mr. Horowitz identified as Mr. McCabe.

The text read: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Upon Mr. Horowitz’s investigation and discovery of the text messages, Mr. McCabe denied ever attending the meeting, but Mr. Strzok told the inspector general the former FBI deputy director was there.

So the lead agent in the socialist show trial witch-hunt who said he would stop Trump from becoming president in obvious statement of his intent was part of a conspiracy with the number two man at the highest level of the FBI to have an “insurance policy” to prevent that Trump presidency from happening.

We can keep going: Lead FBI agent Peter Strzok stated that “he could smell the Trump support.”  Well, the STENCH of deep-state not only criminal but treasonous conspiracy continues with a Justice Department high official named Bruce Ohr.  Basically, Christopher Steele – the source of the ant–Trump “dossier” financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign in collusion with Russia that we now know was THE centerpiece of the socialist show trial witch hunt investigation – had actually been FIRED by the FBI for being untrustworthy.  And his “dossier” was rightly contaminated and discredited into uselessness by his firing.  But, you see, Bruce Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS, the source of the “dossier”.  And so this tainted, discredited, contaminated document was “laundered” back into use through Bruce Ohr and the back channels he criminally manufactured such that an obvious LIE became the “truth” once again long enough to open a socialist show trial witch hunt.

Bruce Ohr did all these things.  And then tried to conceal what he had done.

Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr joins the list of FIRED officials who were rabidly biased and who were conspiring against the will of the American people to bring down an elected president of the United States though illegitimate and bogus socialist show trial witch hunt fake charges.  They succeeded in their plot: get an investigation started such that a “special counsel” with socialist show trial witch hunt powers would assemble a team of hard-core Democratic lawyers to dig up every shred of dirt over the course of Donald Trump’s entire life regardless of how “limited” the original mandate of looking ONLY into the fake news case of “Russian collusion” was.

You’ve got Trump people like Paul Manafort and Carter Page (who didn’t do a damn thing wrong but was surveilled by a deeply corrupt Obama administration anyway) and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (see also here) and former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen who were broken by rabid prosecution regardless of whether they committed any crime or not.  Contrast that with seventy Hillary Clinton co-collaborators and co-conspirators who were as a matter of routine given “immunity” and let off regardless of how many laws they broke.  Somehow Hillary Clinton was exonerated IN WRITING before anyone even bothered to interview either her or any other of the principal characters most of whom had already received sweetheart immunity deals without having to testify against ANYBODY.  No one who is not a BUG can look at the whitewash of the Hillary investigation and the rabid pursuit of the Trump witch hunt and not see a deeply disturbing double-standard by a blatantly politicized FBI and Justice Department.

We now have established as a FACT that FBI officials continued plotting to use Steele’s “dossier” after he was discredited and fired for breaking FBI rules.

Emails show 2016 links among Christopher Steele – who was simultaneously on the payroll of the DNC, the Hillary Campaign AND the FBI all at the same time, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, and head of the dirt-digging group Fusion GPS hired by Hillary Glenn Simpson — with a Russian oligarch in background.

Here is the real collusion with Russia.  And Barack Obama and every single Democrat ought to be arrested, prosecuted, convicted and punished to the fullest extent of the law for their part in it.

We see here the deep state in action. Such a thing only became possible when half of the American people became bugs incapable of human morality or human integrity or human decency or human virtue or human honesty. Socialists are people who voluntarily degenerate themselves into bugs. And by their fruits ye shall know them for the bugs they are.

But it just keeps getting worse and worse and looking worse and worse: Now we find that the “2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives.”  The article bearing that title begins:

The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between high-ranking members of the Republican presidential  campaign staff and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties remains the cornerstone of claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

A growing body of evidence, however, indicates that the meeting may have been a setup — part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials. This view, that the real collusion may have taken place among those who arranged the meeting rather than the Trump officials who agreed to attend it, is supported by two disparate lines of evidence pulled together for the first time here: newly released records and a pattern of efforts to connect the Trump campaign to Russia.

The first line of evidence includes emails, texts, and memos recently turned over to Congress by the Department of Justice. They show how closely senior Justice Department officials and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked with employees of Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research firm reportedly paid $1 million by Clinton operatives to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

You have to read the whole article to believe it.  What the article documents is that the meeting was a setup by Democrats and by Russia to “to substantiate the Clinton-funded dossier alleging that Trump was taking dirt on his rivals from the Russians.”  What was said at the meeting was irrelevant; they just needed some kind of meeting to launch the accusation and get some kind of investigation going that would never end and would never stop at anything until it found some kind of dirt on Donald Trump no matter what it took.

Barack Hussein Obama did something truly shocking and truly horrifying during his presidency that makes Watergate look like a parking ticket.  Obama literally wiretapped the other party’s candidate for president and lied about it (see also here), worse than ANYTHING Nixon did.  He weaponized our “justice” system into an entity that looks EXACTLY like the Soviet Union’s NKVD protectorate of socialist ideology.  And Hillary Clinton’s campaign actively conspired with Russia to do this.  And an American media system, heralding back to its yellow-journalism roots and looking at the Soviet Union’s TASS as their example to follow, proceeded to hypocritically frame the target of this Democrat-Russian conspiracy as “colluding with Russia.”

Barack Obama weaponized the remaining vestiges of our democracy into an engine of destruction against our democracy.  And he did so by relying on giant and massively powerful federal democracies staffed by hard-core SEIU leftists that have NOTHING to do with our constitutional system of government to do it.

What we have here is the end-game of the Cloward and PIven strategy to use our very institutions against our democracy and our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America in order to accomplished the cherished goal: the goal of socialism, by which I mean the goal of communism.


Why On Earth Would Trump Say Those Bizarre Things After His Meeting With Vladimir Putin? Some Mitigating Facts To Contemplate

July 17, 2018

I can’t disagree overly much with a number of media folk who are criticizing Trump as offering bizarre remarks following his meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.  Ultimately, the ONLY thing Russia, or for that matter China or North Korea or anyone else, respects is raw American power and the willingness to ruthlessly deploy that arsenal of economic, diplomatic and military power to achieve our objectives and get these nations to abandon their objectives as not worth the price they will pay.

For the record, the Democratic Party has made that tactic entirely impossible.  Because any foreign thug leader surveying the American political landscape sees nothing but a divided United States with a fanatic opposition fanatically opposed to its own president.  Donald Trump cannot operate from any genuine position of strength and our enemies know it.  The ally of Putin and every other dictator on earth is the Democratic Party, because they want our worst enemies to succeed rather than to give Trump ANY victory or potential claim of victory.

Let me put it this way: the Democrats are basically screaming that if Trump doesn’t declare World War III and send our entire arsenal of nukes blasting off toward Russia, he must be a Russian puppet.  But of course if he does anything like that, the same people who demand war will blame Trump for going to the war that they demanded he initiate to retaliate for this “election meddling.”  It’s actually truly insane.

Democrats – and their media allies who are propagandists rather than “journalists” due to their bias and due to their agenda of helping one side with its narratives while attacking and freezing the other side with negative narratives – are declaring that President Trump shouldn’t meet or even be allowed to meet with the Russian president; notwithstanding that every single American president from FDR during WWII on have routinely met with the Russians even in the very worst days of the Cold War.  Because both sides realized we need to have top-level executive dialogue with the other greatest nuclear power on the face of the earth.  When Democrats are trying to weaken Trump to the point where he can’t even have a meeting, there is no question that a Putin will smell that division and the weakness that is created by that division and act like a bad player.

Democrats are screaming in rage that Trump wants to have some kind of positive relationship with Russia.  Let’s contrast that with these Democrat hypocrites when Obama was running for re-election and in one of his debates with Mitt Romney – after Romney declared that Russia was America’s “number one geopolitical foe” – arrogantly lectured Romney with these words:

OBAMA: “Governor Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al-Qaeda’s a threat because a few months ago when you were asked, what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia – not al-Qaeda, you said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.” (Barack Obama, 2012 Presidential Debate , Boca Raton, FL, 10/22/12)

Remember, to be a Democrat is to be the very worst form of hypocrite imaginable.  According to every single damn Democrat today – if these roaches were capable of any kind of honesty or decency – Obama was not only an incompetent moron who was clearly unfit to be president, and clearly who should have been impeached rather than re-elected, but he was also just as clearly a puppet of Vladimir Putin.  We have to ask what it was that Putin had on Obama that he would say something that by current standards was so treasonous when the Republican candidate stated

Other Democrats and of course other so-called “journalists” are saying that President Trump is somehow weak on Russia, that Trump had a duty to get right in the face of Putin and call him a liar and refuse to accept his lies and basically walk out of the meeting.  Let’s contrast that with these hypocrites’ same attitude when Obama had this to say about the VERY SAME DAMN ELECTION MEDDLING THAT THEY ARE CLIMBING ALL  OVER TRUMP FOR NOT SCREAMING ABOUT:

In his final press briefing in 2017, President Barack Obama was asked about whether he could have done or said more about the Russian hacking that happened on his watch. Obama said:

“It’s not like Putin’s going around the world publicly saying ‘look what we did wasn’t that clever.’ He denies it. So the idea somehow that public shaming is gonna be effective I think doesn’t read the thought process in Russia very well.”

Obama said Putin denies it.  There’s no point screaming about it.  We need to move on.  Which is to say that Trump didn’t take any tone during his “infamous” meeting with Putin that Obama hadn’t taken.

Other Democrats basically hold that the entire 2016 presidential election was some sort of illegitimate fraud unfairly stolen by Donald Trump because Russia gave him the win.  But let’s go back to yet another Obama pearl of great wisdom delivered just two weeks prior to that election when Obama (again arrogantly) declared:

“There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, there’s no evidence that that has happened in the past or that it will happen this time, and so I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and make his case to get votes,”


And Democrats have been not merely whining, but hysterically crying like babies thrown into boiling water ever since.

The hypocrisy of it all.  This psychosis of rabid hypocrisy simply has to stop.

I still remember how every single Democrat and every single “news reporter” yawned as Barack Obama in a hot mic moment actually told the stooge sitting in for President-for-life Vladimir Putin that “After my  election I’ll have more flexibility.”

Why the hell was it okay for Obama to literally get caught on VIDEO telling Vladimir Putin how “flexible” he would be in giving Russia and Putin what they wanted but so evil for Trump to do nothing that even pales in comparison with Obama’s “I’ll be your willing slave if you just allow me to be president again” moment???

In the same vein, these Democrats who are no so cynically and hypocritically “outraged” at Russia’s “interference” in our election didn’t give one flying DAMN that Barack Obama actively conspired against Israel’s democratic system to tilt the field against that nation’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.  What is it about being a member of the Democratic Party or a liberal that makes you ropaches so pathologically hypocritical???

If Donald Trump really were guilty of being somehow owned by Vladimir Putin, he’d do something like send Russia $1.7 billion in cash.  And if he were a completely owned tool of Russia, he’d secretly fill a damn plane with $400 million in cash fly it into that country in the dead of night.  Oh, wait.  Obama did that when he was so desperate for a deal with his Iranian masters that he would have sold his own daughters into lifetimes of sexual slavery but found a way to sell out the United States instead.

And further, and again in the same vein, why doesn’t it matter that the only anti-democratic collusion that we’ve actually seen so far was by Democrats conspiring to lock out Bernie Sanders in favor of Hillary Clinton and again, by so-called “journalists” who also conspired to assist Hillary Clinton to defeat Bernie Sanders in the rigged DNC primary???

In a blatant display of the Democratic Party’s incipient fascism, the “fine-print” of the DNC basically holds that it’s “legal” to rig a primary such that the candidate actually chosen by the Democratic Party voters can’t win.  What the hell is wrong with you people that you cannot see the fascist log in your own blind eyes???

Maybe this might be a good time to mention the fact that the Clintons’ clearly colluded and conspired with Vladimir Putin and Russia and actually accepted something like $150 million in bribes to give Putin U.S. uranium.  Even the leftist Washington Post holds that the Clintons ought to have been investigated.  But it’s not fascist to collude with Russia if you are a Democrat and your name is Barack Obama or Bill or Hillary Clinton.

I also can’t help but remember how every single act of “Russian collusion” into our election system was done right under the fool-face of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party establishment in spite of the damn fact that Republicans actually warned the Obama administration against the very thing that the Obama administration allowed to happen only to later blame Trump for what Trump had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with.  Obama and Democrats and Obama “intelligence officials” knew full-damn-well this Russian interference crap was happening and did nothing and then actually had the elephant balls to blame Trump for what they had total control over and Trump had zero control over.

Pardon me for shrugging when these Democrats who pulled all this fascist, anti-American, Russian-colluding crap now say that Donald Trump who has done nothing even CLOSE to these roaches ought to be investigated and castigated.

You really have to marvel at the rabid hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and the willingness of the mainstream media to follow the Joseph Goebbels Ministry of Propaganda model for Democrats.

But when the hell did this start happening???  What caused it???

Take a trip down memory lane to the days just before and during the period when the Democratic Party began to turn truly evil and truly anti-American.

Before I point out how the left rabidly turned on Lyndon Baines Johnson during this critical period, first allow me to point out LBJ’s giant accomplishments in advancing civil rights as acknowledged by the New York Times:

IN ONLY TWO BRIEF YEARS -1964 and 1965 – Lyndon B. Johnson did more to advance the cause of black Americans than any American President since Abraham Lincoln, and initiated a program for the enrichment of American life as revolutionary and far-reaching as the New Deal. ”We are entering a new era of good feeling,” pontificated The Washington Post in 1964, ”and Lyndon Johnson is the gargantuan figure making it all possible.”

Maybe it was because this giant civil rights accomplishments were advanced largely through cooperation with the Republican Party:

Maybe this leftist opposition to LBJ had something to do with the fact that far more REPUBLICANS than DEMOCRATS voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act and had to overcome a Democrat filibuster to do itAnd in the same way, Republicans were profoundly instrumental in passing the Voting Rights Act in 1965 with substantially more support than Democrats.  These things are merely recorded facts of objective history, even though most of the media would never dare give Republicans credit for what they did working with a Democratic President to do good for the nation.

It was after this that a cancer truly began to metastasize in the Democratic Party.  And the question is what happened that this giant of civil rights was destroyed by his own party?

Democratic President Lyndon Baines Johnson had this to say about our colleges and universities as incubators for hard-core, naked communism and communist agitation:

LBJ to Sen McGee (D-WY): “They’re going into the colleges and the faculties and the student bodies, and trying to get them to send wires that come right out of Communist headquarters.” — LBJ, Thursday, April 29, 1965, 4:29 p.m.

And he pointed out that his own party was growing toxic right out from under him as it betrayed the United States of America for a decidedly anti-American communist ideology that had put the United States “in more danger” “from these left-wing influences” “than we’ve ever been in” and said “and they’re working in my party from within.”  That’s the DEMOCRATIC Party, mind you:

“We just had hell [with] these college students…I’ve had Hoover in after them… They marched here, and we arrested 600 of them, and we gave 29 of them pretty rough times. We found most of them were mentally diseased. Hoover’s taken 256 that turned in supposedly their draft cards…So you’re dealing with mental problems…I think we talk too damn much about civil liberties and constitutional rights of the individual and not enough about the rights of the masses…I think your government’s in trouble, general…I think it’s—I don’t want to say this–but I think we’re in more danger from these left-wing influences now than we’ve ever been in the thirty-seven years I’ve been here. And they’re working in my party from within.”—Lyndon Johnson as recorded in a telephone conversation with former President Dwight Eisenhower, October 1967. From Episode Five of The Vietnam War.

In a conversation with his wife as recorded in the New York Times, LBJ said something directly related:

”Why, that draft protest last week that got everyone so excited. According to the F.B.I. report, out of the 256 who were supposed to have burned their draft cards, a substantial number were crazy people who had a previous history in mental institutions. . . . One of our informants in the Communist Party . . . reported that the Communists decided to do all they could to encourage demonstrations against the draft.”

Johnson removed his hand from his wife’s grasp, leaned forward, the intensity returning: ”Now I don’t want to be like a McCarthyite. But this country is in a little more danger than we think. And someone has to uncover this information.” — LBJ, in conversation with his wife as reported by the New York Times, August 21, 1988

LBJ, as reported from that same that same New York Times article;

”It’s all a few intellectuals and columnists,” Johnson confided to a few members of the White House staff sitting with him in the Oval Office. ”The people loved me, and they believed in me. You just go down to the White House basement. You’ll see them. Boxes full of letters, all praising me for doing the right thing. They spread the doubt – every morning I wake up and see another column attacking me, or some professor on television. Naturally, people get confused with all these voices shouting and hollering about how awful I am.


”Not just in the press. I was always getting advice from my top advisers after they had been in contact with someone in the Communist world. Hell, you can always find Dobrynin’s car” -Anatoly F. Dobrynin, then Soviet Ambassador – ”in front of a columnist’s house the night before he blasts me on Vietnam.”

The New York Times attempts to frame LBJ as a man who lost his way and frankly went crazy, but you keep reading and watch how totally right this man who did more for genuine civil rights than ANY Democrat had ever done before or has ever done since truly was.

History records that the Democratic Party rabidly turned on LBJ in a way that would have stunned rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth dogs.  LBJ saw it developing, watched helplessly as the communist influence extended further and further into his own party that he loved and had invested his life and career advancing, but was powerless to stop it.  Until the rabid fringe metastasized into a powerful enough cancer to destroy its own president.

History records that the 1968 Democratic Party National Convention was one of the ugliest, most anti-American events in American political history.  Even the reliably leftist Washington Post said: “The 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago was an infamous, violent, unprecedented disaster.”  Democrats were violently rioting in American cities and on college campuses.  Much the same damn treasonous way they are now.  And the riots have the same rabidly leftist and frankly COMMUNIST point of origin that LBJ correctly identified and as a decent American was horrified by.

the Vietnam War stands as the absolute nadir of American military history.  That war has scarred and in Obama’s words “fundamentally transformed” every single American war effort ever since.  Because every single enemy we have since had knows that all they have to do is somehow hold out for as long as possible, because it is simply a fact that it is now in the DNA of Democrats to betray America and side with the worst enemies of humanity in the history of the world.  There is absolutely no question that the Democratic Party politically manufactured and caused our defeat in the Vietnam War in which American troops never lost so much as a single battle.  Democrats sided with the communists because that is what they themselves have become, and divided America against itself, and in Lincoln’s words which were a quote from Jesus’ words, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”  And so every single enemy we have fought since knows as a fact that the Democratic Party will ultimately betray America, betray their own warriors, betray their own people, and create a military defeat.  And so quagmire after quagmire has occurred as a result of the hope and confidence that Democrats have instilled in all the worst enemies of humanity.

The Domino Theory was simply common-sense reality: after the fall of South Vietnam, we had communist genocide that quickly spread from Vietnam to the communist Khmer Rouge holocaust in Cambodia, to the Killing Fields of the Hmongs in Laos.  The left refers to the “discredited Domino Theory” and you just have to laugh at the contemptuous revision of history that Stalin would have loved.  Millions perished due to the horror of communism, and Democrats are bathed in the blood of those victims.

And when we had these victims start coming to our shore, it was DEMOCRATS who in their racism against brown people rejected them.  It was today’s “moral leader,” Governor Jerry Brown, who led the way to turn back these desperate victims so they could be murdered by their communist torturers back home.  Anybody who doesn’t think Democrats are incredibly vile, cynical people are pathetic, ignorant, deluded fools.  The Hmongs who were exterminated as the Democrats turned their backs on them were America’s toughest allies in Vietnam.  Ask any Special Forces veteran about the heroism the Hmongs displayed in fighting alongside their American friends.

LBJ saw this rabid, Democratic Party communist hate rising and spreading and beginning to take over his own party from within, but he couldn’t stop the hate from rising.  Because he also saw how the hate was groomed and skillfully propagandized by the mainstream media and by the university faculties.

And that’s were we are today, folks.  And that’s where Donald Trump is today.

Allow me to present former Obama “CIA Director” John O. Brennan and his toxic words directed at Donald Trump today:

Washington (CNN)Former US intelligence chiefs expressed astonishment and condemnation Monday in response to President Donald Trump’s comments at Monday’s news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with former CIA Director John Brennan calling the US President’s performance “nothing short of treasonous.”

Following his one-on-one meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Finland, Trump declined to endorse the US intelligence community’s assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 election over Putin’s denial, saying the Russian President was “extremely strong and powerful” in his denial.

“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous,” Brennan, a frequent critic of Trump who served as CIA chief from 2013 through January 2017, tweeted during the event. “Not only were Trump’s comments imbecility, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???”

No, you vile communist cockroach, Trump didn’t commit treason.  Rather, YOU JUST COMMITTED SEDITION.

Allow me to point out that when all the anti-American communism-manufactured hell I describe above was going on in the 1960s and 1970s, John Brennan WAS A COMMUNIST who voted COMMUNIST.  And from the infiltration by communism into the universities and colleges and Democratic Party, Brennan was at the forefront of PRECISELY what LBJ foresaw as this COMMUNIST joined the CIA in 1980.

Really, all I need is John Brennan to prove that Donald Trump most definitely should NOT trust “US Intelligence” given the infiltration by Obama communist ideologues into the deep bowels of our once American intelligence apparatus.

And he was ostensibly joined by other “former intelligence chiefs” like James Clapper, who not only lied but outrageously lied to Congress and to the American people.

Speaking of outright sedition, another Democrat actually called for a military coup:

Democrat Steve Cohen tried to walk it back, saying “When I called for the military to step in and stop Trump I wasn’t suggesting a coup.”  Really?  What the hell else WERE you suggesting, you demonic liar???  We are talking about the Democratic Party going rabid batpoop psychotic to the point of both sedition and treason.  Just like the same wicked political party did in the days of Lincoln when they went so rabidly full of hate toward a Republican president named Lincoln they actually abandoned the United States and declared war against her.  And waged that war with a rabid hate that stunned the world.  These Democrats are the exact same wicked lunatics now.

We’ve got so many members of this evil brigade it’s not even funny.  Consider the LEAD FBI agent in the Hillary Clinton whitewash; the LEAD FBI agent in the Russian collusion witch hunt,, and the LEAD FBI “investigator” of the bogus Mueller Trump takedown.  Consider the faces of this rabid leftist ideologue who actually flat-out stated his direct intention to use his power to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the next president over and against the democratic vote of the American people:

PAGE: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
STRZOK: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

Look at this face.  See the grotesque hatred of this darling of the cockroach left:

Remember how this demon-face Lead Agent Strzok and his top FBI lawyer partner in adultery Page said they had an “insurance policy” to get Trump that involved the NUMBER TWO MAN AT THE FBI, FBI DEPUTY DIRECTOR ANDREW MCCABE:

“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office – that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk,” Strzok texted in August 2016. “It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.” 

There is absolutely no legitimate or reasonable question at this point that there is in fact a “deep state” that is out to destroy Donald Trump and we also know that this deep state includes and involves numerous former Obama appointees to the U.S. intelligence establishment and in fact many faceless bureaucrats like Strzok and Page who are just radically leftist unionized roaches using their power to attack, to stall, to illegitimately “whistleblow” to reveal scandals that they themselves manufactured to target Trump appointees.

As an example, the FBI agents who interviewed Trump official Lt. Gen Michael Flynn stated that they saw absolutely no indications that Flynn had lied.  But somehow the same FBI that refused to hand down ONE indictment in the 72 people who committed multiple serious felonies covering up the Hillary Clinton scandal still nailed Lt. Gen. Flynn to the wall like a bug for “lying to the FBI.”

We now know for a fact how that happens: it takes a truly biased ideologue-activist like a Lead FBI Agent Strzok to rewrite a letter that says Hillary Clinton committed a felony to make that same letter say that Hillary Clinton did not commit a felony.  The tool actually claimed before Congress that he didn’t remember rewriting the memorandum in a manner that illegitimately absolved a major candidate for president from facing justice for her crimes and couldn’t explain how that memorandum was on his computer that only he had access to.

All of this is deep state, deep state, DEEP STATE, DEEP STATE.  It is treason and sedition against our nation, our Constitution, our American people.  And Democrats have proven in their rabid defense that they are entirely involved in this treason and sedition.

Now, I don’t quite comprehend what exactly the hell President Trump is doing with some of his statements with Vladimir Putin, but Trump is completely right when he points out that somehow the same Democrats who rabidly attack Trump conspired to destroy tens of thousands of incriminating emails implicating Hillary Clinton and refused to turn over their party’s own Russian-hacked server that quite likely ended up the same exact way as Hillary Clinton’s own server and pretty much all of her BleachBit-acid-washed hard drives and hammer-smashed cell phones.

We now know that basis of this “investigation” was tainted by a “dossier” that rival political candidate Hillary Clinton paid a foreign agent to get from the very Russia they claim Trump colluded with, which amounts to Democratic collusion with Russia to destroy an opponent.  We now know that the dossier is filled with so many factual falsehoods that it is beyond unreal.  We now know that the FBI and our oh-so-trustworthy-and-reliable intelligence community somehow never once questioned regarding the information or the source of that information.

Sean Hannity said Republicans to follow Democratic roach tactics and acid wash all their evidence.  And the rabid party of demonic hypocrisy went ape poop.  It’s only fascist when anybody else does the same damn thing Democrats do day after day, week after week and year after year.

On Independence Day, Americans Need To Fight Another Invasion By Illegal Immigrants And Go To War With Democrats Who Cynically Exploit The Invasion

July 5, 2018

Independence Days celebrates the first move toward driving out the British,  Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexicans driving out the French.

We’ve got a problem.  We’re being invaded right now today.

I watched with great interest a program focusing on Mao’s Cultural Revolution which resulted in the deaths on untold millions and likely tens of millions.  Mao’s leftist policies had failed so blatantly and so appallingly – some 50 million perished of starvation during his so-called “Great Leap Forward” – that the top Communist party leadership realized that this fool needed to be bypassed for the sake of the nation.  But Mao was a totally self-serving tyrant, rather than a leader who gave a flying damn about his own people.  He was completely wiling to launch a bloodbath that would burn half of his nation to the ground if he could rule the other half.  Mao had lost control of his own government, but not his power to poison with his propaganda.  Claiming that current Communist leaders were taking the party, and China itself, in the wrong direction, Mao called on the nation’s youth to purge the “impure” elements of Chinese society and revive the revolutionary spirit.  He basically authorized children to torture and murder their own parents, school children to torture and murder their own teachers and professors, and so on.  The Red Guard were everywhere, torturing and killing and burning.  It was a ten year long bloodbath the entire purpose of which was to restore Mao’s fanatic hold over a society  that would have found the setting of Orwell’s “1984” a peaceful, serene place.

The point that I am making is that you ought to consider that today’s Democrats are truly no different in their poisonous, completely selfish and self-centered spirit than Chairman Mao.  Like Mao, the Democrats are dictatorial demagogues who truly do not care about anything but their own power and their own raw political self-interests.  And they will do whatever is necessary to achieve their ends no matter how destructive are the means.  And to liberals, being that they have no God as the transcendent source for morality or genuine ethics that come from morality, the ends always justify the means.  We’ve already seen nascent versions of the Red Guard from our own communist left: the Tea Party never had one riot, never got so much as one ticket, let alone had one of their own arrested.  But the Red Guard spirit of the left launched the Occupy Wall Street bowel Movement, launched the bitter, seething Black Lives Matter bowel movement, and from their launched dozens of violent FASCIST attacks on Trump supporters merely for believing that in a democracy they had the freedom to support their party’s candidate for president.

Oh, we’ve got our own Democratic Party Red Guard today as something that literally JUST HAPPENED illustrates:

And guess what? This particular vicious fascist has the name of Kino Jimenez.  Democrats have been importing his ilk by the millions.

Just like the Red Guard, these vicious, fascist young people believe they not only have the right, but in fact the duty, to do these hateful things.  And they have been set upon decent people by the Mao-tse-tungs of liberalism, the Democratic Party and their propaganda machine, the mainstream media, telling -frankly screaming – at us on such a regular basis that Trump is so evil that we need to have our own Cultural Revolution to restore what Trump destroyed in America.

You’re going to see below that I’m now out to lay blame on the people who are trying to get into this country.  I’m very much out to point out that we have a treasonous, profoundly anti-American group of people who are doing everything possible to bring immigrants in by whatever means they can, legal or otherwise, to load the dice for the cynical, frankly wicked game they want to play with the American people powerless to stop them from playing it as they rig the system using Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals from within of every branch of government and every bureaucracy of our government.  Just think of the liberal “judges” who think that the manufactured “right” of abortion based on invented “penumbras” and “emanations” is somehow “settled law” when the same wicked judges who clearly don’t give a damn about our Constitution believe the clear text of the 2nd Amendment can be overturned.  Over and over again, these fascist leftist judges have issued psychotic rulings that are as partisan as hell is hot.  Or try this one: Think of the top brass Obama installed in the FBI who texted each other with fascist treason such as this exchange between high-level FBI officials deeply involved with both the Hillary Clinton whitewash and the Donald Trump witch hunt:

PAGE: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
STRZOK: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

This is what we’re up against.  And when I say “we” I mean the American people.

A liberal author named David Faris wrote a Book titled, “It’s Time to Fight Dirty.”  Not that the Democrats have ever fought any other way, as it were.  But here’s what he said:

Republicans have always feared that immigration would change the character of American society.  Democrats should reward them with their very worst nightmare.

Tucker Carlson on his program pointed out, “Remember that paragraph.  It is the blueprint for what we are about to see.”  And in fact what we have already BEEN seeing.  Carlson went on to say, “They’re going to tell you it’s about civil rights, or about some other principle that they pretend to care about, but they are lying.  It’s about seizing power and holding it.  That’s their only aim.”

Let’s get one thing straight: a supposedly “American” political party that is intentionally loading up our nation with foreigners who have nothing to do with American values certainly and clearly don’t give one flying damn about “American society.”  They want to replace “American society.”  And they have lost the American people and so they have to import voters who AREN’T American in order to do it.  They’re actually even starting to admit that fact.

One treasonous, immoral major political party – the euphemistically called “Democratic Party” that we officially know after the numerous DNC scandals where they most certainly DID rig their primary election to favor Hillary Clinton has NOTHING to do with actual “democracy” – has cynically exploited this invasion and fanned the fire of illegal immigration to the explosion point.  On top of that fascism, we also now know that we have a deep state that is entrenched into every branch of government and every function of government and has its own incredibly amoral agenda.  But let’s focus on the Democrats and write about the massive evidence of a deep state leftist conspiracy against our democracy later.

Please remember a key fact about Democrats and the Democratic Party: they are nakedly evil.  That might sound extreme, but the Democratic Party has ALWAYS been at the forefront of wickedness and racism in America.  Always.  It is an easily documented fact of history.  And the fact of the matter is that they still are today.  An interesting article I came across bears the title, “23 maps that explain how Democrats went from the party of racism to the party of Obama.”  What is the Democratic Party?  It is the party of Andrew Jackson.  It was the party of Indian removal.  The Democratic Party was THE party of “Manifest Destiny.”  The Democratic Party was the party  of slavery and literally treasonously seceded from the United States when ant-slavery candidate and Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected (yes, history repeats itself in the current climate of rabid hate toward a Republican president).  The Democratic Party was purely and simply the party that waged the vicious Civil War against the United States of America.  Rabid Democratic Party ideologues assassinated Abraham Lincoln.  The Democratic Party was the incredibly racist political organization that dominated the racist South during the era of so-called “Reconstruction.”  Which was in reality Democrats “reconstruction” of the very same racist hate and racist policies that they had held before Republicans defeated them in the Civil War that Democrats started and were able to put in place once they had murdered a powerful, victorious president.  The Democratic Party was the party  of the Ku Klux Klan, which is rightly defined as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party  and was organized to terrorize blacks and white Republicans.   We can go on and on.  The Democratic Party was the party of President Woodrow Wilson who literally fired all the blacks in the federal government and RE-segregated the military that Republicans had DE-segregated as Democrats were still very much the hard-core party of hard-core racism into the 20th century.  Woodrow Wilson, the godfather of the progressive movement, was a hard core racist and even the very leftist Atlantic acknowledges that fact of history.  The Democratic Party was the Party of “Klanbake,” the 1924 Democratic National Convention that was utterly dominated by the Ku Klux Klan a full 60 years after their defeat in the Civil War for the same racist hate.  The Democratic Party was the party of the racist FDR who cynically exploited the racist labor unions who excluded racial minorities with a vengeance (and the left acknowledges that unions are STILL “f-ing rabidly racist”, btw); the party that put Japanese-Americans into camps; the party that started the godawful Tuskegee experiment in which black men were intentionally and deceitfully left untreated with syphilis so the government could track the progression of the horrible disease.  As this nation continued into the 1950s, it was still the Democratic Party that was largely THE party of racist discrimination.  And as we enter the 1960s, the Democrats were still primarily racist and ONLY passed the most significant Civil Rights laws with the overwhelming supporting votes of Republicans (who somehow have been dishonestly denied credit for that fact ever since).

The bait-and-switch of a party that never changed its spots from its former days of evil to its modern days of evil can be summed up in a statement of President Lyndon Baines Johnson before two governors in 1963:

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.

Oh, we’ve got LBJ using the N-word on a rather frequent basis.  We’ve got him doing the southern good-ol’-boy dance with racist governor George Wallace in 1965 using the N-word over and over.  This was the era of Democrats such as Arkansas’s Orval Faubus, Alabama’s George Wallace, Birmingham’s Bull Connor and Georgia’s Lester Maddox.  There were Democratic Party donkey ears sticking out of most every pointy white Klan hat.  Bill Clinton’s lionization of Grand Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd is a telling fact, just as that Klansman’s endorsement of Obama was a telling fact that these people live and operate within such a massive double-standard it is frankly explainable only by Satan and demons.

But this was the period, matching the period of the time when the Democratic Party truly turned evil and violent as shown in its utter disgrace of a 1968 Democratic National Convention.  Democrats were losing a majority of whites because most whites weren’t and AREN’T racist, and this party with its utterly wicked history needed a new voter block to remain in power.  And they needed to create a plantation of socialist “entitlement” spending to build that plantation so the slaves would willingly come and happily remain.  The REAL Klan, the Klan that always has been and always will be a Democratic Party monster, had a new plantation for blacks and welcomed them onto that plantation just like Mr. Roarke at the beginning of a Fantasy Island episode.  It sounded so good, but there was something so damn sinister behind literally making naked pandering (“vote for us and we’ll give you other people’s money and food that other people paid for and places to live that other people are forced to pay for”) the very heart of their wicked political philosophy.  But what has that done for black people?  They get some money and food and a place to live, which creates an innate existential crisis as it saps their will to work and produce anything for themselves.  Other people have to work hard for their money and their food and a place to live, and that work-ethic ennobles them and allows them to build something better.  Add to that disincentive to work, understand that the Democrats have also propagandized and demagogued blacks into believing that whitey has rigged the system against them so there is no point in trying.  But here’s our plantation you can live on forever.  And so blacks vote and keep voting for the very people who are actually most keeping them down.  And the ruin of American blacks is complete as they succumb to drugs, to abortion to the tune of murdering 60% of their own babies, to fatherlessness, to gangs, to prison, at rates shockingly higher than any other group of Americans.  The cynical wickedness of the Democratic Party and the ramifications that wickedness has had on the very constituencies Democrats most claim to care about is beyond tragic.

Black unemployment has plunged to the lowest level in HISTORY under Donald Trump.  But there is literally not one single Democrat – and most especially not one rabid, toxic, race-hating, demagogue on the Congressional Black Caucus – who cares about black Americans.  Blacks are nothing but votes and a political platform to step on for these bugs who murder millions of babies.  If they start working for themselves, start earning their OWN money, they will get “uppity” and believe that they should be able to keep more of what they earn rather than have the all-knowing and all-good government decide they can spend it more wisely and forcibly confiscate it.  And maybe they’ll even realize as they create homes for themselves and families for themselves that their children ARE NOT bugs that can be murdered in a holocaust wherein 60% of black babies are butchered in the Democratic Party abortion mills.  And they will start voting the way their ancestors who were freed by Republicans FROM Democrats used to vote.

Let me give you one lower-than-roach example: Rep. Maxine Waters. She’s calling for a massive campaign of intolerance and hate for all Trump supporters. She demands that Trump supporters be shamed into using the back entrances of restaurants. Maybe she wants separate drinking fountains and separate bathrooms for Trump supporters. I guarantee she wants to force Trump supporters to sit in the back of the bus and give up their seat if a leftist wants it. Blacks of ALL people should be aware of what a low, dark, dangerous platform this vicious demagogue hater is spewing. Because if it’s right to do that to us, it was right to do it to you and damn you it will be right to do it to you AGAIN. The Black Caucus that supports this riot-spewing-hater needs to be banned and abolished. Or at least stop being racist hypocrites and demand the creation of a Congressional White Caucus that will openly preach the same race hate that Maxine Waters is allowed to preach in the halls of Congress from the white side. That ought to give any decent person pause. But there aren’t any decent people on the left.

One example of the fact that Democrats literally and simply do not care about the American people is in the economic numbers.  For instance, the manufacturing index hit a high that Obama never saw once in his entire miserable fool presidency.  As Trump cuts taxes, guts regulations, prevents the EPA from declaring economic warfare on job creators, guess what?  Factories are opening and jobs are being offered.  But Democrats don’t want you to work; they need you to be dependent on them.  They don’t want you to have a job and don’t want you to think that anyone will even offer you a damn job.  Stay dependent on us; remain wards of the state forever.  Keep voting for us.  Believe our damn lies.  And so hey, everybody, let’s look over here at the bright shiny thing we’re constantly screaming about.  Don’t look over there at how well your country is actually finally working under the man we despise.

Please don’t get fooled for one second: the Democratic Party was still very much a party of racism and the very same damn cockroach Democrats who are at the very forefront of screaming about Republican “hate” today were doing the exact same thing not too terribly long ago.  Let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at socialist California and its socialist governor, Jerry Brown, just for one example.

Let’s go back to 1975 when we had Asians desperately trying to flee the horrors of communism and the genocidal murder of communist dictator Pol Pot in Cambodia:

Despite today’s outrage over President Donald Trump’s refugee executive order, many liberals in 1975 were part of a chorus of big name Democrats who refused to accept any Vietnamese refugees when millions were trying to escape South Vietnam as it fell to the communists.

They even opposed orphans.

The group, led by California’s Gov. Jerry Brown, included such liberal luminaries as Delaware’s Democratic Sen. Joe Biden, former presidential “peace candidate” George McGovern, and New York Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman.

The Los Angeles Times reported Brown even attempted to prevent planes carrying Vietnamese refugees from landing at Travis Air Force Base outside San Francisco. About 500 people were arriving each day and eventually 131,000 These people arrived despite protests from liberal Democrats. In 2015, the Los Angeles Times recounted Brown’s ugly attitude, reporting, “Brown has his own checkered history of demagoguery about refugees.”

Back in 1975, millions of South Vietnamese who worked for or supported the U.S. found themselves trapped behind the lines when the communists took over the country. Vietnamese emigre Tung Vu, writing in Northwest Asian Weekly, recalled the hardships the Vietnamese faced in 1975 as they tried to escape the communists.

“After the fall of Saigon, many Vietnamese chose to leave by any means possible, often in small boats. Those who managed to escape pirates, typhoons, and starvation sought safety and a new life in refugee camps,” Tung wrote.

Ironically, Republicans led by former President Gerald Ford were the political figures who fought for the refugees to enter the United States.arrived in the United States between 1975 and 1977.

Julia Taft, who in 1975 headed up Ford’s Inter-agency Task Force on Indochinese refugee resettlement, told author Larry Engelmann in his book, “Tears Before the Rain: An Oral History of the Fall of South Vietnam,” “The new governor of California, Jerry Brown, was very concerned about refugees settling in his state.”

National Public Radio host Debbie Elliott retraced Brown’s refusal to accept any refugees in a January 2007 interview with Taft. According to a transcript, which was aired on its flagship program, “All Things Considered,” Taft said, “our biggest problem came from California due to Brown.” She called his rejection of Vietnamese refugees “a moral blow.”

“I remember at the time we had thousands and thousands of requests from military families in San Diego, for instance, who had worked in Vietnam, who knew some of these people,” she told NPR.

Taft recalled another dark reason the liberals opposed the refugees: “They said they had too many Hispanics, too many people on welfare, they didn’t want these people.”

Did you notice that part about Republicans and military veterans in the spirit of the party of Lincoln who were the heroes of this terrible period of rabid, toxic, psychotic, evil Democrat Party and the People’s Republic of Californiastan and Jerry Brown hate???

So it turns out that the same hypocrite California and the same Cockroach King governor Jerry Brown were at the forefront of what they now claim was the very worst, very ugliest kind of hatred and racism and bigotry.  Not that there is one honest, virtuous, decent Democrat in California or in America, for that matter: they reelected Jerry Brown and gleefully allowed that self-proven demagogue to demagogue once again.

And yes, today, we still have open racism displayed by liberals toward Asians in the form of “affirmative action” that actually is outright BIGOTRY to Asian-Americans, to Asian-Americans being openly discriminated against as a result of the color of their skin by THE most liberal and leftist institutions in the nation.

Let me simply report a naked FACT: if Hispanics voted Republican, the Democrats would literally be screaming in the streets and rioting chanting for their violent deaths.  Because to be a Democrat is to be a cockroach.  These people aren’t capable of any genuine empathy any more than they are capable of any genuine morality: they murder their own babies.  Bugs do that.  These Democrats who drove God out of our nation and literally put Jesus Christ in a jar of urine and shamefully displayed Him in the guise of government-funded “art” long-ago betrayed any vestige of the image of God.  They chose to claim they had instead evolved from bugs.  The only problem is that they DEvolved from that point, rather than Evolved.  They’re not capable of human nobility and the only human emotions they have are also shared in common with the bug.

Democrats don’t give any more of a flying damn for illegal immigrants than they do for the 60 million innocent babies they viciously murdered in the womb.  One day, I tell you, the Nazis will stand in judgment against every single Democrat. pointing out the fact that they only denied the humanity of 6 million Jews and murdered them whereas Democrats are 10 times more evil.

I hear the cynical Democrats literally weeping their fake-news crocodile tears as they recount the horrors of Trump putting helpless children in cages like animals.  There was only one tiny problem with their fake-news and fake-outrage narrative:

On Sunday, photos of children laying inside a chain-link fence cage starting flying around the internet. New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein forwarded it to his followers, saying that “all of these photos are disturbing, but the first two are especially awful.”

CNN’s Hadas Gold described the pictures as “First Photos of separated migrant children at holding facility.”
Outrage quickly followed.

“This is happening right now,” said former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau. “Speechless. This is not who we are as a nation,” said Antonio Villaraigosa, who is running for California governor. Actress Rosanna Arquette called it a “sick crime against Humanity”

Turns out the photos were taken in 2014 — when, ahem, President Obama was in the White House, a fact that nobody bothered to check before blowing a gasket. Once word of that fact got out, many of these same people deleted their tweets, rather than admit that the “sick crime” happened under their beloved Obama.

Next, there was a picture showing a bus outfitted with child safety seats being used at an ICE family detention center in Karnes County, Texas. ABC Houston reporter Antonio Arellano tweeted the picture on Sunday, describing it as “a prison bus just for babies.”

Again, outrage ensued.

“Unconscionable and inhumane, “said Texas Sen. Sylvia Garcia. “This is what we’ve come to under Donald Trump,” said Stephen King. Others tweeted: “your new gestapo at work,” “this is what fascism looks like,” “we live in a dark period of American history,” “moral abomination.” Etc., etc.

Oops. Turns out this picture, too, was taken when Obama was president. And, the bus was actually used to take the children on field trips to places like the San Antonio Zoo, a nearby park, the movies, as well as for medical treatment and court appointments.

So much for the Trump-era inhumane prison bus for babies.

There was not a single prominent Democrat who publicly attacked Barack Hussein Obama for his horrifying racist hatred toward poor Hispanic children.  And it is a telling and appalling fact that they had to go back to the now acknowledged vileness of their own Obama to fake-news slime the man they rabidly hated.

Again, the entire border crisis that Democrats have had a hysterical Nazi meltdown over was THEIR crisis just a couple of years ago and they did NOTHING to try to resolve it when they had not only the damn White House, but the House of Representatives AND a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.  These demagogic purveyors of hate did NOTHING when they could have changed the entire immigration system if they had cared enough about Hispanics or about illegal immigrants to lift so much as a damn pinky finger.  And anyone with a scintilla of historical awareness knows that these very same Democratic cockroach hypocrites did the very same thing that they are claiming is tantamount to Nazism to the Vietnamese who had fought to help us fight communism and who were physically suffering FAR more than any immigrant crossing into the United States from Mexico is today.  Which is to say that these bugs are demon-possessed cockroach evil not by my standards, but now by their OWN standards.

The blockquoted article above continues to expose patently demagogic lies that come from the colluding conspiracy between the Democratic Party and the mainstream media who have brought back the very worst days of William Randolph Hearst’s “yellow journalism.”  You know, where the powers-that-be gin up fake outrage and literally start wars with blatant propaganda.

We could see that from literally the very first day of the Trump presidency, when a “journalist” propagandist masquerading as a White House correspondent fake-news reported that Trump had removed the bust of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Is anyone truly stupid enough to think had the same turd “journalist” had his view of the bust blocked by a security guard during the Obama presidency he would have reported that Obama had booted MLK from the White House?  We saw on the very first day the patent, absurd bigotry of these “correspondents” that if anything got worse every day since.  It was the bigotry of a reporter who expected to see bigotry and saw exactly what he wanted to see regardless of what the actual damn facts were.  This is the essence of fake news: these people “report” what they want to see the way they want to “report” it.  This is exactly what they do a hundred times a day about a hundred stories a day every single day.  They report what they want to see the way they want to see it, rather than stepping back and taking time to look at things with the detached objectivity that any legitimate journalist would actually have.

The fact of the matter is, that even the despicable Obama administration fought against the wicked open-borders policies that the Democratic Party now openly embraces.  The Obama administration actually fought the ridiculous 9th Circuit Court ruling that made it virtually impossible by judicial tyrannous fiat to keep out the hordes of illegal immigrants who were pouring into this country.  Because at some point the man realized that to abandon our border security was to end the nation.  Even Obama understood the twin pillars of CRIMINALITY and SECURITY that current Democrats have forgotten and abandoned in their rabid hatred of Trump, of Republicans and frankly of basic decency and the ability of a nation to sustain itself.  Ideologue that Obama was, even he didn’t want the nation to collapse under the weight of illegal immigration under his watch.  But now that Trump is president, these traitorous vermin would like nothing more than to see America collapse so they can blame him for what they did.

Even the very reliably leftist New Republic acknowledges how dramatically the Democratic Party has turned on its head and abandoned its former working-class that it claimed to champion in a matter of less than 20 years.  They write:

Our modern immigration framework has its roots in the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, which was signed into law by Clinton. It instituted many of the hallmarks of the criminalization regime, upping the number of people eligible for deportation while shrinking the opportunities to gain legal status. The law hasn’t aged well in progressive circles: During the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton had to denounce her own husband’s policies.

I can literally give you hundreds of quotes from Democrats who continue in power to this very day pointing out the FACT that illegal immigration HURTS American workers and takes away their jobs and suppresses their wages.  Which was  why they stood against illegal immigration in the interests of protecting the working class whom they claimed to stand for.  Again, the only problem was Obama came along, and the leftist, socialist policies that the Democratic Party now rabidly stands for crushed the working class.  And as the working class fled the Democratic Party war on their very lives, the Democratic Party began to focus more and more and more on the very illegal immigrants that they openly acknowledged harmed working Americans.

I personally call this an act of treason against the United States of America, the citizens of this nation, and the Constitution.

Today’s Democrats are both open borders AND socialist.  Does anyone with half a functioning brain comprehend what that means, as we allow MILLIONS, TENS OF MILLIONS, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS – because I DEFY any liberal to tell me a NUMBER of exactly how many illegal immigrants is ENOUGH so that we start cracking down and kicking them the hell out of our country – to enter our nation and then receive a host of benefits that hard-working Americans will be forced to pay for.  It is by any sane definition unsustainable: to be a Democrat is to demand the implosion of America as a nation.  Again, this is the kind of thing BUGS do.  These aren’t people who are capable of loving their children and caring about their futures: they MURDER their children.  That is who they are by definition of what they most rabidly stand for (abortion on demand).  If you are a Democrat, you necessarily think of your child as a bug you could have killed and remained a “good” person because you were merely following a cherished doctrine of your bug religion.

Stop and consider the ugliness of the future Democrats have for this nation: BILLIONS of people living here, having long-since destroyed our way of life, our culture, our democracy, and consumed our wealth like a vast locust horde invading a field once green with crops but now stripped barren.  And again, liberal, if you want to argue with me about this, please document for me the prominent members of your wicked political party who have stated the number of immigrants who would be too many and what we would do to stop this invasion.

I wrote this piece a while back detailing how liberals are intentionally trying to crowd millions of people into densely-rat-packed cities and keep them helpless and dependent on government because that’s the only way their hateful, horrible policies can prevail.  The 1984-Orwellian character of what the Democratic Party has planned for this nation is truly stunning and terrifying.  It is an easy-to-prove FACT that liberals only win when they can jam people into packed cities and kill the American way of life.

And no, this is NOT a theoretical issue: this has already happened in Europe and in the United Kingdom as millions of Muslims have poured into these countries and changed the very culture and way of life of its citizens who are now afraid to walk the streets of their own cities.  Europeans are increasingly realizing that their “tolerant” immigration policies are completely unsustainable.  The problem is that this realization has probably come too late: these countries will never be the same and things are going to get far uglier and far nastier as a result as a rising percentage of unassimilated people already prone to bitterness and violence become increasingly unemployed and increasingly resentful and increasingly willing to pursue violent jihad as a result.

I’ve heard this number of 11 million illegal immigrants as the “official estimate” reported seemingly forever, at least since the 1980s.  We’re supposed to believe that just as many voluntarily go home every year as come here???  And where do these numbers come from that make them reliable?  The government?  Seriously?  I think of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the incredibly erroneous estimates they provided just with ObamaCare and basically every budget they’ve ever “scored.”  These people are fools and clowns and yes, ideologues.  The number of illegal immigrants hasn’t risen whatsoever in forty years, but in my decades of life in the state of California, somehow I am now surrounded by people who speak only Spanish when that was simply not true when I was a child.  But government-worshiping Democrats reassure me, “Don’t believe what your racist eyes and ears tell you.”

Only I believe I’ve already proven that it’s THESE bugs who are the actual RACISTS and all they’ve done is “fundamentally transformed” the targets of their racist hate.  The new target of Democratic Party racism shifted from the black man to the white male; the new target of hate has shifted from the Jew to the Evangelical Christian.  Just compare the number of Christians and even just plain religious people or people who believe in an objective source for morality between liberal godlessness and conservative belief in God and morality.  78% of conservatives believe in God with absolute certainty and another 14% believe with fair certainty.  83% of conservatives believe in heaven and 72% believe in hell.  And 48% of conservatives believe there are clear objective standards for what is right and what is wrong.  That is shockingly low, until you compare it with liberals.  Only 45% of liberals believe in God with “certainty” and only 24% believe with “fair certainty.”  Only 18% of liberals rely on religion for guidance on right versus wrong and only 19% of liberals believe that there is any clear, objective right or wrong with 79% of liberals believing that morality depends on a relative situation and whatever the hell they want right or wrong to mean.  And significantly more liberals don’t believe in hell than believe in it.  Which explains why they can be as evil as they are and not believe there will ever be any consequences for it.

The problem with secular humanist liberalism is that there is no moral “oughtness” to it.  There is no ultimate, transcendent, objective moral source of authority that tells me that I ought to do one thing and that I ought not do another thing.  They do what they want and they do whatever they want.  Which is why communism, which is simply the more common name for “official state atheism” that communism is, has as its central dictate in every single form it metastasizes in (Soviet communism versus Maoism, etc.) is that “the ends justifies the means.”  There simply are no moral compunctions for a liberal.  They can even murder 60 million of their own babies and feel as serene in their act of genocide as the baby they arbitrarily allow to survive feels sleeping in a crib.  But let us never forget that baby sleeping peacefully in a crib is merely a thing that could have been brutally and callously killed and that no human being has a transcendent right even to live, let alone to anything else.  In the same way, abortion demands that there is no such thing as a “father,” because if there was that father would certainly have the basic right to not have his child murdered against his will while the state forced him into a state of moral helplessness.  And so we understand that just as Democrats murdered 60 million of the very most innocent human beings, they also murdered fatherhood.  And millions of fathers walk away from their children because Democrats indoctrinated them to walk away and provided them with no right to do anything else.

The real explanation for the profound difference between conservatives and liberals isn’t that white people are conservatives; it’s that liberals are godless.  The religious difference is greater than the race difference, period.  And as we become a less and less “moral and religious people,” as John Adams put it, we become a more “Democratic Party” people.  And a people for whom our Constitution was suitable to govern.  The key truth John Adams was expressing was that a decent, moral, virtuous people could govern themselves without totalitarian restraints; but liberals are devoid of these qualities and therefore must have increasingly powerful government imposed over them to restrain their toxic hatred and viciousness.

These Democrats are simply appalling.  They have created the very worst and the very ugliest of the immigration debacle in this country with their stupid laws and their wicked judicial rulings.  They have created an arbitrary Catch-22 in which Donald Trump can either allow millions of immigrants to enter the country and simply fail to ever show up for their deportation hearings or hold them indefinitely while they wait for court hearings the left has decided everyone who comes to the border has the right to have.  And if you criminally charge the parent such that they can be subsequently deservedly can be charged with a felony for trying to illegally enter the United States twice, you have to separate the child from the parent in the same way that any American put in jail must be separated from his or her children.  This is simply true.  But the Democrats and their mainstream media propagandist fake news allies intentionally and deliberately distort and outright lie as they create a fake news picture with the hopes of dishonestly and cynically benefitting from a disastrous mess that they themselves created and will do nothing to help fix and change.

Democrats falsely claim to represent those who are helpless and cannot speak for themselves?  Tell that to the 60 million innocent helpless babies who couldn’t speak for themselves that these butchers callously murdered and literally murdered with PRIDE.  You ONLY matter to these bugs if there’s a naked political interest for you to matter to them.  Otherwise they couldn’t care less.  Like when they had total control of the White House, a filibuster-proof domination of the Senate and the House and illegal immigrants and their poor children didn’t matter one bit.

Think of it this way: whose constituents do Democrats claim Hispanics are part of, Republicans or theirs?  Theirs, obviously.  And so given that Hispanics and all of these illegal immigrants are THEIR constituency, THEIR group, shouldn’t they be willing to do something to help these people they claim to represent?  Shouldn’t they be willing to negotiate and compromise with Republicans to secure certain rights and privileges for the group they claim to represent?  But they DON’T.  They do NOTHING but demonize and demagogue and slander and lie.  They don’t give one flying damn about these people at ALL; they just cynically exploit them in the most grievous way, literally intentionally creating a situation in which they will suffer in order to point a finger at Republicans and blame them for the suffering that they actually have significantly themselves created.  Because the ends justify the means and the means are surely justified by the end to these godless immoral vermin.

The encouraging thing is that even many Hispanics are getting this: Hispanic approval of President Donald Trump rose an astounding 10 points during the very period of time that Democrats were hysterically and frankly psychotically, cynically race-baiting in their comparisons of Trump to Hitler and Republicans to Nazis.

We can only hope that this pathologically wicked party goes so over the top in its rabidity that enough people turn away from them to hand them the mother of all defeats.

As just one example, increasingly Democrats are openly declaring war against law and order by declaring war on ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement arm of federal law enforcement.  This is the agency that goes after the vicious Latin American gang MS-13, who motto is “Mata, roba, viola, controla,” which translates to “Kill, rob, rape, control.”  When Donald Trump called them “animals,” the left went ballistic in its defense of the humanity and virtue of these vicious predators who in actuality won’t rise to the level of “animals” for another several trillion years of upward evolution assuming the bogus myth that evolution is.  Again, these monsters are BUGS and they need to be squashed with a vengeance until there aren’t any more of them.  And yet liberals are doing absolutely everything they can to stop that from happening.

And the most typical victims of these bug-monsters are Hispanics, and most typically illegal immigrant Hispanics.  Which amounts to yet another of so many proofs that Democrats don’t give one flying damn about the people they fake-news claim to care about.

We truly need a border wall and we truly need enforcement of our laws and a resistance against the lawlessness of Democrats who believe in their “ends justify the means” Stalinist mindset that they are entitled to only follow the rule of law if they feel like it but they are free to ignore any laws they don’t like even as they resist assisting Republicans in simply trying to govern and create a better system from the cynical, rigged, chaotic mess they have made it.

This nation and its citizens need to fight for their right to survive.  And July 5th is a great day to start fighting back.

Roseanne Barr Entirely Correct In Her Thesis Against Liberalism: ‘I’m still the same. You all moved! You all went so f–king far out…’

March 30, 2018

So Roseanne Barr is back, and appeared on Jimmy Kimmel to promote the return of her show after 20 years off the air.  That first episode was watched by more than 18 million people, simply giant ratings numbers.  Frankly, if the mainstream media networks had any honesty or integrity or virtue whatsoever, they would be promoting programs like this.  Instead, they in Stalinist style destroy such programs, the way they did when they killed Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing in spite of the fact that the show was a solid performer with superior ratings over programs the network keptincluding leftist political programs such as “Black-ish.”

Anyway, when Barr appeared on leftist-whackjobber Jimmy Kimmel’s show, this exchange took place:

“I am shocked because I know you are a socially liberal person in general,” Kimmel said.

“I’m still the same! You all moved,” she said.

“We did?” Kimmel asked.

“You all went so fucking far out you lost everybody,” Barr said.

“You’re probably right, by the way,” Kimmel reacted.

“Seriously, a lot of your audience, and including me — I just want to say this, a lot of this, no matter who we voted for we don’t want to see our president fail, you know?” she said to tepid applause.

“You want Pence for the freakin’ president?” she asked Kimmel

“No,” he said.

“Well then zip that fucking lip,” she told him.

That is exactly right, and it is what is most disastrously and dangerously wrong with liberalism and with the Democratic Party that is now owned lock, stock and barrel by the most radical ideologues.  Stop and think about Roseanne Barr’s last obviously true point: if you get rid of Trump, do you know who you’ll be calling “Mister President”????  The arch-conservative Mike Pence, that’s who.  But the left is so animalistic, if not bug-like, in it’s roach-hate that it is incapable of any manner of introspection whatsoever, and so, in wild, rabid contradiction to their own interests, they are trying to do everything imaginable to impeach and boot the non-ideological Donald Trump as president and thereby install Mike Pence who would not only be able to carry Trump voters, but get the mainstream conservatives behind him as well and guarantee a Republican victory in 2020.  Or, in other words, no thinking liberal would want Mike Pence as president; but the only problem is that there is no such THING as a “thinking liberal.”  Such creatures went extinct quite a while ago, as I can continue to prove and document.

Hey, for instance, remember just a couple presidents back, when Bill Clinton’s central message that won him the White House was “It’s the economy stupid”?  Remember that???  I mean, jobless claims have fallen to the lowest level since January 27, 1973African-American unemployment under Trump has hit the lowest rate in American historyConsumer confidence under Trump is at a 17-year high, meaning that Barack Obama never saw such great numbers.  It gets even worse for Obama, because consumer confidence throughout Obama’s entire presidency was NEGATIVE: Americans’ confidence in the economy soared 16 points during Trump’s first year in office, reaching positive territory for the first time since Gallup began tracking it in 2008.  We can go on and on with positive economic numbers.  Keep in mind, the left predicted ECONOMIC DOOM when Trump was elected; the very fact that Obama is whining to receive credit for Trump’s astonishing success is itself fantastic proof that Trump has been an awesome force for the US economy.  But Democrats not only rabidly and dishonestly refuse to give Trump credit, they don’t even give a flying damn about the awesome economy.  As Roseanne Barr points out; they want Trump to fail and they literally want America under Trump’s presidency to fail.

Here’s another example, just from the last couple days:

Forget MAGA: Trump Made America’s Oldest Gun Company Go Bankrupt
By John Bonazzo • 03/26/18 12:11pm

MAGA may actually mean Making America Gun-Free Again.
Remington was once among the nation’s largest gun and ammunition makers – it was founded in 1816, when there were only 19 U.S. states. But due to sliding sales and mounting debt, the company announced over the weekend that it was filing for bankruptcy. […]

One of the main reasons for the sales downturn was ironically the election of President Donald Trump. During his campaign, Trump claimed that “Hillary Clinton wants to take your guns away and she wants to abolish the Second Amendment.”

As such, gun enthusiasts began stockpiling rifles in fear of a Clinton victory. But after Trump won, sales cooled—consumers likely thought a president who was endorsed by the National Rifle Association wouldn’t infringe on their rights.

So Remington, expecting a Hillary win because that’s what everybody from the damn fake news mainstream media assured us was going to happen, gambled huge on a Clinton gun-grabber win and massively ramped up production so panicked citizens could buy guns while America was still America and we still had a viable Constitution and people still had rights in this country.  But instead Donald Trump – contrary to all the egghead liberals who were wrong and have been wrong every damn since – won.  And comforted people relaxed and didn’t buy all the guns Remington expected them to buy.  And now they had all this inventory on hand that they suddenly couldn’t sell.  Because it turns out that most Americans don’t necessarily want to have a gun; they just want to be able to buy one if they believe they need it.  And that the last thing they want is a fascist gun-grabber who does what ALL fascist totalitarians have done throughout history and strips the people of their right to defend themselves from tyranny so of course tyranny can reign supreme.

It is simply a fact that no rational intellect can dispute: Barack Hussein Obama did more for gun sales than any American president in the entire history of the republic.

Let’s consider something called “reality”:

President Barack Obama has glibly been awarded the title of the World’s Greatest Guns Salesman during his seven years in office, and it appears that his eighth and final year will be his most successful ever.

According to the FBI, the NICS background check system, which serves as a proxy for gun sales, reported 1,870,000 background checks in the month of May, the highest in recorded history and enough to re-equip the entire United States military. That is 290,000 more background checks than last May, 440,000 more than May of 2014, and 850,000 less than Obama’s first May in office in 2009.

Americans Have Bought Over 100 Million Guns During Obama’s Presidency (as of December 9, 2015).  Obama grew the gun industry by more than 158% as of April 2016In other words, if there existed a liberal or a Democrat who was not pathologically insane, no one who actually wanted fewer guns in America would have voted for Obama.

Again, the problem is that there is no such thing as a liberal or Democrat who is not pathologically insane.  They all went extinct, killed off by their own rabid, hysterical batpoop craziness.

Liberals went too far.  WAY too far.  And because they rabidly abandoned the Imago Dei, the image of God, they became mindless roaches and mindlessly created the exact opposite state of affairs that they would have wanted if they just had functioning humanity within them.

What’s truly hilarious is that, even as Obama tried to erode and destroy the American people’s right to keep and bear arms, this fascist rat-bastard hypocrite roach was brokering more arms deals than ANY president since World War II.  Because this fascist fool was FINE with Muslims having weapons; just not Americans.  The fact of the matter is that Obama was such a wicked arms dealer that his arms sales actually MORE THAN DOUBLED the hated George W. Bush’s.

Which is to say that there is going to be a very special place at the very bottom of hell for Barack Obama.  This piece of filth was truly a monster – especially by the left’s own rhetoric.

And the left would truly despise this hypocrite fascist: IF there existed such a thing as a liberal capable of moral consistency, that is.  But the last liberal capable of moral consistency faded away into extinction long ago and it is highly unlikely that the magic force of unicorn fairy-dust evolution will be able to produce another such creature ever again.

Liberal, Democrat-appointed Supreme Court Justice (retired) John Paul Stevens just publicly came out demanding a repeal of the 2nd Amendment and I demand a litmus test for any candidate for president swear that they will never appoint such a Justice.  But as I’m going to show you below, to be a Democrat is to be a lying swindling hypocrite who plays word-games with reality and with the truth and who cannot be trusted in anything whatsoever.  So these lying weasels will smugly declared, “Oh, I’m not in favor of doing the thing that I actually am totally in favor of doing.”  They’ll play the imbecilic game that the 2nd Amendment was written at a time when all we had were muskets, and so all we’re allowed is muskets.  Okay, fine, you hypocrite Luddite frauds, we’re also not allowed telephones or televisions or automobiles or computers or phones or damn near anything else we didn’t have back in 1787.  And to make it even crazier, the Constitution doesn’t guarantee the right to ANY of the things but it DOES guarantee “the right of the people to keep and bear arms.”

I must point out a previous article I wrote and it’s title:

The Legacy Of Barack Obama And The Democrat Party Can Be Summed Up In Four Words: ‘President Donald John Trump’

And way, way back in May of 2012 I predicted that there would be a giant backlash due to Barack Obama’s rabidly fascist policies that no liberal saw as anything other than mainstream and wonderful because they are such deluded, pathologically fascist narcissists:

Obama’s strategy is to set aside and flatly ignore the law for his own political benefit.  Every American who is not deeply troubled by that – troubled enough to not vote for this fascist – is UN-American.

What Obama has done is provide an example of out-and-out lawlessness on the part of the president of the United States.  And when we get a hard-core right wing president the way Obama has been a hard-core left wing president, Obama and the Democrat Party and all of those who voted for Obama and the Democrat Party will be entirely to blame for that president and his extremist actions.  You mark my words.  Because what goes around comes around, and if a Democrat can set aside the law the way Obama has now repeatedly done, well, guess who’s going to be stomping on your necks under your own president’s prior justification???  Conservatives are rising up in a spirit of righteous outrage.  You have repeatedly slapped us in the face through your messiah Obama, and the time is coming when we’re going to punch you hard in the nose and then keep on punching.  And when that day comes, liberals, look to yourselves for blame.My words on June 18, 2012

Obama gave us Trump.  Now the left wants to take Trump back and give us Pence instead.  So they can go even more rabid with frothing hate while demonically and hypocritically calling themselves the party of “tolerance.”  What the hell kind of “tolerance” do these whackjob hypocrites have????  We can literally win a national election and STILL be dismissed in terms of the most stupid, most deluded, most absurd strawman in the leftist arsenal.  If my point of view isn’t valid after a national election victory, then please explain to me why I ought to even remotely consider ANY point of view that you clowns offer.

I suppose I simply could have said what Roseanne Barr said to Jimmy Kimmel: the left went too damn far.  So damn far it was beyond UNREAL.

It is an amazing thing to view the sheer number of policies that the left now screams are the most evil things in existence that they themselves were declaring just a few years ago: whether it was on abortion, or on illegal immigration, or on homosexuality and marriage.

Consider that in 2008 BOTH political parties agreed on a moral fact of human existence:

Barack Obama in 2008:

REV. WARREN: Define marriage.

SEN. OBAMA: I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. (Applause.) Now, for me as a Christian, it’s also a sacred union. You know, God’s in the mix. (Applause.)

But one political party was pathologically dishonest and lied and reneged on what it claimed so it could “fundamentally transform” what it had previously claim was the truth.

Barack Obama claimed that marriage was between one man and one woman and that he wasn’t for gay marriage “as a Christian.”  As a Christian, the Democratic Party will burn in hell forever and ever and ever according to these words that they falsely claimed they believed.  Because to be a Democrat is to be a demon-possessed lying hypocrite pathologically incapable of honesty or integrity or decency or virtue or any other good thing.

Or go back down memory lane to when the Democratic Party gave Democratic President Bill Clinton a standing ovation for these words:

PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: “All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country.

The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers.

That’s why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens.

In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace…

We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.” (Bill Clinton, Remarks At State Of The Union, Washington, D.C., 1/24/95)

There is simply no question whatsoever that the Democratic Party of today stands condemned as the most vile kind of traitorous vermin as rightly judged by the Democratic Party of 1995.  Working class Americans realized Obama and the Democrats were literally at WAR with them, literally intentionally giving illegal immigrants their jobs and devaluing their work if they did have jobs because of the millions of people Democrats had artificially added to the labor force competition through illegal immigration.  But Democrats don’t give a flying damn about working class Americans; they need voters.  And they’re fine illegally importing foreigners to cynically get what they cynically want.

I could go on and on about all the stuff that Democrats used to acknowledge as simply true facts but now rabidly despises as worse than the Nazis.  It’s remarkable how these fools’ heads don’t explode from trying to contain all the contradictions.  I mean, we have the new “Me Too” movement and oh, are they ever trying to give Trump hell about alleged affairs that the so-called “victims” themselves claim were entirely consensual.  Let’s forget about the legitimate allegations of rape, of overt sexual harassment, that Bill Clinton was guilty of.

George Stephanopoulos is the honored, esteemed anchor of ABC News.  Let’s go back down memory lane of George overtly threatening a journalist – oh, and a female journalist at that – who had uncovered numerous women who were claiming that not only had they had sex with Bill Clinton, but in some cases he’d even fathered their babies.  Let’s watch this living emobiement of the fact that to be a liberal is to be a pathological hypocrite in every imaginable way possible:

Why are you hypocrite fools so self-righteously coming out against Donald Trump’s lawyer for doing anything to contain any allegations of ANYTHING or allegedly making any kind of a threat to anyone to stop reporting anything?  When there’s this giant log named George Stephanopoulos and basically the entire Democratic Party of just a few years ago blocking your damn view of the speck in Donald Trump’s eye???

We can talk about Russia.  Remember how Obama told the Russian president that “After my election I have more flexibility”????  Obama bent over so Putin could sodomize this country.  It was during OBAMA’s wicked presidency that Russia played whatever election games it played while a weak, passive, cowardly fool Obama did NOTHING.  Remember when Obama arrogantly lectured Mitt Romney that “The 1980s are calling and they want their foreign policy back”???  Remember that???  And now hysterical Democrats in screaming about Russia are implicitly acknowledging what a demon-possessed moron Barack Obama was throughout his failed presidency.  The actual fact is that Russians DID collude massively; but they colluded with DEMOCRATS.  And Democrats’ very hypocritical act of screaming about Trump has itself been a massive gift of collusion with Russia and Putin.

With that said, let’s talk about Hillary.  Let’s first point out that Hillary Clinton, in all of her damn demagoguery over the so-called supposed “pay gap” between men and women actually HERSELF paid her female staffers less than she paid her male staffersAnd if that isn’t enough, the Clinton Foundation itself had a massive pay gap.  So the last person you’d want representing women on this statistic alone would be Hillary Clinton.  Just saying.

Keep in mind, this election was a bipolar choice between Hillary or Donald Trump.  People chose.  And married women, and in particular white married women, chose for Donald Trump over Hillary.  Why did they do that???

Hillary Clinton told the world this:

“[Democrats] do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women,” Clinton explained. “And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”

Which is to say that women are strong, tough and decisive.  But of course, simultaneously, they are weak, pathetic and think whatever thought they are allowed to think if and only if their husbands give them permission.  Now, proceeding from Hillary’s rationale (as a white woman), she would had she been elected president only done what her husband told her to do.  But her husband is a rapist and serial sexual predator.

I hope you see the sheer ridiculousness of this idiocy.  But Hillary Clinton in mutual contradiction ran her campaign carpetbagging simultaneously on her husband’s coattails and on the mantras of feminism both at the same time.  And also in mutual contradiction, she was this strong, tough, decisive woman whenever it suited her; but every time she was criticized she instantaneously transformed into a helpless victim.  And that is exactly how feminism itself works: they are mutual exclusively self-referentially contradictory things at the same time.

This capacity to say things and believe things that simply fly in the face of any and all credibility should help inform you to try to comprehend how anyone could believe what follows:

When it comes to the craziest example of whackjob, pathological liberal moral insanity, I saved the very best for last.  I had to create a transcript of Tucker Carlson’s interview with University of Toronto psychology professor, Jordan Peterson.  He offered this in response to the now at least 71 different “gender options” we supposedly now have:

The radical left insists that gender is a social construct and that’s just simply not true. So the scientific data on that are absolutely crystal clear. No reasonable scientist disagrees. And so they’re all foaming at the mouth because I’m poking holes in their cherished notions. And they like to think that people are completely malleable because that means that people can be made over in their ideological image.

Peterson points out that his views are “more common than you think,” stating that “My views on gender are shared widely in the personality community. Anyone who understands personality and is a credible scientist knows the difference between men and women in personality should be contributed primarily to biological factors. This isn’t contentious. The only people its’ contentious around are gender ideologues. They’ve already lost the scientific battle, so they’re taking it to the legislative front to enforce their views. So, they’re really not contentious viewpoints, they’re mainstream science. And we’re criticized all the time for spouting pseudo-science. It’s not pseudo-science; it’s mainstream science. And people who know the literature aren’t disputing this: it’s been known at least since the 1990s.

The Canadian government built a social-constructivist view of gender into the law. And that’s just incorrect. The idea that biological sex, gender expression, gender identity and sexual preference have no relationship to one another, that they vary independently, there’s almost nothing you can claim that’s more false than that. But now it’s being written into the law. It’s just patently absurd. It’s actually a telling commentary on the state of political discourse across the West, that something like that can actually happen. But I think that it’s equality of outcome that’s the real pathological desire. That’s the bad one.

Well then, Tucker asked, why are people whose views are not rooted in science, but instead in emotion and superstition, dominating our public conversation, and punishing anyone who doesn’t disagree? How did they get so much power?

Look, I actually think there’s a technical reason for that. It’s obvious that things can go too far on the right and they can go too far on the left. And it’s kind of easy to put a box around people who go too far on the right: you can just look at claim’s of racial superiority. But it’s not so easy to put a box around people who go too far on the left. There’s not a single thing you can point to that they do that has the same sort of red flag nature as claims of racial superiority. So it’s hard for people who are left-leaning, say I’m concerned with inequality and that sort of thing, to dissociate themselves from those who have clearly gone too far. And the problem is we really don’t know where the red flags are in leftist territory. Now for me it’s equality of outcome that is a good so-called equity. That’s a red flag. But it doesn’t seem as immediately pathological as claims of racial superiority. So it’s harder for people on the left to dissociate themselves from the people who, well, would do everyone in, essentially.

This in contrast to the college professor, the moderator to all the “tolerance” that the left preaches it is so good at, for trying to humiliate and ultimately rabidly “intolerating” the student who raised the question that hey, maybe there were only TWO genders, the way actual scientific biology says there are.  This crap happens all the time with ZERO consequences for these rabid ideologue professors; contrast that with the living hell Laura Ingraham is being put through for going after David Hogg (“How COULD you???  He’s just a CHILD!!!”).  Liberals are the worst hypocrites on earth.  And there is no one on earth, including ISIS terrorists, more extremist and totalitarian and Stalinist in their views than the liberal progressive.  You will agree with them or they will bury you, destroy you, and utilize raw official power to do so.  Liberal progressives are now the most self-righteous, the most Pharisaical, beings in all existence.  And when the entirety of all human history opposes them (they imposed by rabid fiat within the last few years what had never previously existed in any civilization in all history), when any kind of legitimate science opposes them (when they find the 69 other chromosomes besides “X” and “Y” maybe they’ll begin to have some kind of legitimate case), they follow the same mentality as the IED-wearing terrorist and simply go batpoop until whoever their target for hate is is publicly destroyed by a demonic cultural process.

Peterson’s assessment was so brilliant simply because it is so obviously true.  Consider the bald, naked FACT that communists murdered more than 100 million of their own people just during peacetime alone.  Chairman Mao was responsible for as many as EIGHTY MILLION DEATHS during his “Great Leap Forward.”  Understand that this mass-murdering psycho was actually lionized by top Obama administration officials!!!!

What makes this guy so right is the fact that Obama told America that The War on Inequality Is the New War on Poverty.  And the 20th century actually proved that this is THE most evil idea in the entire history of the human race.

This “equality of outcome” has ALWAYS been THE most cherished goal of the most wicked ideology in the entire history of the human race.  We’re all going to be so “equal” that we’ll all be equal in that we’ll all be JUST AS DEAD AS EVERYONE ELSE.

Pause in horror to consider the hell on earth Mao unleashed as he sought to impose the liberal dream and socialist goal of “equality of outcome” so everyone would be the same:

Chairman Mao:

“The atom bomb is nothing to be afraid of,” Mao told Nehru, “China has many people. . . . The deaths of ten or twenty million people is nothing to be afraid of.” A witness said Nehru showed shock. Later, speaking in Moscow, Mao displayed yet more generosity: he boasted that he was willing to lose 300 million people, half of China’s population.”

Chairman Mao:

LEE EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN, VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM MEMORIAL FOUNDATION: In 1959 to 1961 was the so-called “great leap forward” which was actually a gigantic leap backwards in which he tried to collectivize and communize agriculture.

And they came to him after the first year and they said, “Chairman, five million people have died of famine.” He said, “No matter, keep going.” In the second year, they came back and they said, “Ten million Chinese have died.” He said, “No matter, continue.” The third year, 20 million Chinese have died. And he said finally, “Well, perhaps this is not the best idea that I’ve ever had.”

CHANG: When he was told that, you know, his people were dying of starvation, Mao said, “Educate the peasants to eat less. Thus they can benefit – they can fertilize the land.”

Frankly, the fact of the matter is that Nazism itself came from the left: “NAZI” stood for “National Socialist German Workers Party.”  You tell me if there was a “Socialist American Workers Party,” which side of the political spectrum it would be on?  The fact of the matter is that the Nazis were a “rightwing” party ONLY in the sense that they were the “far right” of the whackjob hard core radical LEFT.  Hitler and his Nazis were avowed Darwinists and just like Marx and the communists, the Nazis got their doctrines of hate from Darwinism.  Hitler stated in the beginning of his rise to power that, “A stronger race will drive out the weaker ones, for the vital urge in its ultimate form will break down the absurd barriers of the so called humanity of individuals to make way for the humanity of nature which destroys the weak to give their place to the strong.”  Pure Darwinism.  Hitler stated as his Darwinian-survival-of-the-fittest-based Nazi regime was coming crashing down that, “If the German Volk is not strong enough and is not sufficiently prepared to offer its own blood for its existence, it should cease to exist and be destroyed by a stronger power.”  As the disastrous war based on Darwinism came to a vicious end, Hitler issued what has infamously become known as his “Nero Decree,” saying, “There is no […] need to worry about saving what is necessary for the German people to survive. … On the contrary, it is much better that we ourselves destroy everything. […] Our people has shown that it is the weakest; the future belongs exclusively to the people of the east, which is the strongest.”  All of these statements are Darwinian to the core.  Just as was the garbage about purifying the race so that the German Arian would be the strongest and most dominant race.  Hearken to Darwin’s less-famous subtitle for his “Origin of the Species:” On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.”

The principle rationale for the Holocaust was that the Jews were biologically inferior, and interfered with the Nazi scientists’ efforts to aid evolution by creating a master race.
Listen to these words and tell me who wrote them:

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.”

It was none other than Charles Darwin himself (Darwin, C.R., “The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex,” [1871], John Murray: London, 1874, Second Edition, 1922, reprint, pp.241-242). Charles Darwin literally predicted that someone would come along and extend his Darwinism to its logical conclusion – and thus literally predicted both the Holocaust AND the motivations FOR the Holocaust.  Charles Darwin spake as a prophet, and Adolf Hitler was the messiah who fulfilled the demonic prophecy.  But it wasn’t just the Jew that Hitler was willing to exterminate as being “biologically inferior.” Adolf Hitler – who had made the Holocaust of the “biologically unfit” and “sub human” Jew the centerpiece of his campaign to create a “Master” Aryan race – ultimately made his “master race” the victim of his hateful Darwinian views.  The simple fadt of the matter is that Adolf Hitler thought in entirely Darwinian terms and his total war was an example of Darwinian survival of the fittest in action. He decreed the Jew had failed the test of Darwinism, and ultimately believed that if the German people could not prevail in his war that THEY TOO should be exterminated and replaced by a more fit race just as Darwinism taught.

And this atheist and Darwinist crap is all pumped out of the vile soul of the ideological LEFT.  The left has followed the same script that the communists gave them: identify what people realize is evil and demonize their ideological opponents for it – even though they practice the very identical same evil themselves; and even in fact when they are the ONLY ONES who practice that evil.  So the left says the Nazis were “right wing” because they were militaristic, demonically ignoring the fact that the largest militaries ever assembled were assembled by COMMUNISTS.  Think of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. whose military dwarfed our own; think the People’s Republic of China; think of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.  No one other than a fool or a liar would claim that “militarism” is “right wing.”  Similarly, they claim that “nationalism” makes a regime right wing, again demonically ignoring the fact that throughout his fight against Hitler, Stalin miraculously transformed his communism into nationalism, urging his people to fight for “Mother Russia” again and again and again.  And today for that matter, the communist People’s Republic of China is FIERCELY nationalistic and is economically employing a model far more similar to socialist fascism that pure communism.  Or they will with straight faces lecture us that the Nazis were “right wing” because they were “racist.”  Again, the model of demonizing whatever is most evil as belonging exclusively to their ideological enemies.  The U.S.S.R. murdered tens of millions of non-Russian people; today the Chinese still persecute non-Chinese ethnic peoples such as the Tibetans.  Our own “progressive left” in the United States has frequently employed hard core racism, and I still remember a leftist SEIU union head telling his very own union workers as “so fucking rabidly racist.”  In my very own family, one of the few rabid Democrats in 2008 refused to vote for Barack Obama.  Why?  Because he said, “I won’t vote for that fucking nigger.”  When I would have happily voted for Herman Cain, or later for Ben Carson.

I still remember a true ideological coward named Barack Hussein Obama dishonestly, vindictively and hypocritically attacking the Republicans as being “social Darwinists.”  When he himself is the true Darwinist.  Social Darwinism is logically and morally ENTAILED if Darwinism is true because the weak die out and the most fit survive.  And if that is true in the whole cosmos, then without any logical or moral question it would necessarily be true of any society that correctly followed this universal law of the universe.  Evolution and Darwinism logically and consistently applied would apply as an axiom the policy that the weak need to perish so the stronger can better survive, end of story.  But to be a Democrat is to be the worst and the most despicable kind of moral coward.  They constantly play the rhetorical game of deceiving people that they don’t believe what they clearly believe.  And so Democrats believe in evolution while simultaneously implicitly recognizing that theirs is an utterly evil ideology.  Stalin murdered at least forty million of his own people and Mao murdered as many as eighty million of his own people: but neither did so until they had total power over their people and until they had that total control abetted by leftist gun seizure laws that left the people weaponless and defenseless they constantly talked about how they cared about the people.

So to bring the point home, Democrats aren’t honest.  Like Obama with marriage, Democrats refuse to tell you what they truly believe.  They hide behind a world of slandering lies and fake outrage rhetoric.  Democrats used to actually believe in God, but they are now the official party of rabid secular humanist atheism.  Just like the communists who alone actually DO have “separation of church and state” in their Constitution.  Article 124 of the Soviet Constitution reads, “In order to ensure to citizens freedom of conscience, the church in the U.S.S.R. is separated from the state, and the school from the church.”  A better name for “communism” is “official state atheism,” since every single communist regime has in fact been officially atheist.  That’s the REAL premise upon which the evil regime is truly based.  Just like the Darwinan Nazis whose true war crime was actually believing the evil otherwise known as Darwinian evolution.  And just like the godless communist and the Darwinist Nazis, Democrats likewise want to strip the people of their right to resist their totalitarian power that they are seeking.

But not even the most ardently ideological, the most whackjob Nazi, Maoist or Stalinist, ever dared to dream that we could screw around with the very nature of gender and sexual identity.  That required a level of shocking human depravity that dwarfed even the most wild imaginings of even these most wicked bugs.

As of today, Democrats are directly responsible for the mass murder of SIXTY MILLION of THE most innocent human beings in their abortion mills.  Democrats will one day stand before God condemned as being ten times more evil than the damn Nazis; and every single Democrat will scream in the agony of the lowest pit of hell for a trillion times a trillion millennia for every single NANOSECOND that they callously ripped from these 60 million babies employing the same damned-by-God “logic” that the Nazis employed arguing that Jews weren’t fully human and therefore could be exterminated.

Abortion is a war of extermination not just against babies, but more directly against FATHERHOOD.  If that baby in the womb isn’t a baby, isn’t a human being, then what the hell IS a “father”???  What the hell did he “father”???  A lifeless lump of goop, Democrats assure us.  A thing that can be exterminated without thought or consequences, they assure us.  If that is in any way true, then any father can simply walk away from his kid without any thought or any consequence just as easily as any mother can murder the innocent human life growing in her womb as a result of what she and that father participated in creating.

Again, even the Nazis weren’t this damn depraved.  Heinrich Himmler told his SS who were carrying out the Final Solution that they had to be strong, that they were simply doing what had to be done, what was necessary, in his own version of the “make abortion safe, legal and rare” rationale.  Just like everything else, the Democratic Party has also become so warped it even now betrays the warped ideology it used to hold such that there is now a rabid, militant approval of what used to be something that was deemed sad, but necessary.  Which would be the moral equivalent of Himmler boasting in the Final Solution, exulting in it.  You could be a Nazi and not even know about, let alone believe in, the Final Solution of the Jewish race.  But now you can’t be a Democrat and not believe in abortion as the final solution for millions upon millions of babies who are selected for extermination.

The Democrat Party has made war on fathers and on fatherhood for a generation now.  And it is amazing how sick and toxic a place they have “fundamentally transformed” our society into as a direct result of their war on fatherhood, their war on children, their hell on earth policies that every single one of them will one day have to stand before God Almighty and give an account for.

And if you’re going to go to total, Hitler-style war-of-extermination-style wars on fatherhood and fathers and children, well, in bowling-analogy terms you’ve simply got to try to pick up the spare and similarly declare total war on so-called “toxic masculinity” and on boys.

It is frankly a truly amazing thing that has the left screeches about the crisis of “toxic masculinity,” in actual scientific fact men’s sperm counts have quite literally PLUMMETED.  “Sperm counts dropped by more than half over nearly four decades,” a massive scientific study recently found.  Which is to say to whatever extent there IS a crisis of “toxic masculinity,” it is quite literally the very OPPOSITE of what the left falsely claims it is.  What is in actual scientific fact “toxic” is that males AREN’T getting more masculine; they are getting less and less and LESS so.  Here’s the ACTUAL crisis of toxic masculinity:

The assessment, one of the largest ever undertaken, brings together the results of 185 studies between 1973 and 2011.

Dr Levine, an epidemiologist, told the BBC that if the trend continued humans would become extinct.

Liberalism is a mindless phenomenon, just as a colony of roaches is a mindless phenomenon.  These bugs will just do what they do.  They will not quit.  They have been programmed to mindlessly advance much the way Mao’s communist army mindlessly charged the U.S. military at the Chosin Reservoir in Korea in 1950.  And if these leftist ideologues fail to charge screaming machine-gun toting commissars will gun them down from behind.  Because the left only wants to seize guns from the people, not from the commissar-class who gets to control the people.  The left will not stop until males are extinct and the last feminist triumphantly dances on the last male’s grave, freed from the God-given burden of bringing the last baby into the world.  THAT is the assured result of liberalism, the cherished goal, the dream.

As the REAL toxic crap from leftist ideologues calling themselves “educators” persecuted boys and demonized maleness and manhood and basically indoctrinated a culture of boys being ashamed to be what they were biologically – even as the same rabid fools dismissed the very notion of “biology” itself in their Stalinist rather than scientific assessment that gender is a social construct – boys have simply been first falling behind, then dropping behind, then dropping out.  The left is literally targeting and attacking as unacceptable even the very words “man” and “male,” let alone being a man or being encouraged or even allowed to ACT like one.  As an example, the widely-used online writing and grammar resource by Purdue University encourages college students to avoid ‘generic use of MAN and other words with masculine markers.’

Men are becoming less male because that is the only choice the screaming, rabid, leftist culture that simultaneously depicts itself as “the tolerant ones” will allow.  And the decline of men simply logically follows the extinction-path generated by the left, by liberals, by the Democratic Party, of fathers and fatherhood.  THIS has been the longest war in American history, the war on men.  And men have surrendered but the feminist left won’t stop with mere victory.  Fewer and fewer men are working; and the men who are working are working fewer hours than ever beforeMillions of prime age men are simply missing from the economy as the ravages of liberal policy have ripped their dreadful toll into our culture.  As a result of these simple facts that liberals simply mindlessly deny as much as Hitler denied he was losing the war, fewer and fewer men are getting married because they don’t have the economic resources to get married.  Which means fewer and fewer women are getting married because they no longer view men as viable partners.

And as a result of this war, the very group that denies the reality of biology has created a species-threatening biological reality.  We have diminished sperm counts.  That is NOT a sign of masculinity, but rather the exact freaking OPPOSITE.  But that’s just reality, and liberalism is a rabid denial of reality.

And yes, the sad, assured result of these liberal policies which have utterly destroyed the American middle class primarily by destroying men, young men are increasingly becoming bitter, resentful, angry.  And they are increasingly acting out.  And that means more and more violence.  Because males have been treated like animals and what the hell do you expect animals to do???

Yeah.  The left went too far.  WAY too far.

The only problem is that the time to stop them was nearly forty years ago.  Because everything that has followed since Roe v. Wade in 1973 was the equivalent of a snowball running downhill until it became an avalanche.

And now it may very well be too late for our species.

Good Questions For Both Sides On Gun Control And Good Questions For The Left To Contemplate As Their Toxic Worldview Reveals Itself

February 28, 2018

One of the lines that I have borrowed from radio talk show host Dennis Prager is this: “I prefer clarity to agreement,” which means that I would rather we both honestly understand one another’s true positions even when we fundamentally disagree with one another than that we come to some misleading politically-worded compromise following a “dialogue.”

I came across the following today and thought it worth posting.  The author is a Democrat politician and clearly reveals his own personal bias at the outset.  But he also points out that even his own side has “routinely disappointed” him and then proceeds to offer five very fair questions for both sides in the gun control debate.  I will interact with him on the questions he poses for my position, in which I state my own bias that the 2nd Amendment exists for a very important reason and that as long as we intend to remain in any meaningful way connected to our Constitution, we need to safeguard the right for citizens to keep and bear arms and fight efforts to infringe on that right:

Questions you should ask politicians about guns (according to a politician)
By Mike Gatto
Feb 27, 2018 | 10:30 AM

My father was murdered by a handgun-wielding assailant, so the firearms debate is personal for me. And I’m routinely disappointed by how disingenuous it is on both sides. I worry that each party just wants to mobilize its base and raise campaign funds rather than solve tough policy problems.

Next time you hear a politician offer a simplistic solution, here are some questions to ask.

If the politician favors gun control:

1. What will tougher laws accomplish when there are already roughly two guns in circulation for every American adult? Are you proposing the mass seizure of firearms? It’s not just the 2nd Amendment that’s at issue, but the 5th, which prohibits the taking of private property without compensation.
2. You say you favor an “assault weapon” ban, but most murders in the U.S. are committed using handguns. Do you have a separate plan to address handgun violence (which occurs daily)?

3. For that matter, do you realize that there is no sound legal or technical definition of an “assault weapon?” The 1994 ban, which expired in 2004, was rife with loopholes. Rather than political catchwords, explain your intentions using terms that have a precise meaning, like “semiautomatic.”
4. You’ve suggested that the 2nd Amendment should be read to protect only the muskets and rudimentary rifles extant at the time the Constitution was drafted. Do you realize how problematic this logic is? Do you believe the 1st Amendment should protect print newspapers but not television broadcasts, web-based journalism, or social-media posts?
5. The Constitution belongs to the people of the United States, and if the requisite supermajorities agree, the people can amend it to reflect changing mores. So have the guts to be honest: Do you believe we should repeal the 2nd Amendment?

If the politician does not favor gun control:

1. You’ve offered “thoughts and prayers” for the victims. Do you realize how trite that sounds? Could you please take the initiative to change your phrasing once in a while? And is there anything besides thinking and praying that you believe you can do?
2. You say you believe the solution is not to pass more gun laws, but to enforce the ones we already have on the books. So what have you done to insist that the relevant agencies do just that?
3. According to the National Rifle Assn., only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. You’ve extended that logic to schools, advocating that we arm teachers. But most mass shootings happen so fast, there isn’t much time to react. I can’t imagine my first-grade teacher stopping a determined killer, and I don’t believe parents want schools to look like prisons. Besides, is it fair to turn teachers into security guards? Do you really believe arming educators is the solution?
4. The 2nd Amendment confers a right to bear arms, but no constitutional right, even free speech, is absolute. So if you make blanket statements about the 2nd Amendment, why don’t you tell us where you draw the line?
5. Background checks won’t end gun violence. But they can stop a portion of the mentally ill population (or criminals or domestic abusers) from purchasing guns legally. How can you argue that a better system won’t prevent at least some crimes?
Even under pressure, I fear politicians on both sides are neither honest nor realistic on this issue.
But here’s what we can do. The low-hanging fruit if we want to lower rates of gun violence is to address drug use and mental health problems. Large percentages of those incarcerated for violent crimes committed those acts under the influence of drugs or to obtain money to buy drugs. And a large percentage of mass shooters are mentally ill. So try to notice the signs of mental illness and addiction, and do whatever possible to get friends and family the help they need.
Meanwhile, by all means, ask politicians those tough questions.

Mike Gatto, a Democrat, served four terms in the California Assembly. He is an attorney and legislator in residence at USC’s Unruh Institute of Politics. Twitter: @mikegatto

I have not met Mike Gatto and frankly have never heard of him.  But I have respect for this man because I believe he tries to be equally tough on both sides in this debate and I have the sense that he too prefers clarity to bogus agreements that are nothing but words loaded with loopholes intended to deceive the public into believing that something was done when in fact it wasn’t.

I will deal with Mike Gatto’s “If the politician does not favor gun control” point-by-point:

FIRST, “thoughts” are surely trite, but “prayers” are not to anyone who believes in God and believes that He created us in His image and loves us.  Is this an open acknowledgement that Democrats don’t believe in God or in the power of prayer?  Because it frankly seems obvious to me at this point that the Democratic Party has radically turned into a secular humanist party and “God” is a nice-sounding thing for these people to say much the way Adolf Hitler referred to God and Christianity as a cynical way to cloak a clearly ungodly thing with the language of pseudo-religiousity.

But having stated that, let me proceed from there: we are at an impossible point with the mainstream Democrat Party – by which I now mean radically liberal (when even the reliably liberal Dianne Feinstein is not NEARLY “liberal” enough for this radical Democratic Party today) – in which they very CLEARLY want to first erode and undermine and ultimately strip the 2nd Amendment of having any actual force or meaning.  And so in this climate, every single thing we give them is simply one step closer to what I truly believe is a fascist goal: every single on of the 22 former totalitarian communist regimes and currently including the five current totalitarian communist regimes stripped their people of the right to keep and bear arms.  Every single one of them.  And when 82% of communist countries are “former” communist countries, I submit that this is just one of many powerful evidences that this system does not work.  Adolf Hitler stated, “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjugated races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjugated races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or native police.”  This is the clear totalitarian mindset, to strip people who could be a threat to your regime – such as the people you intend to work to death in death camps – to have access to weapons to fight back against tyranny.

I simply submit that what the Democrats want is opposed to the very heart of what our founding fathers believed was most important to a free society.  And we’re seeing it now very starkly as Democrats not only oppose the guns which guarantee my right to free speech, but the very free speech and the right to my religious beliefs protected by the 1st Amendment.  We have seen tyrannous impositions on religious belief protected by the First Amendment in the forms of direct and very personal systematic attacks in the name of abortion and homosexuality.  Barack Obama repeatedly attacked “The Little Sisters of the Poor” for the thought crime of being pro-life.  As just one of his many direct attacks on people who merely tried to follow the crystal-clear teachings of their ancient religion which in fact was the foundation of our nation.  And now on our universities that were enshrined as institutions cherishing freedom of thought, ideas and speech, we are increasingly seeing the rabid left essentially scream that anyone who disagrees with them should not have the right to speakWe are now watching a terrifying tactic playing out as liberal activist violently protest conservative speech and literally riot; which is followed by liberal administrators declaring that because liberals are vicious fascist, they have no choice but to ban the conservative right to free speech which these administrators themselves also oppose!  Democrats today represent a clear and present danger to everything our founding fathers established.

The framers of the Constitution enshrined the 1st Amendment first because free speech which is the heart of all true freedom was their most cherished goal; and they enshrined the 2nd Amendment right after it because they correctly viewed the right of the individual to keep and bear arms as the greatest safeguard of the 1st Amendment.  The 2nd Amendment was a reaction against government tyranny.

We have a situation in which we are seeing more shootings not because there are more guns than there were fifty years ago.  In fact there actually were more guns per capital fifty years ago than there are today, and with fewer gun restrictions/laws.  And interestingly, overall gun crime has actually gone DOWN in the years since 1993 when Bill Clinton first began to terrorize the American people into starting to buy guns in the fear that their rights would soon be taken away (a policy doubled-down upon by Barack Obama which caused another frenzy of gun purchasing).  The result of Bill Clinton’s efforts was the 1994 Assault Weapons ban which was documented to have produced absolutely nothing.  And when Democrats keep screaming at us “to do something,” why shouldn’t the onus be upon them to prove that their stripping me of my constitutionally guaranteed rights will actually produce what they falsely claim it will????

But let me get back to the paragraph that precedes the immediately above: we are seeing our society devolve – I believe because of the secular humanism and atheism and the abortion mentality that have created a zeitgeist of nihilism.  Nothing is sacred, there is no ultimate judgment, and if I am unhappy there is no reason why I shouldn’t “exercise my right to choose” and “my right to my own body” and start killing as many people as I can just like I learned to do on television programs and movies and video games created by liberals have taught me to do.  They have desensitized us to violence because they claimed they had a right to do that even when no, they did NOT have such a right!  And now they want to take away the most necessary rights that were guaranteed by our Constitution.  Sixty million innocent human beings are now dead, making the Democratic Party ten times more murderous than were the Nazis with the Jews in the Holocaust.  Democrats have an absolutely morally vicious agenda.  And so, even as Democrats have in fact caused people to become more violent by taking away God and divine morality, I still prefer the violence that they have unleashed to the greater violence they surely WILL unleash in the years that would follow when I wouldn’t have the means to resist them when they come after me the same way Hitler came after Jews and Democrats came after babies.

And so when every single “gun control” measure is merely one more small step toward the giant step for repealing the 2nd Amendment (just like Lenin and Stalin did, just like Hitler did, just like Chairman Mao did, just like the Kim dynasty did), I will fight it tooth and nail.  It comes down to this: if you want us to come your way with more common-sense gun control measures, then YOU have to come our way with more definitive pro-2nd Amendment measures.  As long as any repeal of the 2nd Amendment is on the damn table, as long as Democrat activists are allowed to keep agitating to something that Hitler and Stalin and Mao failed to be able to do in this country, as you keep hysterically screaming that we need to “do something” no matter how irrational and useless that something is.

SECOND, are you seriously trying to tell me that the refusal to follow the damn law as it already exist on the damn books is somehow OUR fault, you who rabidly fly in the face of THE LAW when it comes to illegal immigration????  Are you seriously that dishonest, that much of a hypocrite????  It’s not just illegal immigration; you did the same thing with our drug laws and a whole host of other laws.  We’re now entering the rabid hysterical madness of the leftist “Me Too” movement, but the liberals driving this movement conveniently forget great moments in history when they were the ones fighting FOR powerful sexual predators, such as when Roman Polanski was cheered with a standing ovation by Hollywood liberals for drugging and sodomizing a 13-year old minor girl.  Such as when first Ted Kennedy literally abandoned a young girl to die a miserable death and then returned to his party and such as when Bill Clinton was demonstrated to be a serial sexual predator for years and then was protected by Democrats after saying, “It depends on what the meaning of the word is is,” incredibly telling the American people that since he wasn’t in fact actually having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky at the precise nanosecond that he claimed he hadn’t had sex, that in fact he was somehow being honest in saying there is no sexual relationship.  The fact of the matter is that Democrats have been the anti-law and the anti-order party for a generation.  The fact is that Obama mass-pardoned gun-toting criminals on a regular basisThe fact is that Obama simply refused to prosecute criminals for violating all kinds of gun laws even as he routinely whined for more gun laws.  And the fact is that liberal-and-Democrat-dominated cities such as Chicago are notorious for refusing to prosecute gun criminals.  So don’t you Democrats damn refuse to apply the law in your Democrat Party bastions and then blame me for it.

Yes, we need to enforce our laws.  Republicans believe that; it’s Democrats who need to learn that.  When a Democrat-Party-owned liberal state like California becomes a “sanctuary state” in direct opposition to our clear federal laws, when a Democrat, liberal mayor actively defies and interferes with federal law and literally warns criminals that the law is coming for them so they can continue to get away with their violation of federal law – and you actually tolerate that and don’t demand she resign immediately – you don’t get to lecture me about that and not have me point out what a lying, no-good, dirty rotten hypocrite fascist you are.  And there is simply no point trying to negotiate with the likes of you because you are totally and utterly devoid of anything even close to honor or virtue or decency or honesty or integrity.

In other words, Mike Gatto’s number 2 FAR more applies to Democrats than it does to Republicans.  Don’t you DARE pin that on us.  As Jesus put it, look at the damn log in your OWN eye before you mention the speck in mine.  So there are actually SIX objections to gun control that Democrats have to answer and only four we have to respond to – EVEN FROM A LIBERAL.

THIRD, are you seriously trying to claim that since gun violence can happen quickly, that there is therefore no reason to try to react to that violence as quickly as possible?  There isn’t much time to react, so let’s not react at all.  That would be insane, but that is your prima facie argument.  No, let’s react.  Let’s get that good guy with a gun in as quickly as humanly possible to stop any bad guy with a gun.  If you’re going to lecture me that the only way to deal with this is to take away everybody’s right to own a gun as the only possible way to deal with the possibility of a bad guy getting a gun, please refer to the Constitution.  That is not an option.  And a far better option that actually IS Constitutional is to end “gun free zones” given the fact that 98% of all mass shootings in our history have happened in gun free zones.  There’s a reason psychos are attracted to gun free zones for the same reason that there’s a reason that burglars don’t enter homes with the owner pointing shotguns at their faces.  Like the death penalty that Democrats refuse to allow, armed citizens is a deterrent to tyranny.  It simply is.  And so, no, while I am not demanding that every single 1st grade teacher strap a .44 magnum to their belts, I AM saying that there surely ARE teachers and staff members who would be willing to be armed to protect their children.

This argument that “I am a teacher and teaching is fundamentally incompatible with protecting children” is again frankly morally insane.  I frankly would prefer a teacher who would be willing to protect me to one who militantly refuses to protect me.  Yes, please give me the teacher who loves his or her students enough to protect them.  And the state of Texas is just one state that believe it or not already found that yes there are TOO teachers who are willing to protect their students.

We can install metal detectors and that would do some good.  But when you start paying full-time active-duty police officers to be on site at a school all day, you will drive up the cost of education.  And maybe homeschooling kids is then the best option and we should simply fire all ya’all teachers if you won’t lift a finger to protect kids and teach our children in the safety of our homes since you insist on remaining a gun-free zone where 98% of all shootings have happened.

So yes, it IS fair to turn our teachers into security guards.  At least if they’re going to claim that they care about their kids rather than their damn leftist Stalinist ideology.  Okay?

Or maybe an even MORE unacceptable alternative to these same leftist teachers is that they return to teaching about God and about the divine morality that we used to teach back in the day when our schools weren’t shooting galleries????

FOURTH, this idea that “the 2nd Amendment isn’t absolute” is actually quite laughable when you consider something called “facts.”  You see, I happen to know that we already have ALL DAMN KINDS OF LIMITS on the 2nd Amendment.  Or else, for instance, I’d have a damned machine gun and I’d be free to shoot any liberal who pissed me off.  We have at least TEN MAJOR FEDERAL GUN LAWS not to mention the thousands of state gun laws.

But here’s the funny thing, since you don’t believe in “absolute rights” then I’m glad to hear you’re willing to have a Voter ID card!!!!  No?  Because you actually DO believe in “absolute rights” even for illegal immigrants and even for felons????  Hey, Nazis, did you know the Nazi Party was ELECTED by voters????  Did you know that the Palestinian people used their right to vote to elect a terrorist group as their leaders????

Homosexuals have absolute rights even to marriage as leftist fascist and yes-homosexual-and-therefore-personally-biased judges simply threw out and disregarded the clear will of the people even in liberal states like California with Proposition 8.  The left similarly simply ignored all previous morality as well as any pretense to “science” and has created 63 genders and given them absolute rights that boggle the damn mind.  When a girl who is trying to become a boy and pumping herself full of male hormones is allowed to win the girls wrestling championship because she had some kind of damned “absolute right” to compete as a whatever-the-hell-she-is, it is so way past time for you liberals to look in the damn mirror when you whine about “absolute rights” that you make me puke.

The fact is that we conservatives and even we conservative NRA members are FAR more likely to limit the right to keep and bear arms than you have been with all your wicked rights.  Capeesh????

I’ll take to you about sensible limits on guns the day AFTER you stop believing that any of your fellow liberals should have any right to believe you have “absolute rights,” let alone the absolute right to keep seeking to take away my constitutionally enshrined rights even as you invent right after right after right to murder your own babies, practice immoral and depraved behaviors, etc.

FIFTH, background checks.  We’ve already got them, flying in the face of your frankly incredibly ridiculous argument number 4. above.  But at this point, we aren’t allowed to go into somebody’s medical records because fascist liberal judges who dreamed of a world with 60 million murdered babies in America invented “the right to privacy.”  At least, unless I want to be “private” about my 2nd Amendment RIGHT which unlike the “right” to abortion actually IS a right.

If you actually would like to end the carnage, please stop being wicked and morally insane and END ABORTION LOGIC.  END ABORTION MENTALITY.  And we’ll start with this “right to privacy” which was the first “penumbra and emanations”-fake-right invented by judges as they stared into their own crystal ball to visualize a right that had never before existed so they could impose whatever the hell “right” they wanted.

Hey, Democrat, my mental health is as much a private matter between me and my doctor as your abortion is a private matter between you and your doctor.  I’m crazy and you’re a murderer and we’re both about to do something truly evil and take another human being’s life.

And maybe you moral monsters should end this vicious cycle.

So let’s END abortion privacy rights which would cause the “right” to abortion to topple like a rotten, termite-infested foundation that it is.  And then we can go into the medical records of people requesting to buy a gun and say, “Wait a minute!  This man is NUTS!  Oh, HELL no!”

So Democrats, being fascist hypocrites, of course want “the right to privacy” to murder babies, but they want to take away the same right so they can take away the 2nd Amendment.  Bullcrap.  Just bullcrap.

But until then, let us understand that liberals gave the next shooter the right to privacy, the right to choose, the freedom over his own body.  And their acts are merely retroactive abortions.

On these issues, kindly deal with the great big fat giant logs in your own eyes, Democrats.



What We REALLY Need To Ban If We’re Going To Even Think Of Banning The 2nd Amendment

February 19, 2018

First of all, if the 2nd Amendment is a “limited” right, then ALL of our other constitutionally guaranteed rights are also “limited.”  I have to love it that the same people who want to “limit” the 2nd Amendment rabidly demand that there be no limits whatsoever to “the right to vote,” including not only convicted felons but now even also to illegal immigrants.  If you are even considering “limiting” the 2nd Amendment and you are not for voter ID laws, then you are simply somebody to disregard as an ideologue.  The fact of the matter is that “the right to vote” is an obviously dangerous thing, unless you happen to believe that the rise of the Nazi Party that was ELECTED is not a dangerous thing.  In another example, recently the Palestinians elected a TERRORIST GROUP to power.  Further, since we’re largely talking about illegal immigrants from Mexico when we discuss voter ID, let’s not forget the fact that in Mexico, if you do not have a voter ID, YOU DO NOT GET TO VOTE.

Now, one of the reasons I mention “illegal immigrants” is the fact that the shooter – Nikolas Cruz – IS HISPANIC.  Liberals snarl that if we were disarmed from having “assault weapons” he wouldn’t have been able to pull this off.  But how about this one: if we didn’t have HISPANICS he wouldn’t have been able to pull this off, either.  If you’re going to ban the one, let’s ban the other.  Otherwise you might start getting reasonable and realize that we have tens of millions of these weapons in the hands of decent, law-abiding people and just maybe we shouldn’t target all of them because of the actions of one miserable whackjob.  But otherwise, let’s turn as much rage and hate on Hispanics for being Hispanic as we do on “assault weapons” for being “assault weapons.”  Because, news flash, fools, that rifle Cruz used did NOT squeeze its own trigger.  Cruz squeezed it and kept squeezing it.

What’s really funny – in the ironic sense of moral idiots who refuse to learn from history – is that we’ve already TRIED this and IT DID NOT DO A DAMN THING.  Democrats banned what they created the term “assault weapons” (to mimic the military term assault rifle referring to a weapon capable of full as well as semi-automatic fire in order to artificially create a false equivalence between the two) and it had no impact on crime or violence.  None.  That’s why we don’t have it anymore.  It lapsed, having been nothing more than a deprivation of the rights of millions of Americans.

What liberals want is to create and then keep taking us down a slippery slope, such that if the “assault weapons” ban (which is already a proven failure) fails again, well, we just need to keep banning more stuff, like handguns.

For those liberals in favor of applying limits to the 2nd Amendment, I simply ask you, what can I ban that YOU believe is a critical and fundamental right, given that you want to take away my right to defend myself and my family?

Here’s another one: the way the left wants to blame gun owners and people who advocate for the 2nd Amendment every time a gun is used to kill someone, please to explain why the hell we can’t demonize YOU in any jurisdiction with tough gun laws when a victim is first rendered defenseless and then a vicious predator comes in and attacks?

How about this little factoid from USA Today:

Killers continue targeting locations where guns are not allowed. Ninety-eight percent of public mass shootings in this country occur in gun-free zones — the Florida school being one of them.

How about if we start screaming that we need to purge the world of all proponents of gun-free zones so that we can be SAFE???  We need to BAN gun-free zones and criminally prosecute anybody who supports them.

Here’s another fact:

that 81% of police officers support arming teachers and principals, so that the real first responders — the potential victims — can protect the children.

Let’s BAN anybody who doesn’t believe in arming guards and teachers and even volunteer parents who are willing to pass background checks and have required training so we can protect our children on our schools.

It is a fact proven in every single situation we have faced that these mass shootings stop the moment a good guy with a gun shows up.  A whopping majority of the time the killers kill themselves.  Which kind of proves that guns aren’t evil; guns are tools.  People are evil.  And so if you’re going to start banning, ban people.

But, oh wait, liberals are already doing that.  It’s called “abortion” and liberals have already banned 60 million people from having a right to live.

We talk about DACA and these poor, poor DACA kids who were brought here through no fault of their own and that means they should have a right to live here.  Okay, fine.  As long as you realize that 60 million times now liberals have ignored the very logic of their own hypocritical belief and kill innocent human beings who were brought into the world through no fault of their own.

Nikolas Cruz exercised his “right to choose” and his “right to his own body” and retroactively aborted 17 people.  Abortion is death.  And we now have a culture of death.  And we ought to ban everybody who has in any way, shape or form contributed to this evil zeitgeist.

Fifty years ago there were more guns per capita in American hands than there are today.  Fifty years ago we also had far fewer anti-gun laws and regulations and restrictions than we have today.  THE KILLINGS WE ARE SEEING TODAY ARE NOT BECAUSE OF GUNS and anyone who isn’t a fool immediately realizes that something ELSE has changed.  THE KILLINGS WE ARE SEEING TODAY ARE DUE TO GODLESSNESS.

Fifty years ago we believed in God and taught divine morality and therefore we believed in the soul and the sanctity of human life.  We rejected “abortion morality” and the belief that innocent human beings could be exterminated like bugs.  We are now talking about every single liberal being ten times more guilty of mass murder than the damn NAZIS.

And I’ll just say that if you believe in abortion and you believe in gun control, I’ll just quote your ideological buddy Adolf Hitler who said, “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.”  Along with Stalin.  Along with Mao.  Along with Castro and Pol Pot and Kim Jong-un.  Because you are following the same damn pathway to hell on earth and somebody needs to ban your vile ass fast.

I tell you what: our last two mass murdering psychos were both atheists.   Eric Paddock, Stephen Paddock’s brother, claimed that his brother had no religion and no religious affiliation.  The last mass shooting psycho was a militant atheist.  Paddock too exercised his “right to choose” by choosing a country-music venue for his rabid hate dominated by religious conservatives.

I still vividly remember the first mass school shooting, the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999.  It’s amazing how the secular humanist left took that ball and ran with it in bogus documentaries like “Bowling for Columbine.”  But the real weapon wasn’t guns as much as it was ATHEISM.  Both were outspokenly atheist.  They recorded their thoughts and one of them was, “We are no longer human, for we have evolved beyond human morality.”  I can easily refute that from my Christian biblical vantage point, but atheist, I defy YOU to refute that premise and prove that it cannot be true.  You cannot, because you believe in human evolution and you believe that “morality” evolved as nothing more than a part of human evolution.  And just as the lion and the tiger and the wolf evolved to kill, why couldn’t Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris?  We don’t remember now because our mainstream media doesn’t want us to acknowledge or comprehend the REAL pattern of school shootings, but the Columbine killers followed an example that had already been set for them on December 1, 1997, when fourteen-year-old Michael Carneal concealed a shotgun and a .22 rifle in a blanket and brought them to school so he could attack a Christian youth prayer meeting.  He killed 3 and wounded five Christians.  There is absolutely no question that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris specifically targeted students who believed in God.  The media tried to cover this motive up but the father of one of the victims published the audio recordings of the killers detailing their rabid atheist anti-Christian hate.  Had they not fixated on their rabid atheist hatred, and just indiscriminaetly murdered, they would have been able to murder a whole lot more kids.

And this trend has continued in school shootings.  In Oregon, atheist gunman Chris Harper-Mercer had already made his hatred for Christians rabidly visible on his online profile before he went to Umpqua Community College in Roseburg and asked his victims, “Are you a Christian?”

We have ALWAYS been a gun-culture in America because we have always been a FREE society and the most basic tenet of true freedom is to be allowed to have the damn right and freedom to protect yourself and what is yours from anyone who would try to take it.  There are people, socialists, communists, atheists (who don’t believe in the soul and therefore cannot have any doctrine of free will given that they are forced to believe we are meat puppets who think the way we do simply because the molecules in our brains randomly happened to arrange themselves a certain way), liberals and Democrats, who do not believe in freedom.  And these people who deny our freedom need to be banned.

The fact-free news that falsely identified and linked Nikolas Cruz with a “white supremacist group” because it was in their ideological propaganda interests to do so try to tell us that atheism and mass killings are somehow non sequitur.  To be a “journalist” today is to be a liberal hired by liberals to distort the truth and “report” only “facts” that advance a particular ideology and atheists are a cherished, protected species of these liars.  But fact:

Atheism is the political philosophy responsible for more than 100 million murders of their own people just in peacetime alone.

Atheism and the communism atheism ultimately logically entails is without any question whatsoever THE most murderous worldview of any that has ever contaminated the human species.  And atheism needs to be banned and atheists and communists alike need to be banned.

Let me simply point out that generals have always known that most human beings and most soldiers simply will not kill other human beings without a great deal of conditioning.  And the primary barrier to killing has always been religious faith and the belief that this “enemy” is in fact a human being created in God’s image just like me.  Amazingly, one small change was enough to dramatically increase American soldiers’ willingness to aim a rifle at an enemy and pull the trigger.  During the Vietnam War, human-shaped sillouhettes were introduced.  And soldiers became more conditioned to kill.

Today, our secular humanist atheism has spawned savage, vicious, vile video games that are to the human-shaped sillouhette what the atomic bomb is to a spear.  Atheism and the ramifications of atheism has spawned this culture of death that we are now haunted by FAR more than we are haunted by guns that by themselves have never once so much as harmed anybody because it takes hate to pull the trigger.

And the left is so deeply into mass media culture it is beyond unreal.  Google and Facebook and all the others are rabidly liberalFacebook workers routinely suppressed conservative news and views by sheer fraud, pretending it was “trending” and that the masses of users were doing the work of bias when really it was fascist workers at Facebook.  The whole “tech” industry is so overwhelmingly liberal it is beyond unreal.  And the people coming out with each new “execution” video, each “school shooting rehearsal game” are LIBERALS.

And they need to have their asses BANNED because you yourself are participating in their murders if you DON’T ban them.

If we can limit constitutional rights and specifically limit certain components of those rights, we can certainly isolate out and limit atheism from the panoply of religious rights and ban atheism and the ugly worldview of hate and meaningless, murderous rampages straight to the hell it came from.  So let’s do it.

But don’t believe me.  Believe your fellow liberal traveler, CBS vice president and senior legal counsel Hayley Geftman-Gold who posted after an atheist gunned down 500 mostly conservative and Christian country music fans in Las Vegas:

“I’m actually not even sympathetic bc [sic] country music fans often are Republican gun toters [sic].”

I mean, you’re not a victim unless a liberal SAYS you’re a victim.

The media is so rabidly biased it is unreal.  When 91% of Trump coverage is negative, something is toxically rancid in “journalism.”

We need to BAN liberal bias in our newsrooms and if they won’t ban these “reporters” and these “journalists” who are propagandists, we need to ban the entire publication.  BAN IT.  Because if you can ban the 2nd Amendment, you can ban the media.  And damn you if you don’t, you hypocrites.

And so when the rabid Democrat who shot up the baseball practice of the Congressional Republican baseball team first asked if the players on the field were Republican or Democrat, Republicans weren’t victims of rabid Democrat hate.  When Rand Paul was physically attacked by a Trump-hater and Bernie Sanders supporter, he didn’t get to be a victim of political hate.  When Trump rally after Trump rally was violently attacked by Democrat activists, Trump supporters didn’t get to be victims but literally got “fake-news” depicted as the bad guys.  When Hidden Camera Video Shows Democrats Sent Agitators To Trump Rallies, it didn’t matter.  And it doesn’t matter how much of an obvious fact that rabid, Democrat Party hate is.

This punk turd, Nikolas Cruz, should never have been allowed to have any kind of gun.  That is a fact that nobody is arguing.  If you have something from the NRA saying that Nikolas Cruz should have had his guns, then let’s see it.  This isn’t about guns.  This is about a massive failure in a system that is broken in a whole bunch of ways.  This pathetic loser showed “every red flag,” according to the New York Times.  The turd posted a YouTube video of himself saying he wished to be a professional school shooter.  He had obvious mental health issues.  You’ve got government law enforcement agencies that failed; you’ve got government social services agencies that failed.  The FBI was informed of his behavior but did nothing because they had been commissioned by Obama and by the Democrat Party machine to invest all of their resources into a witch-hunt against Donald Trump and the 2016 presidential election and the democratic will of the people itself.

But what does the left want?  Amazingly, the left wants MORE power and MORE control in the very government that was just proven to be so damn broken!!!

The definition of insanity is giving the same government that continuously fails more power to fail even more while simultaneously stripping people of their God-given right to defend themselves against that very government, let alone all the horrible people that Democrats keep demanding we let out of our prisons to prey upon us again and again.

We ought to ban anybody who doesn’t believe in the death penalty.

It can also be pointed out that the FBI is so damned overwhelmed not only with the rabid Democrat-collusion-with-Russia-based-investigation into President Donald Trump, but also the shocking number of IMMIGRANTS on the terrorist watch list.  There are over a million names on that list now to occupy the FBI with less than half of one percent being US citizens.

Don’t believe me, liberal?  Then please believe Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein:

Feinstein explained that the Watch Lists are populated with “information derived from intelligence and law enforcement sources…” and are maintained by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center. She further revealed that largest list, the Terrorist Screening Database, contains over one-million records but less than 5,000 Americans included on that list. Or, as Sen. Feinstein repeatedly said, Americans make up less than one-half of one percent of the Terrorist Screening Database.

And so anyone who is not in favor of massively banning immigrants is to be viewed as personally responsible for the mass shootings because we have lost any meaningful way to detect our monsters due to the massive number of immigrants whom Democrats rabidly protect.

How the hell are the FBI agents – you know, the ones who AREN’T wrapped up in political investigations started by Democrat ideologues and obviously rabid partisan ideologues within the FBI itself – supposed to examine a Nikolas Cruz when they’ve got more than a million potential terrorists invited into our country by the Democrat Party???

These fools who think like this need to be banned something fierce.

Here’s yet another example of Democrats being people who we need to ban: the death penalty which they rabidly oppose and play every single shenanigan there is to undermine it when they can’t ban it.  Nikolas Cruz actually is willing to plead guilty to his crime.  Why?  To avoid the death penalty.  Newsflash: the death penalty IS a deterrent, you fools.  Especially if it is done swiftly and with certainty where we put these rabid human beings down like the rabid animals they are as soon after the crime as is humanly possible.

We have a mental health system that is fundamentally incapable of dealing with this insanity because the same mentality that justifies preventing investigations into illegal immigration status and getting illegal immigrants out of our country also justifies preventing us from getting crazy people off the streets.  I mean, these people should have all the same rights the rest of us do.  And until an illegal immigrant or a psycho commits some terrible crime, you shouldn’t be able to do a damn thing.  And in the case of the illegal immigrant murderer of victim Kate Steinle, even if an illegal immigrant DOES commit murder he still gets to go free.

Let me return to Mexico – you know, the country with strict voter ID laws – that also allows families to have a process to commit a mentally unstable person against that person’s will.  It’s amazing to me how liberals want more and more millions of Mexicans flooding into America but refuse to allow any of the actual good things that the country that sends them here actually follows.

We need to ban people who believe that anyone who is acting or posting crazy shouldn’t be taken off the streets and examined and treated until they are no longer a threat.

My God, I think of a family that is dear to me, who suffered with a young man who was schizophrenic.  The young man KNEW he needed help and tried to get it, but there was only one crack to fall through after another.  He used drugs like virtually all mentally ill people who are wandering around to try to self-medicate the pain, but he couldn’t get arrested literally to save his life even when police found all the drugs and drug paraphernalia on him.  Because, after all, the left employs this “logic”

We are now indoctrinating and addicting an entire generation of young people into the use of mind altering substances, and I am simply going to guarantee you that the problems plaguing our society are going to increase beyond stratospherically.

The Democrat-created drug culture WILL be a nightmare.  You watch and enjoy the horror show first on the news, then in your town, then in your home.

But no liberal, no Democrat, is ever going to accept responsibility for the hell they caused.

Which is why we need to ban the damn Democrat Party fast.  The Democrat Party is the party of slavery and the party that fought a vicious war to continue the institution of slavery.  It has been the party of abject evil ever since.  And it needs to be banned something fierce.

If we’re going to start banning, then for God’s sake let’s start banning what truly needs to be banned.

Finally, we have laws against what Nikolas Cruz did.  Did you know that?  It is ILLEGAL to go to a school and start shooting people!  But he did it anyone.  Why on earth does anybody believe that criminals and psychopaths won’t still get guns if some dumbass makes it “illegal”?

President Trump Does What He Promised And What The United States Promised To Do In 1995 And Recognizes Jerusalem As Israel’s Capitol

December 6, 2017

In 1995 The 104th Congress of the United States passed The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 overwhelmingly in a bipartisan vote and a veto-proof majority by a by the Senate (93–5) and the House (374–37).  But we had a dissembling liar, coward and yes, we know today by the left’s own standards, a RAPIST in the White House named Bill Clinton.  And that dishonest cowardly rapist refused to sign what the Congress had overwhelmingly declared.  And so the law was never implemented.

When he was running for president, Donald Trump repeatedly declared that he would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and relocate the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem.

Israel built the first temple in the 10th century Before Christ, about 950 BC.  That temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC but rebuilt with all construction completed in 516 BC.  That temple stood until the Romans destroyed it in 70 AD.  Versus the Muslims, who built their Dome of the Rock or Mosque of Omar ON TOP OF the Jewish Temple, with construction beginning in the late 7th century Anno Domini, in 687 AD.  Now, there are people who have the divine ability to comprehend something called “reality” who therefore understand that the Jews were there first and that it IS and always HAS BEEN their land.

In fact King David retook by force what his ancestor Abraham had lawfully purchased back in Genesis 23:1-20 and Genesis 49:31.  Abraham proved his faithfulness to God at that same site known today as the Temple Mount and the Temple was built on the place where God had spoken to Abraham.

When the Muslims conquered the land in the 7th century, they built a mosque on the very location the people they conquered held most sacred.  By any liberal or secular humanist standard that isn’t a hypocritical double-standard, what the Muslims did was an act of great historic evil.

But sadly, there is literally no such thing as a liberal or secular humanist who is not a hypocrite who bases his or her worldview and understanding of right and wrong on a constantly shifting double-standard with the only consistency being that they are always right no matter how gravely wrong they are.

Just so you understand the two sides, one is the ONLY democracy in the history of the entire Middle East; the other side has an official “pay to slay” policy that has been issuing incredibly generous benefits to the family members of terrorists who killed themselves in the act of murdering Jews.  Thank God, the Republicans just passed a bill to yank American taxpayer funds that have been used to murder Jews and even to murder US citizens.

I’m simply going to put it thus: anyone who sides with the terrorist Palestinians is every bit as bad as any Nazi.  Pure and simple.  I’m sure Hitler would have been delighted to have such a generous pension program for Holocaust murderers as the Palestinians set up.

There are in fact two realities: the reality of historic fact and the reality of present Islamic and Palestinian terrorist EVIL.

And so President Trump said this:

Jerusalem is today and must remain a place where Jews pray at the Western Wall, where Christians walk the stations of the cross, and where Muslims worship at Al Aqsa Mosque. However, through all of these years, presidents representing the United States have declined to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In fact, we have declined to acknowledge any Israeli capital at all.

But today we finally acknowledge the obvious. That Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done.

But there are people who are owned and operated by Satan, by the prince of the power of the air, people who have “followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient” (Ephesians 2:2).  And these people are no more capable of receiving or comprehending genuine reality than a cockroach is capable of building a rocket that can land roaches on the moon and assure their safe return to earth.

And these people have played their stupid, pathetic political games year after year, decade after decade.

In President Trump’s words:

Yet, for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the law’s waiver, refusing to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem or to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. Presidents issued these waivers under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the cause of peace. Some say they lacked courage but they made their best judgments based on facts as they understood them at the time. Nevertheless, the record is in.

After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result.

Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver.

Today, I am delivering. I’ve judged this course of action to be in the best interests of the United States of America and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians. This is a long overdue step to advance the peace process. And to work towards a lasting agreement.

Israel is a sovereign nation with the right, like every other sovereign nation, to determine its own capital. Acknowledging this is a fact is a necessary condition for achieving peace. It was 70 years ago that the United States under President Truman recognized the state of Israel.

Ever since then, Israel has made its capital in the city of Jerusalem, the capital the Jewish people established in ancient times.

Today, Jerusalem is the seat of the modern Israeli government. It is the home of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, as well as the Israeli Supreme Court. It is the location of the official residence of the prime minister and the president. It is the headquarters of many government ministries.

For decades, visiting American presidents, secretaries of State and military leaders have met their Israeli counterparts in Jerusalem, as I did on my trip to Israel earlier this year.

In other words, it was reality, everyone understood the reality, but lying dissemblers based on the foundations of a rapist have suppressed the truth and have played games.  And for decades we have gone nowhere with no peace.

The Word of God delivered to Jeremiah the prophet declared:

They offer superficial treatments for my people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace.  — Jeremiah 6:14

That is what these fools – and the Bible calls them out for the fools they are – have been doing year after year, decade after decade.

One shining example of the utter hypocrisy and depravity of this “peace when there IS no peace” position is Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein.  This hypocrite was one of the “lifers” who were in the Senate and voted for the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995.  And so we have this piece of a preening coward who has pretended to stand for something for much of her political career, but who in actuality stands for NOTHING:

( – Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has written to President Trump, urging him not to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel or to announce he is moving the U.S. Embassy to the city.

Exactly six months ago Tuesday, the senior senator from California voted in favor of a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem, and calling on the president to “abide by” the provisions of the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act.

That 1995 legislation said Jerusalem should be recognized as Israel’s capital, and required the president to move the embassy from Tel Aviv by May 31, 1999. Feinstein, the eighth-longest serving senator, voted in favor of it on Oct. 24, 1995.

And the same damn people who claim that we ought to continue to pursue a model built on the very definition of insanity – doing the same stupid thing over and over and expecting a different result – are the people who first gave North Korea the framework to build nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver those weapons and even gave them more than 4 billion dollars to build it; and then gave the terrorist regime Iran the framework to build nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver those weaponswith secret side-deals that literally amount to treason against the United states of America that make what is obviously bad on its face purely evil – and gave them hundreds of millions of dollars CASH in a secret plane like drug dealers in what was on its face clearly an illegal ransom payment to buy the technology from North Korea.  In fact, the total amount Obama gave Iran is a terrifying $1.7 billion that Iran has already used for terrorist purposes.  But the same world that will never the simple statement of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel likewise never recognized that Bill Clinton’s deal and the billions of dollars and the construction of nuclear reactors that North Korea used to build nuclear weapons and likewise will also never recognize that Obama’s similar deal with terrorist state Iran will ultimately guarantee that they have nuclear weapons and the ballistic missiles to deliver them to the United States and of course to Israel.  Any more than cockroaches will land on the moon, plant their little roach flag, and then return safely back to earth in their roach rocket.

The Word of God is crystal clear that the land in question is the land of Israel and the home of the Jewish people.  And that Jerusalem is the sacred capitol of that land.

I celebrate with all devout Jews that their God is faithful and that President Donald Trump finally restored honor to the U.S. government after 22 years of hypocrisy and deceit.

Sexual Harassment Firestorm And The True Problem That Has Been Mocked By The Left: It’s Something Called ‘Sin’ And ‘Our Sin Nature’

November 30, 2017

I’ll just say up front where I’m going with this.  We obviously have a problem with sexual harassment and abuse, but if you think Republicans are bad, just realize that Democrats are proving themselves to be truly evil.  You won’t find a story describing the number of Republicans facing charges of harassment or abuse compared to the number of Democrats currently facing those charges because there are a LOT of Democrats currently facing those charges and the media protects and shelters Democrats just as they did when Bill Clinton was being accused of these things and much, much worse.  And, to continue,  if you think it’s bad in America, go to a country that does not have a Judeo-Christian tradition to see what sexual harassment and abuse truly looks like – and you will be shocked at how good America is by comparison.  I am going to submit to you that the problem is sin and our sin nature, and that sexuality is deep within the beast that is man, and the only way to get the man to reign in the beast is to literally scare the hell out of him.  Which is impossible when that man has been steeped in a worldview that ridicules hell.  Again, sexuality burns hot and deep in the beast that is man; and if there is no God, if there is no heaven and no hell, then there is nothing – NOTHING – beyond your opinion versus my opinion.  A partisan vote or a media propaganda poll or for that matter a legitimate vote or opinion poll among human beings has NOTHING to do with what is right or wrong: a majority doesn’t make right any more than might makes right.  But when we return to the realization that yes, we ARE all truly created in the Imago Dei, and that male and female He created us, then we have the basis for not only returning to a culture that veers back from the vile sexual values that secular liberal human progressives have been perverting us into, but a true foundation built on God and upon eternal truths that are truly right and there are things that are truly evil.  And that abusing a girl or a woman created in God’s image is in the category of evil even if a lot of people disagree.  We have a degenerate problem and we desperately need a transcendent solution.  That’s my synopsis.

It wasn’t all that long ago that Vice President Mike Pence made a statement that shouldn’t have garnered him anything but respect and even praise, but instead resulted in widespread ridicule and condemnation: he said that he would not be alone with a woman not his wife and would never attend any event with alcohol if his wife were not with him.

And he was actually condemned and demonized for that.

The liberal Washington Post argued as it’s headline title that “Pence’s unwillingness to be alone with a woman is a symptom of a bigger problem.”  And stated:

It’s easy to make jokes about, and it’s also easy to argue that this is nobody’s business but the Pences’. But there’s a deeply troubling worldview at work here, one that has profound implications for policy — and we’re already seeing it play out at both the state and federal levels.

Let’s take just a moment to consider this pair of rules Mike Pence has for himself. He obviously thinks that every interaction he has with a woman is so sexually charged that it’s safe to be around them only if there are other people there, too. Unless someone might be drinking, in which case even the presence of a crowd isn’t enough to prevent … something from happening. There’s little distance between that perspective and that of the ultra-Orthodox Jews who refuse to sit next to a woman on an airplane, or the fundamentalist Muslims who demand that women be covered head to toe to contain the unstoppable sexual allure that renders men unable to control their urges.

That was March 30 of this year.

Pence was stating that he would never allow himself to be in a position where he could harass or abuse a woman, nor would he ever allow himself to be in a position where he could ever be accused either rightly or wrongly for having harassed or abused a woman.  He would represent himself as a man of integrity.  And truly despicable people slimed him for it.

May I offer something that no liberal progressive will never comprehend called “moral clarity”???  The accusation that Mike Pence stating that he made a moral decision to govern his own behavior is akin to Islamic culture forcing women to cover themselves displays a degree of such moral idiocy and frankly such political bias that it is so far beneath contempt to be unreal.  When it comes to morality and moral decency, liberal progressives are literally both schizophrenic and psychotic.  They have no grasp of moral reality whatsoever.

What Mike Pence did is wrong, not allowing himself to be alone with a woman who isn’t his wife.  Restraining his own conduct that way.  Far, FAR better to be a liberal like Matt Lauer and have a damn button on his desk he can push to lock a door so he CAN be alone with a married woman who is not his wife and rape her until she passes out.

All the moral wisdom and moral clarity of liberalism in one bite.

The Washington Post is a discredited partisan witch-hunting band of propagandist hacks, but let’s take the roof off of what they were claiming in light of the avalanche of sexual harassment charges that began since one of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors got revealed as basically a serial rapist.

I’m going to say a few things about Roy Moore now: first being that, very unlike Democrats with first Al Franken (even with photographs of the turd in the act proving his guilt) and then John Conyers (who acknowledged his guilt in a legal settlement for sexual harassment), Republicans IMMEDIATELY distanced themselves from Roy Moore.  Oh, no, you did NOT have a Majority Leader Mitch McConnell attempt to justify Moore hanging around the way we awkwardly watched a Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi try to justify the unjustifiable.

Now, Roy Moore’s people have poked some serious holes in many of the accuser’s verifiable statements.  Interestingly, I wouldn’t mind if the entire case against Moore stood or fell on the alleged yearbook signature that it is claimed Moore signed in the high school yearbook of the woman making the most serious accusation.  Her attorney, famous legal hack Gloria Allred, refuses to allow ANY legitimate unbiased inspection of that yearbook, acknowledges as an officer of the court that she refused to ask her client if she actually saw Roy Moore sign her yearbook, because the answer might destroy her case, and refused Wolf Blitzer’s repeated demand to claim whether or not the signature is legitimateMultiple other witnesses have specifically refuted the account of a different Roy Moore accuser who claims Moore sexually assaulted her behind a restaurant.  There comes a point when maybe you’ve got a valid right to question 40 year-old claims of sexual abuse that come out one month before a critical US Senate race when one side claims to have evidence that it WILL NOT release to prove or disprove assertions.

Amazingly, ABC News immediately “reached out” to all 52 Republicans for their reaction to the allegations against Roy Moore.  I could find no example of any major media outlet attempting to pin down THE 46 Democrats and the 2 supposedly “independents” who always cast their vote with the Democrats on their reaction to Al Franken and the numerous allegations against him.  Some of which are evidenced by PHOTOGRAPHS of Franken IN THE ACT.  The Republican example was THE very top hit on the page to answer my Google search.  Whereas I looked through six pages of Google hits when I changed the search phrase from Senators Republicans respond Roy Moore to Senators Democrats respond Al Franken.  The closest thing I could find was from a source called “”  Which pointed out that at the time of its article, not ONE Democrat Senator had called for Al Franken to resign.  Rather, the only call was for a “Senate ethics investigation” which has never ONCE failed to expel a Senator since 1861 no matter how heinous any Senator ever acted.  For the record, the one “journalistic” news agency that most definitely did NOT “reach out” to all the Democrats in the Senate over Al Franken was ABC News which immediately played that trick to Republicans over Moore.

It’s this shameless trick the mainstream media plays over and over again, dating back to Walter Cronkite and even way before Old Man Walter who we found out was a doctrinaire liberal and slanted the news like a doctrinaire liberal before another doctrinaire liberal named Dan Rather tried to falsely frame George W. Bush with doctored documents.

The reason Republicans are so often utter cowards is because whenever anybody says or does anything offensive in our culture, you can bet that the media will cavalry itself over to every single Republican for a reaction and force them to go on the record fer or agin.  You never see that behavior with the media when the offensive words or deeds would embarrass Democrats.

But wait, you say.  Liberalism means respect for women.

Tell that to Al Franken and his now six so-far sexual assault accusers.  In uberleftist California, tell that to the 140 women who have described “a pervasive culture of misconduct in state government” by liberal Democrats such as Raul Bocanegra and Tony Mendoza.  Tell that to the multiple staffers of Rep. John Conyers.  Oh, wait, I’m sorry, fellow black Democrat James Clyburn says all those women were all white, and you know how them cracker bitches all lie.  So scratch them because Democrats are now as racist as they are rapist.  It was because cracker bitches are all stupid liars that prompted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to give an utterly incoherent defense of ConyersBut she’s been a holier-than-thou faux feminist Democrat who only sees evil in conservatives all her life.

Or we can take a trip down the pages of history and tell the story of liberals’ championing women.  Tell that to “the Lion of the Senate,” Ted Kennedy, who abandoned a woman to horribly and slowly die alone in the dark and cold of a watery grave.  A better term for Senator Kennedy would be “the senator of sleaze who was a drunk sexual bully.”  Tell that to Bill Clinton, hard-core sexual predator and rapist as even the New York Times is being forced to acknowledge by the standards that liberals tried to exclusively apply only to others.  We can take that same memory train when liberal progressives FIERCELY defended rapists and even child rapists like Roman Polanksi – who was adored and defended and celebrated and eulogized after drugging and sodomizing a 13-year old girl (something Roy Moore has not been accused of doing, fwiw).  Hey, let’s watch Hollywood adore this child rapist and tell me the likelihood of whether Judge Roy Moore who didn’t sodomize any young girls to the best of my knowledge would get such an ovation from this crowd:

“But he’s… he’s an ARTIST!” the left says. You know, because Beyoncé shouldn’t be forced to write or sing music condemning homosexuality the way that other artists like wedding photographers and bakers and custom-designers ought to be forced to condone the homosexuality that flagrantly flies in the face of their Christian biblical values. Because “art” is subjective, you see, and only liberalism qualifies as the sole critic of “art.” Mind you, Hollywood has been as racist as they have been religiously bigoted, with back-to-back years of all white nominees until political correctness forced them to pick some token negroes.

You have to apply a different standard to liberal progressives.  They’re better than everyone else, you see.  They deserve special treatment.  In fact, the class that creates “entitlements” are “entitled” to special treatment.  I know that Hitler ruined the term “master race” for everyone, and so we have to come up with a different name to describe what liberal progressives think of themselves.

Harvey Weinstein was one of damn near every single liberal progressive male in THE most liberal progressive industry in the world who routinely sexually abused women.  Think back to Bill Cosby, who endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 and said that those who opposed Barack Obama were “racists” in 2013.  Before his 2015 criminal charges.  What a damn miserable loathsome roach you are, Dr. Huckstable.

As we think of how vile the mainstream media is – and it is VILE, isn’t it NBC anchor Matt Lauer, CBS anchor Charlie Rose, NPR news chief Michael Oreskes, New York Times political reporter Glenn Thrush, and political analyst Mark Halperin – consider the fact that 96 percent of media political campaign donations went to Hillary Clinton.  Remember this of Halperin and the in-your-FACE bias of ABC:

And now ABC News has left in place its Political Director Mark Halperin. ABC has done this despite the network’s acknowledgement that Halperin wrote a memo that to many seems to direct ABC reporters, anchors and producers to slant its coverage by downplaying the misstatements of Democratic presidential candidate Senator John Kerry and by viewing negatively any misstatements by Republican candidate Bush.

I’ve been saying it for years now.  These people are as dishonest as the sun is hot.

Not that the sun has anything whatsoever to do with global warming, mind you.  Heat, as we all know, is entirely produced by man and specifically through CO2 – a substance that scientifically stupid people idiotically believe is necessary for trees and for life – but really is a poison that should be banned even though anthropogenic CO2 is responsible for less than 0.1 of one percent of the greenhouse effect.

And now think of who was administering that bias.  Take a moment to realize that when conservatives called these people “fake news,” it amounted to FLATTERY compared to what they truly are and always have been.  Because all these people who are such miserable roaches it is beyond unreal get to write our news for us.  These morally-diseased slimebags get to tell us what is true and what is false.

Democrats and liberal progressives didn’t bat an eye when Hillary Clinton received tens of millions of dollars from countries that systematically abuse women.

And now we all know why: because all the damn liberal progressives were systematically abusing women, too.

Just remember what the Democratic Party taught us just in the 90s alone: that a young woman getting on her knees to give a powerful man blowjobs in the workplace office is perfectly A-OK, and that all the women who accuse such powerful men of any misconduct are trailer trash and you can patently disregard anything they say.

Women are good for one thing and to do that one thing they need to do only two things: get on their knees and open their mouths.  But not to talk.  Every single Democrat – EVERY SINGLE ONE – taught America that fact in 1999.

And the mainstream media helped them write that truth and repackage it into something entirely different than what it actually was.

Let’s not leave out another very top Democrat Party machine: the tech industry.  Like all the rest of liberal progressives, the tech industry is a woman-abusing machine, too.

Ninety-nine percent of the woman-abusing tech industry’s campaign donations went to Hillary Clinton.

We can look at the college and university campuses that are steeped in secular humanist progressive liberalism and see the shocking statistics of sexual assault.  Their very own worldview created this toxic system.  There’s been a more than 200% increase in assaults on college campuses; and women are more likely to be sexually assaulted on those bastions of secular humanist progressive liberal values than damn near anywhere else.

We can now also look – sadly – at our military and see how the secular humanist, liberal progressive policies of Barack Obama made our military machine a stinking bed of sexual assault and sexual harassment.  It absolutely SKYROCKETED under Obama’s watch, most especially during Obama’s 2nd term – where as he told the Russian president while he was colluding with Russia on a hot microphone, “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.”  And Obama EXPLOITED that “flexibility” in incredibly vile ways.  The dishonest mainstream media says that Obama was “fighting” sexual harassment/assault.  Baloney: both SKYROCKETED under him because of his policies as Obama abandoned all history, all tradition, all religion, all science about human biology, and imposed politically correct dogma as some kind of “solution.”

Just like in the Obama military, the vile record of sexual assault on secular humanism-dominated college campuses TRIPLED during Obama’s second term.

Now the amazing thing is that most women vote for this.

Now, I have just in the space above categorically demonstrated and documented that liberal progressives have absolutely no right and no platform to lecture anyone about the treatment of women or what is good or bad for women.  They themselves are a massive part of the damn problem.

If liberal progressives or Democrats want to pretend that the answer lies in education or “sexual harassment training,” allow me to simply state from the outset that the very ones “training” everyone else are themselves sexual predators and sexual harassers.

And anyone who wants to tell me that “we need more women” has to deal with the fact that women have overwhelmingly voted for these horrible, awful people.  Women are part of this too.  And women are corrupt.  I think of all the women who knew damn well what was going on and kept their mouths shut because the rapists and the sexual harassers were Democrats and they were ideologues who put their politics first and everything else second.

I think of liberal “journalist” Cokie Roberts who said that she knew for YEARS that John Conyers was a serial sexual harasser or worst and that “We all knew to avoid getting in an elevator with Rep. Conyers.”  But he was a Democrat, so we just took the stairs, let him prey on the stupid girls who didn’t know not to get in that elevator, and kept our mouths shut.  Because to open our mouths around Democrat men involves a penis being shoved in.  But we sure weren’t going to out this Democrat.

And the reason is that liberal-progressive so-called “feminists” have indoctrinated the belief that “being a woman” is numerically identical to “being a baby murderer,” such that if you don’t murder babies or believe that human life ought to have any sacred dignity whatsoever, you cannot qualify as a “woman.”

Mind you, these same liberal-progressive so-called “feminists” have arbitrarily decided that any man who decides he’s a woman IS a woman.

Understand that there are consequences to the idea that there is nothing whatsoever that is sacred about the dignity of human life.

Just like Nazism, an idea that began decades before the death camps and Zyclon B, ideas have consequences.

You cannot deny humanity and not have that evil ultimately emerge.

According to evolution, there is nothing special or sacred or dignified about you.  According to evolution:

humans are a tiny little twig representing one species among so many millions on this enormous arborescent tree of life

And any unwillingness to accept evolution merely:

represent our unwillingness to give up on the notion that there is meaning out there expressed in human terms, which is a kind of ultimate hubris.

Try to comprehend that any “morality” is a fabrication:

Asian Homo erectus died without issue and does not enter our immediate ancestry (for we evolved from African populations); Neanderthal people were collateral cousins, perhaps already living in Europe while we emerged in Africa… In other words, we are an improbable and fragile entity, fortunately successful after precarious beginnings as a small population in Africa, not the predictable end result of a global tendency. We are a thing, an item of history, not an embodiment of general principles.

Ah, yes, arguments of moral worth in evolutionary terms come up with the reasoning of Joseph Goebbels:

Certainly the Jew is also a Man, but the Flea is also an Animal.

Stephen Jay Gould phrased the worldview bluntly, stating that “there’s no reason humans are ‘higher’ life forms than bacteria or insects” [in Biography Magazine, March 1998, page 110].

A female is a human being, but the embryo is also a Homo Sapiens.  And that argument is actually true where Goebbels’ is intellectual evolutionary gibberish only if evolution is true and God is not.  Otherwise, we make up our own rules: the Jew is human if we allow the Jew to be human and the Jew is not human if we decide by popular vote or by dictator’s decree is not.  Barack Obama gave us all a classic example of this when he assured us that marriage was between one man and one woman until he decided it wasn’t.

It’s not enough to say that there is no meaning, no value and no purpose apart from a Creator God: there is no POSSIBILITY of any ultimate meaning, value or purpose apart from God.  And that is a rigorously proven fact.

Fact: there is a God OR it is perfectly appropriate to rape women; versus the Bible which has a decidedly different view:

In a  recent book, A Natural History of Rape: Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion,10 authors Randy Thornhill and Craig T. Palmer claim that rape is “a natural, biological phenomenon that is a product of the human evolutionary heritage,” just like “the leopard’s spots and the giraffe’s elongated neck.” In other words, rape is a biological “adaptation” that allows undesirable males the opportunity to pass on their genes. According to Randy Thornhill, “Every feature of every living thing, including human beings, has an underlying evolutionary background. That’s not a debatable matter.” According to the anthropology department at the University of California Santa Barbara, “That rape might be an adaptation is a reasonable hypothesis to pursue, and the proper framework is intersexual conflict.”11 If rape is just an evolutionary adaptation, then how can it be immoral?

The Bible says that morality is a result of choices that people make, and not the result of some conditioned evolutionary response. Is there any experimental evidence supporting this viewpoint? In a newly released book, Three Seductive Ideas, Harvard University psychologist, Jerome Kagan, makes the claim (and backs it up with experimental evidence) that humans are radically different from every other species of life on earth. Dr. Kagan refutes the ideas of evolutionary psychologists, including “infant determinism” (the idea that all human behavior is set by age 2) hedonism (the idea that all human behavior is motivated by a desire to maximize pleasure and minimize pain), and “abstractionism” (the idea that all human behavior is controlled by a limited set of laws or rules). He points out that men who committed terrible atrocities had loving parents during their childhood years and that “evolutionary arguments are used to cleanse greed, promiscuity, and abuse of stepchildren of moral taint.” Instead, Dr. Kagan shows that humans are a special creation, endowed with a spiritual nature, and motivated by a desire to maintain a feeling of virtue, which is unique among sentient animals. He points out that there are no non-human animal models for human pride, shame, and guilt. Humans also appreciate the difference between moral right and wrong. According to Dr. Kagan, “Not even the cleverest ape could be conditioned to be angry upon seeing one animal steal food from another.” According to a recent review of the book in Science, “The idea of the duality of human nature (of meaning over and above mechanism, or mind over and above mechanism, of angel over and above beast), and of the remarkable discontinuity of human nature from everything that came before, is alive and well for Kagan precisely because he has such a high regard for facts.”12

The Bible makes a startling claim about human nature and it makes that startling claim over and over again:

  • Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence.  God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth — Genesis 6:11-12
  • For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God — Romans 3:23
  • “When they sin against You (for there is no man who does not sin) and You are angry with them and deliver them to an enemy, so that they take them away captive to the land of the enemy, far off or near — 1 Kings 8:46
  • as it is written, “THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE — Romans 3:10
  • For all of us have become like one who is unclean, And all our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment; And all of us wither like a leaf, And our iniquities, like the wind, take us away. — Isaiah 64:6
  • Indeed, there is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and who never sins.  — Ecclesiastes 7:20

I could go on and on.  Interestingly, there are far more verses that point out that sin is universal to human nature and that we are all sinners than there are in the New Testament.  Look at these passages for yourselves.

There is a God.  That is why we are held to an objective moral standard which does not change the way secular – or should I now start calling it “sexular” – humanist liberal progressive pseudo-morality changes practically every damn day.  There simply is no such thing as “objective morality” to a liberal.  There are zero grounds for that.  “Morality” for them is an opinion poll, and usually from a doctored survey, at that. And so, no, there is nothing objectively morally wrong with rape or any other kind of sexual harassment with liberal progressives, according to their moral system.  And to whatever extent they even actually HAVE a “moral system,” they are so hypocritical and filled with so many perverted double-talking double standards that we are right to mock these self-righteous preening modern-day Pharisees for whatever “morality” they now claim to stand for.

There IS something called “sin,” and we are ALL guilty of it.  Some of us are more guilty than others, and yes, I truly do believe that there will be levels of reward in heaven and there will be levels of suffering in hell.  But there is something called “sin,” and sin is anything we think, say or do that is in violation with the character of God because:

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  — Genesis 1:27

And our holy, righteous Creator holds us each and every one accountable to the image of God, the Imago Dei, that He instilled every single human being with.

That is why we are ALL valuable as human beings, male and female, and it is why Democrats are murderers to the tune of 60 million babies which is tenfold more murderous than the Nazis in the Holocaust and counting.

The Bible tells us that “it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).  The Bible tells us that “God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).  We’re told that God “will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil” (Ecclesiastes 12:14).  On the last day, on Judgment Day, that every human being whether small or great will face, every act, every thought, every intent, every word will be revealed and will be judged.  And God will not allow even ONE sin, one sinner whose sins are detected, into His heaven.  Atheists and Secular humanist liberal progressives mock this and viciously attack the God of the Bible.  They call Him “judgmental,” which is a VERY JUDGMENTAL thing for them to do, especially given HE has the right to judge them as their Creator and they don’t have the right to judge HIM.  But the reality of heaven and the reality of the other destiny of hell are the basis for any true morality.  Why should I be good and not evil?  Why should I be good and not evil if I am powerful in this world and can get away with it?  One reason: because “you may be sure that your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23).

Let me contrast this with the teachings of Jesus.  Most people don’t know this, and the disinformation-hate-spewing dogma toward Christianity by the secular humanist liberal progressive “education system” will never tell you: but Jesus had FEMALE disciples.  Matthew chapter 28 and Luke chapter 24 records that the very first eyewitnesses to the Resurrected Jesus were WOMEN.  We have several of these women named in Luke 24:10: Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, as well as other women who followed Jesus.  What is interesting is that women were not allowed to testify in Jewish court during the time of Jesus, but Jesus allowed the honor that his very first witnesses be women.  Jesus TAUGHT women, which was UNHEARD Of for a Jewish rabbit during the time of Jesus.   The word for “disciple” is used in its feminine form to describe female Christians in Acts 9:36.  Jesus was a true revolutionary who restored to women the rights and freedoms they should have had as co-image-bearers of God (Gen 1:27).  The New Testament repeatedly warns Christians, most especially men, to avoid things like “fornication” and “adultery” that secular humanist liberal progressives openly mock and revile and ridicule.

Women do not need secular humanist progressive liberalism or the Democratic Party that champions that vile worldview: what women need is JESUS and the Christianity that truly seeks to follow their Lord and their Savior.

One of the things that liberalism gave us is rampant pornography and the pornification of our culture.  There are ALL KINDS of studies that document on this degraded and despicable act of Democratic Party liberalism upon our culture and upon the male mind.  Quote from a Harvard study:

The first way in which pornography undermines some males’ internal inhibitions against acting out their desires to rape is by objectifying women.

To whatever extent that “feminists” today are starting to turn on pornography as a demon that feeds male lust and reduces male inhibitions to carry out the desires they were taught watching degrading pornography, the same school of “feminism” was saying the EXACT opposite thing, claiming that “we have a right to our bodies!” and with the assistance of Democrat-appointed judges who professed abject moral stupidity in being unable to see a difference between porn and art they imposed this incredibly toxic, cancerous worldview and sexually-depraved view on our culture.  When Christians who wanted to follow the clear teachings of the Holy Bible pleaded with secular humanist liberal progressives, please don’t DO this awful thing!

Please understand, the Greek/New Testament word translated “fornication” that secular humanist progressive liberals and Democrats have mocked and ridiculed is “pornea.”  You’re not that dumb to not see where I’m clearly going, and where Christians went in the 1970s when morally depraved and morally stupid liberals declared it to be harmless and a right (even as they argued that the clear rights given to Americans in the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution are NOT rights!).  Liberal justices invented this “right” out of perverted ideology.  And it has toxified our culture.  And today the same Democrats who began the process of degrading and perverting our culture continue full-speed ahead as they ignore all legitimate biological science to similarly INVENT new sexual genders and orientations on a nearly daily basis now.  For the record, God created TWO and ONLY two: they are called “male and female.”

For the scientific record, that same legitimate biological science also tells us that when a male sperm cell and a female egg are joined together, they form a genetically unique human being that is therefore genetically different from the mother or the father.  It is NOT “your body.”  It is a separate and unique child’s body.  That zygote is a being by virtue of the fact that it is alive and it is human by virtue of its parents: IT IS A HUMAN BEING.  And any legitimate scientific analysis of the cells of that human being would reveal an organism that is rigorously scientifically classified in the following manner:


Just like you and me, pal.  A zygote is a human being in an embryonic stage as much as a teenager is a human being in an adolescent stage.  And any parent can tell you there is FAR more justifiable reason to kill the latter than there is the former.

Abortion, pornography, easy divorce all contributed to abort fatherhood in our culture.

Abortion is based on the premise that at the moment of conception – and literally even up to the very moment of delivery – that is NOT a baby in the womb; that is NOT a precious human being. It’s a thing inside a woman’s body and so it’s her property and so she can kill it. And so at the moment of conception, does a father father a child? No! Not if abortion is legitimate!!! He has merely contributed to an inanimate, nonsentient lump of goop and nothing more. And what is his “fatherhood” worth when the thing he conceived is a worthless thing that can be killed at a whim?

In Satan’s hatred for God and contempt for Fatherhood, fathers are NOT fathers and have NO right to their children. Given that fatherhood has been trivialized to nothing, given that fathers are now denied the most basic right to even the very life of their own children, given the destruction of what was once the sacred bond of marriage, the glue that kept fathers cemented to their families has been dissolved.

In our popular culture pumped out by Hollywood, men and particularly fathers are further reduced to useless imbeciles only good for mockery. Males and masculinity is pretty much blamed for every ill there is. Our leftist politicians and academics have pitted women against men and declared that men are responsible for every evil in the world. In the public schools we have seen secular humanism’s war against men warp into a war against boys. And these forces have combined to fundamentally distort and warp our very notion of what it even means to be a male, to be a man. While increasingly there IS no father at home to tell these children anything different: 39% of America’s children between first and twelfth grade live in homes without a father today.

Let me tell you something: Democrats LOVE the fact that they have warped our culture into one composed of single, unmarried women who live in homes without the father of their child/ren.  Because they have exploited these women their policies created such that 70% of single, unmarried women vote DEMOCRAT.

Understand something, single, unmarried woman: Democrats are sick, twisted, perverted, warped people who do not WANT you to be happy, do not WANT your children to grow up stable, do not WANT you to have a dream of living in your own home with your loving husband who is the father of your beautiful, well-adjusted children.  Because you would vote these DemocRats right out of office.  And that is simply a statistical fact.  The longer DEMOn-possessed-bureauCRATS can keep you down, women, the longer they can isolate you, keep you without a husband and a father to your kids, the longer they can keep you in grinding poverty, on welfare, desperate, without a true man to love you and keep you and stay beside you, the longer you will keep giving them what they want.

Anyway, the problem is something that secular humanist liberal progressives mock is spelled S-I-N.  And we are ALL sinners.  So let me get back to Roy Moore.  Yes, it is possible he did what the women accusers claim he did going back forty years ago.  Sin extends to all human beings.  Even Christians.  The Bible teaches that unbelievers have a sin nature and believers have two natures: the godly nature that comes from the Holy Spirit and the old human natures.  And we have to learn how to reign in our old sinful natures that remain with us.  And that includes our sexual “issues.”

We are sinners, and sinners need a Savior.  We need Jesus.  The Bible assures us that God created us in His image, and part of that image is eternity.  The Bible says that God set eternity in our hearts (Ecclesisates 3:11).  God created heaven and God created hell.  Both are real.  Our destiny is to be in one or the other.  And the thing is that God cannot allow any sin – ANY sin – into heaven or heaven, which is perfect, cannot be heaven.  And so everyone and everything that is allowed into heaven will be morally pure and perfect.

But the Bible says quite clearly that we are all sinners.  Which is quite a problem for us, one that we cannot solve or hope to solve on our own.  God created us and created us in HIS image.  And we are held accountable to that image.

But the Bible also teaches us that the very God who created us in His image assumed OUR image, added a human nature to His deity, and came to earth to represent sinful humanity.  And while we all sinned, Christ Jesus never sinned once in anything He ever thought, said or did.  He perfectly represented the sinless, pure righteousness of a holy Creator God.  And we can have our sins washed away by His blood because after living that perfect life on our behalf, representing me, He died to pay for my sins.  Because the wages of sin is death (Romans 3:23).  And so Jesus conquered the power of sin, and because He is God and death cannot hold God, Jesus rose again bodily from the dead.  And He conquered the power of sin and the power of death.  And therefore my eternal destiny is heaven because my sins do not exist when God looks at me through the perfect righteousness of Christ.

And when I believe that, when I believe that Christ died for my sins according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3), and that He rose again from the dead according to the Scriptures (1 Cor 15:4), and I declare that with my mouth in faith, something happens.  Yes, you can still sin, but now there is also a new nature implanted within you, a nature that unlike your sin nature does NOT want to sin, but to obey the Christ who placed that nature within you.  Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit within us convicts us of sin and righteousness and judgment (John 16:8-10).  Unlike the “righteousness” of secular humanist liberal progressives, this righteousness and sin and judgment are NOT based on constantly shifting human standards that mean nothing, but come from the character and nature and power of the Living Creator God who will one day hold every single human being who has ever been born to account.

And when I truly believe these things, when I truly have God’s Spirit living within me, there is simply something inside me that won’t let me do the things we see in our culture.

If there is no hell, there are no consequences for evil. And there is absolutely no reason not to allow evil to have free reign. The bottom line is this: all atheism requires is to believe there is no God and all agnosticism requires is to doubt God; in either case, there IS no moral system. There IS no moral disqualification to atheism or agnosticism. Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot and the Kim dynasty in North Korea were and are all perfectly fulfilled atheists who murdered well over 100 million innocent human beings JUST IN PEACETIME ALONE.  One can be a perfectly consistent atheist or agnostic and be a complete moral monster in a way that is impossible to be a Christian claiming to truly follow Jesus and be a moral monster.  Because Jesus was righteous and calls upon His followers to be righteous.  Any and all “moral” rules these people come up with are first of all self-serving and hypocritical and second of all nothing but shifting sand that will change as the winds of political correctness blow. Which is why Bill Clinton was never guilty of rape even though he had credible accusers and numerous instances of sexual assault and sexual harassment even though there were numerous accusers, but today Roy Moore was pilloried as guilty merely because women said something and therefore had to be believed. Even Hillary Clinton has implicitly acknowledged that by the standard that she currently espouses, her husband and the man who still most represents the Democratic Party and Democrat values belongs in a prison cell doing hard time for his outrageous and depraved violence toward women.  Back then, Democrats claimed that all the women who said Bill assaulted them or worse should NOT be believed, and mocked them by claiming that they were trailer trash.

If you think all this crap that you are seeing going on all around you is wrong, then you turn to the antidote to sin: you turn to the only way out of sin, past sin, through sin.  You turn to Jesus.

Liberal progressives have now thoroughly proven that their way may seem right to them and even to a depraved culture, but in the end it is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12).  The Bible warns about them and their ways: they say what God declares is evil and what they declare is good, but they are in for a terrifying end (Isaiah 5:20).

That’s the bottom line.  And liberals are themselves proving that what the Word of God declared centuries ago remains as true today as when God first declared it.







New Sex Charges Filed. Only Not Against Roy Moore, But Al Franken. AND SHE HAS PIC OF BEING GROPED WHILE ASLEEP!!!

November 16, 2017

Either Al Franken needs to resign or be impeached and expelled from the Senate with full Democratic Party participation, or Roy Moore needs to be elected.

I’ve watched the fiasco of the Roy Moore allegations – and Moore’s poor responses to those allegations – with growing horror.  But I am just as outraged that women would wait for 38 years to bring charges against a man who has been in public service for nearly his entire life – including a high profile Republican primary runoff in which Moore defeated a Republican candidate supported by Donald Trump and the entire GOP establishment – without saying so much as “boo.”  ONLY when Moore wins that runoff and ONLY when it is too late to even remove his name from the ballot according to Alabama law, does the self-acknowledged biased Washington Post put out this story.

I am forced to acknowledge that the Moore allegations might be true; but it is every bit as obvious that this was nothing short of a political hitjob where politics and ideology, rather than any issues with “women,” were at the heart of the left’s attack.

What is amazing to me now is that liberals and feminists are actually revisiting charges against Bill Clinton.  Remember him?  Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaderick (among many other victims of Bill Clinton’s lust problems) sure do.  And back then, liberals and feminists rabidly supported Bill.  Because none of these “feminists” have ever ONCE given a flying damn about actual “women.”

In a November 13, 2017 New York Times piece entitled “I Believe Juanita” written by Michelle Goldberg, we have this stunning admission by a feminist:

Of the Clinton accusers, the one who haunts me is Broaddrick. The story she tells about Clinton recalls those we’ve heard about Weinstein. She claimed they had plans to meet in a hotel coffee shop, but at the last minute he asked to come up to her hotel room instead, where he raped her. Five witnesses said she confided in them about the assault right after it happened. It’s true that she denied the rape in an affidavit to Paula Jones’s lawyers, before changing her story when talking to federal investigators. But her explanation, that she didn’t want to go public but couldn’t lie to the F.B.I., makes sense. Put simply, I believe her.

Oh, Goldberg parses out some reasons why she didn’t believe Willey and Jones, with the later being just because she was supported by political opponents (which means she shouldn’t believe any of Roy Moore’s accusers, either).  But she now believes that Bill Clinton is not merely a sexual harasser, but an actual RAPIST.

This title from the leftist The Atlantic is pretty amazing:

Bill Clinton: A Reckoning: Feminists saved the 42nd president of the United States in the 1990s. They were on the wrong side of history; is it finally time to make things right?

Here we have an open acknowledgment from the left that feminists who “saved the 42nd president” were “on the wrong side of history.”  They weren’t on the wrong side of history; THEY WERE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF MORALITY.  Feminists blatantly and hypocritically sided with evil against good, and wrong against right.  Because all that really mattered to them, all that has EVER mattered to them, all that matters to them to this very day, as I will explain, is the ideological left rather than anything else.

A couple of days after these Nov 13 pieces, we had this on Nov 15 entitled “What About Bill?’ Sexual Misconduct Debate Revives Questions About Clinton” also in The New York Times:

The cultural conversation about women, power and sexual misconduct that has consumed the United States in recent weeks has now raised a question that is eagerly promoted by those on the political right just as it discomfits those on the political left: What about Bill? While Fox News and other conservative outlets revive years-old charges against Mr. Clinton to accuse Mr. Moore’s critics of hypocrisy, some liberals say it may be time to rethink their defense of the 42nd president.
Matthew Yglesias, a liberal blogger who once worked at the Center for American Progress, a pillar of the Clinton political world, wrote on on Wednesday that “I think we got it wrong” by defending Mr. Clinton in the 1990s and that he should have resigned. Chris Hayes, the liberal MSNBC host, said on Twitter that “Democrats and the center left are overdue for a real reckoning with the allegations against him.”

According to the new morality of the left, versus what the Democrats, liberals and the left have been saying whether about Donald Trump or Roy Moore, is that every single Democrat who has EVER voted for Bill Clinton is a vile sexual predator and enabler of hate against women.  Buh-bye, Democrats.

We can properly argue that Roy Moore merely looked at what liberals and feminists and Democrats did for Bill and said, “I want me some of that!”

Let’s just understand something: this stuff dated November 13 are coming out now because of the stuff dated Novemeber 9 against Roy Moore.  And you’ve got a lot of very legitimately angry Republicans and conservatives pointing out that virtually ALL of the most rabidly angry Democrats coming out demanding Roy Moore be hung, drawn and quartered without so much benefit as any trial or any presumption of innocence whatsoever had a very different song to sing when Bill was a serial damned rapist getting blowjobs from young girls in the Oval Office.  Even his semen on her blue dress matching his DNA didn’t change Democrats’ tune.

They surrounded him and they protected him.

Remember Nina Burleigh, just one of many stunning examples that “journalism” in our nation is a sick, depraved JOKE, who said she would be “happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal.”  That was said AFTER the Paula Jones story broke!

That’s who these people REALLY are.

We’ve known this since Ted Kennedy let a woman named Mary Joe Kopechne slowly drown to death at Chappaquiddick in 1969 and be lionized as one of the great Democrats.  Because, Democrat, you are just like your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.  You have been murderers since you started killing unborn babies by the tens of millions, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in you.  And when you lie, you speak your native language, for you are liars and of the father of lies.

To be a Democrat is to be a rabid hater of women.  And I say that not by my standard, BUT BY THEIR OWN.

Most of the haters of women who have been publicly revealed, such as Harvey Weinstein, are LIBERALS in a VERY LIBERAL INDUSTRY.

So let me explain why liberals and progressives and Democrats and feminists are turning on Bill Clinton [and Hillary] now.  The ONLY reason: BECAUSE THEY ARE DONE.  Democrats pathologically and rabidly protected Bill and Hillary while they mattered and while they were advancing the leftist agenda.  And now they are more of a liability than they are an asset.

And we’ve got this Roy Moore thing and a chance to steal the power balance in the Senate.  And that matters right now today.  But ohmigod, what we said about our perverts gives the other side the right and even the duty to shelter their perverts.  So let’s throw our old perverts under the bus and pretend that we somehow learned something and that will give us the right to scream for Roy Moore’s head in a way that guarantees us a STEAL for a Senate seat that we otherwise could never have possibly ever won.

Okay, but here’s the rub: his name is Al Franken.  And he’s a right-now pervert.

And we don’t have accusations: we have PICTURES!!!

The actress says that Al Franken kissed and groped her against her will and she has PROOF.

Here is part of her story against the Democratic Senator and hate-filled rabid leftist roach, the Honorable Al Franken:

As a TV host and sports broadcaster, as well as a model familiar to the audience from the covers of FHM, Maxim and Playboy, I was only expecting to emcee and introduce the acts, but Franken said he had written a part for me that he thought would be funny, and I agreed to play along.

When I saw the script, Franken had written a moment when his character comes at me for a ‘kiss’. I suspected what he was after, but I figured I could turn my head at the last minute, or put my hand over his mouth, to get more laughs from the crowd.

On the day of the show Franken and I were alone backstage going over our lines one last time. He said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him. Then he said it again. I said something like, ‘Relax Al, this isn’t SNL…we don’t need to rehearse the kiss.’

He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.

He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.

I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.

I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.

I felt disgusted and violated.

Al Franken claimed he was just being funny.  “Is that funny if she does that to your sister or to your daughter or to your wife,” Leeann Tweeden asked?

And you’re going to rabidly turn on him, Democrats, or you’re going to once again show that you are just as hypocrite and wrong and evil today as you were when you were backing your Rapist-in-Chief.

Al Franken needs to be forced to immediately resign from the U.S. Senate.  Period.  End of story.  Or get off your high horses about Roy Moore.

For the record, there is nothing in atheism that disqualifies one from atheism if he or she is morally depraved.  There are no grounds for “morality” in evolution.  The ONLY way to be a “bad atheist” is to start believing in a Creator God.  Rape is merely a historically successful method to survive according to “survival of the fittest,” according to which theory the fittest organisms are defined as those who leave behind the most offspring with the most partners and thereby alters the gene pool.  Don’t like that?  Then abandon atheism and secular humanism and start reading your Bible to look for a God who declares right from wrong because He created us in His image – male and female (Genesis 1:27) – and holds us accountable to His ways as His imagebearers.  And where the pagan gods of the pantheons were rapists, the God of the Bible is most certainly NOT.

If it turns out that Roy Moore committed these acts that he’s being accused of from four decades ago, then he violated everything that he professed to believe about Jesus and about the Christianity he claims.  And so I can definitively state that if Roy Moore treated women the way he is being accused of having done, he is a lousy Christian and a hypocrite who pretends to be something he isn’t.

But when a Barack Obama assures the American people that he is AGAINST gay marriage because he believes “as a Christian” that marriage is between one man and one woman, and then reverses himself, was Barack Obama the LORD God Almighty and Creator of the heavens and the earth who changed his mind???  All liberalism is – and you can add the pseudo-descriptor of “Christian” to liberalism – is constantly evolving moral hypocrisy.

Whenever you claim any connection whatsoever to Christianity or to Jesus Christ, you are liars, pure rank liars.  You have no standards or integrity, and any moral standards you claim are parasitic upon a faith that you have done everything to destroy with casual divorce laws, with homosexuality, with the abortion holocaust, with Government-as-God-and-Savior.  You stand for nothing.  Your feet are firmly planted in midair.  And even when you DO come to some moral realization, such as the fact that you all voted for a rapist, it is only a political pretense to help your cynical and craven political cause now.