We Return To Communist Show-Trials As Majority Of Democrats Now Actively Favor Socialism Over The Free Market That Made This Nation Great

Fact One: An overwhelming majority of Democrats – to the tune of 57% to 47% – now “favor” Marxist communist socialism that has enslaved every people foolish enough to try it economically, politically and morally over the free market capitalism that made our nation the great land of the free and the home of the brave:

Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism
by Frank Newport

Story Highlights

  • 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, down from 56% in 2016
  • 57% of Democrats now view socialism positively, little changed from 2010
  • Republicans very positive about capitalism; 16% positive on socialism

WASHINGTON, D.C. — For the first time in Gallup’s measurement over the past decade, Democrats have a more positive image of socialism than they do of capitalism. Attitudes toward socialism among Democrats have not changed materially since 2010, with 57% today having a positive view. The major change among Democrats has been a less upbeat attitude toward capitalism, dropping to 47% positive this year — lower than in any of the three previous measures. Republicans remain much more positive about capitalism than about socialism, with little sustained change in their views of either since 2010.

Views About Capitalism and Socialism: by Party
Positive view of capitalism Positive view of socialism
% %
2018 47 57
2016 56 58
2012 55 53
2010 53 53
2018 71 16
2016 68 13
2012 72 23
2010 72 17

These results are from Gallup interviewing conducted July 30-Aug. 5. Views of socialism among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are particularly important in the current political environment because many observers have claimed the Democratic Party is turning in more of a socialist direction.

Want another example of the liberal doctrinaire belief in a theory that has been refuted by history absolutely every single time it has ever been tried, just as it is right now massively failing in Venezuela (which had been the wealthiest country in South America before socialism screwed up its economy) to the point that people are actually eating zoo animals to stave off starvation.

Allow me to first point out something that George Orwell expressed so powerfully and succinctly when he said the following:

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

And yet another bald fact about intellectuals that George Orwell who so completely grasped the essence of totalitarianism in his famous classic 1984:

the fact that the intellectuals are more totalitarian in outlook than the common people.

And now combine these two facts: that intellectuals are people – unlike plumbers or carpenters or engineers – who live in a world of ivory tower egghead pure theory and who never have to actually have their ideas tested in the laboratory of reality no matter how profoundly wrong their ideas are; with the fact that these same intellectuals always tend to lean toward totalitarianism which all the ordinary people who live in the real world shun in horror.  Add those two things up and we get this amazing fact:

Karl Marx is the most assigned economist in U.S. college classes

Which is tantamount to making the flat-earth theory the most assigned scientific viewpoint.

And why do I call out the Democrats on what colleges and universities are stupidly and frankly inanely doing?  Because:

That’s why.  Because to be a liberal IS to be a totalitarian and to be a totalitarian is to pursue Stalinist purges of anyone who might think differently from the totalitarian.  Liberal progressives are THE most rabidly intolerant people on the face of the earth, and their purge of conservatives from academia speaks for itself as to what and who these people truly are.  Colleges and universities have become nothing more than left-wing echo chambers where any concept they disagree with is even allowed to be presented or considered.  They are brainwashing centers rather than mind-expanding centers.

The saddest thing is that liberal progressives have and always have a rabid contempt for the very people they most indoctrinate (these victims are called “students”).  This is proven by the fact that:

And amazingly, the fact that depraved leftists have skyrocketed the costs of college tuition is THE reason leftists say we should follow the depraved leftists into more depraved leftism by socializing our colleges and universities (even more than they already have been).  Because in every single communist society, EVERY SINGLE ONE, you have your version of the elite inner party member who live a lives of luxury in their Black Sea dachas.  It’s a game that works every single time because these socialist-elitist predators leave their victims more desperate, and more willing to embrace fool solutions that only give the socialist-elitist predators still more power to oppress with their “solutions.” to the very crises they themselves manufactured.  By analogy, if I viciously punch you on the left side of your face, I can balance out the damage by viciously punching you on the right side of your face, you see.  As government-worshiping liberal progressives cry for more and more student loans, these same hard-core greedy rat bastards simply raise the costs of their tuitions every time the amount of the loans increase.  And so in the same way, the liberals who undermined American wages by encouraging tens of millions of unskilled illegal immigrant laborers to flood our labor markets proceed to demand that businesses be forced to pay massively hire wages for these unskilled workers whether their businesses can afford such costs or not.  Because every single time these totalitarian egghead intellectual ideas fail, they merely propose an even more sweeping totalitarian egghead intellectual “solution” to liberally-progressively create an even bigger problem, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

The Bible has a lot to say about how people who were ostensibly created in God’s image come to believe incredibly stupid things:

  • Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:22)
  • always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7)
  • Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ (Colossians 2:8)

These socialist-elitist leftist progressives don’t care about you; you are nothing more than a means to an end to them.

At this point, the Democratic Party has degenerated to a point where it is a truly evil entity.

It truly never ceases to be amazing to me how in FACT Democrats have spiraled into the most perverted wickedness in the history of our nation, yet somehow manage (with their propagandist media fake-news allies in the press) to create some myth that it’s the Republicans who have gone “radical.”  The simple fact of the matter is that Democrats are now actively embracing and supporting a philosophy that has literally failed every single time it has ever been tried.  People under socialism become impoverished in every possible sense of the term.  Socialism crushes the dignity and value of the human spirit.  You are not an individual special creation of a loving God who made you in His image; you are nothing more than a cog in a human-created perversion machine.  There are so many examples of this it boggles the mind:

“There are two kinds of mines; one is the personnel mine and the other is the vehicular mine. When we come to a mine field our infantry attacks exactly as if it were not there. The losses we get from personnel mines we consider only equal to those we would have gotten from machine guns and artillery if the Germans had chosen to defend that particular area with strong bodies of troops instead of with mine fields. The attacking infantry does not set off the vehicular mines, so after they have penetrated to the far side of the field they form a bridgehead, after which the engineers come up and dig out channels through which our vehicles can go.” — Field Marshall Georgy Zhukov to General Eisenhower, p.467/8, Crusade in Europe, John Hopkins University, 1997.  One of the reasons Soviet losses were so appalling during World War II was that Stalin was so monstrously uncaring about the lives of millions of his own people.  Soviet doctrine valued their equipment over the lives of their soldiers.  That’s the crystalline essence of socialism: the dignity and rights of “the person” are irrelevant compared to the needs of “the people.”

Or let’s try this one from Chairman Mao:  An episode titled “The One Above All” showed footage of Mao speaking at the World Communist Representative Meeting in Moscow in November 1957, giving his famous speech, “American Imperialism Is a Paper Tiger.”

Mao’s exact words were: “I’m not afraid of nuclear war. There are 2.7 billion people in the world; it doesn’t matter if some are killed. China has a population of 600 million; even if half of them are killed, there are still 300 million people left. I’m not afraid of anyone.”  That’s the true roach-heart of socialism speaking.  Socialists are bugs who would eagerly eat their own babies much the same way Democrats have murdered sixty million of their own babies in their abortion mills.  This vileness of poisoned human spirit through the wretched wickedness of human depravity is nothing new.  It is as old as Cain and Able, and St Paul the apostle described the modern Democrat Party very well in Romans chapter one.

Democrats have become truly rabidly toxic.

Which leads me to Fact Two: the return of the Communist Show Trial in a genuine depravity of anything remotely resembling “justice.”  This was impossible in our American system until Democrats became so completely morally depraved that they were incapable of manifesting or exhibiting a single virtue of character.  Democrats first gave the middle-finger salute to God and His Word the Bible and “progressively” defecated on the very concept of the image of God until they became no morally different than bugs.  Look at the ant to see how much you as an individual are valued by a society that embraces Democratic Party philosophy.

Oh, you doubt me, do you?  Consider the two mutually disqualifying policy sacred cows of the Democratic Party: unchecked open-borders-style migration invasion combined with socialized medicine as a guaranteed right.  One makes the other insane: it will cost nearly THIRTY-THREE TRILLION DOLLARS over just ten years just for our citizens.  And I can documents as an undisputable FACT that Democrats are pushing for “health care for ALL including illegal immigrants to the communist-flag-Democrat-Party standard of California where Democrats are rabidly pushing toward health care specially for everyone including illegal immigrants.

This amounts to the guaranteed implosion of our society, something which Democrats have actually been overtly attempting for decades and which reached new heights under Obama.  See also my own article on this guaranteed path to economic explosion (followed by their true goal of Marxism) which Democrats are now eagerly and openly pushing toward.

How many unskilled illegal immigrants pushing down wages and soaking up taxpayer benefits is enough?  How many tens of millions more can we afford?  For that matter, since they won’t ever acknowledge there is any problem with unstopped illegal immigration, how many hundreds of millions more can we afford as a society???  When will today’s Stalinist Democrats “Build the damn wall”???  And the answer is, “When illegal immigrants start voting Republican, and not a second before.”

It is easy to document that Democrats are eagerly allowing the illegal immigrant “right to vote.”  A clear majority of Democrats want illegal immigrants to be allowed to vote.  And Democratic Party bastions like San Francisco illegal immigrants are openly allowed to vote in every election wicked Democrats have the power to give non-citizens power over citizens.

The next time Democrats get power, just like Stalin, just like Mao, just like the Kims in North Korea, they will never relinquish it.  They will stop at nothing and will do anything no matter how destructive it is to their own oppressed nation to guarantee they never give up power again.  They need non-citizens who have no love if not open contempt for the United States of America to impose their will, and they’re going to get their way or else.  It is their bug nature.

I’m watching the trial of Paul Manafort and literally watching a real-life communist show trial on my own soil in my own country.  This is a case that on its face had absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with either Donald Trump or Russia or any form of “collusion” – whatever the hell that even is – with Russia.  Mueller is viciously and vindictively pursuing socialist show trial witch hunt tactics to break Paul Manafort in blatant and contemptuous disregard of “justice.”  As an example, Mueller’s “star witness” was Manafort’s BUSSINESS PARTNER who was EVERY BIT AS GUILTY in any 2005 tax fraud case as Manafort was.  The Democrats’ star roach was not only directly participating in every shady deal Manafort was part of, but all the while he was stealing money from his business partner in order to finance his adultery and his own lavish lifestyle.  And by Mueller’s deal with him, Manafort’s business partner Rick Gates would go away scot free while Manafort will spend the rest of his life in prison.  Does that sound like “justice” to you???  But we see in this shocking disregard of “justice” what Mueller believes Paul Manafort’s REAL crime was: being part of Donald Trump’s successful presidential campaign.  THAT was Paul Manafort’s crime.  THAT is the ONLY reason this man is on trial.

This is “justice” to Democrats because Democrats are now by definition bugs incapable of “justice.”

Please understand how obviously a “show trial” this is: the Democrats – by which I mean the “Special Counsel” investigation of Robert Mueller who appointed a team consisting ENTIRELY of Democrats.   The Daily Caller News Foundation first reported that there were 13 registered Democrats and zero Republicans known to work for Mueller in February. The probe then brought on a 14th Democrat in May.  What are the damn odds of this?  Fourteen Democrats, NINE of whom gave significant donations to Democrats, not ONE Republican???  The Wall Street Journal reported in December 2017 that one of the leading Mueller lawyers, Andrew Weissmann, actually attended the election night party for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Revelations that FBI agent Peter Strzok, a former member of the team, exchanged anti-Trump text messages with an FBI lawyer including this one:

Trump is “not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Lisa Page wrote.
“No. No he won’t,” Strzok responded. “We’ll stop it.”

Amazingly, in a bug-morality world of socialist show trials, the lead investigator’s statement that “We’ll stop Trump from becoming president” was not considered “bias.”  In any other world, it literally amounts to an obvious statement of crystal-clear intent.  But in the world of bug-morality socialist show trials, it is irrelevant because it obviously doesn’t create the “guilty” verdict that is all that matters.

Peter Strzok was THE lead agent on both the investigation that whitewashed obviously guilty Hillary Clinton of four different felonies and redpainted the Trump investigation with a bogus “dossier” that came from the Hillary Clinton campaign bag of dirty tricks.  And to make it comical in its irony, the “dossier” was the only actual example of direct collusion with Russia that the Muller probe was ostensibly looking for!  It was Peter Strzok who as lead investigator changed – “altered” is a more correct term – the wording of FBI Director Comey’s public statement from “grossly negligent” which the statement originally stated and which necessitated a felony charge to “extremely careless” which amounted to, “Nothing to see here, folks.”  And so an obvious FELONY became nothing by nothing more than rhetorical sleight of hand from the computer of a now-fired rabidly biased agent who was out to get Trump and therefore out to exonerate the candidate who was running against Trump for president.  In fact, Hillary should have been convicted of not one but EIGHT separate felonies.

Another now FIRED FBI agent and key participant in the current socialist show-trial witch-hunt is former number two man at the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in yet another shocking example of a deep-state conspiracy of unelected Soviet NKVD secret police-style agents trying to defeat the will of the American people:

Mr. Strzok sent fellow FBI employee Lisa Page, whom with he was having an affair, a text in August of 2016 referencing an “insurance policy” discussed in a meeting between the two of them with “Andy,” who Mr. Horowitz identified as Mr. McCabe.

The text read: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Upon Mr. Horowitz’s investigation and discovery of the text messages, Mr. McCabe denied ever attending the meeting, but Mr. Strzok told the inspector general the former FBI deputy director was there.

So the lead agent in the socialist show trial witch-hunt who said he would stop Trump from becoming president in obvious statement of his intent was part of a conspiracy with the number two man at the highest level of the FBI to have an “insurance policy” to prevent that Trump presidency from happening.

We can keep going: Lead FBI agent Peter Strzok stated that “he could smell the Trump support.”  Well, the STENCH of deep-state not only criminal but treasonous conspiracy continues with a Justice Department high official named Bruce Ohr.  Basically, Christopher Steele – the source of the ant–Trump “dossier” financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign in collusion with Russia that we now know was THE centerpiece of the socialist show trial witch hunt investigation – had actually been FIRED by the FBI for being untrustworthy.  And his “dossier” was rightly contaminated and discredited into uselessness by his firing.  But, you see, Bruce Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS, the source of the “dossier”.  And so this tainted, discredited, contaminated document was “laundered” back into use through Bruce Ohr and the back channels he criminally manufactured such that an obvious LIE became the “truth” once again long enough to open a socialist show trial witch hunt.

Bruce Ohr did all these things.  And then tried to conceal what he had done.

Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr joins the list of FIRED officials who were rabidly biased and who were conspiring against the will of the American people to bring down an elected president of the United States though illegitimate and bogus socialist show trial witch hunt fake charges.  They succeeded in their plot: get an investigation started such that a “special counsel” with socialist show trial witch hunt powers would assemble a team of hard-core Democratic lawyers to dig up every shred of dirt over the course of Donald Trump’s entire life regardless of how “limited” the original mandate of looking ONLY into the fake news case of “Russian collusion” was.

You’ve got Trump people like Paul Manafort and Carter Page (who didn’t do a damn thing wrong but was surveilled by a deeply corrupt Obama administration anyway) and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (see also here) and former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen who were broken by rabid prosecution regardless of whether they committed any crime or not.  Contrast that with seventy Hillary Clinton co-collaborators and co-conspirators who were as a matter of routine given “immunity” and let off regardless of how many laws they broke.  Somehow Hillary Clinton was exonerated IN WRITING before anyone even bothered to interview either her or any other of the principal characters most of whom had already received sweetheart immunity deals without having to testify against ANYBODY.  No one who is not a BUG can look at the whitewash of the Hillary investigation and the rabid pursuit of the Trump witch hunt and not see a deeply disturbing double-standard by a blatantly politicized FBI and Justice Department.

We now have established as a FACT that FBI officials continued plotting to use Steele’s “dossier” after he was discredited and fired for breaking FBI rules.

Emails show 2016 links among Christopher Steele – who was simultaneously on the payroll of the DNC, the Hillary Campaign AND the FBI all at the same time, Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, and head of the dirt-digging group Fusion GPS hired by Hillary Glenn Simpson — with a Russian oligarch in background.

Here is the real collusion with Russia.  And Barack Obama and every single Democrat ought to be arrested, prosecuted, convicted and punished to the fullest extent of the law for their part in it.

We see here the deep state in action. Such a thing only became possible when half of the American people became bugs incapable of human morality or human integrity or human decency or human virtue or human honesty. Socialists are people who voluntarily degenerate themselves into bugs. And by their fruits ye shall know them for the bugs they are.

But it just keeps getting worse and worse and looking worse and worse: Now we find that the “2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives.”  The article bearing that title begins:

The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between high-ranking members of the Republican presidential  campaign staff and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties remains the cornerstone of claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

A growing body of evidence, however, indicates that the meeting may have been a setup — part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials. This view, that the real collusion may have taken place among those who arranged the meeting rather than the Trump officials who agreed to attend it, is supported by two disparate lines of evidence pulled together for the first time here: newly released records and a pattern of efforts to connect the Trump campaign to Russia.

The first line of evidence includes emails, texts, and memos recently turned over to Congress by the Department of Justice. They show how closely senior Justice Department officials and the Federal Bureau of Investigation worked with employees of Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research firm reportedly paid $1 million by Clinton operatives to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.

You have to read the whole article to believe it.  What the article documents is that the meeting was a setup by Democrats and by Russia to “to substantiate the Clinton-funded dossier alleging that Trump was taking dirt on his rivals from the Russians.”  What was said at the meeting was irrelevant; they just needed some kind of meeting to launch the accusation and get some kind of investigation going that would never end and would never stop at anything until it found some kind of dirt on Donald Trump no matter what it took.

Barack Hussein Obama did something truly shocking and truly horrifying during his presidency that makes Watergate look like a parking ticket.  Obama literally wiretapped the other party’s candidate for president and lied about it (see also here), worse than ANYTHING Nixon did.  He weaponized our “justice” system into an entity that looks EXACTLY like the Soviet Union’s NKVD protectorate of socialist ideology.  And Hillary Clinton’s campaign actively conspired with Russia to do this.  And an American media system, heralding back to its yellow-journalism roots and looking at the Soviet Union’s TASS as their example to follow, proceeded to hypocritically frame the target of this Democrat-Russian conspiracy as “colluding with Russia.”

Barack Obama weaponized the remaining vestiges of our democracy into an engine of destruction against our democracy.  And he did so by relying on giant and massively powerful federal democracies staffed by hard-core SEIU leftists that have NOTHING to do with our constitutional system of government to do it.

What we have here is the end-game of the Cloward and PIven strategy to use our very institutions against our democracy and our Constitution and the citizens of the United States of America in order to accomplished the cherished goal: the goal of socialism, by which I mean the goal of communism.


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3 Responses to “We Return To Communist Show-Trials As Majority Of Democrats Now Actively Favor Socialism Over The Free Market That Made This Nation Great”

  1. Phillip Brock Says:

    Michael, thanks for another insightful article. I am grateful for a patriot like you, who knows our country has been blessed by Almighty God but there are now those who have been given over to the depravity of their futile minds. Bless you brother.

  2. Michael Eden Says:

    Phillip Brock,

    And bless you, brother. The Word of God told us that in the last days, difficult times would come (2 Tim 3:1) and foretold what the terminal generation would be like in the succeeding verses. And here we are! Our culture and in fact our world is very clearly on a roller coaster ride that will end at the worship of the beast and the taking of his mark. The more wild the swings of the roller coaster, the more desperate godless people will become and godless people will always favor and pursue and believe increasingly more godless solutions. God will take His people out at the Rapture quite literally to save our lives; it will be akin to recalling ambassadors in a time of war. But ultimately the Book of Revelation explains to us that Jesus Christ WILL reclaim the earth and His Kingdom will endure forever and ever just as the words of the great Shema of Israel state: Hear O Israel, the LORD your God, the Lord is One. Blessed is His Kingdom which endures forever and ever.

  3. dog walker Says:

    Here to vota is what they are saying…

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