Archive for the ‘Nancy Pelosi’ Category

Don’t Like White Nationalism? Then Blame The Hypocrite Democratic Party And Mainstream Media That Are Most Responsible For Its Rise.

August 29, 2017

I’ll say two things at the very outset: 1) Racism of ANY kind is evil because God made human beings in His own image (which is why abortion is so vile) and we should therefore respect the image of God in all human beings.  And I can personally say that in my life I have seen some of the worst and some of the best in every color and creed, such that I have encountered, for example, some incredibly godawful black people and I have also known some of the noblest people on earth who were black, whose love and friendship this particular white guy was not worthy of.  The notion that “racism is an unequal power structure” doesn’t go anywhere NEAR far enough because most “white people” don’t have any “institutional power.”  I as a white man am now an oppressed racial minority in my own state of California according to this leftist screed, and as a conservative Republican in a state that is so rabidly leftist that California all by itself accounts for the difference in the popular vote between Trump and Clinton, I am a politically oppressed minority as well.  It is literally a crime against intelligence to claim that I have institutional power and only genuine fools say such idiotic things.  We individual “white people” are every bit as frustrated with the government and being on the outside looking through poop-stained windows of power as much as anyone else.  Frankly the only way the we will ever end “institutional power inequalities” is to abolish government and abolish the bureaucracies that make the leftist/liberal machine run given that the bureaucracies are staffed with hard-core union activists (see here for just one of a billion examples).  Which isn’t going to happen and which I as an individual “white person” have no more control of than anyone else.  In point of fact, if racism is institutional than I as a small-government conservative am far less guilty of the crime of racism than Democrats, because they WANT the racist institutions and I want them cut massively down in size and power.  Rather, I am an individual person and according to both my Judeo-Christian and conservative worldview (both of which are rabidly rejected by the left) I am responsible for what is in MY OWN heart and it must be in the individual human heart that true reform can begin.  And that aspect of genuine racism is completely ignored at this point by every other race BUT white people.  When they tell us that “black people can’t be racist” that is such an outrageously ridiculous lie that only an intellectual could have been stupid enough to have considered it.  By which I refer to George Orwell’s classic understanding of the stupidity of the intellectuals, that “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”   The leftist demagogic narrative that I as a white person am ruling the world oppressing the black race is utterly ridiculous simply considering the fact that I live in California and I am constantly forced to leap through the hoops imposed by my liberal masters.  It is like the Hispanic liberal activist who is part of a mob surrounding and screaming at one man: “BECAUSE YOU ARE THE MINORITY!  F*CK YOU!”  The actual fact is that racism is every bit as real among blacks as it is whites.  As just one example, it is a fact that blacks are so much more racist than whites that black people frequently refuse to see white doctors because of the doctor’s race and the patient’s racism.  It is everywhere, all around us, in all kinds of people just as ALL sin is all around us in all kinds of people.

But liberals don’t believe in “sin” being possible other than for whites.  Sin according to liberals isn’t a matter of the human heart, but rather a matter of race.  Only whites are capable of “oppression.”  But sin is not merely “institutional” (not that I run any of the institutions they’re talking about, especially when Obama and Eric Holder were running them); it is INDIVIDUAL.  And it is because I am a true Christian and a true conservative, I am an INDIVIDUALIST and look at people as INDIVIDUALS rather than as members of racial groups as Democrats have been indoctrinated to do.  And related to that is 2) that identity politics – the division of people into groups by race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. – and then attempting to mobilize and pit those groups against other groups which are defined as evil – is itself EVIL.  And the Democratic Party is more responsible for this evil than anyone or anything else on the face of the earth today.  If it is in any way, shape or form appropriate for black people, or Hispanic people, or gay people, to mobilize into groups and then vote for their own rights or their own causes based on their membership in their groups, then it is equally appropriate for white people to do the same thing the left is doing with its groups.  But amazingly and incredibly hypocritically, the left cries in hysterical outrage when we finally do what they have been doing for decades.  In bottom-line terms, if an Obama can urge Hispanics to “punish your enemies,” then why the hell can a Trump not tell whites to go punish their enemies, also?  You know, aside from the fact that to be a Democrat is to be a hard-core hypocrite and then constantly rationalize your hypocrisy with goal-post-moving arguments?

I came across a statement that expresses it nicely.  Who qualifies as a “hate group”???

Do you think the Democratic Party made the list of “hate groups” on the bigoted extremist Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate site?  No.  Not on your life.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is an organization created to bully anyone it politically disagrees with, at times literally declaring “parents” as a hate group.  The left has politicized hate and turned its own hate into a political weapon.  The Southern Poverty law center five years ago attempted to violently attack the Family Research Council headquarters through one of their drones who obtained his hate from their website.  And the same thing recently happened when another of the Southern Poverty Law Center drones tried to murderously wipe out the Republican congressional baseball team.

Watch this video of the Democratic Party’s buddies the Antifa and tell me why they aren’t being considered a hate group by the Democratic establishment, by the Southern Poverty Law Center, by the mainstream media, by any of these fools who so self-righteously claim to be opposed to hate.  if conservative activists all over the country were screaming, “We hate Obama!” how would the media have framed that if not as racist and hateful and treasonous?  But even after THOUSANDS of such protests and worse yet “counter protests” where mobs show up intending to shut down conservatives’ rights to free speech “By Any Means Necessary,” the reporting on the ugliness of the left is a desert.

Reuters actually had the propaganda balls to call vicious leftist Antifa RIOTERS “peace activists” even after they had thrown bottles filled with urine and stones at police.  Joseph Goebbels at his Ministry of Propaganda would be smiling and rubbing his fingers together in satisfaction at these lies.

You’re not exactly going to get a fair or honest list of “hate groups” from them or they’d have to put themselves near the very top of their own damn list.  Just sayin’.  Because I will show you if you read on that that label genuinely and rightfully applies.

But you’ve got one more bright, shining example of what the left does: brand “the other” as hateful while steadfastly ignoring their own hatefulness.

So sit down while I show you what I am saying is true.  Because there is an awful lot to say about it.

I believe we begin to get to the real heart of President Donald Trump’s project following the car-ramming incident in Charlottesville: the left is determined to coerce Trump to admit that racism is entirely his fault and entirely the fault of those who support him and that the left and the racial groups that compose the rabid leftist hate base are thereby absolutely absolved from even the possibility of any form of racism.  Which is the project of the left.  Because the Russia they screamed about for the last eight months is now such an obvious nothing-burger lie, they’ve turned to a new way to try to demonize Donald Trump, and so they want him to hang the albatross of racism around his own neck or at least submit to their putting the albatross of racism around his neck.  The left doesn’t want to “come to the table” and have a meaningful dialogue about racism and what both sides can do to reach unity and accord and common ground; no, they rather want to take the table away and scream at us about racism while we submissively bow our heads in shame and publicly admit our shame and our guilt and to submit to a thousand years of “reverse racism” to pay for our collective sins whether we as individuals ever committed any racist sin or not.  And Trump is saying no freaking way.  Because there is no point attempting to have any meaningful kind of conversation with these people on these terms.

We just saw it in Berkeley what we’ve seen dozens and dozens of times now: a conservative organization – yes, one having absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with “white supremacists” and having seven of their eight speakers being NON-white – was violently disrupted by “counter-demonstrators” who showed up without any kind of permit armed with weapons and all the hatred and viciousness that is inherent in modern liberalism in their hearts.  A racist demagogue named Nancy Pelosi attempted to manufacture a riot by slandering the group to bring as much hate against the Patriot Prayer Rally as possible.  And so the conservatives, as the only group that did not want the violence that Nacny Pelosi yearned for (slanderously calling it over and over again “a white supremacist rally” in an attempt to bring leftist hate groups to attack them, backed down and cancelled their event to prevent violence, and instead held a press conference rather than a rally.

Ms. Pelosi had called on the National Park Service to reconsider Patriot Prayer’s permit, describing the event as a “white supremacist rally.”

“Reason has prevailed because the people of San Francisco have demonstrated our determination to protect the freedom of peaceful expression as well as public safety,” Ms. Pelosi said Saturday in a statement to the Mercury News.

But Mr. Gibson accused San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Ms. Pelosi of stoking unrest by labeling the event as a white supremacy fest, even though most of the scheduled speakers were not white and Mr. Gibson himself is half-Asian.

“To call us white supremacists made San Francisco way more dangerous,” Mr. Gibson said.

He also accused Democrats of hypocrisy on protester violence: “You have a mayor who says that we’re hateful, we’re violent, he doesn’t bring up any specific examples, but he doesn’t mention one word about antifa. Not one word.”

The rally was billed as a “day of freedom, spirituality, unity, peace, and patriotism,” and Mr. Gibson gave assurances on Facebook beforehand that “no extremists will be allowed in,” including Nazis, anti-fascists (antifa), the Ku Klux Klan and white nationalists.

Even so, he said he was being menaced Saturday by antifa and By Any Means Necessary activists who followed the Patriot Prayer organizers and used Twitter to announce their whereabouts.
“Basically all day, this is what it’s going to be like,” he said. “We’re going from spot to spot trying to hide from people who dress like ninjas, who run around, they want to burn stuff down, they want to commit violence, they want to use bike locks, they want to use clubs with nails through them.”

We call it “fake news” the way leftist hatemongers like Nancy Pelosi make false, slanderous claims that are picked up by “reporters” and “reported” as “news”:

Right-wing protester Johnny Benitez from Orange County says he came to Berkeley for peaceful dialogue, but got shouted down by the crowd.

“They still label me as a white supremacist,” he said. “I still get death threats. This is a false message.”

Benitez.  Obviously a white guy name.

It’s “fake news,” but the leftist hate is all too real.

Fascist Democrat Party thug organizations such as Antifa and By Any Means Necessary (especially violent means) were out in force with hatred for freedom and democracy and homicide in their little roach souls in Berkeley yesterday.  A conservative group held a “Rally Against Hate” that was viciously broken up by leftist hate:

Protesters from the poles of the U.S. political spectrum converged on another American city Sunday as violence erupted when left-wing protesters surrounded and attacked at least five right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

The group of more than 100 hooded protesters, with shields emblazoned with the words “no hate” and waving a flag identifying themselves as anarchists, busted through police lines, avoiding security checks by officers to take away possible weapons.

Several thousand people had congregated for a “Rally Against Hate” in response to the planned right-wing protest that raised concerns of violence and triggered a massive police presence.

Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood defended how police handled the protest, saying they made a strategic decision to let the anarchists enter to avoid more violence. […]

Among those assaulted was Joey Gibson, the leader of the Patriot Prayer group, which canceled a Saturday rally and was then prevented from holding a news conference when authorities closed off the public square Gibson planned to use.

After the anarchists spotted Gibson at the Berkeley park, they pepper-sprayed him and chased him out as he backed away with his hands held in the air. Gibson rushed behind a line of police wearing riot gear, who set off a smoke grenade to drive away the anarchists, Fox 40 reported.

But for the most part, it is well-documented, the leftist police under orders of leftist bureaucrats who allowed the “anarchists” to enter stood down and then allowed the anarchists they’d let in to surround, attack, and viciously beat the legally-permitted free-speech demonstrators.   Which is another way of saying I belong to a minority that is being systematically institutionally oppressed and I am not only banned from exercising my constitutional rights but am viciously set upon by the modern equivalent of SA Brownshirt stormtrooper thugs while the police who are supposed to protect me stand and root for the Nazis who are beating me “By Any Means Necessary.”

Any one who is capable of even briefly entertaining the truth can see the vile hate of the left that was taking place well before Charlottesville and is only building up violent force now.

And so I support President Trump in this, regardless of how awkwardly he is going about it.  Primarily because the rabid, whackjob racist craziness of the other side is simply disregarded and ignored and denied.  If you want to have a conversation about race, don’t claim to be willing to have one until you’re willing to acknowledge the damn log in your own damn eyes while you’re laying the blame on us.  Not when I can detail all the racist crap that I am able to detail below.

Let’s talk about “political correctness” and what it is and how it works.  I’ve stated this before.  Political correctness is not just a leftist way to make overly-sensitive people feel better.  It was designed by early Marxist propagandists in Russia and the left continues to execute the Orwellian tactic today: if you can control words, you can control thought; if you can control thought, you can control actions. “PC” is an enormous, sophisticated and highly coordinated effort by elitist intellectuals to “fundamentally transform” Western culture as we know it by redefining it – by shaping the “acceptable” language people are allowed to use – and thereby dictating the parameters of cultural arguments, such that the people are banned from thinking outside of the artificial box they create for us. And people with incredibly radical agendas have been exploiting this tactic for decades and it has succeeded.

It’s kind of like insisting that we call American Indians “native Americans.”  If I don’t qualify as a “native American,” then exactly where the hell do I get to be a native of???  I am quite serious here.  It is racist to take my own homeland and the land of my birth and my ancestors’ birth away from me.  I am a native American and I don’t apologize for calling myself what I clearly have every right and reason to call myself.  My parents were native Americans.  My grandparents were native Americans.  Some of my ancestors climbed off the boat with the other Pilgrims.  Some of my ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War and established this nation.  Some of my ancestors fought in the Civil War and supported the Republicans as they defeated a violent, rabid Democratic Party to abolish slavery.  But some damn liberal through the prism of communist-manufactured “political correctness” decreed that all white people ought to be racially disqualified from their own country.  Not by any reasonable argument, but rather by rhetorical fiat and politically correct guilt-tripping.  It’s not about me hating American Indians; I love American Indian culture and participate in it and admire it at every opportunity.  Rather, it’s about giving one group a status that clearly does not belong to that group alone.  In the case of minorities that status is “victim” as though no white person has ever been poor, or oppressed, or a target of hate from another racial group.  Take me, for example: not only am I a “native American” who has had that status removed from me by rhetorical fiat, but I myself have also been a victim of racism when I was physically and violently attacked by five black men.  You want to call American Indians “Original Americans,” fine by me.  I recognize American Indians were here when my ancestors rowed ashore at Plymouth Rock.  But it is a crime of oppression against me to take away my right to be a “native American” when I absolutely AM one.  Which according to the left is impossible due to the same rhetorical sleight-of-hand race-baiting demagoguery.  And we’ve had this crap forced down our throats in too many ways too many times over and over again by one party for decades.  And finally enough people had enough.

In 2016, did white people – especially including the white people who actually voted for Obama TWICE “racist” or did something else take place?  Let me explain “what else” actually happened:

Barack Obama crushed and decimated middle class whites.  If a Republican president had done this to black people, it would be proclaimed and vilified by the mainstream media and the Democrat Party as the very worst kind of racist hate.  But because it was Democrats and particularly a black Democrat doing it to whites, it was okay.  Because we live in a world full of more hypocrisy than the oceans and seas are filled with water.  The middle class itself began to disintegrate under and as a direct result of Barack Obama’s presidency and his policies.  In the 2016 election, white people rose up because they literally began to comprehend their very survival was being threatened by a left that was openly hostile to them.  It wasn’t “racism” that made even middle class whites who voted for Obama in 2008 do this; it was systematic oppression BY a racist president and a racist party that created the oppression that they voted to free themselves of.   It is simply a statement of fact that Barack Obama decimated the white middle class and the white working class (see also here) and THAT is why they rose up to overthrow the party of the race-baiting Oppressor-in-Chief.

Frankly, even black people largely suffered – and suffered in virtually every economic category – under Obama because his socialist Democrat Party policies are failures and have never lived up to the utopian fantasies of the liberals who are incapable of learning from history no matter how many times their “solutions” fail to solve.   When the Democrat Party keeps inflicting hurt on the people they claim to care about while demonizing as “racist” the policies that would help the people they claim to care about, you should immediately understand that something is very wrong and very vile is going on within the Democratic Party machine.

When even a white liberal progressive female candidate gets shouted down at a liberal progressive function by people screaming, “Support black women!” you should immediately understand that something very wrong and very vile is going on within the Democratic Party machine.

When the House Minority Leader can slanderously demonize a conservative group as “white supremacist” and literally contribute to a violent counter-protest against that group when it has nothing whatsoever to DO with “white nationalism” and fully seven of its eight speakers are nonwhite, you should immediately understand that something very wrong and very vile is going on within the Democratic Party machine.  Similarly, in Boston, an upcoming conservative rally focusing NOT on “race” but on “FREE SPEECH” is being falsely and hatefully labeled as a “white nationalist” event by the political leaders who are literally inciting riot by doing so.  The leftwing Boston mayor is publicly saying that the city has to allow free speech no matter how “despicable” the group demanding free speech is.  Which is basically code for all his leftist hate groups to “come and punish your enemies.”  To put it in Obama terms.  And to quote some other revealing Obama political maxims: “If they bring a knife, you bring a gun”. “Punch back twice as hard.” “Get in their face.”  Obama is on the record as having said all of these things and it was marvelous in Democrats’ sight.

How about this one: when a black state senator can openly call for the assassination of the white president of the United States of America and then TWICE refused to apologize because she literally argued that the one she is demanding be murdered is more wrong than the one who calls for that murder, and she is STILL actually in office because every single Democrat refused to rise up and demand her resignation, you should immediately understand that something very wrong and very vile going on within the Democratic Party machine.  And for the record, this also tells you how godawful evil-wrong the mainstream media has become: because if it had been a white Republican calling for the assassination of President Obama, every single Republican in office would have instantly had microphones thrust into their faces demanding their reaction.  But “race-rage” only flows one way, from Democrats to Republicans.  No matter how evil-vile the Democrats truly are.  If every single Democrat does not vote to expel Democratic Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal from the Senate, IT IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY THAT IS RACIST AND BIGOTED AND HATEFUL AND EVIL.  But the way this rigged party system works out, the Democratic Party will probably bribe Chappelle-Nadal to resign “on her own” so they won’t have to prove they are racist by refusing to vote her out by offering her some cushy job at a university or some other uber-leftist think tank.  She’ll be okay until she faces Jesus Christ at the Great White Throne judgment of the wicked, I assure you.

When a hard-core racist group is absolutely NOT challenged by the mainstream media and is even celebrated and endorsed by the Democratic Party and their propaganda wing the media, you should immediately understand that something is very wrong and very vile is going on within the Democratic Party machine and with liberalism.  White people have been presented with a list of 10 demands from Black Lives Matter.  The very URL is titled “white people.”  What I want to do is to simply switch the races BLM uses and you tell me if this is “racist” as HELL:

1. Black or brown people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a white or Asian family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.
2. Black or brown people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a white family. You’re bound to make that money in some other Obama-privileged way.
3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a white blighted neighborhood and let white people live in it for free.
4. Black or brown people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a white or Asian family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.
5. Black or brown people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a white or Asian family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.
6. Black people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to white funds for land purchasing.
7. Black people, especially black women (because this is yaw specialty — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the fuck they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.
8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless BLM, Black Panthers, NAACP and Other lil’ dick-black men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.
9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any black person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a black person praising the actions of BLM from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.
10. Commit to two things: Fighting black supremacy where and how you can (this doesn’t mean taking up knitting, unless you’re making scarves for white kids in need), and funding white and Asian people and their work.

Note: ALL I did was reverse the races in the racist hate-screed of Black Lives Matter.  The above list is evil, psychotic and frankly demonic racist hate.  And it is every bit as evil and psychotic and demonic and racist and hateful when it is examined in the words of Black Lives Matter.  Because Black Lives Matter is very clearly a racist hate group every bit as much as the KKK is a racist hate group.

Read this vile racist screed from Affinity Magazine titled “Dear White Parents of Biracial Children: Having Mixed Babies Isn’t Enough to Excuse Your Ignorance.”  The racist left has turned hatred and bitterness and meanness into VIRTUES.  And they are turning on THEIR OWN if their own even slightly deviate from their “purity.”  These angry, hateful, self-righteous liberals are even worse than the Pharisees who organized a mob to crucify Jesus.

Deal with both logs in the eyes of both sides, dammit.  But don’t accuse me of being a racist because I won’t do what you won’t lift a finger to do.  Because all that does is make you a hypocrite.

When white people are literally being denied the right to speak while “Black Lives Matter” is cherished by the same media that denounces them as “white nationalists,” please realize that somebody is guaranteeing and ultimate violent rise.

The ACLU issued a statement withdrawing their support for the free speech rights of white nationalists that breaks with their entire history of fighting for free speech no matter what kind of speech it is.  Not that they actually ever truly did that, but now their biased leftist ideology is fully and completely on display.  The ACLU has made it crystal clear that it will CONTINUE to protect hate, but only hate from THEIR side.  The problem is that “free speech” is a meaningless term if it doesn’t apply to all.  If one side gets to bring their “free speech” no matter how hateful it is – yes, and load up with weapons prepared for a violent brawl with the groups that legally filed for the permits to demonstrate as the leftists go in just like the jackbooted fascist Brownshirt stormtroopers from the Hitler era to break up the rallies of the opposition – and the ACLU will support one side and not the other, they are no longer for “civil liberties” but for leftwing fascist liberties.

In the last couple of days we have seen incredibly disturbing details as to just how rabid and racially unhinged the left truly is.  For instance, during the Charlottesville rioting, ESPN demonstrated such racial stupidity that they actually made at the highest levels the decision to yank an Asian broadcaster because his name happened to be “Robert Lee.”  And they were mental enough to believe that “Robert Lee, 21st century Asian-American broadcaster = Robert E. Lee, 19th century Confederate general.”  And then the ESPN president executive actually came out lying about why they had yanked the Asian broadcaster it in direct refutation of their own initial statement that they had in fact done it for racial reasons because of the trivial coincidence of his name and lambasted the people who were trying to tell the truth about this fascist leftist fool network.  And then it was the ACLU’s turn, posting an innocent image of a child – okay, they were evil because it was a white kid and he had a hated American flag that today’s liberals despise so much they refuse to stand an honor – which quickly became demonized as a Nazi image.  And the ACLU is so racially depraved and so amoral that they actually apologized for putting up such a despicable image as a white child holding a flag with the caption, “This is the future that ACLU members want.”  Because apparently ACLU members really want the future of a boot stomping on a human face forever, providing that face is WHITE.

According to the left, THIS is now an image of “hate”:

The face of hate is the liberal who is so evil that he sees hate in everything, including the innocent image of a little girl holding the flag of his country even when it’s their own side posting that image.  You can see her wearing her liberal ACLU shirt.  The left is a group of haters that rabidly refuses to tolerate even the tiniest departure from their Orwellian Two Minutes Hate campaign that will go on and on and on for years if necessary until it achieves its hateful agenda.  That’s what the real face of hate is.  And even a beautiful little child cannot escape this kind of hate.

And its violent hate.

Jeremy Beck said something very thought-provoking and historically proven time and time again: “You know, if you keep going further left, eventually you go left enough to get your guns back.”  The same way they had guns in the Soviet UnionThe same way they had guns in China.  The same way they had guns in North Korea.  The same way they had guns in Cuba.  They had guns in Cambodia.  And yes, the same way they had guns in Nazi Germany (NAZI = “National SOCIALIST German WORKERS PARTY.”  It is simply a fact that Nazism was the “far right” only of the extreme, radical LEFT).  Oh, the left was all for guns when they were fighting for power, as the ACLU is fine with THEIR side using guns and violence to attack their ideological opponents.  But as soon as they seize power, give up your guns!  And so the only problem being that they ended up with ALL the guns and liberalism/leftism WILL NECESSARILY end up with ALL the guns EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Because “liberalism” is ultimately the rabid determination to dictate all political power and crush and oppress anyone and everyone who stands against their total, dictatorial totalitarian power.  And history has proven this fact to be true EVERY SINGLE TIME the left has EVER been able to seize power and the most evil horror in all of human history has systematically resulted from it EVERY SINGLE TIME.  And so Nazi Germany embraced leftist gun control confiscations; as did every single communist regime so the people would be powerless which is exactly the reason our founding fathers – who are now all condemned as symbols of hate by the left – demanding the American people have the guaranteed constitutional right to keep and bear arms which the left has tried to take away for decades.

White people are increasingly started to become frightened by this climate of leftist hate.  Especially when even the very most innocent child among them is demonized as a hate symbol.

And so when you actually do have “white nationalism,” who is to blame for it?

Let me just first point out the fact that liberals say that radical Islamic terrorism – which of course they refuse to link in any way, shape or form to “Islam” because they are true moral idiots – is the result of marginalization and discrimination.  So if you keep shutting out a group of people’s access and call them evil all the time, then according to liberalism you create the climate of terrorism because if they are denied a voice they will violently lash out.  And so as we look at the left and how they have banned or blocked or denied white supremacists from having any voice or any rights, what is going to happen according to their own damn theory of terrorism???  Realize that it’s not just leftist-oriented businesses such as Google (whose mantra is “Do no evil” but has regularly participated in the fascist suppression of free speech in China and now in America), and FaceBook, and PayPal, and GoDaddy, and Airbnb, and Uber, and Discord, and GoFundMe, and Spotify, and even the WordPress that I use, but it is elected Democrat mayors and politicians across the country who regularly and routinely label, marginalize and discriminate.  It is simply what the left does.

Question; if the left isn’t doing absolutely everything it can to “marginalize” and “discriminate’ against white nationalists and the KKK and the so-called neo-Nazis, then what the hell are they doing???

So the answer to my question, if you are a liberal, is to look into the damn mirror.  Because just by your own view toward Islamic terrorism, YOU caused the attack in Charlottesville according to your own damn analysis by marginalizing the white nationalists and refusing to give them any voice and discriminating against them and labelling them with your hate and intolerance.  Compared to a free society where we were all supposed to be given the freedom to speak so we wouldn’t resort to violence that you no longer permit.  So stop marginalizing and discriminating against these groups.  Or at least shut down all the other hate groups on YOUR side.  If you want to stop the rise of white nationalism, where white people start standing up and taking back the rights that they forfeited by being intimidated by the constant demagogic and slanderous labels of racism applied to them every single time they said anything in favor of their self-interests the way the leftist groups have loudly done, then stop your racist crap.  Stop the “Black Lives Matter” crap.  Stop the La Raza (which means “The Race”) crap.  Stop the Congressional Black Caucus crap.  Stop the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People crap.  Stop race quotas.  Stop racist university acceptance policies that punish white people and Asians because they’re the wrong races.  Because this flagrant hypocrisy is immoral and it is wrong and it is racist and you are guaranteeing and you are in fact responsible for the White Congressional Caucus and the Nationalist Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People and White Lives Matter and The Race (meaning the white race this time).

This isn’t about me being a “racist”.  This is about me being a “fairist”: I just want a fair, honest exchange where everybody is able to look at themselves as well as their opponents.  I utterly despise hypocrite liars who constantly impose a different system on me than they apply to themselves.  And while no one is immune from that tendency, including myself and people and the groups I support, it is the left that embodies “hypocrisy” today like nothing ever before seen in human history.

One of the fascinating things is how liberals want to blame the United States for slavery and how they want to blame white people for slavery.  Both are total lies.  The United States had slavery, yes, JUST AS EVERY OTHER DAMN NATION IN THE WORLD HAD SLAVERY.  And the more “nonwhite” you got, the more slavery there was.  I look up the countries that still have slavery today, and have the most slaves, and sure enough that’s basically what I find to this very day.  And secondly, black liberals are so full of hate for whites blaming us for slavery, but exactly how did we get all our slaves in the first place?  Do you know what we did?  We went to Africa and bought them FROM THE BLACK PEOPLE WHO SOLD THEM TO US.  Even Obama’s dear friend Henry Louis Gates acknowledges that historical fact.  For the official historical record, it wasn’t a bunch of white people running around the bushes in Africa with big butterfly nets; rather, white people went to the coasts of Africa and simply purchased them.  Slavery was GIGANTIC in Africa, because one tribe would fight with another tribe and they would sell the victims they captured from the other tribe into slavery without a hinge of regret.  They were reducing the population of their enemies and earning a tidy profit at the same time.  We couldn’t go to Britain and buy white people as slaves; we couldn’t go to Ireland, or to Germany, or to France and buy slaves.  No white people sold their own into slavery because Europe was still Christian and that was unheard of.  But in Africa, it was a very different thing.  So why do you limit your hate to white people when black slavery wouldn’t have existed without black people???

Liberalism is the hatred of facts and the rabid hatred of history and truth.  Which is why they have to act like Islamic State now and tear down historical artifacts using mob frenzy whenever necessary.  And so you can go far and wide on the internet and see them claim the truth is a lie and the lie is their truth.  But the fact remains that apart from Africa and Africans, there would have BEEN no “black slavery.”  Which only makes liberals hate whitey all the more because by screaming their violent hate they don’t have to acknowledge the uncomfortable truths they turn their backs on while blaming “the other” for which they themselves bear a giant load of guilt.

If this country is going to survive, we need to stop blaming the past and start looking at what WE are doing right now today.

End the fake news reporting.  To only slightly paraphrase the Bible, “There is no righteous reporter, not even one.  There is no reporter who understands, there is no reporter who seeks God.”  I don’t care who is demonstrating or what their message is or how much other people don’t like it; the nanosecond someone or some people from “the other side” start any kind of violence, THAT SIDE THAT STARTS THE VIOLENCE IS ON THE SIDE OF THE DAMN NAZIS.  Report the damn TRUTH.  If you actually have any legitimate claim to oppose violence, then oppose the left that is routinely engaging in naked violence as a political tactic every single DAY now.

I’m just going to repeat what Donald Trump said about Charlottesville that applies here: there were bad people on both sides right from the very damn beginning and certainly at Charlottesville as well.  The list of violent liberal attacks of leftist mobs against conservatives is mind-blowing.  The simple fact is that liberal America has a rather terrible political violence problem.  But what we are seeing today is liberals and liberalism being completely blind to the giant logs in their own eyes and fixating on the specks in the eyes of the people they hate.  And it’s wrong.  And one of the primary reasons that black people have so failed to launch in America when other groups of people have done so well is that as a culture they are 1) Democrat and therefore believe evil is good and good is evil; and 2) because they are so mired in bitterness that they refuse to believe that hard work will allow them to improve their situations as the people who come here from all the rest of the world believe.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said that hate begets hate.  And liberals are proof of that.

We have a president who got elected in a contentious election, and as a result of his election an entire political party along with an army of the most vicious partisan radical haters declared total war on the president and upon everything that president campaigned upon and was elected to do.  Who am I talking about?  Guess what?  I’m talking about Abraham Lincoln.  Because there is a direct damn parallel between what the true party of hate – the Democratic Party which has ALWAYS been the party of hate – did in 1860 and what that same damn party of hate is doing today.

There’s a reason we ought to be forgiving and even forgive our enemies.  But don’t try to explain that to a leftist.  Because Obama didn’t teach his followers to reach out, but instead to lash out.  And we’ve seen Obama’s incredibly toxic effect on this nation as a result.  And that hate is now being vindictively poured out on Donald Trump and everyone who voted for him no matter how polarized and divided the left has to break this country in pieces to do so.  Because the demonic identity politics of separating people into groups and then pitting those groups against each other to create a fifty-percent-plus-one-vote coalition is at the heart of their toxic agenda.

Jesus told us that in the last days, race would rise against race.  And it is very obvious that the day that Jesus described in the very end times is upon us.  And in the United States of America, it will be because of and as a direct reaction to the Democratic Party’s racist exploitation of race as a cynical means of imposing socialist, fascist power.  And please don’t be so stupid as to fail to understand that in order to be a “fascist,” one first has to be a “socialist.”

Interestingly – when you look at all the rabid, frothing hype this issue is getting by the press relative to its actual impact on society by any meaningful measure outside the fake news one created by the media – this “rise” of white nationalists is actually kind of …. ho hum when you actually look at the numbers.  I had heard reported that there are fewer than 100,000 white nationalists in America – versus a national population of 325 million meaning that white nationalists represent an incredibly trivial .03 percent of the population.  And yet with all the frothing media hysteria you would think it was some whopping percentage of whites goose-stepping with Nazi salutes to the cadence of Donald Trump ranting in German.  I looked at what the left is saying about the actual numbers of white nationalists in America, and the numbers are so paltry as to be meaningless.  I mean, the only firm number they could provide was “between 5,000 and 8,000 members nationwide.”  But then you see the project of the entire left wing apparatus – the Democratic Party, the media, etc. – as they then proceed to state:

Although the members of these groups may be especially vocal, the presence of racism in the U.S. cannot be quantified strictly by data. Nearly 63 million people voted for Trump, which means those voters were willing to accept and tolerate a racist, misogynist, xenophobe for a president, emboldening the small minority of neo-Nazis among them.

So in other words a “white nationalist” is to be defined as “anybody who voted for the current president of the United States.”

Howard Dean, former Democratic governor, former Democratic Party presidential candidate, former DNC chairman, says, “If you vote Republican in 2018, you’re voting for racism.”

Well, there’s a nice, polite invitation to a respectful exchange of ideas.

Oh, I got that wrong, didn’t I?  That’s naked race-baiting hatred for half of the nation.  The Democratic Party is built on hate just as it has always BEEN built on hate.

So this “rise” has hardly happened yet in any kind of actual fact.  But the left and the mainstream media that serve as the left’s propaganda arm rather desperately need a boogeyman.  Even if that boogeyman is virtually nonexistent.  And the reason they need a bogeyman is the same reason that Islamic radicalism needs the bogeyman of the Great Satan and Little Satan and North Korea needs the bogeyman of the United States: because in all three cases, they have nothing to offer but lies, fear and hate.  And they need some kind of artificial narrative to disconnect people’s brains from being capable of receiving reality.

I am reminded of Obama dismissing terrorism with the left and the Democratic establishment completely behind him saying “that terrorism takes far fewer lives in America than handguns, car accidents, and falls in bathtubs do.”  Notwithstanding the fact that most bathtub makers aren’t trying to kill people by driving large bathtubs into crowds.  Notwithstanding the fact that intentional violence motivated by hatred does something to the psyche of human beings that slipping in bathtubs does not do.  But you simply need to realize the soul of the left yawns with boredom at the fact that tens of thousands of people are being murdered by terrorists every year and that under Obama deaths by terrorism rose by one-thousand, nine-hundred percent.  That revealing statement was and remains an incredibly stupid and morally wicked statement that dismisses the victims and the virulent hate that seethes with the desire to murder every single human being possible.  But if one actually compares the victims of white nationalism to the victims of Islamic terrorism, it becomes laughably obvious that the only rational response to the left over its “white nationalist” hysteria is to say, “You fools desperately need to get some kind of clue.”

But again, the left is a pathologically evil ideology and such ideologies need bogeymen to distract people from THEIR OWN vile agenda.  And if they don’t actually have one, they know how to fake news one.  I mean make one.

Being a Christian first and a conservative out of my Christian worldview, I am compelled by my love of and for the truth.  Which means I am capable of doing something no liberal is capable of doing: I am capable of comprehending reality.  Therefore, the moment I heard that somebody drove a car into a crowd at the protest and counter-protest in Charlottesville – without knowing which side had drove the car into which – I knew that it was a TERRORIST ACT.  And because no, I am NOT a rabid ideologue the way too many leftists are, when I discovered that the car was driven by a white nationalist into a crowd of leftist protestors, I didn’t readjust my awareness of that fact to conform to my ideology.  I still recognize that the white nationalist who drove the car into a crowd was a terrorist and ought to be treated like one.

But I now compare that, and compare Obama’s response to similar terrorist attacks and the left’s response to his statements to the frankly insane and rabid frothing hysteria generated by Trump’s frankly LESS provocative statement.  I could cite DOZENS of examples, but due to time and space I’ll only cite two, with one being close to the beginning of Obama’s degenerate presidency and one occurring near the end of his eight years of national cancer.  Think of Major Nidal Hassan.  Think of the fact that the guy had business cards identifying himself as a “Soldier of Allah.”  Think of how he gunned down 13 (actually 14, as one victim was the unborn baby of another shooting victim) and wounded 31 while screaming “Allahu Akbar!!!”  Think of how six months prior to his attack, he had already come to the attention of law enforcement officials due to his terrorist internet postings and think of the fact that he was in email contact with one of the worst al Qaeda recruiters.  Then think of the fact that Obama abjectly refused to acknowledge that it was a terrorist attack and particularly a terrorist attack inspired by rabid Islamic theology.  Think of the fact that the soldiers who were killed and wounded in that terrorist attack were systematically denied Purple Heart benefits for nearly the entire degenerate cancer of the Obama presidency and the abject refusal from Obama to treat this mass shooting as an Islam-inspired terrorist attack.

Here’s the other one near the end of Obama’s presidency, to document that even after eight years, this rabid fool was STILL a fool but STILL supported by the Party of Rabid Fools: a black hater armed with the ideology of racist anti-white hate at a “Black Lives Matter” – an obviously racist statement that white lives DON’T matter – systematically executed five police officers intent on murdering WHITE cops.  In the aftermath of the Dallas massacre did Obama ONCE take on black hate?  Not one the life of your little roach-soul, Democrat: Obama instead went to the farthest leftist demagoguery and blamed the 2nd Amendment for the massacre.  And the Democratic Party and the leftists and the mainstream media cheered that Obama refused to acknowledge the hate that characterized their ideological bowel movement.

Consider the direct comparisons:

In July of 2016, an avowed black nationalist murdered five police officers during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Dallas, Texas. The act of violence was well-planned and was motivated entirely by the hate-filled ideology of the shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson.

With several officers dead by the hand of a committed black nationalist, one might think the Obama administration may have considered the assassinations domestic terror and launched an investigation into groups associated with this ideology.

Not at all.

Barack Obama condemned the shootings, but he did not call out or even allude to Johnson’s hateful views. He did, however, blame “powerful weapons” for the violence.

In her statement on the shooting, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch exploited the tragedy to push for gun control and praise the cause of Black Lives Matter. No mention of Johnson’s ideology or “hate” in was made in her statement, but she did manage to directly name multiple cases of police-involved shootings — all after cops were the ones murdered.

Trump and his administration were urged to speak strongly against the alt-right on the presumption that there would further violence if none was taken.
In the case of the Dallas shooting, there was further violence from black nationalists following the attack. In the same month, three officers were gunned down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana by an adherent to this radical ideology. (RELATED: Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel)

In a less violent case that also occurred in July of 2016, several churches in the area of St. Louis, Missouri, were vandalized and graffitied with rhetoric associated with black nationalism.

Once again, no demands for the Obama administration to condemn these actions — quite unlike how Trump is browbeaten to do so any whiff of extremism from the Right.

Let me just put it this way: Democrats love to label Republicans as the KKK, in spite of the historical FACT that the Klu Klux Klan was the invention of DEMOCRATS that had the mission of terrorizing blacks and WHITE REPUBLICANS.  It is and always has been DEMOCRATS who are the true KKK, but let me provide another 3-letter label for Democrats that is even more descriptive of the party’s actual platform and ultimate destiny: HHH.  And “HHH” stands for “Hellbound Hateful Hypocrites.”

It simply stands as a documented fact of history that Democrats and liberals are profound, pathological hypocrites.

Understand the demon-possessed hypocrisy of every single liberal in America as they scream that Donald Trump do something that their own Messiah of Hate refused to do even ONCE for eight demoniac years.  Had Donald Trump blamed Dodge Challengers for the attack, he would have been no different – and no more ideologically despicable and no more cowardly – than Barack Hussein Obama.

So when Donald Trump said that there were bad people on BOTH sides – having already gone far enough to acknowledge that there was evil in the white nationalist side after eight years of Barack Obama refusing to acknowledge that there was even anything called “black nationalism” or “leftist hate groups” it amounts to an appalling act of outrageous moral hypocrisy that the left that steadfastly ignores the giant log in its own eyes suddenly became morally indignant at Donald Trump’s refusal to go farther than a thousand miles further than Obama ever went.

I think of the left, the Democratic Party that is the political representation of the left, the mainstream media that is the propaganda mouthpiece for the left, the postmodernist denial of truth that is the philosophy of the left and the militant atheism that is the religious expression of the left.  I think of how the left framed the “science” of evolution: there IS no God and can BE no God, and therefore evolution is the only “reasonable” or acceptable way to understand our origins.  If you merely were open to the logical possibility that there COULD be a Creator God, and then considered the impossible complexity of the universe and the impossibility of chance to account for that universe, you would be compelled to come to a vastly different conclusion based on the evidence and to reality.  But instead the left simply ruled out a priori even the possibility of a Creator.  And although evolution is logical nonsense, logical nonsense prevailed because its rival explanation was denied any place in the debate.

In the same way, we have the left “defining” racism as “an unequal power structure.”  And thereby claiming that since blacks have no power, it is “impossible” for blacks to exhibit racism.  When what racism very clearly is to anyone who is NOT a fool is the hostility or distrust toward members of a given race as a group simply because of their race.

And for the official record, one very much CAN hate one’s own race.  Adolf Hitler’s father was half Jewish.  Adolf Hitler ordered his father’s birthplace complete with graves and birth registries to be forcibly evacuated and turned it into an artillery practice site to obliterate proof of his Jewishness.  DNA tests from known members of Hitler’s family prove it.  When Hitler hated Jews, he hated his own illegitimate genealogy.  In the same manner Karl Marx was a self-hating Jew who was the descendant of a long line of rabbis.  The Jerusalem Post piece gets it wrong when its writer claims he converted to Christianity: he was a philosophical materialist and an atheist and his worldview was purely atheistic and his statement about religion being the opiate of the masses is ample proof of this fact.  Yet this Jewish man wrote some incredibly hateful things about his own race.  And the author of the Jerusalem Post piece is entirely correct when he states that “The tradition of self-hatred was sustained by Jewish communists.”  Which is to say that being a leftist and despising one’s own race and one’s own past goes hand-in-glove.

I think of all these white liberals, consumed by the guilt that they had been indoctrinated to believe were pathological to their own race.  And pathetically attempting to disavow the racism that they themselves claim was literally part of their own DNA.  Which is probably why liberalism actually believes that owe can be physically and biologically be born a man but somehow actually be a woman with this poor, tortured soul somehow being a victim of his own DNA with that aforementioned DNA somehow being a liar and not representing who they truly are.  And so as ideologically indoctrinated liberals they turn on their own race and actually congratulate themselves for it to the praise and adoration of the echo chamber cocoon they live inside of.

And so in addition to or as a result of hating themselves, their ancestors, their own DNA, the left despise the cultural roots that created that which they hate: and so they must destroy all taint of the culture they so despise.  And yes, it is a pathological component of liberal/leftist ideology.  And so we go back to the Bolsheviks that the modern left today closely resembles in myriad ways:

In surveying the devastation of art wrought by the [Bolshevik] Revolution, a commission for artistic preservation, a commission for artistic preservation, headed by the noted art historian Igor Grabar and working closely with the Bolshevik government, reported a wave of destruction and burning in the summer of 1918 in which masses of art treasures perished or were stolen.  The Revolution and the Civil War, said the report, had resulted in “manor houses reduced to dust, slashed paintings, demolished statues, gutted palaces, and cathedrals destroyed by shells.”  Some of this was of course the offshoot of combat, but most of it was vandalism–the willful destruction or defacement of beautiful objects.  The beauty of these objects, lamented the commission, was not appreciated by the peasants who saw in “pictures, sculptures, antique furniture, and musical instruments not works of spiritual value but only characteristic features of landlord life–a life alien to them.” [pg. 5, Bolshevik Culture: Experiment and Order in the Russian Revolution, 1989, edited by Abbott Gleason, Peter Kenez, Richard Stites]

In the very same way Islamic State terrorists – whose vile ideology was at best benignly ignored and at worst actually protected by Barack Obama – destroyed all vestiges of any and every culture they did not like as a matter of routine.  And those who love history shocked and horrified by the ISIS destruction of Palmyra.

But where was the outrage over a liberal/leftist mob tearing down and then destroying a statue in Durham, North Carolina???  Where was the mainstream media outrage over this act of anarchy???

We have leftists saying things like:

“It’s going to happen,” promised Dyer, an artist. “This is a beautiful equestrian statue, and I don’t want to be like the Taliban or the Bolsheviks, but this has got to go. If the city does not move it, we will. Lickity-split.”

Which amounts to, “I don’t want to be like the Taliban or like the Bolsheviks, but what the hell, I am like them, so I’ll do the same thing and by destroying history actually repeat the very ugliest elements of history because I’m a liberal and that’s what I do.

An overwhelming majority of Americans want the Confederate statues to remain as objects of history to be contemplated, or just as objects of Southern cultural pride to be respected.  But liberalism is fascism, and fascism must violently tear down whatever it hates regardless of whether it is “lawful” or popularly supported or not.  They have learned like all vile ideologies that with enough violence and enough hateful and rabid resistance, they will ultimately triumph as an apathetic culture shrugs and says, “whatever.”

We live in a society where in city after city, the police have become political pawns, standing by while liberals and leftists violently confront any and all conservatives from not only demonstrating according to their 1st Amendment Constitutional rights, but simply having the right to SPEAK.  And this is happening because police at this point understand that the left will literally MURDER THEM if they stand up to the mobs.  It happened in Baltimore with the mayor literally saying, “We gave them space to destroy.”  It happened in Berkeley, with video documenting police standing down while leftist mobs violently attacked people and property they didn’t like.  Again, with the liberal mayor of Berkeley ordering police to stand down so conservatives could be violently attacked.  And yes, the same thing happened once again in Charlottesville, a liberal bastion whose mayor was among the very first in the nation to declare war on Trump and all those who supported him: police clearly stood down while the situation grew out of control, with even the ACLU pointing out the liberal mayor and the liberal governor were to blame for the ensuing violence that resultedThe streets were not barricaded as per the agreement with the city of Charlottesville.  The violent so-called Antifa were not penned in as per the agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department.  Rather, the violent leftists were permitted to freely roam the streets and block the entrance to Lee Park that the so-called “far right” group had a legally permitted right to march to.  And so what happened as a result with even the ACLU acknowledging the fact?

WASHINGTON – In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one dead and at least 38 injured, many members of the national media were quick to blame the “Unite the Right” rally attendees for the outbreak of street warfare between “alt-right” and “alt-left” protesters.

But according to the ACLU and reporters covering the rally, the violence escalated due to what many believe was an intentional lack of police oversight, with the blame aimed squarely at Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

“The police actually allowed us to square off against each other,” one counter-protester told CNN. “There were fights, and the police were standing a block away the entire time. It’s almost as if they wanted us to fight each other.”

I’ve heard all kinds of reports that the “right-wing” protesters showed up armed.  But have you heard this that I saw in the Los Angeles Times once and ONLY once in the ocean of reports of armed right-wing groups?

Redneck Revolt, an armed leftist group that brought rifles to Justice Park, one of the spots where anti-racist groups had gathered.

What do you call it when the mainstream media selectively reports one fact about one side that they don’t like but refuses to report the same fact about their own side?  We call this “bias.”

Was the left violent?  Or was only the “far right” violent?  Let’s see what a University of Virginia student named Isabella Ciambotti had to say about what she saw to decide whether Donald Trump was right to say that there were bad people on both sides.

I was on Market Street around 11:30 a.m. when a counterprotester ripped a newspaper stand off the sidewalk and threw it at alt-right protesters. I saw another man from the white supremacist crowd being chased and beaten. People were hitting him with their signs. A much older man, also with the alt-right group, got pushed to the ground in the commotion. Someone raised a stick over his head and beat the man with it, and that’s when I screamed and ran over with several other strangers to help him to his feet.

Ah, so what?  “Isabella Ciambotti” is a white Anglo-Saxon name if I ever heard one.  And I have to say for the sake of ignorant liberals that I am being facetious.  Because no, it isn’t.

When did the ugly car-ramming incident occur?

The crash occurred approximately two hours after clashes in which hundreds of people scramed, chanted, threw punches, hurled water bottles and unleashed chemical sprays on each other ahead of the scheduled noon demonstration.

It occurred AFTER scenes just like this one:

I mean, with due respect, the evil man has a flag; the morally sublime “anti-protester” has a freaking incendiary device to peacefully burn the evil man armed with the flag.

One side had a lawful permit to demonstrate.  The other side showed up armed to the teeth and ready to fight the side with the lawful permit whether the law permitted them to demonstrate or not.  Because the true fascist cannot abide anything that in any way disagrees with it.  You have to have the morally sublime SA stormtrooper with his flame thrower to burn out all heresy.

But what does the hater do?  He blames his victims for his own hate.  And so even though it is beyond obvious that it was HIS actions that caused this violence to escalate so out of control – reporters on the ground at the time reported that the police were actually funneling the white nationalists directly into the crowd of anti-protesters rather than keeping them separated from each other as common sense would dictate – he blames who?  Trump, of course.

Donald Trump said another entirely true fact other than the entirely true fact that yes, bad people showed up on both sides, both sides came ready for a fight, the city of Charlottesville and its leftist mayor were responsible for the violence getting so out-of-control that something truly horrible was GUARANTEED to happen.  He also asked the simple question as to when the left will be satisfied by its destruction of anything and everything that they don’t like and their many-times demonstrated willingness to use violence to do it.

We’ve been seeing this hate from liberals all along.  We saw it a few months ago when a liberal Democrat with an assault rifle showed up at the Republican congressional baseball practice, verified that it was the Republicans on the field, and then opened fire.  And the article I just linked to again shows the blatant, rabid hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and of the media because in the aftermath of that political violence, Democrats did NOT acknowledge the hate and the evil on their side; they just blamed Republicans and Republican policies.

So other than being a hypocrite, what reason do you have for demanding Donald Trump single out groups in any way, shape or form associated with him (mostly by liberal press fake news accounts) when you yourselves refused to single out YOUR hate groups and the hate on your OWN side???

There have been vicious, bloody attacks of Trump’s supporters by leftist hate groups.  At San Jose, where the mayor was a Black Lives Matter supporter who had the police stand down while the rights and freedoms of conservatives were systematically violently denied.   Go to Berkeley, where a professor used a bike lock on the head of a Trump supporter and another Trump supporter was beaten in the head by a liberal using his skateboard.  The media coverage tried to frame their narrative in “Trumpian terms,” telling us that “both sides” were involved in the fighting.  But it was liberals violently attacking conservativesConservatives were beaten and bloodied at BerkeleyWhen you watch the video you hear the audio the black-armored fascist thugs who call themselves “Antifa” for the euphemistic title of “Anti-Fascist” viciously surround and beat conservatives while shouting “Beat the fascist!”  And look at the pictures below of white Trump supporters afterward.

In all of these many cases, in these liberal cities, we have the vivid reminder of black protestors being attacked while the racist police stood and watched.  Only now the racist police are political pawns standing by while liberals violently attack conservatives.

This leftist violence has been going on for a good year.  It is because of that leftist violence that I became a Trump supporter in the first place, as I wrote about:

Democrats Truly Are Nazis, Or How The Left Actually Started Turning Me Into A Trump Supporter.

The Choice Is Now Clear, America: It’s Donald Trump Or It’s NAZISM. The Democrat Party Is THE Party Of Fascist, Nazi Thugs

The Nazis Are Already At It AGAIN: In These Last Days Before The Beast, Democrats are Sons And Daughters Of Hell, Pure And Simple

Democrats Are More ‘NAZI’ Today Than Actual NAZIS As Vicious Democrat Violence CONSTANTLY Physically Attacks Free Speech

Documented Fact: Obama And Clinton ORGANIZED PHYSICAL VIOLENCE AGAINST AMERICANS Who Support Trump Through Party Roaches

Another Day, Another VIOLENT RIOT By Proto-Nazi DEMOCRATS

This crap has been going on not just during and following the Trump election victory, but for years of Obama.  Before the vicious riots of Black Lives Matter where police officers were fair fame for assassination, it was the vile Occupy Movement.  It’s been the left organizing and exploiting violence all along.  We have a Democrat Party machine operative who was literally caught on video organizing political violence against conservatives visiting the Obama White House 342 times.

Don’t tell me that the left hasn’t been organizing violently.

President Trump said:

“What about the alt-left that came charging at the, as you say, alt-right? Do they have any semblance of guilt? Let me ask you this. What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs, do they have any problem? I think they do. So as far as I’m concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day,” Trump said.

But Donald Trump states an obvious FACT and the media goes nuts with hate.  It’s an amazing thing.

The left is now tearing down the history of the republic.  Gleefully using violence to do it.  In North Caroline in broad freaking daylight, liberals tore down a Confederate statue right in front of a government building with no one arrested for vandalism or for anything else.

So whose feeling marginalized and discriminated against right now???

Liberals who are utterly lawless defaced the Lincoln Monument with graffiti writing, “Fuck law.”  Because as I have documented they are utterly lawless and brazenly defy the law everywhere at every turn.

In Chicago, a Lincoln statue was defaced and burned by the left.  A liberal said “Fuck Abe Lincoln.”

This is a trend and it wasn’t just Trump predicting that the left wouldn’t stop at Confederate monuments.  They have a history-defacing agenda.

Trump argued “what’s next?  Washington and Jefferson?  They owned slaves.”  And yes, they are on the left’s hit list.  The left’s hate list.

“Is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You have to ask yourself where does it stop?” Trump said.

He continued, “George Washington was a slave owner. So will George Washington lose his status? Are we gonna take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? Do you like him, because he was a major slave owner.  Are we gonna take down his statue? So it’s fine. You’re changing history, you’re changing culture and I’m not talking about the neo-nationalists or the neo-Nazis because they should be condemned totally. But you had people in that group other than neo-Nazis, other than white nationalists, ok? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

The mainstream media falsely and dishonestly claimed that, no, the left was ONLY going after the hated Confederate memorials.  But that was a fake news LIE as I have already documented above.

There is a REASON that Lincoln – who is of course hated for it by the left now – demanded mercy and tolerance for the Confederacy that he gave his life to defeat: and the reason is that the damn war had to end.  And doing what the left is viciously and hatefully doing to us today in their self-denying fascist intolerance is the exact opposite of what Lincoln realized needed to be done to end the Civil War.  Which interestingly was started by Democrats after Republican Lincoln was elected.  Because the same party platform premise that states that we have a right to declare as nonhuman babies and murder them was the identical same party platform premise that declared that people had a right to declare as nonhuman blacks and force them into bondage.  The moral arguments justifying both are identical, and it is simply true that the Democrat Party always has been the party of hate, is today the party of hate, and always will BE the party of hate.

And so no, they WON’T stop.  They have an agenda to abolish the Constitution and first they have to demolish the symbols upholding it.  Destroy Thomas Jefferson and you destroy the Constitution that he participated in writing.  Take away George Washington and you not only destroy the Constitution that he served as president of the committee including Jefferson who wrote the Constitution, you destroy the Father of our Country and therefore you take away the foundation for the nation he founded.

And now the left will be finally free to impose their own country over the one they have hated since even before the founder of the ACLU declared, “Communism is the goal” back in 1920.

It is true and it’s been true for a long time: if people had known what Barack Obama’s real agenda was, they never would have elected him.  So he lied and the media colluded in helping him get away with his lie.  Obama intentionally presented himself as “a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.”  He was never honest.  We now know he lied like hell when he said he believed “as a Christian” that marriage was between one man and one woman.  His own chief political strategist has declared that Obama lied “for political reasons.”  We also know that Obama lied like hell to pimp ObamaCare by repeatedly declaring obvious lies such as “If you like your plan, you’ll be able to keep your plan and if you like your doctor, you’ll be able to keep your doctor.”  Obama was never honest with the America people.  He lied to get himself in office and he lied again in 2012 to stay in office.

It’s illuminating to hear a self-acknowledged liberal political expert declare that no, Obama would NOT have defeated Trump if he had been able to run again a third time as Obama also falsely declared.  Too many people whom he had let down were beyond fed up with his lies.

So you just watch.  The left has an agenda that they won’t tell you about until after it is too late to stop it.  But we already can see it coming.  Prominent black liberal Al Sharpton is already calling for George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to go.  And he did it right after Trump predicted that was coming next.  The Jefferson Memorial should come down.  And so the Constitution will stand on what?  Wishful thinking?  And we can see now why the left so despises the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  The Constitution will have its feet firmly planted in mid-air the day before it is deemed by the left to stand for nothing and ought to be abolished just like all the other things these fascists despise.

Did you know that New York is named after a notorious slave trader?  Shall we now change the name?  Maybe call it Roachville to name it after its present inhabitants?  And then there’s our capitol city, Washington D.C. named after George Washington.  We used to think it was the “Redskins” part of “Washington Redskins” that was supposed to be offensive; but the left was already planning to make the “Washington” part offensive, too.

If you want to stop the hate, you’ve simply got to stop the Democrats.  They truly hate America.  They hate the Judeo-Christianity that forged the American worldview.  They hate the people who fought to make our constitutional democratic republic a reality versus tyranny.  They despise the nation that defeated Nazi and Imperial Japanese fascism.  They hate the country that stopped the cancerous spread of communism and successfully defeated the communist Soviet Union.  They want to replace it with something between the French Reign of Terror of the 18th century, the Stalinism that characterized much of the 20th, Maoism, the failed socialist state of Venezuela and the religion of Kim Jong Unism.  They hate our military that prevents these and other ideologies of hate from threatening us; they hate our small businesses that create the overwhelming majority of our jobs and instead favor the mega-corporations because they can more easily regulate them and make them conform to their ideologies.

This isn’t even about racism in terms of the agenda Democrats have.  They have ALWAYS been the party of racism on one hand.  We go back to the Civil War that Democrats viciously fought to keep blacks in bondage, then we think about the vicious postwar years after the Civil War when Democrats started the Klu Klux Klan to terrorize blacks and white Republicans as a means to continue to impose their brand of power in the South.  We think about the Jim Crow laws that Democrat-appointed justices decreed.  Then we get to the 20th century when Woodrow Wilson re-imposed the segregation that Republicans had banned; and from there we got to FDR segregating the labor unions to keep black people out.  We get to the 1924 Democratic National Convention otherwise known as “Klanbake” because it was utterly dominated by the Klan and the racist Klan agenda.  We get to the racist Democrat governor Orval E. Faubus.  At this point we’re a full century after the Civil War, and ONE racist party is still as hard-core racist as ever and the other party is still fighting them (Republican President Eisenhower imposed the right of black children to attend public schools over the Democrats cries of rabid hate).

The Democratic Party isn’t a party that suddenly changed it’s spots.  It’s a party that discovered a new way to own and dominate black people.

I stand against hate and violence.  Which is why I am a Judeo-Christian and follower of Jesus the Prince of Peace and which is why I vote for the Party of Lincoln that was just defaced by the Party of Hate.



Progressive Liberals, Open-Mindedness And Tolerance: The Great Oxymoron

July 31, 2013

It’s an amazing thing how the word “tolerance” has been perverted by secular humanist progressive liberalism.  A couple of articles point this out (see here and here and here and  here).  It’s not like I’m inventing anything with this charge.  Basically, in classical usage, the word “tolerance” meant the following as recorded in the 1828 Webster’s definition:

The power or capacity of enduring; or the act of enduring.

And according to Webster in 1828 it also carried the meaning of:

The allowance of that which is not wholly approved; to suffer to be or to be done without prohibition or hinderance; to allow or permit negatively, by not preventing; not to restrain; as, to tolerate opinions or practices

In other words, what did you “endure”?  Stuff that you didn’t approve of, such as opinions or practices.  There is absolutely no sense according to this definition that you have to AGREE with the stuff you “tolerate.”  In point of fact, in order to “tolerate” something, you had to NOT approve of it.

But, like pretty much everything else secular humanist progressive liberals have touched, they perverted the notion of tolerance.  They turned the definition on its head and today it has the sense of somehow being open minded to all ideas.

The problem is that liberals are anything BUT that.

An ostensibly humorous definition of “tolerance” from a liberal point of view is this:

 A fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward the opinions and practices of others as long as they fit the liberal agenda

But what you find out pretty quickly is that as much of a joke the above might appear to be, it is actually quite true.  Read this piece, for example, from liberal Lauren Jacobs on the liberal Huffington Post:

Many people I’ve spoken to lately seem to be confused about the true meaning of “tolerance” and “liberalism.” I think it is time to set the record straight. Tolerance in its simplest definition is “freedom from bigotry.”

Liberalism in its simplest definition is a belief in tolerance (freedom from bigotry) and in progressive reform in socio-cultural, moral/religious, and political matters.

Neither one is about being required to accept all people’s viewpoints all the time, especially when those viewpoints are themselves the opposite of tolerant and liberal, containing bias, prejudice, hate, or a belief that someone other than the self is less-than the self.

Americans who are poor, female, of color, queer, or not Christian cannot afford to practice the nonchalant type of acceptance-of-any-and-all-opinions when the opinion of many hardline social conservatives is that it would be preferable to exclude these people from the conversation altogether (if not to eliminate their equal/human rights).

Lauren says that “many people … seem to be confused.”  So she volunteers to be the blind leading the blind into further blindness.  I want you to note that she immediately manages to redefine “tolerance” as “freedom from bigotry” rather than what it always used to mean before secular humanist progressive liberals came along to pervert it.  And then she immediately goes on to impose HER OWN bigotry on her already twisted definition.  Note that white male heterosexual Christians such as myself are all but guaranteed to be the bogeyman on her presentation.  I mean, somebody please help me, I’ve been “labeled” by a narrow-minded, bigoted, intolerant – and oh, yeah, misandrist – liberal.

As a Christian and a conservative, I am very definitely NOT “open-minded” in the sense that the liberals demand I be.  I’m one of those who believes that the Bible says it, I believe it and that settles it.  And I submit that the first being who suggested “open-mindedness” was the devil in the Garden.  God told Adam and Eve some very specific things, and they believed what God said.  But then the devil came along in Genesis chapter 3 and told Eve that she should question God, that she should be open-minded to other possibilities – such that God was lying to her and Adam and that God was lying in order to keep them down.

And in being “open-minded” to God, Adam and Eve committed the first sin.  Which resulted in total human depravity.  Which of course ultimately resulted – after a long string of degeneration and perversion – in secular humanist progressive liberalism.

That being admitted, let’s look at liberals and see just how “open-minded” and “tolerant” they are to opposing ideas and views.

Are liberals more “open-minded” than conservatives?  They sure do have a funny way of showing it:

Today the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee held a hearing in DC called “A Conversation on Race and Justice in America”. The three panelists were all far left people who believe America is essentially an unjust country. How exactly is this a “conversation”?

That is a very accurate description, given that:

Pelosi will preside over the hearing, which will include Democrats from the party’s Steering and Policy Committee.

The scheduled panelists are Southern Poverty Law Center founder Morris Dees, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and civil rights lawyer Maya Wiley, president of the Center for Social Inclusion.

Hey, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and Allen West, did your invitations get “lost in the mail” again?  Darn.  We’re so, so sorry.  Better luck next year.  And of course, if those invitations get lost in the darn mail again, better luck the year after that.  Or maybe the year after that.

Ah, yes, “tolerance” is refusing to allow the side and the people you disagree with to not even have a VOICE.  “Open-mindedness” is only allowing liberals in the door.  Just like that not-so-funny-after-all-definition said above.

Just imagine if the State of Israel were to have “A Conversation on Race and Justice in Jerusalem” and only invited ultra-Zionist Jews to attend it who of course would offer nothing but ultra-Zionist Jewish conversation.  Because who needs Palestinians to have such a “conversation,” am I right???  I’m just guessing that liberals – who hate Israel as much as they hate Christianity – would be outraged at the hypocrisy and the intolerance and the narrow-mindedness.

Not that liberals aren’t über hypocritical and über intolerant and über narrow-minded, but they’d sure hate it if Israel did what THEY do on a daily basis.

Yeah, that’s right.  I’m a conservative and I’ve pretty much made up my mind about the world.  And the liberals who have every scintilla as much made up THEIR minds about the world constantly demonize me for doing what they’ve done because they are hypocrites and liars.

For the record, “making up your mind about the world” is NOT a bad thing to conservatives like me.  Moses demanded, “Whoever is for the LORD, come to me.” And people like me made up their minds and came over to where Moses stood.  Joshua said, “Choose this day whom you will serve” and people like me made their choice to serve God.  We made up our minds.  And the secular humanist progressive liberals have been demonizing us for it ever since.  Literally dating back to Adam and Eve when the very first open-minded and tolerant liberal started crawling around.

Even ObamaCare Backers Now Finally Admit To Seeing Shocking Premium Hikes Coming Due To The Evil Mark-Of-The-Beast ObamaCare Law

February 18, 2013

Liberals are pathologically stupid and depraved people.  They didn’t have to be; they merely radically chose evil and choosing evil means being determined NOT to see or understand the truth.

Liberals are the people for whom St. Paul wrote “professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” in Romans chapter one.  In fact, the great pastor and preacher John MacArthur recently pointed out that “the Democratic Party has “adopted the sins of Romans 1 as their  platform.”

So it didn’t matter how many times we warned liberals.  They are too recklessly idiotic to comprehend.

You simply cannot argue with dishonest people.  They wave lies in front of you, they bait and switch, they change the subject with unrelated demagoguery, etc., etc.

So now you wicked people who foolishly chose the most wicked president in this nation’s history are going to get to “benefit” from his dishonest Stalinist character:

States worry about rate shock during shift to new health law
Even states that back Obama’s healthcare law worry about a jump in some insurance premiums as it takes effect.
By Noam N. Levey, Washington Bureau
February 18, 2013, 3:00 a.m.

WASHINGTON — Less than a year before Americans will be required to have insurance under President Obama‘s healthcare law, many of its backers are growing increasingly anxious that premiums could jump, driven up by the legislation itself.

Higher premiums could undermine a core promise of the Affordable Care Act: to make basic health protections available to all Americans for the first time. Major rate increases also threaten to cause a backlash just as the law is supposed to deliver many key benefits Obama promised when he signed it in 2010.

“The single biggest issue we face now is affordability,” said Jill Zorn, senior program officer at the Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut, a consumer advocacy group that championed the new law.

Administration officials have consistently downplayed the specter of rate increases and other disruptions as millions of Americans move into overhauled insurance markets in 2014. They cite provisions in the law that they say will hold down premiums, including new competitive markets they believe will make insurers offer competitive rates.

Exactly how high the premiums may go won’t be known until later this year. But already, officials in states that support the law have sounded warnings that some people — mostly those who are young and do not receive coverage through their work — may see considerably higher prices than expected.

That is because of new requirements in the law aimed at making insurance more comprehensive and more affordable for older, sicker consumers.

Insurance regulators in California, which has enthusiastically embraced the law, cautioned the Obama administration in a recent letter about “rate and market disruption.”

Oregon’s insurance commissioner, another supporter of the law, said new regulations could push up premiums for young customers by as much as 30% next year. He urged administration officials to slow enactment of the new rules.

A leading advocate for consumers in their 20s, Young Invincibles, sounded a similar caution, suggesting in a letter to administration officials that additional steps may be needed to protect young people from rising premiums. Young Invincibles mobilized in 2010 to help pass the healthcare law.

And regulators in Massachusetts, which was the model for Obama’s law, recently warned that although many residents and small businesses in the state “will see premium decreases next year, a significant number will see extreme premium increases.”

Remember this infamous scene from a truly demon-possessed liar:

Did demon-possessed Nancy Pelosi tell you what was inside this wicked bill?  Did demon-possessed Barack Obama tell you?  Did demon-possessed Harry Reid tell you that this wicked law would cause premiums to skyrocket???

I remember all these liars and many other demon-possessed liars in the Democrat Party – which stands for “DEMOnic BureauCRAT” – promising you the exact opposite of reality.  Because they are the party of lies and deceit.

You keep on trusting the holocaust baby murderers, America.  And you keep uncomprehendingly wondering why your country is sliding backward into meaningless mediocrity while your false messiah president keeps pumping out more and more of his demagoguery and lies.

We warned you that ObamaCare would cause death panels.  Democrats demonized us for predicting that.  Now they admit that we were telling the truth and they were demon-possessed liars for saying there wouldn’t be death panels.  We warned you that the law would massively drive up the cost of healthcare.  Now Democrats are admitting that conservatives were right and they were all demon-possessed liars for ever promising you otherwise.  We warmed you that a flood of doctors would flee the field of medicine and create a massive doctor shortage.  We rightly predicted that companies would get out of providing their workers insurance coverage due to this wicked law.  And now it’s happening just like we said it would.  Now Democrats are admitting that their wicked bill is in fact driving doctors out of medicine and creating a critical doctor shortage just as they impose an evil socialist takeover of the health care system that demands more doctors than ever.

Democrats are dishonest hypocrites: the unions who overwhelmingly back the Democrats and demanded this abomination be passed are now demanding that somebody else other than them pay the tab for it.

So, yes, the article goes on (it’s the LA – as in Liberal AlwaysTimes you know) to suggest that this “unexpected” massive cost to ObamaCare is really only temporary.  Just a minor hickup, folks.  But just remember that absoluately everything that the Democrats said about ObamaCare has been completely wrong.  And this damn thing was sold as “not adding one dime to the deficit” when that was a complete lie that adding TRILLIONS to the deficit.  How many times are you going to keep believing lies?

You deserve this, wicked America.  You deserve this and so much more.  And now your going to pay the bill for your false mesisiah.

California leads the nation.  And these days California is leading America right straight into the hell this once-great but now depraved nation truly deserves.  They’re the ones who are shocked, shocked shocked that 30% of the doctors the healthcare system needs to function are leaving medicine due to ObamaCare.  I don’t understand how it could happen, either.  I mean, pay the doctor less money (because they’re rich and Democrats say we should punish the rich, you know), dump more patients on him who can’t afford treatment, force them to move more way, waaaaay more paperwork to comply with the bureaucracy – and, yes, the death panels – and plant a few dozen bureaucratic agencies to watch over every single move you make ready to overrule your treatment decisions, and you’ll get more people entering medicine.  Right?

You want to know what else I’m predicting, since I’ve been dead solid perfect in all my forecasts about how a truly evil and demonic Democrat Party would destroy our health care system and murder millions of helpless Americans?  Try this one on for size: as we all know, elderly people tend to vote Republican, while younger people tend to vote Democrat.  And here we have these young Democrats left holding the bill for an incredibly costly ObamaCare fascist takeover.

And the costs are going to go up because of all that expensive treatment of the elderly – who tend to vote Republican.

So you just watch while the most wicked political party since the Nazis – and if there were an “National Socialist American Workers Party” the way we had a “National Socialist German Workers Party” (Nazi Party) you can bet your farm that it would be the same socialist cockroaches filling its ranks – begins to treat old people like Jews and tell them they need to die so that the young generation can live.

The Democrat Party is ultimately going to “pivot” to the young and turn on the elderly.  And treat them like Hitler treated the Jews and like Obama has treated the rich.

Mind you, they won’t admit they’re going to do that now; just like they wouldn’t admit that ObamaCare would drive up the cost of healthcare when they were lying to you to sell their abomination.

ObamaCare started out as a 2,000 page monstrosity.  It has now grown like a cancer to well over THIRTY THOUSAND PAGES as the regulations are being furiously written and added in to this demonic legislation.

When we voted for Obama, we literally voted for the coming beast whose useful idiot Obama is.

The other thing you can count upon is that demon-possessed Democrats will find a way to blame Republicans for the disaster they made the healthcare system with ObamaCare; and that a demon-possessed media will sell that lie and that a demon-possesssed nation will swallow that lie just as they have already swallowed so many other demonic lies before.

Fast And Furious Democrats Step On Murdered Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s Grave As They Walk Out During Contempt Vote

July 2, 2012

Remember Elijah Cummings making the following sacred promise?

“…I promise you, we will not rest… we will not rest until every single person responsible for all of this, no matter where they are, are brought to justice… I promise you, we will not fail you.”

Other than being the vile little coward who held Nancy Pelosi’s hand as they stormed out of the vote to hold Eric Holder in contempt for his lies, for his obstruction of justice and for his withholding of documents that would make him and his boss Obama look bad, what has Elijah Cummings done to not piss all over his sacred promise???

What has Elijah Cummings done?  WHAT?!?!?

How has this liar who said, “I promise you, we will not fail you” NOT failed us?  What has Elijah Cummings done to do anything but further the obstruction of justice for Brian Terry and his family?

Who authorized this incredibly botched operation which put 2,000 guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, which murdered two American law enforcement officers and some 300 Mexican citizens?  What is that official’s name?  What has been done to hold that individual criminally responsible?  Who was the highest level official in the Obama administration who approved of this operation?

Here’s Nancy Pelosi floundering over the name of Brian Terry.  She had very clearly never bothered to speak his name before that moment.  Here’s White House mouthpiece Jay Carney having an even BIGGER problem recalling the name of the annoying little insect that Eric Holder’s guns to Mexican drug cartels murdered.  Democrats do not give one damn about Brian Terry or his grieving parents.

Democrats promised that they would not rest until every single person responsible for all of this, no matter where they are, were brought to justice.  Now we know the truth: they will not rest until every single fact and every single document are obstructed and buried and every single Democrat involved has been protected from justice.

Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Elijah Cummings and all but 17 Democrats in Congress have not done a SINGLE thing to get to the bottom of this criminal and frankly criminally insane operation also known as Fast and Furious.

And no, you Democrat liars: there is no connection between Operation Wide Receiver began and terminated under Bush and Operation Fast and Furious which has left hundreds of people MURDERED.  There is no connection between Bush’s Operation Wide Receiver which did not lose guns and Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious which lost some 2,000 guns.  There is no connection between Bush’s Operation Wide Receiver which controlled and tracked deliveries and Obama’s Fast and Furious which had totally uncontrolled deliveries.  There is no connection between Bush’s Operation Wide Receiver which tracked every gun involved in that operation and Obama’s Operation Fast and Furious which did not bother to even TRY to track ANY of the guns.

Please stop lying.  Please stop obstructing justice.  Please stop obfuscating the truth.  Please stop walking on the graves of Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata and get to the bottom of this no matter where the truth leads.

When Will American People Get Fed Up With Violent Occupy Fascists And The Democrats Who Endorse Them???

February 2, 2012

Update to this article, 2/20/12: The same Occupiers who have a right to infest any location whether public or private with garbage and parasites and to fight the police who are assigned to protect society from brutal thugs also believes it has a right to shout down all other groups.  Three times in recent days Occupy fascists have attacked pro-life events; in the third one they actually believed they had a “right” to pelt Catholic schoolgirs with CONDOMS!!!!

Mind you, the Occupy movement is just serving as Obama’s thugs in his own war with the right to life and with the Catholic Church.


During a press conference Thursday afternoon, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi praised those participating in the “Occupy Wall Street” protests. “God bless them,” Pelosi said, “for their spontaneity. It’s independent … it’s young, it’s spontaneous, and it’s focused. And it’s going to be effective.”

“The message of the protesters is a message for the establishment everyplace,” said the House Democrats’ leader. “No longer will the recklessness of some on Wall Street cause massive joblessness on Main Street.”

Pelosi did not comment on–and was not asked about–the law-breaking that occurred during the protest over the weekend. About 700 protesters were arrested by New York City police after the protesters “swarmed the Brooklyn Bridge and shut down a lane of traffic for several hours,” according to CBS News.

When the Tea Party movement emerged in 2009, then-Speaker of the House Pelosi called them “astroturf” and “un-American” people who were “carrying swastikas.”

The “un-American” “astroturf” “swastika-carrying” Tea Party was a peaceful American protest movement that obeyed the law.

As we speak, there have been 6,464 documented arrests for all kinds of crimes including violence and EVEN TERRORISM from the Occupy/OWS movement.  And how many arrests were there for the Tea Party???

Nancy Pelosi adores all the Nazis and communists who make up her beloved Occupy gangs of thugs.  She adores these thugs who keep decent people from working while they work to destroy jobs and shut down the economy.  She adores those who destroy property and who leave contamination, disease and parasites in their wake wherever they go.

This is the Occupy Wall Street Movement:

Arrests in Oakland protests rise to more than 400
By Emmett Berg
OAKLAND, Calif | Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:09pm EST

OAKLAND, Calif (Reuters) – More than 400 anti-Wall Street protesters were arrested in Oakland during a night of skirmishes in which police fired tear gas and bean bag projectiles, the city said on Sunday, marking one of the biggest mass arrests since nationwide economic protests began last year.

Earlier on Sunday, authorities had said that the arrest figure was between 200 and 300. But the Oakland emergency operations center said in a statement that revised that up to more than 400, and said that Oakland Police were expected to announce a more precise number later on Sunday.

Riot police on Saturday night fought running skirmishes with protesters, injuring three officers and at least one demonstrator.

The scuffles erupted in the afternoon as activists sought to take over a shuttered downtown convention center, sparking cat-and-mouse battles that lasted well into the night in a city that has seen tensions between police and protesters boil over repeatedly.

Oakland has become an unlikely flashpoint of the national “Occupy” protests against economic inequality that began last year in New York’s financial district and have spread to dozens of cities across the country.

The protests in most cities have been peaceful and sparked a national debate over how much of the country’s wealth is held by the richest 1 percent of the population. President Barack Obama has sought to capitalize on the attention by calling for higher taxes on the richest Americans.

Protests focused on Oakland after a former Marine, Scott Olsen, was critically injured during a demonstration in October. Protesters said he was hit in the head by a tear gas canister but authorities have never said exactly how he was hurt.

The Occupy movement appeared to lose momentum late last year as police cleared protest camps in cities across the country.

Violence erupted again in Oakland on Saturday when protesters attempted to take over the apparently empty downtown convention center to establish a new headquarters and draw attention to the problem of homelessness.

Police in riot gear moved in, firing smoke grenades, tear gas and bean-bag projectiles to drive the crowd back.

“Officers were pelted with bottles, metal pipe, rocks, spray cans, improvised explosive devices and burning flares,” the Oakland Police Department said in a statement. “Oakland Police Department deployed smoke and tear gas.”

Some activists, carrying shields made of plastic garbage cans and corrugated metal, tried to circumvent the police line, and surged toward police on another side of the building as more smoke canisters were fired.

Oakland city officials said “extremists” were fomenting the demonstrations and using the city as a playground for the movement. Protesters have accused the city of overreacting and using heavy-handed tactics.

Across the country in New York, police said four people were arrested on Saturday night after protesters clashed with police at what demonstrators had called an “OccuParty” inside an abandoned building in the borough of Brooklyn. Protesters knocked over garbage pails and hurled objects at police, slightly injuring six officers, a police spokesman said. The four people were charged with a variety of crimes including inciting a riot.

Tension was rising in Washington as well, where the National Park Service has said it will bar Occupy protesters in the nation’s capital from camping in two parks near the White House where they have been living since October.

That order, if carried out as promised on Monday, could be a blow to one of the highest-profile chapters of the movement.

(Additional reporting by Barbara Goldberg in New York and Kim Dixon and Rachelle Younglai in Washington; Editing by Greg McCune and Corrie MacLaggan)

These violent, vicious, disease-ridden parasites claim that the people who enforce the laws of society are to blame for all the violence.  Murderers and rapists should use the same argument to complete the the destruction of American civilization.

Of course, technically rapists are already using it – because rapists have been a big part of the Occupy.

Some pictures of how all the violence of these despicable vermin are really all the police’s fault:

Police forced Occupy thugs to burn American flags:

Now, I would argue that the reason they’re burning the flag is that they’re LIBERALS.  And liberals hate the American flag because that’s what liberals do.

Check this out about the fact that just looking at an American flag or seeing a Fourth of July parade makes people Republicans and you’ll see why Democrats hate the flag so much.

Liberals HATE people who love America.  And that’s why the liberals like Nancy Pelosi LOVE people who HATE America.

The police forced poor Occupy “artists” to vandalize:

I’m sure they begged not to be forced to do that.  But the police forced them to.

Just as the police forced Occupy protestors to defecate on police cars because it is a little known fact that cops love having their cars smeared with human feces:

Police also forced Occupy arsonists to start fires:

Police forced peaceful Occupiers to throw things at them:

Police forced Occupy thugs to fight with them:

If the American people don’t have the moral intelligence to reject this viciousness and the Democrat Party that sponsors it every bit as much as the Republican Party sponsors the Tea Party, we should have the complete collapse and anarchy we deserve.

The beast is coming.

Nancy Pelosi Threatens To Ignore Rule Of Law To Nuke Newt. Newt Fires Back.

December 6, 2011

I think of Nancy Pelosi and now I have a mental image of Joseph McCarthy in drag shrilly saying, “I have a list…”:

Gingrich fires back at Pelosi over threat
By Justin Sink – 12/05/11 02:50 PM ET

Newt Gingrich said that a threat from ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to disclose information she learned while serving on an ethics committee investigating him during his time as Speaker of the House would “totally abuse the ethics process” and violate rules of the House of Representatives.

“I want to thank Speaker Pelosi for what I regard as an early Christmas gift,” Gingrich said at a press conference in Manhattan Monday.

Gingrich denounced the threat from Pelosi, who is now the minority leader in the House, as “a fundamental violation of the rules of the House,” and said that if Pelosi were to disclose details of the investigation, it would expose the “tainted ethics process the House was engaged in.” He also called for the House to condemn Pelosi if she were to reveal anything from the ethics probe

Pelosi told Talking Points Memo that she would reveal damaging material about Gingrich “when the time is right.”

“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi said. “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff.”

But responding to Gingrich’s comments, a spokesman for Pelosi said the former Speaker was “clearly referring to the extensive amount of information that is in the public record, including the comprehensive committee report with which the public may not be fully aware.”

Pelosi served on the ethics committee that sanctioned Gingrich for violating tax law and lying to an investigative panel when he claimed tax-exempt status for a college course he ran for political purposes. Gingrich agreed to a $300,000 fine and admitted that he submitted inaccurate statements to the committee, but maintained Monday that the majority of the charges “were repudiated as false.”

Gingrich said that Pelosi’s suggestion that she would reveal information from that investigation underscored that the ethics charges were politically motivated.

“It tells you how capriciously political that committee was,” Gingrich said.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s a picture to summarize the above events:

The Hill isn’t being very honest in its coverage of this story.  They tell you all about the sanction and the fine, but here’s what they DON’T tell you:

First of all, what exactly were the charges against Newt? David Bonior brought 75 charges against Newt – and 74 of them were found to have NO MERIT WHATSOEVER. The last charge, whether Newt funded his college class “Renewing American Civilization” properly, was too complicated a tax issue for the committee to investigate on its own, so they brought in an outside tax expert to investigate. Two charges arose out of this investigation.

The first ‘charge’ from the ethics committee is that he “may have” violated tax law by using tax-deductible contributions from nonprofit organizations to teach an allegedly partisan college course.

The lectures never mentioned the words “Republicans” or “Democrats,” and one entire session was spent praising FDR. Is that “partisan?” Not only has a former commissioner of the IRS has come forward and said that no tax laws were violated, but an Ethics Committee lawyer even gave approval for the class before Newt started it.

The second ‘charge’ from the committee is that, in the course of the investigation, Newt provided false information to the committee. Do you know what this “false information” is

Newt testified that the above contributions were in fact made by those organizations to “Renewing American Civilization.” He filed papers that stated the very same thing. This is never a fact that anyone was trying to hide. But one paper filed with the committee stated that those groups did not make the contributions. So is this a big deal? Is this “lying to Congress?”

What’s funny is that the Ethics Committee itself approved the course Newt taught, the same course that started this whole “ethics violation” farce. Newt wasn’t even paid for the course. In any case, I am not getting into all the details of the whole ethics violation mess, and the incredible double standard shown, since that would warrant a separate web site. I just find it odd that the Ethics Committee turned around and slammed Newt with a $300,000 penalty for something that they had approved! In addition, if a reprimand was enough “punishment” for Barney Frank, who was charged by the same committee with fixing 30 parking tickets, and writing a misleading probation letter on behalf of child pornographer, cocaine dealer, male prostitute and lover Steven Gobie, why is Newt getting slammed with such a harsher penalty?

The only reason that Rep. David Bonior and other Democrats filed 75 ethics charges against Speaker Gingrich in the first place is because Newt filed and forced former Democrat Speaker Jim Wright to resign in 1988. The whole ethics violation farce was about nothing but revenge. Bonior and the Dems. wanted revenge for Jim Wright and for losing the House in 1994 and 1996.

Newt Gingrich says that there were actually 84 charges leveled against him.  And what do you know, he’s right:

Of the 84 charges against him, 83 were eventually dismissed, but the case caused severe damage to his political career and he resigned from the House in 1998, following a disastrous midterm election for his party.

Today, Mrs Pelosi threatened to revive the scandal if Mr Gingrich were to become the Republican nominee.

Does the fact that 84 charges were brought against Newt Gingrich and 83 of them were determined to have NO MERIT WHATSOEVER tell you anything about the integrity of that “ethics” committee???

Newt Gingrich had better be ready for the most dishonest media since Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.  Because the “journalists” will be joining their fellow ideological traveler Nancy Pelosi in gunning for him now.

And hopefully he won’t be sitting on a couch with that wicked witch again any time soon.

How Nancy Pelosi Got Rich (Corruption, Abuse Of Power Alert)

November 14, 2011

Let’s just call the top Democrat in the House of Representatives what she always has been: a dishonest thief.

While Investing Millions in Exclusive Visa Stock Offering
by Wynton Hall

Former Speaker of the House–and current Minority Leader–Nancy Pelosi apparently bought $1 million to $5 million of Visa stock in one of the most sought-after and profitable initial public offerings (IPO) in American history, thwarted serious credit card reform for two years, and then watched her investment skyrocket 203%.

The revelation appears in Throw Them All Out, the new book by investigative journalist and Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer, which was the focus of 60 Minutes on CBS this evening, and which is featured in this week’s issue of Newsweek.

[See Big Government article for video

Schweizer’s investigation of Pelosi and other members of Congress–from both parties–raises a critical question: should it be legal for lawmakers to buy stocks in companies directly affected by their legislative efforts?

In early 2008, Nancy Pelosi and her real estate developer husband, Paul, were given an opportunity to buy into a Visa IPO. It was a nearly impossible feat–one that average citizens almost certainly could never achieve. The vast majority of purchase opportunities went to institutional investors, large mutual funds, or pension funds.

Despite Pelosi’s consistent railing against credit card companies, on March 18, 2008, the Pelosis bought between $1 million and $5 million (politicians do not have to report the exact amounts, only ranges) worth of Visa stock at the IPO price of $44 per share. Two days later, the stock price rocketed to $65 per share, yielding a 50% profit. The Pelosis then bought Visa twice more. By their third purchase on June 4, 2008, Visa was worth $85 per share.

How did Nancy Pelosi snag one of the most coveted initial public offerings in history? The facts are still emerging. Yet according to Schweizer, corporations that wish to build congressional allies will sometimes hand-pick members of Congress to receive IPOs. Pelosi received her Visa IPO almost two weeks after a potentially damaging piece of legislation for Visa, the Credit Card Fair Fee Act, had been introduced in the House. If passed, the bill would have cut into Visa’s profits substantially by lowering so-called “interchange fees,” the 1% to 3% charge retailers pay Visa when customers use Visa cards for purchases. Interchange fees are a critical source of revenue for the four credit card companies–$48 billion in 2008, to be exact.

If the Credit Card Fair Fee Act had been passed into effect, it would have amended antitrust laws to require credit card companies to enter negotiations with merchants over interchange fees, and it would have given the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission the power to arbitrate if the two sides failed to come to an agreement. For that reason, Visa and the other credit card companies strongly opposed the bill.

The Credit Card Fair Fee Act was exactly the kind of bill one would think then-Speaker Pelosi would have backed. “She had been outspoken about antitrust problems posed by insurance, oil, and pharmaceutical companies,” Schweizer notes, “and she was vocal about the need for controlling interest rates individual banks charged to use their credit cards.”

Initially, the Credit Card Fair Fee Act cleared the Judiciary Committee on a 19-16 vote, and the National Association of Convenience Stores began lobbying for a vote on the floor of the House. “It is imperative to tell your Representatives to request a vote on the House Floor from Nancy Pelosi,” the association urged its members. Still, with at least ten percent of the Pelosi family’s entire stock portfolio invested in a single stock, Nancy Pelosi clearly had a vested interest in ensuring that Visa’s profits were protected. And that is exactly what she accomplished. Despite broad public support for the bill—77% in one study—Pelosi saw to it that the bill never made it to the House floor.

Shortly thereafter, a second bill limiting collusion by the credit card companies on interchange fees was proposed. The Credit Card Interchange Fee Act of 2008, while not as strong as the first bill, would have required greater transparency from credit card companies in informing customers how much they were paying in interchange fees. Yet again, reports Schweizer, “this second bill suffered the same fate as the first, never making it to the House floor.”

By 2009, both bills had garnered even broader bipartisan support and were reintroduced. Under Speaker Pelosi, however, neither bill lived to see a vote on the House floor.

Pelosi eventually supported something called the Credit Card Reform Act. Curiously, the all-important interchange fees went untouched by that legislation. Instead, the bill stated that the interchange fee issue should simply be “studied.” The bill’s other measures would not affect Visa but rather its client banks. In short, the Credit Card Reform Act ensured that Visa and the other credit card companies dodged a potentially costly bullet.

None of that, however, prevented Pelosi from grandstanding. She publicly declared that the Credit Card Reform Act sent a “strong and clear message to credit card companies” that they would be held to account for their “anti-consumer practices.”

In the wake of the bill’s passage, the Pelosis’ shares of Visa stock rose. Indeed, according to Throw Them All Out, “the IPO shares they had purchased soared by 203% from where they began, while the stock market as a whole was down 15% during the same period.”

Nancy Pelosi is hardly the only member of Congress to be given IPOs, but Pelosi has been especially “lucky” at landing them. She and her husband have participated in at least 10 lucrative IPOs throughout her career. In 1993, Pelosi purchased IPO shares in a high-tech company named Gupta, watched the stock price leap 88% in 24 hours, then seized the profits by selling the stock the next day. The Pelosis did the same thing with Netscape and UUNet, resulting in a one-day doubling of their initial investment. Other fast and lucrative IPO flips included Remedy Corporation, Opal, Legato Systems, and Act Networks.

Schweizer says Nancy Pelosi’s financial disclosure forms typically mask the precise dates of her stock buys. He cites the Pelosis’ December 1999 stock purchase of between $250,000 and $500,000 in shares from high-tech company OnDisplay. A few months later, OnDisplay was bought by Vignette, which resulted in up to $1 million in capital gains for the Pelosis. What was unusual about the transaction is that Vignette’s IPO was underwritten by a major campaign contributor and longtime friend of Nancy Pelosi, William Hambrecht.

Throw Them All Out also chronicles the Pelosis’ $100,000 IPO purchase of Clean Energy Fuels at roughly $12 a share. Schweizer alleges that as Speaker of the House, Pelosi pushed several bills beneficial to the company.

Similarly, in November 2007, Pelosi bought $500,000 in the IPO for Quest Energy Partners before proceeding to champion the natural gas-related legislation that stood to significantly benefit the company. When Tom Brokaw asked her whether her significant personal investments in natural gas represented a conflict of interest, Pelosi shrugged off the question by hiding behind the crony capitalist’s false credo: “That’s the marketplace.”

When you’ve got Democrats in power, you’ve got corrupt “Chicago thug politics” pretty much everywhere.

Nancy Pelosi So Crammed Full Of Hypocrisy Even Liberal Comic Jon Stewart Can’t Take It Anymore

November 14, 2011

Jon Stewart is a doctrinaire liberal down the line.  His problem is that he’s in a line of work that sometimes forces him to find what is clearly utterly ridiculous even among his own.

There is NOBODY who could claim that Jon Stewart is a “conservative” or a “Republican.”  If he can’t stand Nancy Pelosi’s abject hypocrisy, you can pretty much take it to the bank that Nancy Pelosi’s hypocrisy is utterly vile beyond belief.

Pelosi drives even Jon Stewart crazy
by Joel Gehrke Commentary Staff Writer
November 11, 2011

Former House Speaker and current Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., attacked Republicans for their opposition to debt ceiling increases, but defended President Obama for voting against a debt-ceiling increase when he was in the Senate, during an interview with Jon Stewart. Her effort to reconcile the two positions drove The Daily Show host to distraction. You can see the transcript and video below.

Pelosi: “We didn’t say, ‘[Bush] amassed this debt, we’re not lifting the debt ceiling,’ because we have to honor the full faith and credit of our country. Republicans with this president, and this president only, exacted upon him that $1.2 trillion [spending cut].

JS: “Well, there were — you know, President Obama himself voted against lifting the debt ceiling [as a Senator].”

Pelosi: “That’s okay, you can lift it, but you can’t obstruct it.”

JS: “No, he voted against lifting it.”

Pelosi: “You can vote against it. You can vote against lifting it.”

JS: “But he said he voted against lifting it because he knew the other people would lift it.”

Pelosi: “That’s right. That’s right. And I say to my members, ‘you can vote anyway you want, but we’re not going to obstruct [the debt-ceiling increase].’ It’s about if you’re going to obstruct.”

JS: “So its okay to do it for political reasons, but not for principle.”

Pelosi: “No, you have to vote what you believe.”

JS: “As long as it doesn’t actually obstruct it.”

Pelosi: “Well, other people who may believe differently can take care of that.”

[Editor’s note: at this point, Jon Stewart put his hand over his face]

Pelosi: “I honestly believe that people vote what they believe. And at that given time, with that set of facts, they don’t want to put their imprimatur on it. They had a different responsibility than I had as Speaker of the House. I had to get it passed. Others had the luxury of expressing their views, but I had get it passed, had to have enough votes to get it passed.”

[See the Washington Examiner site for video of the Daily Show]

It has now been 928 days since the Democrats passed any kind of a budget whatsoever.  These people are incompetent fools in addition to being hypocrites and demagogues.

At Least HALF Of All Employers Will Likely Shove Workers Into ObamaCare. The Beast Is Coming.

June 22, 2011

At a town hall meeting in New Hampshire on Aug. 11, 2009, President Barack Obama repeated a line he’s used many times in describing his health care proposal: “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”

Politifact says that claim was “half true” on their truth-o-meter.  But half truths quite often amount to whole lies.

What was it that Nancy Pelosi said before Democrats rammed through ObamaCare using every deceitful trick and tactic available?  Oh, yeah: “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.”

Well, here are just some of the increasingly bleak truths that we are learning:

A report by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) on medical cost trends for 2012 provides a dismal forecast of continued increases that consumers will see in their health care costs.
Key findings of the PWC report indicate:

  • The Democrats’ health care law has done little to ease the compliance burdens facing employers – as the PWC report points out, “employers have had their hands full complying with the avalanche of new regulations under PPACA.”
  • Medical costs are expected to increase:  PWC expects medical costs to increase 8.5% in 2012, up from 8% in 2011.
  • More Americans will NOT be able to keep the health care coverage they have and like, with the report noting that “some employers are becoming less confident in their ability to offer health benefits on a long term basis.”

Of note:

  • 84% of employers are likely to make changes to offset the costs associated with the Democrats’ health care law,
  • 86% are likely to re-evaluate their overall benefits strategy, and
  • 50% are considering significantly changing or eliminating company subsidies for dependent medical coverage.

Well, THAT sure sucks.  Sorry for all you schmucks who worked so hard in your personal lives – went to college, stayed on the straight and narrow, scrimped and saved when others bought the latest fad items, showed up on time every day and worked hard while others slacked off around you – just so you could get a job with DECENT BENEFITS.  But those days are gone now because Democrats imposed their will to create a massive boondoggle.  And now, as a result of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid – and of course the now-famous Anthony Weiner – you get to be tossed into a bad, smelly place where you won’t be able to get a doctor to save your life.  And if you get thrown into Medicaid, where Obama most wants you, then God help you, because Obama sure won’t.

The “fog of controversy” is lifting.  Now we’re starting to see that the FACT that Democrats have created a monster that will eat us alive.

I think of fellow communist country North Korea.  You’d think leftists would care about their people, but they don’t.  Back in 2004, the New York Times wrote of fellow socialist traveller North Korea – “that claims to follow the world’s purest brand of communism” – “almost 10 percent of the population is believed to have starved to death.”  And nothing has changed since then.

Let’s consider the attitudes of leftists.  Take Chairman Mao – who has been publicly praised by top Obama officials.

“The atom bomb is nothing to be afraid of,” Mao told Nehru, “China has many people. . . . The deaths of ten or twenty million people is nothing to be afraid of.” A witness said Nehru showed shock. Later, speaking in Moscow, Mao displayed yet more generosity: he boasted that he was willing to lose 300 million people, half of China’s population.” [Annie Dillard, “The Wreck of Time” in Harper’s from January 1998].

Here’s a little more of Chairman Mao’s attitude for his people:

LEE EDWARDS, CHAIRMAN, VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM MEMORIAL FOUNDATION: In 1959 to 1961 was the so-called “great leap forward” which was actually a gigantic leap backwards in which he tried to collectivize and communize agriculture.

And they came to him after the first year and they said, “Chairman, five million people have died of famine.” He said, “No matter, keep going.” In the second year, they came back and they said, “Ten million Chinese have died.” He said, “No matter, continue.” The third year, 20 million Chinese have died. And he said finally, “Well, perhaps this is not the best idea that I’ve ever had.”

CHANG: When he was told that, you know, his people were dying of starvation, Mao said, “Educate the peasants to eat less. Thus they can benefit – they can fertilize the land.”

With liberals, One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.”

Think of energy.  Liberals have demonized oil, gas, coal, nuclear and everything else that actually produces energy.  They want to leave us with “renewable energy” which produces about 8% of our energy needs.  What are we going to do for the rest?  Obama says he plans to bankrupt the coal energy which supplies half of America’s electricity.  Obama has continued to pursue this reckless policy with regulations that are crippling us.  What are we going to do?  And the shocking secret is it doesn’t matter to them.

And the reason that the Kim Jong Ils and the Chairman Maos and the Joseph Stalins and the Barack Obamas stay in power is that people simply can’t believe that their leaders are truly that depraved.

I’ve been a voice shouting in the wilderness that the mantras of the Democrat Party are virtually identical with the mantras of Marxism.

They don’t care about your LIFE, let alone about your health care.  These people hate God, and they want to create massive government in place of God, and they want to be the high priests of that government, and they want you to come hat in hand and bow down before them such that they get to decide who the winners and losers are.

Liberals want to crash the system and impose the Marxism they have always dreamed of.  Think Cloward and Piven.  Think of the liberal strategy to crash the US economy.

The beast is coming.  He too will be a leftist.  He will actually be able to create what the left have been dreaming of for a generation and beyond: a one-world government.  He will be a big government totalitarian who will promise to take care of everybody just as every leftist has done from Karl Marx to Stalin to Hitler to Chairman Mao to Kim Il Sung Pol Pot Mao to Kim Jong Il.  He will produce a government system in place of God, and then he will declare himself as god over that government (Daniel 9:27; Matthew 24:15-21; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Revelation chapter 13.

People who truly value individuals value the individual freedoms inherent in a free market economy.  What we are now seeing in these last days are people who DON’T value individual human lives.  They have snuffed out more than 53 million human lives in America alone through the Holocaust of the abortion mills.  And they have transported their hell with them to Asian countries that have created an unnatural and monstrous imbalance as “a woman’s right to choose” has murdered millions upon millions upon millions more WOMEN.  They have been working and laboring to bring the hell of the Antichrist to this world and to this very country for decades.

And this hell is now at our very doorstep.

D. James Kennedy issued a prophetic warning: “Watch out, Grandpa!  Because the generation that survived abortion will one day come after YOU!”

Senior citizens – and those close to being senior citizens – are going to find out that they aren’t working anymore, which means they are no longer productive.  Their going to find out that aging people consume vastly more medical resources than younger, healthier people.  They’re going to find out that Obama has already spent America into staggering debt that it cannot possibly repay.  And they’re going to find out that liberals think they’ve already lived their “complete lives.”

And the left WILL come after you, Grandma and Grandpa.  They’re going to come after you through socialized medicine and the ObamaCare monster that created it.  They’re going to kill you by the tens of millions.  They’ve done it before; they’re literally doing it right now.  And you aint seen nothing of the HELL that these people are laboring to create yet.


Anthony Weiner A Too-Typical Liberal Bureaucrat: A Pervert With No Marketable Skills Whatsoever

June 21, 2011

One of the reasons it took twenty days for Rep. Anthony Weiner to resign when it didn’t take much more than twenty minutes for Speaker Boehner to demand Rep. Chris Lee’s resignation turned out to be the hold-up of some kind of job for him.

Here are the facts:

Want to know a primary reason that thus far Weiner is refusing to quit  despite the calls for him to do so from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, DNC  Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, NY Rep. Steve Israel, chairman of the House  Democrats’ campaign committee and others?  A big reason is he simply cannot  afford to. His world has been turned upside down overnight, and the nation’s  politicians are incensed by it – but it really comes down to the fact that his finances  don’t lend many options right now.

As The NY Post reported “Weiner doesn’t have a business or even a law degree  to fall back on. He made $156,117 in 2010, and owes between $10,000 and $15,000  on his American Express card according to his most recent financial-disclosure  forms.” Anthony Weiner, the man, has never had another job since starting in  politics at the age of 21 in 1985. The future career possibilities for the 46  year old “object” Anthony Weiner aren’t too bright these days.

We are talking about a man who has never held a private sector job in his entire life.

Michelle Malkin has more to say about this:

Last year, the now-jobless Weiner joked on former roommate Jon Stewart’s cable comedy show that he didn’t “have a lot of marketable skills.” It’s one of Weiner’s rare truthful utterances over the past year.  A protégé of fossilized New York Sen. Charles Schumer, Weiner has spent the last 20 years in politics – straight out of college to the present. Through seven consecutive congressional terms, he has stridently advocated job-killing policies in the name of the working class. About which this ruling-class elitist knows nothing.

But it turns out Weiner DOES have one highly marketable skill: he is a rarefied pervert.  And in a degenerate world of pornography (a gift of liberals and liberal judges who said they couldn’t tell the difference between “art” and “porn” no matter how much of it they watched), being the level of sexual pervert that Weiner clearly is DOES have value:

Anthony Weiner Gets Offer From Larry Flynt to Work For His Hustler Empire in Beverly Hills

So I’m sure Weiner will be fine doing what he loves for fellow Democrat Larry Flynt.  Together they can continue to work for “liberal values.”  Such as LYING.

But here’s the thing.

Anthony Weiner was one of THE leading voices of the Democrat Party and THE voice for liberal values.  Bill O’Reilly demonstrated that the real loser in this Weinergate scandal is liberalism; they lost their star voice.  He debated with two liberals who couldn’t come up with anybody better than also-utterly-disgraced Rep. Charlie Rangel.  Even über über liberal Rachel Maddow says Weiner’s resignation will hurt the Democrat Party “probably for a generation.”

And who is this voice of liberalism?  An arrogant perverted punk who has spent his entire life on the taxpayer dole and who has absolutely no redeeming quality whatsoever in the world he demanded to have the power to regulate and then regulate some more.

I have pointed this out before: why on earth would any decent American want a Weiner running their lives???  Why would anyone but the worst fool imaginable want a guy like Anthony Weiner – who is not only a lying pervert but who literally is utterly USELESS in the real world – writing the laws that will control our economy and our lives???

Which just gets more to the point: if you vote for Democrats, you are a true fool indeed.

Michelle Malkin wrote a brilliant chapter in her book, Culture of Corruption.  It details how liberals make incredibly lucrative careeers moving from politics (either in elected office or as staffers) to crony capitalism (as lobbyists or in firms that want to schmooze politicians).  Michelle Obama is an example of this, as is Rahm Emanuel, as is Valerie Jarrett.  Crony capitalism is nothing more than fascism in waiting.  These people get rich gaming the system even as they corrupt and rot the system from within like leeches.