Archive for the ‘Libya’ Category

As Democrats Now Scream For Independent Investigations, Remember How Pathologically Dishonest And Hypocritical They Proved Themselves

March 27, 2017

I am watching in amazement as the Democratic Party and their Sin Fein to the terrorist IRA – the mainline media – joins together in an unhinged attack against the Trump Administration and the American people who elected that administration.

Meanwhile, Democrats continue to reveal in every other way BUT media coverage that they are the party of official terrorist violence, as just a few days ago, an anti-Trump Democrat terrorist publicly dove into a publicly permitted pro-Trump rally and attacked a female pro-Trump event organizer by spraying pepper spray in her face.  How did the media cover the story?  As pro-Trump protesters becoming violent, of course, as horrified pro-Trump rally attenders dealt with the fascist little Nazi thug-punk who just attacked a woman in broad daylight right in front of them.

Liberals decry “fake news” when they have relied almost EXCLUSIVELY on fake news since at least the days of the Vietnam War when liberals began to hijack our political system.

And 60 Minutes does an expose on “fake news.”  You know, the same 60 Minutes that ran a fake news story featuring a bogus and easily disproven hoax document (featuring Microsoft fonts that did not exist in the 1960s, for example) dishonestly claiming that Bush was a National Guard draft dodger in order to torpedo Bush’s election campaign for president.

Republicans screamed for independent investigations PLENTY of times, but those screams were simply not reported by the fake news media.  And now listen to the same people scream so loud its all anyone can hear!!!

But consider the following Obama scandals that never got any independent investigation whatsoever:

Liberal reporters rabidly report on Trump’s disdain for their biased journalism, with justification for Trump’s disdain for the press validated by the fact that the media ignored the unprecedented fascist steps Obama and his administration took against reporters.  In their zeal for a witch hunt against any non-Stalinist press that wasn’t on the left side of morality Obama declared a Fox News reporter as a “criminal co-conspirator” which allowed Obama’s lawthug Eric Holder to subpeona not only James Rosen’s phone calls and emails, but those of his parents as well.

From even before Obama was elected, he was as corrupt as they come and used his power as president to “reward his friends and punish his enemies.”  For example, he raised campaign money from business leaders such as those at Solyndra, and then gave them hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer money as a gift for their support.  An investigation would find that Obmama actually did this with dozens of “clean energy companies” that subsequently proved they were as dirty as they come in every other way imaginableObama used a secret government bank that was off limits to any congressional oversight to fund – basically to reward – these executives that donated to his campaign.  In fact, there were at least ELEVEN more Solyndras with the same story of receiving gigantic Obama regime largesse and gave excessive bonuses to Obama-donating execs before going bankrupt and taking our money with them.  There was Beacon, Evergreen Solar, SpectraWatt, AES’ subsidiary Eastern Energy, all with political links to Obama.

But there never was an investigation, of course.  Not one.
Let’s see, there was the ATF Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, the amazingly botched gunning-running sting that dumped illegal weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels that used those guns Obama gave them to murder US agents.  Obama was trying to “prove” how legal guns in the hands of American citizens was a danger, and was willing to use any means to prove what he wanted to prove including faking the proof.  And then it blew up in his face.  And then Obama exerted executive privilege to shield then-Attorney General Eric Holder from allowing any congressional scrutiny whatsoever.
Then there was that doozy of a Treasury Department scandal with the IRS being turned into a political weapon against Obama’s opponents, with Eric Holder protecting the administration from ANY investigation whatsoever.  The Obama IRS was even forced to admit that yes, they had in fact targeted Tea Party organizations and illegally prevented them from being able to receive the status that such organizations should have been able to receive under the law.  But it didn’t matter how much evidence or proof there was.  The word “whatsoever” being the best word to describe the complete lack of allowing ANY legitimate investigation into Obama’s slimepits.
Democrats apparently don’t like Russia’s involving itself in an election.  Which wasn’t such a problem for them when Obama did it to Israel and particularly to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when Obama moved U.S. taxpayer money through his non-profits to try to defeat the sitting Israeli prime minister in a sovereign nation’s electionThe media of course never did a serious job of truly going after this.  It’s only now that Putin did the same thing Obama did that this tactic matters.
The gigantic scandal involving the Benghazi fiasco, in which the Obama Administration through Secretary of State Hilary Clinton repeatedly denied the US Ambassador’s request for security, only to have that ambassador MURDERED while the Obama Administration refused to allow the US military assets to do ANYTHING to help.  And then sent Susan Rice out to lie to every single major Sunday political program.  And then promoted her for her lies.
What about Obama’s promise that if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor and if you liked your insurance plan, you could keep your insurance plan.  It was called “The Lie of the Year” even by leftist-oriented “fact checkers” such as PolitiFactObama went around the country spouting that easily proven lie again and again and again.  Anybody who understood ObamaCare knew it was a complete and total lie designed to sell a horribly flawed government takeover of our nation’s health care delivery system.  Did that not rise to something that should have been investigated the same way Democrats claim that Trump’s claim that he was wiretapped should be investigated???  Only if you have any capacity for honesty in your soul, which of course no living Democrat has.  Because which lie has more impact on the American people?  But Democrats and their allies don’t give one flying DAMN about the American people or what happens to them.
What about right now, as Obama very apparently used our national intelligence system as a political weapon and caught up Trump campaign officials in wiretaps and then illegally “unmasked” them and even more illegally spread their names throughout the system as a means to discredit them???  When the Republican congressional leader discovered what Obama had criminally done to his campaign team – which by the way had nothing whatsoever with Russia – Democrats and their media allies immediately falsely tied the story to Russia and screamed foul.  Because fair play IS foul to these fascists.
Now, is there or has there ever been ANY actual legitimate reason to believe that Russia actually “hacked” our election system or that Trump campaign officials in any way, shape or form colluded with Russia to discredit Hillary Clinton (by revealing ACTUAL proof of her corruption in the form of emails from her illegal secret server that she installed to bypass any actual transparency?).  No.  But hell, let’s investigate anyway and hope it turns up some other kind of dirt, right?

So let’s just remember that if we have any “independent investigation” now, it ought to be preceded by a law titled, “The Prevent Any President From Being A Thug The Way Obama Was Act.”  And until Democrats revisit what despicable vermin they are and always have been, just tell them to shut their fascist faces.

It’s Not Just That Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Belong In The White House; She Belongs In The BIG HOUSE. She Is A DISHONEST CORRUPT CRIMINAL.

August 18, 2015

As big of a clown show as the Republican nomination process is with Donald Chump blabbermouthing all over the place, the Democrat process is actually an even BIGGER joke.

Donald Trump is a reality television-trained clown; Hillary Clinton is a Clinton Incorporated-trained crook.

At least under a Trump the Chump we wouldn’t have the unending cancer of an “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is” presidency.

This is a politician who insists that her emails on her private server that she installed are “my personal property.”  You know, EXACTLY the same way Richard Nixon installed a voice recorder system in his office and claimed the Watergate tapes were HIS personal property.  The problem is that history proves this is an argument for a fascist thug rather than a true leader.  If you compare these two incredibly secretive, paranoid, vindictive and dishonest thugs to one another, you will see parallel after parallel.  I suppose this is the Democrat Party’s way of humbly apologizing to Nixon: because they  clearly want his reincarnation back.

One of our greatest modern-day war heroes who saved thousands of American lives and literally figured out a way to win unwinnable wars and a Marine intelligence officer who desperately tried to save American servicemen’s lives by sending an email warning that an Afghan security chief was a terrorist ended up being destroyed over their not-completely perfect treatment of classified material.  Hillary Clinton is a criminal and Barack Obama is a criminal for not treating her like a criminal the way he treated David Petraeus like a perp-walked criminal.  But this is trageically the most dishonest and partisan administration in the entire history of the world’s oldest republic.

As I understand it, that Marine officer ended up in prison for just ONE improperly handled email.  Hillary Clinton is ALREADY in worse shape – and it’s going to get a hell of a lot worse than that as they keep finding more and more emails.  If Hillary Clinton does NOT END UP IN PRISON, it is ONLY because the Democrat Party has become the institutional party of political crony fascism and corruption.

I pointed out months ago that Hillary Clinton’s secret email system was grounds for her automatic disqualification: To wit, the obvious question to ask her and to ask every Democrat who supports her is whether every single Republican or Republican political appointee ought to be able to install their own private servers, selectively purge their communications, and be completely above all law and all transparency the way Hillary Clinton has been.  If they say no, then Hillary Clinton isn’t fit to be president; if they say yes, then call them the fascist they are right to their face.  And I wrote that before it was revealed that she was treating top secret emails like soup recipes over the internet.

If the media had any credibility whatsoever, every single question that every single reporter or journalist asked her would be about what kind of paranoid fascist autocratic dictatorial walking-talking sociopathic narcissistic personality disorder which her emails prove that she clearly is.

You need to understand how much of a LIAR Hillary Clinton’s current email scandals have with crystal clarity already revealed her to be (with MANY more shoes or fascist jackboots to drop).  She has been one – the historical record proves – over the course of her entire LIFE.  I want you to see Hillary Clinton’s email scandal for what it is – the longstanding continuation of the lies of a pathological liar.  I want you to first see the dishonest and frankly evil woman who is basically saying, “Everyone needs to implicitly trust me.  Even AFTER I wiped my server clean to purge the evidence.”

So let’s start with some history of the pathological liar a.k.a. Hillary Rodham Clinton before pointing out that the following “lying, unethical, dishonest lawyer” who has “conspired to violate the Constitution” all her life.  Then we’ll move on to her current scandal where she has proven still further what a by-nature pathological corrupt fascist political Jezebel she truly is:

As a 27-year old lawyer Hillary Clinton was fired from her position during the Watergate investigation for “lying, unethical behavior.” And worse. And you already see the pathologically twisted mindset.  Let me set this up for you:  You have a LIFELONG Democrat supervising Hillary.  But this supervisor came to realize that Hillary Clinton was playing a game with an incredibly dishonest and unethical agenda.  This was supposed to be a process about JUSTICE, but Hillary Clinton was, is and always will be a pure political vicious animal.  Her agenda was to KEEP Nixon in the White House so her political patron Ted Kennedy would have a clearer shot at the White House; and at the same time to cynically abuse the process of justice to protect Kennedy from the record of history “that would have made Watergate look like a day at the beach.”  In short, Hillary Clinton from the very start of her career revealed herself to be “an unethical, dishonest lawyer” who “violated the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”  Hillary Clinton is a dishonest piece of fascist trash, and she always HAS BEEN a dishonest piece of fascist trash:

Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation … one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

How could a 27-year-old House staff member do all that? She couldn’t do it by herself, but Zeifman said she was one of several individuals … including Marshall, special counsel John Doar and senior associate special counsel (and future Clinton White House Counsel) Bernard Nussbaum … who engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation.

Why would they want to do that? Because, according to Zeifman, they feared putting Watergate break-in mastermind E. Howard Hunt on the stand to be cross-examined by counsel to the president. Hunt, Zeifman said, had the goods on nefarious activities in the Kennedy Administration that would have made Watergate look like a day at the beach… including Kennedy’s purported complicity in the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro.

The actions of Hillary and her cohorts went directly against the judgment of top Democrats, up to and including then-House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill, that Nixon clearly had the right to counsel. Zeifman says that Hillary, along with Marshall, Nussbaum and Doar, was determined to gain enough votes on the Judiciary Committee to change House rules and deny counsel to Nixon. And in order to pull this off, Zeifman says Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal brief, and confiscated public documents to hide her deception.

The brief involved precedent for representation by counsel during an impeachment proceeding. When Hillary endeavored to write a legal brief arguing there is no right to representation by counsel during an impeachment proceeding, Zeifman says, he told Hillary about the case of Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, who faced an impeachment attempt in 1970.

“As soon as the impeachment resolutions were introduced by (then-House Minority Leader Gerald) Ford, and they were referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the first thing Douglas did was hire himself a lawyer,” Zeifman said.

The Judiciary Committee allowed Douglas to keep counsel, thus establishing the precedent. Zeifman says he told Hillary that all the documents establishing this fact were in the Judiciary Committee’s public files.

So what did Hillary do?

“Hillary then removed all the Douglas files to the offices where she was located, which at that time was secured and inaccessible to the public,”Zeifman said. Hillary then proceeded to write a legal brief arguing there was no precedent for the right to representation by counsel during an impeachment proceeding … as if the Douglas case had never occurred.

The brief was so fraudulent and ridiculous, Zeifman believes Hillary would have been disbarred if she had submitted it to a judge.

How was this ethical fiasco “resolved”?

Zeifman says that if Hillary, Marshall, Nussbaum and Doar had succeeded, members of the House Judiciary Committee would have also been denied the right to cross-examine witnesses, and denied the opportunity to even participate in the drafting of articles of impeachment against Nixon.

Of course, Nixon’s resignation rendered the entire issue moot, ending Hillary’s career on the Judiciary Committee staff in a most undistinguished manner. Zeifman says he was urged by top committee members to keep a diary of everything that was happening. He did so, and still has the diary if anyone wants to check the veracity of his story. Certainly, he could not have known in 1974 that diary entries about a young lawyer named Hillary Rodham would be of interest to anyone 34 years later.

But they show that the pattern of lies, deceit, fabrications and unethical behavior was established long ago – long before the Bosnia lie, and indeed, even before cattle futures, Travelgate and Whitewater – for the woman who is still asking us to make her president of the United States.

So someone might read the full account and say, well, Zeifman didn’t remember every single fact completely clearly and blah blah blah.  But let’s continue to check Hillary Clinton’s honesty:

There was William Safire’s 1996 article that documented Hillary Clinton as a “congenital liar.” Which was being nice.  He concluded she was “congenital” for stuff like this:

Remember the story she told about studying The Wall Street Journal to explain her 10,000 percent profit in 1979 commodity trading? We now know that was a lie told to turn aside accusations that as the Governor’s wife she profited corruptly, her account being run by a lawyer for state poultry interests through a disreputable broker.

She lied for good reason: To admit otherwise would be to confess taking, and paying taxes on, what some think amounted to a $100,000 bribe

We could look at TravelGate and Hillary Clinton’s determination that “We need those people out and we need our people in.”  We could look at how even liberal newspapers like the Los Angeles Times acknowledge that Hillary Clinton lied under oath in that particular scandal.  We could likewise look at the long lists of other Clinton scandals that were pretty much all over everywhere in those days.  But there are literally just way too many lies to even wave a stick at.

But I mean, it has just gone on and on.

There was Hillary Clinton telling the bogus story that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.  When in fact she was born six years AFTER anyone heard of the man.

There was Hillary Clinton falsely claiming that ALL of her grandparents were immigrants.  When only one actually was.  In other occasions, Hillary Clinton specifically lied about the grandparents who WERE NOT immigrants.  Why lie?  Because she is a compulsive, serial liar who just can’t help herself.

There was Hillary Clinton who when running for president told the fake story that she had “dodged” sniper fire in Bosnia. When the record shows her walking placidly down the ramp of an Air Force plane and an 8-year old Bosnian girl giving her flowers.

There was Hillary Clinton who boasted that she was “instrumental” in the Northern Ireland peace process. Which would have been like awesome if she’d actually even BEEN there or had anything whatsoever to do with it. But she lied.

Don’t think that anyone can-out 9/11 victim Hillary Clinton.  On September 17th 2001, Hillary told Jane Pauley on NBC’s dateline that Chelsea had gone on “what she thought would be a great jog” and that she was going to go around the towers of the World Trade Center.   “And then the plane hit,” Hillary stated.

Senator HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON: She’d gone what she thought would be a great jog. She was going down to the Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She went to get a cup of coffee and–and that’s when the plane hit.

PAULEY: She was close enough to hear the rumble.

Sen. CLINTON: She did hear it. She did.

PAULEY: And to see the smoke…

But wait: it turned out that none of that was true: Chelsea did NOT go for a jog around the towers – great or otherwise – she did NOT get a cup of coffee, she did NOT hear the rumble and she did not see the smoke.  In fact, Chelsea was safely watching the attack on television from her Union Square apartment.  The left can try to spin it into some subtle nuance, but this was just another episode of Hillary Clinton pulling a Brian Williams and falsely and routinely imposing herself or her family into events of history.

These were simply transparent, easily falsifiable lies.  Hillary has lied like this her entire life.  The only reason she hasn’t been completely destroyed by her dishonesty is her place (by marriage) in the Democrat Party, the protection from her political cronies and the fact that Democrats are simply dishonest people as a whole who frankly as dishonest liars don’t CARE that Hillary is a dishonest liar.  When you add the fact that the media has become every bit as partisan and as ideological and as propagandistic as any communist country, you have the very class that is supposed to EXPOSE a Hillary Clinton actively trying to PROTECT her.

You want another angle of Hillary Clinton?  Hillary Clinton is the kind of hypocrite monster who plays up some “war on women” the same way she played up the “vast, rightwing conspiracy” that somehow managed to insinuate her husband’s semen on an intern’s blue dress.  But she is the very monster who WARS on women, at least according to the pedophile rape victim who testified that “Hillary Clinton took me through hell.”  Among other things Hillary Clinton did to destroy a female child rape victim was to SMEAR her with her vicious lies.  And so the victim says on the record, “she lied like a dog to me.”  Hillary Clinton’s strategy was in fact quite literally to “war on women” as she viciously attacked the credibility of her innocent 12-year-old victim.  Hillary Clinton absolutely KNEW her client was completely guilty. She said among numerous other stunning admissions: “‘I had him take a polygraph, which he passed – which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,’ she says with a laugh.”

I’m just going to put it bluntly here and now.  Anyone whose faith is not forever destroyed in Hillary Clinton is simply a venal, vile, wicked demoniac.  She has been a vile, morally obscene creature all her life and she is more of all of the above now than ever.

It’s not enough for me to say I wouldn’t trust Hillary Clinton with my child or even that I wouldn’t trust her with my dog.  No freaking way.  But I wouldn’t even trust Hillary Clinton with a rabid rat, because she’d torture it just for laughs and then let it go to hopefully bite people.  She’s proven that all her life.

But let’s continue.

There was the Hillary Clinton who assured us all that she and Bill were “dead broke when we left the White House.”  She’s just like YOU.  Hillary KNOWS what it’s like to be poor.  Mind you, she also knows what it’s like to cynically exploit her crony-fascist ties to spin her political connections into pure gold and make $12 million that year.

Hillary tells us she’s just like YOU.  Oh, yes, because who among us doesn’t “earn” half a million dollars for a speech that was arranged on the basis of a crony fascist corrupt deal that Hillary exploited her State Department job to arrange?  I mean, who among us hasn’t sold America out to a Swiss bank?  Who among us hasn’t sold America’s stockpile of uranium to our most deadly enemy Russia?  Who among us hasn’t had a taxpayer-funded chauffeur and hasn’t driven a car in 20 years?  Who among us isn’t currently worth something on the order of a quarter billion dollars?

But then there were all of Hillary Clinton’s godawful lies surrounding Benghazi.  The reason her private server became an issue was that one singular event.  It began when Hillary and her boss Barry Hussein decided to cover their incompetent asses with the lie that an obvious terrorist attack in which Americans heroically died striving to save the life of a United States ambassador was in fact merely a protest over what? the free-speech of an American.  It wasn’t anybody’s fault, it was just one of those things that happened.  And the fact that it happened on the anniversary of 9/11, the fact that a trained mortar crew happened to have brought their heavy mortar with them, the fact that this aforementioned trained mortar crew that happened to bring their heavy mortar had also happened to calculate the firing coordinates of key locations in advance of the mortar attack, was nothing but the result of a peaceful protest taken too far.

Well, actually it began weeks before that.  It began when Hillary Clinton first started turning a totally deaf ear to the murdered ambassador as he pleaded with her for additional security that Hillary Clinton couldn’t have bothered to give a flying damn about.  In fact rather than provide greater security Hillary Clinton’s State Department actually REDUCED securityPleas for additional security were coming from the professional staff as well.  Hillary was too busy purging her private server, I guess.

Those pleas for help that never came continued hour after agonizing hour as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama ignored Americans under fire and dying trying to protect American soil.  And what did this “lying, unethical, dishonest lawyer” Hillary Clinton do?  She deceitfully manufactured a cover-up story, she blamed the attack not on terrorists and on her own pathetic and apathetic incompetence to prevent what the specialists on the ground TOLD her was coming, but on an AMERICAN and on FREE SPEECH itselfShe falsely blamed a terrorist attack on a Youtube video and continued to hold to that line along with her equally corrupt and dishonest and fascist president.  Everything including all the witnesses from BOTH sides of the terror attack confirm that the attack had NOTHING whatsoever to do with that damn video, contrary to Hillary Clinton’s fallacious lies.  Our people say it, their people say itOur intelligence that conservative organizations had to fight to get released from Obama’s and Hillary’s cover-up proves that the Administration KNEW the attack was planned IN ADVANCE rather than being the “spontaneous demonstration” over a video they dishonestly claimed.

You consider the timeline of what Hillary Clinton in her capacity as Secretary of State did and did not do prior to that terrorist attack that resulted in a U.S. Ambassador being murdered like a rat and Hillary Clinton should be in prison for that alone.  Now the same woman who said, “What difference does it make?” says she won’t “dishonor the memories of those we lost.”  And you can understand why she doesn’t want to talk about them because she as much as killed them herself with her gross if not malicious incompetence.

We know that Hillary Clinton not only lied but lied UNDER OATH about numerous facts surrounding Benghazi.  We know she manifestly LIED UNDER OATH about the United State’s involvement in procuring and transferring weapons out of Libya to Turkey.  Her lie is a matter of factual public record.

We know that Hillary Clinton, while running for president last time back in 2007 (on June 20, 2007, to be precise) “We know our Constitution is being shredded. We know about the secret wiretaps. We know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts. It is a stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run-amok. It is everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent.”

This from the woman who the very first moment she got power, she had a super-secret personal email system installed in her home to bypass all security and all accountability and all transparency so she could purge any communications that proved her to be the lifelong criminal that she is.  And how can anyone not see what a pathologically dishonest hypocrite of the very worst and lowest sort Hillary Clinton truly is?

And to just add to that, this is a woman who is now claiming that all the criticisms of her OWN “stunning record of secrecy and corruption, of cronyism run-amok” that is “everything our founders were afraid of, everything our Constitution was designed to prevent” is all somehow merely what?  “The same old partisan games.”  You know, the same way it was a “vast, rightwing conspiracy” for Bill Clinton to receive blow jobs in the Oval Office from an intern.

Well, obviously you know what “the same old partisan games” look like, don’t you, Hillary Clinton, you political Jezebel if there ever has been one since the wicked original?  BECAUSE YOU’VE PLAYED THOSE COCKROACH GAMES ALL YOUR MISERABLE LIFE.  And in fact you played them against the very last Republican administration that wasn’t guilty of a tiny fraction of the very same crimes you’re trying to deflect NOW.  And now people are supposed to rise to your defense because you’re hanging from your own petard.  So Hillary Clinton now shrilly yells, “I won’t get down in the mud with them. I won’t play politics with national security.”  You mean the same way YOU climbed into that same mud like the obscene political pig you are and wallowed in it the last time a Republican was in office???  Hillary Clinton is an insult to integrity and an insult to intelligence and the only question to ask of anyone who supports her is whether he or she is more wicked than stupid or more stupid than wicked.  An d that is a proven fact according to Hillary Clinton’s own current dishonest rhetoric vis-à-vis her own previous dishonest rhetoric.

Now we finally get to her current fiasco with her emails.  You know, the private server she installed under the mindbogglingly transparent lie that she did so so she wouldn’t have to carry multiple devices:

the Associated Press has obtained documents conclusive proving that “Hillary Rodham Clinton emailed her staff on an iPad as well as a BlackBerry while secretary of state, despite her explanation she exclusively used a personal email address on a homebrew server so that she could carry a single device.”

This same Hillary Clinton who said “I won’t play politics with national security”?  Yeah, she played politics with national security to such an astonishing degree that she is the VERY FIRST American public official to do all of her national security business ENTIRELY through a private email server that had no encryption whatsoever.

You see, one of Hillary Clinton’s ocean of trillions of lies is that the private server was installed for her husband Bill and had Secret Service safeguards.  That is manifestly untrue.  That server was in fact SPECIFICALLY installed for HER and had ZERO Secret Service safeguards.  It had absolutely NO encryption for the first three months whatsoever:

Venafi, a Salt Lake City computer security firm, has conducted an analysis of and determined that “for the first three months of Secretary Clinton’s term, access to the server was not encrypted or authenticated with a digital certificate.” In other words: For three months, Clinton’s server lay vulnerable to snooping, hacking, and spoofing.

In other words, it was completely open to foreign intelligence services and was undoubtedly penetrated.  Bob Gourley, former chief technology officer at the Defense Intelligence Agency, states that “I have no doubt in my mind that this thing was penetrated by multiple foreign powers, to assume otherwise is to put blinders on.”

Hillary designed her server with privacy and the ability to purge evidence of her criminality rather than security:

A week before becoming secretary of state, Hillary Clinton set up a private e-mail system that gave her a high level of control over communications, including the ability to erase messages completely, according to security experts who have examined Internet records.

“You erase it and everything’s gone,” Matt Devost, a security expert who has had his own private e-mail for years. Commercial services like those from Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. retain copies even after users erase them from their in-box.

We are now finding out that Hillary Clinton’s email firm – a firm she chose out of political ideology rather than either competence, qualification or even the lawful right to in any way handle, possess or manage classified information – kept its own servers in a bathroom closet.

This is an abject disgrace and Hillary Clinton BELONGS IN A PRISON CELL doing hard time.

When Hillary finally got around to bothering to install any security whatsoever, she screwed the pooch and ended up with a “misconfigured encryption system.”  I mean, it was kind of like her criminal incompetence with Benghazi, only with her own damn server that she installed so she could delete the evidence of her crimes and make her Orwellian disappearances of the factual record permanent.  And just like Orwell’s Oceania, Hillary couldn’t have cared less what the rival global power Eurasia and Eastasia that Oceania was at constant war with knew: her cover up was only against her OWN people.

But, no, this shrew Jezebel would NEVER “play politics with national security,” would she?  No politics with a secret private server that she installed specifically for her ability to control and purge any and all communications that she didn’t want anyone but FOREIGN FREAKING GOVERNMENTS to see.

So let’s get real here: my argument is that Hillary’s installation of a private server in her own home -WHICH NO NEITHER COLIN POWELL OR CONDOLEEZA RICE EVER DID AND ANY CLAIM TO THE CONTRARY IS SIMPLY A LIE – is a demonstration of the manifestation of Hillary Clinton’s pathological fascism and narcissism.  The simple fact of the matter is that we have NEVER seen ANY top public official abuse the email system the way Hillary Clinton did.

Previous top officials used the government secure system for their business and a private email account – BUT NOT A PERSONAL SERVER MEANING THAT THEY COULD NOT WIPE AND PURGE THEIR EMAILS – for private communications.  Hillary Clinton is the FIRST and ONLY top public official to use an entirely private server to send and receive top secret classified intelligence as well as emails from her husband.  Oh, wait a minute: her husband exposed that last one as yet another Hillary Clinton lie:

Hillary said she emailed with Bill, but the thing is …
By Ashe Schow • 3/10/15 4:02 PM

Bill Clinton doesn’t use email.

At a press conference on Tuesday, Hillary Clinton said the server that housed her emails while she was secretary of state (that was reportedly housed at her home in New York) was set up for President Bill Clinton. She also said that some of the “personal” emails she deleted were between her and her husband.

But just before Hillary began the press conference at the United Nations building, the Wall Street Journal reported that Bill Clinton does not use email.

“The former president, who does regularly use Twitter, has sent a grand total of two emails during his entire life, both as president, says Matt McKenna, his spokesman,” WSJ reported. “After leaving office, Mr. Clinton established his own domain that staff use — But Mr. Clinton still doesn’t use email himself, Mr. McKenna said.”

One of Bill’s emails was to astronaut and former Sen. John Glenn, the other was to U.S. troops.

But Hillary said during her press conference that her email server “contains personal communications from my husband and me.”

Hey, it’s understandable that Hillary Clinton would believe there were just all kinds of personal communications from her husband when in fact there wasn’t so much as a single one.  Just like it’s understandable that she had no idea where her daughter was on 9/11 or that no her grandparents WEREN’T all immigrants or that no she actually was NOT named after Sir Edmund Hillary or that gosh it sure seemed like explosions were rocking her as she raced across the tarmac frantically clutching her daughter’s little hand when in fact the only “sniper” was an 8-year-old girl holding flowers rather than a rifle.  And that it seemed like we were dead broke because we only had millions of dollars with hundreds of millions more hanging on the vine.  All honest mistakes, I’m telling ya.  Every single one.

Why on earth would anyone EVER believe ANYTHING this liar says???  I mean, okay, we know that there were in fact ZERO emails between Hillary Clinton and her husband.  So the only reason that she purged and wiped her server is because what?  Her “yoga routines” got a little too hot and heavy???  Who tries to wipe a server WHILE IT WAS UNDER A SUBPOENA claiming her yoga schedule had to be protected?

It takes a giant set of extra-hairy brass elephant balls to wipe your server clean AFTER being subpoenaed and being so pathologically dishonest she even lied about having BEEN subpoenaed and then claim you’re a victim of a political attack.  So private server aside, let’s just stipulate for the record that we do NOT EVER want to look at what Hillary Clinton is hiding in her pantsuits.  Because it would instill an episode of Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome that the world would still be appalled over millennia from now.

Hillary Clinton’s lies just over her server and her emails are now LEGION.  She claimed (falsely) that all of her emails were being “immediately captured and preserved” to State Department archives.  That was flat-out stated by the State Department NOT to be true.  In fact the State Department didn’t even have the means to do that until AFTER Hillary Clinton left.  And it’s easy to understand WHY a pathologically dishonest and secretive Hillary Clinton would not have such a system installed during her tenure.

She claimed (falsely) that ALL of her work-related emails had been turned over.  Until a man she’d hired in spite of being specifically ORDERED not to hire by the Obama White House – because Sidney Blumenthal is a vicious, rabid rat even by Obama standards – turned over his emails which proved Hillary Clinton had lied when she claimed she’d turned over all of hers.  Again, Hillary Clinton was caught red-handed in a manifest LIE.

Mind you, this incredibly fascist and dishonest woman had refused to be bothered with following the law or White House guidelines from day one.  The White House had given “very specific guidance” that members of the Obama administration use government e-mail accounts to carry out official business.  Not that rules or laws matter to a pathologically dishonest lying crook like Hillary Clinton.

Hillary began by claiming that she most certainly had never used her private email server – you know, the one that she dishonestly said she installed so she wouldn’t have to use multiple devices and which she dishonestly and unethically purged because of her lie that it contained private communications between her and her husband – to EVER send or receive ANY classified material whatsoever:

“I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. There is no classified material,” Clinton declared at her March press conference.

But holy crap, what an unholy lie that proved to be.  Keep in mind, Hillary PURGED or aborted 32,000 emails from her server without ANY third party being allowed to see them so that everyone would have to trust ENTIRELY on the word of honor of a proven LIAR and graciously allowed 30,00 of her email babies to survive the womb of her private server system.  But of those:

Among the 30,490 e-mails that Clinton handed the State Department last December, the inspector general for the intelligence community (ICIG) sampled 40 and discovered that four (or 10 percent) were classified. Of these, two (or 5 percent) “when originated” were designated “TOP SECRET//SI//TK//NOFORN.”

So out of a random sample of forty emails that were examined, it turned out that two or five percent were not only classified but classified at the very highest level of classification.

And holy MOSES, just that five percent of truly TOP SECRET emails alone amounts to FIFTEEN THOUSAND TWO-HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIVE EMAILS of top secret emails if that five percent figure were to be a representative sample.  Hillary Clinton doesn’t play political games with national security???  Seriously????

So Hillary’s bait-and-switch lie now baits-and-switches to this disingenuous version:

“Most importantly I never sent classified material on my email and I never received any that was marked classified,” Clinton said at one point in her press conference.

“The State Department has confirmed that I did not send nor receive material marked classified or send material marked classified,” she said a moment later.

“I am repeating the facts and the facts are I did not send nor did I receive material marked classified,” she then said.

But why is that?  Because Hillary somehow had all the classification markers stripped from the emails for sake of her plausible deniability.  Consider how the hardly conservative-friendly Los Angeles Times put it:

The Department of Justice said it is weighing whether to launch its own investigation after the inspector general for intelligence agencies notified the agency that classified information that went through the account appeared to have been mishandled. Administration officials and investigators declined to share details about the emails. But in a separate memo to lawmakers, the inspector general said that a review of just 40 of the 30,000 emails from the Clinton server found that four had information that should have been marked and handled as classified.

Clinton has made many assurances in recent months that she did not send or receive classified information on her personal server. Her campaign says the material in question had not been specifically marked as classified and, thus, Clinton broke no rules. The inspector general disputed that characterization in a statement late Friday, saying that the information in the emails was classified at the time, even if it wasn’t marked as such, and shouldn’t have been transmitted on a personal email system.

Even so, the revelation was an uncomfortable one for the candidate. And national security experts said the disclosure that that material that should have been marked classified made its way to Clinton’s personal email account at the very least fuels legitimate speculation about how the server was used.

“It tells us why this was such a bad idea,” said Stewart A. Baker, a former general counsel to the National Security Agency now in private practice. “It raises questions.”

Among them, Baker said, was whether staffers deliberately avoided marking sensitive emails to Clinton as classified so they could sidestep the bureaucrats who handle transmission of such material.

“She skipped the government circles and nobody was overseeing this and nobody was saying, ‘This info should not be on this system,’” Baker said. “If anything, there was an incentive for people to cross the line without making clear they were doing so.”

In other words, what Hillary Clinton did was set up a system to DELIBERATELY SIDESTEP THE CLASSIFICATION BUREAUCRACY and strip the classification markers from the emails she sent and receive so she could later walk out and claim that there was nothing marked classified.  Which is full-lawyer-mode given her proven lie that she never had any classified material to begin with.  But she’s the Jezebel shrew who set up the bypassing system in the first place.

So Hillary Clinton is no different from the murderous thug-punk who viciously wipes out her entire family and then claims she shouldn’t be prosecuted because after all, she’s an orphan, isn’t she?  And in this age of “the war on women” that Hillary Clinton viciously waged against a 12-year-old girl who was raped by pedophiles, I mean, have you no heart at all?

And, I mean, which Secretary of State HASN’T sold the office to foreign entities such as nation-state enemies like Russia or foreign corporations like UBS???  You can’t PROVE she did anything!!!  At least not without all those tens of thousands of emails she deleted or that server she wiped clean AFTER having been subpoenaed with the proven-false excuse that they contained private communications with her husband that they in actual fact did not contain.

Truly, there has never breathed a soul more dead than Hillary Rodham Clinton.

And there has never breathed an American more historically proven to be unfit for president.





Obama Presidency ‘Bogus And Wrong’ As He Dishonestly Claims It’s Not His Fault He Abandoned Iraq After Bush Secured Victory There

August 13, 2014

For those of you who don’t have time to read this full article and for the quickest possible proof that Barack Obama is a liar, just read this article dated February 2, 2009 (which I cite below if the link is ever broken) and tell me that the decision to bail out of Iraq wasn’t Obama’s baby and Obama’s baby ALONE.  You can also read the prediction of this general who said in 2011 – the very time when Obama was claiming so much credit for ending the war – that Obama’s pullout from Iraq was an “absolute disaster.”  And yu can digest the fact that Obama had the leader of ISIS in detention and FREED HIM.

Now, you tell me that Barack Hussein Obama is not a demon-possessed liar without honesty, shame, integrity, virtue, or decency of any kind.  And reveal YOURSELF to be a demon-possessed liar without honesty, shame, integrity, virtue, or decency of any kind.

For the rest of you, let’s introduce Barack Obama the pathologically dishonest liar and coward at length:

Let’s start with the present and work our way back to expose Barack Obama for the giant liar and disgrace of a human being that he truly is:

QUESTION: Mr. President, do you have any second thoughts about pulling all ground troops out of Iraq? And does it give you pause as the U.S. — is it doing the same thing in Afghanistan?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government. In order for us to maintain troops in Iraq, we needed the invitation of the Iraqi government and we needed assurances that our personnel would be immune from prosecution if, for example, they were protecting themselves and ended up getting in a firefight with Iraqis, that they wouldn’t be hauled before an Iraqi judicial system.

And the Iraqi government, based on its political considerations, in part because Iraqis were tired of a U.S. occupation, declined to provide us those assurances. And on that basis, we left. We had offered to leave additional troops. So when you hear people say, do you regret, Mr. President, not leaving more troops, that presupposes that I would have overridden this sovereign government that we had turned the keys back over to and said, you know what, you’re democratic, you’re sovereign, except if I decide that it’s good for you to keep 10,000 or 15,000 or 25,000 Marines in your country, you don’t have a choice — which would have kind of run contrary to the entire argument we were making about turning over the country back to Iraqis, an argument not just made by me, but made by the previous administration.

So let’s just be clear: The reason that we did not have a follow-on force in Iraq was because the Iraqis were — a majority of Iraqis did not want U.S. troops there, and politically they could not pass the kind of laws that would be required to protect our troops in Iraq.

Having said all that, if in fact the Iraqi government behaved the way it did over the last five, six years, where it failed to pass legislation that would reincorporate Sunnis and give them a sense of ownership; if it had targeted certain Sunni leaders and jailed them; if it had alienated some of the Sunni tribes that we had brought back in during the so-called Awakening that helped us turn the tide in 2006 — if they had done all those things and we had had troops there, the country wouldn’t be holding together either. The only difference would be we’d have a bunch of troops on the ground that would be vulnerable. And however many troops we had, we would have to now be reinforcing, I’d have to be protecting them, and we’d have a much bigger job. And probably, we would end up having to go up again in terms of the number of grounds troops to make sure that those forces were not vulnerable.

So that entire analysis is bogus and is wrong. But it gets frequently peddled around here by folks who oftentimes are trying to defend previous policies that they themselves made.

For starters, this worthless turd of a president passes more buck than the most frequented ATM machine on planet earth.  The man has been president for six years, and he has YET to take responsibility for ONE thing that’s happened during his failed presidency.

Okay.  You heard it from Obama.  He says he didn’t want to end the war but the end of the war was FORCED upon him and he’s a victim of Bush and he’s a victim of al-Malaki and he’s just a victim.  He never wanted to end the war in Iraq.  He never wanted to get our troops out.

LIAR!!!  Just watch this video and tell me that this demon-possessed man didn’t say JUST THE DAMN OPPOSITE OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN:

The Freebeacon rightly puts it this way:

It was an applause line during almost every campaign address made by President Obama in 2012: “I promised to end the war in Iraq, and I did.”

Now, he’s backing off.

President Obama ordered a full troop withdrawal from Iraq, which was completed in December 2011. But the country did not stabilize, as was predicted by Obama and key members of his administration. Instead, it has descended into greater chaos with the violent al Qaeda offshoot ISIL threatening to take over the country.

The only thing they got wrong was this notion that Obama’s “backing off.”  He is OUTRIGHT LYING.

Another site – the IJReview – gets it more right.  Their title nails it: “As ISIS Terrorists Bury Women & Children Alive, Obama Lies That Ending Iraq War ‘Wasn’t His Idea’”  And they point out more crystal clear footage of Obama in the past to document what a lying hypocrite weasel he truly is:

It’s pathological. Saturday morning, President Obama followed up on a message that he had uttered a few months ago: Withdrawing from Iraq wasn’t his idea.

This is what the president responded after being asked: “Mr. President, do you have any second thoughts about pulling all ground troops out of Iraq? And does it give you pause as the U.S. — is it doing the same thing in Afghanistan?”

What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision…

So let’s just be clear: The reason that we did not have a follow-on force in Iraq was because the Iraqis were — a majority of Iraqis did not want U.S. troops there, and politically they could not pass the kind of laws that would be required to protect our troops in Iraq.

Does the president realize that the U.S. went to war in Iraq and has a vested stake in that nation’s security? The president doesn’t get “told” by the post-Hussein government whether or not the U.S. will protect Iraq from al Qaeda or other terrorists. Period.

Here is what the president said along the same lines in June 2014, when asked about maintaining a residual force in Iraq (hint: it’s someone else’s fault):

Never mind that it was a campaign pledge in 2007 to “end the war” in Iraq within 16 months of being in office. And by the way, “you can take that to the bank”:

Never mind that his backtracking began almost immediately after he was elected. Here is Obama circa December 2008:

“I said that I would remove our combat troops from Iraq in 16 months, with the understanding that it might be necessary — likely to be necessary — to maintain a residual force to provide potential training, logistical support, to protect our civilians in Iraq.”

The president then “spiked the football” about single-handedly pulling troops out of Iraq in 2011. Here is what he said, followed by video of his speech:

“I ran for this office in part to end our war in Iraq and welcome our troops home, and that’s what we’ve done. As commander in chief, I will not allow the United States to be dragged into fighting another war in Iraq. And so even as we support Iraqis as they take the fight to these terrorists, American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq, because there’s no American military solution to the larger crisis in Iraq.”

Now here is the reality of what’s going on in Iraq, since the U.S. left a gaping power vacuum for ISIS terrorists (aka “al Qaeda’s JV squad“). Breitbart picked up on the story, which originally came via Reuters:

Islamic State militants have killed at least 500 members of Iraq’s Yazidi ethnic minority during their offensive in the north, Iraq’s human rights minister told Reuters on Sunday.

Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said the Sunni militants had also buried alive some of their victims, including women and children. Some 300 women were kidnapped as slaves, he added.

The ISIS terrorists told the Yazidis to convert to Islam or die. In at least some cases, those who “convert” are still killed in a horrific manner. This follows upon weeks of gruesome reports of Christians and other minorities being killed in awful ways, such as by crucifixion and decapitation.


As President Obama takes yet another vacation at an incredibly inopportune time for America (not to mention for the Iraqis being summarily executed by terrorists), even the media seem to be noticing that this “Commander-in-Chief” is not only weak, but incapable of taking responsibility.

Maybe they should have noticed that while they were promoting a community organizer with the gift of gab to leader of the most powerful nation on earth.

Update: Joel Gehrke at National Review Online wrote in-depth about the “it’s all Bush’s fault” rejoinder (re: the “status of forces” agreement):

A report in The New Yorker showed how President Obama failed to secure the status of forces agreement necessary to leave the troops in place after 2011.

Imagine that – the buck actually stops with Obama.

But even this doesn’t go quite far enough in exposing Obama.  I mean, for instance, it doesn’t provide the now infamous quote from Obama’s VP Joe Biden:

“I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.”

So we have it on documented historical record that Obama and his administration weren’t just claiming credit for ending the war and pulling all our troops out; they were claiming credit for the safe, stable, peaceful Iraq that had been left behind as Bush left office.

We’ve got Obama’s own words to confirm that FACT from 2011 when he was pulling all our troops out:

“This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.”


“[W]e will work to promote an Iraqi government that is just, representative, and accountable, and that provides neither support nor safe haven to terrorists.”

But again, this still doesn’t get to the gist of Obama’s rhetoric now, that he tried to leave troops behind but al-Malaki wouldn’t have it (so Obama of course being a true pathological liar claimed over and over and over again to the American people that it was his idea even when it wasn’t and boasted of the success of something that has now so wildly failed it is beyond unreal).  No, for that, you have to go back even further.

Read this article that was written in the first few days following Obama’s taking office and YOU TELL ME WHO WANTED TO PULL U.S. TROOPS OUT OF IRAQ AND WHOSE DAMN IDEA IT WAS:

US-IRAQ: Generals Seek to Reverse Obama Withdrawal Decision
By Gareth Porter

WASHINGTON, Feb 2 2009 (IPS) – CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.

But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.

Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’s recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.

Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying, “Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama.”

Petraeus, Gates and Odierno had hoped to sell Obama on a plan that they formulated in the final months of the Bush administration that aimed at getting around a key provision of the U.S.-Iraqi withdrawal agreement signed envisioned re-categorising large numbers of combat troops as support troops. That subterfuge was by the United States last November while ostensibly allowing Obama to deliver on his campaign promise.

I cited Obama blathering about how he ended the war in Iraq from 2011.  Here is the prediction of a key US general at the same time Obama was patting himself on the back:

Key general: Iraq pullout plan a ‘disaster’
Others echo call for strength against Iran
By Rowan Scarborough – The Washington Times
Sunday, October 23, 2011

President Obama’s decision to pull all U.S. forces out of Iraq by Dec. 31 is an “absolute disaster” that puts the burgeoning Arab democracy at risk of an Iranian “strangling,” said an architect of the 2007 troop surge that turned around a losing war.

Retired Army Gen. John M. Keane was at the forefront of persuading President George W. Bush to scuttle a static counterinsurgency strategy and replace it with 30,000 reinforcements and a more activist, street-by-street counterterrorism tactic.

Today, even with that strategy producing a huge drop in daily attacks, Gen. Keane bluntly told The Washington Times that the United States again is losing.

“I think it’s an absolute disaster,” said Gen. Keane, who advised Gen. David H. Petraeus when he was top Iraq commander. “We won the war in Iraq, and we’re now losing the peace.”

U.S. troops will be vacating Iraq at a time when neither Baghdad’s counterterrorism skills nor its abilities to protect against invasion are at levels needed to fully protect the country, say analysts long involved in the nearly nine-year war.

“Forty-four hundred lives lost,” Gen. Keane said. “Tens of thousands of troops wounded. Over a couple hundred thousand Iraqis killed. We liberated 25 million people. There is only one Arab Muslim country that elects its own government, and that is Iraq.

“We should be staying there to strengthen that democracy, to let them get the kind of political gains they need to get and keep the Iranians away from strangling that country. That should be our objective, and we are walking away from that objective.”

You tell me who history proves was right and who history proved was catastrophically WRONG.

I pointed this out previously citing world opinion of Israel as my example: the Democrat Party is the party of demon-possession.  You can’t be this stupid, this blind and this depraved on your own because God created us with rational minds capable of seeing truth.  Satan is behind the Democrat Party and that is why such idiocy has become America’s policy.

The decision to withdraw all U.S. forces from Iraq was the morally idiotic, demon-possessed decision of one fool: Barack Hussein Obama.  PERIOD.

And Barack Obama and the Democrat Party are now LYING to claim anything otherwise.  Period.

Get this one: Obama actually FREED the man who is the leader of ISIS as it murders its way across Syria, Iraq and now Lebanon.

BOMBSHELL: ISIS leader was US prisoner. Obama released him.

The US government once offered a reward of “up to $10 million” for the capture of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He was captured and interned at Camp Bucca.

In 2009, Barack Obama shut down the camp and freed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Since 2011, Barack Obama has been providing money and support to Sunni Jihadists in Syria, where Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was based.

Many of the Sunni Jihadists fighting in ISIS have directly benefits from US money and arms.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is believed to be the mastermind behind a series of large scale jail breaks in Iraq that have freed about 2,000 Jihadists over the past year.

His present army stretches from The middle of northern Syria to northern and central Iraq. The core of his army is made up of former FSA Jihadists that received money and weapons from the USA, freed Iraqi veteran Jihadists, and Sunni militias that are now flocking to join him.

That is simply documented history.

We literally have it from the sneering, arrogant lips of the Obama administration PUKES that Bush wouldn’t have done this insanely evil thing and that General Petraeus wouldn’t have done this insanely evil thing and that the Pentagon didn’t want to do this insanely evil thing, but Obama is the Pharaoh-god-king now so you’ll have to realize that a god among men has taken over and just bow down before him.

Barack Obama is a LIAR.  Democrats are LIARS.  If you vote for them you will one day very soon find yourself burning in hell forever and ever and ever.  And it will be a GOOD thing that you are burning in hell because of all the wickedness that you perpetuated by keeping these truth-murdering thugs in office.

And now this pathological COWARD doesn’t have the courage, or the integrity or the decency or the honesty or the virtue or ANY other positive moral trait to just tell the American people the truth: that he well and truly FUBARed Iraq after he FUBARed in Syria and for that matter after he FUBARed in Libya and before that in Egypt – and will can all already see that Obama will ultimately FUBAR in Afghanistan – to ignite the entire Middle East into a conflagration that mark my words will end at Armageddon.

When Iran – a rabid Islamic totalitarian fascist state that literally believes it will be serving Allah by forcing the last days to come with an orgy of violence and bloodshed – gets the nuclear bomb, it will be ENTIRELY Barack Obama’s and the Democrat Party’s fault.

It is stunning to see the degree that Obama has brought America to its ruin while we sit like the proverbial frogs in the pot of water that is beginning to slowly come to a boil.

Democrats are now demanding Republicans explain how they would fix the mess that Obama created for America.  And the only answer is to invent a time machine so we could go back to 2008 and hunt down every single Democrat with dogs and burn them alive.  Because Obama has so obliterated all options in Iraq and all American credibility in the world that both are broken beyond repair.

If we had kept troops in Iraq the way we kept troops in Okinawa and Europe after World War II and in South Korea after the Korean War, we would not be in this mess.  ISIS would not have been able to gain a foothold.  Iraq would still be the stable, safe, peaceful country Obama and Biden boasted about.  But no.  Obama failed.  Had Obama showed some resolve in Syria after his cowardly retreat from his “red line,” had Obama armed the pro-Democrat Syrian rebels when Republicans like John McCain and Lindsey Graham were BEGGING him to do, ISIS would not have been able to spread like a cancer from Syria.  I mean, had Obama just bombed ISIS when they were besieging Mosul in Iraq instead of mocking them as “JV,” we could have stopped this bloodshed fiasco.  But no.

Obama failed America.  Obama failed Iraq.  Obama failed the Middle East.  Obama failed the world.  And the entire human race will pay dearly for Obama’s failure just as the entire human race paid dearly for Neville Chamberlain’s failure when that fool and coward employed the same identical strategy as Obama is now.

I’m going to state for the record again how I believe the United States will catastrophically collapse.  It begins with the fact that this is now officially “God DAMN America!” because of Obama’s “fundamentally transforming” this nation into a homosexual sodomy-worshiping perverter of God’s principles.  God is not mocked.  He has turned His back on this nation and it shows to anyone who isn’t a radical FOOL.  Add to that our stratospheric debt which is – if you actually COUNT it – is currently very near $250 TRILLION.  No nation in the history of planet earth has EVER been as immoral with money as the United States of America.  And Obama has “fundamentally transformed America” there, too.  By the time Obama leaves office, he will have DOUBLED the nation’s debt and literally surpassed the total of every single American president from George Washington to George W. Bush COMBINED.  If you believe that a bankrupt nation can spend its way out of bankruptcy, you are as insane and as demon-possessed as your false messiah president is.  And, again, to document what an appallingly dishonest hypocrite Barack Obama and Democrats are, let’s remember how Obama demonized Bush for what we now know Obama quintupled down on himself.

What goes up must come down.  And America’s artificially inflated economy – allowed to metastasize into the cancer it has become by virtue of America’s status as the Reserve Currency which enables us to literally keep printing money when NO OTHER NATION IN HISTORY COULD GET AWAY WITH THAT – will most assuredly come crashing down.  You are a fool not to understand that fact.  As the reserve currency of the planet, all commodities are bought and sold with U.S. dollars.  That has allowed us to get away with fiscal policies that no other nation has EVER been allowed to get away with.  We are literally able to create money out of thin air by adding zeroes to our Federal Reserve computers with the devaluation of our currency split among every inhabitant of planet earth.

But here’s the thing: America will crash catastrophically – and the American people will suffer as no people in the history of the world have EVER suffered simply because the depth of our collapse will be so far beyond anything that has ever happened in all of human history – when we lose that Reserve Currency status.  And I guaran-damn-TEE you that that will happen in the not-very-distant future now.  America’s abuse of that status guarantees it.  Already, the next five largest economies, the so-called BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are demanding that the United States dollar be severed from reserve currency status.  And I can now assure you that former allies such as Germany – enraged by Obama – won’t stand in the way of that move.

Obama’s gutting of our national security and his incredibly weak and cowardly foreign policy have made us appear weak and actually BE weak in the world.  There is NOTHING to stop our allies from abandoning us just as there is NOTHING to stop our enemies from being emboldened against us.  We maintained our status as Reserve Currency by serving as the policeman of the world.  No matter how much they bitched about it, the rest of the free world was glad that we were there to back them up so they didn’t have to provide powerful militaries themselves.  Those days are OVER because of Obama.  And there is no reason to keep a strong, powerful America around anymore as we reneged on OUR end of the deal.

The night before our complete economic collapse, the talking heads will tell you that everything will be okay and your money will be fine.  You mark my words.

The United States is nowhere mentioned in Bible prophecy.  But you should already be able to see that there will be no strong, powerful America to prevent the degeneration of the world into rabid evil.  If anything, in fact, the United States is now LEADING the world into evil.  And God will put an end to this blasphemous, heretic nation very soon.

The Antichrist is coming out of the soon-coming ruins.  And Democrats will worship him and take his mark because he will promise the ultimate big-government Utopia that they have dreamed of.

History will ultimately prove that Barack Hussein Obama and every Democrat who supported him were the Useful Idiots who ushered in the Antichrist and the coming hell on earth.




Obama: ‘The Old Order [That I Tore Down] Isn’t Holding.’ And What Has Obama Replaced That ‘Old Order’ With? Try 400 Fundraisers

July 23, 2014

You’ve got stand back and appreciate the understated hypocritical chutzpah of Obama:

“Part of people’s concern is just the sense that around the world, the old order isn’t holding and we’re not quite where we need to be in terms of a new order that’s based on a different set of principles, that’s based on a sense of common humanity, that’s based on economies that work for all people,” Obama said Tuesday, speaking at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser at an Italianate mansion across Lake Washington from the downtown skyline.

Of course, it was Obama – more than any human being on planet earth – who demonized the “old order,” who tore it down, who promised that HE was the END of the “old order,” because he would erect that new order.  And he has so spectacularly failed and so spectacularly demonstrated and documented the failure of liberalism that it is beyond unreal.

It was Obama who arrogantly boasted that he would literally heal the planet and lower the level of the oceans by replacing God with human government and imposing his antichrist human government as the solution to all of mankind’s and America’s problems.  And guess what?  His government is the CAUSE of all of America’s and the world’s problems because everyone now knows Obama and America because of Obama is weak and unable to effect ANYTHING.  And so the thugs are free to pursue their thuggery.

But it’s where Obama said this that completes the joke.  He wasn’t standing in a soup kitchen ladling out soup to homeless people.  Nope.  He wasn’t doing a damn THING to somehow advance the “new order that’s based on a different set of principles.”

Unless, that is, you’re a Democrat money whore and “the new order that’s based on a different set of principles” is based on CAMPAIGN MONEY.  You know, even as you demonize your opposition for thinking it ought to be able to raise money to compete with your 400 fundraisers:

President Obama makes a rush hour foray into Seattle and the Eastside on Tuesday, once more holding no public events and raising money from donors who will pay up to $25,000 to see the 44th president and ask Obama a question. […]

Air Force One is due to land at Boeing Field around 3 p.m., with the President spending about four hours on the ground before leaving for other fundraisers in San Francisco and Los Angeles. The West Coast trip will bring the count of Obama fundraisers to nearly 400 since he took office in 2009.

That is literally all this worthless turd of a president is doing now.  The world is burning and Obama is burning Air Force One fuel to hop from fundraiser to fundraiser to fundraiser to fundraiser to fundraiser.

He has utterly and completely failed as president in every single other respect.

Let’s compare Obama to Vladimir Putin:

Putin is a leader, Obama is a lawyer.  Putin is dominating, Obama is negotiating.  Putin is re-arming and strengthening Russia while Obama is dis-arming and weakening America.  And absolutely every single time Obama and Putin have butted heads Putin has slapped Obama around like the weak little cowardly boy that Obama is inside that empty suit with the tiny little collar size.

What is interesting is that, in many other important ways, Obama and Putin are the very same thug.  Think of Putin shooting down a commercial airliner and ordering his thugs to hide the evidence; then think of Obama using the IRS as his Internal Revenge Service to target conservatives for “anti-Obama-rhetoric” and then ordering his thugs to hide the emails.  Same tactics from the same fascists.  The only real difference is that one fascist is working to build mother Russia and the other fascist is working to dismantle – well, in his words “fundamentally transform” – what used to be the mightiest nation in the history of the world.

We can also consider the similarities of Obama’s and Putin’s thug supporters.  In the Russian media, “facts” are simply obliterated to shape public opinion.  Which has been precisely what Obama “journalists” have done in scandal after scandal after scandal.  It doesn’t matter what Putin does; his thug supporters will STILL be his supporters.  Ditto Obama.  No matter how flagrant his lies, no matter how fascist his violations of the Constitution and the law, his supporters will still support him “Putin-style.”

I think of Obama and his “deadlines.”  ISIS – who just took advantage of the fact that Barack Obama is a truly weak and feckless man to seize huge chunks of Iraq and Syria – just issued a “deadline” for every Christian to either leave, convert to Islam, or die.  Unlike Obama’s many “deadlines” – such as what we just saw as Iran’s was extended – the one that the terrorists issue actually has force.  Nothing Obama says means ANYTHING.  Unless he’s threatening Republicans with yet another fascist, unconstitutional power-grab with yet another executive order.

It doesn’t matter to him that the Supreme Court has smacked him down with a unanimous 9-0 decision THIRTEEN TIMES.  But Obama couldn’t care less.  He keeps doing the same fascist stunt over and over and over.

On the domestic side, where nobody will kick his skinny, weaselly little butt, he’s a genuine fascist dictator.  He’s got a pen and a phone and he doesn’t give a flying damn about the Constitution, or the Congress, or the Supreme Court any more than Hitler would have.

On the international side, where he can’t just call somebody he’s appointed in the IRS to use the agency as an intimidating thug to punish his enemies, or abrogate the law with a stroke of his pen, he’s helpless.

Is it any wonder that the world looks at Putin more favorably than Obama?  [And see here also].  One is strong and the other is a weak fool.  Obama is a useless ally who will stab his “friends” in the back.

I was comparing Obama to Neville Chamberlain YEARS AGO:

President Obama Not Ready For Coming International Crisis. Are You?

Obama Ends War On Terror; Terrorists On Different Page

U.S. GUARANTEED Ukraine’s Borders: It Is Simply STUNNING How Obama Has Played The Part Of WWII Patsy Neville Chamberlain

Islamist Anti-U.S. Terrorism Rejuvenated Under Obama Weakness

Neville Chamberlain Deux: Obama Betrays Allies To Appease Enemies

Let me just pat myself on the back yet again: I WAS RIGHT.

As I pointed out in 2009, here was Neville Chamberlain, the grand turd of history who allowed Hitler to run over Europe while he utterly failed to take any kind of moral stand whatsoever.  This is how I began an article back in September 2009:

For the official record, I have compared Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain sixteen times in separate articles (seventeen counting this one).  British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was ruthless in advancing his domestic policy agenda, but became one of history’s most infamous appeasing weaklings in bowing down to Hitler’s threats and demands.  In seeking to avoid war at any cost, he guaranteed the worst war in human history – at least until now.

Prime Minister Chamberlain went to Munich expressing his desire to discuss a peaceful settlement with Germany under terms that included reneging on the British pledge to defend Czechoslovakia.  Jan Masaryk, the Czech Minister in London, called on British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax on the eve of the Munich Conference and said, “If you are sacrificing my nation to preserve the peace of the world, I will be the first to applaud you. But if not, God help your souls!”

Britain had betrayed Czechoslovakia for an empty promise that Neville Chamberlain naively believed would bring “peace in our time.”  Edouard Daladier took a more realistic view: “The fools,” he said bitterly, acknowledging the cheers of the crowds who believed Chamberlain’s statement.  “If only they knew what they are cheering.”

That description of the Great Boob whose weakness generated World War II describes Obama to a ‘B.’  Obama has been a fascist tyrant with his abrogation of the law and the Constitution as he literally DICTATES the law with his sweeping executive orders.  He boasts he doesn’t need Congress (even though, um, the Constitution says he absolutely does).  But when it comes to his foreign policy, suddenly he doesn’t have that phone and that pen that he uses so in-your-face-with at home.

A year ago – you know, before ISIS came in and created its caliphate – I was warning that Obama’s dithering and weak policy on Syria would come back to BITE AMERICA.

Obama sacrificed 200,000 Syrian lives and made himself look like a weak, pathetic, abject FOOL over his “red line” debacle that only resulted in Vladimir Putin stepping in to protect his puppet Assad for life.  Obama sacrificed Iraq to an utterly FOOLISH policy in which he totally abandoned any security in Iraq and allowed a terrorist group even worse than al Qaeda to establish a caliphate.  Obama provides a wretchedly dishonest narrative that he couldn’t negotiate a status of forces agreement that would allow him to keep troops in Iraq, but IN FACT he was decreeing that he was cutting and running immediately after taking office in January of 2009:

WASHINGTON, Feb 2 2009 (IPS) – CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.

But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.

Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’s recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.

Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying, “Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama.”

You see, Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was dealing with an honorable man who was capable of listening to reason rather than to a depraved ideologue FOOL.

Obama has publicly lied and claimed that he couldn’t help Iraq because Iraq didn’t want our help.  Obama’s White House claimed that they were blindsided by ISIS’ success.  Remember Obama mocking ISIS as “JV”?  It’s our Turd-in-Chief who is junior varsity here, not ISIS.  We now know that Obama REPEATEDLY refused to provide drone strikes against ISIS that would have been highly successful while they were in their staging areas when the Iraqi government was literally BEGGING us for them.  It is no overstatement to submit that Obama literally seized ignoble American defeat from the jaws of secured American victory.

ISIS now has a terrifying ultimatum for Christians in Iraq: leave, convert to Islam, or die in their new caliphate.  And it is ALL directly Obama’s fault.

We saw the same phenomenon in Syria.  People who understood reality – like John McCain and Lindsey Graham – were pleading with Obama to send aid to the pro-democracy Syrian rebels while they were a distinct group; Obama refused.  And the jihadists – who unlike the pro-democracy fighters were getting all kinds of assistance from Sunni Islamic countries – swallowed them up.  We had a window of opportunity and Obama pissed it away with his dithering and his failure and his incompetence  [See here and here and here and here and here].  And now Assad is permanently in power thanks to Obama’s disgraceful “red line” and his subsequent fiasco of an agreement with Putin and ISIS is permanently in control in the eastern region of Syria bordering Iraq.  And easily more than 200,000 Syrians are dead.

While Obama idiotically decrees that the world is somehow less violent than it has ever been:

“[T]he truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.”  — Announcement from your Fool-in-Chief

The “Arab Spring” that previously had occurred with Obama’s encouragement has been a meltdown of nightmare proportions.

Obama actually ignited the Arab Spring by assisting what turned out to be the Muslim Brotherhood topple Mubarak in Egypt.  We find that the Obama administration trained the “community organizers” who overthrew Mubarak.

And so Obama first toppled Mubarak and THEN supported the wicked terrorist Muslim Brotherhood:

Cairo University echoed with cheers in June 2009 when President Barack Obama addressed his audience with the Muslim greeting, assalamu aleikum, peace be upon you.

The goodwill didn’t last. Four years later, Egyptians increasingly assail the U.S. for backing Islamist President Mohamed Morsi, the nation’s first democratically elected leader, as they did when Hosni Mubarak ran Egypt with American support.

In Cairo’s Tahrir Square, blood-red letters on a white banner read: “Obama Supports The Dictator Mursi.” A sign on the speakers’ platform adds: “Down with Mursi, America’s agent.”

Obama’s talk of a “new beginning” between Muslims and the U.S. has been swamped in Egypt by economic dysfunction and political polarization between Islamist and secular leaders. As investors flee and Egyptians suffer, what the president called a “cycle of suspicion and discord” has delayed financial aid and left Egypt drifting toward bankruptcy.

“People are frustrated here, full of anger, especially youngsters,” said Anwar Sadat, the nephew of the Egyptian president assassinated in 1981 and the leader of a minor opposition party. “The truth is we are in trouble.”

In the U.S., lawmakers who doubt Mursi’s commitment to democracy are concerned that new arms shipments could be turned against Israel. In Egypt, the president welcomed in 2009 with a cry of “Barack Obama, we love you,” is now seen by many as just another leader who puts American interests above Egypt’s needs. A Gallup survey released March 13 showed Egyptians disapprove of U.S. leadership by a 62 percent to 17 percent margin

See also here.

By the way and for what it’s worth, that thing about “new arms shipments that could be turned against Israel” is why Israel is fighting as we speak.  All those rockets Hamas is using were shipped courtesy of Obama’s terrorist Muslim Brotherhood thugs.

Libya has turned out to be a complete MESS due to Obama’s bomb-and-run policy as even the Los Angeles Times acknowledges.  The LA Time’s byline is:

3 years after U.S. military intervention, Libya has become what U.S. officials dread most

“What U.S. officials dread most.”  That’s interesting, because that’s exactly what happened in Iraq and in Syria – the very worst case scenario.

“What U.S. officials dread most” is what’s soon going to happen in Afghanistan as Obama pursues the same announce that you’re cutting and running and then cut and run policy that failed everywhere else.

I cited that article in my piece, “Not With A Bang But A Whimper: LA Times Admits That Obama’s (And Hillary Clinton’s) Intervention In Libya Was A MAJOR Disaster.”

Here’s another headline that I wrote that helps describe the cancerous failure that is Obama: “After 230 ‘Security Incidents’ In Libya, An Ambassador About To Be Murdered BEGGING For Security, And That Security CUT, The Truth Is Coming Out.”

Thanks for igniting the world and then walking away … to your next FUNDRAISER, Barry Hussein.  Just as you went fundraising while the first U.S. ambassador since 1979 and the failed Carter years was murdered.

Just like you went fundraising as you refused to visit the border to see the result of your wicked policies as tens of thousands of illegal immigrants overwhelmed our resources contrary to your mocking of those who said the border was unsecure.

Just like you’re fundraising NOW as Putin does to Ukraine what Hitler did to Czechoslovakia and Poland.

There is no question that Putin and Russia are DIRECTLY responsible for the civilian airliner and 300 lives being shot down by a sophisticated Russian SA-11 anti-aircraft missile system.

I’ve got to laugh at the moral stupidity of liberals.  This morning the Los Angeles Times ran an article about Putin being boxed into a corner.  Libturd Doyle McManus begins his idiot piece claiming “It’s neither pleasant nor polite to say it, but the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 may have been the best thing to happen to President Obama’s policy on Ukraine in weeks.”  Why?  Because “Obama’s strategy of nudging Europe to escalate economic sanctions against Russia was getting nowhere.”  That’s right, FAIL ALERT.  And therefore, “In short, Putin appeared to be slowly winning.”  But “Now the picture has changed.”  And “By the beginning of this week even Putin was hurriedly making conciliatory noises.”  Well, guess what?  Putin just shot down TWO more aircraft in Ukraine.  He isn’t backing down from SQUAT.  He is more popular in Russia than EVER.  These liberals have NO CLUE what they are talking about.  Because they live in a world of theories rather than facts or any comprehension regarding human nature.

Hell, maybe if Obama was actually DOING something rather than going from fundraiser to fundraiser as he blames all the myriad failures of his failed presidency on every Republican he can point his finger at, he’d be popular too.

Obamas has failed America.  Obama has failed the world.

The liberal view that Obama has epitomized that “weakness is strength” is literally ORWELLIAN.  And it will surely RESULT in an Orwellian society of “a boot stomping on a human face forever” as the Antichrist steps in to the vacuum Obama created in world leadership.

Obama promised to lower the level of the oceans.  But the level is rising now with the blood that has flowed around the globe because of his pathetic presidency.



Not With A Bang But A Whimper: LA Times Admits That Obama’s (And Hillary Clinton’s) Intervention In Libya Was A MAJOR Disaster

June 27, 2014

We hear all the time from liberals that George W. Bush broke the law when he attacked Iraq and that Bush turned Iraq into a hellhole with his warmongering.

It’s time to point out a few things.

Number one, no, Bush DIDN’T break the law when he attacked Iraq; he actually passed “the Iraq War Resolution” that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, John Kerry, etc. voted for.  And when George Bush attacked Iraq, he did what nearly sixty percent of the Democrats in the US Senate authorized him to do.  And number two, when George Bush LEFT Iraq, he left a safe, stable region that prompted Joe Biden to say:

“I am very optimistic about — about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.”

… and for Barack Obama to boast in 2011:

“This strategy is grounded in a clear and achievable goal shared by the Iraqi people and the American people: an Iraq that is sovereign, stable, and self-reliant.”


“[W]e will work to promote an Iraqi government that is just, representative, and accountable, and that provides neither support nor safe haven to terrorists.”

Bush left behind a safe, stable Iraq.  And all Barack Obama had to do was keep a small US force there to keep safe and stable what we had fought to make safe and stable.  Obama failed as only the worst kind of FOOL can fail by ignoring his top general’s urgent warnings and pleas to keep a force in Iraq:

WASHINGTON, Feb 2 2009 (IPS) – CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, supported by Defence Secretary Robert Gates, tried to convince President Barack Obama that he had to back down from his campaign pledge to withdraw all U.S. combat troops from Iraq within 16 months at an Oval Office meeting Jan. 21.

But Obama informed Gates, Petraeus and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen that he wasn’t convinced and that he wanted Gates and the military leaders to come back quickly with a detailed 16-month plan, according to two sources who have talked with participants in the meeting.

Obama’s decision to override Petraeus’s recommendation has not ended the conflict between the president and senior military officers over troop withdrawal, however. There are indications that Petraeus and his allies in the military and the Pentagon, including Gen. Ray Odierno, now the top commander in Iraq, have already begun to try to pressure Obama to change his withdrawal policy.

A network of senior military officers is also reported to be preparing to support Petraeus and Odierno by mobilising public opinion against Obama’s decision.

Petraeus was visibly unhappy when he left the Oval Office, according to one of the sources. A White House staffer present at the meeting was quoted by the source as saying, “Petraeus made the mistake of thinking he was still dealing with George Bush instead of with Barack Obama.”

Petraeus, Gates and Odierno had hoped to sell Obama on a plan that they formulated in the final months of the Bush administration that aimed at getting around a key provision of the U.S.-Iraqi withdrawal agreement signed envisioned re-categorising large numbers of combat troops as support troops. That subterfuge was by the United States last November while ostensibly allowing Obama to deliver on his campaign promise.

Do you want to know who broke the law and then left a ruined country that is completely going to pot now?

Barry Hussein Obama, that’s who.  Even the fool’s own damn LAWYERS told him that what he was doing was illegal and criminal.  But the thug in chief was above the law.

Obama’s reckless action in Libya prompted even a DEMOCRAT to say this about false messiah Obama:

Representative Lynn Woolsey charged the President of showing “contempt” for the Constitution, and insulting the intelligence of the American people.  Woolsey made the following statement: “The Obama Administration’s argument is one that shows contempt for the Constitution and for the executive’s co-equal branch of government, the United States Congress.  To say that our aggressive bombing of Libya does not rise to the level of ‘hostilities’ flies in the face of common sense and is an insult to the intelligence of the American people.  This act must not stand, because we can’t afford another full-blown war—the ones we’re already fighting are bankrupting us morally and fiscally.  Let those who support the military campaign against Libya make their case, in an open debate culminating with a vote in the U.S. Congress.  The American people deserve nothing less.”

And yes, the criminal fascist thug Obama DID what he ACCUSED George Bush of doing when he attacked Libya without bothering to get ANY Congressional approval:

Senator Obama, taking a cheap shot at then-President Bush:

Barack Obama: “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” Obama responded.

“As Commander-in-Chief, the President does have a duty to protect and defend the United States,” Obama continued. “In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch.”

Do you remember being attacked by Libya?  Did the Libyans invade us?  I mean, maybe I was just asleep when it happened or something.  Otherwise, Barack Obama ought to be impeached, and the single witness against him should be … Barack Obama.  Barack Obama trampled all over the Constitution according to none other than … that’s right, Barack Obama.

George Bush got Congress’ approval before BOTH of his attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq.

And not only did Obama’s adventure in Libya NOT have the approval of Congress, but it also has less approval than ANY US military action in the last four decades going back to Vietnam.

And just what in the hell made our Idiot-in-Chief decide to be the first president in the sorry history of Gaddafi’s forty-plus years of abusing his own people to shake hands with the monster?

Do you see what a meandering idiot this guy is?

So having just taken that trip down memory lane, let’s see what the uberliberal leftist snot rag the Los Angeles Times has to say about the hellhole that Libya has become under Obama’s hypocritical and incompetent watch:

U.S. intervention in Libya now seen as cautionary tale
By Paul Richter,  Christi Parsons
June 27, 2014, 4:00 AM|Reporting from Washington

    3 years after U.S. military intervention, Libya has become what U.S. officials dread most
    As the U.S. considers a limited intervention in Iraq, the experience in Libya is seen as a cautionary tale
    More than 50,000 people, including refugee and migrants, have flooded to Europe through Libya’s porous borders

A group of U.S. diplomats arrived in Libya three years ago to a memorable reception: a throng of cheering men and women who pressed in on the startled group “just to touch us and thank us,” recalled Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security advisor.

The Libyans were emotional because the U.S. and its allies had toppled leader Moammar Kadafi in a military campaign that averted a feared slaughter of Kadafi’s foes. Obama administration officials called the international effort, accomplished with no Western casualties, a “model intervention.”

But in three years Libya has turned into the kind of place U.S. officials most fear: a lawless land that attracts terrorists, pumps out illegal arms and drugs and destabilizes its neighbors.

Now, as Obama considers a limited military intervention in Iraq, the Libya experience is seen by many as a cautionary tale of the unintended damage big powers can inflict when they aim for a limited involvement in an unpredictable conflict.

“If Iraq and Afghanistan are examples of overkill and overreach, Libya is the reverse case, where you do too little and get an unacceptable result,” said Brian Katulis, a Middle East specialist at the Center for American Progress, a think tank. “The lesson is that a low tolerance of risk can have its costs.”

Though they succeeded in their military effort, the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies fell short in the broader goal of putting Libya on a path toward democracy and stability. Exhausted after a decade of war and mindful of the failures in Iraq, U.S. officials didn’t want to embark on another nation-building effort in an oil-rich country that seemed to pose no threat to Western security.

But by limiting efforts to help the new Libyan government gain control over the country, critics say, the U.S. and its allies have inadvertently helped turn Libya into a higher security threat than it was before the military intervention.

Libya has become North Africa’s most active militant sanctuary, at the center of the resurgent threat that Obama warned about in a May address at West Point. A 2012 terrorist attack against the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi killed four Americans, including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens.

Arms trafficking from Libya “is fueling conflict and insecurity — including terrorism — on several continents,” an expert panel reported to the United Nations Security Council in February. Weapons smuggled out of Libya have been used by insurgents in Mali, by Boko Haram terrorists in Nigeria and by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.

More than 50,000 people, including refugees from Syria and migrants from North Africa, have flooded into Europe through Libya’s porous borders, sharpening the continent’s immigration crisis.

The latest U.S. State Department travel warning portrays Libya as a society in near-collapse, beset by crime, terrorism, factional fighting, government failure and the wide availability of portable antiaircraft weapons that can shoot down commercial airplanes.

U.S. officials, now scrambling to reverse Libya’s downward spiral, say blame rests with the Libyans who took control of a country that has proved more dysfunctional than expected.


Some observers are warning that the administration eventually may be forced to do more. A Rand Corp. report this spring predicted that if Libya’s problems continue to worsen, another NATO intervention might be required.

“Libya is a lesson about the risks,” said Robert Danin, a longtime U.S. diplomat in the Middle East who warned about the risks of ensuing chaos. “With nation-building in disrepute, there’s a tendency now to want to declare victory and move on. But interventions can’t be done neatly.”

Here’s the money quote:

“If Iraq and Afghanistan are examples of overkill and overreach, Libya is the reverse case, where you do too little and get an unacceptable result,” said Brian Katulis, a Middle East specialist at the Center for American Progress, a think tank. “The lesson is that a low tolerance of risk can have its costs.”

That’s precisely what Obama did across the Middle East: he declared victory and moved on.  It’s what he did in Iraq in spite of the fact that he refused to deploy ANY security force whatsoever; it’s what he did in Libya after he bombed the country into rioting and terrorism that led to the Benghazi debacle and Obama’s cover-up of that debacle; it’s what he did in Syria after his weakness-personified “red line” and his deal with Putin that secured Assad’s power-grip and ultimately led to the rise of ISIS that is owning Obama right now.  Again and again, Obama declared victory and moved on, having done little or nothing.  He assured us that al Qaeda – which is now larger, more powerful, wealthier and controls more territory than EVER in it’s history – was “decimated” and “on the run.”  But they WEREN’T running; they were running their FLAG up over OUR embassies!!!  And Obama declared that ISIS was “JV” and that just because they dressed up in Laker’s uniforms didn’t make them Kobe Bryant.  When we can now see that it’s OBAMA who is “JV” and ISIS is looking like Kobe Bryant at the very top of his game in comparison to anything our weak president is doing.

Obama lied to you, America: you can’t eat your cake and have it, too.  We either fight to win or we lose and ultimately we die.  Those are out choices.

Whether in Iraq, or Libya, or anywhere ELSE you want to name, “worst-case scenario” is now becoming the normal state of affairs under this spectacularly failed presidency.

The point is this: Bush went on the offensive and there are those who argue that he failed.  Mind you, Bush left office with a JUST A SMALL FRACTION OF THE FORCE that Obama escalated Afghanistan into and was responsible for about a fifth of the casualties suffered in Afghanistan and HE WON IN IRAQ UNTIL OBAMA PISSED VICTORY AWAY (see also here and here).  And here for what I predicted back in 2011.

Obama’s “red line” fiasco turned into a bloodbath in Syria.  Obama’s complete withdrawal from and abandonment of Iraq turned into the largest terrorist caliphate the world has ever seen.  And it will be coming at us soon because they’ve SAID it would be coming:

[The United States] intercepted a letter written from Al-Zawahiri to the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. The letter described four stages that they would engage in: drive the Americans out, establish a caliphate in Bahgdad, use that base to attack other countries, attack Israel.

And as Obama has – as a result of his “policy” – utterly abandoned the Middle East to chaos and terrorism and murder – it is now obvious that Obama has failed FAR WORSE than Bush or any other president who ever lived.

Did you notice that Susan Rice was there again, she who is Obama’s top liar of choice first in Benghazi and more recently in the Bowe Bergdahl trade-your-soul and your five captured terrorist generals for a worthless turd deal???

I also can’t help but laugh that the same damn fool president who caused such a humanitarian crisis in Libya has also caused a similar one on our very own border with his ridiculously failed morally idiotic policies.

Somehow I remember the mainstream media propaganda that is our “journalism” today going ape poop over the Bush administration prediction that “we’ll be greeted as liberators” line.  But where have they been in the three years since Obama’s reckless, criminal and incompetent action in Libya broke down all civilized structures in Libya?  NOWHERE.  Because if you’re a reporter today, you view yourself as serving your messiah Obama and the Ultimate Cause of liberalism and secular humanism.  And you are willing to lie for your god and for your cause because you believe the ends justify the means.

George Bush essentially won the Iraq War in 21 days.  That’s how long it took for the air power to cripple Iraq’s ability to wage war and for US troops to largely secure the most vital parts of the country.  The rest of it was the attempt to “build and hold.”  Obama didn’t bother with that in Libya.  Hell, he didn’t even bother with it in Iraq.  As Jonah Goldberg pointed out:

Hillary Clinton has defined leadership in a democracy as a relay race: “You run the best race you can run; you hand off the baton.” Obama was handed a baton he didn’t want, so he dropped it.

Which is to say that even by Hillary Clinton’s standard, Barack Obama was a complete, unmitigated FAILURE who screwed America horribly in Iraq.  Obama lost what had been won at great cost because he didn’t like the baton he was held and threw it away like it was a piece of trash even as he claimed credit for the victory that he was about to piss away with his abject fool stupidity.

When you secure something, you stay there to make sure it STAYS secured.  That’s one of the great lessons that we learned in Vietnam.  We would take a hill at bloody cost, like “Hamburger Hill, and then withdraw a day after we took it to allow the communists to occupy it all over again.  We learned not to do that by paying a terrible price for our stupidity.  Only to have Barack Obama UN-learn it for us so we get Vietnam all over again.

At this point I submit that there is only one thing left to try regarding the Middle East: the World War II strategy.

In World War II we did not concern ourselves with “collateral damage.”  If you were a civilian and you were sitting on a Nazi tank, too damn bad for you.

We FIREBOMBED Dresden.  We killed something like 135,000 people.

We FIREBOMBED Tokyo.  We killed about 100,000 people – nearly as many as both the two atomic bombs combined did.

We were able to do that because we were a people who had something to live for, something to fight for, and therefore something to kill our enemies for.

We HAVE to respond to terrorist attacks.  And frankly at the same time, we’re simply not prepared any more – for various reasons including sheer exhaustion – to conquer, hold and rebuild.

All that is left is to bomb the populations that allow terrorism to fester into the stone age.  And if they start to get nasty again, bomb the rubble into smaller particles of rubble.  And DON’T GO IN.  LEAVE THEM to the consequences of their evil ideology.

Turn Afghanistan into “Lake Afghanistan” if that is what it takes to end the scourge of Islamic violence.  Because at this point, if these people are going to act like cockroaches, they need to be STOMPED like cockroaches.  And we don’t need to send in troops as long as we’ve got a big enough fly swatter from the air and our naval platforms out at sea.

I truly believe that if the message – the clear, consistent message regardless of president or party – was, “If you threaten us or our interests, we will bring the fire of hell to you, to your women and to your children,” terrorism would become a lot less popular.  All these Muslims would have to see is that yes, we DO mean business and we mean it in a very painful way.  But as it is now, there is no down-side to fostering terrorism whatsoever.  We do these precise, surgical strikes to avoid actually hurting anybody.  And all our enemies have to do is put a hand-lettered sign that reads “Baby milk factory” and our destruction of a weapons-of-mass-destruction facility becomes a war crime:

One of [CNN reporter Peter] Arnett’s most controversial reports during the Gulf War was a report on how the coalition had bombed a baby milk factory. Shortly after the report, an Air Force spokesman stated “Numerous sources have indicated that [the factory] is associated with biological warfare production”. Later the same day, Colin Powell stated “It was a biological weapons facility, of that we are sure”. White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater stated “That factory is, in fact, a production facility for biological weapons” and “The Iraqis have hidden this facility behind a façade of baby-milk production as a form of disinformation.”

The image of a crudely made hand-painted sign reading “Baby Milk” in English and Arabic in front of the factory, and a lab coat dressed in a suit containing stitched lettering reading “BABY MILK PLANT IRAQ” only served to further the perception that purportedly civilian targets were simply being made to look like that by Saddam Hussein, and that Arnett was duped by the Iraqi government. The sign appeared to have been added by the Iraqis before the camera crews arrived as a cheap publicity ploy. Newsweek called the incident a “ham-handed attempt to depict a bombed-out biological-weapons plant near Baghdad as a baby-formula factory.”

Arnett remained firm. He had toured the plant in the previous August, and was insistent that “Whatever else it did, it did produce infant formula”. Described as being a veritable fortress by the Pentagon[citation needed], the plant, Arnett reported, had only one guard at the gate and a lot of powdered baby milk. “That’s as much as I could tell you about it … [I]t looked innocent enough from what we could see.” A CNN camera crew had been invited to tour this plant in August 1990. They videotaped workers wearing new uniforms with lettering in English reading, “Iraq Baby Milk Plant”.

If we’re not going to fight back – and fight back like we really mean it – we truly deserve to die.

I mean, my God, you pathetic, apathetic coward herd animals, just bleat until you die like the sheep you are.

Here’s another thing: the terrorists ARE fighting for a cause that they believe is very much worth dying for.  Versus us: what the hell are WE fighting for?  Are we fighting for Obama?  Are we fighting for political correctness?  Are we fighting for the determination to not allow God or any transcendent cause whatsoever to interfere with our abortion and our homosexual sodomy???

If I had a son, I would urge him with all the passion I had not to waste his life for this country at this point.  I served, as did my father, my father, my grandfather and my grandfather’s father before me.  But we served a very different nation which did not piss in the Eye of God.

We are losing the war on terror because secular humanist liberals like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have eradicated ANY reason whatsoever to actually fight for our own worthless lives – and if you believe in abortion your life is worthless by definition because you acknowledge that you began as the kind of thing that could have and even SHOULD HAVE been killed as a parasite or a disease – and our own worthless values.

We need to either figure out what it is that is worth fighting for in our age of secular humanism or we need to go out “not with a bang but a whimper” as the T.S. Elliot poem predicted we would.

Because in the age of Obama, a whimper is about all we’ve got.

Obama’s policy of inaction, of too-little-action-way-too-late, of bogus “red lines,” of retreat, of withdrawal, of apologizing, of weakening America and broadcasting the message of weakness to the world, has resulted in the world erupting into a firestorm that we now cannot put out with our meaningless and frankly depraved values.

Our own pathetic secular humanist values have been used against us and turned into a weapon of our own mass destruction.  We COULD fight, but as morally insane secular humanists we put on a strait jacket – and now we’re helpless while our rabid enemies are coming at us with the passion that comes from having a powerful cause that we long-since abandoned as a post-Christian culture.

And that’s why Armageddon is coming.


The Fascist Hypocrite-In-Chief Says He’ll Finally Stop (A Little Of) The Spying After Demoning Bush WHO SPIED LESS THAN OBAMA

January 20, 2014

I looked at a headline in the Los Angeles Times featuring something on Validmir Putin and almost vomited.

I almost vomited because I had had a thought that I never thought I would have in my lifetime: I envied Russia for its political leadership.  I mean, yes, the guy is a former communist KGB thug, but Barack Obama is a CURRENT communist thug who has turned his FBI and his IRS into the KGB.  And of course whenever Obama and Putin have crossed swords, Putin has made Obama look like such a chump it is beyond unreal.

The United States before Obama USED to be the most powerful nation on the face of the earth.  And the president of the United States was OF COURSE the most powerful man on the planet.  Not so anymore: the most powerful man in the world is Gog of Magog (the way the Bible describes the leader of Russia in the last days), Vladimer Putin.

Obama is Putin’s poodle:

According to the magazine [Forbes], Putin has replaced US President Barack Obama in the top spot because the Russian leader has gained the upper hand over his counterpart in Washington in the context of several conflicts and scandals.

Indeed, at the moment, Putin seems to be succeeding at everything he does. In September, he convinced Syria to place its chemical weapons under international control. In doing so, he averted an American military strike against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and made Obama look like an impotent global policeman.

In late July, Putin ignored American threats and granted temporary asylum to US whistleblower Edward Snowden, a move that stirred up tensions within the Western camp. The Germans and the French were also outraged over Washington’s surveillance practices.

Since then, Putin has scored one coup after the next. In the fall, when meaningful progress was made in talks with Tehran over a curtailment of Iran’s nuclear program, Putin once again played a key role.

Obama doesn’t even look THIRD rate as a leader advancing the cause and power of his people compared to Vladimir Putin over Syria.  He made Obama look like an organ grinder’s monkey when he got Obama to fold over his stupid “red line.”  And what has Syria done since to fulfill it’s promises to Obama?  Try “zero.”  Now Syria has all of its WMD and Assad – thanks to Obama – has an iron grip on power over the rebels whom Obama flat-out betrayed.  The joke is on Obama and of course the hapless American people who are screwed by this idiot’s “leadership.”  In the same way, Obama fails to rank as a FOURTH rate leader compared to Vladimir Putin over Iran.  Right after Iran – and Putin – got everything they wanted out of the Chump-in-Chief, Iran announced the truth to the world: that Obama had “surrendered.”  Oh, the media likes to say “the West surrendered,” but of course as the so-called “leader of the free world,” it was Obama who LED the West to surrender to Iran.  And now Iran is already on the rapid economic mend and will be able to pour more funds into its ballistic missile program – immediately after the success of which they will announce that they have become a nuclear power.

I never in my wildest dreams ever believed that I would prefer a Russian president to an American one.  I mean, even Jimmy CARTER didn’t make me think that.

Friday Obama gave his NSA speech.  And of course it was just like all of his other speeches: Obama the great and grand impartial listener has heard all sides, has not yet made his infinitely wise decision, and will punt all unpopular decisions to Congress in the meantime until he imposes his totalitarian godhood without any accountability via executive orders later.

The New York Times in one of its mostly drivel articles began this way:

WASHINGTON — As a young lawmaker defining himself as a presidential candidate, Barack Obama visited a center for scholars in August 2007 to give a speech on terrorism. He described a surveillance state run amok and vowed to rein it in. “That means no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens,” he declared. “No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime.”

It pointed out that:

Mr. Obama’s 2007 speech at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars came after the revelation that President George W. Bush had authorized warrantless surveillance in terrorism cases without permission from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. A presidential candidate, Mr. Obama criticized Mr. Bush’s “false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we provide.”

Oh, and my favorite line:

He was surprised at the uproar that ensued, advisers said, particularly that so many Americans did not trust him, much less trust the oversight provided by the intelligence court and Congress. As more secrets spilled out, though, aides said even Mr. Obama was chagrined. They said he was exercised to learn that the mobile phone of Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany was being tapped.

It took a traitor named Snowden to expose the treason and abject hypocrisy of our traitor-in-chief.  And so it was Snowden, now basically a Russian citizen (that’s just one of the many ways Putin has OWNED Obama) who pointed out the fact that no president in American history had ever built up such a large spying system on its own citizens.

Of course we also know that this same president used his IRS to target 292 conservative organizations plus a couple of liberal ones (who used “anti-Obama rhetoric”) so that liberals would say Obama went after both sides.

And we know that the FBI under Eric Holder refused to investigate this political crime and didn’t even bother to INTERVIEW any of the victims and get their stories to find out what actually happened.  Nope, they just listened to that lizard lady who pled the Fifth because the truth would have incriminated her.

Tyler Durden asked a good question this way:

Who said it?

This Administration also puts forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we demand. I will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our Constitution and our freedom.

That means no more illegal wiretapping of American citizens. No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime. No more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient.

That is not who we are. It’s not what is necessary to defeat the terrorists. The FISA court works. The separation of powers works.

Our constitution works. We will again set an example for the world that the law is not subject to the whims of stubborn rulers and that justice is not arbitrary.

This administration acts like violating civil liberties is the way to enhance our security. It is not.

There are no shortcuts to protecting America.

– August, 2007

Confused? It is the same guy who said this back in 2006:

“Mr. President, I rise today to talk about America’s debt problem. The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. government can’t pay its own bills. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally.  

Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’

Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership.  

Americans deserve better.

I therefore intend to oppose the effort to increase America’s debt limit.”

Still confused? Here he is:

Barack Obama isn’t just a hypocrite without shame, honor, decency, or virtue; he’s a liar without any shame, any honor, any decency or any virtue.

Do you remember Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney, Obama’s UN ambassador and a host of other Obama cronies repeatedly told us that Benghazi was NOT a terrorist attack and that it was the result of a video that even the Democrat-controlled SENATE says had nothing whatsoever to do with this Al-Qaeda-sponsored and linked terrorist attack???  And how they LIED???

Do you remember Obama’s top national security appointee Clapper who answered, “Not wittingly” to the question as to whether the NSA was keeping information on Americans that it was VERY MUCH “WITTINGLY” KEEPING???  And do you remember how he ADMITTED he lied and said he gave “the least untruthful” answer possible???  Which is of course exactly what I did every time I told a woman in a bar I was a Navy SEAL or whatever it took to get in her panties, right???

Yeah, he’s STILL on the job.  Because Obama has SURROUNDED himself with liars to cover and shelter his administration.  That’s why he also hasn’t done a damn thing about the fiasco at Benghazi where he and many of his cronies also lied, about the political attack via the IRS where his cronies pled the Fifth Amendment rather than telling the American people what they’d done, etc. etc.

Why wouldn’t we trust this abject liar???

Why wouldn’t we trust “the liar of the year” who promised if we liked our health plan we could keep it and if we liked our doctor we could keep our doctor and that health care would be less expensive after his ObamaCare and basically be wonderful for us when it turned out that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS PROMISES TURNED OUT TO BE ABJECT AND OUTRIGHT LIES???  Why wouldn’t we trust a man who demonized his predecessor for violating civil liberties only to himself be the worst violator of civil liberties in American history???  Why wouldn’t we trust the man who demonized Bush for increasing the national debt by $4 trillion but then increase it $8 trillion AND COUNTING himself???

I don’t know: why don’t we trust THE MOST DOCUMENTED LIAR IN THE HISTORY OF THE ENTIRE PLANET???  That is, unless you can show me which leader has had his lies literally heard and seen by more people than have heard and seen Obama’s lies.

The Washington reporters – and most of these guys are LIBERALS – say Barack Obama was the least transparent president since NIXON.  They point out that Obama is WORSE than Nixon when it comes to viciously targeting anyone who leaks anything that damages him.

And Obama’s pathological dishonesty, his political viciousness and frankly the demons screaming in his ugly little soul are why his approval ratings are the WORST SINCE NIXON.  As in Nixon mired in the Watergate scandal as his lies were exposed.

Barack Obama is a pathological liar.  To put it in Obamaesque terms, Obama is a pathological liar.  Period.  End of story.

Hillary Clinton’s Hypcritical Bubble Dream World

October 22, 2013

Some of what Hillary said at a speech (I love the absolutely propagandistic way the reporter framed the story in the bold-faced heading, too):

She wasn’t afraid to jab Republicans, however gently

Clinton stayed mostly positive, but she didn’t shy away from taking a few shots at Republicans, albeit not by name.

Talking about the political gridlock on Capitol Hill that led to a 16-day government shutdown this month, she said that “we have seen examples of the wrong kind of leadership” in recent days, an unmistakable poke at House Republicans.

“Politicians choose scorched-earth over common ground,” she continued. “They operate in what I called the evidence-free-zone, with ideology trumping everything else,” she said, before listing the consequences of the shutdown, such as furloughed workers and “children thrown out of Head Start.”

Clinton also made sure to highlight Republican efforts to enforce stricter abortion regulations in Virginia. McAuliffe, she said, would “stand up against attempts to restrict women’s health choices.”

Rounding out her speech, Clinton alluded to Alexis de Tocqueville, the French writer who described Americans as having “habits of the heart” when he traveled to the U.S. nearly 200 years ago.

But Clinton warned that such a spirit is under threat.

“We cannot let those who do not believe in America’s progress hijack this great experiment, and substitute for the habits of the heart suspicion, hatred, anger, anxiety. That’s not as a people who we are.”

That’s “gently”???  “The wrong kind of leadership,” “scorched earth over common ground,” “evidence-free zone, with ideology trumping everything else,” “children thrown out of Head Start,” “hatred, anger, anxiety.”  Yeah, that’s gentle.

Whoever wrote this story up thinks that the tea party (the people with no arrests who left every protest sight cleaner than they found it) were ugly and that the Occupy Movement with 7.765 criminal arrests for stuff including RAPE (and terrorism), and toxic protest sites were just wonderful.  Because we’ve got propagandists where objective JOURNALISTS ought to be.  But that’s another discussion, I suppose.

It’s also another discussion to see Hillary Stumping for a candidate after her husband Bill’s adventure in stumping for one of the most twisted men of the century.  Now, Bob Filner is a man who knew how to “stand up for women,” too.  As long as he was standing up to grope them.

Let’s focus on Hillary Clinton, the shrill, hateful woman who once blamed “a vast, right wing conspiracy” for forcing her husband to insert his penis into the mouth of one of his young interns.  But just remember while you’re damning the GOP for what Bill Clinton did with his penis that “It depends on what the meaning of the word is, is.”

Do you want to know what “the wrong kind of leadership” apparently DOES NOT look like?  It looks like saying 250 times that you can’t remember something that would convict you criminally if you COULD remember.  Kind of like this crap:

As part of that investigation, the prosecutors have been examining the legal work Mrs. Clinton did for Madison and related land deals, including a project known as Castle Grande. Officials of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. have told the Little Rock grand jury in recent months that a document drafted by Mrs. Clinton in 1986 was used “to deceive regulators” about the financing of Castle Grande.

The officials had originally concluded that Mrs. Clinton did little work for Madison or Castle Grande. But they changed their view after seeing her billing records, which disappeared for several years before turning up in the White House residence in 1996. Mrs. Clinton has said she does not remember drafting the document or performing other work on Castle Grande.

“The right kind of leadership” is not being able to remember one damn thing about all the fraud and crime you committed, isn’t it, Hillary?

But it was the line about “the habits of the heart suspicion, hatred, anger, anxiety. That’s not as a people who we are” that made me snort up my corn flakes.

As for “anxiety,” I’d like to know how many American presidents literally tried to demonize their own stock market because they wanted the economy to tank so they could blame the other party for it the way Obama did:

In unusually frank comments on issues that could sway markets, Obama warned that investors should be worried.

“This time’s different. I think they should be concerned,” Obama said, in comments which may roil global markets.

“When you have a situation in which a faction is willing potentially to default on US government obligations, then we are in trouble,” Obama said.

I’ll bet you can’t even COUNT how many dozens of times Obama fearmongered the word “default” in describing the debt ceiling debate.  Which is weird given the fact that the United States takes in at least ten times in tax revenue what it would have had to pay out in interest to service the debt, and the ONLY possible way America could ever have “defaulted” was if Obama refused to make the payments that the Constitution’s clause regarding “the full faith and credit of the United States” mandate that he make.

So, with no due respect, Hillary, “anxiety” is ALL ABOUT who as a people YOU ARE, you “vast right wing conspiracy” fascist.

Hillary Talked about “anger.”  I wonder how many American presidents have ever said

We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us

– regarding roughly half of his own fellow AMERICAN PEOPLE????

You want to talk about “anger”???

Let’s take a LOOK at the face of “anger.”

Here’s “anger.”

Here’s some “anger” for you.

And here’s some more anger.

I’m kind of like that little kid in the movie who saw dead people, only I see “angry” people.

Yeah, I see “anger,” all right.

I see an incredibly angry man.

I see a man who seriously needs to blow off some of his anger and hate the way a train blows off steam.

A whole lotta anger on that man, judging by the pictures.

That’s EXACTLY the kind of people you are, Hillary.

As to “hate,” the WORST kind of hate is when you lie about your opponents and twist them the way your party’s own twisted soul is twisted.

Hillary Clinton, the vile, slandering, dishonest, demagogic liar that she is, talked about “children thrown out of Head Start.”



House Passes Bill to Fund Head Start

As in “GOP House,” Hillary, you liar.

Here’s the opening line of another article for you to correct your slanderous hate, Hillary:

When CBS reporter Mark Knoller asked President Barack Obama why he refused to “go along” with any of the House bills to fund programs like Head Start or veterans benefits during the government shutdown, the commander-in-chief was blunt in his response.

Let’s consider which party really hates children, Hillary, you wicked, demon-possessed liar without shame, honor or integrity:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is blaming Republicans for the National Institutes of Health turning away cancer patients. But when asked why the Senate wouldn’t try to help “one child who has cancer” by approving a mini-spending bill, he shot back: “Why would we want to do that?”

Do you want to know what “hatred” looks like?  It looks just like using the Internal Revenue Service as an ideological weapon to attack your political opponents.  Kind of like “punishing your enemies,” you know.  That ought to be pretty obvious given the fact that just two days after Obama met with his own IRS appointee William Wilkins, Wilkins chanted the IRS mission from collecting taxes to punishing Obama’s enemies for “anti-Obama rhetoric.”

When we talk about “hate” or “anger” or “anxiety,” just remember: WE’RE TALKING ABOUT DEMOCRATS WHO SHAMELESSLY ADD “HYPOCRITE” TO ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THEY DO.

One of the things Alexis de Tocqueville said was, “America is great because she is good.  If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”  And America has very definitely ceased to be good under Democrats and their baby-murdering, sodomy-worshiping ways.  de Tocqueville also said, “The Americans combine the notions of religion and liberty so intimately in their minds, that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other.” But Democrats have virtually murdered the spirit of God or religion in America.

When I consider the actions of Hillary Rodham Clinton before, during and after the debacle of Benghazi where Hillary Clinton’s incompetent bungling basically murdered the first American ambassador since Jimmy Carter’s failed presidency before blaming it on some stupid video that had nothing to do with anything, I realize that as unbelievable as it may seem, there actually IS a president who could be more wicked and more incompetent and more demon-possessed than the one we’ve got now.

Hillary Clinton Pointed Out That DEMOCRATS Cut The Embassy Security Budget Three Consecutive Years (2007-2009). So How Is GOP To Blame???

January 24, 2013

If and when we get the transcript of the Benghazi hearings, we will see Hillary Clinton explaining to a Democrat that the embassy security budget had been cut every single year but one since 2007.

Who was in charge of the Congress in 2007?  That was the year that Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid began presiding over Democrat majorities of both the House and the Senate, that’s who.  The same Democrats were also in charge in 2008 – when they voted to cut the embassy security budget again.  And the same Democrats were in charge in 2009, when yes, they voted to cut the embassy security budget still again.

And yet why are the Republicans to blame for the Benghazi disaster, in which the first US ambassador was brutally murdered since the failed Carter years in the 1970s?  Because they voted to cut the embassy security budget.  Just like the Democrats (that’s the people who have been blaming the Republicans for cutting the embassy security budget) had done before them.

Every Democrat in both the Senate and House hearings demagogued the fact that Republicans had voted to cut the embassy security budget.  Both before and after Hillary Clinton pointed out that cutting the embassy security budget was hardly a partisan issue against Republicans given how many times Democrats had done it.

But that seems to have gotten lost somehow.

Republicans seemed fixated on the fact that a number of key Democrats in various State Department and intelligence positions had stated under oath that the budget cuts had absolutely no impact on the security situation in Benghazi.  They never seemed to comprehend the fact that if they didn’t know that Democrats had been the first ones to “gut” the embassy security budget, Hillary Clinton had just stated it as a fact.  Republicans are so used to being demagogued and demonized that they just go into defense mode rather than understand that Hillary Clinton had just given them the perfect response to Democrats’ demagoguery: “Why on earth are you blaming us for doing the exact same thing that you just got through doing year after year just a short time ago?”

Mind you, Hillary Clinton’s bright, shining moment of abject moral depravity during the hearing occurred when she said:

“With all due respect, the fact is, we  had four dead Americans! Was it because of a protest or was it because  of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some  Americans?! What difference, at this point, does it make?!  It is our job  to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from  ever happening again, Senator.”

Well, for one thing, Secretary Clinton, there’s something called “the truth” and there are still a few people who believe that the truth makes a difference.  But to be more specific, you completely omitted the ONE possibility in your statement above that turned out to BE that truth: that the murder of our ambassador and the three Americans who tried heroically to save America’s honor WAS A PLANNED, COORDINATED TERRORST ATTACK like conservatives said it was from the very getgo and what liberals denied from the very getgo.  Do you notice that?  Hillary Clinton says it was either a protest or a group of guys that just randomly decided to kill Americans in an attack that just completely coincidentally occurred on the anniversary of 9/11.  How on earth, madam secretary, can we ever “figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again” when you steadfastly refuse to even consider the truth as so much as a possibility?

What was it that Obama’s stooge Susan Rice trotted out and said?

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice said the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi last week was not premeditated, directly contradicting top Libyan officials who say the attack was planned in advance.

“Our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous – not a premeditated – response to what had transpired in Cairo,” Rice told me this morning on “This Week.”

Not one single word of what she said was true.  We now know that it in fact was a planned, coordinated, premeditated attack by an al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organization.  Every single thing Obama’s White House told us was completely false.  So how the hell are we supposed to “figure out what happened” when that is our “truth”???

The fact that the ONLY person who has been punished or disciplined in any way, shape or form over this murder of our ambassador was the guy who exercised his First Amendment right to make a video that everybody now knows had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with that attack.  And nobody has been captured or killed because there is no possible way that we can “figure out what happened” thanks to Obama’s and Clinton’s rampant deceit to cover up their gross incompetence.

But that isn’t all, of course.  There’s also the fact that Obama had been campaigning as the guy who had al Qaeda on the run and was on the verge of destroying it.  It was a completely bogus narrative, as the 9/11 attack that murdered our ambassador and as the meltdown in Algeria clearly prove.  The thing was, an al Qaeda-affiliated attack undermined Obama’s bogus political narrative.  So he forced the intelligence narrative to support his bogus political narrative by covering up the truth about what happened in Benghazi.

Obama produced a narrative of complete, abject lies as a cover-story for his cover-up in Benghazi.  And reacts with outrage to the suggestion that maybe the lies had a political motive even though they very clearly had a political motive.

What Obama did – altering the intelligence to conform to a politically convenient narrative – is an impeachable offense.  That’s what difference it makes, Hillary, you liar.

What does it matter?  Well, the truth does NOT matter to this wicked administration.

Tragically, Ambassador Christopher Stevens would be alive today had we had a Secretary of State, who had been more informed, who had been more available, who had bothered to read Ambassador Steven’s desperate pleas for security.

But “what difference, at this point,” does it make now?  Apprently none.

Obama: A Decade Of War Ending (We Have Peace In Our Time, Part Deux)

January 23, 2013

“A decade of war is now ending,” Obama says.

That’s what happens when you surrender/cut and run.  It’s the chutzpah of the cutter-and-runner in chief to decree a humiliation as a great victory.

A decade of war is now ending.  Unfortunately a new century of war has been started against us.

“A decade of war is now ending and an economic recovery has begun,” Obama says.

And war is peace, and freedom is slavery, and just so you know, ignorance is strength, too.

Our economy is going nowhere.  Obama believes that if he taxes growth and prosperity he’ll somehow get more growth and more prosperity when in non-insane reality we’ll get less of both.  Obama has spent the last four – going on five – years blaming everybody and everything else but himself and his failed policies.

Jan 21, 12:07 PM EST
Obama says decade of war ending

WASHINGTON     (AP) — President Barack Obama says that a decade of war is now ending and an economic recovery has begun.

America’s possibilities are limitless, the president said in his inaugural address. He said we will seize this moment if we seize it together.

Obama said that America can’t succeed when only a few at the top do well and a growing many can barely make it. The country’s prosperity must rest on a rising middle class, he said.

Obama spoke after taking the public oath of office Monday for his second term.

George W. Bush won the war in Iraq and settled the status of forces agreement before leaving office.  Obama demonized George Bush’s successful war-winning surge strategy only to copy it in a war that George Bush had the sense to know America couldn’t win – which was why he kept it a largely special forces mission.

I’ve made this point a number of times before (see here for one back in October 2009 when I predicted Obama would fail just as he is in fact failing): for all the hate Democrats poured on Bush for taking out Saddam Hussein after the dictator had done about 20,000 stupid and confrontational things too many, Iraq was a perfect place for America to take its stand against the war on terror.  The country was largely flat, allowing our full military arsenal to maneuver and dominate.  The people were educated, allowing us to establish a viable government.  And the country of Iraq was secular, allowing us to at least have a damn chance to hand power over to Arabs who actually WEREN’T jihadist terrorists.

What was that phrase I used back in 2009?  Oh, yes, here it is:

In demanding that Afghanistan be the central front, Democrats – and in particular Barack Obama – may well have chosen a war that we can’t win.

Barack Obama thought all that victory stuff was bad, apparently because the man has a genuine problem with America actually winning something.  So let’s massively escalate a war that we can’t win, humiliate ourselves by cutting and running and declare it a job well done for mass political consumption.

Instead, Obama determined to launch a crusade in a mountainous and cave-ridden hellhole of utterly ignorant religious fanatics.  Obama said, “Let’s go to the graveyard of empires, instead.  Because yes we can!”

And within six months of “the war ending” the Taliban will have made all the sacrifices of American lives and treasure absolutely worthless.  Because they will move right back in and take over.  Just as the people who had a freaking clue told you would happen.

So the Iraq War that we won is evil but the Afghanistan War that Obama lost is good.  Because we held George W. Bush to a standard higher than victory and under Obama a withdrawal is terrific because “a decade of war is ending,” after all.

Why did I allude to the infamous statement, “We have peace in our time”???

Neville Chamberlain almost ended Western Civilization with his secular humanist liberal progressive cowardice.  He gave up Europe to Hitler the same way Obama is now giving up the Middle East to Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.  The thing that the two miserable turds of history have in common was that each was a fascist dictator in domestic matters, but an appeasing weakling on foreign affairs.  Chamberlain thought he could appease his way to peace.  Obama, even more stupidly, believes he can withdraw his way to peace.  He’s already withdrawn out of Egypt and given the best Arab friend of both Israel and America away to terrorists.  He’s already given Libya (Benghazi) over to terrorists after causing the first ambassador to be murdered since the failed Carter years in the 1970s.  He’s given up in Yemen.  He’s given up in Algeria where all the hostages the terrorists took were all murdered.  He’s given up throughout North Africa.  He’s already giving up damn near anywhere where there’s a crisis.  Including Iran, where Democrats went from mocking George W. Bush for believing that Iran was becoming a nuclear threat to Iran becoming a nuclear power under Obama’s watch.

If anything, Chamberlain was wiser.

But that’s what we get for voting for God Damn America.