Archive for the ‘race’ Category

On Independence Day, Americans Need To Fight Another Invasion By Illegal Immigrants And Go To War With Democrats Who Cynically Exploit The Invasion

July 5, 2018

Independence Days celebrates the first move toward driving out the British,  Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Mexicans driving out the French.

We’ve got a problem.  We’re being invaded right now today.

I watched with great interest a program focusing on Mao’s Cultural Revolution which resulted in the deaths on untold millions and likely tens of millions.  Mao’s leftist policies had failed so blatantly and so appallingly – some 50 million perished of starvation during his so-called “Great Leap Forward” – that the top Communist party leadership realized that this fool needed to be bypassed for the sake of the nation.  But Mao was a totally self-serving tyrant, rather than a leader who gave a flying damn about his own people.  He was completely wiling to launch a bloodbath that would burn half of his nation to the ground if he could rule the other half.  Mao had lost control of his own government, but not his power to poison with his propaganda.  Claiming that current Communist leaders were taking the party, and China itself, in the wrong direction, Mao called on the nation’s youth to purge the “impure” elements of Chinese society and revive the revolutionary spirit.  He basically authorized children to torture and murder their own parents, school children to torture and murder their own teachers and professors, and so on.  The Red Guard were everywhere, torturing and killing and burning.  It was a ten year long bloodbath the entire purpose of which was to restore Mao’s fanatic hold over a society  that would have found the setting of Orwell’s “1984” a peaceful, serene place.

The point that I am making is that you ought to consider that today’s Democrats are truly no different in their poisonous, completely selfish and self-centered spirit than Chairman Mao.  Like Mao, the Democrats are dictatorial demagogues who truly do not care about anything but their own power and their own raw political self-interests.  And they will do whatever is necessary to achieve their ends no matter how destructive are the means.  And to liberals, being that they have no God as the transcendent source for morality or genuine ethics that come from morality, the ends always justify the means.  We’ve already seen nascent versions of the Red Guard from our own communist left: the Tea Party never had one riot, never got so much as one ticket, let alone had one of their own arrested.  But the Red Guard spirit of the left launched the Occupy Wall Street bowel Movement, launched the bitter, seething Black Lives Matter bowel movement, and from their launched dozens of violent FASCIST attacks on Trump supporters merely for believing that in a democracy they had the freedom to support their party’s candidate for president.

Oh, we’ve got our own Democratic Party Red Guard today as something that literally JUST HAPPENED illustrates:

And guess what? This particular vicious fascist has the name of Kino Jimenez.  Democrats have been importing his ilk by the millions.

Just like the Red Guard, these vicious, fascist young people believe they not only have the right, but in fact the duty, to do these hateful things.  And they have been set upon decent people by the Mao-tse-tungs of liberalism, the Democratic Party and their propaganda machine, the mainstream media, telling -frankly screaming – at us on such a regular basis that Trump is so evil that we need to have our own Cultural Revolution to restore what Trump destroyed in America.

You’re going to see below that I’m now out to lay blame on the people who are trying to get into this country.  I’m very much out to point out that we have a treasonous, profoundly anti-American group of people who are doing everything possible to bring immigrants in by whatever means they can, legal or otherwise, to load the dice for the cynical, frankly wicked game they want to play with the American people powerless to stop them from playing it as they rig the system using Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals from within of every branch of government and every bureaucracy of our government.  Just think of the liberal “judges” who think that the manufactured “right” of abortion based on invented “penumbras” and “emanations” is somehow “settled law” when the same wicked judges who clearly don’t give a damn about our Constitution believe the clear text of the 2nd Amendment can be overturned.  Over and over again, these fascist leftist judges have issued psychotic rulings that are as partisan as hell is hot.  Or try this one: Think of the top brass Obama installed in the FBI who texted each other with fascist treason such as this exchange between high-level FBI officials deeply involved with both the Hillary Clinton whitewash and the Donald Trump witch hunt:

PAGE: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
STRZOK: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

This is what we’re up against.  And when I say “we” I mean the American people.

A liberal author named David Faris wrote a Book titled, “It’s Time to Fight Dirty.”  Not that the Democrats have ever fought any other way, as it were.  But here’s what he said:

Republicans have always feared that immigration would change the character of American society.  Democrats should reward them with their very worst nightmare.

Tucker Carlson on his program pointed out, “Remember that paragraph.  It is the blueprint for what we are about to see.”  And in fact what we have already BEEN seeing.  Carlson went on to say, “They’re going to tell you it’s about civil rights, or about some other principle that they pretend to care about, but they are lying.  It’s about seizing power and holding it.  That’s their only aim.”

Let’s get one thing straight: a supposedly “American” political party that is intentionally loading up our nation with foreigners who have nothing to do with American values certainly and clearly don’t give one flying damn about “American society.”  They want to replace “American society.”  And they have lost the American people and so they have to import voters who AREN’T American in order to do it.  They’re actually even starting to admit that fact.

One treasonous, immoral major political party – the euphemistically called “Democratic Party” that we officially know after the numerous DNC scandals where they most certainly DID rig their primary election to favor Hillary Clinton has NOTHING to do with actual “democracy” – has cynically exploited this invasion and fanned the fire of illegal immigration to the explosion point.  On top of that fascism, we also now know that we have a deep state that is entrenched into every branch of government and every function of government and has its own incredibly amoral agenda.  But let’s focus on the Democrats and write about the massive evidence of a deep state leftist conspiracy against our democracy later.

Please remember a key fact about Democrats and the Democratic Party: they are nakedly evil.  That might sound extreme, but the Democratic Party has ALWAYS been at the forefront of wickedness and racism in America.  Always.  It is an easily documented fact of history.  And the fact of the matter is that they still are today.  An interesting article I came across bears the title, “23 maps that explain how Democrats went from the party of racism to the party of Obama.”  What is the Democratic Party?  It is the party of Andrew Jackson.  It was the party of Indian removal.  The Democratic Party was THE party of “Manifest Destiny.”  The Democratic Party was the party  of slavery and literally treasonously seceded from the United States when ant-slavery candidate and Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected (yes, history repeats itself in the current climate of rabid hate toward a Republican president).  The Democratic Party was purely and simply the party that waged the vicious Civil War against the United States of America.  Rabid Democratic Party ideologues assassinated Abraham Lincoln.  The Democratic Party was the incredibly racist political organization that dominated the racist South during the era of so-called “Reconstruction.”  Which was in reality Democrats “reconstruction” of the very same racist hate and racist policies that they had held before Republicans defeated them in the Civil War that Democrats started and were able to put in place once they had murdered a powerful, victorious president.  The Democratic Party was the party  of the Ku Klux Klan, which is rightly defined as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party  and was organized to terrorize blacks and white Republicans.   We can go on and on.  The Democratic Party was the party of President Woodrow Wilson who literally fired all the blacks in the federal government and RE-segregated the military that Republicans had DE-segregated as Democrats were still very much the hard-core party of hard-core racism into the 20th century.  Woodrow Wilson, the godfather of the progressive movement, was a hard core racist and even the very leftist Atlantic acknowledges that fact of history.  The Democratic Party was the Party of “Klanbake,” the 1924 Democratic National Convention that was utterly dominated by the Ku Klux Klan a full 60 years after their defeat in the Civil War for the same racist hate.  The Democratic Party was the party of the racist FDR who cynically exploited the racist labor unions who excluded racial minorities with a vengeance (and the left acknowledges that unions are STILL “f-ing rabidly racist”, btw); the party that put Japanese-Americans into camps; the party that started the godawful Tuskegee experiment in which black men were intentionally and deceitfully left untreated with syphilis so the government could track the progression of the horrible disease.  As this nation continued into the 1950s, it was still the Democratic Party that was largely THE party of racist discrimination.  And as we enter the 1960s, the Democrats were still primarily racist and ONLY passed the most significant Civil Rights laws with the overwhelming supporting votes of Republicans (who somehow have been dishonestly denied credit for that fact ever since).

The bait-and-switch of a party that never changed its spots from its former days of evil to its modern days of evil can be summed up in a statement of President Lyndon Baines Johnson before two governors in 1963:

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.

Oh, we’ve got LBJ using the N-word on a rather frequent basis.  We’ve got him doing the southern good-ol’-boy dance with racist governor George Wallace in 1965 using the N-word over and over.  This was the era of Democrats such as Arkansas’s Orval Faubus, Alabama’s George Wallace, Birmingham’s Bull Connor and Georgia’s Lester Maddox.  There were Democratic Party donkey ears sticking out of most every pointy white Klan hat.  Bill Clinton’s lionization of Grand Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd is a telling fact, just as that Klansman’s endorsement of Obama was a telling fact that these people live and operate within such a massive double-standard it is frankly explainable only by Satan and demons.

But this was the period, matching the period of the time when the Democratic Party truly turned evil and violent as shown in its utter disgrace of a 1968 Democratic National Convention.  Democrats were losing a majority of whites because most whites weren’t and AREN’T racist, and this party with its utterly wicked history needed a new voter block to remain in power.  And they needed to create a plantation of socialist “entitlement” spending to build that plantation so the slaves would willingly come and happily remain.  The REAL Klan, the Klan that always has been and always will be a Democratic Party monster, had a new plantation for blacks and welcomed them onto that plantation just like Mr. Roarke at the beginning of a Fantasy Island episode.  It sounded so good, but there was something so damn sinister behind literally making naked pandering (“vote for us and we’ll give you other people’s money and food that other people paid for and places to live that other people are forced to pay for”) the very heart of their wicked political philosophy.  But what has that done for black people?  They get some money and food and a place to live, which creates an innate existential crisis as it saps their will to work and produce anything for themselves.  Other people have to work hard for their money and their food and a place to live, and that work-ethic ennobles them and allows them to build something better.  Add to that disincentive to work, understand that the Democrats have also propagandized and demagogued blacks into believing that whitey has rigged the system against them so there is no point in trying.  But here’s our plantation you can live on forever.  And so blacks vote and keep voting for the very people who are actually most keeping them down.  And the ruin of American blacks is complete as they succumb to drugs, to abortion to the tune of murdering 60% of their own babies, to fatherlessness, to gangs, to prison, at rates shockingly higher than any other group of Americans.  The cynical wickedness of the Democratic Party and the ramifications that wickedness has had on the very constituencies Democrats most claim to care about is beyond tragic.

Black unemployment has plunged to the lowest level in HISTORY under Donald Trump.  But there is literally not one single Democrat – and most especially not one rabid, toxic, race-hating, demagogue on the Congressional Black Caucus – who cares about black Americans.  Blacks are nothing but votes and a political platform to step on for these bugs who murder millions of babies.  If they start working for themselves, start earning their OWN money, they will get “uppity” and believe that they should be able to keep more of what they earn rather than have the all-knowing and all-good government decide they can spend it more wisely and forcibly confiscate it.  And maybe they’ll even realize as they create homes for themselves and families for themselves that their children ARE NOT bugs that can be murdered in a holocaust wherein 60% of black babies are butchered in the Democratic Party abortion mills.  And they will start voting the way their ancestors who were freed by Republicans FROM Democrats used to vote.

Let me give you one lower-than-roach example: Rep. Maxine Waters. She’s calling for a massive campaign of intolerance and hate for all Trump supporters. She demands that Trump supporters be shamed into using the back entrances of restaurants. Maybe she wants separate drinking fountains and separate bathrooms for Trump supporters. I guarantee she wants to force Trump supporters to sit in the back of the bus and give up their seat if a leftist wants it. Blacks of ALL people should be aware of what a low, dark, dangerous platform this vicious demagogue hater is spewing. Because if it’s right to do that to us, it was right to do it to you and damn you it will be right to do it to you AGAIN. The Black Caucus that supports this riot-spewing-hater needs to be banned and abolished. Or at least stop being racist hypocrites and demand the creation of a Congressional White Caucus that will openly preach the same race hate that Maxine Waters is allowed to preach in the halls of Congress from the white side. That ought to give any decent person pause. But there aren’t any decent people on the left.

One example of the fact that Democrats literally and simply do not care about the American people is in the economic numbers.  For instance, the manufacturing index hit a high that Obama never saw once in his entire miserable fool presidency.  As Trump cuts taxes, guts regulations, prevents the EPA from declaring economic warfare on job creators, guess what?  Factories are opening and jobs are being offered.  But Democrats don’t want you to work; they need you to be dependent on them.  They don’t want you to have a job and don’t want you to think that anyone will even offer you a damn job.  Stay dependent on us; remain wards of the state forever.  Keep voting for us.  Believe our damn lies.  And so hey, everybody, let’s look over here at the bright shiny thing we’re constantly screaming about.  Don’t look over there at how well your country is actually finally working under the man we despise.

Please don’t get fooled for one second: the Democratic Party was still very much a party of racism and the very same damn cockroach Democrats who are at the very forefront of screaming about Republican “hate” today were doing the exact same thing not too terribly long ago.  Let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at socialist California and its socialist governor, Jerry Brown, just for one example.

Let’s go back to 1975 when we had Asians desperately trying to flee the horrors of communism and the genocidal murder of communist dictator Pol Pot in Cambodia:

Despite today’s outrage over President Donald Trump’s refugee executive order, many liberals in 1975 were part of a chorus of big name Democrats who refused to accept any Vietnamese refugees when millions were trying to escape South Vietnam as it fell to the communists.

They even opposed orphans.

The group, led by California’s Gov. Jerry Brown, included such liberal luminaries as Delaware’s Democratic Sen. Joe Biden, former presidential “peace candidate” George McGovern, and New York Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman.

The Los Angeles Times reported Brown even attempted to prevent planes carrying Vietnamese refugees from landing at Travis Air Force Base outside San Francisco. About 500 people were arriving each day and eventually 131,000 These people arrived despite protests from liberal Democrats. In 2015, the Los Angeles Times recounted Brown’s ugly attitude, reporting, “Brown has his own checkered history of demagoguery about refugees.”

Back in 1975, millions of South Vietnamese who worked for or supported the U.S. found themselves trapped behind the lines when the communists took over the country. Vietnamese emigre Tung Vu, writing in Northwest Asian Weekly, recalled the hardships the Vietnamese faced in 1975 as they tried to escape the communists.

“After the fall of Saigon, many Vietnamese chose to leave by any means possible, often in small boats. Those who managed to escape pirates, typhoons, and starvation sought safety and a new life in refugee camps,” Tung wrote.

Ironically, Republicans led by former President Gerald Ford were the political figures who fought for the refugees to enter the United States.arrived in the United States between 1975 and 1977.

Julia Taft, who in 1975 headed up Ford’s Inter-agency Task Force on Indochinese refugee resettlement, told author Larry Engelmann in his book, “Tears Before the Rain: An Oral History of the Fall of South Vietnam,” “The new governor of California, Jerry Brown, was very concerned about refugees settling in his state.”

National Public Radio host Debbie Elliott retraced Brown’s refusal to accept any refugees in a January 2007 interview with Taft. According to a transcript, which was aired on its flagship program, “All Things Considered,” Taft said, “our biggest problem came from California due to Brown.” She called his rejection of Vietnamese refugees “a moral blow.”

“I remember at the time we had thousands and thousands of requests from military families in San Diego, for instance, who had worked in Vietnam, who knew some of these people,” she told NPR.

Taft recalled another dark reason the liberals opposed the refugees: “They said they had too many Hispanics, too many people on welfare, they didn’t want these people.”

Did you notice that part about Republicans and military veterans in the spirit of the party of Lincoln who were the heroes of this terrible period of rabid, toxic, psychotic, evil Democrat Party and the People’s Republic of Californiastan and Jerry Brown hate???

So it turns out that the same hypocrite California and the same Cockroach King governor Jerry Brown were at the forefront of what they now claim was the very worst, very ugliest kind of hatred and racism and bigotry.  Not that there is one honest, virtuous, decent Democrat in California or in America, for that matter: they reelected Jerry Brown and gleefully allowed that self-proven demagogue to demagogue once again.

And yes, today, we still have open racism displayed by liberals toward Asians in the form of “affirmative action” that actually is outright BIGOTRY to Asian-Americans, to Asian-Americans being openly discriminated against as a result of the color of their skin by THE most liberal and leftist institutions in the nation.

Let me simply report a naked FACT: if Hispanics voted Republican, the Democrats would literally be screaming in the streets and rioting chanting for their violent deaths.  Because to be a Democrat is to be a cockroach.  These people aren’t capable of any genuine empathy any more than they are capable of any genuine morality: they murder their own babies.  Bugs do that.  These Democrats who drove God out of our nation and literally put Jesus Christ in a jar of urine and shamefully displayed Him in the guise of government-funded “art” long-ago betrayed any vestige of the image of God.  They chose to claim they had instead evolved from bugs.  The only problem is that they DEvolved from that point, rather than Evolved.  They’re not capable of human nobility and the only human emotions they have are also shared in common with the bug.

Democrats don’t give any more of a flying damn for illegal immigrants than they do for the 60 million innocent babies they viciously murdered in the womb.  One day, I tell you, the Nazis will stand in judgment against every single Democrat. pointing out the fact that they only denied the humanity of 6 million Jews and murdered them whereas Democrats are 10 times more evil.

I hear the cynical Democrats literally weeping their fake-news crocodile tears as they recount the horrors of Trump putting helpless children in cages like animals.  There was only one tiny problem with their fake-news and fake-outrage narrative:

On Sunday, photos of children laying inside a chain-link fence cage starting flying around the internet. New York Times Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein forwarded it to his followers, saying that “all of these photos are disturbing, but the first two are especially awful.”

CNN’s Hadas Gold described the pictures as “First Photos of separated migrant children at holding facility.”
Outrage quickly followed.

“This is happening right now,” said former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau. “Speechless. This is not who we are as a nation,” said Antonio Villaraigosa, who is running for California governor. Actress Rosanna Arquette called it a “sick crime against Humanity”

Turns out the photos were taken in 2014 — when, ahem, President Obama was in the White House, a fact that nobody bothered to check before blowing a gasket. Once word of that fact got out, many of these same people deleted their tweets, rather than admit that the “sick crime” happened under their beloved Obama.

Next, there was a picture showing a bus outfitted with child safety seats being used at an ICE family detention center in Karnes County, Texas. ABC Houston reporter Antonio Arellano tweeted the picture on Sunday, describing it as “a prison bus just for babies.”

Again, outrage ensued.

“Unconscionable and inhumane, “said Texas Sen. Sylvia Garcia. “This is what we’ve come to under Donald Trump,” said Stephen King. Others tweeted: “your new gestapo at work,” “this is what fascism looks like,” “we live in a dark period of American history,” “moral abomination.” Etc., etc.

Oops. Turns out this picture, too, was taken when Obama was president. And, the bus was actually used to take the children on field trips to places like the San Antonio Zoo, a nearby park, the movies, as well as for medical treatment and court appointments.

So much for the Trump-era inhumane prison bus for babies.

There was not a single prominent Democrat who publicly attacked Barack Hussein Obama for his horrifying racist hatred toward poor Hispanic children.  And it is a telling and appalling fact that they had to go back to the now acknowledged vileness of their own Obama to fake-news slime the man they rabidly hated.

Again, the entire border crisis that Democrats have had a hysterical Nazi meltdown over was THEIR crisis just a couple of years ago and they did NOTHING to try to resolve it when they had not only the damn White House, but the House of Representatives AND a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.  These demagogic purveyors of hate did NOTHING when they could have changed the entire immigration system if they had cared enough about Hispanics or about illegal immigrants to lift so much as a damn pinky finger.  And anyone with a scintilla of historical awareness knows that these very same Democratic cockroach hypocrites did the very same thing that they are claiming is tantamount to Nazism to the Vietnamese who had fought to help us fight communism and who were physically suffering FAR more than any immigrant crossing into the United States from Mexico is today.  Which is to say that these bugs are demon-possessed cockroach evil not by my standards, but now by their OWN standards.

The blockquoted article above continues to expose patently demagogic lies that come from the colluding conspiracy between the Democratic Party and the mainstream media who have brought back the very worst days of William Randolph Hearst’s “yellow journalism.”  You know, where the powers-that-be gin up fake outrage and literally start wars with blatant propaganda.

We could see that from literally the very first day of the Trump presidency, when a “journalist” propagandist masquerading as a White House correspondent fake-news reported that Trump had removed the bust of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Is anyone truly stupid enough to think had the same turd “journalist” had his view of the bust blocked by a security guard during the Obama presidency he would have reported that Obama had booted MLK from the White House?  We saw on the very first day the patent, absurd bigotry of these “correspondents” that if anything got worse every day since.  It was the bigotry of a reporter who expected to see bigotry and saw exactly what he wanted to see regardless of what the actual damn facts were.  This is the essence of fake news: these people “report” what they want to see the way they want to “report” it.  This is exactly what they do a hundred times a day about a hundred stories a day every single day.  They report what they want to see the way they want to see it, rather than stepping back and taking time to look at things with the detached objectivity that any legitimate journalist would actually have.

The fact of the matter is, that even the despicable Obama administration fought against the wicked open-borders policies that the Democratic Party now openly embraces.  The Obama administration actually fought the ridiculous 9th Circuit Court ruling that made it virtually impossible by judicial tyrannous fiat to keep out the hordes of illegal immigrants who were pouring into this country.  Because at some point the man realized that to abandon our border security was to end the nation.  Even Obama understood the twin pillars of CRIMINALITY and SECURITY that current Democrats have forgotten and abandoned in their rabid hatred of Trump, of Republicans and frankly of basic decency and the ability of a nation to sustain itself.  Ideologue that Obama was, even he didn’t want the nation to collapse under the weight of illegal immigration under his watch.  But now that Trump is president, these traitorous vermin would like nothing more than to see America collapse so they can blame him for what they did.

Even the very reliably leftist New Republic acknowledges how dramatically the Democratic Party has turned on its head and abandoned its former working-class that it claimed to champion in a matter of less than 20 years.  They write:

Our modern immigration framework has its roots in the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, which was signed into law by Clinton. It instituted many of the hallmarks of the criminalization regime, upping the number of people eligible for deportation while shrinking the opportunities to gain legal status. The law hasn’t aged well in progressive circles: During the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton had to denounce her own husband’s policies.

I can literally give you hundreds of quotes from Democrats who continue in power to this very day pointing out the FACT that illegal immigration HURTS American workers and takes away their jobs and suppresses their wages.  Which was  why they stood against illegal immigration in the interests of protecting the working class whom they claimed to stand for.  Again, the only problem was Obama came along, and the leftist, socialist policies that the Democratic Party now rabidly stands for crushed the working class.  And as the working class fled the Democratic Party war on their very lives, the Democratic Party began to focus more and more and more on the very illegal immigrants that they openly acknowledged harmed working Americans.

I personally call this an act of treason against the United States of America, the citizens of this nation, and the Constitution.

Today’s Democrats are both open borders AND socialist.  Does anyone with half a functioning brain comprehend what that means, as we allow MILLIONS, TENS OF MILLIONS, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS – because I DEFY any liberal to tell me a NUMBER of exactly how many illegal immigrants is ENOUGH so that we start cracking down and kicking them the hell out of our country – to enter our nation and then receive a host of benefits that hard-working Americans will be forced to pay for.  It is by any sane definition unsustainable: to be a Democrat is to demand the implosion of America as a nation.  Again, this is the kind of thing BUGS do.  These aren’t people who are capable of loving their children and caring about their futures: they MURDER their children.  That is who they are by definition of what they most rabidly stand for (abortion on demand).  If you are a Democrat, you necessarily think of your child as a bug you could have killed and remained a “good” person because you were merely following a cherished doctrine of your bug religion.

Stop and consider the ugliness of the future Democrats have for this nation: BILLIONS of people living here, having long-since destroyed our way of life, our culture, our democracy, and consumed our wealth like a vast locust horde invading a field once green with crops but now stripped barren.  And again, liberal, if you want to argue with me about this, please document for me the prominent members of your wicked political party who have stated the number of immigrants who would be too many and what we would do to stop this invasion.

I wrote this piece a while back detailing how liberals are intentionally trying to crowd millions of people into densely-rat-packed cities and keep them helpless and dependent on government because that’s the only way their hateful, horrible policies can prevail.  The 1984-Orwellian character of what the Democratic Party has planned for this nation is truly stunning and terrifying.  It is an easy-to-prove FACT that liberals only win when they can jam people into packed cities and kill the American way of life.

And no, this is NOT a theoretical issue: this has already happened in Europe and in the United Kingdom as millions of Muslims have poured into these countries and changed the very culture and way of life of its citizens who are now afraid to walk the streets of their own cities.  Europeans are increasingly realizing that their “tolerant” immigration policies are completely unsustainable.  The problem is that this realization has probably come too late: these countries will never be the same and things are going to get far uglier and far nastier as a result as a rising percentage of unassimilated people already prone to bitterness and violence become increasingly unemployed and increasingly resentful and increasingly willing to pursue violent jihad as a result.

I’ve heard this number of 11 million illegal immigrants as the “official estimate” reported seemingly forever, at least since the 1980s.  We’re supposed to believe that just as many voluntarily go home every year as come here???  And where do these numbers come from that make them reliable?  The government?  Seriously?  I think of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the incredibly erroneous estimates they provided just with ObamaCare and basically every budget they’ve ever “scored.”  These people are fools and clowns and yes, ideologues.  The number of illegal immigrants hasn’t risen whatsoever in forty years, but in my decades of life in the state of California, somehow I am now surrounded by people who speak only Spanish when that was simply not true when I was a child.  But government-worshiping Democrats reassure me, “Don’t believe what your racist eyes and ears tell you.”

Only I believe I’ve already proven that it’s THESE bugs who are the actual RACISTS and all they’ve done is “fundamentally transformed” the targets of their racist hate.  The new target of Democratic Party racism shifted from the black man to the white male; the new target of hate has shifted from the Jew to the Evangelical Christian.  Just compare the number of Christians and even just plain religious people or people who believe in an objective source for morality between liberal godlessness and conservative belief in God and morality.  78% of conservatives believe in God with absolute certainty and another 14% believe with fair certainty.  83% of conservatives believe in heaven and 72% believe in hell.  And 48% of conservatives believe there are clear objective standards for what is right and what is wrong.  That is shockingly low, until you compare it with liberals.  Only 45% of liberals believe in God with “certainty” and only 24% believe with “fair certainty.”  Only 18% of liberals rely on religion for guidance on right versus wrong and only 19% of liberals believe that there is any clear, objective right or wrong with 79% of liberals believing that morality depends on a relative situation and whatever the hell they want right or wrong to mean.  And significantly more liberals don’t believe in hell than believe in it.  Which explains why they can be as evil as they are and not believe there will ever be any consequences for it.

The problem with secular humanist liberalism is that there is no moral “oughtness” to it.  There is no ultimate, transcendent, objective moral source of authority that tells me that I ought to do one thing and that I ought not do another thing.  They do what they want and they do whatever they want.  Which is why communism, which is simply the more common name for “official state atheism” that communism is, has as its central dictate in every single form it metastasizes in (Soviet communism versus Maoism, etc.) is that “the ends justifies the means.”  There simply are no moral compunctions for a liberal.  They can even murder 60 million of their own babies and feel as serene in their act of genocide as the baby they arbitrarily allow to survive feels sleeping in a crib.  But let us never forget that baby sleeping peacefully in a crib is merely a thing that could have been brutally and callously killed and that no human being has a transcendent right even to live, let alone to anything else.  In the same way, abortion demands that there is no such thing as a “father,” because if there was that father would certainly have the basic right to not have his child murdered against his will while the state forced him into a state of moral helplessness.  And so we understand that just as Democrats murdered 60 million of the very most innocent human beings, they also murdered fatherhood.  And millions of fathers walk away from their children because Democrats indoctrinated them to walk away and provided them with no right to do anything else.

The real explanation for the profound difference between conservatives and liberals isn’t that white people are conservatives; it’s that liberals are godless.  The religious difference is greater than the race difference, period.  And as we become a less and less “moral and religious people,” as John Adams put it, we become a more “Democratic Party” people.  And a people for whom our Constitution was suitable to govern.  The key truth John Adams was expressing was that a decent, moral, virtuous people could govern themselves without totalitarian restraints; but liberals are devoid of these qualities and therefore must have increasingly powerful government imposed over them to restrain their toxic hatred and viciousness.

These Democrats are simply appalling.  They have created the very worst and the very ugliest of the immigration debacle in this country with their stupid laws and their wicked judicial rulings.  They have created an arbitrary Catch-22 in which Donald Trump can either allow millions of immigrants to enter the country and simply fail to ever show up for their deportation hearings or hold them indefinitely while they wait for court hearings the left has decided everyone who comes to the border has the right to have.  And if you criminally charge the parent such that they can be subsequently deservedly can be charged with a felony for trying to illegally enter the United States twice, you have to separate the child from the parent in the same way that any American put in jail must be separated from his or her children.  This is simply true.  But the Democrats and their mainstream media propagandist fake news allies intentionally and deliberately distort and outright lie as they create a fake news picture with the hopes of dishonestly and cynically benefitting from a disastrous mess that they themselves created and will do nothing to help fix and change.

Democrats falsely claim to represent those who are helpless and cannot speak for themselves?  Tell that to the 60 million innocent helpless babies who couldn’t speak for themselves that these butchers callously murdered and literally murdered with PRIDE.  You ONLY matter to these bugs if there’s a naked political interest for you to matter to them.  Otherwise they couldn’t care less.  Like when they had total control of the White House, a filibuster-proof domination of the Senate and the House and illegal immigrants and their poor children didn’t matter one bit.

Think of it this way: whose constituents do Democrats claim Hispanics are part of, Republicans or theirs?  Theirs, obviously.  And so given that Hispanics and all of these illegal immigrants are THEIR constituency, THEIR group, shouldn’t they be willing to do something to help these people they claim to represent?  Shouldn’t they be willing to negotiate and compromise with Republicans to secure certain rights and privileges for the group they claim to represent?  But they DON’T.  They do NOTHING but demonize and demagogue and slander and lie.  They don’t give one flying damn about these people at ALL; they just cynically exploit them in the most grievous way, literally intentionally creating a situation in which they will suffer in order to point a finger at Republicans and blame them for the suffering that they actually have significantly themselves created.  Because the ends justify the means and the means are surely justified by the end to these godless immoral vermin.

The encouraging thing is that even many Hispanics are getting this: Hispanic approval of President Donald Trump rose an astounding 10 points during the very period of time that Democrats were hysterically and frankly psychotically, cynically race-baiting in their comparisons of Trump to Hitler and Republicans to Nazis.

We can only hope that this pathologically wicked party goes so over the top in its rabidity that enough people turn away from them to hand them the mother of all defeats.

As just one example, increasingly Democrats are openly declaring war against law and order by declaring war on ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement arm of federal law enforcement.  This is the agency that goes after the vicious Latin American gang MS-13, who motto is “Mata, roba, viola, controla,” which translates to “Kill, rob, rape, control.”  When Donald Trump called them “animals,” the left went ballistic in its defense of the humanity and virtue of these vicious predators who in actuality won’t rise to the level of “animals” for another several trillion years of upward evolution assuming the bogus myth that evolution is.  Again, these monsters are BUGS and they need to be squashed with a vengeance until there aren’t any more of them.  And yet liberals are doing absolutely everything they can to stop that from happening.

And the most typical victims of these bug-monsters are Hispanics, and most typically illegal immigrant Hispanics.  Which amounts to yet another of so many proofs that Democrats don’t give one flying damn about the people they fake-news claim to care about.

We truly need a border wall and we truly need enforcement of our laws and a resistance against the lawlessness of Democrats who believe in their “ends justify the means” Stalinist mindset that they are entitled to only follow the rule of law if they feel like it but they are free to ignore any laws they don’t like even as they resist assisting Republicans in simply trying to govern and create a better system from the cynical, rigged, chaotic mess they have made it.

This nation and its citizens need to fight for their right to survive.  And July 5th is a great day to start fighting back.

LA Times FINALLY Acknowledges Violent Left-Wing Hate Groups Such As ‘Antifa’ – Then Says Free Speech Should Be Taken Away From Right

August 30, 2017

Well, it was an amazing thing.  After YEARS of unrelenting violent hatred being poured out on supporters of our current president, the Los Angeles Times FINALLY had an article specifically mentioning that there are left wing violent groups.

Mind you, as you read it, you already see the “Lost Cause” theory that the LA Times takes in covering their asses from the violence organized and perpetrated by their side:

Of the dozens of organizations that turned out for Sunday’s mass protest against racism here, one group was impossible to miss.

Its members dressed head to toe in black, with masked faces and some bearing pastel-painted riot shields that read “no hate.” These 100 or so militants billed themselves as a security force for progressive counter-protesters, vowing to protect them from far-right agitators.

But as the protest got underway, some of those in masks would resort to mob violence, attacking a small showing of supporters of President Trump and others they accused, sometimes inaccurately, of being white supremacists or Nazis.

The graphic videos of those attacks have spurred soul-searching within the leftist activist movement in the Bay Area and beyond. Emotions remain raw in the wake of this month’s white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., which left one woman dead and dozens injured.

You see, on the “Lost Cause” theory, it wasn’t about slavery, or hate, or intolerance that motivated the Confederacy; no it was something NOBLE taking the form of an honorable struggle to protect the Southern way of life.  And in the same way, these groups like the Antifa aren’t inherently fascist entities that are trying to violently shut down the free speech of their opponents by showing up at virtually every single conservative rally; no, they are “protesting against racism.”  And I mean, that’s good, right?  Just as it is obviously good to wage “an honorable struggle for the Southern way of life.”  I mean, you’ve really got to pardon the violence because the noble cause is just so darn JUST.

But the YEARS of intentional ignorance and misrepresentation may finally be catching up to the left, it’s political party, it’s politicians, and its media organizations that have participated in the cover-up of their hate.

I mean, oh my goodness, the leftist violence is now so rabidly out of control that even Nancy Pelosi was forced to distance herself from it:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday condemned the ‘antifa’ protesters who clashed with President Trump supporters in Berkeley, Calif. Sunday.

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,” Pelosi said in a statement. “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

Pelosi’s statements follow clashes on Sunday between supporters of Trump and counterprotesters clashed in Berkeley, Sunday.

Arrests, pepper spray and smoke bombs were reportedly used on Sunday after violence broke out among a handful of protesters. More than 1,000 people had turned out on Sunday, and most protesters were peaceful.

Reports indicate 14 people were arrested during the rally. Several of those targeted for violence were known for pro-Trump or far-right views, according to the Los Angeles Times and SFGate.

The reason there is a [slightly] different framing of the leftist hate groups is that it is beyond obvious as you watch the scenes from conservative rallies from all over the country being violently broken up by masked leftists clad in black surrounding and viciously beating conservatives they are able to separate from their group that it’s only a matter of time before these liberal hate groups murder someone in a way that cannot be ignored or denied.  This has now already HAPPENED, mind you, but the avalanche or reality is becoming too overwhelming to ignore.  So they have to begin to distance themselves from it in foresight of what these groups are very obviously building toward.

I prefer this Washington Post headline:

Black-clad antifa members attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

Because that’s what happened, without any nuance by simple factual, objective reporting.  And this has been happening over and over again throughout the entire presidential campaign.

Mind you, it was San Fran Nan who had actually called upon these same Antifa people she is now somewhat hypocritically – BUT FINALLY!!! – decrying when she called a conservative group Patriot Prayer’s Freedom Rally “a white supremacist rally” which literally BAITED the left to come to violently disrupt it “By Any Means Necessary.”

CBS Local in San Franscisco wrote (and asked) even prior to the rally:

Pelosi Dubs Patriot Prayer In San Francisco A ‘White Supremacist’ Rally
August 22, 2017 6:49 PM By Melissa Caen

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — The group Patriot Prayer could get its permit any time now for Saturday’s planned rally at Crissy Field.

Patriot Prayer says they should officially get their permit for Saturday’s Freedom Rally sometime on Tuesday. Organizers have publicly distanced themselves from neo-Nazis, the KKK and violence.

But Nancy Pelosi and other leaders have denounced the event as a planned “white supremacist” rally.

Terms like neo-Nazi, white supremacist, white nationalist, alt-right, alt-left, fascist, Marxist, are loaded terms that are being used daily.

Pelosi had an event in San Francisco Tuesday and KPIX 5 political reporter Melissa Caen asked her about the labels, and asked her to explain her choice of words.

Conservative speakers say their free speech is being lumped together with bigoted and racist speech.

But Pelosi said Crissy Field is a special place.

“And now they’re going to give it as a venue to Nazis and white nationalists,” Pelosi said.

We looked at the Patriot Prayer group. Some of them are Trump supporters, but does that make them extremists?

So it’s kind of funny that the same Nancy Pelosi whose inciting “crying-fire-in-a-crowded-movie-theater” rhetoric brought these vicious thugs to come beat “white supremacists” would turn around and decry them doing what she incited them to do.

Here’s the truth reported by KTVU News San Francisco:

[Patriot Prayer organizer Joey] Gibson says he’s absolutely not a white supremacist. “I’m Japanese. We have three black speakers, a couple Hispanic, an atheist, a transsexual. We’re extremely diverse. It’s really irresponsible for the leaders to call me a white supremacist. It’s completely unfounded.”

But of course you only qualify as “black” if you live on the ideologically slave plantation of the liberal activists who ardently love the political party that kept their ancestors in slavery, who fought a vicious Civil War to keep their ancestors in the bondage of slavery, who organized the Ku Klux Klan after being defeated by the Republican Party to continue to the racist fight into the next century.  If you are “guilty” of free thought, these haters will come after you and attack you worse than they attack the whites they rabidly hate.

Joey Gibson is then asked, “So why do people make that claim, not only against you, but also those that are part of your group?”  He says, “I don’t know if she’s trying to stir up a riot, I’m not sure why she made that claim…  At the end of the day, you need specific examples of why anyone would say that I’m a white supremacist, because the things that I talk about, the things that I preach, has nothing to do with skin color, it has to do with what’s on the inside.”

Gibson is right claiming that Nancy Pelosi wanted a riot.  But this goes farther: the left that she is very much a part of is openly attempting to frame the narrative such that support for Donald Trump – the 45th President of the United States of America – IS an act of extremism and white supremacy and terrorism and every other hateful charge they can make.  Even that Trump is HITLER and “literally tried to kill our communities” in an act of GENOCIDE according to the racist organization “Black Lives Matter.”

And of course BLM has the video of Donald Trump with the death squads and standing over the mass graves.  Except, oh wait, these people are all whackjob evil psychotic demented demon-possessed and the only thing they are capable of seeing is their own racist hate.

The left and the “journalists” who are among its minions keeps calling “white supremacist” and “Nazi” groups “right-wing” because their intellectuals are following the exact same labelling approach the communists followed in the Nazi vs. Stalinist era:

“The influence of Marxist scholarship has severely distorted our understanding of fascism.  Communism and fascism were rival brands of socialism.  Whereas Marxist socialism is predicated on an international class struggle, fascist national socialism promoted a socialism centered in national unity.  [And in fact, Both movements were “revolutionary socialist ideologies.”  Going on,] Both communists and fascists opposed the bourgeoisie.  Both attacked the conservatives.  Both were mass movements, which had special appeal for the intelligentsia, students, and artists, as well as workers.  Both favored strong centralized governments and rejected the free economy and the ideals of individual liberty.  [And finally,] Fascists saw themselves as being neither of the right nor the left.  They believed that they constituted a third force synthesizing the best of both extremes” [Gene Edward Veith, Jr., Modern Fascism: Liquidating the Judeo-Christian Worldview, p. 26].

Liberals like to parse “communism” as “Marxism” and then say that there’s a difference, and that “true communism” is somehow good, you should smell the dead rat that is their collectivist brain: because EVERY SINGLE TIME COMMUNISM HAS EVER BEEN TRIED, IT HAS BEEN TOTALITARIAN AND CRUSHED THE HUMAN SPIRIT.  EVERY SINGLE TIME.  But the left keeps trying to manufacture this “noble version of communism” and then contrast it to “Nazism.”  When by any practical historical realistic standard the two movements were virtually IDENTICAL: They were BOTH totalitarian; they were BOTH socialist; they were BOTH militaristic; they BOTH denied the basic freedoms of their peoples and had secret police to terrorize any kind of dissent; they were BOTH therefore determined to take all guns away from their subject peoples so they could not rise up; they were even BOTH anti-union in the sense that BOTH pursued the identical same policy of abolishing all unions and then creating one union that they had total control over.  They were BOTH the SAME.  The Nazis were, if anything, the “right-wing” of the very rabidly far radical LEFT.  And to the extent that communism was ”

The professors and academics who claim otherwise are MARXISTS.  They are merely following the exact same paradigm of the Marxist scholars of the past.  Even to the extent that the phrase “Workers of the world, unite!” reflected some false semblance of “proletarian internationalism,” Stalin proved that his communism was every bit as capable of being “nationalistic” as Hitler’s brand of socialism when he began to talk about the urgent need of his people to rise up to defend “Mother Russia.”

“Nazi” stood for “National Socialist German Workers Party.”  If there was a “National Socialist American Workers Party” – and I submit that is the TRUE name of the Democratic Party today – it would be LIBERALS.  The ONLY meaningful difference between the two brands of socialism amounts to a still-meaningless distinction between communism confiscating all the means of production “in the name of the proletariat” but of course NEVER ACTUALLY SHARING ANYTHING WITH THE PEOPLE THEY OPPRESS versus Nazi fascism which allowed private ownership of industry on a self-serving basis but dictated what they would be required to produce.  Such that the State still held complete control of all the means of production in a government-controlled totalitarian society.

Did the communists hate the fascist and did the fascist hate the communist?  Yes.  But from what I see, the Bloods hate the Crips and the Crips hate the Bloods and there isn’t a dimes’ worth of difference between these vicious gangs (or how about the Mongols vs. the Outlaws or the Hells Angels vs. the Vagos or for that matter Barbie vs. Bratz dolls or Coke vs. Pepsi.  The fact that communists have always fought fascists doesn’t mean the two are opposite: it’s actually more proof that they are very nearly identical and compete for the same type of rabid haters.

In the same way, there is NOTHING racist about the “right-wing” versus the “left-wing.”  Both have their racists and if anything the left has a FAR MORE DOCUMENTED HISTORY OF RACISM THAN THE RIGHT EVER HAS OR EVER WILL HAVE.  Not when I can document that the Civil War was essentially a war over slavery between anti-slavery Republicans and pro-slavery Democrats.  Not when I can document that after the Civil War, the Ku Klux Klan was formed to terrorize and intimidate blacks and white Republicans alikeNot when I can document that even a full sixty years after the Civil War, the Klan was so embedded into the Democratic Party machine that the 1924 Democratic National Convention was infamously called “Klanbake.”   Not when I can document that THE most infamously racist governors and officials in America such as George Wallace in the 1970s and Bull Conner were DEMOCRATS.  Not when I can document the self-acknowledged racist history of the unions that are at the forefront of Democratic Party machineNot when I can document that unions are STILL “fucking rabidly racist” today according to even senior-level union officials.  This slanderous tactic is again nothing but the product of communist scholarship falsely attributing whatever is “evil” with one’s ideological opponents even when it very clearly applies more to themselves than those they’re demonizing.

The history is overwhelming in establishing which party is “the party of hate and racism,” but Democrats are now actively destroying history – much the same way ISIS did in areas it controlled in their caliphate they were allowed to create in the Obama years – so that they can rewrite it.

So whatever is deemed to be evil or bad or wrong, Marxist scholars immediately claim ITS THE OTHER GUYS who are purely responsible for all of it.  And the left-wing mainstream-media gulps it down the way goldfish eagerly and immediately gulp down the spit of mean kids.

And so we see these charges of “hate” and “hate groups” being screamed by the left at the right WHEN THEY ARE THE HATERS AND THEY HAVE FAR AND AWAY THE MOST VICIOUS HATE GROUPS.  But again, going to the Los Angeles Times (just to keep shining a spotlight on how dishonest and hypocritical these perverters of genuine news truly are), from an article titled “Violence isn’t part of free speech – it’s a threat to it” on p. B-1 from August 22, 2017:

How do we protect ourselves from neo-Nazis armed with clubs, knives and shields?

Well, we can start by stripping them of their clubs, knives and shields. Plus helmets, pepper spray and any guns.

And take away the masks some wear to hide their identity from prosecutors.

The 1st Amendment does guarantee “freedom of speech” and “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Note a key operative word: “peaceably.” I’m no constitutional lawyer, but it does seem that anyone armed with a club, knife and shield isn’t intending to “peaceably” assemble.

In fact, since the deadly violence at a Charlottesville, Va., white supremacist rally, California affiliates of the American Civil Liberties Union have issued a strong statement qualifying their traditional defense of the 1st Amendment.

“The 1st Amendment does not protect people who incite or engage in violence,” the ACLU statement reads. “If white supremacists march into our towns armed to the teeth and with the intent to harm people, they are not engaging in activity protected by the United States Constitution.”

At no time does the leftist author of this bird-liner ever once acknowledge that there are ANY left wing hate groups.  And we now know for a FACT even from LA Times’ OWN REPORTING that the people wearing masks, who are pepper-spraying their opponents an yes, who are coming to events armed with shields, knives, clubs, bike locks, bottles of urine, rocks, incendiary devices, and yes even guns are almost ECLUSIVELY ALL FROM THE LEFT.  And again, I can document that even from the slanted LA Time’s OWN REPORTING now.  As Redneck Revolt puts it: “You know, if you keep going further left, eventually, you go left enough to get your guns back.”  Not that the damn LA Times would ever report that little factoid.

But what do these dishonest “perverters” (because that’s what journalists are these days, people who pervert the truth) “report”???  They blame the side that are largely the VICTIMS of their side’s violence.  Which by the way was a very successful Nazi tactic.  George Skelton is a Nazi.  The LA Times is a Nazi newspaper.  They are not reporters but perverters.  They “report” fake news because they dishonestly “report” only those “facts” that are cherry-picked to support their agenda.  Okay?

We need to understand how the progressive left thinks in purely pragmatic rather than moral terms.  A piece from the LA Times on the ACLU sheds much light:

The American Civil Liberties Union has been much scrutinized since its decision to represent white supremacists in their quest to march in Charlottesville, Va. Board members have resigned and allies have declared that the ACLU, at long last, has gone too far. In the aftermath, the ACLU of California issued an equivocal statement, endorsed by the national ACLU, clarifying that the 1st Amendment “does not protect people who incite or engage in violence” but reiterating the organization’s complete support for “freedom of speech and expression.

Commentators have rightly observed that the ACLU has defended far-right speech since its founding, despite fierce criticism. But there is a common and mistaken premise in this analysis. It assumes that the organization has always believed, as it does today, that “freedom of expression is an end in itself.” In reality, the early ACLU viewed free speech as a tool of social justice, suited to particular purposes under particular conditions.

To correct the prevailing misconception, we need to look back to the 1930s, when economic desperation was fueling a battle between reactionary impulses and radical aspirations, and Nazis first appeared on American streets. Even as American fascists appealed to anti-Semitism and white privilege, the ACLU fought for their right to hold rallies. Although it did not oppose regulations against armed marches, it insisted that “the right to parade,” even “in brown shirts with swastikas,” should “never be denied.”

Why did the ACLU defend Nazis when they were terrorizing Germany and their virulence was painfully apparent? As the organization acknowledged in its pamphlet on Nazi speech, it was a “practical tactic” as much as an “abstract principle.”

A core contingent of the ACLU leadership hoped that an expansive interpretation of the 1st Amendment could pave the way to fundamental economic change, above all through the movement to organize America’s workers. The organization’s founders described themselves as “partisans of labor.” And they understood that the courts, which historically were hostile to unions, were disinclined to distinguish between the intimidation posed by Nazis marching in uniform and the intimidation posed by workers on a picket line.

You can readily see how rabidly biased the people “scrutinizing” the ACLU truly are given the fact that they never “scrutinized” them for thousands of OTHER incredibly vile policies and actions that have oppressed Christians and conservatives in mostly small towns that couldn’t afford to fight these lawthugs.  But here we get to a more important point: why did the ACLU support free speech that was openly hostile to freedom on the part of Nazis?  Because they knew that their own SIDE was every bit as vile and obnoxious as the Nazis and reasonable people would immediately comprehend that union thug violence and Nazi thug violence beat and battered and bruised equally the same.  And since union thug violence was at the very core of the ACLU mission, well, they sided with the violent to protect and promote their own brand of violence.

So it’s important to understand that this “support for free speech” was NEVER something the left actually believed in.  NEVER!!!  These fascists always exploited it as a means to an end with their end being the taking away of free speech for anyone who disagreed with them.  FACT.  And you’ll see that below, again, reported by the “esteemed newspaper” the LA Times.

The left has always been violent.  The Civil War was an act of Democratic Party violence.  The Ku Klux Klan that emerged after the Democrats lost the Civil War was an act of Democratic Party violence.  Just as the unions have been the violent thug arms of the Democratic Party machine until the Occupy Wall Street Movement, Black Lives Matter and now violent leftist groups such as Antifa, the anarchists, Redneck Revolt, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) and many others are carrying out the same legacy of hate from the same rabid species of leftism.

Given the hate rhetoric like this that comes from the left at the very highest Democratic Party levels and is espoused by organizations such as BLM that are accorded legitimacy by both the Democratic Party and the mainstream media that serves as their propaganda wing, you shouldn’t be surprised one bit when leftists start thinking in terms of “By Any Means Necessary” to violently attack the people their leaders decry as Hitler-evil mass-murderers

“White nationalists” of course were attacked for a man driving his car into a crowd and killing one woman at an event to protest the removal of Confederate statues.  The mainstream media conveniently failed to remember the avowed black nationalist who participated in a Black Lives Matter event (you know, the kind where the mob masses are organized to chant, “What do we want?” “Dead cops!”  When do we want it?  “NOW!” over and over and over again) and assassinated five police officers and specifically attempted to target white police officers.

They also chanted stuff like “Whose streets? OUR streets!”  “No justice, no peace, no racist police!”  “How to you spell racist? N-Y-P-D!”  Obama didn’t decry it.  Not at all.

The assassination killing of NYPD officers Raphael Ramos and Wenjian Liu took place only days after this BLM chant was caught on tape at a BLM-organized event.  The assassination murders of the five police in Dallas followed.

Obama didn’t call out black hate before or after the Dallas racist massacre of police officers; Obama didn’t even MENTION black hate or leftwing hate groups or the leftwing violence those leftwing hate groups were continually committing.  Obama decried the liberal bogeyman of guns in a blatantly partisan and biased statement that the media refused to criticize at the time or remember afterward when they were attacking Donald Trump with far less grounds to do so.

No, the left spouted crap like this:

They speak to a raw anger at a system those activists want changed. But they can’t be called an endorsement for killing cops.

And they said stuff like “The hateful outrage of a few does not represent the views of the vast majority of sincere demonstrators.”  That sort of thing.

I call it “crap” because they refuse to give the other side anything even close to the same generous assumption that deep down, they’re just good folk who want good things for their families.  Rather it’s “Our haters are wonderful but your haters are evil and you’re evil for tolerating your haters even though we’re obviously not evil for tolerating our haters.”

At the Charlottesville rally where we had the car-ramming incident – which for the record I decry as a “terrorist attack” because unlike the left I am capable of seeing reality – the left had shown up and for TWO HOURS were assaulting and beating the so-called “right-wing” demonstrators.  And I simply point out that it is highly likely that the car-ramming was not a planned attack, but rather a reaction against the violence that the driver saw being unleashed against his side while the police stood by and did nothing to protect them.  The police – under the control of a very leftist mayor – literally facilitated the climate for violence and basically lit the match when they actually funneled the white nationalists directly into the left wing mobs which were shockingly in positions they were specifically supposed to be banned from holding.  And then after it was totally out of control and a violent leftist mob was all around, this:

Attendees began attempting to leave via exits 1 & 2 and were set upon by antifa as they attempted to do so.

They weren’t even allowed to leave without having to go through a gauntlet of physical beating with masked thugs armed with sticks and shields.

It looks like the left was hoping for what happened.

That isn’t “free speech.”  And we’re seeing it again and again and again: the police are casually stepping back and allowing masked goons to attack people.

The left wants to make this so damn confusing, but two things are crystal clear:

#1. Anyone wearing any kind of mask at a public demonstration ought to be immediately cited and/or arrested.  I don’t care if they are KKK or Antifa or Barney the Dinosaur.  The ONLY reason you are wearing a mask to a public demonstration is because you are planning to do something that you don’t want to be recognized and prosecuted for having done.  And frankly the fact that the police are not arresting people for wearing masks BEFORE the violence amounts to proof that the leftist police in leftist cities are collaborating before the fact with the violent antifa thugs.  Because any fool ought to know what these people are planning to do the moment they show up.

#2.  If one group – irregardless of their political/social views – obtains a legal permit to hold a demonstration or rally, and another group representing a different view shows up without a permit to confront that group, then the group without the permit is to be held responsible for the ensuing violence.  There should be no such thing as the “counterprotestor,” but rather any and all protests and demonstrations – “counter-” or otherwise – should be required to obtain permits and demonstrate solely within the confines of their permitted area.  And any “demonstrator” who goes outside his/her permitted area to confront demonstrators within their own permitted area is to be immediately arrested for fomenting or inciting riot.

These two principles would apply to all demonstrators and to all demonstrations from all groups representing all sides.  It would be fair to all.  But we don’t have that.

If you just accept these two commonsense principles, it is then beyond-obvious that the LEFT is ENTIRELY responsible for ALL the violence that we are seeing.  Because no, it is NOT the so-called “rightwing” that is showing up at leftist demonstrations and rallies; it is always the OTHER WAY AROUND with violent leftists showing up armed with shields, weapons and masks to attack the other side.

We see that in every single case, liberals are so rabidly intolerant of the 1st Amendment and the free speech that it guarantees, that they are determined to shut it down “By Any Means Necessary” which clearly includes violence.

Instead, what do we see?

We see this kind of crap which the print edition of the Los Angeles Times (p. B-1 for Wednesday, August 30, 2017) titled, “Free speech at what cost?:  After ‘antifa’ violence in Berkeley, city debates whether conservative firebrands are welcome“:

Violence over this weekend by left-wing “antifa” activists in Berkeley has opened another chapter in the debate at the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement over UC Berkeley’s plan to host several conservative firebrands next month.

University officials have vowed to allow speakers, including conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos, to come even under the threat of violence, which has occurred at Berkeley and other universities earlier this year.

Some city leaders are becoming increasingly wary, fearing a repeat of Sunday’s clashes in which the protesters, wearing black with their faces covered, attacked a small showing of supporters of President Trump and others they accused, sometimes inaccurately, of being white supremacists or Nazis.

“We don’t want the moral, psychological and fiscal expense of having these agents of hate coming to our town,” said Berkeley City Councilman Ben Bartlett. “We know the contest of ideas is at the very heart of freedom, but at the same time when the ideas are certain to cause bloodshed I’m inclined to err on the side of protecting the population, and I say that with a heavy heart.”

Councilwoman Cheryl Davila also opposed the appearance by the conservative speakers, adding: “I don’t appreciate that there are racists coming to UC Berkeley to spew hate.”

Yep.  The ACLU project to “protect free speech” can be cancelled now.  Only the left should have the freedom to speak.  And the freedom to violently riot, of course.  And we’ll just blame everything we do on the other side.  Because if they didn’t speak, we liberals would bash them in the face.  It’s really entirely their fault we beat them.

Ah, Nazi thought is so alive and so well in liberalism.

Now, I have already shown you above that this event was marred by violent leftists attacking peaceful conservatives.  I have already shown you how Democrats have repeatedly slandered conservatives by falsely labelling them as “white supremacist” or “Nazi” when they had nothing whatsoever to do with either label.

And so here is the logic flow: “Liberals are so sick, so demented, so psychologically-unhinged, so depraved and so evil that if conservatives are allowed to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed free speech and free-assembly rights, the demons screaming in the collectivist souls of the left will force them to commit violent mayhem.  And so we must banish conservative speech that evil may triumph.”

When liberals threaten violence or commit violence, they should be ARRESTED AND PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW.  Or there IS no law.

And I state this as a categorical fact: if you are a Democrat, YOU are the Nazi.  Because when Hitler was rising to power, his homosexual-filled SA Brownshirt thugs (and see also here because the mindset is just as true now as it was in the 1930s) did EXACTLY WHAT YOUR SIDE IS VIOLENTLY DOING NOW ON A DAILY BASIS.  If you are a Democrat, YOU are a Nazi, because when Hitler assumed power, he banned the “other side” from having any right to any kind of protest to his totalitarian power EXACTLY AS YOUR PARTY’S OFFICIALS AND BUREAUCRATS ARE TRYING TO DO NOW.





Don’t Like White Nationalism? Then Blame The Hypocrite Democratic Party And Mainstream Media That Are Most Responsible For Its Rise.

August 29, 2017

I’ll say two things at the very outset: 1) Racism of ANY kind is evil because God made human beings in His own image (which is why abortion is so vile) and we should therefore respect the image of God in all human beings.  And I can personally say that in my life I have seen some of the worst and some of the best in every color and creed, such that I have encountered, for example, some incredibly godawful black people and I have also known some of the noblest people on earth who were black, whose love and friendship this particular white guy was not worthy of.  The notion that “racism is an unequal power structure” doesn’t go anywhere NEAR far enough because most “white people” don’t have any “institutional power.”  I as a white man am now an oppressed racial minority in my own state of California according to this leftist screed, and as a conservative Republican in a state that is so rabidly leftist that California all by itself accounts for the difference in the popular vote between Trump and Clinton, I am a politically oppressed minority as well.  It is literally a crime against intelligence to claim that I have institutional power and only genuine fools say such idiotic things.  We individual “white people” are every bit as frustrated with the government and being on the outside looking through poop-stained windows of power as much as anyone else.  Frankly the only way the we will ever end “institutional power inequalities” is to abolish government and abolish the bureaucracies that make the leftist/liberal machine run given that the bureaucracies are staffed with hard-core union activists (see here for just one of a billion examples).  Which isn’t going to happen and which I as an individual “white person” have no more control of than anyone else.  In point of fact, if racism is institutional than I as a small-government conservative am far less guilty of the crime of racism than Democrats, because they WANT the racist institutions and I want them cut massively down in size and power.  Rather, I am an individual person and according to both my Judeo-Christian and conservative worldview (both of which are rabidly rejected by the left) I am responsible for what is in MY OWN heart and it must be in the individual human heart that true reform can begin.  And that aspect of genuine racism is completely ignored at this point by every other race BUT white people.  When they tell us that “black people can’t be racist” that is such an outrageously ridiculous lie that only an intellectual could have been stupid enough to have considered it.  By which I refer to George Orwell’s classic understanding of the stupidity of the intellectuals, that “Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”   The leftist demagogic narrative that I as a white person am ruling the world oppressing the black race is utterly ridiculous simply considering the fact that I live in California and I am constantly forced to leap through the hoops imposed by my liberal masters.  It is like the Hispanic liberal activist who is part of a mob surrounding and screaming at one man: “BECAUSE YOU ARE THE MINORITY!  F*CK YOU!”  The actual fact is that racism is every bit as real among blacks as it is whites.  As just one example, it is a fact that blacks are so much more racist than whites that black people frequently refuse to see white doctors because of the doctor’s race and the patient’s racism.  It is everywhere, all around us, in all kinds of people just as ALL sin is all around us in all kinds of people.

But liberals don’t believe in “sin” being possible other than for whites.  Sin according to liberals isn’t a matter of the human heart, but rather a matter of race.  Only whites are capable of “oppression.”  But sin is not merely “institutional” (not that I run any of the institutions they’re talking about, especially when Obama and Eric Holder were running them); it is INDIVIDUAL.  And it is because I am a true Christian and a true conservative, I am an INDIVIDUALIST and look at people as INDIVIDUALS rather than as members of racial groups as Democrats have been indoctrinated to do.  And related to that is 2) that identity politics – the division of people into groups by race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. – and then attempting to mobilize and pit those groups against other groups which are defined as evil – is itself EVIL.  And the Democratic Party is more responsible for this evil than anyone or anything else on the face of the earth today.  If it is in any way, shape or form appropriate for black people, or Hispanic people, or gay people, to mobilize into groups and then vote for their own rights or their own causes based on their membership in their groups, then it is equally appropriate for white people to do the same thing the left is doing with its groups.  But amazingly and incredibly hypocritically, the left cries in hysterical outrage when we finally do what they have been doing for decades.  In bottom-line terms, if an Obama can urge Hispanics to “punish your enemies,” then why the hell can a Trump not tell whites to go punish their enemies, also?  You know, aside from the fact that to be a Democrat is to be a hard-core hypocrite and then constantly rationalize your hypocrisy with goal-post-moving arguments?

I came across a statement that expresses it nicely.  Who qualifies as a “hate group”???

Do you think the Democratic Party made the list of “hate groups” on the bigoted extremist Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate site?  No.  Not on your life.  The Southern Poverty Law Center is an organization created to bully anyone it politically disagrees with, at times literally declaring “parents” as a hate group.  The left has politicized hate and turned its own hate into a political weapon.  The Southern Poverty law center five years ago attempted to violently attack the Family Research Council headquarters through one of their drones who obtained his hate from their website.  And the same thing recently happened when another of the Southern Poverty Law Center drones tried to murderously wipe out the Republican congressional baseball team.

Watch this video of the Democratic Party’s buddies the Antifa and tell me why they aren’t being considered a hate group by the Democratic establishment, by the Southern Poverty Law Center, by the mainstream media, by any of these fools who so self-righteously claim to be opposed to hate.  if conservative activists all over the country were screaming, “We hate Obama!” how would the media have framed that if not as racist and hateful and treasonous?  But even after THOUSANDS of such protests and worse yet “counter protests” where mobs show up intending to shut down conservatives’ rights to free speech “By Any Means Necessary,” the reporting on the ugliness of the left is a desert.

Reuters actually had the propaganda balls to call vicious leftist Antifa RIOTERS “peace activists” even after they had thrown bottles filled with urine and stones at police.  Joseph Goebbels at his Ministry of Propaganda would be smiling and rubbing his fingers together in satisfaction at these lies.

You’re not exactly going to get a fair or honest list of “hate groups” from them or they’d have to put themselves near the very top of their own damn list.  Just sayin’.  Because I will show you if you read on that that label genuinely and rightfully applies.

But you’ve got one more bright, shining example of what the left does: brand “the other” as hateful while steadfastly ignoring their own hatefulness.

So sit down while I show you what I am saying is true.  Because there is an awful lot to say about it.

I believe we begin to get to the real heart of President Donald Trump’s project following the car-ramming incident in Charlottesville: the left is determined to coerce Trump to admit that racism is entirely his fault and entirely the fault of those who support him and that the left and the racial groups that compose the rabid leftist hate base are thereby absolutely absolved from even the possibility of any form of racism.  Which is the project of the left.  Because the Russia they screamed about for the last eight months is now such an obvious nothing-burger lie, they’ve turned to a new way to try to demonize Donald Trump, and so they want him to hang the albatross of racism around his own neck or at least submit to their putting the albatross of racism around his neck.  The left doesn’t want to “come to the table” and have a meaningful dialogue about racism and what both sides can do to reach unity and accord and common ground; no, they rather want to take the table away and scream at us about racism while we submissively bow our heads in shame and publicly admit our shame and our guilt and to submit to a thousand years of “reverse racism” to pay for our collective sins whether we as individuals ever committed any racist sin or not.  And Trump is saying no freaking way.  Because there is no point attempting to have any meaningful kind of conversation with these people on these terms.

We just saw it in Berkeley what we’ve seen dozens and dozens of times now: a conservative organization – yes, one having absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with “white supremacists” and having seven of their eight speakers being NON-white – was violently disrupted by “counter-demonstrators” who showed up without any kind of permit armed with weapons and all the hatred and viciousness that is inherent in modern liberalism in their hearts.  A racist demagogue named Nancy Pelosi attempted to manufacture a riot by slandering the group to bring as much hate against the Patriot Prayer Rally as possible.  And so the conservatives, as the only group that did not want the violence that Nacny Pelosi yearned for (slanderously calling it over and over again “a white supremacist rally” in an attempt to bring leftist hate groups to attack them, backed down and cancelled their event to prevent violence, and instead held a press conference rather than a rally.

Ms. Pelosi had called on the National Park Service to reconsider Patriot Prayer’s permit, describing the event as a “white supremacist rally.”

“Reason has prevailed because the people of San Francisco have demonstrated our determination to protect the freedom of peaceful expression as well as public safety,” Ms. Pelosi said Saturday in a statement to the Mercury News.

But Mr. Gibson accused San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and Ms. Pelosi of stoking unrest by labeling the event as a white supremacy fest, even though most of the scheduled speakers were not white and Mr. Gibson himself is half-Asian.

“To call us white supremacists made San Francisco way more dangerous,” Mr. Gibson said.

He also accused Democrats of hypocrisy on protester violence: “You have a mayor who says that we’re hateful, we’re violent, he doesn’t bring up any specific examples, but he doesn’t mention one word about antifa. Not one word.”

The rally was billed as a “day of freedom, spirituality, unity, peace, and patriotism,” and Mr. Gibson gave assurances on Facebook beforehand that “no extremists will be allowed in,” including Nazis, anti-fascists (antifa), the Ku Klux Klan and white nationalists.

Even so, he said he was being menaced Saturday by antifa and By Any Means Necessary activists who followed the Patriot Prayer organizers and used Twitter to announce their whereabouts.
“Basically all day, this is what it’s going to be like,” he said. “We’re going from spot to spot trying to hide from people who dress like ninjas, who run around, they want to burn stuff down, they want to commit violence, they want to use bike locks, they want to use clubs with nails through them.”

We call it “fake news” the way leftist hatemongers like Nancy Pelosi make false, slanderous claims that are picked up by “reporters” and “reported” as “news”:

Right-wing protester Johnny Benitez from Orange County says he came to Berkeley for peaceful dialogue, but got shouted down by the crowd.

“They still label me as a white supremacist,” he said. “I still get death threats. This is a false message.”

Benitez.  Obviously a white guy name.

It’s “fake news,” but the leftist hate is all too real.

Fascist Democrat Party thug organizations such as Antifa and By Any Means Necessary (especially violent means) were out in force with hatred for freedom and democracy and homicide in their little roach souls in Berkeley yesterday.  A conservative group held a “Rally Against Hate” that was viciously broken up by leftist hate:

Protesters from the poles of the U.S. political spectrum converged on another American city Sunday as violence erupted when left-wing protesters surrounded and attacked at least five right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley

The group of more than 100 hooded protesters, with shields emblazoned with the words “no hate” and waving a flag identifying themselves as anarchists, busted through police lines, avoiding security checks by officers to take away possible weapons.

Several thousand people had congregated for a “Rally Against Hate” in response to the planned right-wing protest that raised concerns of violence and triggered a massive police presence.

Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood defended how police handled the protest, saying they made a strategic decision to let the anarchists enter to avoid more violence. […]

Among those assaulted was Joey Gibson, the leader of the Patriot Prayer group, which canceled a Saturday rally and was then prevented from holding a news conference when authorities closed off the public square Gibson planned to use.

After the anarchists spotted Gibson at the Berkeley park, they pepper-sprayed him and chased him out as he backed away with his hands held in the air. Gibson rushed behind a line of police wearing riot gear, who set off a smoke grenade to drive away the anarchists, Fox 40 reported.

But for the most part, it is well-documented, the leftist police under orders of leftist bureaucrats who allowed the “anarchists” to enter stood down and then allowed the anarchists they’d let in to surround, attack, and viciously beat the legally-permitted free-speech demonstrators.   Which is another way of saying I belong to a minority that is being systematically institutionally oppressed and I am not only banned from exercising my constitutional rights but am viciously set upon by the modern equivalent of SA Brownshirt stormtrooper thugs while the police who are supposed to protect me stand and root for the Nazis who are beating me “By Any Means Necessary.”

Any one who is capable of even briefly entertaining the truth can see the vile hate of the left that was taking place well before Charlottesville and is only building up violent force now.

And so I support President Trump in this, regardless of how awkwardly he is going about it.  Primarily because the rabid, whackjob racist craziness of the other side is simply disregarded and ignored and denied.  If you want to have a conversation about race, don’t claim to be willing to have one until you’re willing to acknowledge the damn log in your own damn eyes while you’re laying the blame on us.  Not when I can detail all the racist crap that I am able to detail below.

Let’s talk about “political correctness” and what it is and how it works.  I’ve stated this before.  Political correctness is not just a leftist way to make overly-sensitive people feel better.  It was designed by early Marxist propagandists in Russia and the left continues to execute the Orwellian tactic today: if you can control words, you can control thought; if you can control thought, you can control actions. “PC” is an enormous, sophisticated and highly coordinated effort by elitist intellectuals to “fundamentally transform” Western culture as we know it by redefining it – by shaping the “acceptable” language people are allowed to use – and thereby dictating the parameters of cultural arguments, such that the people are banned from thinking outside of the artificial box they create for us. And people with incredibly radical agendas have been exploiting this tactic for decades and it has succeeded.

It’s kind of like insisting that we call American Indians “native Americans.”  If I don’t qualify as a “native American,” then exactly where the hell do I get to be a native of???  I am quite serious here.  It is racist to take my own homeland and the land of my birth and my ancestors’ birth away from me.  I am a native American and I don’t apologize for calling myself what I clearly have every right and reason to call myself.  My parents were native Americans.  My grandparents were native Americans.  Some of my ancestors climbed off the boat with the other Pilgrims.  Some of my ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War and established this nation.  Some of my ancestors fought in the Civil War and supported the Republicans as they defeated a violent, rabid Democratic Party to abolish slavery.  But some damn liberal through the prism of communist-manufactured “political correctness” decreed that all white people ought to be racially disqualified from their own country.  Not by any reasonable argument, but rather by rhetorical fiat and politically correct guilt-tripping.  It’s not about me hating American Indians; I love American Indian culture and participate in it and admire it at every opportunity.  Rather, it’s about giving one group a status that clearly does not belong to that group alone.  In the case of minorities that status is “victim” as though no white person has ever been poor, or oppressed, or a target of hate from another racial group.  Take me, for example: not only am I a “native American” who has had that status removed from me by rhetorical fiat, but I myself have also been a victim of racism when I was physically and violently attacked by five black men.  You want to call American Indians “Original Americans,” fine by me.  I recognize American Indians were here when my ancestors rowed ashore at Plymouth Rock.  But it is a crime of oppression against me to take away my right to be a “native American” when I absolutely AM one.  Which according to the left is impossible due to the same rhetorical sleight-of-hand race-baiting demagoguery.  And we’ve had this crap forced down our throats in too many ways too many times over and over again by one party for decades.  And finally enough people had enough.

In 2016, did white people – especially including the white people who actually voted for Obama TWICE “racist” or did something else take place?  Let me explain “what else” actually happened:

Barack Obama crushed and decimated middle class whites.  If a Republican president had done this to black people, it would be proclaimed and vilified by the mainstream media and the Democrat Party as the very worst kind of racist hate.  But because it was Democrats and particularly a black Democrat doing it to whites, it was okay.  Because we live in a world full of more hypocrisy than the oceans and seas are filled with water.  The middle class itself began to disintegrate under and as a direct result of Barack Obama’s presidency and his policies.  In the 2016 election, white people rose up because they literally began to comprehend their very survival was being threatened by a left that was openly hostile to them.  It wasn’t “racism” that made even middle class whites who voted for Obama in 2008 do this; it was systematic oppression BY a racist president and a racist party that created the oppression that they voted to free themselves of.   It is simply a statement of fact that Barack Obama decimated the white middle class and the white working class (see also here) and THAT is why they rose up to overthrow the party of the race-baiting Oppressor-in-Chief.

Frankly, even black people largely suffered – and suffered in virtually every economic category – under Obama because his socialist Democrat Party policies are failures and have never lived up to the utopian fantasies of the liberals who are incapable of learning from history no matter how many times their “solutions” fail to solve.   When the Democrat Party keeps inflicting hurt on the people they claim to care about while demonizing as “racist” the policies that would help the people they claim to care about, you should immediately understand that something is very wrong and very vile is going on within the Democratic Party machine.

When even a white liberal progressive female candidate gets shouted down at a liberal progressive function by people screaming, “Support black women!” you should immediately understand that something very wrong and very vile is going on within the Democratic Party machine.

When the House Minority Leader can slanderously demonize a conservative group as “white supremacist” and literally contribute to a violent counter-protest against that group when it has nothing whatsoever to DO with “white nationalism” and fully seven of its eight speakers are nonwhite, you should immediately understand that something very wrong and very vile is going on within the Democratic Party machine.  Similarly, in Boston, an upcoming conservative rally focusing NOT on “race” but on “FREE SPEECH” is being falsely and hatefully labeled as a “white nationalist” event by the political leaders who are literally inciting riot by doing so.  The leftwing Boston mayor is publicly saying that the city has to allow free speech no matter how “despicable” the group demanding free speech is.  Which is basically code for all his leftist hate groups to “come and punish your enemies.”  To put it in Obama terms.  And to quote some other revealing Obama political maxims: “If they bring a knife, you bring a gun”. “Punch back twice as hard.” “Get in their face.”  Obama is on the record as having said all of these things and it was marvelous in Democrats’ sight.

How about this one: when a black state senator can openly call for the assassination of the white president of the United States of America and then TWICE refused to apologize because she literally argued that the one she is demanding be murdered is more wrong than the one who calls for that murder, and she is STILL actually in office because every single Democrat refused to rise up and demand her resignation, you should immediately understand that something very wrong and very vile going on within the Democratic Party machine.  And for the record, this also tells you how godawful evil-wrong the mainstream media has become: because if it had been a white Republican calling for the assassination of President Obama, every single Republican in office would have instantly had microphones thrust into their faces demanding their reaction.  But “race-rage” only flows one way, from Democrats to Republicans.  No matter how evil-vile the Democrats truly are.  If every single Democrat does not vote to expel Democratic Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal from the Senate, IT IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY THAT IS RACIST AND BIGOTED AND HATEFUL AND EVIL.  But the way this rigged party system works out, the Democratic Party will probably bribe Chappelle-Nadal to resign “on her own” so they won’t have to prove they are racist by refusing to vote her out by offering her some cushy job at a university or some other uber-leftist think tank.  She’ll be okay until she faces Jesus Christ at the Great White Throne judgment of the wicked, I assure you.

When a hard-core racist group is absolutely NOT challenged by the mainstream media and is even celebrated and endorsed by the Democratic Party and their propaganda wing the media, you should immediately understand that something is very wrong and very vile is going on within the Democratic Party machine and with liberalism.  White people have been presented with a list of 10 demands from Black Lives Matter.  The very URL is titled “white people.”  What I want to do is to simply switch the races BLM uses and you tell me if this is “racist” as HELL:

1. Black or brown people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a white or Asian family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.
2. Black or brown people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a white family. You’re bound to make that money in some other Obama-privileged way.
3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a white blighted neighborhood and let white people live in it for free.
4. Black or brown people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a white or Asian family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.
5. Black or brown people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a white or Asian family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.
6. Black people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to white funds for land purchasing.
7. Black people, especially black women (because this is yaw specialty — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the fuck they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.
8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless BLM, Black Panthers, NAACP and Other lil’ dick-black men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.
9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any black person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a black person praising the actions of BLM from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired. But certainly address them, and, if you need to, you got hands: use them.
10. Commit to two things: Fighting black supremacy where and how you can (this doesn’t mean taking up knitting, unless you’re making scarves for white kids in need), and funding white and Asian people and their work.

Note: ALL I did was reverse the races in the racist hate-screed of Black Lives Matter.  The above list is evil, psychotic and frankly demonic racist hate.  And it is every bit as evil and psychotic and demonic and racist and hateful when it is examined in the words of Black Lives Matter.  Because Black Lives Matter is very clearly a racist hate group every bit as much as the KKK is a racist hate group.

Read this vile racist screed from Affinity Magazine titled “Dear White Parents of Biracial Children: Having Mixed Babies Isn’t Enough to Excuse Your Ignorance.”  The racist left has turned hatred and bitterness and meanness into VIRTUES.  And they are turning on THEIR OWN if their own even slightly deviate from their “purity.”  These angry, hateful, self-righteous liberals are even worse than the Pharisees who organized a mob to crucify Jesus.

Deal with both logs in the eyes of both sides, dammit.  But don’t accuse me of being a racist because I won’t do what you won’t lift a finger to do.  Because all that does is make you a hypocrite.

When white people are literally being denied the right to speak while “Black Lives Matter” is cherished by the same media that denounces them as “white nationalists,” please realize that somebody is guaranteeing and ultimate violent rise.

The ACLU issued a statement withdrawing their support for the free speech rights of white nationalists that breaks with their entire history of fighting for free speech no matter what kind of speech it is.  Not that they actually ever truly did that, but now their biased leftist ideology is fully and completely on display.  The ACLU has made it crystal clear that it will CONTINUE to protect hate, but only hate from THEIR side.  The problem is that “free speech” is a meaningless term if it doesn’t apply to all.  If one side gets to bring their “free speech” no matter how hateful it is – yes, and load up with weapons prepared for a violent brawl with the groups that legally filed for the permits to demonstrate as the leftists go in just like the jackbooted fascist Brownshirt stormtroopers from the Hitler era to break up the rallies of the opposition – and the ACLU will support one side and not the other, they are no longer for “civil liberties” but for leftwing fascist liberties.

In the last couple of days we have seen incredibly disturbing details as to just how rabid and racially unhinged the left truly is.  For instance, during the Charlottesville rioting, ESPN demonstrated such racial stupidity that they actually made at the highest levels the decision to yank an Asian broadcaster because his name happened to be “Robert Lee.”  And they were mental enough to believe that “Robert Lee, 21st century Asian-American broadcaster = Robert E. Lee, 19th century Confederate general.”  And then the ESPN president executive actually came out lying about why they had yanked the Asian broadcaster it in direct refutation of their own initial statement that they had in fact done it for racial reasons because of the trivial coincidence of his name and lambasted the people who were trying to tell the truth about this fascist leftist fool network.  And then it was the ACLU’s turn, posting an innocent image of a child – okay, they were evil because it was a white kid and he had a hated American flag that today’s liberals despise so much they refuse to stand an honor – which quickly became demonized as a Nazi image.  And the ACLU is so racially depraved and so amoral that they actually apologized for putting up such a despicable image as a white child holding a flag with the caption, “This is the future that ACLU members want.”  Because apparently ACLU members really want the future of a boot stomping on a human face forever, providing that face is WHITE.

According to the left, THIS is now an image of “hate”:

The face of hate is the liberal who is so evil that he sees hate in everything, including the innocent image of a little girl holding the flag of his country even when it’s their own side posting that image.  You can see her wearing her liberal ACLU shirt.  The left is a group of haters that rabidly refuses to tolerate even the tiniest departure from their Orwellian Two Minutes Hate campaign that will go on and on and on for years if necessary until it achieves its hateful agenda.  That’s what the real face of hate is.  And even a beautiful little child cannot escape this kind of hate.

And its violent hate.

Jeremy Beck said something very thought-provoking and historically proven time and time again: “You know, if you keep going further left, eventually you go left enough to get your guns back.”  The same way they had guns in the Soviet UnionThe same way they had guns in China.  The same way they had guns in North Korea.  The same way they had guns in Cuba.  They had guns in Cambodia.  And yes, the same way they had guns in Nazi Germany (NAZI = “National SOCIALIST German WORKERS PARTY.”  It is simply a fact that Nazism was the “far right” only of the extreme, radical LEFT).  Oh, the left was all for guns when they were fighting for power, as the ACLU is fine with THEIR side using guns and violence to attack their ideological opponents.  But as soon as they seize power, give up your guns!  And so the only problem being that they ended up with ALL the guns and liberalism/leftism WILL NECESSARILY end up with ALL the guns EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Because “liberalism” is ultimately the rabid determination to dictate all political power and crush and oppress anyone and everyone who stands against their total, dictatorial totalitarian power.  And history has proven this fact to be true EVERY SINGLE TIME the left has EVER been able to seize power and the most evil horror in all of human history has systematically resulted from it EVERY SINGLE TIME.  And so Nazi Germany embraced leftist gun control confiscations; as did every single communist regime so the people would be powerless which is exactly the reason our founding fathers – who are now all condemned as symbols of hate by the left – demanding the American people have the guaranteed constitutional right to keep and bear arms which the left has tried to take away for decades.

White people are increasingly started to become frightened by this climate of leftist hate.  Especially when even the very most innocent child among them is demonized as a hate symbol.

And so when you actually do have “white nationalism,” who is to blame for it?

Let me just first point out the fact that liberals say that radical Islamic terrorism – which of course they refuse to link in any way, shape or form to “Islam” because they are true moral idiots – is the result of marginalization and discrimination.  So if you keep shutting out a group of people’s access and call them evil all the time, then according to liberalism you create the climate of terrorism because if they are denied a voice they will violently lash out.  And so as we look at the left and how they have banned or blocked or denied white supremacists from having any voice or any rights, what is going to happen according to their own damn theory of terrorism???  Realize that it’s not just leftist-oriented businesses such as Google (whose mantra is “Do no evil” but has regularly participated in the fascist suppression of free speech in China and now in America), and FaceBook, and PayPal, and GoDaddy, and Airbnb, and Uber, and Discord, and GoFundMe, and Spotify, and even the WordPress that I use, but it is elected Democrat mayors and politicians across the country who regularly and routinely label, marginalize and discriminate.  It is simply what the left does.

Question; if the left isn’t doing absolutely everything it can to “marginalize” and “discriminate’ against white nationalists and the KKK and the so-called neo-Nazis, then what the hell are they doing???

So the answer to my question, if you are a liberal, is to look into the damn mirror.  Because just by your own view toward Islamic terrorism, YOU caused the attack in Charlottesville according to your own damn analysis by marginalizing the white nationalists and refusing to give them any voice and discriminating against them and labelling them with your hate and intolerance.  Compared to a free society where we were all supposed to be given the freedom to speak so we wouldn’t resort to violence that you no longer permit.  So stop marginalizing and discriminating against these groups.  Or at least shut down all the other hate groups on YOUR side.  If you want to stop the rise of white nationalism, where white people start standing up and taking back the rights that they forfeited by being intimidated by the constant demagogic and slanderous labels of racism applied to them every single time they said anything in favor of their self-interests the way the leftist groups have loudly done, then stop your racist crap.  Stop the “Black Lives Matter” crap.  Stop the La Raza (which means “The Race”) crap.  Stop the Congressional Black Caucus crap.  Stop the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People crap.  Stop race quotas.  Stop racist university acceptance policies that punish white people and Asians because they’re the wrong races.  Because this flagrant hypocrisy is immoral and it is wrong and it is racist and you are guaranteeing and you are in fact responsible for the White Congressional Caucus and the Nationalist Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People and White Lives Matter and The Race (meaning the white race this time).

This isn’t about me being a “racist”.  This is about me being a “fairist”: I just want a fair, honest exchange where everybody is able to look at themselves as well as their opponents.  I utterly despise hypocrite liars who constantly impose a different system on me than they apply to themselves.  And while no one is immune from that tendency, including myself and people and the groups I support, it is the left that embodies “hypocrisy” today like nothing ever before seen in human history.

One of the fascinating things is how liberals want to blame the United States for slavery and how they want to blame white people for slavery.  Both are total lies.  The United States had slavery, yes, JUST AS EVERY OTHER DAMN NATION IN THE WORLD HAD SLAVERY.  And the more “nonwhite” you got, the more slavery there was.  I look up the countries that still have slavery today, and have the most slaves, and sure enough that’s basically what I find to this very day.  And secondly, black liberals are so full of hate for whites blaming us for slavery, but exactly how did we get all our slaves in the first place?  Do you know what we did?  We went to Africa and bought them FROM THE BLACK PEOPLE WHO SOLD THEM TO US.  Even Obama’s dear friend Henry Louis Gates acknowledges that historical fact.  For the official historical record, it wasn’t a bunch of white people running around the bushes in Africa with big butterfly nets; rather, white people went to the coasts of Africa and simply purchased them.  Slavery was GIGANTIC in Africa, because one tribe would fight with another tribe and they would sell the victims they captured from the other tribe into slavery without a hinge of regret.  They were reducing the population of their enemies and earning a tidy profit at the same time.  We couldn’t go to Britain and buy white people as slaves; we couldn’t go to Ireland, or to Germany, or to France and buy slaves.  No white people sold their own into slavery because Europe was still Christian and that was unheard of.  But in Africa, it was a very different thing.  So why do you limit your hate to white people when black slavery wouldn’t have existed without black people???

Liberalism is the hatred of facts and the rabid hatred of history and truth.  Which is why they have to act like Islamic State now and tear down historical artifacts using mob frenzy whenever necessary.  And so you can go far and wide on the internet and see them claim the truth is a lie and the lie is their truth.  But the fact remains that apart from Africa and Africans, there would have BEEN no “black slavery.”  Which only makes liberals hate whitey all the more because by screaming their violent hate they don’t have to acknowledge the uncomfortable truths they turn their backs on while blaming “the other” for which they themselves bear a giant load of guilt.

If this country is going to survive, we need to stop blaming the past and start looking at what WE are doing right now today.

End the fake news reporting.  To only slightly paraphrase the Bible, “There is no righteous reporter, not even one.  There is no reporter who understands, there is no reporter who seeks God.”  I don’t care who is demonstrating or what their message is or how much other people don’t like it; the nanosecond someone or some people from “the other side” start any kind of violence, THAT SIDE THAT STARTS THE VIOLENCE IS ON THE SIDE OF THE DAMN NAZIS.  Report the damn TRUTH.  If you actually have any legitimate claim to oppose violence, then oppose the left that is routinely engaging in naked violence as a political tactic every single DAY now.

I’m just going to repeat what Donald Trump said about Charlottesville that applies here: there were bad people on both sides right from the very damn beginning and certainly at Charlottesville as well.  The list of violent liberal attacks of leftist mobs against conservatives is mind-blowing.  The simple fact is that liberal America has a rather terrible political violence problem.  But what we are seeing today is liberals and liberalism being completely blind to the giant logs in their own eyes and fixating on the specks in the eyes of the people they hate.  And it’s wrong.  And one of the primary reasons that black people have so failed to launch in America when other groups of people have done so well is that as a culture they are 1) Democrat and therefore believe evil is good and good is evil; and 2) because they are so mired in bitterness that they refuse to believe that hard work will allow them to improve their situations as the people who come here from all the rest of the world believe.

Martin Luther King, Jr. said that hate begets hate.  And liberals are proof of that.

We have a president who got elected in a contentious election, and as a result of his election an entire political party along with an army of the most vicious partisan radical haters declared total war on the president and upon everything that president campaigned upon and was elected to do.  Who am I talking about?  Guess what?  I’m talking about Abraham Lincoln.  Because there is a direct damn parallel between what the true party of hate – the Democratic Party which has ALWAYS been the party of hate – did in 1860 and what that same damn party of hate is doing today.

There’s a reason we ought to be forgiving and even forgive our enemies.  But don’t try to explain that to a leftist.  Because Obama didn’t teach his followers to reach out, but instead to lash out.  And we’ve seen Obama’s incredibly toxic effect on this nation as a result.  And that hate is now being vindictively poured out on Donald Trump and everyone who voted for him no matter how polarized and divided the left has to break this country in pieces to do so.  Because the demonic identity politics of separating people into groups and then pitting those groups against each other to create a fifty-percent-plus-one-vote coalition is at the heart of their toxic agenda.

Jesus told us that in the last days, race would rise against race.  And it is very obvious that the day that Jesus described in the very end times is upon us.  And in the United States of America, it will be because of and as a direct reaction to the Democratic Party’s racist exploitation of race as a cynical means of imposing socialist, fascist power.  And please don’t be so stupid as to fail to understand that in order to be a “fascist,” one first has to be a “socialist.”

Interestingly – when you look at all the rabid, frothing hype this issue is getting by the press relative to its actual impact on society by any meaningful measure outside the fake news one created by the media – this “rise” of white nationalists is actually kind of …. ho hum when you actually look at the numbers.  I had heard reported that there are fewer than 100,000 white nationalists in America – versus a national population of 325 million meaning that white nationalists represent an incredibly trivial .03 percent of the population.  And yet with all the frothing media hysteria you would think it was some whopping percentage of whites goose-stepping with Nazi salutes to the cadence of Donald Trump ranting in German.  I looked at what the left is saying about the actual numbers of white nationalists in America, and the numbers are so paltry as to be meaningless.  I mean, the only firm number they could provide was “between 5,000 and 8,000 members nationwide.”  But then you see the project of the entire left wing apparatus – the Democratic Party, the media, etc. – as they then proceed to state:

Although the members of these groups may be especially vocal, the presence of racism in the U.S. cannot be quantified strictly by data. Nearly 63 million people voted for Trump, which means those voters were willing to accept and tolerate a racist, misogynist, xenophobe for a president, emboldening the small minority of neo-Nazis among them.

So in other words a “white nationalist” is to be defined as “anybody who voted for the current president of the United States.”

Howard Dean, former Democratic governor, former Democratic Party presidential candidate, former DNC chairman, says, “If you vote Republican in 2018, you’re voting for racism.”

Well, there’s a nice, polite invitation to a respectful exchange of ideas.

Oh, I got that wrong, didn’t I?  That’s naked race-baiting hatred for half of the nation.  The Democratic Party is built on hate just as it has always BEEN built on hate.

So this “rise” has hardly happened yet in any kind of actual fact.  But the left and the mainstream media that serve as the left’s propaganda arm rather desperately need a boogeyman.  Even if that boogeyman is virtually nonexistent.  And the reason they need a bogeyman is the same reason that Islamic radicalism needs the bogeyman of the Great Satan and Little Satan and North Korea needs the bogeyman of the United States: because in all three cases, they have nothing to offer but lies, fear and hate.  And they need some kind of artificial narrative to disconnect people’s brains from being capable of receiving reality.

I am reminded of Obama dismissing terrorism with the left and the Democratic establishment completely behind him saying “that terrorism takes far fewer lives in America than handguns, car accidents, and falls in bathtubs do.”  Notwithstanding the fact that most bathtub makers aren’t trying to kill people by driving large bathtubs into crowds.  Notwithstanding the fact that intentional violence motivated by hatred does something to the psyche of human beings that slipping in bathtubs does not do.  But you simply need to realize the soul of the left yawns with boredom at the fact that tens of thousands of people are being murdered by terrorists every year and that under Obama deaths by terrorism rose by one-thousand, nine-hundred percent.  That revealing statement was and remains an incredibly stupid and morally wicked statement that dismisses the victims and the virulent hate that seethes with the desire to murder every single human being possible.  But if one actually compares the victims of white nationalism to the victims of Islamic terrorism, it becomes laughably obvious that the only rational response to the left over its “white nationalist” hysteria is to say, “You fools desperately need to get some kind of clue.”

But again, the left is a pathologically evil ideology and such ideologies need bogeymen to distract people from THEIR OWN vile agenda.  And if they don’t actually have one, they know how to fake news one.  I mean make one.

Being a Christian first and a conservative out of my Christian worldview, I am compelled by my love of and for the truth.  Which means I am capable of doing something no liberal is capable of doing: I am capable of comprehending reality.  Therefore, the moment I heard that somebody drove a car into a crowd at the protest and counter-protest in Charlottesville – without knowing which side had drove the car into which – I knew that it was a TERRORIST ACT.  And because no, I am NOT a rabid ideologue the way too many leftists are, when I discovered that the car was driven by a white nationalist into a crowd of leftist protestors, I didn’t readjust my awareness of that fact to conform to my ideology.  I still recognize that the white nationalist who drove the car into a crowd was a terrorist and ought to be treated like one.

But I now compare that, and compare Obama’s response to similar terrorist attacks and the left’s response to his statements to the frankly insane and rabid frothing hysteria generated by Trump’s frankly LESS provocative statement.  I could cite DOZENS of examples, but due to time and space I’ll only cite two, with one being close to the beginning of Obama’s degenerate presidency and one occurring near the end of his eight years of national cancer.  Think of Major Nidal Hassan.  Think of the fact that the guy had business cards identifying himself as a “Soldier of Allah.”  Think of how he gunned down 13 (actually 14, as one victim was the unborn baby of another shooting victim) and wounded 31 while screaming “Allahu Akbar!!!”  Think of how six months prior to his attack, he had already come to the attention of law enforcement officials due to his terrorist internet postings and think of the fact that he was in email contact with one of the worst al Qaeda recruiters.  Then think of the fact that Obama abjectly refused to acknowledge that it was a terrorist attack and particularly a terrorist attack inspired by rabid Islamic theology.  Think of the fact that the soldiers who were killed and wounded in that terrorist attack were systematically denied Purple Heart benefits for nearly the entire degenerate cancer of the Obama presidency and the abject refusal from Obama to treat this mass shooting as an Islam-inspired terrorist attack.

Here’s the other one near the end of Obama’s presidency, to document that even after eight years, this rabid fool was STILL a fool but STILL supported by the Party of Rabid Fools: a black hater armed with the ideology of racist anti-white hate at a “Black Lives Matter” – an obviously racist statement that white lives DON’T matter – systematically executed five police officers intent on murdering WHITE cops.  In the aftermath of the Dallas massacre did Obama ONCE take on black hate?  Not one the life of your little roach-soul, Democrat: Obama instead went to the farthest leftist demagoguery and blamed the 2nd Amendment for the massacre.  And the Democratic Party and the leftists and the mainstream media cheered that Obama refused to acknowledge the hate that characterized their ideological bowel movement.

Consider the direct comparisons:

In July of 2016, an avowed black nationalist murdered five police officers during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Dallas, Texas. The act of violence was well-planned and was motivated entirely by the hate-filled ideology of the shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson.

With several officers dead by the hand of a committed black nationalist, one might think the Obama administration may have considered the assassinations domestic terror and launched an investigation into groups associated with this ideology.

Not at all.

Barack Obama condemned the shootings, but he did not call out or even allude to Johnson’s hateful views. He did, however, blame “powerful weapons” for the violence.

In her statement on the shooting, then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch exploited the tragedy to push for gun control and praise the cause of Black Lives Matter. No mention of Johnson’s ideology or “hate” in was made in her statement, but she did manage to directly name multiple cases of police-involved shootings — all after cops were the ones murdered.

Trump and his administration were urged to speak strongly against the alt-right on the presumption that there would further violence if none was taken.
In the case of the Dallas shooting, there was further violence from black nationalists following the attack. In the same month, three officers were gunned down in Baton Rouge, Louisiana by an adherent to this radical ideology. (RELATED: Baton Rouge Shooter Gavin Eugene Long Was Nation Of Islam Member, Railed Against ‘Crackers’ On YouTube Channel)

In a less violent case that also occurred in July of 2016, several churches in the area of St. Louis, Missouri, were vandalized and graffitied with rhetoric associated with black nationalism.

Once again, no demands for the Obama administration to condemn these actions — quite unlike how Trump is browbeaten to do so any whiff of extremism from the Right.

Let me just put it this way: Democrats love to label Republicans as the KKK, in spite of the historical FACT that the Klu Klux Klan was the invention of DEMOCRATS that had the mission of terrorizing blacks and WHITE REPUBLICANS.  It is and always has been DEMOCRATS who are the true KKK, but let me provide another 3-letter label for Democrats that is even more descriptive of the party’s actual platform and ultimate destiny: HHH.  And “HHH” stands for “Hellbound Hateful Hypocrites.”

It simply stands as a documented fact of history that Democrats and liberals are profound, pathological hypocrites.

Understand the demon-possessed hypocrisy of every single liberal in America as they scream that Donald Trump do something that their own Messiah of Hate refused to do even ONCE for eight demoniac years.  Had Donald Trump blamed Dodge Challengers for the attack, he would have been no different – and no more ideologically despicable and no more cowardly – than Barack Hussein Obama.

So when Donald Trump said that there were bad people on BOTH sides – having already gone far enough to acknowledge that there was evil in the white nationalist side after eight years of Barack Obama refusing to acknowledge that there was even anything called “black nationalism” or “leftist hate groups” it amounts to an appalling act of outrageous moral hypocrisy that the left that steadfastly ignores the giant log in its own eyes suddenly became morally indignant at Donald Trump’s refusal to go farther than a thousand miles further than Obama ever went.

I think of the left, the Democratic Party that is the political representation of the left, the mainstream media that is the propaganda mouthpiece for the left, the postmodernist denial of truth that is the philosophy of the left and the militant atheism that is the religious expression of the left.  I think of how the left framed the “science” of evolution: there IS no God and can BE no God, and therefore evolution is the only “reasonable” or acceptable way to understand our origins.  If you merely were open to the logical possibility that there COULD be a Creator God, and then considered the impossible complexity of the universe and the impossibility of chance to account for that universe, you would be compelled to come to a vastly different conclusion based on the evidence and to reality.  But instead the left simply ruled out a priori even the possibility of a Creator.  And although evolution is logical nonsense, logical nonsense prevailed because its rival explanation was denied any place in the debate.

In the same way, we have the left “defining” racism as “an unequal power structure.”  And thereby claiming that since blacks have no power, it is “impossible” for blacks to exhibit racism.  When what racism very clearly is to anyone who is NOT a fool is the hostility or distrust toward members of a given race as a group simply because of their race.

And for the official record, one very much CAN hate one’s own race.  Adolf Hitler’s father was half Jewish.  Adolf Hitler ordered his father’s birthplace complete with graves and birth registries to be forcibly evacuated and turned it into an artillery practice site to obliterate proof of his Jewishness.  DNA tests from known members of Hitler’s family prove it.  When Hitler hated Jews, he hated his own illegitimate genealogy.  In the same manner Karl Marx was a self-hating Jew who was the descendant of a long line of rabbis.  The Jerusalem Post piece gets it wrong when its writer claims he converted to Christianity: he was a philosophical materialist and an atheist and his worldview was purely atheistic and his statement about religion being the opiate of the masses is ample proof of this fact.  Yet this Jewish man wrote some incredibly hateful things about his own race.  And the author of the Jerusalem Post piece is entirely correct when he states that “The tradition of self-hatred was sustained by Jewish communists.”  Which is to say that being a leftist and despising one’s own race and one’s own past goes hand-in-glove.

I think of all these white liberals, consumed by the guilt that they had been indoctrinated to believe were pathological to their own race.  And pathetically attempting to disavow the racism that they themselves claim was literally part of their own DNA.  Which is probably why liberalism actually believes that owe can be physically and biologically be born a man but somehow actually be a woman with this poor, tortured soul somehow being a victim of his own DNA with that aforementioned DNA somehow being a liar and not representing who they truly are.  And so as ideologically indoctrinated liberals they turn on their own race and actually congratulate themselves for it to the praise and adoration of the echo chamber cocoon they live inside of.

And so in addition to or as a result of hating themselves, their ancestors, their own DNA, the left despise the cultural roots that created that which they hate: and so they must destroy all taint of the culture they so despise.  And yes, it is a pathological component of liberal/leftist ideology.  And so we go back to the Bolsheviks that the modern left today closely resembles in myriad ways:

In surveying the devastation of art wrought by the [Bolshevik] Revolution, a commission for artistic preservation, a commission for artistic preservation, headed by the noted art historian Igor Grabar and working closely with the Bolshevik government, reported a wave of destruction and burning in the summer of 1918 in which masses of art treasures perished or were stolen.  The Revolution and the Civil War, said the report, had resulted in “manor houses reduced to dust, slashed paintings, demolished statues, gutted palaces, and cathedrals destroyed by shells.”  Some of this was of course the offshoot of combat, but most of it was vandalism–the willful destruction or defacement of beautiful objects.  The beauty of these objects, lamented the commission, was not appreciated by the peasants who saw in “pictures, sculptures, antique furniture, and musical instruments not works of spiritual value but only characteristic features of landlord life–a life alien to them.” [pg. 5, Bolshevik Culture: Experiment and Order in the Russian Revolution, 1989, edited by Abbott Gleason, Peter Kenez, Richard Stites]

In the very same way Islamic State terrorists – whose vile ideology was at best benignly ignored and at worst actually protected by Barack Obama – destroyed all vestiges of any and every culture they did not like as a matter of routine.  And those who love history shocked and horrified by the ISIS destruction of Palmyra.

But where was the outrage over a liberal/leftist mob tearing down and then destroying a statue in Durham, North Carolina???  Where was the mainstream media outrage over this act of anarchy???

We have leftists saying things like:

“It’s going to happen,” promised Dyer, an artist. “This is a beautiful equestrian statue, and I don’t want to be like the Taliban or the Bolsheviks, but this has got to go. If the city does not move it, we will. Lickity-split.”

Which amounts to, “I don’t want to be like the Taliban or like the Bolsheviks, but what the hell, I am like them, so I’ll do the same thing and by destroying history actually repeat the very ugliest elements of history because I’m a liberal and that’s what I do.

An overwhelming majority of Americans want the Confederate statues to remain as objects of history to be contemplated, or just as objects of Southern cultural pride to be respected.  But liberalism is fascism, and fascism must violently tear down whatever it hates regardless of whether it is “lawful” or popularly supported or not.  They have learned like all vile ideologies that with enough violence and enough hateful and rabid resistance, they will ultimately triumph as an apathetic culture shrugs and says, “whatever.”

We live in a society where in city after city, the police have become political pawns, standing by while liberals and leftists violently confront any and all conservatives from not only demonstrating according to their 1st Amendment Constitutional rights, but simply having the right to SPEAK.  And this is happening because police at this point understand that the left will literally MURDER THEM if they stand up to the mobs.  It happened in Baltimore with the mayor literally saying, “We gave them space to destroy.”  It happened in Berkeley, with video documenting police standing down while leftist mobs violently attacked people and property they didn’t like.  Again, with the liberal mayor of Berkeley ordering police to stand down so conservatives could be violently attacked.  And yes, the same thing happened once again in Charlottesville, a liberal bastion whose mayor was among the very first in the nation to declare war on Trump and all those who supported him: police clearly stood down while the situation grew out of control, with even the ACLU pointing out the liberal mayor and the liberal governor were to blame for the ensuing violence that resultedThe streets were not barricaded as per the agreement with the city of Charlottesville.  The violent so-called Antifa were not penned in as per the agreement with the Charlottesville Police Department.  Rather, the violent leftists were permitted to freely roam the streets and block the entrance to Lee Park that the so-called “far right” group had a legally permitted right to march to.  And so what happened as a result with even the ACLU acknowledging the fact?

WASHINGTON – In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, which left one dead and at least 38 injured, many members of the national media were quick to blame the “Unite the Right” rally attendees for the outbreak of street warfare between “alt-right” and “alt-left” protesters.

But according to the ACLU and reporters covering the rally, the violence escalated due to what many believe was an intentional lack of police oversight, with the blame aimed squarely at Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

“The police actually allowed us to square off against each other,” one counter-protester told CNN. “There were fights, and the police were standing a block away the entire time. It’s almost as if they wanted us to fight each other.”

I’ve heard all kinds of reports that the “right-wing” protesters showed up armed.  But have you heard this that I saw in the Los Angeles Times once and ONLY once in the ocean of reports of armed right-wing groups?

Redneck Revolt, an armed leftist group that brought rifles to Justice Park, one of the spots where anti-racist groups had gathered.

What do you call it when the mainstream media selectively reports one fact about one side that they don’t like but refuses to report the same fact about their own side?  We call this “bias.”

Was the left violent?  Or was only the “far right” violent?  Let’s see what a University of Virginia student named Isabella Ciambotti had to say about what she saw to decide whether Donald Trump was right to say that there were bad people on both sides.

I was on Market Street around 11:30 a.m. when a counterprotester ripped a newspaper stand off the sidewalk and threw it at alt-right protesters. I saw another man from the white supremacist crowd being chased and beaten. People were hitting him with their signs. A much older man, also with the alt-right group, got pushed to the ground in the commotion. Someone raised a stick over his head and beat the man with it, and that’s when I screamed and ran over with several other strangers to help him to his feet.

Ah, so what?  “Isabella Ciambotti” is a white Anglo-Saxon name if I ever heard one.  And I have to say for the sake of ignorant liberals that I am being facetious.  Because no, it isn’t.

When did the ugly car-ramming incident occur?

The crash occurred approximately two hours after clashes in which hundreds of people scramed, chanted, threw punches, hurled water bottles and unleashed chemical sprays on each other ahead of the scheduled noon demonstration.

It occurred AFTER scenes just like this one:

I mean, with due respect, the evil man has a flag; the morally sublime “anti-protester” has a freaking incendiary device to peacefully burn the evil man armed with the flag.

One side had a lawful permit to demonstrate.  The other side showed up armed to the teeth and ready to fight the side with the lawful permit whether the law permitted them to demonstrate or not.  Because the true fascist cannot abide anything that in any way disagrees with it.  You have to have the morally sublime SA stormtrooper with his flame thrower to burn out all heresy.

But what does the hater do?  He blames his victims for his own hate.  And so even though it is beyond obvious that it was HIS actions that caused this violence to escalate so out of control – reporters on the ground at the time reported that the police were actually funneling the white nationalists directly into the crowd of anti-protesters rather than keeping them separated from each other as common sense would dictate – he blames who?  Trump, of course.

Donald Trump said another entirely true fact other than the entirely true fact that yes, bad people showed up on both sides, both sides came ready for a fight, the city of Charlottesville and its leftist mayor were responsible for the violence getting so out-of-control that something truly horrible was GUARANTEED to happen.  He also asked the simple question as to when the left will be satisfied by its destruction of anything and everything that they don’t like and their many-times demonstrated willingness to use violence to do it.

We’ve been seeing this hate from liberals all along.  We saw it a few months ago when a liberal Democrat with an assault rifle showed up at the Republican congressional baseball practice, verified that it was the Republicans on the field, and then opened fire.  And the article I just linked to again shows the blatant, rabid hypocrisy of the Democratic Party and of the media because in the aftermath of that political violence, Democrats did NOT acknowledge the hate and the evil on their side; they just blamed Republicans and Republican policies.

So other than being a hypocrite, what reason do you have for demanding Donald Trump single out groups in any way, shape or form associated with him (mostly by liberal press fake news accounts) when you yourselves refused to single out YOUR hate groups and the hate on your OWN side???

There have been vicious, bloody attacks of Trump’s supporters by leftist hate groups.  At San Jose, where the mayor was a Black Lives Matter supporter who had the police stand down while the rights and freedoms of conservatives were systematically violently denied.   Go to Berkeley, where a professor used a bike lock on the head of a Trump supporter and another Trump supporter was beaten in the head by a liberal using his skateboard.  The media coverage tried to frame their narrative in “Trumpian terms,” telling us that “both sides” were involved in the fighting.  But it was liberals violently attacking conservativesConservatives were beaten and bloodied at BerkeleyWhen you watch the video you hear the audio the black-armored fascist thugs who call themselves “Antifa” for the euphemistic title of “Anti-Fascist” viciously surround and beat conservatives while shouting “Beat the fascist!”  And look at the pictures below of white Trump supporters afterward.

In all of these many cases, in these liberal cities, we have the vivid reminder of black protestors being attacked while the racist police stood and watched.  Only now the racist police are political pawns standing by while liberals violently attack conservatives.

This leftist violence has been going on for a good year.  It is because of that leftist violence that I became a Trump supporter in the first place, as I wrote about:

Democrats Truly Are Nazis, Or How The Left Actually Started Turning Me Into A Trump Supporter.

The Choice Is Now Clear, America: It’s Donald Trump Or It’s NAZISM. The Democrat Party Is THE Party Of Fascist, Nazi Thugs

The Nazis Are Already At It AGAIN: In These Last Days Before The Beast, Democrats are Sons And Daughters Of Hell, Pure And Simple

Democrats Are More ‘NAZI’ Today Than Actual NAZIS As Vicious Democrat Violence CONSTANTLY Physically Attacks Free Speech

Documented Fact: Obama And Clinton ORGANIZED PHYSICAL VIOLENCE AGAINST AMERICANS Who Support Trump Through Party Roaches

Another Day, Another VIOLENT RIOT By Proto-Nazi DEMOCRATS

This crap has been going on not just during and following the Trump election victory, but for years of Obama.  Before the vicious riots of Black Lives Matter where police officers were fair fame for assassination, it was the vile Occupy Movement.  It’s been the left organizing and exploiting violence all along.  We have a Democrat Party machine operative who was literally caught on video organizing political violence against conservatives visiting the Obama White House 342 times.

Don’t tell me that the left hasn’t been organizing violently.

President Trump said:

“What about the alt-left that came charging at the, as you say, alt-right? Do they have any semblance of guilt? Let me ask you this. What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs, do they have any problem? I think they do. So as far as I’m concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day,” Trump said.

But Donald Trump states an obvious FACT and the media goes nuts with hate.  It’s an amazing thing.

The left is now tearing down the history of the republic.  Gleefully using violence to do it.  In North Caroline in broad freaking daylight, liberals tore down a Confederate statue right in front of a government building with no one arrested for vandalism or for anything else.

So whose feeling marginalized and discriminated against right now???

Liberals who are utterly lawless defaced the Lincoln Monument with graffiti writing, “Fuck law.”  Because as I have documented they are utterly lawless and brazenly defy the law everywhere at every turn.

In Chicago, a Lincoln statue was defaced and burned by the left.  A liberal said “Fuck Abe Lincoln.”

This is a trend and it wasn’t just Trump predicting that the left wouldn’t stop at Confederate monuments.  They have a history-defacing agenda.

Trump argued “what’s next?  Washington and Jefferson?  They owned slaves.”  And yes, they are on the left’s hit list.  The left’s hate list.

“Is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You have to ask yourself where does it stop?” Trump said.

He continued, “George Washington was a slave owner. So will George Washington lose his status? Are we gonna take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? Do you like him, because he was a major slave owner.  Are we gonna take down his statue? So it’s fine. You’re changing history, you’re changing culture and I’m not talking about the neo-nationalists or the neo-Nazis because they should be condemned totally. But you had people in that group other than neo-Nazis, other than white nationalists, ok? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

The mainstream media falsely and dishonestly claimed that, no, the left was ONLY going after the hated Confederate memorials.  But that was a fake news LIE as I have already documented above.

There is a REASON that Lincoln – who is of course hated for it by the left now – demanded mercy and tolerance for the Confederacy that he gave his life to defeat: and the reason is that the damn war had to end.  And doing what the left is viciously and hatefully doing to us today in their self-denying fascist intolerance is the exact opposite of what Lincoln realized needed to be done to end the Civil War.  Which interestingly was started by Democrats after Republican Lincoln was elected.  Because the same party platform premise that states that we have a right to declare as nonhuman babies and murder them was the identical same party platform premise that declared that people had a right to declare as nonhuman blacks and force them into bondage.  The moral arguments justifying both are identical, and it is simply true that the Democrat Party always has been the party of hate, is today the party of hate, and always will BE the party of hate.

And so no, they WON’T stop.  They have an agenda to abolish the Constitution and first they have to demolish the symbols upholding it.  Destroy Thomas Jefferson and you destroy the Constitution that he participated in writing.  Take away George Washington and you not only destroy the Constitution that he served as president of the committee including Jefferson who wrote the Constitution, you destroy the Father of our Country and therefore you take away the foundation for the nation he founded.

And now the left will be finally free to impose their own country over the one they have hated since even before the founder of the ACLU declared, “Communism is the goal” back in 1920.

It is true and it’s been true for a long time: if people had known what Barack Obama’s real agenda was, they never would have elected him.  So he lied and the media colluded in helping him get away with his lie.  Obama intentionally presented himself as “a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.”  He was never honest.  We now know he lied like hell when he said he believed “as a Christian” that marriage was between one man and one woman.  His own chief political strategist has declared that Obama lied “for political reasons.”  We also know that Obama lied like hell to pimp ObamaCare by repeatedly declaring obvious lies such as “If you like your plan, you’ll be able to keep your plan and if you like your doctor, you’ll be able to keep your doctor.”  Obama was never honest with the America people.  He lied to get himself in office and he lied again in 2012 to stay in office.

It’s illuminating to hear a self-acknowledged liberal political expert declare that no, Obama would NOT have defeated Trump if he had been able to run again a third time as Obama also falsely declared.  Too many people whom he had let down were beyond fed up with his lies.

So you just watch.  The left has an agenda that they won’t tell you about until after it is too late to stop it.  But we already can see it coming.  Prominent black liberal Al Sharpton is already calling for George Washington and Thomas Jefferson to go.  And he did it right after Trump predicted that was coming next.  The Jefferson Memorial should come down.  And so the Constitution will stand on what?  Wishful thinking?  And we can see now why the left so despises the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  The Constitution will have its feet firmly planted in mid-air the day before it is deemed by the left to stand for nothing and ought to be abolished just like all the other things these fascists despise.

Did you know that New York is named after a notorious slave trader?  Shall we now change the name?  Maybe call it Roachville to name it after its present inhabitants?  And then there’s our capitol city, Washington D.C. named after George Washington.  We used to think it was the “Redskins” part of “Washington Redskins” that was supposed to be offensive; but the left was already planning to make the “Washington” part offensive, too.

If you want to stop the hate, you’ve simply got to stop the Democrats.  They truly hate America.  They hate the Judeo-Christianity that forged the American worldview.  They hate the people who fought to make our constitutional democratic republic a reality versus tyranny.  They despise the nation that defeated Nazi and Imperial Japanese fascism.  They hate the country that stopped the cancerous spread of communism and successfully defeated the communist Soviet Union.  They want to replace it with something between the French Reign of Terror of the 18th century, the Stalinism that characterized much of the 20th, Maoism, the failed socialist state of Venezuela and the religion of Kim Jong Unism.  They hate our military that prevents these and other ideologies of hate from threatening us; they hate our small businesses that create the overwhelming majority of our jobs and instead favor the mega-corporations because they can more easily regulate them and make them conform to their ideologies.

This isn’t even about racism in terms of the agenda Democrats have.  They have ALWAYS been the party of racism on one hand.  We go back to the Civil War that Democrats viciously fought to keep blacks in bondage, then we think about the vicious postwar years after the Civil War when Democrats started the Klu Klux Klan to terrorize blacks and white Republicans as a means to continue to impose their brand of power in the South.  We think about the Jim Crow laws that Democrat-appointed justices decreed.  Then we get to the 20th century when Woodrow Wilson re-imposed the segregation that Republicans had banned; and from there we got to FDR segregating the labor unions to keep black people out.  We get to the 1924 Democratic National Convention otherwise known as “Klanbake” because it was utterly dominated by the Klan and the racist Klan agenda.  We get to the racist Democrat governor Orval E. Faubus.  At this point we’re a full century after the Civil War, and ONE racist party is still as hard-core racist as ever and the other party is still fighting them (Republican President Eisenhower imposed the right of black children to attend public schools over the Democrats cries of rabid hate).

The Democratic Party isn’t a party that suddenly changed it’s spots.  It’s a party that discovered a new way to own and dominate black people.

I stand against hate and violence.  Which is why I am a Judeo-Christian and follower of Jesus the Prince of Peace and which is why I vote for the Party of Lincoln that was just defaced by the Party of Hate.



The Legacy Of Barack Obama And The Democrat Party Can Be Summed Up In Four Words: ‘President Donald John Trump’

January 20, 2017

When Barack Obama was inaugurated as our 44th president of the United States – an event not one Republican boycotted, fwiw – there was the great inspirational sense that this nation had finally in his election soared past its most sorrowful history: the history of racial inequality.  Many Americans who didn’t even agree with Obama’s policies were swept up in this inspiration.

I myself didn’t vote for Obama because I believe that a president ought to be judged by the content of his character rather than by the color of his skin.  And while I would and will vote for any candidate – regardless of race or gender – who upholds sacred values, Barack Obama has NEVER upheld sacred values either before or following his election.

Still, there was no denying that Obama’s presidency – the presidency of the first black president – held great promise and great potential.

And Obama proceeded to piss that promise and that potential away with personal- and policy-pettiness.

And so eight years later, the great day of the election of the nation’s first black president was eclipsed by the even greater day when Obama crawled into “Executive One” – so named because it carried Obama rather than our PRESIDENT – and flew off to the roach motel of his choice.

What is Obama’s legacy?  I’ll sum it up for you in a few of Obama’s very own words:

There was the abject, demonic hypocrisy in Obama’s campaigning:

“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.” — Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, campaigning in Fargo, North Dakota.

And look at what this fool-in-chief has created since: TWICE AS MUCH DEBT AS THE MAN HE VICIOUSLY DEMONIZED AND SLANDERED.  Obama himself pointed out Bush’s debt was $4 trillion; what is YOURS, fool?  It was $10.626 trillion when Obama took office; it’s 19.961 trillion as I write this.  And oh my gosh, I’ve got a calculator and I’m not afraid to prove what a LYING DISGRACE you are.  Because the difference is $9.335 trillion and you MORE THAN DOUBLED the debt of the president you mocked and slandered.

How about this one after Obama got his hypocrite. lying weasel ass into office by his lies:

Elections have consequences – and at the end of the day, I won.” — Barack Hussein Obama, January, 2009

Amen, Democrats.  And now you get to live the bitter reality of your own sentiments.  Because Democrat, elections have consequences, you said.  And at the end of the day, you won, you said.  And now that shoe is on the other foot but you’re butthurt hypocrite fascists rather than decent human beings.

We don’t mind Republicans joining us – they can go come for the ride – but they got to sit in back.” — Barack Hussein Obama, 2010

Those were terrible, dark, EVIL, vile words coming from a man who had presented himself as the living embodiment of the repudiation of “back of the bus.”  Instead, the man who represented himself as “there are no red states and blue states, just the United States” became the most bitterly partisan and polarizing president in our nation’s entire history.

And then there are something on the order of two dozen Obama statements like these that he subsequently profoundly violated:

  • “I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we’re facing right now have to do with [the president] trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.” (3/31/08)
  • “I do have an obligation to make sure that I am following some of the rules. I can’t simply ignore laws that are out there. I’ve got to work to make sure that they are changed.” (10/14/10)
  • I am president, I am not king. I can’t do these things just by myself. We have a system of government that requires the Congress to work with the Executive Branch to make it happen. (10/25/10)
  • “Sometimes when I talk to immigration advocates, they wish I could just bypass Congress and change the law myself. But that’s not how a democracy works. What we really need to do is to keep up the fight to pass genuine, comprehensive reform. That is the ultimate solution to this problem. That’s what I’m committed to doing.” (5/10/11)
  • “I swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books …. Now, I know some people want me to bypass Congress and change the laws on my own. Believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting. I promise you. Not just on immigration reform. But that’s not how our system works. That’s not how our democracy functions. That’s not how our Constitution is written.” (7/25/11)
  • “This is something I’ve struggled with throughout my presidency,” said Obama. “The problem is that I’m the president of the United States, I’m not the emperor of the United States. My job is to execute laws that are passed.” (2/14/13)

Barack Obama proved that ultimately he is the hypocrite in chief and violated the essence and spirit of his hypocrite repudiations of his office as that of a king, an emperor, a leader of a constitutional republic featuring the clear and deliberate separation of powers, an anti-democrat violating the functions of legitimate democracy.

How about this trip down memory lane during the debates between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in 2011 as Obama mocked Romney’s statement that Russia was America’s greatest geopolitical threat:

“… a few months ago when you were asked what is the biggest geopolitical group facing America, you said Russia — not al-Qaeda. And the 1980’s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back — because the Cold War has been over for 20 years.”

What exactly are you fool, cockroach Democrats saying now in the light of your accusations that Russia just hacked our elections and we have an “illegitimate president” as a consequence of our worst geopolitical threat???

The only argument is whether the “D” in Democrat stands for “Disgrace” or “Demonic.”

I quoted “civil rights hero” John Lewis for that “illegitimate president” crap.  And I’ll come back to the Demonic Disgrace that is Rep. John Lewis later.

How about this foreign policy gem when a reporter on January 7, 2014, specifically referenced events clearly referring to ISIS:

Obama responded: “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.” (For the nonsports fan, JV stands for junior varsity, and it usually means a high school or college’s secondary team.)

Obama in that interview not only proved he is a fool, but a LYING fool, according to Politifact.

Barack Obama is more to blame for the rise of Islamic State than any human being alive or dead.

And Barack Obama, BECAUSE HE IS A FOOL, became responsible for – get this – a one-thousand, nine-hundred percent increase in murders by radical Islamic terrorism.

The Middle East – you know, home of what Obama calls “the world’s most tolerant religion” – has degenerated into a bloodbath that is COSMIC in its sheer, rabid hate.  Obama has presided over the worst refugee crisis in the entire history of the human race.

Obama has presided over a world where Christianity is the world’s most violently persecuted worldview.

And cosmic fools like Obama lecture us that Muslims are the victims of this hate.  Well, Muslims are the PERPETRATORS OF THIS HATE.  And it turns out that Muslims murder wherever they happen to be – when they’re where other Muslims are they murder other Muslims – and when they’re here, they murder us here.

Obama’s legacy is the normalization of race-riots and domestic terror attacks.  Not to mention the worst income gap inequality in modern history, the worst record on entrepreneurship, the worst record on small business start ups due to punishing taxes and regulations, the worst labor participation rate since women entered the workforce (so basically the worst in HISTORY), such that a hundred million working-age Americans aren’t working even as Obama idiotically touts his economic record; the record of home ownership the worst in more than half a damn century.  Even LIBERAL news sources acknowledge that, under Obama, “Middle Class Jobs, income, Quickly Disappearing,” and under Obama, “Middle Class Shrinks Further as More Fall Out Instead of Climbing Up,” and under Obama, we have “The Vanishing of the Middle Class.”

This man TORTURED the people who finally rose up and voted his skinny, pathetic, arrogant party out of office.

Now, above I linked to Rep. John Lewis, who was once beaten by Democrats before becoming one with the people who beat him like a dog.  A Former Black Panther pointed that out:

“In the early 70’s and late 60’s, we were demonstrating and protesting for the right to compete as adult citizens of America, we were not demonstrating to be taken care of. Congressman Lewis – he walked across the Pettus bridge and they beat him and ran over him, but those were Democrats. It was Democrat George Wallace [who] stood in the schoolhouse door, it was Democrat Bull Connor that oppressed [black] folks…

…he [Lewis] was fighting Democrats, but after they beat his behind on that bridge and ran over him and stomped him in the ground, he got up and turned and joined them!”

Former Black Panther and Vietnam Veteran Mason Weaver went on to say:

“Every district they [black Democrats] own and control is a ghetto hell hole. Is a place that no one wants to go to. They’re in control of every inner city school system, every inner city police, every inner city jail, they produce nothing but drugs and misery. They should be ashamed of themselves. I don’t understand why any black person could be a democrat.”

“The Democrat party has always been the party of abuse, the party of the Klan, the party that went to war to keep slaves – the party that’s always been [about] the destruction of black people. Mr. Lewis, you have presided over the destruction of black America, and you owe us an apology.”

John Lewis is a racist race thug.  Democrats are dishonestly telling us that other Republicans like John McCain and Mitt Romney were decent men, but Trump is below the pale.  But John Lewis exploited his status for being beaten by Democrats – because the Democratic Party has ALWAYS been and always WILL BE the party of naked racism and racial politics – by viciously and hatefully slandering first George W. Bush, then John McCain, then Mitt Romney.

John Lewis is a pure, rabid political ideologue from the party of naked, cynical politicized race-baiting.

The Democrat Party is the party of naked hate and naked intolerance and naked hypocrisy.

Nearly seventy Democrats – the last count I had was 68 – are BOYCOTTING the Inauguration which celebrates the peaceful transition of power as the greatest hallmark of the democratic and constitutional process of the United States of America.

Hollywood celebrities – or as I call them hypocrite fascist elitist turdsare proving that the cockroach heart of rabid blacklisting McCarthyism is alive and well in the Democratic Party.

There’s a long list of fashion designers who have boycotted Melania Trump and refused to dress her.  It didn’t even MATTER that she never asked them to in the first place.  They needed to scream to the world that they are fascist, rabid Nazi roaches.

Being an “artist” means having the creative freedom to express yourself.  Which is another way of saying there IS no such thing as a Democrat “artist.”  Because Democrats are the anathema of freedom intellectual or moral or otherwise.

Just imagine for one nanosecond if this had happened at Obama’s inauguration.  Just imagine the damn names that would have been used against people who opposed their president.  The left would have angrily used every ugly name in the book.

I remember the hysteria over the quote from Sen. Mitch McConnell that “the goal is to make Obama a one-term president” – which for the damn historical record McConnell made TWO YEARS AFTER Obama became president.  And the rabid, frenzied, hysterical hate that arose in response to that remark could only be matched by the Nazi response to some partisan in Nazi-occupied Europe refusing to worship their beloved Fuehrer.

I mean, OF COURSE THE GOAL OF THE REPUBLICANS WAS TO MAKE OBAMA A ONE-TERM PRESIDENT.  That was like their JOB!!!  Can you stupid roach fascists tell me the last time the Democrat Party refused to run a candidate for president because their goal was to re-elect the REPUBLICAN in office???

But the over the top, visceral hate and rage.  The “How DARE you!?!?!?”

Now these same people are literally rioting before Trump even has a chance to take the oath of office.

Look in the mirror from now on whenever you use an ugly label, Democrat.  Because your talking about YOURSELF.

Because the “Democratic” Party is FAR MORE synonymous with “the National Socialist American Workers Party” – as in NAZI – than it is “democratic.”

Democrats viciously and violently physically attacked Republicans at Donald Trump rallies.  These vicious, violent physical attacks were orchestrated by a long-time Democrat operative who had longstanding ties both to the Obama White House and to Hillary Clinton’s campaign operation.

These are naked facts.

If you are a Democrat, you stand for vicious, violent, Nazi stormtrooping thugs.  Period.  When I call you fascist thugs “Nazis,” I am accurately describing who you are, what you do and the way you do it.

And right now, we are watching Democrats RIOT in the sacred one-square mile of Washington D.C.

I constantly marvel at Democrats.  These people self-righteously label Republicans as “haters,” and then HATE on a level ten-thousand times worse than anything we EVER did.

The outright, naked HATE that is the Democrat Party is on full public display.

When Obama was president, anything that wasn’t literal WORSHIP was demonized as racism and treason and every other over-the-top description.  And now these people are so far beyond the pale the abject and immoral hypocrisy simply never ceases to fail to amaze.

I want to again point out for the historical record that I predicted the rise of someone that Democrats would find so terrible and so terrifying:

Obama’s strategy is to set aside and flatly ignore the law for his own political benefit.  Every American who is not deeply troubled by that – troubled enough to not vote for this fascist – is UN-American.

What Obama has done is provide an example of out-and-out lawlessness on the part of the president of the United States.  And when we get a hard-core right wing president the way Obama has been a hard-core left wing president, Obama and the Democrat Party and all of those who voted for Obama and the Democrat Party will be entirely to blame for that president and his extremist actions.  You mark my words.  Because what goes around comes around, and if a Democrat can set aside the law the way Obama has now repeatedly done, well, guess who’s going to be stomping on your necks under your own president’s prior justification???  Conservatives are rising up in a spirit of righteous outrage.  You have repeatedly slapped us in the face through your messiah Obama, and the time is coming when we’re going to punch you hard in the nose and then keep on punching.  And when that day comes, liberals, look to yourselves for blame.My words on June 18, 2012

To the extent that you Democrats are shocked and appalled by the presidency of Donald John Trump, you DESERVE to be shocked and appalled.

You supported a truly evil man for eight years.

Elections have consequences.  And at the end of the day, YOU LOSERS LOST.

Donald Trump now has the right to defy the Constitution.  Because YOU DEMOCRATS GAVE HIM THAT RIGHT THROUGH YOUR WICKED MESSIAH.  Donald Trump has the right to issue sweeping executive orders that will have you howling in bitter rage.  Because YOU DEMOCRATS GAVE HIM THAT RIGHT THROUGH YOUR WICKED MESSIAH.  And the Republican Congress has the right to totally and utterly and brutally ignore the minority Democrats in the House and the Senate and throughout the nation.  Because YOU DEMOCRATS GAVE THEM THAT RIGHT THROUGH THE VILE ACTIONS OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY WHEN THEY HELD ALL THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT.

So suck on that.

I’ve compared Democrats repeatedly to Nazis.  Because that’s what they are.  Their response now is uber similar to the devout Nazis response: Hitler drove his people to ruin, but the devout worshipers of their beloved Fuehrer said that the nations allied against Germany only did so because they hated the Fuehrer and hated his beautiful vision for a better world; they said that Hitler had given them the good times, so they owed him their devout loyalty in the hard times.

Obama led the Democratic Party to utter, cataclysmic ruin.  His failed, disastrous policies led to a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency.

Meanwhile, the Zyclon-B of the Nazis in the death camps for the 6 million Jews they murdered was MERCIFUL in comparison to the viciousness of Democratic Party abortion techniques that have murdered more than TEN TIMES as many innocent human beings as the Nazis murdered.

So your current response now merely amounts to further proof that you deserve a Berlin response where Trump drives TANKS over your crushed and mangled bodies after firebombing your leftist cities.

I’ve been writing for years now – primarily because of Obama and the wicked depraved spirit of the Democratic Party – that “the beast is coming.”  The funny thing is that today secular humanist Democrats fully agree with conservative fundamentalist Christian dispensationalist that the literal interpretation of the Book of Revelation is at hand.

Well, congratulations, Democrat: YOU brought the end of days about!!!


Black Chicago Leftists Torture Mentally Disabled Man Screaming Hatred About ‘White People’ and ‘Donald Trump’

January 5, 2017

How are Democrats showing their fascist, satanic butthurt?  Let me count the ways:

Chicago police say charges coming after Facebook video shows torture of disabled man
By Derek Hawkins and Mark Berman January 5 at 12:57 PM

Police in Chicago say charges are expected Thursday following the disturbing video that emerged this week showing a group of four people shouting obscenities about the president-elect and white people while abusing a man authorities say has mental health issues.

The specific charges have not been determined. Authorities say the people in the video will at least face charges that could include kidnapping and battery, while state officials are weighing whether to pursue hate crime charges as well.

The shaky video shows a terrified young man in a gray hooded sweatshirt and dark pants crouching in a corner, his wrists and neck bound with orange bands, his mouth taped shut.

A young woman films as two young men slash the sleeves of his shirt with knives, then take turns punching him, slapping him and stomping on his head. At one point, one of the men can be seen cutting the victim’s hair and scalp with a knife, and the victim is later shown bleeding from his injuries.

As the victim cowers with his back to the wall, someone can be heard repeatedly shouting, “F‑‑‑ Donald Trump” and “F‑‑‑ white people.”

Throughout the 28-minute video — which focuses mostly on the young woman behind the camera — the group laughs, jokes and listens to music as the victim sits motionless on the floor. About halfway through, someone says the man “represents Trump,” and threatens to put him in the trunk of a car and “put a brick on the gas.”

It’s unclear what happens to the victim when the video cuts off.

Chicago police on patrol said they found the disoriented victim walking down the street Tuesday in shorts, despite the frigid cold, and took him to the hospital for treatment. They said he was mentally disabled and appeared to be “in crisis.”

Shortly after, police said, they responded to a battery call at a residence on the same block and took four suspects — two men and two women — into custody. Police said that three of the four people are 18, while the fourth is 24; authorities have not identified any of them. The victim is also 18 and has also not been officially identified.

On Wednesday, the four people were being held on suspicion of abusing and torturing the man in a brutal assault police say the group streamed on Facebook Live, which allows users to broadcast real-time events from their mobile phones and has increasingly been employed to air disturbing and often criminal conduct, along with personal rants, cat videos and hoaxes.

Police declined to give the race of the attackers or the victim. In the video, the attackers appear black. The victim appears to be white.

Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said that the victim was an adult man with “mental health challenges.” The suspects were in custody Wednesday and awaiting formal charges, which could potentially include hate crime charges, Johnson told reporters in a news conference.

“The images in the video put on display the brazenness of the offenders who assaulted the victim and then broadcast it for the entire world to see,” Johnson said.

“It’s sickening. It makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that,” he said. “It still amazes me how you still see things that you just shouldn’t. I’m not going to say it shocked me, but it was sickening.”

According to police, the victim lived in the Chicago suburb of Crystal Lake and was acquainted with one of the suspects through school. Police said the victim appeared to have voluntarily met up with the suspect he knew at some point and later rode with others in a stolen van to Chicago’s West Side. He was with the suspects for at least 24 hours and maybe as long as 48 hours, police said.

Police in nearby Streamwood, Ill., said the victim’s parents had not heard from him since Dec. 31, when they dropped him off at a McDonald’s in the area, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. After reporting him missing on Monday, police said, the victim’s parents received “text messages from persons claiming to be holding him captive.”

At about 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, shortly after police found the victim wandering in the street, officers were called to a battery at a residence in Chicago’s Homan Square neighborhood on the city’s West Side. There, they “discovered signs of a struggle and damage to the property and were able to link this evidence to the disoriented male,” the department said in a statement.

The WaPo article fails to mention how the racist black terrorist torturers were heard on the video commanding the terrorized disabled white man to “Kiss the floor, bitch!” and say, “I love black people!”

Question: if this story were about four white supremacists doing this to a black mentally disabled man, forcing him to drink out of a toilet, forcing him to say he looooved white people, torturing him, slicing him with a knife, forcing him to curse Hillary Clinton, how do you think the mainstream media for whom this present story is no big deal cover it????

Democrats are demon-possessed hypocrites.

We’re being told that charges are coming, and that the liberal Chicago authorities “did not rule out classifying the attack as a hate crime.”  You know, the way we shouldn’t have ruled out the vicious Japanese Pearl Harbor attack as an act of war.

Now, what’s funny is how this was carried LIVE on Facebook for quite a period of time.  And this isn’t the “fake news” about face Republican racism that butthurt Democrats who want to blame EVERYTHING about the last election on everyone and everything but their godawful party and their godawful platform and their godawful candidate who ran a godawful race because of all her godawful problems with incompetence and outright criminality; no, this Facebook story is REAL news about ACTUAL Democrat racism and hate and violence.

Obama’s lawthug Eric Holder instituted a policy when he was Attorney General of “Never bring a lawsuit against a black.”  Which is why “polar bear hunting” – where black young men sucker punch unwitting white people in an attempt to kill them or knock them unconscious with one vicious punch – was never prosecuted as “hate crimes.”  So you can safely know that if any hate crime charges actually happen, it’s going to be fear of what Donald Trump will do if such charges don’t come.

The vicious, rabid racist hate of Democrats is on open display.

And yet, amazingly, what we get is demonic denial: that “racism” is somehow impossible for black people because of “unequal power relations” which boils down to the on-its-face-morally-idiotic statement that “Blacks can’t be racist because they don’t have any power.”  And this mob of race thugs will racially oppress and intimidate anyone who suggests otherwise.  Because we’ve obviously never had a black president or a black attorney general or anything like that.

What these people very obviously want is a form of vindictive redistribution of wealth whereby they literally use the raw power of government to confiscate white people’s bank accounts and businesses and homes such that THEY now enjoy “majority/economic/political power” and maybe one day actually admit, “Okay, black people CAN be racist, after all, but racism is okay now because we’re the ones who are doing it!”

No.  Rather “African-Americans” are the most racist people on the face of the earth today.

Or, to put it another way, when those four black thugs were torturing that poor terrorized white mentally disabled man, JUST WHO THE HELL HAD THE “UNEQUAL POWER RELATION”?  When that mentally disabled white man was bound and helpless and being tortured, just how DEMON-POSSESED are you to look at me with a straight face and say, “Well, he was white, so it was those four black people who had bound and tortured him who are actually “oppressed” and that bound mentally disabled white man was the “racist”????

If we are to have any chance, our society needs to reach a point where all people are human beings from the moment of conception – because otherwise we will have an endless debate over what qualifies one as “human” and innate and incommensurable human dignity gets thrown out the window; we need to end concepts such as “Black Lives Matter” just as we need to end slogans such as “White Power!” and “Black Power!” because such statements are inherently racist all.  And we need to – having decided that we are in fact all human beings – to decide to hold all people RESPONSIBLE as human beings for their deeds.

I’ll tell you what: it’s not even a QUESTION of whether “hate crime” charges ought to be filed here; let’s “file” that under “no-brainer.”  Because IF hate crime charges aren’t filed, we all have it for all time and eternity an understanding of what “hate crime charges” truly are: a racist attempt by racist liberals to hijack the system in a Stalinist manner to obtain “show trials” for a purely partisan ideological purpose rather than seeking ANY form of “racial justice.”

This is NOT the first time that “hate crime” charges should have been filed by this demonic administration.  I’ve written about this crap many times before: here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and oh the hell with it I could go on for quite a damn while.

We have DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE that the Democratic Party actively organized physical violence as a political weapon: the Democratic Party is the embodiment of a “hate crime.”

And that means if you decide that these four black racist youths who tortured that poor white disabled man while yelling racist and political slogans aren’t guilty of “hate crimes” because they’re just young people venting; then that’s all Dylan Roof did when he went to that black church and shot it up as an act of hate against black people and Christians alike.

We therefore need to abolish the racially polarizing Democratic Party and get rid of all the “Civil Rights leaders” who preach hate for white people and return to a time when people were NOT judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

What’s Wrong With ‘White Pride’???

November 18, 2016

What’s wrong with black pride?  Or Latino pride?  Should we demonize people who celebrate these things?  The left and their propaganda allies in the media certainly don’t think so: in fact, they have led the way trying to instill all this “pride” in race, in gender, homosexuality.  You name it, the left wants you to have “pride” about it.

But pride in being white?  In being WHITE???  That is so…. so … so RACIST!!!  You HATER!!!

But wait a minute.  Wait a damn minute!!!  What about black pride and Latino pride???

Oh, that’s different.  You see, those people vote for us.

I came across an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled in the print edition, “‘White Pride’ Awakened” and that title all by itself cuts a decidedly visceral picture.  You know, Hitler, the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, that sort of thing.

And, you know, THAT doesn’t sound good, I mean, right?

And I’ve got my Christian Scriptures which state things like:

“The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His children.'” — Acts 17:24-28

Opening his mouth, Peter said: “I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him.”  — Acts 10:34-35

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  — Galatians 3:28

Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all.  — Colossians 3:11

But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors. — James 2:9

But the one who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going because the darkness has blinded his eyes.  1 John 2:11

So I see the phrase “white pride” and I get more than a little uncomfortable.  I have a sense that no, I’m not supposed to have “white pride,” pride on account of my race.

I was raised that way.  I was taught that way all my life.  My Christian faith assures me that it is right to think that way.

And yet – in its own twisted, despicable way – that is EXACTLY what the Democrat Party has banked on me thinking and believing and feeling for going on fifty wicked years.

I’m not supposed to go to “white pride.”  It’s wrong.  But THEY are free and even RIGHTEOUS for creating and pursuing and institutionalizing “black pride” and “La Raza” (“the RACE”), and for that matter allow me to include gays and women and every OTHER group that Democrats have assembled into a coalition based upon “Us Vs. Them.”

Why in the hell is their racial pride somehow correct and my racial pride is incorrect?

And it’s in that word “correct.”  As in “politically correct.”

Political correctness is the ability to hold two or more mutually contradictory things in your head at the same time without your head exploding.  So, for example, take the Ku Klux Klan, and take the historic FACT that the Ku Klux Klan was began as the terrorist arm of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and that the Klan was still so deeply embedded into Democratic Party politics that even decades into the 20th century the Democratic National Convention was called “Klanbake.”  And the fact that WHICH PARTY last had a U.S. Senator who had been an “Exalted Cyclops” and a “Grand Kleagle” of the KLan???  And the fact that WHICH party’s candidate kissed and endorsed that high-ranking racist???  And then take into the fact that the Klan is now “right wing” and it is all somehow the party that waged war to defeat both the racist Democrats and their racist Klan that is to blame for the Ku Klux Klan.

Political Correctness is a fairly new term, but it dates back to 1949 when Orwell coined the term “doublethink” for his book about government run-amok titled “1984”:

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

So the same people who say that “white power” is the height of Nazi evil celebrate the “power” of every other race BUT white people.  While arguing that they of course cannot be racist for their racist doctrines that merely turn the race doctrines of the Nazis upside down all in the most cynical ideological way to create a political machine based on a race coalition.

And through the sledgehammer weapon of “political correctness” we who are “them” are not allowed to think of ourselves as “them” even as they themselves create the categories and viciously use them for political and moral attack.

Political correctness is not just an attempt to make people feel better. It’s a vast, coordinated effort on the part of the secular humanist, socialist left to change Western culture as we know it by  using rhetoric to redefine it. Early Marxists in Russia designed this game plan long ago and liberals continue to execute the tactic today: to control the argument by controlling the “acceptable” language. Those with radical agendas understand the game plan and are taking advantage of an oversensitive and frankly overly gullible public.

The central tenet of Political Correctness is that language shapes/controls thought and thought shapes/controls actions. And if you control what you say you ultimately control what you think and how you act. And there’s a good way to do that and a very, very bad way to do it. And the left is destroying the first (the GOOD way to control yourself and improve yourself through religion and morality) while using mass-mind-control techniques by shaping the culture and political discourse to THEIR narrative via the tactic of PC.

And Christians in specific and white people in general were literally TRAINED to participate in their own racial and cultural destruction if the other side is utterly amoral and willing to exploit race as a political weapon.  Which the Democratic Party has done TO THE HILT OF THE SWORD.

And white people finally assembled something of a rally and followed the leadership of Donald Trump to finally fight back fire with fire.

Jesus prophesied this: He said that in the very last days before this present age ran its course as it prepared for the coming of the beast:

Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.Matthew 24:7; Mark 13:8

The word translated as “nation” is the Greek word “ethnos” (Strongs # 1484).  It is the root word from which we get the English word “ethnic.”  Its primary sense is ETHNICITY or RACE.  In the last days, ETHNIC GROUP shall rise against ETHNIC GROUP as we have never seen.

And that day is coming and is already here.

What is interesting is that the Nazis weren’t merely “racist” in the sense of “white people.”  Not at ALL!  The intellectual Nazis had a VERY SPECIFIC group of white people in mind: ARYAN white people, and even more particularly the Nordic/Germanic peoples.  The Nazis held that the Nordic race was the most superior of the “Aryan race” and therefore properly constituted a “master race.”  They categorized people in a “Us Vs. Them” formula that rated races from “Aryan” at the top to “Non-Aryan” at the bottom and grades in-between where one was a little more or a little less “Aryan” to not Aryan at all.  They were determined to subjugate the French (who were Normans when the Nazis were proudly Anglo-Saxon) and they were even more viciously hellbound to subjugate the Russians who were Slavic white people.  Hitler thought he could reach out to Winston Churchill and Great Britain on the basis of common Aryan racial identity, but Churchill and the English didn’t want any part of Hitler’s racial theory, enraging the dictator.

It was a racial theory that Hitler himself (who actually almost certainly had Jewish blood in him) and most of the people at the top of the Nazi hierarchy failed to racially qualify for.  But abject moral and intellectual hypocrisy never stopped people like these.

In my first sentence I mentioned “Hitler, the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, that sort of thing.”  It is fascinating to understand that the Nazis were SOCIALISTS and therefore on the far leftist end of the spectrum.  You could call them the right wing of the extreme radical left, but unless you are talking about communists who are on the very farthest fringe of leftism, the Nazis were WAY over on the side of the left.  And the Ku Klux Klan without any question in its origin was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party that fought a vicious Civil War for the purpose of preserving human slavery.  The Democratic Party was still so completely and entirely indoctrinated with racism and the Ku Klux Klan that the 1924 Democratic National Convention was called “Klanbake.”  You can look this history up for yourself.

When you evaluate the racist history of the Democratic Party, you ought to truly be ashamed if you are a Democrat.  I’ve written about this many times before:

I mean, maybe you can go back to President Andrew Jackson and his vicious genocidal Trail of Tears.  But Andrew Jackson was a Democrat, too.  Or you could go back to President Woodrow Wilson who literally fired all the blacks in federal government and RE-segregated the military.  But you guessed it – Democrat.  We can go back to January 26, 1922, when Democrat Senators filibustered a Republican bill that had passed in the GOP-controlled House to make LYNCHING a federal crime.  Or we could mention the vile and evil political party that had a national convention in 1924 that was so dominated by the Ku Klux Klan that it is today known as “Klanbake.”  But, oops.  That was the 1924 DEMOCRAT PARTY CONVENTION.  Or we could consider that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a bigger racist for put American Japanese citizens in camps for nothing beyond racism.  Or for allowing the infamous Tuskegee experiment to begin under his presidency.  Or allowing his New Deal program to be used to help Democrat-supporting labor unions hurt black people and shut them out of economic success.  Or for the fact that far more REPUBLICANS than DEMOCRATS voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act and had to overcome a Democrat filibuster to do it.  And in the same way, the Republicans were instrumental in passing the Voting Rights Act of 1965.  But, well, you know…


We’ve got the racism of Bill Clinton who said of a black man named Barack Hussein Obama, “A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”  And clearly wishing for those good old days, so that his wife could win the Democrat nomination.  More recently, Bill Clinton – the former leader of the Democrat Party – said of former Ku Klux Klan Kleagle and “pillar of the Senate” Robert Byrd, said:

“They mention that he once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, and what does that mean? I’ll tell you what it means,” Clinton said. “He was a country boy from the hills and hollows of West Virginia. He was trying to get elected. And maybe he did something he shouldn’t have done…”

Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was a “fleeting member” of the Ku Klux Klan the way Kobe Bryant was a “fleeting member” of the Los Angeles Lakers.  Former Exalted Cyclops and Kleagle Byrd wrote:

“I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side … Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

He wrote:

“The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation.”

He personally filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act on behalf of the Klan when he was nearing fifty years old.

So why was it that Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was “MAYBE” wrong for being a member of the Klan? The answer is as simple as it is frightening: because it’s always been okay for the Democrat Party to use racism and race-baiting and racial segregation in order to drive their agenda home.  And that is just as true today when the Democrats buy off blacks through welfare so they will act as the human shields of the Democrat Party as it was when the Democrat-created Ku Klux Klan was riding around with torches.

The Democrat Party is the historic proponent of racism in this country (see also my comment here).  Oh, they changed their tactics from threats to bribes, but they never abandoned their racist “progressive” values.

And that’s the hook: the Democratic Party has ALWAYS been racist to its core.  They just found a different tactic to employ their doctrine of racism as vicious political weapon.  After the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act – which was a DEFEAT for the congressional and senatorial Democrats – they got together in conclave and sharpened their knives and devised a new tactic: to ostentatiously pull of the trick that hey, leopards really CAN change their spots.  And so they began to devise increasingly RIDICULOUS “Civil Rights” acts that flew in the face of the Republican values of individual liberty and individual moral responsibility that led them to fight to end slavery in the 1860s and led them to pass the Civil Rights Act of the 1960s.  With that century in-between being nothing short of hard-core Democratic Party RACISM.  Until they realized it wasn’t working any more and created the “plantation” tactic whereby they got blacks BACK on their plantation by being the NEW party of racism that continued to use race as a weapon, but this time in a different warped way.  Now, in the way that ignorant and helpless non-combatant Muslims are the human shields of the terrorists who live among them, blacks are the ignorant and helpless human shields of the Democrat Party that exploit them primarily in inner cities and yet somehow after a CENTURY of Democratic Party control have NEVER done anything to actually help these people whose vote they pimp and exploit to the machine agenda.

The Democratic Party created a HARD-CORE racist agenda based primarily upon pitting blacks and Hispanics against whites.  It worked great for them.  Because white people had been taught that it is WRONG to be racist, to organize for a racist purpose against another race.  Only the most wicked, vile people on earth would do such a thing.

Oh, only the most wicked, vile people on earth … and Democrats who played the damn race card every year of my entire life – and I’m in my fifties now.

And it worked for Democrats.  Because the Republican Party was terrified to actually do or be what the Democrat Party branded them and demonized them and slandered them as being every single election anyway whether the Republicans did it or not.  Republicans were terrified to degenerate into the vicious racial tactics that Democrats had turned into an art form.

Until Donald Trump saw the devastation that Obama’s racist policies had wreaked on working-class whites and he saw his opening.

And the rest is damn history.

Damn the Germans for initiating the concepts of total war by targeting civilian population centers, of weapons of mass destruction through gas warfare as military tactic, etc, and force the Allies to determine that what is good for the goose is good for the gander and RETALIATE in kind.  And DAMN the Democrats for initiating the concept of race as a political weapon and assembling groups of people on the basis of “identity politics” and creating the infamous “Us Vs. Them” tactic to win by division and increasingly angry and bitter and hateful division.

You live by the sword and eventually you will PERISH by the sword.

And there is now no factual question whatsoever that under the RACE PIMP-IN-CHIEF Barack Obama the Democrat Party has perished by its own race sword as white people finally rose up just as Democrats had taught them to do by inciting and flaming the hate of blacks and Hispanics against them.

Under Barack Obama, the House Democrats lost 68 seats since he won election in 2008.  They had a filibuster-proof majority when Obama came, and now the Senate is firmly in Republican hands.  Thanks to Obama and the arguably even more vile successor in Hillary Clinton, Democrats have lost the White House.  But its when you look more closely that the ugly truth of abject rejection of the Democrat Party is truly and stunningly seen: Democrats have lost NINE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN SEATS in State legislatures since Obama became president.  Consider:

Obama’s record for losses, at least through the 2014 midterms, is historically bad having overseen two horrible midterm elections for Democrats. Overall, Sabato wrote, Democrats during Obama’s presidency lost 11 governorships, 13 U.S. Senate seats, 69 House seats, and 913 state legislative seats and 30 state legislative chambers. (Our analysis of legislative seats is off from Sabato’s by three. The small discrepancy is likely due to run-offs and recounts.)

The shedding of U.S. House seats, state legislative seats and statehouse control is at least twice the average two-term losses from Truman through George W. Bush, Sabato said.

There are now only FOUR states in the entire NATION that have a Democrat governor and a Democrat legislature.

Look at the damn MAP, Democrat.  See the damn PICTURE!!!:


I see a Republican nation infected and scarred by ugly pimples of diseased blue puss, that is what I see.

When Donald Trump targeted that Hispanic judge Gonzalo Curiel – albeit in a rather unfortunate way – I asked this question:

How do you feel about members of the white race determining to advance fellow members of the white race in exclusion of all other races???

How many Democrats have cheered the prospect of a “Congressional White Caucus” the way they have done with the Congressional Black Caucus?  How many liberals find themselves celebrating the “diversity” of a “National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People” the way they have cheered the “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People” (a.k.a., the NAACP)???  Do white people get to have a WET channel – White Entertainment Television – and hand out awards exclusively to white entertainers and praising them for exalting the white race the way the other side does with BET???

For that matter, how many reporters are focusing on the racist angle of Hispanics waving Mexican flags, burning American flags, and then chasing down, surrounding, and beating white people at Donald Trump events???  How is it NOT racist when Mexican-flag-wielding Hispanic thugs beat down white people at political rallies they barged into to suppress???

Why is it okay to be a hard-core racist, providing that the race you are working to advance is a member of the Democrat Party race coalition???  Why does “racism” only work one way (i.e. the way that favors and ALWAYS favors the left)???

And the people and the electorate have spoken, and we now have our answer: white pride is back.

And if you are a Democrat and you think it’s terrible, get in your car, drive to the nearest field where a farmer is operating a combine, and throw yourself into its gears: BECAUSE YOU ARE ENTIRELY TO BLAME FOR IT AND YOU HAVE BEEN ENTIRELY TO BLAME FOR YOUR ENTIRE DAMN LIFE.

White people finally got fed up of the vicious, ugly, cynical racist double-standard hypocrisy that is at the VERY CORE of the Democratic Party.

And they rose up to protect their children and their grandchildren from Democratic Party HATE.

And you now face a damn choice, Democrat: you can stop being a divisive, Us-Vs.-Them-pimping, identify-politics racist hate-machine slave, or you can now choose to rise up as Democrats and end the race-pimp machine that is now at the cockroach soul of your party system.

As long as there is a Black Congressional Caucus, as long as there is a Black Lives Matter movement, as long as there is a La Raza, as long as there is a United Negro College Fund, as long as there are black colleges and universities – and there are more than ONE HUNDRED of them and tell me how liberals would react to a hundred damn WHITE colleges!?!? – then do not dare to even TRY to condemn us for our newfound “white pride.”

The Imperial Japanese admiral who masterminded the Pearl Harbor attack said in its aftermath when he realized the American carriers had not been hit:

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

The sleeping giant, once awakened, saw Pearl Harbor and saw the Rape of Naking and the Bataan Death March and was filled with the terrible resolve – a RIGHTEOUS resolve – to rip and shred chunks of the empire the Japanese won by viciousness until they could first firebomb Tokyo and ultimately drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And they were RIGHT to do it, just as white people are right to rise up against the Democratic Party hate machine now.

For my part, I would love the race war ignited and inflamed by the Democratic Party and their racial coalition began to finally end and we could get back to just being AMERICANS.  But I will NOT stand down while hate triumphs.  And we saw during the campaign as Democrats viciously physically attacked Republicans just for attending peaceful GOP rallies; we saw that that political violence was INTENTIONALLY ORGANIZED AND PLANNED by a career Democratic operative who served on the Clinton campaign and who visited the White House to coordinate with the Obama machine 342 times; and now we are seeing the party of naked fascism violently rioting as they refuse the results of democracy all over again now.  And I will stand up against the party of hate, the Democrat Party.

White Americans are beginning to have that same terrible resolve because of YOU, Democrat.  You have awakened a monster, Democrat, and now you have a choice to make that had you been moral and decent people you would not have ever had to make in the first place.  Because it sure looks like Republicans aren’t going to let you lecture them for doing what you’ve done for fifty damn years any more.

My guess is that you’re not going to listen to wisdom BECAUSE YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF WISDOM.  So you will fulfill the prophecy of Jesus and double-down on your racism as tactic even as you scream about the terrible resolve of the sleeping giant you woke up in 2016.


All Lives Matter. But POLICE Lives Matter: In Fact Police Lives Matter Most Of All.

October 21, 2016


Last night I attended a “Glow Walk” to honor our police and take a damn stand against a depraved media liberal culture that routinely undermines and even demonizes them.

I put it this way to the chief who shook my hand and thanked me for coming: I pointed to the American flag over our heads – which was at half mast over the police station due to the assassination-murder of two police officers in an adjacent city – and I said, “I came because of THAT.”  Because every time I drive by and see that flag at half mast it makes me sick, it makes me seethe with rage, because I know what it represents.  We have to choose sides right now in this nation; and I’m choosing my side.  I’m choosing to side with law and order and justice and decency over murderous ideological vermin and the cultural elites who are supporting those vermin.

For the record, I have had several opportunities to spend time with my chief of police.  He is a truly wonderful man.  I have met his wife, and they are a loving, caring, dedicated couple.  He is a professional: if he were serving another city, he would serve that city to his utmost.  As it is, he is serving MY city.  And while I don’t get to see him work in the office as the chief, he never seems to miss an opportunity to be an ambassador for his department.  He is always affable, always listening, always caring.  And our crime rate has dropped dramatically in the time he has served.  We are lucky to have this man as our chief.  Period.

EVERY human life matters.

But ONLY people who are pro-life have any right whatsoever to say that.  Because ultimately either EVERY human life matters, or NO human life ultimately matters.  Because when you start parsing out human life, and arguing that this life matters, this one doesn’t: this human life is sacred because mommy wants her; but with this human life we can stick a tube in her head and suck her brains out and then crush her skull with forceps and pull her mutilated body out of what God intended to be the safest place for her on earth.  When we can do something like that, then NO LIFE MATTERS.  Because we ALL start from that same exact place in the womb.  And according to science – according to the branch of science which is specifically charged with classifying organisms into their proper categories – we never become more “human” than we are from the very moment of conception.

A zygote, in her mother’s womb, is:


I created that image just a few moments ago, under what I believe was divine inspiration.  Because the science on the left and the image of the baby in the womb on the right scream the identical same message: that baby in the womb is HUMAN.  A child in the womb is HUMAN by virtue of her parents; she is a BEING by virtue of the fact that she is a living thing: SHE IS A HUMAN BEING.

We are all equal as humans because we all have the same human nature which we had at the very first moment of conception.  And either human life matters because it’s human life or it doesn’t.  And if it doesn’t, then whoever is in power gets to start playing games with what ought to be sacred and sacrosanct.

Either that unborn baby’s life matters, regardless of her level of “intelligence” or “ability” or “accomplishment” or spatial location, or else there is nothing logically or morally preventing us from going the way of the Nazis, or the Stalinists, or the Maoists, or the Khmers rouges, or the North Koreans, etc. and just start killing by the millions, by the tens of millions, every single human being who fails to measure up to our a priori determination of what a valuable “human” is.

Senior citizens’ lives don’t matter: they are no longer producing, they are soaking up benefits that others could be putting to more productive use and to pay out those benefits undermines more viable “humans.”  Or black lives don’t matter: too many of these individuals are on welfare, producing nothing, only costing society, and now to make matters even worse they are creating societal unrest.  And so on.  Look at that damn cripple over there in that wheelchair.  What a waste of flesh!  Look at that dwarf!  It’s like a human head on a monkey body!  And therefore, “The members of these groups whose lives don’t matter should be euthanized in the most efficient and inexpensive process possible, so that more fit, more productive “humans” may live and flourish.  Which is the very heart of evil.

According to the so-called “science” of Darwinism, that is actually a FAR more scientifically valid argument than murdering healthy babies who have their entire lives before them and have unimaginable potential.  After all, who can demonstrate that we didn’t abort our next evolutionary link that would have made us better – and now our entire SPECIES will perish because we didn’t evolve when we needed to.  And all because we kept aborting our next step to evolutionary greatness…

It is an incredibly arbitrary, and murderous act to kill human beings merely because they have not yet reached the stage that they most certainly WOULD have reached had they merely not been killed yet.  Why don’t we kill five-year olds?  What good are THEY?  What do THEY produce?  I mean, hell, let’s wipe out the teenagers; they are FAR more trouble than they are worth according to most objective standards!!!

EVERY human life matters to anyone who truly believes the Bible, because the Bible declares in Genesis 1:26-27 that:

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

The Bible is crystal clear regarding the unborn and their precious humanity:

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.  Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it.  You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.  You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.  How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!  I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me! — Psalm 139:13-18

When it comes to humanity, any morally sane being would err on the side of humanity; which is to say that no one would EVER harm something that even MIGHT be an innocent human life unless they were either truly insane or genuinely evil.  So if you are a mother, and you have several children, and you hear your oldest daughter say, “Mommy, can I kill this?” from behind you while you are cutting up vegetables, YOU LOOK TO SEE WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT.  Because she might be talking about her little sister.  And in the same way, anybody who says, “Well, who is to say WHEN “human life” begins, so let’s leave it up to anybody who wants to make their own choice one way or another,” is no morally different than the Islamic State caliphate allowing its adherents to decide whether Yazidis are “human” or not: and you go ahead and kill ’em as you want to if you don’t think they meet the standard.

It’s particularly easy for Bible-believing Christians – who were demonized by liberal media culture well before that culture began undermining and demonizing our police officers – to realize that Jesus loves EVERYONE regardless of their race or anything else that has nothing whatsoever to do with our fundamental humanity as His image-bearers:

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children
Of the world.
Jesus died for all the children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus died for all the children
Of the world.
Jesus rose for all the children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus rose for all the children
Of the world.


I still recoil in SHOCK at the fact that the Democrat Party actually forced a candidate running for president – and the following statement destroyed that candidate’s chances of winning the nomination of the Democrat Party – to apologize because he made the “mistake” of saying that “ALL LIVES MATTER” to a group of liberals who demanded that only BLACK lives matter.  Those liberals can play all the damn pseudo-intellectual word-games they want; they can equivocate all they want; but the same Democrat Party that booed the statement that “all lives matter” is the same party that has systematically exterminated ten times more innocent human life than the Nazis did during the Holocaust.

EVERY human life is of what morally intelligent philosophers describe as “incommensurate value.”  There is no price, no amount of gold or gems or any other form of value, that can compensate for the life of a human being.

For the record, the death penalty itself – which is BIBLICAL – is itself a testimony of that above fact: if you murder another human being, there is literally NOTHING you can do or give that will compensate for the sheer magnitude of your moral crime.  YOU took a life – you STOLE a life – and YOUR life shall be taken in return.  The scales of justice will be BALANCED.  And that act of JUSTICE in recognition of the value and the magnitude of innocent human life will become an object lesson to us all.

All lives matter.  Even the lives of those who have been murdered, who have been expunged, who have been aborted.

But police lives matter MORE.

Why do I say that?

It is not that police lives are more valuable because police are somehow better “humans.”  That is not true.  Police officers are as “human” as the rest of us.  They too were zygotes, were embryos, were fetuses, were infants, were toddlers, were teenagers, and capable of making all the mistakes and errors that are prone to frail, imperfect, fallen humanity.

Police officers sweat.  Police officers feel fear.  Police officers have families and they want desperately to see their children grow up and grow old with their loved ones.

Police officers are human.  Nothing less.  Nothing more.

But a police officer wearing the badge, wearing the uniform, bearing the weapon that he or she is uniquely entitled to bear because that officer has been given the trust of a society to serve and to protect that society, becomes something even more special, even more sacred, to the flourishing of that society.

If I am murdered, it is a heinous crime.  Nothing on earth can purchase my life back, or properly compensate for the fact that I am now dead because someone made the decision to murder me.  And the person who murdered me ought to be hunted down by the police, placed on trial for his or her life by a court of law according to our laws, and imprisoned and ultimately executed after the proper appeals process determines that no grievous mistakes were made in the trial that would make that execution an act of injustice.

That is true of every single American: red, brown, yellow, black and white; male or female; young or old; disabled or abled; rich or poor.  Because all are precious in God’s sight.

But if a police officer is murdered in the line of duty, the statement I made above about the dignity and value of all human life is true, but there is something even beyond that: that officer’s murder represents an attack on our very system of justice itself, upon the society that has created that system of justice and ordains it, and literally an attack upon human civilization.

Police work has always been dangerous.  Officers pursuing fleeing suspects or attempting to apprehend dangerous criminals could very well use deadly force against the police.  But today we are seeing something radically different: we are witnessing ideologues assassinating police officers from complete ambush.

It’s literally like Vietnam where soldiers could never know who the enemy was or for that matter modern Iraq and Afghanistan where terrorists plant Improvised Explosive Devices to kill or maim without warning.

Police must therefore treat everyone like a potential assassin – which guarantees more shootings as terrified police with hair triggers try to stay alive knowing a target is on their back and they can be murdered for no reason other than they are police officers at any moment.  Which guarantees more shootings as frightened police see guns where otherwise they would have exercised more restraint.  Which then gives the ideologues more “justification” to kill more police.  Which the ideologues knowingly intend to create a vicious cycle.  And everyone who kills a police officer in the name of “Black Lives Matter” is in actuality guaranteeing that more black lives will be killed by terrified police.  And they actually WANT that!

Furthermore, the police – being “human” – will withdraw from communities that do not support them.  They will stay in their cars in the inner cities and innocent black people who could have been saved will die because the police are too frightened of being either killed or prosecuted for doing their jobs.  That too is part of the vicious cycle.

And this vicious cycle can only stop when society treats police with the respect they deserve and need to do their vital jobs.

As I said before, our police officers are human.  They are in a very nearly impossible job, trying to serve justice in situations that are so depraved, so confused, that it becomes impossible for any other being but God Himself to be able to know what to do.  Then you add in the next human factor of fear: that officer is in a situation in which his or her very life is at stake if he or she hesitates to pull that trigger at the right moment when the subject is about to take that officers’ life.  Did that officer shoot before he or she should have fired?  People come in after the fact who are themselves completely SAFE at that point and make that determination.  Which is why YES, it is REASONABLE to give that officer of the law the benefit of the doubt in complex situations.

The Bible, the Word of God, is crystal clear in this:

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.  Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.  For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.  Therefore it is necessary to be in subjection, not only because of wrath, but also for conscience’ sake.  — Romans 13:1-5

The police bear the sword of government for our own protection, for our own good.

That comes from the pen of St. Paul, who was beheaded by the unjust system of justice of the very government whom he was upholding.  Because under divine inspiration, St. Paul understood that, even in a wicked regime like ancient Rome, or modern-day North Korea or Iran, the police largely exist to ensure a stable, peaceful society.  God ordained them for that role.

For better or worse, this is the government we have, and if we are to change that government, or that system of justice, we are to do it PEACEABLY and through legitimate means.

And so yes, we all agree that there are times when an officer acts unjustly, when an officer acts in a depraved manner.  There are also times when JUDGES act in such unjust, depraved manner.  And there are times when the system that appoints those judges acts in an unjust, depraved manner.

By the very standards I have set above, when an officer, or a judge, or a politician, commits a violent act under the color of sacred authority, that officer should face even GREATER penalty.

But it is NOT up to ANY individual in ANY society to make that determination for himself or herself, that an officer of the law, that an officer charged with justice and peace for a society, should be killed.  Because that is the path toward anarchy and nihilism and the end of civilization.

All lives matter.  But no life matters more than the life of a police officer who is wearing the uniform and the badge and the weapon serving and protecting his or her community to the best of his or her ability.

And that is why I support and honor my police officers.

And anyone who claims otherwise is an agent bent upon the destruction of our society and everything it stands for.

As a military veteran, I urge veterans to see our police officers and introduce themselves and say, “Thank you for your service.”  Because police work is literally taking place in a war-zone, a modern-day battlefield, today in America.




Terrorists Unite. Democrat Black Lives Matter And Islamic State BOTH Want Same Thing: Gunshots To Our Police And Death To Our ‘Oppression’

September 22, 2016

I still remember the communist slogan that was also the Democrat Party’s union boss slogan: “Workers of the world, unite!”

Now it’s “Terrorists of the world, unite!”  And Black Lives Matter has demonstrated very well that the formula “Islamic State = Black Lives Matter” is proven.

Yesterday I documented the fact that the same FBI – acronym now standing for “Fool Bureaucratic Incompetence” – that failed to indict Hillary Clinton no matter how damn beyond obvious her guilt was has failed at least FOUR times to intervene with terrorists with obvious histories of radicalism from massacring Americans in terrorist attacks.

Our entire system has been turned against itself; it is now a giant, broken reciprocating engine with every single downward stroke creating more and more and more internal damage as the metal is worn down until parts clash and gears are broken and the entire thing just implodes if not explodes.

Our society is headed for complete breakdown.  With hell to surely follow.  Anyone who is not a fool should see our end coming.

Not only can’t we stop Islamic radicals from attacking us EVEN WHEN OUR FBI KNOWS ALL ABOUT THEM, but we can’t even stop a criminal traitor from becoming our damn PRESIDENT!!!

America is a pig all ready for slaughter and like the pig we the people are the very last ones to realize it.

And, frankly, whether you are horrified by the prospect of Hillary Clinton or horrified by the prospect of Donald Trump, there is one and ONLY one man who is responsible for the climate of vicious and rabid anger that has permeated the very soul of this nation – and that one man is Barack Obama.  He set out to BREAK the Republican Party and he has succeeded beyond the wildest nightmare in enraging half the nation while at the same time radicalizing his own party so that what was lunatic fringe Democrat just a few years ago is now “mainstream Democrat Party” ideology today.  As I’ve shown elsewhere by literally predicting it

Obama’s strategy is to set aside and flatly ignore the law for his own political benefit.  Every American who is not deeply troubled by that – troubled enough to not vote for this fascist – is UN-American.

What Obama has done is provide an example of out-and-out lawlessness on the part of the president of the United States.  And when we get a hard-core right wing president the way Obama has been a hard-core left wing president, Obama and the Democrat Party and all of those who voted for Obama and the Democrat Party will be entirely to blame for that president and his extremist actions.  You mark my words.  Because what goes around comes around, and if a Democrat can set aside the law the way Obama has now repeatedly done, well, guess who’s going to be stomping on your necks under your own president’s prior justification???  Conservatives are rising up in a spirit of righteous outrage.  You have repeatedly slapped us in the face through your messiah Obama, and the time is coming when we’re going to punch you hard in the nose and then keep on punching.  And when that day comes, liberals, look to yourselves for blame.My exact words from June 18, 2012

Donald Trump is on OBAMA more than on anyone else.  Obama’s chief joy in life was sticking the Republicans in the eye and then exploiting their ensuing outrage as if he was as shocked by it as the [gambling] Captain Renault was shocked to “learn” there was gambling going on at the Casablanca.  Right after which he was handed his own winnings.  Obama knew full damn well what he was doing, poking the beast in the snout and then acting shocked that it became angry and pointing at it and saying, “Look at this monster!”  And I have the prophetic credibility that comes from explaining why three years before it happened.  Donald Trump – or someone even WORSE – is the natural, inevitable result of Obama.  And if Hillary Clinton succeeds, the next inevitable result will be ten times worse or he will be the Antichrist himself.  Because she is an even more divisive figure than he is and her entire career has proved it.

So don’t gasp in horror that Republicans picked a Donald Trump, ye Democrats who had already crowned a criminal and in fact a traitor.  Nobody BUT a criminal and a traitor installs an illegal secret server, then purges tens of thousands of emails from it, then uses Bleachbit to destroy all traces, while smashing 13 smart phones and five iPads.  That is NOT the behavior of anyone who should have EVER been close to the White House, let alone president.  That’s the actions of a drug cartel kingpin, or a the leader of an international child molester ring.

Two of the most loathsome things that came out of the wicked, depraved, vile soul of Barack Hussein Obama is Islamic State and Black Lives Matter.

We just saw it played out: on the same day we suffered two Islamic State-inspired terrorist attacks: one in Minnesota, where an Islamic State-inspired terrorist stabbed 9 people with a knife after screaming at them about Islam, and the other in New Jersey and New York, where an Islamic State-inspired terrorist used pressure cooker bombs against the American people.

Then it’s a matter of a couple of days later that we have Black Lives Matter-inspired riots in Charlotte, North Carolina.

And now we are finding out that these two bowel movements spawned by Obama have basically the same basic goals.

Ahmad Rahami, the terrorist bomber, wrote in his journal:

“Inshallah [God willing] the sounds of the bombs will be heard in your streets. Gunshots to your police. Death to your oppression.”

And I remember the Black Lives Matter words from a rally led by Al Sharpton:

Leader: “What do we want???”

Mob: “DEAD COPS!!!”

Leader: “When do we want it???”

Mob: “NOW!!!”

And just like Captain Renault in Casablanca, Democrats are shocked, SHOCKED!!! to learn that anyone would associate the appeals to murder police with the actual assassination of police officers in numerous attacks all over the country by the very same racist group that has been calling for it to happen to begin with.

Democrats are evil people representing an evil ideology, literally defiantly representing the devil and just as defiantly rejecting the God of the Bible.  If God hates it, Democrats love it; if God loves it, Democrats hate it.  It’s about as simple as that.

Oh, by the way, Ahmad Rahami pledged allegiance in his journal to Islamic State.  The same journal I quoted from above when he called for Gunshots to our police.  And guess who is trying to whitewash away that connection to “JayVee” Islamic State???

The man suspected of attempting a series of terror attacks in the US claimed he was inspired by Isis in a blood-soaked journal discovered after he was shot by police.

Ahmad Khan Rahami is accused of detonating a bomb that injured more than 30 people in New York, as well as another device targeting a military charity run in New Jersey and two others that did not explode as planned.

In a federal charge sheet filed on Tuesday, authorities revealed the existence of the journal and said it contained praise for Nidal Hasan, who massacred 13 people at Fort Hood in Texas, “brother Osama bin Laden” and Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-Yemeni al-Qaeda recruiter killed in a US drone strike in 2011.

Officials made no mention of the so-called Islamic State in the indictment, but photos of the journal have revealed direct references to the terror group’s chief propagandist and second-in-command, Abu Muhammad al-Adnani.

It reads: “I looked for guidance an Alhumdulilah [praise God], guidance came Sheikh Anwar [al-Awlaki], Brother Adnani/Dawla.

“Said it clearly attack the kuffar [disbelievers] in their backyard.”

Adnani, the head of Isis’ feared “Emni” security service and its propaganda wing, was killed in a US air strike in the Syria last month.

He was known for speeches calling on supporters to launch terror attacks around the world, which have been directly cited by several jihadists who carried out atrocities in Europe and the San Bernardino massacre in California.

Rahami’s journal appears to specifically refer to Adnani’s last announcement, released in May, which called for “soldiers of the caliphate” who could not travel to Isis territories to attack civilians “day and night” wherever, and however, they could.

The ramblings also refer to two names used by Isis for areas it controls in Iraq and Syria – “Dawla” and “Sham”.

Despite repeated allusions to the group, there was no mention of Isis in a charge sheet released by prosecutors earlier this week. The reason for the omission was unclear.

Official documents include several other passages from the journal, which ended with the message: “Inshallah [God willing] the sounds of the bombs will be heard in your streets. Gunshots to your police. Death to your oppression.”

It also saw Rahami announce his wish for “martyrdom” in the name of jihad.

It’s not “unclear.”  It’s not a “coincidence” that the SAME administration that has steadfastly refused to even use phrases such as “radical Islam” or “Islamic extremism” would somehow omit the clear and obvious connection between a terrorist that Obama failed to stop and his link to the Islamic State that he has trivialized.  “Unless you’re either pathologically stupid or a liberal whose goal in life is to protect Obama [and Hillary Clinton] from the consequences of their utterly failed policies.

This is yet another of now numerous attacks in the United States and thousands of attacks across the world from the Islamic State that Obama has consisntely mocked and trivalized and underestimated and ignored.

Just as Hillary Clinton totally and completely ignored desperate calls for additional security in Benghazi.  And then proceeded to try to bait-and-switch “planned terrorist attack” to a “spontaneous uprising” complete with heavy mortars and detailed strategic targeting coordinates and coordinated human assault.

By the time Obama leaves office, terrorism will have skyrocketed by one-thousand, nine-hundred percent.  When if it had merely increased by one-hundred percent (i.e. doubled), it would be an unforgivable failure.  But if they can continue to play this game of outright, dishonest deceit, they can install another pathologically demonic failure to power for another eight years of misery both in America and around the world where fifty million children don’t have homes because of Obama’s catastrophic failure to lead anything in the right direction.

And we’re seeing at the same time the same pathological, rabid hatred for America coming from “blacks” ignited to rage and hate by Obama that we are seeing from Islamic State.  Because Black Lies Matter.  And Barack Obama has lied to this group and convinced them that it is white [Republican] racism that is to blame for all their woes rather than the Democrats who have led their ruined cities to despair for a century.

And so, amazingly, we are seeing rioting in cities with black mayors, black city councils, black prosecutors, black police chiefs and even black police officers who are ALL institutional Democrats.  As were the ones who held these offices before them, and the ones who held office before them, etc.

Whenever a Democrat does something truly evil, the only thing to do is blame the Republicans.  Blame racism.  Blame white people.  Blame men.  Blame people who worked hard all their lives to save for their children.

And Obama has spawned a generation of butthurt black people to respond with bitterness and savage, animal hate in the face of any and all evidence and all human reason to the contrary.

Does that sound racist?  Well, the black people we are watching rioting and acting like animals are not inferior because they are black; they are inferior because they are DEMOCRATS who have been imbued with the spirit of the Democrat Party.  And the spirit of the Democrat Party denies that human beings are created – CREATED AND NOT EVOLVED – in the image of a holy God; and instead claims that black people and frankly all people are roaches that evolved by a meaningless, purposeless, valueless process of random evolution to be incapable of human morality and can do whatever the HELL they want because they are NOT morally accountable to any God who did NOT create them.

According to Darwinian evolution, it is no morally different for me to rape, torture and murder someone as it is to sacrifice my life for that same someone.  In point of fact, it is “morally” worse according to evolution for me to sacrifice myself instead of raping; because the greatest act in evolution is to pass my DNA to the next generation.  Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest: those are the ONLY two moral teachings of evolution.  If you pass on your DNA, congratulations, you belong to the “fittest.”  And evolution teaches without any question that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you have to do to ensure that outcome is the “moral” thing to do.  So STEAL (for those of you in Charlotte, LOOT), RAPE, MURDER.  Do whatever you have to do or for that matter want to do to ensure that you father as many children as you can, no matter how illegitimately according to meaningless biblical morays.

Violence is merely a legitimate means to an end, according to evolution.

Because right is WRONG if what Democrats believe about “science” is true.

And so why should the shocking video coming out of Charlotte be any surprise?  It is ALL that these people are capable of.

Blacks make up 13% of the population but are responsible for 52% of all homicides according to the DoJ.  And like Captain Renault, they are shocked – SHOCKED – that the police would treat them different from the racial groups that AREN’T murdering.

Black cities are hell holes.  And they are hell holes because in the wordage of Genesis 6:11 they are filled with corruption and violence in God’s sight.  And they are filled with corruption and violence because they are filled with DEMOCRATS who live out the Democrat worldview and the Democrat lifestyle.

And as a result, the police do their job very, very differently.  And if you want them to quit policing that way, then get your damn acts together and stop acting like Darwinian/Democrat animals.

I always marvel how the media has for DECADES refused to confront Democrats such as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton with questions that would expose their rabidly hostile attitude to the God of the Bible and to what the God of the Bible teaches as right and as wrong in His Word as they falsely claim to be “Christian.”  The same snide, dishonest “journalists” will do everything they can to trap every single Republican to “expose” them in some politically incorrect position that they can exploit to frame those Republicans as “hateful” or “intolerant.”

Meanwhile, consider Islam.  Muhammad came along a full six centuries after Jesus.  And Muhammad radically rejected Jesus and everything He stood for and everything the God of the Holy Bible stands for.  Muhammad screamed, “I am not in any way, any shape or any form accountable to THAT God or what He teaches!”  And not considering himself accountable in any way to the God of the Holy Bible, he proceeded to invent his OWN god.  And then began to force people to believe in his god and punish and persecute and murder those who refused.

For the record, the god that Muhammad invented permits rape, too.  Just follow the rules of Islam and you can rape and rape and rape again with impunity.  By the way, you get to loot and murder, too.  Just like Black Lives Matter is doing in Charlotte!!!

Both groups: godless Democrats who hate any god at all; and Islamic extremists who invented a god that glorifies their hate, seek to impose their truly Godless religions on the people by FORCE.  And if you think Obama isn’t forcing people, just refuse to pay your taxes, or refuse to obey all the regulations Democrats have imposed, or for that matter be a Christian who refused to participate in homosexual marriage because your God of the Bible teaches you with crystal clarity that marriage is only between one man and one woman.  And see what happens to you.

Both religions of Democrat Party socialist worship of the State and radical Islam invariably end in fascism and totalitarianism for a very good reason.  They are both merely two variants of the same rejection of our true Creator God who made man in His own image and holds His image-bearers accountable to His ways revealed in His Word.

There is now a one-to-one correlation to the violence and hatred for America that we are seeing from Obama-inspired Black Lives Matter activists and thugs and Islamic State.  They both hate police.  They both hate America that is “oppressive” in the vile worldview they have been indoctrinated to believe in.

Which is why they are both doing pretty much the same thing.




No Riots? Crime In America By Race, And The Statistical Shenanigans Our Justice Department And FBI (Hillary Owes THEM Big) Play

July 12, 2016

I’m just going to state something right here at the outset: are there racist white people?  Yes.  Are there racist white people forming themselves into hate groups?  Yes.  Is it evil?  Yes.  But there is a stark difference going on in our incredibly toxic culture, because here’s the real question: are those racist white people and their racist hate groups demonized by EVERYBODY???  Yes.  Contrast that to the incredible hypocritical racism we now see coming out of vile hate groups from blacks and from Hispanics.  And then think about the whitewash these racist minority groups get every single damn day.  It’s only racist when white people form into groups: when black lives matter forms (think of the holy hell that would have erupted in our media if a “white lives matter” group gained a substantial following in America; when we have an NAACP (think of how it would be treated if “NAACP” stood for “National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People”); when we have a Black Congressional Caucus (think of the righteous outrage of black congressmen if we had a “White Congressional Caucus”), etc. etc., ad nauseum.  There is such a massive hypocrite double-standard going on, it is UNREAL.

And the now-provably false argument has been if we just allow this massive hypocrite double standard, if we just give black people more power, more of what they want, they will fully join in with American society.  When what we are clearly seeing is BULL CRAP; rather, what they will do is angrily and bitterly demand more and more and more while feeling less and less and less as stakeholders who have duties themselves.  Blacks have been indoctrinated for the last fifty damn years by the Democratic Party and by the liberal media and by every other leftist source there is that they should have no stake whatsoever in this nation; that we owe THEM rather than they owe anybody else anything.    And so black people feel perfectly okay voting on a profoundly racial basis to get what they want for themselves as a race; but they would be hotter than HELL if white people did what they are doing every single damn day.  And so they have as a result of this kid-glove treatment felt not better and better, but rather worse and worse, more and more angry, more and more bitter.  And now more and more violent.

And it’s exploding now.

And it’s almost entirely based on pure lies.

I just came across something that really surprised me, given the fact that I live in a city that has a high percentage of Hispanics and which is beset with a significant Hispanic gang problem: according to Obama’s Justice Department and FBI – you know, the same people who just absolved Hillary Clinton for any criminal wrongdoing in her secret, private, unauthorized server being used to send and receive thousands of classified emails in violation of our national security, failed to send thousands of work-related emails even though it was her duty to do so and even though she swore under oath before Congress that she had made certain she had done, etc. – NO HISPANIC has EVER committed a single crime.

That’s news, of course, to many Donald Trump supporters who have received vicious beatings at the hands of Democrat Party Hispanic thugs:


Any Hispanic criminals out there?  “No habla, gringo! Y si, se puede!”

Pretty amazing, considering how often I’ll be watching the local news or reading my local newspaper and see Hispanic men with Hispanic names being either arrested, tried or sought for arrest; pretty amazing given how many times I’ve gone to jury duty and saw the Hispanic suspect sitting there next to his lawyer.

But true, unless we’re being lied to on such a massive scale it is beyond unreal.

How did this fraud happen?

Consider how the FBI breaks down crime by race:


Let’s see.  According to the woman who met secretly with Bill Clinton while his wife was under criminal investigation by her department, according to FBI Director Comey who whitewashed her after acknowledging that she committed such acts of gross negligence and incompetence that she should never be allowed to ever hold ANY government job ever again, we’ve got the following racial groups living in America that we ought to track the criminality of: whites (of course Obama would want to keep track of that one); black or African-American (someone please explain the difference that we need that “or” there); American Indian or Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.

That’s it.  No one else from any other race needs to have their crimes tracked.

So let me introduce an outright lie straight from Planet Hell that Obama has redirected our planetary orbit to travel to and which Hillary Clinton now vows to steer the ship of Planet Earth.

Hispanics are white people whenever they commit a crime.  Somehow they only become “Hispanic” when a Democrat like Obama wants to incite them as a distinct racial group to “punish your enemies” (i.e. white people and Republicans).  And so every single time a Hispanic commits a crime, the FBI blames white people for it.  Every single time.  While every single time Democrats and liberals want these same people who are classified as “white” to castigate whites want them to be “Hispanic,” well, presto-bismo they become “Hispanic” again.

Which would mean, if you were honest, liberal, that every single damn time someone gets caught crossing the Mexican border illegally, another white person just got their justice taken away by the Obama administration.  And the government is actually truly out to get white people.  And liberals lie about it the way Hitler lied about his genocides.  It gets just diabolical if you accept this bullcrap statistical shenanigans we’re getting spoon-fed by liberal progressive government bureaucracies.

And if you actually simply identify Hispanics as NOT being white people – which believe me most Hispanic people are hardcore determined to NOT claim as they themselves daily demonize white people as horrible racists bound on enslaving them – NONWHITES ARE ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR 90% OF ALL CRIMES COMMITTED IN THE UNITED STATES.

Every time a Hispanic robs someone, every time a Hispanic rapes someone, every time a Hispanic murders someone, every single Hispanic criminal thug and gang member and drug dealer there is, WHITE PEOPLE GET THE BLAME.

Nonwhites commit ninety percent of the damn crimes.  Amazing,

And so you see blathering bullcrap like this one that I post in its entirety at the bottom of this article in which whites get that leftist hate-blame and Hispanics are NOT EVEN MENTIONED AT ALL.

And here is the article preserved that points out the shocking percentage of our crime that is “nonwhite” and which correctly points out the shenanigans that the government plays to “fundamentally transform” the truth about nonwhite crime:

90% Nonwhite Violent Crime Rate: FBI
November 3, 2015 by TNO Staff— in North America


Although the FBI and the US Census Bureau does its best to deliberately hide the nonwhite crime plague—by ascribing all Hispanic crime to whites, even this devious tactic cannot hide the full extent of black and Hispanic crime in America.

This fact becomes even more apparent when the crime rates for cities with majority nonwhite populations are compared, and when the FBI’s own “most wanted” lists are studied for racial categorization errors.

The official federal government’s definitions of race—as used by the FBI—only have the following categories: “white,” “black,” “American Indian or Alaska Native,” and “Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. All Hispanics are added to the “white” category, along with all North Africans, Arabs, Middle Easterners, and Jews.

The FBI’s own current (November 2015) list of most wanted murder suspects in the US is a case in point. It contains 71 suspects—of which only six are actually white, as can be seen from their mugshots.


Some 51 of the remaining suspects are nonwhite Hispanics. Nonetheless, the FBI has classified all 51 of these people as “white.” (The remainder are correctly classified as “black.”)

Some examples from the FBI’s “most wanted murderer” list serve to illustrate the point:

1. The FBI wanted list describes one Cesar Villarreal as follows:

DESCRIPTION Hair: Black, Eyes: Brown, Race: White (Hispanic)


2. Santino Mario Garcia is described as follows:

DESCRIPTION Hair: Black, Eyes: Brown, Race: White (Hispanic)


3. Moises Galvan Gonzalez is described as follows:

Hair: Brown, Eyes: Brown, Race: White (Hispanic)


The deliberate misclassification is done with the express purpose of boosting the number of crimes which the FBI ascribes to its “white” category.

This is done because the federal statisticians are aware that if they correctly identified these Hispanics as nonwhite, then it would be impossible for even the controlled media to hide the overwhelming nonwhite crime plague.

As the FBI refuses to correctly classify offenders by race, it is only possible to make assumptions based on their own “most wanted” lists.

Using, for example, the FBI’s “most wanted murderer” list, it would seem to be a safe assumption that only a fraction of the suspects identified as “white” by the federal agencies are in fact European-Americans.


Using this “most wanted murderer” list, for example, it would not be unreasonable to assume that only 11 percent (or 6 of 51 suspects) of all the murders crimes ascribed to “whites” by the FBI, were in fact committed by European-Americans.

Given the caveat that this assumption is based purely on the FBI’s “most wanted list,” and is therefore subject to a certain degree of variation, it is possible to undertake the following analysis of the FBI’s other statistics as outlined in their latest “Crime in the United States, 2014” report.

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According to the FBI, there were an estimated 1,165,383 violent crimes (murder and non-negligent homicides, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults) in 2014.

For the category of “violent crimes there were a total of 8,730,665 arrests, broken down by the FBI as follows:

“White” 6,056,687 or 69.4%

“Black or African American” 2,427,683 or 27.8%

“American Indian or Alaska Native” 135,599 or 1.6%

Asian 100,067 or 1.1%

“Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander” 10,629 or 0.1%

Using the “11% formula outlined above, it is safe to assume that European-Americans in reality only accounted for 666,235 arrests for violent crimes. This translated to 7.63% of all such arrests.

Nonwhites accounted therefore, for at least 92% of all arrestees for violent crime in 2014.

The FBI statistics for the individual crimes which make up the “violent crime” are as follows:

  1. Murder and non-negligent manslaughter

Total Arrests: 8,230, broken down as follows:

“White” 3,807 or 46.3%

“Black or African American” 4,224 or 51.3%

“American Indian or Alaska Native” 83 or 1.0%

Asian 107 or 1.3%

“Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander” 9, or 0.1%

Once the “11%” formula is applied to these deliberately misclassified figures, it transpires that European-Americans committed 905 murders in 2014, or 10% of all such crimes.

  1. Rape

Total Arrests: 16,326, broken down as follows:

White 10,977 or 67.2%

“Black or African American” 4,888 or 29.9%

“American Indian or Alaska Native” 212 or 1.3%

Asian 222 or 1.4%

“Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander” 27 or 0.2%

Once the “11%” formula is applied to these deliberately misclassified figures, it transpires that European-Americans committed 1,795 rapes in 2014, or 10% of all such crimes.

  1. Robbery

Total Arrests: 74,077, broken down as follows:

“White” 31,354 or 42.3%

“Black or African American” 41,379 or 55.9%

“American Indian or Alaska Native” 616 or 0.8%

Asian 617 or 0.8%

“Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander” 111 or 0.1%

Once the “11%” formula is applied to these deliberately misclassified figures, it transpires that European-Americans committed 8,148 robberies in 2014, or 10% of all such crimes.

  1. Aggravated assault

Total Arrests: 291,600, broken down as follows:

“White” 185,612 or 63.7%

“Black or African American” 96,511 or 33.1%

“American Indian or Alaska Native” 4,372 or 1.5%

Asian 4,507 or 1.5%

“Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander” 598 or 0.2%

Once the “11%” formula is applied to these deliberately misclassified figures, it transpires that European-Americans committed 32.076 robberies in 2014, or 11% of all such crimes.

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Of course, once the disproportionate population figures are taken into account (the fact that whites make up over 60 percent of the entire population), then the nonwhite crime figures leap out of all proportion in relation to their actual population numbers.

The FBI statistics showed further that the cities which are the least white, are the most dangerous. Figures contained in table 6 of the FBI statistics, “Crime in the United States by Metropolitan Statistical area, 2014” reveal the following:

Most Dangerous Cities with populations above 200,000.

No. 1: Detroit (93% nonwhite 2010)

No. 2: Memphis, Tennessee (67% nonwhite in 2010)

No. 3: Oakland, California (75% nonwhite in 2010)

No. 4: St. Louis, Missouri (57% nonwhite in 2010)

No. 5: Birmingham, Alabama (79% nonwhite in 2010)

No. 6: Milwaukee, Wisconsin (67% nonwhite in 2010)

No. 7: Baltimore, Maryland (72% nonwhite in 2010)

No. 8: Cleveland, Ohio (67% nonwhite in 2010)

No. 9: Stockton, California (78% nonwhite in 2010)

No. 10: Indianapolis, Indiana (US Census Bureau does not provide statistics for the city, only for the city and some 368.1 square miles around the city, called the “Indianapolis (city (balance)).” These figures say that the area was 43% nonwhite in 2010. An article in the Indianapolis Recorder of July 3, 2105, reported that “population growth in [Indianapolis] America’s 11th largest city continues to be fueled in large part by African-Americans and to a lesser extent by Hispanics and Asians.”)

Furthermore, the FBI figures showed that the biggest cities with the highest violent crime rates were as follows:

Detroit, Michigan 1988.63 violent crimes per capita

Memphis, Tennessee 1740.51 violent crimes per capita

Oakland, California 1685.39 violent crimes per capita

St. Louis, Missouri 1678.73 violent crimes per capita

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1476.41 violent crimes per capita

Baltimore, Maryland 1338.54 violent crimes per capita

Cleveland, Ohio 1334.35 violent crimes per capita

Stockton, California 1331.47 violent crimes per capita

Indianapolis, Indiana 1254.66 violent crimes per capita

Of America’s three biggest cities, Chicago had the highest violent crime rate at 884.26 violent crimes per capita.

New York City had a rate of 596.7 and Los Angeles had a rate of 490.71.

The biggest cities with the highest murder rates were as follows:

St. Louis, Missouri 49.91 murders per capita

Detroit, Michigan 43.52 murders per capita

New Orleans, Louisiana (70% nonwhite in 2010) 38.75 murders per capita

Baltimore, Maryland 33.84 murders per capita

Newark, New Jersey (90% nonwhite in 2010) 33.32 murders per capita

Buffalo, New York (55% nonwhite in 2010) 23.22 murders per capita

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (36% nonwhite in 2010) 22.43 murders per capita

Memphis, Tennessee 21.38 murders per capita

Atlanta, Georgia (66% nonwhite in 2010) 20.47 murders per capita

Cincinati, Ohio (52% nonwhite in 2010) 20.16 murders per capita

I don’t know if the “90 percent thing is in fact true,” but I DO know for an established, documented FACT that every Hispanic crime gets foisted on to “whites” and that liberals are exploiting that government LIE to demonize white people who are NOT guilty of what they are being slandered for.

I think I have established that a) the government is lying to us and the liberal news media is reporting propaganda as “fact,” and b) leftist ideologues are taking these lies to the streets and exploiting them to create the worst racial unrest this nation has seen in my fifty-year lifetime.  And both my parents likewise say they’ve never seen this kind of hate so widespread across the entire nation in THEIR entire lifetimes.

Obama dishonestly blathers on in Warsaw, Poland about how there we are as united as ever under his magnificent leadership and any one who tries to insinuate we’re divided is a liar out to tarnish his marvelous imperial legacy as emperor:

“You’re not seeing riots, you’re not seeing police going after people who are protesting peacefully,” he said.

Nope.  Nothin’ to see here, folks.  White people, please keep shuffling forward in the line labeled, “This way toward slaughterhouse.”  And don’t get anxious about that sign.  It doesn’t mean what you think it means and if you think it means something bad, it’s just because of your innate white racism.

I want you to stop and reflect what Obama does with this: he says “you’re not seeing riots.”  When yes you ARE.  But he puts a comma there, and adds what he describes would entail if we actually were seeing “riots.”  He says, “you’re not seeing police going after people who are protesting peacefully.”  Which is to say that as far as Obama is concerned, it’s not the viciousness and vileness of the rioter that determines whether there is a “riot”; because “rioting” is actually something he blames on POLICE when they go after peaceful protestors.

Does it matter that there IS no racial bias in police shootings, as proven by a Harvard study???  Of COURSE it doesn’t matter.

This is EXACTLY what Obama has done over and over and over again for the last toxic seven years of his regime: insinuate the real blame upon the police.  He’s done it ever since 2009 when he IMMEDIATELY went out and declared “the policie acted stupidly.”  And demonically “disgraced” and “smeared” the police.   And his Department of Injustice has carried on with his attack against the police every single time any black person was killed by a police officer or even just a citizen on his back being punched in the face over and over and over again.

Obama has created – exploiting race as the gasoline he could ignite – an incredibly vicious anti-police climate.  It’s right out of what the Bible said would happen in the last days, described as “the mystery of lawlessness.”   The Democratic Party is the engine of outright LAWLESSNESS in America today, bar none.

Obama SPAWNED this toxic “black lives matter” movement straight out of his roach soul.  And he’s making sure he never allows a serious riot to go to waste.  Even as he lies that we’re not seeing the riots that we’re clearly seeing.

Let’s contrast what Obama said with the goings-on in St. Paul, Minnesota and the words of the police chief to describe what happened:


St Paul MN non-riot

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Police arrested about 100 people in St. Paul during protests of the recent police killings of Philando Castile in Falcon Heights and Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge.

Authorities say 21 St. Paul officers and six state troopers were hurt during the protest that shutdown a part of I-94.

About half the arrests came during a blockade of the interstate.

About 50 arrests were made early this morning in another part of St. Paul.

St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman and Police Chief Todd Axtell both condemn the violence.

AXTELL said: “Last night really was the first time in my 28 years as a police officer that I have observed the level of violence that was directed towards our public servants.

The public servants that are there to protect all of us in this room and all of us in our community. And it’s really a disgrace.

And protestors last night turned into criminals. And I’m absolutely disgusted by the acts of some-not all-but some.”

Nope.  No “riots” under his divine magnificence-in-chief.

No riots here, either:


Or here:


Or here either:

no riots 1

If you see a riot in this picture, it’s actually a Rorschach test that just proved you’re a racist:

no riots 2

What you talkin’ ’bout rioting, Willis:

no riots 3

This is NOT a “riot,” it’s “lifeplace violence”:

no riots 4

PLEASE tell me you don’t see any “rioting” here:

no riots 5

Come on, WHAT “riots”???  The good citizens of Los Estados Unidos are too busy picking up the gold bricks that were left over from Obama paving all of our streets with gold to “riot.”  Who you been listening to, Fox News???

Oh, and no terrorist attacks, either.  It’s all “workplace violence.”  Probably committed by white people, of course.

Come on, please ignore the fact that under Barack Obama’s policies, terrorism has SKYROCKETED by 800 percent between 2010 and last year:

Deaths Due To Terrorism

Please don’t pay any attention to the fact that by the time Obama leaves office, by simple extrapolation of the previous six years, terrorism will have skyrocketed by 1,700 percent.

Violence is exploding across America.  Violence is exploding across our WORLD.  I am now calling Obama the “Half-mast president.”  Because his presidency is a time of national mourning where our flags are constantly at half-mast as he fails and fails and fails over and over and over again.

But he is a pathologically wicked man and he is like Cain and he is NEVER responsible for anything and it’s always Bush or the Republicans or guns or whatever he can demonize at the time.

It’s just lifeplace violence.  All over the world now.  And NONE of it has anything whatsoever to do with Obama or any of his policies.  And everything that is happening is all Bush’s fault.  And please don’t disturb Pharaoh Obama’s golf game until he’s finished when he will come out and slander the 2nd Amendment and the fundamental right that the American people have ALWAYS had throughout our history to keep and bear arms.

This is exactly what the Bible told us would happen under the demonic Antichrist.  The man will be the most arrogant liar and slanderer in all of human history.  And anybody who says otherwise will be branded by a demonic world and a demonic culture as a “racist” or some kind of horrible person.  Because the truth is horrible to the wicked and they will NEVER receive anything but the lies they want to hear.

So they will twist and distort the Holy Bible to “fundamentally transform” homosexual perversion and abortion-murder and LGBT crap and whatever the hell THIS is that is being forced upon our nation’s warriors who used to be able to protect us –

soldiers high heels

and whatever the hell THIS is that Obama did to our sailors as he sold us out to Iran:

Obama Navy Surrendering to Iran

– into “virtues.”  When the Bible declares “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil” and tells us that these things are “virtues” only to the most wicked kind of people who have placed themselves and their nation under the holy wrath of a righteous God.

There’s no virtues under Obama.  Only wickedness and judgment for our national wickedness that this wicked nation VOTED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR.

Police are openly saying they are on edge right now as they are being systematically targeted for assassination in ambush shootings by black lives matter “protesters.”  Blacks sit there and try to insinuate that police are death squads.  Holy crap, what liars they are: there are 8.7 MILLION arrests every single year as police try to keep our cities and our streets safe; and of those 8.7 million arrests, 1/10,000th of one percent of those end up as police shootings.  I mean, hell, yeah, they’re REALLY death squads, aren’t they???  And then add to that the fact that whites – when the racial distinctions are actually applied – constitute more of those “police shootings” than all the blacks and all the Hispanics COMBINED.

Stop and think about it for one second: you see the statistic that blacks as a percentage of their race are killed three times more than whites as a percentage of their race.  And this is offered as “proof” that police are targeting blacks for genocide.  And that’s exactly how the demonically evil black lives matter activists frame it.  But how about this fact: one out of three young black men are either in prison or on parole or are on probation at any given moment.  What the hell percentage of encounters with the police do you think blacks have as a population relative to whites as a population???  With every single one of these bad encounters adding to the likelihood that a shooting will ensue???

And right now, black lives matter, and Democrats, are forcing every single police officer to be forced to contemplate every single black person as a potential cop murderer.  And their trigger fingers are itchy because they just want to do their jobs and go home to their wives and to their kids.

You’re talking about more than ninety percent of all blacks murdered by other blacks.  And black lives matter and the roach “civil rights” leaders like Al Sharpton don’t give one flying damn about it.

They’re not going into the hell that was Barack Obama’s hometown before he sent his chief-of-staff to be the mayor who led it even further into hell on earth.

Black people feel like they are being singled out by police.  And I can’t deny that they aren’t.  But you’ve got to deal with the fact that police can’t HELP but treat black people different WHEN BLACK PEOPLE KEEP ACTING THE DAMN WAY THEY ARE ACTING.

It’s not “racist” for police to look at black people and be a little more wary any more than it is “racist” for me to look at a gray cloud and think it’s going to probably rain.  Because too many times when I see a cloud like that, rain comes.  Just as too many times when police encounter black people, crime comes.

And the simple fact of the matter is that black lives DON’T matter to “black lives matter.”

Black lives matter??? Seriously???  NOT TO BLACK PEOPLE, THEY DON’T!!!  As a result of their roach allegiance to the Democrat Party and its murder machine a.k.a. “abortion,” 6 out of every 10 black babies are murdered in their wombs by their mothers.  As a result of the Democrat Party and abortion, there almost IS no such thing as “a black family,” with seventy percent of black children growing up in a single parent household.  It is simply a FACT that the term “black father” is a contradiction in terms: and given the logic of abortion it OUGHT TO BE.  Because stop and think about the fact that at the moment of conception, every single person who believes in abortion categorically states that no “child” was “fathered.”  The “father” had NOTHING to do with any child and he is forced into the role of passive observer and is literally forced to sit there and passively watch while HIS VERY OWN CHILD IS MURDERED IN A DEMOCRAT ABORTION FACTORY.

This is TEN TIMES more evil than what the Nazis did.  Democrats have murdered SIXTY MILLION BABIES since they legalized infanticide in 1973.

Six out of ten times a black baby is born, a black woman murders that black baby.  And almost every single time a black person is murdered in America, another black person murdered that victim.

And this is the toxic, vile effect of this toxic, vile, Democrat-Party-OWNED race community is boiling over.

Black people made this bed.  They should either lie in it or get the hell out of it.

Instead, they blame everybody else for it and stay in that diseased bed while they piss in it and crap in it and puke in it.  They will NEVER get out of that bed because the Democratic Party OWNS them and TELLS them what to think and what to believe and what to say and what to do.

They will NEVER take personal responsibility for themselves.  Because you CAN’T take personal responsibility for yourself and be a DEMOCRAT.

Now, don’t think all of the above wasn’t done for a propaganda purpose.

And don’t think the decision to label “Hispanic crimes” as “White crimes” wasn’t done for propaganda purposes, either.

Consider this article that I will preserve lest it suddenly be deleted and purged the way more than 30,000 of Hilary’s emails mysteriously were deleted and purged.  Please understand that the following article is pure, unadulterated DRIVEL and I post it to simply document what abject lying roaches liberals truly are.  I challenge you to find the word “Hispanic” or any similar racial descriptive for “Hispanic” in this piece that lambasts whites for criminality:

The TRUTH About FBI Crime Statistics by Race

As more exposure is being given to the unjustified killings of black men by white police officers, the Black Lives Matter movement is gaining momentum. Consequently, many contend that the movement isn’t warranted because police officers murdering black people isn’t the real issue, but instead crime committed by blacks. As a matter fact, the notion that blacks are perpetrating the most crime in this country is said to be the real reason that police are obligated to scrutinize, even target them.

However, according to FBI crime statistics by race, it isn’t blacks who are driving criminal activity. Actually in 2014, blacks committed only 28.3% of all crimes. And it shouldn’t be bewildering that whites dominated commission of crimes by perpetrating 68.9% of them, considering they denote 77% of U.S. citizenry. But according to the media, blacks are the most perilous, and therefore, susceptible to violence.

In addition to suggesting that blacks commit the most crimes in general, it has become standard for the media to promote the misconception that blacks are overwhelmingly committing the most “violent” crimes in the country. However, according to the FBI, the most violent crimes are murders, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, all of which whites excessively perpetrate. In 2014, 390,233 violent acts were committed and blacks were responsible for only 37% of them. Contrary to what the media suggests, statistics prove that whites execute 59% of violent crimes in the U.S.

What source is the media referencing when proclaiming blacks as being the most criminal? The fact is that there is no such source. The media has used all communicative platforms to define black culture as violent, and therefore, are an imminent threat to white people. They use false statistics of criminality against blacks to reinforce the idea that blacks are lawless, and therefore, deserve every form of violence perpetrated against them.

The media completely circumvent actual facts that are publicly displayed on, in order to promote their racist agenda. Mediums such as Fox News, CNN, etc., commit a major disservice when they refuse to acknowledge and divulge the truth about blacks and crime. Falsely convincing society that black people are the most criminal only proves that this country has contempt for blacks, and consequently, view them all as threatening and inferior. The media’s one-sided, superficial, and exaggerated depiction of black people reduces the real variety, depth, and complexity of the entire race.

Furthermore, when the issue of white police officers murdering black people is addressed, mainstream society conspicuously attempts to deflect from the matter by challenging “why isn’t black on white crime discussed?” Well, let’s discuss it now.

FBI data shows that of all white victims of murders (3,005), only 13% (409) are actually committed by blacks.  84% (2,509) of the killings of white people are committed by white people. This fact is overlooked because by acknowledging it requires accepting that white on white crime is just as prevalent as their favorite topic, “Black on black crime.”

FBI statistics also prove that the highest offense charge is “Drug abuse violations.” The data reveals that approximately 69% of those violations were committed by whites and only 29% by blacks. However, there are more blacks in prison for drug related offenses than whites. Furthermore, how is it even possible for blacks to represent only 13.4% of America’s population, but maintain over 60% of the prison populace? This fact is designed to give the impression that blacks are more susceptible and prone to drug crimes than any other race, especially whites.

But it is a fact that marijuana use is roughly equal among blacks and whites, yet blacks are 3.73 times as likely to be arrested for marijuana possession.  It is also a truth that blacks are more likely to get caught with crack, unlike whites who tend to possess powder cocaine. Consequently, people convicted in federal court of possession of 5 grams of crack cocaine will receive a minimum mandatory sentence of 5 years in federal prison. On the other hand, possession of 500 grams of powder cocaine carries the same sentence.

The media will use the disproportion of mass incarceration of blacks to support their false claims that blacks commit the most drug related offenses. Meanwhile, they circumvent revealing the other side of the coin, which is that the prison industrial complex–a system of racist drug laws, and bias policing and court system used for economical and social advancement–is the primary reason that blacks receive stiffer sentences than whites.

The bottom line is that in America, whites kill whites and blacks kill blacks. Nevertheless, police officers are killing blacks significantly more than they are whites, even when whites prove to be more of a threat. Despite the media’s racist motives, the FBI statistics prove that whites are the most violent, and commit the most criminal acts, including murder and drug related offenses.

I am so beyond sick of the lies and the hypocrisy and the racism and the hate that is coming out of the Democratic Party and those whose souls they own.