Trump And Average American People Versus Meryl Streep And Hypocrite Hollywood

You look at a county-by-county map of the last election and this is what you see:

All the red counties voted for Donald Trump; all the blue counties voted for Meryl Streep’s choice of candidate.

Just so you know, California ALL BY ITSELF (Hillary won the state with 4,269,778 more votes than Trump) counts for the NEARLY TWICE the ENTIRE popular vote majority that Hillary Clinton voters keep saying matters so damn much (Hillary “won” the popular vote by 2,864,974 more votes than Trump).  You add in New York’s giant Hillary win (by 1,732,872 votes and a 59% to 36.5% margin) and Washington D.C.  (where Hillary won a staggering 90.9% of the vote!) and these three voting regions alone count for WAY OVER TWICE THE POPULAR VOTE DIFFERENCE that favors Hillary.  The founding fathers very deliberately crafted a system by which a president had to win states from across the nation and across the spectrum rather than merely winning a few lopsided ideological contests.

Now let’s turn to the Golden Globes, to Hollywood, to Meryl Streep and the political rants we heard.

This was the place where Jimmy Fallon had already come onto the stage and idiotically said:

“This is the Golden Globes: One of the few places left where America honors the popular vote”

Oh, man, you mean there was there a vote and I didn’t get my ballot?  Why not?  I’m registered to vote, Jimmy Fallon!!!  You know what?  I don’t remember voting or having any chance to vote for the Golden Globes and to give Meryl Streep a Lifetime Achievement Award.  I mean, it really – if you had something called “a functioning brain” – was not a whole lot different from the Electoral College System where Donald Trump sure enough won a very clear majority of the votes.

These damn lectures are idiotic.  The Hollywood hypocrites who give them are idiotic.  Their rhetoric is idiotic.  Their points are idiotic.  These fools literally despise our Constitution and our very democratic republic when they make such profoundly stupid and profoundly dishonest tirades.

I didn’t get to vote at the Golden Globes, Jimmy.  I wasn’t represented.  I was entirely shut out.  In fact, I was attacked for my vote by Meryl Streep and many other Hollywood celebrities.

And the very people who shut people like me out so that I didn’t get to vote, so that people like me didn’t ever have a CHANCE to be represented, are patting themselves on the back as the last honest bastion of democracy in action???  Seriously???

Next consider the economic power of those blue counties relative to that vast ocean of red:

According to the Brookings Institution analysis, the less-than-500 counties Clinton won nationwide combined to generate 64 percent of America’s economic activity in 2015, the Washington Post reported.

The more-than-2,600 counties President-elect Donald Trump won combined to generate 36 percent of the country’s economic activity last year.

It’s the “haves” vs. the “have nots.”  But Democrats lie like roaches under an oven when it comes to who the “have nots” actually are.

When you are in control of the nation’s ports – where everything related to commerce flows to and from – and when you get to control the media culture and the entertainment culture and the academic culture, well, you end up with what Democrats who use this term to apply to white vs. black racism as “an unequal power relation.”  Only the actual “unequal power relation” is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what Democrats falsely claim that it is.  We have almost nothing; they have nearly everything.  But because Democrats are bitter, butthurt people, “nearly everything” is not nearly enough.  They have to have it all; and they have to scream down or shut down or slander anyone or anything that gets in their fascist path.

So you take the ports: the Port of San Diego, the Port of Long Beach, the Port of Los Angeles, the Port of San Francisco, the Port of Oakland, and realize that ALL of these cities are today screaming leftist and you ask, “Did progressive liberalism and frankly socialism build these damn ports?”  And the answer is NO.  Not in ANY way, ANY shape or ANY form.  Rather they usurped control by promising wealth transfers to buy votes.  And when you have a massive guaranteed income such as ports or hi-tech centers (which they also control) and greedy Wall Street hedge funds (which they also control lock, stock and barrel contrary to what they always dishonestly claim) provide, literally more guaranteed wealth than a gold mine or diamond mine, it is easy to get corrupted and literally crazy because you can afford to do incredibly stupid things when you inherited filthy richness.

The Democrat Party is like Howard Hughes: absolute, raving nutjobs, but filthy rich enough to get away with sheer insanity that would have had anyone else buckled into a straitjacket and hauled off to a life in a rubber room.

Democrats control vast amounts of wealth for the very simple reason that they have an electoral stranglehold on the wealthiest port cities in America which they obtained through naked political bribery (vote for us and we’ll give you welfare for life and preferential treatment over other citizens and groups who don’t vote the way we want them to).

Our ports.  Our major cities that Democrats have won and turned into hellholes by being able to bus thousands of people whom they bribe to vote.  Our entertainment system.  Our “news.”  Our academic system where a disastrous thing called “tenure” and “unions” turned education into a politicized weapon.

When you look at education, realize that “education” was almost ENTIRELY CHRISTIAN in the United States of America when it was formed because true education depends on the recognition that we are Imago Dei.  Of the first 108 universities founded in America, 106 of them were established as profoundly and fundamentally “Christian Institutions.”  This is simply a documented fact of history.  In fact, the “university system” in GENERAL across planet earth was the result of Christianity and Christian foundations (see here and here and here).  Charlemagne turned to the Church as the ONLY POSSIBLE SOURCE for a higher education system capable of producing a body of educated people.  The very word for “university” was coined by Christian monks.  As an aside, the religion that secular humanist leftists so despise was the singular source of hospitals as well.  But continuing with education, when you read and understand the history of how our “public schools”, only then can you begin to understand the powerfully critical and essential role that Christians and Christianity played in our public education system for children.  And yet today, our learning centers that literally owe their existence to Christianity today try to totally shut out any mention of Jesus Christ or any sign of His values and priorities.  They got their foots in the door, used false promises and assurances to get Christians out, and then dishonestly and even viciously proceeded to slam the door shut in Christians’ faces.

How about the news media?  What do you say when you find out that 96 percent of “journalists'” campaign donations went to Hillary Clinton?  How in the hell can any reasonable person conclude that a media that is so biased can possibly be fair to Hillary Clinton’s opponent, Donald Trump???  What does that say about an institution that exists ENTIRELY to be OBJECTIVE???

Popular opinion confirms a leftist media bias (and see here); scientific studies confirm a rampant media bias; examining the actions of newspapers and television outlets confirms a leftist bias;  even cold-blooded computers detect an overwhelming and pervasive leftist media bias.

What is “racism”???  It is “an unequal power relation,” we are told.  And who in fact HAS the unequal power relations???  Why, the people that scream “racist” the most, of course.

And so we get to Meryl Streep’s “powerful Golden Globes Speech” and start laughing hysterically at the sheer appallingly dishonest butthurt hypocrisy.

She begins:

Thank you, Hollywood foreign press. Just to pick up on what Hugh Laurie said. You and all of us in this room, really, belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now.

Sorry, you dishonest peddler of victimhood, but no.  That’s not true.  It’s the people who voted for Donald Trump who are “the most vilified segment in American society right now,” as your own damn stupid speech confirms.

Remember Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables?”  All Meryl Streep does is steal the label and make it sound like Trump said it rather than the other way around.

She continues:

“Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick ’em all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.”

Well, first of all, when you look at football and the mixed martial arts’ ratings, you can see why Meryl Streep is so damn jealous: because they BURY your garbage, Hollywood.  And it’s always beyond unreal how dishonest the left is in its slander: because, yeah, right, Donald Trump said he was going to throw out every single outsider and every single foreigner.  This is called “fake news.”

It’s always funny to hear leftist Hollywood movie stars lecture us about guns and violence.  Just watch their stupid movies and see how many guns and how much violence there is and you’ll get my point.  mixed martial arts are not the arts, Meryl Streep smarmily decrees; but the movies that make all the damn money in Hollywood that glorify the violence that Streep looks down upon ARE “the arts.”

Please pardon me for putting this so crassly, but it’s kind of like saying if a chimpanzee made a great big giant bowel movement all over the zoo exhibit, it wouldn’t be “art”; but if a Hollywood makeup artist took that same great big giant bowel movement and smashed it onto Meryl Streep’s sanctimonious Hollywood face, well then it WOULD be “art,” because Meryl Streep is an “artist,” and she wears such things so very “artistically.”

Gun violence in Hollywood movies has more than TRIPLED since 1985; and even more hilariously hypocritically after one of the mass shootings we’ve had:

Like clockwork, before anyone had time digest the horror of the latest mass shooting, the left started finger-pointing and demanding more gun control – whether it would have prevented the crime or not. From President Obama on down, they immediately began railing against the NRA and gun owners.
Not surprisingly, entertainment industry liberals were among the most vocal. That also made them among the most hypocritical. TV, movies and music videos thrive portraying – and often glamorizing – violence, and gun violence in particular. And while actors were demanding gun control, the top 10 movies in theaters this past weekend were awash in violence – 334 separate violent acts, 121 of them involving guns. The on-screen body count was 39 dead out of 142 victims.

If we lived in the world of Hollywood liberalism, A HELLUVA LOT MORE PEOPLE WOULD DIE.  And die killed by GUNS, no less.

And that is a true, genuine fact of leftism in general.  Leftists are mass murderers.  Always have been, always will be.

Please don’t let their self-righteous, sanctimonious garbage fool you to the contrary.

Streep pats her industry on the back:

I was born and raised and created in the public schools of New Jersey. Viola [Davis] was born in a sharecropper’s cabin in South Carolina, and grew up in Central Falls, Rhode Island. Sarah Paulson was raised by a single mom in Brooklyn. Sarah Jessica Parker was one of seven or eight kids from Ohio. Amy Adams was born in Italy. Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem. Where are their birth certificates? And the beautiful Ruth Negga was born in Ethiopia, raised in — no, in Ireland, I do believe. And she’s here nominated for playing a small town girl from Virginia. Ryan Gosling, like all the nicest people, is Canadian. And Dev Patel was born in Kenya, raised in London, is here for playing an Indian raised in Tasmania.

I just want you to realize that her great big giant pack on her sanctimonious back came following the disaster at the last year’s Oscars, which was described as “#OscarsSoWhite.”

I wonder why that is:


Oh, that was all the nominees for awards?  I mean, they’re all… they’re all… so WHITE.  And to talk about Meryl Streep’s blabbering, they’re from places like Whiteyland, Whiteville, Whitesburgh and Whitetown.

And by the left’s own understanding, Meryl Streep is nothing more than a privileged elitist white racist.

Chris Rock pointed out: “You realize if they nominated hosts, I wouldn’t even get this job!”  He said, “It’s the 88th Academy Awards which means this whole no black nominees thing has happened at least 71 other times.”  He called the Academy Awards “the white people’s choice awards.”

Just ask Meryl Streep how many black people’s Oscars she’s stolen in her white privileged career and that will shut her up real quick.

And so we get to the heart of Meryl Streep’s hypocrite hitjob:

There was one performance this year that stunned me. It sank its hooks in my heart. Not because it was good. There was nothing good about it. But it was effective and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back. It kind of broke my heart when I saw it. I still can’t get it out of my head because it wasn’t in a movie. It was real life.
And this instinct to humiliate, when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life, because it kind of gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. When the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.

Meryl Streep, one who personally knows a great damn DEAL about how to outrank most others in privilege, power and the capacity to fight back, is pretending there is no such thing as “the Casting Couch” where women who want a shot to put out a movie have to first put out in far more demeaning ways.

How many times have Hollywood liberals mocked and derided me and my evangelical Christian and conservative values???  Did Donald Trump mock a lousy, biased reporter in a manner that included his disability?  Probably, but for the record quite possibly NOT.  Also for the record, I personally am – due to my military service – significantly and permanently disabled.  And I don’t like being mocked for my disabilities or for anything else, but I’m mature enough to know that when you put yourself in the spotlight in a way hostile to someone else, you make yourself a target and enemy targets receive incoming fire as a matter of course.  Trump did other things (such as attack John McCain not as an unreliable, untrustworthy pseudo-ally – which he is – but as someone who doesn’t deserve “war-hero” status because he was shot out of the sky and terribly wounded and captured such that he rotted in one of the worst hells on earth for six years) that I didn’t like.  But I’ll tell you what: Hypocrite Hollywood has NO RIGHT to lecture ANYBODY for ANYTHING.

Meryl Streep is speaking on behalf of an industry that has ROUTINELY suppressed conservative actors from having any voice at the very risk of their careers.  Because as much as the left loves to demonize Republicans for McCarthyism, IT WAS DEMOCRATS WHO RAN WASHINGTON DURING THE MCCARTHY ERA AND IT IS HOLLYWOOD LIBERALS WHO ARE BLACKLISTING CONSERVATIVE ACTORS TODAY.  Joseph McCarthy himself was a Democrat nearly as long as he was a Republican.

Major celebrity performers are backing out of the Trump inauguration due to backlash and intimidation from leftistsTrump literally cannot book celebrities for his inauguration because Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general are Stalinist bastions.  Can you imagine that happening to Obama???  Can you imagine the unbridled HELL the news media would have showered down on the hateful, treasonous, in-American and anti-American attitude such despicable refusal to honor an American president as they would have surely depicted it and would have surely framed it had the president elect been Hillary Clinton???

It’s the same thing over and over again: how often did CNN – or Fox News for that matter – get into argumentative shouting matches with Barack Obama as president elect???  How often was Obama so profoundly disrespected???  The CNN reporter Jim Acosta later said he was being “politely demanding,” which is an oxymoron.  To wit: “I politely raped her.”  No, I RUDELY raped her and am merely too damn dishonest to state what I did accurately.  But I challenge you to show me footage of the press acting that way toward Obama especially before he took office but even afterward.

But it’s always okay when leftists do what they say is so evil for anyone else to do.  That is how they are because to be a leftist is to be a pathological hypocrite.


And where’s MY power when these people attack me and attack my values?  Where’s MY power to fight back when they have such a giant microphone?

When Democrats – particularly the minorities that Meryl Streep says are the most underprivileged of all – were routinely hatefully physically attacking Donald Trump supporters for the crime of participating in a rally or their candidate of choice, where was Meryl Streep to denounce the rabid hate that IS the Democratic Party?

When it was proven that in fact the vicious rodent thug that had organized these vicious physical attacks against Trump events was in fact working for the Hillary Clinton campaign and had visited Obama’s White House 342 times and had visited Obama personally, where was Meryl Streep to stand up for the little people who were victims of the terrible acts of Nazi brutality coming from her candidate and her party???

And when these Hollywood liberals attack, they do so with the same smarmy hypocrisy that they do when they screech about “climate change” and then get on carbon-spewing private jets that put out more global warming gasses in a single minute than I’ll put out in a year.

What you’re doing is evil, these Hollywood leftists keep screaming at us: and if we make millions of dollars doing the thing we say is so evil on movie screens and then do the very thing we say is so evil in our personal lives, no big deal.

How many Democrat Hollywood stars suffered for performing or attending Obama’s inauguration?  Zero.  But that aint true when it comes to Meryl Streep’s fellow Hollywood fascists when it comes to celebrities at Trump’s inauguration.

Just imagine if Republicans had planned an alternative event to the Obama inauguration.  But that’s what Hollywood Democrat celebrities are doing as they plan an event to upstage Trump’s.  It is a star-studded “We the Butthurt” concert.  And Meryl and all of her friends are going to be there to refuse to support the President of the United States and actively organize against this country and its system of government and its Constitution.  At no time did Republicans ever even come CLOSE to this kind of rabid hate against Obama.  There was a time when we legitimately called such behavior “treason.

Wages didn’t go up under Obama; they went down.  The gap between rich and poor, black and white under Obama got WORSE and in fact worse than under any under single president compared to his predecessor in history.  Obama loves to tell us drivel about how he’s been so wonderful for the economy and how he saved us from the Great Depression.  Bullcrap: this country is worse off between the richest and the poorest due to Obama’s failed policies since it was BEFORE the Great Depression!  How many people do you know that are at least 89 years old?  Because 89 years is how far back you have to go to find somebody who was even ALIVE during a worse damn presidency.

Democrats – and MOST ESPECIALLY DEMOCRATS LIKE MERYL STREEP – have the giant share of the wealth in this country and have frankly gone insane with it because they simply have no connection or contact whatsoever with the real, actual world that the rest of America lives in.  They have dictatorial, Stalinist, fascist control of the “news” industry – again, with NINETY-SIX PERCENT of journalists’ political contributions being FOR Hillary Clinton and AGAINST Donald Trump.  And this is an industry that has intentionally been fabricated into a rabidly biased and unfair unelected political body that literally betrays and undermines the very Constitution that enshrines it in the first place.  And then an Obama appeals for the public not to reject “facts.”  WHOSE FACTS???  The “facts” of the world’s most biased industry???

Obama in his Good Riddance Address said of the media:

And increasingly we become so secure in our bubbles that we start accepting only information, whether it’s true or not, that fits our opinions, instead of basing our opinions on the evidence that is out there.
And this trend represents a third threat to our democracy. Look, politics is a battle of ideas. That’s how our democracy was designed. In the course of a healthy debate, we prioritize different goals, and the different means of reaching them. But without some common baseline of facts, without a willingness to admit new information and concede that your opponent might be making a fair point, and that science and reason matter, then we’re going to keep talking past each other.

And who the hell’s FAULT is that???  When an industry can be so overwhelmingly proven to be so rabidly biased and dishonest as a political arm for Obama’s party???

In the same way, our public school and university systems have been hijacked and used and abused in a flagrantly partisan manner where institutionalized rabid political bias become “scientific facts.”  And the same dishonest, rabidly biased media I described above selectively reports these so-called “facts” in a rabidly biased manner.  Take for example the whole “global warming”-“climate change” fiasco is a dishonest case in point: Dr. Judith Curry just resigned as a professor at Georgia Tech citing literal insane bias against ANY legitimate science or questions with the bogus “consensus” model of man-blamed global warming the left is rabidly determined to maintain.  But what the hell: the rabidly dishonestly biased pseudo-scientists as reported in the rabidly dishonestly biased mainstream media have a “consensus” that the leftists who are politically exploiting that pseudo-consensus insist we all bow down to.

I MOCK the media that refused to report the scientific findings of scientists they identified as “climate change deniers” but were all to willing to bathe in the “unsubstantiated reports”unsubstantiated reports that were not only unverified but UNVERIFIABLE – that were generated by hostile and prejudiced opposition research and which are already documented to contain numerous clear factual errors.  Just as I MOCK the pro-climate change “scientists” who literally resort to Stalinist tactics and even freaking DEATH THREATS in “response” to legitimate science.

What I am pointing out – and I think have conclusively demonstrated – is that the left that has in Stalinist manner usurped everything and maintains that usurpation in a profoundly intolerant manner to anyone who has any fact or any question that might undermine them, are amazingly depicting themselves as the oppressed underclass.  It is such an amazing act of chutzpah it is beyond unreal.



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4 Responses to “Trump And Average American People Versus Meryl Streep And Hypocrite Hollywood”

  1. dog walker Says:

    Isn’t she supposed to be moving to Canada and taking a vow of silence and chastity? Maybe I am confusing her with somebody else?

  2. dog walker Says:

    Get your paid protestors here. Note the clause pertaining to deniability.

  3. Michael Eden Says:

    Thank you, dog walker.

    I would like to order a dozen paid protestors. Oh, and two hot dogs, please.

  4. Michael Eden Says:

    I’d show up and help her haul her crap into the moving van.

    I wouldn’t be very gentle with it, but I’d toss it down the stairs of her mansion.

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