Archive for December, 2012

Why The Left Will Never Understand Reality. In One Bible Verse.

December 31, 2012

My mother loves the Word of God and has always loved the Word of God, which is why she is the greatest hero of my life.  As a result of that love, she has several “verse a day” calendars in her home that she views every day.  And having heard me describe the moral stupidity and blindness of the left, she made sure I knew about the verse for December 28 (the day I wrote this):

This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it–the LORD is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you
do not know.’ — Jeremiah 33:2-3

This ties into something I have said again and again and again:

I believe – along with orthodox Christian theology – that man’s nature has been corrupted and we cannot understand truth or reality on our own.  And that the ONLY way we can so comprehend truth and reality is to see the world as God sees it; which is to say see the world through God’s Word.  But liberals despise the Word of God and have tried to replace it with every theory and ideology under the sun.  And the result is that liberal man is stupid; further, he is stupid by sheer brute force of will – he is determined to be stupid.  And the more intelligent the liberal is, the more stupid he becomes – because he is able to even further commit himself to failed liberal ideologies and theories than less intellectual liberals who must still at least partly base their worldviews on common sense because they can’t fully comprehend Marxism or other failed progressive socialist theories.


I too often use the word “stupid” to describe the left.

When I do so, I am not referring to their IQs, their level of education or anything of the sort.  Rather, I am referring to their worldview and what their worldview has done to their ability to comprehend reality.

Understanding the world as it really is boils down to being able to see – at least in part and to a certain degree given our finiteness – the world as God sees it.  The Bible – the Word of God – is the lens that enables us to be able to do that.

Liberals as a whole reject that Book just as they reject the Judeo-Christian worldview that is based on what that Book teaches.

Instead of perceiving Truth, liberals turn to a world of theories such as Marxism (which is fundamentally hostile to the Christian world view).  And as such, they cannot even possibly see or understand the world as it actually is.

They literally make themselves stupid by sheer brute force of will.  They take the image of God that God bequeathed every human being with (it’s something that babies in the womb have, btw) and they piss it away.

That’s how I see the blinders that you describe.  And they are blinding indeed.


I’ve had a couple of insights on the nature of “intelligence.”

1) is that real “intelligence” is the ability to perceive and understand the nature of the actual world.  Ultimately, that is the world as God sees it.  But liberals do not want to see the world as God sees it; and in fact they hate the world as God sees it.  We can begin to see the world as God sees it by reading His Word and believing it; but liberals refuse to do that.  Rather, they live in a world of theories, such as Marxism, or existentialism.  They cannot see the world as it actually is, and they literally end up willing themselves to be stupid by sheer brute force of will regardless of their intelligence quotient.

2) Evil is the ultimate form of stupidity.  And again, it is irrelevant how “intelligent” one is.  Take Lucifer/Satan: he is a super-intelligent being, but in his evil self-will he is determined to try to supplant God (His creator).  His wisdom is far greater than any human being’s, on the measure of intellect.  But in the end, and in the measure of ultimate reality, he is truly stupid.  His perverted will and desire made him stupid.

That’s why a dumb Forest Gump is a hell of a lot smarter than a brilliant liberal.

Liberals love to sneeringly think of themselves as “smart.”  Atheists started calling themselves “brights” as a means of letting us know how intellectually superior they are to everyone else.

The reality is quite the opposite; simply because liberals have inoculated themselves against ever being able to perceive reality.


This in response to your 2/27 comment.

I have always tried to provide links to what I claim.  And even give at least a good chunk of articles for posterity – given that papers like the New York Times have a strange way of purging stories that lead to conclusions liberals don’t like.

But I don’t write to persuade liberals.  Frankly, I don’t think liberals can be reasoned with; they live in their own little self-constructed realities.

On my view, those who do not truly believe in God cannot even possibly see or understand reality as it is.  Such people fabricate their own theories of the world (such as Marxism), and literally use their intelligence to rationalize away the truth in order to “explain” their distorted view of reality.  Only God understands reality as it really is.  And only those who see the world and understand reality through the prism of God’s Word to us can possibly understand the world both as it is and as it ought to be.

J. Vernon McGee put it thus: “Now, you might have a better plan than God.  But what you DON’T have is your own universe.”  Romans 1 is a great chapter that explains that there is a giant group of people who don’t see the truth because they don’t WANT to see the truth.  And so they exchange the truth for a lie.

G.K. Chesterton said, “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing — they believe in anything.”  Once you rule out the truth, you open yourself up to increasingly ridiculous lies.  It’s as simple as that.  Self-deception becomes like a cancer that eats away more and more of what little truth you ever had to begin with.

Liberals become idiots by sheer brute force of will.  They won’t see the world God’s way.  So they construct alternate realities for themselves, and buy each others’ garbage views of the world.

The Bible, as usual, gets it right.  Look up Romans 1:18, 1:22, Psalm 52:3, Proverbs 8:36, Micah 3:2, 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 Timothy 4:2 and 2 Timothy 4:3-4 to see the self-imposed blindness of these people.

I want to reach those who are capable of being reached – the independents who haven’t committed their minds to oppose God and His ways.  I want to reach those people who CAN be persuaded with facts.  And just as important, I want


Orwell said that some ideas are so foolish that only an “intellectual” could believe them, for no ordinary man could be such a fool.  And the record of history proves him correct.  20th century intellectuals were especially appalling in this regard.  Every mass-murdering psychopathic dictator had widespread support among the “intellectual” class.  Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler all had their admiring sycophants among the Western intelligentsia.

I have often said that some of (most of?) our most educated people are true moral idiots.  They refuse to view the world through the prism of God and His Word, and instead view the world through their perverted theories.  The result is that they cannot even possibly see the world as it really is (i.e., as God sees reality).  And they end up becoming profoundly stupid people through brute force of will.

Nazi Germany was the most advanced nation of the world – and yet it was the most morally stupid culture that ever existed.  This sophisticated, advanced, scientific culture warped and degraded themselves into the most murderous of barbarians never once realizing how profoundly stupid they had become.

Paul put it well: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”


I don’t believe Obama is capable of “teachable moments” myself.

Obama’s worldview is a bunch of “-isms” such as Marxism and socialism and fascism and racism, etc.

The only way to experience truth is to experience it through Jesus Christ and His Word or to at least have a Judeo-Christian worldview.

Obama most certainly does not.  He has radically rejected Christianity while falsely calling his blasphemy “Christian” as though Jesus would have blessed abortion and literally championed the murder of the Son of God in an unwed teenage mother’s womb.  While he has called for an end to marriage that marks the official end of any scintilla of “Christendom” in Western Civilization.

When you think like Obama, you force yourself to be a moral and ultimately an intellectual fool through sheer brute force of will.  You can not see the truth because you WILL not see the truth.

These are just a few examples pointing out how many times I’ve said that the stupidity of the left isn’t intellectual; it’s moral.  These are truly stupid people because they hate God and hate His ways and WILL NOT seek truth from Him.  And the result is that they are the most demonically stupid leaders of the last generation before the beast comes and big-government-worshiping liberals take his mark and worship him.

Mother Teresa, who understood the full horror of poverty more than all the liberals in the world combined, nevertheless the true enemy of peace:

“But I feel that the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a war against the child – a direct killing of the innocent child – murder by the mother herself. And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?” — Mother Teresa

Every single Democrat – and that means YOU, Democrat – have directly participated in the holocaust-murder of 55 million innocent human beings.  And even eternity in hell will not last long enough for the left to pay for their moral crimes against humanity.

What does the counsel of God that liberals love to despise say about unborn human beings?

“For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.  I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.  My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.” — Psalm 139:13-16

What was it that God sent an archangel to tell Mary?

But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God.  You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.

Liberals have violently and viciously rejected the truest and deepest meaning of Christmas and the Christ who came.  Because what was in Mary’s womb was NOT a nonhuman lump of goop; it was a Child.  And the Child was not a curse to be exterminated, but a blessing to nurture and love.  And liberals have brutally tried to murder that spirit ever since.  And hell will be their reward.

Let me simply come out and state it as a fact: if the Virgin Mary were a young American teenage girl today, the Democrat Party would have encouraged her to have an abortion and thus murder the Savior of the world.

John MacArthur points out the fact that the agenda of the Democrat Party is the agenda of Romans chapter one.  Because the Democrat Party is the party of homosexual perversion and the party of the damnation of God.

Democrats are the most morally stupid people on the face of the entire earth.  Because they grew up in the nation that most allowed and most cherished the Word of God.  And they are the people who have most turned their backs on the truth that God would have given them had they but turned for one moment to Him.

We are surrounded by the colossal stupidity of Democrats at every level today.

We are seeing a categorical rejection of God and His ways as Democrats impose the way of their god, Satan, and seek to ultimately impose their false messiah, the Antichrist, and the curse of his big government upon the world.

Don’t be discouraged.  Don’t become frustrated that they can’t see the blindingly obvious.  How do you expect baby murderers and depraved perverts to possibly understand economic realities???  What can these people understand when they look at a pregnant mother and can’t realize that there’s a baby in her womb?  They can’t even understand the most basic of moral truths; everything else is as rocket science to a cockroach with them.

The Scripture tells us:

“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” — 2 Corinthians 4:4

These are blind people who have blindly imposed the destiny of their god on the world and on America.  And it’s not like the Bible isn’t filled with warnings about the stupidity and evil that will characterize the last days.

And as a result:

“Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of these teachers, the way of truth will be slandered.  In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God
condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed.” — 2 Peter 2:2-3 NLT

I believe that America has crossed the threshold of God’s judgment.  We are going to go down hard and we’re not going to get up.  And I believe that that will happen whether or not we go off the damn fiscal cliff.

I am now carrying a different message: don’t look to Republican victories in 2014 or 2016; it is too late to save America and neither politics nor politicians ever COULD save America.

Don’t look to America; for it will be burned up.  Look instead to the Kingdom of Heaven and store up your treasures in the new heavens and the new earth that God will create for His people.

Democrats are the enemies of Jesus Christ.  But Jesus told us to love His enemies even as He loved His enemies.  Which is only possible to do through true faith in Him.

My anger over the sheer pathetic stupidity as we rush to welcome the beast and worship him and take his mark isn’t gone; but I rejoice to say it is going away.  If I have one new year’s resolution it is to put anger and vengeance aside and realize that God is telling His people that the last days are at hand and that God will allow the beast to come so He can defeat the evil, the devil and His Antichrist once for all.

After Mocking And Slandering John Boehner Over His Failed House Vote, Senate Democrats’ Pathetic Debacle Takes America To Brink Of Fiscal Cliff

December 31, 2012

It couldn’t have happened to a more demon-possessed guy.

Remember just a few days ago, how gleeful Democrats were over John Boehner – who was it should be pointed out merely trying to get something the hell PASSED in the midst of the mean ugly drunk mother of all bureaucrtic debacles in all of history – was unable to get a majority vote on his “plan B” proposal?  With Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid leading the jeering section:

Let me remind you:

“John Boehner seems to care more about keeping his speakership than about keeping the nation on firm financial footing,” Reid said during a fiery address from the Senate floor. “It’s obvious, Mr. President, what’s going on around here. He’s waiting until Jan. 3 to get re-elected as speaker before he gets serious with negotiations because he has so many people over there that won’t follow what he wants. That’s obvious from the debacle that took place last week. And it was a debacle.”

Reid was referring to Boehner’s decision last week to call off a vote on his so-called “Plan B” in what was an embarrassing admission by the House Speaker that his proposal lacked sufficient support.

That actually happened AFTER Reid slanderously demonized Boehner by calling his House Speakership “a dictatorship.”

“The American people I don’t think understand the House of Representatives is  operating without the House of Representatives,” Reid said.

“It’s being operated by a dictatorship of the Speaker of the House, not  allowing the vast majority of the House of Representatives to get what they  want.”

You need to understand something: Reid is demandinging that the House hold a vote on what he wants them to vote on and the way he wants them to like the GOP is being unfair not to do that. Do you have any idea how many voted-on and passed House bills are sitting in Harry Reid’s Senate without Reid offering them an up or down vote???

Okay, so the man who has utterly failed to so much as even be able to produce a damn BUDGET in going on four freaking years is slandering his ideological enemy.  Classy.

How’s it going over there in the Senate that you Democrats (that’s short for “Demonic Bureaucrats”) own?

Not so good:

Congress Done for the Day, No Deal on ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Yet
Washington, DC
Sunday, December 30, 2012

No deal on the so-called “fiscal cliff” is expected in the Senate tonight. The Senate will be back in session tomorrow morning at 11am ET. The House comes back at 9am ET.

Earlier in the day, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced on the Senate floor that he was waiting for a response from Democrats to a GOP proposal made yesterday. He said he called Vice President Joe Biden to “jump start” the negotiations. “I’m willing to get this done. I need a dance partner.”

In reply, Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) acknowledged Sen. McConnell’s “good faith” effort, but said “I don’t have a counter-offer to make.” Leader Reid said that he was working with the president and that a counter-proposal might be available later in the day. Shortly after words, Sen. Reid indicated that one of the issues holding back a Democratic counter-offer were proposed cuts to social security.

I’m sorry.  I’m not sure I heard that right, Harry Reid, you slandering lying hypocrite.  Tell us one more time how well you – the mocking a-hole who demagogued John Boehner for at least having the balls to call for a damn vote – have done on your side of the aisle:

I have had a number of conversations with the president, and at this stage we’re not able to make a counteroffer. The Republican leader has told me that — and he’s just said here — that he’s working with the vice president, and he and the vice president, I wish them well.

In the meantime, I will continue to try to come up with something. But at this stage, I don’t have a counteroffer to make. Perhaps as the day wears on, I will be able to. I will say this, I think that the Republican leader has shown absolutely good faith. It’s just that we are apart on some pretty big issues.

But Democrats were far too hopelessly fractured to come together to so much as make a counter-offer to the Republicans.  And that refusal to respond to the Republicans attempt to save America from ruin acknowledged after Reid got off the phone with his personal lord and savior Barack Hussein.  Obama doesn’t want a deal: he wants to raise taxes like crazy and actually blame the Republicans for the end to the Bush tax cuts while he’s doing it.  Harry Reid then actually left the Capitol Building for the night – leaving Senate Minority Leader McConnell burning the midnight oil desperately working all by himself to try to come up with something that will save the nation.

We’re 24 hours away from going off the cliff, and the Democrats can’t even get their acts together enough to make a counter offer to keep the talks going.  They want to raise your taxes and gut the military and they’re going to get what they want because this is God damn America and this is what happens in God damn America.  So Harry Reid closes up shop and goes home for the night.  Does the word “debacle” sound about right to describe what just happened in this hypocrites Senate under his dictatorship???

Why couldn’t you make a counter-offer, Harry, you turd?  Was it because you care only about your leadership position, you slandering demagogue hypocrite?  What the hell kind of damned dictatorship are you running in that banana republic of yours, anyway???

It so serves you right, Harry Reid.  And it so serves America right for cursing itself with stinking lumps of fecal matter for leaders such as yourself.  We deserve what is happening.  Our children deserve it.

Unfortunately, Republicans have made concession after concession while the lying Democrat Party has pretty much come up with snake eyes.  Which is fitting, given the fact that without snake eyes Democrats wouldn’t be able to see anything at all.

Meanwhile Obama has provided an example of his “compromise” in the form of the CPI (Chained Consumer Price) index adjustment he claims he’s willing to make.  Here’s the problem: there is absolutely zero way in hell that the Senate Democrats would ever go along with that.  In fact, the negotiations in the Democrat-controlled Senate utterly broke down until the Republicans conceded yet AGAIN by removing their demand for it:

WASHINGTON — Tense “fiscal cliff” negotiations on Capitol Hill Sunday inched forward slightly as Republican senators agreed to take Social Security cuts off their list of immediate demands.

The cut that GOP leaders had proposed — picking up on a now-defunct offer from President Barack Obama — involved basing Social Security cost-of-living adjustments on a chained consumer price index (CPI), which grows more slowly than current measures of inflation and therefore would give seniors less in benefits as time went on.

But Senate Republicans realized in a caucus meeting Sunday afternoon that the idea was a loser for now, even if they might return to it in reaching a larger deal later on.

“CPI has to be off the table because it’s not a winning argument to say benefits for seniors versus tax breaks for rich people,” said Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). “We need to take CPI off the table — that’s not part of the negotiations — because we can’t win an argument that has Social Security for seniors versus taxes for the rich.”

“There’s a realization that in spite of the president’s apparent endorsement of a chained CPI that that proposal deserves more study,” said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine). “My guess, based on what Democrats are saying is that that reform would not happen during this stage of the negotiations.”

A Democratic aide, informed of the reversal from a proposal that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) had offered late Saturday — which included the Social Security cut — took it as a hopeful sign.

“Well, that’s some progress,” said the aide, who was granted anonymity due to the sensitivity of the talks.

Which is another way of saying Obama has offered absolutely no realistic compromise of any kind.  Every single time Obama says that Republicans have to meet him half way, he is an absolute liar without shame, without honor and without decency.  Because this national disgrace-in-chief has offered up absolutely no real compromise that would ever actually see the light of day whatsoever.

Republicans are almost as insane as the Democrats for trying again and again to make concessions hoping to get a deal done with these fascists.

You want the truth?  America is now about $225 trillion in debt.  We are necessarily going to implode.  Children and old people are going to die.  And it is 99.999% the fault of the Democrat Party who cursed America with unsustainable entitlements in the form of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid without ever ONCE in their history being willing to fix the national ruin they guaranteed.

That said, not only do the Democrats demand tax hikes that won’t even pay for nine days of spending at current Obama fiscal insanity; they actually demand MORE spending and MORE debt to hasten our national collapse.  And somehow the Republican Party is immoral for trying to reign in this demonic spending.

This is God damn America under Obama, and God damn America fully deserves to go off the fiscal cliff and any other kind of cliff that we race toward in the determined drive to national suicide that began when Obama was re-elected.

America is now a truly evil nation.  We are an evil people who have wickedly and foolishly chosen evil leaders.  And God has made abundantly clear in His Word that He judges nations for the wickedness of their leaders.

Who will get the blame?  Republicans will.  Not because they deserve it, but because the people who will blame them are a wicked people.

I think back to George W. Bush getting all the blame for the bad economy during a period of time that Nancy Pelosi and Democrats owned the House of Representatives and Harry Reid and the Democrats owned the Senate.  When The Democrats took over in 2006, America was at full employment and America had a deficit of $162 billion.  Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi sure fixed that good.  Yet somehow Bush got all the blame even though Democrats controlled both houses of Congress.  And now that Obama is president and Democrats control the Senate, a stupid and wicked people are going to hypocritically and dishonestly blame Republicans even though they have a fraction of the power and responsibility that Democrats had when America went down in 2008.

I’m just waiting for the Rapture.  I call it the Great Bailout now.  Because Democrats have so completely screwed up America that its collapse is a guaranteed done deal at this point.  And the Antichrist is coming next.

Passing Of A True Hero: Gen. ‘Stormin’ Norman’ Schwarzkopf Dead At 78. It’s Probably Good He Didn’t Live To See What Obama Does To The US Military.

December 28, 2012

A great man died yesterday.  And we’ll probably never see his like again.

Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf died from complications of pneumonia after a long illness at his home in Tampa, where he lived in retirement after refusing to exploit his fame to enter the immoral and treasonous world of politics.

Given the fact that his death coincides with one of the great acts of pathetic stupidity of all of human history – the fiscal cliff – his decision not to contaminate his love for America with the ultimate cynicism that is politics was clearly a wise one.

When you consider how Obama’s fiscal cliff strategy – because, yes, the sequestration that led to this moment was the product of the Obama White House – will have on the United States military, it is probably a good thing that Stormin’ Norman was saved from having to watch Obama gut his beloved military machine:

“Forward” is a great slogan and everything, but the only way Obama is going to take America “forward” is to drive us off the fiscal cliff that was his bright idea to create in the first place (and see here for more because Obama set this disaster up from the very start).  The fact of the matter is that it is a documented fact by one of the great journalists in American history that the idea for sequestration – i.e. the “fiscal cliff” or “taxmageddon” – came from Obama’s chief of staff Jack Lew and Rob Nabors (Obama’s White House Assistant to the President and head of the White House’s Office of Legislative Affairs).  The money quote:

At 2:30 p.m. Lew and Nabors went to the Senate to meet with Reid and his chief of staff, David Krone. ‘We have an idea for the trigger,’ Lew said. ‘What’s the idea?’ Reid asked skeptically. ‘Sequestration.’ Reid bent down and put his head between his knees, almost as if he were going to throw up or was having a heart attack. He sat back up and looked at the ceiling. ‘A couple of weeks ago,’ he said, ‘my staff said to me that there is one more possible’ enforcement mechanism: sequestration. He said he told them, ‘Get the hell out of here. That’s insane. The White House surely will come up with a plan that will save the day. And you come to me with sequestration?’ Well, it could work, Lew and Nabors explained. What would the impact be? They would design it so that half the threatened cuts would be from the Defense Department. ‘I like that,’ Reid said. ‘That’s good. It doesn’t touch Medicaid or Medicare, does it?’ It actually does touch Medicare, they replied. ‘How does it touch Medicare?’ It depends, they said. There’s versions with 2 percent cuts, and there’s versions with 4 percent cuts.” (Bob Woodward, The Price Of Politics, 2012, pp. 326)

So anybody who wants to assert that sequestration originated ANYWHERE other than the Obama White House is a documented liar.  Not that liberals care about being documented liars.

Jack Lew was Obama’s chief of staff and Rob Nabors was Obama’s Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs.  Lew and Nabors were Obama’s roaches who served Obama’s bidding.  And they first negoiated this fiscal cliff deal with Democrat Harry Reid and his roaches before forcing the House Republicans to sign on or be labelled “obstructionists.”  And so, yes, the fiscal cliff was Obama’s dream that he made come true.

And that destruction of the US military will spread through the entire defense industry, with 2 million more jobs about to fall prey to his savage attack against America.

Obama’s own handpicked Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, warned that Obama’s sequestration would forcibly return America to pre-World War II spending levels.  Which was why the Japanese attacked us.  But Obama has already publicly vowed to veto ANY bill that spared the military.

America will never rise to true might again after this blow which will be even greater than the one Schwarzkopf inflicted on the Iraq military machine.  Which is why I’m glad Stormin’ Norman didn’t have to live to see the new year under the grip of the president of God damn America.

Norman Schwarzkopf was a man who was literally born to serve his nation at the ultimate moment.  He grew up in Iran (his father went there to train Iran’s national police force and served as an adviser to the young Shah, Reza Pahlavi).  And he had the insight to understand that his destiny was tied to that turbulent and violent region.  He had his choice of commands – and many of his alternative possibilities looked better on paper at the time – but he wanted and got the U.S. Central Command – which was responsible for the Middle East.

Gen. Schwarzkopf was a man of vision: he wargamed out the EXACT scenario that in fact took place, as Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait out of lust for that small nation’s wealth and oil resources.

Because of General Schwarzkopf, America did not have to scramble; the commanding general was ready to go the moment Saddam’s thugs violated Kuwait’s borders.

People don’t remember how huge his 100 hour land war truly was.  Liberals, ever wrong, predicted a blood bath as Saddam Hussein prepared for World War One-style trench warfare and promised “the mother of all battles” and his desire to inflict massive casualties on the American-led coalition.  Stormin’ Norman had other plans, and delivered the military equivalent of a vicious punch right to the nose of Saddam’s military – which at that time was the fourth largest military power in the world and which was armed to the teeth with Soviet weaponry.  No one short of God knows how many American and coalition lives Schwarzkopf spared due to his strategic and tactical brilliance.

Schwarzkopf’s character and courage marks a stark contrast with the leaders that mark God damn America today.  And I honor this great man and celebrate his great victory back when the Late Great USA could actually win a damn war.

I can’t take away your loss and grief, Schwarzkopf family.  But I can remind you that your pain ought to be accompanied by a feeling of great pride for a great man.

Second Victim Pushed To Death Under Train This Month. We Must Crimalize All Trains NOW! Oh, We Only Treat Guns That Way???

December 28, 2012

I know the left has been pushing trains as a “green” form of transportation, but trains kill people and clearly they’re another thing that’s just too dangerous for society to be allowed to have.

December 27, 2012
Man Is Pushed to His Death Under Train in Queens

A young woman pushed a man to his death under an oncoming train at the 40th Street-Lowery Street subway station in Queens on Thursday evening, law enforcement authorities said.

The woman walked behind the man along the platform, mumbling to herself, witnesses told the police, before shoving him into the path of a northbound No. 7 train just after 8 p.m. Witnesses said the victim did not appear to notice her. The woman, whom the police described as Hispanic, in her early 20s and heavyset, fled and was being sought by all police officers in the area.

She was wearing a blue, white and gray ski jacket, the police said, and gray Nike sneakers. The man, who had not been identified, remained underneath the subway train late Thursday evening, spokesmen for the Police and Fire Departments said.

It is the second time this month that a man has been killed after being pushed onto the subway tracks. Ki-Suck Han, 58, of Elmhurst, Queens, died under the Q train at the 49th Street and Seventh Avenue station in early December. Naeem Davis, 30, has been charged with second-degree murder in that case. A lawyer for Mr. Davis said that his client had been trying to push Mr. Han away after an altercation.

If liberals were honest, they’d say, “Of course guns don’t kill people; that’s asinine and anybody who thinks anything that stupid is asinine.  People kill people with pretty much whatever is convenient – including the damn oncoming train.  And of course the Constitution clearly guarantees that no cockroach shall infringe upon your individual right as a citizen to keep and bear your guns.  You’ve got to be a complete dumbass to try to argue otherwise.  And we need to come to an agreement on those two facts as a nation so we can come together and maintain our constitutional freedoms while doing something to keep dangerous weapons of ANY kind out of the hands of psychos.”

But they’re not honest.  So we have the political equivalent of World War I-style trench warfare on guns and pretty much everything else.

So let’s apply their “logic” and start banning all passenger trains because they can be used by psychopaths to commit murders.  Starting with Amtrack and the New York subway system.

Oh, we might start banning racial minorities, too.  The first “train-waving murderer” was a black man and the second one was Hispanic.  The same argument used to demonize guns actually works equally well with both of these groups, too.  And if you talk about the Nazis – which stood for “National Socialist German Workers Party” (hint: which party is the “National Socialist American Workers Party” again????) – let’s remember they did both and first took away all the guns and then rounded up all the Jews who suddenly discovered they were absolutely defenseless.

Yesterday the Democrat governor of New York (Cuomo) used the word “confiscate” to describe his position on guns.

You want to know what true liberals have had to say about guns?

Regarding disarming a nation as the Democrat Party wants to do:

Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.” – Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi, Autobiography, page 446

Regarding the individual right to defend yourself against violence with a gun:

If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.” – Dalai Lama, Seattle, May 15th, 2001

I suppose you can pardon their attitudes as two great men who spent their lives watching an oppressive force systemically crush their people after said oppressive force took their guns away from them.

Here’s a third for the heck of it:

“As we have seen, the first public expression of disenchantment with nonviolence arose around the question of “self-defense.” In a sense this is a false issue, for the right to defend one’s home and one’s person when attacked has been guaranteed through the ages by common law.” – “Where Do We Go From Here:Chaos or Community?” by MLK Jr.

Said Dr. King, registered gun owner and registered Republican in addition to being a man who would have had his address published for public shame as if he were some kind of criminal if he’d lived in New York this week.  That of course was back in those good old days when “the right to defend one’s home and one’s person when attacked was guaranteed through the ages by common law.”  Goof times, those ages past.  Missing them already since Obama fundamentally transformed America.

Oh, that’s right.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was another one of those guys who took about a hundred beatings too many from an oppressive system that had the guns to go along with all the other force it had.

True liberals understand that the society that comes after your guns is going to be able to come after you and you won’t be able to do a damn thing about it when they do.

Which is to say that  Gov. Andrew Cuomo – who has the virtue only of being more honest about his intentions than Obama is – is a fascist rather than any true liberal in any historically accurate sense of the term.

The Worst Christmas Shopping Season Since 2008 As Obama Absolutely Fails To Lead.

December 27, 2012

The most criminally irresponsible Senate (which just happens to have been controlled by Democrats the entire time) has not passed a budget since April 23, 2009.  That’s 1,338 days, which is edging up to the four year mark since the Democrats in the United States Senate fulfilled their constitutionally mandated duty.  That’s nearly the entire Obama presidency up to this point.  The most fundamental obligation of any legislative body is to pass a budget.  But Democrats couldn’t care less about the Constituton or their basic duty; a budget would expose them for the liars they are.  Democrats will accept ZERO responsibility for their demon-possessed spending and will not allow ANY reduction in spending as America sails into bankruptcy.  Has anyone on the left ever thought that the insane and evil Democrats have caused the impending economic disaster by being determined to spend America into bankruptcy without even providing a damn budget while they do so???

For the record, Obama will have amassed a staggering $20 trillion debt by the time he leaves office in 2016.

Along with the huge tax increase of the Obama Tax Hikes (cf. the Bush tax cut) involved with the fiscal cliff are the biggest tax increase on the middle class in history in the form of ObamaCare.

And Republicans are crazy enough to try to stand in his way of exploding America so badly that no one will never find most of the pieces, let alone put the U.S.A. back together again.

The worst Christmas shopping season since 2008, that’s what we just had right after the hope and the hype of re-electing false messiah Obama:

Gauges of Christmas sales range from dismal to so-so. One group that tracks  shoppers said it was the worst showing since the bleak Christmas of 2008, when  the country was in the midst of a historic financial crisis. MasterCard’s  SpendingPulse, which tracked sales from Oct. 28 to Dec. 24, said sales grew by  only 0.7 percent over last year, but other trackers reported somewhat higher  numbers.

The poor ending to the shopping season forced economists to lower their  estimates for sales gains from the solid 3 percent to 4 percent range originally  forecast. ShopperTrak is expecting a 2.5 percent increase in November and  December sales, down from an earlier forecast of 3.3 percent. The International  Council of Shopping Centers said growth during the final week before Christmas  was only 0.7 percent, but it is sticking to its forecast of 3 percent for the  whole season.

“What could have been a merry Christmas is going to turn to a ho-hum  Christmas, and we can thank our, you know, politicians for getting in the middle  of it all,” NPD Group analyst Marshal Cohen said. “This great unknown puts a big  damper on the consumer feeling confident to go out and spend more.”

Some analysts also blamed the Newtown, Conn., school shootings just days  before Christmas for dampening appetites for spending.

“The Newtown massacre, psychologically I think, spread through the country,”  said Robin Lewis, a New York-based retail consultant. “This event was not  isolated in the Northeast. It slammed the consumer with a lot of sobriety and  made us think about what is happening in this world we live in, particularly  around the holidays, when things are supposed to be wonderful and peaceful.”

Consumer sentiment plunged this month after hitting four-year highs in  November. Analysts blamed growing public apprehension about the fiscal cliff and  the partisan standoff in Washington. […]

Further damage could come during the week after Christmas, which is also a major time for shopping as many consumers go to malls and redeem gift cards. President Obama is returning to Washington Thursday from a Hawaii vacation to restart negotiations, but there is no accord in sight or signs of a breakthrough.

Right after false-messiah Obama was re-elected, America saw it’s worst post-election market dump in generations as the people who make business work pretty much bailed.  As I reported along with the articles that backed the facts up:

Businesses and investors told America what they thought of their idiotic choice for president yesterday with the biggest market plunge in a year the day after Obama was reelected.

The Dow dropped 313 points, or 2.4% of its total value on the trading day immediately following the Obama reelection.

Interestingly, Obama has two of the five worst market plunges on the day after a presidential election, and you’ve got to go back to the 1930s and 1940s to see worse market disasters…

That was because the smart money immediately recognized that the re-election of Obama meant that America just voted to go off the fiscal cliff as the demagogue-in-chief will continue trying to demonize and slander his way to a more divided America so a cynical false messiah can pick up a few more political pawns out of what is left of this nation:

NEW YORK — Stocks ended sharply lower Wednesday, one day after the re-election of President Obama. The Dow Jones industrial average closed down about 313 points, or 2.4%.

Investor reaction is decidedly negative over the defeat of the more business-friendly Mitt Romney and the continued gridlock in Congress that makes it tough for lawmakers to avert a fiscal policy crisis by year-end.

These businessmen also aren’t so stupid as to believe the outright dishonest propaganda being masqueraded as “news.”  They know that Obama’s own White House devised the fiscal cliff deal and that Obama wants to take America off it.

Many merchants depend on Christmas for 40% of their annual profits.  So this is going to be a “God damn America” that keeps on damning because some of these water-treading merchants just went down with their businesses.

Do you know what would have happened if we had had an actual leader?  He would have looked at the Democrat Senate and the Republic House and he would have staked out the center and dragged both sides to an agreement.  Because that is what would have been for the good of the nation.  Instead Obama is actually farther to the left than the Democrat Senate and there is absolutely NO grown-up to bring anybody toward anything.  That’s because Obama believes that the more suffering he inflicts on America, the more ammunition he has to demonize somebody else.  And nobody in the media will hold the president of the United States responsible for anything because he’s a Democrat.  Unlike Bush, of course.

Understand that Barak Obama is going to spend the next four years of abject failure to lead the way he spent the last four years: blaming somebody else for his failed presidency.  The only difference is that Obama spent the last four years blaming George Bush and he’s going to spend the next four years blaming the GOP House.

America is going down.  And Obama is going to demonize his opponents the same way that he’s spent the last five years demonizing his opponents.

Maybe the American people will realize how terrible their decision was and try to rectify it by giving Republicans a massive win in 2014; maybe they’ll keep drinking Kool Aid.  I’m one that says it really doesn’t matter.  Because six years of Obama is more than enough to cripple this country in a way that it will never recover from.  And whether Republicans win in 2014 or not, it will be too damn late to heal the fatal cancer that has metastasized and spread and grown these last four miserable years of Obama.

Outrage: Left Shows Why They Absolutely Cannot Be Trusted To Be Anything Other Than Fascists Even As They Call On Us To Surrender Our Arms

December 27, 2012

It was Christmas Eve, but liberals were neverthelesssssss – because they are serpents – trying to prepare the way for the coming big-government beast of Revelation.

Newspaper Publishes Gun Owners’ Names and Addresses
By Colleen Curry | ABC News Blogs – Mon, Dec 24, 2012

A newspaper in New York has received a wave of criticism from its readers after publishing the names and addresses of all of the individuals with handgun or pistol permits in its coverage area.

Hundreds of residents in New York’s Westchester and Rockland counties were surprised to find their names and addresses listed on a map posted by The Journal News on Sunday. Users can click any dot on the map to see which of their neighbors has a permit for a gun.

The map sparked more than 500 comments from readers within a day of its appearance on the website, many of them voicing outrage at the paper’s decision to make the information public.

“This is CRAZY!! why in the world would you post every licensed gun owner information?? What do you hope to accomplish by doing this. This is the type of thing you do for sex offenders not law abiding gun owners. What next? should i hang a flag outside my house that says I own a gun? I am canceling my subscription with your paper today!!!” said commenter Curtis Maenza.

“How about a map of the editorial staff and publishers of Gannett and Journal News with names and addresses of their families…,” wrote commenter George Thompson.

All of the names and addresses were compiled through public records. The paper also requested the information from Putnam County, which is still compiling the records for publication, according to The Journal News’ website.

In a statement to ABC News, The Journal News said its readers “are understandably interested to know about guns in their neighborhoods,” because of the conversation about gun control on its website after the shooting in Newtown, Conn., last week.

“We obtained the names and addresses of Westchester and Rockland residents who are licensed to own handguns through routine Freedom of Information law requests. We also requested information on the number and types of guns owned by permit holders, but officials in the county clerks offices in Westchester, Rockland and Putnam counties maintained that those specifics were not public record,” the statement read.

“New York’s top public-records expert, Robert Freeman, disagrees,” it added.

The paper declined to answer further questions about the map.

Try to imagine the outcry had a rightwing newspaper published the names and addresses of all the homosexuals.  Batter up, gay bashers: here’s where they at.  Go bash them and if they’re hiding out you go bash their cars and vanalize their homes.  Imagine if they had published the names of all the anti-gun zombies and made sure the public understood that these were the people trying to take away the security of their homes and threatening their families.

You know whose names WEREN’T in “the list” that liberals leaked hoping that other liberals would target these families with vandalism and other forms of intimidation?  Criminals who don’t bother with laws and who want to prey like the coyotes they are on defenseless homes and families.

The message of the left is this: surrender your guns to us or we will demonize you and expose you to physical assault and vandalism until you do.  And what they just screamed is that we need guns more than EVER to protect oursleves from these fascists for whom our God-given constitutional rights are nothing.

The fascist left – more technically known as the Democrat Party – have done this trick repeatedly.  They used the exact same tactic to target law-abiding Americans who exercised their free-speech rights to support Proposition 8.  Democrats blacklisted businesses, publicly boycotted them, publicly disgraced them and privately vandalized them.  To quote the exact words of the party of hell: “there will be hell to pay.”  And the party of hell knows how to unleash hell on their enemies (defined as anybody who disagrees with them).

Democrats and liberals are people who feel that “free speech” only applies to THEM.  If you are a conservative, they feel righteous to shout you down.  They feel righteous to go into churches and universities and shout down their opponents.

Democrats are Nazis who have already murdered more than nine times more babies in America than Germans murdered Jews in Germany.  If you are a Democrat, you will one day stand before a just and holy God and answer – while the fire and smoke of God’s wrath billows from His throne – for YOUR part in the murder of 55 million of the most innocent of all human beings.  And eternity isn’t long enough for you to suffer: you will burn for a trillion times a trillion times a trillion years for every nanosecond of each one of those lives you viciously snuffed out with your vote.

Did I say “vote”?  Democrats point at the Constitution and say that the right to vote is somehow sacrosanct.  They conveniently forget that the right to keep and bear arms “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”  And yet these same future citizens of hell tell us WHILE THEY’RE URINATING ON THE SECOND AMENDMENT that it is somehow a terrible thing to so much as ask for an ID in order to vote.

Does it matter to them that far more people have been murdered – because, for instance, the Nazis were elected to power by voters – by votes than have been killed in America by armed crazies???  Of course it doesn’t.  And that’s because “Nazi” stood for “National Socialist German Workers Party” – and a perfect synonym for “Democrat Party” today is “National Socialist American Workers Party.”  And that’s because, just like the Nazis, modern Democrats are socialist to the core and modern Democrats demagogue “workers” the exact same way the Nazis and the Marxist communists did before them.

A tiny union shut down two of the largest ports in the nation last month during the busiest period of the year.  That strike cost the U.S. economy a billion dollars a day for a total of $8 billion that America will never get back.  And now Obama’s union thugs are about to exploit the system again on the other side of the country.  Because they are fascists nation wide.  As godawful terrible as Obama’s abject failure of leadership to preside over an actual deal regarding the fiscal cliff is, it is still just a drop of piss in Obama’s urine ocean of the ruination of America.

There are workers who would count their blessings to earn a THIRD of the salary and benefits of these union thugs; but businesses are as helpless against union terrorism as Democrats want to make the rest of America against criminals who know we’ve just had all our guns taken away.

Democrats can stomp all over the Constitution and still deceitfully call themselves champions of “freedom”; Republicans can’t even politely ask for IDs as Democrats exploit the same electioneering tactics that gave Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood and a fascist constitution based on sharia law.

It’s too late now; Democrats WILL take our rights to bear arms away because that will be essential to the beast of Revelation to come so his big government can utterly crush an unarmed and defenseless people.

The agenda of the Democrat Party is the agenda of Romans chapter one.  And God is damning this land even as He allows the world to have the Antichrist that it wants so damn much.

This has been God damn America for the last four years.  And we aint seen nothin’ yet.  Things will get worse and worse under this president; but he is a man who spent the last four years blaming everything on George W. Bush and is already showing that he will spend the next four years blaming everything on Republicans.  It’s all the House’s fault, Obama will say; forget the fact that when things went to hell under George W. Bush, Democrats dominated not only the House, but the Senate as well.

God said to America, “You don’t need Me; you’ve got Obama now.”  But wait, like in the game shows, there’s more: there’s four more years of abject God-damn-America misery cynically exploited by one of the most skilled demagogues in history.

Obama is going to exploit the impossible demands he gave to the House Republicans who also won the 2012 election by retaining control over the House and the purse strings that go WITH winning the House.  But he’s a liar;

I wrote an article well over a year ago titled, “Why I Call Barack Obama A Fascist.”  And that only scratches the surface of what we’ve seen from the left ever since.  The Antichrist to come will have the big government liberal system in the history of the world: he will so take over the economy that no man can buy or sell without a government-mandated mark.  Liberals will take over the economy just as they always dreamed of doing – and then use that power to crush anyone who gets in their way just as they always dreamed of doing.

Obama has publicly demonized so-called “assault weapons” as “weapons of war.”  It’s a rhetorical ploy intended to suggest the question, “Why does anybody need a weapon of war?”  It omits the FACT that WHAT THE HELL WERE GUNS WHEN THE FOUNDING FATHERS ENSHRINED US WITH THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR WEAPONS OF WAR???

Should our military lose the right to keep and bear those arms?  Should the Navy SEALs surrender their assault rifles?  How about the FBI and the police?  Why should THEY be allowed to carry such “weapons of war”???  Based on Obama’s rhetoric, aren’t our police at war with America?  If these guns are so evil, how are they not warping the souls of our military and our SEALs and our police officers???

If you’re going to suggest to me that our military and our police need to have those weapons to deal with evil people, well, dumbass, so the hell do American citizens.  We need to not only protect ourselves from violent criminal predators, but we need to protect ourselves from the fascism that Democrats are now shrouding every aspect of America with.  We need to protect ourselves against “the lists” that Democrats are publishing to target us.

A pissed-off Connecticut lawyer just published the names and addresses of all the fascist journalists who published the names of the people who legally owned guns in its New York coverage area.  I wonder if any of them are scared about what could happen as angry people try to take vengeance.  And I wonder if any of them realize that what they did is utterly and completely evil because THAT’S exactly what they were trying to do in publishing the names and addresses of gun owners.

Ultimately the left is going to win this political war that will result in the extinction of America.  And the reason is that – one lawyer aside – the right simply will not stoop to the vicious and vile level of the left.  No conservative newspaper will publish the names and addresses of anti-gun people and invite the ensuing carnage.  We’re just not that despicable or that evil or that depraved.  That’s why the left is going to win.  And that’s why the beast will be here soon.

And just like the Jews found themselves with no way to defend themselves against socialist Adolf Hitler when he began implenting his Final Solution, those left behind to face the Antichrist won’t have guns to protect themselves against the  most evil regime the world will have ever seen.

Interestingly, Obama has twelve armed guards protecting his daughters.  You get to protect your daughters with harsh language.  As long as none of it offends a liberal.

Also interestingly, it will be interesting to see which homes get targeted in the future: the ones where the robbers know the owners are armed and can defend their homes or the ones where the robbers know that the victims are unarmed and defenseless.

A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 10-11

December 26, 2012

See Part One – A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 1-3

Part Two – A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 4-5

Part Three: A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 6-7

Part Four: A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 8-9

In the first three chapters of Revelation we saw Christ prophetically addressing seven churches which represent “the Church” composed of all true believers in Christ on earth throughout the centuries.  In Rev 4 we saw “the Church” called up to heaven in the Rapture, and we saw ourselves surrounding God on His throne.  In Rev 5 we saw Christ on the throne of God being singularly declared worthy to unleash the judgments that will defeat evil and win earth back for God’s glory.  And then beginning in chapter six we have begun to see those judgments in the form of seven seals, seven trumpets and seven bowls.

I had described two ways God could bring about some of these judgments: by supernatural means or by merely stepping back and allowing man to do what comes naturally to his depraved nature (e.g., with nuclear war). But there is actually a very real “third way” – namely the eruption of super volcanoes:  It turns out that just one of these things “could be sufficiently severe to threaten the fabric of civilization.”  And there are FIVE super volcano zones – including one in Yellowstone!  Which is to say that God has THREE paths to fulfilling every prophecy in the Book of Revelation: supernatural causation, allowing humans to fulfill the judgments upon themselves, and very real and very terrifying natural calamities that scientists declare are every bit as real and possible as they are unthinkable.

I thought that worth pointing out; I have to do a lot of simplifying and selective editing for a “midlevel” flight over Revelation, and that means it’s possible to leave out something I should have included.  Such as the effect of super volcanoes and their end times potential.

Today we’re going to get an interlude from all the hell-on-earth judgment (at least until the seventh trumpet is sounded and we get the terrifying bowl judgments).  We’re going to discuss the message of an angel, we’re going to talk about the coming Jewish Temple that will be built and we’re going to examine the ministry of the coming “two witnesses.”

“Then I saw another mighty angel…”  We saw “a mighty angel” in Rev 5:2.  These angels who are designated “mighty” are apparently members of the highest order of angels (the archangels) who stand in the very presence of God.  There are messages that are so significant to human history and divine mission that no one but an archangel with supreme authority such as Michael (Jude 9) or Gabriel (Luke 1:19) can deliver them.  And get a load of the sheer majestic “mightiness” of this “mighty angel”: he is clothed with a cloud which is the vehicle GOD Himself uses to come to earth (see Psalm 104:3; Isa 19:1; Daniel 7:13; Matt 17:5).  A rainbow is upon his head heralding back to Gen 9:9-17 and God’s promise that He remembers and keeps His covenants.  His face will be like the sun to remind us of the brilliant glory of the One from whose presence he has just come (e.g. Ex 34:29).  His feet are like pillars of fire, reminding us of Christ in Rev 1:15 and symbolic of divine judgment.  In placing his right foot upon the sea and his left foot upon the earth, he comes to take possession of the entire earth by divine decree of judgment.  And his voice is as the roar of a lion.  And the voices of the seven thunders answer his call.

This is a passage that always sends shivers down my spine.  But as incredibly mighty and glorious as this archangel – quite possibly the archangel Michael himself – is, if there were a contest to see who could fall on their feet before Jesus Christ first, I’ll bet this mighty angel would win hands down.  He serves One more glorious.

The archangel takes possession of the land and the sea and says that “there shall be delay no longer.”  Delay in doing what, we might ask.  This angelic visitation takes place very near the end of the seven years Tribulation: there shall be delay no longer in Jesus Christ returning to the earth He created as King and Lord over it.  Christ shall delay His return no longer.  The time of the eschaton predicted by the prophets has finally arrived and absolutely no power of man or demon will be able to hold it back.

We’re told “the mystery of God will be accomplished” (Rev 10:7).  The completion of the mystery is the conclusion of the Father’s plan that was initiated before the foundation of the world and is now finally to be realized in its fullness.  Many times, overwhelmed by evil, righteous man has cried wondering if God was even working at all in the affairs of men.  GOD WAS WORKING.  GOD IS WORKING.  AND GOD’S WORK WILL CULMINATE IN GOD’S ETERNAL PURPOSE.

The “bittersweet message” of Rev 10:8-11 is this: God’s Word is sweet when we learn of God’s love for man resulting in God’s salvation of man accomplished by Christ.  But it is bitter indeed to discover the brutal reality in store for all who reject Christ’s salvation and therefore experience the full wrath of God’s holy judgment for their sins.  God does not want us to be a people who are characterized by rejoicing when the wicked “get theirs.”  God wants us to be a people who grieve when He is forced to judge sin and unbelief.  Because that’s how Jesus will feel, and we should be like Jesus (Luke 9:52-56).

Revelation 11 assures us that there WILL be a Third Temple.  The Second Temple was destroyed as Christ predicted in AD 70 prior to John’s receiving Revelation in 96 AD.  So there is no question that this is a yet-to-be-built structure.  Part of the seven year covenant that Israel signs with Antichrist will allow them to reinstitute animal sacrifice (Dan 9:27) – and there is NO other place that a Jew would do so but in the Temple.  The problem is that for 4,000 years the Temple has stood in one and only one place – and that place appears to be taken up by the Muslim Dome of the Rock which was deliberately built right on top of the ruins of the Jewish Temple.  We don’t know what’s going to happen: destruction in an earthquake, destruction in a war, or something else.  Scholars like Dr. Grant Jeffrey believe that the Second Temple is actually in a slightly different location from which is commonly believed and the Third Temple could be constructed without damaging the Al Aqsa Mosque.  Jeffrey claims that a previously unknown gate of Solomon’s Temple proves that the original Temple was several hundred feet north of the Dome of the Rock (remember Herod MASSIVELY enlarged the Second Temple).

It’s actually amazing how many obstacles existed to a Third Temple – and how many have been overcome.  Money is no problem when you realize how many Jews over the centuries have included the Temple in their wills or purchased Temple bonds.  But only a Jew from the tribe of Levi and the family of Aaron can enter the Holy of holies and how can Jews prove their descent?  The answer to that is DNA testing resulting in “the first family reunion of the Jewish priestly dynasty in nearly 2,000 years.”  You’d need to have a Sanhedrin which hasn’t existed since 425 AD.  The answer is that Israel reestablished the Sanhedrin in 2005.  You need holy anointing oil – which was discovered and chemically verified as authentic in 1988.  And you need stuff like a red heifer – and they’re working on it and they’ve already come so close it’s unreal.  If you think any of the difficulties are beyond God, you’re daft.

I’m excited about the Third Temple as a fulfillment of prophecy – but in many ways it is actually a bad thing.  It will result from the covenant with Antichrist (bad thing); it will be built as a result of Israel’s unbelief in Messiah Jesus (bad thing); and Antichrist will sit in the Holy of holies and decide he’s God (bad thing).  The Jews have longed for their Temple because they believe it will fulfill all their national and religious hopes as a people; but sometimes you’ve just got to get exactly what you want in order to be able to see that what you always wanted won’t fulfill you, after all.  Ultimately Jews will have to realize that it is NOT the Temple which merely symbolizes the work of Christ that fulfills hope, but only Christ Himself.

In Rev 11:1 an angel tells John to physically measure the Temple.  If you study Ezekiel 40 and Zechariah 2, you will see that when God takes such measurements, it is to evaluate the spiritual condition of His people.  Is this Third Temple built with the help of Antichrist and the False Prophet (Rev 13:11-18) fulfilling God’s true calling to Israel?  Not even close.  It is built as an apostate place of worship that refuses to recognize Israel’s true Messiah; rather, they just want some kind of national identity symbol if not a giant stone idol.  And thus the verdict of Rev 11:2: in the second half of the Tribulation for 42 months, Jerusalem will see nothing but war and suffering until “the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” (Luke 21:24).  And the times of the Gentiles will only end with the return of Messiah Jesus.

Rev 11:3 introduces the two most incredible Jesus freaks who ever lived: God’s two witnesses.  God is NEVER left without a witness.  Who are these men?  We won’t know for sure until “the players take the field,” but many scholars believe it will be Moses and Elijah.  In God’s very last words in His Old Testament, He says in Malachi 4:5-6, “I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”  And that “great and dreadful day” is the second half of the 7 years Tribulation.  Elijah will show up at the beginning of the Tribulation and he will preach the Gospel right under the angry nose of the Antichrist who is powerless to stop him.  And a lot of people will be saved.  But ONLY “when they have finished their testimony” (Rev 11:7) and said everything that God sent them to say, will Antichrist finally be allowed to kill them.  Because God is sovereign.  Elijah’s most famous miracle was shutting up the sky for – get this – three and a half years (James 5:17; 1 Kings 17:1).  Just like “somebody” will do during the Tribulation.  So Elijah has good bona fides as a candidate.   Why Moses?  Moses’ most famous miracles featured turning water into blood and sending plagues (Rev 11:6 cf. the Exodus).  And both Moses and Elijah had their ministries end in failure – with Moses being denied entrance into the Promised Land (Num 20:12) and Elijah being taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot after he fled in fear from Jezebel and asked God to kill him.  And God replaced him with Elisha (1 Kings 19:16).  I’m sure both men would love to have a second chance to be faithful to the very end – and I believe God will give them that opportunity.

Every Christian ought to be like the two witnesses from Revelation while on this earth.  Think about it; these two men have been in heaven with Christ for millennia – and now they’re returning back to earth for one more mission and an opportunity to cover their past failure with glory.  In the same way, according to the Bible we died in Christ (Galatians 2:20) and were born again to a completely new life.  We’ve tasted a little bit of heaven through the Holy Spirit; and now each of us are on earth on a divine mission from God.  BE A WITNESS!

Part Six: A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 12-13

Part Seven: A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 14-15

Part Eight: A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 16-18

Part Nine: A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 19-20

Part Ten: A Midlevel Flight Across Revelation: Rev 21-22

The Story Of The Wise Men And The First ‘Official’ Christmas

December 25, 2012

Who were the wise men?  If you read the Bible, you see them described in the Book of Daniel.  They were also known as the magi, or the Chaldeans. The Chaldeans were priests of Babylon’s chief religion which was based on astrology.  In the Book of Daniel, unfolds, the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, had a dream that terrified him not only because of its disturbing nature, but also because he could not understand it.  Not trusting the Chaldeans to accurately tell him what the dream meant, he insisted that they first tell him what his dream had been – and THEN interpret its meaning.  And when the Chaldeans couldn’t perform this task, Nebuchadnezzar was outraged. He threatened to have both the Chaldeans and their families executed unless they could describe his dream to him.  It was all up to Daniel, the Jewish prophet who had been captured when Babylon had defeated Israel in battle and hauled off to Babylon years before.  Miraculously, Daniel was able to tell Nebuchadnezzar what his prophetic dream was and then explain its meaning. Daniel saved the Chaldeans from being destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar’s anger.  And they never forgot how Daniel’s Hebrew God had delivered them from otherwise certain death.

One of the things that Daniel told them about was the Prophecy of the Seventy Sevens (see Daniel chapter 9) which precisely prophesied when Messiah would be killed to atone for mankind’s sins.  But according to Babylonian legend, he also described to them a star that would appear in the night sky to herald the birth of the coming Messiah of Israel as well.

Daniel lived some six centuries before Jesus was born, but this prophetic sign was embedded into the Chaldeans’ religious beliefs and culture from the time that their deliverer Daniel first told them. So when the Chaldeans saw this prophetic sign in the heavens at the time of Jesus’ birth, they began a journey to the land that the star led them to: to Israel.  The star literally led them to the very house where Jesus lived (Matthew 2:9).

In Mathew 2:2, the wise men arrived in Jerusalem after what would have been a dangerous journey of about 800 miles one-way from Babylon and started asking “where is the newborn King of the Jews? We have seen his star as it arose, and we have come to worship him.” At that time King Herod was the king of the Jews, and of course the news of the birth of a King made him troubled along with all of Jerusalem. (Mathew 2:3) So he called the wise men into his chamber for a conference. He instructed the wise men to return to him when they found this new born king. Herod told the Chaldeans that he wanted to go and worship Jesus as well, but that was not King Herod’s true intentions. Eventually the magi reached Jesus and worshiped him.  Many people believe there were three wise men, but that is only because they brought three gifts with them: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Mathew 2:11). They took a new route back to their home country (another 800 miles) because God warned them not to return to King Herod on their way back. (Mathew 2:12).

In actuality, the first “official” Christmas actually took place when Jesus was about two years old.  That’s how long it took the Chaldeans to prepare for their long journey, make that journey, and then find Jesus’ home (Matthew 2:7 cf. Matthew 2:16).

King Herod was demonic with anger at the thought of being replaced as king. He asked his leading priests where the messiah was to be born and they told him from the Book of Micah, “In Bethlehem.”  He then ordered all children ages two and under in Bethlehem to be murdered and thus kill this coming king as a helpless child. But God had already came to Joseph in a dream and commanded him to take the child and flee from Bethlehem and seek refuge in Egypt. (Mathew 2:13-14).  But how were Joseph and Mary to flee?  They were extremely poor and would have had no resources to make such a long journey and support themselves when they arrived in Egypt. They never would have been able to afford a trip like this on their own. But don’t forget what the wise men gave Jesus. They gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold can obviously be used as currency, but the frankincense and myrrh were extremely rare and very expensive. In other words, the wise men gave Jesus and his family a small fortune which made an exodus to Egypt possible. This also fulfilled a prophetic word “I called my Son out of Egypt” (Mathew 2:15).

Christmas is about God’s gift in the form of His Son sent to earth to reconcile sinful man and holy God. It is also a story of divine provision; God takes care of His own and provides for their needs.

Hal Lindsey has a great presentation about this:

A Christmas Story (Alas, No Carols Were Involved)

December 24, 2012

I had an enjoyable time serving as a volunteer for the Christmas Store program through my church.

It began with my serving as what I termed a “poultry elf” delivering Christmas food packages to the cars of the hundreds of families who were signed up to participate in  our Christmas Store.  Without mentioning any names, it actually began with the daughter of the Christmas Store coordinator coming through the door with a family while serving as a personal shopper.

Oops.  I’d better tell you about the Christmas Store.  It is a wonderful program that seeks to provide a Merry Christmas! to families in need.  As families show up for their appointments, a family photo is taken with Santa, which is printed out and ultimately given to the family as a nice card.  This year we had The Best Santa Ever.  The man was a giant teddy bear who towered over 6’6″ and didn’t need a pillow with his Santa Suit.  This volunteer was there every single day for 12 hours a day during the four days the “store” was open and never missed a single family (again, out of HUNDREDS of families).  Little boys would stare up at this giant in sheer amazement.  The Best Santa Ever.  I had one of those “ahhhhhhh” moments when Santa got up during a short break in the action to cool down outside in his red “They don’t call it the North Pole for nothin'” suit: half a dozen children sitting in the foyer immediately sat at attention and waved and waved shouting, “Hi Santa!  Hi Santa!”  I said he’d be back: he just had to check on some reindeer.  Mind you, our Santa looked like he could have wrestled down and saddled up a polar bear and ridden IT.  Best. Santa. Ever.

After the picture, children go into rooms according to age to wait while their parents “shop” for their gifts.  The Christmas store has one “big gift” and “two small gifts” for every single child.  Last year the coordinator cried describing a miracle to the congregation because they had been OUT of gifts and suddenly nearly a dozen enormous bags of presents showed up in a locked room in which only she and the church staff had the key.  It was ALWAYS kept locked because lots of presents were in there that were yet to be brough out onto the floor and we didn’t want them stolen for the sake of the children to come.  And the coordinator knew there were no more presents because she’d gone in there minutes earlier and freaked out to find an empty room with families still coming through.  And then whammo, suddenly there were awesome presents!  Those presents got the store through the rest of that final day.  She is to this day convinced that God beamed those presents into that room.  I don’t know who – or Who – put those huge bags in there, but to me it is every bit as much a miracle that God could move someone to buy that many presents and then smuggle them into that locked room at just that right moment.  Either way, it’s always amazing to see how God works, isn’t it?

Anyway, a “personal shopper” escorts each parent, guardian or couple through the rooms that the appropriate gifts for the children’s ages are displayed.  The personal shopper gets an opportunity to talk with and pray with the parents as they go through.  After the parents pick out the gifts for their children, they go to the wrapping room to wrap the gifts while the children are waiting in classrooms with volunteers.  They aren’t just “waiting,” mind you; they get to hear about Jesus Christ.

After the gifts are wrapped so the children can’t see them, the parents pick up their children and proceed outside – where a food package is waiting for them.  Each family gets a 13 lb. turkey and a large box of canned and dry goods.

So anyway, the daughter of the Christmas Store coordinator comes out while I’m helping as a “poultry elf” and tells me that this family gets two packages because she’s signed up to go through the store (she’s a young, poor, single mother herself) and she wants this family to have her food package.

Well, that’s neat, I thought.

Anyway, I was serving for a couple of hours bringing the food to the families’ cars when I came upon one particular family.  The mother was so surprised and so delighted about the food that it lit me up.  They had five kids and she told me both sets of grandparents were going to be there.  Well, I did the math and came up with the decision to give this family another food package.  And watched momma’s face light up with joy again when I came out to their old car with it.

I interrupt my narrative to add the fact that this family was black and that the people who provided all the food were rich old white people who are clearly greedy by liberal definition.  Because greedy rich old white people on behalf of the chapel at an incredibly caucasian-populated “snowbird trailer park” common to our area had spent over $5,000 buying those turkeys.  Other rich, greedy white people had bought all those canned and dry goods for these families to have a Merry Christmas dinner regardless of their race, culture or creed.  And a whopping share of families spoke only Spanish.  Which is really quite surprising given the “fact” that rich greedy old white people hate them Mexicans so damn much.

I just wish that the liberals who so frequently slander evangelical Christians had the slightest clue about how much money and time we give to the people they slander us for hating.  I just wish that they knew that Christians in thousands of churches give billions of dollars to the needy; and that maybe they would rather be able to do that than let Obama seize their money so he can give it to political boondoggles like Solyndra.  But as hard as it is for a rich man to enter heaven, the Bible is even more clear that it is even harder for an ignorant fool to ever become anything other than an ignorant fool.

We also gave away lots of toiletries (shampoo, toothpaste, pretty much you name it, we gave it away) to help these families.  One young Hispanic family just had lost everything in an apartment fire.  We found them immeidate housing, and gave them clothes, jackets, blankets and everything we could round up to give them.  And we’re not done with that family yet, either.

But I digress.

I told the coordinator what I’d done knowing that she wouldn’t be happy with me and knowing why she wouldn’t be happy.  Those turkeys had to last for all the families.  And my “generosity” could cost another family such that they didn’t get any food at all.

Well, I thought about it.  The worst people on earth are those who are “generous with other peoples’ money.”  We call them liberals and they are the worst, the most self-righteous, the most sanctimonious people on earth as they seize money from people they demonize in order to cynically redistribute it to people who will vote for them and keep them in power.  And it didn’t take very long to occur to me that if that situation were to arise, well, I owed that family.  After all, I had given that extra food package to that family.  And if anybody needed to “pay his fair share” to take care of the family that may not have received a package because of what I did, it was me with my own money; not the “Other People’s Money” with which liberals “help.”

A figure just popped into my head with crystal clarity: $35.  That was about what each food package cost as I thought about the cost of the turkey (about a dollar a pound at Wal-Mart) and the canned and dry goods.  I made sure I had $35 cash in my billfold and decided to monitor the turkey situation and make sure I would be there for the first family to not get a turkey if that situation occurred and give them $35.  It was worth it; I’d felt led to do it and it felt like the right thing to do.

As it turned out, we had more than enough turkeys.  I was “spared” having to give money to some family I’d deprived.  And I felt further vindicated that I’d done what the Lord had led me to do.

Yea for me.

But it turns out God wasn’t done with that $35 that I now merrily thought was mine again.

You see, there was another issue that was going on at the same time.  The daughter of the coordinator was trying to give away three very cute puppies that she’d brought in her old minivan.  The son of our Santa Claus – a teenager who had ADHD – made it his mission in life to give away those puppies.  And he gave away two of them.  One of them went to a mother who had just lost her dog when it jumped out of her car.  When she heard that these puppies were a mix of the same breed of the dog she lost, she came over and ended up adopting a pup.  Her son was soon holding that dog and utterly refusing to give it up.  But the third puppy was a different story.

It clearly had an eye infection, because it’s eyes were “gooey” and rather painful looking.  And nobody wanted it because they didn’t want to get stuck with the vet bill.

Santa’s son was beside himself worrying about this puppy he’d tried to give away all night.  He had waylaid each family as they came out clutching this puppy to his chest to keep it warm.  He was afraid that nobody would help it and it would die.  He desperately wanted his dad to let him take that puppy home – but it was pretty obvious that this was one Christmas wish Santa was NOT going to grant.

I heard the daughter of the coordinator talking to some other volunteers.  She didn’t know what to do.  Even the shelters wanted to charge her to take the puppy, and she couldn’t afford to pay for a veterinarian’s office charge.

I heard a young man say that the Animal Samaritan’s charges $35 for a vet visit, not counting the cost of the medicine the pup would surely need.  Which was WAY too much for the daughter to afford.

And then I heard God say, “Ahem.”  I didn’t have to look up at the sky and point at myself with a questioning look.  I knew He was talking to me.

And I realized that God had been buttering me up just like the turkeys I was giving away with the notion that I should pay $35 for a food package for a needy family.  Because He’d known that I wouldn’t have otherwise felt very led to give money for the care of somebody else’s puppy problem.  You know, unless He sneaked it in on me.  I love animals, but I generally give my money to charities for PEOPLE.

That’s when I realized that I’d already devoted that money to the Lord, whether I’d thought so or not.  And the Lord had a use for it.

Because I didn’t WANT the Christmas store to run out of turkeys; and why was I “off the hook” to the Lord for money I had already committed to Him simply because the Lord had graciously come through and given me what I wanted?  And I realized I wasn’t giving money to help a puppy; I was giving money to help PEOPLE to help that puppy.

I suddenly blurted out that I would be willing to pay that $35 vet bill – which just somehow happened to be the exact same figure as the figure that had been repeatedly in my head regarding the cost of the food package.  And another guy immediately volunteered another $20 to help that puppy out.

Found out this morning that that sum was exactly the cost of the entire vet bill for that puppy.  And that it will be fine now.

Well, there was another little miracle in this story: that teenage boy was determined to take that puppy home because he was worried about it and wanted to make sure it was okay.  He’d come to love it because he’d held it and watched over it for a good share of the day.  When I came out (this being after the last family had been through the store) there was a rather raging argument going on between that kid and his no-longer-Santa dad.  But I was able to calm the boy down by assuring him that the puppy would get to go to the vet and somebody would surely adopt him when he was recovered from his eye infection.

It’s so often amazing how God works.  He worked for a mother and young boy who had just lost their dog by giving them an adorable puppy of the very same rather rare breed that they had lost; He worked for the coordinator’s daughter who wanted to do the right thing for that little puppy but was daunted by the cost of doing that right thing; He worked in the heart of that ADHD boy who may have been worried about that puppy as an extension of himself (if the puppy was a throwaway because of its eyes, was that boy a throwaway with his ADHD?); and He worked on me, frugality and all.  Because He brought me through a process – as He so often does – to the point where I was able to see things HIS way and then rejoice at the outcome.  I’d started out reluctantly being willing to pay for the consequences of something I’d felt led to do.  I ended up trying to think of how I’d ever spent that same amount of money that had brought me more sheer pleasure than this – and couldn’t think of a single time in my life.

There were scores of people who received Jesus through the Christmas Store, not counting those who were rededicating their lives to Christ.  Over nine hundred Bibles were given away.  God moved, whether any atheist could see it or not.  And He moved in large ways and in small ways through His people.

Merry Christmas!  Celebrate the birth of the King of kings.

Obama The Narcissist Pseudo-Messiah: Republicans Only Want To Punish Me Because, Really, Everything Is ALL About Me.

December 20, 2012

I heard Obama say the following and was happy that I always carry my mental barf bucket with me these days when a president who loves the sight of himself on television suddenly pops up and starts blathering:

But you know, the fact of the matter is, is that what — what would violate my commitment to voters is if I ended up agreeing to a plan that put more of the burden on middle-class families and less of a burden on the wealthy in an effort to reduce our deficit. That’s not something I’m going to do. What would violate my commitment to voters would be to put forward a plan that makes it harder for young people to go to college, that makes it harder for a family with a disabled kid to care for that kid.

And there — there’s a threshold where — that you reach where the balance tips, even in making compromises that are required to get something done in this town, where you are hurting people in order to give another advantage to folks who don’t need help. And we had an extensive debate about this for a year. And not only does the majority of the American people agree with me, about half of Republican voters agree with me on this.

So, you know, at some point there’s got to be, I think, a recognition on the part of my — my Republican friends that — you know, take the deal. You know, they will be able to claim that they have worked with me over the last two years to reduce the deficit more than any other deficit reduction package, that we will have stabilized it for 10 years. That is a significant achievement for them. They should be proud of it. But they keep on finding ways to say no, as opposed to finding ways to say yes.

And I don’t know how much of that just has to do with, you know, it is very hard for them to say yes to me. But you know, at some point, you know, they’ve got take me out of it and think about their voters and think about what’s best for the country.

And if — and if — and if they do that, if — if — if they’re not worried about who’s winning and who’s losing, you know, that they score a point on the president, that they extract that last little concession, that they — that they — you know — you know, force him to do something he really doesn’t want to do just for the heck of it, and they focus on actually what’s good for the country, I actually think we can get this done.

Republicans don’t have any values to defend or advance, you see.  Anybody who tells you Republicans believe in lower taxes and less spending are just liars, I guess.  They’ve never had any commitments to voters.  Nope.  Only Obama’s voters matter.  They’re only doing this because of their [racist, of course] hostility to Obama.

Please recall, ye dumbasses, that the Republicans won the election, too.  Nancy Pelosi predicted Democrats would retake the House.  Voters instead re-elected Republicans by a large majority to stand up to Obama.  Republicans made promises to the voters who re-elected them, too.

As I heard Obama wax narcissistic, I couldn’t help but think of the words of Jesus when He told His disciples:

If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.  If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.  Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’  If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also.  But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me.” — John 15:18-21

Obama is telling the liberal world, “If the Republicans hate you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you.”  And actually history is rather clear that it was the other way around.  Republicans despised Democrats long before the name “Barack Hussein” meant a damn thing.  Do you remember when the government shut down under Clinton’s war with the Republican House over mostly the same stuff?  Do you think THAT was because Republicans hated Obama, too?  Do you think Republicans were united saying to each other, “Let’s shut down the government because we can’t stand that Barack Obama guy” back in 1995?

You start to see just how truly narcissistic and deluded this guy is to even THINK that kind of crap, let alone actually say it.

You see, when Jesus said “They hate you because they hated Me first” it was because it was true; when Obama says it it’s because he’s a narcissistic pseudo-messiah – and a complete hypocrite, as you’ll see soon.

This reminds me of a line I heard in a debate.  Allow me to paraphrase it for Obama’s sake:

“Obama, I serve Jesus Christ, I know Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ is a friend of mine.  Obama, you are no Jesus Christ.”

I know that your campaign guru David Axelrod said you were “Black Jesus.”  I know that you think that there are no red states or blue states, only Obama states.  I know that you literally altered the American flag to impose yourself onto the nation.  I know that you think that the human race will read about your exalted magnificence “generations from now” and marvel about how you lowered the level of the oceans and healed the planet.  I know that your same followers who say that “the white man is the skunk of the planet earth” have called you “the messiah” and have claimed that history will be rewritten so that instead of “Before Christ” and “Anno Domini” the world will be divided into “Before Barack” and “After Barack.”  I know that your followers consider you “prophecy fulfilled.”

Barack Obama, I know that you really, really think you’re the messiah.  I know that you truly believe that the entire world revolves around you.  I know that if you don’t get your way, you believe that it could only be because the people who don’t think just like you do must be out to personally sabotage you.

I know how sick and toxic and delusional and truly demon-possessed you and your followers are.  I also know that you are totally wrong about damn near everything you stand for.  And I know that the Republicans oppose you out of their values and out of the Republican Party Platform that was there long before YOU came along.

Republicans CAN’T “take you out of it,” Obama.  As much as we’d like to do that, YOU’RE the damn president.  We’re painfully aware of that fact.  You’re the man who has presided over the worst economy in my lifetime.  You’re the Slanderer in Chief.  We can’t just “take you out of it.”

But I tell you what, Barry Hussein: prove me wrong.  Because I’m here to promise that if you agree to the Republican demands, you would immediately find that they will agree with you and vote with you and even publicly praise you.

Which is another way of my telling you that I know that you are a liar and a demagogue and a slanderer without shame, honor or decency.  Because for all your rhetoric, you know as well as I do that if you gave the Republicans their way the way you want your way, they would take that deal in a heartbeat.  And I know that because you would be a genuine sociopath NOT to know that.

Your tactic to demonize as the nation slides off a cliff couldn’t be more vile.

Please stop pretending that somehow it’s all about you and that if Republicans oppose you it’s only because they are people with no values and no commitments and that somehow all they want to do is hurt you out of your pseudo-messiah persecution complex.

I’ve got to ask you Democrats: if you really needed to make a deal for your business or for your personal life, why would you viciously attack and slander and demonize the people you needed to deal with you?  How can you possibly think that this is a good negotiating tactic and that Obama is doing anything other than trying to do do anything other than piss into every pot from which a good-faith deal could possibly happen?

People who listen to Obama’s pure, distilled bullcrap ought to learn the truth about Obama as revealed even in the New York Times:


Even by the standards of the political world, Mr. Obama’s obsession with virtuosity and proving himself the best are remarkable, those close to him say. (Critics call it arrogance.) More than a tic, friends and aides say, it is a core part of his worldview, formed as an outsider child who grew up to defy others’ views of the limits of his abilities. When he speaks to students, he almost always emphasizes living up to their potential. […]

But even those loyal to Mr. Obama say that his quest for excellence can bleed into cockiness and that he tends to overestimate his capabilities. The cloistered nature of the White House amplifies those tendencies, said Matthew Dowd, a former adviser to President George W. Bush, adding that the same thing happened to his former boss. “There’s a reinforcing quality,” he said, a tendency for presidents to think, I’m the best at this. […]

For someone dealing with the world’s weightiest matters, Mr. Obama spends surprising energy perfecting even less consequential pursuits. He has played golf 104 times since becoming president, according to Mark Knoller of CBS News, who monitors his outings, and he asks superior players for tips that have helped lower his scores. He decompresses with card games on Air Force One, but players who do not concentrate risk a reprimand (“You’re not playing, you’re just gambling,” he once told Arun Chaudhary, his former videographer).

His idea of birthday relaxation is competing in an Olympic-style athletic tournament with friends, keeping close score. The 2009 version ended with a bowling event. Guess who won, despite his history of embarrassingly low scores? The president, it turned out, had been practicing in the White House alley. […]

Mr. Obama’s fixation on prowess can get him into trouble. Not everyone wants to be graded by him, certainly not Republicans. Mr. Dowd, the former Bush adviser, said he admired Mr. Obama, but added, “Nobody likes to be in the room with someone who thinks they’re the smartest person in the room.”

Even some Democrats in Washington say they have been irritated by his tips on topics ranging from the best way to shake hands on the trail (really look voters in the eye, he has instructed) to writing well (“You have to think three or four sentences ahead,” he told one reluctant pupil).

For another, he may not always be as good at everything as he thinks, including politics. While Mr. Obama has given himself high grades for his tenure in the White House — including a “solid B-plus” for his first year — many voters don’t agree, citing everything from his handling of the economy to his unfulfilled pledge that he would be able to unite Washington to his claim that he would achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Those were not the only times Mr. Obama may have overestimated himself: he has also had a habit of warning new hires that he would be able to do their jobs better than they could.

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

Though he never ran a large organization before becoming president, he initially dismissed internal concerns about management and ended up with a factionalized White House and a fuzzier decision-making process than many top aides wanted.

Now Mr. Obama is in the climactic contest of his career, about to receive the ultimate judgment on his performance from the American people. It is a moment, aides say, he has been craving: during some of the darker days of his tenure, he told them that he wanted the country to evaluate him not in isolation, but in contrast to the Republican alternative. The tough, often successful attacks from the right have hardened and fueled him, aides say, driving him to prove that “we’re right and we’re better,” as one ally put it. […]

Not only do the White House, the Supreme Court and a budgetary crisis hang in the balance, but so does a national judgment on whether Mr. Obama’s agenda was a good idea in the first place. So perhaps it is not surprising that he cites not just his record, but also every other accomplishment he can think of.

Then again, he is just as competitive in private, when there is little or nothing at stake. At one of his farewell meetings for White House interns, Mr. Obama dispensed some life advice.

THIS is the man demonizing Republicans about worrying over “who’s winning and who’s losing”?  Seriously?  Democrats are that seriously stupid and hypocritical that they buy this guy’s giant load of bovine feces?

Obama wants America to go off the cliff.  That way, he can spend the next four years blaming Republicans for his failure to lead the same way he spent the last four years blaming Bush for his failure to lead.

And while Obama is not the Antichrist, he 1) is one of the false messiahs Jesus warned us would come in the last days before the ultimate Antichrist; and 2) an example of how the true Antichrist to come will deceive with politics, rhetoric and lies with a media machine that is in love with him and literally worshiping him reporting it all in glowing terms.