Posts Tagged ‘China’

Why Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal Is So Awful And Actually GUARANTEES Iran Will Get Nuclear Weapons AND THE BALLISTIC MISSILES TO DELIVER THEM

July 15, 2015

I’ve pointed out that even the leftist New York Times acknowledges that Barack Obama is basically a malignant narcissist who believes that he’s better than everyone, smarter than everyone, more wonderful than everyone. And that he’s always right no matter what the facts say to the contrary.  The Iran nuclear deal is “historic” precisely because Obama flies in the face of all previous presidents, all previous American history, Iran’s amply demonstrated history of pathological hatred for America, Iran’s repeatedly demonstrated ability to ignore deals they made with “infidels,” numerous deadly attacks against Americans from Iran, and so on.  None of it matters to him.  He alone knows.  He believes he is God and the rest of us are mere mortal sheep to be led or slaughtered as he sees fit.

It is frankly amazing: if Obama had treated Iran the way he treats Republicans and pretty much everybody – including fellow Democrats – he disagrees with, we would have gone to full scale war with Iran by now.  Obama has NEVER even so much as bothered to talk to anyone, let alone negotiate with them and surrender concessions to them.  Rather, Obama’s attitude toward Republicans in particular has been characterized every single day of his presidency since by something he said shortly after being elected president:

Obama responded: “Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”

Which was a great line for Obama, until Republicans first took the House and then took both the House AND the Senate.  And then all of a sudden elections obviously shouldn’t have consequences.  In 2010 when Republicans slaughtered Democrats and took control of the House, suddenly it was the worst kind of evil for elections to have consequences.  And in 2014 when Republicans not only added to their numbers in the House, but took over the Senate, Obama issued a statement that the election didn’t matter at all because he could “see” the people who didn’t vote and knew that they all stood solidly behind him.  But let’s set aside the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is the worst hypocrite who ever lived.  Just to underscore how profoundly arrogant, narcissistic, and pathologically immune to any form of compromise Obama is, here’s an illustrative title from The Hill: “House Democrats can’t figure out why Obama won’t talk to them.”  Two paragraphs in that article sum up even Obama’s attitude of utter disdain for his fellow Democrats, let alone the Republicans he actively despises:

Some are scratching their heads why, after nearly six years in office and a reshuffling of his legislative affairs team, Obama’s working relationship with Congress remains prickly.

“It’s hard for us to fathom; I mean, is it just lack of full staffing and resources? [Is it] professional commitment? Is it a disdain for the legislative branch? I mean, what is it?” asked Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.). “People like me want to be allies — I mean, I am an ally. So work with us, reach out to us; you know, we’re not the enemy.”

And whenever Obama hears anything even remotely different from his own view, he says something like this:

“Don’t come to the table with the same tired arguments and worn ideas that helped to create this crisis,” he admonished in a speech.

Obama said those words in 2009, only days after taking office.  When it came time to speak about his Iran deal, he told Congress to talk to the hand:

While Obama on Tuesday said he welcomed a “robust” debate over the deal’s merits, he issued a warning to lawmakers considering blocking the agreement, bluntly threatening to veto any measure that would prevent the deal from going into effect.

“Precisely because the stakes are so high, this is not the time for politics,” he said

On Obama’s malignant narcissist view in which he is God Almighty and therefore transcends mortal politics; he alone stands above the politic frays of sinful humanity.  It doesn’t matter that the reality is precisely the opposite, with Obama stooping lower into cynical partisan politics than any American political figure in the history of the Republic.  This is a man who in 1996 declared, “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages,” and yet somehow afterward swore to the American people that he was opposed to same-sex marriage “as a Christian,” then “evolved” his position to impose it on the nation by executive tyranny.  Which is own most senior campaign official said was a lie all along with Obama engaging in the very lowest and most loathsome form of cheap politics there is.

The Iran deal is a horrible deal that comes from the horrible heart of an evil, horribly narcissistic man.

Israel could not be more against this “deal” as demonstrated by every single Israeli cabinet official denouncing it:

Israeli media provided exhaustive coverage of the deal and its terms, together with harsh reactions from virtually all senior officials in and allied with Netanyahu’s government.

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon called the accord a “tragedy.” Education Minister Naftali Bennett declared it a “black day” and Culture Minister Miri Regev said Iran was given “license to kill.” Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom said a Western preference to “reap short-term achievements” resulted in a deal that primarily serves Iran’s interests.

That article, which coming from the leftist Los Angeles Times tries to somehow blame the poison that is Obama on Netanyahu, points out that even the most moderate Israeli politicians, oppose this wicked deal: “Israeli politicians, including some of Netanyahu’s moderate foes, voiced broad agreement that under the deal, Iran was given too much of a free hand to develop its nuclear program.”

And yet Obama actually has the elephant sized cockroach testicles to lecture us that he’s the best friend Israel ever had and somehow did this terrible deal for them.

As I have previously pointed out many times before, I am a Christian who believes in the Bible and sees the last days prophecies of the Bible coming to life.  The Bible could not be more clear: the Tribulation, which leads to Armageddon, is initiated with the state of Israel signing a seven-year peace covenant with the coming Antichrist.  That has never been a real possibility given Israel’s close relationship with the United States and the U.S. promise to always maintain Israel’s security.  Until now.  Barack Obama, in his “historic deal,” has ABANDONED ISRAEL and Israel now knows that they are completely and utterly isolated.  Obama has urinated and now defecated in a relationship which began when Democrat President Harry Truman was THE first world leader to recognize the state of Israel.  And that relationship continued until Barack Hussein Obama irretrievably fractured it.  It has been broken.  All trust in the United States is gone.  And Israel WILL turn to the Antichrist as a result.

Just as the Word of God declared 3,000 years ago through the book of Daniel.

The Word of God also declared 3,000 years in advance through the book of Ezekiel that there would be a last-days war in which Russia and Iran, leading a host of nations that are conveniently ALL Islamic states, would attack Israel.  Russia would be dragged into the conflict as God literally says of it, “I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws to lead you out with your whole army.”  And I defy anyone to tell me how that hasn’t been made more likely as Israel – driven to desperation by this wicked deal – launches its own attack against Iran’s Russian-built nuclear facilities.  And the Iran that has called Israel “a one-bomb country” and vowed to “wipe Israel off the map” demands blood.

I don’t see how that can be a good thing.

Here’s an article from the leftist Washington Post titled:

Arab states fear nuclear deal will give Iran a bigger regional role

It acknowledges the fact that:

In private, Saudis were more candid, with one diplomat describing the deal as “extremely dangerous.”

“Shocked by perceived US capitulation,” there is a “deafening Arab silence” to this godawful deal, another article points out.

So let me now get back to just how pathologically DISHONEST Barack Hussein Obama constantly is in how he deceitfully frames his argument.  He challenges critics of his horrible deal thus:

So to go back to Congress, I challenge those who are objecting to this agreement, number one to read the agreement before they comment on it, number two to explain specifically where it is that they think this agreement does not prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and why they’re right and people like Ernie Moniz, who is an MIT nuclear physicist and an expert in these issues is wrong, why the rest of the world is wrong, and then present an alternative.

I believe I just documented rather convincingly that Israel is in vehement opposition to this deal.  I believe I just documented that Saudi Arabia and the Arab states are in opposition to this deal.  But in Barack Obama’s warped and dishonest view, the Republicans are somehow ALONE in being opposed and every single nation and every single human being who is not a Republican on earth is blissfully for it.  Barack Obama is a demon-possessed liar.  Period.

So here’s your choice, Democrat: either Obama is THE most wicked and dishonest pathological liar who has ever been born, or else Israel and for that matter Saudi Arabia and our (now likely former) Arab allies are not part of “the rest of the world.”  OR you could say, “Well, Obama isn’t a liar; he simply agrees with Iran that Israel ought to be wiped off the map so that their opinions no longer exist along with them damn Jews that Obama’s reverend for 23 years publicly hated on.  But either Obama is a liar without shame, or he shares the same hatred for Israel that his true god Lucifer holds for Israel.  You take your pick.

Either way, Barack Hussein Obama is a breathtakingly wicked man.  He is a political monster with no shame, no honesty, no honor, no virtue, no integrity of any kind.  He just incessantly speaks naked and transparent lies.  And bad people believe his lies because it is the nature of bad people to prefer lies to the truth.

Obama has in fact triggered a massive nuclear arms race in the craziest part of the world, with Saudi Arabia vowing to lead the way.

I don’t see how that can be a good thing.

But I’m actually just getting started.

One of the things that this “deal” does is grant Iran access to conventional weapon purchases, INCLUDING BALLISTIC MISSILES. NPR reports:

The deal between Iran and six world powers is limited to keeping that nation from building a nuclear bomb. But it’s inevitable that the agreement, announced Tuesday in Vienna, will have broader consequences and one of them could be a buildup of conventional arms in the Middle East.

As part of the nuclear deal, a United Nations arms embargo on Iran, which was imposed in 2007 in response to the country’s nuclear program, will be lifted in five years for most weapons, and in eight years for ballistic missiles.

This is making some U.S. allies in the region uneasy, and they’re likely to seek more conventional weapons to counter an anticipated buying spree by Iran.

The U.S. has assured its allies that they can count on Washington’s help standing up to Iran. Two months ago, President Obama invited the Arab leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council, or GCC, to Camp David, where he promised them greater security cooperation.

I have pointed out over and over again that Iran has been a “threshold nuclear state” for several years and could have built a nuclear bomb any time they wanted to.  They have held off.  Why?  Because they needed ballistic missiles to be able to threaten the United States and other countries with in order to make their nuclear deterrent an actual deterrent.  I have argued that any future US president would blink, and then blink again if a dozen or two dozen major US cities would be vaporized if the US attacked them in response to their attacking Israel, or to blockading the Strait of Hormuz and sending oil prices through the roof, etc.

And Barack Hussein Obama just guaranteed that not only would there be a crazed race for nuclear weapons, not only would there be a crazed race for more conventional weapons, BUT THAT IRAN IS NOW GUARANTEED TO SOON POSSESS A BALLISTIC MISSILE CAPABILITY WITH WHICH IT WILL BE ABLE TO STRIKE THE UNITED STATES.


I have already pointed out that Barack Hussein Obama ignores ANYBODY who doesn’t agree with him.  So here’s what Obama’s own handpicked top officials have said about any deal with Iran:

“Under no circumstances should we relieve pressure on Iran relative to ballistic missile capabilities and arms trafficking,” [Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey]  told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, also testifying in a hearing otherwise focused on countering the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) threat, told the committee, “We want them [the Iranians] to continue to be isolated as a military, and limited in terms of the kind of equipment materiel they are able to get.”

What did Obama do?  Ignore them.  Utterly ignore them.  So what if our top experts say this is the stupidest thing we can possibly do?  Obama just waves his hand at some “scientist” we’ve never heard of and says that “the rest of the world” somehow completely agrees with him even thought it’s a lie straight from hell.

Obama is going to give Iran $150 billion to buy those conventional weapons and that ballistic missile technology.  Iran is literally going to be able to blow us up with our own damn money and most likely our own damn technology, thanks to Obama.

Iran is two months away from building a nuclear bomb and could make about a dozen bombs right now.  They’ve been at that point for some time.  They were waiting for this deal to take the next step toward Armageddon.  And Obama just gave it to them.  Wicked Democrats who will one day all burn in hell for the baby-murdering sodomite worshiping Anti-Semite Satanists that they are poised to give it to them in Congress unless Republicans can find at least a dozen Democrats who won’t drink Obama’s demonic Kook-Aid.

One of the biggest and worst and sickest jokes of all is how Obama keeps dishonestly claiming that somehow there will actually be inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities.  The actual process in Obama’s deal is such a convoluted joke it is beyond laughable.  Reuters reports that:

It was unclear exactly how the snapback mechanism would function, and the officials did not discuss the precise details. It was also unclear how the proposal would protect the United States and other permanent Council members from a possible Chinese or Russian veto on sanctions restoration.

It actually is quite clear: it is a convoluted mess that will never happen in the actual world.  Iran WILL cheat.  And Russia and China WILL protect Iran from having to allow any inspection that would catch Iran in the act of cheating.  Any and all “inspections” that will take place will be for show purposes only.  At the very best Iran will have at LEAST 28 days to stymie any inspection they don’t want until they’ve been able to relocate the evidence – which would of course require a FURTHER 28 days which would allow them to move the evidence again, and so on ad infinitum, ad nauseam.  And Obama will eagerly participate in the fraud and the farce for his own vain political reasons in order to pretend that he really did strike a good deal.  While Iran continues secretly building toward the day when they can unleash Armageddon against the Little Satan Israel and against the Great Satan America.  And the moment they get the ballistic missile capability that has eluded them because of the crippling sanctions, they will throw off all the stupid and laughable pretenses of this stupid and wicked deal.

Obama is the worst kind of fool there is.  This is a man who mocked Mitt Romney when he told us that Russia was our greatest geo-political threat. Now Obama’s own pick for JCS Chairman says Romney was right and Obama was and IS a complete jackass foolThis is a man who mocked Islamic State as “JayVee” and said they were nothing to worry about when they were in the process of eating us alive and creating the largest terrorist caliphate in the history of the world.  This is a man who has never ONCE been right about ANYTHING when it has come to foreign policy or domestic policy, for that matter.

You voted for Armageddon when you voted for Obama.  And Obama is going to deliver hell for you.  And hell is where you’re going.


It’s Official: The United States Of Sodom – i.e. God DAMN America – Is Back In The Days Of The Old Testament And The Wrath Of God

June 26, 2015

I’ve been thinking about the Book of Habakkuk lately.  The prophet was railing about the vile wickedness that he saw all around him in Judah (which had remained faithful to God while the northern kingdom of Israel was wicked until God brought the vicious Assyrians against them and hauled them away never to return).  And the prophet said:

“This is the message that the prophet Habakkuk received in a vision.  How long, O LORD, must I call for help? But you do not listen! “Violence is everywhere!” I cry, but you do not come to save.  Must I forever see these evil deeds? Why must I watch all this misery? Wherever I look, I see destruction and violence. I am surrounded by people who love to argue and fight.  The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.” — Habakkuk 1:4

And what does God say?  Does He say, “Oh, no, things are going swimmingly well…”  Does He say, “Golly gee, you’re right, but I can’t do anything about it.”  No.  God says this:

The LORD replied, “Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.  I am raising up the Babylonians, a cruel and violent people. They will march across the world and conquer other lands.  They are notorious for their cruelty and do whatever they like. — Hab 1:5-7

We live in a time (in Obama’s post-racial America where our messianic president has fulfilled his promise to rise above the partisan divide and lower the level of the oceans, etc. etc. ad nauseam) where cities burning down in race riots is commonplace and violent crime is rising everywhere Democrats have perverted in cities like New York and BaltimoreThugs empowered by Democrat Party policies rule the streets today.

But it is Habakkuk’s last and most powerful indictment against the wickedness of his people that I am most taken with today:

“The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.”

Satan has no greater hold anywhere in America than he does in our court rooms, our places of “law” and “justice.”

I look at what our Supreme Court did today in imposing homosexuality upon a nation that was once “one nation, under God” and which once called upon the LORD and I weep for the nation under the violent wrath of God that we have become under the immoral wickedness of the Democrat Party platform.  I read what God’s Word declares and I shudder:

Unbelief and Its Consequences [Romans 1:18-31]

18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

24Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

For the official record, there is a place where “violence” and “homosexuality” go hand in hand – or penis in orifice, to be more technically precise: our prisons are FILLED with homosexual rapeOh, yesVicious prisoners and homosexuality are penis and orifice.  Which is to say that either homosexuals are the worst, most degenerate, most vile and most violent people there ARE and homosexuals are all criminals because they are horrible people or else homosexuality truly IS a learned behavior and this whole “born gay” thing is as disgusting a lie as what two homosexual men do to one another is disgusting.  Take your pick.  Either way, liberalism is as wrong as you can get.  And homosexuality is a moral disease that manifests itself in every OTHER kind of physical disease.

In all of human history NO culture EVER sanctioned homosexual marriage; we are THE most wicked and perverted people in the history of the world, unless you consider the Old Testament peoples who inhabited the land of Canaan that God told His people to utterly exterminate lest the filth of their wickedness contaminate them (as it did).  We’ve just reached the ultimate rock bottom that God described in Romans chapter one for us.

This is as good a place as any to point out what a depraved LIAR Barack Obama turned out to be on every issue under the sun INCLUDING ON THE NATURE OF MARRIAGE.  When he was running for president, in order to get himself elected under false pretenses, Obama said this:

 WARREN: There’s a lot more I’d like to ask on that. We have 15 other questions here. Define marriage.

OBAMA: I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix. But —

WARREN: Would you support a Constitutional Amendment with that definition?

OBAMA: No, I would not.

WARREN: Why not?

OBAMA: Because historically — because historically, we have not defined marriage in our constitution. It’s been a matter of state law. That has been our tradition. I mean, let’s break it down. The reason that people think there needs to be a constitutional amendment, some people believe, is because of the concern that — about same-sex marriage. I am not somebody who promotes same-sex marriage, but I do believe in civil unions. I do believe that we should not — that for gay partners to want to visit each other in the hospital for the state to say, you know what, that’s all right, I don’t think in any way inhibits my core beliefs about what marriage are. I think my faith is strong enough and my marriage is strong enough that I can afford those civil rights to others, even if I have a different perspective or different view.

Obama’s senior political strategist openly admitted that Obama lied on that answer.  He knew he would never get elected telling the truth.  So he lied so he could begin to pervert and deprave America to his demonic agenda from the office of president.  But we can now clearly point out that Obama lied in another profound way: Obama said he was opposed to some amendment to the Constitution because why?  Marriage has always been a matter of state law.  And people ought to have the right to their own different perspectives or different views.  Well, NOT ANY MORE.  Because the same pervert president who said that lying garbage is now celebrating the Supreme Court IMPOSING HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE ON EVERY SINGLE STATE WHETHER IT HAS A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE OR A DIFFERENT VIEW OR NOT.

Barack Obama’s mission was to a false angel of light just like his master Lucifer from within the White House.  And it worked.  He never would have been elected had he told the American people the truth up front about where he stood.  So he lied to them and then proceeded to incrementally lead them to some “shifting stance” on what the Bible declared is “detestable” and “an abomination” and never ONCE “shifted” FROM that “stance.”

In the same manner, liberal Supreme Court INjustice Ruth Bader Ginsburg once openly admitted that the Supreme Court decision to impose the Holocaust of abortion on this nation was flawed and went too far and created a bitter division in America that could have been avoided had the issue been decided by the legislative branch as it should have been rather than being hijacked by the Supreme Court as the Court did.  Ginsburg called the ruling “heavy-handed judicial activism.”

But as a dishonest hypocrite she proceeded to do the EXACT SAME THING all over again.

“The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.” — Habakkuk 1:4

The Word of God also declares:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! — Isaiah 5:20

And that is EXACTLY what Lord Sauron and his nine ringwraiths have now done in the wickedness of their dishonest perversion.  These people are not good or honest; they are liars and hypocrites to the cores of their rotten souls.  And before this wicked ruling homosexuals had the same rights any of the rest of us did: a homosexual man had every right to marry any adult woman who would have him, the same as me.  And it is hardly any decent person’s fault that they did not wish to exercise their basic freedom.

In a recent article I wrote about the Confederate flag, I quoted Abraham Lincoln speaking against slavery.  “You cannot have a right to do wrong,” he said.  Homosexuality is WRONG.  It is wrong according to every single world religion and it is even horribly wrong according to Darwinian evolution.  It is just plain WRONG.

“God gave America over” and “the wrath of God is revealed” against America.  And we’re going to receive in our persons “the due penalty” of our error.

Liberal progressives decry the God of the Bible and sit in judgment over Him and say He’s intolerant and unloving.  Well, they might think they’re more moral than God and they might think they’ve got a better plan than God in their arrogant depravity; but what they DON’T have is their own UNIVERSE.  But that doesn’t stop them from raising their middle fingers at God.

And I have been watching the SAME people from the SAME place do the SAME vicious things that the vicious Assyrians and the wicked Babylonians did when God delivered Israel and ultimately Judah over to these terrorist monsters because of their wickedness and betrayal of God.  Because as much as the liberal Democrats despise the days of the Old Testament, THEY BROUGHT THEM BACK.  IN SPADES.

Hell is about to come to America that will leave people STUNNED and AMAZED.  We look at Russia and China and think we see countries that are more wicked.  But that is an illusion generated by the ideological left; neither China nor Russia endorse sodomy perversion the way Obama and now the U.S. Supreme Court does.  Both Russia and China are mentioned in the Bible in end-times prophecy, but the United States is nowhere to be found because either we won’t even exist anymore or we will be too weak and collapsed to be relevant. And I submit that God will judge America more harshly than any nation SINCE Israel and Judah because we once declared our dependence on God and now we’ve pissed in His eye.  And God is not mocked for long.

If I may be crass for a moment, you want your precious sodomy, America, and God will ensure that you get it right up your collectivist ASS.  And it’s going to hurt nightmare bad when you get it.

Under Barack Hussein Obama and his wicked vision for America, I have watched terrorism EXPLODE while the nation under him deteriorates like a piece of rotting meat.  The terrorist ARMY Islamic State basically didn’t exist when George W. Bush turned the presidency over to Barack Obama.  Iraq was – and this in Barack Obama’s words – “sovereign, stable and self-reliant.”  Obama’s vice president – trying to steal the credit for the VICTORY that George W. Bush had won with his highly successful surge strategy that Obama and Biden had bitterly opposed and demagogued – said that Iraq was going to be “one of the great achievements of this administration.”

The Arab world has BURNED to the ground under Barack Hussein Obama’s “leadership.”  Our worst enemy in the region Iran has seized total control of Iraq even as Obama is preparing to give Iran such an insanely stupid nuclear weapons deal that 18 of America’s top foreign policy experts including FIVE Obama officials wrote an open letter warning America about.

Just today AS I WRITE there were THREE major terrorist attacks all over the world with dozens killed: in France, in Kuwait and in Tunisia.  While Islamic State just slaughtered over 140 Kurds as whole families were wiped out in Kobani.  But hey, nothin’ to see here, folks.

We’ve now got domestic terror attacks right up the whazoo.  There are THOUSANDS of radical jihadists waiting to unleash murder across America, says the FBI.  And we can’t even read their internet communications because Obama has so desperately failed to protect us.  We’re sitting sheep waiting for our slaughter.  And Obama’s response is to call an incident with a Muslim with violent jihadist rants posted all over his website who beheaded one woman and was shot (by someone Democrats’ rabidly despise: an armed citizen) trying to behead another woman for Allah an example of “workplace violence.”

I want you to consider a few facts that were compiled in 2014.  For instance, in June 9, 2014 we learned that there had been a “58% increase in the number of Islamist terror groups” since 2010 (basically since Obama took office).  We learned on June 14, 2014 that during that same time frame since Obama took office, the number of vicious jihadist monsters had DOUBLED with the number of terrorist attacks TRIPLING.  And in 2014 we looked in horror as a terrorist army that didn’t even EXIST before Obama filled the White House with the stench of his moral idiocy now had a massive terrorist caliphate that made Osama bin Laden’s struggle a complete success.

That was pretty bad.  But look what the Los Angeles Times says of 2o15 compared to that awful time I described above:

Terrorist attacks and their toll soared in 2014, U.S. reports
By Paul Richter
▼The number of terrorist attacks jumped 35% on 2014 and fatalities soared 81%, State Department says
▼The number of people abducted by terrorists tripled in 2014, to more than 9,400
▼The surge in terrorists’ carnage comes as governments weaken or collapse in the Middle East and Africa
June 19, 2015, 3:07 PM |Reporting from Washington

Terrorist violence exploded around the world last year, driven by a surge in attacks by the Islamic State extremist group in the Middle East and Boko Haram in West Africa, the State Department said in a report Friday..

The number of terrorist attacks jumped 35%, to 13,500, while the number of fatalities soared 81%, to 33,000, the report says. A major factor was an increase in especially deadly attacks, including 20 assaults that killed 100 or more people.  […]

In other words, “terrorist violence exploded around the world last year” FROM THE YEAR BEFORE WHEN IT WAS ALREADY EXPLODING.

We are powerless against the 1 billion Muslims – with over a hundred million minimum fully radicalized.  Attacks will get more and more numerous, more and more organized, better and better funded and planned.  And we’ve got NOTHING but a weak puppet-pawn of the devil to keep us safe.

We are looking at terrorism and violence unlike anything the world has ever seen.  And we’re looking at Obama’s false promises and his lies and his demonic incompetence and his lies to a deluded, depraved and wicked people who keep believing them.

Barack Hussein Obama – the arrogant, narcissistic, pathologically wicked self-deceived demon-possessed liar that he is – claimed that Islamic State was “JayVee” even AFTER they seized a major city in Iraq.  And then lied about it like the pathetic little coward that he truly is.  He claimed that he had wiped out al Qaeda.  When anyone who had eyes to see and ears to hear understood that the exact OPPOSITE was happening.

This has ALL happened during Obama’s presidency and as a result of his presidency.  And the result of progressive liberalism.

God is going to send the most vicious violence to deal with our vile wickedness.  He is using Islamic State as His instrument of wrath.  It is an amazing thing that as EVIL as Islamic State is, Barack Obama is even MORE evil and MORE detestable in the sight of God.  And the United States of America is now even more evil and more detestable in the sight of God because God holds a nation accountable for the wickedness of its king and the king’s wickedness is OUR wickedness because the king represents us.  Especially when we elect him and then RE-elect that wicked king.

As Islamic State rises, we see the rise of our other worst enemies.  China is building militarized islands in the South China Sea.  And threatening a weak, cowardly, pathetic America with WAR unless we bow down before them and get the hell out of their wayChina has already surpassed America for the first time in history because of the wickedness of Obama, but we aint seen NOTHIN’ yet: HALF the world’s trade passes through the South China Sea shipping lanes China is now saying is its exclusive domain as they realize that America under Obama has been afflicted with weakness and cowardice and will not fight.  Understand, because of Barack Obama China just took over a shipping lane more important than the Panama Canal AND the Suez Canal COMBINED.

China just brazenly launched an all-out war against the computer systems this nation depends on.  And it WAS an act of war, but America dare not respond.

We’re being bullied around like the school yard PUNK.  Because that’s what we voted to be TWICE under the metastasizing cancer that is the Obama presidency.

If we fight China, we will lose.  Because Reverend Jeremiah Wright – Barack Obama’s wicked pastor – spoke as a prophet when he railed:

“No, no, no!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America!”

The Bible records that China as “the kings of the east” will launch a terrifying last-days army of 200 million soldiers according to Revelation 9:14-16 and Revelation 16:12.  And the Bible recorded that at a time when census experts point out that there were barely 200 million human beings on the entire planet.

China is stronger than America.  They are truly our masters now in every way (the same thing available here for when the first link gets scrubbed).  Because we voted for wickedness and God has turned His back on this nation that was once “one nation, under God” but is now “one nation, under sodomy.”

Russia has threatened the United States with nuclear war.  Because their president is stronger than ours and Russia has the will to fight that our president has broken.

America under the wicked king Barack Hussein Obama DARE NOT fight Russia.

We are afraid and we ought to be afraid.  Because God has turned His back on us.

Soon, the beast will come, the Antichrist, and the whole world will worship him (Revelation 13:1-8) and take his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads (Revelation 13:16-18).

I used to wonder how America could possibly collapse.  There was a time when this nation was great and mighty like nothing that had ever been before it.  We had a powerful president whom I served as my commander-in-chief.  And he defeated the only power that rivaled us for greatness.

Now I look at our TRUE debt and I look at our pathetic military weakness under Obama and I see our collapse quite easily.  We are a weak and cowardly and corrupt DISGRACE under the cancer of Obama and his worship of sodomy on an altar of sixty million babies murdered by Democrats in the abortion mills.  Compared to our current census, nearly one-in-five Americans has been MURDERED by Democrats.  The Democrat abortion war has consumed TEN TIMES the horror toll that the Nazis consumed in the Holocaust.  For every American soldier killed in the entire Vietnam War, Democrats murdered more than one thousand babies in their vicious war on children.  And we’re going to get our national butt-raping soon.

It’s only a question of which of our enemies does it.  Or maybe they will all three join forces and do it together.

I used to wonder how the world – and particularly how Americans – could literally worship the coming political beast.  And then I watched in sick horror as the crowds adored and worshiped him in a literal TEMPLE that he built to adore himself with and celebrate his adoration by a pathologically and pathetically deceived people.

I used to wonder how the mark of the beast would work.  I mean, how could a government – even a world government – make it impossible for every single human being on earth to be able to buy or sell?  Surely there was always at least BARTER available?  Now it is all-too easy to see.  First the world will abandon paper/coin currency and go to digital currency.  We’re already nearly all the way there now.  Then it will be a simple matter of implanting a chip – that previous generations would NEVER have accepted but which we are finally wicked enough to swallow given the fact that we reject God’s Word enough to swallow the perversion of homosexual sodomy – which will be all-too easy for a tyrant to seize control over.

Socialism is the government taking over the economy; the mark of the beast is the ultimate example of everything the Democrat Party has dreamed of and schemed of and worked toward for the last fifty years as the government will successfully so take over the entire economy and every aspect of it that people will literally be unable to participate in the economy in any way, any shape or any form unless they do EXACTLY what the government requires them to do.

It will be an act of wickedness, an act of worship, an act of taking the easy solution, an act of abandoning God to appease evil, to accept the mark of the beast.  But the people are almost eager to do that very thing now in our age of socialism and the worship of the State as Savior rather than a discredited, “intolerant” God.

I used to wonder how America would betray Israel when no nation has ever been closer to Israel or risen to her aid more.  The Word of God is crystal clear: the Seven Years of Divine Tribulation will begin with one specific event: the Antichrist will sign a seven-year peace covenant with the State of Israel according to Daniel 9:27.  But we already see how Barack Obama has turned his back on Israel and how Israel now fully comprehends that it cannot possibly trust the United States for her security.

Israel is in greater danger than EVER.  And Barack Hussein Obama is working to empower Israel’s GREATEST ENEMY who has REPEATEDLY stated its goal to destroy her and literally wipe her off the map.

Because of the wickedness of Barack Hussein Obama, Israel has nowhere else to turn BUT to the Antichrist.

It’s so easy to see now.

Get ready for hell, America.  You voted for it.  And you’re going to get it.  You’re going to get the sodomy you so yearn for.

Only the people God will rise up to send to deal with your obscene national wickedness won’t be using any lubricants.





Obama Vs. Jesus And Which Messiah Is Turning Out To Be Right?

May 7, 2015

Jesus replied, ‘Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many.  And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately.  Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in many parts of the world, as well as famines. But this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.  “When these things begin to happen, watch out! You will be handed over to the local councils and beaten in the synagogues. You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are My followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell them about Me.'”  — Mark 13:5-9

In this statement, Jesus predicted several things:  He said 1) “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’  They will deceive many.”  2) You will hear of wars and rumors of wars…”  3) Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.  4) There will be natural disasters and famines like we’ve never seen.  5)  And Christians will be handed over for official persecution by governments and by caliphates.

Jesus promised us that in the last days, many would come claiming to be Messiah.  How many of these would be elected president of the United States???

The actual historical evidence:

Quoting David Axelrod, Senior Advisor to Obama, the man who marketed Obama to the world, David Axelrod: “He is the living, breathing apotheosis of the American melting pot,” enthused David Axelrod, who privately coined a nickname for his boss: “Black Jesus.”


Axelrod, as we know, isn’t alone. According to Klein, Micah Tillman, lecturer in philosophy at the Catholic University of America, called Obama “the Platonic philosopher king we’ve been looking for the past 2,400 years.” And no less an authority than Oprah has called him “The One.”


“It means that this is a whole new world. I think…I’ve been saying this before. You can divide history. BB Before Barack. AB After Barack.” — Spike Lee


“You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn’t care anything about. That’s a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking.”

“Brothers and sisters,” Farrakhan said, “Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you something new, something better is on the way.”

Farrakhan points out that the man Nation of Islam followers refer to as “the Saviour,” Fard Muhammad, had a black father and a white mother, just as Obama did.

“A black man with a white mother became a saviour to us,” he said. “A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall.”  — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, speaking on ‘Nation of Islam Saviours’ Day’, February 24, 2008


“Dismiss it all you like, but I’ve heard from far too many enormously smart, wise, spiritually attuned people who’ve been intuitively blown away by Obama’s presence – not speeches, not policies, but sheer presence – to say it’s just a clever marketing ploy, a slick gambit carefully orchestrated by hotshot campaign organizers who, once Obama gets into office, will suddenly turn from perky optimists to vile soul-sucking lobbyist whores, with Obama as their suddenly evil, cackling overlord.

Here’s where it gets gooey. Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.

The unusual thing is, true Lightworkers almost never appear on such a brutal, spiritually demeaning stage as national politics. This is why Obama is so rare. And this why he is so often compared to Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., to those leaders in our culture whose stirring vibrations still resonate throughout our short history.” — Mark Morford, SF Gate columnist, June 6, 2008


Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: “I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.”

Thomas, appearing on Hardball with Chris Matthews, was reacting to a preceding monologue in which Matthews praised Obama’s speech: “I think the President’s speech yesterday was the reason we Americans elected him. It was grand. It was positive. Hopeful…But what I liked about the President’s speech in Cairo was that it showed a complete humility…The question now is whether the President we elected and spoke for us so grandly yesterday can carry out the great vision he gave us and to the world.”

The mainstream media, Associated Press, Reuters, etc., REPEATEDLY and BRAZENLY deliberately continued this fabrication, depicting Obama with halo after halo after halo.  Have other candidates for president played this messianic trick?  Of course.  BUT NEVER LIKE THIS.  NEVER TO THIS DEGREE.

Did Obama manifest himself in such a blatantly messianic manner?  You betcha he did:

The journey will be difficult. The road will be long. I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment – this was the time – when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.

I still remember the temple that the Democrat Party built to welcome its god.  I still remember the Grecian columns in which this god walked among mortal man, I still recall the sick feeling as I watched the worshiping crowds adore him, praise him:

I could actually go on.  But I believe I’ve made my case.  Jesus was right.  The Obama campaign played Obama as “the One,” as “the messiah,” as “Black Jesus,” as “sort of God, standing above the country, above the world.”

Now, even liberals are acknowledging that Barack Obama was the same, lying, dishonest political weasel that we’ve seen all to often.  But that’s another story.

If you’re a Democrat, you already stand revealed as a proven Antichrist worshiper and it is only a matter of time when you fall in love with a new political god and worship him and take his mark on your right hand or on your forehead according to the prophetic description of how our political system will end in Revelation 13:16.   I simply challenge you and defy you, Democrat, to show me anything even CLOSE to this coming from the Republican Party or any of it’s candidates.  You show me this crap coming from Bush or McCain or Romney.  You show me this or this or this.

You Democrats are literally TEN TIMES MORE MURDEROUS than Adolf Hitler or the Nazis.  They murdered six million Jews in their death camps; YOU HAVE MURDERED SIXTY MILLION INNOCENT HUMAN BEINGS IN YOURS.  And the day is coming when you will pay for your wickedness when God’s wrath washes over you as no tsunami wave as ever washed over anyone and carries you screaming into the hell you so richly deserve for your murder and your spirit of depraved perversion and your fanatic and criminal abuse of genuine justice.

Ben Carson compared America today to the rise of the Nazis in the 1930s.  He’s been excoriated by the leftist media for that: they demand he retract his words so they can attack him for taking back what he said as much as they had attacked him for saying it in the first place.  Despite the obvious fact that truer words have never been spoken.

Jesus was right as He described the last days and how they would come about as false messiahs demagogued their way to power and paved the way for the ultimate Antichrist who would lead the world to literal hell on earth during a seven-year period in which God gave a wicked people over to the demonic leader they truly deserved.

And we have seen The Rise, as Democrats proclaimed, “There is no God but Government, and Obama is Its Prophet!”

St. Paul described “the descent of man” into depravity as they first replaced God with godless evolution, professed themselves as wise when they were in reality becoming utter fools, and ultimately would become so toxic and so vile that they would do something that no culture on earth had ever done and exalt the perversion of homosexual sodomy as “marriage”:

Unbelief and Its Consequences

18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. 21For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.

24Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

Romans 1:18-31

Jesus said that 2) we would hear more and more and more about wars and rumors of wars.

I was reading the Los Angeles Times this morning (Thursday, May 7, 2015) and here were the titles of the articles I saw as I looked through the main page:

Page A1: “Exercises signal NATO resolve against Russia”

Page A3: “Drug violence escalates: As elections approach, an army helicopter is shot down and a new cartel emerges”

Page A4: “4 to hang in Afghan mob killing: Eight are sentenced to prison in the beating and burning death of a woman”

Page A6: “Syrian president is ‘not worried’ despite setbacks” with the opening paragraph reading: “Syrian president Bashar Assad said Wednesday that he was “not worried” about the battlefield setbacks and exhorted supporters to avoid succumbing to “frustration” as the Syrian conflict rages on without an end in sight.”

Page A6: “Saudi-led airstrikes kill scores in Yemen”

Page A8 “NATO not taking threats lightly”

Page A9: “Saber-rattling signals NATO resolve.”

Page A9 Germany: “4 arrested in raids seeking extremists”

Page A9 Nigeria” Niger expels 3,000 refugees” with the first paragraph reading, “More than 3,000 fishermen and other refugees fleeing Boko Haram militants were expelled from neighboring Niger…”

Page A11: “Shooter likely more of a lone wolf” (in spite of the claim by Islamic State) regarding the terrorist attack on a free-speech event in Texas.

Of that last story, the truth is as amazing as it is terrifying.  The New York Times reports the following:

The onslaught of recruitment propaganda has multiplied the number of online enthusiasts for the Islamic State in the United States, giving counterterrorism investigators the difficult task of deciding which are simply fantasizing in public and which might be planning violence.

“The ISIS guys are talking to these wannabes on Twitter all day long,” a senior law enforcement official said. “It’s like the devil is sitting on their shoulder saying, ‘Come on, they’re insulting the prophet, what are you going to do about it?’ ”

The official, who would speak about the continuing investigation only on condition of anonymity, said that although Mr. Simpson had long been under F.B.I. scrutiny, he had not appeared to be preparing for violence. “There are so many like him that you have to prioritize your investigations,” the official said.

The brief statement from the Islamic State did not claim that it had ordered the Texas attack, though it called the gunmen, Mr. Simpson, 30, and Nadir Hamid Soofi, 34, “two soldiers from the soldiers of the caliphate.”

The statement expressed hope that the men, who had been living in Phoenix, would be granted “the highest rank of paradise” and threatened that future action against the perceived enemies of Islam would be “worse and more bitter,” according to a translation by the Site Intelligence Group, which tracks extremist statements.

Those words, “There are so many like him” ought to chill your blood.  Because of Obama’s monumental failure to do anything other than be a lying, slandering, deceiving demagogue rather than an actual leader, our system to deal with violence and terrorism and war is fundamentally and profoundly breaking down.  The New York Times describes “Mr. Simpson, a convert to Islam with a long history of extremism.”  The man had been tracked by authorities for years.  But our liberal-dominated courts have made the system powerless to stop the avalanche of these murderers.  The FBI is overwhelmed.

What did our imposter messiah say in front of the FACT that last year was THE deadliest year for terrorism EVER?

“I mean, the truth of the matter is that for all the challenges we face, all the problems that we have, if you had to be — if you had to choose any moment to be born in human history, not knowing what your position was going to be, who you were going to be, you’d choose this time. The world is less violent than it has ever been. It is healthier than it has ever been. It is more tolerant than it has ever been. It is better fed then it’s ever been. It is more educated than it’s ever been.” – Barack Hussein Obama

Militant Islam is rising.  It is inevitable.  And it is inevitable because the world and its leaders today are dominated by the abject moral cowardice of Barack Hussein Obama to confront reality when false narratives sound so much better to our itching years.  Obama has proven utterly irrelevant to the world as Islamic State was born and grew powerful and rose to burn people alive right in front of our faces all because of his abject failed policies and his non-stop blathering uselessness.

If you’re pro-Christian, you can buy a Christian organ, you know, like a liver or heart or kidney of a Christian murder victim as Islamic State uses every means to finance their metastic spread.

It took Obama months beyond laughable to even so much as ACKNOWLEDGE that Christians were victims of these monsters as he enables them day after day, week after week, month after month.

Unmentioned are many other recent stories like this one about China creating artificial island after artificial island as they grab territory that has never been theirs (you know, just like Russia is defiantly doing).  The US military is watching helplessly while it goes from “late” to “too late” to stop or deal with:

These missions have taken on new urgency as the U.S. military keeps a closer eye on China’s increasingly assertive territorial claims, including an unprecedented island-building campaign in the nearby South China Sea.

On any given day, U.S. aircraft bristling with cameras, sensors and advanced electronics crisscross the region, hunting submarines, surface ships and aircraft — and charting progress on massive landfills that have suddenly appeared from submerged reefs and shoals.

The fear is that these islands will provide bases for China to restrict air traffic or threaten vital shipping lanes.

The Navy’s patrol fleet has grown from 12 to 16 aircraft in the last three years and includes state-of-the-art P-8 Poseidons, militarized versions of Boeing 737s that are being deployed first to the Pacific.

“We go out, we watch, we look and we listen, to all things going on. And we do it routinely,” says Navy Capt. Mike Parker, who commands the patrol fleet. Parker said U.S. aircraft remain in international airspace throughout their missions.

He spoke to a USA TODAY reporter invited on a training mission aboard Pelican One.

U.S. officials have watched with alarm since China began its landfill operations in the South China Sea last year, creating artificial islands with astonishing speed.

Commercial satellite images show extensive landfill and construction on at least seven previously submerged reefs or atolls in the Spratly Islands group, located west of the Philippines.

Some of the new islands include runways that can accommodate China’s biggest military aircraft, along with port facilities and dozens of multistory buildings, according to the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, a research project sponsored by the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank.

“China is creating a ‘Great Wall of Sand’ with dredges and bulldozers,” Adm. Harry Harris, commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, warned in a speech in Australia on April 1. Harris said that raises “serious questions about Chinese intentions.”

We can watch Obama’s epic fail as a leader in slow, agonizing motion as Obama allows Iran to seize U.S.-flagged ships in what is clearly an act of war, as Iran violates the citizenship of Americans and arrests them one after another on trumped-up charges, as Iran spreads terror all over the world, as Iran having nearly achieved complete hegemony in the Middle East is now expanding to Latin America.  as Iran calls for death to America.  While Obama says, “We trust you!  We are willing to compromise and cooperate and negotiate with every dictator and murderer and thug and anyone who isn’t a Republican! I will GIVE you nuclear weapons!  Only PLEASE wait until I’m out of office!”

All Iran needs is time to build or buy ballistic missile technology to launch their nuclear warheads that even according to Obama they are 2-3 months away from and could clearly easily have at any moment they want them.  Obama knew that truth for YEARS but lied and lied and lied to the American people as he rabidly pursued a deal with THE most untrustworthy regime on planet earth.

It has been a known, documented fact for at least a YEAR that Iran has been pursuing the ballistic missile technology necessary and ONLY necessary to launch their soon-to-be nuclear warheads.  But what they hey?

Iran is showing us in color their intention as they wargame their nuclear attack against Israel.

The Word of God assured us more than 2,600 years ago that one day, in the last days, Russian and Iran would lead a confederacy of nations that are coincidentally today ALL Islamic nutjob states in a war of extermination against the state of Israel.  And that the world would sit idly by and act just like Obama is doing now and do NOTHING but blather useless words according to Ezekiel 38:13.

The world will one day soon be bathed in blood as we see wars ignite the likes the human race has never seen.  And it is all gathering right now.

At a point in time when population experts pegged the total world population at 183 million, St. John in the Book of Revelation prophesied the very region that could pull off such an army – “the kings of the east” – sending a demonic army of 200 million men across what has throughout history been the historically impassable Euphrates River toward their destiny of Armageddon.

Jesus said 3) “Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”

Well, I just wrote about that.  The word Jesus uses translated as “nation” is “ethnos.”  “Nation will rise against nation” is more accurately, “Ethnic group will rise against ethnic group.”  Or Race will rise against race.

And we’re seeing hot, flaming race rising against race all over America.  And the polls document the fact that Americans overwhelmingly – to the tune of 96 percent – believe it will get worse and that it will happen in their own cities and towns.

Jesus declared 4) “There will be earthquakes in many parts of the world, as well as famines. But this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come.”

Natural disasters, anyone?  We have them in abundance like we have never before seen.  We have a crippling historic drought in my state of California that is growing more and more terrible while we have floods elsewhere to fulfill what God declared would happen to a nation that abandoned Him: “I kept the rain from falling when your crops needed it the most. I sent rain on one town but withheld it from another. Rain fell on one field, while another field withered away” (Amos 4:7).  Earthquakes?  The world is watching Nepal reel from the recent aftermath of one as we speak, with thousands dead.

I know how godless man reasons, because the Bible tells me: “They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation” (2 Peter 3:4).  But I’ve been pointing out that these same godless people ignorantly declare the truth of God’s Word everyday as they exploit every phenomena as “global warming” or “climate change” when it is just one more part of what our LORD told us would happen as we reached the end of days before divine judgment plunged the world into living hell.

And Jesus promised believers 5) “watch out! You will be handed over to the local councils and beaten in the synagogues. You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are My followers.”  And we are watching it happen all over the world as Islamic State leads planet earth in the slaughter of Christians, as more Christians have been martyred these last few years than in all of history combined, as the Obama system of “justice” persecutes and punishes and terrorizes Christians for taking a stand against the sodomy of marriage and says that as Christian bakers they won’t bake cakes for gay weddings and as Christian wedding photographers they won’t depict the perversion of God-ordained marriage and as Christian pizza restaurateurs they won’t allow their property be used to celebrate homosexual perversion of marriage that has always throughout all of history been the union of one man and one woman.

The beast is coming.  War like we have never even had nightmares of before is coming.  And we’re watching it metastasize right now under Obama.

The mystery of lawlessness” is that as all of these horrors engulf us there will be nothing the righteous can do about it to stop it.  We stand dismayed but the Bible said these “perilous times” were coming.  We were foretold that “Many will be purified, cleansed, and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means” (Daniel 12:10).


The Joke That Is The U.S. Unemployment Rate: If We Used Same Metric As When Bush Was President, Unemployment Would Be Almost 12%

May 2, 2014

The day that George Bush said, “See ya, moral morons!” and sailed off into the sunset, the labor participation rate – the rate that measures the percentage of working-age Americans who actually have a JOB – was 65.7%.

Today participation just plunged (again) to match the lowest nadir of 1978.  Which is to say that Obama has taken America back nearly forty years.  And at least we still had a viable damn space program back then.

You need to understand the trick that is “the unemployment rate.”  The trick is when labor participation falls (which is a very, very BAD thing) the unemployment rate measurement artificially drops as well.

You have a negative rate which benefits whenever another rate happens to be measured in the same negative terms.  For example, let’s say I was calculating your “stupid rate.”  And part of the calculation involved multiplying by your IQ level.  And your IQ dropped by several points.  Well, wouldn’t your “stupid rate” go down too?  Of course it would.

288,000 people found jobs this month.  Which is the best showing in like 2 years under Obama.  Let’s forget the fact that that Obama’s most spectacular performance even adequately keep up with basic population growth.  Let’s also forget that 806,000 abandoned the workforce and just gave up hope of ever finding a job in God damn America.

That’s what’s going on with the unemployment numbers you’re seeing.  They’re getting better and better – but that’s because the number of people participating in the workforce is getting lower and lower which is driving a lower and lower measurement for unemployment.  It would be an easy fix: if we were to calculate the non-participation rate (100% minus the participation rate %), you would have a rising number to reflect the rising bad news of low labor participation which would thus provide a lower number for unemployment percentage.

But that would be honest.  And government is DIShonest to the core.

But here is the grim reality, if we were to stick the January 2009 labor participation rate that Bush handed off to Obama into the unemployment rate calculation, unemployment would be nearing 12 percent right now.  Which is Great Depression territory.

James Pethokoukis pointed this out last year (when the labor participation rate was better than it is now):

“11.4%: What the U.S. unemployment rate would be if labor force participation were back to January 2008 levels.”

Instead, the left is trumpeting the best unemployment rate since 2008, as if Obama magically solved all of our problems.  And I point out that this massive belief in disinformation is what the Bible prophesied would happen when Antichrist came: the Bible says he will literally be worshiped out of the (false) belief that he solved all the world’s problems.

It’s an amazing thing to watch the formerly greatest nation in the history of the world swiftly descend into pathetic weakness as an increasingly passive, narcissistic and depraved culture either tunes out or believes the lies they are spoon-fed by a mainstream media that provides far more propaganda than journalism.

If you want to know the truth about the U.S. economy under the misrule of Obama and his Democrat stooges, consider this:

“According to shocking new numbers that were just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of American families do not have a single person that is working. So when someone tries to tell you that the unemployment rate in the United States is about 7 percent, you should just laugh. One-fifth of the families in the entire country do not have a single member with a job. That is absolutely astonishing. How can a family survive if nobody is making any money? Well, the answer to that question is actually quite easy. There is a reason why government dependence has reached epidemic levels in the United States. Without enough jobs, tens of millions of additional Americans have been forced to reach out to the government for help. At this point, if you can believe it, the number of Americans getting money or benefits from the federal government each month exceeds the number of full-time workers in the private sector by more than 60 million.”…Zero Hedge April 29, 2014

One out of every five American families cannot point to a SINGLE member with a damn job.  And do you know what Democrats call that?  An economic miracle.

If you want to know the truth about the U.S. economy under the misrule of Obama and his Democrat stooges, consider this:

“Over the last six months, of the net job creation, 97 percent of that is part-time work,”…Keith Hall, former BLS chief

Virtually EVERY SINGLE JOB Obama has “created” in the aftermath of his ObamaCare hijack-takeover of the health care system was a part-time job.  And overwhelmingly, those jobs are in food service and other low-end, low-wage, dead-end jobs.  And do you know what Democrats call that?  An economic miracle.

Look at America’s collapse relative to China if you want to know the truth.  Consider that China had 43% of the U.S. economic power when Bush was president.  And now they are just about to overtake us less than six years later, thanks to Obama and the Democrat Party control.

The deception and disinformation that now characterizes our president, our White House and the media that is supposed to serve as a check and balance, is amazing.

It wasn’t very long ago that you could say, “Read my lips…” and the average American could finish Bush’s broken promise: “no new taxes.”  That was because the media beat the drums on that broken promise day in and day out for the rest of his second term after Democrats who controlled both the House and the Senate forced him to do so.  Literally, the Democrats who forced Bush to raise taxes politically attacked him for doing the very thing that they had forced him to do.  There is no such parallel for Obama’s many broken promises, such as “you will not see any of your taxes increase one single dime.”  Obama has broken so many promises that it is beyond unreal; yet few remember because the media has simply refused to do its job of holding a man they basically worship accountable the way they rabidly held the Bushes accountable.  There is no question that Democrats forced Bush to break his promise; there is also no question that Republicans did NOT force Obama to break his many promises on taxes, on ObamaCare, on red lines, or on any of his many lies.  Yet the media tore into the man whose opponents forced him to break his word and have refused to attack the man who simply proved dishonest.  The American people KNOW Obama is a liar, but the media simply will not beat the drum to torment their messiah the way they so happily tormented Republican presidents.

A willingness to tolerate liars and the lies they tell is a prelude to a deceived nation.  And America is very much a deceived nation.

This is God Damn America.  This is America according to the wrath of God as described quite fully in Romans chapter one.  The Democrat Party has pissed in God’s eye and demanded He bring His wrath upon America with their sodomy “marriage” and their murder of God’s babies: one day Democrats will stand before God’s judgment and say they were Christians and Jesus will tell them according to Matthew chapter 25, “I tell you the truth.  When I was hungry and thirsty, these righteous ones fed Me.  When I was in naked, these righteous ones clothed Me.  Not so you.  When I was a baby in My mother’s womb you tore Me to shreds and murdered Me before I could live in your place and die for your sins.  Now depart from Me, you murderers, you worker of iniquity, for I never knew you.  You NEVER gave Me the chance to know you.”

All you have to do to know that America is experiencing the wrath of God as never before is to read about the terrifying weather and the worst droughts we have ever seen as Obama has led America into defying the God of Creation.

But as the Bible says, we live in an age where most of humanity blindly believes a lie, a delusion.  2 Thessalonians chapter 2 describes the coming global big-government dictator in the last days and St. Paul says in verses 11 and 12, “For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.”

St. Paul goes on to describe the last days mindset in chapter three of 2 Timothy:

      1But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. 6For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, 7always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

And that’s precisely where we’re at as a culture today.  We live in an age of radical human free will – so long as that radical human free will rises up in hostility to God and His righteousness.  If you try to use the “radical free will” that modern culture so values to stand for God and His ways, this sick, twisted, perverted, depraved culture will turn on you with stunning viciousness.

People’s minds are closed to the truth in these final days before the coming of the beast and his total government control that Democrats have been working to create for decades.

One of the foremost characteristics of bad people is that bad people believe lies and reject the truth.  And we live in an age where the lie dominates and the truth is harassed and persecuted.

I know that most of America will continue to believe the lies for the same reason I know that Jesus loves me: “the Bible tells me so.”




China Just About To Overtake God Damn America As #1 Economy Due To Obama’s Failed Policies

May 1, 2014

Here’s an interesting fact: who is more “socialist”: Barack Obama’s God Damn America Or the (communist) People’s Republic of China?

The really scary thing is that it’s not even close: Barack Obama is FAR more communist than anyone in China.

Consider that your tax rate in the People’s Republic of China is 25% vs. your top federal tax rate in God Damn America of 39%.  And those Chinese don’t pay the state taxes that we also have to pay over here in good ole God Damn America.

If you want to understand why China owns us AND gets to eat our lunch at the same time, realize that the United States has THE highest corporate tax rate on planet earth.  AND a president who keeps saying the highest on earth still isn’t high enough.

I’ve watched dozens of Democrats who argue for higher taxes get asked the question, “How much should the rate be?”   And not ONE of them has ever answered.  The reason being THEY WILL NEVER GRAB ENOUGH OF OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY OR ENOUGH POWER TO DOMINATE OTHER PEOPLE’S LIVES.

The last time this measure was taken when George W. Bush was still president, China had well under HALF (43%) the economy of America.  But under Barack Obama and under Barack Obama’s “God damn America” policies, we have tanked so fast it gives me vertigo to think about it:

China Set to Overtake U.S. as Biggest Economy in PPP Measure
By Bloomberg News
April 30, 2014 4:32 PM EDT   69 Comments

China is poised to overtake the U.S. as the world’s biggest economy earlier than expected, possibly as soon as this year, using calculations that take purchasing power into account.

China’s economy was 87 percent of the size of the U.S. in 2011, based on so-called purchasing power parity, the International Comparison Program said in a statement yesterday in Washington. The program, which involves organizations including the World Bank and United Nations, had put the figure at 43 percent in 2005.

The latest tally adds to the debate on how the world’s top two economic powers are progressing. Projecting growth rates from 2011 onwards suggests China’s size when measured in PPP may surpass the U.S. in 2014, which would be years earlier than many economists had previously estimated, according to Arvind Subramanian of the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

“There’s a symbolic element to this, to China overtaking the U.S., and that seems to be happening,” said Subramanian, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Peterson Institute. The latest data “plays to the idea that China is very big and getting bigger. It’s not to be underestimated.”

In a book published in September 2011, Subramanian estimated China became the world’s largest economy in 2010. While this was too early, the International Monetary Fund’s projections in its World Economic Outlook show China will move to the top in 2019, which is too late, he said today.

U.S. Share

The U.S. share of global GDP was 17.1 percent in 2011, while China was 14.9 percent, according to the ICP figures based on purchasing power parity, which seeks to compare how far money goes in each country. PPP calculates gross domestic product using exchange rates that adjust for price differences of the same goods between nations.

Yet China was well behind the U.S. based on another comparison, which looks at GDP in U.S. dollars at market exchange rates. By that approach, the U.S. share of 22.1 percent was more than double that of China’s 10.4 percent, the ICP data show.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. prefers to use market exchange rates for its “hard-nosed business cycle analysis,” said David Hensley, the bank’s director of global economic coordination in New York. That approach “gives a better sense of the resources that a country has command over.”

While JPMorgan keeps an eye on PPP comparisons as a secondary measure, it’s a hypothetical calculation which assumes one price level across all countries, Hensley said.

Different World

“That’s not the world we live in,” said Hensley. In addition to problems in measuring PPP, it “inflates the relative size and importance and command over resources that countries like China, India, Brazil or Russia have. That can create mistakes in judgment if you’re not careful.”

Hensley estimates that based on market exchange rates, the U.S. will stay in the lead until about 2024, when China crosses over as the world’s biggest economy, he said.

Changes in methodology contributed to the speed of China’s rise, according to the ICP report. Using market rates, U.S. gross domestic product was $16.2 trillion in 2012, compared with China’s $8.2 trillion. India vaulted into third place, ahead of Japan, the latest ICP figures also show.

This is what we voted for and this is what we deserve.

According to the Bible, America either will not exist or will be so weak that it will not matter one scintilla in the last days.

And while the fascist media keeps distracting us with one bright and shiny object after another, America is NOTHING like what it was just a few years ago as Obama has gutted America giant chunk by giant chunk.

The ONLY thing that makes the United States matter today – now that Obama has dismantled America’s military and pissed away our national security prestige – is the fact that since the end of World War II, the United States has served as the global reserve currency (with all commodities being bought and sold in U.S. dollars).

I have a vision of how that is going to change: now that Obama has gutted the American military and literally made America weaker than at any time since BEFORE our enemies decided to attack us to begin World War II, and now that Obama has so pissed away American credibility with his never mind “red lines” and his feckless response to Russian aggression that eerily parallels Hitler’s aggression in Europe, why does the United States even matter?

The major economies known as the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have all made it clear that they want to dump the US as the global reserve currency (see also here).  We have lost more than enough influence both strategically, militarily, economically and morally under Obama that it is only a matter of time before we don’t have enough people who need us relative to the growing list of countries that hate us.  Note that Obama has done EVERYTHING to cut the list of the former countries and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to reduce the number of the latter.  In every region in the world, we are very clearly in worst shape than we were in when we cursed ourselves by electing Obama.  We have distanced ourselves from our former friends and emboldened and increased our current enemies.

One day, soon, as a result of our rapid decline under Obama, the world is going to cut its losses and dump the United States as the reserve currency.  We are facing a world in which we have too few friends, too many enemies, a growing list of enemies who are gaining power over us, and not enough influence to change a damn thing.  Russia and China and India will lead the effort to dump the dollar and we won’t be able to stop it.  And we will implode as no society in the history of planet earth has EVER imploded.  Because when you have a house of cards built on more than $225 trillion dollars of debt, you are going to fall HARD when you fall.

The worst of the Great Depression will seem like a pleasant stroll along a sunny beach compared to what’s in store for God damn America.

This is a nation that voted to perish.  And it is going to get – as God damn America – exactly what it voted for.


A Formerly Great Nation Under God: Obama Has So Undermined America It Is Beyond Unreal

April 21, 2014

It was Obama’s “reverend” who spoke as a prophet when he screamed, “No, no, no!  NOT God bless America!  God DAMN America!”

It was Obama who summed up the implications of his Führership when he shocked Republicans with his refusal to work with them in any way, shape or form when he had lockstep control of all three political branches of government: “Elections have consequences.”

And they sure have [For the official record, I TOLD you so the night the demons cheered while the angels wept and Obama was elected in 2008].

I think of Ronald Reagan – who won by a FAR greater landslide margin than anything Obama has ever come CLOSE to – governing like a leader while Obama IMMEDIATELY broke his word to “transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics” and “finally move beyond the divisive politics of Washington.”

If you believe the media propaganda that Obama has tried to work with the Republicans but no matter how rational and reasonable Obama was, racist Republicans just wouldn’t  allow him to succeed in any way, shape or form – just look at the man’s BUDGETS to see how false that bullcrap spin is.  Just see here and here for Obama’s true pattern: the man is so damn fascist radical that he couldn’t get a SINGLE vote from his own party.  And when he did get a vote, he got something like TWO votes from his own damned party.  If you think that’s “compromise,” you belong in an insane asylum for the criminally depraved and stupid.

The man has been nothing but a pure liar without honor, without virtue, without integrity, without decency of any kind.  And that was what he was from the very start.  No human being who has EVER LIVED has been caught in as many bald lies as this fascist who now contaminates our White House: as an example just one of his numerous lies – which merited him the title “Liar of the Year” – he repeated over and over and over again as his means of deceiving America into re-electing him again.  Every president has arguably lied, but Obama wallows in lies the way a particularly disgusting pig wallows in his own filth.

Who is Obama?  Well, even the extremely liberal New York Times long since acknowledged the fact: he is a divisive, arrogant blowhard who thinks he’s ontologically superior to everyone else while massively overestimating his own abilities.

Where are we under Obama’s misrule?

Well, according to CNN’s Jack Cafferty, as Obama was getting re-elected, “More than 100 million people in the United States of America get welfare from the federal government. 100 million.”  And that number has since skyrocketed to over 151,000 – or about half the damn population, since Obama was re-elected.

“Elections have consequences.”  And one of those consequences has been unprecedented welfare as Obama has gutted the American economic engine with every monkey wrench known to liberal engineering.

Another consequence of Obama’s elections has been a poverty level that has never been seen in America for MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS:

That’s rich: Poverty level under Obama breaks 50-year record
By Dave Boyer – The Washington Times
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fifty years after President Johnson started a $20 trillion taxpayer-funded war on poverty, the overall percentage of impoverished people in the U.S. has declined only slightly and the poor have lost ground under President Obama. […]

Although the president often rails against income inequality in America, his policies have had little impact overall on poverty. A record 47 million Americans receive food stamps, about 13 million more than when he took office.

The poverty rate has stood at 15 percent for three consecutive years, the first time that has happened since the mid-1960s. The poverty rate in 1965 was 17.3 percent; it was 12.5 percent in 2007, before the Great Recession.

About 50 million Americans live below the poverty line, which the federal government defined in 2012 as an annual income of $23,492 for a family of four.

President Obama’s anti-poverty efforts “are basically to give more people more free stuff,” said Robert Rector, a specialist on welfare and poverty at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

“That’s exactly the opposite of what Johnson said,” Mr. Rector said. “Johnson’s goal was to make people prosperous and self-sufficient.”

If you’re poor, realize that Barack Obama doesn’t give a flying DAMN about you.  All he cares about is demonizing and slandering his enemies while promising you lies that he will never deliver.

The worse consequence of Obama’s elections domestically has been Obama’s gutting of the labor participation rate.  The man has dishonestly boasted about the jobs he’s created when the reality is that he has destroyed tens of millions of jobs.  I documented how Obama’s policies had caused the U.S. labor participation rate to plummet to a 25-year low in 2010, and then decline to a 27-year low in 2011, decline to a 30-year low in 2012.  In 2013 it was the worst in 35 years under Obama, and now as we enter 2014 it is declining again.

The labor participation rate is a measure of the percent of working-age Americans who actually have JOBS.  And Obama with his demonic regulations and taxes and burdens on businesses has made it all but impossible for millions of Americans to ever HOPE of getting a job.

The rich are getting richer faster under Obama than under any president before him.  Because Obama is a crony capitalist fascist who has thrived politically using the raw power of government to decide who gets to win and who loses.

And what does Obama do?  His policies have caused this holocaust, but with the help of liberal media propaganda that surpasses Joseph Goebbels best work, Obama is able to “never let a serious crisis go to waste.”  Even though HE created the crisis to begin with.  Obama has been able to slander his opponents – who frankly have had zero ability to change anything – to keep pushing his already broken system further and further past the breaking point.

Democrats are now hell-bent on demagoguing “income inequality” to whole new levels, promising to do more of what they did to create the crisis in the first place and therefore create millions more ignorant, desperate people who will stupidly keep voting for the very people who are hurting them by undermining the economy that they desperately need to keep their heads above water.

Under Obama, the nation that put a man on the moon now gets to beg our enemy Russia to please, please let one of our astronauts ride with you into space for $70 million per trip.

Under Obama, the nation that invented the Internet now abandons its control over the Internet it invented.  Because Obama is the “president of the world,” you know.  American sovereignty is an evil thing to people like Obama.

But as bad as our domestic situation has been under Obama, it is our national security that has most collapsed.

More than six in ten Americans believe Obama has lied to them on important issues.  What percent of world leaders know that Obama has the integrity of a weasel?  I’m guessing that number is 100 percent of everybody.

Dishonesty is the heart of the Liberal Democrat Way.  Consider their “war on women” slander.  According to them, Republicans may have wives and daughters and mothers, but they hate women.  And Obama – who has a “boy’s club” featuring a hostile workplace environment for women – and who has consistently paid women on his own staff significantly less than men – and who is therefore “anti-woman” and ought to be voted out BY women according to his own disingenuous standards – is allowed to run on an issue in spite of the facts and in spite of reality.  Because running on lies is who these people are.

And the lies have started to pile up like the yard of a house that has fifty pit bulls and no one with any decency to take care of all the messes.

Now, I point out that it took eight years of Bill Clinton’s gutting of the military and intelligence branches that made America weak enough and blind enough to incite an attack by Osama bin Laden on 9/11.  Osama bin Laden began his dream of attacking America in 1993 after he watched Bill Clinton’s abject moral cowardice and concluded “Our boys no longer viewed America as a superpower … and they realized that the American soldier was just a paper tiger. He was unable to endure the strikes that were dealt to his army, so he fled.”

Every single one of the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11/2001 had already entered the country, received their funding and had their training by the time Bill Clinton left office.

But of course the same fascist propaganda media that blamed Bush for everything absolved Bill Clinton of everything.  You know, it was Bush’s fault that under President Bill Clinton Osama bin Laden declared war on America and said that our warriors were paper tigers.  That’s what these people always do: punish their enemies and reward their friends.

Bill Clinton left America a sitting duck.  Or a plucked chicken, given Jeremiah Wright’s infamous “our chickens have come home to roost” metaphor.

So now Obama has been so much WORSE than Clinton ever was that it is almost laughable.  Because Clinton was pretty damn bad.

Obama has gut the Army to its weakest level since BEFORE World War II.  Even Clinton couldn’t find enough “loathing the military” in his heart to do that.

What is our policy/strategy to deal with what Putin has done in Ukraine?

Keep in mind that the United States had a treaty to protect Ukraine from the Russian aggression that they feared if they gave up their nuclear weapons that was negotiated by Bill Clinton.

Let me preamble by pointing out according to no less an authority than Hillary Clinton, what Putin did was like what Hitler did in the 1930s.

So how has Obama decided to deal with Hitler?

Obama has clearly decided the cause of World War II was that America and the West had the audacity to try to defend themselves rather than baring their throat to a dictator and begging for mercy.  Obama wants to re-fight World War II by surrendering and refusing to fight and see what happens that way.  After all, when Hitler invaded Poland and Winston Churchill and FDR stood up to him, we ended up in a war.  Far better to employ the Neville Chamberlain strategy and get some piece of paper that guarantees “peace in our time.”

Sometimes courageous people have to fight; cowards never do.  All they have to do is be willing to live with the consequences of their cowardice.  Which cowards are plenty willing to do.

So also keep in mind that Sarah Palin knew a coward when she saw one and boldly predicted that under an Obama presidency Russia would seize Ukraine.  Which they are doing.

Anyone who believes a damn word our Liar-in-Chief says is an abject fool who deserves destruction.  If our allies believe a word Obama says, they’re stupid.  And you can rest assured our enemies are salivating at the weakness and fecklessness of Obama’s “God damn America.”

Obama says baloney that laughingly tries to spin reality by claiming he’s winning (much like Charlie Sheen’s “winner” with his “tiger blood” nonsense).

But even the Los Angeles Times had this to say about whose “winning.”

It turns out that Vladimir Putin has more admirers around the world than you might expect for someone using a neo-Soviet combination of violence and the big lie to dismember a neighboring sovereign state. Russia’s strongman garners tacit support, and even some quiet plaudits, from some of the world’s most important emerging powers, starting with China and India. […]

Beside this realpolitik, I was told, there is also an emotional component. Chinese leaders such as Xi Jinping, who grew up under Chairman Mao, still instinctively warm to the idea of another non-Western leader standing up to the capitalist and imperialist West. “Xi likes Putin’s Russia,” said one well-informed observer. […]

Last month, Putin thanked India for its “restrained and objective” stance on Crimea. India’s postcolonial obsession with sovereignty, and resentment of any hint of Western liberal imperialism, plays out — rather illogically — in support for a country that has just dramatically violated its neighbor’s sovereignty. Oh, and by the way, India gets a lot of its arms from Russia.

And there are others. Russia’s two other partners in the so-called BRICS group, Brazil and South Africa, both abstained on the U.N. General Assembly resolution criticizing the Crimea referendum. They also joined Russia in expressing “concern” at the Australian foreign minister’s suggestion that Putin might be barred from attending a Group of 20 summit in November.

What the West faces here is the uncoiling of two giant springs. One is the coiled spring of Mother Russia’s resentment at the way her empire has shrunk over the last 25 years.

The other is the coiled spring of resentment at centuries of Western colonial domination. This takes very different forms in different BRICS countries and members of the G-20. They certainly don’t all have China’s monolithic, relentless narrative of national humiliation since Britain’s Opium Wars. But they do share a strong and prickly concern for their own sovereignty, a resistance to North Americans and Europeans telling them what is good for them, and a certain instinctive glee, or schadenfreude, at seeing Uncle Sam (not to mention little John Bull) being poked in the eye by that pugnacious Russian. Viva Putinismo!

Obviously this is not the immediate issue on the ground in Ukraine, but it is another big vista opened up by the East European crisis. In this broader, geopolitical sense, take note: As we go deeper into the 21st century, there will be more Ukraines.

Timothy Garton Ash is professor of European studies at Oxford University, a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and a contributing writer to Opinion. His latest book is “Facts Are Subversive: Political Writing From a Decade Without a Name.”

Vladimir Putin has “tiger blood.”  Barack Obama has “chicken blood.”

Russia is winning and winning big.  Particularly since the civil war in Syria when Obama issued his “red line” and then did NOTHING after that red line was repeatedly crossed, nobody believes ANY of Obama’s worthless threats.

Within months of Obama’s “red line” warning, it was discovered that Syria had not only used chemical weapons, but in fact had used them at least FOURTEEN TIMES.

And damn, they just got through using them AGAIN.

But it’s okay, because Obama has that treaty that his good fascist pal Putin put together for him to make him look slightly less weak and feckless.  Now Syrian dictator Assad is safely in power, and free to continue his vicious civil war in which he’s murdered more than 100,000 of his own people.

It’s worse than a horror movie over there.  But don’t worry, Obama’s got his “peace in our time” piece of paper to wave around to his adoring and fawning fascist press.

Weak, feckless, moral cowardice.

And Obama has failed so miserably in Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and you basically name it, it’s beyond sick.

We are just beginning to learn how wildly Obama has failed America in Afghanistan.  It will be awful and it will get worse.

The number one thing Obama could do to lay a serious hurting on Russia short of going to all-out war would be to get agreements to begin filling the void to supply the oil and natural gas that Russia currently supplies Europe.  That would a) strengthen America and the American economy and b) weaken Russia and the Russian economy and c) undermine Russian influence in both Western AND in Eastern Europe in one fell swoop.

And what did Obama do?  Make a purely political decision to hold off approving the Keystone Pipeline – to the enragement of one of our few remaining allies Canada – until AFTER the 2014 election so his rejection of it won’t make the slaughter of Democrats even worse.

Because he’s owned by the radical environmentalists who want most of the world’s human population to die and who want America to be economically broken rather than being the engine of manufacturing that made it great.

To the extent that we have any cards to play after six years of Obama, Obama refuses to play them.  Obama is like a man who pimps out his girlfriend and keeps counting on his “bitch” to keep loving him and bringing him “his” money.  Only, tragically, Obama’s “bitch” has been the United States of America.

Sadly, America has been a faithful bitch indeed to her pimp Obama even though he keeps prostituting her to his cynical political interests.  To her own massive hurt.

So things are truly going to hell under Obama in the Atlantic.  But at least Obama is in control of things in the Pacific, right?


And so I turned to the Los Angeles Times this morning to find this:

WASHINGTON — Two and a half years after President Obama vowed to shift America’s diplomatic, economic and military focus to Asia, he will head back to the region this week to try to convince allies and adversaries alike that he really meant it.

Since the much-touted decision to “pivot” to Asia, the Obama administration has found itself repeatedly pulled away by crises in the Middle East, political battles in Washington and, more recently, turmoil in Ukraine. […]

The result is anxiety among allies, and questions about the U.S. commitment to establishing a counterweight to China’s growing economic clout and military assertiveness.

“In polite company people won’t say it, but behind closed doors I think they’ll openly ask where the pivot is,” Victor Cha, former director for Asian affairs in the George W. Bush administration, said at a recent forum at the nonpartisan Center for Strategic and International Studies.

This not being a “polite circle,” I’m free to point out reality: Obama LIED.

Obama’s “pivot to Asia” is as much of a joke as his “pivot to the economy” was.  I mean, I remember him doing that over and over and over and over and over again.

Obama’s “pivot” is “just words.”  You know, like, “If you like your doctor, I guaran-damn-tee you that you’ll be able to keep your doctor and your health plan.  Unless I’m a lying Nazi, that is.  In which case, April Fools!”

As China realizes that Obama is a weakling cowardly incompetent fool the same way Russia realized it, do you think that Obama will be able to promise his way out of a mess given all of his past lies and past displays of weakness and fecklessness?

This is a nation on it’s way down.  And thanks to the most wicked electorate in the history of the republic, it is a nation on its way out.

The Bible prophesied long ago that America would be nowhere to be found in the last days.

Because “God Damn America” doesn’t get to stick around.  Not after we elected a baby-murdering sodomite worshiper – twice.

How far we have fallen in such a short time!  And how hard we have yet to fall when the artificial bubble we think will remain around us forever very shortly bursts.

I pointed out above how badly Obama has hurt the poor as he’s given the rich their money (because those rich people LOVE Democrat crony capitalist fascism).

Consider the fact that under Obama, cattle levels have declined to their lowest levels since 1951 when Harry Truman was president.

Meat prices have never been higher in the entire history of the republic.

What has Obama’s response been?  Well, his thug Bureau of Land Management just literally tortured and executed cattle of the very last rancher in a county that used to be dominated by cattle ranching.  If I heard correctly, one cow was discovered that had six bullet wounds.  The BLM admitted to executing the cattle on the grounds that they were “rowdy.”  Which is probably the pretense Obama used to use his thug IRS to intimidate and harass tea party conservatives for being “rowdy” enough to think they had a right to exercise their constitutional rights.  I’m sure the BLM agents heard some of the cattle uttering “anti-Obama rhetoric” and they had to punish their enemies.  We’re all “cattle” to Obama.  In addition to at least two mass graves – many of the cattle being the mothers who give birth to calves to keep the business going – the Bundy family discovered that the BLM thugs had essentially vandalized many improvements to the land such as tearing up water pipes.

So yeah, the next time you buy beef or anything with beef in it, thank Obama for the incredibly high price you pay.

And food prices in general have skyrocketed.  While your wages under Obama have plummeted.

It’s just a foretaste of what the Book of Revelation prophesied would happen in the last days as a wicked world worshiped the beast rather than God.

Obama arrogantly promised to lower the level of the oceans; but because he has brought America under the wrath of God for his worship of abortion and homosexual sodomy marriage, what he HAS done is lower the level of all the fresh water in America as we are OWNED by crippling drought in his God damn America.

Famine and drought are very much signs of God’s judgment.

Realize that as you vote “Democrat” and thus vote for the wrath of a holy God according to Romans Chapter One.











How The United States Of America Will Catastrophically Financially Implode SOON

October 15, 2013

Let’s start with this:

China calls for dollar to be replaced as global reserve currency
Upset that the U.S. fiscal impasse threatens to trigger a default that would roil financial markets worldwide, Beijing suggests ‘building a de-Americanized world.’
By Jim Puzzanghera
October 14, 2013, 5:23 p.m.

WASHINGTON — Five years after the U.S. financial crisis helped cause a deep global recession, foreign leaders are worried that history is going to repeat itself.

The fiscal impasse that has partially shut the federal government now threatens to trigger a U.S. default that would roil financial markets worldwide, leading an agitated China to suggest replacing the dollar as the international reserve currency.

“As U.S. politicians of both political parties are still shuffling back and forth between the White House and the Capitol Hill without striking a viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanized world,” China’s official state-run news agency, Xinhua, said in an English-language commentary Sunday.

There is no viable alternative to the dollar as the centerpiece of the global financial system, and there probably won’t be for the foreseeable future, experts said.

But Washington’s debt limit standoff — coming on the heels of similar brinkmanship in 2011 — could accelerate efforts to find an alternative.

“The U.S. remains the core of the global financial system at this point,” said Nicolas Veron, a senior fellow at Bruegel, a think tank in Brussels. “But the sort of thing happening in the U.S. might move people toward a system less reliant on the U.S.”

China echoed calls from world financial officials urging an end to what it called the “pernicious impasse” in the U.S. over funding the government and raising the $16.7-trillion debt limit.

The Treasury Department has said the debt limit must be raised by Thursday or it will run out of borrowing authority. That would leave it dependent on just cash on hand and incoming revenue to pay the federal government’s bills. Given the world financial system’s dependence on the dollar, a default on payments of interest or principal on U.S. Treasury bonds would be catastrophic for the global economy, analysts said.

Treasury bonds and other dollar-based investments are used as the main form of collateral worldwide, so questions about their security would cause more problems than the financial system failures in fall 2008, said Benjamin J. Cohen, an international political economy professor at UC Santa Barbara.

“It would make the Lehman Bros. episode look like a garden party by comparison,” Cohen said.

The U.S. debt limit standoff was the main topic at the recent meetings in Washington of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Global finance ministers are worried that the uncertainty surrounding a U.S. default “would mean massive disruption the world over, and we would be at risk of tipping yet again into a recession,” Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, told NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Most countries hold their foreign exchange reserves in U.S. dollars because the currency is viewed as the world’s most stable.

“The very fact that more than 60% of central banks’ reserves are in dollars gives them every reason to be concerned,” Barry Eichengreen, a professor of economics and political science at UC Berkeley and a former senior policy advisor at the IMF, said of foreign governments. “If the bank in which you held 60% of your savings was threatening to default, you’d be concerned too.”

U.S. financial markets rebounded Monday amid optimistic reports from Capitol Hill about negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to end the standoff.

China is the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt, with about $1.3 trillion in Treasury bonds, and probably more in other dollar-denominated investments. So the Beijing government is worried about the effect of a U.S. failure to raise the debt limit on those holdings.

The Xinhua editorial took swipes at the U.S. for claiming “the moral high ground” while “covertly doing things that are as audacious as torturing prisoners of war, slaying civilians in drone attacks, and spying on world leaders.”

Although it slammed the U.S. for the Iraq war and military activity around the world, the article focused much of its fire on the U.S. role in the global economy, saying “the world is still crawling its way out of an economic disaster thanks to the voracious Wall Street elites.”

“Most recently, the cyclical stagnation in Washington for a viable bipartisan solution over a federal budget and an approval for raising debt ceiling has again left many nations’ tremendous dollar assets in jeopardy and the international community highly agonized,” Xinhua said.

The editorial called for a “a new world order” in which “all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing.”

That new order should start with respect for the sovereignty of other nations, the editorial said. It also should include major financial reforms, such as allowing developing and emerging economies to have more say in the operations of the IMF and the World Bank.

China has been pushing since at least 2009 for the dollar to be replaced as the world’s reserve currency. The nation has not only called for a new international currency to be developed but also has been taking steps to make its currency, the yuan, more acceptable as a potential alternative.

“They never lose an opportunity to take advantage of embarrassing behavior by the United States,” Cohen said. China made similar calls in 2011, when a debt limit standoff was resolved at the last minute.

But the Chinese currency and its financial system are not ready to be the world’s reserve currency, experts said. Even the euro and Japanese yen aren’t prepared to do that because they lack the liquidity of the dollar.

Still, the latest Washington crisis could push the world to seek ways to diversify the financial system away from its dependence on the dollar, Cohen said.

“The only thing that can hurt the dollar these days is political dysfunction in Washington. We’re shooting ourselves in the foot,” he said. “The more we play these games in Washington, the less confidence people will have in the dollar and the more incentive people will have to do this diversification.”

The first thing I couldn’t help but notice is how communist China’s demagoguery sounds almost exactly like Obama’s demagoguery.  They’re both talking down America hoping that the worst will happen to this country because each (i.e, China and Obama) believes their political goals will be attained through America’s demise.  But moving on…

I don’t know whether the Los Angeles Times – which is staffed by liberal ideologue propagandists as opposed to actual “journalists” is simply being incompetent in this story or being the propagandists that they are (i.e., the backstory is that the “default” is the Republicans’ fault, and ergo sum the global meltdown over the “default” will be all the Republicans’ fault, too).  But here’s a fact that kind of pees all over some of the main assertions in this story:

From November 24, 2010 (the money quote is boldfaced at the end):

China and Russia have agreed to allow their currencies to trade against each other in spot inter-bank markets.

The motive is to promote the bilateral trade between China and Russia, facilitate the cross-border trade settlement of [the yuan], and meet the needs of economic entities to reduce the conversion cost, according to Chinese officials.

This latest move — a continuation in a series of efforts by both countries to move away from  U.S. dollar usage in international trade — further threatens the dollar’s reserve currency status.

The dollar has this status because it is currently the currency of international trade.

For example, when Malaysia and Germany exchange goods, the transaction is often denominated in dollars.  In particular, oil — something that all modern economies need — is denominated in U.S. dollars, so the currency is almost as indispensable as oil itself.

The dollar reserve currency status allows the U.S. to run up high deficits and have its debt be denominated in the U.S. dollar, which in turn enables it to print unlimited dollars and inflate its way out of debt. America, understandably, wants to protect these privileges. […]

Meanwhile, China and Russia are gradually revolting against the U.S. dollar. This latest move to shift bilateral trade away from it is significant in itself because China-Russian trade — previously denominated in dollars — is currently around $40 billion per year. For Russia, trade with China is larger than trade with the U.S.

Moreover, as this policy extends to Russian exports of oil and natural gas to China, it threatens the global petro-currency status of the U.S. dollar.

According to the International Energy Agency, China is already the largest consumer of energy,  although the U.S. is still the largest consumer of oil. However, China, now the largest automobile market in the world, is expected to rapidly increase oil consumption.

Russia is already the second biggest oil exporter and the biggest natural gas exporter in the world.

In other words, the growing importance of Russia and China in the global energy picture — and their phasing out of dollar usage for trading energy commodities — would marginalize the status of the dollar.

Russian ambitions against the dollar for energy exports go back to 2006. That year, former President Vladimir Putin made plans to set up a ruble-denominated oil and natural gas stock exchange in Russia.

So, in fact and contrary to the Los Angeles Times “reporting,” the movement away from the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency in fact PREDATES the financial crisis – and goes back to at least 2006 (I would argue it goes back even further than that, but I’ve proven my point: the financial crisis happened in late 2008).  So the LA Times is simply wrong in its thesis that the debt ceiling issue – which they over and over again hype as a “default” – is just plain bogus.

When we consider that Barack Obama demonized George Bush and ostentatiously voted against his debt ceiling (and didn’t bother to even show up and vote when the debt ceiling was raised other times during the Bush years – such that HE NEVER DID VOTE FOR A BUSH DEBT CEILING INCREASE other than when he voted for TARP – you also see the deceitful and dishonest propaganda that is going on.  It’s always “that was then” with these people; it’s always “It’s only fascist when THEY do what we did” with them.  Such as the fact that Obama did a press conference demonizing the GOP for not voting for his debt ceiling hike without ever bothering to so much as mention the fact that Obama did the exact same damn thing and how could the Republicans be anything but just as evil as the man who was now demonizing them???

Nor will that same blatantly dishonest media point out that Democrats shut down the government over the debt ceiling EIGHT TIMES during the Reagan presidency.  Because that would prove the lie to Obama’s “this has never happened before” and “no party has ever been this bent on destroying America” load of garbage.

Nor will they point out that it has largely – if not exclusively – been OBAMA who has fearmongered the debt ceiling rather than the Republicans.

The dishonesty of the mainstream media is simply breathtaking.

Having said that, let’s continue and examine this “default.”  Because it, too, is just a lie of propaganda:

Black’s law dictionary has this to say about “default”: The omission or failure to fulfill a duty, observe a promise, discharge an obligation, or perform an agreement [or observe a promise or discharge an obligation (e.g. to pay interest or principal on a debt when due ].

Come October 17 if our dysfunctional Washington hacks do not raise our debt ceiling, ominous forecasting of imminent default on our $17 trillion burden pound the airwaves. Prevarications foisted by the progressive press-corps regarding the United States becoming delinquent on its Treasury debt are as preposterous as they are disingenuous.  Whether premeditated lying or, equally likely, out of a stark darkness of matters economic the result is the usual fear mongering we have come to expect from their rumor mills.

Inconvenient as they may be, some facts are in order. The fiscal 2013 debt service for the twelve months ending September 30 will be somewhere around $420 billion. (Per the Bureau of Fiscal Service the actual figure of 11 months through August was just under $396 billion). IRS revenues for the calendar 2012 tax year will probably be around $2.3 trillion. That equates to over a five and a half times debt service coverage. So having enough money is not even close to the issue. There has been some discussion of what some are naming “prioritization of payments”.

Democrats are truly evil to fearmonger a “default” to falsely demonize and slander their opponents at the expense of the U.S. economy.  And Barack Obama is the most recklessly irresponsible president in the entirety of American history to join them in their lies.

To wit, we could easily pay our debt and NOT default.  And we could do that for not months but for years to come, if necessary.

If that isn’t enough, Republicans have already done the leg work to prevent any kind of “default”:

Sen. Pat Toomey and more than 30 Senate colleagues will introduce the “Ensuring the Full Faith and Credit of the United States and Protecting America’s Soldiers and Seniors Act.”

The bill is meant to offer a stop-gap if Congress refuses to raise the debt ceiling and the Treasury Department thus falls short of having enough cash to pay all the government’s bills in full and on time.

Toomey’s proposal would require that revenue going to Treasury first be used to pay interest on U.S. debt, Social Security benefits and active-duty military pay.

If there’s not enough revenue available to cover those payments when they’re due, the bill would also give limited authority to Treasury to raise the debt ceiling just enough to borrow the difference between revenue on hand and what’s owed on the priority payments.

I’ve pointed out the fact: if there IS a “default,” it will be because Barack Hussein refused to allow the Treasury to make the interest payment that the United States could in fact make.  He has already demonstrated that he is a genuinely evil man who is trying to make the political impasse as harsh and as painful as he possibly can in order to falsely demonize Republicans.

There is one and only one genuine fact in the Los Angeles Times piece: that of China’s demand that the United States be replaced as the reserve currency of planet earth.


The true debt of the United States is not the “paltry” $17 trillion that we keep hearing about; it is actually well WELL over $222 TRILLION.  Our actual debt, our “fiscal gap” between our debts and our ability to actually pay for all the crap Democrats keep imposing on America, is going up about one trillion dollars every single MONTH.  Because politicians are liars who paper over debts with more debts and then cover those debts up with still more debts.

Democrats are the worst addicts who ever existed.  Heroin, coke, crank, meth, crack addicts got NOTHIN’ on Democrats.  Because Democrats are addicted to money and the power that their money buys them – and they are addicted to it TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS AT A TIME.

The only reason Democrats can keep this insane game of insane spending going is because America is the world’s reserve currency.  The fact that all commodities such as oil are bought and sold in U.S. dollars has given us an unprecedented ability to basically just print money and keep escaping the consequences.

We have been just plain flat-out DEPRAVED in our spending.

As an example, do you know what triggered to insanely-titled-by liberals “Arab Spring” in which Arab regimes fell to be replaced again and again by terrorist-sponsored governments?  Food riots induced by Obama’s Fed as they kept printing more and more money and basically just adding more and more zeroes to the Federal Reserve computers.  As we printed more money, the Arab states that depended on the stability of the dollar saw massive inflation (because THEY can’t print more dollars their dollars became worth less = worthless).

Well, as Obama’s reverend once said, the chickens are about to come home to roost.  And they will roost on a collapsed, doomed, dead former United States of America.  And very soon.

One day, soon, the world will have had enough.  One day, soon, our stint as being the reserve currency and maximally exploiting that status with reckless and immoral spending that we can’t possibly afford will be ended FOR us.

And China will step in and take ownership.  And kick you and our family out of your home in the cold if you can’t pay their “damned American imperialist” rent surcharge.

Our time is coming.  We’ll get ours.  We’ll get what we deserve as a nation for being wicked enough to elect and then re-elect Obama: we’ll get Dodo bird extinction just like we deserve.

The United States is nowhere mentioned in Bible prophecy; that’s because America will have collapsed and simply be irrelevant as we enter these last days just before the beast of the Book of Revelation comes to impose his mark and doom the world to suffering and hell.

Yet Another American Ambassador Attacked And Threatened In Obama’s God Damn America

September 20, 2012

Why not attack our ambassadors?  We are a nation led by a weak, gutless, pathetic, failed little turd masquerading behind lies and arrogance.

Obama’s not going to do anything about it. That would take courage and resolve.  Obama would have to take personal responsibility for something for the first time in his life.

I’m past sick of Obama claiming credit for killing Osama bin Laden.  If you listen to the left, Obama’s giving the order was the most courageous act since Thermopylae.  Obama’s idiot Joe Biden said it was the most audacious plan in 500 years.  The men who waded ashore as their buddies were torn apart by machine guns at Omaha Beach didn’t have the courage that Obama has in his pinky finger.

It’s such pure distilled bullcrap that I’m amazed every single time going on the 16th trillion time that I’ve heard it.  The Democrats demonized Bush as a warmonger from hell up one side and down the other, but now Bush is suddenly the president who wouldn’t have DARED to send a SEAL Team into Pakistan to take out the psychopath who murdered 3,000 Americans.

If Obama had refused to give the order to take out bin Laden after our intelligence and special operations community had dedicated their lives to kill the sonofabitch, you don’t think some seriously pissed off intelligence professional would have leaked that disgrace the way pretty much every OTHER secret has been leaked during the Obama regime???  And just what to you think would have happened to Obama’s reelection chances by running as “the president who refused to get bin Laden”???  I don’t just think he would have kissed his reelection chances bye-bye if he hadn’t made that “audacious call,” I think he would have been impeached and Democrats would have voted his skinny little weasel ass out of office.

Other than giving the order to kill Osama bin Laden, just what the hell else has Obama done that hasn’t been an abject disaster???

If the Chinese militaristic regime did not want this protest that threatened an American ambassador WITHIN EIGHT DAYS of one of our ambassadors being humiliated and murdered to happen, it wouldn’t have happened.  They wanted to send a message, and they sent it.

Crowd Attacks The US Ambassador In Beijing
Malcolm Moore, The Telegraph|Sep. 19, 2012, 6:19 AM

A crowd of around 50 Chinese protesters surrounded the official car of the United States ambassador in Beijing, who escaped unharmed, a State department spokesman said.

The melee occurred outside the gates of the US embassy on Tuesday and security guards had to intervene to protect Gary Locke, 62. The protesters caused minor damage to the vehicle, a statement from the embassy said.

“Embassy officials have registered their concern regarding today’s incident with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and urged the Chinese Government to do everything possible to protect American facilities and personnel,” the statement said.

The incident happened on Tuesday, while large crowds of protesters were massed outside the Japanese embassy nearby, to demand that Japan relinquish control of an island chain claimed by China in the waters between the two countries.

The statement gave no details about the demonstrators who blocked Mr Locke’s car, or what angered them.

However the Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei tweeted a photograph of the protest on Tuesday afternoon, and said the crowd had chanted: “Down with US imperialism” and “Pay us back our money!” referring to the trillion dollars or so of US government debt that China holds.

Some Chinese observers have blamed the US for standing behind the Japanese on their claim, and suggested that the US is attempting to foment unrest in the region as a pretext for “pivoting” its naval forces back to the Pacific.

The incident came as the US Defence secretary, Leon Panetta, was meeting with senior Chinese leaders to reassure them that the US does not intend to “contain” China by building up a military presence in Asia.

On Wednesday, Mr Panetta met with Xi Jinping, the 59-year-old Chinese president-in-waiting who recently disappeared for two weeks without explanation, cancelling a scheduled engagement with Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, the protests against Japan have now evaporated. The road outside the Japanese embassy in Beijing has reopened and there was no sign of any discord.

“It seems the protests in front of our embassy have subsided,” the Japanese embassy said in an email to Japanese citizens.

Beijing police sent out a mass text message telling the public not to stage any more protests, according to the Japanese embassy.

Mass protests across China over the weekend, and running into Tuesday, forced many Japanese businesses to shut their doors or close down factories. However, most, if not all of these businesses are now returning to normal.

Did some American film a homemade Youtube movie about Chairman Mao?

I don’t know about you, but I am waxing in my enormous power (according to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, etc. etc.) that I can send the entire planet into a frothing, violent rage merely by gluing a fake beard on my face and making a video that insults Muhammad.

According to the Obama regime, if I or any of the other 315 million Americans in this country used his or her cell phone camera to make an anti-Islam Youtube video, the entire Muslim world would erupt in violence.  It’s a heady feeling, having this kind of power.  I can create a Youtube account and have the command of one billion Muslims at my instant disposal!!!

Obama says the other villain is free speech.  Because that damned stupid 1st Amendment means that Americans aren’t forced to live under Sharia law and we foolishly have the right to express our views.  Not to worry, though; because if you vote for Obama he’ll make sure that mistake is corrected.

Do you think the White House has received an extortion letter threatening to make a Youtube video unless somebody gets paid off?

So, you can see why it would be nice for me to have this same power Obama says I have because of that cursed 1st Amendement over one billion Chinese that I enjoy over one billion Muslims who will all riot any time I want them to.

Have I mocked the stupidity of the idiocy of the Obama White House yet?  Because I could blather on if I had to.

But if you read this article, you will see the ample documentation that the Obama regime says some stupid cheap homemade movie did exactly what I’m laughing my ass off about:

America is such a laughing stock under this failed fool president.

Obama took his oath as Messiah and promised that he would lower the level of the oceans and heal the planet and create worldwide peace and a new beginning for the human species.

And now we know what that “new beginning” looks like: sodomized murdered ambassadors, American flags adding ten degrees to the global temperature due to all the burning of them, and Muslims chanting, “Obama, Obama, there are still a billion Osamas!”

Now China is looking at our chump-in-chief and deciding its their turn to humiliate America.

China’s State-Controlled Media Lashes Out At Romney (Communists Want Fellow Marxist To Finish Destroying Hated America)

August 29, 2012

Who can name a single important issue in which China is cooperating with the U.S. rather than doing what they can to screw us?

This is one of those things: if China hates Romney and wants Obama to win, that ought to make you want Romney to win.

I mean, Do you like China’s increasing ownership of America?  Because the Chinese sure do – and that’s why they want Obama to stay in office:

Chinese media slams Romney as convention begins
Posted By Josh RoginTuesday, August 28, 2012 – 1:08 PM

TAMPA – China’s state-controlled media lashed out at GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney Monday, warning that his policies would poison U.S.-China relations.

“By any standard, the U.S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s China policy, as outlined on his official campaign website, is an outdated manifestation of a Cold War mentality,” read a commentary in Monday’s China Daily. “It endorses the ‘China threat’ theory and focuses on containing China’s rise in the Asia-Pacific through bolstering the robust U.S. military presence in the region.”

The Chinese state-owned outlet said that Romney was “provoking” China by promising to supply Taiwan with aircraft and other military platforms and called his China approach “pugnacious.”

“[H]is China policy, if implemented, would cause a retrogression in bilateral ties and turn the region into a venue for open confrontation between China and the U.S.,” the commentary stated.

China Daily also compared Romney’sapproach with President Barack Obama‘s “pivot” toward Asia. The current administration is adding “fuel to the fire” in the South China Sea by involving itself in regional disputes, the commentary argued, but Romney’s China policies would sour relations even further.

“It requires political vision as well as profound knowledge of Sino-U.S. relations as a whole, to make sensible policy recommendations about what are widely recognized as the most important bilateral ties in the world,” the commentary states. “Romney apparently lacks both.”

The China-East Asia page of the Romney campaign website promises that a Romney administration would increase U.S. naval presence in the Pacific and increase military assistance to regional allies “to discourage any aggressive or coercive behavior by China against its neighbors.”

The Romney campaign is also vowing to shine a brighter light on China’s human rights abuses.

“Any serious U.S. policy toward China must confront the fact that China’s regime continues to deny its people basic political freedoms and human rights. A nation that represses its own people cannot be a trusted partner in an international system based on economic and political freedom,” the website reads.

But as the China Daily commentary notes, campaign rhetoric and government policy aren’t always the same thing. U.S. presidential candidates of both parties have long taken a more strident tone toward China on the campaign trail, only to dial back their rhetoric while in office.

Nor is the Romney team’s position on China clear, as top campaign advisors disagree on how to deal with the Middle Kingdom’s rise as a world power.

The two co-chairs of Romney’s Asia-Pacific policy team, former State Department official Evan Feigenbaum, a moderate realist, and Aaron Friedberg, a hawkish scholar, evince sharply different views on China.

At the top of the Romney advisory structure, generalists like former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton are much more wary of a rising China than realists such as former World Bank President Bob Zoellick, who as a top State Department official urged China to become a “responsible stakeholder” in world affairs.

As for Romney, he has promised to brand China a currency manipulator on day one of his presidency and the RNC draft platform posted by Politico calls on China to move toward democracy and condemns its South China Sea claims.

“We will welcome the emergence of a peaceful and prosperous China, and we will welcome even more the development of a democratic China,” the draft platform reads. “Its rulers have discovered that economic freedom leads to national wealth. The next lesson is that political and religious freedom lead to national greatness. The exposure of the Chinese people to our way of lifecan be the greatest force for change in their country.”

You really can’t blame China.  I mean, if I was the enemy of America, I’d sure as hell want Obama to remain in office so he could finish the job selling the Great Satan out, too.

The Chinese are happy with a weak America that is $16 – and really make that $222 trillion – in debt.

For the official record, I would say that China has “poisoned” relations over and over again – such as the fact that they routinely sell us poisoned dog food and poisonous childrens’ toys.  You know, when they’re not being the world’s worst currency manipulator to undermine our exports or illegally dumping their products to undermine our domestic production.  By the way, as to that last one – get ready for a huge glut of cheap Chinese products being dumped on the U.S. market and further undermining American jobs.

So, yeah, you can understand why the Chinese don’t want a man who actually has a freaking clue about business in the White House when they’re about to screw us like we’ve never been screwed before.

Canada Prime Minister In China To Sell Keystone Oil Obama Rejected So America Could Have Highest Gasoline Prices EVER Instead

February 8, 2012

Fact one: America is just about to lose a huge source of oil because Barack Obama pissed away the hundreds of millions of gallons of Keystone oil and the tens of thousands of jobs it would have provided.  Now the energy America will desperately need to going to go to China.

Canadian PM in China trying to sell Keystone oil, says Sen. Hoeven
By Josiah Ryan – 02/07/12 12:40 PM ET

Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) on Tuesday said that thanks to the Obama administration’s delay of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper is, at this moment, hawking his nation’s excess oil to the Chinese administration.

“Right now Prime Minister Harper is talking to Hu Jintao, president of China, and believe me, China wants that oil,” Hoeven said. “[W]e will see what kind of agreement he comes back with from China.”

Harper arrived in China on Tuesday with a delegation of Canadian businessmen, and plans to meet with Chinese officials on the topic of energy.

Hoeven, whose state would host part of the proposed Keystone pipeline, which would carry oil from Canada to the American Gulf Coast, argued forcefully from the Senate floor on Tuesday that Canada wishes to sell its oil to its “best friend” the United States, but that the administration’s delay of a decision on the project had caused them to shop overseas for a buyer.

“The only thing we can figure is that the administration has decided that they don’t want oil produced in the Canadian sands,” Hoeven said. “While we continue to put Canada on hold, China is working very hard to make sure that oil comes to them.”

After a quiet morning on the floor, the Senate recessed for a break until 2:15 p.m. to accommodate party luncheons. The Senate will also be recessed Wednesday to accommodate a Democratic retreat.

Fact two: Americans spent more on gasoline over the course of 2011 than in ANY YEAR IN AMERICAN HISTORY.

U.S. drivers spend record amount on gasoline in 2011
Despite lower demand, more than $448 billion has been paid so far for fuel — $100 billion more than in 2010. Consistently high oil prices are blamed.
December 09, 2011|By Ronald D. White, Los Angeles Times

American drivers this week broke a record that will bring them no joy.

They collectively spent more than $448 billion on gasoline since the beginning of the year, according to the Oil Price Information Service, putting the previous record for gas expenditures — set in 2008 — in the rearview mirror with weeks of driving still to go.

It’s also a huge jump over last year, when U.S. drivers spent more than $100 billion less on gas.

The major reason for the record-setting gas spending in 2011 was that oil prices were consistently high all year. And that probably brought joy at the other end of the pipeline. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries is on pace to top $1 trillion in net oil exports for the first time, or 29% more than last year.

Fact three:

Gas prices to spike 60 cents or more by May
By Gary Strauss, USA TODAY

Get ready for another round of pain at the pump: $4 (or higher) gasoline.

After rising 19 cents a gallon in the past four weeks, regular unleaded gasoline now averages $3.48 a gallon, vs. $3.12 a year ago and $2.67 in February 2010.

Prices could spike another 60 cents or more by May. “I think it’s going to be a chaotic spring, with huge price increases in some places,” says Tom Kloza of the Oil Price Information Service. Kloza expects average prices to peak at $4.05, although he and other industry trackers say prices could be sharply higher in some markets.

Rising prices are an annual spring ritual, largely because of seasonal demand.

Refiners also switch from winter formulations to more expensive seasonal formulations to meet stringent environmental standards, which can tack on 15 cents a gallon, says Brian Milne of energy tracker Televent DTN.

This year’s earlier-than-usual run-up is more about anticipation than current supply and demand. Last week, the Energy Department reported anemic U.S. consumption — the lowest levels since September 2001. Domestic crude oil prices, now about $98 a barrel, are near six-week lows.

Renewed tensions in the Middle East are bolstering crude prices, while speculators are boosting futures contracts, betting on global supply disruptions and tighter refining capacity. Kloza notes that several U.S. and overseas refiners have experienced temporary or permanent closures.

So far, $4 a gallon has proven to be the upper limit consumers will pay. Last April, national prices peaked at about $3.98 a gallon. In 2008, a sharp run-up ended when prices hit an all-time average of $4.11 a gallon that summer.

“Higher demand, Iran, lost refining capacity are all potential problems,” Milne says. “We’ll get over $4 a gallon, but it’s going to be tough to sustain that level. People will drive less.”

Energy analyst Patrick DeHaan of price tracker expects prices to rise to about $3.55 a gallon by the end of February and peak around $4 by Memorial Day weekend.

“You could see prices in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Washington and other major metropolitan areas at $4.60 or higher,” DeHaan says.

Lisa Margonelli, author of Oil on the Brain: Petroleum’s Long, Strange Trip to Your Tank, says consumers will be vulnerable to rising prices until the U.S. develops alternative fuels such as natural gas.

Fact four: Barack Obama is the worst and most failed president in American history.