Posts Tagged ‘not Muslim’

The Despicable And Pathological Radical Ideological Ignorance Of Barack Obama

February 18, 2015

Franklin Graham nailed it: what if Christians had beheaded 21 Muslims?

If you don’t think the world would have railed at the identity of the attackers vis-à-vis the identity of the victims, you are a true fool and I have nothing to discuss with you because there is no point having any kind of “discussion” with people who clearly have no regard whatsoever for reality or truth.

If Christians murdered Muslims execution-style, do you think the Islamic world would not be up in arms about it and demand that something dramatic and drastic be done to prevent it from ever happening again?  I don’t have to speculate here; we just had an atheist liberal who loved abortion and homosexual marriage murder three young Muslims and “the Islamic world” is out in force decrying it.  The only difference here is that the atheist did not say in advance that he was going to specifically target for murder a bunch of Muslims and then go do it the way the Muslims who just murdered those Christians had done.

In a similar vein, if Christians were murdering homosexuals, do you think that there would be an outcry?  What if Christians started to refuse women an education, the right to drive, the right to not have to literally wear a tent over their bodies because if a man so much as sees a woman’s ankle it’s HER fault he’s lustful?  What if Christians acted in rabid violence every time their faith was insulted?

It is amazing that liberals today are embracing the religion that does all these things, in addition that allows the torture-murder of helpless victims, of Christians, of Jews and of everyone else who doesn’t bend the knee to their warped religion.  And yet embrace it they do on a regular basis as it is easy to document (and see here).

And if what Islamic State is doing has nothing to do with true Islam, where are the one-point-six damned BILLION Muslim voices screaming in anger about what the Islamic State just did in the name of Islam and Muslims and Allah????  Where are the hundreds of thousands of religious leaders of Islam decrying vicious barbarity???  The crickets are chirping, chumps.  It is STUNNING how few Muslims are speaking out against what people who claim their religion are doing.

Pew Research documented that 25% of Muslims support some form of violent jihad.  Recently, in America, a study documented that 80% of mosques recommended “violence-positive texts.”

What if a white people lynched 21 black men and a right wing Republican refused to identify the identity of the victims OR the perpetrators and simply claim that “citizens of Georgia” had been murdered?  Does anyone doubt that the left would savagely criticize the president and claim he was a racist and a bigot and a facilitator of genocide?  And yet:

That’s EXACTLY what our liar-in-chief just did:

WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — The White House is being criticized for its statement over the beheadings of nearly two dozen Egyptian Coptic Christians at the hands of an Islamic State of Iraq and Syria-affiliated group in Libya.

The line that critics are pointing to is referring to the Christians as only Egyptian citizens.

“The United States condemns the despicable and cowardly murder of twenty-one Egyptian citizens in Libya by ISIL-affiliated terrorists,” the statement reads. “We offer our condolences to the families of the victims and our support to the Egyptian government and people as they grieve for their fellow citizens.”

Fox News contributors George Will and Charles Krauthammer criticized the White House for not referring to the Egyptians as Christians.

“Wouldn’t you love to be a fly on the wall in the room where the White House semanticists meet every morning and figure out how they could probably make this announcement without offending those who did it. I think the phrase they should come up with is non-Islamic randomness,” Will said on Fox News Monday. “That would explain just about everything that they have to deal with, but it does – at this point, it is beyond burlesque, its pathological, it’s clinical their inability and unwillingness to say – to accurately describe things.”

Krauthammer said the Obama administration is refusing to “acknowledge the obvious.”

“It’s sort of deconstructing any resistance with its refusal to acknowledge the obvious and the obvious is this. It’s not just Islamic radicalism anymore or Islamic terrorism, which is only a tactic. This is Islamist supremacy and in that sense, it is akin to Nazism. That was a racial supremacy, here it’s Islamic and the ideology of ISIS is clearly supremacist in the sense that anybody who is not Islamic, in their understanding, is to be either enslaved or eradicated. This is a genocidal movement. You kill Christians, you kill Jews, you kill Yazidis but you may in certain circumstances enslave them. That’s what we’re up against and we have an administration that will not even admit that there’s a religious basis underlying what’s going on,” Krauthammer stated.

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins told Fox News that the White House has a difficult time saying Christian.

“ISIS made very clear in this video that this was an execution of ‘people of the cross.’ ISIS apparently has no difficulty saying ‘Christian,’ while the White House has a very difficult time,” Perkins said.

The killings raise the possibility that ISIS – which controls about a third of Syria and Iraq in a self-declared caliphate – has established a direct affiliate less than 500 miles from the southern tip of Italy. One of the militants in the video makes direct reference to that possibility, saying the group now plans to “conquer Rome.”

The militants had been holding 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians hostage for weeks, all laborers rounded up from the city of Sirte in December and January. It was not clear from the video whether all 21 hostages were killed. It was one of the first such beheading videos from an Islamic State group affiliate to come from outside the group’s core territory in Syria and Iraq.

The only thing you can say here is that Obama didn’t do it merely because Obama didn’t give enough of a damn to interrupt his Palm Springs golf vacation.

Barack Obama is a rabid ideologue.  And he is determined to be as ignorant as his twisted, dishonest ideology requires him to be.

We just had that attack in France where the Obama refused to identity the victims at the JEWISH deli as “Jews.”  Even though the MUSLIMS who murdered them WHILE SCREAMING ALLAHU AKBAR did so specifically because they were Jews and because they were in a Jewish-owned business:

President Obama has raised some eyebrows by suggesting in his interview with that the shooting at a Kosher supermarket in Paris last month was “random.” It was a comment the president made in making the case that the media overstates the terrorist threat and that his job fighting terrorism is akin to a big-city mayor fighting crime.

“It is entirely legitimate for the American people to be deeply concerned when you’ve got a bunch of violent, vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris,” Obama told Vox’s Matt Yglesias in the interview.

“We devote enormous resources to that, and it is right and appropriate for us to be vigilant and aggressive in trying to deal with that — the same way a big city mayor’s got to cut the crime rate down if he wants that city to thrive. But we also have to attend to a lot of other issues, and we’ve got to make sure we’re right-sizing our approach so that what we do isn’t counterproductive.”

So we now have the pathology, and it IS a pathology of dishonesty and hypocrisy and deceit: Obama WILL NOT refer to the murdering terrorist by their religion and he WILL NOT refer to the victims of the murdering terrorists by their religion.

Krauthammer is completely correct: in the Islamic State, in this never-before-seen-in-all-human-history-until-OBAMA-terrorist-army with wealth and numbers and training unlike anything we have ever seen before, we have something metastasizing that has similar aims to the Nazis.  They have the same “we will either murder you or enslave you” mindset that the Nazis had.  The difference is that as the Nazis fixated on Aryanism, the Islamic State is focusing on Islam.

Factoid: there are 1.6 BILLION Muslims for Islamic State to recruit from.  Versus the Nazis’ German population of 69 million.  If the rise of that small of a recruiting population was able to rise into the “existential threat” that created World War II, how will a recruiting population that utterly dwarfs that number fare keeping in mind that nuclear weapons did not exist in the 1930s???

Obama and his oft-documented lying weasel Susan Rice have stated that Islamic terrorism – well, whatever the hell they’re calling it to avoid calling it what it actually clearly is – is not an “existential threat” like the Nazis.  But to the extent that’s true, it’s only because what we’re seeing happening in the Islamic world is so much bigger and so much more dangerous that it dwarfs the Nazis.

Obama and those secular humanists who think like him rabidly ignore the religious nature of the rising threat.  But here’s the problem, set forth in Robert Spencer’s great work, The Truth About Muhammad: the founder of the world’s most intolerant religion:

Difficulties aside, the texts [the Qu’ran and Ahadith] can be read and understood.  And if peaceful Muslims can mount no comeback when jihadists point to Muhammad’s example to justify violence, their ranks will always remain vulnerable to recruitment from jihadists who present themselves as the exponents of “pure Islam,” faithfully following Muhammad’s example. — Spencer, page 8.

Jesus truly was the Prince of Peace as the Bible calls Him.  But history makes very crystal clear that Muhammad was a man of violence and forced conquest who had fought in over 20 military campaigns and who actually had more than thirty more planned at the time of his death.  In 624 AD Muhammad launched the Nakhla raid and officially began the spread of violence in the name of Islam.  Also in 624 Muhammad began the practice of ethnic cleansing against the Jewish Qaynuqa tribe.  He put that same tactic into practice again the following year in 625 against the Jewish Nadir tribe.  Yes, rather like what we saw Islamic State do in Iraq.  In 627 Muhammad beheaded all the males of the Jewish Qurayzah tribe and enslaved all the women and children.  Yes, rather like what the Islamic State is doing now.  And in 631 Muhammad began his warfare against the Christians.  Yes, rather like what the Islamic State is doing now.

It is simply a FACT of history as well as a FACT of theology that Islam has profoundly violence tendencies from their founder that justify those tendencies that Christianity just as clearly does not have.  Again, Spencer points this fact out:

The difference is that no Christian could credibly argue that Jesus, the prince of peace, taught violence, or anything that contradicted his precepts that those who lived by the sword shall die by the sword, that men should turn the other cheek, and that they should render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.  But if Muhammad taught violence, if Muhammad conflated religion and government it will change mujahidin around the world not one bit to pretend otherwise; they will continue to invoke what they believe to be his authentic teachings to justify their actions.  The fact that truths are difficult is no reason to choose unreality and “polite fictions.” — Spencer, pp. 10-11

I was surprised and pleased to encounter an article written in the reliably liberal Atlantic in which Graeme Wood acknowledged the following:

The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.

Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, “the Prophetic methodology,” which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal.

And what we have no in Obama is a man who is rabidly unwilling to deal with the actual reason for the Islamic State doing what they are doing.  Just as he is rabidly unwilling to acknowledge what they are doing even as the Islamic State very clearly tells us what they are doing and why they are doing it.  In the name of Allah these Muslims are rising and growing and in the name of Allah they are murdering Christians and Jews in mindboggling numbers.

Look, I understand the attempt to trivialize radical, jihadist, militant extremist Islam as “not being true Islam.”  Just as I don’t believe that the Mormons or the Jehovah’s Witnesses represent “true Christianity.”  But it is frankly idiotic and asinine of me to merely assert that these religious groups don’t somehow even qualify as being “religious.”  And it is just as intellectually vacuous for me to merely wave my hand and dismiss their claims to be “Christian” without bothering to actually show how in fact they fail to truly be the real Christians they claim to be by arguing with them and refuting them according to the Holy Bible.

But that is precisely where we are at with Islam and the liberal progressives who run interference for this religion.  There is no debate and no provision to ever have any debate.  Thus there is no chance at any possibility of reform within Islam.  But the fact of the matter is that the tens of thousands of Muslims who are flocking to Islamic State aren’t doing so in search of wealth or some end of poverty (which will be with us forever, no Obama’s blathering nonsensical rhetoric aside); rather, they are searching for meaning – religious meaning – and they are flocking to the people who are fighting for a religious cause and who are claiming the historic mantle of founder of Islam, Muhammad.

Osama bin Laden was the multi-multi-millionaire son of a billionaire five times over.  Bin Laden’s successor Ayman Al-Zawahiri is a medical doctor.  Every single one of the terrorists who attacked America on 9/11 were financially well-off.  Today we’ve got men who went to the finest private schools on the planet posing with the corpses of people they just beheaded.  This war has NOTHING to do with poverty.  It is a pure lie to claim otherwise.  And yet the heart of Obama, the heart of the Democrat Party, the heart of progressive liberalism, the heart of secular humanism, the heart of the devil himself, is lies, lies, lies.

We find that between tw0-thirds and eighty percent of terrorists have university degrees and we find that a full 20% have engineering degrees.  The morally idiotic notion that income or poverty or education is a significant force behind terrorism is not only a lie, but a ridiculous lie.  So why is the left continuing to push a thesis that is so very clearly not the case?  And the answer is because they want more government control, which a bigger welfare state necessarily ensures.  That’s the real agenda.

I have been pointing out that liberals actually share a great deal in common with the fascist Muslims in that they BOTH conflate religion and government whenever it suits their purpose to do so.  There is no question that Jesus NEVER called for a large government to carry out the functions that He clearly reserved to His people in His Church.  But liberals falsely and hypocritically cite Jesus all the time to justify their massive welfare state.  Similarly, it was the New Testament ideas behind the Christendom of Western Europe from which arose people who were capable of making their own decisions because:

It is worth noting in passing that the office of priest, so prominent in the Old Testament, is not taken over by the early church. Prophets and elders (cf. Ezekiel 7:26) have their counterparts in the church and these titles are used. But there is no official counterpart to the priest, for, as the New Testament teaches, the whole church is a “holy priesthood” (1 Peter 2:5), or a “royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). We who are in Christ have all “been made priests to his God” (Revelation 1:6). Each individual has access to the holy of holies, God’s throne of grace, because of the once-for-all atoning death of Christ. No officer in the church has the function of mediating between the believer and God.

No officer in the church has the function of mediating between the believer and God; but liberals teach that only Obama and bureaucrats should have this power as they seize people’s money and forcibly redistribute it according to what THEY claim is the “common good” and as they pass laws and regulations up the whazoo under the belief that people are stupid and ignorant and can not be trusted to govern themselves.

The common good was realized by the people as they freely bought and sold and lived their lives.  But now we have Obama’s “wisdom” to impose it on us instead.

Classical liberalism, as forged by an understanding of genuine New Testament Christianity, emphasized individual freedom by limiting the power of government, by providing property rights and promoting the rule of law, by promoting laissez-faire free market economics.  Secular humanist and frankly atheist progressive liberalism has turned all of these on their head and they have profoundly perverted democracy and government just as the Muslim fascists have done as a result.  The only difference is the means; the ends are identical.

I’ve pointed out that progressive liberalism is Marxist in orientation and so believes in religion as merely being “the opiate of the masses.”  They arrogantly believe that no one actually believes in God; and therefore all that is left is socialist economics as the legitimate means by which people act.  But the great Christian writer G.K. Chesterton said the truth was the precise opposite:

Lenin said that religion is the opium of the people… [But] it is only by believing in God that we can ever criticize the Government. Once abolish the God, and the Government becomes the God. That fact is written all across human history; but it is written most plainly across that recent history of Russia; which was created by Lenin…Lenin only fell into a slight error: he only got it the wrong way round. The truth is that irreligion is the opium of the people. Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world.

That is exactly what has happened under progressive liberalism: the Government has become the God.  Progressive liberals have driven God out of the government, out of the schools and even out of the offices or the corporate world with their dictates of political correctness according to which if one is offended, the whole must put aside the thing that caused offense (unless that thing be progressive liberal doctrine such as homosexuality or abortion).  Government is our God and our Savior and our Provider and tells us what is right and what is wrong.  Our culture has become depraved and toxic because irreligion has become the opium of the people.  We have no values worth truly fighting for and so we are not fighting.

What is interesting is that when you read the quote by Karl Marx in context, what you find is that the Christian religion of Russia prior to the Communist Revolution was KEEPING PEOPLE FROM VIOLENCE.  It was an “opium” that was preventing them from rising up in violence as Marx wanted them to do.  We find that the worst orgy of violence in the entire history of the world that followed Karl Marx’s hateful beliefs – the same beliefs which Barack Hussein Obama adheres to, for what that’s worth – came as the true religion of Christianity was abolished and a godless religion of atheism was imposed in its place resulting in the murder by the State of more than 100 million human beings during peacetime alone.

We face a terrifying crisis that we cannot possibly prevail against because our leader of the free world will NOT acknowledge the actual problem and instead continues to seek to impose a “solution” that has nothing to do with the actual problem and in fact will guarantee the very opposite result of MORE violence.  Because if you want to talk about the Crusades or the Inquisition – as Obama wants to do every time he points his wicked finger at the ancient past of Christianity to conceal today’s rabidly violent Islam – you should also talk about the violence of secular humanism that makes anything ANY other religious movement ever did pale by comparison.

The number of Christians being murdered is growing exponentially under the cancer of Obama.  Because his way is the way of the devil.

Charles Krauthammer has been brilliant in exposing Obama’s lies, deceit, hypocrisy and his “truly pathological in its inability to actually state what’s going on”:

Asked by substitute host Ed Henry whether the wording matters, Krauthammer argued that it does and compared how Winston Churchill “saved England and civilization” in World War II by using “the English language and he put it to work” while the Obama administration is doing “precisely the opposite.” 

He declared that the White House is doing so by “deconstructing any resistance with its refusal to acknowledge the obvious” that “Islamic supremacy” is at work and “akin to Nazism.”

Later, Krauthammer compared the struggle against ISIS to the Cold War in that “the leadership of the United States” will be the ones having to end the threat but, for now:

We have an administration that is truly pathological in its inability to actually state what’s going on. In the video that was released that showed the savage beheading, it was addressed to the nations of the cross. It pledged itself to the conquest of Rome. When the Pope, who is not exactly a Christian militant, who isn’t exactly a revanchist on, you know, on behalf of a Christ, says these people were killed because they were Christian and the administration says that the ones who were killed were Egyptian citizens, you’ve got a serious problem and it’s in this administration and it is with the President.

And the pope rightly points out that there are more Christian martyrs under Obama today than there were in the time of Nero.  Obama is a tool in Satan’s hand to murder Christians by proxy.

I believe that Obama believes that the notion of an all-powerful government that can impose a totalitarian system on the people is where progressive liberals and radical Muslims can come together.  Obama has already negotiated both with terrorist organizations (the Taliban and see here) and with terrorist regimes (Iran).  There is simply no question that Obama truly believes he can negotiate with the most radical and most evil people on earth.  The only question is why he believes that.

I believe that Barack Obama believes – as a secular humanist – that progressive liberalism can bargain with radical Islam on the basis of Marxist economics and reach some kind of compromise.  Just as Neville Chamberlain believed he could do so with Adolf Hitler to attain “peace in our time.”  The Bible describes moral idiots who cry out for peace when there is no peace:

They offer superficial treatments for My people’s mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when there is no peace. — Jeremiah 6:14

That is precisely where we are at today under the cancer of this presidency.  We have a president who actually believes that he can politicize terrorists the way he can politicize Republicans and win a debate by framing it with rhetoric.  But Islamic State doesn’t want to have a debate; they want to burn people alive.

The fact is that one of the very first things that Barack Obama did as president was to send the bust of a man he clearly despised – Winston Churchill – back to England because he did not want that great man’s wisdom contaminating his White House. And as Winston Churchill clearly saw the threat of Nazism and enlisted the aid of an FDR who came to see the same growing threat and realized that we had to confront evil before evil confronted us after all of our allies were defeated, so history is doomed to repeat itself when fools ignore its lesson.

Which is why the beast is coming.