Posts Tagged ‘Baltimore’

Either ALL Muslims Really ARE Terrorists, Or Barack Obama Is Truly The Terrorist-In-Chief And The Democrat Party is A Terrorist Organization

February 4, 2016

There’s just something about our slimebag president and how he changes his facts every day to suit his new talking points.  Obama goes to a known-terrorist mosque and says:

The Muslim American community remains relatively small –several million people in this country.  And as a result, most Americans don’t necessarily know — or at least don’t know that they know — a Muslim personally.  And as a result, many only hear about Muslims and Islam from the news after an act of terrorism, or in distorted media portrayals in TV or film, all of which gives this hugely distorted impression.

Which is kind of in-your-face contradicted by his previous statement:

“If you actually took the number of Muslims Americans (sic), we’d be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.” — Barack Obama, June 1, 2009

That last being rated a “pants on fire” lie.  But Obama is the kind of liar who will say ANYTHING.  It doesn’t matter how false it is.  He has demonstrated time and again that he is pathologically immune to shame as he wickedly lies and as he demonizes other people who have done a FRACTION of the same things he has done.  There is only one word for someone who trusts Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton – and that word is “fool.”  No one who isn’t an abject fool would ever believe a single word these documented liars say.

But I haven’t even started this thing yet and I digress.  So let me get to my main point:

It really is amazing.  Of all the damn mosques Obama could pick across the United States, he picked THIS one to lecture us on and tell us that a terrorist religion is a beautiful thing which we all ought to be tolerant of.

Obama chose the mosque that not only has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood – literally the father of ALL Islamic terrorist organizations such as al Qaeda and Islamic State – but has ties to the radical Anwar al-Awlaki who has the distinction of being the only United States citizen ever assassinated because he was so dangerous and toxic to the United States.  In fact, he helped al-Awlaki found his terrorist mosque.

The previous imam of this mosque that Obama selected to morally lecture us on had DIRECT TIES to both the Taliban and to al Qaeda, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.  And that imam had those ties at the VERY mosque that Obama believes is so wonderful.

That same imam from Obama’s ideal mosque said that terrorist suicide bombings were justifiable.

This native of hellhole Sudan and card-carrying member of a terrorist organization led Obama’s mosque for EIGHTEEN YEARS.  This mosque Obama celebrated has a HISTORY of terrorism and supporting more terrorism.

It ought to be no wonder that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)– an organization that has been declared A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION  in the United Arab Emirates AND was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation’s Hamas-funding operation – welcomed the endorsement of our terrorist-in-chief as he celebrated a terrorist mosque.

Interestingly, if you are a liberal, you ought to vilify Obama as someone who in siding with this mosque sides AGAINST homosexuals.  Because the CURRENT resident scholar, Imam Yaseen Shaikh, is militantly anti-gay.

So Obama becomes like Adolf Hitler, who welcomed homosexuals when it suited his political aspirations, but was ultimately JUST as willing to crush them when it suited his political aspirations.  Obama is like and no different from Hillary Clinton, who has taken MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM and supports every Muslim terrorist tyrant thug who has ever beaten and oppressed a woman.  And I simply point out for the historical record that if you are a liberal, you stand for NOTHING but cockroach Satanism.  Your fascist leaders stand for NOTHING but the accumulation of power and hatred for Jesus Christ and righteousness.  If you give a Democrat – which is an acronym that ultimately stands for “DEMOn-possessed bureauCRAT” – an inch, he will take your soul a mile straight into hell.

I simply submit to you all that one of two statements is true: either a) this mosque in Baltimore was the LEAST terrorist mosque in America – which means that ALL mosques are terrorist fronts – or b) Barack Obama is himself a terrorist who wants bloody mayhem in America so he can cynically exploit the terrorist attacks as “gun violence” and disarm the American people for his Muslim masters.

It’s one of the other.

Terrorism has SKYROCKETED under Obama.  Oh, yes, he lied like the slimebag cockroach liar that he is in his infamous 2009 Cairo speech in absolutely everything he said.  He promised us that somehow, because of his exalted magnificence, America could unilaterally end the war on terror and that the terrorists would somehow see Obama’s deity and put down their suicide vests and adore him.  and every single wretched fool in America believed this stupid nonsense.

Deaths from terrorists attacks have QUADRUPLED under Obama.  And when the stats come out this year I bet that death toll will leapfrog right over “quintupled.” Under Obama, because of Obama’s failed policies, there was a massive increase of 81% in 2014.  Wait till they come up with the 2015 tally.   Under Obama, because of Obama, there are more desperate refugees than at ANY TIME IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.  And this pseudo-Christian abortion and homosexual-perversion-worshiping FRAUD is responsible for more murdered Christians than all the Caesars combined.  And again, we aint seen NOTHIN’ yet.

Add to all that what we have seen in Europe due entirely to Obama’s global, cosmic FAIL as MILLIONS of Muslims have flooded out of the Middle East in a giant tsunami wave like rats abandoning a sinking ship.  And what have they done the moment these idiotic socialist European nations accepted them into their countries?

They started organizing rape gangs and sexually attacking women.  This isn’t isolated; it’s happened in five nations: in Germany, in Sweden, in Finland, in Austria, in Switzerland.  And amazingly, because to be a Democrat is to be a moral idiot on a colossal scale, the very party that claims to represent women demands that the United States have rape gangs to prey on women right here, too.

And these “progressive liberals” want to cover up the crimes of these horrible Muslims so they can bring MORE of them in.

Liberals are putting up signs to try to “educate” Muslim men: you know, like please strive to avoid pooping in our showers or raping our women.

Muslim men sexual harass cartoons

Or at least, don’t poop in the showers, anyway.

The way sick, vile liberals think, they can invite terrorist rapists in, and then cynically exploit their murders and rapes to call for more gun control and more feminism.

That’s how sick and twisted these people are.  They WANT these things, because “never allow a serious crisis to go to waste,” you know.

Meanwhile, the very same “Muslim refugees” have already been directly linked to MULTIPLE terrorist attacks in the countries they “migrated” to.

In San Bernardino, we had “Muslim immigrants” attack us and murder us.

And Obama is apologizing to Muslims and telling them he’s sorry more Americans aren’t “tolerant” enough to want to be murdered or raped???

Whose side is Obama on?

The answer is pretty damn clear to anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see.

Why Do Liberals Keep Ginning Up Racial And Feminist Outrage Based Entirely On LIES? Because That’s Just Who They Are, That’s Why

July 6, 2015

A few days ago I was riding the exercise bike at my gym and CNN was on.  The entire 35 minutes I was riding that stupid bike, CNN was “reporting” on the story that in the aftermath of the shooting in , racist white people were burning down six or seven black churches.

I went home assuming that all hell had been unleashed and white people were rising up in the kind of racist rage that they’d seen black people rise up in in city after city across the nation.

But, golly gee, later that night I turn on Megyn Kelly’s program and she points out the, you know, FACTS that NONE of the fires had actually linked to arson, that a rash of churches that primarily white people belonged to had burned down (due to lightning strikes), and that in the few actual cases OF arson against black churches, the arsonist was BLACK.

It takes at least two points to connect a line, but when liberal propaganda is concerned, it doesn’t even take ONE fact to draw a conclusion.

A few days after I saw the “news” story on CNN, I look at this on CNN’s website:

Why are black church fires associated with acts of hate?
By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN
Updated 6:51 PM ET, Thu July 2, 2015

(CNN)It’s a visceral and involuntary reaction, perhaps even knee-jerk: A black church burns in the South and our minds race immediately to hatred.

It must be arson. It must be the handiwork of some despicable white supremacist.

That was the sentiment on display across social and traditional media these past two weeks. The NAACP, while acknowledging only three of the recent fires were suspected arsons, called for vigilance, saying the blazes require “our collective attention.”

“For centuries, African-American churches have served as the epicenter of survival for many in the African-American community. As a consequence, these houses of faith have historically been the targets of violence. We will use every tool in our advocacy arsenal to preserve these beloved institutions,” Cornell William Brooks, the group’s president, said in a statement.

Brooks also cited the recent church massacre in South Carolina.

On June 17, Dylann Roof allegedly killed nine members of Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Four days later, black churches began burning across the South. To date, seven in five states have caught fire.

Are the events linked? It’s unclear, as investigators continue to gather details. Early indications are that most of the fires were not arson, let alone hate crimes.

But that doesn’t mean we haven’t connected the events in our minds, and that colors how we digest news that another African-American house of worship has gone up in flames, experts say.

“It isn’t unreasonable to speculate that at least some of the black churches are acts of arson, especially coming in the aftermath of the horrific massacre of nine people in a black church,” said Jack Levin, a professor emeritus at Northeastern University who has studied hate crimes for 30 years and serves as co-director of the Brudnick Center on Violence and Conflict. […]

But yes it is damn well TOO “unreasonable,” if you call yourself a “reporter” or a “journalist.”

REAL journalists and reporters have a natural skepticism.  Everyone else ASSUMES but they demand the FACTS.  And they don’t say “Good morning” unless they’ve fact-checked the weather.

The problem is that liberalism did to journalism what it did to babies.  It just plain slaughtered them.  And today journalism is DEAD.

In the same vein, I’ve watched city after city burn down in rioting perpetuated by the mainstream media’s blatantly false depictions of so-called police brutality.

The facts that actual JOURNALISTS and REPORTERS would wait for?

Well, I saw this in the newspaper on July 3rd:

California sees fewest complaints filed against police officers since since 1990

I’ll bet you anything that what is true in our largest state with over 30 million people is true across the nation.  There are giant cities and there are tiny towns and California is so vast and so diverse that it has been frequently suggested that it be broken up into six different states.

But again, every damn time a police officer shoots a black man – pretty much no matter HOW much justification there is – you can count on the mainstream media to run to Al Sharpton and report his race-baiting hatred as “news.”

And then wonder of wonders, their cameras are conveniently there to report the next “protest” (a synonym for “race riot” consisting of burning, looting, and the terrorist sniper-attacks of police officers).

Black people are being murdered at an astonishing rate.  But they’re being murdered by other black people.  And they’re frequently murdered in gun-free zones.  But let’s not report actual FACTS.  Let’s keep ginning up black rage.

The attitude of lies and dishonesty and deception are most manifest in the Democrat politicians that the media cover-up for.  As an example, the liberal-progressive mayor of Baltimore DENIES saying she gave the black rioters “space to destroy”:

“I never said, nor would I ever say, that we are giving people space to destroy our city. So my words should not be twisted.” — Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, April 27, 2015

Judge for yourself:

Hmmm. “We also gave those who wished to destroy space to Do That as well.”

“Let them loot, it’ only property,” she is on the documented factual record as having said.

That’s bad enough, of course, but it hardly ends there.  The SAME liberal-progressive Democrat mayor is on the record DENYING that she issued stand down orders.  The police commanders under her stated that no such orders had been issued.

But damn them damn facts:

Baltimore police commanders acknowledge that they ordered officers not to engage rioters multiple times on the day of Freddie Gray‘s funeral but said they did so to protect officers and citizens as they prioritized life over property.

In an interview with The Baltimore Sun, police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts and six top commanders who directed deployments on April 27 denied that they gave blanket orders to do nothing as rioters looted, raided businesses and even attacked officers with impunity.

The story ONLY changed because the audio of the police commanders issuing the stand-down orders became public – something that will NEVER happen to the emails Hillary Clinton purged from her private server to destroy the evidence of her myriad crimes.

Frankly, most Democrats – including President Obama himself – along with most reporters, should be arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned for inciting riots.  Al Sharpton incites them on a regular basis, and he’s sitting next to Obama in the White House when he’s not fomenting racial hate.

Even when the underlying “facts” that initiated the riots are proven to have been lies, Obama has been able to exploit the lies to enact sweeping policies that impose more fascist totalitarian federal raw naked power.

In the same way, liberals are screaming about the “war on women” and a “rape culture.”  And they have completely seized control of university policies as a result.  To what effect?  Well, don’t count on MSNBC or NBC or CNN or ABC to report this stuff for you, but what has been “fundamentally transformed” into a ruthless war on young white men is terrifying.

First of all, the very basis for seizing control of the college and university policies was based ENTIRELY on false reporting and lies, we can now document:

New DOJ Data On Sexual Assaults: College Students Are Actually Less Likely To Be Victimized
December 11, 2014 By The Federalist Staff

A new report on sexual assault released today by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) officially puts to bed the bogus statistic that one in five women on college campuses are victims of sexual assault. In fact, non-students are 25 percent more likely to be victims of sexual assault than students, according to the data. And the real number of assault victims is several orders of magnitude lower than one-in-five.

The full study, which was published by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a division within DOJ, found that rather than one in five female college students becoming victims of sexual assault, the actual rate is 6.1 per 1,000 students, or 0.61 percent (instead of 1-in-5, the real number is 0.03-in-5). For non-students, the rate of sexual assault is 7.6 per 1,000 people.

BJS SA Study Highlights

The higher rate of victimization among non-students is important due in large part to recent accusations that U.S. colleges and universities are hotbeds of so-called “rape culture,” where sexual assault is endemic, and administrators and other students are happy to look the other way. The bogus “1 in 5″ statistic, which was the product of a highly suspect survey of only two universities and which paid respondents for their answers, has been repeatedly used as evidence of this pervasive rape culture on college campuses across the country.

Even more striking is that according to the BJS data, the likelihood of sexual assault has actually been trending downward across the board since 1997.

BJS SA Trends 1997[…]

People capable of actual thought – rather than spouting left-wing screaming points – would understand that if one-in-five women are raped on university campuses, THEY WOULD BE BEING RAPED BY OBAMA-VOTING LIBERAL PUKES.  Because it’s those same college pukes voting Democrat more reliably than damn near any other group.  But, of course, either way it proves what swine liberals are: either they’re rapists, or they’re lying about being raped.  And either way, they’re horrible people.

But, that fact aside, because of that bogus “one-in-five college women are sexually assaulted” reporting, the Obama White House imposed the most fascist policies on sexual assault since Adolf Hitler was running a government.  To the extent that we now have a government policy imposed on colleges and universities that white men are guilty even AFTER they have been proven innocent.

I only recently wrote up a story about a young man who got EXPELLED from Amherst for a rape there is no question never occurred. And in fact HE was the victim of a sexual assault, given the definition that to be drunk is to be unable to turn down a sexual encounter and therefore it qualifies as sexual assault.  Because of Obama Administration Hitlerian NAZISM, that young man was not allowed the right to have an attorney, was not allowed the right to have any kind of trial by his peers, was not allowed to have any discovery process, was not allowed to face his accuser, and his accuser’s story was taken at face-value and entirely believed to be truthful even after evidence was offered that showed she was lying like you wouldn’t believe.

The same thing just basically happened to a male student at Columbia University as “mattress girl” became a media darling and a guest of a Democrat Senator.  The same thing happened at Vassar.

Which is to say, the same liberal-progressive propagandists masquerading as “journalists” and “reporters” who don’t need a single FACT to “report” arson fires in black churches blatantly ignore actual fact-after-fact-after-fact that proves their previous reporting on the so-called “rape culture” was a great big fat giant lie.

We’ve got the infamous Duke Lacrosse case and we’ve got a slew of other cases of a vicious war on men based on dishonest women and manufactured into an issue for dishonest politicians by dishonest reporters.

We’ve got the bogus story of Sandra Fluke – who was basically the heroine “mattress girl” was seeking to emulate and receive the same adoration – who just flat-out LIED to make a bogus claim about birth control.

But, true to form, Obama has cynically exploited the lies his ideologue army of cockroach “journalists” and “reporters” provided for him and issued sweeping fascistic controls to impose his agenda by fiat.

It goes back to the liberal progressive fascist theory of “You never want a serious crisis go to waste.”  Because for liberals, every crisis – especially they ones THEY created with their stupid, wicked policies – is another opportunity to expand the power of demonic government.

To be a liberal means to be a liar, and if you are a “journalist” or a “reporter” these days, you’re just a liar with a microphone and a camera.

As we speak, every reporter or journalist is shoving a microphone into the faces of every Republican presidential candidate they can find and demanding they give their position on Donald Trump’s remarks.  And the obvious response from the other candidates would be, “What the hell does that have to do with me?  Why don’t you ask me about MY positions and talk to Donald Trump about his own damn problems?”  But that’s not how the system works when the Grand Old Party is concerned.  The media says they do this because controversy sells and they are equal opportunity when controversy rears its head.

I’d love to be able to interview Hillary Clinton.  I’d love to ask her, “Do you believe that every political figure ought to be able to install his or her own private server and purge all their communications that would or could politically destroy or even criminally indict them the way you did? How are you NOT a damn fascist?”  I’d love to ask, “Given your enthusiastic support for Margaret Sanger, an avowed racist who was successful in building Planned Parenthood into a genocidal machine to exterminate negro babies, why shouldn’t you be called anything other than the worst kind of racist scum?”  No mainstream media reporter has or ever WILL ask Hillary Clinton such confrontational questions.  So no they AREN’T equal opportunity.

Why won’t the same media that goes after Republican politicians who oppose gay marriages as “intolerant” go after Democrats who support gay marriage as hating the Bible and despising biblical Christianity?  Because they are pathologically biased and unfair, that’s why.

Reporters and journalists are people who believe the 1st Amendment gives conservatives, Republicans and Christians the right to shut up and bow down to political correctness or be prepared to be targeted for slander.

I’ve been hitting it over and over and over again, I know.  But the Democrat Party is the party of deceit and slander and lies.  The Democrat Party is the party of the coming Antichrist.  The Democrat Party is the party of the deception and the mystery of lawlessness that the Bible foretold would characterize the last days.

Progressive Liberalism Is Responsible For The Spread Of Islamic State Among U.S. Youth

May 21, 2015

Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ – Colossians 2:8

I vividly recall a former professor of mine who described the personal impact of his visit to Auschwitz.  The thing that hit him hardest, he said, was when he looked into the rooms where the Nazis had collected all the possessions of the death camp victims: a giant room filled with suitcases here, another room filled with human hair there.  And the thing that hit him at that moment was that ideas have consequences, and that the virus that created Auschwitz and all the camps like it had emerged decades before they were constructed.  It was ideas like atheism, Darwinism, Nietzscheism, existentialism and deconstructionism that became the intellectual foundation upon which those camps were built.  The virus began in the halls of academia – just as our most cancerous and most toxic ideas spread here and now – and spread throughout a German culture which had abandoned belief in God beyond any culture around it.  Because of the work of German liberal theologians such as Julius Wellhausen, Franz Delitzsch, Gerhard Kittel, Paul Althous, Emanual Hirsch, among others, the reliability and integrity of the Bible was stunningly undermined to the degree that the Bible was nothing more than a collection of myths and fables.  Oh, there were true Christian intellectuals such as the great Dietrich Bonhoeffer – who himself would perish in the camps – but these were too few and far between to counter the toxic avalanche of secular humanism all around them.  And as the impact of the vile philosophy and theology of Nazism began to spread, there was simply nothing substantial to counter it.

THAT is precisely where our culture is today and it is coming from the same theological and philosophical traditions.

Martin Heidegger was and actually remains a darling among liberal academia.  It is only a slightly embarrassing fact that the man’s existentialist philosophy enabled him and even drove him to be one of the most ardent Nazis in Germany – such that he first became a member of THE most radical Nazi faction and ultimately lost his rectorate at Frieburg after his political patrons were purged for being TOO extreme before Hitler was ready to take the next step.  Heidegger formally abandoned his Catholicism – which conflicted with both his philosophy and his Nazi politics.  His existentialism drove him to determine to break with “Hebraism” as well as all “metaphysics,” “But to achieve such a rupture, Christian and humanist values would have to be discarded too” [from The German Churches Under Hitler: Background, Struggle, and Epilogue by Ernst Christian Helmreich, 1979, p. 215].

Christian humanism and secular humanism went to war – and secular humanism won in pre-World War II Germany.  And then proceeded to murder all its Christian rivals.

Martin Heidegger was a profound influence upon many of THE most prominent atheists over at least the next thirty years.

Another example of this very same phenomenon is seen in the deconstructionist philosopher Paul De Man.  His work in deconstructionism was adored by the political left and the man was a devout Nazi

And then you’ve got Ezra Pound, the famous literary theorist – and Nazi – who denounced Christianity as something “riddled with semitism” as Hitler himself directly quoted in his Mein Kampf.

These men, along with Hitler, had the project of first tearing Christianity down and ultimately tearing it out by its roots and burning it.  They construed a conflict between “nature” and “anti-nature” (which is one of the reasons why Nazism – and its adherents such as Heidegger – was an environmentalist movement.  On their narrative, Judaism and Christianity were both “anti-nature” because of their focus on a transcendent God and transcendent moral values that restricted the freedom of man and nature.  Whereas nature is immanent.  The Nazi project was to forge a counter-spirituality that would enable the people to find fulfillment even as the Nazis were freed to exercise their power of will.  The Nazis attacked Christianity from hypocritical premises: on the one hand, they assailed Judeo-Christianity for its intolerance and its fostering of guilt even as they, on the other hand, attacked it for its altruism, for its protecting the weak against the strong, for its clear political implications resulting in liberty and equality.  Ezra Pound argued that there was “no sense of social order in the teachings if the irresponsible protagonist of the New Testament” (quoted in The Geneology of Demons, Anti-Semitism, Fascism, and the Myths of Ezra Pound by Robert Castillo, 1988, p. 95].  The Nazis blamed the Protestant Reformation for the revival of Hebrew texts (the Bible) and ways of thinking, and thus for the decline of Europe.  Even though the so-called “Enlightenment” began AFTER and BECAUSE OF the Protestant Reformation.

When the epidemic virus of Nazism became a full-fledged pandemic in German culture, it was because Judeo-Christianity had been weakened, if not eradicated, and because there was no competing intellectual, philosophical, religious, theological alternative to prevent, stop, or even slow down its rise.

And the same thing not only IS happening but already HAS happened in the United States.  And we are seeing the consequences all around us as the National Socialist German Workers Party is reborn as the National Socialist American Workers Party driven by the identical philosophical and religious notions.

The same philosophical traditions – if not the same actual philosophers themselves – that enabled the rise of Nazism continue to dominate the leftist intellectual tradition today: postmodernism, existentialism, deconstructionism, logical positivism, religious liberalism.

It’s all too easy to document the American progressive liberal disdain for Judeo-Christianity and for the integrity and reliability of the Bible which informs it and is its source and foundation:

Obama mockingly asks, “Whose Christianity would we teach in the schools?”  Because Christianity is nothing more than a man-made religion and it is completely relative and totally bound by culture and subject to constant change for the simple reason that there is and can be no eternal, everlasting God to make it permanent.  And Obama mocks, “Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy?”  Because the Word of God is nothing more than the word of man and bigoted, intolerant, racist man at that.  And it is immoral to allow Judeo-Christianity or the Bible to have ANY role in our culture as a result.

And we all shouted, “Sieg Heil!  Sieg Heil!  Sieg Heil!  Heil Obama!  Heil Obama!  Heil Obama!”  Because there is nothing left BUT Obama to hold this culture or this nation together.  Or to put it another way: if this nation has a God or a moral code that Obama has NOT mocked and undermined and ignored, I’d like to know who He or she or it is.  (In this age where the left has embraced the transgender man-woman shemale, I suppose you have to consider all the myriad possibilities).

So we’re seeing the same deterioration of “God” in the American political socialist left that we observed in the German political socialist left as it rose to power.  Just like Obama, Hitler began talking about his “Christianity,” but it sure didn’t take long before – the same way Obama promised that “as a Christian” he was opposed to same-sex marriage to imposing the very thing he said that “as a Christian” he was opposed toHitler told his inner circle that he was a devout atheist who had abandoned any notions of a God other than himself.  What he said in his speeches wasn’t any more true than what Obama said in his speeches.  And Christianity has been annihilated in America much the way it was in Germany leading up to the Nazis who took the next logical step with the worldview of Darwinism.

I also find it striking how liberal Democrats are exploiting race versus how the Nazis exploited race.  Both rose to power by making race and racism an issue and encouraging people of race to politically rise against another race due to perceived injustices.  The Nazis screamed, “The Jews have usurped power and they’re oppressing you!”  The liberal Democrats scream, “The whites (particularly white men) have usurped power and they’re oppressing you!”

Now we’re seeing the assured results of leftist-progressive Democrat Party rule as criminality and violence skyrocket wherever liberalism touches.  Liberals are demagoguing race to turn our justice system against our system of justice – and justice is being raped and tortured and murdered as a result.

I mean, “why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?”  I mean, after all, Hitler showed us how to do it with the Jews.

The Jesus whom the Nazis and whom Obama mocked told us, “In the last days, race will rise against race.”  but what did that white-male-embraced Jew know, anyway?

Crucify Him!  At least that’s what the Nazis did.  That’s what Islamic State is doing now.  And as for liberal Democrats, they not only are fine with crucifying Jesus, they’ll stick Him in a jar of urine while they do it.

Progressive liberals demanded that – back when America was STILL overwhelmingly Christian and believed in God – that in the cause of “free speech” we allow such vileness.

Now the same liberals who demanded the right to immerse Christ in piss demand that now that they’ve got the upper hand free speech should be abolished.  It’s who they are.  Again, because they’re just like the Nazis.  Who are just like Islamic State.

The Christianity of our founding fathers – and our very founding fathers themselves – – have been torn down in scorn.  And so the Constitution based on that Christian worldview is the next casualty.

“I think we can say that the Constitution reflected an enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day, and that the Framers had that same blind spot. I don’t think the two views are contradictory, to say that it was a remarkable political document that paved the way for where we are now, and to say that it also reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.” — Barack Obama, Sept. 6, 2001

To me it is absolutely no surprise whatsoever that our first president to classify America as “a Muslim nation” prophetically declared the complete separation between America and its founding fathers and their Constitution a matter of FIVE DAYS before the very Islam that he would embrace and elevate to a status directly alongside Christianity would attack us.

The rise of Islamic State and the rise of Obama are hand-in-hand.  The former could never have arisen without the latter.

The men who wrote our Constitution declared in their basis for it – the Declaration of Independence – that our rights come from God, not from any government.  But that didn’t work for liberal Democrats who wanted sodomy-perversion marriage and sixty million murdered babies.  So they agreed with the Nazis that there is “no sense of social order in the teachings if the irresponsible protagonist of the New Testament” and threw Christianity out.  So that “social order” could be whatever THEY declared it to by exercising the same power of the human will that Hitler exalted.

Precisely what is it that our liberal-Democrat-hijacked public schools are teaching our children about our God or our culture that will provide a powerful force for them to fight for what is right and fight against what is wrong?  Or to put it in Obama’s mocking terms, “Whose morality would we teach in the schools?”  Do we teach the morality of an everlasting God or do we teach the constantly adapting Darwinian bug morality of Obama?

We are watching the world unravel from without even as we are watching our very cities unravel from within.  Because this is a nation that stands for NOTHING that is transcendent just as Nazi Germany stood for nothing that was transcendent before us.  And we rabidly reject the very NOTION of transcendence because it interferes with our adoration of homosexual sodomy erected upon our altar of sixty million murdered babies.

Kids in liberal Democrat public indoctrination centers aren’t being taught to revere our foundations – they have been taught to mock and despise them.

So why not embrace the values of Islamic State?

Violence is encouraged by liberal Democrats.  First the rioters were given literal permission to riot.  The police were ordered to stand down and allow them to riot.  Then it became racist to criticize the rioters.

Hey, if you like violence you’ll LOVE Islamic State.  Why not join up and spread the love?  You can burn and loot and murder to your heart’s content.

In the rise of Islamic State, we are watching what the liberal-Democrats of Hollywood created: a culture of violence that stands for NOTHING BUT DEATH act out its “values.”

I keep seeing snippets of the numerous videos that Islamic State recruiters are spreading all over the internet.  And you know what I keep seeing?  I keep seeing a video game.  The Islamic State videos look just like what I see when I see the snippets of the video games that liberal Democrats of Hollywood and Silicone Valley pumped into our kids’ brains.

Hey, kids!  You can live our your video game fantasies!  Join Islamic State and you can actually BE in the video game world!

And why not?  Why shouldn’t you?  I mean, murder isn’t really all that “wrong” given that we’ve murdered sixty million babies and that’s “right,” right?  And the same intolerant Christian God who says murder is wrong also says homosexuality is wrong and we ALL know that’s right, right?  And I mean, seriously, whose version of Christianity are we going to teach?  Whose passages of Scripture should guide our public policy?

Come on, why not try the Qur’an instead, kids?  I mean, after all, this IS a Muslim nation, you know.

I’ve been talking about how the liberal-progressive Democrat WORLDVIEW has actually directly participated in the rise of terrorism.  But let’s not forget Obama’s miserable national security and foreign policy performance that have allowed Islamic State to rise from a virtually unheard of tiny offshoot group based in Syria when Bush was president to owning the largest terrorist caliphate in the history of the world because of Obama.  I’ll quote one of my own titles that I back up with facts ad nauseam: No One On EARTH More Responsible For Rise In Islamic Terrorism Than Our Own Terrorist-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama.  And it is an easy-to-document FACT that Barack Obama DIRECTLY enabled Islamic State to spread by refusing to deal with Syria after cowardly retreating from his own “red line” AFTER cutting-and-running from Iraq in abandonment of EVERYTHIG his own generals WARNED WOULD HAPPEN if Obama did what Obama in fact did.

You need to go back and remember history – something IMPOSSIBLE for a liberal to do – to see how Obama and his mouthpieces claimed credit for the Arab Spring (and see here and here for more proof of that) that the terrorists used to massively advance their own cause.  It is also a matter of history that the Arab Spring that Obama claimed so much credit for actually WERE the result of Obama in the form of FOOD RIOTS he created throughout the Middle East due to the fact that all the Arab states that sell oil have to be tied to the U.S. dollar – with Obama’s massive debt massively devaluing the values of Arab currencies leading to rioting.

It doesn’t matter HOW you slice it: it comes up Obama and the vicious failure of liberal progressive Democrat Party ideology.

What I’m saying here is that the fact that for all practical purposes, Barack Obama and the Democrat Party have completely surrendered to radical Islam – whether you talk about Obama allowing and even outright encouraging Islamic State to spread by a) doing NOTHING in the Syria that now thanks to Obama controls more than half of that country and b) Obama’s completely cutting-and-running from Iraq in abandonment of EVERYTHING our generals demanded we do to preserve the security of that country; or whether you talk about Obama allowing and even outright encouraging Iran to develop a nuclear bomb and the ballistic missile system to deliver it and therefore encourage nuclear proliferation in the remaining Muslim countries as they talk about their bomb – the real crisis was already present and already metastasizing in our culture.

Islamic State is rising.  And neither so-called “moderate Islam” itself or the defiled formerly “One Nation Under God” America that is now “God Damn America” have anything to fight it with.

Which is why the once greatest nation in the history of the world – a nation that uniquely called upon the God of the Bible – will go down so hard, so violently, in such an ugly, awful manner.

It’s funny.  Progressive liberals claim to be anti-rape, but as a direct result of their moral system, we have seen rapes and sexual assaults SKYROCKET.  And I’m sure it’s a complete surprise to you, unless you first consider that it’s kind of obvious that the inevitable result of teaching children that they are NOT created in the image of God, that they WILL act like the animals their teachers claim they are.  I mean, Muslims love to slander Jews by labeling them “the descendants of apes and pigs.”   But according to evolutionary theory we are that and worse: the descendants of flies and roaches.  And surprise, surprise that our kids would start acting like what liberal progressives have said they are all along.

In the same manner, it’s the same way with the economy: should we really be surprised when the liberal progressive Democrats’ embrace of an economic system based entirely on atheistic godlessness (where omnipotent Government takes the place of God), class-warfare-incited envy and bitterness would necessarily fail every single time it is tried no matter how many times it has failed before?  And yet here we are, with Obama’s miraculous “wreckovery” sinking America year-by-year under Obama into the WORST labor participation rates – measuring the percentage of working-age Americans who actually have a job – we have seen in forty years.  Right now the labor participation rate – six years into Obama’s so-called “recovery” – has more than 93 million Americans without a job and little hope of ever finding one in a rate that is the worst we’ve seen since Jimmy Carter’s socialism was destroying America in 1977.  I wrote about the metastatic spread of the Obama economic cancer in a nice little summary in a different article I wrote in 2013:

Again, I talked about that when I pleaded with the American people to NOT choose stupidity and suicide in the 2012 election:

In 2010 – and this was AFTER we supposedly were out of the recession in Obama’s “wreckovery” –  the labor participation rate was 64.5%, which was at a 25-year low (i.e., lower than it had EVER been under Bush).

In 2011, the labor participation rate dropped to 63.9%, the lowest level in 27 years.

Last year in 2012 under Obama’s failed policies it fell to the lowest level in 30 years.

And here we are today.  You’ve got to go back to the dismal failure of the Carter era in the late 1970s to get such an awful participation rate.  It’s now the worst its been in 34 years.

Now it stands as the worst America has seen in 38 years.  But who does Obama demonize for his fail?  Bush.

It is a fact that “If the workforce participation rate today were as high as it was on the day Barack Obama was inaugurated, the unemployment rate in this country would be 9.7 percent.”  His current unemployment rate is based entirely on statistical shenanigans and outright lies.  Under Barack Obama’s economic miracle “The yearly income of a typical US household dropped by a massive 12 percent, or $6,400.”  Obama has literally robbed us blind while telling us he’s making us rich – and pure fools believe his lies.  Meanwhile, in spite of the fact that Obama has demagogued class-warfare more than any president in history, his actual record has produced the widest gap between the rich and the poor in his economy EVER MEASURED.  Meanwhile, Obama’s destruction of our health care system is closing down hospitals, driving doctors out of medicine and leaving the poor with “insurance” that leaves them unable to get healthcare outside of clogging up our emergency rooms.  The scourge of chronic homelessness is a giant plague beyond anything we’ve seen in the most liberal-Obama-friendly citiesHomeless camps are sprawling across the city of the Angles.   In fact, “the number of tents, makeshift encampments and vehicles occupied by homeless people soared 85%, to 9,535, according to biennial figures from the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.”  Cities are going BANKRUPT with debt in numbers not seen since the Great Depression under Obama.    I wrote about that massive problem in 2012.  It was still a massive problem in 2013.  It’s still a massive problem now as Chicago goes bankrupt under one of Obama’s chief acolytes due of course to Obama-style debt and insane socialist spending policies.  Cities like Detroit look like World War II bombed out war zones.  Race riots dominate the Obama presidency as the vile, toxic bitterness of the left metastasizes in violence.  I wrote about the liberal stupidity of liberal Baltimore  and how liberals have proved last-days prophecy is coming upon us – and look at the impact of their foolish, wicked “management” of the crisis they created.  Obama depicting himself or his policies as being the savior to the poor is rather akin to Adolf Hitler depicting himself and his Third Reich as the savior for Jews.  And I state that as a categorical FACT that I just documented at length above if you look at the FACTS.

To the extent that the economy or jobs has anything to do with the rise of terrorism and the Islamic State, as liberal progressives keep telling us, again, look no farther than at THEM for producing the miserable economy and the awful jobs performance.

The beast is coming.  And he is coming because liberal progressives have “fundamentally transformed” America into a nation that WILL NOT reflect the image of a good God, but will rather exalt their will over Him.  Which is a prescription for judgment and doom.


Under The Proto-Antichrist Obama And Democrat Party, We Are Clearly In The Last Days. Jesus Told Us, ‘Race Will Rise Against Race’

April 30, 2015

[Update, May 4, 2015: A just-released poll shows that 96% of Americans expect more racial violence coming this summer.  We are in the last days, and what Jesus and the prophets warned us about is so obvious, it’s like reading the weather just before a bad storm.  But what few understand is that this is a prophetic warning sign from God foretold two millennia ago and if you have eyes to see and ears to hear you had better REPENT].

Don’t think we’re not seeing the same thing in Baltimore that we’ve already seen dozens of times in the first truly racist presidency of modern times.

Jesus told us Himself:

 “Now as He (Jesus-Yeshua) sat on the Mount of Olives (in Israel), the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be?  And ‘What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the Age?’”  (Matthew 24:3)

“Jesus answered and said to them . . .

‘And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.

See that you are not troubled;

for all these things must come to pass,

   but the end is not yet. 

   (Still before the Rapture and the ‘Apocalypse’)

For nation (ethnic group) will rise against nation (ethnic group),

and kingdom (country) against kingdom (country) . . .

All these are the beginning of sorrows

(Actual translation is “birth pangs”… they will grow closer and closer)

(Matthew 24:6-7)

(Note:  The original Greek word translated “nation” was “ethnos,” from which we get our word “ethnic.”)

So, although the world has always had wars, ethnic violence and strife, earthquakes, false messiahs and prophets, famines, and deadly diseases, Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha’Mashiach in Hebrew) warns us that as a sign that we are entering into the last days we will see each of these increase in frequency and size. Described as “birth pangs,” these “pains” will continue to grow worse and worse, coming closer and closer together, as signs we are preparing to enter the Apocalypse.

Look at the riots taking place right now in Baltimore:










Call me … oh, I don’t know: call me “not completely BLIND.”

Whitey aint rioting anywhere.  Conservatives aren’t rioting anywhere.  It’s always the other way around, every single time.

THE MOST conservative rallies were marked by their peacefulness and complete absence of violence.

Jesus basically said it all: “in the last days, race shall rise against race.”  And in the US of A, it is ALWAYS one race rising against the other rather than the other way around.

Here we are, under the “race-riot presidency” of our Cancer-in-Chief.  How many of these have we had in the metastatic presidency of Obama?  It seems like DOZENS.  And when there is one in Baltimore, there are copycat race riots in New York, etc.  It’s every BIT as bad now as it EVER was.  We don’t have a Watts riot or a Rodney King verdict riot; we’ve got a new one like every week under this failed presidency.  At the very least, you have to go back FIFTY YEARS to find as much racial unrest as what Obama and his law-thug Eric Holder have degenerated America into.

Obama swore he would be the president who would transcend the racial and political divide.  Oh yes, he did.

He “fundamentally transformed” truth into a wicked lie on BOTH counts.

What does Obama say about all the race riots under his regime and under the regime of his law thug Eric Holder?

Blame Republicans, that’s what he says.  Because Obama “transcended” by sinking to the deepest, darkest muck of the very bottom of the sewer.  I don’t know, maybe the next president will be as savagely right wing as Obama has been left wing and “transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics of the last 15 years and end the partisan and ideological wars” by putting all Democrats in death camps.  And we’re clearly heading toward the opposing party being crushed like that, because things tend to get worse in a completely broken system – and Obama has completely broken the system.  As all the riots document.  And every time Obama demonizes his opponents, he continues to prove what a liar he was from the very beginning when he promised to do the very opposite of what he is in fact doing.

Obama claims it’s a result of “decades of inequality.”

Fine.  But let’s look at the vile DEMOCRATS who have PRODUCED that inequality SINGLEHANDEDLY in the places where the riots are taking place:

The mayor is black. The council is almost two-thirds black. The school superintendent is black. The police chief is black, and a majority of his officers are black.

Race riots inevitably end in contention over what social woes led to the trigger point, with one overarching element: a white power structure ruling a black populace.

Baltimore left behind that vestige of segregation long ago, yet the city nonetheless has been perched on the edge of chaos for much of this week, as African American protesters took to the streets to express grievances over police abuse and urban neglect.

You can add to that the president is black, the Attorney General of the United States is black, the State Attorney for Baltimore (Marilyn Mosby) is black.  And so on.

And while the city council is “almost two-thirds black,” let me tell you what they ENTIRELY are: DEMOnic bureauCRAT.  EVERY SINGLE council member is a Democrat.

So WHO JUST WHO THE HELL IS ACTUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE DECADES OF INEQULITY???  Hey, you can take your pick; but every single person letting these poor, oppressed black people down to the point where they erupt have two things in common: they are black and they are Democrats.

It’s been almost FIFTY YEARS since a Republican has been elected as mayor in Baltimore.  So what do you say?  Well, it’s clearly still Republicans’ fault for what happened fifty years ago, I suppose.

Baltimore is a one-party town and HAS been a one-party town for decades.  And the party is Democrats.  THEY did this.  NOBODY else had ANYTHING to do with this misery or this miserable city.  And Barack Obama is a wicked liar without a scintilla of shame, honor, decency, integrity, honor, or any other virtue as he demonically lies to blame the one party that is absolutely NOT responsible for this travesty of failed governance and failed justice in Baltimore.

Shameless Democrat LIARS claim that the race crisis in Baltimore is the result of blacks being denied educations.  Okay, fine – AS LONG AS WE STIPULATE THAT IT IS DEMOCRATS WHO ARE STEALING BLACK CHILDREN’S EDUCATIONS FROM THEM.  The FACT is that Baltimore has the SECOND HIGHEST per capital education spending in the nation – and what has happened?  Democrats, corrupt, dishonest thieves and looters all, have STOLEN the money for black kids’ education and sent it into their union- and political-slush funds.  The Democrat Party is a corrupt exploitation machine, pure and simple.

But let’s shift our focus to this decent, innocent young man whose horrible treatment by the police spawned all of this legitimate racial outrage.  Ignoring, that is, that the police themselves, the police chief, the mayor, the lead attorney, etc., etc., are all black.

We’re finding out this latest race riot is just as based on lies and racial agitation and slander and demagoguery as pretty much all the rest of them.  For instance:

So gosh, I run from the police and force them to chase me down and tackle me and subdue me.  Then I’m in the van banging myself against the walls trying to deliberately injure myself.  And holy Moses, I end up with a broken neck.

I cannot for my life understand how someone can claim on the one hand that Gray could not have caused his own injuries but on the other hand his injuries could be caused by a rough ride in the van.  At the very least, how can you claim that he wasn’t trying to cause his own injuries at an inopportune moment when the van came to a stop and his attempt to injure himself was augmented by the stop?

Massively inappropriate response to above: Hey, let’s burn down our city.

This isn’t about “race.”  The cops were mostly black.  To the extent this is about “decades of inequality,” let’s just be clear that if you hate “decades of inequality,” you damn well better be electing every Republican you see.  But what this is mostly about is a career criminal turd who happened to be black.

But the spirit of the black community is the spirit of racial hate and bitterness.  They have been indoctrinated by their masters that they are victims, that they cannot possibly succeed, that the system has been stacked against them (you know, by black Democrats who have been demagoguing them for decades to maintain their own power and influence).

Their black mayor literally gave them carte blanche to riot, saying:

“I worked with the police and instructed them to do everything that they could to make sure that the protesters were able to exercise their right to free speech,” Mayor Rawlings-Blake told reporters. “It’s a very delicate balancing act because while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on, we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

“We gave them space to destroy.”  That sounds just like Obama’s Islamic State policy.  I’m sure it will work out just great.  Oh, wait, they DESTROYED.

She also said – according to a high-level police official – “Let them loot.  It’s only property.”  When I think we all know pretty damn well that if it was HER property, she would have ordered every cop in the city to protect HER “loot” from looters.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.  I heart looters, too.  My favorite looters are the ones who burn everything they can’t steal.  I’m sure Mayor Rawlings-Blake feels the exact same way.

You can’t blame Mayor Rawlings-Blake: she’s only following the Obama Justice Department’s “Never bring a lawsuit against a black” racial bigotry to her city.  I mean, to paraphrase Rawlings-Blake, “Let them loot.  It’s only justice.”

A lot of businesses are out of business because they were burned to the ground because of this disgrace of a mayor who ordered the police to stand down while rioters ran amuck and “fundamentally transformed” law and order into a joke.

And so they’re doing exactly what Jesus said they would do: race is rising against race in the last days as our proto-Antichrist prepares America to accept the real-deal Antichrist.

The Republican governor of Maryland – and by this I mean the ONLY Republican who has anything to do with Baltimore period – did everything he could do: he ensured that the National Guard would be ready the moment the (black Democrat) mayor who made the above incredibly foolish and wicked statement requested the Guard.  But the aforementioned foolish and wicked mayor waited.  And waited.  While her city burned.

We live in the last days.  And the last days are marked by depravity and deception.

An astounding 72% of black births are out-of-wedlock.  And the result is out-of-control ignorance, out-of-control dysfunction, out-of-control poverty and therefore out-of-control chaos and mayhem.

It is exactly as I have pointed out many times in my articles: liberals have ABORTED fatherhood.  At the moment of conception, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FATHER ACCORDING TO LIBERALISM.  A man did NOT father a child; THERE IS NO CHILD; THERE IS ONLY A LUMP OF GOOP.  There IS no such thing as a “father” or “fatherhood.”  There is only the mother.

And she therefore ALONE has the right to choose to murder her own baby.  And you watch the wicked Democrat system come holy-hell-unglued to any man who would claim otherwise.

And fathers have responded, “Okay.  Whatever.  I’m out of here.”

And that is precisely what they SHOULD do.  Unless every single Democrat is on his or her way to burning in hell for their role in the murder of sixty million innocent human beings and literally being ten times more murderous and wicked than the damn NAZIS.

The same Democrats who destroyed fatherhood assert, “Hey, you didn’t father ANYTHING, mister.  But we’re going to hold you responsible anyway.”  But I think history kind of proves how well that’s worked out.

How do you define “mass confusion”?  Father’s Day in any black community.  It’s an awful joke that has the sad virtue of being completely true.

Democrats want to cite – INcite is a better word – all kinds of socialist rationales to “explain” why the members of their race-based political coalition are so utterly dysfunction: which somehow always boils down to the explanation that it’s because somebody else isn’t having enough of their wealth seized so that someone else can have a bigger welfare check.  But THE biggest indicator of poverty is the absence of a father and the absence of a marriage – the two institutions that Democrats have utterly destroyed with their various perversions.

You’ve gotta love the protestors who wave signs that say, “Black Lives Matter.”  And judging by the actual FACTS, the only people who don’t believe that black lives matter are BLACK PEOPLE.  Given the rage of the black community in Baltimore, and her actions before and after this event under her mayorship, does Mayor Rawlings-Blake think black lives matter?  Who ELSE do you blame for this???  Does State Attorney for Baltimore Marilyn Mosby – who leads the justice system for the city – think black lives matter???  Whose damn fault is it if the justice system disregards black lives???  You go up the line to our latest black Attorney General or up the line further to our black president, and WHOSE FAULT IS IT THAT BLACK LIVES DON’T MATTER???

If you actually CARE about black people, about the worst thing you can do is put a black liberal in charge: because the statistics are blatantly obvious: NINETY PERCENT of black victims are murdered by black criminals.  While many crimes are intraracial (whites prey on mostly other whites and blacks prey on mostly other blacks), the black victimization rate is SIX TIMES higher than the white victimization rate.  The black offending rate is EIGHT TIMES higher than it is among whites.  Blacks commit murder at a rate EIGHT TIMES that of whites and all crimes at a rate approaching TEN TIMES that of whites.  This in spite of the fact that the FBI statistics conflates “white” crimes by lumping in Hispanics (who have a much higher crime rate than Anglos) as “whites.”

The black community is desperately sick and as long as Al Sharpton gets a say, it will get sicker and sicker.  And if you want to say “black lives matter,” fine.  Just make sure you’re telling black people, because they are clearly the ones who actually need to be aware of this.

“No Justice, No Peace,” the signs carried by stupid people read.  WHO IS ACTUALLY DENYING JUSTICE???  The very people the idiots carrying the damn signs keep voting for, year after year.

The Democrat Party has been the party of abject depravity and wickedness since they literally fought a vicious war to keep oppressed black people as slaves.  The Democrat Party was the party of abject depravity and wickedness since they formed the Ku Klux Klans to oppress and terrorize black people and white Republicans after Republicans defeated them in that war and freed the slaves.  The Democrat Party was the party of abject depravity and wickedness since the first true “liberal progressive” president – Woodrow Wilson – publicly glorified the most racist movie ever made called Birth of a Nation.  You know, after RE-segregating civil service and the military DE-segregated by Republicans.  The Democrat Party was the party of abject depravity and wickedness since the 1924 Democrat National Convention was so dominated by the Ku Klux Klan it was called “Klanbake.”  The Democrat Party has been the party of abject depravity and wickedness since FDR used his executive tyranny to punish black people by crafting policies that allowed unions – which were and remain Democrat power bases – to brutally discriminate against blacks.  The Democrat Party has been the party of abject depravity and wickedness throughout the long career of a celebrated Democrat Senator who was the Grand Kleagle of his Ku Klux Klan chapter.

This is NOT a party that somehow stopped being what it always has been to its ugly core; this is a party that learned how to be pathologically racist a different way.  They turned themselves into a plantation.  And black leaders have been co-opted by the plantation.  Democrats continue to use today the very same mindset that they used to justify their slavery in the 19th century: that black people are inferiors who need their superiors to provide for them.  You have to feed the negro with eternal welfare; it’s not like he’s human himself to feed himself.  While you can argue that the racism of the Democrat Party has “fundamentally transformed” from slavery to Darwinian notion (“On The Origin of Species. by Means of Natural Selection,. or. The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”) that some races are simply less advanced than others and therefore need Government to take care of them.  In exchange for their guaranteed vote, of course.  Other than Darwin, the Democrat Party embraced the theory of Hegelian socialism – founded of course on the back of racism.

Black people are – under the Democrat Party philosophy – “the white man’s burden.”  And that is why it doesn’t matter if it is black people and only black people who are making all the decisions and actually doing all the oppression of black people in Baltimore or any race-inflamed city you want to name that is dominated by historic Democrat control.  Because on this Democrat-steeped racial theory you can’t hold black people responsible for ANYTHING.  I mean, they’re HELPLESS and INFERIOR.  And so it’s GOT to be “blame whitey” for Baltimore.

At least, according to Barack Obama who did precisely that in his vile remarks.

And what has the Democrat Plantation produced?  What kind of people?

Bill O’Reilly tonight accurately described the young people who have grown up in these broken homes that were molded by failed liberalism:

To somebody who has tattoos all over their body, who is defiant, who is disrespectful and who doesn’t even want to work because they have a sense of entitlement that says they are victims, “You owe me.”

Does that sound like a good job-seeking resume?

And don’t tell me those folks don’t exist. They are legion.

So these politicians out on the street trying to justify riots by saying we don’t provide jobs are dishonest in the extreme.

The night before O’Reilly went after the riot excusers who argue that the government needs to provide jobs to these defiant, disrespectful entitlement thug-punks:

“With all due respect,” O’Reilly said, evincing none, “the government cannot create opportunities for young people who are uneducated, disrespectful, and unmotivated.” If the children in Baltimore have been “marginalized” and “misdirected,” he argued, that’s the fault of their parents, not the country, city, or police.

Which makes his decision to blame city officials immediately thereafter rather perplexing. “The city of Baltimore has been run by black politicians and the Democratic Party for decades,” he said, “so who exactly is marginalizing the children?”

But it was the Holy Bible that described to a “T” who these thug-punks were and what they would be like some 2,000 years ago:

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.  People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God–having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. — 2 Timothy 3:1-5

And “such people” have been rioting in Baltimore and New York.  And before that they were rioting in Ferguson, etc.

You listen to Mayor Rawlings-Blake’s “Let them loot” and you can hear the echoes of the elitist Civil War officer in the great movie Glory who said: “They’re little children, for God’s sake. They’re little monkey children.  You just gotta know how to control them.”  And the Democrat Party is trying to do just that on its new plantation.

Margaret Sanger – THE Democrat heroine extraordinaire – sure knew how to control them.  She wrote regarding her “Negro Project” that:

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

That’s “ministers” as in “The Rev. Al Sharpton.”  And the “more rebellious members” are otherwise known today as “black conservatives” who have escaped from the Democrat Plantation and are calling it out for exactly the racist engine that it is and always HAS been.

And Margaret Sanger continues to exterminate the Negro population from the grave.  With the help of the Democrat Party.

And since abortion is by definition the DENIAL of the respect for the dignity and value of human life, is it really any surprise that the same black people who murder their babies at massively higher rates than others would also murder – or let’s call it commit retro-active abortion – those who somehow managed to survive the most dangerous place for a black child to be (his/her mother’s womb)???

It is and has always been DEMOCRATS who believe that black lives don’t matter.  And to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, they prove it every day and in every way.

And the result is hell.  And it will continue to be hell until black people wake up to their sobering senses and realize that they have been led by the nose and duped by lies and throw off the shackles that the Democrat Party has put on them.

One of the latest forms of bondage that Democrats are trying to ensnare blacks with is drug addiction.  “Drug addiction helps pimps keep prostitutes virtually enslaved,” we find.  And the same thing is true of the Democrat Party and blacks, which is the ultimate predatory form of parasitic relationship par excellence.  Which is why the Democrat Party is using every form of slander and demagoguery imaginable to make it as easy as possible to be a voting drug addict today.  You want your drugs?  Vote Democrat.

We are watching such people rise like cancerous tumors all over the world as what St. Paul described as “the mystery of lawlessness” begins to grow out of control.  And decent people watch hell metastasizing and wonder how no one and nothing can/will do anything to stop it.

I know I’ll be accused of being a “racist” for assembling these facts and for saying what I’ve said.  It doesn’t matter that I would have voted for Herman Cain in 2012 and I’d vote for Ben Carson in 2016 – and what kind of racist would vote for the “I’m white!  I’m entitled” Hillary Clinton???

The black people we are watching burning and looting in riot after riot aren’t rioting and burning and looting because they’re black.  They’re doing it because they have drank too often and too deeply of the race-baiting Kool-Aid by the party of fatherlessness and racial demagoguery and bitterness and entitlement to the fruit produced by other people’s hard work.  They’ve been voting Democrat lock, stock and goose-stepping barrel for forty years and the more they vote Democrat, the more they fall behind.

This isn’t about “race.”  It’s about EVIL.  And too many black people have been captured by empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ (Colossians 2:8).

Race is going to continue to rise against race.  Because the rioters are ignorant and hateful and everything that St. Paul said they were 2,000 years ago and Bill O’Reilly said they were the last couple of nights.  You can call my facts hateful all you want, truth-hater; but that doesn’t change the fact that they are facts and what I’m saying is true.

The problem is that truth is dead in the age of the most documented liar who ever lived.  Truth is dead in the age of Obama.

We are watching Democrat policies literally result in literal hell on earth.  The Democrat Party is the Party of Antichrist, the Party of the Beast.  Period.  And they are doing everything they can to prepare America and prepare the world for the coming of their god.  Because he will first take over human Government which Democrats worship as Savior in place of God and then he will declare himself God.  And when he fulfills every Democrats’ dream by seizing complete power over the entire global economy they will worship him and take his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads.

The Antichrist will be the ultimate Savior to Democrats because he will be the ultimate Provider of what Democrats most want: big Government that will take promise to take care of everyone and everything.

And so we know from God’s Word that someone is coming – someone whom Democrats will WORSHIP – who will finish the job of bringing hell on earth.




Barack Obama’s Ties With ACORN Go Back 20 Years

September 23, 2009

You can learn all about the community organization ACORN via

On ABC’s “This Week” George Stephanopoulos was the only one of the five interviewers who bothered to bring up the massive ACORN scandal in which a pair of kids posing as a pimp and a prostitute showed the full degree of massive corruption and total depravity of a liberal/socialist organization that has received tens of millions of federal dollars and stood to qualify for BILLIONS under Obama’s stimulus.  In at least five cities, ACORN employees were willing to help the pimp and prostitute fraudulently file income taxes so they could purchase a home which they planned to use as a brothel with more than a dozen 13-15 year old illegal immigrant girls.

If that isn’t loathsome enough, we are also learning that ACORN has received federal funding to give sweetheart “low-interest” or “no-down-payment” home mortgage deals to illegal immigrants.

Here’s the Commander-in-Chief becoming the Weasel-in-Chief:

STEPHANOPOULOS: But if you’re – have some of your allies made it easier for — handed your opponents some ammunition, like ACORN, for example…

OBAMA: Well, look, the — you know, I think that — are there folks in the Democratic camp or on the left who haven’t — haven’t always operated ways that I’d appreciate?


STEPHANOPOULOS: Congress has just cut off…

OBAMA: Is — is…

STEPHANOPOULOS: …all funding for ACORN.

OBAMA: It’s…

STEPHANOPOULOS: Are you for that?

OBAMA: Is that true on the other side, as well?

Of course that’s true.

STEPHANOPOULOS: How about the funding for ACORN?

OBAMA: You know, if — frankly, it’s not really something I’ve followed closely. I didn’t even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Both the Senate and the House have voted to cut it off.

OBAMA: You know, what I know is, is that what I saw on that video was certainly inappropriate and deserves to be investigated.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you’re not committing to — to cut off the federal funding?

OBAMA: George, this is not the biggest issue facing the country. It’s not something I’m paying a lot of attention to.

As Fund points out in his story, “ACORN Who?” “Mr. Obama took great pains to act as if he barely knew about Acorn.”

That doesn’t seem to be ACORN’s story regarding Obama.  They worked hard for Obama.  They helped Obama.  They say:

“Since then, we have invited Obama to our leadership training sessions to run the session on power every year, and, as a result, many of our newly developing leaders got to know him before he ever ran for office. Thus, it was natural for many of us to be active volunteers in his first campaign for State Senate and then his failed bid for U.S. Congress in 1996. By the time he ran for U.S. Senate, we were old friends.”

John Fund has the story out on how Obama’s ties with ACORN go back over twenty years.

We find that:

– In 1991, he took time off from his law firm to run a voter-registration drive for Project Vote, an Acorn partner that was soon fully absorbed under the Acorn umbrella. The drive registered 135,000 voters and was considered a major factor in the upset victory of Democrat Carol Moseley Braun over incumbent Democratic Senator Alan Dixon in the 1992 Democratic Senate primary.

– He became a top trainer at Acorn’s Chicago conferences.

– In 1995, he became Acorn’s attorney, participating in a landmark case to force the state of Illinois to implement the federal Motor Voter Law. That law’s loose voter registration requirements would later be exploited by Acorn employees in an effort to flood voter rolls with fake names.

– In 1996, Mr. Obama filled out a questionnaire listing key supporters for his campaign for the Illinois Senate. He put Acorn first (it was not an alphabetical list).

– In the U.S. Senate, Mr. Obama became the leading critic of Voter ID laws, whose overturn was a top Acorn priority.

– In 2007, in a speech to Acorn’s leaders prior to their political arm’s endorsement of his presidential campaign, Mr. Obama was effusive: “I’ve been fighting alongside of Acorn on issues you care about my entire career. Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote in Illinois, Acorn was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work.”

– The Obama campaign also gave Citizens Consulting, Inc., an Acorn subsidiary, $832,000 for get-out-the-vote activities in key primary states. In filings with the Federal Election Commission, the Obama campaign listed the payments as “staging, sound, lighting,” only correcting the filings after the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review revealed their true nature.

-[T]he Obama campaign didn’t appear eager to discuss the candidate’s ties to Acorn.  Its press operation vividly denied Mr. Obama had been an Acorn trainer until the New York Times uncovered records demonstrating that he had been.

Fund goes on to conclude:

“Given his longstanding ties with Acorn, President Obama’s protestations of ignorance or disinterest in the group’s latest scandal seem preposterous. Here’s hoping White House reporters will press the president to clarify just how much he really knows about Acorn and when he knew it.”

I hope John Fund doesn’t hold his breath.  The same reporters who dug through Sarah Palin’s garbage and rummaged through Joe “the Plumber”Wurzelbacher’s private records never once bothered to look into Obama’s past.

Obama White House STILL Supporting Vile ACORN

September 19, 2009

Let’s see, here’s where it stands with the community organization ACORN via

In ACORN offices located in five cities across the country, we have ACORN employees willingly helping a pimp and a prostitute commit tax fraud so they can buy a house which they intend to use as a brothel by purchasing more than a dozen 13-15 year-old illegal immigrant girls.  At this point, the question isn’t, “How many ACORN offices would do something so despicable?” but rather, “Are there any ACORN offices that WOULDN’T do something so despicable?

And they engaged in that conduct supported with YOUR federal taxpayer dollars, courtesy of the Democrat Party and a President who used to teach classes for ACORN organizers.

ACORN was involved in scandals and crimes resulting in 19 states as well as Washington D.C. filing criminal charges.  We now know that ACORN is not merely a criminal organization, but a morally depraved organization.

The scandal is so terrible that DemocRATS are jumping off the ship.  But not Barack Obama, and not his White House.  Dana Loesch at BigGovernment has the story:

Taxpayer Funded Filtering Activists to ACORN

by Dana Loesch The Obama Administration has placed a large premium on what it calls “national service.” It has launched a website,, that is reported to act as a clearing house for Americans eager to “give back” to their communities. Unfortunately, Americans looking for an opportunity to volunteer may get something they weren’t expecting.

By typing “ACORN” into the search field entitled “What interests you” at, you’re transported to where you can choose from a list of volunteer opportunities, including “healthcare activist.” This particular “volunteer” opportunity is with the Tuscon ACORN office:

The description after clicking:

They’re unclear regarding financial reimbursement; though past recruitment, like the Craigslist ads in St. Louis, advertised for “paid progressive activists, $90 a day, call Lorna 314-732-0131.”

Your tax dollars at work, America. Living the sweet life on taxpayer dollars while using federal funding to advertise for volunteer opportunities to promote the President’s health care legislation.

Pro-Obama activism is the new welfare.

If health care isn’t your bag, ACORN has other opportunities available via, opportunities like a “community organizing internship,” a “neighborhood canvasser,” or a “tax preparer.” Here’s an opportunity to get out the vote in Ohio. Unlike some listings, this one is directly on the site:


This ad for an ACORN tax preparer is also directly on the site:


So after they assist you in procuring housing for your brothel of underage girls, ACORN can also assist you in skirting your taxes, in keeping with the law of probability. is just one of many projects managed by the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency which oversees various government service agencies, including Americorps, the outfit at the center of the fired IG scandal.

CNCS was established in 1993 “to connect Americans of all ages and backgrounds with opportunities to give back to their communities and their nation.” It also operates the website, which defines itself as:

“your online resource for not only finding volunteer opportunities in your community, but also creating your own. Use to help you do your part. America’s foundation will be built one community at a time – and it starts with you.”

Since when does America’s foundation require rebuilding? The idea that our country requires an overhaul at the hands of an out-of-control federal government is disturbing – especially when our government is using a taxpayer-supported website to match activists to opportunities so as to promote the President’s agenda.

We keep hearing how Barack Obama isn’t really attached to all his radical associates.  He didn’t know William Ayers all that well, even though Ayers gave Obama his start in politics, literally hosted Obama’s first fundraiser in his own home, and helped him write his book.  And the claim is that Obama – who paid ACORN $800,000 from his campaign in 2008 – barely has any relationship with ACORN.  Just as Obama went from calling Rev. Jeremiah Wright “his spiritual mentor” after spending 23 years in his demonic church to barely knowing HIM.

Well, Barry Hussein, the facts are that you’ve BEEN involved with ACORN for years.  You taught them classes in community organizing.  You literally were their lawyer on at least one significant occasion.  And Obama benefited from his relationship with ACORN politically:

“Since then, we have invited Obama to our leadership training sessions to run the session on power every year, and, as a result, many of our newly developing leaders got to know him before he ever ran for office. Thus, it was natural for many of us to be active volunteers in his first campaign for State Senate and then his failed bid for U.S. Congress in 1996. By the time he ran for U.S. Senate, we were old friends.”

Well, it’s long past time to hold Obama accountable for his choice of “old friends.”

ACORN worked for Obama and Obama worked for ACORN.

Obama said at a giant ACORN rally:

“During the transition, we’re going to be calling all of you (ACORN representative in) in to help us shape the agenda.  We’re going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America.”

We have to realize who Obama is and where he came from – and that the answer to both questions is “ACORN.”

ACORN is slime.  Conservatives have known it all along, but the mainstream media refused to report the story.  Obama is slime, but the same despicable media have abandoned their duty to shine the light into his Chicago shenanigans.  And the agenda all THREE (Obama, ACORN, and the liberal media) share intimately in common for fundamentally transforming this country into the next desperately-failed socialist utopia is slime.

Obama might throw ACORN under the bus the way he threw Jeremiah Wright under the bus.  He is a cynical and self-serving politician who has always looked out for #1, after all.  But that doesn’t take away from the fact that he spent more than two decades with BOTH.  Or that he has been shaped by their vile, despicable, and profoundly anti-American values.

ACORN Willing To Help Pimp, Prostitute Cheat To Buy House, Import 13 Underage Illegal Immigrant Child Prostitutes

September 12, 2009

Some things are just so vile it is impossible to believe unless you see it with your own eyes.

I thought that ACORN – the community organizing group that Obama once worked for – was despicable.  But even Michelle Malkin – who wrote the book exposing Obama’s Culture of Corruption – has to be shocked by this total depravity.

Part I:

Part II:

The full transcript detailing the loathsome abomination that is ACORN as its representatives try to do whatever they can to help a pimp and a prostitute who want to cheat on their taxes while buying a house so they can import 13 child illegal immigrant prostitutes from El Salvador and declare some of them as “dependents” is available here.  Just make sure you have a very large bucket close at hand if you watch the videos or read the transcript.

Just to make sure you understand, ACORN has received tens of millions in federal tax dollars and now under Obama will have access to BILLIONS more to help pimps and their prostitutes (that’s ‘performing artist’ to ACORN for income tax purposes) cheat on taxes so they can buy homes so they can bring in illegal immigrant child prostitutes.

If it could get worse, it gets worse.

I watched with the same nauseous revulsion as CNN managed to demonstrate why the mainstream media is essentially a kingdom of cockroaches, with one crawling on top of one another to broadcast their leftwing apologetics and propaganda.

CNN correspondent Bill Tucker begins by making sure everyone knows that these are “two activist conservative filmakers” (that’s journalistic code for ‘people we hate and want to delegitimize’).  They’re conservatives; you all know what to expect from their ilk.  In the introduction of Ron Christie, host Kitty Pilgrim had to make sure everyone knew that he was “conservative,” too.

Keith Richburg of the Washington Post begins to speculate on the ACORN statement that:

“these conservative filmmakers went around to three or four offices and basically got thrown out with this ruse; and they found one office where there were two people stupid enough to sit down and give them this kind of silly advice.

And it sounds to me like that’s just entrapment.  Let’s go around to me like that’s just entrapment.  Let’s go around to various offices until we can finally trick somebody into…”(inaudible due to Joe Conason interrputing to one-up Richburg with his outrage over the “conservative filmkakers” rather than what they revealed about ACORN).

Joe Conason of Salon said:

“It’s not journalism unless they report everything that happened.  It’s propaganda.  If you are a reporter and you’re doing something like this, then you would report, “Yes, we went to the four offices, and one took the bait.”  If you don’t report that, if you act as if you went to one office and they did it, that’s dishonest.”

When Ron Christie began to explain just how outrageous this moral depravity was, Joe Conason interrupted him repeatedly.   Conason, after all, is a “journalist”; therefore he had to make sure that ACORN was protected – regardless of how personally rude and professionally awful he had to be to do it.

I mean, for God’s SAKE!  These were a couple of kids doing this project, not hardened reporters making sure they lived up to far higher journalistic standards of objectivity than any mainline media outlet ever attained.  You can KNOW they weren’t “reporters” or “journalists” because they actually bothered to go into an ACORN office and expose the truth about what was going on inside.  You can bet your britches that no mainstream media “journalist” would ever do something like that.

The Washington Post and Salon are shockingly corrupt in having propaganda hacks like Richburg and Conason working for them.  Think about it: we have ACORN officials on film trying to help a pimp and his prostitute cheat on taxes so they can buy a house so they can start a business by bringing underage young illegal immigrant girls into the country to prostitute for them.  And their anger, their self-righteous rage, is directed at the two kids who exposed this?

Consider the phony outrage over the fact that these kids might have gone to three or four locations to film their project.  I mean, the fact that only 1 in 3 ACORN offices will help prostitutes cheat on their taxes so they can start businesses by pimping out young illegal immigrant girls is just SO reassuring.

Oh, but just one thing.  Now it is coming out that in fact the kids who went to at least a couple of ACORN offices DIDN’T go 1 for 3 — rather, they are batting the hall-of-fame average of at least .500 (and maybe .667).  It turns out that the Washington ACORN office feature the same kind of amoral slimeballs that the Baltimore office had.

One day after two ACORN officials in Baltimore were fired for offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute to engage in child prostitution and a series of tax crimes, another secretly shot videotape has surfaced that shows the same couple getting similar advice from ACORN officers in Washington.

The newly released videotape, shot on July 25, shows ACORN staffers explaining to the pair how they can hide the woman’s professed work — prostitution — and get a loan that will help them establish a brothel.

UPDATE, September 14,2009: And now, lo and behold, ANOTHER ACORN office – this time in Brooklyn, New York – has now been revealed to have stumbled all over themselves to help a prostitute and her pimp cheat on their taxes in order to buy a house so they could import very young El Salvadoran illegal immigrant girls into the country to set up a prostitution business.  That’s at least THREE.  I think that’s more than enough to say we have a very clear trend.

So much for your bullcrap theory, Keith Richburg and the Washington Post; so much for your sorry load of fertilizer that you pass of as “journalistic ethics,” Joe Conason and Salon.  You are two sorry specimens of humanity.  You two representatives of a loathsome, dishonest, and disgraced media.  The reason the two young kids didn’t disclose that they had gone to more than one ACORN office is because they revealed the sheer and vile depravity of more than one ACORN office.

So ACORN has been plainly revealed to be about as vile of an organization as a pedophile can dare to imagine; and not by professional journalists and reporters, but by a couple of kids with a testable theory that ACORN is corrupt and utterly evil and some video equipment.  And the Washington Post, Salon, and the rest of the mainstream media are revealed to be even bigger biased buttkissing ideologues and beneath-contempt frauds than they already were.

Our system is completely broken, and this country is dying.  Special interests such as ACORN own the system, and their liberal media lackeys won’t allow the light of day to ever shine into the pit of vipers.  And our system cannot even possibly be repaired, because our journalists – charged by the Constitution with being honest watchdogs who protect society by exposing the truth – have become so dishonest, so corrupt, so biased, so ideological, and frankly so irredeemably depraved, that they WILL NOT report the truth.

ACORN is safe.  America is under the worst kind of attack as termites eat away at our foundations and infrastructures from the inside out and maggots devour the rotting carcass of a decaying national system.

This isn’t just ACORN.  ACORN is the community organizing arm of the Democrat Party, and the Democrats have protected them, advanced their agendas, and provided them with massive federal funding.  As you watch these videos and reflect on the complete evil that they reveal, realize that the ACORN tree grows out of the Democrat Party.