ACORN Willing To Help Pimp, Prostitute Cheat To Buy House, Import 13 Underage Illegal Immigrant Child Prostitutes

Some things are just so vile it is impossible to believe unless you see it with your own eyes.

I thought that ACORN – the community organizing group that Obama once worked for – was despicable.  But even Michelle Malkin – who wrote the book exposing Obama’s Culture of Corruption – has to be shocked by this total depravity.

Part I:

Part II:

The full transcript detailing the loathsome abomination that is ACORN as its representatives try to do whatever they can to help a pimp and a prostitute who want to cheat on their taxes while buying a house so they can import 13 child illegal immigrant prostitutes from El Salvador and declare some of them as “dependents” is available here.  Just make sure you have a very large bucket close at hand if you watch the videos or read the transcript.

Just to make sure you understand, ACORN has received tens of millions in federal tax dollars and now under Obama will have access to BILLIONS more to help pimps and their prostitutes (that’s ‘performing artist’ to ACORN for income tax purposes) cheat on taxes so they can buy homes so they can bring in illegal immigrant child prostitutes.

If it could get worse, it gets worse.

I watched with the same nauseous revulsion as CNN managed to demonstrate why the mainstream media is essentially a kingdom of cockroaches, with one crawling on top of one another to broadcast their leftwing apologetics and propaganda.

CNN correspondent Bill Tucker begins by making sure everyone knows that these are “two activist conservative filmakers” (that’s journalistic code for ‘people we hate and want to delegitimize’).  They’re conservatives; you all know what to expect from their ilk.  In the introduction of Ron Christie, host Kitty Pilgrim had to make sure everyone knew that he was “conservative,” too.

Keith Richburg of the Washington Post begins to speculate on the ACORN statement that:

“these conservative filmmakers went around to three or four offices and basically got thrown out with this ruse; and they found one office where there were two people stupid enough to sit down and give them this kind of silly advice.

And it sounds to me like that’s just entrapment.  Let’s go around to me like that’s just entrapment.  Let’s go around to various offices until we can finally trick somebody into…”(inaudible due to Joe Conason interrputing to one-up Richburg with his outrage over the “conservative filmkakers” rather than what they revealed about ACORN).

Joe Conason of Salon said:

“It’s not journalism unless they report everything that happened.  It’s propaganda.  If you are a reporter and you’re doing something like this, then you would report, “Yes, we went to the four offices, and one took the bait.”  If you don’t report that, if you act as if you went to one office and they did it, that’s dishonest.”

When Ron Christie began to explain just how outrageous this moral depravity was, Joe Conason interrupted him repeatedly.   Conason, after all, is a “journalist”; therefore he had to make sure that ACORN was protected – regardless of how personally rude and professionally awful he had to be to do it.

I mean, for God’s SAKE!  These were a couple of kids doing this project, not hardened reporters making sure they lived up to far higher journalistic standards of objectivity than any mainline media outlet ever attained.  You can KNOW they weren’t “reporters” or “journalists” because they actually bothered to go into an ACORN office and expose the truth about what was going on inside.  You can bet your britches that no mainstream media “journalist” would ever do something like that.

The Washington Post and Salon are shockingly corrupt in having propaganda hacks like Richburg and Conason working for them.  Think about it: we have ACORN officials on film trying to help a pimp and his prostitute cheat on taxes so they can buy a house so they can start a business by bringing underage young illegal immigrant girls into the country to prostitute for them.  And their anger, their self-righteous rage, is directed at the two kids who exposed this?

Consider the phony outrage over the fact that these kids might have gone to three or four locations to film their project.  I mean, the fact that only 1 in 3 ACORN offices will help prostitutes cheat on their taxes so they can start businesses by pimping out young illegal immigrant girls is just SO reassuring.

Oh, but just one thing.  Now it is coming out that in fact the kids who went to at least a couple of ACORN offices DIDN’T go 1 for 3 — rather, they are batting the hall-of-fame average of at least .500 (and maybe .667).  It turns out that the Washington ACORN office feature the same kind of amoral slimeballs that the Baltimore office had.

One day after two ACORN officials in Baltimore were fired for offering to help a man and woman posing as a pimp and prostitute to engage in child prostitution and a series of tax crimes, another secretly shot videotape has surfaced that shows the same couple getting similar advice from ACORN officers in Washington.

The newly released videotape, shot on July 25, shows ACORN staffers explaining to the pair how they can hide the woman’s professed work — prostitution — and get a loan that will help them establish a brothel.

UPDATE, September 14,2009: And now, lo and behold, ANOTHER ACORN office – this time in Brooklyn, New York – has now been revealed to have stumbled all over themselves to help a prostitute and her pimp cheat on their taxes in order to buy a house so they could import very young El Salvadoran illegal immigrant girls into the country to set up a prostitution business.  That’s at least THREE.  I think that’s more than enough to say we have a very clear trend.

So much for your bullcrap theory, Keith Richburg and the Washington Post; so much for your sorry load of fertilizer that you pass of as “journalistic ethics,” Joe Conason and Salon.  You are two sorry specimens of humanity.  You two representatives of a loathsome, dishonest, and disgraced media.  The reason the two young kids didn’t disclose that they had gone to more than one ACORN office is because they revealed the sheer and vile depravity of more than one ACORN office.

So ACORN has been plainly revealed to be about as vile of an organization as a pedophile can dare to imagine; and not by professional journalists and reporters, but by a couple of kids with a testable theory that ACORN is corrupt and utterly evil and some video equipment.  And the Washington Post, Salon, and the rest of the mainstream media are revealed to be even bigger biased buttkissing ideologues and beneath-contempt frauds than they already were.

Our system is completely broken, and this country is dying.  Special interests such as ACORN own the system, and their liberal media lackeys won’t allow the light of day to ever shine into the pit of vipers.  And our system cannot even possibly be repaired, because our journalists – charged by the Constitution with being honest watchdogs who protect society by exposing the truth – have become so dishonest, so corrupt, so biased, so ideological, and frankly so irredeemably depraved, that they WILL NOT report the truth.

ACORN is safe.  America is under the worst kind of attack as termites eat away at our foundations and infrastructures from the inside out and maggots devour the rotting carcass of a decaying national system.

This isn’t just ACORN.  ACORN is the community organizing arm of the Democrat Party, and the Democrats have protected them, advanced their agendas, and provided them with massive federal funding.  As you watch these videos and reflect on the complete evil that they reveal, realize that the ACORN tree grows out of the Democrat Party.

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5 Responses to “ACORN Willing To Help Pimp, Prostitute Cheat To Buy House, Import 13 Underage Illegal Immigrant Child Prostitutes”

  1. Loan Advice Says:

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along.I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  2. heartlandheretic Says:

    Anyone who mistakes those two lousy actors as an actual pimp and prostitute deserves to go to jail! If these workers were ACTUALLY in the practice of giving out this kind of advice to REAL people, they deserve to go to jail.

    But the good that ACORN does for people actually in need should not be overlooked. I have a hard time believing anyone could be so stupid as to fall for this unseemly duo (the actors). But then, you have the birthers and other right wing extremists who have their minds made up regardless of the facts.

  3. Michael Eden Says:

    You did something that simply cries out to be corrected.

    You said, “I have a hard time believing anyone could be so stupid as to fall for this unseemly duo.” Try, “MORALLY EVIL” in place of “stupid.” You make the ACORN workers’ crime as being “stupid.” I don’t care if they’re stupid. I DO care that they are so completely depraved that they are willing to help a prostitute and her pimp cheat on taxes, and buy a house in order to import a dozen 13-15 year old illegal immigrant girls to service strange men as sex slaves.

    And, then when you throw up the smokescreen of “birthers,” you do it again. Do you really think that somebody who looks at a few bizarre facts (such as why Obama couldn’t release the long form birth certificate that is required for every child born in a hospital) and wondering if Obama was truly an American born citizen with being willing to help pimps and prostitutes commit tax fraud and import child prostitutes. And I have to ask what is morally wrong with you that you think those two things are morally similar????

    For what it’s worth, the “birthers” were DEMOCRATS, too.

    One of the things John McCain did to clear up issues was to produce his long form birth certificate. Why wouldn’t Obama simply do the same???

    It is also interesting that Democrats were also the first “birthers.” Look at Chester Arthur and Barry Goldwater.

    So, it would frankly be nice of you to recognize in all your screaming about the “crazy birthers” that Democrats were birthers first, and Democrats were birthers in the same campaign that you are screaming about.

  4. RealEstate Says:

    i dont see the video can u put the link

  5. Michael Eden Says:

    Here it is, RealEstate:

    I’ll try to put it in the article. I actually usually do that.

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