Posts Tagged ‘House’

Even More Defiant Of Reality Than Adolf Hitler: Evil, Insane Obama Budget Rejected By House 413-2 (That Means Democrats Too, Bozo)

April 14, 2014

Is Barack Obama a “leader” or is he Adolf Hitler raving crazily in his bunker having led his nation into ruin with nobody listening to his crazed idiocy?

If a budget is any indication – and yeah, it really IS given the fact that governments must function on budgets – Obama is actually more out-of-touch with reality and more ignored by his fellow fascists than Hitler was in his bunker.

You might want to read my article:

Obama, After His 2012 Budget Was Voted Down 97-0 and His 2013 Budget Was Voted Down 414-0 BY EVERY DEMOCRAT, Has Chutzpah To Demonize GOP Budget As ‘Radical’

to see what a crazed, radical ideologue fascist Obama has been from the outset of his Führership.  He has been a man who has pathologically refused to work toward any kind of consensus whatsoever – frankly even within his own Nazi Party – depending instead on lies, demagoguery, slander and executive orders.

In that 2012 article, after documenting the facts, I wrote:

So the only meaningful question is whether we should be talking about Obama’s 0-97 “support” last year or his 0-414 “endorsement” this year.

Let’s just get one thing clear, Barack Obama, who had his 2012 budget handed back to him with 0-97 support from his own Senate and his 2013 budget handed back to him with 0-414 support from Congress, is frankly un-American and pathologically socialist.

A statement from Obama when the Republican leadership approached him in January 2009 says it all:

After the last election, when the “so called Messiah” was elected, John McCain had the temerity to ask him if he was going to work with the republicans. Obama said, “I won the election, John. Elections have consequences.”  This statement was the precursor of what was to come.

Obama proceeded to ram through a massively failed $862 billion stimulus (actually $3.27 trillion, according to a CBO analysis) and a wildly unconstitutional, wildly failed and wildly unpopular ObamaCare as his two signature acts.  Obama rammed these monstrosities through larded with pork, partisan boondoggles and gimmicks of every kind with virtually ZERO Republican support.

I just want you to understand what a dishonest and frankly evil man Barack Obama is before moving forward.

That said, let’s see what this radical socialist ideologue – who has not received so much as even a SINGLE vote from his own party in two years of lies and demagoguery, has to say about Paul Ryan’s budget

Has Obama learned a damn thing?  Is this fool capable of learning a damn thing?

So Close: House Rejects Obama Budget 413-2
Guy Benson | Apr 10, 2014

UPDATE– The House has passed the Ryan budget 219-205. The ‘Path to Prosperity’ received 217 more votes than the president’s budget. You can read the GOP’s plan here. My summary is here.
*** Original Post ***
Last we checked in on the budget battle in DC, our post-partisan president was smirkingly denouncing House Republicans’ fiscal blueprint as a “stink burger” and “meanwich.” The wit! The erudition! With Congress’ lower chamber poised to pass Paul Ryan’s ‘Path to Prosperity‘ — which reduces the rate of federal spending increases, reforms Medicare and balances within ten years — the House first took up President Obama’s budget proposal. Might this qualify as a “stink burger?”

The House on Wednesday handily rejected a GOP budget alternative based on President Obama’s 2015 spending blueprint. It was defeated 2-413, following a pattern seen in recent years in House votes to overwhelmingly reject Obama’s budget proposals. Today’s vote is just slightly better than the unanimous vote against Obama’s budget in 2012. The two “yes” votes came from Reps. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and Jim Moran (D-Va.), who is retiring…An Obama administration official agreed with House Democrats that the GOP substitute was not an accurate reflection of Obama’s budget plan. “The Administration would welcome votes on the actual provisions of President’s Budget,” said Office of Management and Budget spokesman Steve Posner. “That is not what this amendment represents, and a vote for or against this amendment is not a vote for or against the President’s policies.” But Republicans rejected these complaints, and defended the idea of consider Obama’s latest proposal as a way to let the House consider all budget options. “Any time the president of the United States takes the time to produce a budget, it merits a debate,” Mulvaney said. “I think it’s a valid discussion we should have every year.” Mulvaney also offered the president’s budget as a mock alternative in 2012, which was rejected 0-414. Republicans could not offer it last year because the president’s budget was submitted late — instead, Mulvaney tried to offer a blank sheet of paper to represent Obama’s budget, but it was not made in order.

I must have missed Mulvaney’s blank page budget gambit last year, which deserves points for being amusing and for highlighting the fact that the Obama White House can’t be bothered to meet statutory budget deadlines. He might try the same thing as a proxy for Senate Democrats’ FY 2015 proposal, which does not and will not exist. Harry Reid’s caucus has declined to participate in the legally-mandated budgeting process for the fourth time in five years. The White House and House Democrats can claim that the GOP’s version of Obama’s budget wasn’t an “accurate reflection” of the original document, but it essentially lifted Obama’s entire vision and dropped it into legislative language. In reality, all but two Democrats — one of whom was this guy — chose not to attach themselves to the president’s plan, which calls for the following:

President Obama’s 2015 Budget Proposal:(1) Never balances. Ever.

(2) Increases spending, ballooning the national debt by $8.3 trillion over the budget window — $1 trillion beyond than the unsustainable current trajectory. Under Obama’s plan, the red ink on the above chart would be steeper, sooner.

(3) Raises taxes by an additional $1.8 trillion (and again, never balances).

(4) Makes no attempt at reforming the gathering tidal wave of unfunded promises that Obama has admitted in the past are driving a long-term debt crisis.

To their credit, and unlike their Senate colleagues, House Democrats will offer an alternative budget of their own. But Phil Kerpen notices that it’s missing something:

The section on Obamacare ends with this defiant statement of policy: “the law of the land should support making affordable health care coverage available to every American family, and therefore the Affordable Care Act should not be repealed.” And that’s it. Don’t repeal it. Don’t acknowledge any of the problems. Don’t do anything to help any of the people whose lives have been thrown into disarray. And certainly don’t do anything to “fix it.” It couldn’t be clearer: members who vote for this budget think Obamacare does not need to be fixed. Indeed it’s hard to read the Democratic budget as anything but a celebration of Obamacare exactly as it is – and that adds insult to the many Americans who have been injured by the law.

In other words, House Democrats’ budget reflects the opinion of those six percent of Americans who believe Obamacare is working well as is. For all their public assurances about “fixing Obamacare” (which didn’t pay dividends for them in Florida), Democrats oppose one of the most popular fixes to the law, their party chairwoman can’t think of a single change she’d make, and their governing document offers zero fixes. Seems legit.

Obama is a creature – a monster, to be more specific – of his own fascist party.  In 2011, I documented the fact that:

Today Is the 900th Day Since Democrats Bothered To Pass a Budget

Well after that, Democrats FINALLY bothered to obey the damn law and the Constitution just long enough to actually pass a budget which they had refused to do for YEARS.

Democrats are people – and this is simply a fact beyond legitimate question – who defy the law, defy process, defy the Constitution (specifically in this case Article I of the Constitution).  And then they fascistically govern by tyranny rather than by any legitimate rule of law.


If Nation Defaults, It Is ENTIRELY Obama’s Fault

October 7, 2013

Today Obama went to FEMA to thank them for working without pay.  That was his pretense, anyway.  Actually, he went to get in front of a microphone and demonize Republicans some more.

Here’s a short article that sums up the situation quite nicely:

Obama thanks FEMA for work during shutdown
Posted: Oct 07, 2013 9:51 AM PDT Updated: Oct 07, 2013 9:52 AM PDT
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama is thanking workers at the Federal Emergency Management Agency for doing their jobs under “less than optimal circumstances” during the government shutdown.

Obama made an unannounced visit to FEMA Monday as the shutdown neared the one-week mark. Some furloughed employees at the agency were recalled last week and worked without pay to help prepare for Tropical Storm Karen.

The president said FEMA employees remain ready to respond when needed, but their jobs have been “made more difficult.” He says the shutdown may actually end up costing taxpayers more money.

Funding for FEMA was among the series of piecemeal spending bills passed by the House last week. The White House has threatened to veto the measures, saying the government should not be reopened one agency at a time.

Do you get that, stupid universe?  FEMA isn’t shut down because Republicans shut them down; because REPUBLICANS FUNDED FEMA and a lot of the rest of the government.  No, FEMA is shut down because Democrats who control the Senate won’t allow the House-passed bill to go forward, and because if anybody tries to fund FEMA and pay those workers, BARACK OBAMA WILL VETO IT.

THAT’S why FEMA is on furlough.

But we live in an age just before Obama implodes America, sends the world into depression and the beast of the Book of Revelation comes.  And so the truth has largely been replaced by demon-possessed lies.

Here’s another reason that Obama rabidly refuses to negotiate or compromise in any way, any shape or any form as we approach a debt default:

Said a senior administration official: “We are winning…It doesn’t really matter to us” how long the shutdown lasts “because what matters is the end result.”

Obama and Charlie Sheen have something in common: they’re not bi-polar; they are BI-WINNING.

That and the fact that they are both demonic people who have a truly psychotic worldview.

Obama has been shutting down things left and right for the sole purpose of making the shutdown as painful for as many people as he can.  He’s shut down WWII memorials and things like the Lincoln Memorial that have NEVER been closed during ANY of our previous government shutdowns:

The Park Service appears to be closing  streets on mere whim and caprice. The rangers even closed the parking lot at Mount Vernon, where the plantation home of George Washington is a favorite tourist  destination. That was after they barred the new World War II Memorial on the Mall to veterans of World War II. But the government does not own Mount Vernon; it is privately owned by the Mount Vernon Ladies’  Association. The ladies bought it years ago to preserve it as a national  memorial. The feds closed access to the parking lots this week, even though the  lots are jointly owned with the Mount Vernon ladies. The rangers are from the government, and they’re only here to help.

“It’s a cheap way to deal with the situation,” an angry Park  Service ranger in Washington says  of the harassment. “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we  can. It’s disgusting.”

“We’ve been told – by OBAMA through his federal government demon-possessed bureaucrats – to make life as difficult for people as they possibly can.”  Quote.  And you’re damn right it’s absolutely disgusting.

Do you know that at all of these memorials that Obama has shut down for no other reason that to be petty and vindictive is that he’s using more security guards to keep the American people OUT of their monuments than were being used to just keep them open???

That was what Sen Rand Paul was mocking when he tweeted:

@BarackObama sent 7 security guards to this AM to keep out our vets. Sadly, that is 2 more than were present in Benghazi.

Obama tried to shut down the Army-Navy football game – again, for the first time EVER during one of our many government shutdowns – just because he’s a petty tyrant and that’s the kind of cheap trick that a petty tyrant does:

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —  On a beautiful fall day, the parking lot at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium was filled with fans and tailgate parties. A record crowd of 38,225 showed up Saturday for the football game between Navy and Air Force.

Navy athletic director Chet Gladchuk looked at the activity around him and smiled. After tumultuous week, he was right where he was supposed to be Saturday.

The Air Force-Navy game was in serious jeopardy on Tuesday, when the Department of Defense suspended athletic competition at the nation’s service academies because of the U.S. government shutdown. At that point, Gladchuk took action to convince the DOD that the game should be played because it was funded by non-appropriated money.

His effort paid off. Late Wednesday night, the DOD relented. […]

“There was some concern, but I was hopeful it would happen because they’ve never canceled a Navy football game during a government shutdown,” Lang said.

“Navy athletics is privately funded,” Miles said. “The idea of them trying to cancel a game between two service academies is appalling.”

There’s another word to use to describe Obama’s thug tactics in addition to “disgusting”: “appalling.”

Obama the thug has his White House thugs and federal government thugs frantically trying to close down absolutely everything they can possibly close down just to hurt as many people as they can.  EVEN WHEN FEDERAL FUNDS AREN’T EVEN BEING USED.  Just so Obama can falsely blame Republicans even though the only part of government they basically HAVEN’T funded is demonic ObamaCare fiasco.

I recently pointed out a few other examples of just how positively VILE Obama and his Democrat stooge-thugs have been during this period.

But here’s another one that is just so utterly beyond “appalling” or “disgusting” that “vile” hardly is enough to describe it: Obama closed down the Amber alert system created to find kidnapped children before a pedophile can rape them.

And if it comes to it, believe me, Obama is thug enough and petty enough to order this, too, joke or no joke.  He’s just that demonic.

But you still haven’t grasped the true, genuine evil that is Barack Obama.  He’s actively trying to sabotage our economy just so he can blame the other party for what HE did.  Democrats are accusing Republicans of being “economic terrorists.”  But let’s take a look at our “Economic Terrorist-in-CHIEF”:

Washington (AFP) – President Barack Obama sent Wall Street a blunt warning Wednesday that it should be very worried about a political crisis that has shut down the government and could trigger a US debt default.

Obama said he was “exasperated” by the budget impasse in Congress, in an interview with CNBC apparently designed to pressure Republicans by targeting the financial community moments after markets closed.

The president then met Republican and Democratic leaders for their first talks since the US government money’s ran out and it slumped into a shutdown now well into its second day.

But few informed observers held out much hope for a sudden breakthrough.

Obama was asked in the interview whether Washington was simply gripped by just the latest in a series of political and fiscal crises which reliably get solved at the last minute.

In unusually frank comments on issues that could sway markets, Obama warned that investors should be worried.

“This time’s different. I think they should be concerned,” Obama said, in comments which may roil global markets.

“When you have a situation in which a faction is willing potentially to default on US government obligations, then we are in trouble,” Obama said.

Obama said he would not negotiate with Republicans on budget matters until House lawmakers pass a temporary financing bill to reopen federal operations and raised the $16.7 trillion dollar debt ceiling.

This is the bottom line: in a couple of weeks, America faces a debt ceiling issue.

Keep in mind that if Republicans act like Obama, they will vote against EVER raising the damn debt ceiling.  Remember what Obama said when he was a Senator to demonize George W. Bush???

“The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion for the first 42 presidents – #43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome, so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.”


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”



You need to realize something: the real crisis of this debt ceiling impasse is that America could find itself unable to make the interest payments on the debt – which would be a default on America’s perfect credit.

Do you know why that could happen?  Do you know who would be entirely to blame if that does happen?

Barack Hussein Obama, thug, liar and traitor, that’s who.

Our interest payments on the debt amount to about $25 billion a month.  That sounds like a lot, but during any shutdown or debt ceiling impasse, the United States still raises far more in taxes every single month.  And it would just be a matter of arranging to prioritize the payments on the debt and to assure the credit markets that we will be doing so in order to maintain confidence.

But Obama doesn’t want that.  He wants to create as much pain and misery and destruction as he can.  Because he wants to trot out to every single dishonest propagandist mainstream media microphone and slander the Republican Party for doing what OBAMA DID.

There is absolutely no chance of a true default if Obama does what any leader who isn’t completely morally insane would do.  It is entirely under Obama’s authority to make those interest payments.  And to complete the picture, the Republicans have already approved this and other payments.  Absolutely nobody but Obama would be to blame.

If the United States defaults on its interest payments and creates a market meltdown, it is because Obama – who could easily avoid that merely by making the interest payments that are his authority to make – wants to create a market meltdown.

And the fact of the matter is that Barack Obama is an evil enough man to make that happen.

Barack Obama has rabidly refused to negotiate.  Literally, he is the first president in the history of the republic to refuse to negotiate – in spite of his many lies to the contrary.  In fact, the debt ceiling has been raised 63 times since 1979 – and fully 27 of those times, the debt ceiling was directly linked to other issues.  For instance, in 1973, Ted Kennedy and Walter Mondale – both top national Democrats – attempted to link the debt ceiling to campaign finance reform.

And in every single case up to now, the president was enough of a grown-up to NEGOTIATE AND BE WILLING TO COMPROMISE.

I am so sick of Obama’s and his administration’s constant spewing of outright lies.

If the Republicans follow the example set by the president, they will likewise refuse to negotiate and allow the country to slide off a cliff.

Why Exactly Is This Payroll Tax Fiasco Republicans’ Faults Again? Too Bad Americans Get Propaganda Rather Than Facts.

December 23, 2011
It would be inexcusable for Congress not to further extend this middle-class tax cut for the rest of the year” — Barack Hussein Obama, immediately prior to demonizing the Republicans for trying to extend the middle class payroll tax cut for the rest of the year over Democrat demands to do so for a ridiculous two months.
Let’s see.  Republicans in the House passed a payroll tax extension that provided a year of clarity for the American worker and business owner.  And the thing decried as a “poison pill” by Democrats was a provision to speed approval of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which even the damn liberal LABOR unions are demanding because it would add 22,000 jobs to our economy and 118,000 spin-off jobs:
Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal points out the holocaust of jobs just plain murdered by Obama and his rabid EPA death machine, beginning with the Keystone pipeline that Obama and many Democrats want killed:
Which gets us to his blues, or rather the 20,000 blue-collar construction jobs that would come with the pipeline, and the further 118,000 spin-off jobs. The unions—from the Teamsters, to the Plumbers and Pipefitters, to the Laborers—are out in force pushing for this giant job creator. “We can’t wait to get America building again,” blares a union-sponsored website in support of Keystone, poking at the president’s latest political rhetoric.

Keystone is more than just the administration’s latest headache. It’s the clear culmination of an Obama governing philosophy that has consistently put green priorities ahead of blue-collar workers, and that is now one of the biggest threats to his re-election.   […]

The EPA has labored over an ozone rule (estimated job losses: 7.3 million), power plant rules (1.4 million), a boiler rule (789,000), a coal-ash rule (316,00), a cement rule (23,000), and greenhouse gas rules (even Joe Biden can’t count that high). The administration blew up Louisiana’s offshore deepwater drilling industry, insisted Detroit make cars nobody wants to buy and, just to stay consistent, is moving to clamp down on the country’s one booming industry: natural gas.

Those going the way of the dodo are utility workers, pipefitters, construction guys, coal miners, factory workers, truck drivers, electrical workers and machinists. Many of these are union Democrats who don’t care if their union bosses are publicly sticking with the president. They are pessimistic about the future and increasingly angry over the president’s attack on their work.

Basically, Obama has quietly (give that the mainstream media would never cover this) killed nine million American jobs.  And counting.
Damn Republicans and their damn vile demand that Americans get more jobs rather than more socialist nanny state.
And shame on Republicans in particular for a) giving Obama the year-long payroll tax cut extension that initially demanded; b) creating not only thousands but tens of thousands of jobs; and c) helping labor unions.  That’s what Obama and the Democrats are saying.

After doing their part, the Republican House stuck around.  Because unlike the Democrats controlling the Senate, they’re not piles of putrid political slime.

Then – after the Republicans passed their bill (and ask yourself what would have happened in the media coverage if Speaker Boehner had at this point had decided to send the Republican Congress home) – the Democrats came along and passed a two month extension of the payroll tax cut.  Payroll processors have stated that this “is logistically impossible to make the needed changes in tax software before the short-term extension expires.”  They point out that there is “insufficient lead time” to institute changes prior to the February 29 deadline and that such a “shortened deadline could create ‘substantial problems, confusion and costs affecting a significant percentage of employers and employees.'”

After doing their part to screw up the known universe, Democrats immediately left Washington, essentially saying to Republicans, “We’re going to force you to do this on our terms with no negotiations.”  And the press blessed this act of “bold leadership.”

In fact, even more than merely recess, the Democrats in the Senate abjectly refused to send any representatives to the conference committee that provides resolution to bills passed by the House and the Senate:

Silent Hill. Harry’s left. All is dark – Senate side. The House voted simultaneously on Tuesday to disagree with the Senate two-month extension legislation for the payroll-tax holiday and send both chambers’ versions to a conference committee to negotiate a final deal. House Speaker John A. Boehner immediately named his eight negotiators for the committee tasked with resolving the differences in the length of the tax holiday and unemployment benefits, offsets and reform provisions. The development led to a standoff between the Ohio Republican and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

 Mr. Reid refuses to name conferees unless the House passes his short-term bill. On Saturday, the Nevada Democrat sent the Senate home on vacation until Jan. 23. Mr. Reid’s objection means Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell can’t name Republican negotiators because it requires unanimous consent. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, also won’t name her representatives. “I don’t think we should go to conference,” the California Democrat said on Monday evening. “We’re not going to that place.”

They passed their version of the bill AFTER the House passed its version, and then Democrats just left.  Lights out.  Screw you, compromise.  And screw you, American people, because this is all about politics and political posturing, and we Democrats have the media propaganda covering our every move.

To further pursue the Democrat intransigence to so much as get off their asses for a single second to DO SOMETHING, we can add Barry Hussein’s refusal to budge a nanometer:

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, phoned President Obama this morning and asked him to send members of his economic team to the Capitol to end the political stalemate and negotiate a path toward a one-year extension of the payroll tax credit. The president declined the offer.

“With Sen. Reid having declined to call his members back to Washington this week to join the House in negotiating a full-year extension of the payroll tax cut, the speaker proposed that the president send members of his economic policy team up to Congress to find a way to accommodate the president’s full-year request,” a senior aide to the speaker said. “The speaker explained his concern that flaws in the Senate-passed bill will be unworkable for many small-business job creators. He reiterated that if their shared goal is a one-year bill, there is no reason an agreement cannot be reached before year’s end. The president declined the speaker’s offer.”

This is Obama at his finest: playing shrill and divisive hardball partisan politics with the American people hanging on the line.  Obama doesn’t WANT action; he desperately NEEDS a hopelessly divided Congress so he can run against it and blame them for all of his numerous failures.  And, of course, the press has his back.

With Republicans obviously willing to negotiate and Democrats screaming, “NO! NO! NO!  And what’s more, you Republicans are OBSTRUCTIONIST!!!”

House Speaker John Boehner is saying – and I quote – “Let’s sit down and resolve our differences.”  The nerve of the man to ask for something so “extremist” as that.  The man ought to be hauled outside the Capitol Building and shot for daring to want to sit down and work things out when the Democrat politburo and the Democrat Dictator-in-Chief have decreed that no American may have a tax cut unless it be done according to their imperial decree.

And let’s not forget the fact that gridlock may very well be a good thing, given that the payroll tax cut extension is a direct rip-off from Social Security:

As we’ve pointed out previously, the 2-percentage-point cut in the payroll tax (from 6.2% to 4.2%) might give a short-term boost to the economy, but it contributes to Social Security’s long-term insolvency at a time when the retirement program is already paying out more in benefits than it is collecting in taxes. A one-year extension would drive up next year’s federal deficit by more than $100 billion.

Sorry your check bounced, Grandma.  Just, you know, eat less or something.  Maybe step down to dog food.  Some of it is quite tasty, I’m sure.

And interestingly, the same rather liberal USA Today that pointed out the above also pointed out that Democrats are actually encouraging a different tax cut extension:

The payroll tax issue also raises the question of whether there’s any such thing as a temporary tax cut. At the end of next year, the unaffordable Bush tax cuts are set to expire. Extending the payroll tax cut would set a precedent and give ammunition to those who want another extension of the Bush cuts, adding as much as $5 trillion to deficits over the coming decade.

For the record, this “$5 trillion” figure USA Today pulled out is the TOTAL amount that ALL income classes receive from the Bush tax cut.  See the numbers from the Joint Tax Committee I cited in a previous article:

A study by the Joint Tax Committee, using the same static methodology that I refer to in my opening paragraph, calculate that the government will lose $700 billion in revenue if the tax cuts for the top income brackets are extended. And that sounds bad. But they also conclude that the Bush tax cuts on the middle class will cost the Treasury $3 TRILLION over the same period. If we can’t afford $700 billion, then how on earth can we afford $3 trillion? And then you’ve got to ask how much the Treasury is losing by not taxing the poor first into the poorhouse, and then into the street? And how much more revenue could we collect if we then imposed a “street” tax?

And, in another article, I cited Brit Hume pointing out that:

But the very language used in discussing these issues tells you something as well. In Washington, letting people keep more of their own money is considered a cost. As if all the money really belongs to the government in the first place in which what you get to keep is an expenditure.”

Which belies the fact that the language that a “tax cut” somehow “costs the government” amounts to the profoundly Marxist claim that the government owns both the worker and all the output from that worker.  I hope we don’t go there.

Republicans like tax cuts for everybody; in fact, they LOVE them.  This situation with the payroll tax cut is awkward for them because it was set up to “pay for” the Democrat-imposed Social Security which is already trillions of dollars in the red and which will necessarily go bankrupt without massive changes:

Kotlikoff explains that America’s “unofficial” payment obligations — like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits — jack up the debt figure substantially.

“If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That’s the fiscal gap,” he says. “That’s our true indebtedness.”

We don’t hear more about this enormous number, Kotlikoff says, because politicians have chosen their language carefully to keep most of the problem off the books.

“Why are these guys thinking about balancing the budget?” he says. “They should try and think about our long-term fiscal problems.”

According to Kotlikoff, one of the biggest fiscal problems Congress should focus on is America’s obligation to make Social Security payments to future generations of the elderly.

“We’ve got 78 million baby boomers who are poised to collect, in about 15 to 20 years, about $40,000 per person. Multiply 78 million by $40,000 — you’re talking about more than $3 trillion a year just to give to a portion of the population,” he says. “That’s an enormous bill that’s overhanging our heads, and Congress isn’t focused on it.”

“We’ve consistently done too little too late, looked too short-term, said the future would take care of itself, we’ll deal with that tomorrow,” he says. “Well, guess what? You can’t keep putting off these problems.”

Did I mention that dog food is actually quite tasty, Grandma?  Cat food aint bad either, if that’s the way you prefer to go.  And Wal-Mart makes them almost cheap enough to afford a Barack Obama presidency.  Almost.  As long as you don’t need any medications or anything.

And notice the description: that we’ve consistently “done too little, too late,” and “looked too short-term.”  And then consider what the Democrats are doing with their two-month SHORT-TERM extension.  You know, the one that will place a huge burden on payroll processing as noted above.

After Speaker Boehner caved – because the dishonest media-Democrat propaganda machine had made any other move politically impossible – Boehner came out in defeat and said:

“All year, you’ve heard me talk about short-term extensions, short-term gimmicks and the consequences they have for our economy,” Boehner said. “When you look at this … it’s another short-term extension. This creates uncertainty for job creators. I used to run a small business; I know how this works, and kicking the can down the road for a couple of months does cause problems.”

He also said:

Sometimes it’s hard to do the right thing, and sometimes it’s politically difficult to do the right thing. But you know, when everybody called for a one-year extension of the payroll tax deduction, when everybody wanted a full year of extended unemployment benefits, we were here fighting for the right things. It may not have been politically the smartest thing in the world, but let me tell you what: I think our members waged a good fight.”

No.  It’s not hard to do the right thing in America; it is IMPOSSIBLE to do the right thing in America.  Because dishonesty and lies and corruption and incompetence and ignorance and the worst kind of political partisanship and the worst kind of media bias rules the day.

It’s about time, I suppose, that Republicans finally learn that lesson that defined the new Democrat Party more than forty years ago.

Getting back to our little problem dealing with “short-term” thinking as explained by Kotlikoff above, the  $211 trillion Democrat-devised disaster with Social Security and Medicare is also part of the Democrats’ payroll tax extension jihad:

Democratic leaders on Wednesday said they are not interested in passing a standalone bill to delay scheduled Medicare reimbursement cuts for physicians, as some Republicans have suggested, The Hill reports. Instead, they urged House Republicans to pass a Senate-approved two-month extension of a payroll tax break that includes a two-month delay to the Medicare cuts (Bolton, The Hill, 12/21).

But you won’t hear any of that from the mainstream media.  Because it is dishonest and biased.

The American mainstream media could go to North Korea tonight and start writing for the communist dictatorship there and hardly even realize that they were in a different location. Such is their rigid party-line “journalism.”



I have watched the death of America being played out right before my eyes these past three miserable years.

If you don’t like rants, stop reading (maybe you should have already stopped reading, but better to warn you too late than not at all, right?):

The Republicans lost big on this.  They didn’t lose because they didn’t have the facts and the legitimate principle on their side; they lost because of an avalanche of lies and because the American people have become a people hell bent on believing lies to their own destruction.

I think of pre-World War II Germany.  Why did the most educate and “enlightened” people on earth at the time go so horribly wrong?  I think of a journalist named Stephen Laurant had been jailed circa 1935 for questioning Nazism in search of the answer to that mystery.  He wrote from his cell:

“I am writing this from cell 24. Outside a new Germany is being created. Many millions are rejoicing. Hitler is promising everyone precisely what they want. I think when they wake to their sobering senses, they will find they have been led by the nose and duped by lies.”

And there is no question that the German people WERE lied to.  They were lied to terribly; they were lied to by their corrupt and dishonest media propaganda that they trusted as “news,” and all the while their leader was driving them deeper and deeper into a sea of lies into which they would ultimately drown as a people and as a culture.

And yet the German people were responsible for all of the above.  Entirely responsible.  Ten percent of the German population was wiped out.  And they deserved to be wiped out.  Because they chose to believe lies.  It is only a bad people that chooses to dive into lies.

There comes a point when a culture becomes so toxic that it believes lies rather than the truth.  The Germans reached that point. 

Sadly, I believe America has reached that point, too.  Or is terrifyingly close to it.

The Republicans (both political and establishment) who kept demanding that John Boehner cut a deal openly acknowledged that they weren’t speaking from principle, but rather from cold political calculus – and from the naked realization that the American people are clearly more in tune with lies than they are with the facts.

One one side there are lies and genuine evil.  The Democrat Party has been the party of genuine moral evil in America since at least 1968.  I believe you can look at the ugliness and violence of the 1968 Democratic National Convention and bookend it with the ugliness and violence of the Occupy Movement to see a party bent on attaining hell in America.  On the Republican side there is far more timidity and fear than there is courage and conviction.

As a postscript, I add the fact that Obama has lost the war in Iraq in a single day that our American warriors fought at great cost to win.  Obama had three years to negotiate U.S. troop status in Iraq and refused to do so.  John McCain rightly said that We could have remained in Iraq and provided the security and backstopping that the country we fought so hard for desperately needed; but we didn’t because Barack Obama didn’t want to stay.  And now – IMMEDIATELY following our precipitous withdrawal that General Keane correctly labeled “an absolute disaster”( before going on to say that “”We won the war in Iraq, and we’re now losing the peace”) –  Iraq is now in a state of complete chaos as Shiite President Maliki waited until we left to attack his Sunni Vice President and al Qaeda waited until we left to leave bombs that murdered at least 63 and wounded at least 194 Iraqis.  The country we gave so much blood and treasure for is going to fall right into Iran’s hands.  And it couldn’t be more Barack Obama’s fault.  General Keane also said:

“The United States in moving away from Maliki almost three years ago was a huge strategic mistake on our part. And we have been suffering the consequences of that ever since. And certainly the troop pull-out just added to that catastrophe.”

That is ALL on Obama.  As Iraq degenerates into chaos and Iranian dominion following Obama’s cowardly cut-and-run, remember that the Obama administration once acknowledged that Iraq was handed to them as a victory in their boast that, “this could be one of the great achievements of this administration.”  What Bush gave following years of hard-fought war as a victory, Obama pissed away in defeat in order to obtain his naked political agenda of appeasing his leftwing base.

Not that the mainstream media will ever report that fact.

Remember, this is God damn America.  And God will give us what we deserve.  Because this is a nation defined by lies and stupid politically self-serving policies that will ultimately guarantee our collapse and destruction.



ObamaCare Will Make The Rubble Of Our Economy And Housing Bounce Beginning January 2013

December 22, 2011

Curtis LeMay had a way with words.  One of his sayings concerning America’s mortal enemies was:

“We should bomb ’em back to the Stone Age, and then make the rubble bounce.”

By that measure, America is Obama’s mortal enemy.  Because that’s exactly what he’s going to do with both the American economy and the American housing market beginning January 1, 2013.  Both are already in ruins.  But Obama is going to bomb them again and make the rubble bounce.

Let me first refresh your memory of Obama’s promise to the American people:

“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” — then-candidate for President Sen. Barack Obama, September 12, 2008

To quote Joe Wilson, Obama lied:

3.8% Medicare tax on the sale of YOUR HOUSE
August 21st, 2011 | Author: milwaukeeco1

Beginning January 1, 2013, ObamaCare imposes a 3.8% Medicare tax on unearned income of “high-income” taxpayers which could apply to proceeds from the sale of single family homes, townhouses, co-ops, condominiums, and even rental income, depending on your individual circumstances and any capital gains tax exclusions. Importantly, the “high income” thresholds are not indexed for inflation so will reach increasing numbers of middle-class taxpayers over time.

In February 2010, 5.02 million homes were sold, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). On any given day, the sale of a house, townhome, condominium, co-op, or income from a rental property could slam middle-income families with a new tax they can’t afford.

This new ObamaCare tax is the first time the government will apply a 3.8 percent tax on unearned income. This new tax on home sales and unearned income and other Medicare taxes raise taxes more than $210 billion to pay for ObamaCare. The National Association of Realtors called this new Medicare tax on unearned income “destructive” and “ill-advised” and warned it would hurt job creation.

Additional Document: The Costly Consequences of Health Care Reform (Courtesy of the Budget Committee)

The Obama economy is rancid.  In Bill Clinton’s words:

“I hate to sound like a broken record but we could create an awesome number of jobs from this in this lousy economy.”

And Clinton is obviously a DEMOCRAT, which is to say that “lousy economy” is the most positive spin you can GIVE Obama’s economy.

And our housing market is ABOUT TO GET WORSE AS IT IS.

If that isn’t bad enough, the medical exclusion has been increased from 7.5% of adjusted gross income to 10%, which will cost anyone (in many cases people who make well under $250k/yr) who deducts medical expenses.  Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) will be reduced to $2,500 down from $5,000.  And there will be a new medical appliance tax that will hit a lot of people.

ObamaCare is literally shaping up to be a death sentence for special needs children (after it destroys those children’s parents’ savings).  You know, if said family can afford to stay in their house after the tax hits them.

If not enough Republicans get elected to gut this monstrosity, or if the Supreme Court doesn’t find the mandate to force the American people to purchase insurance unconstitutional, America is going to look back to the good old days that we’re living through right now.

Oh, and for what it’s worth, the Obama administration – which promised that no one making less than $250,000 a year would see their taxes go up one dime under his regime, will be going before the Supreme Court to argue that their mandate which will soon hit every American is a TAX.  Under ObamaCare, be ready to pay much more to get much less.

For Liberals, ‘Productive’ Politics Equals FASCIST Politics

July 5, 2011

It’s interesting.

I came across this headline and subheading yesterday in the Los Angeles Times: “112th Congress is one of the least productive in years: Fervent partisanship and the standoff over the debt limit are partly to blame for lack of action in the Senate and House.”

I thought about the implications of that.  And the sheer moral stupidity.

Imagine my friends and I are running your family’s lives.  And I assure you, “Don’t worry.  Every single hour we’re going to come out with new laws and new regulations and new requirements for you.  Every hour, on the hour, we’ll make it so you’ve got to do something you haven’t been doing, or you’ve got to quit doing something that you have been doing, or else we’ll punish you.  Because, after all, we want to be productive.”

I can hear you liberals cheering now: “Yay!  Ya!  Someone else is going to take over my useless idiot life!  I don’t have to think or be responsible for myself any more!  Thank you, Big Brother!  Thank you!”

As for those of you with moral intelligence, you would be appalled.

But that’s exactly what “being productive” means to the Los Angeles Times and to the cockroach army of liberalism.

As for me, my usual thought is this: “All we need is one more stupid law.”

As of the last count I could find, the U.S. tax code had ballooned to 71,684 pages in length.  Now THAT is productivity!!!

Rush Limbaugh had the following to say in his radio program.  I want you to note that it’s the same exact liberal script being applied:

Democrat Policies Aim to Shut Down America’s Private Sector
July 1, 2011

RUSH: Minnesota state government is closed. The Minnesota state government shut down at midnight last night, the victim “of an ongoing dispute over taxes and spending between Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton and Republican legislative majorities. Talks fell apart well before the deadline, leaving state parks closed on the brink of the Fourth of July weekend.” Oh, the tears.  You see how this works? Evil Republicans, state parks are closed, the little kiddies don’t get to have their snow cones and the sleigh rides, oh, no, no Fourth of July, evil Republicans.

The AP says that the shutdown in Minnesota puts road projects at a standstill, forcing thousands of state worker layoffs, and, of course, all of which we’re supposed see as a taste of the horrors the nation will face if the federal debt ceiling is not raised by Congress. That’s how all of this works.  For the record the AP has already rewritten this article and they’ve given it a new headline. The first headline was: “Some Noticeable Casualties After Minnesota Shutdown.” The new headline: “Minnesota Shutdown Prompts Political Blame Game.” And naturally the blame falls on the Republicans.

But the whole purpose of this story is to set the stage for what will happen if we don’t raise the debt ceiling in the whole country. The whole federal government will shut down, oh, the horrors of it all. And again, note what the AP highlights here as the things that are gonna suffer: funding for the state zoo, the Capitol, child care assistance for the poor.  Meanwhile, critical functions like state troopers, prison guards, the courts and disaster responses will continue, which should give the Minnesota legislature a pretty good idea what can be safely cut. But the newly elected Democrat governor insists on defying the newly elected Republican majority. It’s historic, by the way, in Minnesota, in both houses, the Minnesota legislature, Governor Dayton would rather shut down that state than consider any spending cuts.

What he wants to do is raise taxes on all those rich people who make more than $180,000 a year, meaning just about every small business owner in the state. And as usual, the AP hopes that Republican moderates will come forward to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Never mind that a record 600 statehouse seats went from Democrat to Republican in the midterm election last November precisely because most people decided their taxed enough already. TEA: taxed enough already. You couldn’t have a greater contrast.  Virginia is one of the highest performing states in the country, a Republican governor. What do you have here in Minnesota? A Democrat governor says achievers in his state are not paying their fair share. A Democrat governor, a Democrat president have reached the same conclusion. Job creators should do with less. It’s gotta be tough living in a blue state if you experience success. You got a governor, you got a president reaching into your pocket.

If these guys get their way, America is Greece, only much, much bigger. But here’s the thing. The Minnesota government may have shut down, but Minnesota hasn’t. Minnesota has not shut down. The private sector is gonna be open for business. The private sector is going to be making sales, paying taxes. If you really want to shut down a state, have the private sector go on strike. That’s when a state shuts down. That’s when the tax revenues begin to shut off.  If you want to shut down a state, if you want to shut down a country, then you take direct aim at the producers and the achievers, and that’s what liberal Democrats are doing. Barack Obama and these blue state governors treat the private sector like indentured servants. They’re parasites. As if they won’t pick up and move and leave to avoid all these onerous taxes and regulations. Every tax increase is an incentive to relocate or move assets. Ask

California said, “You know what, we’re gonna start demanding sales tax on anything Amazon sells in California.” Amazon said, “Okay, bye-bye, California.” Again, the dynamic reaction to an onerous policy. Now, what do the achievers get for paying more taxes at the state and federal level? What do they get?  The people who make the golden goose golden, what do they get? Food stamps, public sector union salaries, benefits, dues, and pensions that far exceed anything seen in the private sector. That’s what they end up paying for and people have had it. They don’t want anymore of it.

If you want the “productivity” of fascism, vote Democrat.  When Obama, Nancy Pelosi and the overwhelmingly Democrat House of Representatives and Harry Reid and the filibuster-proof Senate were marching in goose-step, we got ALL KINDS of productivity.  We got a stimulus costing Americans and their progeny $3.27 TRILLION that was promised to dramatically reduce unemployment.  2 1/2 years later, it is higher than it was (7.6%) when George Bush left office.  Oh, and they socialized 1/6th of the economy and brought it under “productive” government control.

And, yes, that naked fascist power grab is the quintessence of “productivity” to a liberal.

Until Obama is driven out of office as the disgrace he is, the best possible thing the American people can hope for is a government that can’t hurt us the way it already has.

Until then, “productivity” will be measured in terms of how many new food stamp recipients we’ve added.


Rush Limbaugh Discusses Ronald Reagan And Demonstrates Why Liberals Must Be Defeated Rather Than Reasoned With

February 8, 2011

I thought this was a very interesting discussion.  Here’s the transcript of it, with the response that I found most significant in bold font:

CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  I, um… I’m calling because… Well, first of all, I’m a liberal, and I seriously don’t understand this, uh, Reagan idolatry on behalf of conservatives.  I’ll get… I’ll give you my reasons.  Instead of privatizing Social Security, he raised taxes. We’re all paying higher taxes today out of our paychecks every single week because he decided to save Social Security.  He —

RUSH:  Wait, wait.  Hold it.  I need to go…

CALLER: (speaking rapidly)
RUSH: Wait. Jeez.

CALLER:  The Greenspan Commission.  He signed it into law, and it raised taxes on Social Security.

RUSH:  What…? Wait, you’re talking about Reagan or Clinton?

CALLER:  I’m talking about Reagan.  Reagan did that.  He raised taxes on Social Security.  He negotiated with terrorists, sending — over and over again — arms to Iran in exchange for hostages; by contrast Jimmy Carter didn’t give an inch to the Iranians.

RUSH:  What in the world…?

CALLER:  Not an inch.  Instead Reagan (crosstalk)

RUSH:  Testing the true depth of my politeness here on this call, folks.

CALLER:  Say that again?

RUSH:  Let me ask you a question.  What do you think, given all this that you believe, when you hear Obama and the Democrats cite Reagan as they have been doing since about a week before the State of the Union?

CALLER:  It’s funny you ask that.  Because as a liberal I think Obama owes his presidency to Reagan.  They’re both kinda stuffed suits that say one thing and then do another.  Obama hasn’t been anywhere near liberal enough for me.  He said he’d close Guantamano (sic), he hasn’t done that.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: He said he’d help people out with foreclosures, he hasn’t done that.

RUSH:  I feel for you on that.

CALLER:  But Reagan, I mean, amnesty to people who are breaking the law and living in the country illegally. He said, “Forget about it. Stay here forever.” He cut and ran from Lebanon. How many hundreds of Marines were killed —

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: — and he just decided, “Well, you know, instead of the fighting the bad guys I’m gonna run away”?

RUSH:  Yeah.

CALLER:  Why is Reagan a hero to conservatives?

RUSH:  “Why is Reagan a hero to conservatives?”  I don’t think you… Given what you’ve said, and I’m not trying to avoid the question, I don’t think you’d ever understand it.

CALLER:  Well, he’s a tax raiser, an amnesty giver, a cut-and-runner, and he negotiated with terrorists.  Why is he a hero to conservatives?  I don’t think you understand it.

RUSH:  No, I do. Most assuredly I do.  I just don’t think that you would understand it.  Where did you get this silly notion that Reagan raised taxes on Social Security?  What websites do you read?  Where did you pick that up?

CALLER:  Look up the Greenspan Commission.  It’s not too hard to find.  I mean, it’s a matter of history.

RUSH:  Where did you get it?  I mean, you’re asking me questions.  I’m just reversing one on you here.

CALLER:  I’m sorry.  It’s just general knowledge.  It’s something I’ve known for a long time. I can’t remember where I got it from.

RUSH: You can’t remember? You’ve never heard of a website called Media Matters which highlighted it yesterday?

CALLER: (static) Oh, no. I know Media Matters very well but that’s not where I got it.

RUSH: Oh, not where you got it. It’s an amazing coincidence.

CALLER: (static) I mean, I’m a liberal.  Of course I know Media Matters.

RUSH:  Amazing coincidence out there.

CALLER: (static blaring) They’re a fantastic website.  But why are you dodging the question?  I want to know why a tax-raising, amnesty-giving, cut-and-running, negotiating-with-terrorists guy is a hero to the conservative movement.

RUSH:  Well, because you understand Reagan in a way that is flawed. You —

CALLER: (static)

RUSH: Your call is actually kinda interesting because you represent the impossibility of “bridging the gap.”  Somebody like you just has to be defeated.  There’s no crossing the aisle and finding common ground with you.  You’re free to be who you are, don’t misunderstand.  I’m not trying to be insulting. I’m just saying, you are unreachable. You don’t want to be reached.  This picture of Reagan, you’ve just described somebody you should love, and you hate him! You just described somebody you should absolutely love, all these things. He’s an anti-conservative, as you say, but you don’t love him. You’re having trouble understanding why he’s viewed as heroic to a lot of people. 

I could talk to you about anti-communism. I could. You want to talk about amnesty? Yeah, that was Simpson-Mazzoli, and that was one-and-a-half, two million illegals; and he was told, “Okay, if we’re gonna do this, this is it, then. We’re gonna secure the borders and that’s it.”  It’s the same thing with every tax increase he signed. It was also accompanied by promises to cut spending, and it never happened.  Reagan’s not perfect.  Nobody is.  But I think the proof of Reagan is the fact that when your guys get in trouble, who do they seek to associate themselves with?  Remember, Obama and these people are all about getting votes. 

The fact that he’s trying to surround himself with Reagan, the fact that he’s trying to position himself with Reagan is the best indication anybody could have of what this country really thinks of Ronaldus Magnus.  I think if you want to focus in on hypocrisy, you’ve got far more of it on your side of the aisle to explain and dig through than we do.  Reagan was forced to raise payroll taxes by a crisis in Social Security in 1983. He endorsed that rescue plan that was written by Alan Greenspan. It was reluctant.  He was not a big supporter of that.  Remember, Reagan did not have a congressional majority with him.

Everything he got, the tax cuts, he had Democrats outnumbering him in the House and Senate everywhere.  There were certain realities that he faced.  But the biggest tax increase on Social Security was authored by none other than Bill Clinton.  But did you understand the notion? Ronald Reagan fought for America.  He loved America.  He feared where the left, based on history, wanted to take the country.  Ronald Reagan set the stage for the end of the Cold War.  Ronald Reagan defeated Soviet communism without firing a shot.  I don’t know… But none of that would matter.  So you, sir, a nice individual, I’m sure you’re a fine guy (probably not too much fun at a ball game, unlike Bill Clinton), but still, you illustrate that people like you just have to be defeated, not met halfway and gotten along with.  I mean politically.

Rush is entirely correct here.  You can’t have a rational or meaningful discussion with people like this liberal caller.  You can only defeat them and render them powerless politically.

You can’t have an honest conversation with a dishonest person. There is simply no point.  They won’t tell you what’s really on their heart and mind; they merely constantly employ rhetorical games that mean nothing and go nowhere.  In the case of Rush’s caller, you had a man who simply spoke lies about Ronald Reagan.  If he had actually believed any of his own crap, he would have LOVED Reagan, as Rush pointed out.

I remember a discussion I had with a liberal on an article I wrote about the tax cuts.  An individual who called himself “michael” wrote and said:

I am at work right now but i just read this article and it is the funniest thing i have ever read. no hate intended but it looks like it was written by someone who read someone elses work and is trying to claim their opinion as his or her own

Well, this individual dismisses my work as having been plagerized.  That certainly wasn’t true.  I wrote every word that I didn’t directly cite as a quote and legitimately sourced every citation as having been quoted.  But after a little dicussion this same liberal writes another comment that supposedly puts me in m place.  Among other huge problems with this comment was the fact that my former professor’s nose smelled a rat.  Basically, the tone of the two writers didn’t match one another.  I googled part of the diatribe, and sure enough, discovered that the selfsame liberal who falsely accused me of plagerizing had actually completely plagerized his rebuttal to me.

After exposing his dishonesty, I said:

You are not an honest person, Michael. And there is no point having a discussion with a liar. Because the truth and the facts don’t matter to a liar. And someone like you can and will say anything and claim lies as fact.

And I’m not going to waste my time with you.

And that’s where we’re at.  There’s no “bridging the gap” with liberals.  There’s no rational dialogue.  They have a warped and depraved worldview, which means they cannot even possibly understand the world as it really is (i.e., from the “God’s-eye view”), and then, to make it even worse, far too few of them are personally honest enough to have a meaningful discussion involving facts and truth because dishonest people will simply invent “facts” and surround themselves in lies.

Rush ultimately informs the audience that Reagan basically NEVER had Republican control of Congress throughout his entire presidency.  The House of Representatives, which controls spending, was under complete Democrat control for every single year of Ronald Reagan’s presidency (with first Tip O’Neil and then Jim Wright serving as Democrat Speakers of the House).  As for the Senate, it was also under Democrat control for part of Reagan’s presidency; and Reagan NEVER had a strong majority there.  So the caller was not depicting events honestly: it wasn’t like Reagan realized his policies were failing and raised taxes.  Rather, Reagan had to constantly negotiate and compromise with Democrats in control of the Congress – particularly the House – and was forced to make concessions to get other things he wanted.

Furthermore, this caller who plagued Rush was little different from the blogger who plagued me.  He passed off liberal talking points as his own thoughts.  It turns out that this caller was merely regurgitating crap that was flying out of the mouths of the vomitous left.  You can see a conservative response to these slime attacks on Reagan here.

So let me quote that article’s response to the liberal’s charge that Reagan gave illegal’s amnesty:

The Democrat leadership in Congress promised to enact strict enforcement measures as a trade for a one-time amnesty deal. In an effort to control the border, Reagan went along with the deal.  At the time (1986), the measures were marketed by Democrats as as being able to stop illegal immigration. Ted Kennedy himself sold the enforcement clauses of the law as strong enough to ensure that only a one-time amnesty would be needed. But, as is their standard practice, Democrats lied about sealing the border.

Which not only shows that Reagan most certainly did NOT say, “Forget about it. Stay here forever,” as the caller deceitfully claims, but in fact goes back to the now documented proof that liberals are liars who cannot be trusted and cannot be bargained with or reasoned with.

The caller describes Reagan as running from Lebanon with his tail between his legs.  Which is actually funny, given the fact that Democrats at the time demanded that Reagan immediately pull out of Lebanon after the Beirut bombing that killed 241 Marines.  Nobody on the left was demanding we attack Lebanon.

I have my own perspective on that.

Reagan’s pullout from Lebanon bothered me greatly at the time.  But I realize the Reagan’s wisdom now.  He was already in the process of fighting and defeating the Soviet Union – the largest military power on earth – and he saw the folly of getting America into another war against a different ideology and another limitless enemy at the same time.  If you were in the infantry in the 1980s, you knew that we were preparing for some potentially imminent conflagration; and we would be pouring in to Western Europe to fight a defensive war against a Soviet invasion.  Ronald Reagan wisely chose to stay the course in facing and defeating the Soviet Union, and allow the Islamic threat to remain for another day when the Russian threat was gone.  Just imagine how much the Russians would have loved it to be able to supply millions of death-happy Muslims and watch us bleed from the sidelines in an endless proxy war?  Which is to say that the caller not only misrepresents what in actual fact happened – making him a liar – but also argues that Reagan should have fought two civilizational wars simultaneously, making him a complete fool.

When Democrats routinely pursue such deceit, it becomes pointless to argue with them.  It boils down to the Mark Twain wisdom of, “Never argue with a fool.  People won’t be able to tell the difference.”  Try to reason with those independents who are capable of “bridging the gap,” as Rush Limbaugh put it.  Argue with people who might change their minds.  Argue with people who won’t play a neverending tune of rhetorical garbage.  Argue with people who won’t constantly rely on lies.

And just defeat liberals.  Because defeat is the only reality that they are capable of understanding.

Pollsters Seeing Democrats Slaughtered For Their Obama Agenda

October 30, 2010

There’s a video of Wall Street Journal’s “Campaign Journal” saying that Democrats could lose more than sixty House seats.  The previous record was 52 seats, set the LAST time a Democrat president led a Democrat Congress.  Way to go, SanFran Nan.  You and your pal Barry Hussein have led to the greatest destruction of a major political party in U.S. history.

October 29, 2010, 12:35 PM ET
I’m Thinking of a Number Between 48 and A Lot
By Patrick O’Connor

Tuesday night will be a bad one for Democrats. But how bad?

Let’s survey the political soothsayers: The Rothenberg Political Report now predicts Republicans could take somewhere between 55 and 65 Democratic seats “with gains at or above 70 seats possible.” The Cook Political Report says the Democratic losses could total somewhere between 48 and 60 seats “with higher losses possible.”

Nate Silver, whose FiveThirtyEight blog makes predictions based on a weighted average of available polling, puts the number at 53 – and offers no caveats.

“The midterm maelstrom pulling House Democrats under shows no signs of abating, if anything it has intensified,” wrote the folks at the Cook Political Report. “House Democrats are suffering the full violence of this national undertow.”

With the hours ticking down to Nov. 2, the field of imperiled races seems to keep expanding for Democrats. Just this week, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee started spending money to defend Reps. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, Ron Klein in Florida and Chris Murphy in Connecticut, among others, according to disclosures filed with the Federal Election Commission. Rothenberg puts a total of 98 seats held by Democrats in play, with only nine Republican-held seats in the contested column.

Mr. Silver at FiveThirtyEight hasn’t officially turned out the lights for House Democrats. They still have a 17% chance of retaining the House, he says, but adds: “their chances of doing so essentially boil down to there being systemic errors in the polling” and the other indicators he uses to compile predictions.

Carnac the Magnificent would be having a ball.

When Obama took power, hat-in-hand Republican leaders came to him to offer compromise and provide their ideas.  Obama arrogantly and dismissively told them, “I won.”

No compromise.  Thus began the Obama regime.  Total Democrat control, with rabidly leftist agenda after agenda rammed down America’s throat, like it or not.  The stimulus.  ObamaCare.

Recently Obama demonstrated that he hadn’t learned a single thing about compromise in two years of failed governance.  He told Republicans, “We don’t mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back.”

Is that not racist enough for you?  How about this one from our disgrace of a president:

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

We’re literally going to need a white Rosa Parks to tell Obama that she isn’t getting up to ingratiate herself to his despicable, immoral and perverse agenda.

It’s not Islamic terrorists who are our enemies in the United Socialist States of Obamastan; it’s white people who vote Republican.  And if you are a racist Democrat, you need to punish Americans.  Hurt them.  Destroy them.  Break them.

And if the economy goes under in the process, GOOD! Because Obama has his glorious Cloward-Piven strategy to first cripple America, and then “fundamentally transform it” as a socialist utopia.  And if you happen to get mowed under and turned into mulch in the process, well, great change always has consequences and casualties.

Obama will lead this country to ruin, like Ahab pursuing the white whale come what may.  “Change” is clearly not in him when it comes to changing his own pathological agenda.

The only problem is that the American people aren’t quite the sheep that the rest of the world have turned into.  At least, not yet.


Mystefied Democrats See Tide Going Out Rapidly, With Huge Wave Appearing Over The Horizon

August 25, 2010

There’s an article on how to spot the warning signs of a tsunami.  Point #3 says:

Watch. If there is a noticeable and rapid fall in the water and it’s not time for low tide, head inland immediately. Think of how waves work: water first pulls back, then returns with force. An excessive or unusual retreat of water in the ocean is the biggest indication of a tsunami. Many people died in the Indian Ocean tsunami because they went to observe the bare sea floor after the ocean retreated.

That’s your Democrat Party for you.  They’re looking at the bare sea floor after the ocean retreated, too short-sighted to see the huge building wave in the horizon, too uncomprehendingly stupid to change and move to safer places.

So they keep spending more, and more, and more, and demonizing Republicans because they aren’t willing to recklessly spend.  And they demagogue on issues like the Arizona law and the Ground Zero mosque, attacking Republicans who have staked their ground on positions that the American people overwhelmingly agree with them on.  And of course there’s ObamaCare, which was hugely unpopular from the start to the finish, and yet Democrats used every godawful and corrupt means imaginable to ram down our national throats.

Ignorance is bliss, until that giant wave hits you like a billion freight trains.

Scared Monkeys ran this block quote from an article in the New York Times, mocking the liberal paper for finally figuring out that Democrat control of Congress was genuinely at risk:

Representative David R. Obey has won 21 straight races, easily prevailing through wars and economic crises that have spanned presidencies from Nixon’s to Obama’s. Yet the discontent with Washington surging through politics is now threatening not only his seat but also Democratic control of Congress.

Mr. Obey is one of nearly a dozen well-established House Democrats who are bracing for something they rarely face: serious competition. Their predicament is the latest sign of distress for their party and underlines why Republicans are confident of making big gains in November and perhaps even winning back the House.

The fight for the midterm elections is not confined to traditional battlegrounds, where Republicans and Democrats often swap seats every few cycles. In the Senate, Democrats are struggling to hold on to, among others, seats once held by President Obama and Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Democrats are preparing to lose as many as 30 House seats — including a wave of first-term members — and Republicans have expanded their sights to places where political challenges seldom develop.

But more and more political pollsters are seeing not 30 Democrat seats going Republican, but double and even triple that number:

A 1994-style scenario is probably the most likely outcome at this point. Moreover, it is well within the realm of possibility – not merely a far-fetched scenario – that Democratic losses could climb into the 80 or 90-seat range. The Democrats are sailing into a perfect storm of factors influencing a midterm election, and if the situation declines for them in the ensuing months, I wouldn’t be shocked to see Democratic losses eclipse 100 seats

Here’s a link to that entire Real Politics article by Sean Trende.

And with the latest news of a 27% plunge in existing home sales – the worst decline since the LAST TIME a Democrat was president – it seems that the “situation” has declined for them in these ensuing months.

This news is a stunning economic indicator, because mortgage rates are at an all-time low, and low-priced home bargains abound, and people STILL aren’t buying.

From USA Today:

Economic forecasts were plenty pessimistic ahead of Tuesday’s report by the National Association of Realtors because of other data pointing to weakening sales since the federal tax credit ended in April.

The actual numbers were far worse — sales fell more than 27% from June and 25% from a year ago to an annual rate of 3.83 million units.

It is not clear if the housing market hit a huge air pocket or crashed and burned, but for now, this sector looks to be flat on its back,” says Joel Naroff of Naroff Economic Advisors.

The stunning drop-off when mortgage rates are at historic lows indicates many potential buyers have lost confidence, Naroff says. “If no one is confident, I don’t know that the interest rates matter, no one is going to want to borrow,” he says.

Economists say Tuesday’s report also indicates that the housing recovery has faltered.

This qualifies as a double dip in housing,” says Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moody’s Analytics, adding buyer confidence has also been shaken by a weakening stock market and a lack of jobs. “These are pretty ugly numbers.”

No region of the country was spared: Existing-home sales fell 35% in the Midwest, 30% in the Northeast, 25% in the West and 23% in the South.

In addition to the one trillionth usage of the mainstream media’s favorite adverb – “unexpected” – being employed, I’m seeing a far more frightening adverb: “double dip.”

As in “double-dip recession.”  As in, how is Obama going to blame Bush for a second recession that occurred entirely while “the One” was president?  Remember Obama’s economic team telling us the recession was over? Remember Obama and Biden boasting of their “Recovery Summer”?

If Bush’s recession is over, but we’re going into a recession, then just who the hell owns this recession?

Blame Obama.

Reuters has the following:

(Reuters) – More Americans now disapprove of President Barack Obama than approve of him as high unemployment and government spending scare voters ahead of November’s congressional elections, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Tuesday.

In the latest grim news for Obama’s Democrats, 72 percent of people said they were very worried about joblessness and 67 percent were very concerned about government spending.

The unemployment rate of 9.5 percent and the huge budget deficit are dragging down the Democrats and eating away at Obama’s popularity only 20 months after he took office on a wave of hope that he could turn around the economy.

Another bit of bad economic data arrived on Tuesday when the National Association of Realtors reported sales of existing homes plummeted in July to their slowest pace in 15 years.

Piling the pressure on Obama, the top Republican in the House of Representatives called on the administration’s economic team to quit.

Obama’s disapproval rating was 52 percent in Tuesday’s poll, overtaking his approval rating for the first time in an Ipsos poll. Only 45 percent of people said they approved of the president’s performance, down from 48 percent last month.

That number, coupled with a hearty 62 percent who think the country is going in the wrong direction, could spell trouble for Democrats, who control both chambers of Congress and the White House.

Let me paraphrase that last paragraph:

That tsunami, couple with a giant tidal surge that is pushing everything in the country backwards in the wrong direction, could spell trouble for residents around the Indian Ocean, who live in regions that are now fifty feet underwater.

Obama is reading some finely-honed demagoguery off his teleprompters, talking about Republicans having led us in the wrong direction, and cars, and ditches, and not giving Republicans the car keys.  But now more Americans by a wide margin think Obama sucks even according to the left-leaning Ipsos polling organization.  And 62% of Americans think the “wrong direction” is the one Obama is leading them in.

Mind you, reality won’t stop Joe Biden from guaranteeing that the Democrats will retain control of the House.

On my view, Republicans easily take the House in an eye-popping takeover, and yes, either retake the Senate, too, or fall just short.  Everything will have to go right for Republicans and wrong for Democrats in order for Republicans to win the ten seats they need, but let’s not forget that Democrats are in full meltdown mode.

Which is why on November 2 I’ll be watching the election with the Beach Boys’ “Catch a Wave” playing over and over in the background.

Meet The People Who’ve Been Lecturing Tea Party On Protest Etiquette

May 26, 2010

We’ve heard a constant slough of condemnations against the tea parties for being hateful.

But did the tea party ever go to a liberal’s home and terrorize a child?  I don’t think so:

SEIU members: Are you proud your brethren terrorized a teenager?
May 24, 2010 By Steve McGough

I’m serious. Are you OK with the tactics the SEIU leadership – and 500 members – took when they headed into a residential area to “protest” at the home of Greg Baer, deputy general council for corporate law at Bank of America? They did not just protest. They surrounded the house, got on the porch, used bullhorns and started screaming. Pure intimidation.

Unfortunately, the teen son of Baer was home alone at the time. He had to lock himself inside the bathroom and wait for help that would not be provided by the police.

The media and talking head liberals have remained quiet about this mob surrounding the home of a bank executive and terrorizing a teenager eight days ago, but they continue to express concern about TEA Party protests around the country and suggest they set a bad tone.

Are they friggin’ kidding me?

These SEUI members are the mob of our time. That’s right, I said members. Sure, leadership gurus like former SEUI president Andy Stern – who by the way now sits on the president’s Fiscal Responsibility Commission – may be egging the members on, but this intimidation purely falls on the membership who did this.

You terrorized a teenage kid in his home. Feel big and powerful? Proud of yourselves? Thugs … all of you.

Nina Easton, Washington bureau chief for Fortune, Fox Contributor and neighbor of Baer, recalls the mob scene and provides us with the image. Click to enlarge.

Waving signs denouncing bank “greed,” hordes of invaders poured out of 14 school buses, up Baer’s steps, and onto his front porch. As bullhorns rattled with stories of debtor calls and foreclosed homes, Baer’s teenage son Jack — alone in the house — locked himself in the bathroom. “When are they going to leave?” Jack pleaded when I called to check on him.

Baer, on his way home from a Little League game, parked his car around the corner, called the police, and made a quick calculation to leave his younger son behind while he tried to rescue his increasingly distressed teen. He made his way through a din of barked demands and insults from the activists who proudly “outed” him, and slipped through his front door.

“Excuse me,” Baer told his accusers, “I need to get into the house. I have a child who is alone in there and frightened.”

Easton sums up…

In the 1990s, the Baers’ former bosses, Bill and Hillary Clinton, denounced the “politics of personal destruction.” Today politicians and their voters of all stripes grieve the ugly bitterness that permeates our policy debates. Now, with populist rage providing a useful cover, it appears we’ve crossed into a new era: The politics of personal intimidation.

Big Government writes about this story here, here, here and here. Scott Johnson at Power Line Blog also writes. Main stream media outlets? President Obama? Democrat leadership? Crickets.

Easton – because she simply took a picture and wrote about what happened – has become a secondary target for the SEIU. Disgusting intimidation.

Related posts

Here’s another story on the same story from Investors.  Few other media outlets have bothered to cover it.

“The politics of personal intimidation.”  When have the tea party protesters done anything like this?  How does “never” sound to you liberals?  They never done anything like this.  They’ve NEVER terrorized a man’s children.  That’s something that only Democrats are loathsome enough to do.

When Greg Baer’s terrified 14-year old son called him, Greg called the police.  Do you know what they told him?  They said that they feared the protest would turn into a violent riot if they showed up, so they wouldn’t show up.  And Greg Baer was left with the difficult decision of whether to leave his younger son alone in his car so he could go through the screaming mob gantlet to go into his home to save his older son.

The police didn’t never had a hard time showing up to tea party events.  Here’s Special Weapons And Tactics officers who literally marched into a tea party event in lock step to prevent dangerous old ladies from setting the community on fire with their hate and rage:

Our society is breaking down into a fuzzy mess of political correctness.  We are making ourselves more and more stupid.  We seem to dare not deal with dangerous people – such as terrorists, illegal immigrants, and SEIU thugs terrorizing children – while increasing attention is paid to little old ladies who might get so angry they’ll go to the extremes of calling their congressman.

And when the political left and their media representatives demonize the tea parties for their peaceful demonstrations and falsely depict them as “hateful,” we should give them ANY respect whatsoever WHY, exactly?

The mainstream media falsely reported a story of tea party protesters spitting on a black politician, when the event never occurred, and of using hateful racial slurs against black politicians when there is absolutely no record of any such thing happening in spite of the instant in question being widely documented.

But they haven’t mentioned the numerous documented recent instances of unhinged leftwing protests.  The same media that publishes fictitious demagogic innuendo never seems to care when the left commits actual violence and “hate.”

When pro-illegal immigration Latinos used refried beans to paint swastikas on the Arizona capital, the mainstream media largely ignored it.  When hundreds of violent pro-illegal immigration protesters attacked a man and then threw rocks and water bottles at retreating police, the mainstream media largely ignored it.  When the American political left demonstrated that it was even less tolerant and more violent than Nazis, the mainstream media largely ignored it.  When a liberal mob chased down and physically attacked a pair of Republicans, the mainstream media largely ignored it.  And when instance after instance of actual violence has occurred perpetrated by the left, the mainstream media has basically ignored it.

The next time the left and the leftist media criticize conservatives for their protest style, just realize that they are very full of something that is very brown and very stinky.

‘Give Us Free Healthcare’; ‘You OWE us America’; We Will Shoot More Police

May 10, 2010

The media that demonized peaceful tea parties and focused on liberal plants seemed to somehow miss this Latino protester:

“Give Us Free Health Care.”

“Give Us Free Jobs.”

“Give Us Free House[s].”

“Give Us Free Food.”

“No Taxes.”

“You OWE Us America!”

“We will Shoot More Police In Arizona Until We Get Free!”

Kind of makes your jaw drop, but at least he’s honest.  It’s exactly what this crowd wants; they’re just mostly too smart to admit it.

The left tried to organize bogus plants to demonize the tea party movement.  That’s just the kind of hostile-to-truth demagogic vermin they are.  And tea party protesters made sure to point out the plants bearing irrational and hateful signs.

Nobody at the Pro-Illegal Immigration rallies seemed to feel the need to distance themselves from this quivering pile of slime, though.  He’s the real deal.

What we have is an accurate and honest statement of anti-Arizona law values, in a single nutjob I mean nutshell.

But that’s hardly the only blatantly obvious example of open-borders pro-illegal immigration Latino protest.  Check out this video of a Latino high school teacher who was a featured speaker at a protest at UCLA:


We are revolutionary Mexican organization here. We understand that this is not just about Mexico. It’s about a global struggle against imperialism and capitalism… At the forefront of this revolutionary movement is La Raza. We will no longer fall for these lies called borders.”

“La Raza” means “The Race.”  As in the REAL racists in the Arizona law situation.  You can go ahead and support this racist communist clown who wants to bring the greatest nation in the history of the planet down to ruin.  Or you can stand with the people of Arizona who are beyond fed up with this crap.

Let’s not forget to give Barack Obama honorable mention in all of this garbage.  Him and his Marxist, racist, anti-American, “God-damn-America!” preacher Jeremiah Wright were at the forefront of it.

Update, May 15: I corrected an error (that Ron Gochez is a Santee High School teacher speaking at a UCLA rally rather than a UCLA professor).  But I have more to offer about Ron Gochez.  His remarks continue on their violent and seditious path with this:

This lunatic who still teaches public high school students calls police “apes of repression,” calls Los Angeles “occupied territories of Mexico,” and speaks frequently of revolution and racism.

Update, June 30, 2010: There’s a new death-threatening outrage from the pro-illegal immigration side that you might also want to consider.  In that article, I also deal with just how totally out-of-control the border situation truly is.