Racist Left Seeks To Employ Racist Plants To Falsely Depict ‘Evidence’ Of Tea Party Racism

There’s a response to name-calling that many children have at one time or another employed: to say, “I know you are, but what am I?”  It actually works to a ‘T’ against leftist attacks against the tea party of being a bunch of racists.

The fact of the matter is that the tea party is composed of a FAR broader and more representative spectrum of the American people than anything the Democrats – who have rammed most of their boondoggle policies through on strictly partisan votes – can claim.

Just about everybody has heard about the allegations of racism at the March 20th tea party rally in Washington D.C.  At that rally, Democrat legislators deliberately went through the tea party protesters in order to try to gin up a reaction (They had seventeen different routes they could have taken which would NOT have taken them through the tea party crowd).  Interestingly, the Democrats’ tactic was markedly similar to the National Socialist Party of America’s infamous march through the heavily Jewish populated town of Skokie, Illinois – only the Democrats didn’t appear to get the rise out of the crowd that they were hoping for.

Not to worry.  They invented “incidents” – and the lamestream media propaganda machine reported these “incidents” as though they were facts rather than merely unsubstantiated politically-motivated accusations.

Andrew Breitbart offered $100,000 to anyone who had any video or audio evidence that any “racist” incident occurred.  There were thousands of people with cell phone cameras and other audio-visual devices.  But nothing.  The lack of evidence IS evidence in this case.  And in fact, the actual evidence even demonstrates that the Democrats making these allegations were stone-cold race-baiting liars.

But when you are on the left, you don’t need facts.  All you need is a narrative such as, “We already KNOW all tea party people are a bunch of racists, so our accusation of racism at a tea party event must be true.”

Now we are finding out that leftists have been seeking to brand the tea party as “racists” are literally seeking plants to go into tea party events and fabricate their own examples of “tea party racism.”

As one example of this, there is the CrashTheTeaParty.org movement.  As Newsbusters reports:

Their plan is to “infiltrate” Tea Party protests to create the false impression that protesters are racists by … being racists. That’s right, they will bring with them offensive signs and give wildly offensive interviews to reporters, all with the intention of smearing a movement that wouldn’t bring those signs or give those interviews themselves. It remains to be seen whether the mainstream media will take the bait.

This is nothing new.  Saul Alinsky advised students to falsely demonize the right by planting people in Ku Klux Klan robes at conservative speeches in the 1970s.  More recently, the Democrat headquarters in Denver, Colorado had a brick thrown threw a window during the health care debate last year – by a Democrat.

Will Mainstream Media reporters and editors expose, screen out, or help Tea Party saboteurs?
By: Mark Tapscott
Editorial Page Editor
04/11/10 3:06 PM EDT

Have you seen the “Crash the Tea Party” web site? It’s among the most illustrative expressions ever of the thirst on the Left to suppress dissent by whatever means are necessary. It is Saul Alinsky on steroids.

Whoever is behind the site claims that it represents “a nationwide network of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes and morons; who constitute the fake grassroots movement, which calls itself ‘the Tea Party.'”

That’s another way of saying that most Americans are racists, homophobes and morons, since there is abundant and growing evidence that the Tea Partiers are more representative of the center-right conservative majority of Americans than President Obama.

But then the Left has always been about an elitist minority of power-hungry ideologues telling the rest of us what to do, so no surprise there.

Where Crash the Tea Party really gets interesting, though, is in its description of its purpose: “To dismantle and demolish the Tea Party by any non-violent means necessary.” But if the average American is really as sick and twisted as the geniuses behind Crash the Party claim, why rule out the use of violence to demolish them?

The answer, of course, is that inclusion of the “non-violent” qualifier is for show; historically, once Leftists gain power, they always use violence to “dismantle and demolish” all opposition (See Lenin, Stalin, the Gulag, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel, Daniel Ortega, Hugo Chavez, etc.).

Now comes the aspect of Crash the Tea Party that ought to get the attention of all mainstream media journalists: Crash the Party is undertaking to sabotoge Tea Party events by “infiltrating the Tea Party itself” and then acting “in ways which exaggerate their least-appealing qualities (misspelled signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.).”

In other words, some on the Left in American politics are running a KGB-like “false flag” operation to discredit the Tea Party. They couldn’t sell the transparently nonsensical idea that Tea Partiers are just a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons, so the Crash the Party agents on the Left are infiltrating the Tea Party in order to pose as a bunch of racists, homophobes and morons.

It’s a classic KGB-style disinformation campaign. Will mainstream media editors and reporters be fooled? Will they know it when they are being scammed by Crash the Party? Will they expose Crash the Party operatives or cooperate with them in their effort to misrepresent millions of Americans?

It’s going to be an interesting spring and summer.

HT: Examiner contributor Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.

And of course we know what the mainstream media will do: because they have become the very sort of Joseph Goebbels demagogic Ministry-of-Propaganda-type media ideologues who have been the rule of every single leftwing totalitarian government apparatus in history.

Had the media reported on the March 20 tea party event honestly, they would have actually bothered to check the evidence before running the story of racism – and they would have at very least reported that no supporting evidence of any such claim actually existed.

These are bad people doing this stuff, and it is bad people who are reporting it as news as though it were true.

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2 Responses to “Racist Left Seeks To Employ Racist Plants To Falsely Depict ‘Evidence’ Of Tea Party Racism”

  1. Matt Says:

    I love how the only named source in the article is Andrew Breitbart, who has since been exposed as a liar for his distortedly edited video of Shirley Sherrod. WEAK.

  2. Michael Eden Says:


    The only thing that is “weak” around here is your mind for believing lies.

    Breitbart did not “edit” the video (a word the mainstream media used again and again). All he did was play a snippet from a speech. He did not alter the snippet that he received. Nor does the snipped put any words into Sherrod’s mouth that she did not say.

    The mainstream media – which does the same thing itself every single day – accused Breitbart of not providing the full context of the speech because Sherrod later explained that she learned something from her example of racism.

    Sherrod said every word that Breitbart video showed her saying:

    But she said it. From the transcript of the event (not produced by Breitbart, btw),:

    “The first time I was faced with having to help a white farmer save his farm, he — he took a long time talking, but he was trying to show me he was superior to me. I know what he was doing. But he had come to me for help. What he didn’t know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me, was I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him.

    I was struggling with the fact that so many black people have lost their farmland, and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land. So, I didn’t give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough so that when he — I — I assumed the Department of Agriculture had sent him to me, either that or the — or the Georgia Department of Agriculture. And he needed to go back and report that I did try to help him.

    So I took him to a white lawyer that we had — that had…attended some of the training that we had provided, ’cause Chapter 12 bankruptcy had just been enacted for the family farmer. So I figured if I take him to one of them that his own kind would take care of him.”

    Which is exactly what Breitbart showed her saying on his video.

    Btw, Breitbart did not have the full video, only that two minute snippet.

    So you say Breitbart has been exposed as a liar, when the only liar here is you. She said what she said.

    Furthermore, the media has been all over itself to claim that Shirley Sherrod is not a racist. But she’s still as racist as she ever was.

    Now, here’s a question for you. Do you acknowledge that CNN has been exposed as liars? Do you know that CNN read racist remarks that they attributed to Rush Limbaugh which he never in fact said? And do you know that the same CNN anchor (who still has his job) who falsely and maliciously demonized Rush Limbaugh out of his own perverted leftist ideology led the bandwagon in falsely jumping on Fox News and attacking that network? So I hope you will only watch Fox News. If you aren’t a hypocrite.

    How about the NAACP and the Black Caucus? Will you denounce them? Do you know that the New York Times retracted their accusations that the Tea Party spit on John Lewis? Do you have any idea how many mainstream media outlets reported what is now acknowledged to have had no factual basis?

    So when you denounce Andrew Breitbart as a “liar,” even though he is in fact far more credible than the mainstream media that labeled him that (after falsely labeling Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party as racist), all it proves is that you are a liar and an ideologue.

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