Exposed: Obama’s Lie That Democrats Don’t Want Government Takeover Of Health Care

The big lie: Democrats do not want a government takeover of your health care.  This claim is so blatantly false that it is positively unreal.  But count on Obama and his propagandists to keep repeating the big lie over and over and over again.

As health care plan continued to sink in public approval, Obama recently said:

First of all,” Mr. Obama said, “nobody is talking about some government takeover of health care. I’m tired of hearing that. I have been as clear as I can be. Under the reform I’ve proposed, if you like your doctor, you keep your doctor; if you like your health care plan, you keep your health care plan. These folks need to stop scaring everybody, you know?”

When Obama says you can keep your plan, he’s not telling you the truth – as his plan itself reveals.  This Wall Street Journal article is utterly damning in its exposure of what the Democrat’s plan quietly takes away in five years.  But for the time being, let’s stick with Obama’s claim that “nobody’s talking about some government takeover of health care.”

Obama said on June 15th:

“What are not legitimate concerns are those being put forward claiming a public option is somehow a Trojan horse for a single-payer system. … So, when you hear the naysayers claim that I’m trying to bring about government-run health care, know this – they are not telling the truth.”

The only problem is that that is patently and demonstrably false.  Barack Obama is lying to you without shame.

NOBODY is talking about some government takeover of health care?  Nobody is talking about bringing government run health care?  Really, Barry Hussein?  Then how about Democrat Barney Frank, chairman of the powerful House Financial Services Committee?

Asked on July 27th why we shouldn’t simply start out with a single payer government takeover of the health care system, Barney Frank responded:

“Because we don’t have the votes for it. I wish we did. I think that if we get a good public option it could lead to single payer and that is the best way to reach single payer. Saying you’ll do nothing till you get single payer is a sure way never to get it. … I think the best way we’re going to get single payer, the only way, is to have a public option and demonstrate the strength of its power.”

Watch him yourself:

In other words – after acknowledging that liberals don’t have either the popular American support or the votes in Congress for a single payer government-run universal health care system – Frank proceeds to say that the best pathway to that very system that “nobody is talking about” is the Democrat’s “public option.”

Nobody’s talking about it, Barry?  You liar!

How about Illinois Democrat Jan Schakowsky, who co-sponsored HR-676?

She said:

“A public option will put the private insurance industry out of business and lead to single-payer” – Rep. Jan Schakowsky (to wild applause).

You can watch her, too.

Schakowsky clearly states that her “public option” will put the private insurers out of business, which will necessarily lead to government Obamacare.  As the public option artificially lowers prices by constant subsidies from taxpayer dollars, how can private insurers who MUST make at least break even stay in business?  And when the private insurers are gone, what possibility will be left but government care?

Senator Russ Feingold similarly sees the ultimate goal of the current health care plan to be a single-payer universal health care system.  And, yes, you can watch him saying it, too.

Well, maybe Obama is just hunkering down in his bunker completely ignorant of what Democrats are saying all around him, one might argue.

Sorry, Charlie.  That falls down on its face because of the simple fact that Barack Obama himself is on the record being a proponent and advocate of a government-run single payer universal health care system.

Senator Barack Obama’s Speech on Health Care Reform, Delivered on May 29, 2007 at the University of Iowa:

“The very first promise I made on this campaign was that as president I will sign a universal health care plan into law by the end of my first term in office.”

B- bu- bu- but Barry Hussein said “nobody’s talking” about a government takeover.  B- bu- bu- but he’s on record vowing to SIGN just such a universal health care bill into law by the end of his term.  How can you say “nobody’s talking about it” when you promised to sign “it” into law by the end of your term?

And this wasn’t some come-late-to-the-party talking point.  Oh, no. Here is Obama speaking to the Illinois AFL-CIO, June 30, 2003:

“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” (applause) “I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its Gross National Product on health care cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody. And that’s what Jim is talking about when he says everybody in, nobody out.  A single payer health care plan, a universal health care plan. And that’s what I’d like to see. But as all of you know, we may not get there immediately.  Because first we have to take back the White House, we have to take back the Senate, and we have to take back the House.”

So, when Barack Hussein Obama says, “nobody’s talking about some government takeover of health care,” he couldn’t be more personally dishonest.  He is lying to the American people.  HE HIMSELF been talking about it, and he’s been talking about it for YEARS.  Just as many other Democrats have been and are right now talking about it.

And “Trojan horse”?  Oh, yeah, a Trojan horse with massively high costs due to inherent government inefficiency, political pork, and fraud, and with rationing of health care resources leading to delays and flat denial of care, is being wheeled into the United States of America.  Open it at your grandparent’s peril.

And don’t think that these people won’t fight as dirty as necessary to win.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky:

“This is not a principled fight.  This is a fight about a strategy for getting there, and I believe we will” – Rep. Jan Schakowski

So it’s a Trojan horse that can be smuggled into our camp using the most deceptive and deceitful means, because this isn’t about principle, but about Statists imposing the total government control over our lives they’ve always yearned for.

Or you can ask influential Democrat health care strategist Dr. Jacob Hacker:

“Someone once said to me that this is a Trojan horse for single-payer, and I said, ‘Well it’s not a Trojan horse, right?  It’s just right there!  I’m telling you!  We’re going to get there. Over time, slowly, but we’ll move away from reliance on employment-based health insurance – as we should – but we’ll do it in a way that we’re not going to frighten people into thinking they are going to lose their private insurance” – Dr. Jacob Hacker, New America Foundation.

Hacker denies that the “public option” is a Trojan horse for the simple reason that it is so blatantly OBVIOUS that it’s not really a “Trojan horse” – it’s just “right there” in your face.  His plan is to treat the American people like the proverbial frog in the pot of heating water: don’t frighten us into jumping out; just gradually cook us to death.

White House shills are accusing conservatives of taking these politicians out of context.  But you can watch them yourself to see that they are on the record saying EXACTLY what we say they are saying.  And it’s a deceitful and fraudulent pack of lies to claim anything else.  You’re not supposed to believe what your lying eyes see and what your lying ears hear: you’re supposed to just believe the shifting liberal talking points that adjust the Democrat’s propaganda and demagoguery to suit the needs of the moment.

Did I say “demagoguery”?  I think I did!  So I’d better cite Nancy Pelosi, the Demagogue of the House of Representatives herself:

“They are the villains in this,” Pelosi said of private insurers. “They have been part of the problem in a major way. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening. And the public has to know that. They can disguise their arguments any way they want, but the fact is that they don’t want the competition.”…

“It’s almost immoral what they are doing,” added Pelosi, who stood outside her office long after her press conference ended to continue speaking to reporters, even as aides tried in vain to usher her inside. “Of course they’ve been immoral all along in how they have treated the people that they insure with pre-existing conditions, you know, the litany of it all.”

Just realize that 84% of Americans are satisfied with the quality of care they are receiving from these “immoral villains.”  Meanwhile, it’s NANCY PELOSI Americans overwhelmingly view as being “immoral” and “villainous.”

Apart from the patent dishonesty and demagoguery, ask yourself this question: “Without the private health insurance that Nancy Pelosi – and now the Democrat Party itself – is demonizing, how long do you think we’d have our present private health care system?  The answer is, “Less than a nanosecond.”

So every single time you hear a Democrat attack private health insurers, just recognize that they are in fact attacking the private health care system, even as they seek to impose on you a choice-denying, care-depriving, exorbitantly expensive government system in its place.

You literally cannot trust anything the Democrats are saying on health care.  They are lying about literally everything as they try to impose socialized medicine onto a once-free society.

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