Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama: Saving The Planet, Megalomaniac-style

Nancy Pelosi is bending over backwards to use any tactic and any trick to block any Republican energy proposal.

Why? Because Nancy Pelosi is a superhero. She’s out to save the planet. Maybe she calls herself “Supernanny” (I would offer “Superninny”).

A quote from a Politico interview provides one of the many bizarro world insights into her fractured psyche:

With fewer than 20 legislative days before the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1, the entire appropriations process has largely ground to a halt because of the ham-handed fighting that followed Republican attempts to lift the moratorium on offshore oil and gas exploration. And after promising fairness and open debate, Pelosi has resorted to hard-nosed parliamentary devices that effectively bar any chance for Republicans to offer policy alternatives.

“I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet,” she says impatiently when questioned. “I will not have this debate trivialized by their excuse for their failed policy.”

“I respect the office that I hold,” she says. “And when you win the election, you win the majority, and what is the power of the speaker? To set the agenda, the power of recognition, and I am not giving the gavel away to anyone.”

Let’s face it, Washington: This speaker is different. She’s the first woman ever to hold the post and a very tough one at that, with a penchant for the mystical.

David Rogers is too kind: Speaker Pelosi has a penchant for the bizarre.

The thing that makes her posturing so ridiculously laughable is that she says she’s trying to save the planet by blocking domestic drilling. Doesn’t she realize that Saudi Arabia is part of the planet she claims to be trying to save?

She wants them to increase their production:

"As record oil prices continue to burden American families and businesses,
reports indicate that the President's visit to Saudi Arabia today to push for
increased production has failed. Despite considerable influence, the Bush
Administration has been ineffective in pressuring Saudi Arabia and, yet again,
has failed to effectively use diplomacy to exact short-term relief for
American consumers."

This underscores the hypocrisy of this woman: she does everything she can to block domestic oil production in a move to save the planet, and practically at the same time she denounces the President for being unable to get another country to increase its oil production on the same planet she claims to be trying to save.

It’s even more absurd and hypocritical than that: her Democrats in her House of Representatives actually passed a bill to sue OPEC for limiting oil supplies.

Consider the implicit statement of her preposterous position: “I as Speaker will do everything I can to prevent America from harnessing its own oil resources because I’m trying to save the planet; but I will simultaneously do everything I can to force another country to increase its production.”

How does Nancy Pelosi’s head not explode from all the contradictions?

Nancy Pelosi’s effort “to save the planet” is resulting in our dependency on foreign oil to the tune of $700 billion a year.

Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Barack Obama are on the same page when it comes to energy. They produce plenty of finger pointing and demagoguing, but produce no energy at all.

And Barack Obama is quoting Pelosi in his own megalomaniacal and self-aggradizing self-image:

“This is the moment, as Nancy [Pelosi] noted, that the world is waiting for… I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.”

This is unfolding like the beast of the Book of Revelation and his false prophet. It is scary and getting scarier.

There’s piece by Gerard Baker in the Times of London lampooning this image of Obama as Messiah. I have written about it as well. But it’s frankly not a laughing matter any more. The language that Obama is using concerning himself is frankly religious. We haven’t heard anything like this since der Fuhrer – who spoke at the same setting in Germany – and spoke to similar enthralled crowds. A man with this level of pseudo-self-identity is a man who can go down a disastrous path without hesitation. He becomes the man Justice Louis Brandeis envisioned when he said, “The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.”

When millions of people become caught up in a zeal that is mindless because it is without any defining substance to follow a man because he is a symbol of something else, there is no limit to the depths of chaos we can descend into.  Remember it was not “warmongers” who left the Western world shockingly unprepared for the holocausts of World War II; it was the self-righteous appeasing liberal mindset epitomized by Neville Chamberlain.

As usual, Barack Obama paints a beatific picture that is utterly devoid of details. Just what is it Obama thinks would represent “America returning to its best traditions”? And just why on earth is he its symbol? Perhaps it’s absolutely refusing to become energy independent while sending lawyers to another country to force it to supply the energy that we refuse to supply for ourselves? Obama is a man who is so entirely devoid of policy substance, and so self-assured of his infallibility, that he can routinely make completely contradictory statements without ever acknowledging any change at all.

We have seen the Congress spiral down to its lowest level of unpopularity ever recorded under the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. And now we are on the verge of electing someone who will very likely be an even greater disaster.

The thought of these two self-aggrandizing megalomaniacs having control over the control fills me with a dread unlike anything I’ve ever known.

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