John Kerry’s ‘Band of Brothers’ Includes Child Porn Pervert

When John Kerry ran for President in 2004, an outraged group of men rose up against him – his own fellow Swift Boat sailors.  Two hundred and fifty signed a letter stating that John Kerry – who had demonized his own fellow veterans as war criminals and who had repeatedly made claims that these eyewitnesses knew weren’t true – was unfit for command.  Against these 250 war veterans were 12 men who claimed that John Kerry was a man of honor.

And now we learn that one of these dozen men is a child porn pedophile.

FEDERAL COURT — War hero, activist, former high-ranking Pentagon official – Wade Sanders has led a life full of peril and achievement, of great highs and deep lows.

Just a few years ago, Sanders stood onstage at the Democratic National Convention as his fellow veteran, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., accepted his party’s presidential nomination.

That was a high point.

Tomorrow afternoon in federal court in San Diego likely will be a low point for him.

Sanders, 69, is scheduled to be sentenced after pleading guilty in December to possession of child pornography.

He could face as much as 10 years in prison after federal agents found child pornography on several of his home computers.

What can I say?  With that kind of ringing endorsement, John Kerry’s reputation must be iron-clad, indeed.

I wrote a little bit on the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth campaign when the issue came up during the last presidential campaign. It was amazing how unfair the mainstream media were to the Swift Boat Veterans.

So let’s look at the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.  Look at the letter that some 250 of John Kerry’s fellow Swift Boat veterans signed against him (to contrast with about a dozen Swift Boat veterans who support him).  Their real outrage wasn’t over Kerry’s supposed “valor,” but rather against what he did when he came home.  John Kerry willingly and publicly said of his own free will things that men like John McCain wouldn’t say even in the face of torture.  And when John Kerry tried to defend his anti-American and anti-American-soldier statements by pointing to his record, the Swift Boat veterans demonstrated that he had misrepresented his record in provable ways beyond his infamous “Christmas in Cambodia” whopper.

Maybe John Kerry deserved all his decorations, and maybe he didn’t, but one thing is for sure: he did lie about several aspects of his record.  And he was forced to publicly retract some of his most vitriolic statements as “the words of an angry young man.”

John Kerry had a paltry few men to testify about how honorable he was, versus a whopping load load of veterans who said he was unfit for command.  Kerry literally resorted to trying to claim that men who were actually against him were for him.

Henry Wickham, writing in the American Thinker, said of the media campaign against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth:

To make the definition of swiftboating synonymous with “smears,” “lies,” and “innuendo” is to declare John Kerry’s innocence…. This clever manipulation of the meaning of words and its exoneration of John Kerry has much broader implications. In the 1970s John Kerry led a high profile movement that not only defamed American servicemen as crazed killers, but Kerry and his real “band of brothers” also successfully pushed policies that had truly genocidal consequences in Southeast Asia. To exonerate John Kerry is to exonerate his movement and all who participated in it for their role in the genocide. It is to whitewash all of them from the consequences of their actions.

Now we get to learn about the REAL reputation of one of the handful of men whom the media chose to believe over 250 combat veterans who claimed that John Kerry was a liar.

Not that the mainstream media cares: a liberal pedophile is a much more decent human in their eyes than any traditional-values-supporting conservative.

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8 Responses to “John Kerry’s ‘Band of Brothers’ Includes Child Porn Pervert”

  1. Margie V Says:

    I don’t know all the facts surronding this case, but I understand it was done in the corse of an investigation. However, I would think the group of liars that made up the Swift Boat Veterans bought and paid for by people like T Boone Pickens would be also considered as dispicable for their hateful lies and misleading comments in 2004. They played a part in helping to destroy this country by seeing to it that Bush the Terrible was relected.

  2. Michael Eden Says:

    Yep. My last sentence is true. Margie DOES believe liberal pedophiles are to be more trustworthy and more moral than traditional values conservatives.

    There were 250 Swift Boat veterans who said Kerry was unfit for command. And twelve guys said something else. And now we find out that one of those 12 guys was a pedophile. That’s more than 95% of Kerry’s Swift Boaters who were there, who knew better than anyone, what kind of man John Kerry was, Margie. But you don’t give a damn about simple facts. You clearly despise our veterans, or you wouldn’t call them such hateful things. Kerry said he had witnessed horrible war crimes, and then took it back. THAT was despicable, not the Swift Boat vets pointing it out. You are truly on the vile side of life, Margie.

    John Kerry actually tried to claim that many of his fellow Swift Boat veterans who had already come out opposing him actually supported him. He put out a photo for his campaign showing a number of Swift Boat sailors. Of those who took a political position (two were neutral and two had died), 12 of the 15 said he was unfit for command. The Swift Boat vets forced him to retract his bogus politicizing of these men. It was just one of his many documented lies, such as his massive “Christmas in Cambodia” whopper. But you don’t give a damn about patent lies, do you, Margie?

    “Bought and paid for by T. Boone Pickens.” Did you look at how much money “bought and paid for” Obama, Margie, you hypocrite? Obama was “bought and paid for” like no president in human history. Not that people like you give a damn.

  3. Margie V Says:

    Yep, just as I though, you twist my words to suit your needs. I made it clear I did not support or condone anyone who engages in something illegal, you put words in my mouth. And, I never said I disliked veterans-although I will call attention to those who did lie about what they knew and what Senator Kerry did while in Vietnam. There is more than enough proof favoring Senator Kerry’s military history to honestly call these bought and paid for Swift Boat Veteran’s out and out liars. You know I am right, but people like you will never admit what their true purpose was in 2004-O’Neil for one must of brokered some deal with Pres. Nixon. A life time position attacking a partriot who disagreed with Nixon and O’Neil. Oh, and I want to add, I truely resent your comments regarding my feelings towards veterans- my late father was a veteran and I think he would find your tactic of accusing anyone-such as myself- who disagrees with veterans attacking other veterans for policy differences just lower than low.
    One last thing, President Obama’s money was raised mostly through grass roots donations- small amounts of money given over time by average American citizens who yearned for something new and different after eight awful years of the pathetic President Bush who pushed us into war, ruined the economy, and did nothing for the average American. He may have started out with good intentions, but like everything else he ever undertook in his like- he screwed it up. This time though it wasn’t just an oil business or a baseball team, it was the entire United States. You say I don’t give a damn? Well your wrong, I gave a damn in 2004 when I could surmise what was down the road with the reelection of Bush and I cried for what was going to happen to this country after four more years under his leadership. Unfortunately, it was others who didn’t care who was leading as long as they got a piece of the pie – they are the ones who did not give a damn.

  4. Michael Eden Says:

    I don’t have to twist any of your words, Margie. They are quite twisted enough.

    I love how you hypocrites post hateful comments and then whine about how you are misunderstood. You say you don’t dislike veterans? You sure dislike the 250 Swift Boat veterans who served their country with distinction in time of war. What did you call them in your first post? Oh, yeah: “the group of liars that made up the Swift Boat Veterans bought and paid for by people like T Boone Pickens would be also considered as dispicable for their hateful lies.” Yeah, you really think they’re great, and I “twisted your words.” You hypocrite!!! And then you STILL call them liars. 250 veterans have one story, and a damn child porn pervert has another, and you are firmly on the side of the child porn guy.

    A lifetime attacking a patriot? How about a lifetime attacking a Benedict Arnold who gave aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war by being worse than Jane Fonda, maliciously and falsely claiming that he had witnessed atrocities only to take it back when people began to ask him, “If you witnessed this stuff, why didn’t you report it? Doesn’t that make YOU a war criminal?” He took back his malicious lies demonizing our soldiers to save his own ass.

    And sorry, missy. I don’t have to give a damn about your father; I AM A VETERAN, AND HAVE AS MUCH RIGHT TO MY VIEWS AS ANYONE. I FOUGHT TO SECURE THAT RIGHT, AND YOU DON’T GET TO TAKE IT AWAY BY BITCHING AT ME. My being a veteran trumps the fact that your daddy was one big time. You want veteran’s status? Join up! Go to Afghanistan! Look the devil in the eye for awhile. And see if you’re still the same mewling pathetic liberal afterward.

    You AINT on the side of veterans. Visit here and watch the video to see how Marines felt about Bush (they cheered like mad) versus Obama (you can almost hear the crickets chirping). Don’t you DARE tell me I shouldn’t be like those Marines. WHY AREN’T YOU? No, you piss on the Marines and what they stand for; you’re on the side of the media, instead.

    Your one last thing quip is as much of a lie as all your other lies. Here’s a USA Today story:
    Report says Obama’s small-donor base claim is off

    By Ken Dilanian, USA TODAY
    “WASHINGTON — Despite attracting millions of new contributors to his campaign, President-elect Barack Obama received about the same percentage of his total political funds from small donors as President Bush did in 2004, according to a study released today by the non-partisan Campaign Finance Institute.

    The analysis undercuts Obama’s claim that his supporters “changed the way campaigns are funded” by reducing the influence of special-interest givers.”

    Nor do you bother to consider the fact that Obama made a promise to accept public campaign financing and BROKE his word. And in doing so Obama probably ended public campaign financing for all time. Who’s going to opt for it now, when all the other side has to do is break a promise and go for the big money? No, you’d have to be honest yourself to be bothered by a thing like that. Part of the reason Obama out-raised McCain by a 3-1 margin (but only the Swift Boaters can be bought, right, hypocrite?) was because McCain tried to prevent fraud, and Obama wallowed in it. There was ALL SORTS of documented fraud that Obama didn’t even TRY to catch. And it went on and on. And let us not forget the unprecedented foreign money. So you just keep telling your damn lies.

    You are just demented. Bush was a successful governor of the 3rd largest state in the nation. As to his handling of the economy, read what USA Today said:
    “On the economy: In 2001, Bush inherited an economy heading toward recession, followed by 9/11. These were twin blows. By providing the largest tax cuts in a generation, Bush helped spur more than 50 consecutive months of economic growth, more than 8 million new jobs, real GDP grew by more than 17%, and after-tax per-capita income increased 12%.

    Then an economic crisis hit. Bush had pushed for greater regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the federally chartered mortgage finance companies. Bush’s efforts were thwarted by Congress, including key Democrats. If Bush’s reforms had been adopted, the damage would have been contained. And when the financial markets were close to collapsing, Bush stabilized them and kept a nasty recession from turning into another Great Depression.”

    Meanwhile, the CBO says Obama spending will result in debt exceeding 82% of the economy. Is that a good thing? He’s going to rack up FOUR TIMES the Bush deficit with a $9.3 TRILLION hole according to a congressional audit. Is that a good thing? Obama is spending more money than every single president from George Washington to George Bush COMBINED. Is that a good thing? A poll of CEOs revealed that 74% believed his policies would be disastrous for the country, with some saying he would bankrupt the country within three years. Is that a good thing?

    I’m not going to keep allowing your stupid comments. I don’t truck with liars for long, and you’ve already told far too many. You can go keep hating Bush somewhere else.

  5. beachmom Says:

    Wade Sanders was a Clinton appointee, Swift Boat vet, and partisan Democrat. He did indeed support John Kerry for President. However, he did not serve at the same time as Kerry and his band of brothers. Nobody has ever argued that Mr. Sanders served with John Kerry in ’68 – ’69 on the brown waters of the Mekong Delta. So although this troubling news about Sanders seems a fitting time for you to attack Kerry and his crew, you are in fact attacking a Democratic surrogate who because of his service could speak about Navy terms with ease on TV. So your equating “believing a child pornographer” over the SBVT is the wrong comparison. Sanders WASN’T THERE, and never said he was. The SBVT was long time discredited on the merit of sinking under its own lies.

  6. Michael Eden Says:

    I didn’t realize when Sanders served versus Kerry, but it doesn’t blunt the force of my argument in the slightest. The SBVT numbered 250 Swift Boat sailors who DID serve at the same time as Kerry, versus a tiny dozen who claimed to support him. When 95% of your fellow veterans think you are unfit, who’s side should the prima facia case be on? We should assume the 5% are telling the truth, and the 95% are lying, like Margie above and the media did? Bullpoop to anyone but an ideologue!

    This Sanders guy was most certainly one of the fellows that Kerry brought out to cover his ass against the Swift Boat Veterans. And he is now a discredited pervert of the first order.

    How does that NOT reduce Kerry’s already incredibly feeble credibility?

    Btw, please show me the Swift Boat lies. I included several massive DOCUMENTED AND EVEN ADMITTED lies on the part of John Kerry. If you’re point is that a massive liar’s lies should be discounted and qualify him for president because some organization told a lie or two of their own, I would say you are everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party, which is why you have people like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi leading you. Three massive lies right off the top of my head: 1) Kerry said he witnessed war crimes and atrocities, and then took it back when it was pointed out that witnessing them and not reporting them would have made him a war criminal too. What a dishonest, deceitful coward!!! 2) Kerry used a photo to give him “band of brothers” cred when 80% of the men in the photo were utterly opposed to him as “unfit.” What a slimebag. 3) Kerry’s “Christmas in Cambodia” story contained so many lies in and of itself it defies belief.

    So if you want to argue that the SBVT shouldn’t have been elected President, okay. But don’t try to tell me that John Kerry should have.

  7. Strays Daddy Says:

    John Kerry is a liar…pure and simple. Anyone who served as an Officer in Vietnam during that time knows that! How do I know….I was there!

  8. Michael Eden Says:

    Thanks for doing a HELL of a lot more than your share during a difficult time for the country (because liberalism was starting to flower its putrefying flower).

    The thing about the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth is that they didn’t start out to discredit Kerry’s “Vietnam record” or impugn his medals, et al. They were pissed off and reacting to what the rat bastard weasel did when he got home – and turned on his fellow veterans who were still fighting. His claims about “war crimes” are now documented lies (he HIMSELF acknowledged it). And then they started going after Kerry’s other lies in country as a reaction to HIS push back.

    I’m guessing you probably never heard about the “wondrous” John Kerry while he was in Vietnam those glorious 3 months. But as a Vietnam vet you have a functioning BS meter, and you had the background knowledge to spot a lie when you heard one.

    Kerry’s lies were worse than Hillary’s “ducking under fire in Kosovo” story because Kerry lied to make American servicemen look bad. That is unforgivable.

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