Nancy Pelosi Cries Alligator Tears To Demonize Right

Nancy Pelosi – she who falsely compared ObamaCare protesters at town hall meetings to swastika-toting Nazi AstroTurf – decried the climate of hate from everyone who doesn’t think exactly like her.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi: “I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw … I saw this myself in the late ’70s in San Francisco,” Pelosi said, choking up and with tears forming in her eyes. “This kind of rhetoric is just, is really frightening and it created a climate in which we, violence took place and … I wish that we would all, again, curb our enthusiasm in some of the statements that are made.”


I find a few things hilarious.  First of all, remember not very long ago when the Democrats were accusing us of “manufactured anger”?  Well, when that lie failed, they trot out another one – and lie one a direct contradiction from the last lie.  Before, it was “apparent outrage” and “manufactured anger” from “Astroturfers.”  Fake protesters with fake anger.  Now all of a sudden they are so afraid of this very REAL and GENUINE anger that they have to wonder if we’re going to become violent.

That, in addition to the fact that Democrats have proven to be loathsome enough to carry out hate attacks just to blame them on the right, such as what clearly happened in Denver, Colorado.

And that a lot of the “Nazi” stuff has actually been the work of Lyndon LaRouche supporters.  LaRouche, mind you, has run for political office seven times AS A DEMOCRAT.

But let’s consider the actual violence that made Nancy the Alligator so teary-eyed:

Remember the elderly man in stage four cancer who got shoved around by SEIU thugs?  That was Democrats doing the physical attacking:

You remember that black conservative named Kenneth Gladney who got physically beaten and kicked by four SEIU goons as he tried to hand out “Don’t Tread On Me” flags outside of a town hall event?  That was Democrats doing the physical attacking:

Do you remember a man from a counter-protest walking over to threaten – and ultimately BITE OFF THE FINGER – of a man who had merely stopped to ask ObamaCare protesters about their purpose/goals? That was DEMOCRATS doing the physical attacking.

And – given that the nasty little rodent biter came from – innocent victim William Rice had better get shots for rabies.

These were the people who claimed that the hundreds of thousands of ObamaCare protesters from across the country were “AstroTurf” even as they were PAYING their own side to show up at events.

These are people who go to bed at night wondering how they can demonize and lie about their opponents.  And if the lie the tell the following morning completely contradicts the lie they told the previous night, it doesn’t matter.  Democrats are thorough-going postmodernists.  Truth is irrelevant.  Mutual contradictions can simultaneously exist.  Facts don’t matter; only the will to power matters.  And they can deconstruct reality and re imagine history to suit their ambitions.

Let’s see.  Where has the violence come from?  Gee, I remember it coming from the Democrats and being directed toward the Republicans.

What’s interesting is that Pelosi is clearly alluding to the murder of gay Democrat politicians Harvey Milk and George Moscone.  There’s no question that Milk was brutally murdered – but maybe Nancy Pelosi is simply too stupid and too ignorant to know that Milk and Moscone were murdered by a DEMOCRAT who was angry because his fellow Democrats refused to reappoint him.

So we have demagogue Nancy Pelosi falsely demonizing the right for hate that is clearly coming from her side – and shedding false tears to remind us of what turns out to be a lie – as the violence she alludes to was committed by DEMOCRATS.  This woman has no honor, no credibility, and absolutely no shame.

Nancy Pelosi and those like her are liars to the cores of their shriveled, hollow souls.  And if she truly has any desire to stop “this kind of frightening rhetoric,” the first thing she needs to do is stop spreading her evil hatred and her demonic lies.

We are under such sustained and such false attack that protesters are resigned to carry signs like this:

Not that it matters: demagogues in the Democrat Party along with their media propagandist lackeys call it ‘racism’ or whatever else suits them anyway.

Here’s an example of where we stand as a free country being objectively informed by an independent media.  MSNBC has this story:

What they don’t tell you – after showing this threatening figure with the assault weapon slung over his shoulder and raising the conclusion that this is “racial” – is that the man is black.  As the next video of the SAME event reveals:

Newsbusters carries the full story, with a transcript to show just how blatantly dishonest the media has become.

We have become a society that is being spoon fed one lie after another, by Democrats and by the mainstream media, as liberals attempt to impose their agenda by the most vile tactics ever seen in this country.  The innocent are demonized by the guilty, edited and polished for mass consumption.

My telling the truth by revealing the fraud and the twisted lies by people like Nancy Pelosi is not hateful; her lies and demagoguery are.

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4 Responses to “Nancy Pelosi Cries Alligator Tears To Demonize Right”

  1. hl Says:

    You could not have stated it better, Michael. Excellent article.

  2. hoboduke Says:

    Please don’t cry Nancy! The 70’s had lots of riots with police called “pigs” by peace loving hippies from San Francisco. The 70’s are over, and please don’t bring them back. How about the anti war protests that occupied universities and blocked city commerce? Perhaps the TEA party would be acceptable if it protested the Afghanistan melt down with no military mission? Bring back Lincoln who put in General Grant to win the war, at any cost because he wanted it done as fast as possible. We don’t want to win, we don’t want to lose, we just want to be on TV.

  3. Michael Eden Says:

    Thanks for the mention of the 70s “peace activists” like Obama’s terrorist pal William Ayers who – along with his Weather Underground (which had been the ‘Weathermen” until the female terrorists decided it was sexist) blew up buildings, killed people, and said ON 9/11 that he didn’t feel he’d done ENOUGH bombing. The ultra-violent and fascist Students for a Democratic Society, the racist and violent criminal enterprise of the Black Panthers, etc.

    You just keep tearing up over how savage and violent your fellow leftists were – and ARE – Nancy.

    Your last few sentences re: Afghanistan bring home the backdrop to Obama’s betrayal of the Poles and the Czechs, namely the fact that Democrats are preparing to cut and run from “their good war.” Just to make it even more blatantly apparent that the only reason Democrats like John Kerry and Barack Obama talked about Afghanistan as the good war vs. Iraq as the bad war was to demonize Bush over Iraq without looking like the vermin they actually were/are.

  4. Michael Eden Says:

    Thank you much, HL. Your support means a great deal to me.

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