Majority Of Americans Say Country Under Obama On Wrong Track

We keep getting news about how the economy is recovering, but we keep losing jobs.  Now we’re told that the GDP grew 3.5% last quarter, but buried in the middle paragraphs we’re told that the reason GDP increased is because of all the trillions of dollars of government spending propping up a hollowed-out shell of an economy that is ready to implode.

Most Americans don’t seriously follow the news, or know the facts.  But they are increasingly coming to the conclusion that something is wrong.

For First Time Under Obama, Majority Says U.S. Is on Wrong Track — by Bruce Drake, October 27, 2009

While the stock market has picked up and the country appears to be pulling out of the recession, a majority of Americans – for the first time in the Obama presidency – says the U.S. is headed down the wrong track, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll conducted Oct. 22-25.

// Fifty-two percent say the country is on the wrong track compared to 36 percent who say it is headed in the right direction with 9 percent saying conditions are mixed and 3 percent undecided. While there have been pluralities saying the U.S. is on the wrong track in four of the previous five WSJ/NBC polls during Obama’s presidency, this is the first time the number broke 50 percent. The one month where that was not true was April when 43 percent said things were on the right track and an equal number said they were going in the opposite direction.

President Obama’s job approval rating stands at 51 percent, the same number it had been during the previous two months.

But the approval ratio for his handling of the economy has dipped from 51 in September to 47 percent in October. Forty-nine percent are very dissatisfied with the state of the economy and another 31 percent are somewhat dissatisfied. Seventeen percent are somewhat satisfied and only 2 percent are very satisfied.

The only thing Barack Obama has done well is demonize George Bush.

We didn’t elect a president who would lead us into the future; we elected a president who would keep pointing back at the past and demagoguery his predecessor.  Leaders don’t constantly blame their predecessors, as Barack Obama and his White House are constantly doing; rather they assess the situation, recognize the problem, and move the country forward.

People are starting to get that.

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