The Terrible Disaster Of ObamaCare Is Now Beginning To Be Realized

On top of the disgrace that has already been done to the Constitution, we now see certain companies and unions getting a pass.   Certain groups are getting a pass, but the government health care bill relies on those who don’t want it and don’t need it being forced to pay for it.  On top of the 30 who have already received waiver deals (with McDonalds being the primary example), more than a hundred companies and unions (totaling 144 thus far) are petitioning to be opted-out of something that we were promised would be wonderful for them.

The American people now now that they have been led by the nose and duped by lies.

From Rasmussen, October 12:

Nearly three-out-of-four voters (73%) believe it is at least somewhat likely that the new health care law will cause some companies to drop health insurance coverage for their employees, including 47% who say it is Very Likely. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds that just 19% think that’s unlikely.

While 84% of Mainstream voters it is at least somewhat likely that some companies will drop health insurance coverage for their employees, most Political Class voters (52%) say that is not likely to occur (see more on the Political Class-Mainstream divide).

To address the reality of some companies threatening to drop coverage, the Obama administration announced last week that 30 companies and organizations – including McDonalds and the union for New York City teachers – have been granted one-year waivers from certain requirements of the new national health care law.

But voters don’t think such waivers are the way to go. Only 21% believe it is better for the government to grant business exemptions to the health care law on a case-by-case basis. Sixty-four percent (64%) disagree and say the better course is for the law to be revised so that it can apply to all businesses.

If ObamaCare forcing people to purchase insurance from private insurance companies that the government designates wasn’t already unconstitutional enough, now we’ve got the government saying that some don’t have to follow the unconstitutional law, while saying others do have to follow the unconstitutional law.  Hey, Obama, can some of us get waivers from laws against murder and rape, too?

But ObamaCare isn’t just unconstitutional; it is also a massively expensive  boondoggle.  We’ve already seen 9% premium increases related to ObamaCare just for next year.  We’ve seen dozens of multi-billion dollar write downs from many companies from Verizon to Caterpillar.  We’ve discovered that small businesses will be forced to follow a rule to file 1099s on any expenses over $600 (the 1099 requirement on expenses for businesses).  And that is just one example out of many how ObamaCare is going to put businesses out of business.

Unions and businesses now basically agree: ObamaCare represents the future destruction of both medicine and business.  It is massively expensive.  It will ultimately bankrupt whoever it touches.

That’s right; even the UNIONS who supported this vile monstrosity are now pleading to be exempted from it.  Almost 400,000 teachers from the United Federation of teachers – one of the biggest supporters of ObamaCare who gave a lot of money to help lobby FOR the bill – are now trying to avoid being under it.

The support this bill had is now totally gone.  Incredibly, not only are NO Democrats touting their votes for ObamaCare, but many Democrats are running ads saying they voted AGAINST it.  That’s how damn evil this law Democrats passed is.  But the Obama regime and the Democrat Party leadership continue to try to shove it down our throats.

And as bad as it is, most Americans haven’t begun their share of the suffering that ObamaCare will bring, yet.  Barack Obama looked at the American people and lied without conscience or shame.  He said that the health care mandates would not be a tax.  But now the administration is saying that, yes, the mandates will amount to trillions of dollars in new taxes shoved down the throats of the American people.

A lot of people will be shocked to find out that they were so profoundly lied to.  And then they will be outraged as 16,500 new IRS agents start coming after them with stiff fines for failing to comply with the boondoggle law.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.  As in the iceberg that sunk the Titanic.  Democrats lied to us when they said that ObamaCare would reduce costs.  They lied to us when they said it would bend the curve.  They lied to us when they said you could keep your doctor, or your plan.  They lied to us when they said it would be good for jobs and the economy.  The fact is that ObamaCare will ultimately cause the United States to implode if it is fully enacted.  It will be the anvil that broke the camel’s back.

Unless we elect enough Republicans to repeal a terrible law that they always said would hurt the American people.

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2 Responses to “The Terrible Disaster Of ObamaCare Is Now Beginning To Be Realized”

  1. HL Says:

    I want an exemption from this monstrosity too! I am a minority, an individual!

  2. Michael Eden Says:

    Yeah, HL.

    After the last election in 2008, you and I should have declared that we were members of a minority group – Republicans.

    Another minority group we could have claimed we belonged to was those who had at least a little common sense.

    Obama is granting all these waivers now because it’s just ahead of the election, and he didn’t want companies like McDonalds saying ObamaCare was going to be a disaster. AFTER the election, he won’t mind if they point out the fact that it’s a disaster. But now they want McDonalds off the warpath.

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