Barack Obama for President of God Damn America

John Edwards to his class warfare cue from Karl Marx and turned “the proletariat vs. the bourgeoisie” dialectic into “two Americas.”

Well, I think that both Marx and Edwards are full of crap; but there clearly are two Americas these days.

I think that Barack Obama’s pastor, spiritual mentor, and member of the family for 23 years hit the “two Americas” nail closer to the head.  Jeremiah Wright said there were two Americas, too:

No, no, no, not ‘God Bless America,’ ‘God Damn America.’

There’s the United States of God bless America, and there’s the United States of God damn America.  Ronald Reagan tried to lead us toward the former, and Barack Obama will try to lead us toward the latter.  And we shouldn’t confuse Wright’s and Obama’s two America’s anymore than we should confuse Marx’s and Edwards’ version.

Am I being unfair?  Absolutely not.

Barack Obama made this church – and its theology, and its pastor, and its congregation – his home for 23 years.  That’s a long time.  It’s way past long enough to realize that you’ve made a mistake.  And it’s way, way past long enough to claim ignorance as an excuse.  How many years can you freely choose to immerse yourself in an environment before you become personally responsible for your choice?

The leftist Rolling Stone had this to say:

This is as openly radical a background as any significant American political figure has ever emerged from, as much Malcolm X as Martin Luther King Jr. Wright is not an incidental figure in Obama’s life, or his politics. The senator “affirmed” his Christian faith in this church; he uses Wright as a “sounding board” to “make sure I’m not losing myself in the hype and hoopla.” Both the title of Obama’s second book, The Audacity of Hope, and the theme for his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 come from Wright’s sermons. “If you want to understand where Barack gets his feeling and rhetoric from,” says the Rev. Jim Wallis, a leader of the religious left, “just look at Jeremiah Wright.”

So I’m looking at him.

John McCain once had the famous line that “I looked into Putin’s eyes and I saw K.G.B.”  Well, when I look into Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama’s eyes I see, “God damn America.”

The whole nation looked at Jeremiah Wright, and we all heard him shout, “God damn America!”  And how Barack Obama’s congregation cheered and applauded when Rev. Wright shouted, “No, no, no.  Not God bless America.  God damn America!”  We heard him viciously attack America and white Americans on any number of fronts.  Barack Obama’s pastor and spiritual mentor for 23 years – who married him, bappized his children, and was like family to him – said that racism was how this country was founded and how it is still run.  He said that America was the number one killer in the world.  He said that we immorally bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki without batting an eye.  He said that we killed women and children by bombing Cambodia, Iraq, and Nicaragua (where Marxist liberation theology came from). He said 9/11 was merely America’s own chickens coming home to roost and we deserved to be attacked by terrorists because WE were the real terrorist.  He said that the government gives black people drugs just so it can put them in prison.  He said that AIDS is a white-America-created genocide against black people.  He spelled America with three KKKs.  The very sermon that so inspired Obama that it inspired his book title, “The Audacity of Hope,” had the phrase, “white greed drives a world in need.”

If you would have sat through that year after year, then you vote for the man who did sit through it year after year.  Vote for God damn America.

Jeremiah Wright preached his famous “God damn America” message and all the others before thousands of Barack Obama’s fellow congregation more than five years ago.  Barack Hussein Obama’s pastor preached a lot of vicious, vile, racist, and profoundly anti-American stuff while Obama’s fellow congregants stood up and cheered.  And it never bothered Barack Obama one little bit until the public started finding out about it.

Obama said he wasn’t ever at the church when anything REALLY bad was said.  But how could such an intelligent man be so completely ignorant, and be such a pathetic judge of character?  Thousands of his friends heard those messages, and the same vicious stuff that was coming out of Jeremiah Wright’s mouth on Sundays was similarly featured in the Church’s Trumpet Magazine (which featured Obama on its cover several times). Even AFTER those “soundbites” came out, Obama continued to sit on the fence.  He said he could no more disown Wright than he could disown the black community.  In the same way that we would later find out that Obama did not care about the terrorist past of William Ayers – whom Obama partnered with to advance a “education” agenda that taught children radicalism rather than “the Three R’s,” Obama revealed how comfortable he was to be immersed in a radicalized environment.

He continued to remain in the church after ALL of the above sermon messages surfaced, and he remained in the church until it became more of a political liability than an asset.

Barack Hussein Obama has known about Jeremiah Wright’s radical nature from day one, and embraced it.  The Rolling Stone biography of Obama continues:

In his 1993 memoir “Dreams from My Father,” Obama recounts in vivid detail his first meeting with Wright in 1985. The pastor warned the community activist that getting involved with Trinity might turn off other black clergy because of the church’s radical reputation.

And that incredibly radical influence is very much a part of him, as the Rolling Stone article embraces:

Obama has now spent two years in the Senate and written two books about himself, both remarkably frank: There is a desire to own his story, to be both his own Boswell and his own investigative reporter. When you read his autobiography, the surprising thing — for such a measured politician — is the depth of radical feeling that seeps through, the amount of Jeremiah Wright that’s packed in there. Perhaps this shouldn’t be surprising.

It isn’t at all surprising that a man who spent 23 years immersing himself in the radical theology of a radical spiritual guru at a radical and racist church would himself be a radical.  What is incredibly surprising is that so many millions of voters would so ignorantly and so naively dismiss that background and embrace the man who was so profoundly shaped by it.

So they are voting for God damn America.

I’m not going to try to tell anyone not to vote for God damn America.  If you want it, vote for it.  I’m simply saying, don’t be an uninformed ignorant fool who doesn’t even have a clue who the man he or she is voting for actually is.  You aren’t what you say in your flowerly speech; you’re what you do.  And for the overwhelming majority of Barack Hussein Obama’s life, he has been a willing part and participant in God damn America.  Open your eyes.

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16 Responses to “Barack Obama for President of God Damn America”

  1. Ole Geogi Says:

    I saw the headline and said to myself Michael this had better be good or you will get hot flack from all sides. Then I read it twice and found there is a lot of food for thought in it; however only if you have the ability to think. I have and I think it is high time, maybe long overdue, for our side to go on the attack. I am at your side!

  2. Michael Eden Says:

    I realize I’m throwing a bomb. The question is whether there is a legitimate case for what I’m saying, and whether I made that case.

    The TRUTH is not racist, and it is not “partisan.” Rather, it is that stuff that ISN’T true which can be racist and partisan.

    I wanted to make sure I made my case. There are two Americas. Here’s Barack Obama’s pastor for 23 years’ version: NOT God bless America, but God damn America. Jeremiah Wright said a lot of stuff like that, and Obama knew it. Obama was deeply immersed in radicalism from the moment he started attending the church. He was deeply influenced by Jeremiah Wright.

    The people who go after me for this article will be ignoring the facts, not citing them. Anyone going after me who doesn’t explain how spending 23 years in that church was wrong is a fraud and a fool.

  3. etypeman Says:

    Here are the facts…Could we ever get a black man that would be totally non-racist? because of the history of slavery do you really expect anytrhing else? mmm SO what can we do? the answer quite frankly is NOTHING…In my opnion and based on what I SEE AND HEAR everyday black people will ALWAYS have a day to celebrtate being black…will ALWAYS have their own tv shows, own music awards, black actors award etc etc. and white America allows it…that fuels racism…seperation…but could it ever change? my answer is NO…but why do you ask…well its simple….racial difference goes way far deeper than you think…the answer to the problem? We have to acknowledge and accept that we are different, as in the case of religion as well and then LEARN to live in peace with it…unlike Jeremiah wright condemning white America when in fact its white America allowing him the freedom to preach and white America that gave him a suit to wear…Jeremiah if you cant live with it here, nothing stops you from going back to Africa? Oh but you wont would you? you have it too nice over here unlike in Africa…so live with the facts and quit trying to ignore them…see how animals live around each other in peace (xept for when they’re hungry) and we are supposed to be SMARTER than animals right? or are we?

  4. Brian Says:

    I would have paid a little more attention if, in the middle of your message, you didn’t switch to the fear-inducing tactic of using Obama’s middle name. That is a tactic I have only seen in extremely unbalanced articles and I think it’s ridiculous. And I don’t think you have to be part of the “God Damn America” to think that America has done some pretty wrong things and notice that America is a place of deep unrepentent sin. I wouldn’t ever say “God Damn America,” but I also don’t think I could really say “God Bless America,” even if I still believe it is the greatest country on earth and has the potential to be even better. And I guess that’s the thing. I think it has the potential to be better. I feel like we have strayed from our ideals for a variety of reasons and long to see us get back on track. I’m sure Obama had his reasons for staying at the church. I probably would not have, but I also did not grow up in that time period, in that specific place and I am not black, so I am in no position to judge. Regardless of all your rhetoric, it does not seem that Obama ever came away with a sense of thinking “God Damn America.” It seems like he came away from those messages with the an “audacity of Hope” that things could be made better. Just because you, presonally, cannot see how anything good could come from those associations soesn’t mean that nothing did. Clearly something good did come from it. Yes, he was influenced, but it very much matters in what way he was influenced. To me, it seems that he was influenced to listen and care for the people around him. And it seems he was influenced to follow Jesus. Oh, that’s right, it seems that following Jesus is only a good thing if it simultaneously leads one to the Republican party. The Harping that Obama believes in some sort of radicalism is another fear-driven tactic. Jesus was very much a radical of his time. Not all forms of radicalism are bad, particularly in the face of flawed systems amid human suffering. I think it’s important to realize and acknowledge that there are NOT two Americas, there are a beautiful swath of grays between your two Black and Whites…

  5. Ole Tennessee Says:

    I want to add a point that is overlooked by many.

    Obama has but two good points. One: he can deliver a prepared speech well with the aid of a tele-prompter. Two: he has a very intelligent brain.

    The rest of the man is Bad News. He does everything with a plan, particularly when it comes to the sinister or if he can benefit. He was a member of that church because it suited his political ambitions. In fact, he probably used the Church much more than they used him. He was always in full control of his plans and it suited them to have him. It was a case of two evils in tandem.

  6. Michael Eden Says:

    You fit in the “God damn America” crowd just because you so strenuously object to my using Obama’s full name. I marvel at the fact that there are people like you out there who say, “How dare you use his full name.” Is Obama’s very NAME racist? You ascribe all these terrible things about me and my “tactics” because I used his full name. I think YOU’RE being rather ridiculous to do that.

    The rest of your stuff is just more “God damn America” pseudo-spirituality.

    Jesus was a radical because He wanted to follow God the way God had told His people to follow Him. Obama is a radical because he thinks that babies who have already been born and survived an abortion attempt should still be killed (he opposed the Illinois Born Alive Infant Protection Act which identical federal version passed UNANIMOUSLY). Obama is a radical who is MORE radical than NARAL.

    I don’t accept moral lectures from anybody who supports a candidate who repeatedly refused to vote for infanticide.

    I think I can safely say you are being incredibly hypocritical, because I know you would have criticized a Republican who had been part of a white supremacist church, who “palled around” with an unrepentant abortion clinic bomber, etc. And that is the quintessential essence of “God damn America.”

  7. Michael Eden Says:

    I hesitated before publishing either of your comments, which is why I am responding out of order. I’ll have the same thing to say about your other comment as well.

    There is a real element of racial anger to your ideas that goes well beyond anything I want to see. I find it tragic. I fiercely disagree with the idea of judging people by their skin color. I judge people by their characters and by their worldviews. I have known too many incredible black men and women to ever lump them into negative categories.

    At the same time, I recognize that you are by no means alone, and that the Jeremiah Wrights, the Louis Farrakhans, the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons bear a great deal of the blame for the anger that a lot of people like you feel. What they are doing is reprehensible. It will come back at the black community. Hate and anger and blame inspires more of the same. I don’t understand why such “leaders” refuse to get that.

    I’ve said this before: if you want to end racism and discrimination, END it. Don’t try to use it in a one-directional way to benefit minorities at the expense of whites. As long as you do that, there are going to be more and more angry white people – especially poorer whites – who will get more and more outraged. That is the bitter fruit of “affirmative action.”

  8. Michael Eden Says:

    Ole Tennessee,
    Totally agree. People see Obama as so well-spoken, contrast him with President Bush, and say, “Obama is brilliant! We need a guy like him rather than that idiot Bush.”

    But all the people who led us into this financial meltdown were “brilliant.” And Bush tried three times to reign them in.

    Obama is a radical who is smart enough to know he had to carefully package his racialism. Even if he wins and is sitting in the White House doing all kinds of radical things, he will continue to carefully package his programs with lofty rhetoric. He will create disasters that won’t just blow up during his term, but will continue to ruin this country for years to come after he’s gone.

  9. Old Geogi Says:

    I respect Brian’s idealism and won’t attack him; thus hope he will take my response in the spirit it is intended. He sounds like a nice young fellow.

    Let me get this out of the way first: I am a 68-year young old fellow. We grew up without racial bias and brought two children up who are both middle thirties. We taught them the same values.

    In fact, I shared Brian’s idealism for most my adult life but gave it up ten years ago when I realized we are different. Read, look at Africa; look at the Middle East [it is too much for one book and I have only this small space]. Whereas I hope for a better future than that which etypeman fears I think he is closer to the truth than those who deny the existence of racial differences. It is the “hard inconvenient truth” and we will get along better if we live with the fact and try respect each other.

    One point of criticism will take me more into etypeman’s sphere. I would recommend you go careful calling Jesus a radical. It has become a sensitive point to many. Without malice please: you go into Africa or the Middle-East and call their ? …. {I use the question mark because I don’t want to use names] radical and see how long your head remains attached to your body, young friend. The World is not as idealistic as we may wish it to be.

    Thanks Michael.

  10. Michael Eden Says:

    Old Geogi,
    I don’t mind calling Jesus a “radical,” as long as we understand what was radical about Him.

    Jesus said, “I came not to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it.” In other words, He was a radical because the moral and religious culture of Judaism at the time had been corrupted. Jesus was a radical because He looked back to Abraham and Moses and taught the restoration of God’s way.

    Barack Obama is not that kind of radical at all. Rather, he is a William Ayers radical (he partnered with him to advance Ayers’ radical education agenda, for instance). Obama is a radical who even wants babies who have been born alive to be killed if momma wanted to have an abortion.

    And again, it’s the God damn America Messiah. Brian comes in and – again like so many others in the media, several prominent Democrats, and like Farrakhan, intrinsically compares Obama to Christ.

    Not on my watch!

  11. Brian Says:

    Well, thank you for poitning out my hypocritical nature. Would I be slightly disturbed by a candidate who was a member or a white supremicist church (although, I would argue that white supremacy is different than holdovers of black anger from us enslaving them, keeping them from voting, and segregating them, and treating them as second class citizens, the last two of which still occurred during these people’s life times)? Yes. Whether or not that would influence my vote depends heavily on how I see that being played out in the candidate’s own life and in his own words. While you point out these associations, I don’t see any evidence, aside from a quote from Rolling Stone saying that his radicalism seeps through Obama’s autobiography (which seems extremely vague to me), that Obama hates America. In fact, I see something different: that Obama appreciates the opportunities he has been given in America and sees America as an inherently great place. I guess the association thing always seems a bit shady to me unless you see it being reflected in the actual candidate, and I don’t… but perhaps I am just blind.

    I did not wish to compare Obama with Jesus. Clearly that would be ridiculous because Obama is no messiah. Neither candidate now and no candidate in the future will ever fare well in a comparison to Jesus. I apologize for seeming to imply that association. My only point was that not all radicalism is bad, because the phrase radicalism contantly comes up with no sense to what Obama’s radicalism actually is. I think that the criticism should accuse Obama of the specific radical stance (as you did by referring to his vote on abortion).

    I certainly understand and appreciate the criticism of Obama’s voting record on abortion. As a personal, moral issue, I think abortion is a terrible tragedy that needs to be stopped. As a political issue, I think it is terribly abused by both parties and I just wish we could find some sort of common ground and work to support women and encourage responsibility before conception and after regardless of whether or not abortion is made illegal. Because the legality of abortion is the issue here, and I think it’s disengenuous to argue that Obama “wants babies who have been born alive to be killed if momma wanted to have an abortion.” The vote is not about a personal decision, but about legality and politics. But a vote for Obama encompasses a much broader range of issues than just this one. Acting like that is the only issue at stake illustrates exactly how the issue has been abused by politics rather than being seriously treated as a moral tragedy.

    I never said using Obama’s middle name is racist, I said it is usually indicative of ridiculously biased articles where people are trying to incite fear into readers. I apologize, however, if your use really had no such hidden agenda, but in apologizing, I must trust your intellectual honesty. I think it’s naive to pretend that many people who emphasize the middle name are not trying to make subconscious associations with Saddam Hussein and emphasize the idea that Obama is some foreign, Muslim… Arab, as someone at a McCain rally recently noted. Again, trusting you, I can see that this was not your intention.

    I am offended that you refer to my “‘God Dam America’ pseudo-spirituality.” First off, yes, I hate America so much that I am currently serving in the military and would gladly give my life protecting your ability to continue to blog about whatever you feel deserves being blogged. That’s how much I hate America… please. There are not two Americas… there is one America in which people can run the gamut from liberal to conservative with a beautiful swath of gray between. I love this country and there is no other place I would rather live. But like a parent with a child, I may be proud of and love my country, but not so proud with some of the specific decisions that I feel went against the American moral spirit (killing native Americans, torture of prisoners, and bombing a lot of innocent people comes to mind… those sorts of things make me sad… and I don’t think Jesus would have approved of them). Second, I object to the phrase pseudo-spirituality. I proudly admit that I am a Christian, even when that may be difficult among liberal friends where it’s not “cool” to be Christian. I love Jesus, and I feel convicted on a daily basis that I need to be doing better to live up to his example, even though I know that I am almost unfathomably saved by His grace. I am a young Christian, and I understand that my judgment may be off at times, and perhaps it is here, but I love our country and, more importantly, I love Jesus and appreciate His sacrifice and His example. Anyhow, that’s all I have to say and I’m sorry if I’ve just wasted your time.

  12. Michael Eden Says:

    I honor your military service, and add that it gives you more leeway with me than non-veterans would have. I too served, btw: some of my blood got left in Grenada way back in 1983.

    Your response is intelligent and well written. I get so many leftist loons who use a lot of the same language that you do that I am pretty quick to attack. I apologize for my statement on “God damn America spirituality” with this BIG caveat:

    Regarding abortion: I think it is profoundly unfair to say, “it is terribly abused by both parties.” The bottom line is this: the Democratic Party has abortion in its plank as a central position; the Republican Party is pro-life. Electing more Republicans can’t overturn abortion in and of itself, but ONLY Republicans would appoint judges who would turn back the nearly 50 million human beings murdered in abortion mills.

    I have written two posts on the subject of Obama and babies, both of which are substantially sourced:

    Jill Stanek On Why Barack Obama Voted For Infanticide

    Obama Crossed The Line From Abortion To Genuine Infanticide

    I hope you read them, or at least read more. I am not misrepresenting the facts about Obama and BAIPA.

    Obama HAS REPEATEDLY been likened to Christ. So when you use the two analogously as you did, I have every reason to suspect that you are simply making the same comparison that has already been repeatedly made. Louis Farrakhan certainly thinks Obama is the Messiah.

    I also continue to take issue with the statement that Obama had any right to stay in that horrible church and expect the vote of decent people. If my pastor ever said ANY of the crap Wright said, I would have gotten up and left. And frankly I don’t want to associate with anyone who wouldn’t have gotten up and left. Obama stayed there for 23 years. It is a God damn America church, as is proven by Wright’s saying that in front of a cheering congregation.

    Here are a couple of articles detailing Wright’s views:

    Jeremiah Wright Sermons Transcripts: Context Doesn’t Help

    Obama Leaves Trinity 23 Years Too Late To Matter

    It’s one thing to say “I fight for the right of people to believe what they want,” and quite another to actually think it’s okay for people to believe hateful things, or – worse – to vote to elect people who come out of a demonstrably radical and hateful background.

    Unfortunately, I must also disagree with you: there ARE two Americas, as liberals keep telling us. There are two diametrically opposite views as to what this country was, and what it should be. They can’t both be right. There were two Americas in 1861, and there are two Americas today.

    My closing words are these: I apologize for going over the top with you, as both a sincere young Christian and as a soldier who is dedicated to protect this country. I acknowledge that I was wrong to say some of the things I said and can only beg forgiveness in the name of the Jesus we both share in common.

  13. Brian Says:

    Thank you very much for your response. I will certainly read what you have linked and continue to consider these issues. I would reiterate that regardless of what other people mean when they make the “Jesus was a radical” analogy, I mean what I said I meant: that we have to distinguish what we mean by radical and make specific accusations and I have absolutely NO delusions that Obama is the messiah… if he is, it would cause me to start doubting God to be quite frank. As I trust your sincerity about the use of “Barack Hussein Obama”, I ask that you would trust my sincerity. Again, I appreciate your response and will take the time to more deeply consider your points. I certainly forgive any offense I was given. Thank you.

  14. Michael Eden Says:

    Thank you. I trusted your sincerity after reading your last comment, and you have only given me more reason to accept it now.

    I definitely am writing as a conservative (in other words, I make no allusions about being “objective” in the sense of not caring about or having any stake in the outcome). But at the same time, I also attempt to speak the truth, and to argue as intelligently as I can. I try to check my facts, and I don’t print anything I know (or even think) is false.

    There’s no question that a time here or there I have used Obama’s full name as a sort of exclamation point. But it IS the man’s NAME. And I would say that if merely saying somebody’s name should be off limits, then THAT ITSELF is a red flag issue for me. There has been a sustained effort on the part of the left to make EVERYTHING off limits re: Barack Obama. ANYTHING you say about him is presented as a racist attack. And that is offensive to me. It is part of an attempt to insulate Obama from a lot of very pertinent criticisms.

    When I was a kid, “radical” was a synonym for “cool.” It has somewhat different meanings in different contexts. Jesus as the incarnate Son of the Living God taking on a human nature, living a perfect human life, and then dying for the sins of the world was clearly “radical” in a good sense. But political radicalism is a different critter altogether.

    I’ve written about “Obama as Messiah” a few times. There is an almost manic view on much of the left that he is a savior who can solve all our problems. If he is elected President, I actually believe that he will be one of the false messiah’s that Jesus talked about in the last days. He ISN’T the Antichrist of Revelation, but I think a leader(s) like him – in such a critical time with the country in such vulnerability and distress – could screw us up so badly that the world will NEED the REAL Antichrist of Revelation 13:1. In other words, I believe we’re in the last days of God’s prophesied timetable, and the beast is coming.

    The world is in a fragile state. If the US suffers an economic collapse, the rest of the world – as we’ve seen the last few weeks – will be in terrible shape. And it is a world in crisis that will precede the beast. He’s going to come promising to have all the answers, but the world will literally go to hell under his leadership. The United States of America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy (w/ the barely remotely possible exception of Rev 12:14). I think we can all see why now.

    The two things that most matter to me are 1) Obama spending 23 years in that awful church environment and 2) his literally supporting infanticide under the guise that if a baby who survived an abortion were allowed to live, it would force the mother to re-confront her decision to have the abortion and violate her right to choose abortion. That is simply true. I hope you DO take the time to consider them, as I find in you someone who will do the right thing given knowledge of the truth.

  15. Old Geogi Says:

    This has been quite something and good debating; it also sets a standard that is badly lacking in News Works like FoxNews where mudslinging has become the order of the day.

    I am pleased you published the etypeman response because he has some very valid points and it should be recorded. In fact I do take issue with Brian on certain aspects he should note in etypeman’s statements.

    I shall be short. It is somewhat strange that people like Brian refer to America’s faults as if, for instance, the blacks [all of them?] are still being segregated by the whites [all of them} because it is patently not the case. In my view large numbers of whites don’t even look at or consider Obama’s skin color [evidenced by the large numbers who will vote for him] but most blacks “segregate themselves” [evidenced by the estimated 92% who will vote for him] and you will never with all the goodwill in the world change that. If blacks continue blaming whites for all that is wrong without even referring to what the white man has done to improve life for all, it is inevitable that you will have the etypeman reaction. Maybe he expressed it very strongly but that is no more wrong than the Jeremiah tirades, or Obama’s obvious delight that he has the black vote in the bag because he is black [or perceived to be]. I don’t disagree with etypeman when he implies black people who always blame and criticize all whites for the “sins of the past” should consider what life in Africa is about [for the black man].

    They will find “The World is not as idealistic as we may wish it to be” as I said in my previous response. A little thank you or gratitude from a black man won’t be amiss once in a while. If they don’t try that I am afraid their self-segregation is a permanent feature they have brought upon themselves. I disagree that it is my duty as a white man to solve that problem; it is a problem of their own making that they will have to attend to.

    One last point: in case they should dream that Obama will correct segregation, which he will not but I am just saying if, let me say any effort to legislate integration is not only just as bad as to legislate segregation, it is actually much worse because it will drive people even further apart in their hearts and ensure that segregation will be forever. I mean forever like in “as long as we live in this world.”

    To conclude: we do have two America’s as you say. Each America has it’s own set of standards, morals, esteem for self, duty and honor, responsibility and expectations that differ like night and day from the other America. There is already a fusion of color in both because color is not the dividing line, but these two America’s are forever apart. Nothing in the world can ever change that. It is not a bad sign that suddenly appeared in this Election; the Election merely proves it is there and we must accept it.

    The latter is sometimes called reality.

  16. Michael Eden Says:

    The only time I disallow comments is if they use profanity; personally attack me in an offensive way; persist in advocating ideas I find truly evil.

    I don’t not publish comments just because I disagree with them.

    I disagree with etypeman’s views, but I believe that hard feelings are created when society embraces “affirmative action” in a way that rewards one group and systematically punishes another. Neither I, or any of my ancestors (who did NOT own slaves, and who fought for the Union in the Civil War) are responsible for keeping black people down. Don’t tell me that I bear some kind of collective guilt as a white person. I don’t.

    The other thing is that most of these “affirmative action” policies actually end up HURTING black people. Government welfare doesn’t make you a better person; it keeps you FROM becoming a better person, for one example.

    This is the problem: why should white people regard black people as genuine equals when black people keep demanding that white people give them benefits and money? Why shouldn’t poor whites – who need help as much as poor blacks – not be bitter when they are denied benefits because of the color of their skin?

    If we are to end racism, discrimination, inequality, we have to END it. That’s where I come down.

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