Even JOURNALISTS Are Admitting It Now: The Mainstream Media Is Feverishly Working To Slant ‘News’ To Benefit The Obama Campaign

Two different observations from two different journalists says quite a bit that needs to be said:

The first came recently from Mark Halperin:

Mark Halperin: ‘The Media Is Very Susceptible to Doing What the Obama Campaign Wants’
11:57 AM, Aug 18, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

“The Obama folks clearly know they’ve found some traction on this tax return issue with Romney,” said NBC’s Lester Holt. “And then of course late in the week comes this challenge–‘give us a little more and we won’t complain anymore.’ Has this issue come to the point it’s jumped the shark?”
“I think the press still likes this story a lot, the media is very susceptible to doing what the Obama campaign wants, which is to focus on this,” said Halperin.

The mainstream media is very susceptible to doing what the Obama campaign wants.  True dat.

The second comes from Jake Tapper, and becomes even more relevant when you consider Halperin’s observation:

Jake Tapper: Media Is Failing The Country
August 21, 2012

Truer words were never said.
Jake Tapper of ABC News is one of the last honest men in the business. In an interview with Laura Ingraham on her radio show today, Tapper pointed out what’s obvious to so many Americans.
The media was and is in the tank for Obama…

In an interview with Laura Ingraham, White House reporter Jake Tapper said that the media is failing the country.

“A lot of people are hurting out there. Unemployment is 8.3 percent. That doesn’t even take into account the underemployed,” he said, arguing that too much time has been spent not talking about the economy.
Tapper also criticized the media for not giving enough attention to the war in Afghanistan.
“We are spending a lot of time in the last few weeks, those of us in the political world, political journalists and also politicians, talking about things other than the economy,” said Tapper. “[A] lot of people are hurting out there. I’d like to see more action taken and more emphasis given to this issue.”
Tapper also said he relates to Mark Halperin’s recent comments about the media. Over the weekend, Halperin said, “I think the press still likes this story a lot, the media is very susceptible to doing what the Obama campaign wants, which is to focus on this.”
“I have said before… [that I] thought the media helped tip the scales. I didn’t think the coverage in 2008 was especially fair to either Hilary Clinton or John McCain,” Tapper said.
On the 2008 coverage, he noted, “Sometimes I saw with story selection, magazine covers, photos picked, [the] campaign narrative, that it wasn’t always the fairest coverage.”

 Listen to audio from Real Clear Politics

Speaking of Hilary Clinton and 2008, it is a fact of history that the Clinton campaign and Hillary Clinton herself said that Fox News gave them fairer coverage than any other news outlet:

Hillary Clinton: “There Were A Lot Of Times When I Appreciated” Fox News During Primary
Huffington Post
First Posted: 10-14-08 12:09 PM   |   Updated: 11-14-08 05:12 AM

Hillary Clinton appeared on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning, where she discussed sexism with co-host Gretchen Carlson and took the opportunity to say that she “appreciated” Fox News’ balanced coverage of her campaign.


“We did call them on it at Fox, in fact I think you went on record saying that Fox was the most fair and balanced place during the time when you were running,” Carlson said.

“There were a lot of times when I appreciated the commentators and reporters on Fox who did step up and make that clear,” Clinton responded.

Clinton also said that Sarah Palin is facing the same sort of sexism that she faced.

I wish a major polling organization would do a poll on registered Democrats and ask the question, “Do you believe Hillary Clinton would have done a better job governing the country than Barack Obama has?”  I truly believe that most Democrats would respond, “Hell yes!”

Fox News was fair and balanced when all the other mainstream media “news” outlets were in the tank swooning in adoration with their legs tingling for Obama.

Barack Obama has profoundly damaged America.  And either John McCain OR Hillary Clinton would have done a HELL of a lot better job than this failed turd.  And the only network that gave either of those candidates any chance at all is the Fox News network which also happens to be the ONLY NEWS NETWORK WHOSE ANCHORS WEAR AMERICAN FLAG PINS ON THEIR LAPELS.  Because unlike ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc., etc., Fox News actually gives a flying damn about America rather than sanctimoniously considering themselves above America and “citizens of the world” the way all the other propaganda outlets do.  There’s a reason that a story came out that ABC banned their journalists from wearing American flag pins because nobody the hell was WEARING ONE.  Rather, the mainstream media are following their “citizen of the world-in-chief” Barack Obama.

Fox News is different from Obama and all the other mainstream media “citizens of the world.”  They actually give a damn about their country.  Which is why they wear American flag pins when others won’t and which is why they gave fair coverage to Hillary Clinton and John McCain when others wouldn’t.

Hillary Clinton ought to finally understand what it’s like to be a Republican.  Because the mainstream media treated her like a Republican until it was time for them to swivel their guns to take aim at John McCain.

Doctrinaire liberal “journalist” Evan Thomas of Newsweek birdcage-liner fame once said this in a candid moment:

July 18th, 2008
Press worth more than fifteen points for Obama?


If, as Evan Thomas of Newsweek said in a moment of unguarded candor:

The media, I think, want [Democratic presidential candidate John F.] Kerry to win. And I think they’re going to portray Kerry and [running mate John] Edwards…as being young and dynamic and optimistic and all, there’s going to be this glow about them that is going to be worth, collectively, the two of them, that’s going to be worth maybe 15 points…”

—then how much is Obama’s press worth?

I’d say about double that.

And aren’t Evans’ remarks even more on target as a description of the Obama mystique than they ever were for Kerry/Edwards?

Keep in mind, Evan Thomas was the guy who infamously said of Obama:

Newsweek editor Evan Thomas brought adulation over President Obama’s Cairo speech to a whole new level on Friday, declaring on MSNBC: “I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.”

So when a guy like Evan Thomas says that basically the Republican has to win by MORE than fifteen points because that’s what the media is going to give to the Democrat, you get a sense of how desperate we are in these last days of America as a Joseph Goebbels press runs amok with reality.

And, yes, as Jake Tapper indicates, there are ALL KINDS of big stories that the news media ought to be focusing on like a laser beam – which is EXACTLY what they would be doing if the incumbant were George Bush rather than Barack Hussein.

So to Jake Tapper’s big questions that the media are refusing to cover: does the Obama campaign want to talk about the economy?  How about HELL NO:

Democratic strategists Stanley Greenberg and James Carville have released a striking new report arguing in stark terms that some key voting groups now reject President Obama’s claim that the economy is improving — and may well reject Obama himself in November.

Democracy Corps, the political consulting group run by Greenberg and Carville, showed several Obama campaign commercials to focus groups in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Several of the group members, who were “all independents or weak partisans and ticket-splitters” and included both Obama and McCain voters from 2008, became irritated when shown Obama ads touting economic improvement. They don’t see that improvement in their own lives, the report says, and they don’t believe Obama when he claims things are better.

The fact of the matter is that Obama CAN’T talk about the economy because he has wildly and spectacularly failed – and in fact has wildly and spectacularly failed according to his very own rhetoric.

How about Afghanistan?  Does Obama want to talk about how he’s done in Afghanistan?  Let me quote myself from a comment I made before writing this:

It truly is stunning. If you examine the casualties in Afghanistan, you find that fully damn HALF of them occurred just during the last 27 months of the failed Obama presidency. Keep in mind, this is a war that Bush fought all eight years of his presidency … with a total of 630 American KIA during those eight years. The other 1,472 dead – seventy percent of all the casualties of the entire war – are all on Obama during less than HALF the time.

And where are all the damn liberals and the Cindy Sheehans crying over the dead soldiers when we really need them???

Do you believe that the Obama campaign wants to talk about Obama’s failure in Afghanistan and how Obama is working on being the first loser since the last Democrat war debacle in Vietnam???

THAT’S why the mainstream media isn’t talking about this stuff, Jake.  Because Obama doesn’t want them to and Obama is the mainstream media messiah as no one else has EVER been.

The Obama campaign wants to talk about Mitt Romney as a “vampire capitalist” who outsourced jobs at Bain.  So they talk about Bain the way Obama wants them to even though Mitt Romney built up 8 out of 10 of the failing businesses he rescued, even though all of the examples of “outsourcing” occurred AFTER Romney left Bain and in fact WHILE Obama’s top bundler was the head of Bain, and even though OBAMA is a FAR bigger outsourcer.  The Obama campaign wants to talk about Mitt Romney’s taxes, so the media have fixated on Mitt Romney’s taxes

The one thing you can absolutely guarantee is that the mainstream media will do ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IT CAN DO to ensure that this campaign isn’t about the central issues facing the nation – because if it was Obama would lose in a landslide.

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2 Responses to “Even JOURNALISTS Are Admitting It Now: The Mainstream Media Is Feverishly Working To Slant ‘News’ To Benefit The Obama Campaign”

  1. gds44 Says:

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  2. Michael Eden Says:


    Have at it and keep up the fight, friend.

    Liked your “Official member of Obama’s enemies’ list” sign!

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