Primary Day Presidential Approval Poll Points To Vicious Anal Rape Awaiting Democrats

Now, I know, the headline is kind of confusing.  Most Democrats love nothing more than a nice anal raping.  So liberals will come here thinking, “Oh, good!”

But, trust me, they won’t enjoy the one that’s coming in November.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. Today’s rating is the lowest earned by the president since the passage of his health care proposal two months ago (see trends).

Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has seen his advantage over Republican hopefuls shrink dramatically following a New York Times accusation that he exaggerated his Vietnam military service. Against Linda McMahon, Blumenthal’s lead is down to just three points.

John McCain still leads in his primary battle, but his level of support is hovering just over 50%.

Sixty-four percent (64%) of voters now support offshore oil drilling. That’s up from 58% right after the oil spill began in the Gulf of Mexico but down eight from a peak of 72% support in March.

The Presidential Approval Index is calculated by subtracting the number who Strongly Disapprove from the number who Strongly Approve. It is updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern (sign up for free daily e-mail update). Updates are also available on Twitter and Facebook.

Overall, 44% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president’s performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.  Those figures also reflect the weakest ratings for the president since the health care bill became law. The Rasmussen Reports Media Meter shows that media coverage of the President has been 52% positive over the past week.

A month ago, Rasmussen Reports became the first firm to show Joe Sestak closing the gap on Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania. With other firms showing Specter ahead by twenty points or more, our poll showing a toss-up was described as an “outlier” and “well outside the lines of existing polling in the race.” As in Massachusetts, it turns out that the Rasmussen poll was simply the first to capture the changing dynamic of the race. The final Rasmussen poll on the race showed Sestak winning by five. He won by eight.

In the general election, the latest polling shows Sestak in a very close race with Pat Toomey.

In Arkansas, the latest polling shows Republican John Boozman holding a wide lead over whichever Democrat wins the run-off. In Kentucky, Rand Paul also starts out ahead. Rasmussen Reports will release updated polling for Pennsylvania, Arkansas, and Kentucky in the near future.

(More Below)

Fifty-five percent (55%) would like to see an immigration law like Arizona’s for their own state. Most voters (56%) also favor repeal of the recently passed health care law.

Obama used to lead chants saying, “Fired up!  Ready to go!”  And now the people who WANT to fire Obama have a 19-point advantage over the people who want to keep him.  Do you have any idea what a tsunami of righteous anger is going to wash over Democrats?

55% of American voters want to see the Arizona immigration law that Obama has repeatedly and falsely demonized in their own state.  And 56% of voters want to see Obama’s signature ObamaCare repealed.  What has this man done but either screw the American people or fail to lead?

Obama’s response to the fact that Americans overwhelmingly support the Arizona law?  Ratchet up his illegitimate demonization of Arizona.

And as we speak, 68% of Americans want offshore drilling.  It’s only a matter of time before they realize what an amoral weasel Obama has been with drilling, basically being against it before he was for it before he was against it again.

Obama endorsed slimeball Arlen Specter, who has now been officially rejected by Democrats after previously having being totally rejected by Republicans.  Like Specter himself, nobody wants Obama.  He is now at least 0-for-4 in endorsing candidates who then got dumped by voters.  He couldn’t be more radical, or more out of touch with the American people.

From the AP:

WASHINGTON – Voters rejected one of President Barack Obama’s hand-picked candidates and forced another into a runoff, the latest sign that his political capital is slipping beneath a wave of anti-establishment anger.

Sen. Arlen Specter became the fourth Democrat in seven months to lose a high-profile race despite the president’s active involvement, raising doubts about Obama’s ability to help fellow Democrats in this November’s elections.

The first three candidates fell to Republicans. But Specter’s loss Tuesday to Rep. Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania’s Democratic senatorial primary cast doubts on Obama’s influence and popularity even within his own party — and in a battleground state, no less.

And the guy who defeated Obama’s handpicked candidate Specter has all but stated that the Obama administration offered him an illegal bribe to drop out of the race and let Specter win.

[Update, Sunday, May 23: The UPI has an article out today which clearly states that Joe Sestak claims the White House did in fact offer him a job if he pulled out of the race against Arlen Specter.  End update].

Thanks to Obama’s utterly failed policy that even Hillary Clinton said would fail hideously, Iran WILL have nuclear weapons, and will “fundamentally transform” the Middle East into a terrifying nightmare-awaiting bloodbath-status.  And Obama is so occupied with his failure regarding Iran that he has demonstrated himself to be completely unfit to deal with North Korea.

An international report has just determined that North Korea sank – in an aggressive and unprovoked act of war – a South Korean navy ship.  This is clearly an escalation of aggression that rivals anything the communist nation has committed since the end of the Korean War.

How has Obama done anything but miserably fail with this regime?

And thanks to spending which dwarfs anything ever seen before in the history of the human race, Barack Obama has lost any and all leverage with China to do anything about either crisis.

It is hard to imagine how Obama could have failed worse.

The American people are furious.  And they are going to take it out on Democrats who couldn’t deserve it more.

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2 Responses to “Primary Day Presidential Approval Poll Points To Vicious Anal Rape Awaiting Democrats”

  1. J.W. Wartick Says:

    I think the people who voted for Obama just because he’s black are starting to realize the mistake they made. You must consider the PERSON you are voting for, not his/her color.

  2. Michael Eden Says:

    The only people who allowed the color of Obama’s skin to influence his or her vote – and I mean either way – are racists. If you voted for Obama because he is black, you are a racist. Period. To put it in Martin Luther King’s terms, you are voting because of skin color, rather than content of character. And you should feel ashamed of yourselves.

    Obama is a terrible president not because of his skin, but because of his terrible values and his terrible ideology.

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