Obama’s Treasonous Lies Help Russia Punk America

Barry Hussein just teamed up with the guy who used to be a KGB goon to screw America.

And the Traitor-in-Chief just punked America again:

AMERICA GETS PUNKED… Russians Say START Treaty Covers Antimissile Defense Systems
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, January 4, 2011, 9:47 AM

They Told Us the START Treaty Could Not Wait – It Had to Be Signed Before Christmas–

The Obama Administration insisted that passing the START Treaty would not impact the US antimissile defense systems.

They were wrong.

The Russian Parliament announced this week that the START Treaty includes limitations on the US antimissile defense systems.
The Voice of Russia reported, via HotAir:

The State Duma (the lower house of the Russian parliament) plans to confirm the link between the reduction of the strategic offensive arms and the restriction of antimissile defense systems’ deployment in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), signed between the US and Russia, Konstantin Kosachev, chairman of the Duma Committee on International Affairs says.

“During the ratification of START in the US Congress the American lawmakers noted that the link between strategic offensive armed forces and antimissile defense systems is not juridically binding for the parties. They referred to the fact that this link was fixed only in the preamble of the document. Such an approach can be regarded as the US’ attempt to find an option to build up its strategic potential and the Russian lawmakers cannot agree with this,” Kosachev says.

We will deal with these interpretations. The first thing is that our American colleagues do not recognize the legal force of the treaty’s preamble. The preamble sets a link between strategic offensive arms and defensive arms. The second thing is an attempt to interpret certain provisions of the treaty unilaterally.

The Russian lawmakers insist that all the chapters of the treaty including the preamble are legally binding, which is a common norm of international law. It is not lawful to take certain provisions and to give them unilateral interpretations like the American senators do, Alexei Arbatov, a member of the Carnegie Scientific Council, says.

Once again, we were fooled by Obama – And, once again, America will pay the price.

Obama told us that his policies would make the world love us and restore peace where fear had existed.  Now we’ve got Iran on the verge of nuclear weapons and North Korea on the verge of war, just for starters.  Obama told us that his stimulus would prevent unemployment from going over 8%.  It’s been near double digits for most of his two pathetic years’ of misrule.  Obama told us that he would reduce the deficit.  But in less than two years he spent more than Bush did in eight, and exploded the deficit as no leader has done in human history.  Obama told us all kinds of lies about ObamaCare: he told us that if you liked your doctor you could keep him/her; he told us that the individual mandates were NOT a tax; he told us his health care would bend the cost curve down.  Lies, lies, lies.

Obama has sold us trillions of dollars’ worth of pork-laden bills to benefit his political base with a bunch of whopping lies.

Now he’s betrayed us to a foreign power with another whopper.

Just how many times can this liar lie to the American people without being convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors?

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