When Will Full-Of-Crap Liberals Who Believe Democrats Are With The Little Guy And Against The Big Guy Wake Up And Grow Up?

I wrote an article damning Diane Sawyer for being a leftwing propagandist who used her interview with Gabrielle Giffords to demonize Sarah Palin.  And I got this response:

Diane Sawyer is about as Right-Wing and Conservative as it gets. She never met a big business she didn’t let take her up the rump.

The issue here isn’t how Sarah Palin was defamed and demonized; it’s not even about how Diane Sawer defamed and demonized Sarah Palin.  The issue is the idiotic notion that “right wing” or “conservative” people are in bed with big business, as opposed to the assertion that liberals are above such vile behavior.

Idiocy in general pisses me off; and when it’s liberal idiocy it pisses me off even more.  So I responded:

Oh, is that the definition of right wing?

So Barack Obama, who is in bed with GE, is right wing? And when Obama gave one of his donors $535 million in government money (after giving the auto company billions upon billions of dollars that we’ll never get back) that went down a black hole that was right wing? When Obama played the same game you’re playing to demonize conservatives while touting Jon Corzine – who has proven himself to be more of a scumbag than ANYBODY – was that “conservative”?

Here’s something interesting for your consideration: Wall Street “fatcats” have fared FAR better in just 2 1/2 years under Obama (raking in $83 billion) than they fared under Bush in EIGHT years ($77 billion). Which means that apparently Obama is actually vastly more “conservative” than Bush was, on your truly asinine view of reality.

You truly are ignorant, Mr. You Say. You have the most naive concept of “liberalism” imaginable. Every time I talk to a liberal, I walk away shaking my head in amazement at what fools you people are.

As a conservative, I want small, limited government that embraces laissez faire capitalism. Government and business aren’t in bed together under a conservative system; government isn’t taking in huge money from business because government has put itself in the position to make or break any business or any industry which forces businesses to make these giant political payoffs. No, it is YOUR LIBERALISM that guarantees that a giant big government that has all kinds of power can dictate all kinds of influence over business – and that business will therefore necessarily spend billions and billions of dollars to try to influence such an all-powerful government. I know that many Republicans cave in under a system that was “fundamentally transformed” by FDR and government unions running amok in every branch of government; but the fact of the matter is that we conservatives want government influence OUT of business and business’ crony capitalism OUT of government – while you liberals want more of both.

Lastly, Barack Obama has taken more money from Wall Street than ANYBODY in the history of politics. You know, the most liberal Senator who became the most liberal president.

Wake up and grow up, YouSay.

Let me take a moment to elaborate.

Barack Obama handpicked Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of General Electric, as one of his senior economic advisers.  And not only is G.E. subsidiary NBC shockingly biased to the left (with cousin MSNBC being even more shockingly liberally biased), but G.E. has taken every crony capitalist advantage of the numerous liberal government regulations (such as the new government ban on cheap incandescent bulbs) to make itself rich.  G.E. has also taken extensive advantage of Obama’s green energy bullcrap to produce billions in nearly useless green gizmos at massive taxpayer-subsidized expense.  And on top of that Obama’s economic adviser paid ZERO taxes and sent one-fifth of its jobs to China.

I know, I know.  How “conservative” of Obama.

So what else did “conservative” Obama – who only cares about little people and not at all about great big giant companies or filthy rich donors – do?

He gave $535 million to one of his donors to piss away before going bankrupt.  And of course the Obama regime also structured the loan in such a way that the American people would end up holding the bag rather than Obama’s friends.

Wow!  Obama must be a conservative Republican!  No one else would ever do anything like that!

Then there’s the recently revealed fact that Jon Corzine decided – very much like the liberal he is – that he could make better use of $630 million in investor money without their knowledge or consent than the investors could.

Jon Corzine ripped a bunch of little people off, pure and simple.  Jon Corzine created the fourth largest bankruptcy in American history.

And what had Obama said about this arrogant little weasel?

Here’s what Mr. Obama said in October 2009 while stumping for Mr. Corzine’s re-election bid as the Democratic governor of New Jersey:

“You’ve had an honorable man, a decent man, an honest man, at the helm of this state. … He’s fought for what matters to ordinary folks.”

“People…say, ‘You know, I was saving up all my life. …. Suddenly, because of this financial crisis, I may have to go back to work.’ “

“Jon knows these are challenging times. This is why he got into public service. He didn’t do it for the paycheck.”

“This crisis…came about because of the same theories, the same lax regulation, the same trickle-down economics that the other guy’s party has been peddling for years.”

“Jon’s got the mop and he’s cleaning up after somebody else’s mess.”

“One of the things you’ve got in Jon Corzine is somebody who tells it to you straight,” Mr Obama said.

Obama vice president Joe Biden said even more:

“I literally picked up the phone and called Jon Corzine and said Jon, what do you think we should do,” Biden said. “The reason we called Jon is that we knew that he knew about the economy, about world markets, how we had to respond, unlike almost anyone we knew. It was because he had been in the pit — because he had been in the furnace. And we trusted his judgment.”

Well, that’s got to be proof-positive that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are a pair of evil conservatives.   Surely only a conservative would stand behind a man who would steal hundreds of millions of dollars from little people.

Either that or all of the bumper sticker slogans that stand in stead of liberal “thought” are totally full of crap, that is.

Then there’s the factoid about the Wall Street “fatcats”:

The largest banks are larger than they were when Obama took office and are nearing the level of profits they were making before the depths of the financial crisis in 2008, according to government data.

Wall Street firms — independent companies and the securities-trading arms of banks — are doing even better. They earned more in the first 21/2 years of the Obama administration than they did during the eight years of the George W. Bush administration, industry data show.

So Obama is publicly denouncing Wall Street “fatcats” and claiming to stand with the little guy against said fatcats while in reality he’s rewarding them four times more than Bush ever did.  A very “conservative” thing to do for a mindless liberal imbecile, I might add.  Which only adds to the confusion surrounding the fact that for some reason these selfsame Wall Street fatcats gave Obama more campaign money in 2008 than they had ever given to any presidential candidate in the history of the planet:

The audacity is breathtaking.

The president has raised more money from Wall Street through the Democratic National Committee and his campaign account than any politician in American history. This year alone, he has raked in more cash from bank employees, hedge fund managers and financial services companies than all Republican candidates combined.

Even poor Mitt Romney was outraised by the Obama money machine at his former employer, Bain Capital, by a margin of 2 to 1.

It is a campaign operation whose wheels are greased by Wall Street bundlers like MF Global former chief, Jon Corzine. These financiers are so good at what they do that the Center for Responsive Politics reports that Obama’s Wall Street fundraising will “far surpass 2008 in terms of raw dollars and as a percentage of what he raises overall.”

That’s saying a lot considering that Obama’s “Hope and Change” campaign in 2008 raised more money from the financial community than any other politician in American history.

According to Reuters, Wall Street accounted for 20 percent of the president’s campaign funds because of a massive cash haul from Goldman Sachs, AIG, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America and Citigroup.

You can start to understand why I have such naked contempt for liberals.  Every single thing they believe is nothing more than a self-serving, self-righteous hypocrite lie.

Take yet another example that is currently going on all around us: the “99 percenters versus the 1 percenters.”  Just how stupid is that?  I, for one, earn nowhere NEAR $250,000 a year.  And yet I am hardly with those Occupy morons – just as the vast majority of the nation is not with them.  On the other hand, look who IS with them and tell me if you actually believe that the American Nazi Party represents 99 percent of the American people.

Again, as a conservative, I don’t want a government so big and powerful – and having so much power to tax and regulate and make or break – that businesses must kowtow to such a government and attempt to bribe their way to favors.  That’s what liberals want.  They’re the ones who want an all-powerful government that doles out benefits and decides who wins and who loses.  They’re the ones who created the present favoritism-based patronage system in the FDR years.  And they’re the ones who are fighting the “good fight” to ensure that that patronage system doesn’t change one iota.

Wake up and grow up, Democrats. And stop spouting your demagogic Marxist class-warfare lies. Because the actual facts point a damning finger at YOU.

Update 4/23/12: Just to further document how incredibly corrupt Barack Obama is, Jon Corzine is STILL bundling campaign cash for him.

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