How To Fix The Border Crisis Pronto: Make Obama and DNC Pay For ‘Situation’ Out Of Their FUNDRAISERS

Obama is going to the border.

Don’t get your hopes up, liberals.  He won’t be walking on water to solve the ‘situation’ (that’s Obamaspeak for the godawful mega DISASTER his foolish and wicked policies created).  Nope.  He’s just going there to do fundraisers.

Whores want more and more of what they lust after.  Obama doesn’t care about solving America’s crises; he lusts for cold, hard CASH and he always HAS lusted for cold, hard cash since he became THE FIRST candidate of any major political party to refuse campaign matching funds so he could horde more campaign money in the history of the human race and bust our campaign finance system in the process.

So we’ve got this crisis where the children who aren’t literally DYING or getting sold as slaves into sex trafficking rings end up overwhelming our resources to such a staggering degree that Obama – our Coyote-in-Chief – is simply ordering tens of thousands of children flown or bused all over America so they will become Somebody Else’s Problem.  And Obama can’t be bothered.

Remember that picture that the mainstream media used to demonize George Bush when he flew over the Hurricane Katrina disaster?  I mean, George Bush was a deeply caring man compared to Obama.  Because it is already a matter of official documented historical FACT that the ONLY way Obama will take a lookey-loo at the border fiasco he created is if he’s forced to by his own party’s panic.

WH: Obama won’t visit border while attending three TX fundraisers next week
Jul 07, 2014

President Barack Obama will attend three fundraisers in Texas next week but will not travel to the border to see the crisis that many say he has exacerbated by not enforcing the country’s immigration laws and vowing to enact unilaterally more executive actions to ease deportations.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said at Thursday’s White House press briefing that Obama is scheduled to attend a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Dallas on Wednesday and two events for the Democratic National Committee in Austin on Wednesday and Thursday.
When pressed about Obama’s decision not to go to the border and the military bases and detention centers where illegal immigrant children are being warehoused, Earnest said Obama has all the information that he needs from his senior advisors.

Obama couldn’t care less.  He’s after what’s really important to him: campaign money for his politics and his ideology.

Democrats are finally abandoning him:

A Democrat congressman from Texas is concerned the Obama administration’s handling of the immigration crisis will blow up politically, becoming Obama’s “Katrina moment.”

The crisis has been developing for months and came about because of the tens of thousands of illegal aliens – many of them children – who are making their way mostly from Central America to the U.S. border.

Their goal appears to be the benefits that are assured to those who are able to breach the U.S. border and enter the country.

The housing, medical, education and other costs of all of the illegal aliens has yet to be calculated, but President Obama already is asking Congress for nearly $4 billion to get things going.

But Rep. Henry Cuellar is worried that the issue will blow up on the president.

His remarks:

“I’m sure that President Bush thought … that he could just look at everything from up in the sky, and then he owned it after a long time,” Cuellar told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto this week. “So I hope this doesn’t become the Katrina moment for President Obama, saying that he doesn’t need to come to the border. He should come down.”

Bush was criticized intensely following the Katrina disaster for flying over the damaged region, and especially for allowing distribution of a photograph of him looking out of Air Force One at the damage.

Bush later told NBC that the release of the image was a mistake and confirmed he should have landed the jet to meet with officials about the recovery efforts following the hurricane.

Spokesmen for Obama have said he knows well what’s going on along the southwestern border regarding the crisis of illegal aliens, and he hasn’t needed to visit personally.

In fact, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said, at one point, “The president is well aware of what is happening along the Southwest border. …”

Cuellar, however, said Obama “should come down to the board and see exactly what’s happened.”

If the mainstream media had so much as a tiny semblance of any legitimacy or credibility, there would be a photograph on the front pages of the New York Times and Los Angeles Times of Obama looking out the window on the way to his FUNDRAISERS with the caption, “Bush was so much better than this failed turd it’s beyond unreal.”

Understand, Hurricane Katrina wasn’t Bush’s fault.  Unlike Obama, Bush never claimed the ability to lower the oceans and heal the planet the way Obama did.  What happened to Bush was a once-in-a-thousand-year hurricane that hit a state and in particular a city that was so steeped in Democrat corruption it was beyond unreal.  Just today, Major Ray Nagin who infamously allowed hundreds of buses to sit idly in the flood while people DROWNED was convicted on 20 counts for accepting more than half a million dollars in bribes.  There was no way the federal government could adequately take over the ENTIRE response because the entire FEMA system was structured on the STATE assuming most of the responsibility.  But in this case the state was so corrupt and had squandered so much of its disaster-prevention and relief resources that the people who had voted for that corrupt government had NOTHING.

Bush made the mistake that Obama will never make: Bush assumed responsibility.  The buck stopped with him, unlike Obama who has NEVER accepted responsibility in his life unless “responsibility” only means “taking credit.”  You know, like when he took credit for the safe, stable Iraq Bush handed him and then blamed Bush after his own failed policies of cut-and-run horrifyingly backfired on him as ISIS created a terrorist caliphate where one had never existed before prior to Obama’s failed presidency.

Obama is now so politically toxic that the three top Democrats don’t want ANYTHING to do with him in Colorado.  Do you remember the adoring crowds of liberals worshiping their messiah as he strode among the Grecian columns???  Now, thanks to the worst fail in the history  of humanity, he’s a toxic, radioactive pariah.

Obama – true to form – is blaming Bush for the massive invasion of illegal immigrant children who are flooding over America SIX YEARS INTO OBAMA’S FAILED PRESIDENCY.  Obama claims that the law passed by a Democrat House and Senate and signed into law by Bush tie his hands.  But that is of course bullcrap.  The law had a VERY narrow intent: to reduce the sexual trafficking of children and to help child victims of sexual trafficking.  It was NOT intended to force America to accept millions of children whose parents are paying coyotes thousands of dollars to bring them into America.  Even Diane Feinstein – the law’s co-sponsor – has stated that Obama could end this crisis at any point if he just LED.  But he doesn’t WANT to lead in any sphere that doesn’t advance his wicked and foolish ideology.

Anyway, Obama can’t be bothered to actually show up at the border and, you know, accept a little bit of responsibility for fixing his mess.  But he CAN demand nearly $4 billion in taxpayer money to mindlessly throw at “the situation.”

The problem is, of course, like ALL of Obama’s “solutions,” his $4 billion “fix” does NOTHING to actually fix the problem of tens of thousands of children illegally streaming across the border.

Do you know what Obama wants those billions of dollars for?  To hire more lawyers and judges to process the illegal immigrants faster.

Do you know what WOULD solve the problem?  Put the National Guard on the border and simply turn these people BACK.  DON’T let them enter the United States to begin with.

Let me point something out: if the money Democrats were fundraising for their precious election campaigns were what they had to use to deal with this damn crisis they created, they would be doing just that.  They’d suddenly have that magical moment of reality when they realized that allowing these people to pour in and live at massive expense (if it was THEIR massive expense) was simply not acceptable.  Much the same way that if you demanded all these Democrats who said “It’s America’s responsibility to take care of all of these poor people” would suddenly think differently if it were to become THEIR responsibility to provide for these illegal immigrants in their homes with their food.  From now until the end of time, Democrats love to force other people and other people’s money to fund their perverted self-righteousness.

As long as Obama is allowed to spend Other People’s Money to fix his crises, you can rest assured he’ll keep creating more crises and doing nothing to fix any of them.



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4 Responses to “How To Fix The Border Crisis Pronto: Make Obama and DNC Pay For ‘Situation’ Out Of Their FUNDRAISERS”

  1. FMC Says:

    Well said, Michael! Of all that I have read about this travesty, your blog post explains the situation as it truly is and, above all, I really like the solution.

    Damn, these evil Democrats and Obama must be held accountable and they must pay with every ounce of their soul, but I truly fear they won’t until they face The Great White Throne Judgment that awaits them in eternity….

    I can’t believe this is happening and there seems to be nothing that can stop them!

  2. Michael Eden Says:


    Thanks for that. Your praise inspired me to write a new article about the same failed president’s same failed policy.

    I woke up in the middle of the night and knew my morning would be too busy to write it before I left, so I crawled out of bed to point out the REAL problem: Democrats are so beyond HYPOCRITE it’s clinically insane.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    somepeople R just dumm

  4. Michael Eden Says:


    Talking about yourself? Are you wearing your “I’m with stupid” t-shirt and you’re walking all alone???

    If you don’t have a specific factual point to make and you’re doing a typical lib drive-by insult, YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS STUPID.

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