Race Is Rising Against Race Just As Jesus Said It Would In These Last Days. Democrats Say ‘Amen’ Unable To See That Jesus Said It As A BAD Thing.

Jesus’ warning in Luke 21:10 in its original Greek:

Τότε ἔλεγεν αὐτοῖς, Ἐγερθήσεται ἔθνος ἐπ’ ἔθνος καὶ βασιλεία ἐπὶ βασιλείαν

It’s that word “ἔθνος” that stands out.  The direct English translation is “ethnic group” or “race”: race shall rise against race and kingdom against kingdom.

You can see this race hatred developing all over the world; surely the Holocaust of the Jews in the 1940s was a form of “race rising against race.”  During the Clinton years we saw two incredibly ugly examples: in Bosnia with its “ethnic cleansing” and of course in Rwanda and Burundi in Africa as the Hutu race murdered some 1 million Tutsis in an ogre of blood and violence.  We know that through the 1980s and 1990s Saddam Hussein was using genocide against the Kurds.  God only knows how many have perished in Darfur.  And we see it today all across the world in example after example.

It’s always easier to see these genocides in hindsight because the international community always throws a smokescreen over genocides while they are being committed.  As an example in Rwanda, the United Nations tortured the English language to avoid using the term “genocide” no matter how obviously genocidal the murder campaign was.  Why?  Because if the U.N. had used the word “genocide” it would have been compelled by its charter to involve itself.  And they wanted to stay as far away from actually DOING anything as they possibly could.  Because the United Nations has degenerated into a force for evil rather than a force for good in the world.

But I don’t want to talk about race rising against race in the world.  I want to talk about what is going on in America.

When Barack Obama was elected in 2008, we had this description of Obama’s promise from the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — At the core of Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is a promise that he can transcend the starkly red-and-blue politics of the last 15 years, end the partisan and ideological wars and build a new governing majority.

To achieve the change the country wants, he says, “we need a leader who can finally move beyond the divisive politics of Washington and bring Democrats, independents and Republicans together to get things done.”

But this promise leads, inevitably, to a question: Can such a majority be built and led by Mr. Obama, whose voting record was, by one ranking, the most liberal in the Senate last year?

I cited that back in 2009 when I was pointing out THE BRUTE FACT that Barack Obama was a cynical liar and demagogue right from the very start of his presidency.

As I document, Obama never once EVER tried to live up to his cynical lies.  He never tried to reach out or reconcile and he certainly never made any successful attempt to EVER accomplish any bipartisan legislation.  Rather, he demagogued and demonized and slandered his opponents.

Obama raged to an audience of Hispanics that they should “punish your enemies” – referring to white people and Republicans.  Because that’s the way Obama views the world.

During the campaign Obama sent his vice president out to threaten blacks that if they didn’t vote for him Mitt Romney and Republicans would “put y’all back in chains.”

Obama’s successful message: race, race race.  Rise up.  Punish your enemies.  And if you DON’T vote race white people will put you back in the chains of slavery.

Many have pointed out that Obama had a unique opportunity after his election in 2008 to actually try to do what he promised.  But he never once so much as TRIED.  And many have said that Obama would have an opportunity now to soften his race-baiting, class-warfare, war against women, fearmongering style of endless campaigning in the name of governance.  But you can already pretty clearly see that he won’t do any such thing any more than he did after falsely promising it in 2008.

What we’re seeing used against critics of UN Ambassador Susan Rice – who went on all five major Sunday morning political programs and repeatedly said something that was obviously factually untrue the day she said itis telling:

As Republicans criticize U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, some members of Congress are suggesting that racism and sexism may be behind the attack.

Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., says that the attacks on Rice have gone beyond her job performance. When asked about Rice on CNN’s Starting Point on Tuesday, Clyburn said that words like “lazy” and “incompetent,” which have been used to describe black members of the administration, including Rice and President Obama himself, are reminiscent of language used to undermine minorities in decades past.

“You know, these are code words,” Clyburn said. “We heard them during the campaign. During this recent campaign, we heard Senator Sununu calling our president lazy, incompetent—these kinds of terms that those of us, especially those of us who were grown and raised in the South, we would hear these little words and phrases all of our lives, and we’d get insulted by them.”

A Republican was the first to appoint African-Americans to the office of secretary of State — the highest-ranking appointed position in a presidential administration. President George W. Bush named Colin Powell to the job, followed by Condoleezza Rice.

Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., have attacked Rice in recent weeks for her Sunday show appearances in the days  following the terrorist attack in Libya that killed four Americans,  criticizing her for not going further to label the assault a terrorist act. On Monday, 97 House  Republicans sent a letter to President Obama saying that Rice is unfit to  succeed Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The administration has said that Rice was simply using talking points supplied by the intelligence community during her television appearances.

Last week, Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, the new chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, also suggested that the attacks on Rice go beyond her job performance.

“It is a shame that any time something goes wrong, they pick on women and minorities. I have a real issue with that,” Fudge said. “For you who are haters, as the young people say, your hate is going nowhere. Just go on and hate on, but look in the mirror and hate yourself, not the people that do this work.”

I want you to notice that Republicans were IMMEDIATELY FULLY AWARE that what Susan Rice said was simply factually untrue.  I certainly was – as I documented by the link to my own article above.  But a lie was her line and it was Obama’s line.  It was already obvious that she was saying things that were lies the moment she said them.  Conservatives erupted the very moment she spoke and they were right and she and those who took the Obama position were wrong.

We now know that the CIA issued a report IMMEDIATELY that documented that what Susan Rice would come out days later was a lie.  And we know that some Obama-appointed political operative altered that report in order to perpetuate the lie that Obama had killed bin Laden and by extension had therefore mortally wounded al Qaeda so he could get reelected.

We know that Susan Rice participated in that lie.  If she willingly participated, she is morally unfit for ANY job in the administration, let alone Secretary of State.  If she unwillingly was duped, then we can similarly know that her judgment is so piss poor that she is unqualified for any job in the administration, let alone Secretary of State.

But Obama and his thugs have a “narrative”: if you criticize a black person for any reason under the sun, YOU ARE A RACIST.  If you criticize a woman for any reason under the sun, no matter how much documentation you have to support your criticism, you are a misogynist.  And of course if said woman happens to be black, you are a racist misogynist, aren’t you?  And it frankly doesn’t matter that the last Republicans to hold executive power appointed the first black person to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State and the first black woman as the Secretary of State.  And it frankly doesn’t matter how many black people Republicans appoint; they will ALWAYS be racist by definition because Obama WANTS them to be racist by definition and that is how he operates through his race-baiting thugs.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Barack Obama and James Clyburn have Martin Luther King’s words, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character,” embossed in gold lettering on their urinals.  Because they piss on those words every single day.

It is impossible to offer any criticism of the content of a black person’s character today.  Why?  Because of the color of their skin.  THAT’S all that matters to the Obamas and the Clyburns of the world and the content of character be damned.

Obama won politically with that garbage, just as the Antichrist will win politically one day very soon and just as Adolf Hitler won politically.  Like Obama in the present, the Antichrist of the future and the Hitler of the past win politically because they were skilled at exploiting lies and concealing truth.

We’re going to see America collapse.  We’re going to see that within a very few years from now.  And we will immediately see racial violence in the streets of America unlike anything that we have ever seen before.  Why will that happen?  because black people will believe Obama’s lies that they must “punish their enemies” lest said “enemies” put them back in chains; and because whites will realize that neither right nor reason have anything to do with political debate anymore, and they must fight and kill to save the lives of their children.  And if they depend on reason they will be destroyed by rhetoric in a world that is very clearly dead-set on worshiping the coming beast.

Jesus’ last days prophecy is going to come to pass.  Just as Jesus said.  And all you have to do is see the rhetoric that is being applied today to understand how America will melt down tomorrow.

The beast is coming.

What I want you to be able to understand is that the very-soon-to-be-history presented in Bible prophecy is directly related to what we are shaping TODAY.  The leader that the American people have chosen is sowing the wind and he will reap the whirlwind to the mass suffering of the people who put him in power.

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2 Responses to “Race Is Rising Against Race Just As Jesus Said It Would In These Last Days. Democrats Say ‘Amen’ Unable To See That Jesus Said It As A BAD Thing.”

  1. Dog Walker Says:

    (I plagiarized this off of someone else’s blog)

    “Here’s the problem in a nutshell:

    When The Economy Collapses In The USA, The People Go Shopping!

    Steve Watson


    Nov 23, 2012

    In Greece, with the economy collapsing, the people attempt to push through barricades where their political leaders are meeting: http://youtu.be/IkIfc00aZvo

    In the US, with the economy collapsing, the people attempt to push through barricades at Victoria’s Secret to buy panties: http://youtu.be/70_HrjI_K6k

    In Spain, with the economy collapsing, the people take to the streets in desperation, where clashes with police break out over austerity cuts: http://youtu.be/gRWysrTjQxg

    In the US, with the economy collapsing, the people take to Walmart, where clashes with police break out over cut price deals on plastic cell phones: http://youtu.be/e3XpQjxvXBY

    In Italy, with the economy collapsing, the people line the streets, threatening to rise up against the elite bankers that have usurped their government: http://youtu.be/s2aA2zzBvc0

    In the US, with the economy collapsing, the people line up outside K-Mart and Best Buy, threatenting to shoot and stab each other over ipads: http://youtu.be/T7PJk2o6bcU

    The danger to America is not Barack Hussein Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.

    For those who understand, no explanation is needed.

    For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

    Need I go on?

    Didn’t think so.

  2. Michael Eden Says:

    Dog Walker,

    Agree. Here’s the bottom line:

    Obama spent the last four years “fundamentally transforming” the US economy into a mirror of socialist Europe. We now have the economic fruits of socialist Europe to go with that “fundamental transformation.”

    And it looks like Greece: the country is completely bankrupt because it wanted to show us what Obamanomics really looks like. There is no possible way in this earth or on hell that the economy can pay for all the welfare bennies. But the people are rioting because they demand the welfare bennies that of course have already bankrupted the society. There is absolutely no intelligence whatsoever in liberalism; there is only greed and bitterness and envy being rhetorically masqueraded as “social justice” because “justice” means parasitically living off of what other people produced and consuming those producers until there are no producers left.

    Our system will break, and when it does, Marxists, socialists, liberals will be ready to pounce. The people will be angry and desperate and hungry and scared. And they will demand the government help them.

    Obama knows that. He also knows that the very government that CREATED the collapse will be the very thing that will have to massively expand into Marxism in order to “save the day.”

    The people have degenerated to a level where they are choosing socialism to give them welfare. And when the system collapses because it is completely unsustainable, the same people will chose hard-core communism to save them from the socialism they stupidly chose.

    The quintessential characteristic of bad people is that they hate the truth, and prefer lies whenever they are offered in replacement of the truth.

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