VW Rigged Cars To Defeat Smog Tests. Just Like Obama Rigged The Iran Nuclear Deal To Circumvent Any Actual Inspections.

The VW CEO called the emissions test-dodge scandal “a moral and political disaster.”  Which for the record precisely describes the entire Obama presidency.  You want jury-rigged results based on dishonesty and lies?  Obama is your man Volkswagon is your brand.

I’m laughing at all the outrage directed by the left toward Volkswagon.  I mean, they LIED to us, liberals whine.  When Obama tells us a minimum of 37 times that if you want your doctor you can keep your doctor and if you want your insurance plan you can keep your insurance plan, and then does PRECIESLY THE OPPOSITE, liberals love it.  Just as liberals loved all the other damn lies Obama told to sell his disgusting pile of roach feces otherwise known as ObamaCare.  When Obama tells us a minimum of 22 times that he can’t create his own laws by executive order regarding illegal immigration and then does exactly what he told us over and over again he’d be an emperor, an anti-democratic fascist, a tyrant to do, well, liberals love it.

Liberals LOVE to be lied to.  The only thing they truly despise is the TRUTH.

Liberals “love” the environment, or so they tell us.  So they impose ethanol on our gasoline supply.  Which first of all literally burns food that poor people (another false “love” of the left) could have eaten, but just consider how horrifyingly inefficient an energy source ethanol is: to the tune that ethanol requires six units of energy to produce an “energy source” that yields just one unit of energy.  I know, they’re all over the board on the energy value of ethanol.  But at best, we are 1) eating food for fuel and 2) we are spending billions to develop an incredibly inefficient massively-politically-subsidized energy source.  Which STILL requires massive amounts of petroleum to produce!  And liberals don’t give one flying DAMN that their “biofuels” are causing starvation in Africa and raising food prices for poor people everywhere else.  I mean, Bill Clinton personally and for all time proved that Democrats and liberals don’t give one DAMN about “black lives” if those black lives are in Africa; just consider the GENOCIDE that Bill Clinton and the leftist United Nations studiously ignored while refusing to even use the word in Rwanda.

And that is a “love” for the poor that just keeps tree-hugging the poor to death: Obama is now PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for the WORST MASS REGUGEE CRISIS SINCE WORLD WAR II.  Because he blathered and did NOTHING while decent men of honor would have FOUGHT. Obama SURRENDERED to Russia, and to its puppet states of Iran and of Syria.  Just as he pathetically, cowardly, treasonously surrendered to Islamic State after all those bogus statements that we were going to degrade and defeat them. While ordering all of his bureaucrats to doctor the reports that reported the truth that Islamic State was kicking weak, puny, scrawny Obama ass.  And yes, this goes to Benghazi, where Obama and Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton refused to call an obvious TERRORIST ATTACK what it very clearly was because Obama was out campaigning that he had “decimated” al Qaeda.  Even as terrorist ARMIES were rising up that were EXTERMINATING poor Arabs by the hundreds of thousands.  Even while Obama was retreating like a coward on his “red line warning” to the Syrian regime that has brutalized and murdered now over 400,000 people while Obama did NOTHING.

You ever notice that?  How conservatives are held responsible for all the consequences of wars, but liberals are NEVER to be held accountable for the consequences of what happens when they REFUSE to fight evil?

But these are all of course irrelevant, trivial details to liberals.  We care about the damn, stupid, miserable poor.  End of story.  Now shut up and let us go back to loving them.  Liberals love the poor to death.  They prove it on a regular basis.

Liberals care so much about those poor damn birds whom we see looped in tragic oil spill disasters.  Look at those poor, beautiful birds!  But when it actually comes to mass bird deaths, liberals are to birds what Hitler was to Jews.  Consider both “alternative energy’ sources” that liberals “love” so much: wind and solar.  Birds burst into flames around solar plants; its like solar energy is the Death Star to poor birds.  And then there are all the hundreds of thousands of poor birds slowly starving to death after running into a wind farm propeller.  Liberals force Californians to use MTBE in our gasoline whether we want to or not.  It doesn’t matter that MTBE is to ground water what liberals are to birds what Hitler was to Jews.  But yes, the fact is that the ingredient liberals force us to put into our gasoline poisons ground water and causes cancer.

Just remember that liberals have good intentions.  And don’t worry that the road to hell is lined with their good intentions.

It’s like those stupid Subaru principles, where we learn that their cars are NOT designed by valid engineering principles; oh, no; they’re powered by LOVE.

So, anyway, we’ve got massively self-unaware liberals telling us with smarmy smiles how much they love the planet.  But they piss and crap on it every bit as much as the people they scream at for not caring.  Probably twice as much, given how full of toxic fecal matter they are.

So we consider the sheer, rabid rage of liberals that VW would cheat on the smog tests.  I mean, how DARE they?  Is nothing sacred?

Not if you’re a damn liberal.  They’ve made it IMPOSSIBLE for anything to be sacred in a world they have stripped the divine from.  If Darwinism is true, the survival of the fittest which Darwinism describes is true, which means social Darwinism is the highest, purest form of morality there ever has been or ever will be.

The giant moral problem with liberals is the fact that they are abject moral hypocrites.  They are the most self-unaware people who have ever lived in the entire history of the human race.  So we have a people who on the one hand kick God out of their universe and on the other hand deny the obvious social Darwinism that is entailed by kicking God out of the universe.   Apart from God, there IS no meaning, no value and no purpose to human existence beyond the horrifyingly relative.  And whenever meaning, value and purpose are allowed to become relative, to put it into Bill Clinton terms, “it depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”  You can weasel your way out of anything.

Let me just describe a few of the ways that Obama intentionally defeated or circumvented any legitimate Iran Nuclear Deal in a manner that made the way VW defeated or circumvented the smog tests look amateur.

First of all, Obama labeled his “deal” a “nonbinding agreement” rather than a treaty.  That in and of itself was the greatest single DEFEATOR there could have been to any legitimate treaty agreement.  Black’s Law Dictionary defines a treaty as “an agreement between two or more independent states,” meaning two or more nations, and Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution states: “He [the President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur …”  There is absolutely no question from any rational, sentient, moral being that the Iran Nuclear Deal was a TREATY, whether you consider the clear and obvious meaning of the word “treaty” or whether you consider what the deal was ostensibly intended to accomplish.  So on the one hand, Obama with the incredible dishonesty that only Barack Obama is demon-possessed enough to be capable of labels his “deal” as a “nonbinding agreement” in order to not call it a “treaty” and then pivots to falsely claim that it is actually somehow “binding” after all.  This nuclear “deal” was nothing more than a hypocrite named Barack Obama being a hypocrite.

Had this been a “treaty,” we would have had to have a 2/3rds supporting vote in the Senate to authorize it.  Which was never going to happen given how appallingly BAD this TREATY truly is.  But instead, Obama politically maneuvered and turned what should have been a 2/3rds threshold into a mere ONE-third threshold as the same Democrats who joined in a

There is no question that this WILL be binding on future presidents.  Because think about it merely in political terms: say a future president breaks the deal.  Who are Democrats going to blame for Iran ever having a nuclear weapon?  That’s the insane gimmick: if we do nothing to stop Obama’s “deal,” just allow it to go forward exactly as Obama wrote it, then Iran becomes nuclear and you watch how Obama and Democrats weasel their way out of that with the relativistic baits and switches I described above.  But if any future Republican president in any way alters it or sets it aside, well, then that president becomes entirely politically responsible for Iran becoming a nuclear weaponized state.

This WAS a treaty, and what Obama did was a crime of treason against the Constitution of the United States of America.  It is specifically treason under Article II, Seciton 2, Clause 2 of the US Constitution when Barack Obama played a weasel game of rhetoric and relativism to win what he “fundamentally transformed” from a national security issue to the most cynical form of partisan political maneuvering.

The Democrat Party displayed the most contemptuous and most cynical contempt for national security in the history of the United States, first unanimously joining Republicans to force a vote by Congress on the Iran nuclear deal and publicly agreeing that this deal had to face congressional approval, then cynically doing absolutely everything they could do to prevent any actual vote from ever taking place.  Democrats in the Senate filibustered to prevent ANY vote from happening.

Then Obama punted this out of the jurisdiction of the United States Congress by going first before the United Nations.  Where Obama committed another egregious act of pure treason against the security of the United States of America.  Incredibly, we in 2006 under the leadership of George Bush were able to get sanctions through the United Nations Security Council.  Russia and China actually came on board with us.  And having done so, they could not renege because any vote to lift these sanctions required ALL five permanent members of the Security Council’s approval.

When Obama went to the United Nations and utterly bypassed the United States Congress and our Constitution, he unilaterally allowed the sanctions to be waved so that now they can NEVER be put back into place.  Obama claims that if Iran violates the “deal,” the sanction will somehow “snap” back; that is a lie: they will NEVER snap back unless and until Iran’s powerful ally on the UN Security Council – that’s Russia, along with China – wants those sanctions.  Which they don’t.

Now Obama and his White House are arguing, if you don’t support my deal, there is nothing else.  The rest of the world won’t follow us in any sanctions we pass.  But that is ONLY because of what Obama treasonously did to undermine the sanctions that WOULD have remained in place had he not allowed them to be removed.

Russia is MASSIVELY destabilizing the Islamic world.  As Mitt Romney pointed out when he accurately and rightly said that Russia was America’s greatest geopolitical foe and Obama infamously mocked him by saying, “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”   Like the smarmy, arrogant, pathetic, stupid PUNK that he is.  But thanks to Obama and thanks to Hillary Clinton who idiotically “reset relations” using her incompetent State Department to mistranslate “reset” to “overcharged,” WE HAVE THE DAMN COLD WAR BACK WITH A VENGEANCE.  Just like we have World War II mass refugee migration crises.

This president has so wildly failed the human race it is unreal.  And evil is ascendant and it is frankly unstoppable now because we elected a wicked fool to be our leader.

And so as we speak, Russia is filling the void that Obama cowardly left behind.  And it is a void that every single American president since Harry Truman and since 1947 would have literally fought World War III to prevent Russia from filling.  Obama all but invited Russia in.  They have brought troops and aircraft into Syria. They are building bases in Syria. They are propping up their ally the dictator Assad whom Obama failed to remove from power despite his weak, insipid promises to the contrary, And they will NEVER leave.

The Holy Bible declared 2,600 years ago that in the last days, Russia would lead Iran and a host of nations that today are ALL Islamic states to total war against Israel.  That is the signature event that will set up the world for the coming Tribulation, in which all of the worst events in human history COMBINED won’t even begin to touch by comparison.  Every single Democrat will one day scream in hell for their role in helping Barack Obama fulfill that prophecy.  Just as they will one day scream in hell for their future part in worshiping the coming Antichrist, the coming big-government emperor made possible by Obama’s cynical godless maneuverings, and taking his mark on their right hands or on their foreheads.  But I digress.

I’m sorry to bring up the Bible.  Maybe it’s because a book written 2,600 years ago prophesied that during the last days, Russia would attack Israel.  And now here Russia is in one of the nations – Syria – the Bible ALSO said would attack Israel, on Israel’s very border.  All the alliances are lined up.  Russia is on the very DOORSTEP.  We can’t get any closer to the Gog-Magog War without the actual WAR.  Which only pure FOOLS don’t know is coming soon given Russia’s incredibly emboldened and provocative stance due to their total lack of fear of Obama.

It’s sad: Democrats won’t realize what this Chump-in-Chief Obama did to them until the day they find themselves burning in hell.  Until that moment they will be absolutely and appallingly oblivious to God and to reality.

How else did Obama defeat any legitimate Iran nuclear deal?  Consider the secret agreements that all of America’s enemies know but the American people and Congress can’t see.  We find in these secret side agreements – that one day everyone who voted Democrat will burn in hell for – that all Iranian military sites will be off limits to inspections; that Iran will be able to conduct their OWN inspections at the most suspicious sites, that Iran will have a minimum of 24 days to conceal any evidence should they actually decide to allow any foreign inspectors, that none of the foreign inspectors can come from America or Canada or any country that would actually honestly inspect their facilities.  The only countries that could send theoretical “inspectors” to Iran are countries that were already buddy-buddy with them.

A country that has REPEATEDLY lied and been CAUGHT lying about its nuclear program will be trusted to not do what it has been intent upon doing for 20 years.

I mean, stop and think about it for a moment: at least VW was tested, even though they cheated.  If Obama had arranged a “deal” for them, he would have simply asked VW, “Are you in compliance?”  And of course VW would have said, “Yes.”  Just like Iran will when we ask them.

So from now on, now that VW has been caught cheating the same way Iran has, let’s just agree to simply ASK them if they’re cheating.  And take their assurances as gospel-truth.

If this isn’t already more than enough, this insane “deal” of Obama’s frees up BILLIONS – as in one-hundred and fifty billion – of dollars for Iran to use to fund terrorism.  Now, when the disease-bearing Obama horse has left the Obama barn, the Obama Administration actually is ADMITTING that Iran will almost certainly use the money Obama just gave them to fund terrorism and to pay terrorist salaries.  Every single Democrat will one day scream in hell for that.  This insane “deal” of Obama’s lifts all sanctions BY NAME against Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Qods Force (the elite unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps charged with export of revolution and terrorism and the proven murderers and maimers of thousands of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan thanks to their Iranian mines.

The parallel would be for Obama to give the CEO of Volkswagon a giant government subsidy and then issue him a full, permanent pardon for all of his crimes in rigging the environmental tests.  What Obama did after giving a terrorist murderer an end to all sanctions against him – you know, AFTER repeatedly telling Americans that he wasn’t going to consider the US prisoners criminally held in Iran because they had nothing to do with the nuclear issue – is beyond madness.  Maybe the Ayatollah told Obama, “Qassem Soleimani will pull the nuclear trigger when we get our nukes, so he IS part of the nuclear issue, after all.”  That’s literally the ONLY thing that makes any sense.

Because of Barack Obama, because of Democrats, Qassem Soleimani, in violation of the U.N. travel ban on him, but who really gives a damn about any “sanctions” any more given this demonic “deal” – traveled to Russia.  And Qassem Soleimani and his pal Vladimir Putin talked.  And they agreed.  The treason of Barack Obama and his Democrat Party was an invitation to set the forces of hell in goose-step march to Armageddon.

And now as a result of Obama’s demonic cowardice, Russia is full-fledged in our faces in the Middle East.

Give me Volkswagon’s cheating, defeating and circumventing any day of the week.

At least VW will not have guaranteed World War III, a holocaust of staggering proportions with hundreds of millions of people dead or dying, and the full wrath of God on planet earth, the way Obama and his DEMOnic bureaCRATS have now accomplished.





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