A Democrat I Won’t Name Told Me That Harry Reid Had Molested Over 2,000 Boys. His Father Must Be So Ashamed Of Him.

That’s right.  The only thing Harry Reid loves more than Viagra is sexually molesting boys.  I’ve got that from a “very reliable source.”   The source says that the boys are brought to him from Mexico, and Harry Reid has prevented any effort to stop illegal immigration because he wouldn’t have any more boys to molest.   But of course I can’t tell you who that source is.

Harry Reid’s father must be so ashamed of him.

Harry Reid: This might not be true, but some Bain investor who I won’t name told me Romney didn’t pay income taxes for 10 years
posted at 4:45 pm on July 31, 2012 by Allahpundit

Sounds solid. Mitt Romney, who’s been running for political office for 20 years now, decided he’d gamble those prospects and risk time in a federal pen for tax evasion in order to save a few million dollars that he doesn’t need.

And he made this decision year after year, for 10 years.

By the way, some random guy on the Internet told me Obama was born in Kenya. Now, do I know that’s true? Well, I’m not certain. But let me just toss it out there.

“His poor father must be so embarrassed about his son,” Reid said, in reference to George Romney’s standard-setting decision to turn over 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in the late 1960s.

Saying he had “no problem with somebody being really, really wealthy,” Reid sat up in his chair a bit before stirring the pot further. A month or so ago, he said, a person who had invested with Bain Capital called his office.

“Harry, he didn’t pay any taxes for 10 years,” Reid recounted the person as saying.

He didn’t pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that’s true? Well, I’m not certain,” said Reid. “But obviously he can’t release those tax returns. How would it look?

“You guys have said his wealth is $250 million,” Reid went on. “Not a chance in the world. It’s a lot more than that. I mean, you do pretty well if you don’t pay taxes for 10 years when you’re making millions and millions of dollars.”

No surprise that Reid would smear Romney so casually. He specializes in these tactics during presidential campaigns. In 2008, he made more noise about McCain’s temper being a sign of possible derangement than any other major Democrat. (He also insisted that he couldn’t stand McCain as part and parcel of the demonization effort, even though the two had been known to socialize.) He’s an unusually nasty character, even by normal political standards, when he wants to be; gratuitously accusing George Romney of being disappointed in his son is simply S.O.P. But he does have a strategy here: Pull an accusation of criminality straight out of his ass and hope it gets enough media play that Romney feels obliged to respond. Either Mitt will start to sweat and release his returns, as Democrats have demanded, in order to disprove Reid’s charge or he’ll sit tight and the smear will circulate online, with Romney’s refusal to disclose the documents taken as “proof” that Reid is right. In that respect, it’s not that different from Birtherism. It just so happens that you’ve got the Senate majority leader pushing this, not some commenter at dKos or wherever.

Exit question via Philip Klein: “How would ‘a person who had invested with Bain Capital’ know about Romney’s personal tax returns anyway?”

Harry Reid’s now obviously proven child molestation aside, this universe has something to take real “pride” (maybe even “pedophile pride” in): there aren’t very many possible worlds in which an administration that invoked executive privilege to avoid providing any records over the Fast and Furious scandal in which guns were literally sent by the Obama administration into the hands of Mexican drug cartel killers would turn around and say that Mitt Romney’s not releasing his personal records amount to “proof” of tax evasion.  Because by that standard Barack Obama is clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and should be impeached with every single Democrat voting guilty.

It’s a fascinating world in which a lie becomes the truth and then that truth becomes a lie all over again.

Harry Reid’s charge and the tactics that he is using are openly fascist and blatantly Orwellian:

“I don’t think the burden should be on me,” Reid said. “The burden should be on him. He’s the one I’ve alleged has not paid any taxes. Why didn’t he release his tax returns?”

You see how that works?  I make an accusation devoid of any evidence, and the burden of proof should fall upon the one accused to prove himself innocent of the accusation.  And that from the Senate Majority Leader of the United States Senate!!!

That should scare the damn bejeezus out of any decent American – especially given what also happened this very week as the Democrat Mayors of Chicago, Boston and San Franscisco said that businesses that exercise their free speech rights ought to be punished by the power of the state.  The Democrat Party is the party of open fascism, pure and simple.

Then there’s the blatant hypocrisy factor to go along with the fascist factor.  Because the same party that is using the above tactic is allowing Barack Obama to use executive privilege from answering any questions whatsoever about how 2,000 guns from his programs ended up in the hands of Mexican drug cartel killers who murdered two US law enforcement officers with them.

The only report we’ve got about Fast and Furious – because Obama sure as hell aint investigating it – gives us this:

According to a copy of the report obtained Monday by The Times, the investigators said their findings are “the best information available as of now” about the flawed gun operation that last month led to Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. being found in contempt of Congress for failing to turn over subpoenaed documents.

Two more final reports, they said, will deal with “the devastating failure of supervision and leadership” at the Department of Justice and an “unprecedented obstruction of the [congressional] investigation by the highest levels of the Justice Department, including the attorney general himself.”

No one, to my knowledge, ever accused Richard Nixon of being a Watergate burglar.  His crime was in trying to cover it up; rather like what Obama is doing now.  And of course the fact that Barack Obama has declared executive privilege and covered up the evidence PROVES he is a criminal and Harry Reid should be busy setting up Obama’s trial rather than making idiot statements about Mitt Romney.

But why would anybody trust a proven child molester like Harry Reid to pursue justice???

And of course the media will circulate Harry Reid’s charges all over the planet.  Because it’s just like them to do a child molester’s bidding, isn’t it?

As just one other proof that Harry Reid is a hypocrite slime bag without shame, honor or decency, he is in fact one of the overwhelming number of politicians in “Congress who has voted against releasing his OWN tax returns.

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8 Responses to “A Democrat I Won’t Name Told Me That Harry Reid Had Molested Over 2,000 Boys. His Father Must Be So Ashamed Of Him.”

  1. Arthur Stephens Says:

    I find the HR rumor easier to believe than the MR one! He is nothing more than a scumbag of the same caliber as N Pelosi.

  2. Michael Eden Says:

    Arthur Stephens,

    It was interesting how the article I cited documented that Harry Reid’s baseless, reckless accusation is nothing more than a pattern with this turd.

    I always marvel at how many liberals come to my blog and whine about me being mean given that I’m not an elected officials and the cockroaches that THEY VOTE FOR are worse than I have ever been on a constant basis.

  3. Free Market Capitalist Says:

    2,000 seems a little low for Scary Reid, especially with the open-border policy which allows every catamite down to South America to be had by Reid. Might Reid be a member of NAMBLA?
    This country would be so much better off without Reid and Pelosi. We already have Frank retiring- thank God.

    I see where Cruz will be the GOP nominee for the Senate in the November election. They say he should win that seat. I hope so. The more conservatives we can cram into the House and Senate, the better off we will be when it comes to undoing what Obama has done over the past 4 years.

  4. nancy Says:

    I heard from another source that harry reid had a sex change operation

  5. Michael Eden Says:


    Whatever helps him better molest those boys.

    To quote Harry Reid, “the word is out.” Harry Reid is a transexual child molester. And by his own view the burden is on him to prove otherwise.

  6. Michael Eden Says:

    Free Market Capitalist,

    Well, Reid is a weak little runt. How much energy does the little weasel have?

    Obviously the point is that Reid is practicing facism and his charge and the way he is presenting it is nothing short of Orwellian.

  7. Rick Says:

    I’m just saying that reverting the subject to someone or something else is not saying you disagree with the statement being thrown out by harry Reid.

  8. Michael Eden Says:


    To be honest, I’m not even sure what you’re trying to say. But I wrote this in the article:

    Harry Reid’s charge and the tactics that he is using are openly fascist and blatantly Orwellian:

    “I don’t think the burden should be on me,” Reid said. “The burden should be on him. He’s the one I’ve alleged has not paid any taxes. Why didn’t he release his tax returns?”

    You see how that works? I make an accusation devoid of any evidence, and the burden of proof should fall upon the one accused to prove himself innocent of the accusation. And that from the Senate Majority Leader of the United States Senate!!!

    Here’s another link to this story. If you are a liberal, just imagine if a rightwing Republican Senate Majority Leader representing the full weight and power of the government used that standard to demonize you. He asserts that he has sources, and his unnamed sources say you did X, and the burden of proof – contrary to our entire American system – is on YOU to prove your innocence.

    So, yeah, I think I rather profoundly disagreed with the statement that was thrown out by Harry Reid. These Democrats have become fundamentally fascist. Harry Reid – a man who has officially voted to refuse to allow his OWN tax returns to be publicized, representing a party and president that say declaring executive privilege over the Fast and Furious scandal is perfectly fine – is actually trying to claim that if Mitt Romney doesn’t release his tax returns to some arbitrary period that he is therefore guilty. That is so hypocritical and so Orwellian it is beyond unreal.

    Personally, I think Romney SHOULD release his tax returns: if and ONLY if Barack Obama lifts the executive privilege over Fast and Furious and in it’s place issues an executive order that ALL records originally sought by Republicans be turned over to the House. And then releases all of his college transcripts and records, too.

    Until then, given that Romney has already been demonstrably falsely demonized over his tenure at Bain, and already been demonized by his having COMPLETELY LEGAL offshore accounts – which many of the very Democrats who demonize him ALSO have (such as Debbie Wasserman Schultz) – I don’t think he should turn over a damn thing.

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