Media Dulling Their Knives For Obama

Bernard Goldberg wrote A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media to expose the extent to which the American media has become the propaganda wing of the Democratic Party.

If he kept adding chapters as more evidence became available, it would soon be even larger than our nation’s 600,000 page tax code.

In any event, Bernard Goldberg appeared on Bill O’Reilly February 4 and basically said the following:

CBS’ Katie Couric interviews President Obama and says, “You came here to implement change, and did you find that it’s harder to do than you thought it would be?”  As if he’s some kind of victim of all of this.  And then NBC’s Brian Williams interviews Obama and says, “You lost two nominees today – are you angry?”  Bulletin to Brian Williams:  I didn’t pick Tom Daschle; Barack Obama picked Tom Daschle.  He’s not a bystander in all of this.  Bill, forgive me for mentioning it: This is exactly the kind of slobbering I’m talking about.”

Let’s do a brief recap of the last few weeks.  Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat becomes a national disgrace as the Governor of Obama’s state essentially tries to auction it off to the highest bidder.  I’m talking about Governor Rod Blagojevich, of course – the governor that Barack Obama endorsed TWICE – even after his scandals had become apparent.  And worked to campaign for.  Which underscored the fact that Barack Obama emerged from the most blatantly corrupt political machine since Tammany Hall.  And the whole sordid mess over Blagojevich and Roland Burris Harry Reid and Bobby Rush put on running shoes and raced past absurd into the realm of the disgustingly pathetic.

Ask yourself: What would have happened had all this gone on in George W. Bush’s stomping grounds?  How do you think the media would have treated the story, and how do you think they would have dealt with his associations with it?

Man, they would have sliced him up so bad it would have been absolutely unreal.

Anyway, we eventually begin to move beyond the Blagojevich-Rush-Burris-Reid fiasco to Obama’s most-expensive-ever inauguration while the country faces financial Armageddon all around his pinky-in-the-air parties.  And we immediately get to Obama’s nomination of tax cheat after tax cheat.  We got future felon Bill Richardson – who saw Blagojevich’s pay to play and raised him – appointed by Obama to run Commerce before he bailed out.  Then we decided that the best man to run the Treasury and supervise tax collections would be tax cheat Timothy Geithner.  And then Obama’s appointment for Secretary of Health and Human Services (Tom Daschle) and his appointment for Chief Performance Officer (Nancy Killefer) resign the same day.

And all that while Obama’s pork-laden bailout starts to melt down in the Senate as nervous Democrats realize that Republicans intend to let them twist in the wind around this colossal fiasco that would wreck this economy for years if it were allowed to go into effect.  And the only thing it would “stimulate” would be the next Great Depression.

Conservative Mark Steyn compared Obama’s “stimulus” to Nadya Suleman – single, unemployed, living with her mother, and already a mother of six kids – deciding to have 8 more by the incredibly expensive means of in vitro fertilization:

“We’re witnessing the in-vitro fertilization of government. We already had a billion-dollar bailout in the fall. Then Congress gets in vitro fertilization and says, ‘No, we gotta have even more.'”

Meanwhile, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is so completely unhinged that she’s claiming that “every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.”

And with all that incredibly explosive dynamite all we get is Katie Couric’s and Brian Williams’ version of footsie with Barry?

Ask yourself again: how would the media have dealt with this fiasco of a fortnight had the President been George W. Bush?

Do ya REALLY think the knives wouldn’t have come out?  And do ya think they wouldn’t have been honed to razor sharpness when they did?

Do you remember seeing the video footage of George Bush in China going to the wrong door following a press conference and then turning around and looking sheepish?  Like maybe a thousand times as they tried to make him look like some kind of blundering idiot?  Barack Obama mistook a window for a door and fumbled around trying to open it to get into the Oval Office – but mums the word as far as the media is concerned.

One blogger wrote:

I’m only posting this because of the way the media would have responded had this been Bush. Quite simply, they would have been capering and chattering with glee like monkeys on acid.

You know, there’s that obvious question: which is worse – not knowing where some door is in China or your own damn house?  Especially when it’s the Oval Office!

You could see the jokes if the knives were honed to Bush-sharpness:

“We are facing a crisis of international proportions, gentlemen.  Russia and China are threatening war.  Iran has blockaded the Strait of Hormuz and oil prices are…. Oh, good grief!  Will someone please let the President in?  He’s trying to get in through that damn window again!”

Or just the headline:

Man elected to save us from economic calamity unable to tell a door from a window

I wrote a post sending up Joe Biden for some blithering idiot comment and compared him the character of Ruprecht the Monkey Boy.  You remember, the character with the cork-tipped fork and the eyepatch played so magnificently by Steve Martin?  Only now, I’m realizing that the cork-tipped fork and the eyepatch also serve as a metaphor for the media in its treatment of Obama: they have to go to all kinds of lengths to keep this guy from hurting himself.

If these two weeks had been Bush’s, the press would have yanked the cork of the fork and the patch off the eye and stabbed Bush in the face about two billion times by now.  As it is, we’re going to have to figure out for ourselves how incredibly incompetent this President actually is, because the media have already dulled their knives (and corked their forks).

6 Responses to “Media Dulling Their Knives For Obama”

  1. hl Says:

    Last night, day 17, I listened to President Hopey-Change (borrowed that from Mark Stein). This man in so inept he reverts to authoritarian campaign bullying speech.
    He actually told a absolutely inappropriate “joke” about Rahm Emanuel teaching young children to swear. Nice. He was so undignified, so beneath the office of the POTUS.
    He is acting like cold, mean-spirited , victim minded spoiled brat. It is infuriating that this man is our president. He is attempting to dis-mantle the foundations of our system.
    Sad, sad, sad.

  2. Ike Jakson Says:

    I see your point and I agree that it will be the case but I don’t fear that it will be so for long.

    The shoe is now on the other foot and at least some in the Media know that they have set the parameters and that some of the voters will be measuring the Media when they measure Obama.

    I would suggest the time is ripe for Miss Sarah and the New Steele to start kicking butt. Miss Sarah seems to be getting ready and I hope Steele can deliver what his name says.

    Fact remains the kicking shoe is on the other foot and that often changes things. The one thing Republicans must not do now is to let up on the attack. It is time to step it up!

  3. Michael Eden Says:

    The one-word summation I would use would be “petulant.” I might also use the term “hissy fit.”

    Basically, Obama is already showing that he can not handle pressure or criticism. He certainly has shown that he is a far left liberal politician.

    He ridiculed the Republicans for not viewing “spending” as “stimulus.” This is the same view taken by Nancy Pelosi, who wants to prevent “500 million Americans from losing their jobs every month” by spending $400 million on birth control and declaring such spending “stimulative.” But it is Obama who should be ridiculed. I wish I could have interrupted him and asked, “So you’re position is that your own Congressional Budget Office is staffed by incompetents? THEY distinguish between “spending” and “stimulus,” after all.

  4. Michael Eden Says:

    I hope you’re right, Ike. I would love to be proven wrong in my view that the media will NOT tell the truth about Obama until it is too late. I would like to be proven wrong in my belief that the American media has become a propaganda machine for Democrats, and that our society is doomed as a result. I truly would. It would sure make traditional Americans’ lives a lot easier.

    I DO think “the shoe is on the other foot,” in that we can now go completely on the attack, rather than having to defend Bush or Republican policies. It’s a new day now in that sense. And I am trying to make the most of it myself.

    But I think the media will be circling their wagons as much as they can around Obama.

    I see it as being like the “Rathergate” fiasco. Dan Rather used forged documents to claim that Bush dodged the Vietnam War. And the media was mum about it. It would have stood as “fact,” had smart bloggers not discovered on their own that the so called “document” had been prepared using Microsoft Word which of course was not available in the early 1970s. The media told the truth ONLY when they were forced to.

    The media have an awful lot of power. They’ve got the mouthpiece. But I believe they have an agenda, and that they are determined to protect and legitimize liberal values and defend Democrats.

  5. Ike Jackson Says:

    For your joy amidst all the gloom and if you enjoy watching a magnificent thoroughbred racehorse, go to one of the Blogs you mention above: 1/20/09 Was an Inside Job

    It is a good article, but the photo [a neat headshot –excellent photography] [look at that magnificent set of teeth] [the third photo down on the right hand side of the article] of the filly that ran second in the Kentucky Presidential Sweepstakes 2008. She was favorite and running well clear but was disqualified because she had lost her rider straight out of the starting block. The filly was appropriately named for Hillary but she lost. The dark horse that was running in second place was announced winner but I have forgotten the name of horse and rider.

    I managed to copy\paste the photo and enlarged it, so I smile again every time I look at it.

  6. Michael Eden Says:

    Sounds like a funny example of art (or at least horses) imitating life. Hilary lost because – after 20 years – she finally learned what it was like to have the media treat her like a Republican.

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