Liberal Calls Sarah Palin A “Cunt” A Week After Calling Her A “Dumb Twat”

All I can say is that, based on liberals rationale, conservatives should be able to call Obama a “stupid nigger” all day long.  After all, just as it’s wrong to use such hateful language toward women unless we don’t happen to like a particular woman’s political views, it’s therefore perfectly okay to use the “N” word toward a black person when you don’t agree with him or her politically.

This racist, bigoted hatred of the left isn’t new.  It is who they are and who they always have beenIt defines them.  It’s called “projection”: liberals assume that conservatives must be racist and bigoted and misogynist, because liberals are so damn racist and bigoted and misogynist.

Interestingly, given that I said conservatives have every right to call Obama a nigger now, given the left’s justification for anti-woman hatred for Sarah Palin, it is fitting that it is – as usual – LEFTISTS who are actually applying that label on Obama.

The fact that Bill Maher is still on the air is proof positive that liberals are despicable, hateful, vile hypocrites.  Because only liberals are depraved enough to watch this over-the-top despicable liberal fascist.

Bill Maher Calls Sarah Palin a “****” a Week After Calling Palin a “Dumb ****”
Monday, March 28, 2011 | Kristinn
Posted on Monday, March 28, 2011 3:50:53 PM by kristinn

A week after calling former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a “dumb t***” vulgar insult for women, comedian Bill Maher went all the way and called Palin the c-word, adding, “There’s just no other word for her.”

The Dallas Voice (The Premier Media Source for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual) Texas) reporting on Maher’s appearance Sunday night at the Winnspear Opera House Sunday night, cheered Maher using the crude sexist slur against the 2008 Republican party vice presidential nominee as an act of “fearlessness”:

It’s that fearlessness — he acknowledged that some people would probably be uncomfortable with some of his remarks about religion, not to mention calling Sarah Palin a “c***” (“there’s just no other word for her”) — that makes Maher the most dangerous person in comedy.

The audience at the Winnspear was descibed by the Voice as “largely gay (and certainly gay-friendly)”, which might explain Maher’s fearlessness in attacking a conservative, Christian, married mother of five in the most vulgar, personal and sexist way.

When Maher was first being criticized for calling Palin the t-word, Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters asked:

Is the universal media hatred for this woman so pervasive that it’s now acceptable for a man to call her that?

Can the dreaded C-word be far behind?

Sadly, it didn’t take long for Sheppard to be proven right.

Last month, Slate Magazine was caught slyly calling Palin the c-word in a headline. Slate’s editor apologized after being called out by Big Journalism.

It’s really not all that hard to be right when you’re talking about liberal progressives.  Simply assume that they are as vile as possible, and then think, “If I were 95% cockroach, what would I do next?”

Lesbians, gay, bisexuals and transexuals cheered this as “fearless,” did they?  So conservatives now have every right to be similarly “fearless” and apply the same sort of bigoted hatred in labeling toward them now?  Why is it only “fearless” when a liberal displays this level of personal hatred toward a conservative?  How does it not work the other way around?

If Glenn Beck did this, there is no question that he would be fired.  And that is because conservatives are superior to liberals in every way morally possible.

These are ugly, ugly people.  They have no shame.  They have no decency.  They have no integrity.  And they have no honor.

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25 Responses to “Liberal Calls Sarah Palin A “Cunt” A Week After Calling Her A “Dumb Twat””

  1. margarita Says:

    Bill Maher of all people, with the way people watch him, should use his position for some good instead of degrading ANYONE just for ratings. Yes, it’s for ratings. That’s the lowest of the low tactics anyone could use. I don’t care what point he’s trying to get across. Who in their right mind (that has a clue!) would ever want to watch this man????? If any republican had said that about Hilary Clinton, everyone would have hit the roof. We’re demonized when we “critique” politely. What’s their excuse?? This is deplorable. Let’s do what they did with Imus. Throw him off the air. I get upset or maybe even mad sometimes. But this has made me angry, just outright angry.

  2. margarita Says:

    *sad face* It won’t let me comment!

  3. Michael Eden Says:

    Sorry, Margarita.

    You SHOULD be able to comment immediately with no problems, but for some reason a few people who have that privilege get kicked out by the WordPress system. And it’s hit and miss.

    Don Imus has never been one of my “favs.” I’ve never listened to him or watched him. The words he used “nappy-headed hoes,” I believe, had racial overtones (black people and nappy hair). In context, all he was really trying to say was that these were a bunch of tough and very tough-looking women on a basketball team, as opposed to really trying to insult and attack them. Didn’t matter. The left came unglued.

    He most certainly didn’t call them a bunch of “dumb N-words,” which was precisely what Bill Maher did to Sarah Palin.

    Maher used the two most visceral words to attack women as women. Don Imus didn’t do anything even close to that. Didn’t matter. The left doesn’t care.

    What Bill Maher does is play jump the shark. He’s a nobody in terms of actual ratings who SHOULD be a nobody. But he gets attention by saying terrible and evil things. And we’re the kind of culture that just eats that up.

    In my own small forum, I’m actually doing exactly what Maher wants. It’s as they say, he doesn’t care what I say about him, just as long as I spell his name right.

    I don’t care about Maher. I wouldn’t watch his program if you paid me. I just want to point out the fact that liberalism/progressivism is demonstrated to be vile as long as this piece of quivering slime is allowed to contaminate the airwaves with his depraved moral filfth.

  4. HL Says:

    Sarah Pailin is a classy lady who got it right when she stated Maher is a distracting mosquito who one eventually smackes with their hand:-)

  5. Michael Eden Says:

    I hadn’t heard that quip. Good one (true, too!).

    Sarah Palin has more class in one of her dandruff flakes than the entire Democrat Party since the death of JFK.

  6. Gorio Says:

    But the funny thing is, that the former half term, drop-out Gov of Alaska, is dumber than a pile of moose crap. The sad thing is that she is destroying the Repulican party. She is a klown akin to Trump.
    As Sinclair Lewis once said. “when fascism comes to American it will be wrapped in the flag holding a cross”.

    Ms Palin is WRONG for America!

  7. Michael Eden Says:

    The funny thing about Sinclair Lewis’ “It Can’t Happen Here” book on fascism was that it already HAD happened at the time that he wrote the book.

    Allow me to simply copy and paste a previous response about just who was up to the fascism that your man Sinclair Lewis ostensibly was warning about:

    Next, “Nazi stands for “National Socialist German Workers’ Party.” You tell me, genius. If we had the “National Socialist American Workers’ Party,” you think we should figure it was the work of those damn Reagan conservatives? The ones who A) hate socialism; B) Hate unions; C) are constantly accused of hating workers?

    You aren’t informing me of anything, and you CERTAINLY aren’t correcting me for any mistake I made, by saying that Nazism was a form of fascism. The problem you have is that fascism is such an inextricable part of the progressive movement that characterized Democrats between Woodrow Wilson and FDR. A quintessential element of fascism is mobilization, what is described as “the moral equivalent of war.” It is about an expert-driven unity, where our leaders mobilize society to solve whatever “crisis” they decide to focus upon. FDR in his inaugural address promised to seek the power to wage a war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe… I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems.” And he militarized society to deal with the emergency. And both Hitler and Mussolini BOTH had their own forms of the New Deal, and both pursued the same basic ends the same basic way.

    Since you point out Nazism was fascist, let’s look at some history as to WHO was recognized as fascist in America.

    Fascism sought to eliminate class differences and to destroy/replace capitalism and laissez-faire economics.

    H.G. Wells, a great admirer of FDR and an extremely close personal friend of his, was also a great progressive of his day. He summed it up this way in a major speech at Oxford to the YOUNG LIBERALS organization under the banner of “Liberal Fascism”: “I am asking for a Liberal Fascisti, for enlightened Nazis.” He said, “And do not let me leave you in the slightest doubt as to the scope and ambition of what I am putting before you” and then said:

    These new organizations are not merely organizations for the spread of defined opinions…the days of that sort of amateurism are over – they are organizations to replace the dilatory indecisiveness of democracy. The world is sick of parliamentary politics…The Fascist Party, to the best of its ability, is Italy now. The Communist Party, to the best of its ability, is Russia. Obviously the Fasicsts of Liberalism must carry out a parallel ambition on still a vaster scale…They must begin as a disciplined sect, but must end as the sustaining organization of a reconstituted mankind.”

    H.G. Wells pronounced FDR “the most effective transmitting instrument possible for the coming of the new world order.” And of course, we easily see that the new world order Wells wanted was a fascist one. In 1941, George Orwell concluded, “Much of what Wells has imagined and worked for is physically there in Nazi Germany.”

    Mussolini and Hitler felt they were doing things along similar lines to FDR. Indeed they celebrated the New Deal as a kindred effort to their own. The German press was lavish in praise for FDR. In 1934 the Volkischer Beobachter (the national newspaper) described Roosevelt as a “warmhearted leader of the people with a profound understanding of social needs.” The paper said that FDR, through his New Deal, had eliminated “the uninhibited frenzy of market speculation” by adopting “National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies.”

    Mussolini reviewed FDR’s book Looking Forward saying in effect, “This guy’s one of us!” He wrote: “The appeal to the decisiveness and masculing sobriety of the nation’s youth, with which Roosevelt here calls his readers to battle, is reminiscent of the ways and means by which Fascism awakened the Italian people.” Mussolini further wrote that FDR understood that the economy could not be “left to its own devices” and went on to say, “Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.” And the Nazi newspaper paper Volkischer Beobachter wrote that “many passages in his [FDR’s] book Looking Forward could have been written by a National Socialist. In any case, one can assume that he feels considerable affinity with the National Socialist Philosophy.” For a source see Schivelbusch’s “Three New Deals,” pp. 23, 24, 19.

    Mussolini, in a famous interview with Emil Ludwig, reiterated his view that “America has a dictator” in FDR. In an essay, Mussolini marveled at how the forces of “spiritual renewal” were destroying the outdated notion that principles such as democracy were “immortal principles.” He wrote, “America is itself abandoning them. Roosevelt is moving, acting, giving orders independently of the decisions or wishes of the Senate or Congress. There are no longer intermediaries between him and the nation. There is no longer a parliament but an ‘etat majeur.'”

    What the Nazis pursued was a form of anticapitalist anti-conservative communitarianism encapsulated in the concept of Volksgemeinschaft, or “people’s community.”

    From the Nazi Party Platform:

    – The first obligation of every citizen must be to work both spiritually and physically. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all Consequently we demand:

    – Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of rent-slavery.

    – In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

    – We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).

    – We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.

    – We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.

    – We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation, immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality.

    – We demand a land reform suitable to our needs, provision of a law for the free expropriation of land for the purposes of public utility, abolition of taxes on land and prevention of all speculation in land.

    – We demand struggle without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest. Common national criminals, usurers, Schieber and so forth are to be punished with death, without consideration of confession or race.

    – We demand substitution of a German common law in place of the Roman Law serving a materialistic world-order.

    – The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education and subsequently introduction into leading positions. The plans of instruction of all educational institutions are to conform with the experiences of practical life. The comprehension of the concept of the State must be striven for by the school [Staatsbuergerkunde] as early as the beginning of understanding. We demand the education at the expense of the State of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession.

    – The State is to care for the elevating national health by protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness, by means of the legal establishment of a gymnastic and sport obligation, by the utmost support of all organizations concerned with the physical instruction of the young.

    – We demand abolition of the mercenary troops and formation of a national army.

    – We demand legal opposition to known lies and their promulgation through the press. In order to enable the provision of a German press, we demand, that: a. All writers and employees of the newspapers appearing in the German language be members of the race: b. Non-German newspapers be required to have the express permission of the State to be published. They may not be printed in the German language: c. Non-Germans are forbidden by law any financial interest in German publications, or any influence on them, and as punishment for violations the closing of such a publication as well as the immediate expulsion from the Reich of the non-German concerned. Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden. We demand legal prosecution of artistic and literary forms which exert a destructive influence on our national life, and the closure of organizations opposing the above made demands.

    Ah, yes, the Nazis had their Fairness Doctrine before your liberals had theirs.

    Now, you read the Nazi Party Platform, and given what American liberals want and what American conservatism opposes, it is so obvious which party is “fascist” that it isn’t even silly. Then you ADD to that the fact that fascism and American progressivism (which is liberalism) were so similar that the great fascists of the age couldn’t tell the damn difference.

    I have written an article titled, “Why I Call Obama A Fascist” that will explain in a lot of detail why Obama is a now thoroughly documented fascist. It will be coming out on Monday.

    It’s really quite funny how ignorant people like you are, Gorio. Sarah Palin stands for limited federal government, and a return to states and individual rights, including the right of people to be able to keep their own money rather than have an out-of-control federal government confiscate it. And yet you think that she’s the fascist, while the big government totalitarian tyrants are the good guys.

    Woodrow Wilson was a fascist. He openly sneered at the Constitution. He believed that the people were stupid and that what was needed was an all-powerful leader and a powerful government that could do his bidding. He used propaganda and controlled the media and put people in jail for being against the war. He had familes ratting out members who criticized his war. He was a hard-core racist. It goes on an on.

    FDR was the fascist who threw loyal Japanese- and German-American citizens in jail. FDR used his giant New Deal program as a huge political slush fund. He used the IRS and Treasury and nascent FBI to persecute his political enemies.

    These people were the fascists. They are also the heroes of modern day progressivism.

    If Adolf Hitler and George Washington appeared today, Gorio, you would call Hitler a hero and Washington a fascist.

    You’re simply wired completely wrong.

    Some Scriptures that apply to such as you:

    Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools – Romans 1:22

    For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and wickedness of those who in their wickedness suppress the truth – Romans 1:18

    You love evil more than good, Falsehood more than speaking what is right. — Psalm 52:3

    But he who sins against Me injures himself; all those who hate Me love death — Proverbs 8:36

    Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! — Isaiah 5:20

    You who hate good and love evil, Who tear off their skin from them And their flesh from their bones — Micah 3:2

    In their case, the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who do not believe to keep them from seeing the light of the glorious gospel of the Messiah, who is the image of God. — 2 Corinthians 4:4

    Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron — 1 Timothy 4:2

    For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. — 2 Tim 4:3-4

  8. Early Cuyler Says:

    If the shoe fits… Bill hit the nail on the head with this one. Maybe if she would have aborted that retarded fetus we would have more respect for her. Anyone who believes in god is clearly stupid. If you pray, you have an imaginary friend. Religion is superstition. Americans fear freedom.

  9. Michael Eden Says:

    I’ll go ahead and post your comment as a testimony to the kind of unrelenting hate we’ve got to contend with from the left:

    Maybe if she would have aborted that retarded fetus we would have more respect for her

    You are one hateful creature, that’s all I can say.

    And then I’ll be sure to block you so I never have to read your viciousness again.

    When I point out that liberalism is fascism, this is one of my poster children.

  10. John C. Anderson Says:

    I consider myself a liberal person, of sorts.

    I don’t care who sleeps with whom or what they might do all night if they aren’t sleeping.

    I don’t care how people dress or what they eat, what music they make or listen to, as long as it isn’t assaulting my ears.

    But I do care if they lie a lot and fill the world with their hatred, as the ultra liberals do.

    They, with their evil, vile, ways are turning me into a conservative.

  11. Michael Eden Says:


    The term “liberal” was given to liberals BY liberals. History documents that they first called themselves “progressives.” But they were so vile that relatively early on they poisoned the public against them. Their response wasn’t to change their ways or their thinking, but to change their name.

    The Wikipedia entry on “classical liberalism” begins thus:

    “Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government, liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.”

    Which is to say that CLASSICAL liberalism – the liberalism of our founding fathers against a big government tyrant monarch – is FAR more consistent with limitited government free market conservatives than it is big government centralized economics liberals. And that is simply a fact of history.

    Now, as to who does what with whom in the privacy of their own homes? As a conservative, I’m with you. What business does a police force have in kicking down doors?

    Of course, the problem is that modern liberals/progressives have fundamentally warped and perverted the concept of duties (only the rich have duties – and that is a duty to fund the welfare state) and rights. Ancient man would never have understood this: they thought in terms of duty and honor, NOT in terms of “rights.” Quck example of how this works:

    Take abortion. If you think about it in terms of rights the mother wins every time. That is because the baby can’t vote, doesn’t have a voice to scream for his or her right to live. Meanwhile, in an increasingly depraved society, “daddy” doesn’t want to be burdened with a child, “mommy” just wants to get rid of her baby, and a lot of people get to make nice livings killing such babies.

    Well, what if you thought about it in terms of “duties”? If so, in order to justify abortion, you would have to argue that the child has the duty to die for the convenience of his or her mother. You would have to argue that mothers and fathers have no duty whatsoever for the well-being of their children.

    A “right” for someone ALWAYS presupposes a duty incumbent upon someone else. As one example of this, if a mother has “the right to choose” to kill her baby, the father has the duty to stand by no matter how much he wants to hold his son and helpless watch the mother kill his child. That’s in addition to the child’s duty to sacrifice his life for the convenience of his mother, of course.

    Thus what has gone on is that homosexuals have first pressed for an end to the sodomy laws that virtually all states, counties and cities had. And then they began to say, “There’s nothing illegal with what we’re doing, so we clearly must have the RIGHT to do it.” Which then of course imposes upon religious people the requirement that they affirm this lifestyle.

    Which is why I do NOT believe the sodomy laws should be lifted (too late, though!). Because homosexuals aren’t fighting for the right to do what they wish behind closed doors (they ALWAYS had that right!); rather they want to “fundamentally transform” society.

    We’re in the middle of basically five wars now (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Pakistan); but now the military MUST embrace homosexuality whether it undermines are troop morale and ability to fight or not. And again, if we thought in terms of duties, no one in their right mind ever would have imposed such a requirement; but we don’t CARE about duties; we’re thinking entire in terms of rights. And I have “the right” to be openly gay in a combat platoon no matter how much chaos it creates with the other 59 guys in my unit. I have the right to show up at a professional business wearing a dress no matter how much impact it has on my employer’s business. I have the right to get a sex change operation at society’s expense no matter how costly it is.

    And of course homosexuals are the new bullies, commonly using threats and intimidation – both in and out of the leftist courts – to achieve their agendas.

    This is what makes it virtually impossible to simply be tolerant toward homosexuals (I raised homosexuality given your “I don’t care who sleeps with whom” thought). One side is in full militant mode, and is using classic liberal “tolerance” against those who don’t share their agenda. If you give them an inch, they will turn that inch into a mile. And they seem incapapable of reciprocating the tolerance that has been accorded to them.

    This, for the record, was why John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

  12. who cares Says:

    so you’ll only post comments you deem appropriate for your convo? so basically theres no point posting anything slightly intelligent that may speak against you because you won’t post it anyways. but I’m sure if I filled my comment with hate for the left you would post it in a heartbeat. hate on your side, of course. there are people who say tactless things on both sides (ever heard of rush limbaugh?)
    in general, people on the “left” tend to be more accepting of other people and less filled with hate for the sake of hate than people on the right. there are exceptions for both I know, but it’s quite a blanket statement to say that all liberals are vile bigots. Sarah palin has spoken for herself already. holding her retarded son up on the campaign trail as if she was some sort of martyr. not to mention the reality show(s?). I’ve met many a republican who thinks that woman is just as much of a joke as any democrat. don’t give her too much credit. it wont get you far. but this is futile. an article condemning maher for his blatant hatred by spewing more hatred? where is that going to get anyone? no where. look up “objectivity”, it may help your writing to not appear so hypocritical. stand up for someone who deserves to be backed, regardless of political affiliation. not some grizzly christian mom who judges everyone, yet her own daughter had a child out of wedlock at 17 or 18. good ole Christian morals eh? Sarah palin is an embarrassment to the GOP and all I can say is thank GOD she’s not on my team.

  13. who cares Says:

    sorry, didn’t realize this was more of a blog. I take back my statement about objectivity then. my apologies. bottom line for me is, as a liberal, I don’t walk around spewing hatred on a daily basis. however, there are those that do, and it disgusts me as much as when a conservative does it. if you’re going to call out liberals on their spewing of negativity and hatred, at least acknowledge that conservatives do the exact same thing. just because one happens to agree with the hatred being spewed, doesn’t make it okay for one side to do it and not the other. there is a lot of grey area here, being that all people don’t fit perfectly into the conservative or liberal boxes. we all have our opinions, and we all choose to present them differently. it just doesn’t make sense to me to call bill maher out on his words by name calling liberals as a whole. attack him, not me. I didn’t say that, and I never would have publicly. but I can’t speak for him, and he doesn’t speak for me. this would have been much easier to digest and less enticing to comment on had you retained the tact and composure I’m sure you have. given a topic on what he was wearing, feel free to hate all you want. but if you had simply presented the facts and not so hatefully said what you needed to say, I dare say I would have agreed with your post, despite the fact that we may lie on opposite ends of the political spectrum.

  14. Michael Eden Says:

    so you’ll only post comments you deem appropriate for your convo?

    Who cares,

    Here I am posting your comment. Not that you have anything worthwhile to actually say.

    in general, people on the “left” tend to be more accepting of other people and less filled with hate for the sake of hate than people on the right

    You’re so right. I get all kinds of “tolerant” and “loving” leftists like this guy:

    I only hope that you get hit by a truck or die a horrible death. You are an enemy of America scumbag

    And this guy:

    Greedy bastards like you will do anything to protect their portfolios. OBAMA 2012!!

    Note that both are quite, quite recent. It’s not like I’ve got to delve deep into the archives or anything.

    Rather, “In general, people on the ‘left’ tend to be self-righteous hypocrites who demonize other people while claiming that only conservatives demonize other people.”

    And to point out your OWN vile bigotry:

    Sarah palin has spoken for herself already. holding her retarded son up on the campaign trail

    I mean, you DO know that “retarded” is a bigoted term used to insult and demean people born with Down Syndrome, don’t you???

    I add that to your rather nasty religious bigotry that you apply to Sarah Palin when you describe her as “some grizzly christian mom who judges everyone.”

    So you are a bigot and a hypocrite and a rather appallingly ignorant hypocrite bigot at that.

    For the record, I actually don’t mind the left practicing hate: frankly I expect it from the left. What pisses me off to no end are leftists like you who fill the world with unhinged hate even at the highest levels (Obama saying Republicans want dirty air and dirty water and children born with autism and Down Syndrome or Joe Biden calling us “terrorists”) and then denouncing the targets of your unhinged hate as haters.

    We just had a US Representative call Republicans “demons.” After telling us to “go straight to hell,” btw. And during the ObamaCare debate, we had a US Representative telling us that Republicans want Americans to “die quickly.”

    You liberals have been unhinged haters for YEARS. And like poison gas attacks and carpet bombing cities, the good guys are finally fighting back fire with fire and you can’t stand it.

  15. Ali Says:

    Republicans are morally superior? For what, pretending to be what they are not (many, not all)? Let’s see….Ted Haggart, Larry Craig, Foley….must I go on? And that’s just one issue, yet it’s the one they rail on the most, which is gays are immoral and godless. Don’t even get me stated on the worship of money. Is that would people would call moral. For one thing, I don’t pretend that all Republicans are liars and it also stands to reason that there are conscientious people who happen to be Democrats. Maybe the real sickness is touting oneself as moral and judging everyone else who disagrees with a political ideology as the enemy of the divine. How ridiculous. The public does not always fall for this old playbook anymore. From my own experience, many many Republicans are deeply judgmental of others and obsessed with money.

  16. Michael Eden Says:


    Aside from the fact that you’ve got more than plenty of your own share of Anthony Weiners … and even aside from the fact that you’ve also got more than your own share of William Jeffersons who get caught red-handed with $90,000 of bribe money in their freezers…

    … I don’t see how Larry Craig rises to the level of fifty-four million murdered human beings. You baby-murdering cockroaches.

    Add to that the fact that you want to pretty much use the Constitution as toilet paper, the fact that you want to take away guns from the American people while your president literally puts them into the hands of drug cartel murderers who murder US Border Patrol agents with them, the fact that you want to take away free speech rights to anyone who doesn’t believe that sodomy is “marvelous” (look up Rahm Emanuel and Chick-Fil-A for more on that, and the fact that your Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid says that the people he demonizes should be guilty until proven innocent and if I charge you with a crime the burden of proof ought to be on you.

    Then there’s the fact of what YOU just did: do you acknowledge that, geez, calling Sarah Palin a cunt was a bad thing? No. You’re too damn evil for that kind of integrity. Nope, instead you do what your roach ilk pretty much always do: try to come up with a bunch of things that you think in your twisted minds is a “moral equivalence” such that you’re entitled to do evil.

    “From my own experience,” you are a complete jackass. It wasn’t a very long experience, but with idiots like you it really only takes a couple of seconds to come to a very definite conclusion.

    Now go away. Someone like you who thinks only Republicans are “judgmental” when every damn day Democrats are demonizing us as “greedy”because we don’t want to take money away from the people who earned it and give it away to worthless slackers like you is somebody whose head will one day explode from trying to contain all the contradictions in our brain – and I don’t want to be around you when it happens. Add to that your calling us “anti-gay” all the time (why don’t you use the same term and call yourselves “anti-baby”) and demonize us for your made-up “war on women,” etc., and we don’t even BEGIN to come close to your self-righteous demonizing. At least when we demagogue morality it’s actually MORALITY we’re demagoguing; you people rip apart the soul of America and the soul of civilization and culture itself and call it a good thing.

  17. Anonymous Says:

    u conservatives are fucking cunts who want to take the US back to the 50s. fuck palin.

  18. Michael Eden Says:

    I normally just delete garbage like this but anonymous makes such a great point about his liberalism.

    He tells me that conservatives are “fucking cunts” (two sexually crude terms that when combined reveal a contempt for women) who want to take us back to the 50s. He claims that he lives, by contrast, in the modern world. A world in which women are no longer treated like property.

    But then after using two sexually crude terms he just can’t help himself to show what a sexually perverted mysoginist he truly is: he says, “fuck palin.”

    So this troglydyte from the prehuman days when shambling cave men clubbed women over the head and rape them (especially if said women are Sarah Palin) is saying conservatives want to take the US back to the 50s.

    The hypocrisy and dishonesty of liberals is simply amazing.

    Now get lost you turd.

  19. Bluegrasschick Says:

    I believe I love you, Michael…that last comment sealed the deal. Fight the good fight. Expose evil just like Ephesians tells us to. :)

  20. Michael Eden Says:


    Well, shucks, ma’am, as the cowboys say. Actually, thank you very much for that.

    God’s Word truly tells us to “fight the good fight for the faith.” Way too few Christians bother. Which is why we are in the very last days just before the beast imposes the ultimate form of socialism by imposing a mark such that no one can buy or sell without the government’s blessing (Rev 13:7).

    God’s Word also tells us in Colossians 2:8, “Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies or high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.” The very essence of the Democrat Party is “empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.” Literally, the more blatantly contradictory to God’s Word it is, the more the Democrat Party favors it.

    All the while, they present themselves as the party of women and present conservatives as warring on women. It doesn’t matter if the Democrat Party has the distinction of being the ONLY party ever to get caught with its pants down soliciticing oral sex from a young female intern. I mean, just close your eyes and get on your knees and open your mouth and Anthony Weiner will give you exactly what the Democrat Party says you deserve…

    And this goes on nonstop: we’ve got an incredibly vile sex scandal going on in St. Paul right now:

    Let’s do that math on that one: Minnesota has the longest streak of voting for the Democratic candidate in presidential elections of ANY state, having not voted Republican since 1972. Then look at Ramsey County, which St. Paul is in, to find that 66.33% voted for Obama – more than ANY county in a state that is THE most Democrat. What you find is that this incredibly toxic, hateful, vile culture is the culture of white liberalism. That’s just the truth, which is why you can count on liberals to ignore it.

    Meanwhile, Democrats have as their primary candidate for president a woman who laughed wickedly as she recalled getting a pedophile rapist of a young girl off scott-free in spite of the fact that she knew full damn well her client had raped that victim. Hillary Clinton’s “war on women” strategy was to destroy the young girl’s credibility with lies and get evidence that proved the scumbag’s guilt excluded.

    Democrats imposed a culture where God and Jesus Christ got shown to the door under the banner of separation of church and state. Democrats imposed a culture where divorce is rampant. Democrats imposed a culture of pornography by stating that they were too morally stupid to know art from vileness. Democrats imposed a culture of abortion by insisting that fatherhood ought to be destroyed, that fathers ought to have no right to the lives of their own children, that fathers ought to be bystanders. Now they’re literally destroying the distinction between mothers and fathers altogether as they use political correctness to put “parent 1” and “parent 2” on forms rather than “mother” and “father.” All we’re left with is Darwinism and men treat women like DIRT under Darwinism unless they fear God. And now we have a culture that despises families and because Democrats say that fathers didn’t “father” anything but a non-human lump of goop that they can and frankly should walk out on mothers. Because Democrats wanted to drive them into the arms of godless socialism that would give them just enough welfare to eek by if they vote Democrat for life.

    And then these bright, shining LIARS scream that any attack on any of these things amounts to a “war on women.”

    Men will NEVER cherish women as long as Democrats have anything to do with it. Because if families stayed together and took care of one another – the way the same Bible that prohibits socialism and abortion and homosexuality declares families should do – no one would ever vote for the party of the totalitarian nanny state.

  21. Krog Says:

    It must pain you greatly that all of this pontificating and demonizing of leftist ideology does nothing for the reality of the country. There is a Democrat in office. There will be another elected (in a very rare 3 term repeat) in November. AND, more importantly…the republican party is in complete disarray…fragmenting and imploding at the same time. For Christ’s sake…even the old crony Koch brothers are running for the hills…and away from your candidates. Simple truth…unfortunately for you….but so calming for people like me. Grown ups in the White House…what a (WELCOME) concept!!! Oh, and for the record. That word is an ugly word to describe ANYONE (and your comparison to the ‘N’ shows your intelligence quotient is probably akin to your shoe size)…but it does not define the person who utters it (as your comparison to the ‘N’ word CLEARLY defines you)…why don’t you get up on your soap box and give Palin’s perfected ignorance fair play and pontificate on that?

  22. Michael Eden Says:


    It actually does grieve me deeply. Just as it grieved the prophets of the Old Testament who told their people the Word of God and the consequences of disobedience and then watched them hauled off in bondage as a result of their refusal to listen.

    That said, you are apparently quite the prophet yourself, given your amazing foreknowledge. Either that or you are just an incredibly smug turd.

    You rightly point out the problems that the Republican Party are having. You merely ignore the problems that your OWN party are having, such that: nearly half of your party are electing a SOCIALIST and young people think Hillary Clinton is utterly vile to the point that 80% of them won’t vote for her. You ignore the fact that your precious Hillary is a paranoid fascist and frankly criminal who belongs in jail for her secret private server and her determination to destroy thousands and thousands of pages of evidence in all the emails that would have proven her guilt – not to mention the ones she didn’t destroy which prove she couldn’t care LESS about the nation’s security or the lives of the American people as she cavalierly put top secret information on display even after EVERYBODY told her not to do it.

    It is frankly amazing: Barack Obama is the FIRST president in the entire history of the Republic to NEVER have a SINGLE year of 3% growth. He has the FOURTH WORST growth rate of ANY president in the entire history of the republic to go with that “worst ever” title. The labor participation rate – the all-important measurement of the percentage of working-age adults who actually have a damn JOB – crashed to the worst point in four decades since the failed regime of Jimmy Carter. We’ve technically been out of the recession for nearly seven years, but Obama’s “wreckovery” has been so abysmal that 64% of Americans STILL think we’re in a recession. Furhter, the middle class has been crushed by Obama while the rich have gotten richer; 70% of Americans are earning less than what they were when Bush was president. Meanwhile, on the national security front, Obama’s own top intelligence official points out the utter disaster that Obama has been. James Clapper recently said, “There are now more Sunni [Muslim] violent extremist groups, members of safe havens, than any time in history,” Clapper said, noting that the rate of foreign fighters now traveling to Syria and Iraq is “without precedent.” The world has blown up under your messiah. And thanks to your wretched president, we are now back in the Cold War with Russia as that country humiliates us virtually every day now. And China has effectively taken over the South China Sea – the world’s most economically important sea lane – and ordered the United States to butt out as it first built a man-made island in the center of that sea lane, and then proceeded to put military jets there and then to put missiles on it. Everyone in the world now smells the stench of American weakness; our enemies are emboldened and our allies are abandoning us for more trustworthy powers such as Russia. That’s how BAD things have become.

    You can’t see the truth because you worship the god of this world and you are utterly deluded by lies. Because you prefer darkness to the light of truth.

    I frankly don’t give a damn about your asinine opinions about my IQ as I would have to have at least a scintilla of respect for you to take anything that comes out of your head seriously.

    The bottom line is this: while you have nothing but contempt for God as you demonstrated by taking Jesus’ sacred title in vain, I declare the Word of God. You have contempt for God and for His Word, and I hold these above all other things. St. Paul pointed out something that you illustrate: “for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” — 1 Corinthians 1:18.

    Meanwhile, on the domestic front, the very thing you so joyfully gloat over is a sign of your moral brokenness and the wretchedness of the vile political philosophy you so wickedly embrace: Obama has BROKEN any unity in this nation once and for all. It’s not just the Republican Party; it is the American people. Your dishonest, lying false messiah promised the American people that he would transcend the political divide and unify this country. And fools believed his lies. But I documented all the way back in 2009 what an abject LIE FROM THE DEVIL Obama’s promise was –

    And since then even a fool like you ought to see that it’s only gotten worse. NOT just on the Republican side, with your Obama enraging half the country; but on the DEMOCRAT side as we have seen more race riots than I have seen in my over 50 years of life under Obama. And I have NEVER seen a Democrat Party so angry and so alienated that half of DEMOCRATS SUPPORT A SOCIALST. Obama has BROKEN all trust in government now FROM BOTH SIDES. And everybody wants a massive change from the wreck that Obama has left us in.

    You’re heading to hell and you want to take your country with you. And there are enough like you to make it happen.

    So you go ahead and keep professing yourself to be wise, fool (Romans 1:22). I have a higher calling than you can possibly understand in your depravity and in your godlessness.

    Yes, evil will seem to win in these last days. The beast is coming, and you will gleefully take his mark on your right hand, or on your forehead, and you will worship him just as you are already worshiping the leftist State as the answer to your otherwise meaningless life right now. God told us these days were coming and they are at hand. But I know in whom I have believed and I know my ultimate destiny and so I also know that the pain you describe me as having now is NOTHING compared to the pain you will suffer forever and ever and ever when Christ returns as King of kings and as Lord of lords and it turns out that you put all your foolish money on the wrong horse.

    You go ahead and mock my “pain” all you want, krog. But one day your eternity will be characterized by your weeping and your gnashing of teeth (the words of Jesus, Matthew 8:12), where the worms that eat you do not die, and the fire is not quenched (the words of Jesus, Mark 9:48).

  23. Bluegrasschick Says:

    Spot on. Find me on Facebook. You and I think alike. I’ve compiled primary source research for much of what you wrote…the only thing worth the 30k and 7 years of my life I sacrificed for my doctorate degree…but worth it. Sunny McCullough

  24. Anonymous Says:

    you are a psychopath Michael

  25. Michael Eden Says:

    You liberals and your evil labels that only prove what haters YOU are. And you have the mosquito balls to post your hate label to an article about Democrats and their hate labels!!!

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