Posts Tagged ‘tornado’

Obama Plays And Parties As America Is Literally Blown Away By Tornados

May 25, 2011

This headline grabbed me: “WWII Devastation” in Joplin, Missouri.  And here’s what that devastation looked like:

Not that Obama gives much of a damn.

There’s a famous picture that killed the Bush presidency.  It shows him flying over the Katrina devastation in a jet:

That one picture was all the mainstream media needed to frame their narrative that Bush was either uninvolved, uncaring, incompetent – or all three.  They showed it over and over.

Here are some pictures of Obama as tornadoes ripped across America and killed hundreds.  He didn’t HAVE to go on this trip; it wasn’t a major summit of any kind.  He visited distant relatives in Ireland, for Pete’s sake!

On his trip – while Americans were dying in droves and losing their homes by the tens of thousands – Obama enjoyed a nice game of ping pong:

Obama enjoyed a beer:

Why aren’t those photos about a gazillion times worse?  Other than the fact that the mainstream media would never do unto Obama what they repeatedly did unto Bush?

And, of course, there’s the story of Obama totally screwing up during the playing of the British national anthem and talking over it.

There’s the footage of Obama – who mocked the Republicans over the metaphor of their “driving the car of state into a ditch” – having this LITERALLY happen to his motorcade:

There’s the incredible picture of Obama not knowing what YEAR it was as he signed the guest book at Westminster Abbey:

Remember how many times the mainstream media replayed the footage of Bush going to the wrong door in China?  They mocked that Bush had “no exit strategy.”  How is this not about a million times more stupid???

All this happened while Americans losing their lives and having their homes’ destroyed by tornado after tornado.

Meanwhile, there are Americans who are suffering – and continue to suffer – the aftermath of that “World War II devastation,” who would LOVE their president flying over the ruins of their homes:




You can bet that the same mainstream media that destroyed Bush one story and one picture at a time will never attack their messiah the same way – even though they have TWENTY TIMES the ammunition they had on Bush.

The most ideological and biased media since Adolf Hitler’s propaganda machine will keep on protecting their beloved Führer.